Daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1839-1840, December 10, 1839, Image 1
— C1T V OF SAVANNAH, nv Janies creitind, ^^mssseussi . ckS, '. q c, Jk ,4‘W ' -JU- . *, 1 - >7» ••pi «: Tri.wcckly “Kcptibllcnn,” ,j three tiin<S» a ivook, (Monday, Wod , ..4Fridaylatthe OfficeoftSo “Daily '?js9|sr fur six months. 1 Ku * y t' . !Vo. WO—Tola XXXVI.] SAVANNAH, («n.) TUESDAY EVENING, DECEKIBEB JPoisti itotop ' i. n V.1I ry, curly Sit, garden aged.. T "New < lie. half f"r each insertion after, r n°Fach CUiitloh i>y the Clerks oftho Courts JWV 6»« njirllcatinii him hOon/hm-lq for ,„f Adiniiiistmtio),, must lie published l^tonlVnra Um list, are requested to gskfifr IO, 1830, Jrv DAYS at least. ■ . .. ' i,y Executors and Administrators fur uid Creditors to render In their acoonuts zirtiicdLuUn. Alexander \V A r Alston mr. I; ASe^ii“" Muya AllstonmissSaroll B Bird A A C “™ Emily Scott mrs John E Shelkll.inrs; Sarah MS Scott Dr Shenhnon Cant Tims Slonv A i _ y«p| Seokuigur I,cmr !mf®T Smith mrs Cathi Jte,idled SIX'WEEKS.. r.’Jr Negroes by Executors and Admipis- ■«n mud be at pnlilo auction, on tho firstTncs- ^ftlio nioiitii, bolwemi tlib usual hours of Burncs inrHj 8 BntcsJosi ’ m J 2 Mill Capt John C Bivins Jol fiiefettor* Testamentary, pf Adinlnistra-' uivi ^ iry, . foiGamdiunsliip ipay liavi, been granted, first |IT r days' notice thereof jn ono of the e stUctles of tills State, und at die dooref ■ft House, where such sales uro to bo Mte for leave tn'sell Negroes, must ' bo pub- Jf m rmu months, before any order absolute *'made thereupon by tho Court. - niMofRcol Estate by hxeoutprs, Aduiinistra- IjndOiunliant, jhustbe. published SIXTY |V8 before tlio liny of Sale. .These;sales must |e at the Court House do Or of the County rhthe property is situate, mid on tho first Jiyeftae Month,between the hours often in MUiiiig aud four in the afternoon. No siilo . day today is valid, unless so expressed in Klnnhementi ; ' plications by Executors, Administrators and _L„ to Iho CQUrt ofOrdinory for leave to rU nnisUio published FOUR MONTHS. l»ofpersonal property (except negroes) Sale and inteslato estates by Executors nnd tors must ho advertised FORTY leph Bukor CuptW P J BurtbnmrsJE Barniird mrs Ann C . BarrsR.B Brnch Jacob'Jr fiSwoU J&bb>3' Joliu W Brotvn mrs Juno liloisJusF Brown Robt E , Brown inra Alary Boogp mrs Hetty ■ Belongh Elias • Boiirquiiw Ed J Traspcr mrs Mary Thayer Joseph lilipan Joseph Tlno, Charles II Tokel mrs E. Stony A 8 : .Snow Joseph A rssafispfc jS turdivam Robt O Thornes Chsrles < Thomas Churlotte Tow’ Henry Tufts Dr B 3 s ? e4, > Crop of 1830. & lakoc,ie White Oniun^ilverskin Yellow da [Whole No.—07,038. . •- <• r i n Vizzard mrs M A Wsnd Emanuel ^ • Vizzard Thomas Wilkins A Jr Ward'cliM MUrg " re *' 2»Wb • .Williuk miss Jnlia Ann Bayard John, Bctisen H ’ Bessoht Cupt A Belli,toy A ell Ettiaui Bell Eiimunel Bee mrs Judy Berry John It Beck John Butler Geo ' BarnsJaines Burgomaster mrs Catli’n Burk Kicluml Butler miss E 3 Bishop George Bilbo Henrietta mr« i «. v Yeomens Robt II dee3 GEORGE SOIIt.FV j . M , Clarke John M / Cox mfs Mnr, Chaplin miss' Rliodo F Condon mrs Carter miss ME CookWm Carter Mr JohnW ~ •goretA Elcai Icanor. Carlay miss Jano Ann CpnlonVatricI £ luk , u, n fi*"'*?. . • Coo miss Mary Jano Camphel|IJutno* II Cpuiing Isaac M ' Campbell Jauo • Campbell Win F rami t plication*by Executors and Administrators VnDUuuKury, must bo published SIX ,„TIIS. liplitilionsfor Ibrcclosuro of Mortgages on fable limit lie advertised once a Month < for II MONTHS. |tn oftho Court of Ordinary, (aceoinpani- Jis copy oftho bond of ugrpemont) to * titles to loud must he advertised Turks Hint least. .iriir.sa.'csimdoi'exeoutionA regularly grant- lithe Courts, must be advertised THIRTY _YS—under mortgngo executions SIXTY (if—Seles