Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 13, 1866, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily Herald. BY S. W. MASON. SAMUEL W. MASON, Editor, *W. T. THOMPSON, Associate Editor, Official Paper of the City. LARGEST CIRCULATION IH TH£ CITY AND COUNTY TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 1806. 03“ Interesting reading matter on the 4th pag«- ___ THE PEJUA.M EXCITEMENT. The hasty passage by the English Parlia ment of the bill suspending tho privilege of the writ of habeas corpus in Ireland, upon the emphatic assurance of Earl Russell that the state of things In that country warranted so strong a step, has taken the uninitiated public somewhat by surprise. The adoption of this vigorous alternative, a resort to which has ever been regarded by the English people with the greatest jealousy, is a full confession by the government itself that the Fenian movement at home has assumed the most threatening proportions. The tone of the short debate on the subject in the House of Commons and the comments of the English press, denote the actual presence of an emer gency which refuses to disappear at the bid ding of civil authority unaided by military power. This 9hows the strength of the move ment, and indicates that a party which could mature such an extraordinary and extensive plan of insurrection secretly, while a sa gacious government believed that it wns only a noisy demonstration by a few restless spir its, must have a deep and wide foundation. It was only a few weeks since that the Lon don press announced with many amusing comments, that the Fenian movement in Ireland had been completely extinguished. All the leaders, as it was supposed, had been arrested, several districts put under military surveillance, and the whole conspiracy was declared to be unearthed. But it is now ap parent that their conclusions were too has tily formed, and it must cost them some hu miliation to refer to the matter now not ns a ridiculous comedy, hut as a heroic drama, or a sad tiagedy. It cannot be denied that there has been ample cause for the move ment iu the deep seated hatred' of the Irish people to England. Nor is this feeling of hostility confined to the Irish at home; it raDkles in the bosom of those also who have expatriated themselves to other lands. The Irishman in America, and even in Australia, is as ardent for the overthrow of English domination as his countrymen on the Greeu Isle. That was well known ; hut few could believe that at this time, and under so many difficulties, that hatred could have bccu de veloped iu such a formidable and extensively matured plan of action. The meeting of one linndred thousand Celts iu council near the city of New York a few days ago, with the inscription on then- banners, “Ireland for the Irish/’ indicates the wouderiul progress of tho movement in this country. They were not a crowd composed of the lower order, but a well dressed and respectable assemblage. Among them were aidermen, congressmen, councilmen, offi cers of the army and navy and gentlemen of distinction in all the professions. In addi tion to these were the working masses, the elements which gj to make up every great nation, all impressed, as the reported pro ceedings show, with the importance of the object which called them toeeti'“ r Toe ex cellent order niiicn prevailed at the meeting refutes the prevalent idea that Irishmen can not assemble in large bodies without com mitting nets of violence. It is slated that throughout the day not a harsh word, said in reference to England, was spoken, and not a blow was struck. The most notice able incident presented in the reported pro ceedings is, that this demonstration was made notwithstanding Archbishop McClos- ky’s circular to his clergy directing them to caution their several congregations to hold aloof from the meeting and his own admoni tion, published in the papers, to the same effect. When we consider the solemn determina tion manifested by the Irish in America in connection with the statement made by the speakers on the occasion referred to that three huudred thousand of their countrymen at home have secretly enlisted for active military service, it is certainly difficult to prophesy as to the results of the movement. It must be acknowledged, however, that the English Government will be strength ened by the opposition of the Catholic hier archy : and there are many intelligent sym pathizers with the oppressed who believe that if the Irish take up arms at this time when the Government, engaged in no war of consequence elsewhere, is capable of bring ing all its tremendous power to bear on them, they simply commit suicide. But we must leave this to future events. JIalujo’s Mohthly MaoAzum.