Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 14, 1866, Image 4

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Tfce-“SaMfHttfc- Daily Herald SAVANNAH, WEDE&DAY MARCH 14. 1SC6. p: ~y POST THOD WAIT ! l’oorlSreffiTiiriip^lHnfli! ^Afi, whcvoutei^e the l"ld lias bid tfiee aland, all weary as thou art ? Danger8_aroand fEe&.aud the bitter cold Creeping and growing to thine inmost heart; Who bid^thee watt till some mysterious leeliug, Thou know'st not what—perchance may st 11c e Shall find thee where in darkness thou art kneeling, * And fill the# with a rich and wondrous glow I i Of tides arid faith; anti fliua^f *'auJ light The chill and darkness ot thy spirit s mt For miracles like, who bids thee wait ? _ Behold •• the Wirit and the bride sa> come. The tender Shepherd opens wide tlle gate And in His love would gently lead thee lionu . • 'WTiy sliouId’slI'hou wait? Long centuries ago, Thou timid lamb, the Shepherd paid for thee. Thou art his own. Would’st thou his beauty know rliou art his own. would st tnou ms ueau*j ■ jior trust the love which yet thou canst not • Thou hast riot learned tliis lesson to More blest are they who see not, ‘ vet believe Iiost then say, trust, imt hope is dead; 'faith you may . : Rest injiio blessing "^Vo^l'ml wait ” Upon the faith Ail ? I must stand anil « ait - Not so. The Shepherd does not ash ul thee Faith in thy faith, but only faith in Him. F And VlilsCmeknt m W.jj* *° MC ‘' In light or darkness seek to do His id. And leave the work to Jesus JmrnaL OtB WASHINGTON CORHE8PONDKNCE fFxom Oar Regular Correspondent.] TVashisoton, March 3, 1866. The radical leaders are said to be meditating a very curious piece of policy. In tbe inception of the Gov ernment it was a question of some doubt whether or not the concurrence of the Senate is necessary to the appointment of any person to office, the Constitution did not require that any one should be discharged from office, except by and with the advice of the Senate. Butit was determined ot4erwise, and the power was conceded to the Presidentof dismissing any one from office without consulting the Senate. A different in terpretation would be attended with immense incon venience. Because, unless the President would re move unfaithful officers, there would be no ground to hold him responsible for the manner in which public officers performed their 4rasts. And besides, the greatest possible injury might be done to the public service if an unfaithful public officer had to remain m office until the Senate might assemble and examine the charges and evidence. It became, therefore, a settled practice from the administration of General Washington to permit the President to dismiss persons from office at his pleasure. Now it is said to be seri ously meditated in the Republican party to go back upon this policy and change it entirely. By this ac tion they would effectually clip the wings of the Presi dent's patronage, and his owe employees, his very cabinet might denounce him as a traitor, and lie would have no remedy but to endure it with the greatest pa tience that he could. This proposition is so opposite tn the settled policy of the Government and the estab lished construction of the Constitution, that there would seem to be something monstrous iu Adopting it now merely because the Congress and the President are not in harmony. The Congress was against Presi dent Tyler, but no one was so desperate as to suggest this remedy. It is to be hoped this revolutionary pro gramme will not be insisted on. The Congress aro going to take up the subject of ii- . Bauce and dispose of It, without giving it over blindly to Mr. McCulloch, the Secretary and Treasurer. In the beginning-of the session the general idea was to leave the finances pretty much to the Secretary of the Treasury. But now the programme is to be changed. The proposition of the Secretary to reduce the volume of the currency will not be acceded to. Permission will be given ’to fund the interest-bearing treasury- notes in five per cent, bonds, hut the notes not bear ing interest will not be reduced. The manufacturers, it is said, do not desire a reduction of the currency. The importers prefer to let matters stand aw they are, lest prices should fall, and the national hanks, whose profits are largely derived from the deposits, do not fa vor the idea of reducing the curreucy. whereby their mass of deposits will be diminished. Thor* are very strong interests then opposed to any reduction of the currency. The Congress will legislate on thu subject so as to please these interests. The Radicals are leaving no stone unturned to suc ceed m their contest with the President. They have already a fund of $50,000 for the distribution of docu- iridnls. The various Legislatures in operation aro made to sustain the Congress. Several of the Sena tors whun iiaye guntauied the President are consun-d by tli&r LespalattireH. The Radicals are thoroughly in earned. Iney can Yaise any amount of money, their organization is perfect, and they have faith that tLe future is for them. It is unfortunate that the party which sustains the iTCSident iR so generally recognized as under the con trol of old Democratic party leaders. That party has sins to answer lor. Tlio true policy is to form a new party, in which