Daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1839-1840, November 13, 1839, Image 1

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lernhnuni. payable in ,AIIS for Six Monte 1<! 1 hpubiisfted in the clT y OF SAVANNAH, bv jr«mcs CleliuM* ! ,lT n< lVi:DOU ' ^weekly ••BepwWienH,” ” , t .,r CC limes n week. (Monday, Weil k* 0 •• Fiidnv)nttho olltreoltio "Daily i " ' iviililaMnaall the intelligence (“AS in t,e Daily Paper, it rtffi 1)111 .LA It s per annum, nr Tlllt E DOLLAltS lor nix month, . nmi'ntiimM'Hlieilul tlio until rateo, r Scenttror t'to firm, bn,I Tinny- JJ'j J j,,|f |br tucli in onion after, per rf'dc'S’by the Clerln oft'm Court, i . 11ititpplieItion Ina been mule for f7 tilm.nitration, imut bu publiahed iVv li.WS nt leurt. . , fitiv I'jocutorr innI Administrator* for r S rrodito.M to render in t'toir account. !pnbla!icil SIT W1.I KS. ..... „• Voaroo.bv I.realtor, and Ailimim- : mt'ilc niictiim. on tlio fintTuc-'. ,)moo-11 i. be ween the mini lintira of nenlaco lif Public Saloa Dl tho County ii\«Lct’cr< Tc tunetttiry. orAdin.nUtf.i- ,l'TurJi:in»li'|itv b ive been granted, lira! Ur, OAU no ire thereof in cun of the J , e i of tin, Stite. and nt tlio doorcl Home, where ouch sale, ore to bo ..fnrlcivo to sell Negroca. must lie puh- lorfour moat h- before iinv order absolute inode thereupon h.v the Court. L.fitMl Eitate by Egaputora. Adiinni.tru- kJGuiriliiini.iniHtbo ptibliebeil SIXTV B before the <hi)’ cf Sale. Them. sale, mint L at f 10 Court House door of tlio County IlitJo pronorty tealtiiate.iind on tlio first Ev of tie Month between the hour, often in Iniinit nail four in the iiftoriioon. No mile lay to day lavalid, ur.le,, ,o expressed in Etanioudiv Exccutcrs. Adiiiiuistrntoni and Ini, to the Court off Miliary for lo ive to (nl must be published I'OUll .MONTHS. I, of personal ]iro|iertv (except negroes) fte and Inteatito estate, by Executors mid H. |rator., must bo advertised FORTY lication, by Executors and Administrators Bers Uiimissorv, limit bu published SIX fllS. „ . Iicitlonsforforeclosu r e of .Mortg igos on tile mint be ndvertisod once a nnmt.i for I MONTHS. |r, ofthc Court ofOrdimry, (nceompmii. In enpv of the bond of ugreemciil) lo ■ties toI'unil mint bu odveitiscd Three I, it lenst. Pirmilc,under executions rogularlvgmut- b Comts. must bo mlvnrtised Till tTY -under lnorigage executions SIXTY - ale o 1 'peii,liable property under rr- 1,'onrt. mint be lulvoriied, generally, TEN I liel'ore the day of sale. Idverlisomciinivilt be piiuc’uiallyuttciidcd ^11 Lettersdiree'ed 10 this flfilco or t! e 1st be post paid, to entitle them to 11- Tlie To Lot. ' two story Dwelling and Garden hi ■kson Word, opposite the l-’ree School, it occupied by Sir. 1. II. Lewis. lo~ illbc given mi the 1st November. At - ANSON PARSONS. l ift)’ Dollars Itewunl, ItiiUiiw ny on tbeMUtli July Inst, from tho jiibscriher, his Negro Man, SAlV’NY. Ills is a bom 21 years old, ■> feet S nr H in- Jcacs high, very liiack and likely, ims radn ■>"' sepulchral voice, mid a deep sicairico we. Ho was bonghtof Mr. Hugh Rose, fel jars since, ami 1 believe was brought up lini about 10 miles unove this city*, live reward will bu paid for liis delivery ill I jail in this State, orlo the siilncr.ber. 1 '**>> Nom.l. A. IIAiiDI E. lekiisiiwiiutcuee r.an.ts. miiiicriher infers for sale, a Tract of Lund I a, in tiio dd Uistr.ct. Halter Colin y, eiu- ■.h,.Jacres, winch comiirnes every var.- emostsiipor.or sod. The tract-las fur- |ub slight improvements, and can he on- ii, rcogrnpii.cal diiuoinams m any do* itstit. As an addit.onal Con-idcralion u, rr. rcu,oiiuhlc (grind and p. mr.ic.ed cre- aeo. i or moi o miscellaneous iii.nruia- can itdilrcss tlio suhscrihcr at A* F. G. BALDWIN.' 1501|4nio ■ hlMIlt.S C Toicliei- * fall Ifoclic, I I .w, 1,11,0 0,1 jnC .°l*IIH<Ul.U.||<r (OrillN, No. Pi« Mtuor Oil, in bonlusustrarted sizes; I?.? i i l? . ^ *I ,,,, • ^“rooiiiiiio, <lo. do. do., II , d ;*[G. Cieain Tartar, limn- | liiiir, much M„|,lor, Clue, Snutls,Salt I'"", ul, ck Lead, Lamp liiack, Limp r :r .,ll.m,x.crude and renned fnihcO, [1 11 Spanish Hoot Blueing. Hnii.o. j.u- *'b.Lal"niu|,Arioivit(int.Spiiiin l iEhes, |i,^;, , ’ l . lak ^iV" l, "egs. Clove.,, Cl,: T„.a k “nil Cayenne I’eper, t iinger. llcllesT :M f ll " ,,, ‘" i So 'h'i Thut it ie ■os !■' S* 1 ' 1 '“ ru “'. «|'I Aunmuuac, I/lVp S ilC ; A,,l “ ,0n,J * tez.011, (Joilsd, I,p‘n 'c' 1 ";'; and Styrux,Ko.-u CiS k ; l >", IA, b,SarAr.,lus, Wnsnuig iioiiiilt. 11" ! l u ‘" 1 “ lld Fatout liar- liffivra 7-;?' “»«•'«>«• Sihte. Elder 1,1 ,,i{?i, J k T bonnighw on, l.iv.rworl, i- lo 1 a Sf:ni,l ‘ Sipiills, ..ii.lMio, EPoia T ,,ri,1 i!. ily(li.o u u.o. I otas I Saif.,. °' 1 ’ ud Dlailk Pepper, |„0 Herganibt. Cara- li.rto’r 1“ j! s ' ‘ht-tenia.y Cedrator ■ n il '‘I'tt.Snuko .toot, Pmk Root. |l!J'"I J !;, 0, ‘ “ooi, Gout,mi. ..ii,s-,. fill ill It, "op a, ld calc.nod; Swootillld r ila-ksandbotdes, Toon, Powders. 