Daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1839-1840, November 07, 1839, Image 1

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The riTV nv juntos C grjsaaf ^Tri-wickly “1 ‘ (0 .iILV»« ' . paynlte In Six Mo'itt r. I) He an," ! . ln Ze^nw,eK,(M»mKv ( W-. 1 * %clnv' nt t o office ofthe “ De jr ftmini icti'l tlm intelligence 0tti| y l ’ # P° r ' 01 f "f1VBUOtLAB3per«iinnin,' orttHB' E DOLLARS^, fur tix inonl' . j JUtannetiU uubll«hctl n« *»>« iwnel reto", B-**gSSScwS» tor the tlrrt, end Thirty- : WJ* 1 ' h Jf f„r each insertion after, per •".“KcftSw the Clerk, ortho Conrtn thataiiplioatiott be* been «We tor 9o, '“?’Adniiuietrution. umat bo publwhcd ffitUfoecuiore 'and A(linini«trnton for N° lice Vcre'l lor. to rentier in tlioir account- *">»" K.,|S1X WEEKS, fito i?u?»roei by Executors mid Adtnims- *** oLtbeat pubic nuction, on tile ftr»tTiie«- “‘rjll'mealh*,'h'etwcun tlio usual hours of «t" l ? "S“ . .,r Pul,lie Mule r:rs.nl»e« ofPuMio Suit* in the County Test iiiioiinry, orAdininistra- rn.SiaUshin may have been granted, first ‘‘“'C notice thereof in one of the £ c ,mttes of tills St'te,.and at the dooref Coial StoPe, where sncli sales ore to ha No. ‘210—V»I. XXXVI.] SAVANNAH, (On.) THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER r, lm [Wholn No.—07,011- viiiice far leave to -ell Negroes, must bo pub- ■STLfour months, before any order absolute Sbe node thereupon by the Court, a Ijm nf Itcul folate by Executors, Adiuiiiistra- L*jjd Onardians. uiu«the published SIXTY -.fare the day of Sale. These antes umst Mite si the Court’I louse dour of the County iliidi the property is situate, mid on tlio first ™liv ofthe Month.lioWreen fie hours often in suoraiaxand four in the ufternooii. No wle "n day la day is valid, unless so expressed in SXExecuters. Admiulstmlore and has to the Court ofOnlinary for leavo to Juii must be puhlidicd TOT gjnofper-onal property ■|r4at« ami intestate estutai?l sluiin!str.atuns must lie ndvi ApnlknUmm hv Executors nml AdminUnto;* rfr.tfMDbrnusory, nrasfbft published SIX Amlicffioii* for foreclosure of Mortgage* on il&itfl mu-t he advertised ouco u inoiitli lor )CU MONTHS* "iQiden* ort’ie Court ofOrdinory, (accotnpnnb IwItUa copv of the bond of turrcemeiit) to nke litlcH to land must ho advertised Th.ikc ottH* at leant. gfcrriffVnilemitider executions regularly mint* II* tho Courts, must bendvoliised THIRTY AYS—under mortgage execntionn SIXTY \y — ja!cf* o^perWinhlo pr< party under cr- it ofCourt. mint be adverti-ed, generally, TEN AYS licfore thu day of Hale. All Advertisement* will ho punctually attended All Letter* directed to this Ofiiee or U»o ililor, luuxt ho pout paid, to entitle them to U- ntiou. To Let. hi Tlie two Eton’ Dwelling nnd Carden *n 9Ui ^ . slim Iuoii Ward, opnnrito the Free School, preielit occiipiud by Mr. J. II. Lewis. Pos- •sion will he given ou tho int November. Ac- ly to ANSON PARSONS, ort 3 ‘Tlie true riches of life Is lie tilth. 9 W E know that huultii and the ability to labor constitutes the wealth of the great mass of the people in this, um in most other coiintricH. To prenerve, therefore, that licaltli by natural ineati*. ih a grand moral and political scheme,to fulfil which recptircH our utmost attention. Tlio unprucc- dentedpopularity and universal approbation which thin medicine ban achieved thiougimitt t!iu United Staten, the Canada*, Texan, Mex.co.itid the Went Indies, fully justify Dr. Peters in warmly and con scientiously recommending Uieiiitotlie special ut- teir.ion of the allhctud. Dr. Peters ban spent much time in experiment* illg with difierent V egetahlu Medicine* lor dinette. oh of tlio liver, uud now odor* hi* Vegetable Pills u* the best, most convenient and cheapest Medi cine that call he prepared .or gunural use. One great quality of Ins Vegetable Pills is that they have the alternative principle combated with their curthnrtic, or operative (puddles, or that they not only cleanse the «tour.icii and bowels by pur- gnr,hut they regulate tlie liver, ciiange the mo.- bid secreiieu, strengthen the digestive organs, pi • illy tlie blood, invigorate the circulation,uud gives tone and energy to the nervous system. - They are mud and pleasant in their operation and convey almost immediate ronvicLon of ti.eir utility lioiu tlie.r first dose. They can he taken w.lh safety by persons of any age; and the feeble, Uiu iuiirtu, toe nervous uud dehcaic are strength* etied byjUieir opeia^ou, because they clear h.a s stem ot bad humors, quiet nervous irritab.lity, and invariably produce sound Health. The Vegetable Pills are a nure remedy for jann* Aice, sick and nervous hcudacue, dyspepny, cos live ness, sickness of the s tollmen, neartuurn, ud bilious compluiiUH, levels ol all kinds, and if taken a, Uiu commencement wul invariably cueck their pi0 o ru.*tf, and save tau paouilt lioai a p.oiiacicd ainl dangerous sickness. Tnuy are invaluable in iieivoiis and nypocomlncal ullectrous, lo .sof up* pitue.undall coiiiphuins to winch leiu dus alone are subject. Toe.* operate us a unldspeeuv pnr fc e, ft id re a sale unci cciUqu remedy lor wortns in cmlden. ^ I xiruct of a letter fiom Dr. Caitrney, of New* Orleuns, tyi.Oct. U, Ic.ii.—••iliave received much usMisLsiico ill my prac.ice; especially ill laniid.ee and yeLow fever; iromtae use oi Peter.. Pills. 1 p.OsUiiiu tout, Oil an at tr ge, 1 prescr.bj 10^ box* es per month." Lxtmct of u letter from Dr. Pritchard, of Hud* ■on, Ncw-York, June.;, Jtfdik—-1 wusuwure that lir. Peters was one of tlio best chemists intae U. riiates, and felt assured that lie would some tu/ (.louihiN ,miniate knowledge of die proper.ic.