Newspaper Page Text
f UC JtpuhUthal itl tlir-
jonics Clclaurt,
DOLLARS per milium , paualh in
r ® . orFIVEOOLLAKS for Slz Months,
f «5S'Ars^S‘r- ■
for six months.
l j m if for oaoh insertion after, per
I'f-.'iYB lines*
F^ch Citation by tho Clorks oftho Courts
■?■'„ that application has licon made for
M^'AdittlnStttUlotli must bo published
Sry DAYS at least.
Executors and Administrators for
f"" Li Creditors to render in their aceouuts
JSJ published- SIX WEEKS. .
ft" Norroos by Executors and Admin is-
,,, u <tbe at ptiblc auction, oft tho ftrstTues-
r*. month, between tho usual hours of
nMoeo of Public Sales in tho County
1 J. letters Testamentary, ofAduiinistra-
erduardituisltip may I'ovo been granted, first
T r oats notice thereof in one of tho
! rnittsi of till* State, and nt tlie doorcr
Court IIouio, where aiioli soles uro to bo
i-forleave to sell Negroes, must be pul
.forlbor months, before any order absolut
u ,„ado thereupon by tho Court .
JtaofReal Estate hv ICxocutors, Administrn-
■ udtiaardiint. must bo published SIXTY
•a bjfurc die day of Sole. These safes must
aadenttlio Court IIouso door of tho, County
■hdie property issituato.and on the first
iToftlie Month,between the hours often in
minx and four in the afternoon. No salo
„di; 10 day is valid, unless so expressed In
sdrertisement. ...... ,
diciiimuliy Execntcrs, Administrators and
L, to die Court of Ordinary for leave to
land must be published FOUR MONTHS.
property (oxcopt liogroes]
No. 215—VoI. XXXVI.]
Jijjf of Letters
J1NG i * -
inn must be
and intcslaio estates by Executors nn_
advertised FORTY
Miens by Executor* and Administrators
JnrrsDwnhuoiy, must bo published jlX
ICTUS. “ ,
ilpliciiionsfor foreclosure of Mortgages on
■Vdaip must be advertised once a month for
lit MONTHS. ’
drnofdio Court ofOrdmnry, (necompnni
Ibi copy of the bond of agreement) to
t tides to land must bo advertised Turxk
frits at least.
trifsnlesundor executions regularly grant
f die Courts, must be ndvortiseil THIRTY
Id-under morlgngo executions SIXTY
It'-Sulcs ofporislinldo propertyiimler or-
Irf Court, must lio advertised, generally; TEN
■8 before die day of oale.
lAdrertiscnieutswill be piuictnallyattended
[‘All Letters directed to this Oillco or the
r, nuut be post paid, to entitle them to at-
To Let.
ro story Dwelling and Garden in
Ward, opposite tlie Free School,
it occupied by Mr. J. B. Lewis, Pos-
o will be given on the 1st November. An
Filly Dollars Ilcwurd.
Jliitawuy on tlie 20lh July last, from the
subscriber, his Negro Man, SAWNY.
IleisoboutSft yenrsoid, 5 feet 8 or 9 in-
* ches high, very black and likely, linn ratli-
k!™ sepulchral voice, and a deep sicntrico
Isde. Ije was bought of Mr. Hugh Rose,
ussinco, and, I believe woabrunght up
e about 10 miles above this city,
hue reward will be paid for his delivery in
■ i“il in tills Stale, or to the snbscriber.'
Garden Seeds.
. subscriber has just received per brig
•diioii, his supply of fresh Garden Seed*,
d to be of best quality, end the growth of
A kidney, half moon and Viilenllne; Beet,
nip, blood, white, Scarcity mid Mangel
“• Cabbage, early York, Battersea, Drum-
ergenaud red Dutch; Carrot, early horn,
kg orange: Cucumbors early framed, long
Wpnclilyi Lettuce, early ice and long
Mellon, Citron, Pine Anplo, Nutmeg and
Inc,early Cnuliflowor; Onion, silver skin’d,
I "lute Portugal; Okra, curled Puroley,
llmj sweet Spanish Pease, Dwarf Mar-
I Uarlton, bliio Imperials, Washington,
p Prolific and Tnll Murrowfut; Radishflong
topddo,white turnip do,early frain-
sck M; Squash, curly bush and long
wM; Salsily, Toma'oed; Turnip, oarly
Fife flat Globe and Rutahago; Pepper
Paler Cress wl.ito and red Clover, Lit-
|a«,&c. For sale by
Rthe Postbffic“eat Savannali,
Alexander AV A 'Allston mra L
f? 1 ''™,,” 1 " Muy B Allston miss Sarali
Allen tyilhom
Brantley Reuben J 2
Barnes mrs J 8
Bates Josoph
S uker Capt W P J
arton mm E
Barnard tftrs Ann C
Barrs R B
Brack Jacob Jr
Baslilor Charles
Blackwell Jacob Y 3
Bandy Sami
Bluncha mrs Faustiua
Bayard Joliii
Benson II
E essent Cant A
ellittny A
Boll Eimiiuiel
Bee mrs Judy
Berry John It
Beck John
Clarke John M
Bird A AC
Bill Copt John. C
Bivins John W
Brown mrs Jana
Brown Robt E
Brown mrs Alary
Bongo mrs Hetty
Bulottgli Ellas
Botirqtilno.Ed J
Bnurquino Edward, Son
Brook Jacob
Burgamnstpr.mrs Catli’n
Ilurk Richard
Butler miss K 3
Sherwood mrs Emily
ShcftuU mrs Surah 51
Stephens James
Smith Henry A
Smith mrs Catherine
Traspor mrs Alary
Tlhiycr Joseph
Tillman Josoph .
