Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 28, 1866, Image 1

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tw; fly v 00s « dt J fPrJ hicli ?U<:il| n nna to , 4c THE yOU 2 ~ m 67 ~ >Sav ,annah Daily Herald «. fUI.IsHKD BY JXA6DN. ^ a V An N AII* Geoboi*. iebmb: . .inVI.- Ceuta. "' $3 80. ■' *10 00. iff 5 -’- <Mf,! Titnr>« of Ten Lines for first to- ........ . 'inrearh snhreqnent one. Ad- ,0»e P^ r , i. the morning, will, if desired, '® Ai? pin^ TINO * 3 ° rpflt 'v and promptly done. . rty'C-. • ^telegraph. 01 from washibbton. l^ lU noil" 1 ' Jobn* 011 Stand* by th* Con« ,tltutlon. I; r 5 cENTR vlizatios and maintains THEBIOniS OF THE STATES. JIOCKTOS, OF NEW SEATED. JEB3ER, UN- Ur-f in' 5 testimony before the re- 3TBCCTI0N COMMITTEE. (JJIX0»»- , 27.—The President transmit- r hu Vdto of tlio Civil Right* Mtdent Jobnion in his mmage subject* the SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28. day I went to Duncan with some of the other prison- era and asked him if there was any news about our being exchanged. He replied, “You s— of a b what do you want to know that for ? You had no busi- Ut n n g ° int0 *i? e army to fl S ht us.” ■ think that the man died from the blow given him by Duncan ? Counsel for the defence objected to this question, and the objection was sustained by the commission, after deliberation with closed doors. v °twd.inflicted was upon the head, two or three inches long, and his body, when the clothes were ta- ken off, showed the black and blue marks from the sicking; there was blood on his face and neck; I saw k* a * ai1 °Pton before this; his health was about like that ot the other prisoners, not good; he was a quiet and inoffensive person; some of the prisoners used to give him part of their rations; they generally thought him half crazy; I don't think he was; the club was about half the thickness of my arm. Cross-examined Inj defence.—I am a saloon-keeper. Q.—Are you the proprietor or bar-keeper ? [Objected to by the Judge Advocate.] Q*—"WRy is it that you can recollect so well the ac tions of Duncan and cannot recollect the names of the men said to have been killed V ^•~^ CCU US6 there were so many of the prisoners, and Duncan was a man that every one knew. examination resumed.—Cannot say whether the provisions sold by Duncan to the sutlers were ta ken from the rations that should have gone to the prisoners or not; saw him bringing the stuff in, but aon t know where he got it; I did see the half-witted man aftw he was Btr uck by Duncan before he died; he wa * unable to speak; the boys took him up and car ried him to his detachment; at the time of this occur- rence our rations consisted sometimes of com bread, a loaf being divided among four or five of us, making * ^i5 C °uf° r two inches thick and four or live long; ^ 19 a . P* nt of boiled beans so full of dust we could nt eat it, sometimes a piece of bacon or beef two Inches squaro; at ffrst the meat was not cooked, but It wm afterwards, so that there was no fat in it; we could not get any clothing at all; a pint of beans or mush was given to each man; the half-witted man’s body was naked when they carried it out to bury; I heard of the beating and death of an East Tennessee man but did not see it myself; Duncan did not take the clothes of the half-witted man, another man took them; have stated all I know with reference to thia man s being beaten. Witness was discharged and the commission ad journed till ten o’clock this morning. ■ -_. s - r , v.iions of the bill to a rigid examination, il|tt , r ,n.for disapproving the meaiure In t jy M u intervenes between capital and la- Hi “d attempu to aettle questions of political l i3 T through the agency of numerous officials, " . v,a :t will be to prevent discord between ***’ wi for as the breach between them * «f these official* will continue. Ituebst-d their occupation is gone. - a' • aim also that the bill touches on the rights The Fenian* and the Sensational Press. From the following article, which we copy from the New York Times of the 24th inst., it appears that certain sensational presses of that city, becoming alarmed at the Fenian furore which they contributed to lermeutaud keep alive throughout the country, are en deavoring to escape the responsibility of their reckless indiscretion: Home to Roost—Moved by the Bharp thrusts of nearly all the Canadian journals, the two morning pa- pexs of thia city that have most recklessly pandered to I the so-called Fenian movement, were yesterday con- j tumporaneoua in confessions of their outrageous lying I about this matter. — -■' * [communicated.] Robert Falttgant, Esq, Fellow-Citizens of Chatham County: It is with pride that we present to you the name of our fellow- soldier, Lt. Eobt. Falligant, for your suffrages for th* of fice of County Solicitor. A young man of truscAur. age and unquestionable ability, he is fully worthy of your confidence. We have fought aide by dde.with him on the battle-fields of Virginia and will bear foil witness to the manly courage with which he has faced danger and fulfilled his duty. At Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor and Manassas, at Gettysburg, Sharpsburg and Winchester, from the firat engagement