Daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1839-1840, November 21, 1839, Image 3

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I Heaufoi lc „ a ,| t stoum packet ISIS, ^rlitwe, muster, will depart for the r„?jToN»AY MOK&INO at 7 or lw.«-'go. tmving oxc.l- I- 1 or hlloiu nnnlf o' 1 hoard, or lo tomni» JaU ' ,, ^ j; Uil(10;(N '& WOOD A |l »lav« paMOngem iuu»t be clooroc tom IloUije* at fl u 1111 Yor*, rcnwy . n . lia nEW jurin packet \gAUrWr DISTRICT, Copt. - the fihovo nluces every or RE^UrVJW uigiiuv**wuj.« "inivo for the eboro pluow every f **bS «* o'clock. For flight or I ? •„. .nlowlIH uccomtnocletiolH. apply b> v «'C, ,u Umlinirtin’a wharf. «P»® 0| t JOHN OUIUMAftTm. L M W District goes inland from her from there to Charleston. is,,, Packet SavanwaJi. F? tMOirroir"' hc “ can Snl * n ’“' h and FlrlnSw.- 0mU ‘ , ‘‘ ma X e - -. 7 ^,j l0 ,,ill,mini Htomn packol SA- V tNNAH. fl. Freeland, master. -*, t'aarleatoil every Tuesday uuj Bat0 o'clock in the momnwt return,lij, kCliarlea'o" every Taureday nu.l Sun- thoir For freight or passage, apply , or to COHEN & FOSDICK.AgenU. For Hire. . ■ , a. |, 0 lied an I «lo.idy M Id. who ha. been iatouied to moat kin la ol labor, and lor "ivuimloymotit ia warned by tire month ' S. thrthor iulbnnailon enquire of F HAAAitL). UENdLUWdkCO. rTfyTUnrnlini’s Notice. ,|,o dd Deenmbor next, at II *TXM- lathe Mirket Hmtae, (on- anDcrinleadence ofthe Market Coinuii - I be leased for one year, from the above II,e Stulls in s till m irket. Teriiw-Ouu I linkable money, the other hulfu jo in |o re«pon«ible names, (to be approved Love Committee) Pjyuhle on the first l»v next. A. H.\ tiMON, e. m.< V\o hid will be taken fro;n peraom wht» Lira for Stull rent. Alao, notice i> noiv L, all Iiotea taken as above will bo col- ,endue- A “' aio Ectal UlnnkctsU Bluukvt.tlt fnheriber lina jnat received fioot France fillip Floriuli, via Clinrle«lon. o fall anp. mid Ucd Ulutiketa, from tlie celo- Lnufaclurer Z. Orai.ier & Son, Mont. NUUU'l A. HAitUEE. 230 . Oils. 1 GILES, very light cnl’d Sperm Oil I |i| bbu.Olive Oil. flOO gulla relined ■il. Jn«tre.eivedanJforaaloby HAZAIVD, DENSLOW&CO ,Fit.to Lead utitl Oil. , KEGS Wiiilo Lc id, 800) fall.. Lin- J ased Oil. Received- per recent nrri Fir sale by _ ■ hazard, pensloiv & CO. , Tobticco. llVF.l). n supply of Mra. Miller', fine ‘Tobiccoi ul o. it lino urt(cle of Cuveil- i. Fnraileby ,1'OltCllElt & LA ROCHE. Market Square. J»crf«;neil Extracts. I'l'ISS’ celebrated exinicta of Poraian i, CltineiB Musk, und Jeaaumine, de* ton fa: the h m Uero'llefi Fur a.i e by PO.tCHEit& L\ ROCHE. Perfumery. ILL selccicd mock of Perfumery, em. Bag oil ofthe highly perfume., entire- led by families. Kept eonatantly for ‘usaieorratiil at the .tore of POilCII.JlUfc LA ROCHE, Sign ofthe Got ten Globe, Opposite till) Market lilorifct'oiis Co npounil or Pc siti'i Scaot Bit g9. 1ST grateful perfu ue tor scenting ling., t and iann elfeemal remedy u Minot mem. |only by Robert Heat Edo. Cnemial mid r. by special appointment to the Queue, ale by POilCHEllit LA ROCHE, Sign of the Golden Globe, Oppoaite llio ,Market. theatre. ,• s " 1 ' 1 ... I. W. C. Ff)7tk!Hi.-ijnssce. Will bo presented THIS EVENING. Nov. 21, The Fuvnrite Piny of TOWN ANO COCNXUY. !J“" l , , l en ‘ JI « n «F Mr. 1'orbe*. Rosalie Suiuiujw, eMMitiMri. Darker. Fancy Dunce, by ,Mr«. Codet. To cdnclude witli tlie iMu.ioal Force of . THE WAIEIMUV. Ta-aTug... ....Air. Pearaon. Mra. Uiindle . .Mra. River., Ill die c i trae of die piece, Mr, Pearaon will •ingOn did yon uo'r boar of die jolly young Wa- te.ma J, farewell my trim built Wherry, und Uuy Joy CA ^ k 4nim 3 ' v >h aing Trumpet o, Tho Manager had the pleasure of announcing the engagement, fora few uigliti. of Master und < WelU. h o n t.iu Lon Jon .111J Park Theatre/, an I they will -hordy appear in the Operatic Ba«- let ol Li BayaJeru, wmch in now 111 active pre paration. r . In rehearsal, S^tiller’ll tr.igedv ofthe Hobbei. op«M* ‘tic li ille'. Of Lx tlaya lere—rne Ma.U ol Lrois.iey—A-a No vluesuoiis!