Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 03, 1866, Image 2

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V '■•Wr _ - v ■ p-p-p *■ 1 ,. a. ijiii i mm The Savannah Daily Herald. BY 3. W. MASON. SAMUEL W. MASON,..... Editor \V. T. TllUitlPSUH,...Altoclate Editor, But the Mormons will not suffer these influ- enccsto operate upon them. They are usiog their government to build up not only a dis tinct, but a hostile people, They are making every preparation, it is reported, to cut loose the political bands of the Union. What is Official Paper of the City tob6d «ne wi,h tbem? ^ his question must LARGEST ClftSIlATIONil THE CITY AID GOtlMTY SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1866. £3- Interesting reading matter on the 4th page- THE OH THE REPUBLICAN PRESS PRESIDENT. Many of the republican journals are pain fully exercised over the late veto of the President, and do not hesitate to denounce the act as basely treacherous to the party which elected him. They seem to be unable to fiatt language sufficiently pointed to ex press fully the intensity of thier bitterness. Ouc is led to suppose from these manifesta tions of resentment and indignation that it is by no means improbable that the fearless and patriotic course of the President will result net only in tfre discomfiture of the avowed revolutionary designs aof their leaders but the complete dispersion of the republican p„rtv. One journai says that the message of the President will fall like the cold hand of death upon the warm impulses of the Ameiican people; another declares that there is not one rebel from Canada to Brazil who is not enraptured by the veto. A ma jority of them concur in the opinion ‘-that he has proven false to himself, to his glori ous war record, to his pledges to the colored people of the South and to his party by thus piaciug himself with the copperheads and rebels, and that he will have cause to regret it to the end of a very brief political exist ence and for all his life thereafter. Oa the other hand, there are a few of the Republican papers which, while equally dis satisfied witli the veto, are reluctant to let go their hoiu on the President, lest in the fury of the coming storm they sink below the sur face. never to rise again. They, therefore, counsel prudence and moderation. Pretend ing to believe that the President is only op posed to- the particular form in which their plan of reconstruction has been presented, they decline to recognize, for the present, that there is any necessity for a rupture. But the affected serenity of this class of journals has been ruffled by the defiant utterances and pairiotic exhortations of the Executive on the occasion of the meeting of the Wash ington Monument Association, on the 22<> instaut. Their cry is, that it is not dignified thus to address the people; that singling out the names of leading Republicans and de- dounciug them as traitors was, to say the least of it, untimely and ill-tempered. This may be true. But when they heard the equal- U^)lain saying? of his predecessor when addressing the people, they never re garded them as undignified; nor would words be so considered if they had been uttered by-any one, however elevated, against Mr. Johnson. The sting is in the fact that the Radicals have been denouncing him in the Senate and House, have been calling him a traitor, have been circulating abusive speeches broadcast among the people, and never supposed for a moment that there was in the whole House a man ready to use their own weapons in defence of his own character and in support of measures vital to the interests of the whole country. The President may have exhibited too much feeling on the occasion referred to, but, if so, he was provoked to the indiscretion by the rude and insulting language of the men whom he so severely denounced ; and, there fore, they and their political friends have Dot the right to criticise the speech. A few Republican papers when lampooning the President for alleged recreancy to his party, take occasion in that connection to heap abuse upon the people of the South, and conclude by saying that their professions of loyalty are not sufficiently demonstrative to produce convictions of sincerity. I' should be enough for the Government to know that the people of the South are and will be true to the Constitution of the Uuited Slates, and to the pledges they have given to that effect. There is no honest and true-hearted southern man who did not be lieve he was doing right when he took up arms against the United States Government, and it may be many of those who believed so then, believe so now. But it seems as it some of our Republican cotemporaries can not distinguish between a manly submission to stern necessity, and the cringing syco phancy of a detected thie£ and seem to think that southerners must be whining pen itents, or still rebellious. But they are neither. As a conquered people they ac cept tne terms imposed upon them—giviug their honor andt interests as security for a faithful observance of these terms, be answered by the strong arm of the govern ment. From present indications, they are to be a source of much trouble and expense. Secretary Seward refutes to recognize the Shenandoah, except as' the “British regis tered ship Sea King,” and informs Mr. Ad ams that he will not ash for her condemna tion, because he does not expect justice from the British government. BY TELEGBAPH. Georgia Legislature. Milledoeville, March 2.