everybody could rally who favored a reunion of the States on conservative principles. The President’s policy should haw been to fight within the line of the Republican party, so as to get the sup port of the conservative Republicans, besides which the oppo«iti(Mi generally had no other course but to go , to his support But the violence of the President’s antagonism with the leaders of the Republican party as developed in his Tid of February speech tends to throw him entirely outside of the Republican orguui zation ajul leaves his enemies in control of the party with all its machinery, prestige and drill. I reineinl*er when in the French war Douniourier went over to tbe allies; he went alone, not a French company followed. The army was devoted to him, but the moment he put himsell' outside of hia organization his influence was null. The leader of a party is iu a large degree in the position of Douniourier. lie must not seem to march to join the enemy. The Republican party, as now ? controlled, is in deadly hostility with tin- Democratic : puiH.y, And it cannot consider as friends those whom the democracy welcome within their camp. The Presi dent’s violent departure from his associates mi the *22d of February was not politic. Mr. Seward showed a superior sagacity. That very night he was speaking to the people in the Cooper Institute, and his great object was to show that the difference between the President and the Congress were not vital. It was a dispute between the nervous man and the man of nerve. A Lookeb Ox. Washington, March C, lSGti. The resolutions introduced by Senator Wilson of Massachusetts, declaring the terms on which the se' ceded States may be represented in Congress may b^ considered-to reflect the sentiments of the politic Radicals. Mr. Wilson’s resolutions propose that the southern States should do away with all distinctions civil rights on account of color or race, and guarantee never to revive the same. That the southern States most give the rights of voting for President, Vice President, Representative* to Congress, and. members of the State Legislatures to ill male negroes bf. tho agd otJAvreAty'-one, who have been enrolled in the army, or~who pay any propytp tax, or who can read the Constitution. ; ^ That po compensation. b* made for any emancipated slave, nor the rebel debt paid. The State Legislature to solemnly assent to the above condition. The more extreme Radicals don’t tlnnk these res. olutious go £af . enough.. They wer eintroduced by Mr. Wilson to allow what he thinks is attainable now. They differ in one Very important particular from the prt»graniipe which seems to bo very popular just now With the Radicals, that is to say, it docs not disfran chise any of the classes engaged m tta? rebellion, *o_ i t#r an the elective fipatfohifce is concopnejl. " ' tfoTntoofitliS Ittldrcaftfri’Congress seetn to be very much disturbed at the report, that the freed men are being kidnapped in Georgia and elsewhrc, on the gull coast, and shipped to Cuba. I presume there is no 4ruth in this rumor,-but some debt of honor must be constantly prepared for the southern appetite. The Congress seem very much disposed to compli cate oilrj relations with Mexico in such a way as to threaten serious trouble. It is well understood that the>m®a of tho people forth are .pJeiWed to the Mou- i roe iloAriBS and rtheyj want t6 ftt-e Maximilian tum- blf<Forft m Mexicfc Without ceremony. But the Pres ident and his Secretary of State, has been playing u gently with.this question, thinking it but to harmo nize the iuterual disucutions before provoking a for eign war! ; Bnt the Congress, not in 1 any degree con spicuous for aljiUtjk'mors sympathetic with the popu lar character, have in various ways manifested the chagrin with which the people of the United States beheld that famous aristocrat, Maximilian, feasting in the Halls of the Monteznmas. The last plan of this Congressional anti-Maximilian mania was manifested yesterday in tlje fornl of a rfsolutioii to guuraiitee the bonds tlftr’ Republic hf Mexico to the amount of $. r )0,000|®60. This resolution was received, ordered to be printed and referred to the committee on Foreign Aflnjrs by a vote of 05 to 04. If thu wise men who * control Cbngress were left to their own inspiration, - they would goad Lewis Napoleon into war, after exas perating the people of the south to the last extremity. Undoubtedly these men arc brilliant statesmen, and posses* in the highest degree the genius of destroying ti« r country. T’lie resolution reported from the committee on re construction providing for the admission of tlic Ten nessee delegation is most adroitly prepared. It will require the President's approval, aud yet cannot sign the resolution without ignoring the position he has hitherto occupied ou this subject. Tho resolution re- oUeti fiat tbo |)oopl© off Tennessee caa only oxurcise the f+ii|i<|u} pQaBhite; “by cqpseBt ofgliu law-making power of the United States.’’ Whereas the President has constantly insisted the only question for Congress was tluit each House, in the words of the constitution, wer*» the judges of the elections uiid qualifications of its member*. . U is thought the President will veto tlieresolution if it passes in its present form. Tha Speaker yesterday presented a communication • trQmthf Uoveiyurof North Carolina, which the House . refused to4*cdn4, on tlx* motion ofSir. Btevcus on the ground “that it was perfectly well known iimt Congress did not recognize North Carolina as a state “ Tlic motion of Mr. Stevens passed by a vote of 100 to fi7. Hu that *here aro Only thirty-seven members iu the House of Representatives who recognize the .teuce of any of the seceded States. The Radicals are going to work with indescribable energy to carry the northern elections. Money is r*w.<i to an indefinite amount, and documents are Sir^nd 1 ,2*1 UllcJt “ ‘’ lfcave8 °f Vallambl-oasa’’ over them. They are irn.priaaible.^rhp Kiv.-e thrin the urea tent utUiuahle SoSo t hen the npoila allil the love ol power lutry material luducemeute. ora1 ' s Soap Manufactory. MOODY & BARRETT, Steam Soap Works Savannah., G-a. M ESSRS. MOODY & BARRETT would respectfully announce tu the public tliat on and alter Jim iimy 1st they will run from their Soup Works twe WiiKuus. with competent qaluamen, who. will visit every family once A wetjk with Hard and Soft Soap, by ihe bar, box, gallon or barrel, at prices lower than it can be purchased in or out of the city. We warrant our Soap to be free from all adultera tions and to give entire satisfaction, or money re funded. ^, SOAP EXCHANGED FOR GREASE OR SCRAPS. Special., N.otioe. , We have but one price for oar goods, and that price shall be satisfactory. Persons ordering from the country will And it will save tiqggijdCl money by sending us their orders; and if thegoodeido —* —- sfy 111 price and quality, Bend thanr UaclTtO t expense. Orders nddraeBed to MOODY Jr BARRETT, or L. J. GDUMARTIN * CO-, i l«Bay stre*t^fgeots, will re ceive "prompt and immediate attention. J4-U . . . „ s ..>.1 not sat- us at our Miscellaneous. AV J ewelry! Silver and Plated Ware Fancy Goo<ldti^*c. T HE undersigned respectfully calls the attention of the citizeusand visitors from. ( to hie well selected stock of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, flocks. Fancy Goods, Spectsclce, Re volvers and Pistols of the most celebrated Manufac turers. , - • - ■ : Parricular attention is paid to the Repairing of Watches, Jewelry and Clocks. Having nope bnt competent workmen engaged satisfaction is gnnriine teed. A. HARIG; ^ dee2o-6m Cor. Broughton and Whitaker 5t.s. Uimiv Yonue. l James Yonuk, , -1 ; - i i ') <5e ffi»- 3 HENRY Y0NGE & 10., general Commissimt tecrc^’ts, No. 11 BROAD STREET, New York, SoLKMT consignments of Cotton, Naval . Stojee, Sawed Lumber and Timber. j . £ Particular attention gbren to the pnrehane of Hail- ro-id Siqq»livs. REFERENCES: Hon. J. P. King, President Georgia Railroad, Augusta. William M. Wad ley. President Central Railroad, Savannah. Ferdinand Phinuy v B. P. Clayton, Augnata. Charles Day, T. R. Bloom, Macon. limiter A GaJMo«lU Savannah. J13 tf geo. i>. rowi.e. vn. k. nor. 1IUOU BIOS FOWLE & CO., POliMERLY OF A^lXMfDRU. VA., Commissioft„Merciiants. Importers of Railroad Iron and Dealers in Railroad Supplies. Office, 70 Broadway, jraJTBTjYORK, oct25 Om CRUTCHES I piltST and only preminm awarded at t he American 1 Institute Fair, lfiCS, and State Fairot Pa., JS65, for Crutchea. Hartman’s Patent Elastic Rubber are pruuounced by surgeons, and everybody c the very best ever invented. They are easy and con venient. they prevent mvaljralq of the nerves do away with all Ibe wearihesslnsepafable from tbe i*e of all uthurs, and are in all rejects unrivalled. Send for a circular. Agents wanted everywhere LOVE.IOY & TaYLOH, .Solo Manufacturers, No. 476), Broadway N. Y. . 6huo2S DANCING "SCHOOL AT ST. ANDREW’S HALL. M R. L. LOUIS will commence the Second Scasion of his Dancing School for Children or. Tuesday March 6!h, atSJi o'eloek p, m., and for Ge onjMondajf.pyr^h.^bj at 8 yclocli^'y. - j ailemen mS-S Latest from JCgypt! I JENNY'S NEW EXTRACT OF THE EGYPTIAN 1. LOTUS, a new and exquisite Perfume j for the handkerchief, Cleopatra and tne ladies of the present day using the~£&me perfume. THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS'. THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS? 1 — THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS?!! Manufactured by F. A. Pknnt, Brooklyn, Nc York. fi. A. LOVEJOY, Agent., fli-lm 93 Fulton street STEIN WAY & SONS’ CELEBRATED GRAND AND SQUARE PIANOS, THE BEST IN THE WORLD. W E are sold Agents for them In the State of Gignb gia. All lDstrutneuta warranted and sold at Ne*’ 1 ork Factory prices. JOHN C. SCHREINER A SONS, —i.'t-'f Savannah, Augusta and Macon. RIDE. YVT, have now on hand a few Open Buggipa and t v Rockaways, light and neat. Also, Bets of Harness, which we will sell nnnaually low. BOUSE A BRYANT, jS.Vlf .194 Bay afreet JSi otice. A LL persons having demands against th» estate of Edward G. Wilson, deceased, of Chatham county, are respectfully requested to hand them in properly an them icated: and all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment to ANAI8 WILSON, n!4 Administratrix. KLANCEYILLE SLATE MINING VAN WERT, POLK CO., Ga| Cap'l Stools., *800,000 SHARKS, $60 EACH. Dikeotoks— H. Brigham, J. F. Devcr, E. 0. Gran- ntss. A. Wilbur and A. R. Marshall. . „ PuramuNT—A. Wtlbiir, Savannah, Ga. | Yiea'l’KEs'rriimT—B. P. Gronniss, Macon, Qa, He' Ettakt—A. E. Marshall, Atlanta, Ga. 11 any furniture manufactured ont of alate, Ibr llhoels, ror pavement, and for any other uses to which slate can ’ dr T HIS Company will soon he prepared to orders for Slate, however large, tor rood of suite. be applied. The quarry la convenient to the dties of Atlanta, Augusta, Macon, Albany and Colambns, Gu.; to the cities of Selnla, Montgomery and Mobile, Ala.