Daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1839-1840, December 27, 1839, Image 1
(lP . ULYBEPW XICAN" rtpuMMcdinlhr clT f OP BAY ANN. All, BY jam ca Clclnnt 1, f’S^SSSfASClf if.Tti-wockly “Hepnl dlcan,” _ fessw;”' lj for six month a. ’mid a hSf «>r ««:h insertion after, per ■h"tahC?SnVj'e Clerks of the Court. „ flint «ppli« ition ha* been tnndo for S^’Admln&Sttf.on, mu.t bo published llT Av I) I^.t"»' e enJ Administrator^ for uce 3| Creditors to render in Uiotr account. ^5te?fflS'“d **“•* ft!®? 1 "’ofPuldlo Seles in the County SUSetters Testiunentery, ofAdmlnUtra- .Rneri nttship ittey lievo been granted, Aral G nlvi notice thereof in ono of the fltlj) Hcpublicmi No. SCO—Vol. XXXVI.] iS »!!settcs ”f tiiis State, end nt tho doorcf mut Uott™. where such solos are to bo • • r I.... in sell Negroes, must bo pub to?— ab “° lulc ladenttho Court House door of the County Jrlithe property is situate, and on the first [jav of tho Month,between the hour*oftenin oraing end four in the, afternoon. No solo ,d«ytoday i»valid, unless so expressed in ld S»by Executors, Administrators and aass£rasi«aS liuistrutow inurt be advertised FORI Y plication:, by Executors end Administrators pttrn Diimusorj’, must bo published SIX mis. i , i , i rat 'nlimtions for foreclosure of Mortgopcs on Lie must he udrertised onco u month for •state must fsnofdw Court of Ordinnry, (nrcompnni copy of tlm bond of agreement) to i titles to land must bo udvertwed Thkije hs at leant. . . , . snff’.sslesundor executions regularly grant the Courts, must lie uilvortlsed 1 illin Y g—under mortgage executions 81X1Y '8—Sales of perWiohle property under or- T Court, must bo advertised, generally, xLN r S before tho day of wile. II Advertisements will be punctually attended - ah Utters directed to this. Office or tho ir, must be postpaid, to entitle them to at- Gnrdcn Seeds. . IF, subscriber has just received per brjg Madison, his supply of fresh Garden Seeds, uited to be of best quality, and tho growth of mu,'kidney, half moon ond Valentine; Beet Turnip, blood, white, Scarsity and .Mangel t .a is _ Vn«1, ltntt nrcilfl liflllll. SAVANNAH, (Ca.) FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 27, 1830. [Whole No.-—97,053. Illustration of Reality. 800 Dollars Challenge. rpilh Genuine FRENCH PILLS against nil A the QUACK NOSTRUMS of the age for the cure of * * • » • • tael; Cabbage,' early York, Battersea, Drum. , Bergen and red Dutch; Currot, early horn, long orange; Cucumbers early framed, Iona n and prickly; Lettuce, early ice and long n; Mellon, Citron, l’ine Apple, Nutmeg end Ininas; early Cauliflower; Onion, Btlver skin’d, nd white Portngnl; Okra, curled Parsley, .jcr.’long sweet Spunisli Peuse, Dwurf, Mar- lit, Charlton, Mao Imperials, Washington, op'. Prolific end Tell Marrowfat; Radish Jong et, short top'll do,white turnip do,early from- ml black fall; Squash, early imsii and long k necked; Salsify, Tomatoes; Turnip, early eh, large flat Globe and Rntabago; Pepper as, Water Cress, white and red Clover, Lu- ic Grass, &c. For sale by ov20 ANSON PARSONS. iwland’s Pulnionarla, or Ve getable Demulcent. I cases of obstinate Catarrh; ill Coughs, vhethcrorisingfrem recent or neglected colds; istluna; end us un auxiliary and means of pre- t relief from the threatening symptoms of ap- lching Pulmonary Consumption, nomcdjcino j /' c. - A BEAUTIFUL HEAD OF HAIR is tho grandest ornament belonging to the human IVninn. How strangely the loss of it changes tho countenance and prematurely brings on the ap pearance of old uge, which causes many to recoil at being uncovered, and sometimes even to shun society to avoid the jests and sneers of their nc- (piaintance; the remainder of their lives are con sequently spent in retirement. Iu short,not even the loss of property fills the generous thinking youth