—Married Lite, »Skc. tCT Doors open at ft o'uiock, an! performance 10 co n uencu.it liulfp.ut seven p.'ecisely. Boxy* an.I i'unpiutte One lioliur—■ Judery Fifty CeUd*. Seats can he secured at U10 Ueorgiuu O.llce nov 21 T ifr, , . Sil’ciTScT Ilf. subscriber is now open nt;n splendid ns- •*« t went oftho above urticfe, 01 the latest fustuon. B pcs figured Rep Silks 3 «Jo Changeable do do. 3 do do plain do 10 do ng’d baud 01110 rich coi’d 3 do do Satin,, lot dresses '4 do blue blnclt Satin do 4 do white, pitlkand blue Satins 4 do nine black tiro de Swiss 3 do jet do do do 3 do black Italian do do 4 do Uoumasin 3 do coi’d figM Argintine* 2 do plain black C.'tally, a new article 2 do plain do. 2 do Sdtin striped do Also, n splendid assortment of Muslin de Laine. nov ID YV'f. If. ». 8.a"SSSSitt. O M,0-4, 8-4,10-4 and 12-1 Table do T ! Neiv tiaaus. A ®*;JJNETr has uUo opened Store No. "i ^ l,r,n ^ ,s * Anildiiigs* with a large and splendid aisortmont ol’Milionary lioods, consist- lug in part, namely: 10 boxe. Lillies Florence Braid. Split Straw. Leghorn, Straw, Braid, coi’d Lnglisli and common Straw Bonnet. 50 dozen coi’d Nuii'aHooj. }0 boxe. Bonnet, Cup. Satin and Tnfela Ribbon. 10 do Belts. \ iirious styles uudouniiues -ii ; — Col'd Silk., F.oroncea, Satina, ifec. unde grout . VVtIV’l'*11H1 v*^ variety offaney good., for .ale wliolcule or retail A ni u?? 1 ? j , 0N ’ h T rec,!lved i vary low. nov ll Xl. Black, blue black, bro.vrt, claret, green, oncli Quilt., Tublo Do. 0 4, and 124 Scotch Darntuk Table ui’ 7 i J 11 !' 1 j*" 4 brow “ Damuk do “it a V, :! ''' 0 ; c i 1 Dama.lt Napkin. 44’ r 'J' L‘ V. 1 * 4 , ' 0,>d "’“rated ruble Cover. *.T ' '- • •l"i"l b-l do cotton ind linaudo do o-4 wo.,tod I’.ano Cuvj.s Col d; "“rated and do co..on SUnd. and Toi’.et White Marreille. Toilet Cover. SiiOjch Di per, Hudt ib ick. Cra.h.dtc.Towelling Bud. Eve and Itu.iia Diaper. 8 Fillow C^iae Linana und Linen and Cutlon Shoe'.- Guper Insli Linen., free of cotton R.cli Curtain Ohinhs. in act, Drapery Munluia, FnrnlUtre Dimity y grei'JJ criin ,nn and drab AInreen. . 1 ' • “bavj good, w r i adoctod with care For tliL inirket, and wul he -old uu accumuiudating lerm, “/ AVriilF ,t JOHNSON, .. ,,ov Id Soiilli aide Moinuieill S’|n irei Ne»v OnotU, Nciv dooils. I llu auhreyiberhu.recaiv d and no.v openim Irom brig Savannah mid .lap Celia, u lurue end extanaive as-ortment of neive.t style of Fan cy na.I St iple Good., emulating in part of the lol- lo.v.iuurticlaa. v.zi dtW piece. Cordova Kerrey. 320 do. Sat.neta 2d do. now style 44 French Prints “0 do. do. En tliah Calicoes 00 do. black and coi’d Scutch Gingham. oU do. heumcky Jeans 1) do. Wnae Flannel ‘l 0, do* various qualities do. Muslin de L tines 100 5-1, 0-4 aud 8-4 Cluneule Shawls 50 Merino ^Jbawls und Mantles 400 Sli iwh. various styles und qualities 100 pieces French und English Merinos 60 do. Ron ice Silk Hdkfs. 2) do. tn pish Spot ilfieid .Silk do. CO dozen Woieu Uloves 21 do Mem Uu k an J II. 8. Gloves 20 do. Li lies H. 6. Gloves 20 do. do. Silk and Cotton Gloves and Long Mitts 60 pieces coi’d utid black Silks,newest style 2 cas04 Can.oil Flannel 20 p.cces new style Cassimere 20 do. Vestin'/!! ' 10 do. Uro.idc.oths, various qualities 3J boxes Bouuet, Cap Tutfeta und Belt Rib bons 100 dozen silk, worsted and cotton Hose and Half Hose 10 boxes Butin Ribbons, from No. 2 to 22 43 L idies white Florence Bonnets A*tn 100 colored Bonnets White and colored Satins, coi’d Florences Wuite and black Crape Black Love Shawls, black Bombosins Ladies hemstitched Linen Cambric Hdkfs. Lace and worked collars. Bonnets Nun* Hoods, and a general assortment of lesiruble goods. For sule by •ctltO A. BENNETT. J Porty T, »o”«nna Dollars. GREENE AND VW.AHKI MONUMENT LOTTERY. D C. L >33 NO. 51. FOA 1813. iHDED by th, drawing of the Virginh State Lottery. Cha, No. <1. for 1819. io be “ ri x < V '•'> 011 2 U but. 70 Nuidber Lottery—(4 Drawn BoEots. , , PRIZES. 1 prize of. 1. do For I^vcrpooi. Tho first class ship ME feaKT.'iomas. For freigiit. apt liov 15 PADELFf" ‘ ,.340,000 .. 12000 ; ™ 5-40 ‘ d ,° * 3000 5 .*» 2000 b do 1500 “ do 1230 do ••••• 1200 do BM B0 do 210 '2-0 do iso . A*c. .Ac. Ac. TiCKetaJIO, Halve.35,Quarter.