1 Uix.r of Dark, lx- I Ira || ,.,*i3“! t ’V ,lln Alyrrli, Alco .ol. Injt. 101 n » ^'nrlioiuto, AinmoiiiU ISSv&S- w,1 , r , mmed Fresh and fiwJ'e'r 1 0"'0 MixtUlO, lloutli’., fciilit, ..'“'“tlttfie, liuiclay's Cuhoba | l,llcr '».Urandi| d 1 J u,,, 'y's .Magnesia, tlrrl „ ai i<UM , Evmis, So- lie' ' Didlighuna, Hbopor’s |>i|,"«» ““fflt-ops, British ()il, l 4 Tlioii,,,Ibllsaill, Opodehloe, I 51 mile Mai 8 T" Waters,Bornurd’s br^^^^-FiApe. r'"illr iiiTTiV- r<! "V??’ Illld Oieasin'o Co- J ,lo. |' x !;^oWaters, do. do. Toilet K"""tit til, ^ dcssauiine, Rose Pnnibi”HnSr°", r ‘ Uil> Pldridge'a f cro », Pulls anti Box- | Si ""l» V< ?'“ 1||<! Sall » of fill- |cr, ,. 1 ’ " out glass unci pungent-; in, Col,| (1-/25?! pSf'tJi of Soaps, Ver- V oilier mil’• 1 4® IU v "> wtUt» full us- peiiL,.-_l „h%l’"ntb| lino. < [l itl h (!iiimhm H r' T , 001,1 Ko /“ For. [“'Seen B, "“foi'imits, Dissecting F'PI'lo Slilfcl'J ^oissors, Cupping t 1 ° r oibor n o BolUe ? ! “ bwgo I'Rulers on, 'bo line—where MniidcxandoW" 1 ^ merchants arc cxtniuno lor themselves. Cpffosito the Market, t — '“ie t ■o'.',.,. ■ KUri'„,r c ,‘ lt,l PP t,e ^nuir, rose r Ciifh, by nUurti 8 ““muiheture. For 10 LA POCHE, °'gnol tho Golden Gloho, Opposite the Market. [r« .mil, NPVPaste. “Ie by jube Paste, received and A. PARSONS No. tia l—Vol. XXXVI.] vVANNUI, («a.l WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 13. 1830. [ \VIio3o No.—07,016. kja*j A.f-i. ,.t;. « ws.iiee. Savannah, 1st ov. 1833. T IIFs following Lots nro in urreuM to tho City lor (hionud rent, to wit: Hrown SVnrd—l.ots No*. 1,t», \\ |L 15. 1(1. a j. a •». no. oi. no. r,8. r» ), oi. m. Coliiml)i;i Ward—Nos. ;i, 4,8, 3, JO, 13. *20. A) 24, .17. lilhort Ward—Nos. 0,10, 11,1*2.13,15, 10,*2(, •21. *24. 32. .U. .14. .17. 31). 40. Franldiu Ward—Xos. *2, 4, 8.1). 11, 17,18, *21. *22.*25, 2 i, 2), .M). 31.34, iiTj, 3;», 37. 38. Now Fr.uului W ird—\(m. 3. 4. 5. Croon Ward—Nos. 2,!), JO, 13, 14, 15, 10, *20. •22.2'., 2 ), 37.3D, 40. Jackson Ward—Non 7,8. 13,14, 15,10, 17, 21, 22, 2 t. 24,2 ), 30,31,32, 33, 3(5, 37, 38,42,43. 44, 45.4(5, 47. Jasper Ward—Nos; 5, 0. 7, 8,1), 10. Laluyotto Ward—Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0,7,8, 9, Liberty Ward—Nos. 1, 4,9,10,11,12,10, 27, 29,33, 35, 39. Pulaski Ward—Nos. 1,2,3.4, 5, 10. Warren Ward—Nos. 3, 5,10,12,1 «, 20.21,93. Woshi* g.on Ward—Nos. 1, 2,3, tl, 12,15,17, 18, 19, 20,21,23,24,29,30. , J03LPI1 FELT, City Treasurer. Take Notire. If thermits due on tho aho\ v named its arc not paid on or before the 11th in*t., I rf.iall on tho morning of the 12.Ii mst. prorood to re-enter said lots, in conioriuity to Drain Hire. nrv 5 A. HAKMQNjh M. 10 1100 Dollars Cliallcnvc, T 21K tJeimino FKl N'CII PILLS nrainst all the UUACK NOS'lMUMS of the aye for the cure of *##*## 'Pile French Pills are applicable to all cases, for either sex. (warranted freo f otn mncuiy.) and possesses (treat advantates o\o- tl.e Halsamsaiui all liiiiiiil medicines, by boiinr entirely free from smell, and ron .equently do not effect tin; breath, thcruby preventing the possibility of a discovery while iisinu thorn. Besides this important advantage they never dis agree with tlio s on irh. and in the first stiyrs o> tho disc iso t joy usually effect a cure in a low days, with little regard lo diet or exposure. In tii»! most o'rstiinte stages of the disease, they are equally certain, having cured many after every o her remedy h id ftiled. In short, they luve been so iuiversalfv successful, that that tho proprietor challenges any one lo produce a remedy of enual certainty, under a forfeiture of Three Hundred Dollars'. For sale by <i. IL IIKNDIUCKSON, and T. M. & J. M. TURN Lit. Price .$2 per box. an# 5 194—iv Il n i isoii’s Soccilic oiiilii. ah F )lt the cure of Waite Swellings, Scroinlous and other tumors. Uicers, 8oro Letts, old and ftesli Wounds. Sprains and Bruises. Swellings and Inllammatioiis. .Scald Head. Women’s Sore Breasts. Rheumatic Pains, 'fetters. I ruptom. Chilba.n i. Whitlows, Biles. Corns and txfernal Diseases generally. It is likewise greatly superi or to any medicine heretofore discovered for tho chafed hacks and limbs of horses; forring worms, chapped lips—and in short, for every external bo dily evil that may full to the lot of mau or beast. For sale by G. IL IIFINDRICKSON. and T. M. & J. M. TURNER. Price 50 cents per box. nug '» 1(54—ly Swaiui’a Vcrmifiuvc!. T HIS remedy counteracts the whole train of diseases arising from tho debility of the di- ge t ve o . iMius or a deprave I condition of the s.o- macii and bowels. ' Most of the diseases ofchildren originate in ver minous directions. Worms destroy the nourishment which is in- ten led by niture to support life. The immed ate effect of Swuitu’s Vermifuge are to tranquili/e the s ouiucli, cle r it ofucidous pliie mii. dissipate superfluous hdo. increase the gras ic juices and promote healthy digestion. It ale ties sick headache, and is an antedate for the Cholera Morbus of our country, diarrhuai, fever and ague, and that cla s of diseases Which o.vetiuiro igin to a disordered state of he sto mach and bowels. This remedy expels worms by giving healthy action to the stomach and organs of digesdou.