Daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1839-1840, November 22, 1839, Image 1

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    , nV II,Y JlEPtilU-lCAV’
janics Clcla.nl)
"t!:.weekly “Ilepubllean,” .
! i 1 three time's a week, (Monday, Wed
dicJ i FrW) attl10 °Jf u " D,u| y
in nil "tontiiiniiiRull tho inlfclligmico
■jUl'l-C' 1 »>. . ,1... n..si« Piihnv lit
H flicd t" 'he Htuly Paper, .ut
K-VfinOIXAKS perunitmn,
1 0 for lit litoiltlu.
I ^Iwmoitw eubliihedet tho iwtinl rotes,
for'tho first, nml Thirty-
■ffllir ,o I* „ ...nil !,.enot!nM „t\no not
J i half tor uuch tojoruon after, per
Koittfieniiy the Clerks oftho Courts
Br- ac .. .. Ihih boon made lor
EfaKaSK bn hoot..node for
fr'Administmtlcm, must ho piibluhed
L°i! niVS at least.
“Ugseeuton and Administrators for
i' “j Creditors to rondor ill their nccounts
k t,tidied SIX WEEKS,
ffr Nojrocsby Executors and Adininis-
M ,stjent pubic miction, oil the firstTnes-
l' n i ltd between tho tistittl hours of
■]ienu » w, » „„i« *i.„
, ■•nillul. neiwcuii MSS'
isolsee of Public Soles in tho County
Letted Testamentary, ofAdtmtiistra-
'.tardianship may have been granted, first
IP* 11 1 * .1 nl 1 >1 nnn nf *1...
l G “ f „ AV< notice thereof in ono of the
fclJtai of this Suite, Olid at tho dooref
Vr lb’ u ' c ’ " llcl '° 811cb ““ 68 " r ° 10
for leave to sell Negroes, must ho pub-
f„L, months, before any ordor absolute
i made thereupon by tho Court,
fEstuo by Exocutors, Adininistrtt-
IdGiivdiea'. inlititbo published SIXTY
*'before the tlttv of Sole. These solos must
fctl the Court House door of tho Comity
-fctne property is sltitota, hnd on the first
Ivnftltf Mottlli,between the Itnurs often ill
IL, and four 111 the eftelnuoii. No sale
ly'to day is valid, unless so expressed in
lSombv Executors, Administrators and
■ .t of'Miol.nupP (nr Ifintrn In
Cm'w to'’ 1 Court of Ordinary for leave to
Kutbe published FOUR MONTHS.
»ni. must mb * 7 * ~'
■ ofpersonal property (except negroes)
| tP al ‘ K l intestate estates by Executors nml
Erator* must bo advertised FORTY
■ications by Executors and Administrators
Icrs Disnussory, must bo published SIX
■ifiitioiH for foreclosure of Mortgages on
Tile must be advertised onco ft month for
Irsoftlie Court of Ordinary, (accompum-
In copy of the bond of agreement) to
itlcfi to lund mint be advertised Turks
Is ».t least.
liirMalcsunder executions regularly grant-
c Courts, must he advertised THIRTY
-under mortgage executions SIXTY
-Sales of perishable property under or-
(’ourt, must lie advertised, generully, TEN
■ before the day of sale.
Rdvertwcmentswill be punctually attended
AH Letters directed to this Office or tho
I must be post pnid, to entitle them to et-
To Let.
I The two story Dwelling and Garden in
Jackson Ward, opposite the Free School,
lent occupied by Mr. J. B. Lewis. Pos*
I will be given on the 1st November. Ap
Fifty Dollars Reward. *
Runaway on the20th July last, from tho
subscriber, his Negro Man, SAWNY.
He is ubout23 years old, 5 fcot 8 or 9 in
ches high, very black ‘and likely, bus ruth-
low sepulchral voico, and a deep sicutrice
ide. lie was bought of Mr. Hugh Rose,
earssince, and I believo was brought up
ice about 10 miles abov e this city,
re reward will be paid for his delivery in
fe jail in this State, or to tile subscriber.
Ikickasawliatclicc Lands.
TE subscriber offers for sale, u Tract of Land
Btuate in tlio 3d District, Baker County, mu
tt 1,500 ucres, which comprises every vari-
ithe most superior soil. The tract is fur-
I with slight improvements, and cun be on-
■in its geographical dimensions to any de-
■ extent. As ail additional consideration to
lhaser, reasonable terms and protracted ere-
I offered. For more miscellaneous infornm-
lpplicants can address the subscriber at A-
l nt F. G. BALDWIN.
■24 1591I41HO
i Porcher A Xa Uochc,
l jifl on accommodating terms, No.
land2 CustorOil, in bottles assorted sizes;
I the gallon; 8pts. Turoentlne, do. do. do.,
To , , G’ aul,er Holts, Cream Tartar, Brim*
JSulphur Dutch Madder, Glue, 8uuffs,Salt
ini ’ ,l ac ^ Lead, Lump Bluck, Lamp
■Hasses, Borax, crude und refined Indigo,
Tw and Spanish Float Blueing, Hippo, Jul-
■ibarb. Calomel, Arrow Root,Spaiusli Flies,
*or Manna, Flake, Nutmegs, Cloves, Ciil-
■, Mace, Black and Cuyenne Peper, Ginger,
b TSW* Carbonate Soda, Tartaric
Rochelle Salts, Salt Tartar, Sul Ammoniac,
jvioea.liuruuc, Ammonia, Bciiziou, Copal,
Arabic Opium and Styrax.Roso
Ifi. • ea ? ^ 8 *‘' Hoi Aratus, Washing
i Pearl und Patent Bar-
Pff? lowers, Boneset, Sage, Elder
Phorougbwort, Liverwort,
Kino Herma, Squills, Uuinine,
pneilodme,Fipenue, Hydriodatc, Potass
IS l 0la8 «. Croton Oil, Oil Black Pepper,
l‘i», Sassafras, Lemon. TWaimint r„m.
