Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 27, 1866, Image 4

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Miscellaneous. MBffi OWN REMEDIES. Congress Spring Water. Empire Spring Water. Columbian Spring Water. No natural or artificial compound has yet been <iis- tovei'isd or manufactured that equals these waters as a preventive, relief and permanent cure, for many temporary anil chronic diseasin', as proved by tin- ex perlencc of many thousands who have drank lln m for years, with the most beneficial effects. CONGRESS WATER s a cathartic, alterative and tonic, anil is a v aluu- remedy for affections of the hv.-r and bring*, dyspenda "out, chronic constipation .mil cutaneous • liseasi • * Is a powerful preventive of the fever.., anil bilious complaints so prevalent in warm climafoa. EMPIRE WATER Dry Goods. Blankets 1 Flannels ('LOTUS AND ('ASSIMERE3 BLEACH El) AND BROWN 8UIBTINGS DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS FRENCH KERINOB8 AND ALAPACAS. Received and for sale cheap by H. HAYM, 174 Broughton street. 0Ct23 1>1 atliartic, and a valuable remedy for rheum a- r I!,"i rnent of the liver, diseases ol the skin. Us i-ffi rta are most salutary in .... L la !U1 almost sure (lire fill'scrolubl, p ost aggravated forms i f dyspepsia. As a and*care for all bilious dcrangemenis >i COLUMBIAN WATER fici- nid diuretic of a highly < : i p ; .snfr<.* remedy lor dialu te iiatmii and inll unnialion of m< • .in-; has most singularly active <-ITei tc tbe-.e or-yans wh-n il. bih’aled by Iona .■males who have guttered for years Irani , mill the distressing diseases known only . have been cnlirrly eilrod by is use of Columbian Water. ■ kidneys I be fuilbliil •| hi s - waters are bottled fresh and pure, from each ,,f t| 1( . :t ove named springs, in-sd careful and secure a manner that they preserve all their medicinal value fur years, and will be found equally efficacious wln-n .trunk thousands of miles distant as when taken di- l. clly from the spring. Itcwure ol imitations and inferior Waters. The cori - of all genuine Congress, Umpire and Columbian Wat. I' are branded on the side of Hie cork, thus: (OoMiRKsR Water,) ( C. * K. S- Co. ) f C> U. PM Hi A ■ \ c. it 10. | Emviki: Wati I C. ifc E. S. Co h. Co ■d safely and sciniely, ii it lo liny part of the w V.'aters in boxis contain: i ipiart bottles eaeli. ( . Iitainiu" 4 or 6 dozen In i boxes suitable for arid. Congress and ng4 di m u pin. s or ohinildati Vinter in df ]i n:s, or 4 dozen pint b. nil Urn ..list*, Hotels, 117 . wb.desab- by ITUTCfKvisS SONS, >? 94 Heclctilai DRY GOODS. The nndersigiieil liaving formed a copart nersli'l’’ under the firm name of Hiram Roberts’ Sons & Co., for t he purpose of carrying ona general DRY DODDS BUSINESS, have now opened, and will continue, to receive addit ional supplies of Imported and Domestic Dry Goods, which lliey offer for sale at No. 156 GIBBONS’BUILDING on Congress street, east Qf the Market, and at the second store from the end or the Imildlng. JAMES H. ROBERTS. DWIGHT L. ROBERTS. f'26-tf EDWARD S! L ATH ROB. nliipt attention. HA \ ANA SEGAHS, i> i pES, 11 'Y\'i 11 <_r ami Smolvinsj; f' r$ p Li v:i i m S< 'li’ar? i I't'rslirmin 5 ) pes, cKLAAiniES and BlilARWOOD BITES. ‘nte rtrtbns - haascN ol Chewing and smoking Uaar-i'ahW^fiAWhK-'hr.ii id all m tpe first qua ■'(•Age call and Cwne-I.e *.|| yin:--c!( -it F. CONSTANT’S. nr Bilil St., opposite Post. Offic •n-w ul)le 1 > a c i ii c* GUANO. nf Planters to the . b:ii in-arli one kill 'd !>." cent, more ot p; i Gnuito. (ini- third of which is 11 1.- quin- as active as Pm uv irm.-itl-.n, apply : E. C. WADE CO.. AgonD, Savannah. C.a To Planters. 100.000 Lbs. of Palma Christi, OR CASTOR OIL BHANfS WANTED. fur which 1 will pay Three Cents per pound cash.— Estimated yield 10 a prime hand, $1.:.20 to $4,620. The only crop exempt Hum Iheft and injury by stock. Cirenlars. with particulars, and superior cultivated Seed supplied without cost, oil application to •f. W. GREGORY, Ili; ld 12 Stoddard’s Itmge, Savannah. E. i>. SMYTH & i()7, Importers and Wholesale Dealers In CROCKERY, i'll INA G L A S S W ARE, 100 It rough ton Street, Near Bull Street, Savannah, Georgia. Fin* invoices ofAVIlITE <;RANITE. COMMON and CJI.ASSWaKE, in store and to arrive: For sale by original invoice. Good* re-packed for country trade, flw-eodif REM ESTATE FOR SALE. tween Barnard and Montgomery streets, (l, tliorj.e Town. Apply to DtWITT A MORGAN. m21 eod-4 137 Congress street. J. SHAFFER, Commission Doa lor . f n all kinds of FOREIGN A NO T> /MESTIC FRUIT.S and PRODUCE, Wjwt Washington Market, Opposite 143 u'est “t.. Bulkhead between Barclay and Y T e?ey sts., NEW YORK. Potatoes. Apples and Onions constantly on hand, und put up for the Southern market All consignments promptly attenked to. Ret!