Tlilot Charles II
Tokot mrs E
Vizzard mra Af A
Bishop George
Bilbo Heuriotta mrs
Cox mrs Alarg
Cheplin mis, Rhode F Cindon"m« lie”!
Curler miss MU CookWm
Carter Air John W Conifcry Joseph .
Curley miss Jono Ann Coulon Patrick
I t A
Clark mrs George
Campbell James II
Campbell Jane
Campbell Win F
Crafts miss Martha
Clark P R
Clancy Patrick
Crono Moses
Canuct L
Council Ijmrcuco ,
Chaplin Jiia P
Campbell J R
Cahirs Henry
Cnss misa Margt
Carter ran Dorcas
Chaplin Alilton
Coe miss Alary Jana
Coming Isaac AT
irvouib mrs J
Courvouio mrs J
Crocker Zeno
Cermick mrs Harriet
Coe Alary Adelino mrs
Carloy mrs Funny
Cubboge mrs Rebecca
Cuiminghnni II
Cullman AI3
Crevalier Betsy
Crews miss I^diaAnn
Connor Patrick
Cole II G AY
Collins Alichucl
Dickinson Alary A mrs
Dowling Edward 2
Duncan mrs Emmelino'
Dufly Terence 2
Dully Jolm
Dunham rnn S C
Dyer J VV
r E
Edwards mra Anne R .Earnst Richard F
Evans Erustus Eldredge 1 bullion
Estdaile miss Adeline AIEuglisli miss Laura A 2
Scott mrs John £
2 Scott Dr
bury Henry'
i William
Stubbs t.
Sturdivant Robt O
1’ ’
Thomas Charles
Thomas Cliarlolte
Tow Henry
Tufts Dr B 3
AVnnd Emanuel
Vizzard Thomas
,,, .. Wilkins A Jr
WaMacp ntra Alurgaret AVhltaSaml B
Wan! Elias Willink miss Julia Ann
Washburn mrs Dorcas AVilsQit mrs Jano
>»> *': AVoodhonse mrsAtary
AV ,am, Washington Womack A’J 7
Wi liams Thot F AVirg miss Rebecca
AViison Dr AVilliom .
Yeomans Robt II
Daly Alichucl
Dasher Joshua AI
Dean Patrick
Dempsey AV J
D'Lyon Cal Isaao
Dews Jelm I
Dickerson Win
BiE ssssar«■
WS of olMiiuau, Catarrh; In Coughs,
, uwnglrom recent or neglected colds;
L'[‘“ “ "ft auxiliary and means olpre.
f iiomilie throntening symptoms or up-
luttfm C<, ‘L M,u "P" on ’ uo 1,le( hcino
'ho confidence of die in-
E ,,“°ve ,| iedic , nc.
I«ii»h;„ a i icl ' v " " ml .troublesome symp-
Iwt ie®»i?^L Clorl, l on nr Phloem, puin
IShemnUta: ? oonsiitute prominent fen,
U v 1 wt 'h R Pnlmonaria was
J, of has manifested its most valtiabiopro-
ter:". 1 . 01, oottreo in tho relief or
MfglE*-* «'«« ilnlr.
““iimsiiilHr? 0 homuniuateil, because it
opre-en,;/' 0 ‘'igredients.iiml its
U: displayed in tho follow-
properties oftho most
fie, ! lu : 1 oradicnlos die scurfnnd
|iuCi||i„i 2 lr| [ihurjslies die Imir and
■ ni rrev?.,?""' le «c™ 'he liability or
Whims die wbak'esthair,
l r ''Ilich U 8nnM !l,U ^ r0W ^ ,? £* Vca u vigof
[%1 pSi’n 1 rm "" ''uinitiiblyiiut-
”',or h Billing out in n damp
■is] or “f.°? erc| so; renders tlie hair
heautifufly soft end
J"" la tlm , 1 ul08, "» 1 ?blB gloss andplciis-
l l ' > hs:cn,l „ ,T' C |" —I11 hoc, renders tho
K„ “' V , b<i »»" i ftll; promotes the
Vihair iiS “° w *i mustaches, &c.