■ pinwJL T .’ 1V08 emary,nose Codrat or
In 2 I M Ju '“ 1,Hr ’ s '®ke Root, l’ink Root,
Ki J /" Ze , ri011 R°“‘. Ciomiun, Uimssi,
In’il- ! u ' UW P H,l( ^ calcined; Sweet and
iR l J aS p 8U,ld ,,oUluH > Tooth Powders,
I' 1 E»tract and Elixir of Dark, Ex-
! ffl’MR e ' ll ,W°x,Gum Myrrh, Alcohol,
geosot ’ IIar 8 * ,ori, » Carbonate, Ammonia
| patent Medlines, warranted frcnlt nnd
I'is jr i" 1 ,' * Tonio Mixture, Houck’s
imS c V ,§ f "8 c ’ Barclay’s Cubchs
1 lltlih,.ri ’ n" tCUn ,^ Hctuy’s Magnesia,
ll l liclii! r n B | 1 "" < t rel119 ’ Lce8 > Evans, Sc-'
** &. n C lvv ‘^ 18 > Gullighons, Hooper’s
Oil T i- e,nan,M Dr °P s f British oil >
a- i ' lurinn 8 1-
Jgcaiesand Weights.
0,lli88 ' nnl1 G1(,88 ‘n's Co-
ifft^Eyc Waters; do. do. Toilet
Jetramnlii *i racla . Jessamine, Rose
lffflli d0 ;, d . 0 ’ Oldridgo’s
|o,i|'„.Uair Powder, Pulls and Box-
KS^P^I-yolatiffi Salts of fun-
■eni« , , i ullua , vi.
PVater xrm i? 8 ’ il1 c »' sEss anil phagents;
rate o8e8 ’P.™>" -
■Cruin^cleS F™™ 1 “ Soaps, Ver-
l»t ofiai, “ Eipsulve, widt a full us-
TnmL, ''"“"Jos in the line.
Pwlnel« r'n' Il,l0ct8 .’ ^’ 00l S Ke >' 8 111111 For.
I*. a®„V,' J! p ‘j9 lustruments, Dissecting
r'lNibnia si a d Mi tl S d S 018,1018 . Cupping
Sliolls and Bottles: iT.x h
l8 iNinnlH hi ii Scissors, Cupping
uent^of S n ! ll J Bottles: jdso, a large
K»“ rtcl08 lu the lino—where
P 1 to call I, , i " Etld ootmtry merchants are
j c “"“ lld ““mine lor U.emselvos,
|3 c ,. Opposite the Market,
* iAilb^m?r 1 P K ?I‘F c « Snuff.
(iwor,.?; r f 1 .^ nch R“Pl>ee Snull', rose
WroMh |, f ^?| d ^h&d’umunufacture. For
4’ Sign of tho Golden Gloho,
Opnosito the Market.
iEb«!v®£ .^"juBcPaste.
"or sale hv- nC 1 Ju J ul, e Pusto, received nnd
Sign of tho Golden Globe.
City Treasurer's Office,
T ,,„ , „ . . Savannah, 1st Nov. 1839.
HE following Lots are in arrears to tho City
for ground rent, to wit:
Brown Wurd—Lots Nos. 1,2, 3 11, 15,10,
S3,‘A 46, 60, 51,60,68; 59,6], 02.
• Columbia Word—Nos. 3,4,8,9,10,13,20,21
Elbert Ward—Nos. 0,10,11,12,13,16,10,20,
tWholc No.—07,033.
33,24, 32,33,34,37, 39,’40. ’ ’ ’ ’
Franklin Ward—Nos. 2, 4, 8,9,11, 17,18, 21,
22,25, 20,29,80, 31,34,35,30, 37, 38.
New Franklin Ward—Nos. 3, 4,5.
Green Ward—Nos. 2, 9,10,13,14,15,10, 20,
22,25, A 37,39,40. • ’ ’ ’
Jackson Ward—Nos. 7,8, 13,14, 15,10, 17,
21, 22,23,24,09,30,31,32,33, 30, 37, 38,42,43
Jasper Ward—Nos. 5, 0, 7, 8,9,10.
^Lafayetto Word—Nos. 1, 2,3, 4, 5, 0,7,8, 9,
Liberty Ward—Nob. 1,4,9,10,11,12,10,27,
29,33, 35, 39.
Pulaski Ward—Nos. 1,2.3,4, 5,10. ,
Warren Ward—Nos. 3, 6,10,12,10y 20,21,23.
Washington Ward—Nos. 1, 2,3, 0,12,15,17,
18,10, 20,21,23,24,29,118.
JOSEPH FELT, City Treasurer.
Take Notice.
Iftlie rontH due on the above named jjts nro not
paid on nr before the lltb itist., I snail on llm
morning of the 12th inst.nrocoed to re*cntur said
lots, in conformity to Orninanca.
nev 5 A. HARMON, C. M.
French Chcinicnls.
S ULPHATE Quinine, Sulphate and Acetate
of Morphine, Croton Oii, Oil of Black Pep
per, Kreosote, Piperiue, Prussic Acid. Iodine,Em
etine, Ext. Nux Vomica, Hydrodate, Potnssa, &c.
Just received per Newark, nnd for salo by
oct3 G. 11. HENDRICKSON.
iWENTY bnxns Colgate’* No.l Soap. For
■aleby A. PARSONS.
Lip Salve, Ac*
O TTO Rose lap Salve, Patuy's Cold Cream,
real French Almond Paste. * A fresh supply
oftheso elegant articles, for the cure ofcluippcd
face, i!fec,just received und for sale by
Otto Rose Lip Salve.
R ECEIVED, a fresh supply of Otto Rose Lip
Salye. For sale by
octll A. PARSONS.