<32•‘41. For ™leut Wil'IIIN iTON’S oavlD Lot’y & Fx. Oilicn. on tlie lluv. dkc. ti^lisii Scissors. J)Oi5. English Scissors, assorted patterni Jml 1/ and Vizes. J it it received, mid for sule by GEORGE VV. BEHN. oct ^6 No. 2 Shad's Building. H D. Dctnpscyi AS lUslrelurnediVoiiiNe.v-Vorkwitiia large an I splendid assortment of Foreign und Jo.nestc D.tY GOOG8, which will he sold at reduced prices for cosh or short credit, consisting of 50 pioces French, German and Eng. Merinos 50 do. Mo.Hltn de Lome* 600 Rob Roy YVooIeu Shawls, various sizes and qualities 500 yards ingrain Carpetiuj, best quality 600 do. Cot:ou do. 1000 pieces English. French and Am. Calicoes 10 bales 3-4 and 4-4 brown Ho nespun 0 Oiies bleached 8iiirun;sund 8.ieetmgs 23 pieces white and red Flannels 1000 do. Room Puper and Bordering 30 do. B.itinsU. asaurled cotors and qualities 30 do. Apron Checks 25 do. Irish Lin din. 2.) do. Long Lawn 25 do. Negro Clotii, 20 do. Negro Ulunkcts 100 pair Whitney. Ito-ie aud Mackinaw do. .U)0 do/., assorted Head Hdkfs. 10 cases do. Florence braid and plain Straw Bonnets . 25 pieces plain and figured Silks, new style 25 boxes ussonetl Ribbons 300 dozen Ladies silk, cotton and worsted Hose 200 do. Gentlemen's wboien and coLon do. 00 do. Ladies kid and silk Gloves 100 do Gent’s woolen, kid and buckskin do. 25 bales Ban I Boxes Together with a clio.ce assortment of silk, hroche. cotton and worsted dhawls, Laces, plain, checked and figured Muslins, Shaker Bonnets, Ate. Als, an assortment of Ready Made Clothing. oct2d 210—Jv Ovor^Toats nud 43ii>a*%t*. G S. NICHOLS has on hanJ a complete • assortment of Cloth. Beaver Cloth, and Pe tersham Over Co its; also, superior and common Cambiet Clonks, which he will sell at his us iul low price lor cash. nov 13 Leather Shirts. T !lE subscriber has on bund a few superior Wush Le ither Buckskin Under Shirts, wur- runted to keep tho cold out. nov 13 . G. 3, NICHOLS. Beaver Cloth Frock Couts. J LIST received from New York, n full supply of Beaver Cloth nn I Satinet Hunting Coats, which will be sold low for cash, by nov 1J G. S. NICHOLS,’Market Square. Stocks und Collars. XUST received direct from the Munufectnrer, twenty dozen Stocks, embracing all of tlie la test patterns and tiishion*. Call and see und get i good ar.icle at a bargain, nov 11 G. d. NICIIOLS, Market Square. ,’U.I itoTT/T'"" jaconet, ana Under Shirts anil Brawres. * l’it !* in Qtl d Imerting.for A FULL supply of Lambs Wool. Cotton net, iLLLER, MOORE & CO. XjL Memo un i Silk Under Shirts and Draw ers. For sale by JOHN MALLERY. oct 9 The Subscriber, H AVING just returned to the city, is now opening u general assortment of splendid aud new FANCY GOODS. Paris Embroideries Milinery articles of all descriptions Mouslin de Luines. Cimllys Gioa d’Agers, Cut Velvets Rich Silks and Satiiis. &c. The Fashions for the approaching season will he opened to-morrow, 24th inst. MRS. BEAULARD, Broughton-street. oct 23 206 (Ccor) Willia'ti If. Lloyd, H AS just received per recent urrivuls, a splen did assortment of Bonnets, inferior to none in tne market, which he oilers at wholesale or re tail, on accommodating terms. The ubove con gist ofthe following, viz: 2 cases fine Tuscan Bonnets, latest style 3 do common do, do do 1 do Oriental do, do 4 do coi’d Straw do, now 2 do Misses do db do, do 1 do English split straw do do 2 do super do patent do do do 4 do Misses plain do do 60 dozen P* L. Hoods Also, An handsome assortment of plaid and figured Ribbons. «o v ^ L Flannels, Scc. JtV & JOHNSON have received, real Bkh Flannels, wurrun ed n-jt to shrink; I. Hose. Ribbon bo in I mid Duifil Bhu- lnets, Ginghuiin. Mmlinde Laine*, &c. pn accommod uing term i. South side Mon iment Square. fw. II, 6c STBogorsi I just received from New-York, viz: laies Nun's Palm Leaf H its I. Miip'r Florence Braid Bonnets, latest TBtyle J. English Straw do. I. Aiiiericati do. do. T Misses round Florence Hats . P- do. do. Hoods « colored Straw Bonnets, &c. South Hide Market Fq lure, lets, Cai'pctinsr and ICu;(s, bioirn I'or Excel. jrtUIER supply of stip’r Invniin Car- #ai;—Also, very superior Tufied'ltiigs, pvy twilled Blankets. For sale by LATHilOP & NEVITT. 252 , B.iizc. & JOHNSON Iwvo received best I y o-l pouted and green Grimily Floor ■», Heavy Negro Kcraeys, Satinets, &c. ■omcodimotfitini terms. —2oi)lti side iMonament Square. - it l 5l , S is „9°«nn»os. ■ -t ' *^^^SR8 have received the iii.,I ^Clines one month later than the Biiim Ure I^ ,Ua .* {erH c 'tn he .iccommotla- V 210° 11 ^ 18 '^° P ar ^ et are* kw4 m. r a *?