of perishable jdnpcrty pndrr or- Itf Court, must bo ndvertised, generally', TEN ll'9 before tho day of sole. 1 AdvertUouieutawill be punctually attended Cruliis miss Martha Clark P R . Claimy Patrick Crana Moses Catiue'tL ‘ Connell Laiircnco Chqplin Jos P Canjpliell J It : Cnlurs Henry Cass miss Moygt Carter mrs Dorcas Clmpiin Milton AHIxillemlircctedto tins Ofiice or the tr, must be post paid, to entitle diem to at- ^Daly Michael Dasher Joshua M Dean Putrick Dempsey W J D’Lyon Col'Isaao Dews Joliii I Dickerson Wm ’ Courvoisic mrs j Cyqcker Zeno '■Cormick mrs Harriet . Coo Alary Adeline mrs Carley rars Funny Cubbago mro Rebecca Cumiingliam II .'CnlliuonAia Cushing Nothsnlol i Crovaiier Betsy ' Crows miss Lydia Ann Connor Patrick Colp n U W Collins Michael - D Dickinson Alary A mrs Dowling Edward 2 - Duncan mrs Emmeline Dhlfy Terenco 2 . Dully Jdhn Duhliam fTWF l„o i !,t This. Sasa-ss mlw, . n0 }^ lne .S '“"‘d, “n-'T'o. p^bohSis UmS ^ a38 > r 1 "'! 3d ijepl. 580 iot^^! rAu *^ , * a ’ <l0 ' ^6, do.3d'oct: ias, 20 B re^r 0 A A " g '" ta * d0 ' eM .'*.'2dJen. 1827, 20 lefter h!r bU ’’ N °' **.1834, 20 9C3 - d0 .' M' Doc. 1830, SO Bank Coiiiinbus, No 1448 do 1st Do iaoo S 1 "? 1 ™ , ' d I' , , do letter II. U0 ' 1,1 Oot : 18a9 > LarlysugarloafCghbuge Dyer J W mrgS C To Lit. j The two story Dwelling nnd Garden in [Ackson Ward, apposite Iho Frco .School, seal occupied by Mr. J. B. lewis. I’os- a will bo given ontlio 1st November. Ap- ANSON PARSONS. ■Edwards mrs Anne R. Earnet Richnrd F Evails Eroshis . Eldimlge iiprmon Estdoilo miss Adeline AIEnglish mi* Laura A 2 Eamst lurs Sarah A it3 Fifty Dollars Reward. Ktwoway on the 20th July last, from the intwcriber, his Negro Alan, SAWNY. He is aboiit23 years old, & feat 8 or 0 in- . cbe» high; very black nnd likely, has rnth- iBow Mnulchrnl voico, and a deop sicatrica aside, lie was bought of Air. Hugh Rose, |3 rears liuce, and I beliovo was brought up Ki place about 10 miles above this city. Iilore reward will be pnul lornisuehveryin L> jail in thi* State,-or to the "thaeriber. |t22 205 NOI1LE A-. HARDEE. Fraser J Aug’s Fraser .James R Farquliay lurs . Forrelly Charlca French Willium . Felt Thomas Fenton Andrew Jr Flotcher Frederick P Garden Seeds.. [ ralMcriber has just 'receivctl per -brig | Nadi,an, his supply of fresh Garden Seeds, d to be of best quality, and the growth of |ti:i Imi, kidney, half moon and Valentine! Bait, ITamip, blood, white, Scarsity and Alaugcl pb Cabbage, onrlv York, Battoraoa, Drum- KBergeu mid red Dutch; Carrol, early horn, ■sagorange; Cucunibors early-framed, lor" f *nd prickly; Lettuce, oarly ice and lot pMclfon, Citron, Pine Apple, NtiUncg am. im;early Cniiliflowen Onion, silver skill’d, I white Portugal; Okra, curled.Borsloy, v,long sweet Spanish Peeso, Dwarf, AlaT- r, Eharlton, blue Iniperials, Washington, ■ep a Prolific and Tall Alarrowfiitflladisli Jong Miort top’d do,white turnip do,early fram- [’black fall; Squash, early Lush ' auu long fail*# ipnmn *«nt.. —.i.. curly pb’nss, Ac, Vio For sale by ANSON PARSONS. spr Graham Pater Ganalil Lewis 2 Graham Bcv Juhn Garland Wm H GnrnoU mrs Ann GuiUUIb'l utvjmwu l/‘ Glass Joseph Cay Michael Grady Patrick Galloway Alexander Gage Frank R Fitzsimons mrs Anno Fjlzsimpns Paul ' Fitzpatrick miss Phatbe FryJessee Fox Franklin Fox Win Foster G Ferguson Rev Wm » Godfrey mrs Grezzel Gordon iniss Louisa Goddard Lory Golliy miss Mary A Gnorgo Charles K Gibhw Juir.cs Gibson RmiKom C 2 Goldsmith Samuel Hacker (* E Hnzzard Allen Htuftyehua’ Harris Matilda Hart P- Hall Storra HeitmanFA Mr Jos „.,n Win ith miss Lucy Ann n ■ Harris tm% Mary. E Harris Win AI Hnrvoy Samuel A Harvey Joseph B 3 Harris Isaac Hartshorn Wm R Halasv Jeremiah I Inhbdrd John Miller Prince Hightower John 2 Hillard OB llichcock James II, Holland mrs Michael Hobby Alex Hathaway miss Julia - Hews miss Alsrgarot Hopkins John H 2 .8**».