EO. W. CARPENTER’S Compound Ex-
G tract of Iceland moss, Currageen, or Irish
Moss, Slippery Elm, Horehound, &c.,,a valuable
remedy for colds, coughs, dyspepsia, dysentery,
diarrhnia, catarrh, and all fifluctions of the breast
and lungs. For sale by'
Tlte true Verbena Cream.
T HIS delightful Cream is warranted to be tho
.true extract of Verbena; gentlemen having
tender fuces or strong beards, would find it tho
most delightful saponaceous compound ever of
fered to the public, it mukes a beautiful heavy lath
er. and nfter shaving, leaves a delicious fragrance
of the Verbena, und preventing tho face” from
chapping, which in general, other soaps irritate.
It is only for sale by
nov 18
Market Sq. sign oftho Golden Globe.
Lamp Oil, Ac.
* ' ilfoi
JjlIVE hundred gallons pure Sperm. Oil, (fall
strained,) 200 do. hiimmev strained do,
AifiU, 12 UU4. Lump Cluiuiiien, Just rfsCGlVGu, and
for side by A. PARSONS.
SwniiiPsYermifugt 1 .
T HIS remedy counteracts the whole train of
diseases arising from tho debility of the di-
gestivo organs or a depraved condition of the sto
mach ami bowels.
Most of tho diseases ofchildrcn originate m ver
minous affections. t
Worms destroy the nourishment which is in
tended by nature to support life.
The immediate effect of Svvaim’s Vermifuge
are to tranquilizo tho stomach, clear it ofacidous
phlegm, dissipate superfluous bile, increase the
gnisticjuices and promote healthy digestion.
It alleviates sick headache, and is an antedote
for tho Cholera Morbus of our country, diarrhma,
fever and ague, and that class of diseases whicli
owe their origin to a disordered state of the sto
mach and bowels. ,
This remedy expels worms by giving healthy
nation to the stomach ami organs of digestion.—
There is nothing in its composition to kill worms.
They nre seldom seen after its use, and tho pa
tient improves in health, color nnd appetite.—
Those remedies which kill worms must ot course
injure tho stomach materially, and the cause of
many serious complaints. This fact has been ma
terially neglected fiy' the faculty, und the error Iiub
novel been discovered until Swuim’s Vermifuge
proved it to the entire satisfaction of every family
who has used it.
Tho medicine is no less efficacious in many of
XIIU IIICUIUIHO 10 •»»» ; , V —
the diseases of growupersons.by dissipating those
morbid secretions whicb'produce dysentery, dinr-
luoruid seurumm" niut-iiin»uuvv , «....
rhum, cholera morlms, piles, fever and ague, dys
pepsia, ncidity of the stomach, foul breath, and
the disagreeable affections consequent upon bilious
It is now in general use in most parts of the
world. Families resident in the country, travel
lers going into the interior or voynging into dis
tant tropical climates, (insulalod from medical tal
ent) would find Swiiiin’s Vermifuge of great ad
Kept constantly on hand,
nov 6 Sole Agent for the State.
“dually• cmbicroftho Citixons’Bunk, and A.Bon-
rp HE following details of a Scheme of a Lot- rara', 1 ' *'•9', actually caabicrof the Consolidated
X TKitv, to ha drawn in December next, war- ! tr!,!,,'. a> ^ 118 I 1 ? 1, ,4fil P nss cd boforo A.
ranu n.in .ii.-i.,i»...Mimtirean, Lsq. Notary Public, on the 2d of May,
runla us in declaring it to he UNPARALI.Et Pit , Notary Public, on the 2d or May,
in the history of Lotteries. Prizes to the amoont .j ii,11 d 1,0 I ir ?i" !rl ! c " tninsferred unincuiiiboE
ltAVE^HRYEn UI'.VOUV, BEES oeekred to the™',!!! | ^ of the artunate Prize Hold'-
IIC. it IS true, thore uro many blanlis, Imt on the
i | , - , .v 'Bii mi me
otner liana, the extremely low charge of
per Ticket—tho vai.uk and number of the Cabi-
tai.s, and the revival ul' die goud old custom of
warranting thut every prize shall bo drawn and
Bold, will, wt uro sure, give universal satisfaction
and cspecialiy to die 8ix Hunureu Prize Hot -
1 o tliose d sposed to adventure, we recommend
cnrly application being inadu to ns for tickols—
when the prizes aro nil sold, blanks only remain
—dio first buyers have the best chance. We,
therefore, empliatically any—DELAY NOT! Imt
at once rc-mit und (mas-nut to us your orders,
which shall always receive onr immediate utten-
bon. Letters lo be addressed, nnd applications
made to SYLVESTER & CO.
,, _ , 1W> Broadway, Nsw-York.
ILr Observe the number, 15d.
8700,000111 8000,0001! 890,000!
O I'l'PECM of 890,00011
9 priz.es Of 810,0001!
prizes of 810,0001!
(LT 1 ho richcNt and most uiaguiticent Scheme
ever presented to tho public in this or uny oili
er country.
Tickets only t)0 rtollnrs.
Auitiarizal by an Act oftho Lcginlaticc Assembly
of Florida, nnd under the directions of the Com-
missioners, acting under the sumc.
to in: wt Airy at Jacksonville,
i'LOHlDA, DEC 11 1st, 1839.
SYLVE8TER &■ CO. 150Broadway,
New-York, Sole Agents.
100,000 tickets,from No.l upwards,in Huccession.
Lxtruct from the Laws of the Legislative Coun
cil of the Territory of Florida.
Ciup.7(J1—-No.iW—• IVherouk the Court House
of Duvui county, is in uu unfinished state und
tliere are yet due and irwing upon the same, mo
nies, which it is believed will impose too burden
some a tax upon the people of Duvui, and where-
us, it is desirable to pay those said sums and coin-
p.'eie t!ic building, as well for tho greater conve-
n once ol the administration of justice, as for tho
double purpose of an Academy, for whicli pur
pose in purl, the said building,* when completed,
is designed. 'I’liuroiVx....—
The Mali About Town,
Y Cornelius Webbe, author of Glances ol
Life, a Novel, in 2 vols.