at Harp*r‘a Ferry to the last at Appomattox Court House he waaal- ways in the front rank of those veterans who reflected credit on their native State and won for themaelvea the undying merit of brave and trusty soldier*. Otr the bloody field of Sharpsburg he was promoted for distinguished gallantry by his commander-in-chief, Gen. R. E. Lee, and again at the second battle of Cold Harbor be was complimented on the field of battle by his chief of artillery and corps commander. Know ing him under the trial of war, we unite with pride In supporting him for the honors of peace. And we call upon all those veterans of the battle-field to join us jg electing our gallant and true officer to the position of Solicitor of Chatham county. Fbasixs’s Batteby. Just Received and for Sale on Consignment, AT REDUCED PRICES, BY [KEHHETH MCLEA & CO BAY STKKKT. [For the Savannah Daily Hebald.J THE RIGHTS OF WOMAN. The rights of woman, what are they ? The right to labor, love and pray; The right to weep with those that weep. The right to wake when others sleep. The right to dry the falling tear. The right to quell the rising fear; The right to smooth the brow of care. And whisper comfort in despair. The right to watch the parting breath. To soothe and cheer the bed of death; The right, when earthly hopea all fail. To point to that within the veil. The right the wanderer to reclaim, And win the lost from path9 of shame; The right to comfort and to bless The widow and the fatherless. .. IT*-- If--: freely recognizes , nt to protect the freedmen in their lietflrtehls, and says he will cheerfully >-!l Congress in the adoption of any inuy be framed for that purpose which with the provisions of the Federal Coo- :-ut» t,> lay unseated Senator John P.Stook- Its >' w Jersey, (democrat) by a vote of ono ma" "a the present republican legislature of New Jer- ,-f ,-.jurie elect one of their own party in his , u< House to-day a report ,wa» made ;tt Kcconstructioa Committee covering ■iflcBcs f general Robert E. Lee, who u ur as be knows the desire of the : ;e rof the South is for the restoration of civil gov- untind that they look upon the policy of the Ifeiitr.: at the o:i.- which would most readily and (•establish it. Sew York Cotton Market, SitEm. March 27.— Tae cotton m.-uAet to-day is Iniir "'ith -ales of 900 bales. Freights on cotton are |p:aiJ-16d(g,‘',il. Gold 28.^. iiuk wuuniu. . - - Their chickens, like curses, have the obligation of f omB ^ ome roost - and it trill be long before the edi- tne oDitgauon ot tors recover from the effect of their most unwarranta ble and wicked misrepresentations. It is not too much to say that if the New York press had simply told the truth about this business, just given the real facts and no more, the Fenian excitement would to-day have been a thing of the past, and many hundred thousand dollars, taken from the bard-earnings of Ireland's gen erous but credulous children, would have remained to their credit in the savings banks. Even now these journals are endeavoring to reinflate the bubble, and give out dreadful inuendoea of plots aud traps and fearful designs soon to burst upon the startled world. For the oredit of Journalism these open and manifest humbugs should bs sternly discountenanced. All newspapers are likely tp be deceived, and some- times to publish wild and exaggerated stories; but when any one ol them persists in systematic exagger ation and goes so far as to keep special correspondents to manufacture untrue and exciting dispatches, they all suffer more or less of the odium that must finally attach to the guilty. The editor of a great public journal, in these days, stands before the people in the character of a witness in a court of law. and is in duty bound to deliver his messages under the moral sanc tion of an oath (of honor) to tell “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but th* truth,” so far as reasonable care and effort may enable him to do so. He who doeB otherwise is a false light upon a dangerous shore, luring the trusting mariner to fatal rocks and quick sands and breakers for the benefit of smugglers and wreckers, such as have been and are now running th* Fenian swindle. Itaub OF JAMES W. DUNCAN, MILITARY COMMISSION BY on the British North American coast. Various reason's are a68igded for the monument. One is the assemb ling of the British West India fleet at Halifax. An other is the Fenian scare. Stiff another is the termi nation of the Reciprocity treaty and the effect on our While all true men sympathize with the ti8 . ken 2 8 '.. T1 ’ B , ra ia oue thlQ ft certain ; w«shall have |?jr All-jjed Cruelty to Federal Prisoners at Andersonvillc. Heported for the Savannah Hebale.J I !it tuff ot Diiucan—the Andersonviffe quarter- la::: »r; l ’eaiit, was resumed yesterday morning at i Irish people in their aspirations lor nationali ty and independence, their best friends are not those who counsel a rash and impracti- I cable movement, which promises to end lu overwhelming disaster. Ijnapation; I Gen, Grant Going; to Europe. A special despatch from Washington to the N. Y. •Vlscu Tetmoro was the first witnoaa 1 Tribune, dated 21th, states that Lieutenant Genera; .,.1, . Grant is shortly to sail for Europe. Captain Amier, an old schoolmaster of the General’s, and now of the iron clad Montana, is to bo transferred to the man-of-war that conveys the military chieftain across the Atlantic. He vis duly sworn and testified as follows : Eureka, Wisconsin, and am an engineer the prisoner at Anderson- ine 13th Wisconsin Infantry; I was lapai oa Uiu 15ih May, 16C-4, and was confined in until lii,- s:h or 10.h of September, 1884; 1; ~ be and 13th of June, 18C4, 1 saw Dun- ..'jniiito the stockade with a load of bread; the l;i:p were crowding up around the wagon pick- v ; -’ J crumbs and Duncan told them to etand 7.