—The House to-day con curred in the Senate’s amendment of the revenue bill. The bill proposes to raise by taxation $750,000. T!io House authorized the Governor to issue $1,500,- 000 of State bonds pledging the State road and- its in. come for thoir redemption. FROM WASHINGTON. Concurrent Resolution Excluding South* era Representatives Passed bjr the Sen ate. Washington, March 2.—The House of Bepresenta- tives were engaged all day to-day In the discussion of the civil rights bill, whieh.’was.finally postponed until Thursday next. The Senate to-day passed the concurrent resolution relative to the admission of the Bepresentativcs of the southern States by a vote of 29 to 18. ' [This resolution which has already passed the House declares in substance that no Bepresentatives from any southern State shall be admitted in either House of Congress, until after Congress shall have declared such State entitled to such Representative. It will be observed that the measure was carried in the Senate by even a smaller majority than was given to the amended Freedmen’s Bureau bill. As it is in direct hostility to the President’s plan of reconstruction, it is highly probable that it will receive his veto.—Ed- Herald.] Mobile Cotton Mar bet. Mobile, March 2.—The sales of cotton to-day were 300 bales. Middlings are quoted at 42c. The saleB oi the week were 2,300 bales. Beceipts of the week 12,034 bales. Exports of the week 8,773. Stock o f cotton on hand 76,450 bales. Gold 34@36, Social es. > AiC„._ M Mr. ft M. It- BOYDhae ta iuteMet in ng binflux aud will take charge of my .gencies in future. A. ggjUBBBi UbBay-at. I will be happy to see all my old friends And new ones, and am prepared to take Risks In thb Compa nies represented by onr Agency on alt insurable property. r WM. R. BOTH 122 •New York Cotton Market. New Yoke, March 2.—The cotton market closed to day with an advanced tendency; aales of 3000 bales at 44c. Also, 3000 bales good at 39Ji to 40 low ordi nary to middling fair. Gold is quoted at 35)£. Hunt’s Merchants’ Magazine for Feb ruary. This is an interesting number. The article entitled •' Banking, Currency and Finance,” throws much light on currency contraction. Thera is no controversy as relates to the fact of redundancy. Opinions are very variant as to the mode of its reduction. All appear to deprecate sudden curtailment—atoo rapid reduction of prices. The great succedaneom appears to be a grad ual reduction, one to curtailing the volume of paper money that it would amount to a return to the normal state of the currency by almost insensible grada tions. According to the Merchants' Magazine this has been our position for some months past. We are re turning to specie payments not being conscious that we are doing so. Gold has fallen in three months considerably. The prices of nearly all commodities have fallen, except locally. The theory of this fall of gold and general prices is very simple, and yet It iB remarkable that the author as he sayB, is the only one that has made the discove ry. it is, says he, a noteworthy and very gratifying fact that this contraction has been effected without any of those spasms which usually r attend such changes, and is altogether due to the compound-inter est notes. They have proved to be at once the most pow erful, the most satisfactory, aud the most elastic of all the methods which have ever been devised for checking the inflation and contracting the volume of a depreciated paper money. Of these compound notes there are at present out standing $180,000,000; most of which have now ceased to circulate as money. The volume of our active cur rency has thus been lessened to a corresponding ex tent, and the contraction of the currency has pro duced and will continue to produce • powerful effect on prices. Nor is this result mysterious or inoapable of ration al explanation. It is in perfect accordance with the well known principles of monetary science. For as the best authors tell ue, there are two things which chiefly govern the depreciation of paper money, first: its quantity, and secoudly, its activity. If we wish to diminish the depreciation of our currency we must THE GOVERNMENT AMD THE MOR MONS. We see it stated that several Federal offi cers of the Mormon faith in Utah territory have been removed and successors appointed who eschew the divinity of Brigham Young. This would seem to indicate that a radical change of policy in, reference to the political and social status of that ungodly people is contemplated by the government. The ex tirpation of this loathsome excrescence of the body politic is demanded by the moral sentiment ot the country, and it is to be hoped' the federal authorities will perform -the-operation in the most summary manner. There are id Brigham Young's dominions over one hundred thousand people, shat up in their mouutaiu fastuesses, nearly three thousand miles from the national metropolis, who are quietly and, as they believe, securely solving the problem of poligamy. Twelve hundred miles of desert and mountain lie between them aujl