Nun Darrell, or the Gipsy Mother, by tho nnthor
of The Heiress, Merchant's Daughter, Prince and
tho Pedlar, &c. 2 vols.
Christian Keepsake, edited by the Rev. John A.
Clark, witli contributions by Montgomery, Rev.
Tims. Rallies Cunningham, Rev. W. Jay,Bishop
Ives, Bishop Smith, Bishop Boauc, and otherem-
inent writers, with 9 plates.
Religious Offering, edited by Miss C. II. Wa-
torniun, with 10 engravings.
The Pearl, or Ailection’s Gift, with G engra
Tho Gem, with 7 engravings.
Tho Gift, edited by Miss Leslie, 9 engravings.
The Litorary Souvenir, edited by W. R. Bur
ton, 13 engravings.
The Violet, edited by Miss Leslie b engra
The Poets of America, illustrated by one of her
Puintors, with numerous illustrations
• The Works of Lord Bacon, complete in 15 vols.
8vo. London edition.
Gil Bias, translated by Smollett, m2 vols. royal
8vo. illustrated by Jeuu Gigou, with upwards of
500 engravings. London.
The Curiosities of Literature, by D IsrneJq 1st
and 2d aeries,'complete in 1 vol. London,
Sec. 1. Bo it enacted by the Governor and Le
gislative Council of the Territory of Florida,
Phut it shuli and may bo lawful ibr Joseph B.
Lancaster, Isuiult D. Hart und William J. Mills,
or uny two of them under the direction of the
County Court of Duval County, to raise such
sum or sums of money by lottery, in such schemes
us they may deem appropriate and advisable: Pro
vided, that die said persons shall bind themselves
in such maimur us the Court shall dueet, well
and truly to conduct such lottery in good faith, to
appropriate tho proceeds to tho object above stu-
Il-u.—Pa.sEcd, Feb. 7tli, 1834.—Approved, Feb.
11th, 1834.
By agreement, bearing date the 28th of Febru
ary, J839, the above Joseph Lancaster, Isaiah D.
Hart and William Mills, hid, lor certain consider
ations, in conformity to tho said Legislative Act,
duly assign unto Mo.'srs.Schmidt& Hamilton all
their right and interest, and the powers vested in
them by the above recited Act of the Loliisluture
of Florida.
Extract from the valuation of George Phillip Mu-
nouvrier und Jacob do Cordovu, both of tlte city
of New-Orieuns, made und sworn to on the lUlh
duy of April, 1839;
That the said George Pillip Munouvrier nnd Ja
cob Cordova, uppraise urid conscientiously und
honestly value the property known under the name
and appellation of ‘'Bank’s Arcade,” in the city of
Now-Orleaus, at Six Hundred Thousand Dollars,
“The property known under tlte appellation of
“City Hotel” or^Bishop’sHotel,” iu the suidcity
of New-Orleans, at Four Hundred uud Twenty
Thousand Dollars.”
The Deeds'bf the Property aud the Stock trans
ferred in trust to the Commissioners appointed
by tiie said Act of tlte Legislature of Florida,for
the security of the Prize Holders.
Splendid Scheme:
1 Prize—The Arcude—-28G feet, 5 inches, 4 lines,
on Magazine-street; 101 feet, 11 inches, on
Natciiez-streot; 12G feet, G inches, on Gru-
vier-street. Rented a| about $37,000 per
unnum. Dollars.
Valued at 700,000
1 Pj-ize—City Hotel—lG2feeton Com
mon-street, 14G feet, G inches, on
Cump-street. Rented ut $25,000.
Valued ut
1 Prize—Dwelling House, (ndjoining
the Arcade) No. 1G—24 feet, 7 in
ches front, on Natchez-streot. Rent
ed at $1,200. Vulued at
1 Prize—Ditto (adjoining the Arcade,)
No. 18—23 feet front on Nutchez-
street. Rented ut $1,200/ Valued
1 Prize—Ditto—No. 23, northenst cor
ner of Basin and Custon House-st.
40 feet front oil Busin, and 40 feet
on FrunJilin-street, by 127 feet deep
on Custom House-street. Rented
at $1,500. Vulued ut
1 Prize—Ditto—No. 24, soutwestcor-
ner of Basin uiuLCtutom House-
stroet; 32 feet, 7 inches on Busin,
32 feet, 7 inches on Franklin, 127
feet,10.J inchesdeepin front olCus-
toin House-st. Runted at $1,500.
Valued at
1 Prize—Ditto—No. 339, 24 feet, 8 in
ches on Royal-street, by 127 feet, 11
inches deep. Rented at $1,490.
Valued at
1 Prize—250 Shares Cunal Bank Stock
$1()0 each,
1 Ditto—200 do. Com. do. do.
1 Ditto—150 do. Mechanics’ and Tra
ders’ do. do.
1 Ditto—100 do. City Bank do. do.
1 Ditto—100 do. do. do. do. do.
1 Ditto—100 do. do. do. do. do.
1 Ditto—50 do. Exchange Bank do. do.
1 Ditto—50 do. do. do. do. do.
1 Ditto—25 do. Gas Light Bunk do. do.
1 Ditto—^25 do. do. do do. do. do.
1 Ditto—15 do. Mechanics’ und Tra
ders’ do. do.
