Daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1839-1840, December 26, 1839, Image 1
crr y OF BAVANNAII, IT James Clclond, ,^’xri.weckly '< Republican,” WgSrSWCW* I Pp{VEDOLLARSnerannum, 1 a r THREE DOLLARS for months, S ,„a a half for each insertion aftor, per n°r!ich cftat'oi'iiy the Clerk* ortho Court* “■ tlmt application hn» boon mndo Tor //Administration, must bo published ??TY days at lca*t. itelir Executors and Administrators for _ .lit Creditors to render in their accounts °"“bli,|,od SIX WEEKS, i if Noumea by Executors and Adminis- laustbont pubic auction, on the firstTue*- , r,E« month, botween the usual hours of 1^*1 thotilaeo of Pulilio Sales to the County i! *« Letters Testamentary, of Administni- i^rGasrdiiinship may have been granted, first * niYS notice tliercof in one of the ffi mrettes of this State, and at tlio dooref Court House, where such sales aro to bo tjotice for leave to sell Negroes, must be pub- ■Jed for font months, before any order absolute IS he made thereupon l.jr the Court. T s.WofReol Estate by Executors, Adminlstm- i^ufdQnarilisns. must be published SIXTY linvu before the dov of Snlo. These sales must ILUSe et ths Court’ House door of the County IhSWdltho property is situate, and on the first Itssslav of tile Month,between the houraoftemn ■‘r_„minf and four in the oBcntoon. No sale in day to day i* valid, unless so expressed ut n VoEfiomb*^Exccntere, Administrators and Ir.rLtn to tho' Court of Ordinary for leave to Id Emd*must bo published FOIJll MONTHS Tlilesofporsonal property (except negroes) Unale and intesbite estate, by Executor, and Uuinistrators must bo advertised FORT Y ^Station, by Executors and Administrator, UltersDismissory, mustbo pilblisln'd SIX ONTIIS Applications for foreclosure of Mortgages on Tntate must be advertised once a month for jOR MONTHS. Orders oftho Court of Ordinary, (accompain- ridia copy of tlio bond or agreement) to s titles M land must be advurtised Tiiiikk _4ir«at least. riherKfssalcsunder executions regularly gmnt- Llrdm Courts, must be advertised THIRTYl BAYS—under mortgage executions SIXTY IAYS—Snlcs ofperishable property under or- nofConrt.mnstbe advertised, generally, TEN JAYS before the day of sale, f All Advertiseineutawill be punctually attended '• All Letters direelod to this Office ortho 'or, must be post paid, to entitle them to ut- (ion. *• * v»,,; i d, \*r 1 No, U5§—Vol, XXXVI.] SAVANNAH, (On.) THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 90, 1830. [Whole No.—97,031. Illustration of Reality. A BEAUTIFUL HEAD OF IIAIR in tlio grandest ornament belonging to the human frimc. How strangely the loas of it changes the countenance and prematurely brings on the ap. Hurance ofold ago, which causes many to recoil _ being uncovered, and sometimes even to t»huu society to avoid the jest* and sneer* of their ac quaintance; the remainder of their lives ure con sequently spent in retirement. In short,not oven the loss of property fills the generous thinking 'With with that heavy sinking gloom as does the ] iws of his hair. To avert ull these Garden Seeds. HIE subscriber luis just received per brig Madison, his supply of fresh Garden Heeds, ited to he of best quality, and tlio growth of yviz: Mill, kidney, half moon and Valentine; Beet, Turnip, blood, white, Scarsity and Mangel tel; Cabbage, early York, Battersea, Drum- Bergen and red Dutch; Currot, early horn, agaraugo; Cucumbers early framed, long and prickly; Lettuce, early ice and lonf ;Mellon, Citron, Pino Apple, Nutmeg urn mans; curly Caulitlowor; Onion, silver skiu’d, I whito Portugal; Okra, curled Parsley, r,long sweet Spanish Pease, Dwarf, Mar- ht, Charlton, bine Imperials, Washington, iop’s Prolific and TnllMurro wfut; Radish,long let, iliort ton’d do,white turnip do,early fratti- rftnd black full; Squash, early bush and long »ek necked; Snlsily, Tonm.oes; Turnip, early Batch, largo flat Globe and Rutabago; Pepper " a, Water Cress, white and red Clover, Lu- le Gnus, Ac. For sulo by I bov20 ANSON PARSON, 5 * fliYlaticl'M Pulmonaria, or Ve getable Demulcent. I cases of obstinate Catarrh; in Coughs, l whetherarisingfrom recent or neglected colds; ■Aitlnna; and