*rs to A. L. Bradley, A. Haywood, T. J. Walsh, And J. II Parsons. WALLACE DRYSDALE, Choice Family Groceries eTREl'/p, iiiC-eoillin Opposite Armory H ill. Resorte Hats. 1 1 DDT colors ol every description. Just received -J;it n COLDING-S, 111 --1 *'* T5*1 Congress street HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, For Weakness arising from Indiscretion. The exhausted powers of Nature which are accompanied by so many alarming symptoms, among which will be found India* position to Exertion, Loss of Memory, Wakefulness, Horror of Disease, or Forebodings of Evil; in fact. Universal I*issitu«le, Prostration, and inability to enter into the enjoyments of society. The Constitution, once atfected with Organic fTfSifcac.-w, requires the aid of Medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which HKLMBOI D’S EXTRACT BUCriU in variably does. If no treatment is submitted to, Con sumption or Insanity ensues. HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, In affections peculiar to “ Females,” is unequaled by any other preparation ts in Chlorosis or Retention, Painfuluess, or SuppreftWtii of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schirrus State of the Uterus ; and all com plaints incident to the sex, whether arising from habits of dissipation, imprudence in, or the decline or change in life. HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTBACT BUCHU IMPROVED ROSE WASH Will radically exterminate from the sy-tem Diseases arising from Habits or Dissipation at little expense, little t>r no change in diet, no inconvenience or exposure; c*om- pletely superseding those unjleasant and dangerous rtr hedits. Copaiba, an t Alercw-y, in all these diseases. USE HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU In all Diseases nf these organs, whether existing in “ Jfe/e ” nr “ Female,” from wk-ikner cause origin ding, an,I no matb-r how lung standing. It is pleasant in taste and iili'r, " imninhalr " in actum, and mere strength" I'lhng than any or the preparations of Bark or Iron. These suffering from Broken down or DeluaU Const! Moots, prourr thr remedy at oner. Tin* mailer must be aware that however slight may lie the ailHi-k iff the almve diseases, it is certain to af fect hi IMil i lleol’h, Mental Powers, ami Ilnnpinea. All tin- alsive diseases require the aid of a djuretie. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU Is the Great Diuretic. New York Advertisements. DURYEAS' MAIZENA o 2 ■•H , SO -< 3 O o a z u m z *0 . o o c TRY z p WAS THE ONLV ‘ PREPARATION . FOB FOOD FROM INDIAN CORN’’ That received a medal anil honorable mention from the JRoyal Commissioners the competition of all pro minent inannfaetitrerji of “Corn Starch” and “Pre pared Corn Flour” of this and other countries not withstanding. MAIZENA, The food and luxury or the age, without a single fault. (,»m* trial will convince the most skeptical Makes Puddings, Cakes, Custards, Blanc Mange, Ac., without isinglass, with few or no eggs, at a cost as tonishing the most economical. A slight addition to ordinary Wheat Flour greatly Improves Bread and Cake. If is also excellent for thickening sweet sauces, gravies for lisli and meats. Soups, Ac. For Ice Cream nothing can compare with it. A little boiled in milk will produce rich cream lor coffee, chocolate, tea. Ac. Put up in one. pound packages, under tin* trade mark Mnizrna. with directions frt use. A most delicious article <»f food for children and in Valid* ot all.ages. For sale by Grocers and T)i uggists everywhere. \VId»Ii‘s;iIi‘ llppot, 1<><> I’nltoii Slreot. WILLIAM DUBYIUA, j?5_ly Gciierul Agent BHIEN cV CAIMSEItE, Commission Merchants, Nil. 11 SOUTH WILLIAM STRKKT, New Vorli. C TONsIUNMENTSol any description of produce, or J orders for purchase of same, or any business appertaining to a Genera! Commission House, as also eo’isigiinn ni:’ or orders to our friends abroad, where we have extensive connexions, are solicited. l’artii nlars of all markets will he given upon in qmry, and advances made upon business entrusted to us or our friends. CARERB A CO., inla dm Commission Merchants, N. Orleans. SPlil XG MATTRESSES, Which fold up complete for transporting. The most comfortable lied lor a warm climate; good uphol stored und liest hair tops. S. 1*. KITTLE, 150 chat hum si reel. New York. Every leng to roropleu* mid fnrnixh » bed. The place III buy is where the I bio" is mail.