*: 7th Atoy, 1636, 20 B refcr C tora* bU, ’ N '' 12 ' do,cd *»‘l830, *?. Hjt No. 775,do. 3d Jnhe, 1836, ““tibrnTtler A 0 " 8 "' N °' 9W '- d -°' 1 * [ S ^' 20 Bank Dane.,, No. 10713, do. Is, Doc. 1^2, i e u 20 toS ®,n" k ^"SotXo. Wo. 10, do. 5th “ %“iSEr A ^ U, ' a ’ ^ 7tb La ' U 100 lottcp Auguste, No. 58, dernd 1st l00 '«,»« N0 ' 7iid " ,od lst 20 No ' 425];daU!d2JS 0P'- 100 bettor ™ lcdg# ) ri l 1 o> No'. 436,-do 3d Jon:i837, 100 Bj a ". (, ; r3 *jree | m n ici’Dank Columbus, No. Rft b?' 4 ? ,’' “V.,1838, Letter A. “ u * “it. & Areeh. Hunk Cnl.«»i..-- »’ -- r lilt: Bnilk Savannnh, No. 18, doted 6tli Dec 1820, loiter K. ■ . NOTjrtE.—Three months afterdate, applica tion will he made to the (above) different llahks for now notoa, (lie loft hand half of stiid bills be ing lost WILLTAAI SMITH. Trniinville; Go. I5lh Oct. 1839. Ej'The Georgian, Augusta Chroniclenmi Sen- dual, Sonlhem Recorder und Cqluinlius nerald and Sentinel, will please publish the above wcbk : ly for three months, anil forward thoir accounts to mo nt Troupvllle, Go. for payment . ; oct 31 20713m W. S. , wlaiitFs Puliiioimria, or Ve- Retablc Demulcent* L£l1 °^* CowOTT in’Coughs, "*un«ingfrom recent or neglected colds; oa; and aa nnuuxiliiwyamd mbaiw ofjire- from the threatening symptoms of up- ™J*ralmounry Cousuiiiptipn, no medicino ■As .l t 18 u l ,on the confidence of the in- |funtno above medicine. Ilf i • and troublesome aymp- lu* i 10 ^’ 0X P cct °r a, k»t».f-i; phlegm, pain V3?*• .* constitute prominent feu* pin®complaint, that tho Pultnonarkv was, a inud has manifested its riiost valuable pro- Jackson mrs Susan InnissJamesA Jofierson Patrick Johnston Wm W . Jones Jumcs Knapp Charles H Kenny Michael , Keast Robert C Keller Stephen ** Kellar Paul Lachieotto giiss II^rm’eLinsy miaa Sarali, Lamar John F ^ • Lynch Philip Law mrs Ann M Lachieotto mrs Lampe C Linder GC »,useful of course' in tho relief of a colds, arising from-sudden changes of w,from weanng damp liuenrifcc. . A. BARTOW. |.P°r III Iiictminn r‘l ,9f, ° d<tooViriafed;_bi;causQ it. InS C<1 ? f ingredients,and its Ineill 0 r ^^displayuidin tlie follow- iviniia t ll P OSfl 08908 propcKics oftho most L fi ” alu y 5 { w J»icH eradicates the scurf and hairj nourishes tl\c huir nhd the lii "turn ^falling off, and lessens the liability of fifev; strengthens the weakest hair, U ,r®?. a j ,ixur mnt growth; gives n vigor Iturl !i. 180011 producesnninimitablynat“ P rcv , c nts its fulliiig out in a dump jr B ‘ 1 t u ’°j unn ? exercise; renders the hair •at* im V 0r urMn cial, beautifully soft nnd sl °w^ nn inestinjablo gloss and pleas- troS8 c?—in fine, renders, the 1a.<- .^cendantly beautiful, momQtes tlie °y° hrows,. mustaches, &p# Ihperfprti '• W e *T°9 ts are.strikingly benefi- 4,1 . ;y 'nnoxioiis, and may with safety ffeaifl.: X 0un 8 eat infunt; it eradicates tho HenipL, ro , na Mporibr to combs, soaps, &c.; ■jfcenXhifW 1 tll ° hifant, gradually fproduro! l ir * augments its growth so ‘hafter K a b f a, J t . 1 ^ 1 head of hair. ' Preson’es ^'"raunility' violoi " oxer S! so ' ! UK ' ! ’ in hot or cold climates, and ia ®atiinatioij by distinguished persons Kcfirt'S t “ n< ' retail* by tho Proprietor, hkacni k Broadway, Now-Vork, aniTby 1 '' D 7 A. PARSONS,.Ageutj, ""^wts por bottle' I, Ga, nov26 | lH)7 , f,| l 7* Brandy] ilyPcncltes. do Brandy Pe la by “** received per brig Lnmnr, am "li c.l.aicnish; Hopkins Ellen ' Hosegapd Gcorgo Houston Betsey Ilogar.lh James Hubbard Chkrlotto mrs Hubbard Erastua H . Hugnoniu E D 2 Jones Thomas B.Co Jones Tliomas Jones miss Alartha E Joliiuou Edward Jqalenow John It KorrGeo .. , Koehler John Kottinan F Knowles Joseph Si-ottsboro Female Institute. LUC1EN I j^JR. and MRS. LUC1EN LATASTEififomi tlieir friend's, tlmt the aliove Institiuion will be opened on Afonday, the 1301 of January,1840. They (invito their former patrons to renew their support, assuring them,that no cllbrt will ho spar ed to give satisfaction. - Their rates, fora term of five months, will ho as follows: , ” Roading, Writingand Spel ling,- $12or 39 per month, for any period less tlian . one term.' - The eliovo with Geography,$16 or $4’por month, The above with History, Grammar and'j)ritlunotid,l818 or 4J per monlli, All tlio higher'branches of ' AT.