Daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1839-1840, December 27, 1839, Image 3
, Wanted, Lu-neMe boiloil Negroe, oy the tnonlh, for ^r“* bo4t cWR N A. WOOD Wanted , „„rch»i«,« ftmily of nix or eight Nogrocs, Hardee. Stoves. ^M^runont Btov^ forxrio b^r WEFD - n0T rMrntidy - * - Holland Gin. s Holland Gin, 3 hnlf pjpes Cogtuui , W«rrantod pure! lending per ling M ruJ« r > for Mlcll. DILLON & CO. •*^S5T5eer anil Tongue*. BBL& Baltimore ilenu “do Smoked Beef ,n do Smoked Tonguee weired end for»lo by c Mo N1SH. [dee 0 XX 1 case oxtrafine Taiwan Bonnets 1 cose Misses do do 1 do do English Split Straw do, a hand* sotno articlo 2 do extra fine do Straw Bonnets 2 do Satin Straw Bonnets 4 do black and white do All up country Bank Bills taken at par, for Goods or In pajnnout of debts already contracted, deo 19 253 ? preserves nntl Cordials. 5 BOXES l’rosorvoi, mworted 15 do Eoot India Ginger o dor, mworted Wool India Cordial. j,ed end for salo by fdeeO C. L. McNISII. 150 [dec 6 BASKETS Champagne, ('Jonet') in and pinto, ror_euiebV cNigir / JX^i.u‘?«.1«gar . 0 111 pipe* P uro UoUallJ Gln > vsn01 “ brand. _ , 6 halfpipe* SoiRnotte llimntly 5 do lot proof Demesne Brandy 6 pnnchooni! Jamaica Rum G or cask, tweet Malaga Wine 10 qrcaik, Golden Sherry, Sicily and Mar- 84 dMDn^Gordon& Co’.Golden Sherry, 80 doxPortnnd llockWine. 50 boxet Chat. River No. 1 Soap J6 cates Pickles SO reams Foolscap Paper r „„>o'iacc o m "iodatmg,tcnn. k ^ ^ iinr.urrciit Bunk Note#* EORGIA Rail Road, Milledgeville and Ilawkinsville Bank Notes, purchased by LADD, TUPPEIt & SISTARE. dee 91 Abo, Goshen CUccscw CASKS of thu above article just receiv ed, and for sal. by j jj. GAUD R Y . i, 95 kegs Butter Jo 001 Seasonable Goods. 1 fir PCS real Welsh Flannel JL 30 do lied Flannel 10 do bleached Canton do 4 do Kentucky Jean. 30 do Twilled Kersey. Also, Twilled Macanaw Blanket. While and col'd knotted Counterpane. White Marseilles do Marseilles Skirts. Just received and for solo by, GEORGE W. BEIIN, dec 18 No. 2 Sliud’s Buildings. FOR A PEW DATS ONLY. Orent Bargains in French Ein« n , , . broideries, Black ChantiUa Veto, Bontuli, Silk for Dresses, M Mantilla tnfild. RS. PAYOT, (Vom Paris, respectlbliy in forms Uie Ladids of tins city, that she has just arrived with a large assortment of the above poods, and is offering them at a great sacrifice. Ladles are invited to call nnd see before they pur* chase elsowhcrc. Sho invites comparison, but dolles competition. Mrs. PAYOT’S residence is at Mr. Commit’., Drayton street. 85Tr. Gloves. DOZ Gents Buckskin Gloves 10 do Merino do 3 do colored IIS do G do Lined Cotton do Also, 10 doz white and col'd Merino A Hose 13 do do do Lambs Wool A Hose Just received and for sato by GEORGE W. BEHN, dec IS No. 9 Shad’s Buildings. dec 23 _ „ „ Goshen Butter. Oil FIRKINS prime Goshen Butter, now GU landing and for sole by dec33 i,. BALDWIN. OAfCG of the Grand Real Estate I — > Ftfr Boston, BAvwai 4»r.*ia?. t,cr,r ° r | J@A The fine packet brig SAVANNAH, Cap- riTVHn™ ADt I SBltain Simpler, having part of her cargo on- LITY HOTEL....... .$.>00,000.- gaged, willmeotwitlidespatch. For balance of r—rtrt-j , .. freight or passage, having splendid accommoda- FT1HE depositing of the Number. In tho Wheel, tions, apply on hoard at Hunter’s wnarf, or to A, C011 ' m “ ncc i°, n 0 m Inst, in tho City Ex- dec 20 WASHBURN, LEWIS & CO. oliange of New Orleans, in presolice of Lucien ' Hermann, Esq. Notary Public, nnd will ho con- For Ncw-York—Brig Line.- tinued from day today, until all the numbers from The regular pnekot brig EXCEL, E. No. 1 to 100,000, are deposited therein; iimnedi. JBttSlierwood, liiasler, having a part ol'hercar- atdy after which the drawing of the Lottery will g® on board, will be despatched immediately.— take place. During this period, which will toko l ° r balance of freight or passage, having first about four months, uud os long as there may lie nt8 accommodations, (6tato rooms) apply, on im for sole. board at Mongin's upper wharf, or to Plar Pork and F. M. Eccf. •J A HALF bbl. Pig Pork, and 10 half bbls AU Mess Beef, just received and for sale by dee 33 LONG & PATTERSON. . Ale and Cider. 