-. fS 2iu HAWKINS & FAY, Cominissioii Merchants, NO. 47 PKARb STRKKT, NEAR PRODUCE EXCHANGE, N. Y. \VM. It. 11 VWKINS, arli- •r. ROCKWHU, FA Y HELMBOLD’S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COJiroUNI) FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, For purifying the blood, removing all chronic constitu tional diseases arising from au impure state of i!e, blood, and the only reliable and effectual known remedy for the cure of Scrofula, Scald Head, Kilt Rlienm Tains and Swellings of the Bones, Ulceration of the’ Throat and I-cgs, Blotches, Pimples on the Face, Tetter Erysipelas, and all scaly eruptions of the skin AN'D BEAPTIFVIffG THE COMPLEXION. Not a few of the worst disorders that afTVt mankind arise from the corruption thataccnmulales in the blood. Of all the discoveries that have been made to purge It out, none can equal in effect HELMBOLD’S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. It cleanses and reno vates tlio blood, instils the vigor of health into tbo system, and purges ont the btimors which make df3 e:iso. It stimulates the healthy functions of the body, and expels the disorders, that grow and rankle in the blood. Such a remedy that could be relied ou, has long been sought for, and now,Tor tiie first time, tlio public have one on which they can depend. Our space here does not admit of certificates to show Its effects, hut the trial of a single bottle will show the sick that it has virtues surpassing anything they leave ever taken. Two tihlcspounftil of the Extractor Sarsaparilla added to a pint of water is equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and cine bottle is fully equal to a gallon of the Syrup or Sar saparilla., or tlio decoction as usually made. Oir THESE EXTRACTS HAVE BEEX ADMITTED TO USE IX THE UNITED STATES ARMY, and are also in very general use iu all the State HOSPITALS and PUR- L1U SANITARY 1XSTITUTIONS throughout the land, as well as iu Private practices, and are considered as in valuable remoili.-s. Sre. Mulical Properties of Bitchu, FROM DISPENSATORY OF THE UKITED STATES. See Professor Dkwsb's valuable works on the Practice of Physic. Sec remarks made by the late celebrated Dr. Pursue of Philadelphia. ’ See remarks made hy Dr. Ephraiw M’Dowku,, a cele brated Physician and Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland, and published In the Transactions of the King and (fiioon’s Journal. See Medico Chirurgical Review, published by Brnja- IBS Thaver-i, Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons. See most of the late Standard Works ot Medicine. EXTRACT BUCnU, “ SARSAPARILLA.” Sold by all Druggists. fPJNOPAL DEPOT— HELMBOLD’S DBUG AND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 694 BROADWAY. W. M. WAL8H, Wholesale Agent for the State of Georgia. decffi-eoilly niteiilinn paid to buying Produce, Prov! sinus. Whiskies, iunl Gigars, on older, anil to con sigiinunts. RFI'KUFNCrH T ( LINTON HUNTER, Arm of Spoffonl, THuston A (’•»., N'i-w York. FaiiclUT MfCliosnov, •» Water-nt.. N* w York. HirJiun! Kill-, 114 Water slrert, N**w 'io:!.. Win. B. Mili*s, B'J niri^tic.Htn’et, New Yoik \Y K, Sibell. 5 Wall ?4irei t, NVw York. Jsewi^ L *1 o*ij h. r*ro..iu';tv s. W. Ma-on «fc Co., Savatmali LAND GIFT ENTERPRISE!! TO BE RAFFLED FOR. O N' Hie ninth day of Mar. one thousand eight hun dred Nil.! sixty -six, a! Hie SCREVEN HOUSE, in Hie eily of Savannah, Chatham County, State of Georgia, hy a eonmiiliee of gentlemen selected by the snhserihers, 490 ACRES OF LAND, situated iii Lotvndes county, near Milltown, State of Gsoigta. Tin- projected B imswtck and Florida Railroad ruti- mug through the southeast part, offers great facility lor the sealiiiiinl the fine eypreks, pine and ntlter fimlier to he found oh lliis lot, and a liainl- -(line sum may be hail from Hie Railroad-Com pan v lor Hie privilege ol