with that heavy sinking gloom as docs the loss of his hair. To avert all these unpleasant circumstances, Oldridge’s Balm of Columbia stops the hair from falling olfon the first application mid u few bottles restores it again. It likewise produ ces eyebrows und whiskers; prevents the hair from turning grey, makes it curl beautifully, and frees it from scurf. Numerous certificates of tho first respectability in support of the virtues ofOl- dridgo’s Dulm.aro shown by the proprietors. KJ*Reud tho following: Robert Wharton, Esq. lute Mayor of Philadel- f iliin, has certified, us may he seen below, to tho tigli character of the following gentlemen. The undersigned do hereby certify that we have used the Balm of Columbia discovered by J. 01- dridge, und have found it highly serviceable not only os a preventive oguinst the falling off of hair, hut ulson certain restorative. WM. THATCHER, Senior, Methodist Minister in St. George charge. No. 80 North Fifth-street. JOHN P. INGLIS, .331 Arch-street. JOHN D. THOMAS, M. D. lGJRacc-st. JOHN S. FUREY, 101 Spruce-st. HUGH McCURDY, 243 South 7th st. JOHN GARD, Jr. 123 Arch-st. Tho aged, ond those who persist in wearing wigs, may not always experience its restorutivo qualities, yet it will certainly raise its virtues in the estimation of the public, when it is known that three of tho above signers are more than 50 years of age, and the others not less than 30. [From tho Mayor.] Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, } City of Philadelphia. S I, Robert Wlmrtou, Mayor of said city of Phil adelphia, do hereby certify that I am well acquaint od with Messrs. J. P. lnglis, John S. Furey, und Hugh McCurdy, whose names uro signed to the above certificate, that they ure gentlemen of char acter and respectability, and as such lull credit should be given to tho said certificate. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, [L. S.] and caused tho seal of tho city to ho ul- fixed, this sixth day of December, &c- ROBERT WHARTON, Mayor. Caution.^Observe that each bottle of the gen-* uine Balm has a splendid engraved wrapper, on which is represented tho Fulls of Niagara, the A- gent’s name, &c. A fresh supply received and for sale by dec 12 ANSON PARSONS. The French Pills ore applicable to all cases, for either sex, (warranted free from mercury,) and possesses grent advantages over the Balsams and all liquid medicines, by being entirely free from smell, and consequently do not effect the breath, thereby preventing tho possibility of a discovery while using them. Besides this important advantage they never dis agree with the stomach, and ill tho first stages of the disease they usually effect a cure in a few days, with little regard to diet or exposure. In tho most obstinate stages of tho disease, they aro equally certain.having cured umny after every other remedy had failed. In short, they have been so universally successful, that that the proprietor challenges any one to produce a remedy of equal certainty, under a forfeiture of Three Hundred Dollars. For sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON, and T. M. A J. M. TURNER. Prico $2 per box. nng5 164—ly White Onion,silver skin Yellow do lied do Early Blood turnip Beot French Amber Sugar do White Silesia Sugar do Early Orange Turnip do Long Blood do Long Mango) Wurtzel Long Scarlet Carrot ’ .ong Orange do iong Blood do Early IIojMdo Ciuornflc^fcnip] LoqglYhito do Early Cluster Cucumber Long do Long Green do Early short green do darkcnoei, for pickle Snp’r Watormollon Large Muskmellon Fine Nutmeg Mellon Izirgo Cuntclopo do Green Citron do Bush Summer Squash Dutch Summer Squash Crookneck Winter do Cocoanut or Porter do F llnri'ison’s Specific Ointment, .. . n ,. OR the cure of White Swellings. Scrofulous Mammoth Pumpkin ond other tumors, Ulcers, Sore