Newspaper Page Text
I ot
1 BV
JnI iics Clcaasul,
'fvccMy “ Republican,"
wook,(Monday Wod
' “ S" lull, P-i-i. It
for six months.
j .tuMUlicilot the usual rates,
fails for thc.fu.-t, mid Tinny-.
■ffor cocfi in oi titm altor, per
Kuna • .V ‘ * . > <
:-1 ofllll' Courts
EMpliwUou hue boo. made for
^SiiaSaatltC must l>“ published
Creators l0 |'i'd Administrators for
‘iiotivcon tlio usual hours of
ta of Public Sales in the County
Son Testamentary, ofAdininiHirn-
Lliln may liavo been granted, first
“« iotice thereof in one of die.
of (his Slate, end at the dooref
I ,,i.
jt House,
tvherp. such soles are
No. 347—-Vol. XXXVI.]
[AYboIC No,—97,039.
Etst of Betters
T? "MINING "'die Post Ofllcoot Savannah,
-*-*■' oOili November, 1839. Persons wishing
letters fro* this list, aro requested to ask for Ad
vertised Letters. •
■ A '•!!- • i
Alexander W A Allston mrs I,
Anderson mrsMary S Allstontnisa Sarah
Allen William ■ • ■’ - - - ■
.-f.rlc.avo to sell Negroes, must lie pub-
EKonthi, before any. orderabraiute
■'til,cron lion by die Court. ;
r of.. Estate by Ksoeutors, Admuustra-
IffiSStWth* published SIXTY
fefi., L dav of Solo. Theso salesmust
K Coiuf House door of die Couuty
Improperly is situate, and on die-first
jTontli,between the hoursoftenm
;,„d lour ill the afternoon. No sale
y is valid, unless so expressed, in
foSyExocutors, Ailministratorsand
ECourt of Ordinary for lonve to
CS,e published FOUR MONTHS
•ofpersonal property (except negroes
sr and intestato estates^ Lxecutors ani
must bo advortised I OKU V
,dims by Executor* and Administrators
oUisuiuBory, must bo published SIX
»for foreclosure of Mortgages on
- M<l |ie advertised once a mondi for
„o°fiio Court ofOrilinnry, (Secompnni-
, c „py of tlm bond of agreement) to
Ltoiund must ho advottisotl Tims*
artatemnder executions regularly grant,
ti Courts, must ho advertised THIRTY
wilder nmrtgngo executions SIXTY
f-Sflles of perishable property under or-
(Coitt.mititbo advertised, generally, TEN
btollio doyofsalo.
utiscuienlswill ho punctually attended
IBbettctsdirected to this Office or die
\nitslbepostpaid, to ondde them to ot-
Bird A&C
Bill Cant Julia C
Bivins John VV
Brmvn mrs Jane
Blois Jus F
Brmvn Kohl E
Brown inrs Mary
Boo'ge mrs Hetty
Bolough Elios
Bonrquino Ed J
Sourquliio Edward, Sin
Brook Jacob
Butler Geo -
Burns James
Burgomaster mrs Catli’n
Burk Richard
Buder miss E 2 ■
' Bishop George •
Bilbo Henrietta mrs ■
To Bcf.
IIV tiro story Dwelling and Garden in
■oil, Worst, opposite the Free School,
occupied by Mr, J. B. Lewis. Pos-
"be given 6u the 1st November. Ap-
I fifty Dollars Reward.
1 Kiinawayonthe20lhjuly last, from the
ubscriber, his Negro Man, SAWNY.
lie is about 23 years old, 5 feet 8 or 0 hi
lt, high, very black and likely, has rutli-
irsepulchral voice, nniln deep siculiice
He wos bought of Mr. Hugh Rose,
rssinec, and 1 believe was Brought up
:e alimtt 10 miles above this city,
lore reword Will bo paid
1 jail in this State, or to die subscriber.
Brantley Reuben J 2
Barnco airs J S '
Baker Cnpt W P J
Barton mra E
Barnard tnrs-Ann C
Barrs R B
Brach Jacob Jr
Bnshlor Charles
Blhckwoll Jacob Y 3
Bundy Butnl •
Blnnclio mrs Faustina
Bayard Johu
Bensen II
Bessent Cupt A
Bcllntny A
Bell Eiuatmol.
Bee mrs Judy
Berry John R
Clarke John M Cox mrs Margaret A
Chaplin miss Rhoda F Condon inrs Eleuuor
Carter miss M E CookWm
Carter Mr John W Conifeiy Joseph
Carloy miss Jauo Ann Coition Patrick
Clark mrs Goorge. Coo iniss Mary Jnno
Campbell James H Coming Isaac M
Campbell Jnue ‘ • Cotirvoisie mrs J
Campbell Win F Crocker Zeno ,
Crufts miss Martha Conuick mm Harriet ,
ClarkP R Coe Mary Adellno ntrs
Clanoy Patrick ' Corley mrs Foliny
Crane Moses Cubbnge mrs Rcbecoa
CaliuetL. Ctmninghimi H ■
Connell Laurence OullinanMd
Chaplin Jus P Cushing Natliauiel
Campbell J R Crevalier Betsy
Culiirs Henry I Crews miss Lydia Amt
Cass miss Mnrgt Connor Putrirk.