* ol heibs mid drugs) pioduce au vliicicm medicine, and I must acano.vledgo that Ins Veui t .hie Pills fully refpoiid to my expectaton. Tney are, in- died, a sii|. efior uiediciiie and rellcct alike upon t..e clieuiiht, t.ie physician, tmd the pliylosopl.cr.” hxtiactoi nleitur lioai n»r. U ainus, ot t in cimi.iii, Feb. *i t 18:W.—"Your Pills are t.i« jiiiluo.»t (JXGXAUPU:o lunnofil T tln ' . SCJlitlE. It I. following detailed' a sIciif.mb of a Lot* Ti:nv, to be drawn iu December next, war* raids ns iu declaring it to be UN PA UAL LI*. LED in the history of Lotteries. Prizes to the amount HAVE NEVER UKEOllK BREN OKFKUEI) to the pub lic. It is true, there aro many blanks, hut ou the other hand, the extremely low chuige of $520 perT.cket—the VAi.ot anoxcmukk of the C.\n* r.vi.s, and the revival of the good old custom of warranting that every prize shall lie drawn and sold, will, we aro suro.givo universal satisfaction, and especially to the Six IIunoiieo Puuk Uol* nr.H». ' . _ To those disposed to adventure, wc recommend early application boin* mmlo to us for tickets— when tue prizes ure all sosd, blanks only reunin —tlie first buyers h ive Uie best chance. Wo, therefore), ompnut.cuily sny— DELAY NOT! bn: at once re-nut and tram-nut to iis your orders, which shall ulways receive our umnediute muni tion. lxCtters to bu addressed, uiul applications made to HYLVtSTLK CO. 150 Broadway, Now-York. (CT Observe the number, 150.' 8Yoi>,o»»m ^oa.ooon >,oooj o piizcs of fiiOtOOdii a op to l . „ :j i»ii/.i*s or j.odo!! LOTTERY OP KLAL lid TATE it BANK STOCK, SITUATED JN Nf.W•OlU.I'.ANS. / O* The richest uud most in t^niticeiit Scheme ever pre cund to the public iu tliisor uny odi* crcoiin.ryi Tjdiets only 20 tlolliirs. AutlioriicJ by an Ait ifibc l.cjishiticr Assembly if t lurulu.unil mwer tlie ihniiiuns vf the Cum* i tissuHcrs, a t /i» under tlie same. TO Hi: UH.iIIA AT JACKSONVILLE, ILUJJUA, DUC'U I«l, ld.il). BClLMluT iV 11A.MILTON, Malingers. l.qTult tV CO. ii/tiiiioauwuy, Ne.v-Yo.k Sale Agents. NO COMBINATION AUAIuKItz!! 10u,OoO t cntns.iioiii.No i up wards,m ■•iiccessicu. LXuuCif.oai n.OLdWsoi u.e Legisial.ve Conn- caoi the Teiiuory ol norida. Cii ip.Voi—So.4*—Wnure.isthe Court Home of uv.n co rn y, is m an uu.uns..cd state ami »u«-*re aie yet uire amt owing upon me same, mo il e , Wu.Cii it is beuevej W.ll impose ion OUiueil* fcou.o a iux upon me peop e of Duval, and where- .t lauesuwb.e lopay tau.-.e .-ual sums and com- |> e ; t ouunu.nj, usv/eil 10. u.e greater conve rt eacj o. me . dutiuistraLon « f jus.ice, as lor u.e i.o.i i.c purpose o. an Acaaeu.y, tor which pur pose n part, tne said buad.ug, wuen completed, is desalted. Theie.Ottf— 8ec. I. Be «t uucitd by the Governor aud Le* usi.uive Council ol’ the Territory o» l ionda, T.ut it shuli and may bu lawful lor Joseph B. lauicasier, Isaiah D. Hart mid Wilburn J. Mills, t rauy two oi them under the d.rectiou ol the Comity Court ni Duval Comity. io # raise sue.. fU uorsuiiiaol'iuoiie., t>,. .unc.y iiiN .elisei.eiiiua u.ey muy deem | propriate. nd d.’.ran.e: Pro uctmlly caihierof thnCitizons* Bunk, uud A.Bou- douin, Esn. actu illy eishior of tlie Conmliduted B ulk, ns Trusterm. as pur Act passed before A. Muxurcnu, Esq. Notary Public, ou the 2d of May. IS P*, and the properties transferred unincumber ed, for the security of the fortuiiuic Prize Hold- res. Mode or Djiawinu.—100,000 tickets, from 1 to 100.000. will be put in ono wheel, and 000 prix* ■ with the Miuk*. m another. To’every mmibera prize or blank will lie drawn, until all the prizes ire determined, le iv iug the balance of uumbcrH in the w!i6el bl inks. [CJ* L'o Editors and Punusn3n?.—Havltigre* coivedNewspaperscon'iii.i i/thoabove Scheme, from twenty-two States and Territories, bcsidi-ii several of tho British Provinces, we are satislied with the circulation, au I thnrc'bra request thu such p ipers as have not. up to this timo, inserted the advertisement, will ha pleased nut to do so. aud that nil the other papers will insert it once a week only, until the 1st of December, nuJ for ward us their accounts. SYLVESTER & CO. july !2D 15'J Bi oidway, Ncw*Y’ork. 1611 Fifty Dollnra llctvnril Huiiawny on the 20Ui July last, from the sulwrilier, his Negro Man, SAWNY. He. is nl)6ut2U yt r aw old, 5 feet 8 or 9 in ches high, very black and likely, has rath- a hollow Heniilcliral voice, and a deep sinatrice i his side, lie was bntielii of Air. Hugh Rose, nit 3 years since, and I believe was brought up liis jilucc about 10 miles above this city, ho above reward will be paid for his delivery in . «f« j»il in this State, or to the subscriber. ornM 295 NJJBLE A. HARDEE. W CItlckainwfeiic« Lnluld. Hr, subscriber oiler* for sale, a Tract ol* Laud situate in Uie ltd District, Baker CtNIttty, ein- rating 1,500acres, which comiirise* every vnr- tv of Uie most superior soil. The tract u fur- bed with slight improvements, nnd cuu been- irgediu its geographical dimensions to any de- iranl* extent. As an additional con-’uleniuon to pnrcliafier, reasonableiernis nnd protracted cre- itiirc ottered. For more miscellaneous uilbrmu- >u, a|i|ilicuuu can address tho subscriber at A- ** a , F. a. BALDWIN. i" 1 ^! 