F vlv " ccla “re strikingly bened-
Kfe " ,ul 'Vith safety
i»t|M * l ' n,llnt • " eradicates die
• Pha«m m° r ,f. 0 c ? H ; b ", ““P*, &c.;
die liair mlant, gradually
"i bcamift, , 1 "« , "on l » Us growth so
" ,C1 liithiii" l™? oflu " r ' Preserves
tatfaiilii. eS "olont exercise, and is
Zll’rj* t . mv ? ll ‘hd >>y sen
“d>lwav« ,i\! r ’ rei 'donng it pocuiiiirly
»hai,S" h '“S'od.haswouderrulof.
filiation h°! . c . 0, .d clmiatos, and is
[ 011 b y disUnguisked persons
l^'jllll Brnllf ,ll ‘* jjy. tho Propriotor,
by 7 J ' l !y, Ncw.Vorh. nnd by
7 A ' ^ARSONS, Agent,
htf nrmmjSr^Su*^ Peaches.
l*t *» Brandy Pondi-
par brig Lnmar, nnd
Fraser J Aug’s
Fraser JumesR
Farquhar mrs
Farrelly Charles
French William
Felt Thomas
Fenton Andrew Jr
Fletcher Frederick P
Graham Peter
Gannhl Lewis 2
Grahum Dev John,
Garland Win H
Garnett inrs Ann
Gardener Stephen D
Glass Joseph
Gay Michuel
Grady Patrick
Galloway Alexander
Gage Frupk It
Hacker G E
Ilazzord Aden
Hart Joshua
Harris Matilda -
Hart P
Hall Sjorrs
Heitman F A
H&rrimau Mr Jaa
Horbeson Win
Heath miss Lucy Ann
Hebbard John
Miller Prince
Hightower John 2
Hillard O B
Holland mrs Michael
Hobby Alex
Jackson mrs Susan
Innis9 James A
Joflei^o!) Patrick
Johnston Win AV
Jones James
~ s
Knapp Charles II ■
Kenny Michael
Keast Robert C
Keller Stephen
Kcllar Paul
Fitttlmoni mrs Anno
■ Fitzsiinuns Paul
Fitzpatrick miss Phcbbo
Fry Jessee
Fox Franklin
Fox Win
Foster G
^’ergiuon Rev AVra
Godfrey mrs Grezzel
Gordon miss Lou^a
Goddard Lory
. Golhy miss Mary
Gtigel Benjamin H
George miss Frances A
George Charles K
Uibbs James
Gibson Ransom C 2
Goldsmith Samuel
Harris mrs Mary E
Harris AVm M
Harvey Samuol A
Han ey Joseph B 2
Harris Isaac
Hartshorn AVm R
Halosy Jeremiah
Hathaway miss Julia
Hews miss Murgarct
Hopkins John H 2 .
Hopkins Elleu
Hosegood George
Houstou Betsey
Hogarth James
Hqbbard Charlotte mrs
Hubbard Erastus H
Hugucniii E D 2
Jones Thomas B Co
Jones Thomas
Jones miss Martha E
Johnson Edward
Joalcnow Jolm
Kerr Geo .
Keobier Jolm
• KotUnan F
Knowles Josoph
Lachicotto miss Ilerni’eLinsy miss Sarah
Lamar John F
Lachicotto mrs
Luuipo C ; • *
Linder G C
Manncy miss' Mary
Maxwell Alexander
Manval Lyman
Marquanu Leonard F
Mattliewa Geo D 2
Madrin Janies
Merrill H
Mitchell Peter
McDonnell A II
McFarlund John
Lynch Philip
Lipsoy Laricy mrs
Lovo miss Alary E
: Lowtlier mrs Itobncca
Miller Jaques
Myleti Smith •
Morrtss Thomas
Moore Ilflnry C 2
Alorrisk mrs Anne E 2
Mttrtaugli Patrick
Mitcliell mrs Harriet
Middleton Clmrlus>E
McGninness John
McDonnell AV J G& J S
McCjuskoy mrs Julia AMeDermott Patrick
McKeugue AVm
McLuuglilin Michael
Mclulosh J
Nickerson Josoph J
Ohlmger II
Outten Isaac
Oliver Jolm .
Palin miss Caroline
Palmer James
Parker Caroline
Prescott Gcorgo
Perry DK&Co.
Rashor miss Hannah
Rebaror Francis
Reilly Thou AV
ltcid miss Charlotte
Robinson inrs Martha
Rooser Jcati >
Rossiguo! Louis II
Rossiguol miss Harriot
Sand ford A M
S tuple ton John
Stafford S _
Sulfner Jolm J
Salovich Cap!
Sales P _
Shardlow 8
Hpcuser JohnB II
McKay Patk
McKay Charles F
ItfcGowen John
Nostrand George
Oliver George
Overstreet mins Mary
Odinguul William
Pearce mrs Sarah .
Perkins Natlil G
Philips Joshua'
* Pitman miss Susan
Philips Stephen
Pitman mrs Ann Cnth’n
Powell Capt. C K
Rowe James
Roberts Charles
Roberts Jonathun
Rogers miss Seinoro A
Rountree mrs Sarah E
Russell Salem T
Russell S N
fpiIE loft iiaiiJhalyo?or.lho'!l*‘in m cd below,
Wl l r ,? “J?' 0 ' 1 "> 'ho Bjiircss of tlie subscriber
on uie Cth February last, at Greenville Court
Hoiuo, South* Carolina, by Will. Choice, which
havo not come to him,|, and tlie probability is they
must lie lost. The several Banks ajo licrehv noli-
fieil of my mtenbon to make au application, utter
duo notice, for ueivuntcson tlie return of the rigid
SS? il ub ’i"’ 1 ?i" c h nro now in ray possession.
,2 °W3abUe^’/f U * ,a ’ NO ' 238, “ 0,cd 3,1 a °P ,;
$20 Bunk of Augusta, do. 170, do. 3d Out. 1828.
letter B.