—This Mag* azine, published In Bqalon by Bliott, Thornes & Talbot, 63 Congress street, tras" Hie merits of containing, a large -amount of in teresting and useful reading matter—stories, poems, historical information, scientific facts, humorous paragraphs, and items of new9— at the vcjylow price of fifteen cents per copy or $l.d$per year. The publishers are proprietors of a very Extensive publishing es tablishment, from which they issue a score or fifty weekly and monthly publications, mostly of a popular style, designed to fur nish amusement and instruction at the most economical rates. This magazine has been very successful, and is generally recommend ed. Estill Bros have it for sale. BY TELE8BAPH. FROM WASHINGTON. Washington, March 12.—The Senate to-day con- armed the nomination of Albert G. Mackey as Collec tor of (lustoms for the Tort of Charleston, S. C., also of Geo. Bryan of Charleston District, as Judge of the U. S. Circuit for the District of South Carolina. ARRIVAL FROM EUROPE. Special Notices. FOR cum' Y TREASURER. To the Voters or Chatham County : Fellow Citizens I have, by a unanimous yote of tbe Hon. the Justices of the Inferior Court, at their February Term. 1666, been re-electad to the office of County Treasurer. It now appears that, b; an act of the Legislature, said office is to be filled by the votes of the people.— In obedience to the requirement of said act, not be fore known by the Court, they order an election to be held for a County Treasurer, on the first Wednesday in April next; and I hereby announce myself a can didate for re-election to the said office, aind respect fully solicit the support of the voters of Chatham county. -, rnr-tf L. J. B. FAIRCHILD. COUNTY TREASURER. Mb. Editob:—You will please announce the name of W. H. PATTERSON as a candidate for the office of County Treasurer, at the election which takes place on Wednesday, the 4th of April next. Mr. P. is a disabled soldier and fully competent to hold the position. Voters, now is your time—rally | his aid. m* MANY VOTERS. New Advertisements. it Gas Consumers Will please take notice that all bills for Gas due 1st March must be settled on or before Thursday, tho 16th inst After that date tha flow of ga» -will he eu* off horn all parties tn arrears, without forther notice. W. F. HOLLAND, Accountant. ml3-3 Notice. Savannah, March 9th, 1866. T'HE firm of A. McAlpin * Brothers is Uiis day dte- 1 solved by mutual consent. All parties Indebted to Mid firm, and all creditors of the same, will make payment and present their claims to Messrs Harden A Le vy, who are authorized to wind up the affairs of the concern. ANGUS MoALPIN. J. W. MoALPIN. ml31m D. M. MoALPIN. 1A BARRELS Cholfe Apples, Ilf For sale by 5A consignment ■ilS-1 CUNVnSBHAM. PtFR8E A CO CHECKS ON HEW YORK FOR SALE BY WM. EATTERSBY & CO. Advance In Cotton. The Military Force in Ireland Farther Increased. AMERICAN SECURITIES ADVANCED. #New Voiik, March 11.—Tho steamship City of Bos ton has arrived. Cotton had advanced J^d. Sales of four days reached 54,000, the market closing dull. Tho rumored resignation of Earl Rvssell ie declared to be unfounded. Tho military force in Ireland will be still further augmented. The English Government has seized two vessels in London destined for tho Chilian government. Arrests continue plentiful in Ireland. Consols 87X to 871.,. C. S. five-twenties 71 to 71,*£. COUNTY TREASURER. Mb. Eihtob : Please announce as a candidate for Treasurer Chatham county, JOHN WILLIAMSON, at the en suing election. tf MANY CITIZENS. A CARD. Mr. WM. R. BOYD has an interest in my business and will take charge of my agencies in lutnre. A. WILBUR, 89 Bay-st. I will be happy to see all my old friends and new I ones, and am prepared to lake Risks in the Coznpa nies represented by onr Agency on all insurable [ property. _ WM. R. BOYD. f22 New York Cotton Market. New Yobk, March 12.—The cotton market is firm with an advance to-day of one cent per pound. The sales to-day were eighteen hundred bales at 41a42 cts. Gold is quoted at 130J/£ SKETCH OF PHIL.LIP M. RUSSELL. Tlie Atlanta Intelligencer, in a series of sketches of leading members of theLegislature has the following in regard to Hon. Phillip M. Russell, one of the Representatives from Savannah : “ Hon. Phillip M. Russell of Chatham, is fifty years of age, of Hebrew descent, dark complexion, dark hair, black eyes, and is a native of the city of Savan nah. His ancestors came over to this country with Gen. Oglethorpe, were among the first settlers of Sa vannah, and are identified with the history of tho revolutionary war. Mr. Russell has held various pub lic offices iu file city of Savannah, to the satisfaction CIRCULAR. I have commenced the work of establishing General Agency Business, for the purchase of all ar ticles manufactured or imported into the United States ; (Liquors only excepted.) And with a view to success which depends solely upon the interests of my patrons. I have made arrangements with manufacturers, in the principal towns and cities North, as well as importers, to have their produc tions and imports at first and lowest prices. 