1 Ditto—15 do. do. do. do.
20 Do.—each 10 shares of the Louisiana
State Bank, $100 each, euch prize
10 Do.—each 2 shares of $100 each,
each prize $200, of tho Gas Light
200 Do.—each 1 share of $100, of the
Bank of Louisiana,
200 Do.—each 1 share of $100, oi the
New-Orleans Bunk,
150 Do.—each. 1 share of $100, oi the
Union Bank of Florida,
"Wliite JLeadjtfc©-
*1 ifk/Y KEGS superior English White Lead
JLllLr^OOdo do American No. 1&.2
10 bbls English Linseed Oil
10 do do Chulk
10 do do Whiting
5 do Alum, 5 do Salt Petre
Just received per Savannah and Coromando,
nnd for salo by
ini! nm 01 :,'^wlno—100,000liukctA, from 1 to
lrn.OOO, will 1)0 put in ono wlincl, nml 600 prizus
wall tho blank*, ill miothur. To ovury numbffn
pnzn or blank will Im drawn, until nil tho prizes
are determined, leaving the balunco of numbers
in die wheel blanks.
STTo Editors anii runi.utiEns.—Having re-
cciveijNewspaperscoiitaiiiingthe above Scheme,
iron, twenty-two Status and Territories, besides
several Jil tho British Provinces, wo nro satisfied
with dm circulation, and therefore request that
such papers Mhave not, up to this time, inserted
“1°, advertisement, will he pleased net to do so,
and that all tho other papers will insert it onco a
week only, until the 1st or December, and for-
ward us their, nccounts.
• . * 160 Brondwuy, Ncw-York
July 29 I51t
A Swniin’s Piuiticcn.
a the mtompenmee and luxury of the ago nro
hastening tho ravages of scorbutic com
plaints, and rendering the blood more impure nnd
iw thousands have destroyed.their constitutions
by negtocting to apply the proper remedies to
such. Swatni’s Panacea must be and has been
more than doubly valuable ns a certain and effec
tual means of restoring them to perfect health and
vigor. Few families are wholly exempt from
scorbutic affections which exhibit various svmn-
toius, ns eruptions, ulcerations, debility, loss of
appetite and dejection, nil arising from impure
blood, and if not properly attended to, produces
the greatest injury to the constitution, and may
he imparted to their offspring. Swuim’s Pana
cea is recommended at this season of the year, ns
an invaluable restorativo oftho system, thereby
invigorating the constitution and enabling' us to
bear die debilitating effects of the summer season.
It is conveyed by the circulating fluids, und cor
rects their tendency to nil those diseases which
originate iu a vitiated blood, diseused liver, de
praved appetite, or predisposition to e/fection of
wunutigs, &c. No one, however, is advised to
use it without convincing themselves of the truth
of what is hero stated.
This medicine is now. used witli success iu alj
pnrts oftho world, nnd is gaining great reputation
in England.
Front Dr. Valentine Mott,
Professor of Surgery iu the University of New-
York, Surgeon of the N. York Hospital,&c.
I have repeatedly used Swaim’s Panacea both
in ths Hospital and in privute practice, and huve
always found it to be a valuable medicine in chron
ic, syphilitic, mid scrofulous complaints, and in
obstinute cutaneous affections.
From the various impositions Which have been
practised by adulteration, &e. eveu to the extent
of perjury, for the purpose of imitating the medi
cine, is sufficient to prove its efficacy in the dis
eases in which it hus been sufficiently proven to
liavecnred. It is unnecessary to suv further in
relation to this Panacea, other’than to'cautionthc
puLlic against the deleterious mixtures which have
been made to impose upon the ignorant. The
genuine article can always he found at file store
of the subscriber, who is the solo agent for this
Stole- A. PARSONS, Druggist,
nov8 220
From tho Pennsylvania Inquirer, of May 3,1834.
Rowand’s Tonic HIi%turc.
M R, EDITOR—Much us the powers of this
favorite remedy have been extolled, I cun-
not omit this opportunity ofdeclaring my decided
conviction that every account of the sunntivo vir
tues oftho Mixture will he verified to the full ex
tent. Whatever bo the churaetor oftho complaint
—whether unequal tertian—double or simple
quartan—however varied bo its type, attended
with syncope, apoplexy, vehement spasms, witli
coldness nnd stupor—whntever its duration, whe
ther Vernal or autumnal, laying the foundation for
visceral affections, nnd other slow but unerringly
fatal nialndies—however irregular in their inva
sion, aud uncommon in their appearances—in
fine, whatever he the ago, idiosyncrasy, or habits
of the patient, the complaint alike bids adieu on
the due administration of tho Tonic Mixture.—
This is no high-wrought panegyric for the exper
iment. I spenlcouly from wliut I positively know
—however successful other preparations may
have been, there can be little reliance placed upon
them when compared with this article. By strict
ly following the directions that accompany the
bottle, wo find it acts upon tho most scientific
principle—for, il seems to anticipate the return
oftho cold fit, nnd excites a string reaction, and
powerful glow over the whole system; und thus
to pre-occupy the ground, nnd by disturbing tho
regularity of the type, to subdue the intermittent
altogether. Under such a course of medicine, I
have been astonished to notice with what haste
the disease beats alarm for a retreat, and thejiros-
trated strength of the system rallies. It is a pow
erful, yet mild medicine—substituting calmness,
tranquillity,nnd balmy sleep,in place of pain,wea
riness, and restless nights—a renovation of long-
lost strength nnd robust health,' in lieu of feeble
ness and emnciaUon. And I confidently believe,
and I predicate my opinion upon the most sub
stantial proof, that under whatever sky—in what
ever corner of the earth—whether upon hill or
valley, wherever fever and ague makes itsnppeur-
nncc. there nlso will “Rowand’s Tonic Mixture”
find its way—tho happy dosideratnm, the perfect
antidote. N. LEE, »L D.
