Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 30, 1866, Image 3

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j,0 C A 1 kkidav. ltters. ; u 30, 1500. «jce h, P® ,lm, l Steamer* D' i 1 FOB ™»K- tday, March 28th, at — jpisliip U (inter, rTin,, March 29. at — o'clock. „v.qra a hip j {jir ^atnrilay, March 31, at i Salv- Saturday, March 31st. at i-hU> p»8TON- f Saturday, March 31st, at Sterni-h^P City of ../dock. F jJGCSTA. • win- G. Gte. every Saturday morning qeamer ; a. ffl. F0 iRLE9TON. ,„ mpr Fountain,y Tuesday and Thurrsday at / Thursday morning at 10 ■clock P* ,n . jBier Kanine, Fannie, T'»y morning, 29th Inst, at iteam^r ( /.jiacK. f OB’KINSVILLE. r , Two Poyd Charles S. Hardee, every *$$&****■ p-U)Rin*. reer sylvan Sh every Tuesday morning, at > * Helen Gc every Saturday morning, at t» . ; B3 every Friday morning at 10 ,. r ;s<lay morning at 10 o’clock. sleamerLiaiie 0 enmor El’h. 0 ;„ioO TsoncChis day "Good Friday" at Father Do la Fosse, will kP M.. .inch on the passion of our Pcwa free. /lection will be taken up tor ACOosta.- 1 steamer Wm ' here yesterday from Fb it ^ptain Garnett. ar» Gibbons, Au n ntr ,. 'steamer U. M. Cool, Captain n, iM DaBIE>- t. r Arrived y»»J from Darien. -The steamer Croton, Captain rc :M CHARttiT ,1 arrive ere yesterday morning with a Pzjeralu, « |1H . , A ilhiieflo^umlfreOiht u ;,ir. Thomas J. Walsh aold Sale of a Scbo“ i front of his store, the schooner lieu lor the sum of $1,050. ., —The attention of persons in H.VNCE run ■■ •cucies is directed to the adver- ■ t of the 5h fc rn Business Agency of Barnes “ ofBostfiu another column. They are re- • lf ud offer respectable and profitable r, asihle pari went to t j business men. eof fCF.NV.—In the Freedmen’s Court . . .. a j„„, named Robert .Stone was charged rth Liiji acce ry before the fact to a larceny com' ■nt^-nW' »ig ht la8t * Tllis charge was laid Q £ ce f ( vho prosecuted a white woman in tli*«ariv ],art •'lie week for having removed part of bisk n-elioid >ds, after drugging him. It appears tbit tk** negro w hired by the white woman to help ktr remote iligoods, but at the examination the fliintitf failed* show the guilty knowledge of the defendant auJudgc Stone dismissed the case upon •osts by defendant. I Hi: pyiDeflu The Rece: Negri Shooting.—The case of a ^ m an lfore reported charged with firing on m negroesfter setting fire to their fences was con ned yesteiay in tlie Freedmen’s Court. After noming tip ie evidence in the case, Judge Stone rhar the carge of setting fire to the fences had caj-jUu.*tntiatcJ by the testimony, but the act rogon tkmegroes was fully proven. He there' uoi the (ifendiut m thu sum of fifty dollars and |tt* same wrty was also chargnd with refusing to liuumons ot tlie Court,for which he was fined j-l cust.s. : : jrr Iiohtivo —Two men were before His r Jftyor Anderson, yesterday morning on the u fighting in the streets. The policeman finding them in the streets, one of them •tlier down and punnneling him pretty I*- T The one who was beaten, (and who, in point • 1 to be more than a match for his an- »id that he was knocked down without auy whatever. The other man denied this, Jptiathewas called some harsh names before sci his assailant. The Mayor dismissed the was beaten and fined the other in the sum dollars and costs. |tKN'AL.—Among the arrivals in our city yester- uce the name of the world renowned -inipugilist, Aaron Jones, who arrived vester- ..u:n ; on the steamer Croton, from Charleston, •stopping at the Pulaski House. Mr. Jones has * resident of South Carolina for the last few r,:l dunn S the war served under General frejvd i n the Confederate service. He is now on 6 principal Southerp cities, and we under* .s intention to give exhibitions in the k T »ct of self defence. After his return he will h himself m Charleston, where he will open a r the instruction of those who wish to be‘ fInherent m the art of self defence. The Freedmen’s Bureau in Virginia.—The Lynchburg Daily news publishes an important order, emanating from the head of theTreedmen’a Bureau in that State, with reference to the trial of negroes by the Civil Courts. The order, in effect, abolishes the Freedmen’s Court, and hereafter all cases involving crimes and punishment not already in progress of prosecution against negroes are to be tried and acted upon by the Civil Courts of the State. Why is it, asks the Macon Telegraph, that such an order ha9 not also been promulgated in ‘Georgia? If there is one State in the South whose legislation should secure her jurisdiction over all her citizens, it' is Georgia. Perhaps, though, we shall have the an nouncement here in the course of a few days. It is needed bad enough. St. Andbew’s Hall.