running their cars tlirongli it. Arrangements may also lie satisfactorily entered into with them (the R-iilrntld Company) for making it a wood station to supply I Heir loconiolives with fuel. A stream ol water runs through this land, and lov ers of llic piscatorial art can indtilge their fancy at ail seasons of Hie year. The qualiiyof the soil in Lowndes couniy is too highly appreciated for any comments to he made on til" above. TITLES CLE AR—The winner paying for the trans fer of tlte same to his name, and he (the winner) is to pay also one hundred dollars lo the Savannah Fe male orphan Asylum. The present, owner of Hie land pledges himself to give one hundred dollars to tiie Savannah Metropolitan Eire Company, if all ihe subscriptions an-taken up. , Subscription—Tickets, five hundred In number, at ten dollars each. Can be purchased at the office of lilt. W. F. SERGEANT, Bull street, uear Bay street, ntlJ-tf. savannah, Ga. J. Pi. WILSON, Photographer, S. K. ‘•iirlier Broughton anil At hitaker El vs. SAVANNAH, GA. Oil! pictures copied with the greatest Care. d!4 FREIGHT BROKERAGE TO AND FROM ALL PORTS OF THE .SOUTHERN STATES, EUROPE. Ao. McKEE & TONGE, 71 I!rotdW3y (Basement), NEW YORK. 1 ENGAGEMENTS for Freight, of small nr targe -J quantities, hy the different steam or sail lines, made-at the lowest rate.- Merchandise received, fur- warded, and insured-when desired. Owntrs und shippers of^opds will find it to the advantage to avail themselves of thp facilities wc have for forwarding at lowest rates. Refer in New York lo Southern merchants in gen oral, llerer in Savannah to Messs. John F. * M Hamilton, Mr. Thomas H. Austin. m8-2awlm DAVID BAILEY, MERCHANT TAILOR No. 19 AVTiitflker St., Between Bryan and Bay streets, . TS now receiving his Spring and Snimher Stock, •* romprising line French Cloths and Cassimeres : Fancy French Casalmeres and Coatings, m rl’ !, ; l ". H:i! ""'l", White and Brown Linen Duck, « ; * "•Di* 11 he will .make npntthe Oiort- ’' Uili V,’ un ‘ l 111 ,hP most fashionable style, esr' Uememhcr No. 12 Whitaker Street, ml 7 lwtfeeodlm Corn and Oats. 1 nnn BUSHELS White and Black Oats; YVY bushels White and Yellow Corn, in Ha !<?* Ending and for sal© by 122 EDWIN E. IIERTZ & CO. J. S. RAWLINGS & CO., Produce Commission Merchants •Jd SOUTH CHARLES STREET, Ui\ hTinoKF,, nrn. Stii. t alt.aiti.ih paid to selling all kinds of Prhdnce, ;,! "l tn the pur-base uutl shipiiing ol Gruin, &c., ■-'Ii purls of the South We also keep c-.ihsrantly on lmn|l a clioice slock of Pure Seeds, Mich as Clover, Timothy, Jfcc. Orders lllled ai lowest rales. 2 4 i ’otisigmt.euLs and orijers soiiciti-d. Refers in Messrs Woodward, Baldwin .V Co., Bal line-re-ami New Yolk; Mr. S. G. llayues, Savannah, Ga. mii-Vm Steam Engines and Machinery. COULD nil NEWARK, N. J. MACHINISTS’ TOOLS WOOD WORKING MACHINERY Circular Saw mills. Stationary and Port able Steam Enginu, Boilers, Steam pumps. - - < Steam Fire Engines, Hose, &«. 1W~ Send for a catalogue. ml3-3m MACHINERY. ~ B RICK-MAKING MACHINES; Brick Presses, Tem pering Wheels/THe Machines, anff every de scription of Machinery used In the manufacture of Brick. FRANKLIN L. CARNELL, No. 1844 Germantown Avenue, f2S-3m Philadelphia, Pa. *vy,'vUr!. (re insurance. The Oliest Accident Insurance Coid’t IN' ’AMERICA .- 18 ™* Traveler’s,, „ OF HARTFORD, COilN. | Net Cash Assets, Feb. 1, ’66, $606,849 72 Insures against Accidents of all Kinds, CAUSING BODILY INJURY OR LOSS OF LIFE. IT IS CHEAP. A policy for $5,000 in case of fatal accident, or $25 per week in case of disabling Injury, costs but $25 to $30 per year. Any sum from $500 to $10,000, with $3 to $5o weekly compensation, at proportion ate rates. Policies written for three or five years, at a liberal discount. IT IS UNIVERSAL. This Company insures against all sorts cf acci dents. whether they oeenr in traveling, working in the shop or factory,walking In the street, swimming, riding, bunting, fishing, etc. It Ipsaes policies for . — any part of the world. This insurance is sought after and valued by all classes of men, rich or poor. IT IS RELIABLE. The TRAVELER’S of Hartford is the oldest Acci dent InsurancejUompauy in the United States, and established on a firm basis. It has issued many thousands of policies, pays claims for compensation almost daily, and its business is steadily increasing. Us capital is ample, Us directory of the highest char acter, and it has paid over One Thoosaud Losses, without contesting one. NO medical, EXAMINATION RE QUIRED. Three cents a day will Insure a man for $2000 or $10 weekly compensation, for one year. „ J. G. BAITEliSoN, President- Kodney Dennis, Sec. A. AVILBUR. Agent, m20 Savannah. A HOBU PURPOSE WILMINGTON. IRON WORKS. PUSEY, .