Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 20, 1866, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily Herald. BY S. W. MASON. SAMUEL W. MASON,......Editor, W. T. THOMPSON,.S’...Associate Editor. DfficiaX Paper of the City. AR8EST CIRCULATION IN THE CITT AND COUNTY TUESDAY, MARCH SO, ISM. DEFEAT OF THE LOAN BILL. (Congress baa refused authority to Mr. McCulloch to negotiate new loans in Europe at bis discretion. The exercise of unlimited authority is deemed not to be expedient un der tbe circumstances. But authority must be lodged somewhere to meet financial exi gencies. Mr. McCulloch has proved himself an eminently prudent financial minister, in whom such authority may be reposed with safety. Members of Congress vote against propositions of this character from general considerations- A large number deem it in compatible with those maxims of prudence ■which should govern a legislative body that acts as a check on the financial policy of government. The administration of the finances cannot, however, be brought within legi-.lative control in such manner as to be exempt from all possibility of risk of loss, nor can the fluctuations of the money market be subjected to invariable principles. "Whether a foreign loan cau be negotiated at live or six per cent, per annum must be de termined by a variety of circumstances—by the demand as compared with the supply of loanabl ecapilal, by the wants of the borrower, jf that borrower be government, &c. How can a legislative body determine, in advance, the rate of interest which the chief of the Treasury shall give or ought to give ? Lim itation here is impossible. There are many members of our National Legislature who are averse to the negotiation of foreign loans under any circumstances. This is the effect of short-sighted prejudice. It is true that there are financial conjunc tures in which a foreign debt may become highly inconvenient. It is not difficult to imagine that during a money crisis, and. of course, in the midst of a pecuniary pressure of the severest kind, our foreign cre ditors, by throwing on our market our obli gations, to be realized in gold, may greatly aggravate that pressure. But it must not be overlooked that at other periods the facility of negotiating loans in foreign markets af lords great relief when money is most re quired. In the la9t years ot the war tbe ready sale of our five-twenties in Europe af forded great support tQtlie public credit, and in those years in which we over-imported lessened the demand for gold to pay for those large imports. Foreign exchange was kept at moderate rates by the offset of credit on one side against debt os the other. But the principles which should govern our policy seem to be ignored, and the facts of history forgotten in the reasonings on this head of our Congressional speakers and newspaper writers- The whole of our com mercial and financial intercom se with Europe has shown that of a lending and borrowing nation, or, which is the same thing, that of a country abounding in capital, and that of a country deficient in capital. England and the United States are the two countries that most emphatically occupied this relative po sition. By borrowing at five or six per cent, per annum, we have been enabled to liberate our own capital, in quiet times, for more productive purposes, and in periods of war to obtain funds for warlike expenditure, sav ing to our people heavy burdens of taxation. So that the benefit ol these extra supplies of money, in conjunctures requiring them are to be weighed against the disadvantages of having to pay our debts when it is least con venient to pay them. phens be- id in tbe tbe late popular speech of Mr. fore the Georgia Legislature statesmanlike message of Governor Jenkins to tbe same body. The Conventions of all the seceding States having responded to the requirements of the uew crisis in a manner acceptable to tbe Ex* ecutive of the nation, it now remains for the Legislatures, the Courts and the people to per form their parts respectively, in the great ef fort to adjust permanently the political dif ferences and economical interests of a re- New Advertisements. Aucieut Laid Mark Lodge, No. 231 An Exha Communication of this bodge will he held at their Hall, This Evening, at 8 o’clock. Panctaal attendance is requested. By order JAS. M. PRENTISS, m-0 ; Secretary. LOST, . m h . A -4j n . nAO « /vf finnvpn- A T the fire Sunday night, a small GOLD CROSS, united countiy. The ordiOftUCes of C»ODV ^ with pearls and attached to a purple scarf. tions and the enactments of Legislatures, if | Theatlbiloflfec th " fnU vllae of by not actually important, are wanting in power to accomplish radical changes in the polity of commnnities, unaided by the frank and generous support of the people