1 A BBLS Ale, 20 boxes Champagne Cider, J. Vffor sale by KING & COOM BS, Union Forry Wharf. dec 23 14 Surer, Gin and Brandy. HIIDS prime St Croix Sugur prime St Croix Sugur 27 boxes double and single Loaf do 27 bbls Phelps' Connecticut Gin 2 half pipes Otard, Dupuy & Co’* Brandy Now lunding, for sulo by • dec 2 LADD, T UPPER & SISTARE. dtibvoidcrlcs* A VERY & JOHNSON have received, a con signment of rich Capes, Collars, &c. which they will sell at a small advance from tho manu facturer's prices, for cash only, dec 10 South side Monument Square. Rent Welsh Flannels M AYbe found atAVERY & JOHNSON’S, (Monument Square) at fair prices; also, red ana yellow do. doc 10 Blankets! Blankets!! Blaukcts!!! T HE subscriber has just received from Prance per ship Florian, via Charleston, a full sup ply or Negro and Bed Blankets, from tho cele brated manufacturer Z. Grain or & Son, Mont pellier. NOBLE A. HARDEE, nov 21 230 Bonnets W H. & S. ROGERS have just received • per Wilson Fuller, from New York, 1 caso superior Florence Braid Bonnets, of tho la test London fushion; also, 1 case English Split Straw Bonnets, fiuestquulity and most fashiona ble shape. dec 13 ttmonds, Cnrrant. and Citron. I /\ BAGS Almonds, 12 boxes Citron LU 2 casks Curniuts, 9bags Walnuts 1 Purmerson Cheese 12 boxes Capers, 12 do Olives lla.uecaivad.nd for .alo by^ r GAUDRY. Liverpool Salt. ft A SACKS and 500 bushels, in bulk,just -d"" ""‘"LONG&PAfaRBON. Goslicn Butler. Is A FIRKINS Goslien Butter, juat received dec 20*"° r ' a '° L&NG & PATTERSON. < Cream Ale. ., , It A BBLS. warranted a first rato article, land- MU ing from brig Clinton, fursaleby ■ drelO MICH. DILLON & CO. Sperm OH. UST received by the G. B. Lamar, 500 gallons 1 winter strained Sperm Oil, of veiy light col- ior.lbrsato by A. PARSONS, dec’ll No.8Gibbons’ Range. Herring. I1FTY Mils dry snllcd Herring, landing from brig Wilson Fuller, and for sale low, by L. BALDWIN. dec 9 Hum. IT A HIIDS anil 41) bbls N. E. Rum, landing |X vf from brig Charles Joseph, and for sale by dee 10 PADELFORD. FAY & CO. Pnre Sperm Oil. IAA GALLS, pure 8jncrm Oil tUU 300 do bleached Whale do 300 do Rectified do do I for sale by KING & COOMBS, dee 19 Union Ferry Wharf. LOO nov 23 Negro Flues. BOXES Negro Pipes, for solo by LADD,TUPPE5l & SISTARE. 232 Beef and Pork* 0 BBLS Prime Beef 60 do do Mess Pork 75 do Navy Bread 50 do Pilot do 20 half bbls FM Beef 40 bbls Canul Flour - 30 half bbls do do, 20 kegs Goshen Butter ■pnding and for sale by ■' dec 13 CLAGIIORN & WOOD. ■ u Connecticut River Gin* lf| fZA BBLS. Connecticut Gin, Gowdy’s lAtlU brand, for sale low, by , LADD, TUPPER & SISTARE dec 10 246 ■ /niv Li , . Wanted. I S r ab ‘®hodied Negroes, to go on tho River; Ik *r ° r which liberal wages will bo paid, (month Ipy ifrenuired.) Application to be made to I _ J eo 13 JOHN GUILMARTIN. i . ... Wnnted, | A attend in a Drug Store. Enquiro I JX of JOHN E. STILWELL, declQ ComerofBroughton & Whitukor-sts, Goshen Butter. 1 ■ FIRKINS choice Goshen Butter, receiv i vf fid by tlio L. Baldwin, nnd for snlo bv doc 23 c. L. McNISH. Cider* "I BBLS. prime Newark Cider, now land- 1U ing and for sole by L. BALDWIN, dec 19 Faints, Oils, Glass, Ac. 3500 G o j LLS * pUre E,18li8h Lin8Cod 300 gallons blenched Sperm. Oil 600 do. unbleached do. 500 do. bleached and refined Whale Oil 500 do. unbleached do. do. 500 do. common do. do. 200 boxes Window Glass, assorted sizes 50 dozen large Picture do. do. 2 tons White Lead. Received and for sale by HAZARD, DENSLOW & CO. oct 19 Bleached and Brown Shirtings. BALES heavy 4-4 brown Shirtings Ilf 15 do do 3-4 do Springfield do 1 case 4-4 fine New-York Mill do 1 do 7-8 do undrossed do 1 do 34 do do do Just received by J SNIDER, LATIIROP &. NEVITT. dec ll 247 Thread Laces, Ac. A VERY & JOHNSON, (Monument Square) have received, Thread Edgings and Inserting* Super Pans worked Collar* Do Swiss do do Do Muslin do do Muslin workod Bands Cambric Edgings and Inserting* dee 10 246 34 Springfield Shirting. -4 BALES 34 Springfield Shirting, landing I tf from brig Wilson Fuller. SNIDER, LATIIROP & NEVITT. dec 10 246 John Mullery, FASHIONABLE AND MILITARY TAILOR, H AS received per recent arrivals, a choice as- 8ortmnntof Broudcloths, Cussuncrcs, Vest ings, &c., which he is prepared to make up to or der in the best maimer, and on reasonable terms, oct 10 Suspenders, Suspenders. T HE subscriber has now on hand,a very largo assortment of Suspenders, viz: Superior Elastic Silk Net, do Gum Elustic, do Buckskin do, Extra Silk Elastic and Cotton; all of which aro offered at his usual low price, nov 11 G. S. NICHOLS, Market Square. others, and which originated either from iano- ®r? a ^ 11 t • * . ranee ortnalica. tho •uburiber. in nrH„r .