Legs, old and fresli Wounds, Sprains and Bruises, Swellings and Inflammations, Scald Head, Women’s Sore Breasts, Rheumatic Pains, Tetters, Eruptions Chilhuins, Whitlows, Biles, Corns and Extcrnn Diseases.generally. It is likewise greatly superi or to any medicine heretofore discovered for the chafed hacks und limbs of horses; for ring worms, chapped lips—and in short, for every external bo dily evil that may full to tho lot of man or beast, For sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON, and T. M. A J. M. TURNER. Prico 50 cents per box. nug 5 1G4—ly Scotlsboro Female Institutes M R. and MRS. LUC IEN LATA STE inform their friends, that the above Institution will he opened on Monday, tho 13th of January.1840. They fiuvite their former patrons to renew their support, assuring diem,that no effort will be spar ed to give satisfaction. Their rates, for u term of five mondis, will bo as follows: Reading, Writing and Spel ling, $12 or $9 per month for any period less Uinn one term. The above with Geography,$16 or $4 per month, The above with History, Grammar and Arithmetic,$18 or 4£ per month. All the higher branches of English, ,$20 or $5 per month French, Spanish, and Lot-’ in, each, $20 or $5 per month Music,Piano or Guitar,each$25 or $6 per month Use of Instruments, $4 Board can be obtained in the Borough. The Principal docs not design taking any hoarders. Tiiose desirous of further information will ad dress us by letter at MiUedgeville. dec G 243eowp greater claims upon the confidence of the in ti than the above medicine. is for the afflictive and troublesome symp- b of coughing, expectoration or phlegm, pain le breast, &c. which constitute prominent fea- ss of the complaint, that tho Pulmouariu was i^ned, and hus manifested its most valuable pi o- ties. is equally useful of course in the relief nf from sydden chmiuWnf Look at This. T HE left hand halves of thebiilsnamed below, were mailed to the address of the subscriber on the 6th February last, at Greenville Court House, South- Carolina, by Win. Choice, which have not come to hand, and the probability is they must he lost. The several Banks are hereby noti fied of my intention to make un application, after due notice, for now notes ou the return of the right A Desirable Oiler. T O RENT—Tho subscriber’s Store, on his wharf, well adapted for a Shin Clmudlery Groccrv, or any business connected with)ship ping. 'it is needless for him to say more of this advantageous offf r to those who would desire to embark in that line, as it is well known to be ono of tho best iu town. , . The subscriber would also inform Ins friends that he hus embarked in tho Steamboat business, und his services, or those of his second son, John F. Gniluiurtin, can bo always laid at his .wharf, for those shipping, &c. by tho steamers Beaufort District and the Despatch, at all times. JOHN GUILMARTIN. N. B.—Also to rent, a spacious three story House, heretofore known ns “The Independent Hotel,” fronting on the Bay, in East Broad street, well adapted for a Boarding House, with a Ten »»• ait... n— C — ,.n.. n |. n ,l uov 2G Garden Seeds, Crop of 1839. ?01l sale by PORCHEIt A LA ROCHE, the following: Scotch Kule,green curl'd Sea Kale Early Dutch or Spring Flat Turnip Early Garden Stono do Largo English Norfolk ‘ Whito Flat do Large white Globo do Red Top Flat do Yellow Aberdeen or Bullock do Dale’s Yellow Hybrid (new) do Rutabaga or Swedish, (yellow) do Long Tankard or Han over do Sage , Ac. Cloths. Cassimercs. dec. A very a Johnson, have received, Black, blue black, brown, ciuret, green, West of England Cloth* . Black, mixt, brown, striped, Ac. Cassimeres Oxford mixt, bluck, brown, green, &c. Premium Satinets Heavy mixt do. do. for servunta Jeans, Linsevs, Ac. do. do. Heavy Duflil Blankets Also, fine ribbon bound Wliitney, Rose, Ac. Blankets. oct 