— 'I’ll re is nothing in it*< composition toki.l uorn s. 'flicy are seldom seen after i’s use. and the |> - tieni improves in health, color and app«t. t.— 'fhoso remedies which kill wojinsiimst ol cour e injure the slonnch materially, and tho cause of i many serious complaints. This fact has been ina- | terially neglected by the fnculty, and the eaorlns | never been discovered nut.I Swaim’s Verinif tee j proved it to the entire s .tisfactiou of every f.miiy who has used it. I The medicine is no less efficacious in many of! the diseases of crown pcrsons.by dissipating those | morbid secretions whiea'pro.luee dysentery, dial- I riim.i. choiera morbus, piles, fever and ague, dys- | pepsin, acidity of die stomach, foul brtnh. undj thedis ’grceuhle affect ons con leqiientupon bilious disorders. It is now in irencral use in most parts of t! e 1 wo Id. Families resident in the country, tr- ve - I-is go.ng into the interior or \oya .in i in o d.s- tm' tropic I dim tes. (insulated uorn medical (al- cn:) would find rfwaim’s Vermifuge of great ad- van age. Kent constantly on band, and for sale by A. PARSONS, nov G Sole Agent fox the Slate. TUcTflaii About Town. T>Y Conn I us Webbe. author of Gliincca of ■3 Lite, a Novel, in2vols. Nan Darrell, or die Gipsy Mother, by the author I of The Heiress, Merchant’s Daughter, Prince and | the Pedlar, &c. 2 vols. ANNUALS. Christian Keep c nke. edited by the Rev. John A. Clark, with contributions by Montgomery. Rev. Thos. Radies Cuuuni h im. Rev. W. Jay,Bishop : Ives. B.stmp Smith, Bishop Do.ino, ami otuere u- inent writers, widi 9 plaies. Religious Olfering, edited by Miss C. II. Wa- j termau, with 10 engraving**. The Pearl, or Affection's Gift, with G engra vings. The Gem, with 7 engravings. I The Gift, edited by Miss Lesl'e 9 engravings. The Literary Souvenir, edited by W. R. Bur ton. 13 engravings. The Violet, ed.ted by Miss Le lie G engra vings. The Poets of America, illusr ted by one o! her Pumters. with numerous illustrations The Works of Lord Bacon, complete in2 vols. 8vo. London edition. Gil Bias, translated by. Smollett, in 2 * »L. royal 8vo. illustrated by Joan Gigou, with u/ wards ol oOO engravings. London. The Curiosities of Literature, by D’lsrneli, 1st ind 2d series, complete in 1 vol. London. octlG W. THORNE WILLIAMS. White JLc:ul, ’ ~t KEGS superior English White Lead 200 do do American No. 1 & 2 1 > bids English Linseed Oil 1) do do Chalk 1J do do Whiting 5 do Alum, 5 do Salt Petra JifBt received per Savannah and Commando, and for sale by nov 4 G. IL HENDRICKSON. ENE.Vi.il 1*1.il.# .(I T i,„, „ . SCHEME, r HE following details o. a Sciikmk of a Lot- tkiiv, to he drawn in December next, Rar- ranis us in declaring it to do UNPARALLl LI D m Uio history ol Lotteries. Prizes to the amount 1IAVK NKVKU U.hFOUK IIKKN OFF.inKU 10 till) pill). " c * I) ls into, d.cic are many h.i.nks. hm on the other hand, tuu extremely low cuingj oi IjjliO per Ticket—the vai.uk aniinu.miikh o. toe Can- tai.s. and the revival of the good old ciisiom in wnrran.ing that every pr.zo shall he d awn and -'Old. wdl, w. are sure, give itmvers. I sa isfactiou in I especial.) to tae Six Hundred Pr *k Hoi.- Drills. ToUio.iiilniiooetltoiidvciimre, wi recommend mil ly opphculioii hems do lo ti» or IiokoIh— 'Vlmn too prizoo ore ull .o.d, lilaiu. o.ily rum.iiii —t.o lir.i biiyora luve Uio hem olia.ico. Wo, Uiermoro, oiiipliuheiuly aoy—DELAY .NUT! Ini at o it on rc-nm uikI /ruii.-mit to us yo ir orders, wiucli si lull ulwitys receive our immodmte alien. t on. Lottors to bu adilrossod, uml upphc.uiou* uudoto BYLVi.STT.lt ,N CU. loo Bioadivay, Now-York. [’ l ’ Observe thoiiuinhor, loll. S70D,uaum sauo.ouoh sas.ooo! a prizes oi tiii«d)i)iiil !l prizes orSiA,Ui>UH U prizes or #10,00011 LOrrEitY OF REAL ESTATE Si, BANK STOCK, SITUATED IN NEW-ORt.F.ANS. O’ The rici.cm and most m ign liceiit Scheme ever presumed to the public m hu»or any oili er coumry. Tickets only *20 dollars. AutUrucil by un .hi <J the Lejisluticc Assembly •J I 'loruiu, iitid tinner the titra tions of the Com- vussiuners, uitniy under the mute. To HE DU A ll iV AT JACKSONVILLE, t'LOUDA, DECIl J»M8.>9. SCilMl^T aV HAMILTON. Managers. bYiaVLaTtoR CvJ. loG liroaaway, Ne.v-Yoik. Sole Agents. NO COMBINA TION NUMtlElloH lft!»,0.