—Mr. F. L. Wise’s benefit postponed from night ^before last, takes place this even ing. "Six Degrees of Crime” and “My Neighbor’s Wife” makes up the bill. Mr. Wise is one of the best if not the best stock actor we have ever had on our boards, and deserves a handsome benefit. We be speak for him a crowded house to-night. Gbay's Mibbob of the Wobld.—This interesting and instructive exhibition attracted a good audience at the theatre last evening. Many of the pictures ex hibited were truly beautiful—the statuary especially elicited bursts of applause from the audience. Two more evening exhibitions will be given, and a matinee entertainment on Saturday morning for the accommo. dation of ladies and children. Arrivals at the Hotels. SCREVEN’ HO0SE-2O. McGinij. H Galpen, Augusta S D Clapp, do T H Wing, N Y P J Bracken, Atlanta W C Todd, Boston W A Bryant, City A Wliite, N Y Mrs A B Woodworth and child t J S Daniels, Savh M Clarke H Head J B Dennis, Charleston F R Sampson, N Y PULASKI HOUSE—W. H. Wiltbbbgeb A Co. W T Richmond, Boston J Travis, Sarh C W Stegad, La J R Wimberley, Qa T Mahool, Bait E S Kutey, Beaufort A Jones, Charleston G W Crane, Charleston •J H Robert, S C u S Hardee, Quitman E J McClelland, Ga E F Lawson and lady, Ga V H B urnes, ogeechee J D Cay, Ga MARSHALL HOUSE—A. B. LUCB. W T Richmond, Savh A Oemler, do G W Tilard, R W Harrison, Fla G Rhodes, S C S S Fudge, Ga W U Woodman, H Head J D Spaulding, Boston W A W Simmons, Fla B D Brantley, Ga De Kell, Thomasville D R Wadley and lady T B Smith, Wash A Salmoenaievety, Shipping Intelligence. miniature Almanac—This Day. Sun rises 5 51 [Moon rises Sun seta 6 08|Uigli water 9 ig PORT OF SAVANNAH. Thursday, March 29, lsee. Arrived. steamer W G Gibbons, Garnett Augusta—Erwin A Hardee. Steamer H M Cool, Taylor, Darien—M A Cohen. Steamer Croton, Fitzgerald, Charleston—B H Har- dee. Schr W T Raymond, Elswortli. New 1'ork Sciir Ada Aines, Msrston, Baltimore. Schr Mary Patten, Turner, Boston. Schr M R Samson, Samson, 4 days from New York wlih hay to Master. Schr Sarah Wooster, Leeland, with hay and guano from New York to W II 8tark. B Cleared. Steamship Leo, Dearborn, New York—O Cohen Steamer, Fannie, McNelty, Charleston —F’w Myrell. Steamer Express, Moore, Augusta—F W Sims A Co Br ship Kaws, Morrison, Liverpool, Eng—E A Soul lard. Imports. Per steamer H M Cool, from Darien—6 bales up land cotton, 9,000 feet lumber. Per steamer W G Gibbons, from Augusta—34 bales upland cotton. Exports. Per steamship Leo. for New York—334 bales cotton 472 hides, 5 bales sheep ,skius, 44 pkgs mdse, 4 bbls gin, 4 do iruit. Per Br ship Kaws, for Liverpool—2,19d bales cotton 145,197 feet timber. Passengers. Per steamer Croton, from Charleston—W C Todd A White, A B Woodworth and lady, T Mahool, II A Topliam, U Skull, H A Stults, A Jones, and 10 deck Consignees per Central Mailroad. March 29, 186G. 574 bales cotton, 5 do yarn, 2 do waste, 8 sacks po- tatoes, 12 cars ltimber, 1 do, furniture and mdse to W H Stark, Laura Kilpatrick, Brady, S A Co, Dr JG Howard, E Ehrlich, E P Deyo, R Ilahersliam A Sen, A Myers A Co, W S McFarland, G S Hayes, Wilder A F, J W McAIpln. E Pul el ford. J M Ktuchley, O Cohen, M S Cohen, W Bsttersby, A Low, Jones A W. Receipts per Atlantic & Gulf R. R. ffFE' S Court.—ifhere were several petty ca lf Waivery of debt settled In the Freedmen’s •jzerday, but none of them worthy of note. - Run named David Hargrave was charged J.Mcng to support his child. The woman Nan- man was her husband, but it appeared flttviltuce that they were never legally mar- • nad been put together by the church, and ^tfettuig tired of the arrangement resolved to Stone thought that he should at least '■dthe child, and therefore ordered him to pay la of five dollars towards that object. M.ddleton was arraigned for being drunk 1 nrAiun j policeman. Pleading guilty to I the ''*■ dismissed upon the payment of costs. Ivoiuso aoent fob the Empire Lire or ‘"•■' understand that Mr. George A. J lma city, left for New York on Saturday L ar{llm 5 Agent for the Empire Line oi Steam- * ,|ucl1 JIr - B- H. Hardee is the Agent in 8a- U '* *'i ,J ivsky is well known in this city as competent aud reliable business man. ’’J* an e!cte nded acquaintance not only at the ■■ ■ ' in ti,r North and West, having been ‘ ' 6vl oua to the war as traveling agent of an ^i'-.ineas huuse in New York. Mr. McC. iB . i1k mitt sectional commerce of the coun- - utolhgpnt and courteous gentleman and t.0 doubt, render important service to “w Company l -C The repairs on this end of * ^ Railroad, . says the Macon Telegraph of the Progressing finely. The construction train lueoj^j 10, and will reach the Oconee Hit coming week. The bridge for f- 4 ! trestle work for both sides ' a, *d will require but a few days to ■ V ' _. — ^ have also good accounts sujun' 1 aUd CaU 8ee ao roa *on why the r h"t be finished in the course of six " N ‘-Tliei t foot Of