- to N ow Orleans, and will shortly be to Mem phis, b un., and Si. Louis, Mo. The superiority of slate for roollug purposes, and its special adaptability welfkno* fonjitare and for pavement are Orders may be addressed to A. E. MARSHALL. Hec’y. I 8 Atlanta, Ga. tssion A. Dutrnnuofkb, OfSavann^, Gw- A John M. W. Hill, vannaV, -, , , Of Jelffenon Co., Fla. DOTEhfHOFti & Ob, 1 Shippiti^, 1 1 orwar diner, t AND . . ... .. COMMISSION MERCHANTS,; [ (jt;) j if'l^aJgS^l BfiV Stf66t c -n^Vw t* i-i- Savannah, Ga. 44tU44i4 n a Prompt attention given to the purchase, sale ana- shipment Qf cotton, lumber and country pro duce generally. Consignments solicited, on which liberal advances . • will be made. Brigham, BalflJii' ^^J^kivjbdii: llirntu Rob- erta. Savannah ; J. H. Zeiliu k Co.. Macon,,Ga.; Dr. N. L Angler, InLTtev. Col., AngustA; Jame$M. Ball, Esq., Atlanta. Ga ; Willis Chisholm, Atlanta, Ga.; C. L Robinson, Jacksonville, Fla.; F. Dibble. Jack sonville, Fla ; Col. W. L. Bailqy, Jefferson county, Fla.; D. H. Baldwin & Co., New York; Beardbn A Co., New York. Warren Mitchell, Esq., Louisville, Kentucky. ‘ jTl AU'KKD R. BENNHTT, I „ VorV CUAB. H. BlNMHTT, Jas. C. Van Felt, / ” cw 10rK Raleigh, N. C. Bennett, Van Pelt A Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOE TUK SALE OF “ CBTTON TOBACCO, NAVAL STORES, ETC ALSO, l-i-vIM I FOR THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF STATE AND , OTHER STOCKS, 23 TVMiteHall St^ ITew Yprlc. We have associated with ns Mr. D. W. Cubtib, late Public Treasurer for North Carolina. n9-6m 11’ Merchant!*’ Row,' fiflttBi Head,So. Ca. And earner King and Oeorge ms.. Charleston, ■ ‘ C ALLS the attention of Wholesale and Retail Pur- 1 chasers to his superior stock of .and Nay* * * * Hiro^is^ Clothing, GOODS, j ' ' Watches, Chjeka, Fancy Goedsk Jewelry aad Plated Ware,- Swords, Sashes, Delta, BmbraWerfts, Boots, Caps, Field Glasses, Gauntlets, Gloves, **., *c..., J4 ' •- GEO. ARLEDGE.t s SHIP CHANDLER, GROCER Commission ahd Fanvarding Merchant 72 BAY STREET. SAVANNAH. & HffldTWse. COMMISSION AND FORWARDING' MERCHANT, 92 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH. GA. BLAIR & BICKFORD, LUMBER MANUFACTURERS, AND DEALERS IN TIMBER AND LUM BER OF EVERY DESCRIP-! iliW?:) j.: DOORS, SASH, AND BLINDS Mill and Lumber Yard on Canal, near Bryan street Office ISO Bay street, - ; d28-tf Savannah. Ga. THOS: H. AUSTIN, dl2o3m fiROCCTS.SWBPH V J AND Produce Dealers, UNDER THE BLUFF, CORNER ABERCO^ Savannah, Ga. Orders from the Country Prival T spec ^ , MT 1 raT!) ProSnce bought and sold on commission. 160 bbls Selected Apples 100 bbls Onions 100 bbls Potatoes 50 bids Extra Flour 60 bbls Nos. 1 and 2 Mackerel 100 tubs Extra Blitter SOboxes Extra Cheese 600 kits Noe. 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel SO Ualflgita BpBmiJMarket BCef so b5S fxfra&afcU*Fir*! ERS M S. S1MMIS & CO., Forwar<ilug tuid Commission MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry GoDcl^ G^pries, &c., NOS. 1 AND ? SA*IMLS' BEOdK, Bay Street, Jaeksonville, Florida. 0. S. BA1UI18. ID. 6, USNia (WAS. L. MATUCU anil tf Jas.T. Paterson, TIMBER, Lumber & ’Uoiiiimissi^ MERCHAN^u ! [No. 9 STODDARD^ LOWER RANGE, B«y,^lreet, Savannah, IDari^ti, Creorgifij :o. r.taNiuxR.: , , j , tp HrrcnEi.u Divider k m1tchei;l, GROCERS AND , ■' * aeweral CommissiWRI^hants ‘4d Street, she door from Cherry, 122-1 m* M^CON, QA.. GEORGP: RAttfeN, Forwapfling ant Gmission Merjhfiut No. 182 Bay Street, f22-3m* "' UiVANNAH. ; i p T. WAYNE & SWEAT. denS^SU: , V orwarding Merchants, Bay ,t. bstwecw Whitaker and Barnard. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. TRICT attention will Ire given to the ] and sale : of General : MdrcnAmlfee, Cottoh, Tim ber, Lumber, Real Estate, Stock ..Ronds, AcJ v - G. Lit RANT, ■ 1 K. A WAYNE, jll-tf , w SAML.B SWEAfT, G. B. & G. W. LAMAR, e n e r a 1C ennii ins f eit H ere blants. Forwarding and Shipping Afeatk NO. <J4 BAY STREEt (dp siairs.) Refer to Geo. W. Anderson, Jno. C. Fbrrel l_ Lamar, Savannah: W. B Jackson. Joslah 6 ibley A ° J. B. A J, W. Wplker, Augusta, Connie amenta fin nort Sons, J. B. A J. W- Walker, Augusta, C< yf*?* niif ,rrr?sj W. A. 1 msT. 3o u se <fc Bryant, (Formerly of Jacksonville. Florida,, 104 Bay (Street, SAVANNAH, - 1 - - - OBOfcaiA. attefiflonto rccetvtdg and for- sales on consignment, all keep constantly onjhaoU a uors. Agricultural lmple- . Fairbanks A Ca’dScslaa, ods abd manufactured^ ' ‘ »m«nt aad for which they are Coffslgnmenls respectfully solic- df7-3n> JOHN L VILLALON tfflLt glVrf (Jroi rV warding gc orders. Alid wli: goodstock ol ments, Ac., besides otKer lor sale ou const, agents. Orders am Ited. iA, COTTON FACTOR, FORWARDIKUASD COMMUMON HER- i O. i i VnProT ■ s No. 04- Bay Street, BAYANNAH.GA. H. HAYM, 174 Broughton Street. 