Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 28, 1866, Image 4

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The Savannah Daily Herald SAVANNAH, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28/ 1866. Ctrrniatton of SM'annuh Newspapers. - Post Omez,) Savansah, Ga., March 1, 1866. j S. W. Mabos, Publisher SaWhnah Herald, Sa vannah, Georgia. % -A Sib In reply to yougfcommuuication of the 27th February, I beg leave to e^e that the ‘‘Letter List/’ is published In the Hekalii, in accordance with the act of Congress awarding the publication of uncalled for letters, weekly, to the journal having the largest paid circulation within the delivery of the'Post Office, determined by sworn statements of the circulation of the various journals by their mailing clerks or propri etors. Vary respectfully, A. L. Haeeis, Special Ag’t.. P. 0. D [OTFICIal.J LIST OP LETTERS Rem lining in Savannah Post Office March 27, I86&— Persons ceiling for these letters will l ,! jf‘f 9 A i e ' ‘ ■’ and bring with them the neo-seary chang . Tt „ rr leitebs is PrBLisHEn iv xnx nkliALD r.VDER THE DECISION 01 i> Accoan.-scE wna the law ib [*° J? cikcc- LICAX10V I>- THE PAPEB HAVIVO TBE LaBOESX CIBCC Ladles’ List. B- Martha A Bennett, Bessie G Bynaiiz, Eliza cr Buriii, ZllZAbeth Bennett, Emily F Baker. JUry Bell, Susie Barber, Martha C Clark, Adeline . Connor, Catherine Canleo, Alice E Clark, Julia H Charrier, Jane A Casa, Johannah M Cohen, Gus & Conen Duff, Jane C D. E. Edwards. Carolina J F. Ford. Hannah H G. Giilamore, 7Jre Gibbons, Emma Givens, Harriot George, Frances A Grant. Mis. Jusiine Gault, Miss M A Harrie. Matilda ihiey. Jecni. PI. Henry, Mary I. Je Jadieoa, Jenlrinw, CaroliD® J-uiqe, Ellzahath ir Lee, Eliza Lewis, Caroline Marietta, M;=s Murchison, Mary Aim .Milkens, :-'rs , Annie A McDonald, Annie . SXcGmly. Lridgat Kehoe, Fanme L. Live, Susan H Lio<5, Susan M. Morell, Miss £ M Middleton, Chat-wtte McCarter, Mary A Mauucy, Mies J N. \eason Johannsh,' SaiUs Kaughto-n, Mrs P Nichols, Julia A , Mrs J T Sconylre, Jennie Solomon, Kettle A Steinburg, Eliza a Sullivan, Jas Sanchez, Harriet Sneed. Lillie Smith, Mrs Supple, Noah Taylor, Della Thomle.n, Georgia Taylor. Mary E TalUay, Nancy Trlay, Sarah J Talbot, Sarah 8 TV. Vadley, Mre Dole' TfiUiamson, Eliza Waring, H Wes, Mrs Causon Waters, Bose Whitehead, Mra Vallle Y. Young, Claudia Yokim, Caihenna Oentlemen’s List. B. Bennett, A J Blake, Arthur Burt. B Bender, c D Burnsides, E Barber, E L 2 Bogart, F D Euahard, Henry Berry, John D Burrell, John Brook, Cap*. J Brznodt, J D Barbour, Bobt 2 Butts, L A Bryan, K B Bush, Wm 1 Blake wood, T P Bostic, Joseph 2 Byrne, James Barber, J A Bean. James Brvaut, Joseph Burgess, J H Brooka, J P Burgess, John 8 Brady, Jeremiah Bryan, Joseph Barry, James Byrne, James Burton, Jacob Barksdale, J H Bureil, John Collms. J p 2 Clark. A N 1 Cullen, A M 2 Cohen A Gustavus Caiton, Frank Carrington, F T Clayton, E P Cowar'. 5 F Coleman, Hugh C anslon, Hugh Church, J A Cousnioin, Jos Conover. Isaac B Coffee, John Clougherty, Michael Culiiiiaa, J ^ Constantine, P L Cherry, Jno Ccx, Pollard k Co Connell, Eobt Cooms, R Z E Clark, Wm Campbell, W J Cox, John Champion, James Copper, John Carter, James-N Cuthbert, Joseph Crowell, Joseph L Cavanaugh, Jeremiah Chapman, J L Coggeshall, John Clemency, J S Carzeir, J B Cavanaugh, John ,wc uo Dtsvergere, M J Ddgger, Beu Dehorty, Patrick Donneliy, M Dynon, James & D- Dunham, Joa E Downs, J T Dixon, J W Davie, Jno Dooley. Jno W DeFord, J E Dugan, John Doran, Joseph E. Edsn, H H F. G. Gilbert, J C George, Joseph Glcaeon, James Gikmore, J C Grant, Joshua One, Jackson Gibbons, James Giover, Joseph Henderson, Ed A Hussen, Jerre Harem, John 2 Henderson, John Gilligan, James Gallagher, John Oardner, John H Gordon, John Ii Gerry, Wm A Gien, Jos Griffin, Geo H Gordon, Chas H. Hirshback, Jos Hattriek, Stephen Hollenbeck A Zeigler I. Ingram, Chas Jones, C C Johnson,'Daniel Joyce, Ed’ Jones, George Jones, Geo W Jameson, James Ketchum, Wm Loane, Jes G LeonErdy, John Lee, J M Leonard, James Love, James M 2 MagiE k Picquet Myers, J A Co McIntosh, W M Mathews, W H M.ddleton, Wm McCall. Tucker Malcoinson, Thos Maro, P J M-dan. E K McC-cbriu, R Mammon, Jos McEkroy, James 71c,clier, John McGrau, Jas M Marshall, Jack Maduox, James Montgomery, John Martha, James Melcher, John Maxwell, Joseph McBride, Jerre - Mqpahan, James tgcLueer, John L. Lacey, Peter Leach, S 6 Leahy, Stephen