1 have secured the services in New York, of a resident gen tleman of long experience, by which I am placed on a footing with the best jobbing houses there. Thus placing my profits alone between the manufacturer and importer’s prices, and the cost of my patron’s goods. I think my profit is much less than the job ber could afford to work for. And as I do not pro pose to keep any goods on hand, I will at all times be prepared to invest my patron’s money where It can be done to the best advantage, in the cheapest and most desirable articles. My arrangements extend from the purchase or charter of Vessels, to the purchase or sale of every thing from steam engines down to the fitting np of a complete Drug, Shoe, Dry Goods, Hardware or Variety Store, for stocks complete or for filling up the assortment. I receive for sale or shipment all country produce at Street Railroads.—For the information of onr citizens, we publish in smother col umn the ordinance passed by the Bonrd of Aldermen of last year authorizing, the con struction of railroad tracks through a por tion of the 6treets of this city. Very properly in grunting a charter to the company who propose to construct and run these lines of city railroads, the Legislature has made it conditional, requiring that it shall be sub mitted to and receive the vote of the legal voters of the city before becoming a law.— Tlie establishment of or rejection of the proposed lines of railwuy in our streets is a question to be de termined by our citizens. It is therefore proper that every citizen should be fully in formed in regard to the objects contemplated by the corporators and the rights and privi leges granted to theta by the city in order that he may at the proper time vote intelli gently on tbe question. With a view to furn ish this information His Honor the Mayor has ordered the publication of the ordinance entire. When the question is presented for the decision of our citizens it will be time enough for us to express our views of the feasibility of the plan. In the mean time our columns will be open to communications from citizens who feel an interest in the matter. o' william in me uiy ut oatuuuau, to tuc naugiaoiiuu 0 » i 4*1 _ ,, of those calling him to the dutic9 of such offices. He J savannah, to the care of Hunt A Bro., Charleston, “ S C M or Jeffreys & Bro., Jacksonville, Fla. Upon the receipt of such produce or railroad receipt for cotton shipped, orders for its probable value will be promptly executed, the goods brought to the ports or Savannah, Charleston or Jacksonville, free of freight or insurance, then balances or overplus o invoices to be paid together with about ten per cent, added to the face of tlie original invoice. Any party examining their iuvoice of goods and not being satisfied with the price and quality as well as style, will not be required to take them, and their money promptly refunded. Parties wishing their Spring Supplies, had better send in their orders and funds or produce as early as practicable. I feel confident that, to say the least of my arrange ments, ray patrons will save their time and the ex pense of going to market. I offer as reference : Hon. Edw. C. Anderson, Mayor of the City. Maj. Jno. Screven, Prest. of A. & G R. R. Col. Wm. M. Wadley, Prest. of Central R. R. a Bankinor rv— Geo. W. Williams & Co., Merchants, Charleston. Jeffreys A Bro., Jacksonville, Pla. G. W. GARMANY. Savannah, Ga., Feb. 1st, 1866. fl9-tra. lias been inspector of the Customs, Deputy United States Marshal, Deputy Clerk United States District and Circuit Court, Clerk City Court and City Marshal. He entered political life as a candidate in 1863 for the purpose of carrying his county for Governor Brown, and is said to have more influence with the masses ilinii any other man iu his county. In this ho suc ceeded. His chairty to the poor is proverbial, and has always, both at home and in tlie Legislature, beeu mindful of their wants. His opponents in politics have always awarded him honesty in politics; this added to his polite manners, make him popular both at home and with members of the General Assembly. He advocates the stay-law and homestead bill, and did much towards the passage of said bills. He makes but few speeches, but his opinions are entitled to, and receive much respect at the capital. The members ironi his section di the State place much reliance his opinions on matters of public concern—hence ho is frequently advised with by them. He is, in a word, a good legislator, and never in any case, or under any eircumt-tauces neglects the interest of the people of Chatham and Savannah.’