„ 3,.r„ I freight or pawage, haviiw auporior nccninmoj Uationn, apply on board atMonre.wlinrl, nrlo dec 10 L. BALDWIN. tickets on hand, they will remuii False and calumnious statements against this ; Lottery, calculated to create a want of confidence with persons residing at a distance fVorn this city, , having beenpublished in one or two Newspapers in tlio Unitod States, and from them copied into mi „ nc , a .i others, and which originated either from igno-1! ranee or malice, tho subscriber, in order to satisfy the most sconticul us to tho good faith with which this undertaking is conducted, has entered into tho following nrrangoment with three of dm first Banking Institutions in this city, the Union Bank of Louisiana, the Citizen’s Bank of Louisiana, and the New Orleans Cutiul & Banking Coinpa-1 por ^ ny. These Banks will receive special deposits | 0 for any quantity of tickets in amount of not less than one hundred dollars and give in return a cer tificate of the following tenor: Received from Mr. tho sum of dol lars, as a special deposit to remain to hi* credit, until all the nrizes which form the Scheme of the Grand Real Estate Lottery of Property situated in New Orleans, of which Schniidz & Hamilton are Managers, shall liavo been transferred fruojf every incumbrance, to the Trustee of said lottery; Alr.J. B. Knuult, Cashier of the Citizens Bank of La.,Mr.Ameder Bandouin. Cushicrof the Con- ioaru at Mongm's upper wharf, or to dfic20 WASHBURN, LEWIS & CO. For New-York—Georgia Line. ’ The regular packet brig L. BALDWIN, iCapt. T. Bassett, having a part of her cargo ed, will meet with despatch. For balance For Baltimore, Tho fine now sclir. SOPHIA, Captain ones, will meet with despatch for tho ubova For freight or passnan, apply on board, or S, PHILBRICK & CO. Who ofTer for salo landing from said vessel? 2700 bushels prime White Corn 1000 do Oats 300 bids suporfino Howard street Floirt* 10 kegs Butter, 30 do ground Sugar 24 boxes ground Pcppur, 10 do Mustnrd dec 14 Steamer Richmond for Sale. S. 1‘lillbrick & Co. Will ho sold at public auction in front of tho* Exchange, in tho citv of Savannah, on Wednes day, the first day rtf Junuary, 1840, The steamer Richmond, with her ongirib, boil-* or, tackle, &c. The Richmond was built in’ Baltimore, in tho’ year 1838, by W. &. G. Gardner, of the best ma^ tenuis, and is cbpper fastened. She is 126 feet long; 26 feet beam, and'8 feet dopth ofhtild. , « e , r ««gine i« a levor beam, of 80 horse power,* built by C. Reeder, of Baltimore, under the par- 1 ticulor inspection of tho late W. Scarborough, Esq. Her boiior is nc\V, having beeil'in uUe buif a few months; it was built by FaVvcete, Pnston ft, Co. of Liverpool, at a cost of 116,600. Her cart- in is well furnished with 12 berths, Wash 1 room and water closets.* The boat is well found, with anchor, Ohain cU- bles, hawsers, cooking nnd cabin stoves, cabin' furniture, bedding, &c. and is now in good order' for business. Thosalo will be positive. Tho terms of safe—l-3 cash, balance 3,4 and-6 1 months for approved paper. OfiVrs by private contraot will reccivo attention 1 until tlio 31st inst. By order of the Board of Directors.- de018 C. F. MILLS, Agent. For Ncw-Orlcnns Direct. The suporiorfaBti(aili»gt>chr STAUNCH iG. L. Smith, muster, will sail on Thursday. . 7 -- ww.. - the‘2d Junuary next, weather permitting. For eohdated ^ Association of Planters of Louisiana, freight or passage, having good accommodations, jointly with Louis Schmidt, said Trustees acting *pply onboard at Hunter’s wharf, or to as per act passed before A. Mazareau, Not. Pub-1 dec 24 R. RAIFORD. lie, on Uie 2d May, 1839—when said dollars Admiiiixtrntor’s Sale. n ., B / s ’ PIHIbrick Ac Co/ On tho first runsday in January next, at 11 o'-‘' •clock, in front of tho Court House in this city, 5‘ Shares Stock in steamer Forester, belonging to* A * SuiiKsny of South Carolina, deceased v Sold by order ofthe AdrainisttUtor. Tonnsoosh.* shull be paid over to Louis Schmidt, acting Mnn- ngerof said Lottery, on his endorsing this certifi ——, Cashier. New Orleans. Orders for Ticket* on the above terms, may bo | c , , addressed to any merchant in New Orleans, or by . V h ,° for Bal0 on borard “ ,d «chooner,2500 a remittance to tlio Cashiers of the ubove uumed — ie 8 Uat8, . _ . deo Banks, to wit: -Fred. Frey, Esq. Cashier ofthe Union Bank of Louisiana. For Frciaht or Charter, The fine schooner MARY GALLANT, burthen 400 barrels, will bo ready to receivo cargo in a few days. A Southern port will bo preferred. Apply to S. PHILBRICK & CO. Splendid Loudon AnnualSt W T. WILLIAMS has just received,a few • ofthe London Annuals for 1840, ofthe most beautiful kinds, embellished with engravings by tho most eminent Artists. The Amaranth, edited by Ilcrney, folio with 13 engravings on steel. The Iris, by Miss Metford,with large nnd beau tifully engraved plates and fanciful picturesque borders, in a new nnd unique