Carter mrs Dorcas' Cololl G W
Chaplin Milton - Collins Michael-
Daly 'Michael Dickinson Mary A tnrs
Dasher Joshua M Dowling Edward 3
Dean Patrick ' Duncan. mrs Emmeline
Dempsey W J " Dufly Terence 2
D’Lyon Col Isaao Dufly John
Dews John I ' Dunham mrs S G
Dickerson Wm Dyer J W
Edwards mrs Anne R Earast Richard F.
Evans Krastus Eldredgo Jhirmoil
Estdailo miss Adeline MEnglish inisSi Laura A 2
Edrust mrs Sarah. A
Fraser J Aug's Fitvsimnns
Fraser James R
Furqtthar mre
Farrelly Churles
French William
Felt Thomas
Fenton Andrew Jr
Fletcher Frederick P
flardon Sneas,
E luliscriber lias just received per brig
'■to, his supply of fresh Gordon Seeds,
dtobe of best quality, end the growth or
u, kidney, half moon and Valentine; Beet,
'irtiip, blood, wliito, Scaraity and Mangel
Cabbogo, early York, Battersea,-Drum-
S'enoad ted Dutch; Currot, early horn,
irauge; Cucumbors early framed, long
prickly: Lettuce, early ice and long
Mellon, Citron, Pine Apple, Nntiiiog anil
brandy Cauliflower: Onion, silver skill’d,
lidiito Portugal; Okra, curled Parsley)
kloof mveet Spanish Pease, Dwarf, Mar-
H Charlton, bind Inmeriuls, Washington,
A Prolific and Tall Marrowfat; Radish Jong
l top’d do,white turnip do,early fram-
fall; Squash, early bush and
I; Salsify, Tomatoes; Turnip, early
_ flat Globe and Rutabago; Pepper
ater Cress, white and red Clover, Lit-
, Ac. Forsaloby /
and's Puliuouarta, or Ve
getable DcuNilceut.
s of obstinate Catarrh'; in Coughs,
irorisitigfrnm recent or neglected colds;
I sad »s on auxiliary aud incans ofpre-
fruni the tlirenteuing symptoms of ap-
'Pulmonary Consumption, nomoiiioino
itlaiins upon tlie confidence of the in
fo oboyo medicine.
i the afflictive and .troublesomo syinp-
f a coughing, expectoration or phloem, pnin
Wjwt, Sc. which constitute prommonffen-
J«r the complaint, thnt the Piilinoftara xyas
KjMy niefiil of course in tho rclief-of
. ™ colds, arising from sudden changes
'.train wearing damp htieh.'&c.
Graham Potcr
Ganoid Lewis 2
Graham Bev John .
Garland Win II
Garnett inrs Ann
Gardener Stephen D
Glass Joseph
Gay Michael
Grady Patrick
Gage Frank ii
Ilackcr G E
Hazzard Alien
Hart Joshua
Harris Matilda
Haft P
Hull Storrs-
IlditmaiiF A
Harriman Mr Jits'
Harheson Wm'
Heath miss Lucy Ann
Hehbard John.
Miller Prittco , .
Hightower John)!
Hillard OB
Hiohcock James II
Holland mrs Michael
Ilohby Alex
Jackson mrs Susan
Jell'erson Patrick
Johnston Wm W
Jones Jumoa
Knapp Cltarles H
Koiuiy Michael
Keast Robert C
Keller Stephen
IieUur Paul
« mrs Anne
Fitzsiinons Paul
Fitzpatrick miss Pbtcbo
Fry Jessce
Fax Franklin .
Fox Wm .
Foster G
^Ferguson Rev Win .
Godfrey mrs Grezzel
Gordon miss Louisa
Goddard Lory
Golby miss Mary-
Gugel Benjamin II
George miss Frances A
George Charles K
Gibbs James . .
Gibson Ransopi C 3
Goldsmith Samuel
Harris mrs Mary E - i
• ii.-.l. w... »t!
Harvey SuntOel A~~
Harvey Joseph B 2
Harris Isaac.
Hartshorn Wm R
Ilolnsy Jeremiah
Hatliqway miss Julia
Ilmvs miss Margaret
Hopkins John H 2 :
Honkins Ellen
Hbiogood George
Houston Bulsey
Hogarth Jumds
Il.tililmrd Charlotto mrs
Hubbard Ernslua 1}
Ilugueuin ED2
Jongs Thomas B Co
Jones Thomas
Jotted miss MarUta E
Johiison Edward
Joaleuetv Jolm
HL . .
Kerr Geo
Koehler John
Kottmali F
' Knowles Joseph
LabHIcotto mtss.Herm’bLinsymiss Sarah
Lamar John F Lynch Philip
Lacmcoue mra
Lampo O
LinderG C
Lipsoy Luriey mra
jjuvo ituoo Mary E
Lowllier nira llebi
B5 HeMortna the ilalr.
P 1113 so denominated, becftiwo it
vegetable ingredients/and its
*r, prc 1 ,n,ue W displayed in the follow-
w Cla! 11 poHscHsos properties of the most
> nature, which eradicates tlie scurf and
u.;. r 0 •“dr 5 nourishes the lmir and
J*°ft’» and lessens the liability of
I 19 tarn
ll^ucea a ti
which soon produces an Inimitably nn 1
P. rov .^ nt « falling out iu a damp
J n ,. e ’°. r during exercise; renders the hair
" wrul or artificial, beautifully soft end
Diva nn — 1
K re y; strengthens the weukesthoir,
ea a luxuriant growth; .gives a vigor
vbich soon produces nn inimitably nut*
Mannftyrniss Mary - .
