Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, March 31, 1866, Image 3

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10( \L MATTERS 5A Tl’KD.Oj MARCH 31, 1866. a ml ^teamen ^7 u r si***" 1 - 1 "!* |p""“‘ U fok *<"■ Y0BI - 0cn Uarne*. Saturday, March 81, at 8 n, '_ , Si | vl iclor, -.Saturday, March 31st, at r .>B BoaroN. ij ofBa'h, Saturday, March 31et, ACUISTA. „ , ,i,b„!ia, every Saturday morning WU1. u- G‘" u ’ FOK ClIARt-ESTON. Tuesday Afternoon, April 3d, gmela, 1,1 1 proton. Tuesday Morning, April 3d, at every Tneaday and Thurreday f0? rKeuntam. L , every Thursday morning at ro8 nAwai.ssvii.LE. Boys and Charles S. Hardee, every S^moming. at a -clock. FOR FLORIDA. rinn Shore, every Tuesday morning, at Hrien Getty, every Saturday morning, at -Lir e Baker, every Friday morning at 10 every Tnes lay morning at. 10 o’clock. qrtt» erSji ' ^Jbied to Capt. Ingraham, of the ^"uden Getty, for favors. r ** .^^TciTTPEoeEnTTi-AU persons cjt) - for ground rent will And in i , , ,,,, nt of the City Marshal’s Sales. 0. tie «to^___ TU V _Tlic steamship City of Bath arrived " * ° = yesterday morning, but was unable to unt jl late in the afternoon. We are in gdl lor hies of Boston papers and the r early ..::cd to Capi . id* !tlL . freedmen’s Court yesterday tv Uiarns.a negro,was charged with stealim tf. Atlantic and G. R. B.,and plead- Large, A’as sentenced to pay a fine of of court, and serve ten days on >;> BaTTEBV-— Louisa Anderson was ’ ",-tLc nuaitting an assault and battery on ... .k„:iiju named Betsy. After hearing the , 1 hie case, Judge stone ordered the defen- •ay a ace of five dollars and costs of court. P into, -The Steamer Helen Getty, Captain ivi...b was delayed outside on account of reached hero yestrerday morning. Her , i( . i clS eaccept our thanks for Florida pa. favori. .last Commission.—Nothing was done yester- •jeMilitary Commission, the cate of Duncan beta poatpoued till next week to await the ar- l a wttu-ea. This morning the Commission will a ..-la the Freedmeii’s Court, that of Mo- charged witla stealing clothes from a yard to he of jW. I f; i H,vsi»v:lle.— 1 The steamer Chas. 3. Har- here U.*t evening, making the trip in the use f forty-two hours. She brings over 400 t -jmu and a number ol passengers. Purser . a.L y. accept our thanks. ;-.-err: v of the Steamship Leo. —The steamship rus to have left this morning, met with a nt which prevented her departure. By (l ishap me of the cables got coiled around her .a r. ii a manner as to prevent its working. . i-ut amouuted to nothing more than delaying -Tin'! ivers of this amusement will be n that Mr. 1’. o'Toule, who has four of the nrd tables in the city at his rooms, on l street, lust "f Bull, lias determined to i - pneetwenty-five cents per game. He in- rii.i, - id customers to pay him a visit, where ■ ‘elided ' Very accommodation and the best stock FPEal TO THE CAPITALISTS OF GeOBGIA.—YVe a as.-.tlitr column a card from Governor Jen- Ttalair t the capitalists of our State to e rebel ..1 those ol our fellow-citizens who, — tLcir homes and property destroyed by i‘ s “ : ' v c.. ire now suffering for want of sub- ... tte mri ci inli.lent that such an appeal will :>.a a prompt and liberal response. .. tit K. ?.-!>: to Teees.—An individual was " i ‘ ■■ r the Mayor yesterday morning on the itching his horse to a tree and allowing the iIl fBe tree, alter he hud been warned A policeman testified that he had told in once before not to hitch his horse to swa- contrary to ordinance. After hear" luent ol the offender, the Mayor fined him .Caution to Captains or Vessels The Captain of a vessel lying out in stream was before the Ifayft- yes- terday charged with not having a light burniS on his vessel on Thursday night. Several witnesses testified' to the fact of there being no light, but the defendant asserted there was one and offered witnesses to prove the fact. He said the lamp was placed in, the mizzen nggmg, but His Honor asked him if the proper place for the light when a vessel was In the stream *nd ex posed to the tides was not the fore-rigging. The Cap- tarn said that he had always placed it in the mizzen rigging. One of his witnesses said he had put the light up, but towards morning it burned so dull as not to be seen from the shore. Mayor Anderson fined the defendant in the sum often dollars and ■coats, remark ing that tho fore-rigging