as an auxiliary and means of pro- Tntrelief from the threatening symptoms of np« •^aching Pulmonary Consumption, no medicine treater claims upon the confldence of the in* q than tlio above medicine. |h is for tlio ofllictivo and troublesome syinp- of coughing, expectoration or phlegm, pain • breast, Ac. which constitute prominent feu- flof tlio complaint, that tlio Piilmonuria was if ued, and has manifested its most valuable pro [It is equally useful of courso in the relief of PQ|h« and colds, arising from sudden changes of pWher, from wearing damp linen, Ac. For rale by A. BARTOW. jwy23 .rciunst&ncas.Oldridgo’* Palm of Columbia stops tlio hair from falling olt'on the first application aud a few bottles restores it again. It likewise produ ces eyebrows and whiskers; prevents the hair from turning grey, makes it curl beautifully, and Rees it from scurf. Numerous certificates of the fifst respectability in support oftho virtues ofOl- dridgo's Balm, are shown by tlu* proprietors. Q7Keud tlie following: Robert Wharton, Esq. lute Mayor of Philndei- iliia, him certified, us may he seen below, to the igh character of tlie following gentlemen. The undersigned do hereby certify that wo have used the Balm of Columbia discovered by J. Ol- dridge, r rid have found it highly serviceable not only as a preventive against the Vailing oil’of hair, but ulsoa certain restorative. VVM. THATCHER, Senior, Methodist Minister in St. George charge. No. 80 North Fifth-street. JOHN P. INGLIS, 331 Arch-street. JOHN D. THOMAS,M. D. lG3Race-st. JOHN S. FUREY, 101 Spruce-st. HUGH aMcCURDY, *13 South7lli st. JOHN GAUD,Jr. 123 Arch-st. The aged, and tlioso who persist in wearing wigs, may not always experience its restorative r amities, yet it will certainly raise its virtues in t io estimation of the public, when it is known that three of the above signers aro more than hOycurs of ago, aud tlio others not less than 30. [From tlio Mayor.] CoMMOXWE.Vt.TH OK W.tU'tYI.VAKU, ) City of Philadelphia. $ , Robert Wharton, Mayor of said city of Phil adelphia. do hereby certify that l am well ucquuint ed with Messrs. J. P. Ingtis, John S. Furev, and Hugh McCurdy, whose names aro signed to the above certificate, that they ore gentlemen of char acter aud respectability, and ns such full credit should he given to the said certificate. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, [L. S.] and caused tlio seal of tlio city to ho af fixed, this sixth day of December, &c. ROBERT WHARTON, Mayor. Caution.—Observe that each bottle of the gen uine Balm has a splendid engraved wiupper, on which is represented tlio Fulls of Niagara, the A- gent's name, Ac. A fresh supply received aud for sale by dec 12 ANSON PARSONS. jFoi HcNtorlnif the Hair. VIE Casadu Oil is so denominated, because it • “composed of vegetable ingredients,uud its are pre-eminently displayed in the follow- Jpeypects: It possesses properties of the most “MnougjjUtiro, which eradicates the scurf and *®puriti*i of the hair; nourishes the hair aud . euta its falling off, and lessens the liability of Jtotom grey; strengthens the weakest hair, • Ce8 - a luxuriant growth; gives a vigor ■ hair which soon produces an inimitably nut- " a,1< ^ P rcv . e,,t * falling out in n damp ®J‘Ph ere ,or during exercise; renders tlu; hair ItlouL *9* or art *® 0 ^»' beautifully soft und bestows an inestimable gloss und pluas- 1 PWniine to the tresses—in fine, renders the ^Iranscendontly beautiful, promotes tlio w whiskers, eye brows, mustaches, &c. LjW'ilaren’s hair its effects are strikingly benefi- ■f’^rfectly innoxious, hud may with safety *fcJKff *.° ^ 10 youngest infant; it eradicates the easier and superior to combs, soaps, &c.j Hy“5®®ly pleasant to the infuut, gradually TrPhenstlie hair, mid augments its growth so 8 a * ,eaut, Ful head of hair. Presen'es lv.r lr& V er "ea bathing, violent exercise, and is foment utility for persons travelling by sen q * preserves tliehair, rendering it peculiarly Uftn* u n, l Q J w ?y* dressed, has wonderful ef- 1ml’k. ' n . * ,olor cold climates, and is estimation by distinguished persons ^ wholejialo and retail by the Proprietor, l^iatinp^' ^ New-York, and by le nt, by A. PARSONS, Agent, rv Suvannali, Ga ^cents per bottle. nov 26 I Brandy Peaclics. I Mi) fit ^ urra nt Jelly ,20 do Brandy Peach Ifesl.i, 8 ' received, per brig Laiunr, aud 1 VriY — C.LsMcNISH. lwrwm .Tooth Wash J Or!; K® lv ® d ’ a supply of Chlorine and bs... Jo 0 * VVash, for cleaning mid preserv- p ' Received nnd for sale by ARSONS. ANSON PARI ItHerr. . 