“Ot to; :ck up that stuff, because it belonged to (praoatri. There was a young feUow belong- i Trial, to the 1st East Tennessee Cavalry, who utiu crust that tell from the wagon -, Duncan ely tumped from the wagon and knocked Q, sicking him several times after he was Ir.kuj’,imping upon him; the man kept crying ■ t-mei” Duncan said "I’fffiuish you G d iit kees,” and went back to the wagon; I saw iiic carry the injured man up to the tent; the okment was just below mine; 1 went there , *:=!; he was alive then; on the third day af- I thouaaud dollar, whiui carried out of the stockade. X had seen 1 Ud aoUar » rrqucutly before the assault; the detachment iocated that I could see him from my tent. An* uf Duncan’s cruelty, which came under my &uon, was his treatment of a young man named r, Lui.can was ccming into the stockade one af* n about a o’clock; the prisoners were huddled -tun die street; it was before the stockade was :td, and they were so crowded that they could ■act very well set out oi the way; Hosier was a very ‘ " .and b-d been in prison only about a week. Kirut k him on the side of the head with his !. ins was on the 22d or 23d of August, and Wtii ui August Mosier died. I helped carry |b jc-iv oat oi the stockade. I could not say whether seriously injured by Duncan striking him; his the time. About the 15th of June a half* was hanging round the wagon picking up ‘-rust# aud crumbs; Duncan caught a club from a ’-‘e'uau near by und knocked him down with it; I kcGuked him once or twice at that time, ■ l^'.j' tnan got upon his knees, begging Duncan to kicked hun once more and said he had I J J '.~ 1 * larow kim inside the dead line; I never I .Jr'afterwards; previously I had seen him • ry day, U b hu used to come to our well once a iay. Duncan was known as quartermaster pris -Ia'Th; 1 never saw him wear any insig* ■. ^ Sometimes he came in to see the tun- prisoners to escape; he used to be IN GENERAL. — The Forty-eighth Ohio Regiment, stationed a* Galveston, Texas, havs mutinied, saying their tims of service is out. So far, over sixty ox the men are under arrest. They were taken into custody by the 0 olored troops who now guard Galveston. —Another extensive robbery of bonds took place in New York on Friday last. A sneak thief entered the residence of Mr. John ,P. Moore, No. 110 Madison avenue, and stole a box containing bonds to the value of one hundred thousand dollars. A reward of five is offered for the recovery of the lost articles. San Francisco advices to February 23, stats that Mazatac, Mexico, has been closely invested by the Liberals under Corona, and the French in that city ars completely “bottled up.“ Later advices, to March 15, stats that the imperial General Lobaasas had marched to the relief of the besieged garrison with three or four thousand men. —Large meetings have been held in various parts of California to endorse the policy of the President and his late veto of the Freedmen's Bureau bilL The great majority of the merchants and influential men of San Francisco, as well as the citizens in the interior, are with the President. The right the little ones to guide In simple faith to him who died; With earnest love and gentle praise To bless and cheer their youthful days. The right, the intellect to train. And guide the soul to noble aim; Teach it to rise above earth’s toys. And wing its flight for heavenly joys. The right to live for those we love. The right to die that love to prove; The right to brighten earthly homes With pleasant smiles and gentle tones. Are these thy rights ? Then use them well; Thy silent influence none can tell. If these are thine, why ask for more ? Thou hast enough to answer for. Are these thy rights ? Then murmur not That woman’s mission is thy lot; Improve the talents God has given, Life’s duty done, thy rest in heaven. A Flying Fleet Sent to the Coast of Bimsl America.—A despatch from Washington, dated 22d inst., says, It is understood that orders have been issued for the immediate fitting out of a Hying squadron for duty nn fVlA ItrltiuL Yrti-tV. 1 mm.; - A TT 1 * a fiue fleet in the eastern waters capable of taking care of our interests in that quarter equal the English fleet in strength. GEORGE PATTEN, Forwarding and Commission Mercian IVo." 182 Bay Street, f22-3m* SAVANNAH. i iso bbla choicest Family and Baker's Floor 100 bbla extra State Floor too bbl* cheap Floor. ALSO FOB SILK : 35 bbla Superior Me** Pork 30 bbl* Mess and ex. Me** Beef 30 half bbl* Mess Pork ~ 30 do Pulton Market Beef 20 hhrts Clear Bacon Sides 40 bbla Bacon Strips . . 