20 Bank of Augusta, do. 800, do. 2d Juu. 1827,
letter A.
20 Bank Columbus, No. 852, dated 2d Feb. 1832.
letter H. h.
20 Bank Columbus, No.351, dated lstSept.1831.
letter 'll, h.
20, Bank Columbus, No. 033, do. Otii Dec. 1830.
letter H. h.- .
20 Bank Columbus, No. 1449, do. 1st Oct. 1829,
letter II.«
20 Bank Columbus, No. 1200, do. 1st Oct 1820.
lotlef II.
20 Bank Columbus, No. 202; do. 7th Alay. 1830
. letter II. h.- -
20 Bunk Columbus, No. 12, dated 1st Jan 1830.
letter torn.
20 Central R. Road, No. 775, do. 3d June, 1830.
. letter A. - * '
80. Bulk State of Georgia, No. 997, do. 1st Sept,
id dim, letter A.
20 Bonk Darien, No. IC7S,do. 1st Dee. l«32.1;t-
. ter B. b.
20 Alcchimics’ Bank Augusta, No. 10, do. 5th
Dec. 1834, letter A.
50 AIcclianics’ Bunk Augusta, No. 01,dated 7tli
■April, 1835, letter B, '
100 Arcchanics’ Bank Augusta, No. 58, dated 1st
Alay, 1835, letter B
1Q9 Mechanics' Bonk Aughsta, No. 71, dated 1st
Nor. 1831, letter A.
20 Bank Alillcdgcvillo, No. 4251, dated 2d Sopt.
1830, letter A.
100 Bank Alillcdgcvillo, No.'430,do 3d Jan.1837,
letter A.
100 Fluntors & Alechnnica' Bunk Columbus, No.
69, dated 9th Alay, ie38, Letter A.
50. Plan. & Atecli. Bank Columbus,-No. 330, da-
ted 2d Nov. 1837, letter A.
50 Ills. Bank Savannah, No. 18, doted 8th Deo
1821), letter K. t
. NOTICE.—Three months after dato, npnlica-
tion will ho made to tho (above) different Banks
for now. notes, tlie loft bund half of said hills ho-
ing lost.
TroapviUe, Ga. 15Ui Oct, 1839.
. 8 Georgian, Augusta Chronicle and Sen
tinel, Southern Recorder and Columbus Herald
and Scntiudl, will nlease publish tho above week
ly for three months, ana forward thoir accounts
tolno at Troupville, Ga. for pa\*meut.
oct31 . 207t3m AV. S.
Scottsburo Fcmnle Institute.
M R. nnd MRS. LUCIEN LATA8TE inform
tlioir friends, that Uie above Institution will
be openod on Monday, tho 13th of Juntuiry,1840.
They [invite their former patrons to reuow their
suppdrtHwsuiing tliom.that no effort will be spar
ed to give satisfaction.
Their rates, for u term of fivo months, will ho
as follows:
Reading, AVritingand Spel-
l»ng» $12or^9permontli,
for any period less than
one term.
The above with Geography,$16 or $4 per month,
The above with History,
Grahininr and/Arithmetic,$18 or 4£ per month,
All the higher 'branches of
English, $20 or $5 per month,
French, Spanish, and Lat-
iu, each, ' $20 or $5 per month,
Music,Piano or Guitar,each$25 or,$Upor month,
UseofliHiruineiits, $4
Board can be obtained iu tlie Borough. Tho
Principal does not design taking any boarders.
Those desirous of further information will ud-
dress us by letter at Milledgcville.
dec 6 243eowp
Hair Oil, Bears Grease and Po
M ACASSAR Oil, Euglisli, do do American,
* AVnrcl’s A r egetnhlo Oil, Bears Oil,do Greaso,
Pomatum, in pots; do in rolls, Aldrich’s Balui
Columbia. J list received and for sale on accom
modating terms by
Comer of Broughton & AV-hitaker-sts.
nov 20 Opposite the Mansion House.
Satin Ribbons, Aw.
Just received perG. B. Lamar.
S ATIN-Ribbons, Muslin Bunds
Muslin Edgings and Insortings
Silk Hosiery, Thread, &c*
For salo by AVERY & JOHNSON,
Sweet Scented Powder, Ac.
"4 O HOZ. Otto Rpse.Scented Powder
B dq. Violet do. do.
6 do. Plain do. do.
Also, Powder Boxes and Pufls. lleceived and
for salo, by
oct25 V A. PARSONS.
Goshen Butter.
1 ft FIRKINS Goslien Butter, just received
IU and for salo by
Smith Henry E
Smith mrs Matilda
Smith Joint P
Squires Samson
Stibks Enieliue mrs
Stiles Benjamin *2 r
Sidrich Cupt MarousS
Scriven Rev James O
Scott mrs Louisa C 2
Iron, Nails and Ruin.
O NE thousand nnd 48 burs Swede’s Iron, as
sorted; 300 ensks Nails do, GObbls Rum-
landing per brig Pandora, ftom Boston, and for
sale by. 1 ° L. BALDAVIN.
. nov 28
Caracas Cocoa.
LBS. Curncaa Cocoa, just received
tJvFIf undforsaloby
A N assortment of Russia Iron Grntes, just ro-
ceived and for sulo by
• nov 23 N. B. & II. AVEED. •
Navy Bread.