Mnxwell Alexander ,
Man vnl Lyman
Marquuiul Leonard F
Matthew's Goo D 3
Madfiti James .
.■Mitchell Peter
Miller Jolm
McDomibll AII
lULDOiigti” , ,
S ^'cLaughlin Michael
clntosh J
8henvood mrs Emily Scott mrs Jolm E
Sheftall mrs Sarah M 2 Scott Dr
Shearman Cupt Tho$ Stony A S
Snow Josoph A
Stotesbilry Henry
Stubbs Wiflinm
^Sturdivant Roht O
Thomod Charles
Thomas Charlotte
Tow Henrv
Tufts Dr B‘ 3
Secklugef Lemuel
Stbjiheus James
Smith Henry A
Smith mrs Catherluo
Trasper mrs Mary
Thayer Josoph
Tillnmn Jo*cph
Thiot Charles II
Tokel inrs E
Vlzzard mrs M A Vizzard Thomas
Wnnd Emanuel- • . Wilkins A Jr
Waliftco mrs Margaret ' Wliito Snml B
Ward Elius Williuk miss Julia Ann
Washburn mrs Dorcas Wilson mra Jane
Williams John Woodliouso mrs Maty
Wi hams Washington Womack A J
wILTdTwuL, Wissmia,Ucbccca
Yeomans Roht II
deb 3
Beds, Cron of 1839.
Scotch Kale,greon curl’d
Sea Kale
Early Dutch or Spring
Flat Turnip
Early Garden Stone do
Cargo English Norfolk 1
Otnilon Seeds.
TTIOR sale by PC
X tho following:
White Onion,silver skin
Yellow do
Red do •
Early Blood turnip Boot
French Amber Sugar do
White Silesia Sugar do _
Early Orange Turnip do Wluto Flnt do
go do
, A took at Tills.
rrlllE left Imndlmlvosof thebillsnninQd below,
, wa J? t0 die nddress of tho subscriber
on the Gth tebruaiy last, at Grcenvillo Court
House, South- Carolina, by Wm. Choice, which
have not come to hand, and tho probability is they
must he lott. 1 he several Banks aro lieroby noti
fied of ray Intention to n\uko an application, after
duonotico,for new notes on tho return of tlie right
hand halves, which aro now in my possession.
$30jtBonk of Augusta, No. 238, eluted 3d Sept,
$20 Banltof Augiuta, do. 179, do. 3d Oct. 1828 ! ir0 "'“ Dl,lch do
20 Bank of Augusta, do. 890, do. 2d Jan. 1827.
letter A. .
20 Bonk Columbus, No. 852, datod 2d Feb. 1832.
letter II. It.
20 Bank Columbus, No.351, dated 1st Sent.183!
20 Bank'CoInmbns, No. 953, do. 0th Dec. 1830
letter II. li.
20 Batik Columbus, No. 1448, do'. 1st Oct. 1829,
letter II.
20 Bank Columbus, No. 1206, do- lstOct.1829
letter II.
20 Bonk Columbus, No; 262, do. 7th May, 1630
letter H. It. '
20 Bank Columbus, No. 12, dated 1st Jan 1830
, letter turn. _
20 Central R. Road, No. 775, do. 3d June, 1830
lettorA. . .
20 Bank State of Georgia, No. 007, do. 1st Sept.
18 dun, letter A. •
20 Bonk Darien, No. 1678, do. 1st Dec. 1832, let
ter B. h. -
20 Mechanics’ Bank Augusta, No. 10, do. 5di
Dec. 1834, letter A. i
50 Mechanics’ Blink •Augusta, No. 03, dated 7di
April, J835,letterB.
M0 Mechanics' Bank Augusta, No. 58, dated 1st
May, 1835, letter B
100 Mechanics’ Bank'Angusta, No. 71, doted 1st
Nov. 1831, letter A'.
20 Bank Millodjoville, No. 4251, dated 2d Sept;
1836, letter A.
100 BankMillodgeville, No.430,do 3d Jbii.1837,
letter A. .
100 Planters & Mechanics' Bank Columbus, No.
59, dated Olh Moy, 1838, Lettcr A.
50 Plan. & Mcch. Bank Cohuubus, No. 330, da-
ted2d Nov. 1837, letter A.
50 Ins. Bank Savannah, No. 18, doted 80t Dec
1829, letter I{.
NOTICE.—Three' months after dale, applica
tion will bo mode to tho (above) diflerent Banks
for new notes, the left hand half of said bills ho
me lost.
7 Troupvillo, Ga. Kilt Oct. 1839.
ET The Gcorgtnn. A nensi
• mnl Oni>(hnm.)inpnr/lnr HI'
and Sontmol, wiunlenuo jpu
Iy for tlireo months, ana forward their- accounts
to md ut Troupvillo, Ga. for payment.
oct31- 20713m W. S.