20 bbla gsnr Cored Ham* and Shotuders 20 bbl* ordinary Shoulder* 100 packages Lard 60 do Butter 60 boxen Raising 2o bbls White Beans . . 60 bbls Pickled Herrings. -m*3-0 Orders for Lumber. prepared to receive orders EK. T HE undersigned are for Pitch Pine LUMB Confer wKtu'Qed. C. Freeman, Savannah, or ad dress PARKER, TYNER tf CO., ml0-eod2w Coleraine, St. Marys River. Ga. WM. CLIFFORD NEFF’S Celebrated Brands of NECTAB and QUAKER WHISKIES In store and /or sale low by BRYAN. HARTRIDGE A CO., OATS, OATS. OR1ME article, in low to suit purchasers, at the IT low« CHARLES L. COLBY A CO„ Comer nay and Abercorn ats. GEIUS FARM. n ERE will be RIFLE SHOOTING on this place on londay, 26tli inst. - . , > FOUR PRIZES, TWO of which are FINE GOLD WATCIIES. mar24 Ship Stores. 20 bbl* new Mess Beef so bbls Mess and Prime Pork 60 bbls Pilot and Navy Bread Sperm and Lard Oil White Lead and Paints Manilla and Tarred Rope Rope and Iron Strapp-d Blocks Canvass, Twine, Anchors, Ac. Foreale by iMrepdlOC . CLAGHORV * CUNNINGHAM. Rhodes’ super Phosphate. Tla.© Stanard Manure For Culture of Cotton* W E can supp’y Planters and Factors with this old established Manure. MILLER,.THOMAS A CO., Bay-at., Savannah. The Civil nights Bill. A Washington letter of Tuesday, 23d, says : Th* air has hoen thick with rumors ail day that the President hae decided to veto the Civil Rights Bill, or at least return it with his objection*, among which, this same busy rumor says, are an objection to the second sec tion, which makes State Conrts and their officers ac countable to United States Court* on purely State Right* questions; and an objection to the third sec tion, which invests the officer* of the Freedman's Bureau with constabulary function*. Rumor «i«e says that the bill will simply be returned with a mes sage approving its principles but pointing out the** objections, it is hoped in some quarter* quite friend ly to the President, that he will allow the bill to be come a law by failing to approve it within th* required time, and thus give an early opportunity for bringing it before the Supreme Court for the purpo** of tea ting the question of its constitutionality. One thmg u certain, the biff has not been considered in the Cabi net yet, and the usual cabinet meeting was not VH today. SODA WATER. $25 REWARD FOR proof to eonvlot any person of trafficking tn the following described Bottles ; Having recently, at a great expense, gotten np an entire new sett of moulds in which my SODA WATER, PHILADELPHIA POR TER, AND ALE BOTTLES It i *. ‘■' r * ! * wuer » 10 escape; ne usea xo do I ty'? a t " e rollers* stands u good deal; sometimes he Vij, h • r ' l ^ fcn he would come in and 1 y ,, ^ J —-n the men and flourish his re* '‘■•1 iv *"' J would blow a hole through the l^^kees* u they did not get out of the way. W<")* eU d L ! * ,ljcr 01 boxes come into the stockade K! '** °? ec the contents pretty much ail taken I * dnv r by defence.—Thors was a partial* c e: f ;r liiU oroad wagon on my side of the -, nc went by the came of “Mac;” they v- ^ ' c drivers ofteu; another one of them was ^ one lever knew: Gillet was •• m August. ou have stated that the half-witted man used ^. our fur water. Lxplain what you — A Corinth correspondent says that it is estimated •hat upon the two fields of Shiloh and Corinth there ars not less than 12,000 Confederate dead,whose bones for the most part lie bleaching above ground, the rains having washed away the thin layer of earth with ★inch most were originally covered. The Federal dead were all neatly interred, in the ususual way, with head and foot boards in every instance, and, in most cases, were inclosed with wooden palings. r -a.a hsv..- tii was tho well ,the men of our detach* c “ J lucent having dug one. I could - i Uu* flap which Duucan gave Mozier posfcibly killed him; I could not say af *i6dinvf-f’f ' vil0 ^pern^d the boxes; I W'it* «... * ■' , -u tLu ubduults which I have described; 1 -Jl-.-u unJer tUe i ^ bud h8 bread; they were delivered huUers; 1-told “Mac” one ou a thing as he—1 would’ut h month; he replied that “he ruiAbter (Duncan) but had to Jolii Shrink (lL ' fence . and ruled out,] “ Iu u. eiuooii keeper; reside in 1 1 J I rival*: in tllf* 14,-riih Pf-nnavl. , l “ ^ 1 *,l it d Sfc.u; i rivate in the lloth Pcnnsyl* ukeu prisoner on the lith of fetation; was imprisoned I : - r.:c it-1 • L ^ lu ' v c 0fcauuu » was lmpnsouea ‘ •' 13 or alterw ardn at Andersonville, 7 : -' - 1 ,* 4 * Duncan first In Rich- I - aiiLg . . . m Andtrsonville; I sav/ Duncan I ritiitur nri-nitr. ta “ 1 ' Andersonviffe, Rlvu> * U ‘VM rations for 7 th I'.Ki I « Juhb iHS4 U i 1U1 ."l tiitllt: bread Wagon were gS'SSZSSZ wa «° u “d‘from““ grouncf ^•■snumg near there, aud knocked” tu^hSf' Afterwords he kicked The man ^- “yUsUmg him a d_d Yankee s- 0^ ,, ^ttU back to the wagon. Some inen took dl) u earned bun up to his detachment. I 1. man dead on tho same day. Some of the regiment. I saw Duncan bring in bags '•al in the wagon aud deliver it to the < i ~ - m me wagon aud deitver 1 :,1 » L-ir-* dtUct ‘“ent who Bold it again. fc( ;'' tral times afterwards coming In Qy t°id hZ a to slck ““ waa lyiD * to 1118 I V..., U ‘U0 It on , ... —. u- *,t cr . ) get out cf the way. He I b 1 "'Can i n j’irru k as he wanted him to. and he * i! a jniv 