Allf , r passage way leatling from the " oet " and n, ' rD s *rcet, which, for some ': ■ c v ,, jl ,' t . rcpair!, > having the cobble-stones "Hi. ' V .'''' d’ and wagons are passing "" ’ ' ' r u dciie in a substantial ■ "Qdersti ,s “Git 'J that it ^itOUcJi rieodecl. llivst "n tlioec having charge of tlie intention of the au- '•ays repaired, which is ^OERLy C ASJ . -'hvcr'e umee our rp Portorial qxperi_ faces - s „. if . avo never seen so many" c . “ s "Hhin the last . . v,u 3 C lub ' P* Hty v>'ell taken , ,, „ W 8 ° meth1 ^ the sort. He -Him circumstances of his casc . „„ -•n v( ^ Jln ve 7 drtInk ' and Bite Cassio, he ' u gS bU ‘ DOthiQg Bmtlnet. uonorthft mnst mLnw. March 29, lsea. 216 bales cotton, 100 bbls tar, 119 sacks potatoes 2 bbls do, 1 car furniture, 11 bbls syrup, 2 bdls hides 2 coops chickens, and ..tlier mdse to H Pitcher, W B Fleming, S W Wilson, H Nall, M S Cohen, D McDon ald, Cooper A McA, Prichard A W, Miller, T A Co E C Wade A Co, Bryan, H A Co, Tison A G, CI) Rogers WAR McIntyre, Duncan A J, N J Prindler, J Tison, R Habersham, G W Garmaev, LJ Hull martin A Co J W Nevett, Wilder A F, F Padelford, G Patten, C A Edenfleld, F Martin. Special Notices. W ILL win be received at my office for removing and delivering the whole of the machlMrj, boilers, engines and all connections, all the iron, Ac., except the HULL, of the. STEAMER AMAZON, CoUMTY gULICIXOR. fELtow-Crmrasor Chaibam countylam a candidate for llie office' of Ciunty Solicitor afid re : spectfnllyxequest your support at the election to be held on tjm 2irtf May next. GEO. W. MOORE. Soap Manufactory, from where she now lies, on the bar below Alignsta, on a wharf in this city. DAVID B. DILLON, 224 Bay street. JAMES PYLES’ 0. K. The Best Soap in Use. To tis-Voters of Cbattam County, FxLLoitCiTiZENs—I announce myself a Candidate for the office of Judge of the County Court on the 1st Wednesday in May next, and reapectfully solicit your support. m*l-t<r JNO. A. STALEY. COUNTY SOLICITOR. We arenpthorized to announce ROBERT FALL! GANT, Esq., as a candidate for the office of County Solicitor, at the election in May next. ’ m*7-6* For sale at Retail by STEWART A CO, DOYLE A LEYON, And all first-class Grocers; at Wholesale by York, Williams, Mclntine & Go. COUNTY COURT JUDGE To tui Voters of Chatham County ; Feu iow Citizens—I announce myself a candidate for the office of Judge of the County Court, at the election on the 1st Wednesday In May next, and re spectfully solicit your saffrage. m27-tf CHARLES FARRELLY. yk- Direct Importation. 5 CASKS Superior Burton (English) Ale, jnst re ceived and for sale by COUNTY' JUDGE. FsLiow-CiTizmw or Chatham Count?;— I am a candidate for the offioe of Comity Judge, and respect- folly aollcit your support at the election to be held on the 9d of May next. m2?-td LEVI S. RUSSELL. CUNNINGHAM, PURSE k CO. COUNTY COURT JUDGE. We are authorized to announce HENRY WIL LIAMS, Esq, as a candidate for the office or County Judge for Chatham county at the election in May next. m21-td Choice Country cured Hama and Shoulders. m29-3 GEORGE PATTEN. SYRUP AND SUGAR. To tbe Voters of Chatham County. We are authorized to announce JNO. HUGUENIN THOMAS, Esq., as a candidate for County Solicitor. Election db the 2d day of May next m23-td MANY CITIZENS. County ^Solicitor. C A BARRELS Fine Florida Syrup JU 25 bbls do do Sugar GEORGE PATTEN. Notice. LL persons having demands i Fellow-Citizens of Chatham County—I am a candidate for the office of County Solicitor, and re spectfully ask your support at the election to be held on the 2d of May next. m26-tf JNO. O. FERRILL. A Li. persons having demands agati Randall F. Jones, late of Liberty Inst the estate of ty county, will present them, duly attested; and all tnose indebted to said estate will make payment within the time prescribed by law. R. Q. CAPELS, m29-lawGw* Administrator. COUNTY' COURT JUDGE. We are authorized to announce Capt. JNO. BILBO as a candidate for the Judgeship of the County Court at the election, th^first Wednesday in May next m20-td '■> New Music. Notice. A LL of HELMSMULLER’S FAVORITE GAL- LOPES, New Songs, Polkas, Marches, Waltzes, &c, &c. m29-2 JOHN C. SCHREINER & SONS. Notice. A LL cl ilms against the steamships comprising the Pioneer Line, from New York, must be pre sented at our office within five days after the arrival of said steamships. Claims not presented within that time will not be considered. m‘29-6 HUNTER k GAMMELL, Agents. THE City Treasnrvr is prepared to receive certain of the taxes levied by the Ordinance passed Decem ber 27th, 1841. That is, the tax upon gross sales or merchandise and wares of every description; upon all freight and passage money payable in this city, and upon horses and mules. These taxes are due be tween the first and tenth of each month for the pre