Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 19, 1866, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily Herald. BY S. W. MASON. SAMUEL W. JUSOI» v .. Editor, YV. T. THOMPSON,...... Associate Editor. Official Paper of the City. ARIEST tIRCOl ATIOi IR THE 111 MONDAY, MARCH 19, 1866. INTERESTING FACTS CONCERNING IMMIGRATION. The German Society of New York city, perhaps the largest institution of the kind in this or any other country, recently published its annual report, the contents of which. owing to the now widespread connection of the Society throughout the Union, will be exceedingly interesting to the southern peo ple. The assocraiion, now embracing among its members some of the wealthiest and most public-spirited of the German merchants of New York, was established in order to af ford special aid and protection to immigrants arriving at that port from every part of Ger many. We regret that we have not space lor the entire report, but will select from it a few points which may serve to convey some correct idea of the enormous tide that is roll ing bitbcrwood from Fatherland. During the last three years, the aggregate number of ships from Germany arriving at the port of New York, was 1,149, conveying a grand to tal of 241,157 immigrants. The total immigration for nine years past stands thus: 1SS3 200 000. 1804 185.208. 188S ^70 700. I860 107,802. 1859 78.858 K «»7 102,753. ^ 12.55, From the above it will be Been that the movement fell off nearly 31,000 in the first year of the late war, but began to revive in the second, and in the third exceeded all piecedent. This growth still continues, and as last year eclipsed all its predecessors, so does the present promise to surpass it by far. The immigration for 1865 is classified as to nationality in the subjoined table, where it will be seen that the Germans lead even the Irish, who once had the lead, away behind them in numerical strength: however, that the proposal of the Spanish commander was less favorable to Chili than as indicated by the brief report which lias reached us. The ground upon which Spain declared war was the refusal of Chili to pay certain claims that the foimer professed to hold. It is not unlikely that the refusal of the Chilian Government to treat with Spain had some reference to the said claims- There is no doubt, however, that Spain is very anx ious tajescape from the Chilian complication, and if she has gone so far as to propose terms of pease at all, the final suspension of hos tilities will not be long delayed- Spain lias by far the more powerful fleet, but she is operating from an enormous distance. The cost of the Kacific squadron will be ruinous to ber bankrupt exchequer, and its com manders must be put to extreme straits for supplies. The coast of Peru has been added to the coast of Chili, and the naval forces of Spain, considerable as they are, must ob viously be unequal to the blockade of such a seaboard. Not only may thu other States of South America cast iu their lot with the bel ligerent republic, but behind all these looms the ominous figure of the United States Government, which of course is not an indif ferent spectator of events transpiring in such close proximity. Already, indeed, has an American squadron been dispatched to the Pacific, and it is impossible to say what com plications may arise from the incidents of the war. German* 82,834: Swiss 2,33. lri „ b 75,046 French 2,054 English 27,1841 Swedes *' Scotch 4,012 Miscellaneous. .. Welsh!!.’ 5 “5| 2,51s 3, MS A great many Irish are kept at home by the impending anticipated outbreak against British authority, while, on the nthei hand, the English quota is very rapidly increasing. As teu dollars apiece is by no means an ex travagant average for the ready money iu the haiitis of all the immigrants arriving, the total of cash thus coming in was, at that rate, quite $2.000,0(H); but the fair probabil ity is that the aggregate exceeded $5,000,000. The report states that the Germans were a respectable and thrifty class, usually pro vided with both ■ money and implements to start with in the New World. The amount of goods, clothing, &c , thus" brought in was also immense, although not precisely in the latest Parisian fashion. The mortality at sea tells heavily against sailing vessels as com pared with steamers. Out of 100,949 persons coming as passengers between decks in the latter, during the year, only 117 died, while of 83,039 crossing in sailing vessels, 597 were consigned to the deep. One of the most interesting and valuable sections of this report is devoted to a con sideration of the question relating to south ern migration and settlement. It says many of the southern States undoubtedly offer to the enterprising