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City SherlfPs Sale.
On tho first Tuesday in January next,
W ILL bo sold before tho Court House,in the
city of Savannah,between the usual hours
Of sale, a Threshing Machine and a Plough; levi
ed on by virtue of a fi fa, issued from tho Honora
ble Court of Common Pleas and of Oyer and
Terminer, for tho city of Savannah, at the instance
oftho city of Savannah w. Ezra Kent, a defaulting
Petit Juror, Property pointed out hy the defen
dant LEVI S. RUSSELL, Shcritr.
dec 5
Sheriff's 8nle.
W ILL be sold on tho lint Tuesday in Febru
ary next, before the Court House in the
city or Savannah, between the usual hours of sale,
the sloop Filial, levied on under and by virtue of
n fi fa on foreclosure of mortgage, issued out of
tho Hon. tho Inforior Court of Chatham county,
in favorer Samuel D. Hill. rs. John Russell,
nov -23 ELISHA WYLLY, ShcrilTc. c.
Sheriff's Male.
W ILL be sold on tho first Tuesday in Janu
ary next, before the Court House in die
city of Suvatmnh, between tho usual hours of'sale,
Isaac, a Negro man slave; levied on ns the proper
ty ol' Alexander Drysdale, to satisfy executions
issued out of tho Honorable tho Court of Com
mon Pleas and of Oyer and Terminer for die city
of Savannah, in favor of Jiicob Doe, et. nl. Prop
erty pointed out by dcfeudnnt.
dec 9 ELISHA WYLLY, Sheriff c. c.
Georgia—Clin thnm County.
To all whom it may concern.
W HEREAS, Mary Sng’ure, widow, hath ap
plied to the Hon. the Court of Ordinary
of Chatham County, for Letteni of Administra
tion on the estate and ctfects of James Sugars,
late of Chatham County.
Those are therefore to citoand admonish,all and
singular the kindred and creditors of tho said de
ceased, to file their objections, (if any they have)
to the granting of tho ’uhniiiUtration of tho es
tate to tho applicant in tho Clerk’s Office of tho
said Court, on or before tho twelfth day of Do
comber next; otherwise letters of administration
will be granted.
Witness, tho Hon. Francis Sorrel, ono of tho
Justices of the said Court, this 12th day of Nov.,
A. D. 1831). KDW’D G. WILSON,
nov 12 Deputy Clerk c. o. c. c.
To all whom it may
City SlicrftlTs Sale.
O N the firet Tuesday in January next, will be
sole before the Court House’ in the city of
Savannah, between the usual bourse of sale, one
grey Horse, saddle and bridle, one mahogany side
board, one ditto timing table, ono ditto stand, one
sofa, ono carpet, six chairs, t.vo looking glasses,
two pair of andirons, shovel and tongs; levied ou
by virtue of Ufa’s issued from tho honorable Court
of Common Pleas and of Oyer and Terminer for
the city of Savannah, at the instance ol James II.
Wade et.ol. versus Campfield & Breed, James
Palmer et. at. vs Nathaniel Campfield; properte
pointedoulby plaiutHTs attornies,
dec 4 LEVI 8. RUSSELL Sheriff.
uy concern:
W HEREAS Oiuizlmo Lcgriol, hath applied
to the Hon. the Court ofOrdinaryot Chat
ham County, for Letters of Administration on tho
estate mid effects of Paul Ditpon, late of Chatham
County, deceased.
These are therefore to cito and admonish, all
and singular the kindred mid creditors of the said
deceased, to file their objections (if any they have)
to the granting oftho administration of the estate
of the deceased to the applicant in tho Clerk’s Of
fice oftho said Court, on or before tho Dili day of
December next; otherwise letters of administra
tion will be granted.
Witness, the Hon. Francis Sorrel, ono oftho
Justices of the said Court, tho 9th duv of Nov. A.
nov 9 Deputy Clerk c. o. c. c.
SlicrifPs Sale.