AT BBL’S. Pilot and 50 bbls Navy Broad,just
^ received and for sale by
Share moulds.
2 TONS Share Moulds, for sale by
uoyOQ N, D. & II. AVEED.
Fresh Harden Needs.
T OP’D oeod Onions
largo giant Aspara-
Largo Blood Boat
Mangle Wartzcl do
Blood Turnip do
Early York Cabbage
Largo do do
Grcon Glazed do .
Sugar Loaf do
Cauliflower do
Largo Drumhead do
Early Horn Carrot
Long Orangta do
Early Astringlinm do
AVhito Cahhaga Lettuce
Imperial Ilcaddo
Ice Com do '
Early Dutch Turnip
H -•■o
Large Flat do (
Round Spinach
.AVhito Solid Cellery
Scarlet ehort top Radish
Long Scarlet do
Turnip do do
a Bell Pepper
Cayenne do
nootli Parsnip
Large Red Tomato -
Early Bush Squash
Crooked Nock do
Nutmeg Me'lon
Citron do
Rod Onion
AVhito (to
London Leek
. • , '** Pepper *
Double Curled .Porslqy
Purple, and -white Egg
Plant 66
Large. MarrowfM Teaa
Do Dwarf do do
Red Top do
Largo Norfolk do
Rutabaga do
Hanover do
Early AV’indsor Beans
Sieve or
Horticultural do
Red Speckled do •
Early Mohawk do
China Dwarf do
Refugee or 1000 to 1 do
Asparagus Roots
eso Seeds are in fine order, nnd warranted
fresh and of tho best kinds,’ just received and lor
salo low,liy G. R. HENDRICKSON,
dec 5 , 242
Early Frame do
Dp Monoach do
Do Charlton do,
Grvoins Dwarf do
Sweet Sugar Cora
Golden Sioux do
Tascororado, &c.
0 %M11 , Tin Plate.
NE hundred boxes Tin Piute |x
500 lbs Block Tin, 500 lbs Copper Bolt*
for sale by , N. ft. &. H. AVEED.
nov 20
Ne»ro Pipes
1 A A BOXES Negro
nov 23
Mpes, for sale by
F Cabbaffcs aigd Onion*.
IV E hundred Cabbages and 500 bunches On
ions, in fi no order,^jiMt received and for sale
nov 23
I-c Cardial do J.ucinc—Oit l’Ellx*
T lr sic 1-Ainonr.
IIE subscriber has tho pleasure of announc
ing to the citizens of the United ^States, that
ho lias purchased, for a very Inrgo sum and from
the inventor, tlie celebrated Dr; Magnin, of Paris,
the recipe and right for making this astouishiug
medicine. Until thd appearance of tlie “Lucinu
Cordial,” (about Uireoyears since) it was thought
that tho complaints which it speedily overcomes,
were beyond the reach of human remedy, as for
upwards of.a thousand years, they had baffled the
wisdom und ingenuity of tho inostprofoiind-pliy-
sicians iu ull parts of tho world. This Cordial,
however, to tho great advuutage of tho humun
race, soon-proved itself to be tlie desideratum so
long sought for; and accordingly, notwithstanding
the D(;iol period of its existence, it has acquired u
celebrity so great, that it is eagerly sought for
tliroughout tlie civilized globe. l)r. Magnin soon
finding that the demand was so vnst as to render
a supply impossible, disposed of the reoipo and
right of sale, xtndnr obngaliuiM of secrecy, lor
England nnd Uie United State's, and other coun
tries, only preserving Franco and Italy ior himself.
Thus has the subscriber possosed himself of the
invaluable secret, and now hustcus to give Uie iu-
habitnnts of Ilia line of agency Uie benefits of hia
• “Le Cordial do Lucine,” or, in English, “Uio
Luciua Cordial,” is ngcncral iuvigoratorof Uieliu-
miui frame. In all the vurious cases of ftmguor,
lassitude nnd dehilitnUou, it is an uufailing reme
dy, as it is equally itu province to impart cheer
fulness and decision to ilie triind, as health and vi-
;or to tho body. Blit the peculiar virtuo ou which
Is celebrity is based, is the facility and certainty
wiUi which it restores tho virile powers when they
havo been destroyed by disease,, time, reckless
ness, or any of the numerous causes which termi
nate ill the prostration of those functions. '
In common with tlie generality of really good
medicines, this Cordial contaius nothing of a mer
curial or deleterious nature, ninong Urc many in
gredients which compose it; but is, ul the sauio
time, so simple, yet so efficacious, that while it can
renovate Uio prostrated energies of a giant, an in
fant may use it, not only wiUi impunity, but with
The usages of society nro unfortunately such
Uiat, notwithstanding the benefits which would ho
suro to result from it, we cannot enter iuto an an
alysis of thia incstindihli* ro»di».'l,herc, or publish
many of the documents which have been receiv
ed, us vouchers of tlie blessings it has conferred on
numbers of despairing individuals. But this we
ennnot forbear remarking—that it has been de
monstrated that there i4 scarcely ever, ifunysuch
thing at all, ns natural barrenness, or as natural
imbecility of tlie procrcaiit functions in cither sex;
and, therefore; thaf those evils are the effects of
artificial causes, and may lie sneudily subdued and
removed ky tlie use of “Le Cordial fio Lucine.”
