Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 30, 1866, Image 4

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v»*5r- ef’ f The SaFannah Daily HeraM |KAVANNAH.iFRIDAY, MARCH 30. 1866. THU CART BEFORE TUB HORSE. ST AM XBI8BMAM. < >, for some deep secluded dell. Where brick ana mortar lifo may cease. To sit down in a pot of grease, No—no—1 mean a grot of peace. I’d choose a home by Erin’s wave, With not a sound to mar life's lot, 1W by the cauuon have a shot— No—by the Channon have a cot. How fair that rocky isle around. That wide expause to scan it o'er, 1 love a shiver with it roar— 1 mean a river by the shore. Romantic Erin’s sea girt land, llow sweet with one you love Ule most, T< i watch tlie cocks upon the roast— 1 mean the rocks upon the coast. 'Twcre sweet at moonlight’s mystic hour, T> i wander forth where few frequent. To Come upon a tipsy gent— No—no— 1 mean a gipsy tent. Tn that retirement, love, I would Pursue some rustic industry. And make myself a boiling tea— No -no—I mean a toiling bee. Beneath a sliady sycamore, ll,.w sweet to breathe love’s tender vow. Your dear one bitten by a sow— I mean sitting by a bough. Or sweet witli yonr fond wife to sit Outside your door at daylight’s close, while site's hard hitting at your nose — I mean hard knitting at your hose. Perhaps on early caresyou brood. While sympathy her sweet face shows ; "J'is good to walk upon one’s toes, —X mean to talk upon one’s woes. Ah 1 still you watch that fairy shape, \ summer dress which does adorn. Admiring much her laugh of scorn— No—uo 1 mean her scarf of lawn. SODA WATER. ■ -0— $25 REWARD FOR proof to convict any person or trafficking In the following described Itoltles ; Having recently, at a great expense, gotten up an entire new selt of moulds in which my SODA WATER, PHILADELPHIA POR TER, AND ALE BOTTLES are made. Each of those Bottles have my name and the ie.iv I860 blown in the glass. The mould being nn private property no other person can purchase bottles made in them. I neither sell nor give away am of those Bottles. NO OTHER PERSON HAS A RIGHT TO DO SO. 1 simply Wnd then* to. those who purchase tliecon- teuts. iVuu'theiuKlorttauding that they are to be re turned to metvfhigi empty. This is yyen-Understood by all, yet many, regard less of thetr-jnst Obligations, frequently lend or sell those” bijitleh -TriW He Soda Water or other liquids, thereby depriving ifie of my property and subjecting me to losses which are unjust and unlawful. Those Buttles are now very expensive, rendered more so by the Patent Cork Fastener attached to and lost with every buttle which 1 lose, together with the many taxes imposed upon this species of business, t ie most oppressive of which is a direct tax of six percent, to the government on gross sales of Soda or Mineral Water, which reduces the profits so much ’hat it is impossible, at preecnt prices, to submit to t te loss of Bottles, and L do hereby caution all per son. against buying, selling, filling, with liquids, or in any manner depriving me or the use of said Bot tles. JOHN RYAN. Soda Water Bottling Establishment, ml 7 Southwest corner of Bay and West Broad sts. Jas.T. Paterson, TIMBER, Lumber & Commission MERCHANT, i No. 0 STODDARD'S LOWER RANGE, liny Street, Savannah, AND Darien, Greorgia. Soluble Pacific GUANO. WE invite the attention of Planters to this valuable *’ Guano, as a matter of importance to their in terest It is similar in appearance, odor and compo- sition to Peruvian Guano, differing only in the pro- portions of the same elements. It contains less am- nernia, hut nearly one|bimdred per cent, more of Phos- i’hatc than Pernvtan Guano, one-third of which is im mediately soluble. It is quite as active as Peruvian Guano, and is less costly, i’er further information, apply to E. C. WADE & 00.. Agent*, Ji-” m Savannah, Gft J. SHAFFER, Com itt l —ion Dealer In all kinds of „ . FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AMD PRODUCE, Wkst Washington Market, Vipposite 143 West at., Bulkhead between Barclay and Vesey sts., NEW Y O R Er r Potatoes, Apples and Onions constantly on hand, and put up for the Southern market All consignments promptly attenked to. Refers to A. L. Bradley, A, Haywood, T, J, Walsh, and J. H. Parsons. jyll . a. eodlv WALLACE DRYSDALE, DEALER I* Choice Family Groceries STATE STREET, niG-codlm ! Opposite Armory BaT. HAVANA SEGARS, PIPES, Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO. T nE subscriber has just received a large stock of Havana Segars, to which ho would invite particular attention, lie lias also an extensive assortment of Pipes, SEGAR TUBES and BRIARWOOD PIPES. ’ The various brands of Chewing and Smoking To bacco at hlsEstalfllshtnent are all of the first quality. I’luase call and examine for yourselves, at IF. CONSTANT’S, jl-tf Bull st.. opposite Post Office. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Oefice of comptroller of the Currency, 1 Washington, March 7, 1966. J W HKRKAS. by satisfactory evidence presented to t ite undersigned, it has been made to appear that ’■ The Merchants’ National Bank of Savannah,” In the city of Savannah, in the county of Chatham, ami state of Georgia, has been duly organized under and according to the requirements of the act Of Congress entitled “ An Act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States bonds, and to provide for the circulation and re demption thereof,” approved June 3, 1864, and has complied with all the provisions of said act required to he complied with before commencing the business of banking under said act. Now, therefore, I, Freeman Clarke, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certily that ”Tlie Merchants’ National Bank of Savannah,” in the city of Savan nah, in the county of Chatham and State of Georgia, is authorized to commence the business of banking under the acL aforesaid. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office this seventh day of March, 1866. [i.. s.) FREEMAN CLARKE, No. 1040. Comptroller. The Merchants’ National Bank, 1 Savannah, March 19, 1866. f in pursuance of the authority of the United States Comptroller as above, this Bank, with a capital of live hundred ttionsand dollars ($5' o.uoo) paid in, will commence to receive deposits and pay checks and do a general banking business on Wednesday next, the ‘Jin inst., at its banking house on the Bay, between Bull and Drayton streets. H. BRIGHAM, President. to geo. W. davis, cashier. marl9 2rn R Insu rSsr FEHpl L I F E AND JVOOIOSHSTT RISKS TAKEN IN THE FOLLOWING FIRST-CLASS COMPA NIES: OAPITAI. Columbia Fire Insurance Company, of New $800,000 Fulton Fire Insurance Company of New York - 800,000 Excelsior Fire Insurance Company of New York 260,000 Springfield Fire Insurance Company of New York 300,000 Putnam Fire Insurance Company of Hart ford ..... *00,000 Washington Fire Insnrance Company of Baltimore 600,000 Gnlf State Fire Insnrance Company of Tal lahassee - 300,000 ■ i i-i L ■ -J- Aoozdzdjt- Travelers’ of Haitford $500,000 Marine and Piro. Petersburg Savings and Insurance Company of Virginia $500,000 Euftula Home Insurance Company ol Ala bama 200.000 Georgia Home Insurance Company, Colum bus 860,000 UFB. FULL ASSETS. New England Mutual Life Insurance Com pany of Boston $3,000,460 Knickerbocker Mntnal Life Insurance Com pany of New York 1,000,000 On Open Policies. in Great Western, of New York. In Commercial Mntnal, of New York. AARON WILBUR, Agent. No. 89 Bay Street. T. J. DUNBAR & CO., IMPORTERS AND DIALERS IN &c 147 Bay Street, SAVANNAH* OAm (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE.) W E invite tlie attention o? the Trade and the Pub lic generally to our large and elegant aseort- Wlnea, Llquon, CordlalT, Cdklrfvei, Se- gan, eua, ate., ' which Is not excelled by aMyrimiiaraatabliahment in the States. We art mde- BRATED WORMWOOD which is -fully esfSHM tries; DUN BAR’S well CBLE- „ _e reputation of MM foreign conn- STOMACH BITTERS, ^ted of the utmost parity, m4 P«» up expressly tor our house, of which WBara^ sole proprietors and ImportehB. Solo. Agwato hr ftobari 8nutb s ede- b rated PHILADELPHIA ALB, in eases andl»nrels; English, Scotch sod American ALS^dPORTKR, BRANDY, Scotch and Bourbon WSBSBjB* and AR. RACK BUNCHES, formerly well known throughout the United SUtee, pnjup htUS 1* cases tor export and hoipe conw«U)^J* n : _ 1 for ^ W. T. J. D. A Co. ai Catherwood’s Fort-’ brands, guarantee^ ceDence. Com ‘ lected stock of worthy the attei gensralty. An grades, manul noose, which prices. BRANDIES, and every descriptioi Imported directly by r duty paid, at lowest miuket rates. . XX and XXX In quality and ex- id, a large,and well se- >d WHEAT WHISKIES, trade and connoisseurs of 8EGARB. of finest -irted expressly for this very lowest net cash WINES, CHAMPAGNES, grade of Foreign liquors and for sale In bond d20-B To Planters. . • » J4... .. i 100.000 Lbs. of Palma Christi, OR CASTOR OIL BEANS WANTED. for which I will pay Estimated yield to a The only crop exempt Circulars, with partlculi Seed supplied wlthoi m24-6 id cash.