O N the first Tuesday in January next, at tho
Court House in Effingham County .between
the usual hours of side, the following property:
Six hundred acres of pine laud, ly ing and being
in the county of Effingham, hounded N. E. by
Savannah River, W. by lands of Moses Metzger,
8. by lands of Mary N. Porter; levied oiras the
property of Archibald Wilkins, to satisfy execu
tions in favor of David Metzger, vs. Archibald
Wilkins, Jr. and Henry Carrington, Jr. vs. Arch.
Wilkins, Jr. Property pointed out by defendant.
Also, ono lot of Land known os number one,
in the village of Abcrcorn, containing fifty acres,
more or less; levied on as the property of the es
tate of G. G. Nowlan, deceased, to satisfy the bal
ance ofanexecution due to tho Commissioners of
tho Academy of Efiinghain county,
dec 5 JOHN G. HEIDT, Sheriff k. c.
Administrator’s Sale.
W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Janu
ary next, at the Court House in Savan
nah, between the usual hours of sale, a negro man
slave named Sant, nurt of the personal estate of
Mrs. Mary E. Dunnam.lato of McIntosh County
deceased. Terms of sale cash—purchaser pay
ing fortifies. S. 31. BOND, Adiu’or.
dec 2 240*
Administratrix's Sale.
O N the first Tuesday in January next, will be
sold before the Court House in Chatham
County, between file usual hours of sale, the fol
lowing property:
All the interest of the estate of R. F. Williams
in those two Tracts of Laud, known os Varcluse
and Orphan House.
Sold as file property of estate R. F. Williams,
for file benefit of the heirs and creditors of said
estate. MARY WILLIAMS, Adiu’ix.
nov 9 221
Valuable Rice Plantation and.
Negroes for Sale.
W ILL be sold at public sale,on the first Tues
day in February next, before the Court
House in the city of Brunswick, that very valua
ble Plantation known as New Hone, on the south
branch oftho Ajatatnaha River, in Glynn Coun
ty, Gn., containing (3130) three thousand four
hundred and thirty acres, of which (5S0)five hun
dred and eighty acres are first quality River
Swamp, (300) three hundred acres are under
[ood banks and in a fine state of cultivation. A-
tout (700) seven hundred acres of prime Inland
Swamp, well adapted to the culture of Cotton or
Corn, and (2150) two thousand one hundred and
fifty acres of heavy timbered pine land. On the
premises are a comfortable dwelling House, Ne
gro Houses, Barns, Blacksmith Shop, and every
necessary out building for the use of the planta
At the same time and place, will ho sold (con
ditionally) a very prime gang of about sixty Ne
Also, an undivided third of the plantation
known as Broadfield, adjoining the above, con
taining in all about (400) four hundred acres of
prime Rice Land, in fine order to receive a crop
Terms made known on the day of sale.
JOHN F. GREEN, > r ,
HUGH F. GRANT, ( Lx or *-
nov 15 225 (Georgian)
Executor’s Sale.
W ILL be sold, agreeable to an order of the
Hon. Inferior Court of Burke Co., while
sitting for ordinary purposes, in the town of
Waynesboro, on the first Tuesday in January
One tract of Land, belonging to the estate of
Elisha Anderson, lute of said county, deceased,
lying on the waters of Rocky Creek, joining lands
of James Anderson and B. Miller, and containing
fourteen hundred and twenty-four (1424) acres,
more or less. Sold for the benefit of tne heirs
of the deceased.
oct 26 209
Administrator’s Sale.
W ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in Janu
ary next, before the Court House door in
Jacksonboro’, Scriven county, between the usual
hours of sale, the following property, to wit:
Ono tract of Land lying in said County, adjoin
ing lands of Wilkins II. Nunnully, Richard Her
rington, jr. and Brier Creek, containing 4C7 acres,
more or less. Also, another tract, lying in said
county, containing six hundred (600) acres, more
or less, adjoining lands of Richurd Herrington,
sen., Solomon Zcagler and George Robbins; nl-
«o, five Negroes, to wit: Vilet, a woman about 40
years of age, Diana, a woman about 18 years of
age, and Child Cliilson, about 2 years of age, Ro-
da, a girl about 14 years of age, and a girl by the
name of Matilda, about 13 years of age. Sold
ogreouble to an order of the lion, the Inferior
Court of Scriven county while sitting for ordinu-
S i purposes, as the property of John M. Roberts,
eceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors
of said estate.
oct 29 DELIA ROBERTS, Adm ix.