and active workiug men very many advantages, which even the north western Stutes, highly favored as they are, do not possess. Commodities most prized by the world’s commerce, such as cotton, sugar, and rice, are raised in the greatest abundance and of the best quality on the At lantic and gulf coasts, and on the banks of the many fine streams that water the south, while, in the interior of the country, grain, tobacco, Iruit, hemp and cattle raising, suc ceed as well as in the north of the Union. That the soil seems to be inexhaustible, and has, even under the exhausting and imper fect system of culture hitherto applied to it, yielded enormous harvests. The report states, also, that the idea so long entertained that the climate of the gulf States is danger ous for Europeans aDd even for Americans from the north, and that the latter are not qualified to sustain the toils connected with the production of the southern staples, has been entirely dispelled by the four years’resi dence of the Federal armies there, and by the labors and fatigues they successfully bore during the hottest seasons. Since the close, of the war, pamphlets and documents setting. forth the wonderful in ducements of southern settlement sud agri culture, have been distributed broadcast throughout Germany, and just as American bonds have been purchased with avidity by this practical people, so will the lands we have for sale and the employment we hold out be caught up by them. The tread of the Anglo-Saxon migration is southward, and if tranquility can be secured for but a year or two and the Union restored, according to the dictates of reason, conciliation and true pa triotism, the negro question, the Mexican question, and all other questions ami embar rassments that check the progress of the Re public, will be settled by the sheer weight of uurcottor, rice, and 6Ugar raised in the south and our gold and silver mines in the west by white hands, immigrant and native. The number of immigrants that passed through Castle Garden from October 31st to December 31st, was 38,357, of whom mote than 3000 were destined for the south, and at Ibis time vigorous agencies well supplied with means and all other facilities are at work, not only In southern seaports, but at the chief places of immigrant rendezvous in Europe arranging numerous expeditions to start this spring for the cotton growing States. MARRIED. SPAIN AND CHILI. The most noteworthy feature of t he latest European news is the alleged modification of the aggressive policy of Spain towards Chili, in consequence of the recent military alliance fornysd between the latter and Peru. It is stated -.{hat the successor of Admiral Pareja, in the command of the Spanish fleet on the Chilian coast, bad made overtures of peace to the Government of Chili, proposing that both parties should recede to the status occupied by them previous to the war, and that commissioners should be appointed to settle the details. According to the report, the Chilians flatly refused to accept this proposition, but it is not stated on what shounds this refusal was based. We infer, NEVAXS—NEVE.—On Thursday evening last, by Rev. Mr. Coley, at the residence of Madam T. De- Gam Neve, Lottie A. Neve, grand daughter of Sir James Tate, of Whitby, Yorkshire, great grand daughter of General Tate and Lady Elizabeth Ap pleby, grand niece of Admiral Tate, of Russia, and Thomas Nevans, of New Yord. * DIED. ALLEN.—In this city, on the 17th lust.. James Henry Allen, aged 17 years anil S months. New Advertisements. FOR AUGUSTA The light-draft Steamer Fanny Lein?, Captain Lewis, will sail for Augu-.ta and Way Landings on Wednesday, March HI, at 8 o’clock a. ni For freight or passage, having stateroom accom modations, apply to LaROCHE A WEST, Ag.-nts, tn»9 Jones’ Block. Empire Line. FOB NET YOKE.«iitie Mail steamship Company. PASSAGE RATES: Cabin $30 00; Steerage $15; Deck $10 OO The new and fast side-wheel steam ship SAN JACINTO, Loveland, mas ter, will sail as above, on Saturday, March 34, at — o'clock, For freight or passage, having unsurpassed accom modations, apply to B. H. HARDEE, No. 12 Stoddard’s Range. GARRISON A ALLEN. Agents, m!9 No. 5 Bowling Groon. N. Y. Pioneer Line FOR NEW YORK. REDUCTION OF PASSAGE. Cabin Passage, $35 OO Deck, $10 OO The splendid steamship CHASE, Roatb, Com mander, will leave for the above port on her regular day, Thursday, March 33, at — o’clock. For freight or passage, having superior accommo dations, apply to m!9 HUNTER A GAMMELL FOR CHARLESTON, VIA HII.TON HEAD AND BEAUFORT. The steamer WILLIAM W. FRAZIER, Hoopeb, Master, will leave the Florida Steamboat Wharf, foot of Weft Broad street, This Day, 19th, at 10 a, m. precisely. For freight or passage, apply on