8t ccl Pens, I J<r^ ca tc8t_vuriety. W. THORNE WILLIAMS. 300 Dollars Ghallcnac. T HE Genuine FRENCH PILLS against nil the QUACK NOSTRUMS of the age for the cure of * * * * * • » The French Pills arc applicable to nil cases, for either sex, (warranted freo from mercury,) and possesses great advantages over the Balsams and all I'Kiuid medicines, by being entirely freo from smell, nnd consequently do not effect the brenth, thereby preventing file possibility of a discovery while using them. Bosides this important advantage they never dis agree with the stomach, nnd in the first stages of the disease they usually effect a cure in a few days, with little regard to diet or exposure. In tlio most obstinate stages of tlio disease, they are equally certain, having cured many after every other remedy had failed. In short, they have been so universally successful, that that tho proprietor challenges any oue to produce a remedy of equal certainty, under n forfeiture of Three* Hundred Dollars. For side by G. R. HENDRICKSON, and T. M. &. J. M. TURNER. Price $2 per box. nng f> 164—1 y Gnrtlcu ScetN, Crop of 1830. F OR sale by POHCIIER A LAROCHE, the following: Harrigon’s Specific Ointment, F OR the cure of White Swellings, Scrofulous nnd other tumors, Ulcers, Soro Legs, old and fresh Wounds, Sprains aud Bruises, Swellings nnd Inflammations, Scald Head, Women’s Soro Breasts, Rheumatic Pains, Tetters, Eruptions, Chillnirts, Whitlows, Biles, Corns and External Diseases generally. It is likewise greatly superi- loes the, j or to any medicine heretofore discovered for the pleasant! chafed hacks uud limbs of horses; for ring worms, White Onion,silver skin Yellow do Red flo Early Blood turnip Beet French Amber Sugar do' White Silesia Sugar do Early Orange Turnip do Long Blood do Long Mungcl Wurtzel Long Scarlet Carrot tang Orange do Long Blood do Early Horn do Guernsey Parsnip] Long White do Early Cluster Cucumber Long do Long Greetido Early short green do Murkonoes, for pickle Sup’r Watormellon Largo Muskmellon Fine Nutmeg Mellon Largo Cantelope do Green Citron do Bush Summer Squash Dutch Summer Squash Crookticck Winter do Cocounut or Porter do Mammoth Pumpkin Largo Yellow do Inm'l sugar loaf Lettuce White heud curly do Green do iuigo do C *hhoge Head do Extra do do do Brown Dutch do chapped lips—and in short, for every external bo dily evil that may full to the lot of man or beast. For sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON, and T. M. A J. M. TURNER. Price 50 cents per box. aug 5 164—ly Mcottslioro Ecinstlc Institute# M R. and MRS. LUCIEN LATASTEinform their friends, that the above Institution will he opened on Monday, the 13th of January,1840. They 'invito their femer patrons to renew their support, assuring them,that no effort will he spar ed to give satisfaction. Their rates, for a term of five months, will be ns follows: Reading, Writing and Spel ling. $12 or $9 permonth, for any period less tlmn one term. Tho above with Geography,$16 or $4 per month, The above with History, Grammar and Arithmetic.$13 or 4 \ per month, All the higher branches of English, §20 or $5 per month, French, Spanish, and Lat in, each, $20 or $5 per month, Music,Piano or Guitar,each$23 or $6 per month, Use of Instruments, $4 Board can he obtained in the Borough. The Principal do^s not design taking any boarders. Those desirous of further information will ad dress us by letter at Milledgeviile. dec 6 24360 WP Scotch Kale,green curl’d Sen Kulo Early Dutch or Spring Flat Turnip Early Garden Stone do targe English Norfolk 4 White Flat do targe white Globo do Red Top Flat do Yellow Aberdeen or Bullock do Dale’s Yellow Hybrid (now) do Rutnbngn or Swedish, (yellow) do Long Tankard or Han over do Sage Squash or Bell Pepper Cayenne Jo Purrile Egg Plant Curled Cress