Administrator’s Sale.
"¥X7TLL be sold on the first Tuesday in Janti-
VV ary next, before the Court House in Hines
villo, Liberty County, by order of the Court of
Ordinary for said County, the following property
of the estate of R. S. Leonard, viz:
One Tract of Land, containing 500 acres,
more or less, known as the Cooper Tract; one
House ondLotatWalthourville, with 13 acres of
land, more or less, together with all other Land
or Property owned by said estute, for the benefit
of all concerned.
GEO. W. DUNHAM, Adm’or.
nov 5 217
Gowland’s Lotion,
F OR imoroving and beautifying tho complex
ion, rendering tho skiu fair, soft and trans
parent, and/or removing tans, sunburns, frecxles,
Ac., warranted genuine. Just received, and for
tale by G. R. HENDRICKSON,
tug 19
Goorffia—Chatham County.
W HEREAS, Jos. B. Ponce hath applied
to tho Hon. the Court of Ordinary of
Chatham Countv, for letters of Administration on
the estate and effects of James U. Ketchuiu, lute
of Chatham County, deceased.
These are therefore to cite and admonish nil and
singular the kindred and creditors of the said de
ceased, to file their objections (if any they have)
to the granting of file administration of the estate
of file deceased to file applicant in the Clerk’s
Office of the said Court,on or before file 30thdny
of December next; otherwise letters of adminis
tration will he granted.
Witness, the Hon. A. Porter, ono of the Jus
tices oftho said Court, the 30th day of November,
A. D. 1839. EDW’D G. WILSON,
nov 30 Deputy Clerk c. o. c. c.
Georgia—Chatham Comity.
To all worn it may concern.
W HEREAS, Win. Henry Fitts, Administra
tor of the estute of James D. Fitts, lute of
Chatham County, deceased, hath applied to the
Hon. tho Court of Ordinary of Chuthiun County,
for Letters Disuiissory.
These ure therefore’ to cite and admonish all con
cerned, to file their objections (if any they have)
in the Clerk’s Office of the said Court, on or be
fore the 16th day of March next, otherwise letters
disniissory will be granted.
Witness, the IIou W. Thome Williams, one of
the Justices of the said Court, file 16th day of
September, A. D. 1831).
sept 16 Deputy Clerk c. o. c. c.
Georgia—Chatham County.
To all whom it may concern.
HEREAS, Andrew Dixon, Administrator
of the estate and effects of Duniel Foley,
late of Chatham County, deceased, has applied to
the Hon. ‘the Court of Ordinary of Chatham
County, for Letters Disniissory.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all con
cerned, to file their objections (if any they have) in
the Clerk’s Office of the said Court, on or before
file 3d day of January next, otherwise letters dis-
iiiissorv will he granted.
Witness the Hon. A. Porter, one of the Justices
of the said Court, the 3d day of Jnlv, A. D. 1839.
July 3 Deputy Clerk c. o. c. c.
Georgia—Chatham Comity*
To all whom It may contorn:
W HEREAS John P. Williamson, Esq. has
appl’d to the lion, tho Court of Ord’y
of Chatham County, for letters of Edministration
on the ostatonud effects of Peter 31 itchell, late of
C luitham county, deceased*
These are therefore to cite and admonish, all
and singular tho kindred and crediiors of the said
d closed, to file their ohiections(if any they have)
to the granting oftho auinintstratiouof tho estate
of tho 'deceased to the applicant ill tho Clerk’s
office of file said Court, on orbeforothe 4th day
of Janu ary next; otherwise letters o administra
tion will be granted.