style, in folio. The Book of the Boudoir or the Court of Queun Victoria, a series of Portraits of tho Eng* lish Nobility, together with that ofthe Queen. Gems of Beauty, with fnnciAil illustrations in verse, by the Countess of Blessington, folio. Tho Belle of tlio Season, by the Countess of Blessington, splendidly illustrated in quarto. Fisher’s Dr&wiug Room Scrap Book, with po etic illustrations by L. E. L. und Mary Howitt, with 36 engravings, quarto. Tho Shakspeare Gallery of Female Portraits, numerous plates. The Book of Beauty, by die Countess of Bles sington. The Keepsake, edited by Lady E. Stuart Wort- ley. The Picturesque Ahnual, Windsor Castle, 15 plates. Friendship’s Offering and Winter’s Wreath. Forget Me Not, Ackormann’s. Belgium and Nussuu, with upwurds of50 plates. The Oriental Anuuul, containing Tales, Le gends and Romances, by F. Bacon, with engrav ings by Fender. The Juvenile Scrap Book. AIfo, All tlio American Annuals and works of fancy, dec 7 J. B. Pcrrault, Esq. Cashior of tlio Citizen’* Bunk of Louisiana. Beverley Chow, Esq. Cashier ofthe Now Or leans Canal & Bunking Compuuy. The great popularity of this Lottery through out this nnd the neighboring States, where tho Properties and tho purties interested therein are known, and the rapid sale of the tickets, induces tlio subscriber to notify his friends and the public, to lose no time in forwarding their orders. LOUIS SCHMIDT, Acting Manager. Now Orleans, 9th Dec. 1839. dec 20 254 To Kent, Three Dwelling Houses. Apply lo dec 19 II. F.WILLINK. For Snlc or to Kent. Tlio two story Dwelling nnd two Lots in fackfon Ward, opposite the Free School. Possession will bo given immediately. Apply to ’ A. PARSONS. dec 17 choice stock of Cuttle,llogs and Sheep,of the most LLLOVV-CITIZENS—I tender inysolf for select breed. Also, 6 re-election to the offices ofthe Clerk of thu horse wucons nlouidt For Sale, A MOST desirable Form, .situated in Cedar Valley, Paulding County, in the most romantic and beautiful portion of the Cherokee country. On tho premises are an excellent dwcl ling house, comfortably furnished, and u first rate barn nnd threshing machine. Anyone purchasing, muy have «^it!»the farm n ck of Cattle,Hi Superior nnd Inferior Courts of Chatham Coun ty, and respectfully request your suffrages on tho | sixth day of Juuuury, 1840. dec 16 151 ROBERT W. POOLER. Fcllow-Citisseng of Chatham Co. I AM u candidate for re-election to the office of | Sheriff of Chatham County, and solicit your suffrages on the first Monday in Jnnunry next, dec 16 151 ELISHA WYLLY. To flic Electors of Chatham Co. F ELLOW-CITIZENS—I am a candidate for re-election to the office of Tux Collector of the County, nnd respectfully solicit your suffrages on tho first Monday iu Junuary next, dec 13 DAVID BELL. mules and 4 horses. 4 und 2 bushels of corn, fodder, oats, pens, pumpkins,&c. This FARM consists of LAND equal in fertili ty to any iu Georgin, and tlio terms will he liberal to nn improved purchaser. Apply to Dr. W}I. P. WILSON, Brunswick, or to Mr. SHORTER, Cedar Town, Paulding County, Brunswick, Dec. IG. KIT The Savannah Republican and Charleston Courier will please insert tho above twice a week for one month, and the Darien Herald will givo four weekly insertions and send bill to Dr. W. ut this place. dec 19 Hay. BUNDLES prime Eastern liny, for dec 14 MICH. DILLON & CO. Wood? Wood. T HE Subscriber has now on hand, and will be constantly receiving, a supply of first quality Oak and Ash Wood. Apply at the Wood Yard, east end of the town, oct 17 201 H. F.WILLINK. dec 5 DTTnni Iflustard. SUPPLY of London Mustard, of *uperior quality, for sale by PORCIiER & LA ROCHE, Opposite the Market, Sign of the Golden Globe. D. Deni' H AS just returned from No w-Y orit with o largo and splendid assortment of Foreign and Domestic DltY GOODS, which will bo sold at reduced price* for cash or short credit, consisting of 60 pieces French, German and Eng. Merino* 50 do. MouslindeLaines 500 Rob Roy Woolen Shawls, various sizes and qualities 500 yards Ingrain Carpeting, best quality 500 do. Cotton do. 1000 pieces English, French and Am. Calicoes 10 Dales 34 and 44 brown Homespun 6 cases bleached Shirtings and Sheetings 25 pieces white and red Flannels 1000 do. Room Paper and Bordering 30 do. Satinets, assorted colors and qualities 30 do. Apron Checks 25 do. Irish Linens, 20 do. Long Lawn 25 do. Negro Cloth, 20 do. Negro Blankets 100 pair Whitney, Rose and Mackinaw do. 300 doz. assorted Head Iidkfs. 