board, or to m!9 L. S. BENNETT. For Augusta THE STEAMBOAT ECLIPSE, Capt. Ward, will have despatch for Augusta. Freight received at Lower Hydraulic Press. F. W. SIMS A CO., mlO G Agents. FOR LIVERPOOL. -CT, The fast-sailing A No. 1 British ship ^I^V'FQIIANDG, W. Jordan, master, having t»o- fatTadthirds of Iter cargo engaged, will have early •5Afa»despatch. For balance of freight, apply to ml9-4 WILDER & FULLARTON. Notice. OFFICE ATLANTIC * GULF R. H , \ Savannah, March 19,I860., In consequence of the limited warehouse room, consignees are requested to remora their height as rapid y as possible. ®19 C. H. WILLIAMS, Agent. PICKLES, 20 Five-gallon kegs Plain Pickles 60 eases Plain and Assorted Pickles 20 cases Tom alto Catsup. For sale by HILTON A RANDELL, mta-3 19B Bay street Star” Whiskey. 1|| CASES of this celebrated brand of Whiskey Jost received and for sale by HILTON A RANDELL, ml9-3 193 -Bayetreet. Situation Wanted, A S BAR KEEPER, Best of reference given. Apply at 157 Bay afreet. uil9 New Advertisements. ST. ANDREW’S HALL Rayuono. Wise Lessee and Manager Stage Manager One WeeM. Only 1 COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT TO MISS M.~ E. GORDON, Tendered by tbe citizens of Savannah. BAMBB&OR’B HAXB. BYB The Original and Beet in the World I The only true saff perfect Hair Dye. Harmless, Reliable and Instan taneous. Produces immediate.y a splendid Black or J | natural Brown, without Injuring the hair or akin. Remedies um Ul effects of bad dyes, Sold by all Drug gists. The genuine is signed William A. Batchelor. Mr. Raymond begs to announce that he has se cured the above popular place of amusement for a limited season, for the purpose of introJuiug the fa vorite tragedian, MR. E. R. DALTON, who will appear this evening in hia renowued dual rendition of Phidias the Sculptor, and Raphael Du- c a a let, supported by the popular actor, MR. T. HAMILTON, as FeauiNAsn VoL.vac, Mias M. E. GORDON as Manor-; Air. F. L WISE, Mr. HARRY CRISP, Miss ISADORA OAMEKON, Mr.-. HAMILTON, Miss VICTORIA CAMERON, Mrs. STEWART, and MR. RAYMOND. Tile Hall is fitted up with excellent Scenery, which, together with Prot. RICHTER and his popular Or chestra, and his efficient Corps Dramstique, will ena ble Mr. Raymond to prduce Hie ploys as well as any theatre in the Southern country. 4? Special Notices. REGENERATING EXTRACT OF MILLBFLEURS, For Restoring and Beautifying the Hair. •ni4-’v • IHARLKS BATCHELOR. Saw Yon*. MONDAY EVEI1G, MAtiCII 19th, Will be prodcued MARBLE HEART! Raplucl Ddch ilet Mr. E. R. Dalton V-.luge .Mr. T. Hamilton Marco !..MissM. E. Gordon BALLAD Mr. GEORGE GRAY To conclude with tha roaring farce of The Dumb Belle. D’Smirk... Eliza Mr. Raymond Miss M. K. Gordon MONEY. A N English gentleman, residing in Canada, who can command about $15*1,000 in gold, would like to farm a banking partnership, or Invest that amount in two or three concerns, witli some Savannah gen tlemen of standing. Address F., Marshall House. ml9.f MAN, WOMAN AND DOTS •yyANTED, a man to taka charge of horses, a wo man to do plain cooking, and two boys from 14 I o 17 years of age. I also want, and will pay the highest price for all the stray soda water bottles (not having my name on them) brought to ray Soda Waier Manufactory, southwest comer of Bay and West Broad street. m!9 3 JOHN RYAN. To Merchants in the Interior. A CONSIGNMENT of HATS and UMBRELLAS, at a small advance on t ost For .ale by le by LEWIS C. TEBEAU, At Whitaker street Shoe Store, northeast corner Broughton st. Lane. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. oefice of comptroller of the Currency, Washington, March 7, 1866. , W IIEREAS. by satisfactory evidence presented tn the undersigned, it has been made to appear “The MerchnUls’ National Bank of Savannah,” in the city of Savannah, in the county of Chatham, and State of Georgia, heat been duly organized under and according to the requirements of the act of Congress entitled -‘An Act to provide a National Currency, seenred by a pledge of United States bonds, and to provide for the -circulation and re demption thereof,” approved June 3, 13i4, and has complietl with all the provisions of said act required to be complied with before commencing the business of banking under said act. Now, tlit-rerore, I, Freeman Clarke, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certliy that ‘-The Merchants’ National Bank of Savannah,” in the city of Savan nah, in the county of Chatham and State of Georgia, Is authorized to commence tlie business of banking under the act uforesaid. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office tills seventh day of March, 1803. [L. s.] FREEMAN CLARKE, No. 1G4U. Comptroller. The Mechanics’ National Bane, Savannah, March 19, lSitf. In pursuance of the authority of the United States Comptroller as above, this Bank, with a capital of live hundred thousand dollars ($5 0,<00) paid in, will commence to receive deposits and pay checks and do a general tanking business on Wednesday next, the 21s inst., at our banking house on the Bay, between Bull and Drayton streets. fl. BRIGHAM, President. GEO. W. DAVIS, Cashier. marl9-2m NOTICE. Sjfe&niflTFi The Pensacola and Georgia Railroad Company will pay the coupons from their bonds, and tbe bonds < f the Tallahasse Railroad Company, that one past due and that one maturing up to and including the one falling due 1st January, 1867, by issuing tnerefor Pre ferred Capital Stock of their Company, on which is guaranteed Seven Per (,’eut. interest, commencing on the first January, 1867, and payable semi-annual ly. Holders of said Coupons are requested to dfc' posit the samo with Messrs. Bryan, Hartridge A Co., of Savannah, to whom the scrip will be forwarded. F. A. FLAGG, mlC-tf Secretary and Treasurer. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. r pHE firm of I. J. Newton & Co. is tlds day dissolv I cd by mutual consent. The business will be settled by it. C. Franklin, who alone Is authorized to ricdpt lor the late firm. Brunswick, Ga., March 16, 1366. ml9-3* DISSOLUTION. T UP firm of Holland, Paul and Pitts is this day dls solved by mutual consent. Messrs. Paul and Pitts will continue the business, and are alone uu thorized to settle the affairs of the late firm. M. B. HOLLAND. ROBERT P. PAUL. JOHN PITTS. Darien, Ga., March 16, 1S6-3. i would most respectfully request from nty friend* that the new firm may receive the same liberal pa tronage and support winch has been extended to the tale “,-m of Holland, Paul & Pitts, ml9-3 MARSHALL B. HOLLAND. Uist of VALUABLE PACKAGES REMAINING IN THE OFFICE OF Soli them. Express Co., MARCH 17, I860. Andrews, I. W lirousen. Nelson llurke, Thomas Butler, James M Booih, John Burns, Wm. B mile, Miss I. A. Conner, J. E. Evans, Jus. Gross, J A Co. Gammell, Wm. Hunt. J. B. Heyward, J. F. m!9 Harman, Miss M. Myers, M S. A Co. Murphy. Moses Maior, Wm. McIntosh, J Mr Q Roach. Patrick Russei), P. M Shellic, Carrie J.' . Sams, W. J. True, Ser'gt A. M. Taylor, Mrs. M- F. Ward, Mlae Jnlia. K. P. TUNISON. Agent. CIDER VINEGAR. T EN barrels Pure Cider Vinegar For sale by CUNNINGHAM, PURSE A CO. Consignees’ Notice* S TE AMbniP WILLIAM TIBBETTS, from Boston, is now discharging at Duncan’s Wharf. All goods not removed at sunset will be stored at owners’ risk, and not delivered till freight and ex penses are paid. ml9-l RICHARDSON A BARNARD. CODFISH. 4 AAA POUNDS prime Codfish jUUU For sale by HILTON A RANDELL, 198 Bay street. FOR SALE. T the Isle of Hope, 8 miles from tbe city, a com - A 1 ~ fortahle DWELLING, contains ten rooms. In good condition, with ptazzM around the entire build ing. Thie Is one of tbe most delightfully situated f daces on the salts. The tot contains sixty acres of and, ten acres fronting on the river. T. McNISH A CO., Brokers, m!9-3 Bryan street- ■all’s Vegetable Sicilian Bair Me never Has proved iteeif to be tbe meet perfect preparation for the hair ever offered to the pabllc. It b a vegetable compound, and contains no Injuri ous properties whatever. IT WILL RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIG INAL COLOR. It will keep the hair from ratling out. It cleanses the scalp and makes the hair soft, lus trous and silken. It is a splendid hadr dressing. No person, old or young; should fail to use it. IT 18 RECOMMENDED AND USED BY THE FIRST MEDICAL AUTHORITY. 0-Ask for Fall’s Vegetable didlian Ha i Benewer, and take no other. R. P. HALL A CO., Nashua, N. H„ Proprietors. For sale by all druggists. BARNES, WARD A CO., New Orleans, La., nSS4m Southern Wholesale Agents. A CARD. Mr. WM. R- BOYD has an Interest in my businea and will take charge of my i-genclea iu tutor*. A. WILBUR, 89 Bay-aL I will be happy to see all my old Mends and new ones, and am prepared to lake Risks in the Compa nies represented by onr Agency on all Insurable property. WM. B. BOYD. 122 Amusements. T EC HP- Greatest NaturalCnriaxj t v Xj ivisros USD ANN ELIZA LEAK, BORN WITHOUT ARMS! The most wonderful and singularly accomplished specimen of humanity living. 8he Crochets, Braids Hair, Embroiders, Writes Sews, Knits, and nses the Scissors, Knife, Fork, Tumbler, Ac., with aa much ease, dexterity and com fort, as though blessed with hands and arms. She will hold Levees daily at ST. ANDREW’S HALL, until further notice, from 10 a. m. to 2 p. in., and 3 to 6 p. m. VT If you wish to be aatonlBhed and htghtly en tertained, call and gee her. Admission only 50 cents; Children, 25. mlG-tf St. Andrew’s Hall. MONDAY KVJEN1AG, MARCH 19tb. Complimentary Benefit to MISS M. E. GORDON, Who will appear as MARCO and ASPACIA, in the bcautitnl Play of MARBLE HEART Supported by a FuU and Efficient Company. Further particulars in future advertisements. IV Tickets can be had at John C. Schreiner & Son.’ Book Store. ml7 Coma Tit protect the toes of children’s shoes.— On. pair will outwear three without Ups. Bold every where. Notice. THE City Treasurer is prepared to receive certain of the taxes levied by the Ordinance passed Decem ber 27th, 1865. That is, the tax upon grow sales of merchandise and wares of every description; upon all freight and passage money payable In this city, and upon horses and mules. These taxes are due be tween the flrat and tenth of each month for the pre- ced'ng month. All other taxes are payable quarterly between the same dates, in th. months of April, July October and January. R. T. GIBSON, ft City Treasurer. MILL'S HAIR DYE, 50 cents—Black or Brown, lnstao'aneous; best, cheapest, durable, re liable. Depot, NW66 John street. Now York. Sold by all drug and patent medicine stores everywhere. ni9-ly A PHYSIOLOGICAL View of MARRIAGE Containing nearly 300 pages, and 130 line Plates and Engravings of the Anatomy of the Human Or gans in a state of Health and Disease, with a Trea tise on Early Errors, its Deplorable Consequences upon the mind and Body, with the Author’s Plan of Treatment—the only rational and successful mode of cure, as shown by the report of cases treated. A truthful adviser to the married, and those contem plating maiTlage, who entertain doubts of their phys ical condition. Sent free of postage to any address, on receipt of 25 cents, la stamps or postage currency, by addressing Dr. LA CROIX, No. 31 Malden Lane, Albany, N. Y. 1 he author may be consulted upon any of the dis eases upon which his book treats either personally or by mail, and medicines sent to any part of the world. octlO tim HEADQUARTERS POST OF SAVANN All, Savannah, Ga., March 17, 1866. Genekai. Orders I No. 1. / L In obedience to Par. V, Special Orders No. 27, dated Headquarters Department of Georgia, Augus ta, Ga., March 14th, 1866, 1 hereby assume command of the Post of Savannah, embracing the counties formerly knowu as the District or Savannah, with the exceptions enumerated In General Orders No. 10, C. S. Headquarters Department of Georgia. II. Reports and communications of an official na ture will be addressed to 1st Lieut. Samuel Rounds A. A. A. Gen., as heretofore. (Signed) W. C. MANNING, Mat. 103d U. 8. C. InPty. Official: Samfel Rounds, 1st Lieut, and A. A. A. Gen. ml7-3 Last Notice. CITY OF SAVANNAH, \ Orrioi Ciiss of Counoil, Marck 17.1866./ All Persons doing business within the limits of the city, who have not compiled with Ordinance passed in Council Dec. 27iu, 1865, are hereby notified that the (uxtikdcd) time for taking out licenses baa ex pired. and parlies in default will be placed on the In- formatiou Docket on Friday, March 23, 1806. r Extract from Ordinance 27th Dec., 1865:] Aoy person subject or liable to take out such li cense or badge, and fa ling to do so for ten days after tbe said first day of January in each year, shall be liable to a fine of not more than thirty dollars for each day’s default, on conviction before the Police Court. JAMES STEWART, ml7-6 Clerk of Council. Tax Notice. OFFICE U. S. DIRECT TAX COMMISSIONER, 1 District of Gboboia, V Savannah, Jan. I6tli, 1866. ) 49* Notice is hereby given that the TAX BOLL for Chatham County is completed, and owners of Real Estate In said county, Lots, Lrnds and Improve ments, outside the city of Savannah, or Beal Estate returned for Taxation In said conntj in I860, must pay the Taxes due thereon within sixty (60) days from this date at our office, N. W. cor. South Broad and Lincoln afreets. Savannah, or suffer the penalty T. P. ROBB, ) S. A. PANCOAST, f Commissioner*. J. C. BATES, ) f5-tr Office United States Pirect Tax Commission, DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, » Savannah. Jan. 18,1866. f N OTICE is hersby given that the Tax Sol' for Chath im county is now completed, and owners of real estate In said county, lots, lands and Improve ments ontslde the city of Savannah, or real estate re turned for taxation in Mid county la 1818, may pay tbe taxes due thereon within sixty (60) dus from this date, at our office, north-west corner Sooth Broad and Lincoln streets. Savannah. T. P. ROBB, ) 8. A. PANCOAST, VCommissioners. J. C. BATES, j 116-tf DAVID BAILEY, MERCHANT TAILOR No. IS Whitaker »t., Between Bryan and Bay streets, £ 9 now leceiving his Spring and Sommer Stock, comprising line French Cloths and Casaimeres: comprising fine French Cloths and Casalmercs also, fine Fancy French Cassimerea and Coatings, Drap