15DV4mo iiltlieir operations, uud yet most powetliil iu their i ) *decl, tliut uie &uid pc, sous slmu b.nd iliemselves e.ncts oi uny 1 have ever met wiih ill my pr..c-1 ■ucn iiiauuer us toe Coart shall ducet, well tice of o gin ud twenty years. T..eir ucnon ou and .m.y »o conduct such lottery wgoodiaith, 10 t .ec.iy|j,uiu henojon’ili’o impurities of dieb.ood opp.opiuie the p.oceeas io me oojeet uuove su- 'is eviaeu.ly.vury Mitprisiug. C'UAltLOTTE, N. C. Juil. 1,1837. Dear Sir—I have made frequent use of your Pills in Uiu iuc pjdit stage of h lions fever, and oh- sliiiate coustiji.iuoii of uie bowels; uLo, in tne tn- largeuieiil ol Uie spleen. Chronic discuses ol the liver, sick lieadactie,generaldemlity,and iu a.lea ses have Ibuud tlumi io bo very effective.. J. i). Boyd, M. 1). Mecklenbuko Co. Vu. Feb. 7,1^37. Having list’d Dr. Peters’ Pills m my p.nc.ice for tho last 12 uionilis, 1 take pjeasuie hi giving my tesiiuiouy of their good eifeeta in casts oi d)s- pepsi'i. sick headarlio, bil.mis levers, and otl.or diseases, produced by inactivity of Uie liver.— T.iey . re a safe and mild aperient, being tne best article u; Uie kind I liuVc Over Used. UyouuE U. Scott, M. p. edit Fob. An Oi'dlimiico rPO niuend and coinolidato the various ordm- X uneos of Die city of Savannah, tor estab lishing, organizm r, and regulating a regular night watch or guard tor the better protecting the c.ty of Bavaun ih, for regulating tlie pay thereof, and tor other purpo ws conneelod therewith. See. J. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Al dermen of the city of Suvuimuh aud hamlets there of iu Council assembled, and it is hereby ord i’l- ed by the uutliori.y of the same. Taut from au i alter the passage ot tnisordinauce,tlie night watch or guard lor the protection of U:c city of 8av.ni- n th sli ill consist of a superintendent, a deputy superintendent, uud three division sergeaut* uud forty-four privates. face. 2. Be it further ordained, That the said su perintendent, deputy superintendent, and uivn- .on serge.in s, shall be elected by Council at the first reg.ilnr meeting in each and tvey January, and the privates shall lie appointed as is hereiu;il' terHpecitied.aiuI tho pay of the said superintend Sec. 7. Be it flirt! c.* o.dolrcd, That it ftha I be the duty of Uie 6nicer in couimuid at tim ana. bouse, whenever, lit tho time of dismission off • guard, be limy hove a premier or prisoners^ i. charge, to leave on duty at the guard nouse, anp linent foico to beep such prisoner or prisouo ncustody until tlie police court hour, when shall be bis further duty to deliver them ut thg p< lice office, (except ou' SuiiJ.iys. when the sail prisoner or prisoners shall be dealt with as tho oi- •linatice regulating tho* police court provide t ‘ ind Uie M ivor. acting Mayor, or any three Aldti non in ly en juiro in’o the circamsinnees of enci f.iirp presented for eximiu ition, and malic sum order thereon, or affix such punishments, eitlu by Fine or impriiototneut a* the I.iwj of tlie State tlie ordinances of the city, nnd the nature of th c isc require, nml n:ie-h;df of the lino rotlectc shall ha paid to the arresting watchman, and tn other lull' to thu city .-"provided tint no fmo n be iiifliotcd for :uiv one ofl’ence, beyond one linn dred dollars; nml if tlio said prisoner or prison era be charged with fc'.onvor broach ofthe neace the M.•*’**■- **■* A ''' — ? * - — 1 • • la v or or Aldermen hrc.sidiiig as aforesaid a tiie pohoecourt. may at his or tlieir discretion oi •'or t iu pTbsecutiou of said nri-onors. and tun. them over to a magistrate of the coon y for tJiut purpoio. Bee 8. Be it further ordained, that the sum o lilty cents shall ho demanded nnd received nt tl e guard house for tiio apprehension of each and Mverv -l ive and person of color urrosted Uiioei ^lons ot inis ordinance if she or ho In eveij me in??. 0 €hallciifjc. HL Genuine FRENCH FILLS against nil QUACK NOSTRUMS of the age for of • • * « # « This celebrated Medieiiie is lor sale by oil the principal Druggists in Suvaiuiali aud tluodgl.out the Unite i Sanes, the Canadas, Texas, Mexico, and the West imlics. Price bl) ceils per box, witn full directions. aug 5 1C4—ly \ Forchci'A Ltt Koclio, O FFER for sale on ..ccomuiodaUig terras, No. 1 and 2 CustOrOil, m hoiiL-su*.-orh:d sizes; and hv the gallon; ripts. Turoeuune, do. do. do., Ep oin and (iliuber Babs, Cieaiu Tartar, Brim- stoue, Bulpliur, Dutch Madder,Glue, Buulfs,o.dt Petro, Alum, Black Lead, Lump bl .ck, Lun p Wick.tilusres.Boii.x.criule and rohlicd linlqo, Caiolina and ftpaniMi Float Blueing, Hipi o. Jal- ‘ * R 1 Flies, .... „ > , ...„ wIIIOIJIIU (IIJU RJIIIIIin. * xw... . xuerreiichFills ore applicable toiillcaseH, for ap,Uhubuib,Culoiuel, AnowRooi.opu onerwx, (warranted free lioiu mercury,) nnd mfrwt adviuitazos ove.sthe Balsams and “SpHwdittdM.ly being entirely free from *7 J w * co h*eqiiently do not enbet the breatii, whil ^ P rcv J nt,l, K tlie posgibility of a discovery ltd.—Fa*, cd, Feb. 7hi, 1834.—Approved, li.ll Js34. By agreement, bearing date the 28th of Febru- iuy, rood, cue abo.o Jo.-uph'Lancaaier, IsuiuliD. Il*»rc and vVn. u.ii MuL,uid,.or cctiaiucomdaet- n: on*, incoiito.niuy lo u.o said Logisia.ive Act, dul, a* i, n uio 3lc s.j.vjc. in 3, ov llau.i. oa a.i lae.. riji. -«iia i i.u/uat. ana t.*u powers vu»ieil m t em by die above rtcneu Aci of tue Luaisiuuhe oi FlOttda. LxuaCi iioui (lie vuluatiou of Ueorgo FbiSlqi Ma* nouvrie. ana jbcooiie Cuu.ovi, no.uoi i»»e city ofmnv-UneuiiH, iiiadoauu ovvOiti toonL.o i./u» u.iv Oi April, 1.-3J: Tuai Uie nani George Fillip Maiiouvriernnd Ju- cob Coruova, uppttuse ciiu eoriseieiinousiy uiiu hi lias, ly . arue tue property Know n under the riaiuu uua uppc.iii.ouot Liaim's AiCailo," ill hie City oi Ncw-O.ieans, ut bix HiuiareuTiiOUsaiid uonars, uud ••The pioperty known under the appellation oi ••City lloici o. • B.a..op «> novel,■’ iu me saidedy ol iNevv-Ui'ieaiis, ai roar iluudied uud Twemy Tiiousund 1>0 lars." '1 he lieeus o* t..e Proper ly and t .c Stock trans ferred ut him kO tiie Gonimis^ioiieis appo.iiieo by me suid Aci o» tuu iac B i«i;uUie o. r iOiida,ioi' the securny o» lue Prize lioluers. ^piCi.d.d buftuiuei. 