the remote frontiers of civiliza tion. 5 5. ■ ' i : The religious sentiments of the Mormons are revolting alike to the sentiments of the Puritans aud the churchmen. But it i9 their position with regard to the Uuited States government which creates a real difficulty of great magnitude. A separate and distinct people are growing up in our midst, differing in manners, customs, habits, and even in language. It hWbeen said that ah these dif ferences may be cultivated by any State in the Union, that each State having the consti tutional right to pass its own laws regulatiog its domestic affairs, is creating by slow de grees a distiuct people. This is no doubt true, to some extent, but the evil, if it be an evil, is in some measure counteracted by the influence of the laws of the general govern ment which in limes of peace have operated alike upon all States; by a free interchange of opinion, and intercourse one with another. diminish either its quantity or activity or both, Such is the problem to be solved in the restoration of our currency. We shall lessen its depreciation in proportion as we either lower its quantity or retard its activity. As we stated before, this is being done by the compound interest notes. These notes, when first issued, move as quickly from baud to hand as ordi nary greenbacks; but as interest accrues they circu late slowly, because they are legal tender only for their face, and the holder, if he pays them out loses the interest. After a few months they accumulate in the vaults of banka and elsewhere, and do not emerge from their retreat to join the current of the circula tion except when some stringency or pressure in the. money market aummoas them. And at length, when they are sufficiently fat.with interest, they Blumber in their biding place, nomatter how severe the pinch and monetary spasm may be. Here, then, we have the problem of contraction completely solved. We seo a legal tender note passing through all the stages at diminishing activity, until at last it is, for aU prac tical purposes, as completely demoralized and fixed as tile United States bonds themselves. “This, then, is the machinery for contracting our currency. It is a plan which is now in operation. It has stood the test of experience. What remains to be done is to use it wisely. Let the whole mass of green backs be gradually, slowly converted into compound interest notes falling due at different dates. Let fheso compound notes be funded into long bonds on liberal terms during their third year; and Anally let the bauks continue to use these notes as a part of their reissue until maturity, but not afterwards. In other words, let these notes cease to be legal tenders at maturity.’’ This is a plan that is both plausible and safe. It changes the character of the security so gradually that the treasury never can become embarrassed either as to amount of debt or time of payment, while it diminishes the volume of the floating debt, convert ing it from paper of indefinite obligation into long dated bonds, whilst it lessens the volume of the cur rency. The objection to this plan appears to be in the slowness of its operation. It may require some years to effect the contemplated conversion—first, from greenbacks into compound interest notes; and, secondly, from cc mpound interest notes into long- dated bonds. CIRCULAR. I have commenced the work or establishing General Agency Business, for the purchase of all ar ticles manufactured or Imported into the United States; (Liquors onlj^ excepted.) And with a view to success which depends solely upon the interests of my patrons. I -have made arrangements with manufacturers, In the principal towns and cities North, as well as Importers, to lirtVe tlieir produc tions aud Imports at first and lowest prices. 1 have secured the services in New York, ora resident gen tleman of long experience, by which 1 am placed on a footing witli the best jobbing houses there. Ttfias placing my profits alone between the manufacturer and importer’s prices, and Use cost of my patron’s goods. 1 think my profit is much less tliai the job ber could afford to work for. And as I do not pro pose to keep any goods on hand, I will at all times be prepared to invest my patron’s money where can be done to the best advantage, in the cheapest and most desirable articles. - My arrangements extend from, the purchase charter of Vessels, to the purchase or sale of every thing from steam engines down to the fit)lug up of cumplete Drug, Shoe, Dry Goods, Hardware or Variety Store, for stocks complete or Tor filling up the assortment. 