Larkm, Barnard Laugh, Jno 2 M. McFalling. Jno Myer, J Maner, J Wm McNeil, Francis Mirault, Simon McMahan, M Murphy, Maurice 2 Mount, Jesse Moore, J B 2 Madden, James Metch, Jobu McLaugnlin, Jas J Morris, J E Munnlng, James McDowell, J T McKat, Adam Martin, A C Mawres, Chris Mann, Daniel 2 Maaes, E Mocre, Ed Moss, F 'Thfy,:. James R Joan Dickerson & Young C'Byrnea, J O'bliea, J 2 o. O’Connor, John W Paine, Allen . Pulling, E R 5 Pitt, James Perry, J G Phelan, Thos Prioe, Wm O Patten, Amos Pelvy A Rennan, Norris Robbins, A M Roberta, R Wm Kiggsbv„S L Rowland, P E Sullivan k Bradley Smyth, Wm S.mmons, W 0 Summeriield. Wm Stiumes, J S Smith, John E Snyder, Jab 1 Scott, Jas M Snyder, Jno Styles, Joe Statkpole, E M Schroder, John Stuart, James E Smith, James Stevens, Isham Stephenson, Jonn ii. Rusoo, H G Russell, G H Roberts, G Rhodes. Allen Ribero, J W S. Singleton, JL Strobhart, John D Steveneou. Jno A J sewally, Joh“ 1 ■ sterling, A M - schremp, A Salley, CW Stokes, David Small, Jacob Skiff, M M Semon, O F Stuart, G w gimmes, J Sulzberger, 3 Salxer, Wm Dry Goods. Blankets 1 Flannels Teobroeck, Jobn D reynac, Andrew Tuttle, E R B Tritsbter, Aug Titcomb, Chas 1 T. Trumnsll, C O Toppham, C B Thomson, C Thomas, G H u. tTbele, Christian Vanhorn. Wm C Williams, Capt Williamson, Anderson Williams, C H Winn, E E V. Verdier, Alox 0 w. Walker. E D Willings, J Walsh, Mr Winkler, Van R Y. Young, Thos A. L. Harris, Acting P. M. HAVANA SEGARS, PIPES, Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO. T HE subscriber has just received a large slock of Havana Segars, ,, which be would invite particular attention. He hue also an extensive assortment of JMeershamm Pipes, 5EGAR TUBES anti BRIARWOOD FIFES. The various brands of Chewing and smoking To >acco at his Establishment are all of the lo st quality IT ease call and examine, for yourselves, at F. CONSTANT’S. Bnll St., opposite Post Office. Soluble Pacific GUANO. ii‘Einvite the attention of Planters to this valneMc Vi Guano, as a matter of importance to their lu- , n„t It la similar in appearance, odoV and <■< lr;-..- to Peruvian Guano, differing only m the pro- oortiniw of the same elements. It contains less am. tnonit). but nearly onejundred per cent, nior.-oi 1 hos- Ifj,. titan Peruvian Guano, oue-thtrd of which is >m- aie.liateiy soluble. It is quite as active us Peruvian Guano. and !s iess costly. For lurthei lufonnatlon, apply to E. C. WADE 4 CO.. Agents, jl-3m ~ SavfiTionb. Ca CLOTHS AND CA8SIMKRES BLEACHED AND BROWN SHIRTINGS DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS FRENCH KERINOES AND ALAPACAS. Received anil for sale cheap by II. UAYH, 174 Broughton street. ocl28 DRY GOODS, The undersigned having formed a oopartnersli'Pi under the firm ntnne of Hiram Roberts’ Sons & Co., To Planters. 100.000 Lbs. of Palma Christi, OR CASTOR OIL BEANS WANTED. , r which I will pay Three Cents per pound cash — ,->t.mated yield toil prime haud, $1,820 to $4 6z0. Ft,,-. i, 11 o’op ext mpl Horn Ihelt auu injur.', by cn ok. circular?, with particulars, and eni*erl> r cultivated ,eed supplied without cost, « ni 24-fi 12 Stoddard’s R mge, Savannah. E. 1). SMITH & 00-, Importers and Wholesale Dealers In CROCKERY, CHINA ANP GLAS S WARE, 109 Broughton Street, Near Bnll Street, Savannah, Georgia. REM ESTATE FOR SALE. T HREE Lots, 25 by 105 feet, on Henry street, be tween Barnard and Montgomery etreeis, Ogle* thorj.c Town. '° DlWITT & MO RGAN. . m21 eoiM ■ 137 Cougrcee street •J. SHAFFER, STATE STREET, m6-eodlm Opposite Armory Ha l. J. N. WILSON, Photographer, 8. E. corner Broughton and Whitaker Strs., SAVANNAH, GA. Old plctnrcs copied with the great-cat care. dl4 T. J. DUNBAR & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WINES. LIQUORS SEGARS, &C 147 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA., (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE.) for the purpose of carrying on a general DRY GOODS BUSINESS, have now opened, and will continue to receive additional supplies of Imported and Domestic Dry Goods, which they offer for sale at rjo. 156 aiBsonrs* BuzisiNa on Congres? street, east of the Market, and at the second store from the end of the building. JAMES H. ROBERTS. DWIGHT L. ROBERTS. fiC-tf EDWARD S. LATUROP. Fine invoices of WHITE GRANITE. COMMON and GLASSWARE, inttoreand to arnve. For sale by j original invoice. . _ , . . gjy Goods re-packed for country trade. fl9-eodif Commission Denlor Ju all