* Englisli, $20 or$!j per month, French,' Spanish, and Lat in, each, , $20 or $5 per month, Music,Piano or Guitar,eacli$25 qtTO por nionUi, Use oflnatrmuenls, $4 Board aaii be obtained in tho Borough. The Red do ... Early Blood turnip Beet French Amber Sugnrdo While dilcflia- Sugar do lmng y BtoTdJ Ur “ ipi10 Long MAngeJ.WurUel Long Scarlet Carrot Long Orange do Long Blood-do Early Ilohi do Guernsey Parsnip Long White do Early Cluster Cucumber Long do Long Green do Early short groen do Murkenoes, for pickle Sup’r Wutnrnudlon . Largo Muskmcllon Fine Nutmeg Mellon Largo Cauteloue do Greon Citron uo Bush Bummer Bouasli Dutch Summer .Srpinsli Ctooknock Winter do Coooanut or. Porter do Maumiotli Pumpkin Large Yellow uo Inm‘l sugar loaf Lettuce White head curly do Greendo large uo Cabbage Head do Extra do do do Brown Dutch do Lotig white mim’rRadiflli Early.scarlet short top do Long Salmon do Long scarlet do Scarlet or Cherry Tdr* nip do • WhitoTiiruin do * - Yellow Tnrmp do WliitoFall Spanish do Early Dutch do $ Early York do Arklje’s early dwarf do Ltirge Yprk ilo Eurly Drumhead rao Early Bullock’s Heart do large Bergen do Largo Drumhead do Flat or lato patch do Green Savoy do Gteeii Glazed do Red Dutch do • Colcwcrt, or Collards Early Cauliflower - Late do Qesaroan Kale, or (Jow Cubbage 1 dec 7 244 Scotch Kale,groen curl’d Soa Kale Dutch or Spring Flat Turnip . Early Gordon Slona da Large whim Globe do Red ^Top Flat do Yellow Aberdeen qi Bullock do * Dale's Yellow Hybrid (new) do Rutabaga or Swodish, - (yellow) do Long Tiinknrd or Hon- overdo - • qi.-. Sage Squash or Bell Pepper. Cayenuq do.. % ' Purple Egg Plnnt Curled Cress or Pepper- grass ' ‘ Broud Leaved Cress Water Cross Large smooth red To- niato Yellow Tomato ’ v Vegetable Oyster Solid Celsij - J ,* Summer Savory * Dwarf curled PafBloy * . Curled do • 4 ■ Rouud Leaved Spinage Whin? Mustard ■ * Brown da Long White Okra Short Green do ' Giaut Asparagus Nasturtion Bene Plant ^ English Sorrel Large Scotch Leek London Leek Saffron"* Sweet Mrujoram Sweet Thyme Lemon Balm Early Sugar Com Chinese Prolific do Early : Washington or June Pea? • • Bishop’s early Prolific do Large whito'Marrowfat 4 Dwarf Marrowfat do Dwarf Prolific do Early China dwurfBcaus Eurly Mohawk do do Early six-weekfio do White Kidney do do ' lied Marrow do do Flower Seeds, assorted &o.. Ca-simorofl ' ' Suihteu b “ Ck ’ bruwn ' B'ccn, &c. Premium Heavy mixt Jo; do. .-faraervanla -f du ' Also, fine ribbon hound-Whitney, Roao, Ac, BIAnketa. 0C 'BB 8onth aiilo'Afomimcnt Square. New Full CJaorts. and extensi and 8 tap ih and a tof not lowm; rmg article.,, viz: 100 piece# Cor do. Mouisuby ( Q./l AND 4-4 Scotch Gi/i J* Tc Fine Long I rh'aihe- ■ imgluu u. -nBawns, laiahLinena Brown Hpllund, do, Hamilton Flannel Amoncan-Print!, Wotatcd Glove* >. Wonted and Cotton Hosiery . • . AVERY, i. JOHNSON, n't 3 Sguthaida Afnnqmnin Square. r P W*.Ht » S. Kpuern, H AVE just received from New Yortc, the fol lowing I uncy Goodr, vhu * I box ctnb’d changeable BonnetRibboiw, a • splendid artielo 1 box sup’r Ogy Satin - do do do fiincy French Silk Bag* do Plaid BonnetKibbo/u , ' .White Net Velio . t: - 1 do fane 1 1-6. ■ 1 dozen Net Shawls 1 do Silk einb’d Scarfs' . 