Long Blood do
Long Mongol Witrtzel
Long Scnrlet
Long Oran
Long Blooi
Early Horn do
Guernsey Parsnip
Long White do
Early Cluster Cucumber
Long do -
Long Green do
Early short green do
Morkonooi, for picklo
Snp’r Watolinellon
Large Mnskmellon
Fine Nutmeg Mellon
Largo Cotitclonc do
Green Citron do ™
Bush Snmmer Squash
Dutch Summer Squash
Crookneck Wiuterdo
Cocounut or Porter do
Mammoth Pumpkin
Large Yellow do
Intn’l sugar loaf Lettuce
White head early do
Green do large do
Cahbago Head do
Extra do do do
Long white sum'rKadish
Early scarlet short top do
Long Salmon do
Loug scarlet do
Scarlet or Chony Tur
nip do
Wliito Turnip do
Yellow Turnip do
Wliito Pali Spanish do-
Black do do do.
Early sugar lnafCobhoge
Early Dutch do
Early York do
Arkfio's early dwarf do
Largo York do
Early Drumhead do
Early Bullock’s Hoartdo
Largo Bergen do
Lnrgo Drumhead do
Flat or lato Dutch do
Grocn Snvoy do
Greon Glazed do
Red Dutch do
Colewort, or Collafds
Enrly Cauliflower
Lnto do
Cesarean Kale, or Cow
dee 7 244‘
IStrgc white Cloho do
Red Top Flat do
Yellow Aberdoon or
Bullock do
Dole's Yellow Hybrid
(now) do
Rutabaga or Swodish,
. (yellow) do
LotigRVnkarU or Han
over do'
Sago ■ '
Squash or Bell Pepper
Cayenne do
Purple Egg Plant
Curled Cress or Pepper-
Broad Leaved Cress
Watdr Cress
Largo smooth red To
mato , < -
Yellow Tomato
Vegetable Oyster
Solid Celery
Summer Savory
Dwarf curled Pufslov
Curled da
Round Leaved Spinego
White Mustard
Brown do
Long White Okra
Short Green do
Gjant Asparagus
Bono Plant
English Sorrel 1
Largo Scotch Look
London Leek .
Sweet Marjoram
Sweat Tliymo \
Lctnon Balm
Early Sugar Corn
Chinese Proliflo do
Etirly Washington or
Juno Peas
Bishop’s early ProViflcdo
Large tvhito Marrowfat’
Dwarf Marrowfat do
Divarf Prolific do
Early ChinadwarfBeans
Early Mohawk do do •
Early six-wcekdo do
Wliito Kidney do do -.
Rod Marrow do do
Flower Seeds, assorted
. Cloths, Cnssiinui'cs, Ac.
A VERY &. JOHNSON, have received,
-C3L Black, kluo black, brown, olaret, greeh, &c.
West of England Clodis
Black, mixt, brown, striped, &c. Cassiincros
Oxford niixt, black, brown, green, &c. Premium
Heavy mixt do. do. for servants
Jeans, Linsoys, &c. d 0 . • do.
Iloavy DuOil Blankets ,
Also^fino^ ribhoii bound Whitney,. Rose, &c.
oct23 SouOi sblo Monument Square.
New Full Goods.
Received by G. 1J. Lamar.
AND 4-4 Scotch Giii'dintm
- _ Fine Lon* Lawns, Ijish Linens
Brown Holland, do. llumilton Flnunel
American Prints, Worsted .Gloves
Worsted and Cotton Hosiery
oct 2 Sdntli side Monument Squnro
W. II. Ac 8. -
H AVE just rcecivedfroin New York, the fol-
lowing Fancy Goods, viz:
X box emb’d changeable Bonnet Ribbons, a
splendid article
1 box sbp’r fig'd Sntin do . do
1 do fancy French Bilk Bngs
1 do Plaid Bonuet Ribbons
B White Net Veils
1 dozen Net Shawls
1 do Silk emb’d Scarfii . *
X do Plaid do . do
•1 do Thibet do do
4 pcs brown and black Silk Fringh
^ 1 do Phillyipniniy
1 dozeu Infant’s Waists
10 do Nuns (Dutch) Luce
Together with various articles in the Fancy line,
nov 16 ^8oulh side Mnrket Square;
Fresh Oardcn Seeds.
T OP’D seed Onions Round Spinach
large giant Aspura*
Large Blood Boet ,
Mangle Wartzel do
Blood Turnip do.
Early York Cabbage
Large do do
publish the ubove week-
Green Glazed do
Sugar Loaf do
Cauliflower do
Large Drumhead do
Early Horn Carrot
Long Orange do
Eariv Astringliain du
White Cnbbnge Lettuce
Imperial Head do
lToriymibh iu.w
•Large Flat do
Red Ton do
Large Norfolk do
Rutabaga do 1
Early Windsor Beans
Sieve or Carolina do
Horticultural do
Red Sjieckled do
Early Mohawk do
China Dwarf do
Refugee or-1000 to 1 do
• Aspnragas Roots
. Thi
White Solid Cellery
Scarlet short top Radish
Long Scarlet do
Turnip do do ■ •
Large Bell Popper
Long Cayenne do
Do Smooth Parsnip
Largo Red Tomato
Okra /
Early Bush Squash
Crooked Neck do
Nutmeg Mellon
Cantelono do
Cilruli uO
Red Onion
White do
London Leek
Large Marrowfat Pens
Do Dwarf* do do
Early Frame do
Do Monooch do
Do Charlton do
Grooms Dwarf do-
Sweot Sugar Com
Golden Sioux do
Tuscororado, &Ci v
DcsimMc Dry iiomls,~
T>ECElVEDliy *
Ladies French Kid Gloves
Do black and col’d sowing silk do
Do white do do'
Do black do Mitts
Do long white Kid Gloves
Gents black and col’d Kid do
Do woolen , do, Boys woolen do
Do silk do
Lndios and Gents silk Hosiery
Gents Lambs wool and Merino £ Iloso 1
Do heavy wool £ Hose.