or Pepper- grass Broad Leaved Cress Water Cress targe smooth red To mato Yellow Tomato Vegetable Oyster Solid Celery Summer Savory Dwarf curled Parsley Curled do Rotiud Leaved Spinage Whito Mustard Brown do Long White Okra Cloths, Cnitslmcrct, Ac# A very a Johnson, have received, Black, blue black, brown, claret, green, &c. West of Englund Cloths Black, mixt, brown, striped, Ac. Cnssimeres Oxford mixt, block, brown, green, Ac. Premium Satinets Heavy mixt do. do. for servants Jeans, Lin»uys, Ac. do. do. Heavy Duflfl Blankets Also, fine ribbon hound Whitney, Rose, Ac. Blankets. oet 23 Snnlh side Monument Square. New Ynll Goods. Received by G. B. Lamar. 3 m A AND 4-4 Scotch Ginghams TC Fine Long Lawns, IjihIi Linens Brown Holland, do. Hamilton Flannel American Prints, Worsted Gloves Worsted and Cotton Ho.-icry AVERY A. JOHNSON, oct2 South side Monument Square. Long whito sum’rRndiidi' Short Green do Early scarlet short top do Giant Asparagus Long Salmon do Nasturtion Long scarlet do Bene Plant Scarlet or Cherry Tur- English Sorrel nip do Largo Scotch Leek White Turnip do Yellow Turnip do White Fall Spanish do Black do do do Early sugar loaf Cabbage Early Dutch do Early York do Ark lie’s early dwarf do targe York do Early Diumhead do Early Bullock’s Heart do targo Bergen do Largo Drumhead do Elat or late Dutch do ftrcen Savoy do Orson Glazed do Red Dutch do Colt wort, or Collards Early Cauliflower tato do Cesarean Kale, or Cow Cabbage dec 7 244 Look nt This. T HE left hand halves of ihcbillsnnmed below. were mailed to the address «’f the sub icriber on tlio Oth February last, at Greenville Court House, South- Carolina, by Win. Choice, which have not come to hand, and tho probability is they must be lost. The several Banks aro hereby noti fied of my intention to make an application, after duo notice, for new notes on the return of tlio right hand halves, which nro now in *ny possession. $20 Bunk of Augusta, No. 2bS, dated 3d Sept. 1836, letter A. ^ $20 Bank of Augusta, do. 179, do. 3d Oct. 1828, letter B. , 20 Bank of Augusta, do. 890, do. 2d Jan. 1827, 20 Bank Columbus, No. 852, dated 2d Feb. 1832, letter H. h. 20 Bank Cohunbus, No.351, dated 1st Sept. 1831, letter II. Ii. 20 Bank Columbus, No. 953, do. Oth Dec. 1630, letter II. h. . „ _ 20 Bank Columbus, No. 1448, do. 1st Oct. 1629, 20 BankCoiumbus, No. 1206, do 1st Oct. 1629, letter LI. 20 Bank Cnlimfous, No. 2G2, do. 7th May, 1830, letter II. It. 20 Bunk Columbus, No. 18, dated 1st Jan 1830, letter torn. 20 Central R. Bond, No. 775, do. 3d Juno, 1830, letter A. 20 Bank Stato of Qcorgia, No. 997, do. Iat Sept. 18 dim, letter A. 20 Bank Darien, No. 1078, do. 1st Dec. 1832, let ter B. h. 20 Mochanics' Bank Augusta, No. 10, do. Oth Dec. 1834. letter A. 50 Mechanics' Bauk Augusta, No. 03, dated 7th April, 1835, letter 11. 100 Mechanics' Bank Augusta, No. 08, dated 1st May, 1835, letter B 100 Mechanics’ Bank Augusta, No. 71, dated 1st Nov. 1831, letter A. , 20 Bank Milledgeviile, No. 4251, dated 2d Sept. 1830, letter A. 100 Bank Jlillodgevillo, No. 430, do 3d Jun.183., letter A. , , 100 Planters & Mechanics’ Bank Columbus, No. 59, dated 9th May, 1838, Letter A. 50 Plan. & Mcch. Batik Columbus, No. 330, da ted 2d Nov. 1837, letter A. 50 Ins. Bank Savannah, No. 18, duteu 8di Dec 1829, letter K. , • NOTICE.—Three months afterdate, applica tion will bo made to the (above) different Banks for new notes, the left hand half of said hills he- ‘" S l0St ' WILLIAM SMITH. TroupviUo, Gn. 15th Oct. 1839. DCF Tho Georgian, Augusta Chronicle and Sen tinel, Southern Recorder nnd Columbus Herald and Sentinel, Will please publish tlio above week ly for three months, nnd forward their accounts to mo at TroupviUo, Gn. for payment, oet 31 20713m A Desirable Offer# T O RENT—The subecribor’rt Store, on h» wharf, well adapted for a Shin Chandlery Grocery, or any business connected with ship ping. It is needless for him to say more of this advantageous oTer to those who would desire to embark in that line, as it is well known to ho otic of the best in town. The subscriber would also inform his friends that ho has embarked in tiie Steamboat busini's*, and his services, or those of his second son, John F. Guilunrtiu, can he always had nt his wharf, for those shipping, Ac. by tho steamers Beaufort District and tlio Despatch, nt all times. JOHN GUILMAItTIN. N. B.