(TTOne of the best recommendations that can
be given this modiciue is the following:—Physi-
cianslivingin'Fever und Ague districts, who have
AAA Prizes. $ 1 *500*000
KFIt shall bout t}tc option of the winners of
Prizes of Bank Stocks, either to tnkethe Stock
itself, or the par value tluironi' ill cash. ■
Tho rece!ptsof the,salo ol. the’I..ckot8nrp,nud
will be, deposited iu the Citizens’, Consolidated,
Canal, Union and Cariollton Banks, in the name
of the Managers jointly, with J. B. Pcrruult. Esq.
become acquainted witli its efficacy, are in the
habit of ordering it to be used iu their own prac-
Lc Cordlnl de I.ucine—Ou I’Ellx-
, *»' de I’Amoiir.
r I lliL subscriber has tho pleasure of announc-
X iug to tlio citizons of tho United States, that
he hns purchased, for a very largo sum und from
the inventor, the celebrate J Dr. Mnguiii, of Paris,
the recipe aud right for making this astonishing
medicine. Until tiio appearance of the “Lucimi
Cordial,” (about three years since) it was thought
that tho complaint!) winch it speedily overcomes,
wcire beyond die reach of human remedy, as for
upwards of n thousand yours, they had Ifofiled the
wisdom and ingenuity of the most profound phy
sicians in ah parts of tho world. This Cordia',
however, to the great ndvantngo of tho human
raccj soon proved itself to he the desideratum so
long sought for ; nnd accordingly, notwithstanding
the brief period of its existence, it hns acquired a
celebrity so great, that it is eagerly sought for
throughout the civilized globo. Dr. Maguin soon
finding that the demand was so vast ns to render
a supply impossible, disposed of tho recipe nnd
right of sale, under obligations of secrecy, for
England nnd the United States, and other coun
tries, only preserving Franco nnd Italy for himself.
1 bus lias tlio subscriber pnssesed himself of the
invuluuhle secret, and now hastens to give the in
habitants of his line of agency tlio beuefits of his
“Lo Cordial de Lucine,” or, in English, “the
Lucina Cordial,” is a general invigoratorof thcliu-
muij frame, in-nil tlio various cases of languor,
lussitudo mid debilitation, it is uu unfuiling reme
dy, ns It is equally its province to impart cheer
fulness and decision to the mind, ns health and vi
gor to the body. But th»* peculiar virtue on which
its celebrity is oased, is the facility and certainty
with which it restores the virile powers when they
have been destroyed by disease, time, reckless
ness,or any of the numerous causes which termi
nate in the prostration of tliose functions.
In common with the generality of really good
medicines, this Cordial contains nothing of o mer
curial or deleterious nature, among the many in
gredients which compose it; hut is, at the sumo
time, so simple, yet so efficacio.us, that while it can
renovate the prostrated energies of a giant, nn in-
Jiiut may use it, not only with impunity, but with
The nsni
<ngcs of society oro unfortunately such
that, notwithstanding the benefits which would he
sure to result from it, wo cannot enter into uu an
alysis of tliis inestimable Cordial here, or publish
many of the documents which have been receiv
ed, us vouchers of the blessings it lias conferred on
numbers of despuiring individuals. But this vvu
cannot forbear remarking—that it has been du-
iiionstruted that there is scarcely ever, if any such
thing at all, us nutuiul burrenness, or as natural
imbecility of the procreant functions in either sex;
and, therefore, that those evils are the effects of
artificial causes,and may be speedily subdued and
removed by the use of “Lo Cordiul de Lucille.”
The Lucina Cordiul is also an indubitable cure
for the G|oet, nnd the Fluor Albus, obstructed,
difficult or painful Menstruation; also, for the
incontinence of Urine or the involuntury dis
charge thereof. It i» likewise an invaluable and
unrivalled medicine in cases of Chronic Errup*
tions of the skin, and in the dropsical affections
of the ngeej.
Most important to tho American Public.
The United States proprietor of the celebrated
Lucina Cordial, or F.lixir of Love, begs to lay be
fore tho community, tho following certificate,
which he hao retoiicil Ctuu, tho luveiuur, Hie Illus
trious Dr. Magnin, of Paris:
“This is to certify, that I have disposed of the
recipe for malting the Litciuu Cordial, or Elixir of
Love, and also the right to sell it throughout tho
United Stales of North Americu, to John Winters
Holderwcll, M. D. My reasons for so doing is,
that the demands to me for tho above Cordial, of
which I um tiie inventor, ore so numerous, that I
umunable to supply all the orders fromFranceand
Italy olono; nud have therefore disposed of tlio
privileges vouchsafed in this uud other certificates
of a like nature, in order in generalise the benefits,
of my discovery throughout the world.
Given under my hand at Paris, on this nineteenth
day of January, in the vear of ourLord, eighteen
hundred and thirty-eight.
Gaspard Delluc, ?
William Merritt, \ Witnesses.
This highly important medicino is for sule by
John Winters Ilolderwell, No. 129Liberty-street,
New-York; Charles B. Tyler, No. 70 Clie«mit-st.
Philadelphia; und in Baltimore by Roberts & At
kinson, John M* Laroque, nnd G. H. Tyler; in
Washington City by Tobias Watkins nnd Charles
Stott; in Georgetown by O. M. Linthacum; iu
Richmond by John E. Eustice; in Petersburg by
Braggs Thomas, mid Dupuy, Roser & Jones;
and in Norfolk by M. A. Suntos and B. Emerson;
and by John Woodly, No. G5 Poydros-st. New-
It can nlso bo found at all the principal Drug
Stores in South-Cnrolina, and in Augusta, by Ha-
viland, Risloy Co., Thomas Barrett &. Co. and
Nelson Carter; und in Savannah by
Price $3 per bottle, with full directions.
aug 5 1G4—ly
* &oot!S«
B roadcloths—rn-uk, invisible green,
olive, blue, dark mixed and cudetmiiedajid
brown, English double milled.
CussimcroH—Drab, hjock, dark grey and striped*
'Satinets—Blue, drnb, cadet nnd dark mixed.