1 'do Plaid do do . i 1 do Thibet do do 4 pcs brown.ond block Silk Fringe - I do Phillygrummy 1 dozen Infant’s Waists '10 do Nuns (Dntrli) Lnco Together witli vurions articles in die Fanov line. nov 16 South side Alafket So'iinre. “RSp.v , .'V ,u u *y woods,- Ftcnh Gnracn Seeds. THIS YEAR’S CROP. Round Spinach r. White Solid Cellery Scarlet short top Radish Long Scarlet da Ttirnip do do T OP’D seed Onions large giatit Aspara gus I*nrgo Blood Bo'et Mangle Wortzel do Illood Turnip do la-.-fr- Vm ♦ —vrvr - - r ' Green Glazed do Sugar Loaf do . Cnuliflmvor do t Largo Drumhead do Early *IIorn Carrot Long Orange do Early Astringhum do White Cabbage Lettuce Imperial I lead do Ice Cosa do ' Early Dutch Tiimip Largo Flat do Red Top do Largo Norfolk do Rutabaga do Hanover do Early Windsor Beans Sieva-ol* Carolina do Horticultural do Rod SnsckleAdo Early Mofiawk do China Dwarf do Refugee or 1000 to 1 do Aspnraga/» Roots' These Seeds nre in fine order, nnd warranted Large Red Tornuto Okru Knrly Bnsh finimnh Crooked Neck do . Nutmog Mellon Cnntclopo do , Citron do Red Onion Wlutodo . . London Leek . Squusli Pepper Double Curled Parsley furple and .white Egg Plant Lane Marrowfat Peas Do Dwarf do do Early Frame do Do Monoach'd<v_ Do Charlton do . Grooms Dwarf do Swoot Sugar Com Golden Sioiixdo Tuscarorado, &.C. - ing in part, namely: . . _ . . . r 10 bqxes Ladies .Florence Braid, Split Straw, Leghorn, Straw, Braid, col’d English and _ cotumou Straw Bonnets i 60 dozen col’d Ntin'q Iloods 40 boxes Bonnet, Cap, Sdtfii nnd Tpfeta Ribbons •nuficy goods, for sole whnbuml» very low. • ~ nov 11- p ^flrfiTy ol very low fre,sh aud of the best Junds, just -received and for sale low, by G. R. HENDRICKSON, dec 6 242 • - Titi Plate. O NE hiindroil boxes Tin Pluto Jx 500lbs Block Tin, 500 lbs Copper Bolts for solo by N. B. & H. WEED. nov20 ■ . * • v Llpsoy Lnricy.tt Love miss Amy mrs ary E' ■ Lowtlior mrs Rebecca Principal does- not du.iign taking:any boardors. ■ Those desirous of funlier inlormatiou will ad- ■8 AA BOXli? Negro Pjpc«, for siilo by 1UU LAOD.TUPPER & SISTARE. nov 23 232' 1 , dress us by letter nt Aliiledgeville. deefl 243c0wn M Aliller Jnques Myles Smith Alorriss TJiomns Moore Henry C 2 AI orris, lurs Anne E 2 Afnrtiiugli Patrick AIussu John Mitcholl.mrs Hnrriot Middleton Cliarlos E BIc .McGuinnoss John . McDonnell W J G& J S AIcCluskoy mrs Julia AAIoDermott Patrick AIcKouguo Wm. - AIoKay Patk M -- • —ilia—i McKnyCharlea F MeGowen John ,N Nostrand George . Mamtcy miss Mary Alaxwoll Alexander Alatival Lyman. Alarquanil Loonnrd J 1 Alatthows Geo D 2 Afadrin James - Merrill H Alitchcll Polor Aliller John Hair Oil, Bears (4{reuse und JPo- > matuin. ' M ACASSAR Oih English,' do do American, Ward’s Vegetable Oil,Hears Oil,do Greaso, Pomatum, inputs; do In rolls, Aldrich’s Balm Columbia. Just received and for sale oniceom- mbdating terms by ■ JOHN E. STILWELL, Comer of Broilghton & Whituker-ats. nov 20 Qpposito tlie Alansion .House. McDonnell A H AIcFarlandJolin Alcl^iuglilin Michael Alclntosh J Nickeyson Joseph J OiilragerH Outteii Isaao Oliver Jolm , Pnliu miss Caroline, Palmer James Parker Caroline Payne —- Prescott George Poavy Joel Party DK&Co. Rasher miss Hnnnah Rebarer Francis Reilly TlibsW Reid miss Charlotto , Martin Olivor. Gcorgo 3 • Overstreet miss Alary Odingoul Wilham F -Pearcomrs Sarah Perkins Natlil G Philips Joshua . PiUnan miss. Susail Philips Stophen Pitman mrs Aim Catli’n Powell‘Cupt 0 K ■* Rowo James Rdlierta Charles Cabbages and Onions. . F IVEimndrcd Cubhagos and GOO bimchea On ions, in line Order, just received nnd for sale ■ LONG & PATTERSON, nov 23 232’ . .. ■ by Hams. 1 ■» IIHDSfitflquality Hants, landing from brig J New Hanover, and forsuie lr" dee 5 ■ Cbecsc. - f»A CASKS Goshdh Cheere, just received ^ anibforsaloby j,- g, CiAtlDRY. Satiii liibbons, dec. - Just received por.G. B. Lamar.' S ATIN