23 South side Monument Square. New Fall Goods. Squash or Bell Pepper Dpi Large Yellow do Iinp‘1 sugar loaf Lettuce White head early do Green do largo do Cabbage Head do Extra do do do Brown Dutch do Longwhife sutn'rRadish Early scnrlet short top do Long Salmon do Long scarlet do Scarlet or Cherry Tur nip do White Turnip do Yellow Turnip do White Fall Spanish do Black do do do Early sugar loafCubbage Early Dutch do Eurly York do Arklic’s early dwarf do Large York do Early Druinhcnd do Early Bullock’s Heart do Largo Bergen do Large Drumhead do Fiat or late Dutch do Green Savoy do Green Glazed do Red Dutch do Colewort, or Collards Early Cauliflower Late do Cesarean Kale, or Cow Cabbage dec 7 244 (Nycunedo Purple Egg Plant Curled Cress or Pepper* grass Broad Leaved Cress Water Cress Largo smooth red To inato Yellow Tomato Vegetable Oyster Solid Celery Summer Savory Dwurf curled Pursley Curled do Round Leaved Spinage Whito Mustard Brown do Long White Okra Short Green do Giant Asparagus Nasturtion Bene Plant English Sorrel Large Scotch Leek London Leek Saffron Sweet Marjoram Sweet Thy mo Lemon Balm Early Sugar Corn Chinese Prolific do Early Washington or June Peas Bishop’s earl v Prolificue Large white Marrowfat* Dwarf Marrowfat do Dwarf Prolific do Early China dwurfBeans Early Mohawk do do Early six-week do do White Kidney do do Red Marrow do do Flower Seeds, nssorted Received by G. B. Lamar. 3 m A AND 4-4 Scotch Ginghams TC Fine Long Lawns, Irish Linens Brown Holland, do. Hamilton Flannel Auicricnn Prints, Worsted Gloves Worsted and Cotton Hosiery AVERY A JOHNSON, oct 2 South side Monument Square, ft 8. Rogers, 20 GO GO 30 10 40 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. W. IV. H AVE juwt received from Now York, tho fol lowing Fancy Goods, viz: 1 box ciub'd changeable Bonuct Ribbons, a splendid article 1 box snp’r fig’d 8atin do do 1 do fancy French Silk Bags 1 do Plaid Bonnet Ribbons 5 White Net Veils 1 dozen Net Shawls 1 do Silk enib’d Scurfs 1 do Plaid do do 1 do Thibet do do 4 pcs brown and black Silk Fringe 1 do Phillygramtny 1 dozen Infant's Waists 10 do Nuns (Dutch) Lace Together with various articles in the Fancy line, nov 10 South sido Market Square. Desirable Dry Goods, R eceived by AVEIIY & JOHNSON. Ladies French Kid Gloves Do black und col’d sewing silk do Do white do do Do black do Mitts Do long white Kid Gloves Gents black mid col’d Kid do Do woolen do, Boys woolen do Do silk do Indies and Gents silk Hosiery Gents Lambs wool and Merino \ IIoso Do heavy woo! 4 Hose Do Merino under Shirts and Drawers We!ill, Merino, Saxony, &c. Flannels, warrant ed not to shrink when washed. Thibet Wool do, Brocha do Rich Plush Mantillas, do Cheancal Tippets Do do Ladies Hat Ornaments Thibet and Bayadere Scarfs Rich silk do, plaid Cashmere do. For sale ou favorable terms, dec 3 South side Monument square. New Goods, New Goods* T HE subscriber 1ms receipted and now open Itf from brig Savannah and ship Cfelia, a larger und extensive assortment of newest atyle of Fan cy and Staple Goods, consisting ip part of tfaefi& lowing articles, viz: 100 pieces Cordova Kerseys 120 do. Satinets new style 4-4 French Prints do. English Calicoes black aud col’d Scotch Gingham* Kentucky Jeans White Flannel Hod do. various quolitie* Muslin deLnincs 100 54,64 und 84 Chineille Shawls 50 Merino Shawls and Mantles > 400 Shawls, various styles und qualities 100 pieces French and English Merino* 50 do. Pongee Silk Hdkfs. 20 do. English Spittalfield Silk do. 50 dozen Wolen Gloves 20 do. Mens Buck and H. 8. Gloves 20 do. Ladies II. S. Gloves 20 do. do. Silk and Cotton Glove* and Long Mitts 50 pieces col’d and black SHks,nowest styl* 2 cases Canton Flannel 20 pieces new style Cassimere 20 do. Vestings 10 do. Broadcloths, various qualities 30 boxes Bonnet, Cup Taffetu und Belt Rib* bons 100 dozen silk, worsted und cotton Hose and Half Ho.