Suspenders—Elfwtie ami knitted, also Extra Ends.
Hosiery—Lambs Wool, Vigohia, white and mix
ed Cotton.
Gloves—Colored nml white HosMii, Buckskin*
Siffi and Beaver
Umbrellas—Silk and Cotton.
Stocks—Satin, and Bonibiuiiti,' with bows tind
plain. ,
Cravats^Black Italian und fancy colored. AlsOj
Merino Skirts.,
Brushes—Cloth, hair, nail and tooth. '
Handkerchiefs—Whitt Silk, plain, red and figttr
ed. Just received, add for sale bv
oct 22 No. 2 Shad’s Buildings.
spenders, Suspenders.
ub.scribnrhns now on hand.n very large-'
T he sub _ w
assortment of Suspenders, viz: Superior
Elastic Silk Net, do Gum Elastic, do Buckskin
do, Extra Silk Elastic nnd Cotton; ull of which are
offered ut his usual low price.
'»ov 11 G. S. NICIIOLS, Market Square.
Merino Under Shirts A Drawers*
rilHE undersigned has a full supply of Under
X Shirts nnd Drawers, which will bo sold low
for cash. G.S. NICHOLS,
nov 11 Market Square,
Xincn nnd Cotton Shirts.
TUST opened, a complete assortment of ready
•J made Shirts,'viz: Superior Irish Linen do,
Cotton,with linen bosoms, do French {ihighum,
warranted not lo fade; do Boston Prints, nnu Eng
lish twilled, which will bo pold nt a small profit,by
nov 11 G. $. NICHOLS, Mnrkot Square.
W. II. A 8. Rogers,
H AVE just.receivM per recent arrivals from
N. York, nearly their fall supply of French,
German, Italian niul Eugiiidi Fancy Dry Goods,
aiming which are tlio following articles, viz:
Ladies rich Plush und Silk French Shawls
Do. colored and black Ostrich and Casiimero
Sliuwls >
1 caso finest Florence Braid Bonnets
1 do. super. Irish Liucns
15 cartoons Paris omb. Capes and Collars
30 pieces Wash Blonde and plain Quillings
5 do. Weir Gro do Lyons Law
25 do. Threud Edgings nnd Inserting*
10 do. Vulcnciiio do. do. umi Beudings
20 do. 4-4 aud 54 Wush, Spot, Square and Il
lusion Bloudo
Frcuch worked Cull's, Blonde Veils and Paris
Cliantilln Veils, Eng. Collars and Twist Shawls
Mohair Ncrts, Bags and Scarfs
Muslin Paris enib’d Shawls, 4-4 and G-4
Black Luce do. do. 1-2 nnd 44
Cups, Insant’s Waists, French Flowers and
French, English and American Prints
Challys, Mous. do Laines, Velvets and Silks
Tartan, Rob Boy and Kabyle Shawls
Bonnet, Belt nnd Cap Ribbons
Ermine and Fur Collars
Silk, Worsted uud Cotton Hose,
oct 31 South side Market ^quafg.
Patent Medicines. .
B RITISH OIL, Opodeldoc, Tilriington Bal
sam, Dnlby’s Curminitivo Balsam, Balsam
Honey, Bnteinan’s Drops, Godfrey’s Cordial.—
Received and for sale wholesale and retail, on ac
commodating terms by.
—IIN ]
Corner of Broughton *Xr Whitaker etreots,
nov 19 Opposite the Manpion House.
Sulphate Riiinihe, Ac
OZS. Sulphate Uuinine
fX" 10 do do Morphine
1 case Flake Manila
1 do Semm, 1 do Rhubarb, i do Jala]
Received and for sule on accommodating
Comer of Broughton and Whitaker streets,
nov 19 Opposite the Mansion Hoifijp. / ,
From tho Harrisburg Intelligencer of June, 1833.
Mr. Wyeth—Having long been afflicted in my
family with Fover and Ague, and buying tried ev
ery means to get rid of it without avail, 1 at length
met with your advertisement of Rowand’s genu
ine Tonic Mixture, which I determined to try.
After using it, my wife was entirely restored to
health, having suffered for fifteen months from the
debilitating effects of Fever and Ague, and is now
us hearty and stout us she ever was.
Harrisburg, May 22,1833.
A large supply of the above vnluuble medicine
just received from the Manufacturer, and for sale
wholesale or retail by
Sign oftho Golden Globe,
nov 12 OppQsito tho Market. .
Garden Seeds. Crop 1839.
P ORCHER LA ROCHE is, und will re
ceive iu a few days, a lame assortment of
Vegetable, Flower and Bird Seed, tho crop of
1839. Also, in daily expectancy, a beautiful arti
cle called the Chinese Tree Corn. Tho above
Seed is warranted to produce largo vegetables and
fine flavor. Planters and others are invited to
call and-examine for themselves. All of which
will bo sold Iqw for cash or city acceptances.
Sign of the Golden Globo,
nov 4 * Opposite the Market.
Tootli Wash.
C HLORINE, Oris and Kreosot Tooth Wash,
highly recommended for whitening the teeth,
purifying tlio breath and . imparting a healthy ap
pearance to the gums. Just received, per Wil
son 1 Fuller, and for sale by
For the Toilet.