Ribbons, Muslin Bunds Altbliu Edgings and Insertings. Silk Hosiery, Thread, &c. For sale by ' AVERY &,JOHNSON, Sweet Scented Fowder, dec. -d 4"> 1)0/. Otto lloso Scentod Powder ’ tjU 0 do. Violet . do. do. 6 do. Plain . ..do. do. Also, Powder Boxes and Pull's. Received and for sale, by oct 25 A. PARSONS. Goshen .Butter. , 1 A FIRKINS GOshen Butter, just received I II andtbr sulo by nov 26 LONG & PATTERSON. Robinson mrs 1 Roesor Jean Rossi'gnol Louis H _ Rossignol tniss Harriot s Sundford A AI Stapleton John Stafford S Salfner John J SnlrtVTfch Capt Snjea P ' I Shnrdlotv S SBC Sponsor JolmB II Rogera mips Somoro A Rouiitree mrs Sarah E Russell Salem T Russell S N Sftiith Henry E : Slnithmra Alatiidn > SipitliJolinP Squires Samson’ Sub bn Emelino mrs i Stiles Benjamin 2 . Sidrich Cnpt AItircus2 Sorlvon Rev James O' Scott mrs Louisa C 2 Iron, Nails and Rum. ‘ /^NEtliousnnJ and 48 bars Swede’s Iron, as- U sorted; 300 casks Nails do, 50 Mils Rum— landing por brig Pandora, firoin Boston, nnd for solo by . L. BALDWIN. 38 'i nov U Caracas Cocoa. , /*#*'k#~K.LBS. Caracas Cocoa, just received and for sale by no?2B . LONG & PATTERSON. Grates. A N assortinenfof Russia Iron Grates, jnstro- A^iv^ andforsaioby p g. H.-VVEED. Navy Bread . 61 K BBLS.- Pilot und 50 Mils Navy Bread just ) received and for sale bj nov 23 LONG ^- ^AT t TER^ON. 'Share Moulds, 61 TONS Share Moulds, for sale by nov 28 N- B. ,& II, WEED. R ECEIVED by „ , XVERY & JOHNSON. launes French Kid Gloves Do black and dol’U sowing silk do Do white do do Do black ■ do Alitta Do lpng white Kid Glove* . Cento black nnd col’a Kid do Do woolen do, Bqys woolen do Do silk - do ... Ladies nnd Gbnto silk Ifosinry , Gents Lambs wool and Alerbio 4 Hose' Do heavy Wool | IIoso ■ Do Merino under. Shirt* and Drawer* Welsh, Merino, Saxptjy, Ac. Flannels, warrant- eq not to shrink when washed. Thibet Wool do, Drocha do Rich Mni.h MnnUHaN, da Choaneal Tippet* Do do Ladies Hat Omntuonta ' ' " - Thibet and Bayadere Scarfs Rich silk do, plaid Cashnicre do. . For sale on favorable terras. dac3 South side' Monument sqaare. ' Now Gpoils.. Seasonable Goods. fJROADCLOTHS—Bbclt, invisibh green. JJ olive, blue, dark mixed and cadet mixed ar.d brown', English double milled. Cossiiuores—Drub,- black, dafk grey and striped. Satinets—Blue, drab, cadet and dark mixed. Suspenders—Elastic aiid knitted,.alio Extra Ends. Hosiery—Lambs Wool, Vigotiia, white and mix ed Cotton. * . . ; -' * GJovcr—Colorod nnd white . Hoskin, Bnckskin, : Silk and Beaver ' v -- Umbrellfts—9ijk nnd Cotton. Stocks—Satin, and Bombasin, with bows and plain. Cravats—Black Italian ana fancy colored. Also, Merino Skirts. . J Brushes—Cloth, hair, nail an4 tooth', Handkerchiefs—White Silk, plain, red and figur ed. Just received, add lor salq by GEORGE W. BEHN, oct92 . , No. 2.Shad f s Buildingr. Dry'Goods. • , TjlANCY Alpeens, Marseilles Crib Coimter- jU panes, white Marseilles Counterpanes, as sorted *iZ68 , •White and col’d notted *do do do Blank«t Shawls, low priced Red Flannels Bleached find unbleached Canton Flaunel English bleached do da Low priced Satinets, Kentucky Joans, Black and blue black Bombasius Welsh Flannels, Thibet Scarfs ■' French and English Merinos, : For sale by -w GEOJIGE W. BEHN, hov25 No. 2 Shad’s Building. )ver, and for sale by, PADELFQRD, FAY &CQ. Just Received. ^ BBLS Powdered Sugar 5 boxes Wlijte Havana do 12 do best Cuvendisli Tobacco ” 25 kegs LpafLard dec 5 joiin. b: GAUDRY. Bale Rope. . . r* f\ COILS, u vbry superior article, for sale 50 by WASHBURN, LEWIS & CO. dec .5 Nicklcby Complete. T HE Life niul Advcntiiros ofNicholns NiOkle. by, by diaries' Dickens, will! numerous il. lustrations by Pliijt ‘ Do ""iio, clioap edition, with 2 plates. Alfred Do Rosuun or tlio Adi ventures of a W. AI. Reynolds, 2 Alfred French Gentleman, by