Witness, the Hon. Wnth’y Portor, one of tho
Justices of fit© said Court, tho 4th day of Decern
her, A. D. 1839.
dec. 4 Deputy Clerk c. o. c. c.
F OUR months alter dato, application will no
made to tho Hon. tho Justices of the Infen
or Court df Chatham County when sitting for or
dinary purposes, forleave to soll2 trnctsofLand,
viz: 160 acres,6th Dist. 1st Section, in Cherokeo
county; 40 acres, 3d Dist. 3d Section, in Chero
kee county,belonging to tho Estato of the InteWal
ter Dubois, and sold for tho benofit oftho heirs
and creditors of said estato.
dec7 CLAGHORN A WOOD, Adm’ora
Gcoriiin—Clmtltniii County.
To all whom it may concern:
W HEREAS S. B. Williams hath opplied to
the Hon. file Court of Ordinary; of Chat
ham County, for Letters of Guardianship to the
persons and property of Edwin and Julia Wil
liams, minors, cluldreu of Rich’d F. Williams,do-
These are therefore to cite and admonish, all
concerned, to fdo their objections (if any they
have) in the Clerk’s office oftho said Court, on or
before tho 30th day of December next; otherwise
letters as prayed for will ho granted.
Witness, the Hon. 31. Alyers, ono of the Justi
ces of the said Court, tho 30th dav of December,
nov 30 Deputy Clerk c. o. c. c.
Georgia—Clmtliniii County.
To all whom it may concem:
W HEREAS Patrick Marlow hath applied to
tlio lion, the Court of Ordinary of Chat
ham County, for Letters of Administration on tho
estate and effects of Nicholas Marlow, Esq. late of
Chatham County deceased.
These nro therefore to cite and admonish, nil
and singular tho kindred and creditors of the said
deceased, to file their objections (if any they have)
to file granting oftho administration of file estate
of the deceased to file applicant in the Clerk’s of
fice of fi»e said Court, on or before tho 12th day of
December next; otherwise letters of administra
tion will he granted
Witness, the Hon. Elias Reed, otto of tho Jus
tices oftho said Court, the 12th dav of November,
A. I). 1839. EDWARD G. WILSON,
nov 12 Deputy Clerk c. o.c. c.
Georgia—Cliathsim County.
To nil whom it may concern.
“YyilEREA 8,1 lenry F. \ Villi nk, Executor of
the last will and testament of Duvid I’idge,
late of C hat ham C onnty, deceased, hath applied to
the lion the Courtof Ordinary of Chatham Coun
ty. for Letters Dismissory.
* These are therefore to cite anil admonish nil
concerned, to file their objectjoiis(if any they have)
in the Clerk’s Office of tlia#aid Court, on orbefore
the 3d day of January next, otherwise letters dis-
mmsory will be grunted.
Witness, file lion. Elias Reed, one of the Jus
tices of file said Court, the 3d day of Julv, A. D.
july 3 Deputy Clerk c. c. c. c.
To all whom it may
iy concem.
W HEREAS, Willium Law, Administrator
of the estate and effects of Blnry 31. Haig
and Amies Ilaig, deceased, has applied to the
Hon. the Court of Ordinary of ChuUiuui County
for Letters Dismissory.
These are therefore, to cite and admonish all
concerned, to file their objections (if any they
have) in the Clerk’s Ofliceof the said Court,on or
before the 3d day of January next, otherwise let
ters dismissory will be granted.
Witness, the Hon. Wui. Thome Williams, one
of the Justices of file said Court, the third day of
July, A. D. 1839.
july 3 Deputy Clerk c. o. c. c.
Georgia—Kfliiiglisun County.
To all whom it inoy coucern.
HEREAS, Eliza McGahugan, Administra
trix of file estate of Wm. McMcGahugau,
deceased, bus applied to the Hon. tho Court ol Or
dinary of Effiinghom County, for Letters Dismis
These arc therefore to cito and admonish all con
cerned, to file tneir objections (if any they have)in
file Clerk’s Office of the said Court, oil or before
the 6th day of March next, otherwise letters dis
missory will he grunted.