7 I receive for sale or shipment all country produce Savannah, or to the care of Hunt A Bro., Charleston, S C., or Jeffreys A Bro., Jacksonville, Fla. ' Upon the receipt of such produce or railroad receipt for cotton shipped, orders for its probable value will be promptly-executed,, the: goods brought to the ports of Savannah, Charleston or Jacksonville, free freight or insurance, then balances or overplus invoices to be paid together with about ten per cent, added to the face of the original invoice. Any party examining their invoice of goods and not being satisfied with the price and quality as well as style, will not be required to take them, and their money promptly refunded. Parties wishiug their Spring Supplies, had better send in jjieir orders and funds or produce as early as practicable. I feel confident that, to say the least of my arrange mcnls, my patrons pill save their time and the ex pence of going to market. I otter as reference : - Hon. Edw. C. Anderson, Mayor of the City. Maj. Jno. Screven, Prcst. or A. A G R. R. Col. Wat. M. Wadley, Prest. of Central R. R. Banking Company. Geo. W. Williams A Co., Merchants, Charleston. Jeffreys A Bro., Jacksonville, Fla. ’ O. W. GARMANY. Savannah, Ca., Feb. 1st, 1806. nMm DIVIDEND No. 25. SOUTH-WESTERN RAILROAD cA.l \ Macon, Ga., Feb. 8, i860 / the Board of Directors have this day declared Dividend of Four ($4) Dollars per Share on the Capita! Slock, payable on and after 1st Maroh next. Stockholders, in Savanuah will receive their divi dends at the office of John W. Anderson, Esq. JOHN t: BOIFEUiLLEr, fli-lm See. * Tresp. Tax Notice. OFFICE U„§jDJRECTTAX COMMISSIONER, District of Georgia, Savannah, Jan. 10th, 1806. -03* Notice is hereby given that the TAX ROLL for Chatham County is completed, and owners of Real Estate in said county, Lots, Lrnds and improve meats, outside the city of Savannah, or Real Estate returned for Taxation in said county in 1SC0, must pay the Taxes due thereon within sixty (00) days from this date at our office, N. W. cor. South Broad aud Lincoln streets. Savnnnah, or suilcrl lie penalty T. P. ROBB, S. A. PANt OAST, 5 Commissioners. J. C. BATES, fi-tf Notice. BANK OF SAVANNAH, Savannah, Feb. 27, 1SC6. Afl election for seven Di:ectors to manage the in- terests of this Bank for the ensuing year will be held at the place formerly occupied by this Bank, on the first Mouday in March, the 5th prox., between the hours of 10 a. m. and 1 p. m. GEORGE W. DAVIS,. 127-to, fAm > Cashier. Notice. THE City Treasurer is prepared to receive certain of the taxes levied hy the Ordinance passed Decem ber 27th, 1S65. That-Is, the tax upon gross sales ot merchandise and wares of every description; upon all freight and passage money payable In this city, mil upon horses aud mules. These taxes are due be tween the first and tenth or etch month for the pre ceding month. All other taxes are payable quarterly between the same dates, in the months of April, July, October and January. Jl. T. GJBSON, ft '» City Treasurer. Special Notices. HAIR DYE BATCHELOR’S The Original and Best in the World 1 The only trut ind perfect Hair Dye. Harmless, Reliable and Instan taneous. Produces immediate.y a splendid Black oi natural Brown, without injuring the hair or skin. Remedies the ill effects of bad dyes. Sold by all Drug gists. The genuine is signed William A. Batchelor. Also, REGENERATING EXTRACT OF HHJJQFLBUR3, For Restoring and Beautifying the Hair. «dl4-ly CHARLES BATCHELOR. New York. Copper Tits protect the toss of children's shoes.— One pair will outwear three without Ups. Sold every where. Office United 8tates Direct Tax Commission, DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. \ Savannah, Jan. 16.1866. { J^OTICE Is herebygiven that the Tax Rol> for Chath<m county is now completed, and owner* _ np. of real estate In said county, lots, lands and lmprovo- ments outside the city of 8av*nnflb. or real estate re turned for taxation ig said county in I860, may pay the taxes dne thereon within sixty (60) days from this date, .v our office, north-west corner South Broad and Lincoln streets, Savannah. T. P. ROBB, ) & A. PANCOA8T, V Commissioners. J. C. BATES, j 116-tf ' ■ Contract for Sweeping Chimneys CITY OF SAVANNAS, . \ Oppio.Ci.rrk or CotnroiL, Feb. 27,1860.J Proposals will be received at this office for con tracts for sweeping chimneys of the city, until Wed nesday, March TUl, 1S66. 1. E,stern Division—Bast of Bull street. 2. Wi btern Division—West of Bull street. Parties making proposals will state in their propo sals the names of their securities (two to each boa-I.) JAMES STEWART, l 21 * *4 Clerk of Council. FUNKUAL INVITATION. CERCOPULY.—The friends and acquaintance of Julius D. Cercopuly, and of Capt. Frans Cercopuly and family, are requested to attend the faneral ser vices of the former, at the Catholic Church of St. John ttie Baptis'. This Afternoon, |t 4 o’clock New Advertisements. For Brunswick, FERNANDINA AND JACKSONVILLE. The fine steamer Greneral Shepley will leave for the nbove port on Wednesday, 51 arcli 7, at 10 For freight or passage apply to CHAS. L COLBY A CO, m3 Corner Bay and Abercorn streets. WAREHOUSE NOTICE. P ARTIES holding receipts for cotton stored in our warehouse are. requested to present their receipts and move their cotton out by the 1st of May, a. the bnsinos will. | . discontinued aud warehouse disposed of. If not taken ont by that time, wo w.ll turn it over to other commission merchants for stoi- agc. We hereby notify parties bolding onr receipt,, that we will not be responsible for cotton in-onr poc- soesitc after that date. HARRIS A ROSS, Warehouse and Commission Merchants. m3-2w TO load with ICMB: JL Satina Rivers. Apr TISON A GORDON, 96 Ray street. •TJY tius-gflt»c D In JEffingha: TAKEN UP, n tile nx>! county, rah’.. sized, bright Bay HORSE, and one ill-formed, old- - Hr " were stolen, as the riders abandoned the hones and took to the swainp. The owners can get the Horse and Mule by applying to Mitchell Owens, 21 mile ;>ost, C. & H., or to U. E. Smith, Bryan county, by proving property and pajlng^expenses. New Advertis HORSES FOR 0 large Sound HORSES, suitable' for draft, can -a be seen at Shed corner Broughton and West Broad streets. Also, if desired, a good Wagon and Haraesa. Apply 152 Corgrets street. m3-2 J. G. CLARK. FOR AIM}ISTi AND WAY LANDINGS. 