8011 i ! ck, ' d blm out oi the road, j IT 8 ; atne to . ! L t u ae m the first lot of prisoners 1 think “ wi in the ^ 1 ' ; ’ don 1 remember the date. Dun- ' i 'rim. m^' r "T klde a PP ear ed to be serving ' “ J tradtog with the prisoner*. Osi — A San Francisco Jury has acquitted the muti- neera uf th* ship White Swallow un tue ground tha 1 their act* were justifiable m view of their inhuman treatment by the officers of the ship. The mutiny constated in placing and keeping the captain and mat#* in iron* until they agreed to treat the men as human beings ; alter which they were released and the voyage completed without any further trouble. — In Salt Lake City the Gentiles are permitted to aaaeinble for Divine worship. Fvery Sabbath service is held in Independence Hail, by Rev. N. McLeod, who ia a bold ana fearless man. He has commenced a eerie* ot lectures ou the vices of polygamy. On the occasion of these lectures the hall is crowded both with Mormons aud Geuulee. — Gov. Fletcher, of Missouri, has sant in to th* Legislature a message, in which he represents that the peace and quiet of the State are endangered by preparation* of malcontents and banditti to resume operations thia Spring, and asking for au appropria tion oi money to provide against the danger. arc made. Each of those Bottles have my name and the year 1866 blown in the gjass. The mould Ming my private property no other person can poreMee bottles made in them. I neither sell nor give away any of those Bottle*. NO OTHER PERSON HAS A RIGHT TO DO SO. I simply lend them to those who purchase the con tents. with the understanding that they are to be re turned to me when empty. Tiffs is well understood by all, yet many, regard less of their just obligations, frequently lend or Mil' those bottles with the Soda Water or other liquids, thereby depriving me of my property and sObJecting me to losses which are unjust and unlawful. Those Bottles are now very expensive, rendered more so by the Patent Cork Fastener attached to and lost with every bottle which I Ipse, together with the many taxes imposed upon this species of business, the most oppressive of which is a direct tax of six per cent, to the Government on gross sales of Soda or Mineral Water, which reduces the profits so much that lt is impossible, at present prices, to submit to the loss or Bottles, and I do hereby caution all per sons against bnying, selling, filling, with liquids, or in any manner depriving me of the nse of said Bot. ties. JOHN RYAN, Soda Water Bottling Establishment, m!7 Southwest corner of Bay and West Broad sts. SOOTH-WESTERN R.R. STOCK QOO Shares, T7»0ft sale at par, bv WILDER A FULLARTON. MW BOOKS RECEIVED BY Cooper, Olcotts & Farrelly. Wives and Daughters; by Mrs. Gaskell. TVied and True; by Alton Clyde. Agnes; by Mrs. Oliphant. False Pride; or Two Ways to Matrimony. Jealousy; by George Sand. ^DjBBow’^RevlewforMarclb^^^^^^^ Wanted. Wanted. T)y a young man. a situation aa Clerk In a good -L>: house. Best of reference as to capacity, hon esty! Ac. ’res* Lock B >x 124. WANTED. A N experienced white Nurse, capable of taking charge of a young intent. Apply early at No. 132. State street. WANTED. A Rice Field FLATBOAT, fifty to sixty feet long, of the usual dimensions. Apply to PHILX.?l>ff A MYERS, No. 86-Bay street. Situation Wanted. B Y a middle 1 grocery sfi d man. In a wholesale dry goods or i. Understands packing, marking, shipping and receiving goods. The very Post of ref erence* given. Apply at 207 Bay strec* fef)19-tp For Sale. FOR SALE, A TRACT of Land, three hundred and thirty acres of first quality pine land, lying In Liberty TREASURY DEPARTMENT. — Pope Fiua the Ninth ia again reported to be se riously iff- — The Solma (Ala.) Times says a Colored woman left that city recently, aged one hundred and twenty-seven years, tide is uie mother of fifteen children, having had triplets three tunes. — A letter from the Try Tortuga* says that the con spirators, Mudd, Spangler, Arnold and O'Laugbiin were well on the 26tn ulu, aud the irons put on them after Dr. Mudd ottempted to escape have been re moved. — Tb* Spring business in the Northwest, a* we ieSrn from the bt. Paul Frees, promises to be unusual ly active this season upon the opening of navigation, and great preparations are making accordingly. Peabody, the great American banker at London, proposes building a fine church in his native town, Geurgrtown, Mass. — The Postmaster of ForestriHe, Conn., i* said to have been removed for verbal abuse of the veto fuefi- eage and the P. eaident'a 22d of February speech. — TUe trial of Dick SlJCann and ether Confeder ates, before the Knoxville Circuit Court, has been post poned. — At a oonvent near Pari# there has been an auc tion sale of the hair of the young girls who have taken the veil since 1810; the 800 pounds fetched $0,000. — John L. Flagg, the newly elected Mayor of Troy, N. Y., is said to be bat 27 years Of age. He graduated at Harvard in 18S7, and ia a young than of Unusual ability and promise. OEFICE OP COJfFTBOLLHH OF THE CURRENCY, Washington, March 7,188*. W HEREAS, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it lias been made to appear that “The Merchants’National Bank of Savannah,” in the city of Savannah, in the county of Chatham, aud State of Georgia, has been duly organized under and according to the requirements of the act of Congress entitled “ An Act to provide a National Currency, secured bv a pledge of United States bonds, and to provide for the circulation and re demption thereof” approved Junes, 1864, and has compiled with all the provisions of said act required to lie complied with before commencing the business of banking under said act. Now, t herefore, I, Freeman Clarke, Comptroller of the currency, do hereby certily that “The Merchants’’ National Bank of Savannah,” in the city of Savan nah, In the county of Chatham and State of Georgia, Is authorized to commence th# business of bankmg under the act aforesaid. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office this seventh day of March, 1S66. (L. s.] FREEMAN CLARKE, • No. 1640. Comptroller. The Merchants’ J ts’ National Bank, i Savannah, March 1», 1868.’ | In pursuance of the authority of the United States Comptroller as above, this Bank, with a capital of five hundred thousand dollars ($6 0,000) paid in, will commence to reoelve deposits and pay checks and do a general banking business on Wednesday next, the 21s inst., at its hanking house on the Bay, between Bull aud Drayton streets. H. BRIGHAM, President. geo. w. DAVIS, cashier. marl9-2m DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP by J. Gardner, at the old stand on Broughtonauwot, second door from Barnard. Savannah, March 19th, 1866. 8. GARDNER, J. GARDNER. alt county, near the WaUhonrvilie Station of the Atlan tic dt Gulf Road, The said land can be bought for four doliarq j>er.»cre, .There is fifty .acres cleared and under a good new fence ; some houses on the place. For Information, apply to the undersigned, who lives on the place, within three miles of Station No. 4, WalthourvlUe. m3-im W. H. BACON. TIIOH. W . BROOKS manufacturer of FURNiflMtE AND GENERAL UPHOLSTERY, 231 Dock Street, Philadelphia, Pa. N. B.—All ORDERS sent by Mail promptly at- nmled tn. J iysl-tt Peruvian Guano. W E have in store genuine No. 1 Peruvian Guano, direct importation, and will sell in quantities to salt purchasers. f!2-tf CRANE A GRAYBILL. RISE. les and Sets of TUfE hare now onload a ifew Open Bnggii W Rockaways, light and heat. Alw, ; Harness, which we wilt sell unusually low. BOUSE A BRYANT, J26-tf . 194Bay strqet NEW YORK, In earns to salt purchasers, by •ep2S-tf E. F.METCALFE ft CO. STANDARD LIQUOR S, oMf 1866k ■I. i. .. PRICE, 5 CENTS. Miscellaneous. NOTICE. TO ALL WANTING FURNITURE I am opening far the inspection of th* public, a fine stock of CABINET FCRMITCRE, CHAIRS, mat TRESSES, &c., &c., To which the attention of all la invlted. , Warerooms, 17S BROUGHTON STREET, fiber- lock’s Old Dry Goods store. L. a HARRINTON. THE BEST INVESTMENT IN GEORGIA. V A L II A D L E COTTON, CORN AND RICE PLANTATION FOR SALE. Li ^•}i) VHEBN i ALACE fj h! V O O 0 * 5 O S J C‘ F7> SJ Lt 2 U V V i? ^ J nvuai,. ORFF * WATKINS, IMPORTERS AND IN DRY GOODS ATiTa ITS BnATVrrrmnm 111 & 113 Congress St., Savannah. That well known and truly valuable Plantation, situated In Liberty county, Ga., forty miles from the city {of savannah, five mile, from Station No 3 and six miles from No. 4. on tbe Atlantic A Gulf Railway n tha *• Wnlrlmnr Rnmagfnaii it u known as the “ Wall hour Homestead,” is now offer' ed for sale at a Bi DCCKD PRICE, as the owner is engaged in mercamil<- life. U contains 1,600 acres about OOii of which la open, and ie composed of lands unsurpassed for produuU'-en»ss, and is a portion of that justly celebratn’ body of land known aa the “Desert Tract,” whlct produces the finest descrip tion of long cotton—equel to that raised on the sea islands—corn, sugar cane, potatoes,and allboi products usually grow;, in its climate, abundantly. Its cont..ip* about 100 Acres of Choice Rice Land. The improvements are those usually (bond first-class plantations. Accommodations for fifty operatives. Good two-story dwelling, kitchen, sta bles, 4c., barns, rice house, cribs, Ac., ftc. There ' a steam engine on the place that does not belong it, but can be bought from its owner. For further particulars, apply to F. C. WADE 4 CO., Savannah. Ga., ar to J. D. DELANNOY, m6Im Quitman, Georgia. Hotels. -A-t Home ^Ygain. MULES 1 l^uOMAS F. STEVEN"* has just arrived with a fine A. lot of MULES, which he is now offering at fair prices, at DAN BUTLER'S stables. Whitaker .street, in front of the Arsenal. Let those wanting good stock call soon. mU-,m. THOS; F. STEVENS. Ip case of my absence from the city, Mr. John H. Dews will attend to my huainess. T. F. S. PIERCE SKEHAN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer Ih Fine Groceries, Bo.ta aud Shoes! Clothing, For- elgn and Domestic Wines, Liquor* and Began. A so, Bkeban's Celebrated GOLDEN-ALE AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER in bottle and in wood. London and Dublin Brown Stout, Scotch and Eng Uah Alee, 4c. Liberal deductions made to he trade. 