kinds of FOREIGN AND D< IMESTIC FRUITS lni> PRODUCE, West WisnisoTow Market, i)PDO?ite 143 Wets’ st„ Bulkhead between Barclay and Vesey sts., NEW*- YORK. Potatoes. Apples and Onions constantly on hand, and ,ut up for the Southern market »consignments promptly attenked to. Refers to A. L. Bradley, A. Haywood, T. .1. Waish. anil J. H Parsons lyV2 eodiv WALLACE DRYSDALE, DEALKF If Choice Family Groceries W E invito the attention of the Trade and the Fub- 1 lie generally to our large and elegant assort ment of Wines, Liquors, Cordials, Conserves, Se- gars, etc., etc.. ^uins, John which Is not excelled by any similar establishment in tho Slates. We arc Hole proprietors af DUNBAR’S CELE SKATED WORMWOOD CORDIAL, the reparation of whi h Is fnlly established in this and foreign coun tries: DUNBAR’S well known STOMACH BITTERS, guiininted superior to any article of the kind, de signed expressly for hotel and family use DUN- !I1U'S uMIlthiU ruiRIlIAl. SUalnAW'S. V.'.r. BARS SCi lIKDAM CORDIAL SCHNAPPS, War ranted of the utmost purity, and put np expressly for' our huuee, of which we are sole proprietors mul Importers. Sole Agents for Robert smith’s cele brated PHILADELPHIA ALE, in cases and barrels; Kriglish, Scotch and American ALE and FORTE It, BRANDY, Scotch and Bourbon WHISKEY and AR RACK BUNCHES, formerly wel) known throngbout the United Stales, put up by u? in cases for export and home consumption. T. J. D. A Co. are solo Agents for A. ife II- W. Catherwood’o Pure RYE WHISKIES XX >ud XXX brands, guaranteed unsurpassed in quality and ex cellence. Constantly ou hand, a large ’and well eo- lecti rl -tock of BOURBON and WHEAT WHIShlES, worthy i he attention of the trade and couni ilsseurs generally. An assortment of SEGARS of flueSL f rnde*. manufactured and imported expressly for this ouse, which we offer at the very lowest net cash prices. BRANDIES, GINS, WINB8, CHAMPAGNES, and every description and grade of Foreign Liquors imported directly by this boose, and for sale in bond or duty paid, at lowest market rates. d20-tf EAST INDIA RICE. tn BAGS, in store and for sale by OW RANDELL A CO., m46-6 Cor. Bay and Barnard streets. HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, For Weakness arising from Indiscretion. The exhausted powers of Nature which are accompanied by so many alarming symptoms, among which will'be found Indis position to Exertion, Loss of Memory, Wakefulness, Horror of Disease, or Forebodings of EvfTj in fact. Universal Lassitude, Prostration, and inability to enter into the enjoyments of society. The Constitution,once affected with Organic Weaknesi, requires the aid of Medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU In variably does. If no treatment is submitted to, Con sumption or Insanity ensues. HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, In affections peculiar to *• Females,” Is unequaled by any other preparation %s in Chlorosis or Retention, Patnfulness, or ^uppre»\io\ of (’ustomary Evacuations, j Ulcerated or Schirrus State of the Uterus ; and all com- j plaints Incident to the sex, whether arising from habits of dissipation, imprudence in, or the decline or change in life. HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU IMPROVED ROSE WASH Will radically exterminate from the system Disease* arising from Habits of Dissipation at little expense, little or no change in diet, no inconvenience dr expoture ; com pletely superseding those tmpleatant and dangerout rv Ptedics, Copaiba, and Mercury, in all these diseases. USE HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT BUOHU In all Diseases of these organs, whether existing In “ Male ” or “ Female,” from whatever cause originating, and no matter how long standing. It is pleasant In taste and odor, “ ijnmcdiate. ” in actum, and more strength* ening than any of the preparations of Bark or Iron. Those suffering from Broken down or Delicate Const*' tuttens, procure the remedy at once. The reader must be aware that however slight may be the attack of the above diseases, it Is certain to af fect his Bodily Health, Mental Powers, and Happiness, All the above diseases require the aid of a diuretic. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU la the Oreat DiureHo. HELMBOLD’S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. For purifying the blood, removing all chronic constitu tional diseases arising from au Impure state of the blood, and the only reliable and effectual known remedy for the cure of Scrofula, Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Pains and Swellings of the Bones, Ulceration of the Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on the Face, Tetter, Erysipelas, and all scaly eruptions of the skin, AND BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. Not a few of the worst disorders that affect mankind arise from tbe corruption that accumulates In the blood. Of all tbe discoveries that have been made to purge It out, none can equal lu effect HELMBOLD’S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. It cleanses and reno vates the blood, instils the vigor of health Into the system, and purges out tbe humors which make dls ease. It stimulates the healthy functions of the body, and expels the disorders that grow and rankle in tbe blood. Such a remedy that could be relied on, has long been sought for, and now, for the first time, the public have one on which they can depend. Our space bere dots not admit of certificates to show Its effects, but the trial of a single bottle will show the sick that It has virtues surpassing anything they have ever taken. Two tahlcspoonfulof the Extract of Sarsaparilla added to a pint of water Is equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and one bottle is fully equal to a gallon of tbe Syrnp of Sar saparilla, or the decoction as usually made. ear these extracts have bef.n admitted to Use IN THE UNWED STATES ARMY, and are also In very geueral use in all the State HOSPITALS and PUB- LIC SANITARY INSTITUTIONS throngbout the land, as well os In Private practices, and are considered as in valuable remedies. Sre Medical Properties of Buchtl, FROM DISPENSATORY OF THE UNITED STATES. Seo Professor Diwee’s valuable works on the Practice of Physic. See remarks made by tbe late celebrated Dr. Porno, of Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr . Ephraim M’Dowmx, a cele brated Physician and Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, ireland, and published in the Transactions of the King and Queen’s Journal. See Medico <'hisurgical Review, published by Bums- ttvs Travers, Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons. See most of the late Standard Works of Medicine, EXTRACT BUCHU, “SARSAPARILLA.” Sold by all Druggists. PRINCIPAL DEPOT— HELMBOLD’S DBUG AND CHEMICAL WABEH0U3K. 694 BROADWAY. W. M. WALSH, Wholesale Agent for the State of Georgia. dec27-eorl1 y FREIGHT BROKERAGE TO AND FROM ALL PORTS OF THE SOUTHERN STATES, EUROPE, 4c. McKEE & TONGE, 71 Urontlway (Basement), NEW YORK. I ENGAGEMENTS for Freight, of small or large _J quantities by the different steam or sail lines, made at tbe lowest rate. Merchandise received, for warded, and insured when desired. Owners and shippers of goods will find It to their advantage to avail themselves of the facilities we have for forwarding at lowest rates. Refer in New York to Southern merchants In gen eral. Refer in Savannah to Mesas. John F. a JM. Unmlltou, Mr. Thumas H. Austin. m8-2awlm DAVID BAILEY, MERCHANT TAILOR No. IS Whitaker Ht., Between Bryan and Bay streets, I S now teceiving his Spring and Sommer Stock, comprising fine French Cloths and Caasimerca: also, fine Fancy French Cassimcres and Coatiogs, Drap D’Etc. Flannels, White and Brown Linen Dock, Marseilles, Ac., which he will make up at the short est notice and in tbe most fashionable style. %gr Remember No. 12 Whitaker Street. - jnlTlwScofflTTr Corn and Oats. 1 000 BU8HELS wmt * * nd 9 8ta; 4,000 bushels White and Yellow Corn, In *acU». Landing and for sale by fz2 EDWIN X. HERTZ 4 CO. New York Adyertiseq^jats. 3fearrf Engines and Macfiinery. mm o o 0. Ill z o ■+ * ■< o z m GOULD MACHINE COMPANY, NEWARK, N. <1. U, o i * £ ° r • j- WAS THI MIT “ MEMRATIMv FM fOM FROM IROIAI •Mt” That reed veil & oigd*i and honorable mention from the Royal Commissioners, the competition of pro minent manufacturers of “ Corn Starch " and Pre pared Corn Flour” of this and other countries not withstanding. na ax zb xr A., The food and luxury or the age, without a »Jngk> fault. One trial will convince the most skeptical, Makes Puddings, Cakes, Custards, Blancmange, Ac., without isinglass, with few or no eggs, at a costas, toni-tiing the must economical. A Blight addition to ordinary Wheat Flour greatly improve* Bwad and Cake. It is also excellent for thickening sweet sauces, gravies for fish and meats, soups, 4c. For lee Cream nothing can compare with it. A little bollsd fo ntHk. will produce rich cream for coffee, chocolate. tea. 4c. Put up in one pound packages, under the trade mark Maizena. with directions for use. ^ A moat delicious article ol food for children and in valids of all ages. For sale by Grocers and DraggUls everywhere. Wholesale Depot. 