Witness, the Hon. C. Powers, one of the Justi
ces of the said Court, the 6th day of Sept. A. D.
sept 6 c. c. o. e. c
To ull whom it may concern.
W HEREAS, Thomas II. Brew, Administra
tor of the estato of JohnW. Graham, de
ceased, has applied to the Hon. file Court of Or
dinary of Effingham County, for Letters Disinis-
These arc therefore tocitennd admonish nil con
cerned, to file their objections (if any they have)
in the Clerk’s Office of the said Court, on or be
fore the 2d day of January next, otherwise letters
dismissory will he granted.
Witness, the Hon. C. Powers, one of the Jus
tices of the suid Court, the 2d day of July, A. D.
july 5 c. c. o. e. c.
Georgia—Effingham County.
To all whom it may concern.
W HEREAS, John 31. Lucas, Administrator
of file estate of William McGohagin. de-
doused, has applied to the Hon. file Court of Or-
dinaryof Effingham County, for Letters Dismis
These are therefore to cite and admonish all con
cerned, to file their objections (if any they have)
in the Clerk’s Office of the said Court, on or be
fore the 6th day of march next, otherwise lettters
dismissory will be granted.
Witness, the Hon. C. Powers, ono of the Jus
tices of tho said Court, the 6th day of Sept. A. D.
sept6 Clerkc.o. o.c.
Georgia—Chatham County.
To nil whom it may Concem:
W HEREAS, 8. A. Hooker, hath Applied to
the Hon. tho Court of Ordinary of Chat
ham County, for Letters of Administration on the
estate and effects of Isaac Norton,lute of Chatham
County, deceased.
These are therefore to cito and admonish, nil
and singular the kindred and creditors of the said
deceased, to file their objections (if any they have)
to the granting of tho administration of the estate
of file deceased to the applicant in file Clerk’s Of
fice of the said Court, ou or before tho twelfth
day of December next; otherwise letters of ad
ministration will ho granted.
Witness, the Hon. 31. Myers, one of file Justi
ces oftho said Court.the twelfth dav of November,
nov 12 Deputy Clerk c. o. c. c
Georgia—C hath aufC oiuliy •
To all whom it may concern:
W HEREAS Frederick E. Tebeau, hath ap
plied to the Honorable the Court of Or
dinary of Chatham County, for Letters of Admin
istration on the estate and effects of Isaac Norton,
late of Chatham County, deceased.
These are therefore to cite nnd admonish, nil
and singular the kindred and creditors oftho suid
deceased, to tile their objections (ifany they have)
to the granting of the adminsitration of the estate
oftho deceased to tho applicant in tho Clerk’s Of
fice of the said Court, on orbefore the twelfth day
of December next; otherwise letters of administra
tion will be granted.
Witness, the Honorable Anthony Porter ono
oftho Justices of the said Court, the twelfth day of
November A. D. 1839.
nov 12 Deputy Clerk, c.o. c. c
I JIOUR months after date, application will be
; niado to tho Hon. the Justices of tho Inferi
or Court of Chatham County whan flitting for or
dinary purposes, for loave to sell a slave named
Moses, belonging to tho Estato of M. II. Drake,
late of Savannah deceased, for the benefit of the
heiw and creditors.
dec 7 ORLANDO A. WOOD, Adm’or.
F OUR months after dato, application will ho
made to tho Justices of the Court of Ordin
ary for tho County of Camden, for leave to sell ull
tlio rent nnd personal estate of Duvid Thomas, late
of suid county, deceased,
aug 20 G. W. THOMAS, Adm’or.