*o 10 boxes Satin Ribbons, from No. 2 to 22 48 Ladies white Florence Bonnets AND 100 colored Bonnets White and colored Sating col’d Florence* White and black Crape Black Love Shawls, black Bombasins Nuns Hoods, and a general assortment of lesirable goods. For sale by oct 29 A. BENNETT, W. II* Lloyd—Market Square, H AS just received per recent arrivals, 2 doz Muslin Collars 4 do English Frilled do 3 pcs black Silk Fringe, 2 do Wire Blond 2 do black fancy Blond 12 do Thread Laces, Gdo Gennan do 8 do Lisle do, 3 do Wire Edging 4 do Blond Quiling, 12 do Pluia Swiss 14 do Beltings, 3 do Mantilla Lnee 4 do Grecian Net do, 5 do Bohbinct Lace 8 do Spittalfield Hdkfs, 13 do Pongee Hdkfi* 4 do plain Silk do, 3 do do Satin do 5 doz Gauze do, 4 do fancy do 6 do embroidered do 5 do Gents Brose Gloves 4 do Ladies do do, 3 do do Kid do 3 do Gouts Buck Gloves 2 do do II. S. do 8 do India Rubber Suspenders 3 do super do do do 14 pcs uncut Velvet Ribbons Also, a splendid assorUueut of Plain, Figured and Chaugenhle Silks. nov 30 Fresli Garden Seeds. THIS YEAR’S CROP. Round Spinach T OP’D seed Onions large giant Aspara- gu» Large Blood Beet Mangle Wartzel do Blood Turnip do l’.nrtv York (tntitm I'in Alloy, Bar, &c. attached. hand halves, which are now in my nossewion. $20 Bonk of Aiiqusta, No. 203, dated 3d Sept. to'; Qinri., Ipointiiient, j,. A. l’A'RSONS, Agent, Price 7ft . Savannah, Ga. <ncii75 cents per bottle. nov 20 SrTDo/n!!l4 Penciled io "aJeW - uat received per brig Lanmr, and lev II 222 C.L.McNISH. /FoMUwHiiT 1830, letter A. $20 Bnnkof Augusta, do. 179, do. 3d Oct. 182t>, 20 Bonk of Augusta, do. 890, do. 2d Jan. 1827, letter A. , -on 20 Bunk Columbus, No. 8o2, dated 2d Feb. « ."32, 20 Bank Coiumbus, No.351, dated 1st Sept 1831, 20 Bank Columbus, No. 953, do. 9tli Dec. 1830, 20 Bank Coiumbus, No. 1448, do. 1st Oct. 1829, letter II. 20 Bank Coiumbus, No. 1200, do 1st Oct. 1829, 20 Bank Coiumbus, No. 262, do. 7th May, 183G, letter H- h. 20 Bank C olumbus, No. 12, dated 1st Jan 1830, 20 Central R- Road, No. 775, do. 3d June, 183G, 20 Bank Stale of Gcorgin, No. 997, do. 1st Sept. 20 Bulc Darien, No. lG78,do. 1st Dec. 1832, lot- 20 Mechanics’ Bank Augusta, No. 10, do. 5th Doe. 1834, left er A. 50 Mechanics* Bunk'. Augusta, No. 03, dated 7th April, 1835, lotto.' B. „j,ita 100 Mechanics’ Bank Augusta, No. 53, dated 1st 100 Mechanics' Bank Augusta] No. 71, dated 1st 20' BmlkMii'lodgoviUe^No. -1251, doled 2d Sept. 100 Banlt Milhiilgovillo, No. 430, do 3d Jim.1837, German 100 Planters & Mechanics’ Bank Columbus, No. 59, dated !)th May, 1838, Le tter A. 50 F Tan. & Mooli. Bank Columbus, No. 330, aa- t. *d 2d Nov. 1837, letter A. 60 Ins '- Bank Savannah, No. 18, dated Gth Doc i« 19. loiterK. '' * NO'l ICE.—Three months after date, applica- Ulg lost. Satin Ribbons, &c. Just received perti. B. Lamar. S ATIN Ribbons, Mn-lin Hands Muslin Edgings and Insortings Silk Hosiery, Thread, &c. For sale by AVERY & JOHNSON, Sweet Scented Powder, to, U 4> DOZ. Otto Rose Scented Powder 6 do. Violet do. do., 0 do. Plain do. do_. Also, Powder Boxes and Putl's. Received and r0r „"cfe by A- PARSONS. White Solid Cellery Scarlet short top Radish Long Scarlet do Turnip do do Large Bell Popper Lons Cayenne uo Do Smooth Parsnip Large Rod Tomato Okra Early Bush Squash Crooked Neck do Nutmeg Mellon Cantelone do Citron do Red Onion White do London Leek Squash Pepper Double Curled Parsley Purple and white Egg Plant Large Marrowfat Peas Do Dwarf do do Early Frame do Do Monoach do Do Charlton do Grooms Dwarf do Sweet Sugar Corn Golden Sioux do Tuscurorado, Ac. Early York Cabbage Large do do Green Glazed do Sugar Loaf do Cauliflower do Large Drumhead do Early Horn Carrot Long Orange do Early Astringham do White Cabbage Lettuce Imperial