16G Fnltoa Street. ■WILLIAM DURYEA, j25_ly General Agent- Vf ANUFACTURE Iron Steamboats, Steam fingines, TU Boilers, Machinery for Saw Mills, Ac. Having had long experienced Tmsiuees anff being provided with very extensive facilities for doing work of this class, are prepared to execute orders with despatch. oct!2 dm BRIEN & CABBJEREi Commission Merchants, No. 11 SOUTH WILLIAM STREET, New York. C ONSIGNMENTS ol any description of produce, or orders for purchase of same, or any business appertaining to a General Commission House, m also consignments or orders to onr friends abroad, where we have extensive connexions, are solicited. Particulars of all markets wHl be given upon in quiry, and advances made upon business entrusted to ns or oar friends. CARERS A. CO., mi3-3m Commission Merchants, N. Orleans. SPRING MATTRESSES, Which fold up complete for transporting. Tile moet comfortable bed for a warm climate; good uphol stered and best hail* tope. S. P. KITTLE, 160 Chat ham street. New York. Every hing to complete and furnish a bed. The place to buy is where tbe thing is made. fS-2m HAWKINS & FAY, Commission Merchants, NO. 47 PEARL STREET, NEAR PRODUCE EXCHANGE, N. Y. WM. B. HAWKINS, J- ROCKWELL FAY. Particular attention paid to buying Produce, Provl slons, Whiskies, and Cigars, on order, and*To-con signments. RET raises?: CLINTON HUNTER, firm of Spofford, Tileston 4 Co., New York. Fauclier & McCbesney, 6 Water-at, New York. Richard Bill?, 114 Water street, New York. Wm. B. Miles, 59 Christie street, New Yoik. W. E. Sibell, 5 Wall street. New York. Lewis L. Jones. 17 Br.i-.iivaii. s. W. Ma on A Co., Savannah LAND GIFT ENTERPRISE!! TO BE RAFFLED FOR, O N the ninth day of May, one thousand eight hun dred and sixty-six, at the SCKRVEN HOUSE, In the city of Savannah, Chatham County, State of Georgia, by a committee of gentlemen selected by tbe subscribers, 490 ACRES OF LAND, situated in Lowndes county, near MUllown, • State of Georgia. The projected B tins wick and Florida Railroad run ning through The southeast part, offers great facility for removing to the seaboard the fine cypress, pine and other timber to be foundloh this lot, and a band-' some sum may be had from the Railroad Company for the privilege of running their cazs through it. Arrangements may also lie satisfactorily entered into with them (the Railroad Company) for making it a wood station to supply their locomotives with fuel. A stream of water runs through this land, and lov- ers of the piscatorial art can indulge their fancy at all seasons of the year. The quality or the soil in Lowndes county Is too highly appreciated for any comments to) be made bn th» above. TITLES CLEAR—The winner paying for the trans fer of tbe same to his name, and he (the winner).Is to pay also one hundred dollars to the Savgnnah Fe : male Orphan Asylum. The present owner of the land pledges himself to give one hundred dollars to the Savannah Metropolitan Fire Company, If all the subscriptions are taken tip. Subscription—Tickets, five hundred in number, at ten dollars each. Can be purchased at the office of DR. W. F. SERGEANT, Bull street, near Ray street, Favkfin*n,ea. MACHINISTS’ TOOLS WOOD WORKING MACHINERY Circular Saw Mills. MsUsnsry sad Part- able Meant Kngiaes, Boilers, Sleans pamps. Steam Fire Eiguea, Hese, Ac* tP* Send for a catalogue. ml3-3m MACHINERY. TKRICK-MAKING MACHINES, Brick Pleases. Tern- AJ pering Wheels,.Tile Machimw, and every de scription or Machinery used in the manufketure of Brick. FRANKLIN L. CARNELL, No. 184* Germantown Avenue, f28-3m Philadelphia, Pa. WILMINGTON IRON WORKS. PUSEY, JONES & CO., Wilminjfton, Delaware. LINVILLE & GLEASON. St. Julian Street, West of Market, SAVANNAH. AGENTS FOR MERRITT, WALCOTT & CO., 64 Conrtlasdt Street New Tort. MANUFACTURERS OP ALL KINDS OP Bolts, Nnta, Washers, Sett Screws, Tapi and Dies, 4c, 4c., and dealers in all kinds of Railroad, Steam ship and Engineer’s Supplies, oils, Vanish, Paint, Hemp and Rubber Paoklng; Oak Tanned and Rubber Belting, Brass Fittings, Chipping and Riveting Ham •cere, Files, Chisels, Gas Pipe, Nails. Circular