174 CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, the newest styles, LADIES’DRESS GOODS, WORSTED SHAWLS AND HOODS, COUNTERPANES, HOSIERY, Ac. Just received and for sale at the lowest prices by . o<M: I ’ IIW 11 - I » ihlLlpWU Peruvian Guanos W E have ft stbrd genuine No. 1 Peruvian Guano, direct importation, and will sell in q dan titles to suit purchasers. ftttr -CRANE i (IRAY o eo*No FROM •3 AND' Jlj .. . Vi'. .iPAplFtp,1 .L tried and recou !N THE f led by planters In lore Eurarife: tKU tbe . , >r to#; MrlMMOiat Mposedl to the weather, but believed not to be Injured, atl$40 per ton, and drayage. , r, Certificates of planters who have, tried Jt four or •v^yeAraiibibe-ittirAB thilir-offlce.* • ” ’ k ‘ * fl9-2aw3w G. B. LAMAR. fiTTTYtforl tfTTC- Soluble^ Pacific, GUANO. E invite the attention of Plasters to this yaluable portions of tlie same monia, but nearly one.hundred per cent, more j>f Phos phate than Pernvian Guano, one-third of which is im mediately soluble. It is quite as active as Peruvian Guano. and : it lass costly. . - For fnrtber information, apply to d equal to or -of sueb eumber of capsoe carriages at a “OfficIaT. ■i.ri —u — - ' - ' 'Slate' XegDdatnre' ills been puny with,the,founding anicna- Sfeam Engines ancf Machinery v ^ilroads, penons as may hereafter them, and to their executors,, administrators and !• nurmiMka tuUiouiv. m^l to lav a single, ordoqta™track forhorse railways, wltlrail the follp.w- ing.streets in said city, to-wit: Bay street with its . extensions; indmoor Mill Streetto u.te preset and-fo- turecorporate limits of the said city. Alw>, South Broad street with connecUgos on West Broad street, .William or New ajj-cgt tftttig.Canal, East Broad street ■wKh.the'.Thunderbolt roail to thepresunt and mtnre corporate limits of the city. Also" Whitaker street and Price street to the present and future corporate limits ofjbonitf. (Atao M«t Broad street and Ro berts sp«k W tfeVpri*(n| and fatnre corporate lhitits of the city. AJso East Broad street with all Jfc^h^W'dftfosir'ftbie cxchangekor frit fractions, as the said fircdkporators br railway eoid^any triay ne.; Pitivided, nevertheieae,- tlmt no track "■~h any of the public squares, , . . .--laid to a street less than one hun- drfea (too) Tdet wide; and provided, alto, that if tlie' rigtapany, shfill find It "necessary to' remove a pnbtic- puiup lli atiy of its operations; that ’Bifid company, shall attta oWli 'fcYpeiTse establisH another well and ggftv* place as the committee ou ptnnps may BkC. t And be it farther ordained by the authority aforesaid. That the carriages to be used on saifi rail ways shah tacd mahetasayta, with all modern im- provejnewA i»M .fclli>t»fcrWii by horses or mutes, theCftj RrBRlfteftrvhtg me Tight to limit thp use of •atoxaUwaj**nonwrap linfita. qr the city, .to the transportation of passougers amf Iheirordi nary baggage. a.dJ . J t ; “ Sxc. 37 And be li fnrther Mdaineft hy the authority^ afoota&lfi, That the City Council may tfeternliue tbe tate of speed at which said cars or qarriages may be run, provided that said railway company sliaHnor be rejuired, to run any railway car or carriage at any ordinary Aernaml ► bit passage in the not Imifffflffelft.] to/remunerate said company for fanning the same ; and provided,' also,- that the City Council shall not restrict Ihe running 1-reasonable rate of speed, as said company ntajr.tbink' proper. SkC. 4. And be it further ordained by tlie authority I fjikn tk*:: G. K E. C. WADE A CO..Atte ltd iiU ; loUBataJr — UA--- ■_ HUGER, „ , BERTIEY Dy HjkSELL M. K. JESUP & CO., -i.y i Partners. NO. 46 EAST BAY STREI CHARLESTON, S. C-, COMMISSION MEBC1 -_.' S MAMFACTfl ^ AND DEALERS Railway-Equipment and Supplies, Portable and Stationary Engines, Saw MIUs, and all kinds of Maohiu'ery i-equired by RAIlroad ; Companies, Contractors, 1 • Manufacturers, Machinists and AgMcdltoraliste. Advances mode on consigmhent of Railroad Iron; also on Cotton and other Produce. 1 BENTLEY D, CIVIL, MINING AND ENGINEER ESTIBI^Ti^ ^LAIXR ANI) OFFICE 40 EAST BAV, CHARI I s. c.. ' J26 ImAtwtf CONTRACTS s- k J.SHAkKFER, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS ahd PI “ tl WawWasBiaakow ILtaAafr hppoeite 143 West st.. Bulkhead between Veseysta, NEW Y O Potatoes, Apples and Onions const) pnLari Ibr the Southern market All consigndicqta pronrotly attenkod 1b. jar* Retert to A L. Bradley, A Haywood,,,T. J.i raltb, kniJ. H .faraont ivH snidv W K. WALSH, 0LE8A-LK Druggists, corner Id. | vT Broughton streets, Savaanah, rfiflth*)l 'ninJkJfflifflloUf CLOCK’S ; , Hair Restorer makesHair^row oh BaM^Ileads. . Hair Restorer Stops Hair from Falling dnt. ; ; •; CLOCK’S .. Hair Restorer Prevents Headache. o-J Ddfibfe«or«. Hair Restorer Is all that can be claimed as a fi . CLOCK’S ' ; ■ * I Hair Restorer possesses all the merit clanne A ainpta trial convinces the most sceptli i vkluaJE, after a> thsrsugt 4rhA>of two t docs not give perfect satisfaction, the money* wlR'be refunded.- Sold everywhere at $l pa* bottle. Six bottles for 36. ! • diaieodtff NOTICE. GOULD MMM MPM,' NEWARK, Nr/J. ; ; 4 . MACHINISTS’ TOOLS - — WfiOD. WORKING MACHINERY Circular Rnw-MIUs, St at Innary and Port- “talc*team Knt-inra. lwilrrs. , w, b. Steam Pen,,. .. .,i ..i Sac. —. Be lt.further enacted. That this charter shall a&W no fore* and efltct uftUl Dig shall have been refertol rathe legal votes ofsahl city of savannah and county of Chatham, and be aiiirma- Uvciyendareed by a maioriuof said legalvoters-. - aW orwsawb ... -i — To authorize Wfo* Ebbitt, JohnConduit Smith, Chas.