was the proper place for the light Wetts of Possession —Before Justices Connell'and Russell yesterday, a hearing was had in the cases of Thomas Graham and Thomas Collins, charged with having in their possession a cow and calf each the property of Robert A. Middleton. From the testimony it appeared that on or about the 20th of March Sir. Middleton, who lives In McIntosh county, had sixteen head of cattle stolen from him - The cattle were driven to this city by Dick Perry a negro, who showed a receipt for the same from a man named Pierson, residing in that county, and the de fendants purchased the cows and calves from Perry. Mr. Middleton offered witnesses to prove that the cows had been in his possession, and that the marks and brands on the cattle were his. The Court decided that toe cattle were the property of Mr. Middleton, and that the defendants must deliver tlieg .up. They were traced by Constable Isaac Russell, who ig now on the track of tho remainder of them. PROPOSALS Y|riLL will be received at my office for removing »» ami delivering the whole of the machinery boilers, engines and all connections, all the iron Ac except the HULL, of the ’ 4 STEAMER AMAZON/;* from where she now lies, ou the bar below Augusta on a wharf in this efty. ^ ' DAVID H. D1 ILLON, ’ Bay stn The Eclipse.—The clear sky of last night was most favorably for observing the total eclipse of the moon, and was generally improved, we believe, throughout the city. The obseniation commenced at fifteen minutes past nine o’clock, and at fifteen minutes past ten toe disk was wholly covered. At this time the moon presented a dusky red or smoky appoarauce and total karkness prevailed over things sublunary. It.wasamost beautiful and impressive spectacle, and falling upon Good Friday, brought to mind the night two thousand years ago when toe aspeot of toe heavens' was dire and the vaU of the temple was rent in twain. Guay’s Mihbok of the World—A matinee exhi bition of the Mirror of the World is to be given this morning at 11 o’clock, for too accommodation of the ladies and children. It is just the sort of an exhibi tion to delight and instruct the Tittle ones. Let them go by all means. Another exhibition of toe “Mirror” is given in toe evening, positively the last time in this city. ^ Arrivals at the Hotels. PULASKI HOUSE—W. II. Wiltbebger ft Co. D Cay, Ga Lewis, do K Rutledge, S C C J Cult is, Boston L 3 Crocker, Fla J Snyder, A & U R R U B Brown, Sandersvllle Mrs Brown, 2 children ft servant » O ill iff, M D, Ga ,P Butler, Fhila iMiss Butler, a maid, Phila :s Tuylor, str H M Cool 0 Small. Yarmouth KsRuiledge, do D M Kogers, do ~ W Branch, P Lambeth, CRB K S Riddell uud lady, Ml.-.8 Duff, F.a Lc K H Kimball, ' McBride, N X A Ripley, do marshall HOUSE-a. b. Luce. \V Tyler, Chicago .1 M Cooney, Ogeeehee YV M Wadley, Ga I’ Ennis, N Y W r Wells, City D W Iugersoil, Fla Gen D Tillson, iJ A Johnson, C (1 ..rooves, Ga P Doyle, N Y K \V Fellot, Augusta F Robert, uo JAR Campbell, Canada SCREVEN HOUSE-G. McGinly. J Hazelton, Ga S Fitch <£■ family, Ga C Simmons, Sparta Merchant, jr, bavli D’Antignac, Augusla C Anderson, Ball W Johnson and wife, I j A Brutoiwf* Columbus* Philadelphia |a J Harwell ami svt A Bradly, Conn A M Clark, Hartford p W Wilson A svt, Chas D C Bryan,' Thomasville F J Muldudy ft wife, Ga J McDonough, Ga ilapt Hendry, Blackshear JAMES PYLES 0. K. ♦ The Best Soap in Use. For sale at Retail by STEWART A CO, DOYLE ft LEYON, And all first-class Grocers : fit Wholesale by York,J/Villiams, Mclntire & Qa Direct Importation. 5 CASKS Superior Eurton (English) Ale, lust re- ceived and for eale by m29 CUNNINGHAM, PURSE ft CO. HAMS AND SHOULDERS. Choice Couatry cured Hama and Shoulders. m29 ' 3 GEORGE PATTEN. SYRDP AND SUGAR. C A BARRELS Fine Florida 8yrnp JU 25 bbls do do Sugar Sugar GEORGS PATTEN. New Music. A L t o/ nELMSMULLKR’S FAVORITE GAL- ^LOPES, New Songs, Polkas, Marches,Wallses, m29-2 JOHN C. SCHREINER ft SONS. Notice. A LL cl dms against the steamship* comprising the Pioneer Line, from New York, mast be pre sented at onr office within five days after the arrival of said steaimhips. Claims not presented within that time will not be considered. mi.'9-C HUNTER ft GAMMELL, Agents. CHOICE BACON. C LEAR 8IDE9. Ribbed 8ides, Shoulders and Hams. All Georgia cured. For sale by n29 3 GEORGE C. FREEMAN. Maryland Flour. 