and Gang Saws, Pumps, Steam whistles, Steam and Wa ter Onagers, Steam Engines and Saw Mills of every description, 4C., 4c Also Agents for A. P. WOOD 4 CO.’S celebrated Portable Steam Engines. f31 STEAM ENGINES AND SAW MILLS, dte., die., dtc. j^_i;igYista> Ga. REMEMBER, SAW MILL MEN, The undersigned is the Sole Manufacturer of BUR ROW’S IMPROVED BEAD BLOCK, for Saw Mills. Patent applied for. F. E. TIMMONS desires to call the attention of those wanting tbs above articles to those of HIS OWN MANUFACTURE. J. 3. RAWLINGS & CO., Produce Commission Merchants 66 SOUTH CHARLES STREET, BALTIMORE, MU. Strict attention paid to selling all kinds of Produce, and to the purchase and shipping of Grain, 4c., to all parts of the South We also keep constantly on band a choice stock of Pure Seeds, such as Clover, Timothy, 4c. Orders filled at lowest rates. Consignments and orders solicited. Refers to Messrs Woodward, Baldwin 4 Co., Bal timore and New York; Mr. S. G. Haynes, Savannah, Ga. mS-fs* I.P. Bocsz. W. A. Bhx-irr. Bouse & Bryant, (Formerly of Jacksonville. Florida,) Forwarding and Commission Merchants, 104 Bay'Street. SAVANNAH, - - GEORGIA. W ILL give prompt attention to racelvkig and for warding {toed., sales on- consignment, and all orders. And will also keep constantly on band s good stock of Groceries, Liquors, Agricultural Imple ment?, Building Materials, Fairbanks A Co.’s Scales, Ac., besides other goods and mannfactared articles lor sale on consignment and for whfch they are agents. Orders and consignments respectfnlly solic ited. dgl-3m. Saddlery. E. L. NEIDLINGER, CORNER OF Barnard and Broughton Streets, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, W OULD respectfully announce to bis frteada and the public generi the public generally that he has resumed the SADDLERY BUSINESS, next door to fils fonder-stand, wnd by strict attention and moderate prices, hopes to reoelvqa liberal share of the trade. He is prepared fo make np promptly ail orders for HARNESS, BRIDLES, ETC. His brother, Mr. J. 8. NEIDLINGER, will be found with him, and would be glad to see bn friends. 1 ii h IBR. Notice to Creditors. A LL persons having claims against the steamers Amazon and Lanra are nottded to present them to the undersigned on or lie.ore the *ttt Umt., or th*y will be debarred payment. JOHN L. ROUMILLAT, Agent. mio-todt25 - Dillon’s Wharf. - — ; i«a ymfcg "Wrapping \Paper« 10nf) REAMS in store and for taU st New York „ PLATENS 4 BOB WORTH, 12* ~~ 310 Bay street They are tbe Mills tkat will cut the Lumper; are powerful and durable, and will give satisfaction in every particular. Call and examine them, at the Foundry and Machine Works, No. 170 Fenwick st„ opposite the Tower. P. K. TIMMONS. COPPERSMITH WORK. A supply of material and a competent wokman to execute all work ordered. F. E. TIMMONS. STEAM BOILERS. Steam Pump*. Steam Fittings, furnished at short noHcehy F. E. TIMMONS. ANTI FRICTION METAL. The very best kind of METAL for heavy or fast bearings: Warranted to give entire satisfaction. Made holy by P. E. TIMMONS, Foundry and Machine Works, opposite Water Tower. Paper Mill Machinery. Drying Cylinders, Calendar Rolls, Bag Cutter 8 * 4c., Ac., for Paper Mills, built to order. F. E. TIMMONB. With Facilities Unsurpassed, North or South, he feels confident that he can give entire satisfaction to all who will give him a call. F. E. TIMMONS, No. 170 Fenwick street. Opposite tbe Water Tower. Avgusta, Ga., MACHINERY DEPOT SAW MILLS, GRIST MILLS, WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, SAWS, BELTING, &c., &a WOOD & MANN’S, r CELEBRATED Portable Steam Engines Insurance. Tbe Oldest Accident Insurance Comn'y IN’ AMERICA 13 THE Trawler's Iiwanee Co. OF HARTFORD, CONN. Net t’asli Assets, Feb. 1, ’6C, $600,849 72 Insures against Accidents of all Kinds, CAUSING BODILY INJURY OR LOSS OP LIFE. IT 18 CHEAP. A policy for $5,000 lu case or fatal accident, or $2J per week in case of disabling injury, costs bat PA to $36 per year. Any sum from $500 to $10,000, with $3 to $5o weekly compensation, at proportion ate rates. Policies written for three or five years, at a liberal disconnt. IT IS UNIVERSAL. This Company Insures against all sorts of acci dents, whether they occur in travelings working in the shop or factory, walking tu the street, swimming, riding, hunting, fishing, etc. It fosnes policies for all persons, in aif parts of the United States and Canadas, and grants permits