°/bnent of Jaconet, and West or England Clotlis Black, tnixt brown, striped, &c. Cassitneres Oxford nilxt, block, brown, green, &c. Premium Satinets Heavy mixt do. do.' for servants Jeans. Liuseys, &c. do. do. Heavy Dufitl Blankets Alao, fine ribbon bound Whitney, Rose, Ac. Biuukets. oct 23 South side Monument Square. New Style of H its, R ECEIVED per brig August i. uu assortment oi* fashionable Huts of h i per or iiuality. For sale by JOHN MALLERY. oct 9 WinoilBraaily, Gin, Bottles, 6ku, 2 HALF pipes Bar Sherry Wine, of supenor quality, on draught Also, in boxes of 1 an 12 doz e ich. the follow ing celebrated ora a is of M ideira, Port und doer- ry Wines, m quantities to suit purchasers, viz: Ol iveira, Alcyone, Remittance. Dunon. Luna,Woe- amaw. Min. Flower. Edward BmnJy & Soni. Joy, Alert. M ideira, Belvidere, Goideu, Pale und Brown Sherry. 5 pines Obtrd, Dnnny & Co’s Brandy 2 do. superior lloiland Gin JO c nks Lon Ion Poitur 100 craves Witio tioales. For sale by ol24 207 JOHN W. LONG U'HTiic* K Usins, Sc?nrs,&c. "S A BAGS Coii'ee, Jo8 boxes Seg.irs Ate f 5 boxes Verumcelli, 8 cases Prunes u boxes Preserved Plums 2 hags P.outi Nil's. 10 bills crushed Sugar 10 blit* Lo if Sugar, 25 4 c jests Tea 4 chests Tea. sup’r, 100 boxes Raisins 200 half boxes Raisins. 203 qr do do 25 boxes Lcmous, 100kegs Grapes 70 casks Malaga Wiue 75 drums Figs 25 | c isks .Malaga Wine Just received per’sehr 8 Carolina and steam boat Savannah, uni for sale by novll JNO. D. GAUDRY. 300 Dollars Clmllengc, rnJE Genuine FRENCH PILLS a jainst all A the .QUACK NOSTRUMS of the use fo the cure of * # * * * * Tho French Pills are applicable to nllcises. fo; either sex. (warranted free limn mercury.) an I possesses great advantages o\e.* the Balsams and nil liquid medicines, by being entirely free from smell, an 1 consequently donut ellect the breath tliereby preventing U»e ppssibiiity of a discover: while using them. Besides this important advantage they never dis agree witli the s.omach. an I in the first stages o the disease they usually effect a cure in a few days, with little regard to diet or expo<ure. In the moat ohstinuestages of the iliseaso, they at e equally certain.having Cured many alter every other remedy had filled. In short, they have been so universally successful, tliut that tlie pronriutoi challenges any one to produce a remedy or equal cert duty, unJer u forfeiture of Three Hundred Dollars. For sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON, and T. M. & J. M. TURNER. Price $2 per box. oust 6 IG4—1 v U irrison’s Buccillc ointment, F JR the cure of Wuite Swellings, Scromlous and other tumors, Ulcers. Sore Legs, old uni besh Wounds. Sprains uu I Bruges. Bwvllimrs and Inflammation*. Scald Head, Women's Sore Breasts. Rheumatic Pains, Tetters. iruptionH. Chiibu'm. Whitlow*, Bile*. Corns and External Diseases generally. It is likewise greatly superi or to any medicine hereto r ore discovered for the chafed bucks and limbs of horses; forritr/ worms, chapped lips—and in short, for every extemulbo- di y evil tliut may Tull to the lot of man or beast. For sole by G. ,R. HENDRICKSON, und T. M. & J. M. TURNER. PricQ GO cents per box. aug 5 . ,134—ly Garden Scciis, ffUIE suhscriher has just rtcaived per brig A Madison, his supply of fresh Gurden 8i e l , warrnuted to be of best quality, and the giowth ul l8J r J,viz: Boms, kidney, half moon nul Vilcntine; Beet, early Turnip, blood, white, Scursity und Mangel Worked; C ihbuce. early York. Battersea. Drum head. Bergen nud red Dutch; Cunot. early horn, and long omn e; Cucumbers early frimed, long greeu un i prickly; Lettuoe, early ice and Inn: "reen; Mullun, Citron. Pine Apple. Nutmeg aud dkillmunq early Cauliflower; Onion, silver skin'., red and white Portugal; Okra, curled Par-ley, Pepper, long sweet Spanish Pe.ve, Dwarf, M ir* await. Charlton, blue Imperials. Washing on, Bishop's Prolific 'itid Tall Mariowfut; Radisli.Iong scarlet, short top’d do.whitoturnip do.eurly fium ed and black fall; Squash, early hush and long crock necked; Solsily, Tom i ocs; Turnip, early Dutch, largo fl it Globe and Ruhib ro, Pepper Grass, Water Cress, w ite and red Ciovcr, Lu cerne Grass, 4&c. For sale I y nov 20 ANSON PARSON3. Stores. N assortment Sioves. for sale by L nov 1 N. B. & II. WEED. have received a good s ,i 011 I ,n 1111,1 3,1k Umbrellas. °° U 200 ^ onutneul ^‘juare. IvAjfKJanneuif tLrfflHNdpWhave received a large Bnk ai ‘ y esl Flannel,, wurrnnted | ' Also, large size ribbon bound tr-jj— nov 9 Flannels, Occ. PM vanu r 1 ’ 0 ",''' 1 \ Vulc: ' faoneta U-madiail Kerseys fpeoed bv C ° f ' 0V “ Plainj _JTLLER, MOORE & CO. Jffip ooodi; BiSS?