— to $4,620. uy by stock, lor cultivated >ut cost, on application to J. W. GREGORY, 12 8toddard’s Range, Savannah. P h dtiffrapfie V® S. E. corner Broughton and Whitaker Stra.. 8AVAN*|Aft GA} Old plctnree copied with t&e greatest care. dl« Dry Goods. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES BLEACHED AND BROWN SHIRTINGS DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS FRENCH MERINOB8 AND ALAPACA8. Received and for sale cheap by . 174 Broughton street. ft d. smith # Importers and Wholsaala'Baalaiti la. vffiil.dL ■ U GLASSWARE, lOWBrtnPiftiLSlXeet, NearfuHflawri,; ,;o.. . Savannah* Georgia. Fine Invoices of WHWE GRAFTB; COMMON and GLASSWARE, in Here and to arrive. For sale by -Original invoice. - — — BT Goods re-packedfor country trade. flB-eodtf DRY GOODS. Tlie undersigned having formed a copartnersh under the firm name of Hiram Roberts’ Sons & Co,, for the purpose of carry tig on a general DRY GOODS BUSINESS, have now opened, and will continue to receive additional supplies nr Imported andDomesttc Dry Goods, which they offer for sale at • HTo. 156 GIBBONS’ BUILDINO on Congress street, east of the Market, and at the second store from the end of the building. u . J1MES H. ROBERTS. DWIGHT L. ROBERTS. 126-tf EDWARD S. LATHROP. -V 50 “ qs - in store and for, m26A ' dmH Corn 1.00 sack.. St> BUSHELS Whfte and Blsck Oats; QBiSS&n"* T * Uo * Corn ’ ta M. HERTZ A CO HELUB0LFS IXTBA0T BUOHtJ. HELM BOLD’S BUCHU. HELMBOL J 4 BUCUU. „ HELUBCJj o ulTJHU. THE ONLY KNjWN ttiiMEDY FOR THE ONLY K.N J .Y-N iiL.UKDY FOR T US ON Lx aauirs REMEDY FOR DIABETES, IRRITATION Oi’ THE NECK OF THE BLAD- D«H, i.N : L lal.'I.Vt'ION OF THE KIDNEYS, CAiA-.uU or THE BLADDER, bi^AAoUARV or pain ful UwlAATiNU. For these <U«asu»UD tru.y a sovereign remedy, an 1 too much uauuui beau i in int.praise. A single Rue bus been XtibWa ta ro..e/eta, most urgent ayingiauii. Are you truab.o i w.ta that distresaimg'pain pi ths smaii»: the u.tea a.m tniough the hip, ! A fuls da) of He.m jo.a’a Bueaa will relieve yeti. Physicians and Others PLEASE NOTICE. I make no secret of ia^re iients. Ifelinbold’M Ex tract Buchu is Composed of liuchu* Cubebs* an l Jum per Berries* selected with, care, prepared in pa- cuu and according to rules of PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY. These ingredients are Known as the most valuable Diuretics afforded. A DIURETIC is that which acts upon the kidneys. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU ACTS GENTLY, . I. plea«ant in taste and odor, free from all injuri ous properties, and immediate in its action. For tlie Satisfaction of All, Sec Jtedical Proportion contained in Dup. nsitory of the V. of which the folic wir.^ is a correct oopj : “ Buchu. Its odor is string, diiTosive, aal some what aromatic, its taste bitterish, ami aualorfo is to that of mint. It is given chioiiy in coiuplaiiitM of tiji* Urinary Organs* such a$ Gravel, Chronic Catarrh of the Bladder, morbid irritation of the Bladder au l Urethra, diseases of the Prostate, and Itctcmion or the Incontinence of Urine, from a loss of tone in i iu parts concerned in its evacuation. It h>» also been recommended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Kheum•tiiiii. Cutaneous Atf^clions, and llxopsy. ” FOE FUBTHEB INFORjiATION See Professor Dewees* valuable works on the Practice of Physic. See remarks made by the celebrated Dr. Physic, ot Philadelphia. See any and all Standard Works on Medicine. From the Largest Manufacturing Chemist IN THE WOaLP. : Jam acquainted with II. T. llelmbold; he occu pied the drug store, opposite my re.