250 Barrels Family 300 Barrels Extra Landing and for Bale by GEORGE C. FREEMAN. Special Notices. Soap Manufactory. m£L Shipping. Corralm protect the tons of children’s nhoes.- OuS pair Mil outwear three without lips. Sold every where. FOB AUGUSTA LYON’S KATHAIRON. Kath&iron is from the Greek word “Kathro, 1 “Kathairo," signifying to cleanse, rejuvenate and re-' store. This article is what its name sipiiles. For preserving, restoring and beautifying the human hair, it is the most remarkable preparation in the world, It is again owned and put up by the original proprie tor, and is now made with the same care, skill and at tention which gave it a sale of over one million bot tles per annum. It ia a most delightful Hair Dressing. It eradicates aenrf and dandruff. It keeps the head cool and clean. It makes the hair rich, soft and glossy. It prevents the hair from falling off and turning gray. It restores hair npon bald heads. Any lady or gentleman who values a beautful head of hair shonld use Lyon's Kathairon. It is known and used throughout the civilized world. Sold by al respectable dealers. • DEMAS BARNES ft 00. oct27-eodly New York. Shipping Intelligence. Miniature Almanac—TtUa Day. Suu rises 5 so Moon rises.... 7 to 6 lOiiiigh water......... 9 43 PORT OF SAVANNAH. Friday, Murcli 30, I168. Arrive.1. B C mHrd 1P CitJ ° f Bat ' 1 ' Bel1, Boston —Richardson ErwSS& S nar ‘ ,ee ’ Dal “ d3 ’ Jj'imfcit Uelcu Gett y> lograliam, Paiatka, Fla—I, steamer Dictator, Coxetter, Jacksonville—L J Guil- martin. Cleureil. Steamship Hunter, Rogers, New York- Gammell. -Hunter ft filEaniso in the Stevedore Cases.—In ■' i'>urt yesterday morning, toe cases i and Riley, charged with violation of City relation to Stevedoring without taken up. The first witness examined l he had been engaged in stevedoring! 1 -= year 1S34, and in answer to questions by toe -■aidthat one stevedore could not attend to vessels at the same time; that when he ssel he divided toe men into gangs of •an as foreman or superintendent, and is; Le left the ship he generally appointed one 1 to have a general superintendence, 1 rather complicated, and toe Mayor “ built whether the ordinances covered ftt licfeadimts were said to be working in M-; : laborers, but their employers having ■-■ ships would occasionally leave them in l -*i*o li :. a thought that as they wore act- '• «han they should have a license as weU * outers. ■ •■••».evt-ral other witnesses examined, and lt,tved "' re ‘ "-* a closely questioned by ' ‘ ' ::f ‘ rj f ’he defendants as to his reasons / nuj d this cuse. -••-■. nmarked that toe intention of the ordi. l ure stevedores to take out licenses, t ihose who did so. He said that we - aiion a merchant who rented one store ‘‘ CCQse 1 ‘' go out and monopolize toe ’ ,J ^ Sfini * ln g his clerks into different Who WoilM 1.. -1.1. . _ . ^Eno, Sleumer Laura, Wallace, Aagusta-J I. Roumillat. steamer L tnos, Moore, Augusta—c L Colbv ft i;o Steamer Lizzie Baker, King, l’aiatka, etc—Clair- lioru Cuuuinghaui. Import*. Ppr steamer Helen Getty, from Palatka-4 bales sea island cotton. Per steamer Dictator, from Jacksonville*-^ hales cotton to E Koetlicke ft Co, N A Hardee, J L VUla- longa. BOLTON’S WHARF STEAM SAW MILL. Between Blake’s Rice Mill andO’Byrno’s Wharf. T HE subscribers, having erected the above Steam Saw Mill, are now prepared to HU city and shipping orders for Lumber of any dimension, and respectfully solicit a share of patronage from their friends and ihe public. Orders received at the mill, or at J. Lama’s store, on the Bay, will have prompt atteniion. A PH YSIOlaOGlCAL. View of MARRIAGE Containing nearly 300 pages, and 130 fine Plates and Engravings of the Anatomy of the Human Or gans in a state of Health and Disease, with a Trea tise on Early Errors, its Deplorable Consequences upon the mind and Body, frith the Author’s Plan Ot Treatment—the only rational and successful mode of cure, as shown by the report of cases treated, truthful adviser to toe married, and those contem plating marriage, who entertain doable of their phys ical condition. Sent free of postage to any address, on receipt of 26 cents, in stamps or postage currency, by addressing Dr. LA CBOIX, No. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. The author may be consulted upon any of the dis eases upon which his book treats either personally or by mail, and medicine* sent to any part of the world. octlO am S. T.