* Gov. Brownlow has issued writs of election to fill the vacancies in the Tennessee Legislature caused by the resignation of fifteen or twenty of the members. He does so with many protestations against the course of tho resigning members, and severe animadversons on their conduct. It is thomrb* '*** who resigned will ncrain iv» candidates, and be re-elect ed. The constitution of Tennessee requires the at tendance of two-thirds of tho members to make a quorum. It is stated that many of the members who have tendered their resignations and thus brought down upon themselves the anathemas of the pious Parson left their homes in 1861-2 in ord«>r t<^ cast their in fluence on the side of the Federal Government. They were loyal and patriotic then. They are traitorous and seditious now; because they refuse to join the radical crusade against paroled Confederate soldiers. Colonel Wm. P. ThomaBson, Commissioner of the Freedmcn's Bureau, Louisville, Kentucky, has been incL/ted by tho grand jury for obstructing the course of public justice. It is said that his whole course has been marked by fanaticism amounting almost to insan ity- Office Coimis’rs Water Works, Savannah, March 7,1866. Tho public are requested In all coses of wart of prompt attention on the part of tbe plumbers to mak ing repairs, or in cases of overcharging, to make complaint at the office of Water Work, ; so that in cases of continued or grosa neglect, the ordinance can be enforced which requires the withdrawal of their licenses. By order of Board of Commissioners. R. D. GUERARD, mS Snp’t W. W. Tho caao of N. B. Forrest being called np In the United States Court on Wednesday, hie counsel asked for a continuance, on the ground that General Forrest is now sick with the small pox. Granted. Coppeb Tips protect the toes of children's shoes.— One pair will outwear three without tips. Sold every where. CORN. 350 sale by m!3-2 SACKS Prime Western Mixed Corn, land- ■ *—lestown and fr- 3RADLEY. 196 Bay street. imr from schooner Jamestown and for * R. BRADLEY, BREEN & CARRERE, Commission Merchants, No. 11 SOUTH WILLIAM 8TREET, ITew Vork. C ONSIGNMENTS of any description of produce, or orders for purchase of same, or any business appertaining to a General Commission House, as also consignments or orders' to onr friends abroad, where we have extensive connexions, are solicited. Particulars of all markets will be given upon in quiry, and advances made npon business entrusted to ns or onr friends. CARSRE A CO., ml8-3m Commission Merchants. N. Orleans. Empire Line. FOE HEW YORK. Atlantic Mail steamship Company. PASSAGE RATES: Cabin $30 00; Steerage $15; Deck $10 00 The new and fast side-wheel steam ship SAN SALVADOR, Atkins, mas- 2 ter, will sail as above, on Saturday, March 17, at — o’clock, For height or pasetge, having nnsnrpasaed accom modations, apply to B. H. HARDEE, No. 12 Stoddard’s Range. GARRISON A ALLEN, Agents, ml3 No. 5 Bowling Green. N. Y. House Wanted. W ANTED TO RENT, a House in the city, suitable for a large family. Apply at this office. ml3-tf WILD MACHINE COMPANY, NEWARK, N. J. MACHINISTS’ TOOLS WOOD WORKING MACHINERY Circular Saw Mills, Stationary and Port able Steam Engines, Boilers, Steam Pumps. Steam Fire Engines, Hew, &e y* Send for a catalogue. ml3-3m STEAMER O. M. PETTIT AT AUCTION By Belli Wylly Jt Ckiistlaa. On THURSDAY, 15th or March, at 12 (Vqiock, in front of Exchange, will be sold without reserve, for account of all concerned: THE PINE SIDE-WHEEL STEAMER PETTIT, in complete order and suitable for towage, coaat and river business. 8 feet stroke, 32-inch cylinder, 200 tong,burthen, 107 feet length, 27X feet breadth, 6K feet depth of hold. Terms, one-half cash; balance 60 days for approved endorsed note with interett. Purchaser paying for titles- ''no FOR SALE. Central Railroad Stock South-western Railroad Stock Albany & Gulf Railroad Stock Savannah Gas Stock By FORDYCB, ANDERSON A JANNKY. GOLD PENS. JUST RECEIVED BY Cooper, Olcotts & Farrelly. A large supply of the celebrated XiBVX BROWN AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS GOLD PENS, ml 3 YARNS. Y ARNS always on hand from the Cnrtright Mills, Green county, Ga. For sale by EDWIN B. HERTZ <fc CO., tnl3 3 Agents. Bangoon Rice. 40 8ACKS just received and for sale by mlS-3 EDWIN E. HERTZ A CO. Murray’s Line. FOR NEW Jgjg YORK. REDUCTION OF PASSAGE RATES. Cabin Puiagc, $30 Deck $10 The new and splendid steamship VIRGO, Bnlkley. commander, will leave for the above port on her regular day, For freight or pasaage, having superior accommo dations, apply to ml3 OCTAVUS COHEN. FOR AUGUSTA. Special Notices. HIUI.’S HAIR DYE, 50 cent.