D'Ete, Flannels, White and Brown Lines Dura, Marseilles, Ac., which he will make np at the short est notice and in the most fashionable style. "V Remember No. It Whitaker Street. ml7 lwAeodlm SEA ISLAND COTTON SEED. ICQ BUSHELS Sea Island Cotton Seed IwJ For sale by BRYAN, HABTRIDQB A CO.. 1U Bay street. WANTED. /CONSIGNEE wanted for thirteen barrel* Onions, V* marked tDj. received ner fUamshlD San Jacinto from New York, February riyMo If not called tor by 1 ~ exp mi7 steamship San Jacinto fonday next, will be sold to B. H. HARDEE, Agent Sayannali Mutual Loan Association. An Adjonrned Meeting will be held at the Ex change on Monday Evening next, ]9th inst., at 7>J o'clock, when the dues will be collected. ROBERT D. WALKER, President. John if. Gucrard, Sec. mlG-3 COPARTNERSHIP. T HE undersigned has this day formed a copartner- . ship under the name and firm of NEUFYILLE, BUTLER & CO., for the purpose of carrying on the busineas of a House Furnishing Depot. Stoves and Tinware in alt its branches. Roofing and Repairing, at the old stand. 145 Broughton Street, and wonld respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage of the cltxens of Savannah, which has been so liberally given to our predecessors, W. II. Williams and Oliver & Douglass. We will endeavor to please all onr old patrons, and will use oar utmost efforts to secure new ones. RIF BENCES: Robt. Habersham A Sons A. A. Solomons Wm. Battereby A Co. O'Fallon A Co. Edward Padelford Cunningham, Purse * Co. O. Cohen Lovell A Lattiinore Cteghorn A Cunningham Coper, Olcotts A Parrel ly Weed & Cornwell DeWitt A Morgan Erwin A Hardee L. J. Gnilmartin Crane A Graybill Palmer A Deppjsh Hunter A Gammell Holcombe a Co. E. F. NEUFVILLE. THOMAS F. BUTLER, (Late with A. A. Solomons A Co.) F. L. NEUFVILLE. otice. I have this day disposed of my Hou-e Furnishing and Stove Depot to Messrs. Ntufvllle, Haller A Co., and wonld respectfully ask that tha public will con tinue the liberal patronage to them lately awarded me. All parties having claims against me will please present them, and those indebted to me will please call and settle. mlffS W. H. WILLIAMS SIGHT EXCHANGE On Merchants’ National Bank of N. Y. ANDREW LOW & CO. The Oglethorpe Insurance Co. OF SAVANNAH. Savannah. 15th March, lsec. A Convention of the Stockholders of this Com pany is hereby called to meet in the city of Savannah on Thursday, the fifth day of April proximo, at 12 o'clock m„ at the office of Thomas A Son, 117 iiay street By order of the Board. ml6-td J. T. THOMAS, Sec. Just Received and for Sale on Consignment, ^T reduced prices, by KENNETH McLEA A CO., 202 Biy street: 260 this choicest Family and Ba ker's Flour, HO bbla Extra State do, 200 libls cheap Flour. Also for sale: 35 bbls Superior Mess Pork, 30 bbls Mess and Extra Mess Beef, 30 half bbis Mess Pork, 80 half bbls Fulton Market Beef, 20-hhds clear Bacon Sides, 40 bids Bacon Strips, 20 bbls Sngar- cured Hams and Shonlders, 20 bbls Ordinary Shoul ders, 100 packages Lard, 50 packages Ratter, 60 boxes Raisins, 20 bbls White Beans, 60 bbls Pickled Her rings. m!6-2w Attention, Dealers! YKTB will have ready for inspection this morning, W samples of A Large Lot of Tobacco, to bo sold under the market, to close a concern. YORK, WILLIAMS, MoINTIRE A CO. m!4 Insurance. HABIIE, I F E ACCIDENT INSURANCE RISKS TAKEN IN THE FOLLOWING FIRST-CLASS COMPA NIES: CAPITAL. Columbia Fire Insurance Company, of New York $500,000 Fulton Fire Insurance Company of New York 200,000 Excelsior Fire Insurance Company of New York 260.000 Springfield Fire Insurance Company of New York 300,000 Putnam Fire Insurance Company of Hart ford 500,000 Washington Fire Insurance Company of Baltimore 600,000 Gnlf State Fire Insurance Company of Tal lahassee 300,000 ACCIDENT. Travelers’ of Uaitford $500,000 ; Auction Sales. Bii y Stun A. Meyer. TBli DAY, :9th lust., at 10 ov,„ will be sold- ..., 200 bbls Superfine and ’“h 20 do snouiderv r ' Mla ! ' lu ur 10 do Breakfast Baron 20 half bbls t ultun Mark,- „ 50 tubs Lard M ‘ kvr lObbls labrador and S] 10 , 30 bbls Peach bioTv iw 11 "'’' 1 15 do white Pe.i Iteuuj,' 20 boxes old Canada Miu u-. 25,000 Cigars. s " w >»Bky 50 boxes family Soap 1 ease Dry Goods, No, lona also, U “ er J'«c 1 Hue Milch Cow s ve , r .',. 1 fine Horse n " 0W - an <J Calf 3 dl 1 two-horse Wagon ‘boo | 1 Carriage, subside for h-„ i and the usual assortment oi rurm?’ , LIGHT DRAFT STEAMERy*^ By Bell, Wylijr a Christian. ' SAIi Will be sold in front of p WEDNESDAY, March ' C it 15 0 - account of all concerned " ' ' Vlt;,0ut teatr^ THE UGHT DRAFT SIDU " GEELiBos CHAT If A M SIe -U(Q Built of English iron; la-r ini f ! t overhauled a-.d repaired, l™- : , fitted at au expen.eoi ovei-41 „ „ '" L c "tn.