—Also to rent, a spacious three stury House, heretofore known is “The Independent Hotel,” fronting on the Bay. in East Broad street, well adapted for a Boarding House, with a Ten Pin Alley, Bar, & c. attached. nov 26 Sntiis Itr lions, dec# Just received pe G. B. Lamar. S ATIN Ribbons, Muslin Bands Muslin Edgings and Insr rtings Sill: Hosiery Thread, Ac. For sale by AVERY & JOHNSON, Sweet Scented Powder, Ac. •tl jTb DOZ. Otto Rose Scented Powder H /Zl C do, Violet do. do. 0 do. Plain do. do. Also, Powder Boxoaand Puff-?. Received end for sale, by ocl25 A. PARSONS. Goshen Butter# -g /'a FIRKINS Goshen Butter, just received 111 nud for sale by nov 26 LONG A PATTERSON. Iron, Nalls and Rum. O NE thousand and 48 bnrs Swede’s Iron, as sorted; 300 casks Nails do, 50 bids Rum— landing per brig Pandora, from Boston, and for sale by L. BALDWIN, nov 28 Caracas Cocoa. LBS. Caracas Cocoa, just received 01/0 mid for sale by nov 26 LONG A PATTER SON. W# II. A S. Rogers, H AVE just received from Now York, the fol lowing Fancy Goods, viz: 1 box cmh'd chattgcablo Bonnet Ribbons, a splendid article 1 box sup’r fig’d Satin do do 1 do fancy French ^ilk Bugs 1 do Plaid Bonnet Ribbons 5 Whito Net Veils 1 dozen Net Shawls 1 do Silk cmh'd Scarfs 1 do Plaid do do 1 do Thibet do do 4 pcs brown nnd black Silk Fringe 1 do Phitlygrnmmy 1 dozen Infant’s Wnists 10 do Niiih(Dutch) taco Together with vurious articles in the Fancy line, nov 16 South side Market Square. London Luck Saffron Sweet Marjoram Sweet Thyme Lemon Bulin Early Sugar Corn Chinese Prolific do Early Washington or Juno Peas Bishop’s earl v Prolific do Large while Marrowfat 4 Dwarf Marrowfat do Dwarf Prolific do Early Chinn dwm I’Bcans Early Mohawk do do Early six-week do do White Kidney do do Bed Murrow do do Flower Seeds, assorted Frrsli Garden Needs# THIS YEAR’S CROP. T OP’D seed Onions largo giant Aspara gus Largo Blood Boct Mangle Wartzeldo Blood Turnip do Early York Cabbage Large do do Greeu Glazed do Sugar Loaf do Cauliflower do Lnrge Drumhead do Early Horn Carrot I .ong Orange do Early Astringhuin do White Cabbage Lettuce Imperial llouddo Ice Cnss do Early Dutch Turnip targe Flat do Red Top do Largo Norfolk do Rutabaga do Hanover do Early Wind-or Beans Siovu or Carolinu do Hoiticultnnil do Red Speckled do Early Mohawk do China Dwarf do Refugee or 1000 to 1 do Asnnragas Roots These Seeds arc in fine order, and warranted fresh nnd oftho best kinds, just received nnd for sale low, by G. R. HENDRICKSON, dec 5 242 Round Spinach White Solid Cellery Scarlet short top Rudish Long Scarlet do Turnip do do targe Bell Pepper Lon* Cayenne do Do Smooth Parsnip Lnrge Red Tomato Okra Early Bush Squash Crooked Neck do Nutmeg; Mellon Cnntelone do Citron do Red Union White do London Leek Squash Pepper Double Curled Parsley Purple and whito Egg Plant Large Marrowfat Peas Do Dwarf do do Early Frame do Do Monoach do Do Charlfi u do Grooms Dwarf do Sweet Sugar Corn Golden Sioux do Tuscavnrado, &c. Deftirablu Dry OoocIn, R eceived by AVERY A JOHNSON. Ladies French Kid Gloves Do black und col’d sewing silk do Do white do do l)o black do Mitts Do long white Kid Gloves Gents black nnd col’d Kid do Do woolen do, Boys woolen do Do silk do Ladies nud Gents silk Hosiery Gents Lambs wool und Merino [ Iloso Do heavy wool ^ Iloso Do Menno under Shirt* nnd Drawer* Welsh, Merino, Saxony, &e. Flannel*, warrant ed not to shriuk when washed. Thibet Wool do. Broclm do Rich Plush Mantillas, do Clieanoal Tippet* Do do Lndies Hat Ornaments “Hiibot and Bayadere Scurfs Rich silk do, pluid Cashmere do. For sale on fuvorahle terms, dec 3 youth side Monument squnre. IVew Goods. ~ A BENNETT has also opened Store No. • 2, Waring'* Buildings, with a large and splendid assortment of Millenary Goods, consist ing in part, namely: 10 boxes I.ndies Florence Braid, Split Straw, Leghorn, Straw, Braid, col’d English and common Straw UotiueU 50 dozen col’d Nun's Hoods 40 boxes Bonnet, Cap, Satin nnd Tafeta Ribbon* 10 do Belts, various style* and qualities Col’il Sillm, Fumuit>.»