themselves, and it is in view of this fact tbst wc hope tbe souDd counsel of Governor Hamilton will prevail in every southern State. The Irish Republic. Departure of Steamships and Steamers. FOR NEW YORK. Steamship * Missouri, Saturday, March 24th, — o’clock. Stoaruship Chase, Thursday, March 2-2d, at — o’clock. Steamship Herman Livingston, Saturday, March 24, at 2 p. m. vox uerroR. Stkamshlp William Tibbetts, Wednesday, March 21, at — o’clock. FOR AUGUST A. learner Wnt. 0. Gibbons, every Saturday morning t 2 a. in. Steamer Swan, Wednesday, March 21st, at 10 o'clock a. ni. Steamer Fanny Lehr, Wenduesday, March 21st, at 3 o’clock a. m. steamer Laura, Wednesday, March 21st, at 10 A meeting of the friends of Irish Independence will be held at Volks Oarten, on Wednesday, 21st inst., at 8 o’clock P. M. The meeting will be addressed by Coi. A. L. O’Brien, State Centre lor Alabama ; IJauiel Donovan. Esq., Central Organizer, and several gentlemen, citizens of Savannah. By order of JAMES SKEIIAN. m2o state Centre for Georgia. COUNTY COURT JUDGE. We are authorized to announce Capt. JNO. BILBO as a candidate for the Judgeahip of the County Court at the election, the first Wednesday in May next. m-20-td couniY court judge. LEVI S. HART, Ksq., will be supported, on the 2d May, prox,, lor said office. m20 CITIZEN. o’clock a. m. FOR AUGUSTA. FOR CHARLESTON. Steamer Fountain, every Tuesday and Thurrsday at i.’j o’clock p. m. steamer Fannie, every Thursday morning at 10 o’clock. FOR DOCTORTOWN. Steamer Gen. Sheplcy, every Sunday morning, n 7 o’clock. FOB OAWXINBVILLE. Steamers Two Boys and Charles U. Hardee, every I Thursday morning, at 9 o'clock. FOR FLORIDA. Steamer Laura, Capt. R. Wallace, will leave for Augusta on Wednesday Morning, at 10 o’clock. Steamer Sylvan Shore, every Tuesday morning, at iO o’clock. Steamer Helen Getty, every Saturday morning, at io o’clock. Steamer Lizzie Baker, every Friday morning at 10 o’clock. Steamer Ella, every Tneaday morning at 10 o’clock. /Steamer Dictator, Wednesday, March 21st, at 4 o'clock p. m. For freight or passage, apply on board or to m-2f.l JOHN M. ROUMILLAT, Ag’t. FOR JACKSONVILLE, VIA FERNANDINA. Arrivals at the Hotels. PULASKI HOUSE—W. H. Wiltberger A Co. R J Getty, Charleston H L Smith, N Y A L Maxwell, Macon J T Phillips, CRR F M Myrell, Savli IS C Hamilton, Savh J \Y Shearer, Eng |J A Lawton, SC |8 G Lawton, do |RA Murphy and lady, Ga MARSHALL HOOSE—A. B. Luce. I) R Wadley, J T Thomas, Savh T O'Neill, do Lt D B Chesley, Capt Brooks, J Henderson, Savh E W Iierndon, N C A Wilcox, Macon Gen Tilison, Maj Gray, E F Kingley, Angusta G Shaub, do J Shadwrake; Burke co Dr S W Palmer, G V Parnell, do The new and elegant steamer DICTATOR, Capt. CoxETmt, | will leave Telfair’s wharf, next to Demund’s Press, Wednesday, gist Inst., at & p. m. We are prepared to receive freight at our ware house on the wharf, at the goraj rates. She has elegant and spacious accommodations for SCREVEN HOUSE—G. McGlNLY. passenger*, and we truat will receive a share of nab- 1 lie patronage. ■E Van Baren, Grove Hill F ilftzeltine, Ga J H Beall, A & G R M J Parsons, Ga M S Brinson, O R R A M Fisher, Ga Maj Gen C Hamlin, N O ■ Capt Cooney, str Tibbetts W A Strong. Washington |S G Ellis. 8 C LRBostick, SC J P Gilson, Darien | L Stickney, N Y )T A Parsons, jr, Ga L. J. GUILMARTIN A CO., Agents. New Advertisenjjents. ST. ANDREW’S HALL John Raymond Lessee and Manager F. L. Wise Stage Manager Second night of the engagement of (Mils' C. R. DALTON* who will appear aa, supported by MR. T. HAMILTON. os Dz Midpsat, Miss M. E. GORDON as Jiau Be Mortimxb, and the fnU Dramatic Company. TUESDAY EVENIG, MARCH noth, .Will be presented . BICHELIEU! Richelieu g. R. Dalton De Mauprat. Mr. T. Hamilton J nils De Mortimer .Mite MR Gordon To conclude with Slasher and Crasher. Slasher Hr. Raymond es. Notice. " . - - -v. .tLl— Jr THE City Treasurer Is prepared *° receive certain jyjy&PrtjSWS? PH!®! Dectmi- d®t S7tn, 1866. That la, the tax upon gross Bales of merchindiM and HhrpB Of every, description; upon all freight and passage -money payable in this city, •ad upon horse, and moles. These taxes are doe be- |woe* the first end tenth of each month forlhe pre ceding month. All other taxes are payable quarterly Miscellaneous. A T reduced 202 B iy street? Just Received and for ker # s Flour, 110 bbls Hbixtra State do, 200 hbl* cheap So‘°bWs Mess and Ex^a M^ , ^ n f P |^ r alf , bbls P M^s Pork, 30half hbla Fulton Bacon Sides, 40 bbls Bacon Strips, 20 hbls Suffar cure* Hama and Shoulders, 20 bbls Ordinary Ihofi-- dors, loo packages Lard. 60 packages Batter 60 boxes Pu a na on KKld D„ .. , uU IH'XeS Xj i vi between the same fetes, in the months of Apsii, July, | 20 bWa White Beans, so bbls PUkled Her October and January, fl R. T. GIBSON, City