Geo. ' °Count Dumas’s Memoirs of his own time, in eluding the Revolution, Uie Empire, and the Res toration, by Limit. Geueial Count Aratlueu Du mas, hTJvols. . n °Ellot's Essay on the Laws bfTrado in roference to tho works of Internal Improvement in the If. States, 1 volume, 8 vo. • , deefl ’ rCCeiYC W. y THORNE WII4-IAM8 White tcntl, &c Wliue mhu, t K AA ICEGSsuporiorEnglish AVhite Lead I I aoo do' dp American No. 1 & 10 lilils English Linsdod Qil ' 10 do do Chalk 10 do do Whiting 5 do Aliun, 5 do SaltPetre Just received per Savannah aud Coromando amUbrsalc by q'. R. HENDRICKSONi leh Gilighame 30 ,'do, 10 dq, 40 do. .'20 do,. ?. ]Q0'5-4,-ri-4nnd8-4 CfiftustlM S 50 Marino Shuivls nnd Alanlles 400 Sliinvls, Various stylos and quo 100 pieces French and English Ale 60 do. Pongco SilkHdkfii. 20 do. English Spitrnlfiold Silk do. 50 'dozen Woien GIdvei 20 do. Mens lim b and II, 8. Gloves *0 do. Ladies H* Si Gloves 30 do, dm Silk and Cotton (llbveg and I.otig Afitto 60 pieces 1 block Silks,newest stylo , eases Canton Fliinnel - 20 pieces new stylo Costsimcro 20.^ do. VAtmirs • "' . , J® , ^°'* Bi'hudclqiiis, various quniitios do boxos Bonnet, Cap Taffeta and Bell Rib* bona 100 dozen silk, worsted and cotton Hose and Half Hbse -10 boxes Satin Ribbons, from No. 9 u> 23 4&Ladiea white Florence Bonnets ANfj . * T V s 100 colored Bonnets White and colored Satins, col’d FlOrCiicoS Wliitq ond black Crape \ , Bbtck Love Shawls, black' Bombasiin , ‘Nuns lloodk, and u general ttss6rinicnt df lesimble goods. .‘For sale by oct ^>. ; A. BENNETT. Boston A Handles *' 7 ' H . . Alarket Square, Savunnoli,. A V I. iri .tore, and are receiving per various arrivals, a fiiii'snppiy of Groceries,Ragging, &c. Among which arc*- TO lihila, St. Croix Sugar 11 no. Porto Rico do, 60 bags Coffee 160 pieces Ragging,' 42,43 and 4( inches 'e Rope 60 cdils-Kolo Itope 10000 Rnilfmlfrc’i'bred Bacon, Hanis,Sidcs, . and Shoulders 3000 bushels henvy Man land Seed Oats Cannl atid Balt. Flour, whole nnd bbls ( 10 cnsks nml 2S boxoa Gdshen Cheese 10 kegs choice Butter 20 1, 201 and 20 ^ BblsJ Buckwheat Flouf ,» 10 boxes Sperm. Candle*, 6 pinqs Otord, Dupuy dk Co’*. 4th proof Brandy 6 do. Seignetto dd. do. 6 do. Hollaud Gin .20 hbls. Pencil Brandy •' . ' '30. do. Rye Gill, 30 do. WhlskoV ' 20 do. Rum , MadePra. Tenerifle, Port and Sweet Mala* gn Wines • Butter nnd Wine Biscultv Almonds and Raisins, Tpha'cco .10'tons iron, assorted • *>» l •76 kegs Nails,*&e. . , Allofwhieh they otter on accommodating (firms, Winter Goode* A FINE assortment of white-and red Flanelit ‘ Bftper. English aiwl American Canton do, Black, blue, green atrd Dahlia English Broadcloth J Cdssimercs, Satinets and Vesting* Rose and Whitney Blankets Monslin do T,nihps qnd Chiifly - Super. 44 dark colored Gingham* Do. 4-4 black and wbito do. - - SNIDER, LATIIROP & NEVlTtt bet-22* Over-Coats tfml Cloaks G S. NICIlOLS lias on hand a comnletd • assortment of Cloth, Beaver Cloth, ana Pe- ternhnm Over Coats; also, superior find common Camblet Cloaks, which he. will sell nt-his usual low price for cash. nov 13 Merino Under Shirts & Drawers. ntlHE undersigned has a fall supply Of TJndeT JL Shirts and Drawers, Which Will be sold low forcash/ G.S. NICHOLS, nov 11 Market Square, , Just Received, • *PER brig Madison fVom New York, a lnrgd jl assortmc assortment of Petersham.Frock Coats; also/ jgjfif'' Aji'' nccop- lance, by. G. S.XSICUULS. nov22 23L * *: ^ Vupper A Histure, “ '"4R ! . jp ,,. Hpusc Fiit-nisliiiiK Goods. - - - --- "--MFre ‘ 8“4, 3-4,04, 8-4,10-4 and 124 Table Da- mask - C-4,.7-4, 8-4,10-4 and 124-Scotch DainaskTable Covers . ' 64, 74 and 84 brqwn Damask do • do ' 3-4-nnd 44 Scotch jDnmask Napkins. 