F OUR months after date, application will be
niado to the Court of Ordinary of Effingham
County when sitting for ordinary purposes, for
leavfl to sell the following Land:
One hundred and fifty acres Pino Land, lying
nnd being in the County of Effingham, belonging
to the estato of Ernst Win. Gazer, bounded north
by Lineburger’g and Keiffer’fl, east by Keiffor’s
and unknown land, south and west by Dasher’s
land; for fiie benefit of file heirs and creditors of
said estate.
I TIOUR months after date, nppli
. made to tho Justicos of the Court of Ordin
ary for the County of Camden, forleave to sell nil
the real estate nnd bank stock, belonging to the es
tato of Joseph Thomas, late of Camden County,
plication will he
nng 2G
W H. tfc S. ROGERS will receive hills of
• nil tho Country Banks (except Milledge-
ville) in payment for Goods, nt 10 per cent, dis
count, provided the amount of the hill is traded
out; but will not receive unbankable bills for con
tracts already made.
nov 19 South sido Market Square.
A CONTRACT will bo made for t
down Brick Culverts on the Louisville Road.
Proposals must be handed in to either of the un
dersigned, on or before the 20th instant. For
further particulars, enquire of
dec 4 211*
Georgia—Ilrynn County.
To all whom it may concern:
W HEREA8 Andrew Bird has made applica
tion for Letters of Administration, with
the will annexed, on the estate of Dorcas Sander-
tin. late of file County of Chatham deceased.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all,
and singular the kindred and creditors oftho said
deceased, to file their objections (ifany they have)
in fiie Clerk’s office of tne Court of Ordinary for
said County, within the time prescribed by luw;
otherwise letters of administration will ho granted
to the said Andrew Bird.
Witness, the Hon. Israel Bird, one of the Jus
tices ofsaidConrt of* Ordinary, this 7th day of
November, 1839. J. SMITH, c. c. o. b. c.
nov 12 223
Georgia—Chatham Comity.
To all whom it may concern;
W HEREAS Clahorn Bevill hath applied to
the Hon. the Court of Ordinary of Chat-
hum County, for Letters of Guardianship to the
person and property of Ann Eliza Herrington.
These are therefore to cite *,and admonish, nil
concerned, to file their objections (if any they
have) in tho Clerk’s office of the said Court, on
orbefore the 9th day of January next; otherwise
letters of Guardianship will bo granted.
Witness, the Hon. M. Alyers, onefof the Justi
ces of tho said Court, the 10th day of December,
A. D. 1839. EDW’D G. WILSON,
dec 10 Deputy Clcrk-c. o. c. c.
Georgia—Effingham County.
To all whom it may concern:
W HEREAS Charles Burton, hath applied to
the Hon. the Courtof Ordinary or Effing
ham County, for Letters of Administration on tlio
estate nnd effects of James Burton, late of said
County deceased, in behalf of tlio heirs of suid
These nrc therefore to cito snd admonish, nil
and singular the kindred and creditors of said de
ceased, to file their objections (if any they have)
to the granting of the administration to the appli
cant in the Clerk’s office of the said Court, on or
before tho 16th day of January next; otherwise,
letters of administration will be granted.
Witness, the Hon. C. Powers, one of the Jus
tices of tiie said Court, the 16th day of December,
A. D. 1839.
dec 16 JOHN CHARLTON, c. c. o. e. c.
Georgia—Effingham County.
To all whom it may concern.
W HEREAS, BIrs. NaoniiWeitmnn, widow,
Administratrix of fiie estate ami effects of
Matthew Weitnian, deceased, hath applied to the
lion, the Court of Ordinary of Effinghum Coun
ty, for Letters Dismissory.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
concerned,to file their objeptions (if any they have)
in fiie Clerk’s Office of the said Court, on or be
fore the 26th day of Junuary next, otherwise let
ters dismissory will be grunted.
Witness, the Hon. C. Powers, ono of the Jus
tices of fiie said Court, the 26th day of July, A. D.
july 26 Clerk c.o.c.c.
Alvarado, or Multiholled Cotton
Seed* alias Okra, Twin or Clus
ter Cotton Seed.
T HE subscriber is the appointed Agent of Dr.