Treasurer. A CARD. Mr. WM. R. BOYD has an interest in my business •nd will take charge of my agencies In loture. A. WILBUR, 89 Bay-st. Attention, Dealers! ELIZA Iju , B r" iTaw ’C‘ u . Sews, Knits, and DB e. W K w l" have ready for Inspection this moraine Tumbler, Ac., with asnim-h vv samples of fort, as though hlesse,i I will be happy to see all my old friends and new ones, and am prepared to take Risks In the Compa nies i represented by onr Agency on all insurable property. WM. R. BOYD. 82 A Large Lot of Tobacco, The most wonderful and =■„ .. r specimen of haaS& ** £k e Hair. SWrla 18 fh°ngh blessed with /*> She will hold Levees daily J, Dds to be sold under the market, to close a concern. YORK, WILLIAMS, MoINTIRE & CO. ST. ANDREW’S tmtR further notice, ffoano. Last Notice. CITY OF SAVANNAH, > Office Clebx of Council. Marck IT. 1860./ J. N. WILSON, Photographer, , hall 1 a * m. to 2 n tertained.^canTin-J Enisled a tli only so cent, in,,,. MOODY & BARRETT, Steam Soap Works, Savan ti ah., Gra. All Persons doing business within the Umite of the | I city, who have not complied with Ordinance passed in Council Bee. 8Tth, 1865, are hereby notified that the (xxTxirazDj time for taking ont licenses has ex pired, and parties in default will be placed on the In- | [ formation Docket on Friday, March 23, 1866. I Extract from Ordinance 27th Dec., 1865:] 8. E. corner Broughton and Whitaker Strs., SAVANNAH, GA. Old pictures copied with the greatest care. d!4 ’re, J NEW BOOKS RECEIVED BY ■ANOrAOTUBIBS OF Any person subject or liable to take ont such li- ... ■ cense or badge, and fa ling to do so for ten days after GLYCERINE, BROWN WINDSOR, VIO- | t f , ? ) 88 W ® ret day of January in each year, shall be Cooper, Olcotts & Farrelly. ;Watches J eWe , , 'liver and P|„, M Fancy Goorie T HE undersigned resnecifnii- * ‘ « C the citizens and visitor- im Calls llle •hatL 1 sawssa: sar""""™" 'w ™ E is>; d6CgMm ^ LET, BAR AND TOILET SOAPS OF EVERY DESCRIP TION. liable to a fine of not more than thirty dollars for I each day’s default, on conviction before tbe Police Court. JAMES STEWART, mlT-6 clerk of Connell. M E88RS. MOODY A BARRETT would respectfully announce to the public that they have jut opened their STEAM SOAP WO&ER, Tax Notice. Wives and Daughters; by Mrs. Gaakell. Tried and True; by Alton'Clyde. Agnes; by Mrs. Oliphant. False Pride; or Two Ways to Matrimony. Jealonsy ; by George Sand. DeBow’s Review for March. ISAAC RUSSELL, [DEPUTY CITY 8 Constable and Notary Pi l7 ‘ 3 CHATHAM COUNTY* and are folly prepared to fill all orders for the fol lowing Bar and Toilet Soaps: OFFICE U. S. DIRECT TAX COMMISSIONER, District or Georgia, Savannah, Jan. 16th, 1866. f GROCERIES AT GOST. PALE SOAP, EXTRA No. 1, EXTRA No. 1 RESIN or YELLOW SOAP, GERMAN, ERASIVE, CHEMICAL, OLIVE, CASTILE, &c. Also, a large variety of Toilet Soaps, comprising HONEY, PALM, CAMPANULA., ALMOND, TRANSPARENT, ROSE. PUMMICE, LAVA, &c. t Ac. No pains will be spared to make onr Soaps equal in quality, price and perfnme to any American or For eign Soups. Onr motto shall be “ semper idem,” and all goods not equal in qnality and price to American 1 Notice is hereby given that the TAX ROLL I for Chatham Count; Is completed, and owners of | Real Estate in said connty, Lots, Lrnds and improve ments, outside the city of Savannah, or Real Estate retnrned for Taxation in said county in I860, must pay the Taxes due thereon within sixty (60) days Dorn tills date at our office, N. W. cor. South Broad I and Lincoln streets. Savannah, or suffer the penalty T. P. ROBB, S.A. PANCOAST,} Commissioners. J. C. BATES, SODA WATER $25 REWARD A. M. Scarbrough & Co. Are closing ont their stock of GROCERIES at cost CORNER BAY AND ABERCORN STS. | entire new sat of moulds FOR proof to convict any n er wm nr, the following described buities ° 01 Having recently, at a great e\pcn» >n vvliidi my fatten ip s (5-tf CORN. [SODA WATER, PHILADELPHIA FOB.I TER, AND ALE BOTTLES are made. Each of those Bottle* I 6 blown in the l-i.iss T:,» e I the year 1866 1 Office United States Direct Tax Commission, 1 Hon BUSHELS Prime White Cora, in bulk, per I my private property iio’'oihi-r^np^n Uwulli ^ liUUU schooner Emma. For sale by bottles made in them. I neither CRANE & GRAYBILL. i them. I neither | any of those Bottles. DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, 1 Savaknah. Jan. 16,1866.1 G0VERESS WANTED. mBb « P”m,| NO OTHER PERSON HA8 A TO DO SO. I simply lend them lo those who N OTICE Is hereby given that the Tax Roli for \ GENTLEMAN (widowerj residing in a pleasant tents - ' ¥itl1 the understamling ilnu Chatham county is now completed, and owners locality in South Carolina, about 3o miles from turlie( l to me when empty. •-- • • ■ ‘ i, lai " *— ‘ pnrehije thecal Shipping Intelligence. FOE NEW YOEK