ceding month. All other taxes are payable quarterly between the same dates, in the months of April, July, October and-Jantury. B. T. GIBSON, n t ■' .. City Treasurer, v CHOICE BACON. A LEAR SIDES. Ribbed Sides, Shoulders and J Hams. All Georgia cured. For sale by m29-3 GEORGE C. FREEMAN. A CARD. Mr. WM. R. BOYD has an Interest in my business and will take charge of my agencies in luture. A. WILBUR, 89 Bay-st MOODY & BAEBETT, Steam Soap Works, VANTFAOTVZBSK8 Off GLYCERINE, BROWN WINDSOR, VIO LET, BAR TOILET SOAPS OP EVERY DESCRIP TION. Vf RS8B8. MOODY k BARRETT woald respectfully JXi. announce to tbe public that tkBT have just opened their - 1 BTBAM SOAP WOUI, and are fully prepared 10 flit all orders for tha fol lowing Bar and Toilet soaps: PALE 80AP, EXTRA No. 1, EXTRA, No. i RESiN or YELLOW SOAP, GERMAN, ’ ERASIVE, CHEMICAL, OLIVE, CASTILE, &c. Also, a large variety of Toilet Soaps, comprising HONEY, PALM, 1 CAMPANULA, ALMOND, TRANSPARENT, ROSE. PUMMICE, LAVA, &c., &c. No pains will be spared to make our Soaps equal in quality, price and perfume to any American or For eign Soaps. Oar motto shall be “ semper idem,” and ,all goods not equal in quality and price to American —*Hl !, shall' • • rtuefil FOR The new and fastfMd SteMBr 3 Z. B?vl Jo. Capt. Johm J. Gutheii, will leave for the above place With despatch. For freight or passage, having very comfortable ac commodations, apply at the office, on the Florida Steam Packet i Cl B2» ■n Shipping. For Liverpool. 'siftA’^ssasysaai-ii! Vcargo engaged. wiH have prompt .ISrStch ■ For balance of freight, applvuj*” ' WILDER a FULLARTON. For Philadelphia. FOB NEW YOBK Mail NteamaiiipCompaiiy. SIDE-WHEEL SH^, Fastest Ship >i S ! Cabla Passage, |30...., Steerage, $9 This ship made her l&st ^lp to New York in fifty- eight hours. The very fast and exceedingly commodious steam ship 2,000 tons burthen, Tiioa. H. Moarox, Esq., Com- mander,will positively sail on her regular day, Saturday, March 31, at 8 o’clock a. m. or , Pa^ge, having accommodations unsurpassed, apply to WILDER A FULLARTON. FOR JACKSONVILLE, FLA or Foreign manufacture, refunded. ill be returned and money THE HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR TALLOW AND GREASE. Orders addresaed to MOODY 4 BARRETT, or L. J. GUILMARTIN A CO., will receive prompt and im mediate attention. m20-tf BLANCEVILLE SLATE MINING COMPT, VAN WERT, POLK CO., GA. Cap’l Stools., $600,000 SHARES, $50 EACH. Dikbiotobs—H- Brigham, J. F. Dever, E. C. Gran nies, A. Wilbur and A E. Marshall. Piisidknt—A. Wilbnr. Savannah, Ga. Vies Pbesiddit—E. C. Orannlsa, Macon, Ga SzoBErxax—A. E. Marshall, Atlauta, Ga Maryland Flour. I will be happy to see all my old friend, and new ones, and am prepared to take Risks in tbe Compa nies represented by our Agency on ail Insurable property. WM. R. BOYD. 122 350 Barrels Family 300 Barrels Landing and for sale by m»-3 GEORGE C. FREEMAN. Extra BOLTON’S WHARF STEAM SAW MILL, Between Blake's Rice Mill and O'Byme’. Wharf. T HE subscribers. Steam Saw Mill, having erected the above are now prepared to fill city and shipping orders for Lumber of any dimension, and reapectfully solicit a share of patronage from their friends and the public. Orders received at the mill, or at J. Lama's store, on the Bay, will h ive prompt attention. Office Commis’rs Water forts, Savaunah. March 7, 1806. The public are requested in all cases of want of prompt attention on the part of the plumbers to mak- repairs, or in cases of overcharging, to complaint at the office of Water Works ; so that In cases of continued or gross neglect, the ordinance can be enforced which requires the withdrawal of their licenses. By order of Board of Commissioners. B. D. GUERARD, m3 Supt W. W. r IS Company will soon be prepared to fill any orders For Slate, however large, for roofing, for furniture manufactured out of slate, for lintels, for pavement, and for any other lues to which slate can be applied. The quarry is convenient to the cities of Atlanta, Augusta, Macon, Albany and Columbus. Ga.; to the cities of Selma, Montgomery and Mobile, Ala.; to New Orleans, and will shortly Mem phis, renu..andS . Louis, Mo. The superiority of slate for roofing purposes, and its special adaptability to various articles ot furniture and for pavement ere well known. Orders may be addressed to A. E. MARSHALL, Sec'y, 18 Atlanta, Ge. GREAT SOUTHERN PM WAREHOUSE Depot for Printers’ Supplies LAST NOTICE. m29-eodS JEFFERSON ROBERTS & CO. Magazines. U. S. Direct Tax Commission for tlie City of Savannah and County of Chatham. UIST OF VES3KL8 IN THE FORT PF SAVANNAH. Savannah, March 30, I860. Steamships. San Salvador, Atkins, New York—B F Hardee. Gen Barnes, Morton, New York—Wilder k Ful- larton. I .TRANK LESLIE’S Lady's Magazine 1 Le Bon Ton, Journal de Modea Godfcy’s Lady's Book