—Black or Brown, iimlantaneous; best, cheapest, durable, re liable. Depot, No. 66 John street, New York. Sold by all drug and patent medicine stoTc* everywhere. my-ly Notice. A Washington dispatch to the Radical organ at Cincinnati, * ly g that -Gen. S. S. Fullerton, of Gen Howard s staff, non,™,,,,, for hl „ brief administration of tn„ Freedmen’a Bureau in Louisiana in a manner eo acceptable •„ the reconatrueleo r ., b l . „ has been appomteu -hi vate Secretary ££ ££££* * * in about ten a» S9 —The Massachusetts Legislature'” statues of Governor Winthrop, as the r?pj L ' r( ‘d that of tbe colonial period; John Adame, of tbe rev31fe^ v * ary age ; and William Lloyd Garrison, as the represen- tatlv* of the straggle lor freedom, be placed in tlie old Hall of Representative*, now devoted to State con tributions of art. and will enter upon his du*. TI1E City Treasurer Is prepared to receive certain of the taxes levied by the Ordinance passed Decem ber 27th, 1865. That is, the tax upon gross sales or merchandise and wares of every description- npon all freight and passage money payable in thi* city, and upon horses and mnles. Tkoae taxes are doe be tween the first and tenth of esca month for the pre ceding month. All other taxes ire payable quarterly between the same dates, in the nonths of April, July, October and January. R. T. GIBSON, ft City Treasurer. DIVIDEND No. _ 257~ SOUTH-WESTERN RAURQAD CO., > Macon, 0a., Feb. 8,1864 / The Board of Directors have bis day declared a Dividend of Four ($4) Dollars poHhare on the Capital Stock, payable on and after 1st Miroh next. Stockholders In Savannah wfl. receive their divi dends at the office of John W. Ambrson, Esq. JOHN T. BOFRUILLET, n41ro Sec. A Treas. A l’H YSIOLOGICAL View »f MARRIAGK Containing nearly 300 pages, aid 180 fine Plates and Engravings of the Anatomy if the Human Or gans in a state of Health and Dfease, with a Trea tise on Early Errors, its Deploraile Consequences upon the mind and Body, with the Author's Plan of Treatment—the only rational and liccesalhl mode of cure, as shown by the report of :a#es treated. A truthful adviser to the married, aid those contem plating marriage, who entertain dothts of their phys ical condition. Sent free of postag to any address, on receipt of 25 cents, in stamps otpoatage curreaejj by addressing Dr. LA CROIX, Nc 31 Malden Lane, Albany, N. Y. T he author may be conanlted npn any of tho dis eases qpon which hi. book treats ether personally, on by mail, and medicines sent to aajoatt of tho,wo/M octio It Office United States Direct Tax Commission. DI8TRICT OF GEORGIA, l N n-rtra.- n , Savannah, Jan. 16,1866. f 18 hereby given that the Tax Roll for Uiathun county is now completed, and owners I SJJS e8 V* lt ; ln , Httid «■*»• lots, lands and improve- I racntH outside the city of Savannah, or real estate re- tnrned for taxation in said county in 1860 may oav the taxes due thereon within sixty *60) days from this isrsScSjsaass 1 J- P. ROBB, ‘ 1 ?' PANCOAST, J- Commissioners. J- C. BATK8, 1 jl6-tf ^ ’ batcbblorb Tho Original and Best in the World 1 The only trae and perfect Hair Dye. Harmless, Reliable and Inatoo- tancous. Produces imm|j|IK.y a splendid BJr^ker natural Brown, wUhffiRl^nring the hair or gkj n . Remedies the ill effects of bad dyes. Sold by r Ji Drug gists. The genuine is signed William A. Patehelor. Also, REGENERATING EXTRACT OF MIL'LEFLEURS, For Restoring (fid Beautifying thci Hair. «nl4-’v CHARLES BATCHELOR. New Yoax. Notice to Keepers of Bar-rooms i CITY OF SAVANNAH. Office Clerk of Oo’.^cr, ■w’,112th, 1866. . Attention is called to the folk „ Ttn ,et fmm Ordinance passed in Connell EXTRA' Any person ohi.anlng a etaillng shall have pi the le door'o I n > the e outs*’ P three lnche8 In length over in tne lionoA ^ Jr *® ° r ^ house or shop, where- or square the m ’* d ’ V" 1 trorJn * Urn street, lane n-etheTwith 1 ttJ** me of the t /er * on *o licensed to- nmis Lfonor&J? wori,s : “ Llc eused to Retail Splrit- secthm'skanV Ami every pemon violating this Irettfn .tvT f°r each week sneceeding dm nniry^A alter obtaining the license In a a dm not exceed mg tllirty do i larg . '.*•**** d after April 1st, I860, the Police will be in- siruKv j to report all violations of the above. By order of EDW. C. ANDERSON, Mayor. Attest; Jas. Stewart. Clerk of Council. ml2-10t. Retailing shah have ^"Sr ,„‘{f^nd dlsUnctlfnalnfod' iu letters not less tbs. miy ana distinctly panned Tax . E R, j OFFICE U. S. DIRECT TAX DIsthiot Savannah, Jm. AJ" Notice is hereby given.that taxboii, menf, lb, a,“S - “• “•“T retnrned for Ti> x ation in saU a’ ° r ***** Bstate uav tbe Tat... , B “ ““ cooky In 1800, must “Vwlthl; sixty (60) d.ys and\!m “ °“ r w3»r. tovoiij attests, savann ^ T. F ROBB, I f5-tf. J CBATFs? AST ’J COO,mta ^“"*’ . South Bfoel , or Rffer the penalty DeWitt & Morgan, CONGRE88 STREET, Bave jnst opened a choice lot of DRESS HOODS, in- Paris Grenadines and Organdie Jaconets, Lawns and Percales Poile de Chevres and Mozambique!, Ac. A large assortment of White Good* Ladic-> and Gent’s superior English Hosiery Superior Table Damasks and Towels New Styles English and French Skirts Fancy Cassimeree and Linen Drills A large assortment of Black DresaGoods and snpe- perlor English Crapes, and other Goods too nnmerous to mention. For sale at the lowest market prices. mlt-6» The light draft and popular steamer Minnie Brandt Oapt Taavsaa, Will sail for Augusts and way landings on Thursday, March 15, at 8 o’clock re. i For freight or passage, having superb accommo dations, apply