ATLANTIC COAST Mail steamship Company. SIDE-WHEEL SHIP, or Foreign manufacture, shall be returned and money refnnded. THE HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR TALLOW AND GREASE. Orders addressed to MOODY k BARRETT, or L. J. GUILMARTIN k CO., will receive prompt and im mediate attention. m20-tf of real estate in said county, lots, lands and improve ments ontside the city of Savannah, or roal estate re- | turned for taxation in said connty in I860, may pay the taxes dne thereon within sixty (60) days from this date, at onr office, north-west corner South Broad and Lincoln streets. Savannah. T. P. ROBB, 8. A. PANCOAST, V Commissioners. J. C. BATES, ) Jie-tf | Savan nail, desires to engage the services of a re spectable middle-aged lady,as Matron and Governess of three small girls, a liberal salary will be paid. Satisfactory references will be required. Applica tions addressed lo this office will reach him and meet with prompt attention- mn-tf dh-yare tobtal This is well understood W nil yet i aa nf f huir inn.,. * . J 1 less of their just oblioations.'ri'yqaeiitb MS I those but ties with the Wa’-- “ T slst of Office Commis’rs Water Works, HLDABLE PACKAGES Miniature Almanac—This Day. Sun rises 6 OljMoon rises. io 42 Sun sets 5 591High water.. morn RECONSTRUCTION IN TEXAS. 1 he convention ol Texas, which, owing to the dilatory movements ol Governor Ham ilton, did not assemble until a few weeks since, lias passed a series of organic acts as Gl11 raUr08d lron - required by the reconstruction policy of tbe President; including amendments to the constitution granting civil rights to the freed- IQl:D sue ffnd to be sued, to testify in the courts, to make contracts and be contracted with, to acquire, hold and transmit property in all cases same as the whites, and to be subject to no penal laws based On inequality or distinction. The message of the Governor to that body, excepting one or two of its recommendations which have a radical' savour, may be regarded as a sensible, just and temperate public document. One of its most striking features relates to the condition of the freedmen. We quote here a passage from the address, because it is worthy of the attention not merely of the body to which it was addressed, but of the South generally. He said: Our former slaves ate declared by the constitution of the United States to be free. Shall we treat that declaration as a mere form of words, or shall we re ceive it as a living truth ? Shall we repose upon the postulate that the act of emancipation is only a wrong done to us. or shaU we question honestly with our selves concerning its significance ? It seems to me that the events of the past five years should abate somewhat our pride of opinion. We have seen a war begun for the perpetuation of slavery result in the declaration by the most powerful of the nations of the earth, that it ahaU no longer exist. Let us not deceive ourselves by the supposition that the nation will fail to make tha't declaration good, or to redeem fuUy the high obligations which it has assumed in this behalf before the civilized world. In my judgment there could not be devised a more succeasul mode of pro crastinating our return to our original position in the Union than to deny the freedmen in our midst those civil rights and privileges, without which to call them free would be only ’(to keep the word of p the ear and break it to the hope." Steamship Chase, Oammell. PORT OF SAVANNAH. Monday, March 19, 1866. Arrived. Roath, New York—Hunter <t FARE REDUCED. Cakln Passage, $30 Steerage, $ISJ Deck, $10. Schr S J Vaugh, Vaughn, Nsw York, with hay, fertilisers, gunpowder, eto—W H Stark. Br ship Golden Light, Slater, Liverpool—E A Sonl- iand. I The new and very fast side-wheel steamship HERMAN LIVINGSTON, 2,000 tons burthen, J. B. Bakze, commander, will positively sail on her regular day, Cleared. Solir B U Shannon, Marta, Richmond, Va—Hunter & Gammell. Saturday, Slat-eb 91, at X o’clock p. in. Fqr freight or passage, having elegant nccommo dations, apply to miO . WILDER k FULLARTON. Imports. Per steamer Laura, from Augusta—62 bales cotton, S2 bdla shingles, 20 bales domestics, 54 cases ale, 3 half bbls whiskey. Per Br ship Golden Light, from Liverpool—160 tons coal, 9.952 sacks salt. The Oldest Accident Insnranee Comp’y IN’ AMERICA Exporyi. Per schr B H Shannon, for Rlohmond—215 tons Brig J W Lovett, Jacques, St Johns, N B. with lumber to J McMahon. Traveler’s insurance Co. OF HARTFORD, CONN. | Net Cash Assets, Feb. 1, ’«6, $600,849 72 Passengers. Per steamship Chase, from New York—J Bodlne, J L Everett, T B Little, C H Russell, M Plttmore, F E Gorman, wife and child, R Taylor, W Taylor, J R Head, O Stoelker, J O'Brien, R Hammouse, T J Chase son, Mrs O Baker, Miss A Erickson, H Radciiff Wilbur, L B Coe, A D Miller, T Acoster, E Riley’ A C Wilbur, l u coe, a u Miner, T Acoster, E Rilev G w Rainer, a B HaUack, G Bacon, WEverard, j Harrison and wife. Insures against Accidents of all Kinds, CAUSING BODILY INJUBY OR LOSS OF1.IPE. ConilgiicM. Per steamship Chase, from New York—J W Auder- IT 18 CHEAP. A policy for $5,000 in case of fatal aocident. or $25 non F H Austin W B Adame JAM fa l . 