(j i_c.vets.itoiu.so j upwards,in -accession. LX11..C1I 0.11 hiC la.iWo a. u.e L.cgisi.iiiVe Cu.m- cii o< h.u 'ieiruory ol i toriUu. Cuap./oI—No.2«—\Vhcre. stheLouri House ot liuval cotiu.y, is m an iiiiiiuiSiiud state and lucre are yet due and OtMiig upon die s.iiue, uio- u e , wo.ciin is ihmutea w.u uiij.o e too hurdeii- ..Oii.e a tux upon utt peop e of Daval, and wuure- •is, it is uu.siiub.c top.iy luo.-c su.tl siuui and com- pe t e oui.u nus well lor u.e greater coiive* n e.ic o. me diniiiistrat.on < f jus iru, us tor the co.i i.c p hpo.-c o. .tit Acaaui. y. ior wlucu pur- po,e ,ii pan, tae said biidd.Ug, w.icll cuiupielud, l des.gned. i nuiu.o.e— Sec. ]. lie .tcii-cicdD) the Governor and Lc- gUi-iuve Comic.i of u,e Terruo.y oi Florida, 1’tul it sit.iti and may bu i.iwf.u mr Joseph ii. L ine,is.cj, ls.ii.tit li. ilail amt iV illiain J. Mills, < r any two oi h.eu. under tho U.rectiou o• ti.e C > tiiiy Conn oi iJinai Co.hi.y, to rai»o siicu rii a Oi sumo of money by .owoiy .ns ich sc..euieo a u.ey hilly Ueeui i p opiiatOuiid d... an.e: l'to tided; thut the «uid pc*soils snuu o.nu hietmclvus in siiCii uiaihiur as tne Loan oit.ului.cCi, wen ..lid .til y to coud.ici such lottery in a oodi.hth, to upp.uptiaie tile p.Ov.eeus to the oojeci aoove sta ted.— i*a». ed, a* eu. 7in, 1234.—Approved, Feb. l^.li Jsirt. i>y agreement, bearing date die gfldi^f Febru ary, iodJ, t..e ..hove Jo. eph UlUiMt-r, Isaiah Ll. 11 .it and tv h..a a iW..L, uid,ior certaincousidei- a». on i. in coma.limy to i. o said Legista.tve .-xci, dui u> i B n .iito ale s .-.^c m d.dv ilaUii. oa u . tile., n n. .tiia iti.eruoi, ana t .o powers vested .n t em Oj me atove nci.eu Auv of me Lu-isiuuuu Ot * iOiida. LxtiUC. uorn .he valuation of Gco.go Piiiliip Ma- I10.iVr*U. uUaJuCOJuU CoieOVa, oO.iiOi Uio Cl.) oi iseW-tJiieuhs, uiuauaiiU s.voru toontneiJu. day ot Ap.x, ljdb: Tuat ti.e oatd George Pillip Mauouvrieruud Ja cob LOiuOVa, uppiatso allu COhoCiClUtOllSiy UJIu hi nes.ly»ame Uic pi ope ny Know n ,iudci the name ana uppw 1 ...onoi LtaiiK a ArCude,” til me City oi Novv-Uiicuiis, ucoix 11 uuurea Thousand Loiiurs, uud •Tnc p.operty known under the nppell it.on oi • Cuy llotci' oi • a>.a..op oliOtCl, ' hi u.e suuc.tj oi Aew-Uneaiis, ai roiir Hundred and Twenty Tuousuud L/O Ins.” l he uceds u. t..u Pioperty anu t e Slock trails- terred ill uusi n» me oout.ius.iuucis apj o.n.eu by tne su.d Act oi lue L.e o ialaiai0 oi a tunda,io t uie security Oi me I ttze iiotuers. atiokcjiiiet 1 Prize—Tne Arcuue—-ico ieui,iiiuc..es, 4 lines, on.vla^aziiie-sueet; JUi lect, ii mcues, on NaiCaez-siieet; i^o luel, o tue.ies, on mu- vioi-»ueet. Rented ut about hu pet aiiumii. Dollars. Valued at 7Uu,ooU 1 Pri/.e—City Hotel—1G2 feet on Com- mou-sitee., i-lj leet, o tiici.es, on Laiiip-sueet. iC.u.ed at o-o,(Jou. Valued ut 5U0,OUU l Prize—rawelling Hcu -e, (adjoining mo iV.cadej .\o. ro—-4 l’uei, / ill- Citestiout, oaNaaliez-s.ieoi. Rcn.- cu lit «^i,-Jao. V ulaeU at 20,GOO 1 Prize—i>itvo ^uiljOiinitg me Arcade,) No. 1“—2.i ice. horn on *vaaniez- st.eCi. aCemeuats?l,2o0. Valued at 20,000 1 Piv.c—Ditto—No. 23, northeustcor ner of ij.iS.ll ana C.iotou ll0Uoe-st. 40 ted. i.oh. oil ^»-a.rl. and 4vi tcut Oil • iainvim-.weei,i»y i-r Letutep Oii\-U tout Hoitsc-sucot. iCeiited ill .pi bah. V allied at 20,000 1 1'iiz.e aailio—No. *,4, sout a cstcor net Oi iiastll alia Gil tom Ho.taC- SttCcli .42 teev. 7 lllCUCa Oil i4iia.ll, •42 itel. 4 .hCi.Co on iii.llivi.il. 12/ feel lo .ncue-iUecp.ilf.OiUO. Cns- to.u Ho.ue oi. R-u ed at ^i,»,UU. Valuea 20,000 1 Pii — Duio—No. 33J, 24 feet, .8 in- c..ts ail ii.Oj ai-^Lect, l>) 12• »eet, 11 iuc..us deco, lieu.eu at «pl,40o. V ulucu ... , 1 Prize—2o0 Snares Cunal Bank Stock $J(iO e..ch, 25,000 1 D..to—2UU uo. Coin. do. do. f 20,ouo 1 D..to—lv>u do. Jiceuamca' and Tra de, s'do. t.o. 15,01)0 1 Dii.o—i00 do. City Bank do. do. JU,0Uu 1 Ditto—100 uo. uo. do. Uo. uo. 10,000 1 Ditto—100 Uo. do. do. do. do. 1U,UU0 1 Dit.o—b» do. Exchange Dunk do. do. b,0U0 j Dido—ol) uo. uo. do. do. uo. b.OOo 1 Ditto—2o uo. Gas Light Bank do. uo. 2,oi/o 1 Ditto—25 do. do. do do. do. do. 2,uU0 1 Ditto—15 do. Mech.lies’ and Tru- dels’ do. uo. J.oOO 1 Ditto—15 do. do. do. do. l,oU0 20 Do.—each 10 shares of the Louisiana estate Dank, tflbu euc.i, eacn prize SI,OUU, , ^9»dUU 10 Do.—each 2 shares of $100 each, each pr.ze JgvUU, ol tl»e Gas Light Dank, . ^ i 200 Do.—each 1 share ol $1C0, ol the Dank of Louisiana 200 Do.—ecc.i 1 share of $100, of tho Ncw-Uiicans liana, 2,000 20,000 20,000 150 iJo.—imcii i sliiuo of SJOO, Ol' the Union Bunko®londa, l0 ’ uuu GOO Prizes. §1,500,000 tickets §ao—no shari s. C7' It HintII ho ut tile option oi too winners ol Frizes of B.mk stocks, mtoerto take tne Stock itself, or tho pur v line thereof in c isli. Too rt'ci ptnof t'.io sa.o ol the 1 ckotsnrp, end will bo, deposited in tile Citizens , Consolidated, C.mil, Union and Carrollton Bunko, in the nemo of the. Managers Jointly, with J. !