-ddeuce, au.l was iuccessful in coudiictirrrf the bui«iucss Where others had not boon ef^ually so before him. I havu been fa vorably impressed w*th ins character and ente-^ri## WM. WlfilGilTMAX. (Firm of Powers,) Manufe turing Chemists, Ninth and Brown Streets, Piiiladelph’u j From foe Fhflttdetphia Ere. Bulletin, March 10th.) We are gratified to bear of the continued success, in New York, of our tbwn-thin, Mr. H. T. Helinbold, Druggist. His storey next to the Metropolitan -Hotel, is 28 feet front, 230 feet deep, nnd fire stories in height. ' It is certainly a grand establishment, and speaks fa vorably of the merit of his articles. He retains his Office and Laboratory in this City, which are also model establishments ol their class. ♦The proprietor has been induced to make this state ment from, the fact that itis remedies, although adver tised, are — GKNUINHPilKPARATIONS, And knowing that the intelligent refrain from uxing anything pertaining to Qua ker?,orthe Patent Medi cine order, —most of vnicti are prepared by self-styled Doctors, who ure tow ignorant to read a physician’s simplest prescription, much less competent to prepare Yhai-macenticaf preparations. i 2 i ■ THESE PARTIES RESORT to various moans ot srffocliag Niles, spelt M uniting puts of advertisements ot popular remedies and fln- lakiag with certificates. The Scicncc.of Medicine stands SIMPLE, PURE, AND MAJESTIC, having Fact for its Basis, Induc tion for its PiUar, Truth a. one for its Capital. A WORD OF CAMTIPN. Health is most importunt; aud the afflicted should not use an advertised luedi iur, or any remedy, un- los its contents or lngreaienta arc‘known to others besides the manufacturer, of uiitil they are satisfied of the qua.]ideation* of ino party so oliering. HELMBOLD’S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. FLUID I.AthAuX Bt'ClIC, - * u • FLUID LX BACr SARSAKaRICla," .Sd .HI’BOVED ROSE WASH. PHabllstlpJ iquajasof 1C yean. 1 ttp.-uvu l>y II. T. HELMBOLD. PRINCIPAL DEPOTS. EL.L.4.LLL--- LI. LG ANli CHEMICAL Vai.F.IIOUSE, 5-i Ijroatfteuy, Acts Yoik, And FTTYrmiJl’i MEDICAL DEPOT, lh. HU* iur—t, FAtM</|>Aia, Pa. boltt by aii Jjt uyyuts. W. M. Walsh, Corner . Brought< n & Barnard street SOLE AGENT FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. FREIGHT BROKERAGE TO AND FROM ALL P<»”.Tri OF THE SOUTHERN STATF8, IUROPE, Ao. McKEE A TONGE, 71* BroMway (Basement), ” SEW YORK. TTiNGAGEMENTS for Freight, of small or large XL quantities, by the different steam or sail lines, made at the lowest rate. Merchandise received, for warded, anAlnsnred Wheu desired. Owmrs and shippers of goods will find it to their advantage to avail themselves of the facilities we have for forwarding at lowest rates. Refer in New York to Southern merchants in gen- eral. Refer in Savaunali to Musas. John F. A M. Hamilton, Mr. Thomas H. Austin.- m8-tawlm New York Advertisements. DURYEAS’ SA1ZEHA o a. in *3 < . 1 O' z o > ~.te ■ vM ... .. .. ;jVb... WAS THE BUY “ MtfAVATIH 1 . EH NH IHH jiHAH 1MB” - That received a medal and honorable mention from the poyal Commission era. ths «jroRet|tion of all pro minent manufacturers of “ Corn Starch ” and -Pre pared Corn Flour >• of this and other countries not withstanding. ,j ,ii! ’ KAZZSNA The food and luxary or the ago, wttbeat m «iagl& fault. Qua ,trial will convince the most skeptical., Makes Paddings, Cakes, Custards, Blanc, without isinglass, with few nc ijo eggs. *t,a cost as tonishing the most economical. A slight addition to ordinary Wheat Flonr greatly Improve* Brest Cake. It is also excellent for thickeiiinirswsftai gravies for fish ami meats, soups. Ac. “Fprlce i nothing Can compare with it. 'Altttfo'boflidla Will produce ricli cream for coffee, chocolatB. tda, Ac. Put up ia one pound packages, under the trade-, mark Maizena. with directions for use. _ . A most delicious article of food for children .and in valids of all ages. For sale by Grocers and Druggists everywhere. WiolesaM Depot, 166 Fulton Street. WILLIAM DTTRYEA, j25-ly General Agent BRlEN A CABKEBE, Commission Merchants No. 11 SOUTH WILLIAM STREET, ; - /CONSIGNMENTS ol any description of AJ orders for pilrehase of same, or any h apjtertaining to a General Commission House, as also consignments or orders to our friends abroad, where we have extensive connexions, are solicited. Particulars of ail market* will be gfveh htion In quiry, and advances made upon business entrusted to us or our friends. CARERS A CO., ml3-3m Commission Merchants, N. Orleans. SPRING MATTRESSES, Which fold up complete for transporting. Ths intwt comfortable bed for a warm climate; good