Head do Ice Coss do Early Dutch Tuynip Large Flnt do Red Top do Largo Norfolk do Rutabaga do Hanover do Early Windsor Beans Sicvaor Carolina do Horticultural do Red Speckled do Early Mohawk do Chinn Dwarf do Refugee or 1000 to 1 do Aspnragns Roots These Seeds are in fine order, and warranted fresh and of the best kinds, just received and for sale low, by G. R. HENDRICKSON, dec 5 242 New Goods. A BENNETT has also opened Store No. • 2, Wuring’s Buildings, with n large aud splendid assortment of Millenary Goods, consist ing in part, namely: 10 boxes Ladies Florence Braid, Split Straw, Leghorn, Straw, Braid, col’d English and common Straw Bonnets 50 dozen col’d Nun’s Hoods 40 boxes Bonnet, Cap, Satin nnd Tnfcta Ribbons 10 do Belts, various styles and qualities Col’d Silks, Florences, Satins, &c. aud a great *— : ~ty of fancy goods, for sule wholesale or retail low. nov 11 randies, Oil, &c. BOXES Sperm Candles,4’i, &’• and 6’* tJv/ Wmetr Sperm Oil Do refined Whale do Spring do do Right Wlmlo do llalliburt Fins, Onions, Potatoes Tongues and Sounds, Codfish Butter und Cheese, Spices Soap, Tallow Candles Whole nnd half hhU Canal Flour Half nnd or do Buckweut Loaf aud Brown Sugar vnnet very Hvsoii, Young Hyson nnd Black Tea* Wooden and Stone Wore Fine Cnlf nnd thick Boots and S'acci Wines and Liquors Nails, (assorted,) Ploughs, Ac. Just received, and lor sale by B. N. DOUGLASS, Ancicux’ wharf, ALSO, Menhaden Fish; for plantation use, on consign ineut. c dej 2 Powdered Spices. Seasonable Cioods. B ROADCLOTHS—Black, invisible green, olive, blue, dark mixed aud cudetiuixedai d brown, English double milled. Cassimeres—Drab, black, dark grey and striped. Satinets—Blue, drab, cadet and dark mixed. Suspenders—Elastic and knitted, also Extra Ends. Hosiery—Lambs Wool, Vigouia, white and mix ed’ Cotton. Gloves—Colored nnd white Iloskin, Buckskin, Silk and Beaver Umbrellas—Silk and Cotton. Stocks—Satin, und Bombosin, with bows and plain. Cravats—Black Italian and funcy colored. Also, Merino Skirts. Brushes—Cloth, hair, nail and tooth. Handkerchiefs—White Silk, plain, red and figur ed. Just received, add lor sale bv GEORGE W. BEHN, oct 22 No. 2 Shad's Buildings. /CINNAMON, Black Pepper. African Pepper, V>> Cayenne Pepper, Cloves, Nutmegs, Spice r Ginger, &.c. For sale by Oats. BAGS heavy Seed Oats, just receiv* tJ vlvf fid und for sale by dec 14 MICH. DILLON A CO. Hay* 200 BUNDLES prime Eastern Hay, for Butter* KEGS Butter received on consignment iJjL Goshen Butter* . U FIRKINS Goshen Butter, just received Ilf und for sulo bv nov 20 LONG & PATTERSON. Iron, Nalls and Rnm. O NE thousand and 43 hnrs Swodo t Iron, ns- 'sorted; 300 (tasks Noils do, 60hills Rum— ~ * from Boston, nnd lor landing per brig Pandora, snic by nov 23 I,. BALDWIN- Caracas Cocoa. , v/vr\ LBP. Caracas Cocca, just received nov Ji ,llU * 1Ur LONI3 & PATTERSON. Navy Bread. ^ BBLS. Pilot and 50 bids Navy Bread,just Jd O received ami for sale by „ ar . M 110V 23 LONG A PATTERSON. S TAR or Pot Mori gold Musk Geranium Double French Poppy Tricolorcd Chrysanthe mum Double June Pink Jack’s Pride Double FrenchMarigold Mourning Bride Golden Coreopsis Double Larkspur Crimson Globe Amaraii- thus China or India Prido Cliinn Aster Rose Campion Scarlet Mnlopo Love Lies Bleeding Sweet scented Arcadia Evening Primrose Share Moulds. 9| TON9 sl ta" Mo|, 'd,.forsMeb | r W EED To'o th d VViS^ro 11 ; 1 ^ 1 ^. 0 f 0 h, 1 orine n n< l I thatanil. n„„ V . l8 , nr l : ^ ,ull,| g ! md proserv- 1 nnd for snbs by ANSON PARSONS. 