176 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, dll-tf and C° Lihertv street, N. Y. BLAIR k BICKFORD, LUMBER MANUFACTURERS. AND DEALERS IN TIMBER AND LUM BER OF EVEKY DESCRIP TION. DOORS, SASH, AMD BLINDS Mill and Lumber Yard on Canal, near Bryan street Office 180 Bay atreet, d28-tf g ivannah, Ga. J. W. STEKLEj (Late Steel# ft Burbank,) 11 Merchants’ Sow, Hilton Head,So. Ca. Ana corner Kino and George Sts., Chmrteeion, C ALLS the attention <>f Wholesale and Retail Pur chaser* to his superior stock of Military and Naval Clothing, UID FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods Jewelry and Plated Ware, Swords, Sasnes, bel a, Embroideries, Boots, Cape, Field, Gauntlets, Glove*, 4c., 4c. j4 - OXO. D. FOWLS. FOWLE & CO. FORMERLY OF ALEXANDRIA, VA., Commission Merchants. Importers of Railroad Iron and Dealers in Railroad Supplies. Office, 70 Broadway, NEW YORK, oct26 6m LAROCHE & JOHNSON, Timber& Lumber Dealer* 300 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. THE EYE, EAR, AMB THROAT. D R. WRIGHT, of Torouto, Canada West, Physi cian and Surgeon, Oculist and Anrtst, can be consulted on Deafness, Discharges from tbe Bar, noises in the Head, Catarrh, Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. All diseases of the EYE, requiring etthelr Medical or Surgical aid attended to. Office No. 41, in Dr. Tbos. Bucklers old office on Lexington street, Baltimore, Md. Office hours from 9 to 12 A. M., and St© 6 P. M. iatr LADIES’ GAITERS. UST arrived from Philadelphia, Ladies’ Calf and Goat Congress heel GAITERS. Ladles’ English lasting GAITERS and BUSKINS. Ladies’ Kid heel SUPPERS. Misses’ Kid heel SLIPPERS. Children’s SHOES and SUPPERS. For sale at the WHITAKER STREET SHOE STORE, ml4-tf. Northeast corner of Broughton lane. Porcelain! THHE subscriber re.-psc’ln ly give* r.otlcato the citl- sens of Savannah and vicinity that hi* stock of material and Instruments has arrived from New ’ fork, and that he Is new prepared to Tarnish the Porcelain Picture to ail who may favor him with their patronage. The demand for these pictures Is north ern Cities has been unprecedented, and certainly for beauty of finish, as alro for durability, they are un- surpaeeed by any other Photographic prod' Call and examine specimens at my rooms. — M —mens at my: I also have a new Camera f>r making Imperial Photographs and Cartes de Vlsiteiu the highest style of the art. Ambrotypea and copying of all kinds finished to order with ueatnem and despatch. My light is one of the fin -st in this section of the country, and my chemical Operator stands at tha head of the profession. Pictures made in cl udy as well a. in clear weathar. Satisfaction given In all care*. R-^l'/rwilAON. Photographer, Corner Broughton ana WhitakerMieets, m*2-Iw4eod2w savannah, Ga. ResorteHats. IGHT color* of evury description. Jfl-t at mISS IS* COLDIV E. M. WHITE BLUFF, —BT— OOiN VERS e, 1* now OPENED TO VISITORS. ►V i Hek>* furnished to parties at short notice. and boats for fishing or gaffing. ■ mu-tl AUGUSTA HOTEL. I fetors. W E respectfully Invite oar old friends and the traveling public togive os a call. Our house te located in the heart of trade, andconvenient to the dfPOtt- ~[f&-3m] JOSES * RICE Port; Royal House, HILTON HEAD, S. C. RIDDELL A RUQ G t Proprietors K. S. BIDDKLL. Jnautf M. P. IDO0. Commission Merchants. THOMAS H. AUSTIN, General Commission M Forwarding MSSiCBAWT. 85 Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. * REFERS TO Win. M. Tunno St, Co.. Savannah; Koarse A Brooke, New York; Kpping, Hanserd 4s Co., Columbus. - m2o*tT u A. DuTJHtituorxB, or Savannah, Ga. John M. \V. Hill, of Jedferson Co., Fla. A. DUTENHOFER & CO., Shipping, Forwarding, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. Partnerships. Notice. Sxvanxab, March 9th, 1806. 'T'HE firm of A. McAlpln 4 Brothers is this dav dis- A solved by mutual cons*nt. All parties indebted tos»id fi r <n, .nd all credliore of the ^refwfffmake pajment and present their claims to Messrs Harden T J- who are anthorized to wind np the aflMre of the concern. ANGUS MoALPIN. J. W. MoALPIN. D. M. MoALPIN. Notice. THE copartnership of Colby, Mlllen * Co., at Da- Bent lca ’ Ua -*“ 11118 day dissolved by mutual con- CH ARLES L. COLBY A CO., VS ALLACE H. MILLEN. Notice. T W. NEVnT, of the firm of Nevit, Lathrcp A f 3 *? 61 * 4 ®* 1 himself with Lathrop A Co. In the Dry Goods business, at the old stand nf*^ jl-tf HENRY LATHROP ft CO. Miscellaneous. Notice to Wliarf Owners. () «??. S K 0fW '" ,r £ Propertv * re her eby notified ,V. V,, kat lhev 080 obtftil ‘ MDd for illlmg, at the foot of Abercorn street, by hauling t he same. mls JOHN B. HOGG, city 8nrreyor. .Notic©. A demandfi against the estate of Wilson, deceased, of Chatham county, arc respectfully requested to hand them In oronert v menticated; and all persons indebted to said estat* are requested to make immediate payment to ANAIS WILSON, • Administratrix nl4 Notice. T HE drayman who left fonr (V bbla. Potatoes markeu (K ) Biackshesr, on the platform of the * *’ alf Railroad Depot, will please call and remove the same. c H. WILLIAMS. Agent. m 2~tf Prompt attention given to the purchase, sale ana shipment of cotton, lumber ana oounirg pro duce generally, consignments solicited, on which literal advances will be made. BiraXEsoxs: . :am, Baldwin ft Co.; Savannah ; Hiram Rob erts, Savannah; 3. H. Zftilia A Co., Macon, Ga.; Dr. N. L Angler, Int. Rev. Col., Augusta r Jumes M. Bali, Esq, Atlanta, Ga.: Willis Chisholm, Atlanta, Ga. ; C. L Robinson, Jacksonville, Fla. ; F. Dibble, Jack sonville, Fla ; < oL,W. L- Bailey, Jefferson county, Fla.; D. HI Baldwin ft-Co., New York; Bearden 4 Co.. New York. Warren Mitchell,-Esq., Louisville, Kentucky.