Harper's Monthly Atlantic Monthly Also, Enolibh RtviEWB fob Januaby, and tbe usnal assortment of the latest Daily and Weekly News papers, at ESTILL’S NEWS DEPOT, (Down stairs} Bull st., next to rite Past Office. m28-tf The Board returns their grateful thanks to tbe citizens Of Savannah and Chatham county for the promptness and willingness with which the above Tax has been paid. The time of notice for the city expired February thirteenth—that for the county on the seventeenth Inst., and there being a number of names on the unpaid list, the Board gives this far ther notice for ten days, to give parties an opportu nity to pay same. T. P. ROBB, m 28-10 J. C. BATES, ■ Commissioners. BLACK SILKS! SHIPS. Lady Russell, (Br) Gray, 919, Liverpool-Reid A Stewart. Lady Havelock, (Br) O’Neil, 855, Liverpool—E A Soullard. Golden Light, (Br) Slater, 1,051, discharging—E A Soullard. Abo, (Russian) Sodenholm, Cadiz—E E Hertz A Co. Gov Laugdoii, Weeks, , discharging—Wilder A Fallarton. Gaspee, Emerson, Liverpool—Wilder A Fallarton. Sauaudo, (Br) Sordan, 1,250, Liverpool—Wilder A Fullarton. Sarah Newman, Ewer, Boston—Brigham, Baldwin A Co. Protector, (Br) Maronl, Liverpool—Brigham, Bald win A Co. Christian Lovene, 473, Sodenbergli, Spain—E E- Hertz * Cb. Newlight, jJrown, discharging—Hunter A Gam- mell. Avoia, Webster, discharging—Master. BKIG8. Selma, Gibb9, discharging—c L Colby A Co. Resolute, , repairing—Schuster A Helnsiu«. Bessie, (Br) Jackson, 218, waiting—Yonge A Nixon. 0 Mathews, Lowe, waiting—Van Horn, Holyoke A Johu W Lovitt, (Br) Jaques, discharging—Wilder & Fullerton. ‘ . Zero, Thompson, waiting—Master. G Loving, Soule, discharging—B M Neely. SCHOONEKS. Julia Anna, . discharging—Hunter A Gam- mell. W W Pharo, Allen, discharging—Hunter A Gam- mell. A Garwood, Godfrey, discharging—Hunter A Cam med. Mattie E Taber, Arnold, discharging—Hunter A Gammed. P A Sanders, Carroll, Philadelphia—Hunter A Gammed. Wm Pickering, Quinn, discharging—Hunter A Gam med. Jonas Smith, Nichols, discharging—Hunter A Gam med. Sirah Wooster, Leelaud, New York, discharging- W 11 Stark. bill Prudence, Coombs, waiting—W H Stark. Science, Johnson, waiting—Sorrell Bros. Oneida, Davis, discharging—Master. Adam Ames, Marston, discharging—Crane A Gray- ‘"norths most solemn assurance , ' ' v, uld not occur again. In consider, ‘d iteuce and fair promises Mayor An! “•"*4 lum with fine of two dollars aud Master. f ; fcr» ar j 1CU „ l1, "’ ho Iooke<i like a sailor, was : ‘iip Ii, an face having been knocked all ^'Oaii t» P ‘] esented a shocking appearance. “oath.l tetiaed ‘o • :t ‘*i Bnv “'l'* l ° kaT ‘ n B found him some- i- U( i : a * iug 8i gnal8 of distress, halloa- ,:v id- u . C 81 tile ‘“P of “is voice, and that ’*« Muv,v.? n ? ble ‘° “•«***, be took him f 1 '* out on lm to the barracks. The man (r s ‘biut reckoning and unable to ted •ifengo tPa ,„ at . bad occurred, aa 4 ban l , ana *“at his *4hro oUar^L* 110188 * 4 “ ‘be collision. aud costs. Emma Lowery, loading—Crane A Graybill Jamestown, Magee, loadmg—Miller, Thomas A Co H J Raymond, Ellswortn, discharging—Miller, Thomas A Co. Grace cuiton, ——, discharging. Anna Sims, , Quarantine—C L Colby A Co. K C Latham, Jordan, Quarantine—L T Whitcomb. Ira Bliss, Bragg, discharging—LaKoche A Johnson Ocean Belle, Emery, discharging—Van Horn, Hol yoke A Murray. Sadie Mears, Lewis, discharging—T B Marshall A Bro. A W Scull, —, discharging—B M Neely.v. Czar, Hammond, discharging—Phillips A Moyers. Mary Putien. Tnmer, discharging—Order. M R Samson, Samson, New York, discharging— madam l. massart, 119 CONGRESS STREET, H A L!L S L r * iur ,. ne4 from New York with a wed as- the latest «yTe,'romp“ng ery ““ F “* Cy Qood * ° f Bonnets, Hats, Ribbons, Flowers, Fans, Coils, Curls, Waterfall* Neck Ties, Ac. 7-C* 1 ™“ ~ “ ° un *«"«» ^rssssa"*" a u» Please give her a call, m2S.« We have received by last steamers— BLACK SILKS, of all widths COLORED AND WHITE DRESS SILKS MOZAMBIQUES, GRENADINES, BAREGES, PINA CLOTHS, PLAIN AND CHECK POPLINS, LAWNS, MUSLIN, ORGANDIES, and other Styles of Dress Goods. EINSTEIN A ECKMAN, m24 151 Congress street. A PHYSIOLOGICAL View ot MARRIAGE Containing nearly 300 pages, and 130 fine Plates and Engravings of the Anatomy of the Homan Or gans in a state of Health and Disease, with a Trea tise on Early Errors, Its Deplorable Conseqnenoes upon the mind and Body, with the Author’s Plan of Treatment—the only rational and successful mode of care, as shown by tbe report of cases treated. A truthful adviser to the married, and those contem plating marriage, who entertain doubts of their phys ical condition. Sent free of postage to any address, on receipt of 25 cents, in stamps or postage currency, by .addressing Dr. LA CROIX, No. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. The author may be consulted upon any of the dis eases upon which hie book treats either personally or by mail, and medicines sent to any part of the world. octlO fim . 210 Bay Street, Savannah, Qa. P LAINER A BOSWORTH keep constantlyon hand' a laige stock of Ledger. Writing and Wrapping Papers, of all sizes and weights; also. Binders' Boards, Card Boards, Printers' Cards, Envelopes, Twines and Printing Inks Having had long experience In the business, and buying our goods in large f-ta diiect from the mana- tactnrere enables ns to compete with New York prices Agent* for Wade's celebrated Printing Inks; Agents in this city for the Bath Paper Mills. The highest cash prices paid for all kind* of pa stock. J12 VIA SAVANNAH AND FERNANDINA. The new Steamship DICTATOR, Capt: L M. Coxenez, twdni u.K Jb. e rbpper schooner P. A. SANDERS. Capd rsi.iujv, win leave with despUch for the above For freight, apply to n>28 HUNTER A GAMMELL. for sale. I THE STEAMERS FANHIE LEER & MINNIE BRANDT. These boats were bnilt in 1864, have good power ,nd ° r E°oU .peed ; are light draft, with state room accommodations for passengers; camy 650 bales of cottan each; very suitable for river trade or for towing. They are now in good running order. Fur further particulars, applv to LaROCHE A WEST, n>2C-6 Or J. D. BRANT. BOSTON & SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LINE. general babnes, FOR BOSTON 2 00ft t/H.a hnrthan >P..a. tt u Tn ® ® ^ The fast steamship CITY OF BATH) T. H. Bill, Commander, R^ill sail for the above port on Satnrday, March 31, at — o’clock. The eteamship William Tibbetts following on the Uth ot April. - For freight or passage, apply to RICHARDSON A BARNARD. »t., oppoaite Marine's Church. m26 6 For Charleston. will leave Charleston, from Adgeris Wharf, every WEDNESDAY morning, at 6 o'clock, a. m , anil Sa vannah every WEDNESDAY, at 4 o’clock p. m. unnnm will leave Jacksonville every FRIDAY morning at 3 o'clock a ra., aad Savannah every SaTUKDaY morning at a a. m. Arriving at Charleston same evening. For freight or passage, applv to L. M. COXETTER, Office on Adger’s Wharf. Agents at Savannah—Messrs. L. J. GUILMARTIN A CO. m-23-tf Pacific Mail Steamship Company's Through Line to California, T OUCHING at Mexican Ports, and carrying the United States Mall. Leave Pier No. 42 North River, foot of Canal street, at 12 o’clock noon, on the 1st, llth and 21st of every month, (except when those dates rail on Sunday, and then on the preceding Saturday,) for Aspinwall, con necting via Panama Railway, witli one of the Com pany’s steamships from Panama for San Francisco, touching at Acapnlco. MABPH. r 1st—Arizona, connecting with Golden City, loth—Henry Channoey, CapL Gray, connacting with Colorado, Capt. Watkins. 21st—New York, Captain Horner, connecting with Constitution, Capt. Farnsworth. Departures of 1st and 21st connect at Panama with steamers for South Pacific ports. Those of 1st touch at Manzanillo. A discount of One Quarter from steamers rates allowed to second cabin and steerage passengers with families. Also, an allowance of One Quarter on through rates to clergymen and their families and school teachers; soldiers having honorable dis charges, Hair Fare. One hundred pounds baggage allowed each adult Baggage-masters accompany baggage through, and attend to ladies and children without male protec tors. Baggage received on the duck the day before sailing, from steamboats, railroads, and passengers who prefer to send down early. An experienced surgeon on board. Medicine and attendance free A steamer will be placed on the line January l, 1866, to ran from New Orleans to Aspinwall via Havana. For passage tickets, or farther Information, applv at the Company’s ticket office, on the Whan, foot of J9-3m BELLOWS,’ Agpnl. TO PLANTERS. The steamer dictator, Capt. L. M. Coxkttkb, will leave Teirafr’s wharf Every Saturday Morning at 9 o’clock. arriving In Charleston same evening. For freight or passage, apply on board, or to L. J. GUILMARTIN A CO.,’ Agents. For The A No. 1 PROTECTOR having a larj cargo engaged, will have qnick do above port. For freight engagement, apply to m28 BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. FOR SALE. The light draft schooner SCIENCE, 65 tons, new measurement, AND NOW READY FOR SEA IN EVERY RESPECT, Is offered for sale low to dose a concern. _ c For particular5, apply to (-acDm *-» SORREL BROTHE| m28 6 82 Bay a Lumber. W E will ke Plows, 1 XTELLOW PINr. LUMBER of all dimensions, on X hand and for sale by the cargo or at retail, at NEW STEAM SAW MILL, Apply at the on the Eastern Wharf, In this city. Mill, or to J. W. WOLCOTT A CO , ml2-eod-lm No. 2 Harris’ B1 j> constantly on hand .a full stock of loes, Com Sliellers, Straw Outters, Axes, and other Agricultural Implements of lies, makers and patterns with which to supply Planters and Country Merchants, whose attention we Invite to onr stock and think we can make It to their Inter est to purchase of ns. - .. BOUSE A BRYANT, J85-tf 194 Bay street. Agents, lock. Bay st Notice. UP FREIGHT OFFICE ATLANTIC & GULF R. R.; Chaxlhstoh & Savanhao R R. Wabzhodu, Savannah, March 22d, 1866. ] P ARTIES shipping freL hi by the Atlantic A Golf Railroad, to stations where the Company has no Agent, will be required to call at this office and sign a (>ond relieving Ihe Company from all loss or damage after good* are unloaded from the cars. C. H. WILLIAMS, Agent Freight Department. mS3 JOHN GRAY, DEALER IN GRAHAM, DORSETT & CO. Successors taHawes, Graham A Co., IKFOBTKK3 OF .