®— R| 0r 7 o Thihet Shnwtji fe^, kBn,id Bnnd a S G ' n '' <1 " , Sontlemen’, do ferr B j; T BEIt ’ LATHROP & NEVITT. Dosto.1 & lia i.be, Market Square. Savannah, H AVE instore, and are receiving per various urrivuls. a full supply of Groceries,Bugging, Ac. Among which uie— 10 hlids. St. C.oix Sugar 11 do, PoroRicodo. 69 hags Codec 160 pieces Bugging,42,43nnd44 inches 50 cods Bale Rone 100 lbs. Bogging Twine 10000 do. Bilmnore eured Bacon, Hams,Sides, and Shoulders 3000 bushels heavy Marylan 1 Seed Oat#* Caml and B ilt. Fiour. whole and \ bbls. 10 casks uti I 25 boxes Goshen Ciieese 10 kegs choice Bnt:er 20 1, 20 4. and 20 ) bbls. Buckwheat Flour 10 boxes Sperm. Candies 6 pipes Ouird, Dupuy & Co’s. 4th proof Brandy 6 do. Seiimette do. do. 5 do. Holland Gin 20 bbls. Peach Brandy 30 do. Rye Gin, 33 do. Whiskey 20 do. Rum Madeira. Tencrifle, Port und Sweet Mala ga Wines Butte.* and Wine Biscuit Almonds and Raisins, Tobacco 10 tons iron, assorted 75 kegs Nails. &c. AH of which they oft’er on accommodating terms, oct11 Dried Figs. p* DRUM ' Figs, in fine order, in store and £ rj for sule by nov 12 COPE & MILLS. 100 nov 19 NTeqrro Pipes. BOXES Negro Pipes, landing from ship Trentnn. for sule by MICH. DILLON & CO. do do do do do do New Goods. A FEW sets rich Furniture Chintz 50 pieces low priced do. do. 25 do. Chally and Mouslin de Luines Just received, ana for sale by oct 9 - FULLER MOORE & CO. Cider. BBLS Newark Cider, landing from ship 25U Hiluh, and for sale by nov 18 L* BALDWIN. Fancy Dry Goods. A N assortment ofscu-ouable fancy Dry GooJp, consistin 'of plain an l flg’d Cuan;c.ibh Silks. Reps, watered Silks, coi’d Satins, first qtt.il ity Broche Merino 3ilk.nn.l Silk Shawls; 7. 8 aud 3-4 S itiu IMkfs. c'a iti reihlo silk uti-l satin Cm- vat4| plaid*do. satin and nett Scarfs, ricli Ciinn ii- In-Veils, French Needle Work, worked Mu-lti* Bands, B!on I im l Fillet Nets. Gloves. B a d. Poti gee and Spit llfiekl H lkfX rich S atin G.irnitu «• uui Cip iliqhon#, narrow Beltings, «S:c. wb.ch will be offered forjsule.l'ora few davs only, at the s 0.oof 8. PHILBiUCK .A. CD. nov 20 Hair Oil, Dears Grease and Po* nnlain. M ACASSAR O.l, English, do do American. Wurd’s Vegetable Oil.Bears Oil,do Grease Pomatum, in pots; do in roils, Aldrich's Balm Columbia. Just received and for sate on accom iiiodaiin/ terms by J MIN E. 8TILW?LL. Corner of Broughton & Wiiital-e -sts. nov 20 Opposite the AIulis on Had e. FORD,^ Cnpt. .Far.SaUv T HE sloop GEO t JIA. with all her tackle an I apparel. S.tu lias two suits ofs.ii!s,nnd is in good order. Apply to H. F. VVIuLlVK. athis Ship Yard. Also—One bhex Pouey. a good saddle Horse, and perfectly gentle. Apply us above, nov 8 220 Frciglit foi'Piovmeuce A IJHDS. of Mo!a<ses, the curgn ol tho brig Leonidas put in o this port in d.sncss. from Havana for Pio'videuco. aud con demned, is ready for resUipment. Propo.ails foi the f.eight of siine will be received by. nov » HADELFO ID. FAY & CO. 1 A flflfh Liii * Codfish A vFyx/l./fJ’ 1 hbl. Hilibut fins, just re- Cdiviii; pur sc.ir. Savunuah. from M.irb.ehcad. .md.br sale by COPE & MILLS, nov 5 Domestic Liquors. A B13L8. N. E. Rum 5 half pipes Brandy, landing from sh*p Co.ouiando,unJ for sale low from the wharf,ny nov 2 GEORGE II. MAY. Northern preserves, nssortc.1. BOXES fresh Preserves, of various t)IJ kinds, jim received by the G. B. Lamar md for sale by , , C. L. McNISII. nov It j. v . Guns, ltlflcsand Pistols. A N assortment of Pistols, and sin'lo and don hie barrel Flint and Percussion CEuns { for sale by N. B. & II. WEED, nov 1 214 Coal. O NE HUNDRED cauldrons superior English Coal, 30 tons Anthracite Ooul. in hhds und hbls, for sale in lots to suit purchasers, by nov 15 MICH. DILLON & CO Currant Jelly Sc Brandy Peacties. DOZ. Currant Jelly .20 do Brandy Peach- •^1? es. Just received per brig Lamar, and for wile by - C-L. McNIBlI. nov 11 222 Oats. , . ; QWAA BUSHELS heavy Virginia Oats, O f UU landing from brig Eleanor, for sale in lots to suit purchasers, by f ' nov 12 MICH. DILLON.. Loaf anil Crustieil Sugar. f\ BBLS and 5 boxes