-«t."' Stack, Paddle Wheels, fun, r, and apparel, and for ,' m ,,„ , ! lv "h f D .v v seen at Miller’s Foundry WniH k ' a '"- cotton; is a powerful fug.|!„ a ," ', lcl! ri* ^ feet; she is 120 feet c inches io„?.’ l n r '“’“«lffi niches; Depth 6 feet 9 , m -h. s- T t',. 8 ''* » V I Engine, disconnecting, k-iioti, ,; a "' STJ H » inches; Cylinder *5 inch."? |.„ f s,r ” 1 * « 1 "f Kucketa g le-s. ^chaser to pay for title*. Width of Buckets Y8TncheV ,u ' 6 feei6 i^ TERMS CASH—Purchaser t underwriters 7 ^' By A. Minis. At Lamar’s Store near the Rxchaii".- next, at H o’c’ ,0 °B>l05Dj[ 191 keg3 Nails, damaged on hoard schooner San.h t voyage from Philadelphia. „,m ,1 Wardens for account of Underwrii,« !! t! ** cerned, rwru «is and “Mill ta, WM AT PRIVATE SALE. B\ BELL, WYLLY A ('URUxi^- That splendid Farm on ;i.- Thm ; !' only one mile from the ecu ire „f r.-H, r “ !i the Bilbo Farm, containing liPv'ri- :' , 3:i farm has been for the Marine and Pire. Petersburg Savings and insurance Company of Virginia $500,000 Enfaula Homo Insurance Company of Ala bama 200,000 Georgia Hume Insurance Company, Colum bus 350,000 LIFE. IDU AB8ITS. New England Mutual Life Insurance Com pany of Boston $3,000,000 Knickerbocker Mutual Life Insurance Com pany of New York 1,000,010 On Open Folioies. In Great Western, of New York. In Commercial Mutual, of New York. AARON WILBUR, Agent. No. 89 Bay Street. MILLINER!. received, a fine assortment of SPRING GOODS, highest state of cultivation aim n- and most elevated site for a i.-Md,**s There ia a Spring of Water 'Li lias no superior in tin; Itnv cunitlr- ' J t ! *'*i a lease which expires the lir-t i „,,r SOUTHWESTERN RAILROAD STOCK By Bell, Wylly & Christian. WILL sell Forty Shares Smidnvemerii I if applied for before 11 I AUCTION SALE. By Mendel & Lallilean. 100 sacks Oats, slightly wet 200 do Corn, do do 5 bbls Biscuit 5 do Dried Fruit Groceries, Dry Goods and Clothing ADMINISTRATOR ’S SALE. By T. J. Walsli. Will be eold on TUESDAY, April 3d, in front 01% I Conn Home, at 1 i o'clock: 1 North lmif of Lot No. 5 Third Tvihinj, Renas I Ward, corner of Congre-e- and llrnytcu, etr-eti: > I simple. Improvements—.tor- corie'-r emnw«I Drayton street and a dwelling r.n Oncrcs- >tmt I East half of Lot No. 2 Monterey Ward, snhjiv: a. I ground rent of $21 61 per annum. Improvemena-1 three-story bri k dwelling on ,Tunes etrret; ;s through the house and :: w. 11 of wider in tlierni 39 shares Central Railroad Slock , 33 shares Southwestern do 5 shares Atlantic A Gulf do Sold by leave of Ihc Ordinary of Chftibam ml as the estate of Mrs. Jane Barnett, decease! 1911 division among the heirs. Terms cash, purchasers paj ing for t ilt*. Family Dye Colors. Patented October 13, l'B3, Suitable for City and Cuantry Trade, Consisting in part of BONNETS, HATS, RIBBONS, VEILS, FLOWERS, BOYS’ CAPS, and a general assortment of MOURNING BONNETS. Mrs. S. V. Pit ENTICE, No. 143 Broughton st. Office Comiis’rs Water Works, & a vars aii, March 7,1866. The public are requested in all cases of want of prompt attention on the part of the plumbers to mak ing repairs, or in cases of overcharging, to make complaint at the office of Water Works ; so that in cases of continued or gross neglect, the.ordinance can he enforci d which requires the withdrawal of their licenses. By order of Board of Commissioners. R. D. GUERARD. m3 Sup’t W. W. T. J. DUNBAR & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WINES. LIQUORS SEGARS. &C. 147 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA., {NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE.) W E invite the attention of tbe Trade and the Pub lic generally to our large and elegant assort ment of J. N. WILSON, Photographer, 8. E. corner Broughton and Whitaker Strs., SAVANNAH, GA. Old pictures copied with the greatest rare. d!4 NEW BOOKS RECEIVED BY Cooper, Olcotts & Farrelly. Wives and Daughters; by Mrs! Gaskcll. Tried and True; by Alton Clyde. Agnes -, by Mrs. Oliphaut. False Pride; or Two Ways to Matrimony. Jealousy; by George Sand. DeBow’s Review for March. ml 6 GROCERIES AT GOST. A. M. Scarbrough & Co. Are dosing out tlielr stock of GROCERIES at cost. CORNER BAY AND ABERCORN STS. COHN. AAA BUSHELS Prime White Corn, in bulk, per ilfUU schooner Emma. For sale by ml«-» CRANE A GRAYBILL. «OY£RESS WANTED. A GENTLBMAN (widower) residing in a pleasant Sooth Carolina, about 3o miles irom aavauaii, desires to engage the services of a re spectable middle-aged lady,as Matron and Governess “ waall girls, a liberal salary will be paid, aattafectery references will be required. Applica tions addressed to this office will reach him and meet with prompt attention- mi7-tf Wines, Liiqnors, Cordials, Conserves, Se gura, etc., etc., which is not excelled by any similar establishment