10 case* do. Florence braid and plain Straw Bonnets 25 nieces plain nnd figured Silks, new stylo 25 boxes assorted Ribbons 300 dozen Ludios silk, cotton nnd worsted Hose 200 do. Gentlemen’s woolen and cotton do. 60 do. Ladies kid and silk Gloves 100 do Gent’s woolen, kid and buckskin do. 25 bales Band Boxes Together with n choice assortment of silk, broche, cotton and worsted Shawls, Laces, plain, checked and figured Muslins, Shaker Bonnets, &c. Als, an assortment of Ready Made Clothing, oct 28 210—ly Wood. A QUANTITY of Water Oak and Black Jack Wood for sale at Guilmartin’s wharf, which will be sold at a reduced price for cash, if taken from tho wharf. dec 12 JOHN GUILMARTIN. White Lead t dec. KEGS superior English White Lend - r; do do American No. 1 & 2 10 bbls English Linseed Oil JO do do Chalk 10 do do Whiting 5 do Alum, 5 do Suit Petro l )er ^ avu,1,,idl nm l Coromando, G. R. HENDRICKSON. 100 1 and for sole by nov 4 A ...Perfumed Soups. VARIETY of Perfumed Soaps for the toil- bnrs and cakes, of various descriptions, nr wle low for cnsli, by PORCIIER & LA ROCHE. dec 5 nnd for sal b * 8 * UU 8 * 1GGt rcce ‘ ved ' Jj«13 ANSON PARSONS. A PlKr POChCt Bo ° k8 - « i J. ■■■wtinent of superior Pocket Books - a.*S} Wallet*, just received und for sa’e by G. R. HENDRICKSON. I s * r,1 * | ied Sperm Oil. IQI If I GALLS, superior Winter strained I jkJo Sperm Oil, warranted puro. quality do,just received perWm L ( ec24 orKoU * , £ R< IIENDR[CKS0N< Cotton Plantation and Negroes for sale. T HE Cotton Plantation known as Sombre- nionde, situate in Bryan county, on Grent Ogecheo Neck, bounded by lands formerly Mor el’s and Young’s, now Roger’s, containing 1076 acres, of which 320 are cleared and have bceu planted iu cotton and provisions;, 200 acres rich low hammock und swutnp, uncleared; Uie remain der pine, and dry salt innrsh, which might be re deemed at little expense. On the premises arc a new dwelling, cotton, com and negro houses, with plantation utonsils, and a supply of provis ions for the negroes till another crop. Tho place is on tho salts and healthy, with a' good landing for sloops 200 yards from the settlement. 34 Ne groes attached to tho plantation, a very prime and leolthy gang. Also, u tract of Land in White Bluff district, situated on the Montgomery road, near Honar’s bridge, und on Vernon river,containing 360 acres, adjoining the lands of Adams—125 acres cleared and euituhje for planting or pasture, the remain der heavy'timborcd land. On the plnco a house, which may be made a comfortable dwelling. Persons wishing to purchnse will please apply to the subscriber at Savannah, dec 13 W. WOODBRIDGE Receiver of Tax Returns. ‘ 7IELLOW-CITIZEN3 of Chatham County, I offer as a candidate for re-election to the office of Receiver of Tux Returns, and solicit your votes on Uie first Monday in January next, dec 13 x 149 * B. LATHROP. Ifincsvillc Academy. T HE Trustees of die above Institution, take | pleasure iu announcing to the public, that they have engaged the services of Col. James S. Brudwell, for the ensuing year. The instruction of the Aeudemy will be— Elementary Branches; together with Latin nnd Greek, Algebra and Geometiy, Book-Keeping and Finance, Natural and Moral Philosophy, Astronomy, dec. &c. Bonrd for children can bo obtained in respecta ble houses on reasonable terms. S. SPENCER, Secretary. December 1st, 1839. ICPTho Darien Herald will publish tlio nbovo ouco a week until Jaimury next, and forwnrdtlio nccoimt therefor,to the Secretary ut Riccborough, Liberty Couuty. 5*10 dec 3 Ho want-street Flour. p* f \ BBLS Howard-street Flour,fancy brand, landing from brig Eleanor, und for sale by dec 18 GEORGE II. MAY. Cream Ale and Butter* -g BBLS superior Cream Ale Ilf 15 firkins Goshen Butter Landing from brig Excel, for sale by dec 18 MICH. DILLON & CO. Baltimore Flour. fi* BBLS, and 25 half bbls superfine How- ard street Flour, landing from brig Ope lousas, for salo by dec 18 MICII. DILLON & CO. Rose Water. A LARGE supply of treble distilled English, xjl French and American Rose Wuter, just re ceived per Clinton, and for sale by dec 9 G. R. HENDRICKSON. Oats. BAGS I teavy Seed Oats, just receiv- ed and ft »r ssle by Ai’ICH. DILLON & CO. lladci \pliia Flour. in srfine Philadelphia Flour, at ’ '* ' * " Wine, Brandy, Gin, Bottles, dec. 2 HALF pipes Star Sherry Wine, of superior quality, on draught Also, in boxes of land 2doz. each, tho follow ing celebrated brands of Madeira, Port and Sher ry Wines, in quantities to suit purchasers, viz: Ol iveira, Alcyone, Remittance, Dimon, Luna/Wuc- ninaw, Map, Flower, Edward Blandy & Sons Joy, Alert, Madeira, Belvidere, Golden, Pole ant Brown Sheny. « « . „ 5 pipes Otard, Dupuy & Co s. Brandy 2 tfo. superior llollund Gin i0 casks London Porter lOt crates Wine Bottlos. For sale b^r J P®LSai,|, >111,10 A IlildUUIjJIIIU 1’IUUI, ,n «ne orde r, landing from brig llus- iecoi ° r Ba, ° !