to m!3-3 LaROCHE A WEST. Jones’ Block. Pioneer Line FOR NEW YORK. REDUCTION OF PASSAGE. Cabin Pannage, $35 00 Deck, $10 OO The splendid steamship TYBEE, Crowell, Com mander, will leave for the above port on h«r regular day. Friday, March 16th, at — o’clock, For freight or passage, having superior accommo dations, apply to ml3 FOlt DUBLIN, VIA DARIEN, DOCTORTOWN. AND LANDINGS ON THE ALTAMAHA AND OCONEE KIVBB& The new and fast steamer GENERAL HOOKER, Capt J. F. Toamrr, Is now receiving freight at wharf on the Upper Hy- dranlic Press, ana will leave as above Wednesday Morning, at 10 o’clock. For freight or passage, apply to’ CHARLES L. GUILLBAUME, Or SCHUSTER A HELNSIl’S, ml 3 Agents. New“Ad n«tT vertisements. CE TO SHIPPERS. CITEAMER DeWITT CLINTON will not go to Ma- P aa advertised, orders having been received ^ r ?n I1 i ° W ? ers t * lat otrect - Goods sent to lu-r will be transferred to steamer FORREST CITY fie« of expense to shippers. ’ m13 - ‘‘ F. M. MYRELL. 'DW LANDING. POTATOES, APPLES, CABBAGES, LEMONS, turnips, ORANGES, And a General Assortment of GROCERIES, FROM STEAMER VIRGO. And for sale by D. OSTERMAN, ‘ m!3-eod. No. 4 Barnard st corner Bay lane. Notice to Consignees. C ONSIGNEES per brig SELMA will please attend to the reception of their goods tanning this day at Market dock. All goods remaining on the wharf at snndown will be stored at risk and expense of consignee. ml3. CHAS, L. COLBY & CO. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. T HE firm of DILLON k TAYLOR is this day ffis- solved by mutual consent. The business will be continued by WILLIAM S. DILLON, who is duly authorized to collect all debts due said firm. MARTIN TAYLOR, m!3-3 WILLIAM S. DILLON. Auction Sales,’ AT PRIVATE sVr BY BELL, WYLLV inn'll That splendid Farm on ^ iIS Thv ami most elevated sifof!?,?®^ riiere m a Spring or w in-r J has no superior in the i,' "“the pr£ a ' ! bJ ?rr.riu. By Bell, Wy|| y&c . . wm sen this DAv y *,, , r,sti an. l~t hit D Wtiarr, ° cl0ct -on jJ 173 bbl3 Potatoes "N 2 a ’ ,8rv ‘ 8 ‘‘ril Bakers' i, 9 kegs do , s Liand r,„. I 36 boxes No. 1 Soa „ 1,0 do “ <jo Family 10 lb do Oswego StsL-h 20 doz Smoking T.ikJ 4 gross Telegraph Mates 10 bottles Claret M t ht?a 10 do Uerinan Bitters o boxes Cigars 1 £ SOOTHWESTEffi-RajSSrs B| - Bril, Wjlr, i Chrtflian a— Corn Meal. C A Bhls Rook Mills MEAL, made from best Vir- JU ginia Corn, just received and for sale by m!3-3. EDWIN E. HERTZ X CO. For Sale. S TEAMER JAS. CHRISTOPHER, as she now- lies, near Poor Robin Landing, on Savannah river. For further information apply to Messrs. GEO. T. JACKSON & CO., Augusta. Ga., or to „ J. M. KJNCHLEY. mis. At Florida Wharf. Notice. A LL persons having claims against the late steam ers JAS. CHRISTOPHER and R. H. MAY will present them at once to J. M. KINCIILEY, ml 3. At Florida Wharf. ^Postponement. rPHE Concerts which were advertised to take place 6 at St. Andrew’s Hall, beginning on Tuesday even ing, the 13th inst., are postponed until Wednesday, the 14th, and following nighte, tn consequence of there being no boat irom Charleston, which place Mr. Geary and the queen Sisters have been giving a series of concerts. mia. 4C,. 10 o'clock a. m. consistm.,,, irItl eUtii J "“i bbls Mener Potatoes . on bnsheh Prime E,| B -„ r , i . aj[a| , |l||to ^ BLOODEDlARE~^r Amusements. SAWED CYPRESS SHINGLES. A SUPERIOR article, jnst received and for sale low In lota to salt purchasers. GRAND COMBINATION CONCERT. St. Andrew’s Hall, FOR THREE NIGHTS. At the request and invitation of several of the most influential citizens, BLAKEWOOD A DAY, Foot of Fahm street. Corn and Oats. A (\r\ BAGS Choice White Maryland Com tUU 200 bags heayy Pennsylvania Seed Oats Landing from steamer North Point and for sale by mt3-«od9w CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM. Economy, Durability, Comfort. rpHE pnblic are invited to call and examine my X large and well selected stock of COOKING STOVES of the latest patterns, jnst received, among which may be ioond the justly celebrated “NOBLK COOK,” that has given inch unbounded satisfaction to those of onr citicens who have used them; also, the “Oriental, ” “Lilly," “Palmetto,” •‘Premium, “Chieftain,” and others. In different sines. These (loves are for sale at very reasonable prices, to dose consignment. C. D. ROGERS, ml8-3 Corner Bay and Abercorn streets. CITY OF SAVANNAH, Officb Cuu of Council, March 12,1866. The following Ordinance is published for the infor mation of the cittzens of Savannah ? Tbe charter by the State Legislature has been granted to said Company with the following amend ment. Session 1866. »***»* See. —. Be it farther enacted. That this charter ■hall have no forco and effect until tbe subject shall have been referred to the legal voles of said city of Savannah and county of Chatham, and be affirma tively endorsed by a majority of said legal voters. ml3 HUNTER A OAMMEI.T., Sundries. 