uphol stered and best hair tops. S. P. KITTLE, 150 chat ham street. New York. Every.hlng to complete and furnish a bed. The place to buy Is where the thing is made. f8-Jm HAWKINS & FAY, Commission Merchants, MO. 47 PEARL SlisET, NEAR PRODUCE EXCHANGE, N. Y. WM. B. HAWKINS, J. ROCKWELL FAY. ■ - *M Particular attention paid to buying Produce, Provi sions, Whiskies, and Cigars, on order, »"d to con signments. sktibinoes: CLINTON HUNTER, firm of Spofford, Tileston A Co., New York. Fancher A McChesney, 5 Water-*t., New York. Bichard Ellis, 114. Water street, Msw Vorij- Wm. B. Miles, 59 Christie stmt. New, fork. W. E. Sibell, 5 Wall street. New York. Lewis L. Jones. IT Hro-dwav. S. W. Ma'on A Co., Savannah DAVID BAILEY, MERCHANT TAILOR No. Pi Whitaker St, Between Bryan and B^f streets, , P now leceiving his spring add SnUlmerStock, pomprising fine‘French Cloths and Caesimerce: also,' fine Fancy French Cassimerfe slid Coating*, Drap D’Kte. Flannels, White and Brown Linen Duck, Marseilles Ac., which hewi'l make up at the short est notice and in the most fashionable style. W Remember No. 12 Whitaker Street. ml7 lwAeodlm LAND GIFT ENTERPRISE!I TO BE RAFFLED FOR, O N the ninth day of May, one thousand eight hun died ami sixty-six, at the SCREVEN HOUSE, in tlie city of Savaunali, Chatham County, State of Georgia, by a committee of gentlemen selected by the subscribers, 490 ACRES OF 1**0, situated in Lowndes county, near Mtlltown, state oi Georgia. The projected Brunswick and Florida. Baftroedcon ning through the southeast part, offers great facility for removing to the seaboard the Anar cypretB, .pine and other timber to be found on this lot, and a hand some sum may be had from the Railroad Company for the privilege of running their cars through it. Arrangements may also be satisfactorily entered into with them (the Railroad Company) low making it * wood station to supply their locomotive* with fuel. A stream of water rnns through this land, andiov- ers of the piscatorial art can indulge their fancy at all seasons of tlie year. . The quality of the soil In Lowndes comity is'toe highly.appfeclated for any comments to be thdae or TITLES CLEAR—The winner paying fog tfo* tufas' fer of the same to his name, and he (the winner) Is tc pay also one hundred dollar* to Uie.SavirmaH Ft male Orphan Asylum. The present owner of the land pledges himself to gfvs one handred dollar* to the Savaunali Metropolitan Fire Company, if all the sulisoriptionsare taken up. . Subscription—Tickets, five hundred to number, at ten dollars each. Can be purchased St the office Of DR W. F. SERGEANT, Bull street, near Bay street, mi3-tf. Savannah, Ua. J. S. RAWLINGS & CO., Produce Commission Merchants 96 SOUTH CHARLES STREET, BALTIMORE, HD. ' . . ... ... .... ,/.. .• .... U: Strict attention paid to selling All kinds of Produce, and to the purchase and shipping of Grain, Ac., to aii parts of the South We also keep constantly on band a chok*stock;of Pure Seeds, inch as Clover, Timothy, Ac. Orders filled At lowest rates. Consignments and orders solicited. Refers to Messrs Woodward, Baldwin A Co., Bal timore and New York; Mr. S. G. Haynes, 8avannah, Ga. m6-8m I.P. Bones. W. A. Baxairr. Bouse &■ Bryant, (Formerly of Jacksonville. Florida,) 194 Say Street, SAVANNAH, .... GEORGIA. good stock of Groceries, Liquors, Agriculture)Imple ment a, Building Materials, Fairbanks 4* Co.’s Scales, Ac., besides other goods and mannmetttfed articles lor sale on consignment and for which the, are agents. Orders and consignments respectful^ solic- E. L. NEIDLtNGER, CORNBR OF Barnarl and BrsBihton Streets, SAVA N M AB,-« * 9m • A. W OULD respectfully sanonnee to tdr Mends and the public generally that he has resumed the next; door to his former . and moderate'prices, hope* to WCSiVe A’RBerid of the trade. He is prepared to make up promptly'Li all 1 orders for - , ■. ; . ; HARNESS, BRIDLES, ETC. His brother, Mr. J. & NEIDLI. with him, anrf wonld be glad to * : ji AmnhPijsnlljR Notice to Creditors. A LL person* haring clulms agAlnst ths.stsam •» Amazon and lutora are notified to, prasenA th _ . Amazon and Iomrs are not! ,, to the undersigned on or before the : tarred payment. 