*■ I erranlt.F.sq. oc.iidiiv’ cjinierofttiet/'iuzeiis'Bunk.uiid A.Boil- doinn. L«|. iietnully c ishiernf the Cnnsoliduted It ink. us Trustees, us per Act passed before A. Maznmin, |'si|. Notary I’tililio, oil tho lid of May, 1 sJ-S. and tho properties transferred nninctnnher- ed. lor thu security of the fortunate l’rize Hold- res. Mode of Du iwivn.—100.000 tickets, from 1 to 100.0(H). will ho put iu one wheel, an I iU)0 pri/.i s, with thu nlanks. m another. To every number u pri/.e or blank will he drawn, until all the prizes ire determined, leaving the balance of number* n thf* wheel hi inks. 4 Er 1 1'o Editors and Puiu.isiif.us.—Having re- co veil Xuwsp.ipurscont m i i r tin* above Scheme. 1 o'li twenty-two Stitesatid Territories, besides 'ey era I of tho Britisli Provinces, wo are satisfied with tho circulation, ami therefore request that such p ipers as have not. up to this time, anerted the advertisement, will he pleased not In do so. ami thin all the other papers will insert il once a week only, until the 1st of December, and for- vard us their account*. SYLVESTER CO. 15G Droulwuv, Xew-York. July 20 161) * Su aim's l*aimcen. 4 8 die in emporance au.I luxury m the age are iusiuiiiiig mu ravages of hcoiij.icic com pmutts, and rendering t..e blood mo.u impure and a, uioiii .n.ts iiuvo uesuoyuu tneir con mu .on- by nuglecting to apply Uie proper remeaius to such. S.vuim’s Panacea m is. be nuJ ills oceii more th in don dy vauiaulu as a Cc.taiu an . etfee- t i ll me..!!.- ot res ot tilg mail m pc.lei:, he diu alia vigor, l ew laiumes .ire w ..oiiy e vciu^v it tun sco.Dutie afiect.oiit wn.c.t ex.nbu vurimt« syuip- •o.ns. us etiipt.oiH. iileer.nioui, deb ity, .oab oi apptti e ..ml uejeotiou, id. ur.sin, from unpuiu b.ood, uml il no.ptoper.y inai .eu to ptoaucen die greatest ntjdryto die const t.tliou, uiiiuity oe imp ried .o uie.r oft’piiug. Swuiui s P..n - c.ta is recoumiciueu at ..us s. aaou o. uie year, s an mvauiauie lesmiuitve ol uiu »ysiem, meithy invigorating the eoustiunou and eiiuming ua to )• ur tue debmtauilg eifcc.n ot me siimme« se .sou. i. is cotiveyed by tue ciieidat.U’g lliiid*, uiij cur- rects their tendency to ail t..ose disc ises w..icn origin item a vitiated hood, diseuto.l liver. Ut- pr.tvod appetite, or p.edisposi.ion lo ellec ion o. the .u igs. Ac. No one, uowever, is advised o it-e ii Without coavtiie.iig theliuelvesoi the truth o. wiiat is ..e.u stated. This medicine is no v metl with success in a ] parts o. .lie wonJ, Uiidisga.miig great repuiauoti in Lug uud. From Dr. J'ulcidine Mott, Piolessor of Surgery in tue Un.ve.s.ty of New- Vo k. Surgeon oi thu N. Yorii llospiuii.Aic. I It ive rejieatedly used Swann s Pun cea both iu ih* Hospital uml m private practice,. n i have a vays found il to le-a valuable med c Hem c.iton- syph.litic, and serotinous couip.ainai, unu in obst n uu cu.uiilouh ufiection*. VALENTINE. MOTT, M. D. From the various iuq os .ions which have been practised by adulteration, Ac. even to the ex.uin ofperju/y. lor tiie purpose of im.tating tut! niedi* Mic. is sufficient to prove its u ..c icy m the dis eases in which it has been sufficiently p.ovi'u io .uvecured. It is unnecessary to say further in *♦»! •» ; »»u to tiiis P"> fea. other than lo cm io t .lie pu lie a i.istt edeljteiio itn!x: r<.8w.nchn i\e nu it made to impo-c upon i.e igiio.aut. The ge.i.tine a.t.cle can always he tound u. the itu.o of the subscr iber, who is the sole ugum lor ti.i, tae. A. PARSONS, Druggist, nov8 220 From the Pennsylvania Inquirer, of May 3.1811. KownmlN Tonic Mixture. M R. EDIT JR—Much a* the power* o t s fuvorite remedy have been uxio.led, 1 can not oinit this opportunity ol declaring my decided onviction tiiat every account of the saiut.ve vi.- ues of the Mixture will he verified to the !u‘l ex- ent. Whatever he the character o ’tne complaint —whether unequal tertian—double or s.mple pi irt ill—however varied he its type, attemed villi syncope, apoplexy, vehement spasms, with •oldness and stupor—whatever its duration, who lervo pal or autumnal, laying the fouu I ition .’o. visceral aficclioiis. and other siow but unerring y i»al m il idies—however irregular in their inva sion. an I uncommon in their appearances—»» uie, whatever he the age. idiO-wnc.u-y, or I ah s of the patient, the complaint alike bids adieu on the due adm nistrat on of the Tonic M x ure.— Phis is no iiigh-WiOiight panegyric for • e < xper- anent. I speak only from what 1 posit v.: y know —l.owcver successful other prepur it.ous m y ave been, there can he little rel.ance pi .cod upon iiem when compared with this article. By str et- •following the ilirections that accompmy the bottle, we'find it acts upon the mo*t sc eu* tie principle—for. it seems to antic pa e tiie »«t ir.i of the told fit, and excitos u strong re ction, an I powerful clow over tue wl.ole system; and tip s o } r.