The Lucinu Cordial is also an indubitable cure
for the Gleet, and the Fluor Albus, obstructed,
difficult or pajuful Menstruation; also,' for tlie
incontinence of Urine or the involuntary dis
charge thereof^ It is likewise an invaluably and
unrivalled medicine in cases of Chronic -Errup-
tiom. of the »kiu, und in tho dropsical affections
of tlie aged.
Most.important to the American Public.
The United States proprietor of tho celebrated
Lucina Cordial, or Elixir of Love, begs to lay be
fore the community, the following certificate,
which he has received from the jnveutor, the illus
trious Dr. Miigniu, of Paris:
VThis is to certify,* that! have disposed of tho
rccipo for mukiiig tho Lucina Cordiul, or Elixir of
Lqve, nnd also tlie right to sell it throughout tlio
United- Stales of North America, to John AViuters
Holderwell, M. D. My reasons for so doing is,
tlint the demands to me for the above Cordial, of
which I am tlie iuveulpr, ure so numerous, tliat I
am unable to supply all tho orders froui France und
Itnlyulone; and have therefore disposed oftho.
privileges vouchsafed in this and other certificates
of a like uature, ill order to generalise the benefits,
of my discovery throughout the'world.
Given under my Jinnd ut Paris, on this nineteenth
day of January, iu theyear of-our Lord,eighteen
hundred and thirty-eiglit.
Ga.n nr dDolluc } Wituessei .
William Merritt, >
This highly .important medicine is for snip by
John AViuters Holderwell, No. 129Liberty-street,
New-York; Charles B. Tyler, No. 70 Chesnut-st.
Philadelphia; nnd in Baltimore by Roborts & At
kinson, John M. Lnroque, and G. R. Tyler; in
AVashington City by Tobias AVutkins und Charles
.Stott; in Georgetown by O. M. Linthacum; in
Richmond by John E. Eustice; in Petersburg by
Braggs Thomas, and DUpuy, Rosor & Joues;
and in Norfolk by M. A. Santos and B; Emerson;
and by Jolm AVoodly, No. 65 Poydnis-st. New-
It can also bo found at all the principal Drug
Stores in South-Ciirolina,nnd in Augusta, by Ila-
.viland, Risley ft Co., Thomas Barrett & Co. und
Nelson Carter; und in Savannah by
Price $3 per bottle, with full directions,
sag 5 , 164—ly
[Whole No.—»7,037.
A C*“*hs_, rasslmorei,, & c .
VERY & JOHNSON, Imvn receiycti,
.Black, Wire block, brown, claret, grcon, &c.
AVestof England Cloths 6
Black, mixt, brown, striped, An. Cs-imcrea
Uxiord inixt, black, brown, grcon, Ac. Premium
Heavy mixt do., do, for servants
Jcaus, Limey*, Ac. do. do.
Heavy DufHl Blanket*
'Also, fino ribbon bound Whitney, Roso, Ac.
Now Fall Goods.
. Received by G. il. Lamar.
AND -14 Scotch Ghixhatns
J, I ,,,e Long I^awns, IjinIi Linens
Brown Holland, do. Hamilton Flannel
American Prints* AVer*ted Gloves
AVorsted aud Cottort HoMeiy
' -k c AVF.RY i JOHNSON,
. .net 2 South side Monument Square.
TT A V-E just received from nSv York, tho fol*
XX lowing FuncyGoods, viz:
1 boxemh’d changeable Bonnet Ribbons, a
splendid nrticlo *'
1 box sup’r fig’d Satin do do
1 do fancy French'Silk Bngs
1 do Plniu Bonnet Ribbons
6 AVhito Net Veils
1 dozen Not Shawls
1 do Silk bmb’d Scarfs
1 doPliiid do do
1 do Thibet do do #
i .? c *S r ° wn and hlaejf Silk Fringe
1 do Pliillygrainmv *
• 1 dozen lnfiint'9 AVaists
10 do Nuns (Dutch) Laco
Together with various article* in the Fancy line.
nov 1*1 South side Market Sqnnre.
-oecS^dT" ,,,TOoods ’
iil* French J <i I ,G^ef y&J0I,NS ° N -
Do black and col’3 sewing silk do
Do white . do do
Do black do Mitts . .
Do long white Kid Glovos
Gents black and oel’-d Kid «|o
Do woolen do, Boyswoolcu do
Do silk do
Ladies and'Gents silk Hosiery
Gents Lambs wool and Merino AHosa
Do heavy wool ^ IIoso
Do Merino under Shirts and Drawers
AVolsh, Merino, Suxony, &c. Flannels, warrant
ed not to shrink when washed. *
Thibet AVool do, Brocha do
Rich Plush Mantillas, do Chcanoal Tippets
Do do Ladies Hal Ornaments
Thibet and Unyndcre Scarfs '
Ricli silk do, pluid Cashmero do.
Forsale ou favorable terms.
dec 3 South sido Monument squnro'.
Now Goods.
A BENNF.Tr.hns nlito opened Store No.