°w fri >m tlio wharf. GEORGE II. MAY. pron, to»9 ’ Up ! „ vc, Ac. iv ,„„| Lip Srilv, I, Patoy’n Coll] Cream, Rrthe, 0 " renc '’ Almond Puts. A frcsli supply pi, articles, fo rtlio cure ofclmppcd ,ii ’ wc >just received and for rale by Ci. £. Ii XNDHICKSON. oct 24 207 JOHN W. Notice. O N Tuwdoy Inst, about 1 or 2 o’clock, thcro cnine i innn (bis nsino not known) into iny yard with u wagon nnd team, four mules nnd ons sorrel mare, ungeared them, tied thorn to tlio wagon slid went oft - , nnd has not been Beall Biuce. I have the team and wagon in my possession, mid tlio owner can have them by paying expenses and proving property. Apply to doc 13 249||t. \YM. A. PITTMAN One Thousand Dollars Reward. W ILL be paid for tlio apprehension, with proofto conviction, ofthe person or per- sons who fired tiro Bridge of the Central Rail lload over die Lillie Ogeeclteo, on tho 21st inst. By order of tlio Rnnrd of Directors. R. R. CUYLKR, Cashier, nov 22 231(Georgian) Rcgntta. T HE first Annual Regatta of tho "St. Marys Boat Club,’’ will take plnco at St. Marys, on the 9th day of Jauunry next, for die following P urses! „„„ For C oared bents, $100, Do 4 “ “ $100. Entrance $15, upon each ofthoabovo. Boats ofanylnngtli or make, may enter for tlio purses Proprietors of Boats who may wish to enter their boata for die above purses, will please signi fy the same to tlio undersigned nt St. Marys, be- ioro January 7th, or on that day. Clubs nlong tho coast are earnestly requested to visit St. Marys on that day widi their boats, to contend for the purses. CIIAS. A. MAGILL, Secretary St. Marys Boat Club dec 19 253t8J A Card. T HE subscriber wishing to reduce his entire stock of Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery,Fan cy Articles, &c., will oil nnd oiler the first of Jan uary next, sell for ready money only—prices will be in accordance to die times, which tho public are respectfully invited to call nnd examine for themselves. A. PARSONS, Druggist, No. 8, nt tlio Eagle, doc 23 Gibbons’ Buildings. Notice to Planters. •4 /"v /“V BBLS. new Menhaden Fish, equal to No. 3 Mackerel, just received and for salo at a low rato by deo 11 MICH. DILLON & CO. Fresh Spices. -2 AA MATS Cinnamon X IJly 1 bbl Nutmegs, fresh imported 1 case Mace do, lung Cloven do 20 kogs pure ground Ginger 19 bngs Root do 5 do Alspico, Ac. Just received and for by G. R, HENDRICKSON. Powdered Spices. C INNAMON, Black Pepper. Africnn Pepper, Cayenne Pepper, Cloves, Nutmegs, Spice Ginger, Ac. For sale by PORCIIER A LA ROCHE, Opposite the Market, dec 6 Sian ofthe Golden Globe AUCTION SALES* nov 22 Administrator's Solo ‘ By S. Phil brick * Co. On tbahrst Tuesday in January, 1840, in front or the Court House in tho City of Savannah, dur-' mg the usual hours or sale, Lot No. 5, Columbia \\ ard, with tlio dwelling house nnd nil improve ments thereon; also, n family of Negroes, viz: A yalunblc fellow, his wife unu their daughter, thros* m number, nil well disposed nnd very desirablo servants, bolonging to the estate of Jeremy Stono, Into of tins city, deconsed. Sold by permission of tiie Justices of the Inferior Court ofChathaih Co.- when sittiug for ordinary purposes, nnd by order* ol the Administrators. Terms atsalc. nov 6 Administrator 1 * Salo. ’ By S. Philbrit'lc & CO. On tho lirst Tuesday in Jnnunry next, in front of tho Court House, between the usual hours of sale, A fino Saddle nnd Gig Horse, perfectly gentlff nnd sound, belonging to the estate of Nicholas Marlow, deceased; nnd sold by order Of the Ad-- mmistrator. Terms ensh. dec 14 Superior Newcastle Coal'. 1Pft By S'. Pliilbrick &. Co*. 150 chaldrons best Nowcnetlo Coul on boarff Ur. barque Clio, from Newcastle,nnd will be sold from the wliarl in lots to suit purchasers at nine dollars por chaldron. The Coul will be ready for delivery cm Wednesday next, in meantime order*- will he taken at the Counting Room. dec 21 By S. Pliilfirick & At Private Sale. A valuable mun sen-ant, about 28 yeurs ofago, a first rate cook, accustomed to house work, good ostler and carriage driver ill every respect. Administrator’s Side. By S. Pliilbrick & Co. ^ >Vill be sold before our store, on Buturday, the 25th Jaimury,the following properly, viz: l horse,- saddle nnd bridle; l gold watch nnd guard chain, l trunk, l pnir pistols, nnd sundry articles of wear ing apparel, belonging to the estnlo of M. H, Drake, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the