4.1 V^BraMest variety. tccl Pens, ft €011,8®“*° ORNE WILLIAMS. («5 by WASlliSnlPv^t €or sale J washruRn, LEWIS & CO. £ -^ADELFORD, Pay & CO. fesSlSil • l' .LONG & pV, Sperm Candles— by PATTERSON. W. II. & S. Rogers, H AVE just received per recent arrivals from N. York, nearly their full supplyof French, German, Italian und English Fancy Dry Goods, among which aro the following articles, viz: Ladies rich Plush nnd Silk trench Shawls colored and bluck Ostrich und Cashmere Flower Seeds. Crimson Trefoil Double Hollyhock Crimson Velvet Cox comb Velvet Marigold Double PriiicesFenthcrs Variegated Dulsamines Sweet Peas Satin Flower Double Dahlia Dwarf Sunflower Princes Feather Dwarf Rocket Larkspur China or India Pink Bottle Pink London Prido Morning Glory Love a M**t Pink Lnvutera Purple Larkspur Golden Coreopsio New striped Marigold Dry Gooils. F ANCY Alpeens, Marseilles Crib Counter panes, white Marseilles Counterpanes, as sorted sizes White and col’d notted do do do Blanket Shawls, low priced Red Flannels Bleached and unbleached Canton Flannel English bleached % do do Low priced Satinets, Kentucky Jeans Bluck and blue black Bombasins Welsh Flannels, Thibet Scurfs French and English Merinos. For sale by GEORGE W. BEHN, nov 25 No. 2 Shad’s Building. Baltimore Bacon* 6 IIIIDS. Sides 6 do. Shoulders, first quality Bacon, bind ing from schr Sophia. For sale by dec 14 GEORGE H, MAY. Cnnterborry Bell [New striped Mangoiu For nnlo by PORCI1ER & LA ROCHE. dec 13 249 House Furnishing Goods* 8 /4 104,124 slid 134 French Quilts ■*^1? 34,64, 84,104 and 124 TabloDa- mask 64. 74. 84.104 and 124 Scotch Damask Table Covers 64,74 and 84 brown Damask do do 3-4 and 44 Scotch Damask Napkins 54,64, 74 nnd 84 col’d worsted Table Covers 44,54, 64,74 and 84 do cotton and linen do do 54 worsted Piano Covers Col’d, worsted aud do cottou Stands and Toilet Covers mite Marseilles Toilet Covers Scotch Diuper, Huckaback, Crush,«&c.To welling Birds Eye and Russia Diapers Pillow Case Linens and Linen and Cotton Sheet- Do. WILLIAM SMITH. Trounvill % Ca. 15th Oct. 1839. l!ho G eorgian, Augusta Chronicle and Sen- tinoiTsoithc tn Recorder end Columbiia Herald nnd Sontinel will pleiiso publish tho ubovo week ly for tl.rco n io„f, enf forward fiioir accounts ‘LioatTrou,. -vdie.G, for payment. * Haifa- on, l Veiu-8 Grease and Po matum. Oil, English, do do American, Ward's Ve getable Od.Bears Oil,do Grease, Pomatum in not 'd°' m rolls, Aldrich s Ilalui lomntmn, in pot MlclvoJml j f or au | 0 on iiccom- M ACASSAR ' Columbia. Jiistr modating terms by ^ R OTIL \VELL, Comer of Bn Hightott-& Whitaker-sts. nov 20 Op] tho Mansion House. Shawls ., 1 enso finest Florence Braid Bonnets 1 do. sopor. Irish Linens 15 cartoons Paris cnili. Capes and Collars 30 pioces Wash Blonde nnd plain Quillings 5 do. Weir Grade Lyons Lnco 05 do. Thread Edgings and Iiisertmgs H & 4 V 4?Mwl,Spoteendll- French worked'Cuifif'Blonde Veils and Paris Chnntilln Veils',“ling. Collars and Twist Shawls CapsVirant's Wlls, French Flowers and 1 Wroatlis , Eaissrtcspfsa- Tartan, Rob Roy ond Kahy!*'Shawls Bonnot, Bcltand Can Ribbons Ermino and Fur Collars Silk, Worsted and Cotton IIoso, ocli.il 8011 ■J fk BBLS Apple JL\V Iluuovcr, linn LO apuslreceivod perbrigNcw ^G 1° PATTERSON, 'Square. Ladd, Tapper & Sistare, O FFER for sale on good terms, 150 liluis first quality Cuba Molasses 300 lings good, loir and prime green Cuba Cofieo 150 do superior old Java " 0 50 mats very fine old Manilla 1 do Hilda prime Porto ltieo Sugar 25 boxes Boston refined Loaf do 10 bbls first quality crushed do 20 half chests superior Black Tea 50 half boxes Baker's No 1 Chocolate 50 hags heavy Sumatra Popper 100 boxes Negro Pipes, large_ sizes 500 Deinijons, assorted, 1 to o gallons 200 whole and half boxos Bunch Roiauu 125 pcs 42 inch Dundee Bngging 200 Kegs Cut Nulls, assorled 50 casks Brown Stout, quarts nnd pints 50 bnskets Champagne, Anchor und Key 50 boxes Sparkling Hock 200 SI Spanish Sogars 4 liipcs Holland Gin, Beehive nnd Hourglass 2 halfpipes London Dock Brandy 10 do do J. J. Dupuy A Co. do- 10 do American , d ° _ . , 300 bids Connecticut Gin, Phelps A Gowdy s 100 do Boston do, Eagle brand 100 do do Rnm do 30 do superior Baltimore Whiskey j0 do do old Monongaliela do 100 half pipes and quarter casks Madeira, Port, Sicily Madeira and Pico Wines 100 hags Shot, assorted 300 Grindstones mg Super Irish Linens, free of cotton Rich Ctirtnin Chintz, in sets Drapery Muslins, Furniture Dimity Cloths, green, crimson and drab J rniHRTV h“\e* Cok'g'ata’s superior Starch, 2 TSP Fig Blue, landing from brig A, !fo 1 v29 aBd f0rS ‘‘!