1 ’ JOHN L. ROUMILLAT, Agent. .. . . : ....Dilion’a.Wh§rt. 3?apeF« 1000 * t0 ** ^ GOULD MACB1NE COMPANY, NEWARK, N. *1. MACHINISTS TObtLS f WOOD WORKING MACHINERY Ciremlsr gsw Rills, Stationary and Port able steam Engines, Boilers, .. UtsBta.psmjit. , Steam Fire ffrgmes, Rose, &c. Send for a catalogue. ml3-3m MACHINERY. T5B1CK-MA KING MACHINES, Brick Presses, Tem- JJ , pering Wheels, Tile Machines, and every de scription or Machinery used in She manufacture of Brick. • . ’ ; i i i. f FT” FRANKLIN L. CARNELL, ■ __ No. 1844 Germantown Avenue, !28-3m Philadelphia, Pa. WILMINGTON IRON WORKS. PUSEY, JONES & CO., WilniingtdB, Delaware. had,long experience in bnsiness and being provide_ with very extensive fsciiitien for doing work of this dsas, are prepared to execute orders with despatch. .6m . . ^ ft Insurance. St. Julian Street, West of Market, SAVANNAH. MERRITT, %ALCOTTACO., 64 Conrtlanflt Street New Tori. MANUFACTURERS JDF' ALL KINDS OF Bblts, Nuts, Washers, Shtt Screws,’Tfip. and Dies, Ac, Ac., and dealers in ali kindB of Railroad, Steam ship and Engineers Supplies, Oils, Varnish, Paint, Hemp and Rubber Packing; Oak Tanned and Rubber 1 ting, Brass Fittings. Chipping and Riveting Ham mers, Piles, Chisels, Gas Pipe, Nails. Circular and Gang 8aws, Pumps, Steam Whistles, Steam and Wa ter, Onagers, Steam Engines and Saw Mills of every description, dc., /to Also Agents for A. P. WOOD A CO.’S celebrated Portable Steam Engines. m Tbe Oldest Accident Insurance Comp’y 1ST AMERICA IS THE Traveler’s Insurance Co OF HARTFORD, CONN. Net Cask Assets, Feb. 1, ’66, $600,849 72 Insures against Accidents of all Kinds, CAUSING BODILY INJURY OR LOSS OF LIFE. IT IS CHEAP. A policy for $5,ooo in case ol fatal accident, or $25 per week in case of disabling injury, costs but $26 to $30 per year. Any smn from $500 to $10,000, with $3 to $50 weekly compensation, at proportion ate rates. Policies written for three or five years, at a liberal discount. IT IS UNIVERSAL. This Company insures against all sorts of sect- dents, whetherthe^,occur in traveling: worktng in the shop or factory, wa firing in the street,' swihithing, riding, hunting, fishing, etc. It fesnes policies for all persons, in all parts of the United States and Canadas, and grants permits to visit any part of the World. This insnrance is sought after and valued by aU classes or men, rich or poor. IT 18 RELIABLE. The TRAVELER’S of Hartford is tbe oldest Acci dent Insurance Company in the United States, and established on a firm basis. It lias issued many thousands of policies, pays claims for compensation almost daily, and its business is steadily increasing. Its capital is ample, its directory of the highest char acter, and it has paid over One Thousand Losses, without contesting one. Railr Not KO MEDICAL EXAMINATION (HIKED. RE Three cents a day will Insure a man for $2000 or $10 weekly compensation, for one vear. • J. G. BAITERSON, Presidcnt- Rodney Dennis, Sec.. A. WILBUR. Agent, ,m20 Savaunah. The Oglethorpe Insurance Go. OF^ SAVANNAH. Savanmau. 15th March, 1806. A Convention of tbe Stockholders of this Com pany ia hereby called to meet in the city of Savannah •n Thursday, the fifth day of April proximo, at 12 o'clock m„ at the office of Thomas A Sou, 117 Bay street. By order of the Board. ml6-td J. T. THOMAS, Sec. STEAM miNES AND SAW MILLS, Ac., - Ar., Ac, -Augusta? Gra. REMEMBER, SAW MILL MEN, The undersigned is th* Sole Manufacturer of BUR ROW'S IMPROVED BEAD BLOCK, for Saw Mills. Patent applied far. F. E. TIMMONS desires to call the attention of those wanting the above articles to those of HIS OWN MANUFACTURE. They ore the Mills that will cut the Lumner; are powerful and durable, and will give satisfaction in every particular. Call and examine them, at the FoUndry and Machine Works, No. 170 Fenwick at. opposite the Tower. ■ . g-E. HONS. COPPERSMITH WORK. 4 supply of material and a competent wokman to execute all work ordered. F. >. TIMMONS. STEAM BOILERS. Sjleam Pumps. Steam Fittings, furnished at short notice by F. A TIMMONS. ANTI FRICTION METAL. ie very best kind WETAfe for batvy or fast Warranted to give entire satisfaction. only by F. E. TIMMONS, Foundry and Machine Works, opposite Wrier Tower. 1 * ■ -—A. t J.. . . Paper Mill Machinery- Drying Cylinders, Calends* Rolls, Rag Cutter 8 * ci, 4c., for Paper Mills, ~buill to order. F. R. TOtMONR. With FacilitiM Unsurpassed, North or South, he feel, confident that he can give entire satisfaction to all who will give him a call. F. E. TIMMONS, No, 170 Fenwick street, i — r <mwick Opposite the Water Lvfalts, Os., MACHINERY DEPOT SAW MILLS, GRIST TOUftO.'