100 BARRELS POTATOES 50 BARRELS ONIONS, 50 TIERCES SHOULDERS AND SIDES Landing per Cambria and for sale by ml3 MACKY, BEATTIE * CO. Notice. rtONSIGNEES by the burnt steamer R H May can v find copy of Protest hy application on Florida Wharf to m!3 J. M. KINOHLIY. fTvffMQTVW’H COMMERCIAL INSTOTON, B° Plait N. C. cor. Broughton £ Barnard Sts., UP STAIRS. OOK-KEEPING tanght without the sM or text 1 books in the most practical way of teaching.— lain tod Ornamental reamanship,-Lettering, and the English generally, day and evening. Visiting and Wedding Card* written; Names in Alhanre and other books, in various styles. Book* oxanained and account* corrected, Ac. Having a few spare hour* in the day, wontd take a set or books to journalize and port. Terms moderate. City reference. Apply a* above, or address _ miM W. B. K. JOHNSON. - \rOTICK—GEORGIA. CAMDEN COUNTY.—All* i-1 pereons interested are hereby notified that, fotri months after date, application will be made to the STEINWAY PIANOS. A BEAUTIFUL assortment of 7 and 7X octave Steinway Pianos, jnst received per steamship Flambeau. Sold at New York Factory prices. mlO-3 JOHN C. SCHREINER A SONS. and creditors, mis* ity, for N. J. PATTERSON, Administrator. months alter date, «ppl|i>tinn will be made to the Hon. Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell two tract* of Land in Charlton county, property of the estate of Wm. D. Cole, deceased, 1st* of mid county, for the benefit of all concerned. N. J. PATTERSON, mlS* Executor. UNO GIFT ENTERPRISE!! TO BE RAFFLED FOR, O N the ninth day of May, one thousand eight hun dred and sixty-eix, at the SCREVEN HOUSE, in the city of Savannah, Chatham County, btate or Georgia, by a committee of gentlemen selected by tbe subscribers, 490 ACRES OF LAND, situated in Lowndes county, near Milltown, State of Georgia. Tbe projected Brunswick and Florida Railroad run ning through the southeast part, offers great facility for removing to the seaboam tlie fine cypress, pine and other timber to be found on this lot, and a hand some sum mav be had from the Railroad Company for the privilege of running their cars through It. Arrangements may also be satisfactorily entered into with them (the Railroad Company) for making It a wood station to supply their locomotives with fuel. A stream of water rans through this laml, and lov ers of the piscatorial art can indulge their fancy at all seasons of the year. Tbe quality of the soil in Lowndes county is too highly appreciated for auy comments to be made on th“ above. TITLES CLEAR—.The winner paying for the trans fer of the same to his name, and he (the winner) is to pay also ooe hundred dollars to the Savannah Fe male Orphan Asylum. The present owner of the land pledges himself to give one hundred dollars to ttie Metropolitan Fire Company, trail tbe subscriptions are taken up. Subscription—Tickets, five hundred in number, •t ten dollars each. Can be purchased at the office Of DR. W. F. 8ARGKANT, Boll street, near Bay street, •, - Savannah, Ga. mis-tr. Prime White Corn, 9 Kfifi BnaheU PRIME WHITE COB «)UUU from schooner CLARA W, For i mis-s WEL EDWIN E. HERTZ A OO. Notice. KTOT1CK.—GEORGIA, CAMDEN COUNTY—AD v persons interested are hereby notified that, four A IX persons having demands against the steamer i will be raade to the a FOREST CITY, formerly the steamer Savannah and steamer Blandish np to theiethinsL, arere- qnested to present their bills, properly approved, to ut# undersigned previous to tha aeth Inst., otherwise payment will be debarred. CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM, ml3-t20. Agents. MISS MINA GEARY, The eminent Soprano, and MR. GUSTAVUS GEARY, The renowned Tenor, assisted by the Favorite and Talented QUEEN SISTERS, Have the honor of announcing THREE Popular Ballad Concerts! COMMENCING ON TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 13 thk UNDERWRITERS^ Bell, Wylly & Christ THIS DAY, at lot, o’clock at , 1‘acket Wharf ; t le 160 bbls Guano, more or less damaged on board steams Sian.i.l, inspection or the Pott Warden, t an,| »*i^ i concerned. Terms cast e " 3 BY YORK, WILLIAMS'^: CO. THIS DAY, at 10 o’clock. i„ (ro ••id: 8 loo kits of Herrinjrs \ 50 bbls Flour, different’, ra , lp i, Shhda Bacon t-.lea 20 firkins Lear Lird ' uI,ierj 10 firkins Butter to caddies fine BUck Tea 20 boxes Codfish 50 boxes Pilot Bread , , An invoice of Boots and ShotA A lot of Clothing. Labes floats, c CARGO S a 1e~~ York, Willii, ni<s JeJn York, Will AUCTION'. AlelntiJ ^ vo, 1 oil;;," 10 I Will sell TUKSDA) li Mahng Bay re, four m „„ fast; one of the tin oilman m " old - BY BLUN & N ER of* Chatham c^tn lift** «*■» of <**, I day in April next 1 in front of the Cot 008e . Il k sl hours of * That well known t „r , , i !? 