(ONES & CO., YV iliniii<;toii, Delaxvare. MANUFACTURE Iron Steamboats.Steam Engines, , tlle GuiFe'd Stag's “and Or Boilers, Machinery for Saw Mill*, Ac. Having I .^^“^..^ff^Srauta permits to visit had long experience in hnsinuss and being provided with very extensive facilities for doing work of this class, are pi epared to execute orders with despatch, oct12 fun , - LINVILLE & GLEASON. St. Julian Street, West of Market, -A. GETJTS FOR MERRITT, WALCOTT «t CO., 64 ConrtlaMt Street New York. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF BoDs, Nuts. Washers, Sett Screws, Tap. and Dies Xf. A.\, and dealers in all kinds of Railroad, Steam slop ami Engineer's Supplies, oils. Varnish, Paiut, Hemp anil Rubber Packing: O.ikTauuedand Rubber Belting. Brass Fittings Chipping and Riveting Ham mers. Files, Chisels, Gas Pipe, Nails. Circular and Bang Saws. Pumps. Steam Whistles, Steam nnd Wa t(-r Onagers, Steam Engines and Saw Mills of every description, .vc., Ac Also Agents for A. P. WOOD A (lO.’S celeliraied Portable Steam Engines f-21 STEAM ENGINES AND _i • . SAW MILLS, &c., die. A.Tigvista» Gla. REMEMBER, SAW MILL MEN, The undersigned is (lie Sole Manufacturer of BUR- | ROW’S IMPROVED HEAD BLOCK, for Saw Mills. Patent applied for. F. E. TIMMONS lesires to rail the attention of those wanting the above articles to those of HIS OWN MANUFACTURE. They are the Mills that will ent the Lnmoer; are powerful an.I durable, and will give satisfaction in ■very particular. Call nnd examine them, at the 'oninlry and Maeliiny Works. No. 170 Fenwick st., pRosit e the Tower. F. E. TIMMONS. COPPERSMITH WORK. A supply of material and a competent wulctaan to execute all work ordered. F. E. TIMMONS. The Oglethorpe Insurance Co. OF SAVANNAH. Savannah. 15th March, 1SC0. A Convention of the Stockholders of this Com- I pany is lierehv called to meet in the city of Savannah on Thnraday, the fifth day of April proximo, at 12 o'clock m„ at the office of Thomas &Son, 117 Bay | street. By order of the Board. ml6-td J. t. TCOMAS," Sec. WASHINGTON LIFE INSURANCE CO NO. 93 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. CYRUS CURTISS, President. Clayton Newbold, V. P.; W. A. Brewer, Sec.; Rob ert B. Mtntnrn, George Griswold, Roland G. Mitchell, Thomas Hope, William H. Aspiuwail, a. A. Low and others. Directors. Cash assets, over $500,000. Capital stock, $126,000. Policy hohleix receive all the profits without incur ring any liability fur losses. It lias therefore all the advantages and security of a Stock and Mutual Com pany combined, without their separate disadvan tages. OSCAR CRAIG, - General Agent State of Georgia, Savannah, Ga. W. R. Wakinu, M. D., Medical Examiner, Savan nah, Ga. feblo-3m. Reliable Southern Zuaurauoe. SOUTHERN MUTUAL LIFE INSU RANCE COMPANY. (Hst&hlisbed in 1849.) ASSETS SEPTEMBER 1st,over..»84 000. _ ... „ Hon. W. F. DriSAUSSURE, Pres, r. W. MoMabtu, Ai toary. Tiffs Company lias paid for losses to the Widows and Orphans of the South near $100,000. The rates are low and profits regularly returned to Ibe insurers. J. a READ, M. D. Medical Examine?. National Marine and Fire INSURANCE C01PANT OF NEW ORLEANS A Glorious Result H. There are as many roads to fame and fortune as there were gateways to ancient Thebes.' Your am bitious warrior U for carrying his way with the •abre; your aspiring politician for scheming his way by Intrigue and consummate art. Bat there is one grand broad path to tiie goal, along which nothing base can travel. It is the path set apart for the march of talent, energy, and noble purpose and though full of obstacles, it contains none that a brave man cannot surmount. This fact haa been exemplified n innumerable instances, but in tew more forcibly ban in the rise and progress of DR. HOOKLAND’S GERMAN BITTERS. For over fifteen years its course has been onward and upward, scattering blessings at every step, until it now stands on the topmost rounds •f the ladder of fame, as the GREAT TOJSTIC. Hoofland’s German] Bitters Is a positive remedy for DYSPE PSIA, Diseases ; Resulting from DIS0RDER5.0F1.THE LIVEI »"<> DIRESTIVE SHADS, ■And Is the only certain and safe RESTORER OF STRENGTH IN CASES OF DEBILITY. By the use of this Bitters Weakened and Debilitated Frames Be come Renewed with all the Vigor ot Health. in Impaired constitutions are rebuilt, and the patient in a short time regains Vioror, Health and Strength. capital,. .