Do Merino under Shirts and Drawers
Welsh, Merino, Saxony, Ac. Flunnels, warrant
ed net to shrink when washed.
Thibet Wool dd, Broclm do
Rich Plush MantiHg*, do Cheoneo) Tippets
I)o do Lhdibs Hat Ornaments
Tliibet and Bayadcro Scarfs ‘
Rich silk do, plaid Cashmere do,
. For solo on favorable tenps.
dec 3 South side Monument square.
New Goods. . .
A BENNETT ‘has also opened Store No.
• 2, Waring’s Buildings, with a large and
splendid assortment of Millenary Goods, consist
ing in port, jiamclyi
10 boxes Ladles Florence Braid, Split Straw,
• .Leghorn, Straw, Braid, col’d English and
. common Straw Bonnets
50 dozen col’d Nun’s Hoods
40 boxes Bonnet, Cap, Satintmd s Tafeta Ribbons
10 do Belts, various styles and qualities
Col’d Silks, Florences*, Satins, Ac. and a great
variety of fancy goods, for sale wholesale or retail
very low.
ieso Seeds are hi fine order, and warranted
just received and for
Scottsboro Female Iu9titute.
their friends, that tlie above Institution will
be opened on Monday, the 13th of,January,1840.
They (invite their former putrons to renew tlieig
support, assuring them,that ho effort will be spar
ed to give satisfaction. ‘
Their rates, .for a term of five nipnths, will bo
os follows: . . * ■< ■■
Readihg, Writing and Spel- - ■ . , .
^ ■ ■■ ----- *«#•«*“>• iretaTV 0 y flhebC G kl t'lfENDmLt S ON:° r
j.xte njn Afit'ii «jtJIi
Tko aliovo with Geography,$16 ot $lpcr ihontli,
. The above With Histofy, . v -,
Grammar ami Arithmetic,$18 or 4J per mtrafli,
1 All the higher ‘branches of
Englisli, ' $20 or $5 per month,
French, Sp'anish, and Lat-
in, each, $20 or $5 pormonth,
Music,Finno or Guitar,each$25 or $0per monOi,
Use of Instruments,. $4 . , .
Board can bo obtained,in the Borough. The
Principal does not design taking tiny boarders..
Those desirous of further mfonnation willttd-
dress us by letter ut Millodgeville.
dec 6 243eowp„
. Seasonable Goods. ,
B ROADCLOTHS—Black, invisible green,
olivo, blue, durk muted and cadet mixed aLd
brown, English double milled. ,
Cassuneres—Drub, black, dark grey and striped.
Subnets—Blue, drub, cnRet and dark mixed.
Suspenders—Elastic and knitted, also Extra Ends.
Hosiery—Lambs-Wool, Vigonia, white and mix
ed Cotton.
Gloves—Colored and white Hoskin, Buckskin,
Bilk nu<J B&uver
Stocks—Sutm, ana ’ Doiubami., .
Craitats—Black Italian and fancy colored. Abo,
Merino Skirts.
Brushes—Cloth, hair, nail and tooth.
Handkerchiefs—White Silk, plain, red and figur
ed. Just received, add lor sale by
oct22 , No. 2 ahnd’s'Buildings.
• jit style of Fm#'
cy ond .Staple Goads, consisting in part of ilicfet-
lowing articles, viz: x
lOi) pieces Cordova Korscys
120 do. Satinets v
20 dct. new style 4-4 French Prints
6() do. do. English Calicoes
do. black find cord Scotch Gitigluinv8 !
do. Kentucky Jeans
do. White Ffann
do. Hod do.
20 do. Mm
100 5-4, 6-4*an-
CO Meiilio Suuwls mid 1
400 Shqwls. vuriousfcfylCBmm
100 pieces French and English
50 du. Poiigeo Silk Hcuds.
20 ilo. English Snittulfield Silk do.
GO dozen WolcuXjioves . :
20 do. Metis Buck anil II. S. Gloves’
20 do. Ladies II. S. Gloves
20 do. do. Silk and Cotton Glove#
and Long Mitts
50 pieces col’d und black Silks,ncwest sly l<r
2 cases Cnutou FlatmeP
20 pieces new stylo Cluwimere
20 do. X'estjngH '
10 do. .Brqudclbths, various qualities ; '
30 boxes Boimet, CupTiiifeta mid Belt Rib
bons •
100 dozen silk, worsted and cotton Heso au^
Half I lose
10 boxes Satin Ribbons, from No. 2 to 22
48 Ladies wliito Florence Bonnots (
100 colored Bonnets
White and colored Satins, col’d Florence#
W'hito and black Crape
Black Xoye Shawls, black Bombasins
Nuns Hoods, and a general assortment of
Icsimblo goods. For sale by
Boslon * Ituiidlc,
Market Square, Suvannnlt,
H AVE in store, and ore receiving “ ^
I '
(\ i i. in siore, tiiiu lire rccui * iiik
nrrivub, a full supply of Groceri
&c. Amongwhichure—
10 hhds. St. Croix Sugar
11 do. Porto Rico do,
60 bags Coffee
150 pieces Bagging, 42,43 and 44 inches
’ 50 coils Balo Rope
100 lbs. Bugging Twine
10000 do. Baltimore cured Bacon, Ilaiils,Sides,,
and Shoulders ‘
3000 bushels hca>7 Maryland Seed Oat6 *
Canal and Balt. Flopr, whole and £ bbls.*
10 casks ami 25 boxes Goshen Cheese
10 kegs choice Butter • .