—1860—X. Drake’s Plantation Bitters. Theypurify.atrengtheaand invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen toe system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarrheas, Cholera and Cholera Morbtu. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They are the best Bit 1 era in the world. They make the weak strong, ana are exhausted nature’s great re storer. They are made of purest Croix Rum, the celebrated Caliaaya 'Bark, roots and herbs, and are te&n with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to delicate persons requiring a gentle stimulant Sold by all Grocers, Druggists, Hotels and Saloons. Only gen uine when Cork Is covered by our private C. S. Stamp. Beware of counterfeits aud refilled bottles. P. H. DRAKE ft CO., oct'28-eodly 81 Park Row, New York. Agua de Magnolia. MOODY & BARRETT, Steam Soap Works, MAHOTAOtVBR* OF S . _ # GLYCERINE, .feBOWX WINDSOR, Vfo- LET, BAR AND TOlLsI*SOAPS OF EVERY DESCRIP TION. \f SSSRS. MOODY ft BARRETT would respectfully opened'toefr 106 W *** P ubUc that they nave just STB ABC SOAF VOUI, and are fuUy prepared 10 A.l all oruere lor tue fol- lowing Bar and Toilet Soaps 1 PALE SOAP, EXTRA No. 1, EXTRA No. l RESIN GERMAN, « FELLOW SOAF, ERASIVE, CHEMICAL, OLIVE, CASTILE, Ac. Also, a large variety of Toilet Soaps, comprising HONEY, PALM. v" CAMPANULA, ALMOND, TRANSPARENT, ROSE, PUMMICE, LAVA, Ac., Ac. No pains will be spn-ed to make our Soaps equal In quality, price and pe. “.itr-a to any American or For eign Soaps. Our mono uall bo “ semper idem,” and ail goods not equal m quality aud price to American or Foreign manuiaciar', .hail be returned and money refunded. THE HIGHEST PRICE PUD FOR TALROW AND UKtASH. Orders addressed to MuODY ft BARRETT, or L. J. GUILMaRTTN A CO., will receive prompt and Im mediate attention m20-tf BLAALEVILLE SLATE MINING GOHPT, VAN WERT, POLK CO., GA. Cap’l Stools., 6000,000 SHARES, $60 EACH. D izzzotors—H. Brio ham, J. F. Dever, E. C. Gran nies, A. Wilbnr and A E. Marshall. Prsidznt—A. Wilbur. Savannah, Ga. Vioz President—E C. Grannie*, Macon, Ga. SzoarrABY—A. E. Marshall, Atlanta, Ga. T HIS Company will soon be prepared to fill any orders for Slate, however large, lor roofing, for furniture manufactured out of elate, for lintels, for pavement, and for any other uses to which slate can be applied. The quarry is convenient to the cities of Atlauta, Augusta, Macon, Albany and Columbus, Ga.; to the cities of Selma, Montgomery and Mobile. Ala.; to New Orleans, and will shortly be to Mem phis, Fenn.. and Si. Louis, Mo. The superiority of slate for roofing purposes, and Its special adaptability to various articles of famlture and for pavemeot are well known. Orders may be addressed to A. E. MARSHALL, Sec*7, J 8 Atlanta, Ga. Th* steamboat ECL IB SB; haring bulk of cargo engaged, will have quick de ■patch for Augusta. “t 30 * F. W. SIMS ft CO., Agente. FOB MiCON&HAWpSVILLE VIA DARIEN, DO(5TORTOWN, And landings on the Attamaha and Ocmulgee rivers. m?9 eod6 JEFFERSON ROBERTS ft CO. Exports. Per steamship Hunter, lor New York-378 bales upland cotton, 36 do sea island, 10 do domestics, 16 boxes mdse, 5 cusks, 50 bbls molasses, 42 rolls leather 405 hides, 5 bales wool. Pugaengera. Per steamsh p City of Bath, from Boston-R c Gardiuer. S Blliam and wife, Mrs Warrener aud child, wife Md^iild^ Uana0I1 > U u Kichardson, Capt Green Per steamer Chas S Hardee, from Hawkinsville-J W Brown, Dr Laidler, J D Eubanks. a- t “i ne L H ?. I ? n .. G «tty, Grom Paiatka—H Smith, sons SMattier and wife, L Gardner Dr Morrell, AC Clark, Mrs T B Catherwood, Miss L Reilly Mr and Per Hteamer Dictator, from JaeksonvUle—J K Cro- w J H , S"* 1 ,' MrS Wal1 ’ M,ss Wall, J II Wul’e, K Whitman, J Meclinab, A Wolinan, J A Bos- tram, G C Braiatly W M Bostick, J H Fowler, O M ; Bray, DGreenfleld, A L Waitliasseii, T Lon^sdorir T SSwain, J E Emmersoo. A C Kiuue, W OSmith’B Dexter. Magazines. FOR APRIL. F RANK LESLIE’S Lady’s Magazine Le Bon Ton, Jonrnnl de Mode* Godey’s Lady's Book Harper's Monthly Atlantic Monthly Also, Enoi.ibu R*vitw8 for Jxnoary, and the usual assortment ol the latest Daily and Weekly News papers, at . , ESTILL’S NEWS DEPOT. (Down stairs) Bull at., next to the Pont Office. m2S-tf BLACK SILKST We have received by last steamers— BLACK SILKS, of all widths COLORED AND WHITE DRESS SILKS MOZAMBIQUES, GRENADINES, BAREGES, * PINA CLOTHS, PLAIN