$560,000 OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS, Resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs! Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust for Food, Fnllness or Weight in the Stomach. Soar Eructations. Sink ing or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Harried and Difficult Breath ing, Flattering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensation when in a Lying Pos ture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain ia the Head, Defi ciency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Bock, Chest, Limbs, Ac., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burn tag in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings ofFiVil, and great Depression of Spirits. Remember That these Bitters contain no Rum or Whiskey. |And can’t make Drunkards. Is not a Bar Room Drink, Bet a Highly Concentrated Vegetable Extract, Free from Alcoholic Stimnlant or Injurious Drags | It cannot insidiously introduce the vice of Drunk enness into the bosom of your families—to your wife, your children, or your friends. The Pensacola anil Georgia r ... pay the coupons from their bond - 1 ( Sm, the Ta,^ Raiiroad ^ and that are maturing „p m J* h “ «eZr. falling due lBtJ„m,arj. 1^ t™ ferred Capital Stock of their guaranteed Seven Per Gem in? 0 *’ on the first January, 1S€7, an<1 ere8t * ly. Holders of said Conpow posit the same with Messrs Br^n ^" ea « of Savannah, to whom the serm w ^4i' s >.Ti^ — Notice. OFFICE ATLANTIC t U0LF It , Savannah, March * In consequence of the l imM consignees are requested to ren rapidly as possible. °’ e tllei f brey c - «• vriLiu^ Notice. mi. ’ Wv SUPERINTENDENT’S OFPiCk Atlantic A OcLr hS Savannah, On and alter Monday, the 12th inaL , h ‘ Train will leave Savannah f ur T!i „„ h *'k i Monday, Wednesday and Fridav Br turning, leave Thomasvilie v'cc * 1 day and Friday night at 12 is a m ^ Freight trains will eminence da^ when dne notice win ‘.“““"L" 1 • ► light freight will he taken by pUL ownera* risk. J paMe »PMnii J Freight by passenger train mint n. „ . delivered at the den ot thirtv minaJlT' 5 ^ starting time of the train. toorc : mlO 01 ^TOX, Superintend, Ani OFFICE OF THE Central Railroad SA\ ANNHH, Jannary 29fi. i^ O N and after Monday, thi tih nr p„i,„ " I daily trains wid nln gusto, connecting in Imth direttions iff the Georgia Railroad, as follow, * ilhtnh -«l Leave savannah 7.30 a. m ., Arrive at Savannah T.ta* p. L Leave Augusta 9.30 £ m “ d ,1 “ I Arrive at Augusta 5.00 p. m„ I Pas-age $8.0fi. ~ 1 Freight to go hy paasonger train mu- , and delivered at the Passenger .hen 2n mm7i | foredepartureof train. J. M. sELKISl I j3n ~ u Master of Tran^m^ F. M. MYRELLJ STEAMBOAT AGEKT, GENERAL. COMMISSION AND F0|.| WARDING MERCHANT, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, Gi Harris’ Buildings, 2d door west of A. Lowlftyl Refers to Messrs. Hunter <t Gammell, Craw J*| son A Oraybill; Bell, Wylly & Christian; BnCndll Whitehead; Miller, Thomas Jt Co.; M. 1 Uel Ksq- iea»l JOHN L. VILLALONGaJ COTTON FACTOR, FORWARDING AND COMMISSIOII CHANT. No, 94 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA The undersigned begs leave to Inform the insuring public that he has been legally appointed Agent for the above named Companies, and is ready to take Ma rine, River, Life and Fire Risks at customary rates. O. C. MYERS, Agent, Office wi)h Phillips A Myers, 85 Bay street. j2<h3m STEAM BOILERS. FIRE AND MARINE I.P. IkHTSR. W. A.Bk^nt. Bouse & Bryant, (Formerly of Jacksonville. Florida.} Forwarding and Commission Merchants, U>4 Bay Street. SAVANNAH, - GEORGIA. W ILL give prompt attention to receiving and for warding goods, sales on consignment, and all orders. And w. ll also keep constantly on hand a good stock 01 Groceries, Liquors. Agricultural Imple ments, ISnilding Materials, Fairbanks A Co.’s Scales, *('., besides other goods and manufactured articles tor .ale on consignment and for which they nre agents. Orders and consignments respectfully solic- ■tod. .