0 H a n 1T ^ 11 * The popular light draft steamer Minnie Bmndt Capt. Tp.avers, Will leave as above on ; Sunday, March 4, at 7 o’clock a. A few more lots of light freight will be taken. For freight or passage, having superb accommo dations, apply to LaROCHE A WEST, mp-1 Jones' Block. PEOPLE’S LINE* FOB CHARLESTON, Stopping at Hilton Head and Beaufort, 7 he fir,t class steamer CM O T O N, 1 Capt. J. Fitzgrbald. carrying the United States mail, will leave Demand's Pi t ss on Sunday Morning, 4th inti, at 8 o’clock, connecting with railroad and steamer for all points <h Carolina. ' ** ’ For freight or passage, appJyto B. H. HARDEE, Agent, 12 Stoddard's Binge. W. Starr, Ag’t on wharf. m3-l Notice. SUNBURY ROUTE DISCONTINUED. The steamer O. F POTTER will leave Savannah for Sunbury on MONDAY, the 5th iust. Rctnrning, will leave Snnbnry the following day, and discontinue her trips afterwards. m.7-3 ■ ' JOHN SCREVEN. WANTED, A HIGHLY respo table General Commission nonse In >cw Y-rk wishes to cut r into correspond ence' with a similar iir:-.i in Savannah, with a rn-w to inuiuvl business. First class city references given and required. Address *• A..” box 4372, Post Office, New York. m3-2 CIG4-M, .GROCERIES, ALE AND LAGER, Johnson's Square, oppbsiie the Pulaski'House, Corner St. Julien and Bryan Sts Falligant’sold PsintSprad. - A large invoice ot • . / Potatoes and Apples Just received. SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. anSO T. J. DUNBAR & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALER^IN WINES. LIQUORS SEGARS1 &C. 147 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA., (NEXT’ DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE.) W E Invite the attention of the Trade and the Pub lic generally to onr large and elegant asaort- ment of Wines, Liquora, Cordials, Conserves, Se- garg, etc., etc., STEAM ENGINES SAW MILLS, &c,, Ac., Ac. REMEMBER, SAW MILL MEM, Tile undersigned is the Sole Manufacturer of BUR- KOW'8 IMPROVED HEAD BLOC*, for Saw Mills. Potent applied for. F. E. TIMMONS desires to call the attention of thoue wanting the above articles to those of 1113 OWN MANUFACTURE They arc the Mills (hat will cut the Lumper ; are powerful ami durable, and will give satisfaction In evi-iy Cull and examine (hem, at the Foundry and Machine \V«u ks. No. 170 Fenwick bt., ippusitc tile Tower. F. E. TIMMONS. which is not excelled by any similar establishment in the States. We are'sole proprietors af DUNBAR'S CELE BRATED WORMWOOD CORDIAL, the reputation of is frilly established in this 'and foreign conn- tries; DUNBAR’S well known STOMACH BITTERS, guarantied Superior to any article of the kind, de signed expressly for hotel and family use: DUN BAR’S SCHIEDAM CORDIAL SCHNAPPS, war ranted of the utmost parity, and put np expressly for our bouse, of which w,- are - sole proprietors and importeis. Sole Agents for Robert Smith’s cele brated PHILADELPHIA ALE, in cases and barrels; English, Scotch and American ALB and POSTER, BRANDY, Scotch and Bourbon \' I1ISKEY and AR RACK UONCilKS, formerly well kuown throughout the United States, put up by us in cases for sxport and home consumption. T. J. D. A Co. are sole Agents for A. A H 1 W. Catherwood’< Parc RYE WHISKIES, XX and YXX brands, guaranteed unsurpassed in quality aud ex cellence. Constantly on hand, a large and well se lected stock of BOURBON and WHEAT WHISKIES, worthy the attention of the trade and connoisseurs generally. Aa assortment of 8EGABS of finest grades, manufactured and imported expressly for this housfe, which we offer at th« very lowest net cash prices. BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, CHAMPAGNES, anti every description and grade of Ftireign Liquors imported directly by this house, and for sale In bond or dnty paid, at lowest market rates. d20-tf KIRLIN, BRO. & BURKE, WHOLESALE BEALBR8 IN ALES, Wills All Llf ORS, IJHEATBtj _ Lewees and Managers. .Messrs. IUyXokd A Ha*ii.tck •8A*PUH»-t¥- BVgfllVn,' MARCH • 3. JOr°T BENEFIT OF THE Misses Isadora and YicHiria Cameron, On which occasion s great Dili will be offered, com prising tne romantic drama. 