AND CHECK POPLINS, LAWNS, MUSLIN, 7 ORGANDIES, and other Styles of Dress Goods. . EINSTEIN ft ECKMAN, 24 161 Congress street. A toilet delight I The ladies' treaaure and gentle men’s boon I The “sweetest thing'' and largest quan tity. Manufactured from the rich Southern Magnolia. Used for bathing the face aDd person, to render the «kin soft ana fresh, to prevent eruptions, to peifame clothing, ftc. It overcomes the unpleasant odor of perspiration. It removes redness, tan, blotches, ftc. It cures nervous headache and allays inflammation. It cools, softens and adds delicacy to the skim It yields a subdued and lasting perfume. It cures mosqueto bites and stings of insects. It contains no material ihjprions to the skin. Patronised by Actresses and Opera Singer*. It is what every lady should have. Sold everywhere. Try he Magnolia Water once and you will use no other Cologne, Perfumery, or Toilet Water afterwarde. damas Barnes ft co., ect2T-eodly Prop*. Exclusive Agent*, N. Y. HILL’S HAIR DYE, 50 cent*.—Black Or Brown, Instantaneous; beet, cheapest, durable, re- ” ' le , Depot, No. 66 John street. New York. Sold by all drug and patent medicine atorea everywhere. m9*ly * Hagan’s Magnolia Balm* This is the moot delightful and extraordinary article ever discovered. Ite^nges the sun-burnt face an hands to a pearly eatin texture of ravishing beanty, imparting the marble parity of youth, and toe distin- OUA appearance so inviting in the city belle of fashion. It removes tan, (reckles, pimples and roughness from toe skin, leaving the complexion fresh, transparent and smooth. It contains no material injurious to the skin. Patronized by Actresses and Opera Singers. Itie what every ledy should have. Sold everywhere. Retail price, 60 cents. Prepared by YV. B. HAGAN, Troy, N. Y. Address all ordega to , DEMAS BARNES ft CO., ocl27-eodly New York. REAT SOUTHERN PIPER WAREHOUSE AND ■' 3epot forPrinters’ Supplies 210 Bay Street, Sayannab, da, P LATNER ft BOSWORTH keep constantiyon hand a lai go stock of Lodger, Writing and Wrapping Wrapping Papers, of ail sizes and wvight*; also. Binder*' Boards, Card Boards, Printers’ Cards, Envelopes, Twines and Printing Inks Having bad lopg experience in the business, and buying our goods in large lota direct from the manu- laclurers enables n* to compete with New York prices. Agents for Wade's celebrated Printing Inks; Agent* in tills city for the Bath Paper Mills. The highest cash prices paid for ail kinds of paper stock. ” is Lumber. XTELI/JW PINE LUMBER of all dimensions, on '1 hand and for sale by the cargo or at retail, at the NEW STEAM SAW M: on the Eastern Wharf, in th.i city. Mill, or to J. W. WOLCOTT ft CO ml2-eod-lm No. 2 Hsrrl*’ THE Steamer Darlington, Capt. J. Brook, ISL0 *SL N mTS IS i ) A7 ATHARERSFTAM’S MILL, AND WILL HAVE quick despatch AS ABOVE. boat at m ,owme « HgkS^dprem^ny 0 ” 80003 t0 Macon “ d at^aferewlmir’ Tty ""Proof warehouses Fo?^g^app?;V JuUli ° K ^ Cttarlest °n Wharf, m30 , *■M- MYRELL, Harria Buildings, Bay street, FUR HAWKINSVILLE. The new and test Iron Steamer Z . B. V an c e Capt, Jobs J. Gdtbeiz, will leave for the above place with despatch Fbr height or passage, having very comfortable ac commodations, apply at the office, on the Florida Steam Packet Wharf, or to CLAGHORN ft CUNNINGHAM, Shipping. For Liverpool. 27-0 WILDER ft nftXARTON. For Philadelphia. a. H „- ' T** e clipper schooner P. A. SANDERS. •Cajic. BiaiiK, Will leave with despatch for the above For freight, apply to r HUNTER ft GAMMELL. FOR SALE. THE STEAMERS FANNIE LEHR 4 MINNIE BRANDT, These boats were built In 1864, have good pow«r .t n ‘ 0 M, <pe< V d : *** ,1 « ht draft ’ wlU > s tote room acaimmodation* tor passengers; carrry 650 bales of cotton each; very suitable for river trade or for towing. They are now in good nmnlng order. 