2, AVaring’s Buildings, with a large and
spleudid assortment of Millenary Goods, consist
ing in part, namely:
10 boxes Ladies Florence Braid, Split Straw,
Leghorn, Straw, Braid, col’d English aud
common Straw Bonnets
50 dozeu col’d Nun’s Hor«'
40 kokes Bonnet, Cap, SutTliand Tafuta Ribbons
10 do Belts, vurious styles aud qualities
Col’d Silks, Florences, Satiiis, &c. nnd a great
variety of fancy goods, for sule wholesale or retail
very Tow, nov 11
HHDS firstquality Hams, landing from brig
\J Now Hanover, nnd forsale by
OA CASKS Goshen Cheese, just received
Jd\3 and for salo by
dec 5 , J. R. GAUDRY.
Just Received.
A BBLS Powdered Sugar
TC 5 boxes AVhito Huvauu do
12 do best Cavendish Tobacco
25 kegs Leuf Lard
Bale Bopc.
COILS, a very superior article, ■forsale
dec 5
Swedes* Iron..
Oft TONS Swedes’ Iron, for salo low from
O Vs die wharf, by •
KEGS fresh Mulagu Grapes, 75 boxes do
.1 do Raisins, for sale by
Baltimore Flour.
mWENTY-FIVE bbls Baltimore Flour, just
X received mid for,sul6 by
Q ITIipS Porto Rico, 3 do St. Cioix,*primo
O quality, forsale by
Nails. ~
mwo hundred casks Nulls, for solo by
Sperm Caudles.
FT1HIRTY boxes 4,5 und (5 Spenn' Candles—
X just received ami for snle by
White JLcad,* dee.
"t KEGS superior English White Lead
jLLFLF 200 do do American No» 1 & 2
10 bbls English Linseed Oil
10 do do Chalk
10 do do AA r hiting *
5 do Alum, 5 do Snlt Retro
Just received per SavuimoJiand Coromondo,
and for sulo by
Powdered Spice*.
rilNNAMON, Bluck Pepper, Africdn Pepper,
Vj Cayenne Pepper, Clovtft, Nutmegs, Spice,
Ginger, &c. For sale by
1 . Opposite tlie Murket,
dec 6 Sign of tlie Goldeu Globe.
A SUPPLY Of Londou Mustard, of superior
XX quulity, for snle by
Opposite tlie Market,
dec 5 V Sign of the Golden Globe.
Garden Seeds—Crop 1839.
A SUPPLY of English and Shaker’s Garden
xX Seeds, for sale on reasonable terms by
Opposite the Market,
dcc5 , * . Sign of the Golden Globe.
• Combs, Brushes, Ac.
TjliNE Ivory und Horn Dressing and Pocket
Jl ' Combs, Hair, Cloth, Nuil, Combs,and supe
rior English, French imd.American Tooth Brush
es, nnd Shaving Brushes, &c.-in the greatest va
riety. Just received and for sale by
doc 5 . G. R. HENDRICKSON.
*n& & liivKWchi
11,1. rccoivo in a lew day* by Ike
ton. a variety oT Fknifr Seeds. ‘SI .
vvliitetpp Tiiniip, Aitistard, Ali hl, Hemp, Cana-
ry, cnrlySugnr 'Joni,otid a full siipply of other
garden seeds. nov 30
New~Goo<ls, Now Good**
npHE subscriber has received and now op
A from brig, Suvnnnah and ship Celia, i
and extensive! assortment of ucwost style o.
cy nnd Stuplo Goods, consisting in part of tl
lowing articles, viz:
100 pieces Cordova Kerseys
- .320 do. Satinets *
20 do. new stylo 4-4 French Prints
60 iln. 'do. •* Euglisli Calicoes
black nnd col’d Switch
CO do.
60 do.
W do.
30 do.
40«. do.
20 do.
Switch Ginghams
Kentucky Jeans
White Flannel ’
Red do^^^jpua qualities
Muslin de Lnincs
300 5-4, 6-4 and 8-4 ChiiicHla Shawls
f.O Merino Shawls and AruntlcM
400 Shawls, various stvlcs and qualities*
300 piece#. French und English Merinos
50 dp. Pongeo Silk Hdlifs.
20 do. English Spiltnlfield Silk do.
50 dozen AA’oleii Gloves
20 do. Mens Buck and II. 3. Gloves
20 do. Ladies II. S. Gloves
20 do. do. SUk nnd Cotton Gloves
and Long Sfitts
60 pieces col’d and bhtek Silks,ncwMt stylo
2 corps Canton Flannel
20 pieces new style Cussinlere
20 dp. Vestings
10 do. Broadcloths, various qualities
30 boxes Bonnot, Cap Tall'etu and Belt Rib-
bmtm _
100 dozen silk, worsted ond cotton IIoso and
Half Hose
10 boxes Satin Ribbons, ftom No. 2 to 22
48 Ludics wkiterFlorcnce Bonnets
100 colored Bonnets
AVhito nnd colored Satins, col’d Florences
Whjto and blnck Crape
Bluck Love Shawls, black Bombasine
Nuns Hoods, nnd a general assortment of
tcsimhle goods. For sale by
oct29 A. BENN1
Elixirof Bark*
T HIS valuable flavored Cordial is expected in
u few days by the brig Opelonsas, from Bal
timore. It is needluss to comment upon the val
uable properties of this Bark for Fever and Ague,
Nervous Debility or AVeak Stomach, ns the testi
monials iu hands of tlie Agents will suffice its val
uable qualities. It can only he procured at the
store of PORCHEU & LA ROCHE,
dec 6 Sole Agents,
Boston & Handle,
Murket Square, Savannah,
H AVE instore, and are receiving per variono
arrival s, u full supply of Groceries, Bugging,
&c. Among which uro—
10 hhds. St. Croix Sugnr
31 do. Porto Rico do.