«, Katiiu, Ax. and a pro®! aricty of fancy goods, for sale wholesale or retail low. c-i i Flower Seeds. Navy Bread. J) K BBLS. Pilot nml 50bills Navy Bread,just -jj.'j received and for sale by nov 23 LONG & PATTERSON. W. S. enn u BlUo Hope. I ell 11 vt:r y superior nrlielo, for sale I Nkt WASHBURN,LEWIS*CO. V Nev^ii f ‘ ratf l ut tlity Hants, lauding from brig A 5 v ‘*»novcr, mid for sale by „ — PADELFORD. pay & CO. f t'HlRTv 8 k ,>or " 1 Candles. I * ititr.. • “4,Bund r. Sperm Candles— •“r» ,ec,lv od and for sals by 1 * WHO & PATTERSON. Hair Oil, Bears Grease und l*o- mutnm. M ACASSAR Oil, English, do do Amorican, Ward’a Vegetable-Oil, BoarsOtlaln;Grease, Pomatum, in pots; do in rolls, Aldrich s Balm Columbia, Jiuit rccoivod und for sale on uccoiu- modating terms b^ HNEgT(iAyE1L Comer of Broughton A Wliitakor-sts. nov 20 Qpnosito the Mansion Houso. Share HIouUls. 2 TONS Share Moulds, for pale by nov 28 N B. & II. WEED. W. II. A S. Rogers, H AVE just received per recent arrivals from N. York, nearly their full supply of French, German, Italian and'English Fancy Dry Goods, among which ere the following articles, viz: Ladies rich Plush and Silk French Shawls l)o. colored and black Ostrich und Cashmere Shawls 1 case finest Florence Braid Bonnets 1 do. super. Irish Linens 15 cartoons Paris einb. Capes and Collars 30 pieces Wash Blonde nnd plain Quillings 5 do. Weir Grode Lyons Laco 25 do. Tin ead Edgings nnd Inserting* 10 do. Volencino ao. do. and Beading* 20 do. 4-4 nnd 5-4 Wash, Spot, Squire and Il lusion Blonde Fronch worked Cuff", Blondo Veils and Paris Bands Clinntilla Veils, Eng. Collars and Twist Shawls Mohair Notts, Bags and Scarfs Muslin Parisemb’d Shawls, 4-4 nnd6-4 Black Laco do. do. 1-2 and14-4 Caps, Insant’s Waists, French Flower* and Wreath* Fronch, English and American Prints Challys, Motts, do Lnincs, Velvets nnd Silks Tartan, Rob Roy and Knhyle Shawls Bonnet, Belt ami Cat) Ribbons Ermine and Fur Collars Silk, Worsted und Cotton Iloso. oct!31 Sou'Square. TAR or Pot Mali- old Musk Geranium Double French Poppy Tricolored Chrysanthe mum Double June Pink Jack’s Prido Double FrenchMorigold Mourning Bride Golden Coreopsis Double tarkspnr Crimson Globe Amaran- thus China or India Pride China Aster Rose Campion Scarlet Miuope Love Lies Bleeding Sweet scented Arcadia Evening Primrose Cunterberry BcH For snlo by dec 13 Crimson Trefoil Double Hollyhock Crimson Velvet Cox comb Velvet Marigold Double PrincesFcnthers Yuriegated Uulsumiues Sweet Peas Satin Flower Double Dahlia Dwarf Sunflower Princes Feather Dwarf Rocket Larkspur China or India Pink Bottle Pink London Prido Morning Glory Lovo in a Mist Pink Lnvnlera Purple Larkspur Golden Coreonsio New striped Marigold PORCllERtfc LAROCHE. 249 -g A BBLS Ap^efjSfrccoivod per brig New 111 Hunover, und for sale by . d^3 LONG A PATTERSON Starclf ami Bine. T HIRTY boxes Colegate’s superior Starch, 2 cases do English Fig Blue, landing from brig A ';f'v23 ttUdt ' Ur5a o!l HENDRICKSON. T Nctv Goads, New Goods) HE subscriber has received and now apenllg Bom brig Savannah and slilp Celia, a largo and extensive assortment of newest style of Fan* cy nnd Staple Goods, consisting in part of tho fol* lowing articles, viz: 100 pieces Cordova Kerseys 120 do. Sutinet* 20 do. new style 4-4 French Prints • 60 do. do. English Calicoes 60 do. black nud cord Scotch Gingham* 30 do. Keutucky Jeans 10 do. Whito Flannel 40 do. Red do. various qualities 20 do. Muslin de tallies 100 54, 64 and 84 Chineille Shawls 50 Merino Shnwls and Mantles 400 Shnwls, vurious styles and qualities 100 pieces French nnd English Merino# 50 do. Pongee Silk Hakf*. 