* occupy the ground* an l by cl s urh.ug the •egalarity of the type, lo suh.lue the :u e uii'.ten ilrogether. Under such a course of mtdic ne. I iiive been astonished to notice with what haste t ie d se.ise heats alarm lor a retreat, and t e pro - rated strength of the system rall.es. Ir is a pow- -riiil. vet mild medicine—substituting c I'mn s , nnqu’illity.an l balmy sleep.iu place of p in we - rness. and restless nights—a lenovut o i of .onc ost strength and robust health, in lien of feeble ness and em iciation. And I con tide u 1/ believe, md I predic ate my opinion upon the most sub- ;Un‘ial proof, that itnJer whatever sky—in what ever corner of the earth—whether upon hill or valley, wherever fever and ague in ikes i'saj pear- nice, there also will ••Rowand’s Tonic Mix.ure” in I its wav—the happy desideratum, the perfect autido.e. N. LEE, M. D. KT7 3 One of the best recommend itions that can •»e given t!iis medicine is ttic folio win I’liysi- ci .nsliving iu Fever an I Ague districts, who have become acquainted with its efficacy, are in the Ii lhit of ordering il to be used iu their own prac tice. From the Harrisburg Intelligencer of June 1833. Mr. Wyeth—Having long been afflicted iu mv f in v wit i F« var and Ague, and h iv.n: tr od ea- r/ iik-ims to getriilq it without avid I a 1 ;*i t •net w.tu your advertisement of Rowan ,’s g • u- in • Tonic Mixture, w.iich I determined to ny. \f .M using it. my wife was en:irely restored to he dili having suflered for fifteen mon Jis from the h .hating eftects of Fever and Ague, and is now i hearty n J stout as she ever was. 7 B .RNIIARD MAY. Harrisburg. May 22. H3). A large supply of the above valuable nvclicme j i*t received from the Manufacturer, uml lor sole ,vi olcsile or retail by FORClIERtfc LA ROC I IE. Signoftlio Golden Globe. nov j-2 Oppu.she tnc Market. T i« Damsel of Dai'icii) Y SIMMS, author of “Tho Yemassee,’ “Guy Rivers,” “Millechampe,” &c. in •< B vols. Lord Droughnm’s Opinions on Folitics, Theol o?y. Law. Science, Education, Literuture. Ac. ip exhibited in his Parliaim>n:nry and Legal Speech es an I Miscellaneous Writings, in 2 vols. Do’s. Sketches of Statesmen, 1st anti 2d scries. Adventures of an Attorney iu search of Prac lice, by the author of Advi mures of a Gen leinun in search of a Horse, 2 vols. Humdtnn King; ortho Smuggler and the Dwa; ‘ by the Old Sailor, author of Tough Yarn -, tV.c. No. 18 Nicklehy. Sketches by Boz, complete in 1 vol. with man p atos. ALSO, A splendid edition of .Moore’s Lalla Rook! with Humorous engravings on steel, hv Ilea Ii i 1 vol. royal 8vc. Iiound ill super calf and g It»d «•< W. THORNE WILLIAMS. oc*. 17 Tlio Token, A ND Atlantic Sonvenir.a Christmas and Nev Year’s Present for 1840, edited by S. ti. Goodrich, with 10 engravings. The Youths’ Keepsake, for young people, with engruv ngsand cut'. Southey’s L Ie of Wili am Cooper, l sq. in two vo li nes. M hi in his physical structure and adaptations, b ' Robert Miulio, 1 vol. Woman as she should he—1st. The appropri- n e spi.ere of Wrtman. 2d. The influence ol C •ri*ti:uiitv on Woman. 3d. The Christ an cdu- ci'ionof Woman—by tho Rev. Hubbard Wins- low 4th edition. The Complete Farmer and Rural Fconom' t. cou uitiing a compendious epitome of the ino-t i qmrtant branches of Agriculture and Rural I co in ny. by Tno-*. Green Fessendcr, 4th edition, o da -.ed. T ie n tw American Gardener, cent fn'ifg prac tical direct on* on the culture oflrn.Liuid vegeta- h e- by I’e.-sender. 13th edition. Mm. Giliniu's La.lys’ Annual Regis'er, and Ho isuwi'e’s Altimnic. for 14 h Ma shall Hall’s Practice of Medicine, revised and enlarged, by Dr. Jacob Bigelow, fir t Ameri- c hi edition. The American Conveyancer contaiiiiuga large v iriety of Legal Forms ami Iu trniuenls, by Geo. P. C irtis. of the Baltimore Bar. Gu.-ti*’ Adm rally Digest. T e Trial of Jesus before Cu’aphns and Pilate, h iinv a relutat on ol' .Mr. Salvador’s chapter, by M. Dupi i. tm-la'ed fioni the Freeh. Did on ary of Latin Syiionymes for tl e u*o of schools ait I private students. With a complete in dex. by Lewis Rainshorn, from the Fiench, by Francis Leiber. Just received by oct 23 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. Foi* I lie Toilet, PERFUMi RY AND C0.8Ml TICS. P RENTISS' extract of Rose, Musk. Jessa- mine and Bergamot Do. flue an I superune Toilet Powder.Rose scent Eda’s sup. Musk and Rose Persian Scent Dugs G imini Russian Beats Oil Rowland’s Mac jsur Oil Oi l.idge's B dsam of Columbia Pom uio u la Rose, Savin. Jussamine, Onuige and otuer Odours, in pots uud iohs Cog.ersliah’ssii’r Connossiers Soap Palmer’* sup'r Cre uu de Savon Rings Sup’r Verbena Cream, a del giitful article for s luviag Lowe's cj e mated Shaving Soaps Pr utiss' variegated Soaps, suitable