P RENTISS’ extract of Rose, Musk, Jessa
mine nnd Bergaipot
Do. fine and superfine Toilet Powder,Rose scent
Ede’s sup. Musk and Rose Persian Scent Bags
Genuine Russian Benrs Oil
Rowland’s Macasar Oil
Oldridge’s Balsam of Columbia
Pomade a iuRose, Savin, Jassamine, Orange and
other Odours, in pots and rolls'
Coggerslmll’s su’r Connossiers Soup >
Palmer’s sup’r Cream de Savon Rings
Sup’r Verbena Cream, a delightful article for
Lowe’s celebrated Shaving Soaps
Prentiss’ vnriognted Soaps, suitable for the tablet
Powder Putts and Boxes of the latest patterns
Cologne, Lavender and Rose Waters, of vurious
manufacture and assorted patterns
Espirit de Rose, Cold Cream, Lip Salve
Otto of Roses, sup’r Rose, Cinnamon and Al
mond Soaps, in burs
Cut Glass Bottles, a lurge variety
Fine und course Tooth Combs/
Nail, Tooth and Clothes Brushes
Vignette, Napoleon, Madammonselle, Victoria
and Glass Back Hair Brushes, of excellent
Pocket Books, Scissors, Razors and Razor
Glenn’s Indian Dye, Vinegar Rouge
Milk of Roses, Orange Flower Water
Oil Citron Flowers, Shaving Brushes
Salt of Lemon and Roses, in Eng. cut glass bot
tles, Amoniac Vinegar
And other articles in the Perfumery line, for
sale wliolesulo or retuil on accommodating ternls,
Sign of the Golden Globe, .
oct 15 Opposite the iAfarket.
Shakers’ Herbs.
L LANDING from ship. Gaston, a full supply
of Shnkers’ Herbs, comprisifig Catnip,Fox
glove Horehound, Sage, Pennyroyal, Thorough-
\Vort, Liverwort, Boneset, Thyme, Mint, Worm
wood, Worm-seed, Elder Flowers, Slippery Elm,
&c. in 10 oz. 8oz. andl oz. packages, suitable
for iUtnilies and country merchants. For sale by
Sign of the Golden Globe,
ocl 15 Opposite the Market.
‘The true rustics or lire i« iieati
W *E know tiiut health and tiie nbility toil
constitutes the wealth of the great mass of
tne people in this, as iu most oilier countries. To
preserve, therefore, that health by natural^ means
is a grand moral and political scheme,to fulfil which
requires our utmost attention. Tho unprcco*
dentedpoptiJarityunduniverqul approbation which
this medicine has achieved throughout the United
States, the Canadus, Texus, Mexicoand tho West
Indies, fully juslify-Dr. Peters in warmly and con
scientiously recommending then* to the special at
tention of the nffiictcd.
Dr. Peters has spent much time in experiment
ing with different Vegetable Medicines for diseas
es of tiie liver, and now offers his Vegetable Pills
as the best, most convenient and chcupest Medi
cine that cun be prepared for general use.
One great quality of his Vegetable Pills is that
they huve tlio alternative principle combined with
theircnrthartic, or operative qualities, or that they
not only cleanse the stomach and bowels by pur-
K but lliey regulate the liver, chungc tiie mor-
icretion, strengthen, the digestive organs, pu*
rify tiie blood, invigorate tiie circulation, and gives
tone and energy to tiie nervous system.
They are nuldaud pleasant in their operation
and convey almost immediate conviction of their
utility from their first dose. They cun be tidten
with safety by persons of any age; and tiie feeble>
the infirm, tiie nervous and delicate uro strength
ened by their operation, because .they clear tho
system of bud humors, quiet nervous irritability!
and invariably produce sound health.
The Vegetable Pills ore a sure remedy for jaun
dice, sick and nervous headache, dyspepsy, cos
tiveness, sickness of tiie stomach, heartburn, all
bilious complaints, fevers of all kinds, and if taken
at tiie commencement will iuvariably check.their
progress, and save the patient from a protracted
and dangerous sickness. They are invaluable in
nervousaud hypocoiuhical affections', loss of ap
petite, and all- compluints to which females uluno
are subject. They operate as a mild speedy purge,
and are asaft^and certain remedy tor wonns in
Extract of a letter from Dr. Gurnoy, of New-
Orleans, La.Oct. 9,1837.—-“I huve received much
assistance in my practice; espcckiily in jaundice
and yellow fever; from tiie use of Peters’ Pills. I
presume that, on an average, I prescribeTOO box
es per month.
Extract of a letter from Dr. Pritchard, of Hyd- *
sou, New-York,Juue3,133G.—“I vvasuware that
Dr. Peters was one of the best chemists in the'U.
Stutes, and felt assured that he would some duy
(from his intimate knowledge of the properties of
herbs and drugs) produce an efficient medicine*
nnd T mqM acknowledge that his Vegetable Pills
fully respond to my expectation. They are? in
deed, a superior Inediciue und reflect alike upon
the chemist, the physician, aud the piiylosopher.”
Extract of*a letter from Dr. Waines, of Cin
cinnati, Feb. 2,1838.— u Your Pills arc the mildest
in their operations, and yetnfoi?t powerful in their
effects, of uny I have ever met with in my prac
tice of eight and twenty years. Their action on
the chyle, and hence oil tlio impurities of the blood
is evidently very surprising.” •' f
Chaiu-otte, N. C. Jail. 1, 1837.
Dear, Sir—I have made frequent use of .your
Pills iu the incipient stage of bjliouo fever,' ail'd ob
stinute eoiistiputiou oftho bowels; also; in tlio en
largement of tho spleen, chronic discuses of tho
liver, sifck headache, general debility, and in all ca
ses have found them to be very effective.
J. Y). Both, M. D,
MF.citi.KNBuna Co. Vo. Feb. 7,1337»y.
Having used Dr. Peters’ Pills in my practice for
the last 12 months, I take pleasure in giving my
testimony of their gOod effects in cases of dys
pepsia, sick hcutlacTie, bilious fevers, und other
diseases, produced by inactivity of the liver.—-
They arc a safe and mild uperiont, being the best
uj-ticle of. the kiud I lmve ever used.
Georoe C. Scott, M* D.
, Tbi.^ celebrated Medicine is for sale by all tiie
principal Druggists jn Savannah and throughout
tiie United States, the Canadas, Texas. Mexico,
and the West Indies. Price50 ccm perb&'x, with
full directions.
aitgo id—-ly
’ -4