54, 64, 74 and 84 col’d worsted Table Cqvcrs 44,54, 64,74 and 84 do cotton and linen do do 54 wonted Piano Covers Col’dj worsted and do cottoft Stand* and Toilet ~ . Covers . . White Marseilles Toilet Covers -_ Scotch Diaper, Huckaback, Grash,&c.Tbwelling Birds Eye nnu Russia Diapers Pillow Case LineitsAnd Linen and Cotton Sheet ing Super-Irish Linens,/reo of cotton , m ’ Rich Curtain Ghintz, in Acts - Dranory'Muslins, Furniture Dimitv Oil Cloths>green,crinisonand drab Moreens. # Thonbove goods were selected with care for this 'market, and will he sold oii accommodating terras by AVERY &. JOHNSON, • nov 13 * South side Monument Square. Powdered Spices. JLa4d- ... O FFER for sale on good terms, 150 hhds first quality Cuba Molasses 300 bags good, fair and prime greon Cuba CoffcO 150 do superior old Java.-- i]0 50 mats very-fine old Manilla do Hhds prime Porto Rico Sugar . 25 boxes Bootdn refilled Loaf do 10 bbls first quality crushed do , SOhnlfchfcstssupcriorBIackTea .i: * 50 half bo^cs Baker’s No 1 Chocolate 50 bags henvy Sumatra Pppper, 100 boxes Negro Pipes, large sizes -i'r' x :' f . : •*' 1 500. Deinijous, assorted, 1 to 5 gfillDUs 200 whole anil halfboxea Bunch Raisin^ , 125 pcs 42 inch Dundee Bagging ' ; 200 kegs Out Nails, assorted 60 casks Brown Stout, quarts and pints V 50 baskets Champagne, Anchorima Kfiy* * ’ h6 boxes-Sparkling Hock 200 M Spanish Segaw; ^ v ' . " . f . 4 pipes'HolltiiKLGin, Beenivb ana HUurglastt 2 half piries London Dock Brandy 10 do do J. J. Dupuy &C6. aa .10 do American da . : 300 bbls Connecticut Girl, Phelps & Gowdy.’s r t 100 do Boston do, Eagle brand 100 do' do Rum do 30 do superior Baltimore Whiskey 10 do do* old Mouongahela do . t 100, half pipes aud qnarter casks Madeira, Part/ ' • ’> Sfcily Madeira and Pico Wines , ' ■' S* 100 bags Shot, assortod. - . 300‘Gnudstone*^ ' . f hdt20 ^ C INNAMON, Bluck Pepper, African Pepper, Cayenne Pepper, Cloves, Nutmegs;{spice, Ginger, &c. For snle by * PORCHUR & LA ROCHE, dec 6 Opposite the Market, Sign of the Golden Globe . Garden Seeds—Crop 1839. — .... KJJy SUPPLY of English and. Shuker’s Garden Seeds, for sale on VcusOnable terms .by PORCHEIt & LL ROCIIE, Opposite tho Murket, dec 5; Sign ofthe^Golden Globe ConiUs, Blushes, &c, X1INE Ivory und Horn Dreeing and Pocket J; -Combs, flair,Cloth, Nail, Combs,and supe rior English, French and American Tooth Brush es, and Shaving Brushes, iStc. in the'greatest va riety. Just received and for salo by V ’ /■ ^ - V/x i, ur Mr, dec 5 G. 11- HENDRICKSON. Elixir of Bark. T HIS valunOlo flavored Cordial is expected in a few days by tho brig Opelousas, from Bal timore. Itio needless lo comment npon tlie val uable properties of this Bark for Fover and Ague, Nervous Debility or Weak Stomatb, as tlio testi monials in hands of tho Agents will suffice its val uable qualities. It enh only, be procured nt the store of- - PORCIIER & LA ROCHE, deed Sole Agents. '. Mason. 6 IHID'S first quality Hams, landurg from brig • • New Hanover, nnd for salo by •_ ' doc3 1’ADELFORD, FAY & CO.- Oftvk FliiiatlcljtSiia Beef. 3 BBLS Rounds, in film older, just received per brigNbw UmiovOr, and for sale by dec 3 i. LONG * PATTERSON) -i AppicSi fl A BBI.S Apples.jnslroee 1 Hanover, and I'oi Hanover. uiid fur sale clcc-3. LONG & Ncxv Cl J op A JT BAGS ,irimb‘greeri Havsi . . dofi’eo of * the.newacrop. j«fst received and ftir sale by , LADD," TUPPER & SISTARE. 1 dec 4 ‘ . V. ' j ' Coffee, IIaisi,iS, SCKut'Si Acc, I i.'rnnes BAG'S Coffee; 158,bbxes Si „ 5 bokea Vernracelli, 8 cast" _ boxes I're-erveil Plums 2 bags Picuil Niils, 10 bbls trashed Sugar 10 bids Loaf Sugar, 2o,4 chests Tea 4 chests Tea, sup’r, 100 boxes Rainiil; ' 200 halfboxes Raisins, 200 qr do do . 25 bbxes Leinims t 100kegs Gritpea' , i . . A 70 casks Malaga Wine ■ 75 drqms Figs 25 4 casks Malaga Witte . Just received per schr S Carolina and steam boat Savrtn'uaii, ami for said by nor It JNO. B. GAUDRY. ,