for the tablet Powder I’ltfi’i anti Boxes of the latest pat.erm Coio.nu. Lav. nderaud Rose Wuters, of vuiions man.il ict ire and us<or.ed patterns Espirii de Rose, Cold Cream, Lip Salve O.to of Roses, sup'r Rose, L'inuuuou and Al mond Soaps, in bars Cut Gl iss Bottles, a large variety Fine and course Tooth Combs V . I, Tooth «u I Clothes Brushes V gn.dc, Napoleon. .Muduminoiiselle, Vic orla undGl.ss Back Hair Brushes, ol excel ent qti ility Pocket Books, Scissors, Razors and Rizcr Strops G mn's Ltd un Dye. Vinegar Rouge •iilk of Roses, Orange Flower \Va er Oil C,tron Flowers, Shaving Brushes Suit of Lemon anil Roses, in Eug. cut glass bot tles, Amon.ac Vinegar An i other ••nicies iu tlio Perfumery line, for sale whoie-u e nr retail on accomniodat ng terms, y POROIIER & LAROCHE, Sigu of the (ioideii Globe, oct 15 Oppome the Market. Oni’dcti Seeds, Crop 1839. P ORCI1 lR LA ROCI1E is, and will re ceive in a few days, a large ussoitincn ol Vogot.ible, Flower and Bird Seed, the crop of ,83*'. Also, in daily expectancy, a beautiful .•. ti de called the Ct.inese Tiee Uorn. The above Seed is warranted to produce large vegetables and ii io flavor. Planters and o:hers arc invited to c ill and examine lor themselves. All of which will bo sold low for cash or city ueceplonces. Signoftlio Golden Globe, nov 4 Opposite the Market. Great Bargaiiitj, T ill’, subscriber will dispose of his stock of Ready M i »e C.otliiugat very reduced prices e lie: at wlioiesuie or reta.I. Conn ry merchants a.id otaers desirous of purchasing, are invited to call and examine for themselves. oetl7 JOHN MALLERY. Splendid Shawls 8iIrs tmilijs and JIoasl iiiuMle Laiucs, Per ship Gaston. 1 CARTON rich Broche Snaw.s. lutest style 2 do/., rich printed Thibet Hdkfs. 5 super. Tartan Shawls, best quality 2 doz. super. IMoudin de Laino do. 10 p.eces r.ch I’oul de Soie 2 do. sitpr. plain R.ps do. 2 do. figured B. B. Silks 8 do. splendid printed Chully, latest style 10 do. rich Mouslinde Latnes 1C00 yards I n grain Carpet ng, at $1 per yard 10 pieces very supr. Irish Linen, lree Aotn any tn.xtiiro 100 do. Veivet itibbons 30 do. super, and low price White Flannel 10 no. do. do. Red do. 5 do. Green and Yedow do. 34 doz. very cheap Linen Cambric Hdkfs. 5 pieces super, black Doiubus.ns, some very cheap 10 do. do. do. Crapes Old .Silk Tali eta Rib bo ils Mourn.ng Cap do. Colored F.o once nd Grade Nap Silks Lad es’and Gents, supr. 11. S. G oves Lad.es’ and Misses’ white Cot.on Hose Black Silk Cravats Black Silk llosc and Half Hose, plain and ribbed 5 p cce* Steel M xed Satinets 5 uo. Kentucky Jeans 1009 y ird* sttpir. A prill Ch cks 30 doz. n.*w style Head Hdkfs. For sale on favorable terms, by SNIDER, LATHROP & NEVITT. oct15 199 ToutU Wash. C l ULORINE. Oris and Krcosot Tooth Wash. / liioh’y recommended for white nine iho teeth, inrifyins die Incath and imparting it Ii ml h/iip- ntaniee to the gitma. Just received, per Wil son Fuller, and for aide by "etas G, It HENDRICKSON. Slinkers’ Herbs. L LANDING from ship Gaston, u full supph of Shakers’ Herbs, comprising Catnip Fox- go.e Horebotunl. Sage.Pennyroyal.Tliotough wort. Liverwort, Boneset. Thyme. Mint. Worm wood. Wortnseed. Elder Flowers. Slippery Elm &c. in K5 oz. 8oz. and 1 oz. packages, suitable for famil.es und country meiciinnts. For sule b) PORCH Lit & LAROCHE, Sign of the Golden Globe, oct 15 Opposite the Murket. Fi’otich (Chemicals. S ULPHATE Uninine, Sulphate and Aeetat of Morphinoi Croton Oil. Oil of Black Pep per, Krjosote, Piperine, Prussic Acid. Iodine,Em etinq. Ext. Nnx Votnica, Hydrodate, Potassu, &c. Just received por Newark, and for sale hv oct3 G. R. HENDRICKSON. Starch. T WENTY boxes Colgate’s No. 1 Soap. For sale by A. PARSONS. Winter Goods. A FINE assortment of white and red Flatlets Super. English an I American Canton do» ’ •I t';k. Hlne, green and Do'dia English Broadcloths Cassimera*. Satinets an*’ Vestings R» • an j Whitnoy Bin kets London Uuffil and Poii t do. A splen lid nssortmeu of Caqrotings and Rugs Dirk and light colored Freucu Prints E igli di an I American do. Fauev SliawG.assor oil kinds and qualities VVh te and colored Counterpanes Motislin dn Laiiit s and Chally Super. 