in the States. We are sole proprietors af DUNBAR’S CELE BRATED WORMWOOD CORDIAL, the reputation of which is fully established in this and foreign coun tries; DUNBAR’S well known STOMACH BITTERS, guarantc-d superior 10 any article of the kind, de signed ex|-re«sly fur hotel and family use: DUN BAR'S SCHIEDAM CORDIAL SCHNAPPS, War ranted of the utmost purity, mid put up txpresely for our house, of which we are role proprietors and importers. Sole Agents for liobert Smith’s ccle- nnitort PHILADELPHIA ALE, in cases and barrels; English, Scotch und American ALE and PORTER, BRANDY, Scotch and Bourbon WHISKEY and AR RACK BUNCHES, formerly well known throughout the United Stales, put np by us in cases for export and home consumption. T. J. D. A Co. arc sole Agents for A. A n- W. Catherwood'a Pore RYE WHISKIES', XX and XXX brands, guaranteed unsurpassed in qnality and ex cellence. Constantly on hand, a large and well se lected stock of BOURBON and WHEAT WHISKIES, worthy the attention of the trade and connoisseurs generally. An assortment of SEGARS of finest grades manufactured and imported expressly for this house, which we offer at the very lowest net cash prices. BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, CHAMPAGNES, and every description end grade of Foreign Liquors imported directly by this bouse, and for sale iu bond or duty paid, at lowest market rates. d90-tf Scranton, Smith & Co. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND CUOICB OLD BHAKDlfCS, WHIsKEY, GIN, WISES, As. EVERY VARIETY OF GROCERIES, ASM, Hay, Corn, Oats and Bran, strictly at wholesale to the trade; and we flatter ourselves that we can nuke it to the interest of dealers to patronise us, at the head of Bay, opposite Jefferson st. mio-tf KIRLIN, BR0. & BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, WHS M) LlfOBS, CORNER WHITAKER STREET BAY LANE. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED A DELIVERED. au21 tf Black Dark Green Black for Silk Light Green Dark Bine Magenta Light Blue Maine French Blue Maroon Claret Brown Orange- Dark Brown Pud; Light Brown Purple Snuff Brown Royal Purple Cherry Salmon Crimson Scarlet Dark Drab Slate Light Drab Snlferino Fawn Drab Violet Ltght Fawn Drab Yellow. - Dyeing Silk, Woolen and Misei! GonisSu Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons, Glove?, Boones, Hats, Feathers, Children’s Clothing, and all kinds of Wearing Apjratf!. A SAVING OF 80 PEil CENT. J| For 25 cents you can color aa many cnttlm" otherwise cost five timea that sum. Varioa a can be produced from the same dye Tl'-t simple, and any one can nse D • with ? success. Directions in English, l-'i-mi »nd 6 inside of each package. _, HOWE Jt STEUSI 260 Broadway. M*| For sale by druggists and dealers generally. ectlo-6m PHOTOGRAPH A New and Fresh Supply Of many varieties; also, PHOTOGRAPHIC®! OR PANORAMIC ALBUM A new, ornamental, and useful ariblo For sale by COOPER OLCOTTS A FABBStfJ W J ewelrr- Silver and Plated M Fancy Goods. * *■ T HE undersigned respectfully rail' tM«n j the citizens and visitors fmn lie r0 "!)“4 r s| well selected stock of Wa'ch'--. JewciT- Plated Ware, Clocks, Fancy Good?, volvers and Pistols of the most celeorwa turers. Particular attention is paid to Watches, Jewelry and (leeks. H?-' 1 ?® a competent workmeD engaged Cor. Broughton an-1 the 5 teed. dec26-6m '.Tf.las--’’*' I ISAAC RUSSELL DEPUTY CITY Constable and Notary f-S CHATHAM COP-TY SODA W $25 REWARD ATE* _0 . FOR proof to convict any l“'r> 11 the following desciiiiod B'"t; ’ • nWl go** Having recently, at a pf"\vtri u m ' entire new sett of monliH m ^ f#| SODA WATER PHILADE lf TER and ale poiiie? to*”* Jot! are made. Each of those the year 1866 blown in the gu -- , n c j» „,-r,rwirfv V,0 OthCf T" , 0 „ t gy“ iny private property no offi bottles made in them. I nelt any of those Bottles. ,c y Id' NO OTHER PERS0> TO DO SO. ^ 1 simply lend them 10 are tentsf with the understanding turned to me when empty. jet auk This is well unders ood } f j f ie nt;i' ‘ less of their just L’w.i:v ror S those bottles with the»- ! ro pert>' JJjL thereby depriving me of W J J ld uuJjg p me to losses which are ,-speD^f- Those Bottles are non ' £ tenc r ad* more so by the Patent C- rk iI • {(jil . p$et8J. lost with every bottle oMl >a i f fell l bil Pdnt ‘the ■,lir*r un every wmmc . [S c many taxes Imposed up<m t ^ ^ the most oppressive of ^ , )n grorfj^pj th. That of cj °r C< S‘« , a J percent. 706^1; or Mineral Water, which re 1 r ice*. that Ulsunposeible, atK - ^ re |.y 'jV the loss of Bottles, and I d® J sons against buying, sell F of me s*re in any manner depriving m )t)[l y “**■ „ Soda Water Bottling &*} ffesi * ml 7 Southwest corner 01 ri-ally ! co {Man; t>Pei 5 th, . JUtt f.httrtd ftOljy