1 Prize—Tne Arcane—3-u tem, binui.es, 4 lines, onMuguziuc-aiiecti lor leut, li inc.ics, on Naic<iez-sircet; 14J leoi,‘o meats, on om- vioi-alicet. Kcuved ai ubouv ,Wl per Dollars. 7uo,bbO . ' u «l»«rtant advantage tliey never dis- JSjj '-wm»nd in the first stages of wiih Util W ,e ^ tt biife in u few duys, In !u 8 rt, l !Ur ^ t0 diet or exposure, luinsinost outinate stages «r the disease, they c cnaullv i J 0 .a ™ ” *-■ ilii* UIIH-.IIH., lilt , 0 ,J" a "y certain, having cured many after every 11 uni ,le, if V “ u ^*ded. In short, they buve been cuW successful, tlmt Unit the propriei cert.i.r^; 0l "'* 10 produce a remedy of eqi inetor cpm I...i. v i '" v "* r ,uu,it o u ivinctiy ol equal Dolinri/ 1 S n,,Rr 5 fnneiturc of -Three Hundred sonars. l or sale by «• it. HENDRICKSON, nml J - M ^ JlNEU ’ -^'* 5 164—ly F r ; - L t ’ v '- A ROCHE li, CCII'n III n I*..... .1... . ’ 1NJID. •■. rpivu^^r «"» and will Ye- VemfaiMn *!•! w days, u large assortmen! of i\ ?nd Bird Seed, tho crop of dccalin.1 m’’ !S,, oxpectanoy, n beautiful i iti- Wuwrl 0 , 1 '^ '*’•»» Corn. Tlio ...hove fin, fll r2. ,0d 111 produce Inrge vcgetnl.loH nnd ««ll nml «vi.. • an !.'' rH u,, d others are invited to Will b« Hi.m 1111 ? r °5 dicniselve*. All of which ^ H0kl ,ow cash or city acceptances, nov i ®'fn of the Golden Globe, Sa Opposite thu Market. UllilUlU. V .lined at • 1 Prize—Gny Hotel—162 fecton Com- iiiou-sueev, 14b lett, o iner.es, on Guinp-sueui. It^U.Cd ut g»4o,UuU. Valued aift l l’nze—Dwelling Htu-e, (adjoining tue AiCudey r>o. lo—z4 feel, / m- ciiea irorii, ou N.nchez-svreei. lien;- ed uli^i,ZvrO. Vulued ut 1 Prifcu—^tidjo.iii.in too Arcouc,) No. i.—4j.uu,iro.u u.t ,.aa-nt‘A- al.vct. itc.iioo ots>l,aoO. VuiUvd ol not .| nil, „ . . Cimphor, M.....I., PluKo.rv.mi.og., Ulova.-, U n- nu .-o.i, Since, Uluck mdC.ijeuilo l eper, (juicer, Currylowder,8ii|.er. lJiuljul>,.e tod:., Turu.io Ae.n, ftocl.clle W.du, tinll'l Iir.i.r, Uni Auiicouwc, (3i.ni, Aloe,, Ui.ri.nc, Ali.llioilia, lieu/..on, Cupid, Biitll -.c. Mo».ic, Areb.0, Cpi.i.u aiul rjlvrai.Ko.e uud uiitoi. I'.uk', 1'oa.l A.I., dal A rat.re, Waal ling dodo, SI...lord, lai.ialaaa. Pearl pud Pulent ll.r- lav, Cl>. .nom.lu 1 lowera, Uouoaoi, dato. Elder Emwera, l'eimyroval, Tno.iw^.nvorl, Liverwort, Wormaeod. Uititalea, deuiir, dijuilla, Mornli.l.e,lod.lla,P.perme, Ilydr.oi.a.o. Pol,tn , d.tlplmtc, Polnaa, C.olou Oil, Ud lilucK Pepper, 1 Pri/.o—Unto—No. ^d, northeast cor* ^ Oils Sli..., dassnlraa, Lt<»u». Ilergm.ioi, Cara- | n.r of liaamum. Ciiaion IIou«-al. vvnv On.i.'-e, Ci.lwba, iloae.Ao.,u Cedrat or . ‘in loot I'.ont.... Uua..., mn. 4U lent Ciuroi. Piowera, J n.iiper, Sniiko itoot, Pink Root,; ofirfrn.ut.i.i-atiect,..y\ i< lee. .reap V.der.o.i unjSljute..ou Knot, Gomum, uuatai. on CUJou. tlouse-auool. Uoii.eil -C.nialln, Mavneato. lump andcolc.ned! riwent ami 1 at .'.‘l aja. \ allied a. Uliyfi U.la in Haak. und l.oldea. Tooth I’owdora, 1 Pi.—,'vc. -1, aoHtneatcor- Pen.vian Uarjr, Extract and tlixir of Hark, Ex it otorOoum., Iteiu Wax, ((..... Slyrr!., Alcohol, Spirit., N Ire, Hartshorn, Carbonate, Aiumon... UtlTKreoaot. , . , AI o, Pulent SVcdicmea, xvorramed treal. and a.,*,| 'nir,i 'M.7„.r.ha"ara’n fferfuTnc'.—itowlul.d’a Tonic Slixime, Ilouck'a ""d m Rood, tho crop oft |SS,, Swain.’-Vehniftme, Itarelay'a Cuboba and Sarsaparilla, Under’s and liem-y’s Magnesia, Peters, Hibberts, Brandrotlis, Lees, l .vans, Sc- cures, Pnelps, Beckwiths, Gallighans, Hooper s •and other Pills; Batem ill’s Drops, British till, Hurltcm Oil, Tuibiigion. Bals.mi, Opodeldoc, Scudder’s &■ TIioiiijmoii's Eye iVaters.Bemaru s Diarrluca Mixture, Mor.qn’s-Cougli Syrup, Apo thecary’s Scales and Weight*. • Perfumerv, &«.—Prentiss’ and (il» , **m s^ Co logne, Ltfveiidc r and Eye Waters; do. do. 1 oilet Soaps, do. do. i xtracts Musk, Jessamine, Roae ...id Uorguiuoi.t, do. do. IIcuI'h Oil, Oldodgo a Balm of. Colui.ibi.fi Hu.r Powder, Pnllaimdllox-i l Uil.o—aO do. ■ ea, Odo.ile.oua Co.npoiu.d, Volatilo Salla ol Ian-, 1 |j,..o-ao do. (-.« L.«l.t Bank o. do cv patterns and colors, nic.llgLissundp'iiigei.t,! 1 Umo-ao do, tioao Walor, Milk Itoaea, Cream ot Soaps, V or- -1 Ditto—15 do. JKii.n.cs Ira lieniu Crum, Cold Creutn, Lipatilvo, wiUioiiill in - I dors to,* «o. ceps, Scalpels, Cuppmg Instruments, Dissecting i Kinves, Surgeon Needles and Scisfors, Cupping | Glasses, Nipplu Shells and Bottles: also, a lurgo oMorhboni of other urticles in the luivt—where 500,000 20,CUU 20,000 nt shall be eighty dollars a month; ol tie said di; ptity superintendent sixty doH.irsumonth; ofetieii of uie said division sergeant* thirty-live dollars a month, and of each ol the privates twenty-live doll irau inon.li. See. 3. Be it further ordained, Tlmt tlio said of- fleet's shall be armed at bis own expense wall a s void or hunger, and a pair of pistols ami provi ded with uc.trloiicli box to contain and be filled w;tb six ruuudstif ball cartridges; uud cac.iof the said wuic.unen or privates oluill be furnished win, u good nml sufficient musket nml buyjnet, al o with ae irtoucli box to bell round tne vvu.st. io contain uu-t be lined with twelve rounds of b ill cartridges, and one -pure flint, all which urmsuud* uccutrcuieiitri for the privates of said giiuid or watch shall be furnished ut tne expense of tne city; and tue said officers and privates shuli each bo fur nished at tue expense oi tho city with u rattle, w i c.i sliTiil be used lor the purpose of cbmiuntll- c uson with each other, giving uii alarm when ne cessary, (except in cases of lire, when tlie ahum ahull tie given oy the di»cliargo of tho musket a* heretoibre,) and if uny other peraon or person* except tlio said officer* and watchmen, ulter tne telling oi die guard, shad use a rutile of siimln. construction, or any instrument pioilucmg a sum i.ur sound, wiinm Uie hums oi tne euy, tie or .