8 For further particulars, apply to . Laroche * west, m26 - fi Or J. D. BRANT. Agents. FOB NEW YOKE ATLANTIC COAST Mail Steamship Company. SIDE-WHEEL SHIP, Vastest Walp la the Trade. Cabin Passage, $a 0 Steerage, $5 is ship made her last trip to New York, in fifty- t boors. . ie very test and exceedingly commodious steam ship GENERAL BARNES, 2,000 tons burthen, Taos. H. Mozton, Esq., Com mander, will positively sail on her regular day, Saturday, March 31, at 8 o’clock a. m. For freight or passage, having accommodations unsurpassed, apply to m2 ® WILDER ft FULLARTON. BOSTON & SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LINE. FOR BOSTON The fast steamship CITY OF 1 BATH. T. H. Bell, Commander, Will sail for the above port on Wednesday, April 4, at — o'clock, llto of Aprd? Sl1 * 7 ' WIIliam Tibbett* following on the For freight or passage, apply to For Charleston, The steamer DICTATOR, Capt. L. M. Coxxrrza, will leave Telfair’s wharf Kvery Saturday Morning at 9 o’clock, arriving in Charleston same evening For freight or passage, apply on board, or to’ L. J. GUILMARTIN ft CO.,' Agents. For Liverpool. = S’liXSSg.'VIff For freight engagement, apply to m28 BRIGHAM, BALDWIN ft CO for sale. FOR JACKSONVILLE, FLA VIA SAVANNAH AND FERNANDINA. Tire Dew Steamship DICTATOR Capt. L. M. Coxzrrzz, m.Adger's Wharf, every tMtelock, a. m, and Ba will leave Charleston, from WEDNESDAY morning, ate - vannah every WEDNESDAY, at 4 o'clock p. m. juctunmna will leave Jackaonviile every FRIDAY morning at 3 o’clock a. ra., and Savannah every SATURDAY morning at lam. Arriving at Charleston same evening. For freight or paasage, applv to L. H. COXETTER, Office on Adger’s Wharf . GUILMARTIN m23-ti nts at Savannah—Means. L. J. Pacific Mull Steamship Company's t* California, Notice. E m p i i? e Lin0; SIDE-WHEEL STEAMSHIP, FOE NEW*YORK. Atlantic Mail Steamship Company. PASSAGE RATES: Cabin *20 00; Steerage *5 00, with Sub. defence *10 00. The new apd fast aide-wheel steam- -ship 8AN»BALVAD0R, Atkina, com- I mander, wIU sail aa above, on Saturday, March 31, at 8 a. m. Far freight or passage, having accommodations Sa- |Pp rior to any steamer In this trade, apply to B 0 HARDEE, UP FREIGHT OFFICE ATLAN TIC ft GULF R R. Coaklkstom ft Rav tUNau R R. Waazaousz. la' ivaunan, Marih izd, 1866. TJARTIES shipping fret h' by the Atlantic ft Golf A Railroad, to stations where the Company has no Agent, will be required to call at this ulnce and alga a bond relieving the Cumpauy from all loss ordamage after good* are unleaded from the c r-. , U. H. WILLIAMS, - Agent Freight pep irment. JOHN CLRAY, DEALER IN DOMESTICS. SILK BASQUES lse ’ as t0 allow one man to take all . u ‘' a ud put a foreman on - vlifcbar^c who had not takeu out ^ ’.'aV th ’' meetin * of Council ai !v c ,j, ° ^ 18,1:11 defining more clearly the p ° rts aLl1 l roviding for Juat such . j tliu adoption of toe ordinance r «c, - over upon payment of : decided by the Board. si!~ A mau waa before this r ’.-c ■ ' ' ^ cl “ r ^ ’■Vth toe retention of woman named Jane '^-laeuvr- " ri!J£ tUa tiVlLlt:ilce toe Judge : a- t.i".i’. UUUwfaI,y by the de- - 1 : 'ortii WlUl ' { T jrv °rdsr that they bo re- 6 of, Ulk , U ‘' ’’lather. ’ 1 aQt togto,^a b ’- W, "‘ re afterwards decided, “^hduifrn d ' ,| '- r,daut9 ra and a half, and toe r <l'tctivt in each case amounts within Consignees. Per steamer Chas S Hardee, irom Hawklnsville—J W Lathrop ft Co, Erwin <t H, Brigham ft B, C, Purse ft Co, A 8 Hartridge. Per steamship City of Bath, from Boston—Richard son ft B, Augusta Factory, Blair ft B, P Reilly, Weil ft M, Hilton ft R, W L Peabody, Cooper ft Me A, M H Williams, M A Cohen, H Meiuhanl. P ft Deppish, M & Wadley, G W ft G B Lamar, E Ehrlich, Burlburt, II ft Co, it Habersham ft Son. T J Dunbar, E Padel- ford, J G Clarke ft Co, Lovell ft L, Claghorn ft C, C R R, W H Stark, Erwin A H, 8 L Windy, e Everett, R ft Aldrich, G G Nichols, SB Harrlugton, Rev K P Browne, A Minis, S S Miller. Nichols, R ft W, J W Wolcott, F YV Sims, Crane ft G, W M Walsh, YYriglit, G ft Co, 8 Fellner, D Falvey, G C Freeman, Bradv, 8 ft Co, G Waterhouse, H Pitcher, Rogers ft c, J A Roberts. rOKT OF FERNANDINA, FLA. FBBNSNDINA, Fla., March 27,1366. Arrived. March 24—Schr Harriet Maria, McDonald, from New Smyrna 26—USTr Sickles and; here on Friday 23<1 bound for Charleston; Sylvan Shore, Ellu, Lizzie Baker and lleleu Getty, which rn ‘1 L’a fhnlr (Pina v.a nnt - O K BALES 4-4 Augusta Factory ■ WU 25 bale* 7-8. do For sale by SAMS ft PHINIZY, m2s 6 No. 9 Stoddard's Lower Range. Sommer Residence on the Salts for Sale or Rent. A HOUSE and E<Jt at Thunderbolt. The Hotue lias Nine Rooms and a large attic a also a good stable and shed, and well of excellent water. The Lot is one hundred feet on the River, ruining back to a road known aa the Artillery Avenue about nine hundred feet. For fnrther particulars inquire of Jno. Stevenson. Also, a place in Effingham county with a good Dwelling, ftc. m27-eod2w