20 do. English Snittalfleld Silk do. 50 dozen Woleu Glove* 20 do. Men* Buck and II. S<Gloves 20 do. Ladies II. S. Gloves 20 do. do. 8ilk nnd Cotton Glove# nud Long Mitts 50 pieces col’d and black Silks,newest style 2 cases Cunniil Flannel 20 pieces new style Cussimere 20 do. Vestings 10 do. Broadcloths, various qualities 30 boxes Boiuiet, Cap Taffeta and Belt Rib* bon* 100 dozen silk, worsted and cotton Hose and - Hull'Hose 10 box';* Satin Ribbons, from No. Sts 29 48 Ladies white Florence Bonnets AND 100 colored Bonnots White and colored Satins, eoPid Florence# White and black Crape Black Love Shawls, black Bombasine Nun* Hoods, and n general assortment of lcflirnble goods. For sale by or.129 A. BENNETT. W. It# Lloyd—market Square, H AS just received per recent arrivida, 2 doz Muslin Collars 4 do English Prilled do 3 pcs black Silk Fringe, 2 do Wire Blond 2 do bluck fancy Blond 12 do Thrend Laces, 6do German do. 8 do Lisle do, 3 do Wire Edging 4 do Blond Quiliug, 12 do Plaid Swiss 14 do Beltings, 3 do Mantilla Lace 4 do Grecian Net do, 5 do Uobbinfet Late 8 do Snittalfleld IIdkf*,13 do Pongee Hdkf# 4 do pfaiu Silk do, 3 do do Satin do 5 doz Gauze do, 4 do fuucy do 6 do embroidered do 5 do Gout* Brosu Gloves 4 do Ladies do do, 3 do do Kid do’ 3 do Gent* Buck Gloves 2 do do Hi S. do 8 do Indiu Rubber Susnenders 3 do super do do no 14 pcs uncut Velvet Ribbons Also, a splendid assortment of Plain, Figrtre<f nnd ('hnngonblc'Silk'..- nov 30 very 1 nov 11 Boston A Handle, Market Square, Savannah, H AVE in store, nnd are receiving per varion# arrival*, a full supply of Groceries,Bagging,- Ac. Among which are— 10 labels. St. Croix Sugar 11 do. Porto Rico do. 60 bags Coffee 150 pieces Bagging, 42,43 and 44 inches 50 coils Bale Ropti 100 lb*. Bagging Twino 10000 do. Baltimore cured Bacon, Hams,Sides',- aud Shoulder* 3000 bushel* heavy Maryland Seed Oats Canal nnd Balt. Flour, whole and [ bbls. 10 cask* nnd 25 boxes Goshen Cheese 10 kegs choice Butter 20 <1, *20.], ami 20 4 bbls. Buckwheat Fleur 10 boxes Sperm. Candies 5 pipes Otard, Dupuy A Co’s. 4th proof .Brandy 5 do. SeignRtto do. do. 5 Mo. Holland Gin 20 bbls. Peach Brandy 30 do. Rye Gin, 30 ao. Whiskey 20 do. Rum Madeira, Teneriffe, Port and Sweet Mala* ga W ines Butter and Wine 4 Biscuit Almonds and Raisins, Tobacco 1 10 ton* iron, lussorted 75 keg* Nails, Ac. All of which they offer on accommodating terms, oet11 Nfcklcby Complete. : 11 HIE Life and Adventures of Nicholas NiekI# by, by Churlcs Dickens, with numerous il lustrations by Phiz. I)o do, cheap edition, with 2 plates. Alfred De Resawr or the Adventures of i Seasonable Goods. B ROADCLOTHS—Black, invisible oiivo, blue, dark mixed and cadet mixed ui.d brown, English double milled. Cassini ere»—Drab, black, dark grey ond striped. Satinets—Blue, drab, cadet and dark mixed. Suspenders—Elastic and knitted, aLo Extra Ends. Hosier)-—Lambs Wool, Vigouia, white und mix ed Cotton. Glove*—Colored and white Iloskin, Buckskin, Silk and Beaver Umbrellas—Silk und Cotton. Stocks—Satin, and Boiubasin, with hows and plain. . _ Cravats—Black Italian and fancy colored. Also, French Gentlotnun, by Geo. W. M. Reynolds, 2 Merino Skirts. I v °w- Brushes—Cloth, lmir, nail and tooth. Handkerchief—White Silk, plain, red and figur ed. Just received, add for sale by GEORGE W. flEHN, oct 22 No. 2 Shad’s Buildings. Dry Goods. F ANCY Alpeen*. Marseilles Crib Counter- panes, white Marseilles Counterpanes, as- ftorted'sizes White nnd col’d notted _ do do do Blanket Shawls, low priced Red Flannels Bleached and >inb!euched Canton Flannel English bleached do do Low priced Satinets, Kentucky Joans Binrkand blue black Hombnsifis Welsh Flannels, Thibet Scarfs Frcuch and English Merinos. For sale by GEORGE W. BEIIN, nov 25 No. 2 Shad’s Building. Garden Directory, Lndd, Tapper A Sistaic, O FFER for sale on good terms, 150 hlida first quality Cuba Molasses 300 hogs good, fair and prime green Cuba Coffee- 50 do superior old Java do 50 mats very fine old Manilla do Hhds prime Porto Rico Sugar 25 boxes Boston refined Loaf do 10 bbls first quality crushed do 20 hal f chests superior Bluck Tea 50 half boxes Baker’s No 1 Chocolate 50 Ings heavy Sumatra Pepper 100 boxes Negro Pipes, large size* 500 Dcinijons, assorted, 1 to 5 gallons 200 whole and lmlf boxes Bunch llaisins 125 pc* 42 inch Duudee Baggiug 200 kegs Cut Nails, asserted 50 casks Brown Stout, quarts and pints 50 baskets Chnmpagne, Anchor and Key 50 boxes Sparkling Hock 200 M Spanish Segnr* 4 pipes Holland Gin, Beehive and Hourglass 2 halfpipes London Dock Brandy 10 do do J. J. Dupuy & Co. do 10 do American do 300 hbl* Connecticut Gin, Phelps & Gowdy’s 100 do Boston do, Engle brand 100 do do Rum do 30 do superior Baltimore Whiskey 10 do do old Monongnhela do 100 halfpipes and quarter casks Madeira, Port, Sicily Madeira and Pico Wines 100 hags Shot, assorted . 