Imirs and creditors of said estate, by order of they Administrator. dec Iff For Sale or to Hire, F LATS of dilVerent sizes, from 30 to 70 feet hi length. Apply to II. F. WILLINIC, At his Ship Yard east end of tlio Town, dec 19 253 Notice. C OUNCIL will elect five Port Wardens on the first Monday in January next, for the Port and Harbor of Savunnah. Applicants will leave their applications with tlio Clerk on or be fore thut day. By order of Council. dec2l M. MYERS, c. c. Notice. W II. & S. ROGERS will receive the hills • of all the up-country Banks of Georgiu, recently in good standing ut far, for Goods, pro vided the amount of thebill is traded out, but not for contracts ulrcady inado. v Planters’ Bank. I - iIct '* , ° South side Market-Square. A N election for eight Directors oil the part of. . , . , „ „ . tlio Stockholders of this Bank, will be held A N election for th« following connty oflicers. at the Banking House, on Monday, 6th January I *° %VIl: Sperm, Clerk ol the Superior and uext. The Poll will ho opened at 10 o’clock, A M. and closed nt 2, P. M. J. MARSHALL, Cashier, dec ll 247t6J Superior Inferior Courts, Receiver of Returns of Taxable Property, Tax Collector, Coroner, and .Surveyor of Chatliain County, will he held at the Court House in tlio city of Savanuali. on Monday the sixth day of January, 1840. Polls opened at the hour prescribed by law. Tlio Magistrates of Chatham comity are requested to preside at said election. The' Sheriff is hereby enjoined to at tend with the County Constables, to open the By S. Pliilbrick, & Co. At Privato Sale. 50 boxes 1st quality Sperm Candlos, landing from brig Russell, from Philadelphia. dec 21 Central Rail Road and Banking Company of Georgia. Savannah, 3d Dec. 1839. DIVIDEND NO. 6. A DIVIDEND from the profits of this Com-1 polls and preserve order. By order. pany for tlio nust six months lias been'tliis I EDWARD G. WILSON, day declared, payable on and after tlio 11th inst. 1 ' The umount of dividend is $2 55 per share for shares on which the sum of $100 was paid prior to June last, and $2 50 per share of $9< 50 paid.— Stockholders at and in the neighbomood of Ma con, can receive their dividends at the Branch. R. R. CUYLER, Cashier, dec 5 242—1m (Geor.) dec 13 Deputy Clerk Inf, c. c. c. Central Rail Road & Banking Company of Georgia. Savannah, Nov. 13,1839. A N Election for nine Directors to manage the xjL affairs of this Institution, will be held at the Banking House iu this city, on the first Monduy in January next. Polls to he open from 9 A.M. to 2 P.M. By order. R. It. CUYLER, nov 18 227 Cashier. Caw Notice. C UYLER W. YOUNG, Attorney and Coun- sellor at Law, has located himself in Louis ville, Georgia, where he will attend to all profes- j sional business entrusted to his care, with diligence nnd punctuality. He will regularly attend the Su perior Courtsofthe Comities of Jefferson, Burke, Scriven, Eftingluini, Bulloch, Tuttnall and Mont gomery. aug2 1G3 City Marshal's Sale* On the first Tuesday in January next, W ILL be sold before the Court House in tho* city of Savannah, between the Usual hours of sale, (under tho superintendence oftho Com mittee on Sales) the following Lots, viz: Lot No. 39, Elbert Ward, hounded east by lot No. 40, south by Liberty street, west by lot No* 38, and north by a lane; re-entered upon as Uie property of Judith Sheftall, for ground rent. Also, Lot No.24, Liberty YVurd, bounded east by Jefferson street, south by York street, west by lot No. 23, and north by President street; re-en tered upon as the property of the estate Surnael Wilkins, for ground rent. Also, Lot No. 35, Liberty Word, hounded .east by lot No. 36, south by South Broad street, west by lot No. 34, and north by a lane; re-entered up on as tho property of the estate Samuel Wilkin*? for ground rent Also, Lot No. 3, Warren Ward, hounded east by lot No. 4, south by a lane, west by lot No. 2, uud north by Buy street; re-entered upon as Uio property of Win. P. Bowen, for ground rent/ doe 7 A. HARMON, c. m. Colorado anti Red River Land. O N the first Tuesday in January next, before the Court House in the City of Savannah, will he sold for tho benefit of the creditors of Lew is Gunuhl.an insolvent debtor,five thousand (5000) acres of Land in the Republic ofTexas, the same beingcontainedina script for five (5) shares in the estate and funds of the Colorado nnd Red River Land Company, transferable on Uie book* ofthe Company, Uie said script having been regu larly made out to the said Lewis Ganahl and by him assigned to me under an order ofthe Hon. tho Inferior Court ofChntham County, for Uie benefit of the creditors ofthe said Lewis Ganahl. 