Notice. •» Arm—VJVIIA UBUiCb AUMXia, lUUVUUiUU, ITU III nvrua. r S TVaopportCosmopolitan, with MaJ General and staff; stra Dictator, Capt Coxetter, wae 11 Pulaakl House * lmblic m *^ Ce ® uGcr ' °f • -Mr. limit «rce Butler, luau uud known to have - ‘“Cinhii.ii- , during the war itlilc IskJI J U ' ht abol ‘ u °mets of H le ,a *toceniec t of] ^ ‘• xo * lcm,lt »ci* o^ la ^Ktho lir o f 0 ' tih,ie8 * it. m ' ami -' var demo- ■'-■‘•6 :he th rc at ^ roatcn *d with mob vio- ’ “,‘ , " rSuUal indignity came LU “«i. and was ouly pre- t “Uud taken by Mayor i!0 “'“ 8 Mauia :i ‘ W ‘ amUy s P“d » -—.. ' uu at - Simon 1 * Island. ~ Mr ' Th, ' Wl ” Dowell, an old and 3. > “‘term e "toi.u- mto f nuiued “toy %^-ddenlyThVrr Pl0y * ! d - V,-, “8ht ti st iu “ . r “ a ‘dence in tola „. Iit Mired' foT'th/ 1 "’ 01Je Wh0 h,d his l U1 8ht at an early ^-tt? Ut,, ‘toaeud L Cj tl,e roo “. When he thuii - ' U ‘ 9 f<w ' e and general urn had P . a9Md quietly k : this afternoon make their trips are not reiiorted. £0 -Steamer O M Petitt, Briggs. Cleared. March 22—Norwegian bark Pallas, E Ellefson, for London; sclir Elis, White, Crellen, for New York. 24—Schr Zampa, Johnson, for Cardenas, with lum- 2d—Schr Rising Bun, L 8 Jones, for Boston, with lumber. — Memoranda. The hull of the wrecked schr Snnny South was badly rotten and was sold for $225. Her sails, rig ging. ftc., were shipped on board tlie schr Rising San for Boston. Correction—In onr newspaper of the 22<Y, vessels were reported as arrived which should have been reported as cleared. ftjg- All vessels from foreign ports, or for foreign ports, laden at St Marys, Ga, now"enter at, and clear from the port or Feroandina, Fla. There is no col lector at St. Marys. Consignees per Central Railroad. March 80, I860* 737 bales cotton, CO do domestics, 25sacks potatoes and mdse to J I, Y’ilialonga YV H Stark. J Daily, P H Helm, A Myers ft Co, Cooper* MeA. .7 L Hilton, K ft Bird, R McIntyre, Crane A G, E A Soullnrd, Both- well ft W. Duncan A J. O Cohen, A Low A Co, Chas Green ft Son; W Battersby. Wilder 4 F, E Padelfoni, R Habersham ft'Bon, Jones ft W, P W Sims ft Co, B, Smith ft Co, J F ft M Hamilton, Hunter ft G J W Lathrop, N A Hardee ft Co. * time prescribed by law; and all persous Indebted to said estate will make payment to Wm. Borns. WM. BURNS. . ROBERT MoINTTHK - fl2-2aw-6w* Executors. KIRLIN .& BURRE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN JLES, WISES m UQ60IS, CORNER WHITAKER STREET AND BAY IiAAjK« ORDERS PROHITLY nUQ k au21 . Booms tb Let. : pUBNWHM) ROOMS ^ LET. Enquire at this" For Sale on Consignment. r * * .. + 1 54-Inch Iron Frame Circular Saw Mill, with *4 feet carriage 3- . , ' 1 Extra 64-Inch Haw . 1 30-Inch Corn Mill 60 feet Belting. » For sale at manufacturer’s prices. Apply to m27-tf BRIGHAM, BALDWIN ft CO. PLAID, STRIPED AND PLAIN CAM BRICS CHECK, DOTTED AND PLAIN SWISS STRIPED, PLAIN AND CHECKED NAINSOOKS INDIA MULL, BISHOP LAWN JONES’ 6-4 CAMBRICS, IRISH LINENS WHITE AND COLORED BRILLIANTS *BUFF\*WHITE AND FIGURED PIQUA CLOTH LADIES’ AND. MISSES’ LISLE AND SILK GLOVES MISSES’ LONG NET MITTS, &c., Ac. Just opened at EINSTEIN & ECKMAN, m!4 151 Caagreza Street, Just Received, A N Invoice, of the celebrated CHAMPAGNE WINES of Mean. Bruch, Foucher ft Co., of tM following brands; Xiao IDtor, Carlo D’or, ’In quarts and pint*. “ F. W. 8IMS ft OO. ■l NM BOOKS Coopefp Olcotts & Far/elly, Ufeof Stonewall Jackson ; t^y Cook* 8L Martin’s Summer; hy Anns Brewster l Broken to Heme**; by Edward Gates The Onhstees;» Novel, by Whitehead • Maxwell Drewitt ; Ify F. G. Trafford The Oeceilaa; by ASM Argyle . . ftiso. .. Public laws of Georgia paaaed In 1866 and 1861 msu n RECEIVED BY n -c Wooden Ware, Brooins, PAILI, BRUSHES, MATS, Twines, Cordage, Tabs, Churns, Cradles, Wagons. Chairs, Baskets, ftc. Nos. IS Fulton and S60S Front Sta new York; m-3 FLOUR AND K. D. HOMINY. 