refined Loaf Sugar jJjiJ 10 bbls Crushed Sugar IQ do Powdered do Received from the Boston Sugar Refinery, and for sale by L. BALDWIN. nov 1 214 ~ • “ 'Paints. Oils, Glass, dec. GALLS, pure English Linseed 300 gallons bleached Sperm.,Oil 600 do. unbleached " do. 500 do. bleached and refined Whale Oil 500 do. unbleached do. do. 500 do. common do. do. 200 boxes Window Glass, assorted sizes 50'dozenbl*fl;ePicture do. do., 2 tom Wuite Lead. Received and.for sale by HAZARD, DENSLOVV ifc CO. oct 19 ■ . To Planters. f pHE Subscriber, Agent for the Athens Menu JL facturing Company, has constantly on hand a supply of their Domestic Woolen and Co.tou Goods, a superior article for Negro Clotliing. NOBLE A. HARDEE oct26 209 Foi-JMvcrpo'Jl, Tho firstcln«« Araeric-in sh'n 4MRRI- Capi. T. Holden. Jr„ will ' e ,!e • , MiO .0.4 Igimeatatoljr. For freifflitorpossrgo, i|- jly on ho ltd nt Do! :on'« whirl! or to ' novl l WASIIBUilN. LF.mS&C^. “ Fot-'Wetv.T'ovlt— Hrig Una. ■rffrt Too roznl.il' pochct briu MADISON. 38S Japtaln Hulldey. will bo despntchnd iimne lnituiy. For frei^lit or p isenro. Havlno .’luer o iccoimnodntion,. (state room.) npnly on ho ird. , or to WA3IIBUUN, LEWIS & CO. „ nov an . ' ', For Wcw-Vorit, Tlie tint Sitlinr ship HII.AH. Cnpt ,‘n 4x« laiii.tioii 1, will Imvo iinniedints de. t utc!i. •’ °rtrelzhl or pa..;iae. npplv on liomd. or 10 nov ID PADELFOHD. I’AY * CO. ° To Rout, k ArA A g°od store uni dwelling, north ride -*ciJLMarket Square. For Author par icnlar, v -*ii pure of JOHN SAVAGE, At W.^Nichol’s II.it Sto.e. uov 19—r; j, To Rent, t 1 ho two story dwelling, situated on the w JtiiMa'vest side of West Broad-street, next door ° uortij ol Col. Muishull’s. Poxsession given im- mediately, an 1 rent to expire on the hr*» d iy of November, 18J0. Apply t» Lawton & Rehn. or »ovl0 * R. S. LAM TON. Centra U til lts nl At Da iKl ir » Company ofOcorRi i. - Savannah. Nov. 13,1839. A N Election for nine Directors to manage the b rm. uiVair* of this Institution, will bo held at die ^ inking Ilotiso in this city, on tips fir><t Mond y t January next. Toils to be open from 9 A. 51. » .o 2 P. M. By order. R. R. CUYLEP, nov 18 227 Cusluer. Milllnevy atnl Orcu-Makitiff* 7flilE MIdariH HOWELLS (liom N. York) J- beg leave to in.orm the Ladies of Savannih 8 mil its vicinity, that thev have opene*f a fashiona- >!e MILLINERY uni DRESSMAKING ES- FABLI8IIMENT, over tlie storu of 5Iessrs. T. M. &. J. M. Turner, in Monument 8qtinre, w tli i •lie latest New York fashions, and respec frilly so- ♦ icita share of their putinntue. uov 13 d'lillm* Savmtmiii In*, ft Trust Co. TjVJIl RENT—The several Apartments ubove Jl this Office, well adapted to couuting rooms, aw offices, &c. liov 12 SAMUEL C. HOUS^. Ser'y. For Sale, A N excellent family Horse, with or wltho.it n -£jL light Barouche. Tne Ho/se is very gentle, und draws well either in single or double h irness. nov4 JOHN MALLERY. Notice. 9 1 HIE subscriber having obtained temporary JL Letters of Adm.uistmtion on tho Estate of Isaac Norton, ull cluiuH on said Estate must be • presented to him, and payments made according ly. F. E. TEBEAU. t nov 19 223m I Notice. TT7* II. 6c S. ROGERS will receive bills of : Tv • all the Country Bunks (except Milledge- 1 ville) in payment for ooods, at 10 per ceut. di*. : aounl.pinvided the amount of the bit. is traded ‘ out*, but will not receive unbankable bills for con- .ructs already made. nov 19 South side Market Square. Notice*. i rriHE annual meet, ng ofthe Coinmissiot:e.‘sof X Public .toads of Cnutimin County, will be * aeld ut the Court House in the City of Suvnnnan, on the first Monday, being the second day of De 1 member next, ut 11 o'clock, A. M. 1 \V . \V . WASH, Sec’y. b. c. p. r. c. c. - nov 12 221 3 Law Notice* /~1UYLER W. YOUNG, Attomey and Conn- vy seller ut Law, has located himself in Louis* viile, Georgia, where he will uttend to al) pro.'ls- sioiul business entrusted to his care, w t.i i iugence , and punctuality. He will regularly uttend tne Su perior Courtsoftile Counties of Jelfe sou, Burke, < Scr.veti, EUin;;lum, Bulloch, Tattnull iiudMont- 1 gomery. aug 2 163 * Tlie Subscriber /~VFFEUS his services to tlie citizens of Ed V-J vanmh and its vicinity, to co.hct nil untes, tins and accounts,that uiuy be placed in his hands. Every diligence will be