1 ,‘ UI 4>J.uvv in case or taiai accident, or $25 i. t C B’van if A Co Bradv abr^. | P®r week in oase of disabling injury, costs but $-25 A <£ Baldwin A Co PH Bebn W £ ? t0 , I 30 P Rr y» 4r - Ad I “rob $500 to $10,^ Bennett Bothwell AWN K Baum I' w ^ * 3 to $5o weekly compensation, at propurtlon- Uohem Clagborn A o’^ohem jTfcilrk A^o’ 8 M ? Uberaf dis^uSf Wrl ' ten ** ° r flVe «' P/iliflntr f!nlhv At Prana %. A o ttt ° f 1 “ UDer » 1 ^ISCOUnf. The Southern Mutual Insurance Company QTILL continue taking Fire Risks at the tunal rates. REMAINING IN THE OFFICE OF Savahhau, March 7, I860. The public are requested in all cases of want of j ___ , prompt attention on the part of the plumbers to mik- I O OH til GPU JliXpreSS Co., Prefits annually divided among tbe insured. THOMAS II. HARDEN, Agent, m20-l At the Planters’ Bank, Savannah. OATS, OATS. P RIME article, in lata to suit purchasers, at the lowest market rates. Apply to ing repairs, or in cases of overcharging, to m-ke complaint at the office of Water Work*; so that in cases of continued or gross neglect, the ordinance can be enforced which requires the withdrawal ol their licenses. By order of Board of Commissioners. R. D. GUERARD, mS Sup’t W. W. thereby depriving me'of rnypninmyamUaSS I me to losses which arc unjust ami unlawful w Those Bottles arc now verv expemne rtw-. more so by the Patent Cork Fastener .UactouS lost with every bottle winch I lose, together JS many taxes imposed upon this species or lina* the most oppressive of which is a direct ih^ per cent, to the Government on gross sales wNtfl or Mineral Water, which rednt-es the profiias)*, that it is impossible, at present prices, luschmrl the loss of Bottlep, and l do hereby caution 2> sons against buying, selling, fi.hug, with fak, in any manner depriving me of the use or silk ties- JOHN RYAN Soda Water Buttling Estaliiishment Soutliwest corner of Baj and WtelBrmiE ml 7 MARCH 17, 18GG. CHARLES L. COLBY k CO., Corner bay and Abercora its. For Rent. A BRICK DWELLING on South Commons. Apply at this office. m20-S THOMAS H. AUSTIN, General Commission anil Forvorliu MEnCBLANT, §5 Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. HEADQUARTERS POST OF SAVANN lU, ( Savannah, Ga.,March 17, 1866./ Genkbal Orders i No. 1. / L In obedience to Par. V, Special Orders No. 27, dated Headquarters Department of Georgia, Augus ta, Ga., March 14th, 1866, 1 hereby assume command of the Post of Savannah, embracing the counties formerly knowu as the District of Savannah, with the exceptions enumerated in General Orders No. 10, as. Headquarters Department of Georgia. II. Reports and communications of an official na ture will be addressed to 1st Uent. Samuel Ronnds A. A. A. Gen., as heretofore. (Signed/ W. C. MANNING, Maj. 103d U. S. C. Inf’ty. Official: Samuel Rounds, 1st Lieut, and A. A. A. Gen. inlT-8 Andrews, L. IV. Bronsen. Nelson Burke, Thomas Butler, James M. Booth, John Burns, Win. Bonne, Miss I. A. Conner, J. E. Evans, Jas. Gross, J k Co. Gammell, Wm. Hunt J. B. Heyward, J. F. m!9 Harman, Miss M. Myers, M. S. A Co. Murphy. Moses Major, Wm. McIntosh, J McQ. Roach. Patrick Russell, P. JL Sheliie, Carrie J. Sams, W. J. True, fier’gt A. M. Taylor, Mrs. M. F. Ward, Miss Julia. T. J. DUNBAR & CO. IMPORTERS AND DEALKRS i.V WINES. LIQUORS SEMI 14:7 Bay Street, E. P. TUNISON, Agent. SAVANNAH, GA., (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OfTiil I IAN, WOMAN AND BOYS W E invite the attention of the Trade and lie ft lie generally to our large and elegant i W ANTED, a man to take charge of horses, a wo man to do plain cooking, and two boy B from 14 to 17 years of age. I also want, and will pay the highest price for all the stray soda water bottles (not having my name on them) brought to my Soda Water Manufactory, Southwest corner of Bay and West Broad street. mW-3 JOHN RYAN. To Merchants in the Interior. ment of Wines, Liquors, CordiuU, Column» gars, etc., etc., which is not excelled-by any similar i-stabiisiwi the States. 