7Cfl BBLS., Just received and for asle by /OU HANDELL4C0., mats C Cor. B <y and Barnard streets. SAW MILL FOR SALE. flYWO very desirable .Steam Saw Mills, fifty-eight A miles from the city, nn the Savannah, Atlantic ft Gull Railroad. BoCt and outfit all in complete run ning order ; with tlmb’r laud sufficient to supply the mills for three or four years. Apply to T. B. MARSHALL ft BRO., - - Savannah , Or T. 3. HOOKER, m26-tf At Station No. A Watches! Watches!! A FINE assortment of English. Swiss and lean Watches, ja*t received and for sale at „ F. D. JORDAN’S^. m2T-a - 129 Congrats si. DIRECT FROM EKSLISH POTTERIES, Fbr sale on Consignment an Invoice of 25 CRATES ASSORTED CROCKERY, * - Constating of Covered Disbes, bine edge Truffles, half Boups, fancy painted Teapots Covered Plates Muffins, a, 3, 4,*6, 6-in. flat,*blne edge Soup Turinet Boats and Stands And "Sundries M8-6 * CUNNINGHAM. PURSE ft CO. COTTON SEED. C A BUSHELS fine Sea talas d. DU For sale m26-cod3* P. It B1 BEHN, • Bay dfreet " then on _ nectlDg via 'Panama'Raiiway. _ _ pany’s steamships from Panama for San touching at Acapulco. MARCH. 1st—Arison* connecting with Golden City. arv ’ C0DIUKt '»* with Slat—Nfihr York, Captain Horner, connecting with Constitution, Cap^Farnsworth. Departures of 1st aa&Xlst connect at Panama with steamers for South Pacific ports. Those of 1st touch at Manzanillo. A discount of One Quarter from steamers rates adowsd to aecond cabin and steerage passengers with families. Also, an allowance of One Quarteron through rates to clergymen and their families and school teachers; soldiers having honorable dis charges, naif Farsi o One hundred pounds baggage allowed each adult ."sasraiKsrssK, ss?hs tors, ihggage received TffiThe dock the day before sailing, from steamboats, railroads, add passengers Vrhfi prefer to send down early. r ^ ~ experienced surgeon on board. Medicine and attendance free a - * 7 A steamer will be placed on. tTO line January T, 186B, to run from New Orleans to Aspinwall via nivftDi, For passage tickets, or furthet information, apply st the Company's ticket offlee, oathe Whan, foot of Canal street, J9-3m forth River, New York. F. W.Q. BELLOWS, Agent TO PLANTERS. stock of - Cutters, , - — Implenffnts of best and patterns with which to supply Planter* and Country Merchants, whose attention we Invite to our stock and think we ntasnke It to their inter est to purchase of ns. BOUSE ft BRYANT, ' *■. 191 Bay street* J26-tf GRAHAM, DORsilTT &, CO/ . Successors to Hawes, Graham ft Co., tmoBncnsop ROSEWOOD MID MAHOGANY, Noe- IT*, IT* and XT* Centre St* jg. Y^ Keep constantly on band the most extensive variety of finely-figured Foreign pnd Domestic Woods to be found in the United States, in Logs, Plank* Boards and Veneers,.suitable tor Cabin, t, Plano, and Billiard Table manufacturers, aidfi car builders; also, Ma hogany and Spanish Cedar Coffin stuff. »“ wiUl our-bustaess wehave a large Tile light draft 9chooner ^SCIENC E3, ton*, new measurement, AND NOW READY FOR SEA IN EVERY RESPECT, Is offered for sale low to close a concern. For particular*, apply to SORREL BROTHERS, m?S C 82 Bay street. The elegant and very fast steam packet SYLVAN SHORE Capt JAMES TUCKER, np for «»*«•»* ■very Tuesday Mernteg at 10 o’clock. AH freight payable by shipper*. itiZuF&onw p j u U* e ’accommo- Wh^orT. * h ® ace ’ ^ lorid » Steam Packet u CLAGHORN ft CUNNINGHAM, 1 Agents. For Paiatka, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARY’S. FER NANDINA, JACKSONVILLE AND PICOLATA. Tbs new and test sailing Steamer LIZZIE BAKER, Capt. N. gin a ’ Friday Moralm S , »6th, at *10 o’clock, androntinneto-iesve ^Friday morning thereafter will leave Paiatka every Sunday SOTrilk?’*^^ 1 *? e T e * 7 ^“day forenoon, and Jack- SS o^Sy M iSS^ 1 g m0rnln ‘’ * rrtTto « " S'™ ht received mt all timet at the warehoaae on family Dye Colors. Pateatod October 13, 1*03. Black MrHtt Dork Blue ^ Light Bias Freoch Blue Claret Brown Dark Brown Light Brown Dark Green Light Green Magenta Maize Maroon VSS, Dark Drab Light Drab. ' Fawn Drab. _ Light Fawn Brab fw“ - SUk. Woden and Mixed 8’rtt,mthetoC^rmr?aotoing < «r a j, cm be produced (iwthu,?L T ? f ri A*2Sta -■ HOFEj* tevens, For tele by druggtati and dealer) 1 eralfy 0 ^ 011 ' octl04m Freight the wharf. Alt freight payable by ahippere. For freight or passage,' hai commodation, apply at the Packet wharf, or to , mf CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM, Agent*. . _ eaMn ae on Florida Steam Notice- tofore re^,SSi P ^ e e ‘t-conpomS’St he^ n« R - T. GIBSON, CIfy Treasnerr. Sundries | A KEGS choice oihe?Bntt^^ 0 * s# boxes Bnglhh Dairy Cheese - ^?v? e 1, SuieCh< **' re- M bbls Family Floor »Wb^ White Com 200 do Heavy Pennsylvania Seed I Lending and for sols by mI6-eodlo , CLAGHORN ft CUNNING Wait l Oats HEIDSICK CHAMPAGNE. Heldrick Champagne, ,n 1810 Landing and for sale by m23-et>dlw CLAQH0BN * CUNNINGHAM.