20 4, 20 .j, and 20 j bbls. Buckwheat Flour* *
10 boxes Sperm. Candles
6 pipes Otnrd, Ditpny A Co’s. 4th proofi*
Brandy . .
* 6 do. Seignetto do. ,do.
5 do. Hollnnd Gin
20 bbls. Poach Brandy*
30 * do. Rye Gin, 30 do ^Whiskey
20 do. Rum
Madeira, Tcncriffe, Port and Sweet Mala
ga Wines” „ ' ‘
Butter,and Wine Biscuit
Almonds and Raisins, Tobacco
10 tons iron, nssorted ’ * ;
75 kegs Nails, Ac. '
AU of which they olffer on accommodating terms.-
Oct 11
oct 29
Winter Goods.
A • FINE assortment of wiiite and red Flancls‘
IX Super. English nnd American Canton do.-,. - -
Black, blue, green and Dahlia English Broadcloths*
Casslmeres, Sutinets uud Vestings-
Rbsc audWliitncy Blankets . *
A splendid assortment of Carpetings and Eugs ;
Dark and light colored French Prints
English and American do.
White arid colored Countcrnnnes
Mouslin de Luincs oiid ClinHy •
Super. 44 dark colored Ging!mms' :
Do. 44 black aud white do.
oct 22
M- .
Miller Jaqnes. . ^ .
. Myles Smith
Morriss Thomas
Moore Homy C 2
. ^Morriss mrs-Anno E2
’Murtmtgh Patrick
Mun9qJfohn ‘ %
Mitchell mra Harriot
Middleton Charles E
McGninncss John
. . McDonnell W J GA J S
McCluskoy mrs Julia AMcDennott Patrick ,
McKeaguoWm McKay P.atlc
*' * — L,! “ McKay Churles_F
McGowen John
. Nostrand George
Tin Plate.
/*XNE hundred boxes Tin Plato Jx
500 lb» Block Tilt, 600 lbs Copper Bolts
for sale by N. B. A II. WEED.
nov 26 - -
Negro Pipes.
100 B0 4te r ppMi» E .
I>ry Goods- .
F ANCY Alpcens, Marseilles Crib Counter-
, nanca, white Marseilles Counterpanes, as
sorted sizes
White and col’d nottpd do do do'
Blanket Shawls, low priced Red Flannels
Bleached und unbleached Contou Flannel
English bloached do ‘ do
Low priced Satinets, Kentucky Jeans %
Black and blue hlack Bombaaiua
Welsh Flannels, Thibet Scarfs
French and English Merinos. For sale by
nov 25 No. 2 Shad’s Building.,
Over-Coats and Cloaks.
G S. NICHOLS has on hand a completo*
• assortment of Cloth^Beayer Cloth,and Pe
tersham C)ver Coats; also, superior and common
Camblet 'Cloaks, which he will sell ut his usual
low pride for cash: flov 13
Market Squaro,
nov 11
XU -
Just Received* \ j' _ ..
P ER brig Mudison from. New York, tf ktrg# ;
assortniAit’bf Petersham Frock Coat9; also,-
superior figured French Meriuo Vests, n new ar
ticle. For sale cheap for cash, or good accep
tance, by G.S.NICIIOLSL
nov 22 231
nov 23
Cnfobiwcs and Onions.
J1IVEhundrodCubbagesaudGOO buuches On-
Ilnir Oil! Bears Oreaso ttndl’o-
AOASSAR Oil,.Engll*b, do do Amoricttn,
Word’s Vegetable Oil,Bears Oil,do Grease,
fomatmn, in pots; do ill rolls, Aldricji's Bulm
Columbia. Juslreoeivod and for sale on accom-
I „„da«ing.torm,bj ojii . E gTiuyEtL - .
Comer of Broughton A Whitaker-sta.
- nov 2Q ‘ ’Opposite the Mansion House.
ions, iu fine order, just received and for sale
nov 23
ig exercise; renders the hair,
. - - u.tificial, beautifully soft elid
QR tows an inestimable gloss and pleas-
z to , fresses—in fine, renders tlie
ranscendautly beautiful, promqtos tho
Vn'skei-g, eye brows, miistachcs, Ac.
i 8 {•« its elfecta are strikingly benefi-
eet y innoxious, and.inay with safety
. . youugest infant; it eradicates the
Bn«u r i tocorabsisoups, Ac.;
• 8unt t0 % infant,, gradually
- Pri!? 0 1 ,a,r ' * lu * augments its growtli so
|l»iraft P Cea "^aatifuLjjpttd ofhjtir. Preserves
.?- th,n S» violcqt exercise, nnd,is
ent utility for persons travelling by sea
It on*! 0 ? 8 ^ air » rendering it peculiarly
on’il.?! 0 . Py* dressed, has wonderful ef-
foi.’.. l ,a ' r W hot or cold cUmates, and is
‘■estimation by distinguished persons
^olesale and retail 1)y.tho Proprietor,
ftairli, 490 Broadway, Sfow-York, ‘and by
“J A. PAR80N3, Agent,
.... Savannah, Go.
wnts porbottlo. . 1 ,nov26
Nfckefaon Joseph J ,
Outten Isaac
Palin iniss-Caroline
Palmer Jnmcs ' ,
Parker Caroline
Prescott George
Ponvy Joel
Perry D K dt Co.