„ ROSEWOOD AND KAHOBANT, »•*- 17*, U» sad lt8 Cemtrc St., N. Y., Keep constantly on hand the most extensive variety of finely-figured Foreign and Domestic Woods to be found in the United States, In Logs, Planks, Boards and Veneem, sal table foroabim t, Piano, and Billiard Table manufacturers, and car builders; also,-Ma hogany and Spanish Cedar Coffin staff. in connection with oar business we have a large Saw Mill, and the most celebrated Veneer Cotting Machine, which enabled us to flu all orders entrusted to ns with promptness. j!9-3m Family Dye Colors. Wooden Ware, Brooms, **AILS, BRUSHES, MATS, Twines, Cordage, Tabs, churns. Cradles, Wagons, Chairs, Baskets, At. Nos. 15 Fnlton and303Front Stn NEW YOBK, S. T.---1860—X. Drake’s Plantatfon Bitters* m-3 FLOUR AND K. D. HOMINY. 7Cfl BBLS.. just received and for sate by / OU _ _ HANDELL A CO., DOMESTICS. n K BALES 4-4 Augusta Factory MCJ 25 bales 7-S do For sale by SAMS A PHINJZY, c No. 9 Stoddard's Lower Range. Booms to Bent. T WO LARGE ROOMS for RAnt at No. 73 Bay street. m28-3 JOHN H. RUWE. Summer Residence on the Salts for Sale or Rent. A HOUSE and LOT at Thunderbolt. The House has Nine Rooms and a large attic ; also a good stable and sued, and well or excellent Water. The Lot is oue hundred feet on the River, running back to a l oad known as tbe Artillery Avenue about nine hundred feet. For farther particulars inquire of Jbo. Stevenson. Also, a place lu Effingham county with a good Dwelling, Ao. m27-eod#W They purify, strengthen and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hoars. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They parity the breath and acidity of the stomach. They care Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure DiarriHsa, Cholera and Cholera Morbtui They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. Theyarethe best Bitters in the world. They make tbe weak strong, ana are exhaosted nature’s great re storer. They are made of pure St. Croix Rum, the celebrated tfalisaya Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to delicate persons requiring a gentle stimulant Sold by all Grocers, Druggists, Hotel* and Saloons. Only gen uine when Cock is covered by our private U. S. Stamp. Beware of counterfeits and refilled bottles. P„ B. DRAKE A CO., oct28-codly 91 Perk Bow. New York. Cor. Bay and Barnard streets. SAW MILL FOR SALE. mWO very desirable Steam Saw Mills, fifty-eight X miles from the city, on the Savannah, Atlantic A Golf Railroad. Stock and outfit all In complete rui ning order ; with timber laud sufficient to supply the mills for three or four years. » Apply to T. B. MARSHALL A BRO., * Savannah, Or T. H. HOOKER, m26-tf At Station No. 6. Pstaated October 13, 1863. Black Dark Green Black for 8Uk - Light Green Dark Blue Magenta Light Blue Safe? French Bine Maroon Claret Brown * Orange Dark Brown Pink Light Brown Purple Snuff Brown Royal Purple Clfrny Salmon Crimson Scarlet Dark Drab—— State Light Drab Solferiqp Fawn Drab. r\ r (. Violet ' Light FaWn DMA^ j? . yajlow. For Dyeing Silk, Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls, Scam, Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets, Hata/Feathers, Children’s Clothing; and all kinds of Wearing Apparel, r A SAVING OF 80 PER CENT. .£» For 25 cents yon can color as many good? » would otherwise cost five times that sum. Vail si shades can be produced from the same dye. T. o rrooesa ia ase the Ore with perfect gilsb, French nd German. inside of each package. HOWE & T EVENS, 26o Utr.. «ay, Boston. For sale by druggists and, dealer, i erally. octto-dm Watches! Watches!!