4 . ELISHA WYLLY, Assignee far benefit creditors Lewis Ganahl. nov 25 Elixir of BarV:. T HIS vnluable flavored Cordial is expected in a few days by tho brig Opelousas, from Bal timore. It is needless to comment upou tho val uable properties of Uiis Bark for Fever and Ague, Nervous Debility or Weak Stomach, as the testi monials in hands of the Agents will suffice its val uable qualifies.* It can only he procured at Uie store of PORCHER & LA HOCIIE, de<c 6 Sole Agents. Notice to Pilots. I T appearing by a report of the Resident Phy- siciau in Boston, that Uie Small Pox, to an alarming extent is, and has been for some timo, prevailing in that city; notice is hereby given to all Pilots and Captains of vessels arriviug from that port, to bring their vessels to anchor at Five Fathom, nnd there to remain, without communi cation with the city, or adjacent country, until visited by the Health Officer. By order of the Mayor and Aldermen passed this day. WM. B. STEVENS, M. D. Deputy Health Officer, dec 12 For tho Port of Savannah Linen ami Cotton Shirts. J UST opened, a complete assortment of ready mado Shirts, viz: Superior Irish Linen do, Cotton with linen bosoms, do French Gingham, warranted not to fade; do Boston Prints, and Eng lish twilled, which will be sold at a small profit,by nov 11 G. S. NICHOLS, Market Square. Bank of St. Marys R ESOLVED, Thut a reduction of fifteen per cent, he required on all notes offered for renewal at Uiis Batik on and after the first day of February next, and also a further reductiou of fifteen per cent, on the renewal next thereafter. A. J. BESSENT, Cashier. St. Marys, (Ga.) 6th Deo. 9 ftlstF Butter. KEGS Butter received on consignment, and for solo by deo 3 NOBLE A. HARDEE. 51 Baltimore Bacon; 6 HHDS. Sides 6 do. Shoulders, first quality Bacon, laud ing from schr Sophia. For salo by dec 14 GEORGE H. MAY. Tin Plate. O NE hundred boxes Tin Plate Jx 500 lbs Block Tin, 500 lbs Copper Bolts for sale by N. B. & H. WEED, nov 26 Marshal's Sale. Bryan M. Morel, ) vs. > In Admiralty. The Rdbt.Bvucc and cargo. ) B Y virtue of au order of Court in this cause, will be sold before the Court House in Sa- | vannali, on the firat Tuesday in January next, Uie schooner Robert Bruce and her cargo of Boards, 24 bbls damaged Flour, 10 kegs of dumaged To- | bacco, and one Gun, all os the savno now uro ut tho Landing and Plantation of Brynn M. Morel, Esq. ntOs8ubaw Island. Terms cash, bnnkuble money. PHILIP M. RUSSELL, Deputy Marshal District of Georgia, dec 6 24*3 SherifiPs Sale. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Febru-' ury next, before Uio Court House in thtf city of Savannah, between the usual hours ofsalo, one Bread Cart, one sninll Wagon und Harness, one Matrass, one Pillow; one Cot, one box finger Rings, and one chest of Clothing; levied on un der und by virtue of a Distrain Warrant issued out ofthe Honorable the Inferior Court of Chat ham County, at Uie instance of Mordecai Myers,- vs. John Smith.* dec 21 ELISHA WYLLY, Sheriff c. c. 254 (Geor) Wanted, A N Overseer to take charge of a Cotton and Rice Plantation. Apply to dec 21 256 WAf. H. CUYLER. Domestic Brandy and Gin. 6) p* BBLS. Domestic Brandy, 15 do Smith’* do Gin, received per brig New York, and for sale by nov27 MICHr*DILLON & CO, Coal. T WO hundred and fifty chaldrons best quality English Coal, landing from brig Symetry, at Telfair's wharf, for sale in lots to suit purcha sers, by MICH. DILLON & CO, dec 7 Wanted to Purchase I MMEDIATELY, for the use of a Planter, an able bodied Negro Mun or Boy, for whom a fair price will be paid. JOHN BOSTON april 8 French Chemicals. O ULPHATE Quinine, Sulphate and Acetate of Morphine, Croton Oil, Oil of Black Pep per, Krcosote, Pinerine, Prussic Acid, Iodine,Em- Combs, Brushes, Ac. IINE Ivory ond Horn Dressing and Pocket Combs, Hair,Cloth, Nail, Combs.and supe rior English, French and American Tooth Brush' F 1 Titine, Ext. NuxVmnioii, Hydrodnto, Potossa, &c. es, und Shaving Brushes, &c. in tho greatest va- Just received per Rework, and for salo bv riety. Just received and for sale by — - * " *> Ufvrnin-vonv > g u g G, R. HENDRICKSON. oct 3 G. R. HENDRICKSON. To Plautcrs. T HE Subscriber, Agent for the Athens Manu facturing Company, has constantly on hand a supply of their Domestic Woolon and Cotton Goods, a superior article for Negro Clothing. NOBLE A. HARDEE. oct 26 209 Garden Scc«l8—Crop 1889, A SUPPLY of English and Shaker's Garden Seeds, for sale on reasonable terms by PORCHER &LL ROCHE, Opposite tho Market, diet Signefth.G.ldiiitilek.,,