- d'27-jm Steam Pumps. Steam Fittings, furnished at short | notice hy F. E. TIMMONS. ANTI FRICTION METAL. < I vfw 6 c Tiie very best kind of METAL for heavy or fast hearings. Warranted to give entire satisfaction. . Made only hy F. E. TIMMONS, Foundry and Machine Works, opposite Water Tower. Paper 31 ill 3facliiuery. Drying Cylinders, Calendar Rolls, Rag Cutter 8 * ■fee., Ac., for Paper Mills, built to order. F. E. TIMMONR With Facilities Unsurpassed, North or South, he feels confident that he can give | entire satisfaction to all who will give him a call. F. E. TIMMONS, No. 1T0 Fenwick street, Opposite Ihe Weter Tower. Avgusta, Ga., INSURANCE AGENCY. SECURITY INSURANCE COv, Capital and Surplus $1,600,000 PUCE NIX INSURANCE CO., Capital and Surplus $1,500,000 INTERNATIONAL INS. CO.. i Capital and Surplus .$1,200,000 I MANHATTAN INSURANCE CD., Capital and Surplus....'. $1 078 000 HARMONY INSURANCE CO. Capital and Surplus $ soaooo | Total cash Capital and Assets.. $6,000,000 Or others, whose Systems; have become impaired by , hardships or disease, will find in this Bitters a tonic hat will restore them to all their fnll vigor. These Bitters have performed more cures l [Given Better Satisfaction! Have more Testimo ny Have mere respectable people to vouch for them 1 Than any other article In the Market. We defy any | one to contradict this assertioi, AND WILL PAY $1,000 Fire, Marine, and Inland Navigation Risks taken I To any one that will produce a Certificate published in the above highly responsible Companies on Build- I mgs and Merchandise to any amount, at the lowest I by us hat Is not GENUINE, rates corresponding with the risk. Losses eonltahlv 1 adjusted and paid promptly at this Office. A. A. LANE, i i. ' f AGENT. . No. 13 fitaddard’i Range, lay Street, 8»- Commission Merchants. N JOHN 8. SliDSl MACHINERY DEPOT I Forwarding- and Commission MERCHANTS. SAW MILLS, GRIST MILLS, WOOD WORKING MACHINERY. SAWS, BELTING, &c., &c. Saddlery. E. L. NEIDLINGER, CORNER OF Barnard anil Broughton Streets, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, -llTOULl) respectfully unmmnce to his - friends and vv the public generally that he has icanine! the SADDLERY BUSINESS, next (lonr fn his v.rmi'r st md, and hy strict attention an-l miali-rati' prices, hopes tn receive a liberal share III - llle trade. He is prepared to make up promptly - all nlilers for HARNESS, BRIDLES, ETC. His brother, Mr. ,T. S. NEIDLINGER, will be found with him, and would be glad tn see his friends, jl K. L. NEIDLINGER. Notice to Creditors. A LI. persons having claims against the steamers Amazon and Laura are notified to present them to the undersigned on or before the 25th Inst., or they will he debarred payment. WOOD & MANN’S, ’ CELEBRATED WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Ac., NOS. 1 ANt> 2 SAMMIS’ BLOCK, Bay Street, Jacksonville, Florida. no. a. sxuins. m. o. saiuns. on as. i_ mathi G. B. & G. W. LAMAR, Portable Steam Engines General Comm iss ion Merc bants. J UL r lV toOco W.. A nderson, Jno C. Ferret andG. B. Lamar, Snvam.sli; W. E Jackson. Joslah Slblev A & * J Wv W * lker ’ Augusta. Consignments vuncncu. c ■ READ WHO SAYS SO. "FROM THE HON. THOMAS B. FLORENCE. Washington, January t, 1864. GentlemenHaving stated it verbally to yon, I have no hesitation in writing the fact, that I experi enced marked benefit from your Hoofland’s German BiUers. During a long arid tedious session of Con gress, pressing and onerous duties nearly prostrated A kind mend suggested the use of the pre I have named. 1 took his advice, and the i was improvement of health, renewed energy, and that particular relief I so natch needed and obtainei. Others may be similarly advantaged, if they desire to be. Truly your friend, THOMAS B. FLORENCE. From Rev. W. D. Selgfried, Pastor of Tweltli Baptist Church. Philadelphia, December X, 1863. Msraa Joim A Evans, GentlemenI have recently been laboring under the distressing effects of indigestion, accompanied By a prostration of the nervous system. Numerous rem edies were recommended by mends and some of them tested, but without relief. Yonr Hooflland’s German Emigrants Can be WITHIN TEN DAYS. f|1HE undersigned are prepared to stppliPad A and other parties who mav be in wutiilWEj