“. l 'L HENDRICKSON. Oil Cloths, green, crimson and drab Moreotu* The above goods were selected with cure for this market, and will be sold on accommodating terms by AVERY A JOHNSON, nov 13 South side Monument Square. Christmas Presents. L ADIES elegant Rose Wood, Shell, Mahog any and inlaid Work Boxes Elegant Chineal Work Baskets Toilet Bottles, richly gilt in great variety Essence Boxes, funcy Pearl, Shell, and Ivory Card Cases Gold and Silver Pencil Cases Puzzles and Alphabets, Dissected Maps, forcliil dren Games of Graces, Dominoes, Battledore, Cancell Caps. Musical Boxes, Accordions, &c. Just received and for sale by dec 19 G. R. HENDRICKSON- dec 6 TOUCHER A LA ROCHE, Opposite the Market, Sign of the Golden Globe. dec 14 1 sulo by MICH. DILLON A CO. dec 3 and for sole by NOBLE A. HARDEE. Tin Plate. O NE hundred boxes Tin Plato Jx 500 lbs Block Tin, 500 lbs Copper Bolts for sale by N. B. &. II. WE nov 26 PEED. French Chemicals. gULPHATE Quinine, Sulphate and Acetate of Morphine, Croton Oil, Oil of Black Pep per, Kreosote, Piperine, Prussic .Acid^Iodine,Eui- PipeL , etiue, Ext. Nux Vomica, Hydrodate, Potassa, &o. Just received pqr Newark, and for sale by oct 3 G. R. HENDRICKSON To Planters. P EAS and BEANS—Early China Dwaif Beans, early six week Beaus, white Kidney Beans, red Marrow Beans, early Washington or June Pens, large white Marrowfat Peas, Dwarf Marrowfat Peas, early Charlton Peos f Dwarf Pro lific Pcus. A full supply jnst received ofthe crop of1839, and for sale by nov 30 PORCHER & LA ROCIIE. Sugars* 30 r.obbif r °Jo KiC0 ' \ rrhnonrlicle ' For sale by dec 17 WASHBURN, LEWIS & CO. Boston Ac Handle, Market Square, Savannah, H AVE in store, and ure receiving per various arrivals, a fall supply of Groceries,Bugging, &c. Among •which arc— 10 hlids. St. Croix Sugar 11 do. Porto Rico do. CO hags Colfee 150 pieces Bugging, 42,43 and 44 inches 50 coils Buie Rone 100 lhs. Bagging Twino 10000 do. Baltimore cured Bacon, IIams,Sldes, nnd Shoulders 3000 bushels heavy Maryland Seed Oats Coiiul and Bolt. Flour, whole and j bbls. 10 casks and 25 boxes Goshen Cheese 10 kegs cltoico Blitter 20 4, 20 J, and 20 4 bbls. Buckwheat Flour 10 boxes Sperm. Candles 5 pipes Otard, Dupuy & Co’s. 4th proof Brandy 5 do. Seignette _ do. do. 5 do. Holland Gin 20 bbls. Peach Bramly 30 do. Ryo Gin, 30 do. Whiskey 20 do. Ruin Madeira, Toncrifle, Port and SweetMals* ga Wines Butter nnd Wine Biscuit Almonds und Raisins, Tobacco 10 tons iron, assorted 75 kegs Nails, &c. All of which they offer on accommodating terms, oct 11 Negro Pipes, A Q BOXES Negro Pipes, landing from brig TlO Wilson Fuller. For sale by - GEORGE H. MAY. Pencil Water. 6 DOZ Peach Water, for flavoring custards, jellies, &c. Roceived and for sale hv dee 23 A. PARSONS. dec 10 Philadelphia Beef. _ BBLS Rounds, inline order,just received 3 BBLS Ronnils, inline oruer,Jim reecivei nor brig New Ilimnvor, und for sale by Uc S 3 b LONG & PATTERSON. Swedes Iron nnd Nails. -t AAA BARS Swedes Iron, ussorted bi- i JL vJ Yi'xJ zes; 300 kegs Cut Nailsdo do ‘ ri dcc‘i7 hy WASHBURN, LEWIS &, CO. Philadelphia Flonr. ■t Aft BBLS superfine Philadelphia Flour, 1UU in fino order, landing from brig Rus sell, nnd for sale low ftom the whorf, geo 21 GEORGE H. MAY. Canal Flour. » . ., j-fk BBLS superfine Canal Flour, just land- ts\\ 1 ins anil for wile on wharf, by d'e 24 8 WASHBURN,& CO. . i