- b. Piilnps.fh^tY adsocifttfis; fe? -ecutors, adininistra- • tors- and assigns He csnstruct and operate Hprs^. Railways In WMltatfreets of the city of Savannah. Sec. L Be It ordained by the Mayor and Alderman "of tire City or'Sava truth 1n Count it Assembled; end it is hereby ordained by tbe authority "of- the snipe, That thereto hereby granted to Wm. Ebbitt, John t»RICK-MAKING v aomvi-a „ 3LP K R1N TKNI) Atla- 71 On and alter Monday Sai-ani Train will feav M nrt- xx- 6 ^ aVan fi*h f, p '••WJ Steam-Fire Eagiues, itese, &c. »“ r nin£ ie»taT^fn^f,,^. »tTT - tVSendfonrcataiugrre." — • mi3-sm '*ay and Friday oWn nt i’.'.'^,. V ' rr y * I- trains will c . m L *' wh "'‘ dae nniioj^ « light freight will h c t , L ,. ^ » owners’ risk. *>y Pl Freight by pai£cn<v , P . . delivered at ihe de, J o'" ^ starting time of the train. ' f lni “"^ - mlu <> J f[- Central R a ■k’h.i,"^ ,?tfl inn.,, MACHINERY. ^JdJou of MacWnerr used tn the minulhetiire of . . FRANKIJN.L. CABNB1X, No. 1844 OermaiilovYii Avenue, r28-8m L^ Pnilatteliilrta, Pa. ~ Steam Engines. F OR SALK—Ojio- twenty-flvo horse Kneiu,' and Boiler, well finished and in good order, will be sold at. a bargain. * J — - R- B. TfMMDNA - — - .... Augustig Ga. ... j.. Ai-qOi _ . One seventv-horse Engitte, well adapted for a Gang Saw Mill, will be sold cheap ' - - r. E. TIMMONS, .. ml2-C. - - - - - AugU'dn, Ga. ilro 1 WILMINGTON IRON WORKS. PUSEY, JONES & CO., Wilmington, Dclawnrc. TLUANUFACTURE Iron Steamboats. Steam Engines, IvA BMIots, Machfnery for Saw Mills, Ar. Having -hart long experience in - fondness and being provid’ d with very extensive facilities for doing work of this class, are prepared to execute orders with despatch, OCtf2 ■ QNandaft.rMondlv'^ 11 " J " v-' daily trains win ruil 5,h •'■rtidl* . ,®«vJ Bn. MACHINERY DEPOT bdAnathperateR be established and thacity, which aald.gradeahalltint,..during ihe con- •^\ifAys v ,^.altered or chojngert at lamagc or said company ; and the said streets may be, in the first place, plainkod at BEiEKp company shall be required to pave, macadafnize, br otherwise improve tlie said 1 twenty-four, (2»r foef when tbe-eisshaH cause the remainnig portions of said streets Corresponding with and opposite thereto to be M>paved,macadamised oriotherwise iuiproved- .And aiUhe moides.fikpemitd by .the city for, the im- - provements, grading or Dlauking of either of JtrtetVoT benefit or fhlue tblffe said compfiny, fot tbe object and purposes In this ortfihtincc aiuu con the^tunc^of the passage *■' *' railways shall ny. by the authority aforesaid, That the track of Said railway shall not be keleutdir above the juwfcce aff, the. streets, and shau ith the O. G. rail, or such other impn Jvcd rail oathe contpany inay,pituiur,.nnd shall he so laid titAf carriage* and other vehicles can easifv and freely- cross said tracks at any and all points thcraof with the least possible ubslmetion. puciC. AnfotW UjAhtlierArdained lty tlie aitliority afoieSirtd, TtH?\hM+aUH»Sr fatVW buy distance within one mile shall not exceed ten GO) ceats, and within thelHUitnof-f he city-over one mile on any one line of railway shall not exceed twenty (20j dents for wai» pAdsengm-.-> f - > s.dn • t Ti';d . Sec, 7, And be it fnrtber ordained bv the authority rAlbt&iA! Itihl The HglUUGUtilUvBeKcs j hereby granted to said company shall be forfeited to the city, nnlese the construction of one or more of said rail ways shall be commenced within one year Horn the passage Of this ofdtrftfflce, and “to much bf all the routes afoseeakk as shall nut be-faUy completed with in ten years from the passage thereof shall baiorfeiu XaJMBmitajqBless tffe City Cfqnpil slutlt lexueiid the "tlnre, kfifl lirtase any <fr either or bald rontfes, or any part thereof shall be abandoned by the patties afore said *u improvements except tae iron r«ti« pifn such tracks or. routes or go much thereof as ebigl; Ue aban doned shall be forfeited to jlte city, . u : Site:,R, And beM fOrther ordained by the afthoriu- aforesaid. That if the pa^ parties or company-shall hereafter,become incorporated under jerJ’Y |*ny act of the Legislature or otherwise as by law (greeted, the rights and jiHvllegm jwnnted by virtue of this ordlnaudaashal| tAteratawdiuch corporaitoil tor the time, dH8 upon M cmnllnoiB herein prescril ed. and when such act of incorporation shall have I cen ob tained such corporation according to terms thereof sballltaveall the rights and privileges tnfrehj grant ed as the successors tif said parties without kny fur- ther" a«ion'of the-ORy Oounciiiof’Baid city of fsa vannab. - * 1 : J! Staf.And be H furiber ordained by the apthority aforesaid that the right to operate said ruirivaj s sliail menu from year to year, or for tire toll ex oration of twenty-five years froip the grant thereof, an :1 at the — . -o. »=——linimjUtejtarues o] crating itltidu ttrenjoy all of said irivlleges granted by this ordinance, and ll e act of ~ •' ' " pleet by ’ se s;ud_ Is, sta tion houses," carriages, cars,horses, mules, harness, equipage, furniture, and all implements Af every name, kind and description, used in the cons.ruction any pr(he appur ,n net and t lutauce shall fix tlie time when.theL’ity Council wiil [ iirclmse and take said fairway S Md-bther property, a; purteu ances before mentioned, whlclt shall not lie 1 iss than six months nor more than twelve months i Iter tlie passage of said ordinance, and at the lime of par ... - .. roperty -ii y Ccun .. „ ophra Jng the same a suni of money, tlie amount of which rihall be ascertained by computing the Interest hfsifi icr cen- tem for one year on-snuh sum or amount asks tone paid as tbe-purehs-so-mooey, so tliatiwoh interest shall amount to a sum equalto the earning i of said SAW MILLS, GRIST MILLS, W O 6 D WORKING M A C HIN E R Y, SAWS, BELTING,-Ac., &<•. WOOD & MANN’S, ■- - CECEBRATED Portable Steam Engines Railroad, «s fn||,, u . Leave savannah Arrive at Savannah i Leave Angnsta 1> u AiTive at Augusta.'