Rasher ptiss Hannah
Rebarer Francis -
Reilly Titos W-
Reid miss Clinrlotto
Robinson'mrs Martha
Roescr Jean
Rossigttol Louis II
Rossignbl miss Harriet
f'fobv' ’ Ust received par brig Ltunar, and
|fo;/ 838 C. L. MoNISII
Oliver George
Overstreet miss Mary
Odihgcul Willialn
-Pearce mrs Sarah
Perkins Ndtbl G
Philips Joshua J ‘
Pitnian miss Susan
. Philips Stephen •
Pitiban mrs Aim Cathn
Powell Cagt C K
, . .
Rowe James
Rober ts Charles •
• Roberts Jonathon
. Rogers miss Somoro A
Rountree mrs Seiiih P
Russell Salem T
Rustfcll S N ,
Satin Ribbons, Ace;
Just received per G. B. Lamar.
S ATIN Ribbons, Muslin Bands' •
Muslin Edgings nnd Insortiligs
Silk Hosiery, Thread, Ac.
For salo by
Sweet Scentca. PowAciy Ac.
-i DOZ. Otto Rose Scented Powder ,
I Z 6 do. Violet do. do.
0 do. Plain do. . 4°: .
Also, Powder Boxes and Pitftb. Received and
for sule. by
/• IIIID 3 first quality Ilams, landing from brig
lV New HanoVor^and for sale by ’
L,adil* Tupper Ac Sistarc,
O FFER for sale 011 good term9,
150 hhds first quality .Cuba Molasses^ .
300 bags gtfod, fair and prime green Cuba Cofiert
150 do Sitperior old Java do
50 mats very fine old Manilla dr.
Cliecse. . .
CASKS Goshen Cheese, just received
Just Kccclved.
4 BBLS Powdered Sugar
5 boxes White Havana do
12 do best Cavendish Tobaccp
-25 kegs Leaf Lard
dec 5 ' ' JOHN B
Bale Hope. '
w COILS, a very superior article, For sale
dec 6
House Ftimislilng Goods. .
O A 10-4, P2-4 snd 134 t rench (iuilU „
34,04, 8-4,104 end 124 Tnble Da-
*■ musk
04,74,84,104 and 124 Scotch DamaskTablo
Covers ■ v
64,74 niid84 brown Daiiipsk do * do
3-4 and 44 Scotcli Dnniask JJapkins
54,64, 74 and 84 col’d worsted Table Covers
44,54, 64,74 and 84 do cotton and linen do do
.64 worsted Piano Covers *
Col’d, worsted and do cotton Stands and Toilet
White Marseilles Toilet Covets
Scotch Diaper, Huckaback, Crash, Ac.Towelling
Birds Eye and Russia Dinners •
Pillow Case Lineiis and Linen and Cotton Sheet
ing ’ . ‘
Super Irish Linens, free of cotton
Rich Curtain Chintz; in seta
Drapery Muslins, Furniture Dimity
Oil Cloths, green, crimson and drab Moreen
The aboVe goods were selected with care for this
market, and will be sold on,accommodating terms
Gosbch Butter..
ri FIRKINS Goshen Butler, just received
IUa,, a fo r ,ale|b^ G& p ATTER sQ N
Iron, Nalls a*i<l Kaia-
O NE llioiiHiintl nml 48 bars Stveile a lron, as
sorted; 300 casks Nail* do, riOlitils Rum—
landing per brig, Pandora, from Boston,_imd_for
salo by
j nov 28
rplIE Ure’tmdldTOnto^e’sofNtalioias Nickie
JL liyi by Churles Dickens, witll numerous d.
lustrations by Phi?, ,, „ , .
Do do, cheap edition) with 2 plates.
Alfred Do Rosann or tho Adi
iventiirqs of u
W. M. Reynolds, 2
Caracas Cocoa; 7 ,
L LBS. Carn'ciis Cocoa, just. received
V onlo tlV
Stapleton Jolm
Snlovich Capt
Sales F*
Smith Henry ,E
Smith inrs Matilda.
Smith JohnP
Squires Samson
Stibbs Emetine mra •
Stilcs v Benjamin2
•Sidrich Capt Marcus2
Scrivon Rev James O
Scott mrs Louisa C 2
^/*\A LBS. Caracas coc
50Ua„dfo'rsata i by G ' &i
A N ossor(m6nt of Russia Iron Grates, justrq-
A ceivedind for sale l>y „ WEEp ,
Alfred Do Rosann
Frencli Gentleman, by Goo
V °ComitDmnas’s Memoirs ofbis oWri time, ill
eluding tho Revolution, tho, and the Res-
toration, by Lieut. Geueiol Count Matineix Du
inns, iii2vols. , . _ ,
Jack Shopperd ooinplota.iu 2 vols.