- Ingllsh. Swiss and Amu eived and tor sale at T. D. JORDAN’S, 129 Congress it. cs FS 0 j T’ A FINE assortment of English. Swiss and Amer ican Watches, juat received and tor sale at J?qJU S-A.CQTJES. Empire Line. SIDE-WHEEL STEAMSHIP, FOR NEW YORK. Atlantic Mail Steamship Company. PASSAGE RATES: Cabin 920 00; Steerage S3 OO, with Sub sistence 910 00. -The new and fast side-wheel steam, -ship SAN SALVADOR, Atkins, com. (Blander,will sail as above, on Saturday, March 31, at 8 a. m. For freight or passage, having accommodations sn perior to any steamer In this trade, apply to _ B- H. HARDEE, No. 12 Stoddard’s Range. GARRISON A ALLEN, Agents, No. 5 Bowling Green, N. Y. Murray’s Line. FOR NEW 4tfBK YORK. REDUCTION OF PASSAGE RATES. Cabin Passage, $30. Deck $10 The new and- splendid steamship LEO, Dearborn, commander, will leave for tbe above port on her regular day, ~ ~ Friday, March 30th, at 7 o’clock. For freight or paeeage, having superior accommo. dationa, apply to m26 OCTAVUS COHEN. For Palatka, E. Fla., TOUCHING AT BRUNSWICK, ST. MA RYS, FERNANDINA, JACKSONVILLE AND PICOLAT4. The elegant and very fast steam packet SYLVAN SHORE Capt. JAMBS TUCKER, having been specially fitted up for this route, w 1 leave for the above places Every Tuesday Morning at 10 o’clock. AU freightpayaj] shippers. For freight or passage, having superior accommo dations, apply at tbe office, Florida Steam Packet Wharf, or to CLAGHOBX A CUNNINGHAM, J27 tf Agents. DIRECT FROM EH&LISH POTTERIES, Agua de Magnolia, For sale oa Consignment an in/nice or 25 CRATES f i CHECK, DOTTED AND PLAIN SWISS STRIPED, -PLAIN A SI D CHECKED 1 !3ST cxtice. duly attested, within tie time prescribed by law; and all persons indebted40 ■aid estate will make payment to WbJumi WM. BURNS, Robert McIntyre, U2-2aw^w* BxeMtoto. KIEUN ft BUEKB, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, WINES AM) CORNER WHITAKER STREET AND BAY LANK- ORDERS PROnPTLT FILLED k DELIVERED. anti |f A toilet delight 1 The ladies’ treasure and gentle men’s boon 1 Tbe “sweetest thing” and largest quan tity. Manufactured'from the rich Southern Magnolie. 1 for bathing the face and person, to render the soft ana frseb, to prevent eruptions, to perfume clothing, Ac. It overcomes the unpleasant odor of perspiration. It removes redness, ton, blotches, Ac. It cures'nervous headache and allays inflammation. It cools, softens and adds delicacy to the akin. It yislds a subdued and lasting perfume. It ems ■unqeeioBItos and stings of insects. It contains bo material injurious to tbe skin. Patronized by Actresses and Opera gingers. It is what every lady should have. Sold everywhere. Try he Magnolia Water once and you will rise no other Cologne, Perfumery, or Toilet Water afterwards. DAMAS BABNES A CO., •ctST-eodly Props. Exclusive Agents, N. T. ASSORTED CROCKERY, Coosiat'ng of CoreTed Disbefi, blue edge ' • Truffles; half Soups, fancy paSutfid Teapots Covered Plates Muffins, 2, 3, 4, 6, S in. fiat, blue edge Soup Tnrines Boats and Stands INDIA MULL, BISHOP LAWN JONES’ 5-4 CAMBRICS, IRISH LINENS WHITE AND COLORED BRILLIANTS BUpi^WHITB AND FIGURED PIQUA LtD s \tlJ% , v£ mm LL ™ MISSES’ LONG NET MITTS, &c., &c. Justppeied'it-, -fAilllJSVJJtJ For Palatka, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARY’S, FER NANDINA, JACKSONVILLE AND PICOLATA. The new and fast —iifog Steamer LIZZIE BAKER, Capt. N. King) Having been placed permanently npoa this route wfo leave for the shove places on Friday Morning, 36th, at 10 o’clock, and continue to leave every Friday morning thereafter *t Mine hour. * Hetflrning, she will leave Palatka every Sunday morning, Picolata every Sunday forenoon, and Jack sonville every Monday morning, arriving at Savan nah on Tuesday morning. 6 Freight receive’ the wharf. ved at all times at the warehouse on EINSTEIN & ECKMAN, 94 ML Congrdos street, Ali freight payable by shippers. For freight or passage, baring splendid cabin ao- commodatton, apply at the office on Florida Steam Packet wharf or to CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM, J24-tf Agent*. u II xAnd Sundries CUNNINGHAM. PTTRSE * CO. Notice* orn Co rn. For Sale on Consignment. - RA_Tttf»>i tms> — » o utn ..i T'HE Bonds of the are of Savannah, authorized to X be honed by the Or" Booms to Let. TjAURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. Enquire at this X* office. m26-tf HILL’S HAIR DYE, 90 or Brown, instantaneous; best, cheapest, durable, re liable. Depot, No. «5 John street. New York. Sold by an drug and patent-medicine stores everywhtre. »9-ir pRIMS Maryland White Corn, landing from berk _ New Light. For sale ia quantities to salt purchasers by BQRREL BROT IFRS, m28-3 M Bey street 1 30-lnch Corn « feet Belting. For sale at Saw Mill, with 94, < iB me ^ inufeeturer’s prices. Apply to W99**, BALDWIN * CO, f . - be bused by the Ordinance of January 24th, 1866, for the purpose of Hunting its coupons not here tofore redeemed, are now ready. They are of the con venient denominations of gtoa, $300, *600, and ltold- ere of over-due coupons are invited to present them toTte exchanged for these bonds. Ail Bends for which Coupons are funded previous to Key 1st, 1996, will draw interest from let, of Jen- ttary last. R. T. GIBSON, ng 'as City Treasuerr. t ! wv, ms osaie iawtj, jaauea By (Terieesm? ’the 'PreffutfoV. ? L.. ir iudi : .