used in rendering sufnfuc- t on to timse w.io may entrust him with their Im- fines* Reference to Major it. \V. Flournoy,W. ‘L Latimer, Dr. It. i). Arnold, and VV. ». I'lem- ing. lie wfil be found during business hours, nccupving the southern room of Jcstice Wvdy’s nince, J. ii. iiACOiS. uov 18 227m Look nt 1' iis. UP COUNTRY MONEY TAKEN AT PAR. piHE Subscriber, in coiiaeqiieuce of,nnr Sa- 1 X vannali Banks refusing to receive up ro. n- try money in deposit or payment, takes this tu. - diod of informing the public gencrnll. , t* a. . e wul receive up country Bank Bills, in good le- pute, at par lor goods at hi* regular f ur price*, il t..e whole utuountof Bank Bill or Bills i* tr.den out, viz[I.t’.vkiinville U.mk, Bauk of Al lledgi- v.lie.Ocmnlgee Bank. Momoe Rail Koid iiank, Junk* of Commbus generally ,witi oneexcept.ou, mdwillhaveno objection to receive die Sav nnal , Vugiista. Georgia liail lloud, BruuswiCK und b . Mary’s Qauk Bill*, for goods or in pay mem i t lebts ut par. unlc*-< the person* are willing to al ow me o per ceut discount. A. BENNETT, No 1 &. 2 Waring’* buildings. Market Square, nov 18 Wood. Wootl. rTUIE Subscriber ha* no-.v on banand will i be constantly receiving, a supply of firar ptality Oak a id Adi Wood. Apply at ue Wodc Yard, east end of the to.vn. oct 17 201 II. F. WILLINK. KIu itsvilie, Xlberty Comity. T> ROUGHT to Jail. October 1st, 18 9. a Ne- 13 gro man Named JOHN, about5 feet 6 iti dies high, 19 or 20 years or age, who says he be longs to a gentleman by the name of Sumucl Ch art, who resides in Lowndes county, Ga. The owner is hereby requested to come forward, pu) expenses, and take him away, oct 3 189 S. S. MOODY, Jailor. . Pocket Book Lost. 2~\N Monday morning, between Mr. William V-J son’s plauta.io.i on the Augusta Road, und S ivtinnah. a pocket book conUiinini t iree PIE TY DOLLAR BILLS, two of them are ofthe Suite Bank of Georgia, payable in Savannah,und one oil a Baltimore Bank, name not recollected; Resides several Due Bills and Letters, which w 1 lie of no me to uny person but the owner. A re ward of fitly dollars will be given to the fin 'er b\ leaving it witli the suhscriher. or at thi<* office. FREDERICK KKENSON. nov 20 223m* Wante.l, rriVVO Boys, from 12 to 14 years of age; then X wages payable monthly or qu irterly. Thosi from tho country would he preferred. LOUIS GIRODON. nov 20 * 2'2*)l WauteR, A SITUATION as an Overseer on a Rice ix Plantation on the ltiver, by a Plunter of ex perience. und steady habits; reference os to char acter can be given. Apply nt this office, nov 19 228m Landing from sc hr. Elizabeth from Philadelphia, A PIPES pure Holland Gin r ‘Wheel and Pine Apple’brand 4 nr cas«;s Sweet Malaga Wine 1 do do Golden Sherry do 10 casks DuffCcrdun’s Old Pule Sherry do 39 case* Pickles. For sale by nov 6 QEORGE H. MAY. AUCTION gALES, FxccntorSSila. h e re idence of James \Y lllnccr I *q. dtccoNcd! ( n Broitgluon-stree ) all tho bdftsehhfd and kitclf- **-i Furniture, Beddin r . &c. in the house. ^ . Alr-o, One Carnage and pair of Ubrik»> a htttnber'df addles, Bridies, &c. AW, 1 One half pipe Madeira Wine, imported pef fiiLMiv Flower in J83tl; several demijons su- 8«*.or old Wine. Gin, Bratxly, and other Liqhdrs. enns cash, bankable money. nov 21 Adm nisirator’s Sale A Dy8. Paul brick Sc Co* On die first Tuosd.iy in January. 1840, in front tl.e Court lion <e in t!;o City ot Savannah, duf- |g the usual hours of sale. Lot No. 5, Columbia Vard, With tlie dwelling house and all improve* , 5^ on 5 u | 8 °» a Ihui.ly of Negroes, viz: A am We fellow, hi 4 w.fo and their daughter, three I number, all will d goosed and very des''ruble jrv.mts belonging to ihe entote of Jeremy Stone, ite ol this city, deceased. Sold by pcnuisfiin of nov 6 Administrator's Sale. ,By PliHbrlck Sc Co. Un Me tirst Tuesday in December next, iu front > 4li» I'm... It.... ... 