Buist’s American Flower Garden Directory,
Eliot w"raay on die Lews ofTrnde in reference
to the works of Internal Improvement in the L,
States, lvolunio, 8 vo.
nov 23
Navy Bread. ,
H BBLS. Pilot imd 50 bids Navy Bread,just
J 5,recoived -^f^ ATTERg0 N.
Share Moulds.
2TONS S h«reM o «ld ? , 1 orsaicb f ^ Dt ;
WliitcXcad, dec. .
-it 4\rk KEGS superior English White Lend
All ti 20° 9° 9° American No. 1 & 2
10 bbls Englisli Linseed Oil
10 do do Chalk
10 do do Whiting
5 do Alum, 5 do Salt Petro
Just received per Savanuoliand Coromando ;
Hhds prime, Porto Rico Sytpl
’25 boxes Boston refuted Lottf no
JO bbls first quality crushed do
20 hnlPchests superior BlackTeS
.50 half boxes Balter’s No 1 Chocolato
50 bags heavy Sumatra Foppor
100 boxes Ijegro Pipes, large sizes
500 Detnijons, assorted, 1 to 5 callous
200 whole anil half boxes BunobRaisms-
-125 pcs 42 inqh Dundee Bagging
200 kegs Cut Nails, assorted
50 calks Brown Stott, quarts nnd pints
50 baskets Champagne, Anchor aud Key
50 boxes Sparkling Hock
SOD M Spanish Stgnre..
4 pipes Holland Gin, Beehive and Houvglat# ,
2 halfpipes London Dock llrandjf
10'do do J.J. Dupuy itCo. do
10 do American ' . d# ^
300 bids Connecticut Gilt, Pltclps * GbtVdy s .
100 do Boston do, Eagle brand , ,
100 do do - Rum . do l mra
30 do superior Bultimore Whiskey . , ,
10 dtf. dti old Monongiibeta do ., , ,
100 half pipes and quarter cu iks Mudoinv POrfr
S icily.Madeira and Pico Wines
100 bags.Shot, assorted .
300 Grindstones . nov 29 ,
nov 13
South side Mbniimeiit Squafo.
Powdered Spices.
/CINNAMON, Blpck Pepper) African Peeper,
V>i Cayeribo Pepper, Cloves, Nutmegs, bpico,
ingerp&c. Forsaleby-
' Opposite the Market,
dec G Sign of the Golden Globe,
Garden Seeds—Crop 183$^
A SUPPLY of English and Sliaker’a Garden
Seeds, for side on reasonable terms by
Opposite the Market, •
dec5 Sign ofthe GnldenGlobe
Combs, Brushes, &c.
F INE Ivory nnd Horn Dressing nnd Pocket
Combs, Huir,Cjotb, NailrCotnbs.nnd supe
rior Englisli, French nnd American ToCUr Brush
es, and Shaving Brushes,&c'. in the greatest-va
riety. Justreceived and forknloliy
and for side by,
itoy 4
T HIS vnluuhle flavored Cordial is expected in
iffew diivs by tlie brig Opdlousiis, from Bal
timore. Itis neeilless to comiiic-ni ijponthovid.
nnblo properties of 111 is Bnrk.Tor FeVor and Ague,
Nervoits Deliility or Weak Stomach, cs the testi
monials in hnnils of the j\gcnti will sufltce its yah.
uidde nnolitics. Itcim only ho procured at Oie
store of PORCUER & LA ItOCIIK,
I "decO" ‘ r Sule Agejita
li" ''
- a gv'-.xdt-
Bnciln. „ - , .,
6 IHIDS first.qmdity Hams, landing from hri^
New Hanover, nnd for sale by .
* I
- PI»il»<IcIphia‘’Bxs»ir
ini BBLS noitndsriu fine Order, just fccoivcil
O nor brig Now Hanover, nnd for sale by
idee 3 , . LONG & PATTERSON.
-i -A RBlS Ap^iM,justrdeeiVcd per br?g Nov/
' 1 New CTof|> COllcc. 7- ■■ I-.
a /-a BAGS prime green-Httvattvi Cofieo oi
XI P tho new cron, into received ond lor eald
Bee 4-
Ac.' 1 " - -'
gars " ■■■■
’Coti'ee, Raisins', S<!gnvsf&
A BAGS Cotfen, -158 boxes Segiu.. . ,
Ate . 5 boxes VerrlineeUi, 8 c,uses Prunes ;
0 boxes-Preservod Pbttns 1 •■'if.
2-lmgs Picnn Nuts, ID bbls crushed Biigni' - -
■ 1 JO'bids lamfStigiir, 25 i chbsW Tea
4 chests Ten, srtp’rflOO btmes Raisin#
200 halfkoxcsRiiisms. 200 qvdo do-
- 25 bo'xcs Letnons.JOOkegs Grap
70 casks Malaga Wirte
. ' 75 , rtrittri-*Fig# "- . "
25 'J disksMniftga Witio
Jir-i receivod per sclir S Carolina mid stcattt*
boatSavunimh/iiiid for sale by , ’
nov 11 JSO.B.GA