1q three acts, entitled THE SEA OF ICE! After which, Miss ISADORA CAMERON will recite •» the beautiful Irish Poem of O’CONNOR’S CHILD. To conclude with Knowles' dashing comedy of The Love Cliase! Miss Is Cameron as Ogarlta and Constance Miss V. Cameron as. Lydia Secure your seats at Schreiner’s Book Store. On Monday evening. Opening Night of the GHIONI SU8INI GRAND ITALIAN OFBR Max Stbakosou, Director. A SU8INI GRAND ITALIAN OPERA TROUPE— Box sheet now open at Schreiner's book store. THEATRE. Lessees and Managers .Raymond A Hamilton H’ie Ghioni M Sig. SnsM’s GRAND ITALIAN OPERA! Director MAX STRAKOSCH. Mr. STRAKOSCn announces with mnch pleasure that lie has succeeded in engaging a complete and efficient ITALIAN OPERA COM PA N Y. embracing the most eminent Artists and complete Chorus and Orchestra, comprising the best Artists from New York, with whom he will give in savannah, for SIX NIGHTS ONLY, COMMENCING MONDAY, MARCH 5th, Six different GrRANX) OPERAS A change of Opera each night, which will be given in astyle unrivalled by any other management. MONDAY, March 5, Grand Opening Night, when will be produced Verdi's master work, iff four acts, 11 Trovatore, Mesdames Ghioni and Patti Strakosch, Signors Mac-derri and Mflncusi in the princip .1 role' 1 . Full Chorus and Orchestra. Musical Direotor and Conduc tor. Sig F, Rosa, TUESDAY, March 0. Flotow’s charming Opera, in four acts, MAHTHA. First appearance of M’do Pan line Canieea, Signors Errani, Sosini and Graff. Wednesday, NORMA; Thursday. KKvANI; Fri day, FAUST; Saturday, UN BALLO IN MASCHKRA. PRICE8,—Dress Circle and Parquette, *2; Reserved Seats, 50 cents extra ; Private Boxes, containing six persons, S2U : Family Circle, $1 50 ; Gallery,. $1. Box ctfice for the sale of Reserved Seats for single nights opens on Friday, March 2d, at to a. m. at John C. Schreiner A Son's musicatoie, and continue open daily from 10 a. m. tiff 5 pm. Doors open at 7»i; Opera commences at 8 ‘ pfclock. f28-5 Miscellaneous. EXTRA CREAM CHEESE. BOXES choice Cream Cheese I G 75 boxes State Dairy do -Just received and for sale by HILTON A IUNDELL, 123-4 133 Bay street Just Received and for Sale on Consignment, By KENNETH McLEA Sc Co., 202 Bay Street: 1000 bbls F us. Superfine. Extra, Choice Extra, and Bakers' and Family Floor lO.hhds very choice Clear Bacon Sides 20 bbls Breakfast Bacon 5 hbds Shoulders 25 half bbls Family Mess Pork and Beef 30 hbla choice Mess Pork ALSO, CORNER WHITAKER STREET BAY LANE. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED k DELIVERED. au21 tf 29 packages choice Family Butler, n.w lot AKD 100 .bushels White and 100 bushels Yellow Corn And. of former importations; Uatns, Raisins, Lard, Smoked Beef, pickled Her ring, Pig Shoulders, Beans, ac., Ac. 12S C SCRANTON, SMITH&60 Keep constantly on band choice old BRANDI KS, WHISKEY, GIN, WINKS, Ac. AND EVERY VARIETY OF GROCERIES. TC" COPPERSMITH WORK. A supply of material and execute all work ordered. competent Wokmau to F. E. TIMMONS. STEAM BOILERS. Steam Pumps Steam Fittings, furnished at short notice by F. E. TIMMONS. ANTI FRICTION METAL. The very best kind of MKTAL for heavy or fast bearings. Warrjnltd to give entire satisfaction. Made only by F. E. TIMMONS, Foundry and Machine Works, opposite Water Tower. Paper Mill Machinery. Cutters, Drying Cylinders, Calendar Bolls, Ha; Ac., &c„ for Paper Mills, built to order. F. E. TIHMONR. With Facilities Unsurpassed, North or South, he feels confident that he can give entire gatisf iulon to all who will give him a call. i r - F. E. TIMMONS, No. 170 Fenwick street, Opposite the Water Tower. ALSO, nay. Corn, Oats and Bran, strictly at wholesale to the trade, and we flatter ourselves that we can make it to the interest of dealers to patronize us, at the bead of Bay, opposite to Jefferson street. f6-lm PIERCE SKEHAN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fine Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, For eign and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Sugars. A’so, Skehan's Celebrated GOLDEN ALE AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER in bottle and in wood. London aud Dublin Brown Stout, Scotch and Eng lish Alee, Ac. Liberal deductions made to the trade. 176 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, dll-tf and 62 Liberty street, N. Y. CRUTCHES JpIRSTand only premium awarded at the American U Institute Fair, 1865, and State Fair ot Pa., 1S65, for Crutches. Hartman’s Patent Elastic Rubber Crutch are pronounced by surgeons, and everybody else, to be the very best ever invented. They are easy and con venient, they prevent paralysis of the nerves, doawi with all Ihe weariness inseparable from the use of i others, and are m all respects unrivalled. Send for a circular. Agents wanted everywhere LOVEJGY A TaYLOR. Sole Manufacturers, No. 476K Broadway N.Y. 6m-n2» Histi Yoaoe. J aubs Y<u>«a. Ui3-lm FOR SALE, TRACT of Land, three hundred and thirty acres nirtv acres of first quiillty pine land, lyiug lu Liberty county, near the Walthourville Station of the Atlan tic A tiulf Road. The said laud can he bought for four dollars per acre. There Is fifty acres cleared and under a good new fence ; some houses on the place. For Information, apply to the undersigned, who lives on the place, within three miles of station No. 4, Walthourville. mS-lm W. H. BACON. SPRING MATTRESSES, Which comfort' fir for shipment) in ? t< ‘ re< * “n't best fintr tops’ - Tf - ‘ ham street. NewYulk. complete for tfan The most id tiphul- 150 Chat- Kvery hing to complete and • furnish a bed. The place to buy is where the thing is made. IS-2m — - ■! i ■ I rr~ —r- ASTEN & THR0CKM0BT0N, NO. 253 BOWERY, NEW YORK, MANUFACTURERS and Dealers in Builders’ and lu Locksmith* Hardware. Nalls, PalBeaj Cord, Rim k f - ■ ■ i ■ ! . . , J L ”■ . Planters, Attention, F ROM $1,320 to $4,e20 to each hand is the estimate of" ’ - — Crop to a single hand in raising the “ Palma Christl” or Castor Bean. For Seed Oiscotore, Ac., apply tfl J. W. GREGORY, iua-2 Stoddard’s Range, Savannah. Locks and Knube, Butt Hinges, Brass and