4. ..... . ... > . X and uisLatri oct 2 My s. Pliilbrick, uc (Jo. - At Private Sule. A nrlmo likely Boy, uhoui 15 years of age, il and p'ona'u hoy- nov 19 Spluii'M i Bo toil Aiu-.te Pianos. By S.PliilXrrick, Sc Co. Two fits rate Pianos, of lino tone and finish; ii I ru hiouuble patteins.jiist n celved from fittiL m and will be suid a bargain to close conriinmcnt* nov 7 Ey S. Pliilbrick Ik Co. * A P.ivateS le. A one horse Barouche and Hnmcjr nearly ew, und in li.st rate order, Wi 1 be tdld low, Uitf wnerliaviugnofiirttiertise toi it. Also, u match of well bio e reiltle ('unlngo Iorses, suited for ii family car iof e. nov 7 Esclie ate * 1 m s»*o* “ r|N the first Tuesday in December, ttext, be* L/ tween tiiu inuml l ours oi sale, win bo i-oid elore the door of the Court Home in tlie city of a van mb. tlie follow mg property to win One test of Clothes, one old loot Chest, one Tool ’best, one Horse, and various other unifies, thd »operty of the estate of George Miller, deceased. Ahn. one Tool Chest, one Watch, und one old link ofCIothcs. belonging to the estate of J. A» amnedy, deceased. Also, several Trunks, Chests, 7 Bedstead^ By order. ROBhRT VV. POOLER, nov 11 (Gsor) Eschealor c. o« AUncliinniit Sale. * 3 N Friday, iha 2/tli November inst. between the it mil hours of sule nil be sold helore i: Co irt House, in t’l i city of 8 iv. nn »h, tl.d Court ot Caatiiuiu Comity, m favor of Zacnariah M. Winkler, vs. W Ilium'on Newinun. B/ order ofC'liura.u 8. IKnry, Judge Superior ^ourt* fciMieru Distnci Geo.gia. uov I!) LLISIIA WYllY, Sheriff c. c, > Ail in I nisi rat rite’s Said. / Ex'orsi Excimu^e. D RVFTSou Now-York ut short sight, for sale by nov 19 MICH. DILLON <&, CO* Chuthnni - ■* 14.4 J-IUJIUllf. All the iuterist ofthe estate of R. F. William* .Sold us the pi operty of estnte R. F. Willintn*< Vr ho benefit of the heirs and creditors of said ista e. MARY WILLIAMS, Adm’ix, nov 9 221 Valuable Iticc Plamat du and Ncfft obs lor sale. W ILL he sold at public sule,nn the fi:si Tilde* * day in. Fcbnnry next, helore u.e Court , containing (3430) three thousand lour iiumired and ihir’iy acres, of which (5o0)five hitn- iwurup, well mluptid to U.e culture ol Cot on or lorn, und (2150) two thousand one hundred and fry acres ol heavy tiiubcxeu piuui-iuuu. Outlie remises are u coiu.'o.t ihle dwelling House, Ne ro Houses. Bums..Blacksmith Shop.nudevery necessary out Ini lining for tlie use ol the pluncu-* cion. At tho same time and place, will be sold (con* litionoily) a very prime gang of about sixty Ne* jroes. Al o, an undivided third of the flantatioit known as Broudfieid, ud o.ning tho above, con* mining in nil about (400) lour hundred acta* of prime Rifce Land, in fine order to receive a crop* Terms made known on tlie day of sale! JOHN F. GREEN, }, HUGH F. GRANT, $ 1 nov 15 225 (Georgian) A Card. ; DR. ROBERT H. A. KOCH# (FROM DRESDEN. IN SAXONY.) P ROFESSOR of Music, for the lust four years in the cities of Baltimore and Anapolis, Md. now in the city of Savunnah, Ga. has the pienunre of informing tlie citizens of Snvnnnnhand its vi cinity, that lie will commence to give le»ons pri •he Organ. Harp, Piano Forte, Guitar, Violin, Flute und Thorough Bara (that is, Low to com* i Music.) and in Singing, particularly Church ic, and other Songs. Ladies und Gcndtilicn poso Musi O NE case Houck’s P .n cea, for Dyspepsia, &c. Received und for sale by oct 18 A. PARSONS. wishing to associate in this Music School, will nlease inquire for further inforn ation at Dr. Koch’s room, at the residence of A. G. Oemler# Esq. in the morning from 10 o 1 o’clock, and in die afternoon fr'oiA 3 until 5 o’clock. FOR SALE.—A splendid grand square Piano ■^ort®. with the Harp. Loud Bassoon, Drum and B 11 Pedal, by which the performer c: n pioduce n'ne different sounds; a!»o, an Ituliun Ci'uitar, Flutes, Italian ViOl-n. CJarionet end nn a«orL- meut of the newest Music. There articles call be seen by those who feel disposed to examine inch Han isoine instruments, at t<i above place* Piano Fortes tuned. Orders‘thankfully ri calv ed . 199 oct 15 . Wanted T O purchase, u family of six or eight Negroes, for which cash will be paid.- Inquire of oct 29 NOBLE A. HARDEE. Wanted to Purchase I MMEDIATELY, for the use of a Planter, art able bodied Negro Man or Boy# for whom a fiir price will be puid. JOHN BOSTON •/ ^ april 8 A Situation Wanted, A S Ove seer on a Rice Plantation on the Riv er, by an individual wl o is well experiehcea in the cultivation of Rice* having planted flint ar ticle for twelve years—is ih’diis r ous and of stea dy habit'. Good references, m- to chnrr cter. &c. cm be given. For particulars, enquire at this of fice, or bv letter addressed to “J. H.” through’ffce Post Office. 229p* nov 20