-lie, if a white person, shuli for each and every such otteuce. on comic t.ou at the police court or belorc Gouucil, be lined m a sum lint exceed.u; ilnrty .odara. io be collected uud cii.orccd ill tne usiiii. manner; and if the said odemler be a slave oi tree person of co.or. lie or she siiull be commit ted to Uie guard house, mid shall receive no. < x ceedmg tuiriy-ii iu lashes, at the discretion of die .Mayor or acting Mayor. feme.-4. Be it farmer ordained, That it >hall be u.e umy of tl,e snpcfmieudeut or deputy (u.pt'l’- meudent, whichever may be on active duty a tne time, to visit tue wutcimien ut tlieir resj ec- t ve wards and at.11.011s ill each aud every ingnt, u» Oiteii us circtiuiHiuuce* win peruiii, uiu u u an be tlie duty ol tne sergeant ou ac ivo diny to vis it tlie respect.vo wur«i> ami slunous ut le»s. oiice during 0 .c.i watch. See. o. Be 11 further orduiued, That from the that day of April (inclusive) to the lirst day ol October (mcuisive) of e.ten year, Uiu members 01 (lie city watch siiull be at the guard uouse, and commence their lour of duty at b.c hour of nine o clock ui nigut; and from the first day of October (inclusive) 10 the lirst nay of April (inclusive) of each your, me members composmg lue city wutcii -nail assemnie ut tlie guard house and commence their 10nr of duty at eight o'clock ut light, ut which respective hours me guard noime bcilshull cease to be rung, and the said members snail con- tiiiue on duty until twenty minutes bolorc sun- ri»e or the ringing of tiie bell tne next mornin/, at \vu.cn signal tney shall repair and reassemble at tho guard house, there to he dismissed or re tained uscircunisUiice may require; but tlio/ shall not take up uny slaves or persons 01 co,or ulter daylight without good cause, and Uie Ki.d city waiCti shall be subject to tne orders of the May or or acting Mayor, and may bo compelled to no any fanner or oilier duty, either by day or by. night, whenever Uie Mayor or acting Muvor may ueYm.it advisable or necessary, lo demand Uiuir aClVlCC*. . Sec. d. Be it further ordained, 1 hat it shall be tlie duty oi the superiii.endent ofthe city watch, iu comm iml at Uie guard uouse, to dis- 20,0UU Haitncc simir. ftA j.L r 1 **MCU IClipii Z\\ co,,r ^» French Rappee Smilf.toKe ■lie low for ciish* Vy^ ,Ur '** Urt * , * < I1>UUU ^ aCtUre ’ t or POR(flIEU A.LA HftCHE. Sign ofthe Goldeu Globe, Opposite tlie Market. lie* 01 Basin and Cu.-tom House- otruui; 32 leci, 7 inches on nusm, \u IVUI, 1 illCnteaOll 1r11nkl.il, 147 fuel,10 j menesdeepin fioui o» Cus tom Hout-C st. Uctl.ed iu jyl,»jU0. ValueJ.u , . . 1 Prize—Duto—No. 339, 24 leet, S m- c..cs on lloyai-ttaiet, by I2< feet, 11 iuc. es deep. Iten.ed ui .>1,40..'. \ allied at , , * 1 Prize—3oU Shures Canal Bank stock .•pinU e-.cu, Dnto—^2l>u cu». Com. do. demanded an i released belorc eleven o’clock I*. .M., but it dcintnled and released idler that hour, then the sum of one dol'.r slidl bo de ni aided uud received for each person a* ufoie- s.od.aiid the said sum sh ill in all comm be equally d.v.ded between tlie arresting watchman and the city, and «f it be not paid before e ght o’clock the next morning, the said slave* or free person cl color -lull be committed to jail, there to remain until Uin said flue and all cost* are paid. c. 9. Be it further ordained, Tlmt if any ol the of liners or uri vales of the said city watch, af ter having taken up uny prisoner or person m uie execution of tlieir duties, shall rece.ve u br be lo liberal n» any person so apprei.oud,d, or if any of tuu said officers or wutclimeii uliub he guilty of v.o cm, inj irious or imp. op r conduct whilst on du.y io any person or persons, or if* the s i.u o,., ce.a or watCuilien »h .li ill any in inner misbtiia . e ut. or neglect tlieir duiie*«as wateuuieii, t:ie saiu oUendur, if a private, may by lined or dismissed, or both, nt the discretion o. the Major or acting Mayor, and his bond may also be put iu suit; au t c said officers may uLo be l’n cl or mis- eneded or both, at the discretion of Uie Mayor o. ao m .Mayor, which mispchsipn shall bo* lcpo. ted to Vouhcil. ut the next regular mooting tlar of, oi sooner if the May or or acdug .Mayo, ui y deem •t advisable, and the said Conned Himil ac. on such i.iibrm ition, and reinstate or dismiss said oliicer as said Council tnay deem proper; and w. enever uny olHcur is thus suspended, or wheuave, ■ muy i>e necessary to till any vacancy tcn.pmar. y, tue Mayor or acting Mayor slial «.avu the pewer to untie sueh uppoimmeutaud fill micii vueiu cy.uu- * t.c next meeting of council; uiul Cotm> il ehall * Ulidred dollars for t’io captain or superintendent; i l tho sum of two hundred nnd I’Ry dollars for tho utonnnt or deputy superintendent; in the *um or one hund.eu ..ml jwpntj ti\ »* dollars for each* sof reont; on I intf.e s'.im oi' fifty dollars for eacli Ol Irate. And such bond i otortnr M ivor or acting*, iSec. 0. Bo iMVither orda'ti; (I. I’lnt the May or or acting Mnyor shall apfomtten men of good pil e, nnd citizen* of tlie United States, wnoso names shall he enter d iu tlm Mayor’s office, and v iu tho superinU i.dciit of tlie watch, and who hall be Bt/tcd ••sin.ern.imeiaries, H tiiidwhq slmll . .»’