300 Grindstones . nov 26 House K’i!i'iiishiny; Goods. 8 A 104,12-4 snd 134 French Quilts 3-4,64, 84,104 nud 124 Tuhle Da mask 64,74, 84,104 and 124 Scotch Damask Table Covers 64,74 and 84 brown Damask do do 3-4 and 44 Scotch Damask Napkins 54, 64, 74 and 84 col’d worsted Tuble Covers 44,54, 64,74 and 84 do cotton and linen do do 5-4 worsted Piano Covers Col’d, worsted aud do cotton Stands and Toilet Covers White Marseilles Toilet Cover* Scotch Diaper, Huckaback, Crash,&c.Towelling Birds Eye nnd Russia Diapers Pillow Case Linens and Linen and Cotton Sheet ing Super Trish Linens, free of cotton Rich Curtain Chintz, in set* Drapery Muslins, Furniture Dimity Oil Cloths, green, crimson nnd drab Moreens The above goods were selected with care for this market, und will he sold on accommodating terms b y _ AVERY & JOHNSON, Count Dumas’s Memoirs of his own time, in I eluding the Revolution, the Empire, nud the Res~ ' toration, by Lieut. Geueial Count Matlueu Du- | mas, in 2 vols. Jack Shoppord complete hr 2 vols. Buist’s American Flo.ver Garden new edition. Ellet’s Essay on the taws ofTrade in reference to the work* of Internal Improvement in the U. States, 1 volume, 8 vo. Just received by dec6 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. Bum tiitd Wine# 42 A BBLSN. E. Rum, 1 cask High Witte; Ut* landing from brig Havre, and for sole by dec 10 PADELFORD, FAY A CO. Isinglass. CASE of Russian sheet Isinglass, received and for sale by dec 13 ANSON PARSONS. nov 13 South side Monument Square. To Planters. Christinas Presents# L ADIES elegum Rose Wood, Shell, Mahog any and inlaid Work Boxes Elegant Cluneal Work Baskets Toilet Bottles, richly gilt in great variety Essence Boxes, fancy Pearl, Shell, an-1 Ivory Card Cases Gold nud Silver Pencil Coses Puzzles aud Alphabets, Dissected Maps, for chil dren Game* of Graces, Dominoes, Battledors, Cancell Cup* Musical Boxes, Accordions, &c. Just received and forsule by dee 19 G. R, HENDRICKSON- Sperm OH# J UST received by the G. B. Lamar, 500 gallon# winter strained Sperm Oil, of very light col or, forsale by A. PARSONS, dec 21 No.8 Gibbons'Range. Oats# BAGS heavy Seed Oats, justreceiv- fj V/Vr ed and for sale by dec 14 . MICH. DILLON A CO. Hdy« P EAS nnd BEANS—Enrly ‘ China Div-urfl DUNDl.ES prime Eastern Hoy, for Bcnn», _ourl)--six week Bcims, whito Kidney \ sale by „„ Beans, red Marrow Beans, early Washington or June Pea-;, large white Marrowfat Peas, Dwarf Marrowfat Pens, enrly Charlton Pens,Dwarf Pro lific Peas. A full supply just received oftho crop of 1839, and for sale by nov 30 PORCHER A LA ROCHE. MICH. DILLON A CO. Butter# KEGS Butter received on consignment, tl JL und for sale by Philadelphia Beef. dec 3 NOBLE A. HARDEE. Powdered Spices, C INNAMON, Black Pepper, African Pepper, Cayenne Pepper, Clove*, Nutmegs, Spice, 1 nig from schr Sophia. Ginger, &c. For sale by I dec 14 Baltimore Bacon# 6 HHDS. Sides 6 do. Shoulders, first quality Bacon, land- ' ” * * Forsale by . GEORGE II. MAY. dec 6 PORCIIER A LA ROCHE, Opposite the Market, Sign of the Golden Globe. Garden Seeds—Crop IS39. A SUPPLY of English nnd Slraker’* Garden Seeds, for Rnie on reasonable terms by PORCHER &LL ROCHE, • Opposite the Market, dec5 Sian of the Golden Globe. Combs. Brushes, Ac• F INE Ivory and Horn Dressing nnd Pocket Combs, Hair,Cloth, Nail, Combs,nnd supe rior English, French and American Tooth Brush- Tin Plate# O NE hundred boxes Tin Plate |x , 500 lbs Block Tin, 500 lbs Copper Bolt# for sale by N. B. A H. WEED. nov 26 To Planters. T HE Subscriber. Agent for the Athens Manu- fa; tu ring Company, lias constantly on hand a supply of their Domestic Woolen and Cotton Goods, a superior article for Negro Clothing. N^BLE A. HARDEE. oct26 209 Herring# 3 BBI.S Round,, in fine order, just received e,, end Sharing Brushes, Ac, in the greatest va- dry salted HeTring. lMiding from per brig Now Har,pvcr, and,for sale bv^ I rj U8 ‘ rccciv0 g a "J* ^NDRICKSON ' k" 8 W ' <ir ’®" d dec 3 LONG & rATTERSON. BALDWIN.