- - — -ju AlF»«i» B. Binnitt, 1 v ._ v „,i, Cuas. H. Bemn ett, Jasi C. Vxir Pelt, / * 8W RalClgh, N. C. Bennett, Van Pelt & Co., COMMISSION MERCHANT* . ri.'*. vouTHxaaLXor . COTTIR TOBACCO, RATAL STORES, ETC., AUO, FOR THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF STATE AND if. . OTHER STOCKS, B3 Whitehall St., Xew York. ST. CHARLES SALOON, B T A.*ssiy* "a,'Tuj; •£. , , Liquors, Ales, Wines See ars. Ao— SSSmyJfi iuclndlnjf a choice article of 8ELT- V? ‘ S n WAT f ^ (l rei ’ tl J imported from Hamagthnm. Nnasnn. onrl flip Dhi n ., \m •****»»*‘•uuia* .Nassau, and the best of Rhine Wines. LUNCH every day at. 11 o dock. tn!2-ty JO A. ROBERTS, CLate of C«>:umbus. Ga.,) SHIPPING, FORWARDING AND General Commission Merchant, Office with Messrs Yongu a Nixon, Bay »t., * SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. O'" Uberal advances made on cotton, wool, lum ber and other Southern products. m9-lm* GEO, W, BERRY & CO. Mannfac urers and Dealers in WALNUT, CHESTNUT AND PAINTED CHAMBER FUBNITUBE, Refrigerators, Bureaus. Wardrobes, <tc„ 1 * 3 Holmes’ Block, Hay-market gqnre. We have associated with us Mr.D. W. Cvaris, late Public Treasurer for Jiorth Carol urn. n9-6m GEO. H. ARLEDGE, SHIP CHANDLER, GROCER _*BD Commission »»ad Fsrwardlng Merchant, 72 BAY STREET. BA VANNAH. d28-iy A. S. Hartridge, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MB&OBANT, • .. . of *r. . n BAT STREET, m SAVANNAH, GA. on, Smith & Co. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND ClRnGEOLD MOAN DIES, WHISKEY, GIN, WINES, 4ci Ann EVERT VAMETT OF GROCERIES, ALSO, Hay, Cora, Oats sad Bran, strictly at wholesale to th* trad*; and we flatter ourselves that w* can make It to tbe Interest of dealer* R> patronise ns, at the In-ad of Bay, oppoefteJeltVagnet. mlO-tf H. HATM, 174 Brouifhton Street. 174 CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, tha newest styles, LADIES* DRESS GOODS. WORSTED SHAWLS AND HOODS, j COUNTERPANES, HOSIERY, ftc. Just received and for sale at the lowest prices by BOSTON. mm mm whiskey. 100 CA b^ 8 Cf a,Is celebrited Whiskey. For sale MACKT, BEATTIE ft Co., ^3 tind 206 Bay street. Marett Brandy. IA OCTAVES 1858, direct from bond, for gale bv r mackybeattie^a co.. «)5 and 206 Bay street. Sundries. 100 BARRELS POTATOES 50 BARRELS ONIONS, 50 TIERCES SHOULDERS AND 8IDK3 Landing P*r Cambria and for sale by inl3 i*TACKY, BEATTIE * CO. Catawba Brandy. JNVOICK of Harder ft Co., for sale by MACKY, BEATTIE 4 CO., 208 and 205 Bay street. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. T HE rehooner JAMESTOWN, about two hundred and fifty tons burthen. m!2-ti MILLER. THOMAS ft CO. r Sale. R HO-A* *Lti R-PHOSPHATE OF LIME—tha ti^ru Ainure. ml. MILLER, THOMAS ft CO. EMPORIUM OF FASHION ]UK3. K. IH- tens octtt H. HYAM. iaes and Pafterne of Fairbanks’ Plat form and Counter Ecajes^which for accuracy, less and durability cannot be surpassed. Also, Frame*, Beams, Hooks, Ac., far weighing Cot- For ft Mil by BOUSE 4 BRYANT. j25-tf 1*4 Bay street. L. LOUIS respectfully informs the citi zens of Savannah that she has opened a branch of M'dn.e Demorest’a Mode of Fashions, or New York, and is ready to receive orders for all kinds of work far ladies and children. She also keeps on hand the latest styles of patterns of every descrip tion. All kinds of ornamental needlework, such as Braiding, Embroidering, Stamping, Plating, Ac., will be done at short notice. She al.-o k eps on hand a handsome assortment of Dress and Cloak Trimmings, Embroidery, Silk and Braid, Cottons, Stamped Yolkes and Bands. Call and see for yourself, at No. 161 CONGRESS STREET, np stairs. F.-hionable Dress and Cloak Making. .. » r weight required cast to order, at efeovtnetlee. An ’ experience of over forty years raatinr belie enable, us to produce them of a su- periwquaiity- henry n. hooper & CO., Bwtea. Man. Sundries. 1 A KEGS choice Goshen Butter *V so teisea Bngilah Dairy Cheese 40 b>n*a State Cheese 60 bblsFami y Flour 600 bags WMte Com 960 do Heavy PsniBylvanla Seed Oats Landing and for »le by *16-4odl0 ' CLAQHORN* CUNNINGHJlM. C R UTCHES I ^IRsT and only premium awarded at t he American Institute Fair, 1865, and State Fair ot Pa, tSCS, for ivntrh,.. Hartman’S Patent Ebutis Rubber Crutcne# Crutches. _ are pronounced by surgeons, "and everybody else, - to be the very best ever Invented. They are easy and oon- venient, they prevent pjgalysis of the Urrvee, do away with all the weariness inseparable from the nse of all othere, and are in all respects unrivalled. Send for a “"Tjlsr. Agents wanted everywhere LOVEJOY ft TaYLOR Bole Manufruturera, So. 476* Broadway N -*- 6m-n28 Catawba Wine. C’AbEb (still) vintage of 1862, for sai. by MACKY. BEATTIE ft CO., 203 and 206 Bay street. To Rent. r 'O fine Room*, suitable for a lady and gentleman. Second door from corner Boll and Bronghton street*. Best reference, given. m26-tf th ^ dit tl I if » YTtr qroers V.ITTIK t Warpixig Lumber dell 1 ToSTwtek of 'Keri 4 Yoife