! or. rlienwehoH every uismut the guard bmuio i tne *. iu i nr nner wi h the other watchmen, «nd uider p u nf line for ub a nca, mid ill case of tho ibsenee«f any of tho regular watchmen,nny ono or more oi’ the siib-rn'miieraricH, us circuimnnces. may rcipfre slinllbe employed to fill such vacan cy oi>vne nscie.s for the night, nnd alltlm said super- n'lnie. nries not iu uetiu'.l >i rvice shall repair to Uio inard boure in nil cftselof idiirtn,r.nd tnay bo em- >ioycd a« the officer may direct; and when so em ployed tlie wild H-.iprrmum nirics siiull stand in tlio -nine capacity, uud be subject to Uie same mica uid discipline as the regular watchmen, nnd tho * d iry of such tmpcnnmicrnrie* on actual service s util be dcdnrled from that of the absent regular watchmen, ami the former shall bo paid at Uie same rate n* thu latter; and said uupemumernrie*shall ' take un l subscr.be Uie snmeoa li and give the samo on i and security a* prescribed in Uio case of tho regular watc'.imeu. before their names shall be en tered on the list of r.upemumerarica. And when ever a Vacancy shall occur in the city watch by any iticuriu, iuludl be Uio duty Of Uie Mayor to appoint i person fiom Uie list of supernunienirieM to sup ply such vacancy, and alro to appoint another tu- ■j. nuumrary in the tooiu of U.e Individual Urns •raud’crieJ to the regular watch. , See. 17. licit furtlier ordained, That it shall bo tie duty of tlio superintendent of Uio city watch to retain Uie arms of Uie watchmen in Uie guard on-e. (except when required for duty) and at lean once in every wcvk thereafter to inspect tho <ame and see tha they .ire kept on I preserved in ,coJ order. Sec. 18. Beit furUi^f ordained, Tlmt one months pay of the ollicur* and privates of the city watch sii’di be reuiiued in the city treasury after tne samo shall li ive become due, to meet any lines impos ed, but the Mayor or acting Mayor fluty, at his di'cretion, and under tho circiuustunccs of tho c sc, give nn order or draft on the treasury to any officer or private fur such portion of such pre served pay as.in bis discretion umy ■•cm proper, aud the said draft or order siiull be paid forthwith by the citv treu-nreront ol* the city fund*. Sec. 19. Be it ftirthor ordained, Tlmt ull ordin ances and pnr.‘:»o!’ordinances corresponding witli l.i *, au I all other ordinances nnd parts of ordin- ,nces militating against this ordinance, bo, and t .c s line ore 14! re by repealed. Passed iu Council, 23d August, 1839. [I..,.] ROB’T M. CHAU ETON, Major. ' Attest. Joseph Felt, c. C, pro tun. out 21 Mi llurrtsoitS Spccilfc ointment, F OR the cure of Wnito Swelling*, Scrofulous nn-lo hurtqiuorii, Ulcers,Boro Legs, old and fresh Wound*, Sprain* and Bruises, Swellings and liillamm ilioiw, Scald Head, Woiiiou’* Sore Jrca its, RhemuaticM’iiins, Tetters, Eruptions, C’.iilb; ins, Whitlow*, Biles, Coru* and External Disease* ’generally It is likew ise greatly superi or to ny m--diciiie heretofore discovcicd for Uio c.iul'd i-ucks and liin'.-s of lioiscs; for ring worms, c.tapped bps—uud iu short, lor every external bo- Oily ev il tliut muy full to the lot of tnun or boost For suit* by G. R. HENDRICKSON, nnd T. M. tV J. M. TURNER. Price 50 cents per box. nm ;> in-l—ly at all times have the power lo till any vac mc.ts, in the Mime manner as tho vacancies of onier o. fleers of the city are filled; uud the Mayor o/uct ing Mayor,ns tlio bead of tho police, *&.aill hive and exercise a general superintendence ever Uie o ncer* and members of tlio city wuich,uui4 ui. v a. uny time direct tiie mode nnd place* Jn whim, tiie watchmen siiull be stationed, und shall give hi directionii uceoidiuulj to the oinecra in conmintu. utihu guard l.O'iae, by whom such orders shall be obeyed and distributed. Sec. 10. Deitflirtherordninedi Tlmt onowatc' - man shall be stationed during tne hoursulV resuid. in Uu steeple of the Exchange, mi l shall be ur- l.saed with u good and sufficient lantern, and lie shall give the ulurm to tlie citizens ill ..li prepe case*, by the ringing of the Exchange bell, ..it by lmn s nn| bis lantern in the direct.on lioiu wine, tue cause of ulurm seems lo proceed: anlu mui- ti.icl shall always, during guard hours, or wild.- t ic watch ure ou duty, be stationed ut tne guard house door. w.;c: c duty it ^h ill be to cumiiiuii. c i.e uny ularu; to the oilicer iu coiuuiaiid, and io t ie officers and privates not in uctuiil service; utui the guard house bell shall be rung iu uJi cases o aluriu. Sec. 1). Be it further ordained. Tlmt no watch man assigned for the first wa.cb or division shn Dave iiis watch or station ini' I tlm relief gi urd shall have relieved liiu^ ut ii * po«; nor soui any w.itchm n assigned for tiie second guard leave hi< ward or station until the hour for discharging the gu ird shall have astivud and been nnnouueev by t ie ring iig of the guard house bell, or sitci, other sign «1 us the Jlayor or Superintendent may da** gn ite. * * Sec. 12. Beit further ordained, Tlmt if nny per son nil ill be convicted before tlie pal ce couit o council for resisflng, oppoiing, or n.obstiug un; of Uio officer* or members of tne city watch m the execution of hi* or Uieir duty, the ’ofleiuler mnv he fined in a sum not exceeding ono hundred doi lars for each and every olfenco, to be collected and enforced us the luws und ordinances provide, and the said officers or privutes of tiie city watci. a e authorized and empowered, in case of urgen cyornoce si tv, to demand the aid and assistance of any citizen or citizens, uud ull