to visit any part of the world. This Insurance Is sought after and valued by all classes of men, rich or poor. IT IS RELIABLE. The TRAVELER’S of Hartford is the oldest Acci dent Insurance Company In the United States, and established on a firm basis. It has issued many thousands of policies, pays claims for compensation almost daily, and Its bnsiuess is steadily Increasing. Its capital is ample, Us directory of tbe highest char acter, and it has paid over One Thousaud Losses, without contesting one. KO MEDICAL EXAMINATION BE- RDIREO. (BP" Three cents a day will insnre a man for $2300 or $10 weekly compensation, for one year. J. G. BATTERSOil, President- Kodnjev Dznnis, See. A. WILBUR. Agent, Savannah. The Oglethorpe Insurance Co. OF SAVANNAH. Savannah. 15th March. 1866. A Convention of the Stockholders of this Com pany is hereby called to meet in the city of Savannah on Thsrsday, the fifth day of April proximo, at 12 o'clock m„ at the office of Thomas 4 Sod, 117 Day street. By order of the Board. ml6-td J. T. THOMAS, Sec. WASHINGTON LIFE INSORANCE CO NO. 98 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. CYRUS CURTISS, President, Clayton Newbold, V. P.; \Y. A. Brewer, Sec.; Rob ert B. Mintnrn, George Griswold, Roland G. Mitchell,- Thomas Hope, William U. Aspinwall, a. A. Lour and others. Directors. Cash, assets, over $500,000. Capital stock, $125,000. Policy holders receive all the profits without incur ring any liability for losses. It has therefore all the advantages and security or a Stock and Mutual Com* pany combined, without their separate disadvan tages. OSCAR CRAIG, General Agent State of Georgia, Savannah, Ga. W. & Waring, M. D., Medical Examiner, Savan nah, Ga. febl9-3m. Reliable Southern SOUTHERN MUTUAL LIFE INSU RANCE COMPANY. (Established in 1849.) ASSETS SEPTEMBER 1st, over. .284 OOO. Hon. W. F. DzSAUSSUKE, Pres. F. W. MoMastzb, Actuary. This Company has paid for losses to the Widows and Orphans of tbe Sooth near $400,000. Tbe rates are low and profits regularly returned to the Insurers. J. B. READ, M. D. Medical ExamlneT. THE National Marine and Fire INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW ORLEANS CAPITAL 8560,000 *7 The undersigned begs leave to Inform the insuring pubUc that he has been legallx. appointed Agent foi the above named Companies, and is ready to take Ma rine, River, Life and Fire Bisks at customary rates. O. C. MYERS, Agent, Office with Phillips 4 Myers, 85 Bay street J29-3m FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE AGENCY. SECURITY INSURANCE CO., Capital and Surplus. $1,600,000 PH4ENIX INSURANCE CO., Capital and Surplus $1,500,000 INTERNATIONAL INS. CO.. Capital am) Surplus $1,200,000 MANHATTAN INSURANCE CO., Capital and Surplus $1,078,000 I1ARHOHY INSURANCE CO., Capital and Surplus $ 600.000 Total cash Capital and Assets $6,000,000 Fire, Marine, and Inland Navigation Risks taken In tbe above highly responsible Companies on Build ings and Merchandise to any amount, at the lowest rates corresponding with the risk. Losses equitably adjusted and paid promptly at this Office. A. A. LANE, No. lit Stoddard’s Range, Bap Street, Sa vannah. Ga. n9dSm Commission Merchants. M S. SAMS & GO., Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Qdods, Groceries, Ac., NOS. 1 AND 2 SAMMIS’ BLOCK, Bay Street, Jacksonville, Florida. ZD. «. BAMMIB. G. B. & G. W. LAMAR, General CoMissioii Merc li aii ts. Forwarding and Shipping Agent*, NO. 9S BAY STREET, (np stairs.) Refer to Geo W. Anderson, Jno. C. Ferreland G. B. Lamar, Savannah; W. B Jackson. Josiah Sibley 4 Sons, J. B. 4 J. W. Walker, Angusta. Consignments solicited. em-novt FOR SALE. rflHB two adjoining Lots ou the comer of Jonee JL and Lincoln streets, with the Building in course of construction, property of the late -Brigadier Geo. Claudius C. Wilson. Apply to K.R. Lester, Attorney-at-Law, corner of Bar and Barnard streets. nS-tuAthU J. H. HINES. Adm’r FOR SALS, T HOSE very valuable Lots situated on the comer of West Broad and Zubly streets, designated by the tetters C, E and G. Middle Oglethorpe Ward.