60 hags Cofleo
350 piece* Bagging, 42,43 and 44 iuchc*
50 coils Bale Rope
100 lbs. Bagging Twine
10000 do. Bultimoro cured Bacon, Hams, Sides,
and Shoulders
3000 bushals heavy Maryland Seed Oats
Canal und Bnlt. Flour, whole and % bbls.
30 casks and 25 boxes Goshen Cheese
- 30 kegs choice Butter
•20 A’i 20 L und 20 4 bbls. Buckwheat Flour
10 hoxeM Sperm. Candles
. 5 pges Otard, Dupny & Co’s. 4th proof
5 do. Seignette do. do.
6 do. Hoilnnd Gin
20 bids. Peach Brandy
30 do. Rye Gin, 30 do. AVIn-key
20 do. Rum
Madeira, Tencrifle, Port and Sw^ct Mala
ga AVines
Butte? and AA r ine Biscnit
Almonds and Raisins, Tobacco
, 10 toiis iron, assorted
76 kegs Nails, &c.
All of wjficli they offer on accommodating terms,
oct 11
A ptvt , Winter Good*.
FINE assortment of white nnd red Flanels
Super. Englishjuid American Canton do.
Black, blue, green and Dahlia English Broadcloths
Cassiineres, Hutiuets nnd A'esting#
Rose and AVIritnoy Blankets
A splendid nssortiiient of Carpetings and, Rags •
Dark and light colored French Prints
English and American do.
AVhito Mad colored CannU>iT>aiie*
Mouslin de (.nines nnd Chany
Super. 4-4 dark colored Ginghams
Do. 4-4 black nnd white do.
oct 22
Over-Coals and Clonks.
1 S. NICHOLS has on hund a cotnpleto
■ • assortment of Cloth, Beaver Cloth, ana Po-
tcrslmtu Over Coats; also, superior and common
Canihlot Cloaks, which he will sell at his usual
low price for cash. nov 13
Hicrino Under Shirts & Drawers.
T HE undersigned bus a full supply of Under
Shirts and Drawers, which will be sold low
for cosh. G.S. NICHOLS, .
novlL' Market Square,
Just Received,
|ERbrig Madison from New York, a largo
assortment of Petersham Frock Coats; also,
sunerior figured French Merino Vests, a now ar
ticle. For salo cheap for cosh, or good accep
tance, by G.S. NICHOLS,
nov 22 231
Ladd, Tapper (V Sistarc,
i^FFER for sale on, good terms,
150hlids first quality Cuba Molasses
300 bngs good, fair und prime green Cuba CofTco
150 do superior old Java do
50 mats Very fine old Manilla do
Hhds prime Porto Rico Sugar
25 boxes Boston refined Loaf do
10 bblsrirst quality crashed do
20-half chests superior Black Tea
50 half boxes Baker’s No 1 Chocolate
50 bags heavy Sumatra Pepper
100 boxds Negro Pipes, large sizes
500 Deinijous, assorted, 1 to 5 gallons
200 whole and half boxes Bunch Raisins
125 pcs 42 inch Dqudee Ba L
200 kegs Cut Nails, assorted
50 casks Brown Stout, c,
50 baskets Champagne, Anchor and Key
50 boxes Sparkling Hock
200 M Spanish Scgars
4 pipes Holland Gin, Beehive nnd Hourglass
2 naif pipes London Dock Brandy
*10 do do J.J. Dupuy Co. do
10 do American do
300 bbls Connecticut Gin, Phelps & GowdyV
100 do Boston do, Eagle brand
100 do do Rum do
30 do superior Buhiuidre AVhiskey
10 do do old Monotignhela do
100 half pipes and quarter casks Madeira, Port,
Sicily Madeira and Pico AVines
100 bags Shot, assorted '
300 Grindstones , nov 26
6 HHDS first quality Hums, landing from brig
New Hanover, and for sole by
Fiiilutlclpliia Beef.
3 BBLS Rounds, in fine order, just received
per brig New Hanover, and for sale by
*| BBLS Apples,just received per brig Now
I Vs Hanover, und for sale by
. New Crop CoOce.
A BAGS prime green Havana Cofleo of
dfcvr the new crop, just received and for kale
dec 4 ■
Coffee, Raisins, Seyars,
1/J7 BAGS Coffee, 158 boxes Began
Xtc • 5 boxes A T ermaoelli, 8 cutes Prunes
6 boxes Preserved Plums
; . 2 bngs Pican Nuts, io bbls crashed Sugar
10 bids Loaf Sugar, 25 i chests Tea
4 chests Tea, sup’r, 100 boxes Raisins
200 half boxes Raisins, 200 qr do . do
25 boxes Lemous, lOOkegs Grupos
70 casks Malaga AVino
75 drums Figs
25 casks Malaga AVino
Just rece'ivod per schr S Carolina nnd stcum-
boat Savannah, and for salo by
nov 11 JNO. B..CAUDHY.O y