LABORERS, and have made iiccw-mn van menu in the North to fl’l any orders for ipydj Laborers, Woodcutters, Mechanics, etc., vntat or Twelve days from the day the onltnsfi'ttS The Laborers are to be received ly tie £n, A on arrival of the steamer here, and tnnspoKj the polnu where they are wanted atUsjm expense, and the Employers have farther ttn certain snm per head in advance, pariljsi-ecj and partly for covering the expenses in hnajiffl Emigrants from the North to tins port. I The rate at which Farming cn’l cared will average about $15u tar year, the tel ers finding them. For farther particnlare apply to WM. MORViLLE & CO.. . Jones’Block, Bay street. One door East of Barnard diet I bar»LUi.l»| REFERENCESt Jackson A Lawton, .-avannah. John W. Anderson & Son, Savannah. Solomon Cohen, Savannah. Jno. C, FerrtIL Savannah. Nicholls, Camp <£Co., Savannah Geo. A. Cujler, Savannah. W. R. Fleming, Savannah. John Screven, Savannah. Brigham, Baldwin <£ Co., Savannah Savannah National Bank, Savannah. m2 THE Singer Sewing MaehiDfij Principal Office for the State of GeorpA 116 MMH.GHT0.Y STREET, H. D. HAWLEY, General A laige assortment for rale at Sew Tort pr» Sewing Machines of all kinds repair 0 ^ 1 I notice. gii Stitching neatly done. H. Gr. RUWE. WH0OTAL* DEAT-ra IS Foreign and Domestic Liq^ 1 WINES, CIGARS, GROCER® ALE AND LAGEB. Johnson’s Square, opposite the PvM* 1 ' ^ Corner St. Julien and Bry^ fFalligant'f pld Paint Stand- A large Invoice of t Potatoes and APP 1 Jnirt received. u,. r Agent for H. Clanscn* cf* Steam Brewery, New York ; A. London Dock Gin, and Club 9n uce - SO- _ FERTILIZER 8 Bitters were recommended by^pereonswho hairtried I A LESTER & BR0 ' lloinlEl tho*i «vhna» fewiMhla nwlrLvn x_ JV*. kiU W I krn • A I TOR SALE. J- H. IIINBS. Adni’r* i:iinc'Klt2') JOHN L. ROUMILtAT, Agent. ■ ^ Dillon’s Wharf. 1000 Wrapping J?aper« REAMS ill stilre and for sale at Now York works in the conntry. etc table Engines. Onrei \dcd to be ‘ FOR SALE, Tysaasaaa’iBaigg.ggg the letters c. Band G. Middle Ogiethoraew1Sd b I Each XOt hto a wkTtli of sixty-Keven feet avki Jit zsgE&SSte afoindaMroom for tCcrtctfon give DroDorttnnA nr fur ... ‘ exten- . . Tbo above sale separately or of prevfoosiy, will be uimmrau I * n ^ whoee favorable mention of the. Bitten in- I „ . Xrr, uUPFR-PH^^ •nPmrejff I dnee<1 »'*« *» try them. I most confess that I had I RAWBONE AND SL1 Eri — .. | an aversion to patent medicines, from the “thousand | nf itup a NO PURE and one” quack ••Bitters,” whose onlv aim seems to I ialMIh Aix dc to palm off sweetened and drugged liquor upon | BOliU- and the tendency of a confirmed drunkard. learning - that youni was really a medicinal preparation. 1 took it with happy effect Its action was not roily upoD the stomach, bat npon the ner vous system,was prompt find gratifying. I feel that 1 have derived great and permanent benefit from the ate of a few bottles. Very respectfully roars, W. G. SK1GFKDD, No. 854 Shack amazon street. hatful T HR above-Save the re P“ t ?|!“ CI ioD "'H adapted to the wauts of in ' * a „nre. * f being not only lasting hut a qu' 1 Manufacturer’s Agents, l Se* 70 Broad-st., New" „d *=“ General agents for mannfsrtu^og^. prepared to fnrnish In lota '£^^ub * f2i-tn-Ui-s-lm Jas.T. Paterso" TIMBER, PRINCIPAL OFFICE & MANUFACTORY I J.umhftr & BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. See that the signature of “C M. JACKSON” is on the Wrapper of each bottle. c r-T red) . the best apparatns ever presented to the public “* >°se where pbwer is reqnlrci y on hand, or 1 nrnisheil on short notiee. I _ At wmob tlmo add place will Descriptive circnlars, with priceJM^sent on appica-1 PfankHn Ward, b public Adapted «t» every par-1 ofiteijed at public sale in front of thenonre Wn^i 1 required. MefiSmMkescSmXsnt ‘hefirttTjlKSDAYmApriU^*Xt,|yT j ° U filed on short notiee. I _ At wblok timoadd place 1.-.2* 18 ! 1 -. . I’LATNER & BOS WORTH, 210 Bay street tkm. dlo-eod6m COMSTOCK A KINSEY, 164 Bay street, Savannah, Qa. be offered Lot I Istond of Great Warsaw, contalrdn ^ „ AT. GIBSON, Executor. n2-eod of estate of Dr. C. P. Rlchardso; No. 631 ARCH 8TREET, JONES & EVANS, 8UCCESSOB8 TO C. M. JACKSON A CO. W. K. WALSH, Sole Agent. Cor Broughton A Barnard Sts. Savannah Go., I octll-WAS |No. mebch iIsT ’ .. r c ,.9 STODDARD’SLOW^ 6 Bay Street, S.v»» n»b> Darien, dif-tt aeorgi^*