1 We are sole proprietors af DUNBAR'S C BRATED WORMWOOD CORDIAL, the rcpE dhl which is Itally established hi this and hmp tries; DUNBAR’S well known STOMACHBIT1 gnaranted superior to any article of the tints signed expressly for hotel and family me i BAR’S SCHIEDAM CORDIAL SCHKAffS ranted of the utmost purity, and put up < Birias TO Wm. M Tunno A Co., Savannah; Nourse A Brooks. NewYoric; Bpping, Hanseed A Co., Ooloiaba*. BAMBB&OX8 HATH SYRUP. | »> BARRELS Fine Georgia Syrnp m in store and for sale by m‘2-1 BRYAN, HARTRIDGE A CO. Hands Wanted, B7E The Original and Best in the World 1 The only true and perfect Hair Dye. Harmless, Reliable and Instan taneous Produces immediate.; a splendid Black or natural Brown, withont injuring the hair or skin. Remediea the ill effects of bad dye*. Sold by all Drug gists. The genuine is signed William A Batchelor. Alio, REGENERATING EXTRACT OF MILLBFLEURS, For Restoring and Beautifying the Hair. »o!4-’v CHARLES BATCHELOR. N*w Yoke. A CONSIGNMENT of HATS and UMBRELLAS, at I f or onr house, of which wu are role pr prid® a small advance on cost I importers. Sole Agents for Robert smith'i i For sale by | brated PHILADELPHIA ALE, In cupd an’hr LEWIS C. TEBBAU, At Whitaker street Shoe Store, northeast corner Broughton st. Lane. m!9-tf PICKLES. Oft Five-gallon kegs Plain Pickles C\J 6ii cases Plain and Assorted Pickles 20 cases Tomatto Catsup. For sale by HILTON A RANDBLL, m!9-3 193 Bay street rpo work on a Rite Plantation ne ir town, who will -* he hired by the day, month or year. R. HABERSHAM A SONS. Coldlng^Colby A Co, Crane A G, F W Cooney Aovle _ Dunbar, DUIon * T, Duncan A J, A L, E P Deyo, T 8 P Dzlalyskl, E Ehrlich, Eclipse Ft Line, E A Fckman Krwin A H, M Ferst A C >, G C Freeman, Hunter A IT IS UNIVBU8AL. W Marsh A Co, H McKennon, Wilder A F, G T Nlch ols, M Davidson, Order, Palmer A D, R A Barnerd J Ryan, H G Kuwe. P Reilly, Rogers A C. R R A»t’ F W Sims, Southern Ex, Adams Ex, Haradens Ex’ P Strauss, W U Stark, and others. ’ riding, hunring, fishing, etc. It issues policies for all persons, in all parts of the United States and Canadas, and grants permits to visit any part of the world. This insurance is sought after and valued by all classes of men, rich or poor IT IS RELIABLE. ' promise to The wholesome idea he thus seeks to in culcate is, that it is of no ase for the south ern people to attempt in any way whatever to resist the march of events that are inevi table", inasmuch that if legislation incon sistent with the wed defined policy of the President coaid meet with 1 -toleration for the present, it would be but the beginning of another agitation which would necessarily result ia the triumph of the views ot the majority of the nation. W.e are not without experience of: the fruits of such agitation. However great may be onr condemnation of the late unhappy war, we cannot but recog nize the fact that it was but the culmination of a protracted effort on our part to resist the aggressive spirit of emancipation, and that now the Federal Government has been vic torious, justice and honor require that it shall see to it that tbe Freedmen are pro tected in the beneficial enjoyment of the boon that has been accorded to them. Any sys tem of State laws or any primary action on the part of our people, therefore, intended to deprife them of the actuaal froits of eman cipation, must meet with resistance from tbe General Government. This practical view of tbe question, which baa such an impor tant bearing upon tbe future weal of the •outh, is happily illustrated and sustained nt Fer steamer Laura, from Augusta—Erwin A H C A Purse, Brady, 8 A Co, Wright, Gibbs A Co. J C N Thompson. ■’ Per schr S J Vaughn, from Sew York—P n Belra, W H Stark, O Cohen, R Habersham A Son, Duncan A J, and others. T The TRAVELER’S of Hartford is the oldest Acci dent: Insurance Company In the United 8tates, and established on a firm basis. It has issned many thousands of policies, pays claims for compensation almost daily, and its business is steadily increasing, capital is ample, its directory of the highest cliar- Con.ignee* per Central Kail road. March, 19, 1866. 1,060 bales cotton, 127 sks cotton seed, 32 bxs to- I bacco, 33 bales yarn, 18 do leather, 51 bbls dried fruit acter. and it has paid over One - Thousand Losses, without contesting one WO MEDICAL EXAMINATION QUIlt ED. UK- martin, M S Cohen, W G Lawton, York, W. A Mcl Wilder A F. R A Macey, A J Miller, B G Tfiden Eve (colored, W A Edenfield, J Burna, J McMahon H j Dickerson, Brady, 8 A Co, P A Boeworth, O Green k m- Three cents a day will insure a man for $2000 or $10 weekly compensation, for one year. _ „ J. Q. BATTERSON, President- Rodney Dennis, Sec. m20 A. WILBER, Age*t, Savannah. Son, R Habersham A Son. Erwin k H, 6nncan A J x II kji ~T I “ i RM^r a p ^ I To the Merchants and Business W R Fleming, W H Burroughs, Bothwell k W. N l/ovilaa D U Hahn W U ataaL mwr Ay . ing, ^ Hardee, P H Behn, W H Stark,'W Battersbv A Co G C Freemen, Kein A Co, Hunter k G, Brigham. B A Co, Flattnan A Co, J W Rabun, Col H M Darling PORT OF ST. MARYS, GA. Sr. Marts, Ga., March ie, 1866. Cleared. Men of Savannah. T HE Proprietors beg leave to bring to your at tention THE GE0B8IA