/i WOODWORKING MACHINERY, SAWS, BELTING, &c., &c. WOOD & HANK’S, . CELEBRATED Portable Steam Engines FROM FOUR TO THIRTY-FIVE HORSE POWER. WASHINGTON LIFE INSURANCE CO NO. 98 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. CYRUS CURTISS, President. Clayton Newbold, V. P.; W. A. Brewer, Sec.; Rob ert B. Minturn, George Griswold, Roland G. Mitchell, Thomas Hope, William H. Aspinwall, a. A. Low and others. Directors, Cash assets, over $500,000. Capital stock, $126,000. Policy holders receive all the profits without Incu ring any liability for losses. It das therefore all the advantages and security ol a Stock and Mutual Com pany combined, without their separate disadvan tages. OfeCAR CRAIG, General Agent State of Georgia, Savannah, Ga. W. R. Waring, M. D., Medical Examiner, Savan nah, Ga. febl9-3m. Reliable Southern SOUTHERN MUTUAL LIFE INSU RANCE COMPANY. (Established in 1849.) ASSETS SEPTEMBER 1st, over. .284 OOO Hon. W. F. DaSAUSSURE, Pres. F. W. MoMabteb, Actuary. This Company has paid for losses to the Widows and Orphans of tbe South near $400,000. The rate* are low and profits regularly returned to the Insurers. J. B. READ, M. D. Medical Examlne7. THE National Marine and Fire INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW ORLEANS CAPITAL, .$960,000 ’JWwl SUPERINTENDED Atlantic- 4 Savai On and after Monday, then Trhln will leave Savannah Monday, Wednesday and Fri, turning, leave Tbomasvill, day and Friday at 12.U a. m. Freight trains leave Savann day and Tuesday, at 7 41) ?I CE, 1966.) 8t -> the '°ttasviii e ev t 17 ' 30 *-®- Rk * on(i »j.Wri n( L k »r<riat, Satur. viUe, Friday, Snnday and Wc fil, g nTho mu. Leaving Thomasyille on FrldXL** ,0s * * »adWea. 11 »» Satanu, neaday at 5 p.m. : arriving In S: Tuesday and Thursday at 5 05 Freiirht by passenger , rilin delivered at the derot tbirt starting time of the train. NOTH he, Pr * m *»< p " ^ore the I^OLTON, J^wendem. ■ TbePensaeola and Georgia R a l rt „ pay the coupons from their honiLi ” mp,D ywi!l the Tallahasse Railroad CompanX ^ ,KI “' 1, or and that are maturing up t0 an T T pw d “‘ faffing due 1st January, 1S67 by 4““"* tie ferred Capital Stock of their Co _P tilercror fr''' guaranteed Seven Per i; e nt. ini f’ a on the first January, 1S67, and D » ' COmme «<®, ly. Holders of said Coupons e posit the same with Messrs Brvan of Savannah, to whom the «crtn 1 w forwipj^ Notice! OFFICE ATLANTIC Sc (;ui,y Savannah. Marl In consequence of the limited contignees are requested to remove rapidly os possible. m19 C. II. WILLidl X 1 1US66./ w room, ' Ireight u OFFICE OF TIIE Central Railed SAVANNHH, January? O N and after Monday, the r.lh of Fr-hrn, dally trains will run between Savann, aJiJ gasta, connecting in both directiena wiih « the Georgia Railroad, as follow" Leave savannah 7.30 a. ni, , n ,] jo D . Arrive at Savannah T.ftn p. m ',,“ S P , ? Leave Angaria 9.30 l Z’Z 5^ Arrive at Angusta 6.00 p. m., and) 45 a. m Passage $8.00. Freight to go by passenger train must Deprtmid and delivered at the Passenger shed 311 nt,nu?u fore departure of train. j30-tf „ J- M. SEIfe™, Master of Transp,iihtM. F. M. MYRELL, STEAMBOAT AGENT, GENERAL COMMISSION AND FOR WARDING MERCHANT, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA Harris;, Buildings, 2d door west of A. Low i On Refer* to Messrs. Hunter A Gammcll, Crane, JOB- son A Graybill; Bell, Wylly & Christian; Bothuil Whitehead; Miller, Thomas A Co.; M. A. Cota, Eeq. (etSW JOHN L. VILLALONGA, COTTON FACTOR, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MIR. CHANT. No. 94 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA. The undersigned begs lesve to inform the insuring public that he has been legally appointed Agent for the above named Companies, and ia ready to take Ma rins, River, Life and Fire Risks at customary rates. O. C. MYERS, Agent, Office with Phillips A Myers, 85 Bay street J99-3m FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE AGENCY. .$1,600,000 SECURITY INSURANCE CO., Capital and Surplus PIKE NIX INSURANCE CO., Capital and Surplus $1,860,000 INTERNATIONAL INS. CO., Capital and Surplus $1,200,000 MANHATTAN INSURANCE CO., Capital and Surplus $1,078,000 HARMOMY INSURANCE CO., Capital and Surplus .......v$ 560.000 Total cash Capital and Assets.......,..