- Eacli Lot has a width or sixty-seven feet and six inches, and is one hundred and eighty feet In depth, making an area Qf two hundred and two and a half feet byone hundred and eighty. This would afford abundant room for the erection of a Hotel of exten sive proportions, or for any kind of manufactory— For any of which purposes these lots are iligibly sit uated, being near to the Central Railroad Depot and on one of the principal streets of tbs city. The above Lots may be treated for at private ante separately or together, and if not disposed of previously, will be offered at public sale In front of tbe Court House on tbe first TUESDAY in April next by T. J. Walsh. At which time and place will also be offered Lot No. 3s Franklin Ward, on Broughton street, and the Island ol Gnat Warsaw, containing two thousand acres- H. T. GIBSON. Executor, fl 2-cod of estate of Dr. C. P. Rlcharteon. Wrou , «... ve maturing «„ t0 J a Put £ — 1M Jannary, 1867, by lmnin** 11|,( on. ewltUMes^B to whom the scrip wm^‘Cn, The Pensacola pay tbe coupons the Tallahassi and that are filling due ferxed Capl guaranteed on the first. ly. Holders „ posit the same of Savannah, ml9-tr Notice. OFFICE ATLANTIC 4 GUlfTT In consequence ol the 3n , ^r w 10 re * 0T ' u ‘*Xji; mI# Notice. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE Atlantic. & q cl , i s ‘ va ^’iuSTwi On and alter Monday, the lJth Inst, th.o Train wm leave Savannah f ur Monday, Wednesday and Friday at T turning, leave Thomasville every «• day and Friday night at 12.15 a. m ^ Freight trains will commence nm^ days, whan dne notice wm t* ‘ ^ I light freight will be taker, J!! Cllt ^ owners’ risk. “** ®*i « Freight by passenger train ma ,f hp - , delivered at the d^ot thirty nUnMrow"“* starting time of the train Wor * tti Q - J - FCLtos, ScperinuauJent. OFFICE OF THE~ Central Railroad o SAVANNHII. January 29th, w , |N and after Monday, the f,th of r“ I daily trains will run between ita. counerlimr in hmh Hi™—;.... and £1.1 gusto, connecting in both directions the Georvia Railroad, as follows. I Leave savannah....... Arrive at Savannah.. Leave Angusta Arrive at Augusta... Passage $S.oo. ‘ a ‘ m ‘> Mil 7.301J , ■‘-r?p “-mi mil ..9.;>0 a. m., and Li., 6 O0 p. bl, Freight to go by passenger train mint heimm anjj delivererTatthe Fassenger shed 3C foredepartureof train. J. M. SEUlffi 1 i 30-1 * Master of Transporuni F. M. MYRELL STEAMBOAT AGENT, GENERAL COMMISSION AND F0Br| WARDING MERCHANT, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, G1 Harris’ Buildings, 2d door west of A. Low I ft. J Refer* to Messrs. Hunter 4 GammelL Due. J%| son 4 Graybill; Bell, Wylly & Christian: BottoUI Whitehead; Miller, Thumas & Co.; M. 4. trial Eaq- ” 1 JOHN L. VILLAL0MGA, COTTON’ FACTOR, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION I CHANT. No. &4r Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA Emigrants Can be WITHIN TEN DAYS. rflHE undersigned are prepared to supplyP ami other parties who may be in want o?» LABORERS, and have made necessity r menu in tbe North to fid any orders for igr Laborers, Woodcutters, Mechanics, etc., witthN or Twelve days from the day the orderliflw^ The Laborers are to be received by tae on arrival of the steamer bere, and m the points where they are wanted Hi expense, and the Employers have fittMt certain sum per head In advance, partly and partly for covering the expenses la in' Emigrants from the North to this port. The rate at which Farming Laborer! ate cored will average about $150 per year, tit Sr” era finding (hem. For further particulars apply to WM. MORV1LLE 4 CO., Jones’ Block, Bay sfflt L One door East of Barnard®# I SatamkH- BEFBBXItCES: Jackson 4 Lawton, .-avannah. John W. Anderson 4 Son, Savannah- Solomon Cohen, Savannah. Jno. C, Ferrlll, Savannah. Kicholls, Camp <£ Co., Savannah Geo. A. Cnyler, Savannah. W. R. Fleming, Savannah. John Screven, Savannah. Brigham, Baldwin <f Co., Savannah Savannah National Bank, Savannah* m2 THE Singer ‘ Sewing Mac! Principal Office for the State o( Oefth U« BB01CHT0.V STtfSI. H. D. HAWLEY, General A?" A large assortment for sale at New Sewing Machines of all kinde repair® 0 ■ notice. ill Stitching hrotly done. H. Gr. BXJWE* WHOLESALE DEAL** I* Foreign and Domestic ufl WINES. CIGARS, GROCEHl®’ ale and Johnson’s Square, opposite the J Corner St. Julien and BO 3 rifaUIgant’e old Paint S QII “‘ A large invoice of Potatoes and SrSS?h. o-yyflSv* OCK Win, auu FERTILIZE® 8 ’ A. LESTER hBROfljS RAWBONE AND bU S G B0CS S OF LIME AND 1'^ 1 BONE T HE above have t,lc .jXhL’»' c ^ . adapted to (be of anick®'^*] being not only >“ tlDK n . L " c. 0 l M.nttr.«nrer.Agents **£>5*1 General ^te for prepared toTuruish in lots ' Ll j{0CB8 |*9-tn-tli-s-lm Jas.T. Pat f TIMBER Lumber & Cor x , mebc^ & .ncbotoddarD'Six)^r I'Lh; V