.' '- . «- n. Passage $s.oo. ' °' W ° • freight to go l.v i, and delivered at th, - r If’lr fnrbdepartnreof train ' e '" er -hea j3fi-tf ' ,, J. M . Lister of j_ ^Commission Mercha J. S. RAWLINGS S Produce Commission MertJ «C«DUTK OHARLBS STHjjj ,,U 'TlJl|) Rt| Strict attention paid to scllinr»« l, , 1 and to the par, h ,-e and ah parts of theSonth m i '’hi. | We also keep constantly on hand Pure heeds, such utW* ***• filled at lowest rates UuTer ’ Tl ““fo.,k , ronsignlt.ents and .orders s „i iriK S- fi. Refers Iimere and New Yol k Ga. "‘.FRtiM FOUR TO THIRTY-FIVE HoiffiE PpWKB-. Wo have the oldest, largest, anil mod complete works in the country, engaged in irmnnfi.titriep 1’or- taWe Engines. ’ Our engines are, -'Ey experts” now conceded to tie the best apparatus of tie- description ever presented to the public Adapted to .-vijry pur pose where [tower is required. Mcdinm-sizes constant ly on hand, qr furnished on short notice. • Descriptive circulars, with price-list, sent On applca- tion. : ■ 41 ■ ’-1— -. CO»I3T(K!K A KfofSET. rtl 6-erd6m 154 Hay rlr.-er, Savannisih.JOa^. F. M. MYREl] STEAM BOAT GK1VERAI. COMMISgldS .i SD ] \vahiu\g jieki mast, ] BAY STREET, SAVANNAH | Harris’ BoHdingg, id d.s.r w«t A l( . I Refers to Messrs. Hinder * Gammcll. Bell, Wylly i chrism ■ Q ”* Thomas £ t.'o. : y ,1 son & Grayliiil Whitehead; Mijl, Ssq. Partnerships, Notice. privileges granted by this ordinance, and U e ^m3$0S8BUBx railways for the veer hcxf pgpeeding the tilde when the City Council fiball purchase, take and pa; Ibr the LL Holders ot the Bonds of tbe Wilo ip'any, Not to make A Manchester Railroad Company, Nohb are respeclfully requested to make thei known, as soon aS-possible, to tbe unOerwy M. K. JqBsup,*,Co., givingctasa and num bondU|ddfaterMftn rttofottvei* that the (X 1 ay fjhfc#-WWSrihcm»d>t-%natterB relating lo their iteresL HENRY M. DRANK, President ML A M. JR. B. Co„ Wltadogten, IN. C. «4-eodlW - : n f apany {NOTICE. If 0 AfijmTtNS FURNITURE, I am opening for the inspection of the public, & fine Stock oT : y _ CABINET FURNITURE, CHAIRS, MAT ' TRE8HE8, &c., Ac., j ,' To which th* fitteation- ef All is invited. ;v W Warerooms, 178 BROUGHTON BTREKT, Sh«r flfrtf - X. B. HARRIifcrrON. TO PLANTERS. j E will keep constantly on baad s foil L i HOwi, Been) Oolta fihelfem, Straw Axes, and other Agricnltural Implements of I makers and patterns with which to supplr ns and Country Merchanw, whose attejultfn Ve to fjbr stock and Ijilnk vre esn mfika R to I purchase <K np- ■',"1-:." ,. * .' DObfllfc i jts-tf■ . . ITY OF SAVA OrtiozCuBK or Council, February 1st, 1864.’ 1 A LL partias-.anbjedhtateks out license fikim the City under Ordinance of December 27tti, 1866, ptust take out tbe same prior ra February totli, 1866. Thfoalso atiplka fopersuas win, own vAities used ’for Ure,.such sawago*s, ilnyaor trucks, hafiks, Ac. Noforther tlmewUl ba alio wed and the Kegi-ier will be closed on that day, aDd the police Instructed t carry out the Ordinance. By order I „ 1 4rE4Urfe W. THOM nt Dock StfeMt,IMU M. a—AH ORDERS Sent By nededto. i - BROOKS "Wrapping Paper* ,n RKAllBilU store and for sale at New York l ■ 1 :tu-t i PLATNBB * BQBWotetH. aforesaid, That this ordinance shall not impfiir or in *Uy manner- totefterA with Ute sewerage 0 r water, wbrks of the city or the gas-light-company,, tut that tbe rights aDd priv ileges hereby-grunted arc subject thepeto, . .. T __ BBCiH. ArtiFbelrfurthCriorilMaed by tbe authority aforesaid, That the said William Ebbitt, Jokir Corr du4t Smith and GharieUB-Phlflpa,shall ■ enter into an agreement with tbe said City Council, fo bee cecuted by them and the Mayor or acting Mayorof tli • city of SmtaanatLAnd cpguterslgnfdintbe Clerk of lid City Oiumliji WSdiJ Ui dbrpctate Aefifi obliging he. said William Ebbitt, John Conduit Smith and Ch tries B. Philips,' their associates and assigns of the c tie part and: the .City Council: of.Ute other .part, to a ride by and perform tbe stipulations herein contal tied re spectively, which-agntemeut when aa extout id shall bfoopUgatorynpon b*th parties,as aforesaid to every particular, and until such agreement or cmlraet Bhilirbe e’xeCfited thlx Ordinance Shan have qa force otrtftol i-c. , , J...U.- .,i,_ 1 _ Passed in Council June 1C, 18(5. - t.. Signed : I :.:R-1». AHN<)LD;'Rayor. ^ Attest: Ka T. Gibson, Clerk of Council. 