uu:l tvei v per son refusing or neglecting to g.vu such a <f or us- s s . nee when fef|tured .may, on conviction before t e police coart or council, be fined in a sum not exceeding ono hundred doll irs. Sec. 13. Be it further ordained, That it shall be For lac* Toiict. PERFUMERY ANDCOSMl TICS. P ill N'L’RS* extract of Rose, Musk, Jcssa- mitie und Bergamot Do. fine and superfine Toilet Powder,Rose scent Kilo’s sup. M link and Rose Persian Scout Bags Gaimiuc RiDsi.m Bears Oil * .towluud’s Mncasur Oil * , , Oidridge’s llatfroftf Columbia coiiituntid | t’oiuado u la Ro.Ve, Savin, Jnasumine,Orange and r - * , b 1,1 other Odotirs, in pots and rolls CoL'gershairssu’r CoimossierB Soap Palmei’* sup’r Cream Ue Savon Ring* Snp’r Verbena Cream, u delightful articlo for hbnving Lo ve’s ceiebruted Shaving Soap* Prentiss’ variegated Soaps, suitablo for tho tablet PowderVutl’s nml Boxes of the Ja(e*t patteriM Cologne, Lavender uud Rose Waters, of variotm manufacture and assorted uatturiis Espirit de Rose, Cold Cretur, Lip Hulve Oito of Rose*, sup’r Rose, Ciiiimuiou and Al- momi soaps, iu bars Cut Glass Bott.'c*. e. large variety me aud course Tooth Combs Nail, '1 oot» nn I Clothe* Brushes Vgiiutt, Napoleon. Mudatninoiiselle, Kjctoria and GI-.SS Back Hair Brushes, of excelleut quality ' , Vf * ' Pocku: Books, Scissors, Razors and Razor Strops G mn * li;i( an Dye, Yincgvr Kongo Milk of Roses, Orange Flower Water Oil C.trou Fmwers, Shaving Uritshe* Sa.t ot’ Lemon and Roses, in Eng. cut gloss bot tles, Ainouiuc Vinegar And offier articles in tho /Perfumery line, for * ile wholesale or retail on accommodating terms, by PORCHER A LAROCHE, Sign of the Golden Globo, oct 15 Opposite’ the Market. Grcut-Biirgiiliis. T HE subscriber will dispose of Ills stock of Ready Made Clotliiug at very reduced prices c. her at wiiojesplq'pr retail. Country merchant* and offier*-desirous of purchasing, ure invited to cull Wni examine for themselves, oct 17 . JOHN MAELERY. 20,000 15,000 do. uud Tiu- 25,000 20.UU0 A rinr p' _i-atm ueutlomen'H supo- received h' i!* J ll 1 P B »«d Dressing Ctises. Just ju, imarorraleby & It .HENDRICKSON. rc »Il Onrdcn Seeds, this Year’s R.^innuh, 1 Uio subscriber 1ms re- ^pBfieiicld ri ec . u 8t,|eclutl w ‘ ll ‘ graat cure by u quality to l-.wt' Wr, V Ilor • om * warranted equal 1 0 ,a!, t year's ornn i.„ Via re 'itie«j ’nr?p‘ - V p lir,H C *' 0 P- They will be sold ui WiII | )(! b»r cash only. Further supplies winter und - 1 - 1 - ® 1 dv»r«*en° P^OtisS to forwurd tlicii U2! 30 ^utalogiies ready in a few days. .H. It. HENDRICKSON f) nin,s. 0 ? ,, . ,,,r ’*> snuavi. iSbo 8 t'5! * or »ulc In *‘ <lm l"anllnr. no P0 ’'n.';n. * earociie, 0, i or Y'rtwoh li*'‘p: on entr e bb . Mac oboy, 6 bl d r t c < Hulubz" 0 ' • ° w ^rtllaru's inn.ic ry 1 D.ilo—Lm do. Meciutiuci t lex s’ do. lo. , 1 Ditto—J00 do. City Bank do. do. j Ditto—it.0 <10. no. do. «lo. do. 1 Ditto—Jt U no. do. no. tlo. ito. 1 Ditto—^»U do. Exchange Dunk do. do. do. do. do. do. 15,000 10.UUU 10, ouu J0;000 5,000 h,UU0 2,n0O 2,o(j0 1,500 1,300 nose of tue watcmueii in such uuumier as t.mtull t -e duty ol the superintendent ol the city watch parts of the city may be equally guu.ded und pro- to make out u montlily pay toll of the officers nnd tec led, us far us possible; uud be shuli divide the 1 mmibera of die waleii, 10 be presented to ihe Muy- privutes m two divisions to be denominated the or or acting Muvor on the first of each month tor li: stand seconddivision, each to be commanded by j bis approval and order thereon; und thc-saidsu- U division sergeant, and 0 icn division to be d. tr.- | peril! undent shall make a report iu writing to die mued us aforesaid, wuen ou active umy; aud on- i Mayor or acting Mayor or uny three Aldermen, ly one division slt.nl be on active duty ut a time, j ut tne police office every morning ut 10 o’clock, except m cisos of alarm, oroUicrnecessity,w. cu in wii.c.i he shall detail tlie order and routine of they shuli be niiuclied to the place of i.an cr or thu several divisions, siib-divis.ons und putiols, necessity' us tne officer in command, or u.e Muy- note tlio misconduct or irregularity ol every and or mu, order; und tiie wutcimien shuli be *1- j any wuichmu.iou duty, uud slub relate hie occttr- guant'd, as not 10 he every night in t..o same ward, rences of the night, und the deputy supermtepd- nut tney snail nc allotted *o tne various wards and eut shall report to tlio superintendent the occur- ••a**-*- - .1.... rences of that portion ol the niffiit in which he in ly have been on duty, to enable tne superin tendent to make tiie report required of him by tl i puce* within lue city alternately und lurotitiou uud tlie said watclmien siiull patrol und wutcii throughout the respective wards uud places as signed to them during the night; and the saiu of ficers and privates of the city waten jite hereby required to arrest ut night, and take 111.0 custody all felons and rio.ers, all disorderly or suspected •peraous wno may be io.itid wander.ng or in.obe- uaviiig tliciuseives, or 111 uny manner distuxb.ng secLou, and shall attend at the police ulliee at 10 o'clflck for the liirtiier explanation to the Mayor of such occurrences. Sec, 14. Be it further ordained, Tlmt the pri vates of the city'watch shall be appointed by the Mayor, but no person shall be appointed unless assortment ol physieiaus, planter* and country merchants ure invited to cad and examine for themselves. oct 3 Opposite tlio Market, Sign 01 the Goldeu Gloli lobe. Vaiieiinted Scoiiteil Soap. F ifty boxes Vuriegutud ,Scouted Soap, m dikes IU1U bare. Jiwl leceiyu.I mvI ler * e u. it. Hendrickson. uy oct 33 siUti Fi'oncli anil EttKllsU ClwmiealSi JpiiFT'Y ounce, l'rcnci. BUJiili.Ue Uuumio 11 ilo. Morpliiue Croton Oil do. 3 doz. phial* do. 3 do. packet*..fumes’ Fewr Powder.