Iron Keys and Castings, -Gong Bells, Wire, Silver-Plating, Ac. All orders, large or small. Tarnished promptly at 16 per cent, lew than market pricce. srpl# . am Immense Improvement In Steam* HICKS’ PATENT DIRECT-ACTING, RE- CIPRTOAHNG-PBTON STEAM EN- simplest tnoit compact, and durable made. Ada to all porposea. For circular address the B Engine Co., No. 88 Liberty street, New York. 19-2a«6m From Georgia. HENRY YMGE & CO., intend Commission Sperects, 11 BROAD STREET, New York; No. SOLICIT consignments of Cotton, Naval Store, Sawed Lumber and Timber. Particular attention given to the purchase of Rail road Supplies. kevbbebces: Hon. J. P. King, President Georgia Railroad, Augusta. William M. Wadley, President Central Railroad, Savannah. Ferdinand Phinizy, E. P Clayton, Augusta. Charles Day, T. K. Bloom, Macon. Hunter & Gammell, Savannah. . J13tf Co AS. H. Bass nr, Raleigh, N.C. Alfrxo It. Bennett, I „ ~ . Jas. C. Van Pelt, 7 ^ York Bennett, Van Pelt & Co, COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOB TDK 8A1.E OT COTTON TOBACCO, NAVAL .STORKS, ETC., ALSO, ( FOR THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF STATE AND OTHER STOCK8; * S3 Whitehall St., New York. We have associated udth us Mr. D. W. Cunts, late Public Treasurer for North Carolina. n9-6m Thomas Dixon, SAVANNAH, GA., PACKER AND RE-PACKER OF COTTON, Wool, Hides, Rap, Juka, He., Ot of Jc FjSMm M 8h| PP u * order ’ foot of Jeffewon «t Singer Sewing Machines. Principal Office for the State of Georgia, 11C BROUGHTON STREET, H. D, HAWLEY, General Agent notice. Stitching neatly done. ■U E0R SALE, CENTRAL RAILROAD STOCK J Auction Sales. HT DRAFT STEAHEti-fe ^ JL _H AT AUCTION. r bA $ By Bell, Wjlly & Christian. TO CLOSE A CONCERN , he hli arcaner ,OCk: precl3 ^ ' LAUR A Alymaha an,’, 0cmn , m ib62; tr*“>tten, built m Brooklyn, N. y. la lsfl „ . lhe ? : h " le,1Kth u ninetrtoue’ ’ - >« eighteen (18) feet, depth lour j l 91 ^ fe «, hr '-l pres-mre bolter, 17 feet long'4 Tbe Laura rates A 1, with 1 ,ri «!ia, ^ ! la by many inches tha l£htiT^i e j these waters, drawing mflv aiw?.!? n * 1 >* speed, power. * I liarly adapts her for tilt- n/vi ^E l|ri « k ,’ 5 1 waters of Georgia, South Cat Ji Sa 'He £?• I be seen in i him nit*/ “‘uhua i*"' 1 c ■ Terms as folloi^uTh "iSi H days, one-fourth ninety day* «mJ’ 0,le -fom. f policies and insurance. . ’ ’ "‘ ll “Pprot^J-tj j 1 “PProvefl c ; AT PRIVATE sTT? BY BELL, WYLLY A C HRL L v That splendid Farm on the t . USTI A-Y only one mile from ihe ceunv ,.r 1 .! lttlWt «Wi s Ihe Bilbo Farm, cohLinin!, , r farm has been for the last acts’?« highest Me of cultivation ShSS iU) and most elevated site for , P i " tsst3 tk» There fi a Spring of Water *’ euce nearih^ lias no superior in the lou ronm« premli « a-fosse which expire^,he * u ‘/of j“' d , s "^ STEAMER O. MPETTlT^fJ^ By Bell, WyUy Jt C hristian, OnTHURSDAY, 15th March nevt . , ^nt.'£Exchan,e, will be Lfo’ m for account of ail concerned ■ WUll0flt 'S,; THE FIXE steamer PEnn , in complete order and suitable for river business. le Ior ,0 wage, eossj 07 fo®,‘ files’ S£ nc L c 7 1 “ <le '- ! .Mono ton, t reel length, 27)4 feet breadth ro tatw hold ; side-wheel. Terms cash 6y ‘ feet | AUCTION " ^ Bell, Wylly &. Christian. THIS DAY, at 10)4 o'clock, in fr0Bt 0 , Our nsnal Assortment of Groceries, Provisions, Liquors, Tobacco, L'lothlng, F'urnitnre, F “ocy Article Terms cash bofure aelivery I * &3 ELEGANT FURNITURE By Bell, Wylly * Cllr|nii Will be sold on WEDNESDAY the residence oflhe laicR. k. coyter, auio’S * l6i 2 Rosewood Sofas, covered with cli^ j 2 Rosewood Chairs, covered lette 1 Rosewood Arm Chair, covc-i Brocalette 1 Rosewood Sofa, covered with 2 do Chairs, do da 1 do Arm do do do 1 Oak Sideboard, marble top 1 doz Rosewood Chairs 2 large Hair Mattresses re,i rthcnanl 1 Rosewood Waslistand, marble too I Dessert Sett, green China, and otherirtaj ftoo numerous to mention. LIGHT DRAUGHT STEAMERS Pull SALE AT AUCTION TO CLOSE a j CONCERN. By Bell, Wylly k Christian. 80111 1? front of the Exchange, to the haw I bidder, on SATURDAY, loth of Maid, i 1 o’clock precisely : 1 '*’* The new fast Side-wheel Steamer FOREST CITY, Capacity, TOO bales cotton. ALSO, The new fast Propeller ■ . STANDISIJ. , Capacity, 250 bales cotton. Sow ready forint,I mate nse, and can be seen at a. N. Miller’s ten I FORDY CE, ANDER'ON A JANNEY, • f2S-tf No. 10 itoddard’8 Range. Sundries, QFFERED BY BRYAN, HARTRIDGE A CO.: UBBOUAKOIca 8 bales Dundee Bagging 8 bbls fine old Rye Whiakey 36 bbls assorted Whiskey T hbds Bacon Shoulders 6 bbls Hams SEGUE mis. 25 shares Muscogee Railroad Stock 40 shares Atlantic A Golf Railroad Stock. jlT-tf SUGAR. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY AT AUC-I TtON. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. Will he sold on TUESDAY, Marclt Cth, at theChctl , House: The northern and middle Tenements of thatnt I four story Itrick Block fronting Drayton jirtayl tween State aud Broughton street lane. I This property offers very superior tndttcm®»| persons wanting lionses, particularly tomes a al gageln mercantile pnrsuits, or keep boariea ill basement can be converted into large and Mail stores, while ample room Is left ou the rental three floors for all the purposes of atimtml Boarding Honse. ( Situated in a public tl-oronghinrc withhUkstl prt cints of the business mart. " These Houses offer unsurpassed faclliUesloa destring them, either for private residenus,<ril the purposes mentioned. “ Tnose wishing to invest can find no prcptfj'd ing greater inducements than this. ti-x| AUCTION WALE By Mendel & Lafiiteau. Art BOXES Choice Havana Sugar, C\J Just received and for sale by HILTON * RANDELL, 193 Day street, Challenge to any Gentleman in the State of Georgia. J WILL wager $250 that I can produce an amateur _ Pistol Shot to shoot the pistol as follows: Twenty shots at the word, or at deliberate aim; dlatrnce 12 paces; string measnrement; at the spot; shoot to rule with a smooth-bore pistol; the match or matches, if acceded to, most be shot at my Gallery ; ihe pistol most be shot with the aid of one hand only. This challenge Is left open for two weeks; money ready at my Gallery on Bay street, over Onr House, where all the preliminaries can be arranged. If either of these matches is acceded to,- it must come rff four days af ter agreed upon. f23-tf Capt JOHN TRAVIS. FINE CUT TOBACCO. S UNNYSIDE, Solace and Amnleti For sale by RANDELL A CO., 127 6 8. W. corner Bay and Barnard sts. EMPORIUM OF FASHION M RS. R. L. LOUIS respectfully informs the citi zens of Savannah that she has oDened a branch zens of Savannah that she has opened a branch of M'drte Demorest’s Mode of Fashions, of New York, and is ready to receive orders for all kinds of work for ladies and children. She also keeps on hand the latest Styles of patterns of every descrip tion. All kinds of ornamental needlework, sach as Braiding, Embroidering, Stamping, Fluting, 4c., will lie done at short notice. She also keeps on band a handsome assortment of Dress and Cloak Trimmings, Embroidery, Silk and Brahl, Cottons, Stamped Yolkes and Bands. Call and see for yonrself, at No. 161 CONGRESS STREET, np stairs. ■ Ladies are wanted for sewing and embrohl ering. None pnt gtibd hnnds need apply. - 128-lm For Sale. A FAIR of Stei JX cylinder, 10 heel Engines. Diameter of ea; length of stroke, 42 incites: with Wheel and Locomotive Boiler complete, ready to he placed in boat , For particulars, apply to ml-eodiw* LINVJLLE A GLEASON. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. CANE MILLS, COTTON GDIS, SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS. 100 sacks Oats, slightly wet 200 do Corn, do do 5 bbls Biscuit 5 do Dried Fruit Groceries, Dry Goods and Clothing. BY BLUN & MEYER. Will be sold on TUESDAY, 6th in?!., at 11 oWl in front of tile Conrt House: That three-story, on a basement, triA 1 ment, No. 4 Gordon Block, In complete order t»l repair. Subject to a lease on the 1st of SpteaUf when possession can be had. Terms cash, purchaser paying for titles, v. ml-td ■ FLOUR, &c., AT AUCTION By Blun & Meyer. On SATURDAY. March 3d, will be offered t!«»| to close consignments, at store of Kenneth Mw| A Co., 202 Bay Street: 300 bbls cheap Flour 100 bbls choice Superfine 100 bbls choice Extra 10 hhds clear Bacon Sides 10 packages Breakfast Bacon TOGETHER WITH Butter, Lard, Beans, 4c. Also, to close* J!l ing consignment; 50 boxes Pickled Herring. AUCTION. By Laurant, Wayne & Sweat I THIS DAY, March 3d, at lu o’clock, in fronto(S*l will be sold : " Groceries, Clothings, Dry Goods, Silver plated Ware, Kerosene - Lamps, Bonks, Ac., and 1 Office Desk. SPECIAL SALE. York, Williams, AC o. Will tie sold THIS DAY, March 3, in fwnto 1 **] 10 o’clock ; A large assortment of . , New Spring Dry Goods, consisting o* Calicos, DeLaioes, * Foulards, Ac., AC- ALSO, Some Yankee Notions, Cutlery. Ac- UNDERWRITER'S SALE- BY THOMAS J. WALSH. THIS DAY, 3d inst, in fro it of stare will he sold; ailin' 1 * SO kegs Nail9, 8,10,12, ^ damaged on hoard , lrom : for account of all concerned. approved kinds. X£J~ Many new and Improved articles, which cannot be obtained elsewhere In the city, and the beet Flows and Cotton G[ns ont. Send for a catalogue. J. HE BURTON * CO., Manufacturers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers. Office and Warehouse, No. 42 South Frederick street, near Pratt, Baltimore, Md, HHa HAWKINS & FAT, Commission Merchants, WO. *7 PEARL STREET, NEAR PRODUCE EXCHANGE, N. Y. WM. B. nAWMniS, J- ROCKWELL FAT. Particular attention paid to buying Produce, Provi sions, Whiskies, and Cigars, on order, and to con- gjgmiuents. CLINTON HUNTER, firm of i Oot, New Yorlt' Fancher A Me offord, TUaston A esney, 5 Water-61, A large assortment for sale at New Tdfk prices. fcwtog .Machinas of all BM, m&H at ftffi K Jones. l7 Bni.dwav. X W. Matoa BCa, itof» g! *l THOMAS J. WALSH. THIS DAY, 3d Inst., will be sold, in fr* 1 11 o’clock: Mahogany Sols, Chairs, Bureau, ALSO, 3 hhds Bacon ShonldereandJW^ Coro, Oats, aud Corn Meal, ^ 111 4.1 of Clothing and Prints. Terms ADMINISTRATOR’ S SALt- By T. J. Walsh. WUl be sold oo TUESDAY, Apn> 3 ^j. D . f | Court House, ati o cl ^ Worth half ««?L^2dB5*5jJ?r 7tre*J florin iit&u Mu* , Ward, corner of OMg”” East half of Lot No. 2 Monterey jmpro^j ground rent of ftl 64 per an joue? Srcc rtnry brick dwelliag ®? ^ in the r UougU the boose and a well of 39 shares Central Railroad Stock S3 shares Sonthweatern do . 5 sharw Atiantic A Golf do rh,i'b a ® » Sold by leave of the Orffi'* 81 ? 11 the estate of Mrs. Jane Barnett, ow . f blub