4 Jas-* Stewart, Clerk of Council. jnY3-fl .iFhflir u MANfTFACTUREKB OF. ALL KINDS pP Bolts, Nuta, Washers, 8ett Screws, Taps anil Dies, Ac- Ac., and dealers in ail kinds of Jt-iiltinul, Steam ship and Engineer’s Supplies, nils, Varidgh, Paint, Hempeud Rublier Packing; Oak Tanned ami Rubber ,VW, BBVff;'t? A.frin-sfofnsHsSrt rAfWr nmiineter- -Betting, Braps,Fittings. Chipping and ItiyetingHam- '■ f®. TrvfWtWitoroUnXdiwffleauthority niers. Files,Chisels, Gas Pipe, Nails;. Circular and Gang Saws, Pumps, sbeam Whistles, Steam find Wa ter’- Onagers, Kleam Engines and Saw MtH* of every description,,(tc., &f Also Agt-ntp Jot A. P.jWOOD >§4W pijCftfikEngines. -AM ORDINANCE, 0 amend an Ordinance entitled, “An Ordinance to prevent tlic re-safe In'or-Bear the public market or Savanitah, of such articles’ and commodities as' may be 'broh^bt there by speculators and others, with the view of rescuing at'.'enhanced prices,” passed 5thJune, I8S1. j Sac. 1. Beit ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen ol the city of Savannah, in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained by the suthority.of thu game, That the first section oL tbe urdlmuice entitled “An Ordlnanoe to prevent the re-sale in oenfear tho public market of Savannah, of apeh artictes amlicofoniodi- Oaa as may be brooght there by epeculatlrs and other*, with tba jrtew uf re-aeifing at enhanced bn intact’ convict drbat a fine oc not mpre.than thirty _ ed on agy peiyrai who may hereafter be cbfivleted "Stag er qtferlna, i» at- wgAnasasaaaaltte »3aaafejsaaa^"figs MraiglBto market for sale there, and WWChauCh P«WNrM|' hav« bought at or near said market at !Sfo^l’SS?JL 8uc ^r e '*‘ ,e ’ or offer or atteiMt to Provided, nothing herein contained shall be fipb^nfgiMug, bogs, for (hg HBobneI mSaiK ep awl ue figirafiiHiitii (inn1 .1 as Tin the Ordinance passed the second day of by the amhorjti. prices, by Attest: JiMksarawg Clerk ol C- ANDK 'cbttaciL LINVILLE & GLEASON. St. Julian Street, West oif Market, SAVA]^NAE Savannah, Htrcii* T HE firm of A. McAlpin jc Brother? btk J solved by luutual c(»us**nL All pnwJ to said firm, and ,<ilt Creditors of the >m.m payment and present their clahDA to)hN»i .V Levy, who are auth<-riml to wiidiH of the concern. ANGU' MrlQ .1. W. Mt.Uil ml3 lm D M.^AU DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER 1 rpiiE firm of DILLON .t MU’» >-tta4 vTie PGeiners will he run,inn’il i irij DILLON, who is duly autlivirize.l TorJ-wo g due said firm. MARTIN TsTl ml3-3 WILLUH61 T N otice. A-G-BBiTTS FOR MERRITT, WALCOTT % CO., 64 Conrtlaiflt Street Net JorL T HE firm of Warren A Plalnt-r i-’ihi-Jpk by mutual cungent. Nr. Z. C. ITjaJ withdrawn from tbe concern, Mr.E. I sumes all liabilities, and will u-minu-t] Z.C J m2 _ E P. I have this day admitted Mr. C. H. I partner. Tbe b u Hi I will lie bvriaJ under the name and firm ■•f.Platn-1A1 m3 E P Notice. T HE copartnership of Colby. MtUm 1 Tien, Ga.. Is this day dissolved by sent. , , CHARLES L 001 « m2 Wallace ii hi Notice. Cigars and Tobacco. A - SE6ARS, FIFES, OHewing and Smoking TOBACCO. lyHE^ subgcriber has just received a large stock Havana Segaris 3 to which lie would invite particnlar attention. Hc has also an extensive astortment of ' HVTeersliaiim T*ipe;s, SEGAR TUBES and BRIARWOOD PIPES. The varlons brands of Chewing and Smoking To bacco at his Establishment are all of the first quality. Please call and examine for yourselves, at / F. CONSTANT’S. Jl-tf Ball St.„opposite Post Office. Saddlery. i L. NE1DLINGEB, CORNER OF Barnard and Brongliton Streets, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, TXTOULD reaptcflully afluonnce to his fri- ndH and W the poblic generally that he baa resowed the —; > it li next door to hlsMHner stand, and by strict attention and moderate pricto, hopes to receive a liberal share of tbe trade. He Is all orders for 1 prepared W make op promptly !tl' .11 Harness, bridles, etc. Bis lfrother, Mr. J. S. NdDLTNGSR, will be found with him, and would be glad to kea Ins friends. J1 E. L. NEIDLINGKR. For Sale. ‘, a .PAIR ot JA, eylimler, with Wheel an -PAIR of: Stern-wheel Bnglrio*. Diameter o ""Under, 10 inches; length of stroke, 42 inches heel and Locomotive Boiler complete, ready tobe.placed ln hoeL - For particular*, apply to -- jaf-eodlw* .. LINYILLB A GLEASON. I W. NEVI'IT, of I lie firm • Rogers, has associftted himslfv Co'.'ln the Drj' Goods biisiiu-H-.. ;ti the o« Jl-tf HENRY I.ATfiJ AGRICULTURAL CANE MILLS, COTTON GO • SEEDS AND FEItTU fT?HE Subscribers, having a Jl fected slock, are prepared 1“ 1,11 notice. Our stock cuIi-i-ih of its 1 J:inds. Many npw and improrwI « eaunot be obtained elsewhere iu tw best Plow's aud Cotton Gins out. Send for a catalogue. . J. 1I1X ni RTi'N Ma n nfartnrers. WIn>l«‘sale Office ami Warehouse. So. • street, near Pratt, Balimion-. M l FOR TAI Irn BBLS. Super Flinsphafe o< ^ IOU tide. Apply to - HISTORY OF THE R eceived by cooler, ok®* RKLLY, SOUTHERN DISTORT OF complete in four volumes, by EH* 4 ' ' 118 -r- Catawba Wi Of 1561 for 50 CASES (ettlll vintage f macky beatti**;] *2u3 an 1 ' * FLOUR- non BBLS FLOUR, landins fem- ZlMJ and for sale by Singer Sewing M • O of Principal Office fur the SO'e 116 BRfil GHTOT H. D. HAWLEY, Genera A large assortment for tale* 1 * I Sewing Machines of all l ,d4 “ jtStf, notice. Stitching neatly done- JOHN dealer is GRAT Wooden PAILS, BRl'S Bi:S ’ Twines, Cordage, Tubt. • h° r ( Wagons, Chair*. B *" k ' **o2™ Noe. 15 Fulton and^; NEW YORK * J36-Sm r*0 i . :