*, Lng. Just received, and for sa’o by oct 23 A. PARSOXM. ,-5late Bank, £luu euon. c-eo prize .,0 D^-ei'cli ’3 chares of #101) each, each pr.zo ^20U, ol Uio Gus Ligiit 200 lio.—each 1 share ol JJ>1G0, ol the II .ilk of Louisiana, a t )o Do.—etc.* 1 share oi ^100, ol tho New-Uneuiis Bjiik, . ■* lo0 Do.—each 1 sumo of .*^100, ol Uie Union Bank of k lorida, 20,000 me public peace or quiet; und ull persons wlio . j lc ia uciuzcil of tiie United States; uud every of* inav in any manner ussuull or opj o t e or resist J ficer aud member of tne City watch shall take uud tlie’m when engaged in tlio disciiurgc ol tlieir tin- j subjcrffig the Ibilowiugoatn or aiUnnutiou: “I do ty, uiul ull si .ves und free person* of color, who ; solemnly swear (or utfirm, as the case may bo,) nuy bo found out of liis or her house or enulo- tlmt 1 will, to the bust of my ability, diligently und sure, utter ttio ringing of the guard bouse bi ll at c irelully discharge ull tlie duties required of me uiglit, unless the said sluvo or free person ol col- ■ us captain, or lieutenant, or sergeant, or private, or be accompanied by u white person over tiie j Dm i, 4 c c ise may be) of the city guard, and coll age of ten years, or he provided with thi/Opcii : form ill all ihuigs to the ordyuuiccs, rules, rugula- written ticket drawn up according to the direci.on turns and order* respcctmg iny duty, so help me 2,OUU 20,000 20,000 15,000 «j>01’riZRS. smV^s’ 01 * 0 TICK. TS ijt’JO—NO bHAlU R O'It Bhull beat the option oi t.ie winners of Prizes of Bank Stocks, effixer to lake hie Stock Itself, or the nar v due thercol in pjsli. Tiervc- p *vt t iesa.coi UieTcketsare.imd will l)e, dcpu,nedi.l tue HUizciW. Consolidated, ; lhil. Uu.on and CJrrolhon Banlfifjn tue uai.m if the M-.n;ic«M* jo'li ly, withJ. H. I orraiilt. Lsp Splendid Shawls, Silks, Challys mid Jlomlaiiicdc Laincs. Per ship Gaston. 1 CARTON rich Brocbe Shuw s, latest stylo 2 doz. rich printed Thibet lldki’s. 1 5 super, Tiutan Shawls, best quality 2 doz. super. Mouslin de Luinc do. 10 pieces r:cii Paul 2 do. stipr. plain Rips do. 2 do. figured B. B. Silks 8 do. splendid printed Cbally, latest style 10 do. r,cb Mouslin de Luihes % 1000 yards Engrain Carpet ng, «t ner yard 10 piece* very .supr. Irish Linen, tree from nnv mixture 100 do. velvet itibbgns ffi) do. super, and low price White Flannel 10 t’o. do. do. Red do. 5 do. Green and Yellow , do. 34 doz. very cheap Linen Cambric Ildkfs. 5 pieces super, bluck Boiiibusin* f somo very cheap 10 do. do. do.' Crapes Old Silk Taffeta Ribbons. Mourning Cap do; Colored F.o.once and Grode Ntm Silks Ladies’ and Gents, supr. II..S. Gloves Ladies’ and Misses’ white Cotton Hose Black Silk Cravats Bluck Silk Hose und Half Hose, plain and ribbed . 5 pieces Steel Mixed Satinets 5 dp. Kentucky Jeans 1009 yards super. Aprcn Cheeks 30 doz. new style Ileud Ildkfs. For s ilo on favorable, terms, by SNIDER, LATIIROP & NEVITT. oct 15 199 . ' of tne c.ty ordinances,‘and signed by come wli.te poison Having legal authority to sign the samo. imJ tiie said persons thus arrested siiull becarr.eu to'the guard uouse, and the white prisoners shall ne detained uiKil tiie next morning, when they si.a I be carried to tlie police court its be.o uaib r dr.c.e.l; provided nevertheless that no white person shuli l# detained lit the guard house till- !e-s upon duo enquiry niudivof the nrresung oiti- c r or watchman, it shuli appear to the officer in cominmdat the guard house, thatjfliero w.s just .i.-.o lor the ufrest, and provided uLo, tlmt no ■ . . ........... II kik l.w.Lrcifl mi nni' ni f!,i. ,1 m- GoJ.’’ And the Mayor siiull Order copies of such or ulfinuaiion to be printed iu u book, to I e ob- iu nod for that purposa, and each deponent or uf- t.rui oiou siiull bike and subscribe to the said oath or utfirumnt before the Mayor or acting Muvor, and the same ahull bo kepi among the records of Council. Sec. 15. Be it furtbor ordained, Th it no officer or private of the s.utl city watch sir II act as such, until he lms Liken ami subscribed the suid oath or. a.lbmutiou, und al o given good and .sufficient so- c trity ( o consist of on.* or more res' ’ H imfeers’ Ilcrbf. L EAN DING from ship Gu*tou, a full supply of Shakers’ Herbs, comprising Catnip,Fox- gove Horehound. Sago, Pennyroyal. Thorough- wort, Liverwort, Bone.'-et. Thyme, Mint, Worm wood, Wonnseed, Elder Flower*, Slippery Elm, in 16 oz. 8 oz. and I oz. packages, suitable for families and country merchants; For.solo by PORCIILlt & LAROCHE;- Bigii of the Golden Globe, ocl ]5 Opposite'the Market. 'Tooth Wash. d, nt < it MM.5 dT\ HLOB.(N% Un- nml Kn unot Toolh Wo,’,, ' Al ipnneu of, WilRy rccomroomW torwWimum «» to* t r«ul‘ lor the ' pnniyitia Wf mil'nrti'!* “ h V'JIJ* white pereon siiull bo locked iiji ninny of t.ie i>.w- aid n i.ibi :.mta) to Uie Alavor iin.l Al u . , on looms during tlie night, unless lioiu relrm to- theciyof hivauuahand hamlet* tii reof for the purifviiigihebreath'imdmipartiiiettnninvon- iy or violent con Jnct, or by reason of tliei number well con ucMig of liimsclf in ull tlu duties re- p n-'iro to the gums. Just received, por wii- o* prisoners in custody, und such confinement q fired of huh whilst employed cn ti e city guard, ten Fuller, aud ffirsalo^by^ rIi'i!! bo.dcevjffl ticiftSsafy. and the said*security '^halj Invjo tljc hui’i *•* '• Stum of /ny oct 23 <j. R.* HENDRICKSON, r