8 J twenty-eight ac belopg^^e"^ | Louis grexvald, Aduiiiiistrjtor. Paul E Glutigny. fl9-lawtd ByLaurant, %ne & Sweat, Positively Three Nights Only iSIC oper mlO-td ADMISSION ... ONE DOLLAR Doors open at 7>j o'clock ; Concert at 8 precisely. Notice. A T a meeting of the Directors of the Woodville In surance Company, on the 2d inst., it was re solved “ That the subscribers to stock in this Com pany be called upon to pay in Five Dollars per share by tbe 10th day of April prox. ” Subscribers living in the city can pay the same to the undersigned. ml2 6 A. WILBUR DR. N. IH. MED, DENTIST, H as retnrned from a short visit np country, and can be fonnd again, a3 nsnal at his office, corner of Bull anil Broughton streets. m!2-2* THE PULASKI Hill SK BARBER’S SHOP AND Bathing Rooms, CORNER BULL AND BRYAN STREETS. H AVING completely renovated and decorated my Barber’. Shop, 1 invite the patronage of the public. My eatabHulunent now has eveiy convenience procurable, and 1 employ only the most skillful barbers. I have just fitted np a first-class BATHING HOUSE, with the beat of accommodations in all renpects. Fancy and FURNISHING GOODS in great variety, esn be found at my store, at low prices, including Toilet Articles, Scarf.-;, Ties, and a choice article of KSD G-U.O VKS, directly imported from Palis by Mr. Masaurt. ml 2-6 B. STAJIM. Notice. C ONSIGNEES per steamship LEO, from New York, will please attend ’o the reception of their goodB, landing this day at Lamar’s wharf. Lower Press. All goods remaining on the wharf after sundown will be stored at risk and expense of o-wnrrs. _rnlO ___ OCTAVUS COHEX. Agent. BALL PERMITS. CITY OF SAVANNAH, ) Ornca Clerk or Council-, March 9, 1866. ( All persons desiring Ball Permits, accordiing to the ordinance entitled u An Ordinance to regnlate Public Balls, Shoutings, Public Exhibitions," Ac., most apply at this office between the hours of 11 a. m. aad 1 p. m., and be prepared to pay the necessary fees, or permits,wii' not oe granted. JAMES STEWART. m9-6 Clerk of Council. Notice. The Drug Store of W. W. LINCOLN will be kepi open, during this month, at night and Sundays. ml-2w LAROCHE & JOHNSON, TimberAc Lumber Dealers 200 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. THIS DAY, 13th inst., store, 32 cases Boots am jnst arrived by steamer' signment, 100 bbls Extra Fam 9 do Cider Vln Sale positive. Terms AUCTIOl K 1 MENDEL & LAI Will sell THIS DaY, in fro4 Dry Goods, Clothing, Ac Groceries and Provision 600 bushels Oats. UNDERWRITE! Octavus Cohen Will sell THIS DaY, at 11 o’clfl 20 kegs Nails, sold by order of the Port Warde Underwriters and all concerned.! SA clock, p. in., j 0 pjn,, sold: Also, to closaaco#. | ALE. AUCTION By Mendel & Lafliteau. loo sacks Oats, slightly wet 200 do Corn, do do 5 bhls Biscuit 5 do Dried Fruit Groceries, Dry Goods and Clothil UNDERWRITERS BY A. M1BIIS. On TUESDAY next, 13th inst. 11 o'ck store near the Exchange 260 kegs Nails, damaged on board schr, R. H. Sb»nm age from Philadelphia to Savannah. ■, tlie Port Wardens for account of Under"®* concerned. _. By E. E. Hertz. Will be sold on TUESDAY, 13th inst.. at| precisely, in from uf store; The Schooner Ahby B now lying opposite the city. She is in «fi der, being coppered and copper fastened ] desirous of purchasing can obtain full r“ applying at the office of E. E. Hertz t' of sale. ADMINISTRATOR ’S SALE By T. J. Walsh. Will be sold on TUESDAY, April 34 is Court House, at 11 o’clock: North half of Lot No. 5 Third Tything. R? Ward, corner of Congress and Draft'® simple. Improvements—riore corner CoKt® Drayton street and a dwelling on Ongreswca East hair of Lot No. 2 Monterey Ward. ground rent of 64 per annum. Improm® three-story brick dwelling on Jones through tire house and a well of center in tn AUH>, 39 shares Central Railroad Stock 33 shares Southwestern do 6 shares Atlantic A Gnlf do . _ , Sold by leave of the Ordinary of • as the estate of Mrs. Jane Barnett, drte division among the heirs. . 9 Terms caeh. purchasers pavingjorW^ Emigrants Can be Suf WITHIN TEN DAYS. T HE undersigned are prepared to j and other parties who may he gi LABORERS, and have made ments in the North to fi’l any oruera* , Laborers, Woodcutters. Mechanics, ea - or Twelve days from the day the ow t The Laborers arc to he received ^ on arrival of the steamer here, an ^ the forints where they are ’vtutw. , expense, and the Employer-* have . ... certain snm per head in advance, i and partly lor covering thecxpjm- Emigrants from the North to no- ; rer ; csj ! ' The rate at which Panning 1'“'TacErt* cured will average about $166 l’ er - ers finding them. For further particular- apply 10 WM. MODULE done- Block. - ^ | One door East of a REFERENCE : Jackson A Lawton, favannah- „ John W- Anderson & Son, sav- Solomon Cohen, Savannah. Jno. C, Ferrill. Savannah. Nicholls, Camp <f Co.. Savannah Geo. A. Cuyler, Savannah. W. R. Fleming. Savannah. John Screven, Savannah. nni p Brigham, Baldwin d! Co, Savannah National Bank. * a m2 SAWMILL On Consignment- 64-inch Iron Frame Saw MiU, t ffCE!T riage. 1 Extra Saw „ ... U :n 1 30-inch Don Frame Grist mi 60 feet twelve-inch Belting Apply to BRIGHAM