4-4 d irk colored Ginghams Du. 4-4 black uml white do. SNIDER, LATHROP & NEVITT* oct 22 Gig lbi* Sale. A SECONI) hand Buggy Gig and Harness, in good order, will he sold on accommodating terms. Apply to oct 30 . FULLER, MOORE & CO. A tft , S‘ n . ks ’ Silks. Silks. VLRY & JOIINSON.Imvc receivedagood assortment of SILKS, among which may io found—Black and blue black Gro de x\llic, fi* •Mired j do. do. Ponl do Soie. plain do. do. Gro do S wiss do., black single and double width Mattio- ui, r.c!i fifiiied Ponl do Soie, pluin do. do. for dn on accommodating terms, uct South side Monument Square^ W. II. liloyd^DInrkct Square* H AS just received, a splendid assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, and invites the pub* lie ?o c til and examine for tliemselves. They will co<s;*t(f roadcloths, CtlsslniOres, Satinets. Kerseys F niiels, Blankets. Merinos, lied Ticking Mriped and plan Ketiiticky Jeuns ! Mulish and American Prints Mnusl ii d’Laines ook. Swiss uml Jaconet Muslins \ hue Cambrics, plain alt, figured BbhhineU Thread and German.).aces Bobhinetand Gnnp Edgings Sdk, Cotton, Merino, 'i h.bet Wool and Blanket Sluwls Black, blue h ack und colored Silks i.u iu* mid Gents, mlk and HosUtu Gloves Iu luRubi.cr Suspenders .:i.ii and Cotton Hose and Half IIoso 'hull Combs. Horn do., und Iron Side do. Silver plated Hooks and Eves, l'utcnt Pins Bells, liibbon*. Bone and Pearl Buttons Irish Linens, Silk uud Cotton Braids \rdficin! Flowers, Wreaths New n’y e Bonnet and Cup Ribbons Alra. an extensive assortment of the latest style Tu-c in. Oriental, Split Straw aud Fnlgihs Straw Bonnets. N. B.—The above articles will bo sold vety low lor cash or city acceptances, oct 19 IIoiim* Keeping Dry Goods. ^ < 1’i.R 12-4,10-4 ami d-4 Linen Sheetings O do 4-4 and 5-1 Cot.on do Do 4-4 and 5-4 hrowq do do Superfine I ngiish and American Long Cloth* Do an ! coinuiou hrown Shirtings 0-4 to 1.5-4 DamaskTuhie Cloths 5-1 io 10-4 Duiuusk ami Tablo Diaper Superfine Diaper Towelling Do Hitckulmck do 20 pcs Russia Diaper, 10do Crash 12 dozen Duiuusk Napkins 12 pcs Pil.o .v Case Linen 500 yds line und superfine Furniture Dimity 25 pcs Furniture Calico 5 do Linen T.cking 20 do super and low priced Cotton do 50 do Furniture Fringe 10-4 to 13-4 suner Marseilles Quills 8-4 to 10-4 white Counterpuhes 8-4 to 12-4 col’d do Green audtig’d Floor Cloths Curpeliims and Rugs.&c. Por snle by SNIDER, LATHROP & NEVITT. nov 4 21G Hosiery ami Gloves. L ADI...1 ribb’d and plain Silk Hoso Do black mixed and white Cotton do o black worsted. Cashmere and Coltondo Misses white uud black Co tun Hoso rays Lambs wool. Merino and worsted \ do :)o unbleached, mixed and white Cotton do do Infant’s wors ed and Silk Boots Gentlemen's Lambs wool, Merino and worsted A Do e Do white und black Silk J Hose Do Merino (Long) Hose GLOVES. Ladies col’d. blk und white II. S. Glove* Do biacK and white Silk do •» iaw SiIk. Cotton and Cashamore do M ssesMerino and IL S. Gloves j.-iiis. Buck, wash leather. Horse Skin,Silk,Me rino aud worsted Gloves For sale ly Gl URGE W. BEllN, nov 8 No. 2 Shad's Utliidingsi W. If. & S. ltogers, H AVE, just received per recent urrivols from N. York, nearly their fall supply of French, ierman, Italian and English Fancy Dry Goods, mong which ure the following articles, viz: uudies rich Plush and Silk French Shawls Do. eoiorod uud black Ostrich and Coahmero Shawls 1 case finest Florence Braid Bonnets 1 do. super. Irish Linens 15 cartoons Paris emb. Capes and Collars it) pieces Wash Blonde uud plant Quillings 5 do. Weir Gio de Lyons Lace 25 do. Tlireud Edging- und Iiisertiugs 10 do. Vulencine do. do. and Readings 20 do. 4-4 and o-4 Wuslt, Spot, Squire and Il lusion Blonde French worked Cutis, Blonde Veils and Pari* Bauds Chantillu Veils, Eng. Collars and Twist Shawl* Mohair Notts, Bugs und Scarfs Muslin Parisemb’d Shawls, 4-4'andG-4 Black Lact! do. do. 1-2 und 4-4 Caps, Insant’s Wuists, French Flowers and Wreaths French, Fnglish and Americnn Prints Challys, Motts, de JLnines, Velvets and Sillta Tartan, Rob Roy and Kahvlo Shawls Bonnet. Belt and Cup Ribbons • rmine and Fur Collars Silk, Worsted and Cotton Hose; oct 31 South side Market Square. Fresh Spares. 1 BBL Nutmegs, lcaae Mace, 1 do Clove* 100 mats Cinnamon, 0 bags ADpico 0 bags Black Pepper, G do Ginger /ust received uml lor sale by nov 11 G. R. HENDRICKSON* Fever ami Ague Medicines. tlA DOZ. Rowand’s Tonic or Vegetable ^mlij Febrifuge, a specific uiid lusting cure lor ue .everund ague,—- 2-i dozen genuine Southern Tonic, preparedby Carter &. Cox, Alabama. Received und for sule oy ANSON PARSONS, nov G 218 if ops. 1 BALE fresh Hop.-, .his year* crop, just re ceived and lor sale by nov 5 G. ii. HENDRICKSON* Dressing Casts. T II REE doz. Ladies' und Gen..omen’s supe rior English Jupuued Dress.ng Cases. Just received, and lor sale by oct 15 G. R. HENDRICKSON. Grey Heads. 4 TKINS0N’S Vegetable Dyo l)o. Turkish do. Rowland’s Essence of Tyre hr Imperial Dye Do. gen line Maeassor Oil, highly recoin- men led for changing grey or red hair, whiskers, &c. to u permanent and beautiful hrown or black. A supply just received, and for sale by oct 9 G. R. HENDR1CCSON. Havana Segars. F IFTY thousand superior old Hu/ana Segars, several choice brands. Connoiseurs will do well to examine them. For sale by oct 9 G. R. HENDRICKSON. Seidiitz Powders, &c. T EN grace Maynard & Noy’s Seidlitz Pow ders, 6 do. do. Soda do. J ust received, and for sule by 'THOMAS RYERSON. oct