$8,000,000 Ire, Marine, and Inland Navigation Risks taken tn tbe above hlgblyresponidble Companies on Bond ing* and Merchandise to any amount, at the lowest rates corresponding with the risk. Losses equitably adjusted and paid promptly at this Office. A. A. _ AGENT. No. IS Stoddard’s Range, Bay Street, Sa- Emigrants Can be WITHIN TEN DAYS. rilHE undersigned are prepared to supply Ptartei A and other parties who may be in warn of IBB LABORERS, and have made necessuy aitt# ments in the North to fi’l any orders for aplnfiiw Laborers, Woodcutters, Mechanics, etc.. wM IS or Twelve days from the day tlie order ia idnoka The Laborers are to be received l»v the Kim'S I on arrival of the steamer here, and transpire!* the points where they are wanted atlmphri expense, and the Employers have farther toWM certain sum per head in advance, partly aaartl and parilyfor covering the expenses In bringtn*! Emigrants from the North to this port I The rate st which Farming Laborers can 2*I eared wilt average about $150 per year, the Enft | ers finding them. For further particulars applylo — WHTMQRY1LLE A CO., Jones’ Block. Kay street one dOorKast of Baraani street Savaunali,!* | BGFBBKNCES : Jaejtson A Lawton, eavannah. John W. Anderson A Son, Savannah. Solomon Cbhen, savannah. Jno.C, Ferrffl. Savannah. Nicholls, Caiup<* Co., Savannah Geo. A. Cuyler, Savannah. W. B. Fleming, Savannah. John Sereven, Savannah. Brigham, Baldwin d Co., Savannah Savannah National Bank, Savannah. m2 XI inah, Ga fl9-3m Commission Merchants. JOHN % S1MMIS & CO., Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, *c., NOS. 1 AND 2 SAMMIS' BLOCK, Baj Street, Jacksonville, Florida. KD. O. lAMMU* . OCAS. L. MATS G. B. & G. W. LAMAR, FsmritaK sad gfclpptag Agests, NO. 9* BAY STREET, (upstairs.) Refer to Geo W. Anderson, Jno. C. Ferrel and G. B tmar, Savannah; W. E Jackson. Josiah Sibley A ms, J. B. A J. W. Walker, Augusta. Consignments solicited. - 6m-nov$ FOR Sk%.E. mHE two adjoining Lots on the oofner of Jooec A and Lincoln streets, with the Bnildlhg in couras Of construction, property of the lute Brigadier Gen Clandfns C. Wilson. Apply to R. E. Lester, Attorney-at-law, corner of Bay and Barnard streets. ... fl3-tuAtbtf J. H, TUNES. Adm’r FOR SALS, mHOBE very valnable Lots situated on the corner 1 or West Broad and Zubly streets, designated by the letter# 0, E nnd G, Middle Oglethorpe Warti- Each Lot has a width of sixty-seven feet and six inches, mm is one hundred and eighty feet to depth, nAking an area or two hundred and two and a half feet by one hundred and eighty. This would afford abundant room for the erection of a Hotel or exten sive proportions, or for any kind of manufactory.— -1, any of which purposes these iota are iiigibly ttlt- „ jted, being near to the Central Railroad Depot and oh one of the principal streets of the city. The above Lots may be treated for at private sale separately or - ’ "—* • ”’be At which time and place wUi also be offered Lot Franklin Ward, dn 1 No. 8 ’, Franklin Ward, On BrOi Island of Great Wareanr, ... , -acres. ' It OI r fen u fl 2-cod ton street, and tbe two thousand ... Executor, of estate of Dr. C. P. Richardson. Singer Sewing Principal Office for the State of Geoffh lit MMJCHTO.V STREET, H. D. HAWLEY, General A large assortment for sale at New I Sewing Machines of all kinds repair* ill notice. Stitching neatly done. . Gr. JiUWE WHOLESALE DEATCT I* H. Foreign and Domestic Urt WINES, CIGARS, GR0CEB® ALE AND LA«E»i ^ Johnson-b Square, opposite tlie Corner St. Julian and Bry an >t» fFaKigant’e oW Pa-ntStM A large invoice of .^-InC Potatoes and APP 168 JuM received. fcicbnt^ ^ Agent for H. Clausen» c* i 1 ? I DISSOLUTION OF C0PA1 COD ecu L. AUC uuatuL«« ’’ ; , - by J. Gardner, at the old stand c second door from Barnard. Q (}ABP5f gahd> £B - cf S ay airnsN, March Mth, FERTILIZEB^hersI A. LESTER SiBROTWfccii RAWBONE AND nROU^ OF LIME AND PIKE BONE- iog tf»c mHE above have tl, ® t I e 5’ n {hi'.r«" ctl< ®f ^I T adapted to the wants oT m. [k m3 iinre. ( being not oDly lastfog but a Q f^Tjend-l General agente for “ aD , l 'T ni t cuK&'Sfgt, prepared toTnrniah in lots , LiK0 CHB *£jk* 123-tn-th-a-lm P a P er .. ■«6