DAILY TELEORAPH. HATS AND STRAW GOODS Men, Women and Children, AT WHOLESALE. A TTKNTION is called, to my large and elegant XX slock of the above goods, now In store and ar riving by every steamer. These goods were bought directly from the manu facturers, and will be sold as lour as they are jobbed at in New York. J ™ Merchants visiting the city will do well to call and examine my stock beforo purchasing elsewhere. S. M. COLDING, 153 Congrose street. Ball’s Vegetable Sicilian Hair Rcsever Has proved itself to be the ffioet perfect preparation (or the hair ever ottered to the public. It ia a vegetable compound, and contains no injuri ous properties whatever. IT WILL RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIG INAL COLOR. It will keep the hair from falling out. It cleanses the acaip and makes the hair soft, ■ na trons and silken. It ie a splendid hair dressing. Nopenon, old,or young; should foil to use it. IT IB RECOMMENDED AND USED BY THE FIRST MEDICAL AUTHORITY. HrjUk for Fall’s Vegetable Sicilian Hai Renewer, aad take no other. R. P. HALL 4k CO., Nashua, N. H., Proprietors. For sale by all druggists. BARNES, WARD 4k CO., New Orleans, La., n2L6m Southern Wholesale Agents. 66 Star” Whiskey. English, Scotch and American ALK ami PO BRANDY, Scotch and Bourbon tt HISKEYuti] RACK BUNCHES, formerly well known thfflf “the United States, put np by ne in cases fora and home conmmption. T. J. D. k Co. are sole Agents for A. iy Catherwood’a Pore RYE WHISKIES, XX sM brands, guaranteed unsurpab«cd in quality nM reliance. Constantly on hand, a large and leeted stock of BOURBON and WHEAT fffl" worthy the attention of the trade and emu generally. An assortment of SEUARS rf - grsde., manufactured and imported cipresWr!> boose, which we offer at the verv irntMua*! prices. BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, CUAMP2S*I and every description and gTade of Foreign Iig“ imported directly by this bouse, and fnrsBsin' 1 or duty paid, at lowest market rates. & I Afi CASES of this calebrated brand of Whiskey 1 Just received and for sale by Notice. C ONSIGNEES per schooner J. S VAUGN are no tified that she Is discharging this aav. foot of Exohang. dock. All goods . left on the wharf after sunset will be stored at risk and expense of owners. m80-2 WM. H. STARK, Agent HILL’S HAIR DTK, 50 cents—Black Or Brown, Instantaneous; best, cheapest, durable, re- I Uuble. Depot, No. 66 John street, New York. Sold by an drug and patent medicine stores everywhere. n»9-ly SIGHT EXCHANGE on irziw vom Oorrzz Tips protect the toes of children’s shoes.— J om pair will outwear three without tips. Sold every where. Norwegian bark Bona Fide, Omholf, 291,000 feet pitch pine timber, 9,500 feel boards, Queenstown, for orders—T L Barns A Co. PUBLISHED IN THE CITY OF MACON. J. R. SNEED and BA ML. BOYKIN Editors WALLACE DRYSDALE, natua* m Choice Family Groceries (STREET, , STATE mfi-eodlm The Telegraph has a circulation In the interior and especially among the buiness men of towns and vil lages, unsurpassed by that of any paper in tho State and lienee we present to you as an excellent medium for bringing yrtur business before the country ' For terms of subscription and advertising apply to Wm. M. Sneed, our Agent in Savannah. n>20-3 l : WM. A. REID A CO. Orders forLum&er. T HE undersigned are prepared to receive orders for Pitch Pine LUMBER. j c - Freeman, 8avaonah r or ad- PARKER, TYNER JOO.^ PRIME WHITE COM 1 7QQ Two bushel Sacks Prime White Corn. Ij x Jdst landed from schooner C. W. ElweB Confer with Geo. dress ml0-eod2w from Baltimore, and for sale by “>WIN E. HERTZ A CO. Coleraine, St. Marya River, Ga. EXECUTORT NOTICE. AJOTICK. —All persons having claims against tha 11 estate of tb. late WllIU^. Thomw wHl hand PARI QE. HOUSE LK#BX>. them in, duly attested, within the time prescribed h, . „ law; and all indebted to said estate wfllmake iSm^ WANTED TO RENT, possession now or 1st April, diate payment to ‘mine- i a House of medium size, or a portion of a payment t 124-lawCw Dr. L. A. FALLIGANT, Ex’r estate Wm, B. Thomas, House, famished or untarnished. References given and required. Address “Home Rent," Box 224, Post omce. m20-6 CHECKS On Matts' National Ban! of I. Y. For sale at par by m20 3 CHARLES GREEN 4k SON. J. SHAFFER, Comm 1 aalon Tkmli In all kinds of FOREIGN AND »jMESTIC FRUITS amFRODUCS, Warn Wabbihotok Maun, Opposite 14* West sL, Bulkhead betwwn Barclay and ^ _ _ Vesey its, NEW YORK. Potatoes, Apples and Onions constantly on hind, nd pat ap for the Soathern market All consignment* promptly attenked to. Refers to A. L. Bradley, A. Haywood, T. J, Walsh, and J. H. Parsons. if 19 aodlv A PHYSIOLOGICAL View of MARRIAGE Containing nearly 300 pages, and 130 fine Plates ud Engravings of the Anatomy of the Hunan Or I gant In a state of Health and Disease, with aTrea- l tiae on Early Errors, ita Deplorable Consequences upon the mtnd and Body, with the Author’s Plan of Treatment—the only rational and successful mode of I cure, as shown by the report of cases treated. A truthful adviser to the married, and those contem- [ plating marriage, who entertain doubts or their phys ical condition. Sent free of postage to any address, I on receipt of 25 cents, in stamps or postage currency, by addressing Dr. LA CROIX, No. 31 Maiden f an. Albany, N. Y. 1 he author may be consulted upon any of thedis- eases upon which hie book treats either personally or [ by mail, aad medidnei sent to any part of the world. I octie 6m Sundries. lft KEQSI choice Goshen Butter v 3U boxes Eugllah Dairy Cheese *o boxes State Cheese 60 bbls Famliy Flour 800 bags White Com 200 do Heavy Pennsylvania Seed Oats Landing aad tor sale by mlC-eodlO QJLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM, DAVID BAILEY, MERCHANT TAILOR No. IS Whitaker 8t„ Between Bryan and Bay streets, X s - ia s P rf gg » nd Sommer Stock, g - ^ ea ^ > Clotb * “O Oaasimercs; SS, ®“*«»rae and Cbatlngu y* 118 * «nd Brown Lines Dart! he » U1 m»ke np at the short- No. 12 Whitaker Street. ■h iw4teodim HILTON A RANDBLL, 193 BaystreeL Scranton, Smith & ft TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Oefice of Comptroller of the Currency i Washington, March T, 1866. f TYTHEREAS. by satisfactory evidence presented Tv to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that “The Merchants’ National Bank of Savannah ” In the city of Savannah, in the county of Chatham and State or Georgia, has been Unly organized under and according to the requirements of the ace of Congress entitled “ An Act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States bonds, and to provide for the circulation and re demption thereof,’’ approved June 3, 1834, and has complied with all the provisions of said act required to be complied with before commencing the business of banking under said act. Now, therefore, I, Freeman Clarke, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that “The Merchants’ National Bank of Savannah," in the city or Savan nah, In the connty of Chatham and State of Georgia, is authorized to commence the business of banking under the act aforesaid. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office this seventh day of March. 1866. Jt- s.] FREEMAN CLARKE, No. 1640. Comptroller. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND CHOICE OLD BRANDIES, WUIsKEV, ctrv, , ^ UTABt *| ▲ND EVERY VARIETY OF GROCER® I Kay, Corn, Oats and Bran, strictly »t the trade; and we flatter ourselves that 01 ,1 it to the interest of dealers to patronize » P head of Bay, opposite KIELIN, BR0. & BE WHOLESALE HEALERS IN The Merchants’ National Bank, Savannah, March 19,1866. In pursuance of the authority of the United States Comptroller as above, this Bank, with a capital of live hundred thousand dollars ($5' 0,000) paid in, will commence to receive deposits and pay checks and do a general banking business on Wednesday n«tt, the 21s inst., nt its banking house on the Bay, between Bull and Drayton streets. H. BRIGHAM, President. GEO. W. DAVIS, cashier. mar 19-2m CIDER VINEGAR. T EN barrels Pare Cider Vinegar For sale by 1-1 CUNNINGHAM, PURSE 4k CO. Consignees’ ^Notice Q TEAMSHIP WILLIAM TIBBETTS, from Boston, O is now discharging at Duncan’s Wharf. All goods not removed at snnset will be stored at owners’ risk, and not delivered till freight and ex penses are paid. m!9-1 RICHARDSON A BARNARD. CODFISH. 4,000 POUNDS prime Codfish For sale by HILTON k RANDBLL, tnl9-3 193 Bay Street. SEA ISLAND COTTON SEED. CQ BUSHELS Baa bland Cotton Seed Ud For sale by ■17-0 BRYAN, HARTRIDGE 4k CO.. 155 Bay street. WHITAKKR STREET A* 1 ! BAY LANE. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED S au21 DISSOLUTION OF COPAB® THHE ilrni of f. J. Newton A 0a. & ** | A ed by mutual const-iiL The urist> I settled by B. C. Franklin, who aleae - I receipt for the late firm. • ml" Brunswick, Ga., March 16,1866 DISSOLUTION. fflHE firm of Holland. Paal anil A solved by mntual cunswit jloB 4 ® | Pitts wUl coutinne the bnpin-'^ tborized to settle the affairs of tile ko&kt' .JOHN P 111 * Pid- Darien, Ga., March 15,1^6’- ^il I would most respectfnlly r p‘i nf ?' that the new firm may receive ’“j, extend® ® I tronageand support wnich h»s ^ late£m of Holfand, B . H^l Situation 8 BAR KEEPER, Best of refcre d1K| A L Apply at 187 Bay street Catawba Wfr 6, i CASES (still) vintage of IS®* Msk aft kh , lliou. Ibvei [•yn f ^Olj k fop 1 iuai ib. ,J ®c SCALES. 4 SSORTED Sises and W terns ^ foM^I A form and Counter Sf® 1 * 3 ; " surpaf^rfri neatness and durabUity ^“'"‘..‘ for ^ best Frames, Besme, Hooks, a j ton. For sale by BOUSE *$w*f*\ J25-U l d °ck & ,