David Cooper, of Harris County, for the
sale of the above Cotton Seed, nnd will supply
nny person who wishes to plant the genuine seed.
He bus hut a smull quantity left on hand. This
Cotton was planted in Chutham and Effingham
Counties, and has been seen by many Judges of
that article who are decidedly of opinion that it is
better in ull respects, thuu any other Cotton now
f limited. He has placed some of the seed In fiie
inndsofMr. B. Bourquin, living on the Louis
ville Road, 7 miles from Savannah, who cun sup
ply a few to those that may want. He is ulso in
possession of the certificates of several Merchants
und Planters in different parts of file State, who
all testify to its grout production in the number
Springfield, Etiinghuin Co.
of bolls.
Le Cordial de Liictnc—Ou l’JEIix
ir dc I’Anioiir.
T HE subscriber has fiie pleasure of announc
ing to the citizens of the United States, that
he has purchased, for a very large sum and from
the inventor, the celebrated Dr. Mngnin, of Paris,
the recipe und right for making this astonishing
medicine. Until tho appearance of tho “Lucina
Cordiul,” (about three years since) it was thought
that the complaints which it speedily overcomes,
were beyond tho reach of human remedy, ns for
upwards of a thousand years, they had bafiled the
wisdom and ingenuity of fiie most profound phy
sicians in ull parts of the world. This Cordial,
however, to tho great advantage of the human
race, soon proved itself to bo the desideratum so
long sought for; and accordingly, notwithstanding
the brier period of its existence, it has acquired n
celebrity so great, that it is eagerly sought for
throughout the civilized globe. Dr. Magniu soon
finding that the dumnud was so vast as to rctidor
a supply impossible, disposed of the recipe and
rirht of s ilo, under olmgritions of secrecy, for
England and the United States, and oilier’coun
tries, only preserving Franco and Italy for himself.
Thus has tho subscriber possesed himself of the
iuvaluuble secret, and now hastens to give tlio in
habitants of his line of agency fiie benefits of his
“Le Cordial do Lucine,” or, in English, “the
Lucina Cordial,” is u general iuvigorutorof the hu
man frame. In nl! the various cases of languor,
lassitude und debilitation, it is an unfailing reme
dy, as it is equully its province to impart cheer
fulness and decistou to the mind, os health mid vi
gor to the body. But tlio peculiar virtue on which
its celebrity is based, is the facility nnd certainty
with which it restores the virile powers when they
have been destroyed hy disease, time, reckless
ness, or nny of the numerous causes which termi
nate in the prostration of those functions.
In common with tho generality of really good
medicines, this Cordial contains nothing of a mer
curial or deleterious nature, among the many in
gredients which compose it; but is, nt tho sumo
time, so simple, yet so efficacious, that while it can
renovate the prostrated energies of a giant, an in
fant nmy use it, not only with impunity, but with
The usages of society nre unfortunately such
that, notwithstanding the benefits which would ho
suro to result from it, we cannot enter into an an
alysis of this inestimable Cordial hero, or publish
many of the documents which have been receiv
ed, as vouchers of the blessings it has conferred on
numbers of despairing individuals. But this we
cannot forbear remarking—that it has been de
monstrated that there is scarcely ever, if uny such
thing at nil, as natural barrenness, or as natural
imbecility of fiie procreant functions in eifiiersex;
and, therefore, that those evils are tho effects of
artificial causes, und may bo speedily subdued and
removed by the use of “Le Cordiul do Lucine.”
The Lucina Cordiul is ulso an indubitable cure
for tho Gleet, and tho Fluor Alhus, obstructed,
difficult or painful Blenstruution; also, for the
incontinence of Urino or the involuntary dis
charge thereof. It is likewise an invaluable and
unrivalled medicine in cases of Chronic Errup-
tions of the skin, and in the dropsical affections
of the uged.
Most important to the Amcricun Public.
Tho United States proprietor of tho celebrated
Lucina Cordial, or Efixir of Love, begs to lay be
fore tho community, tho following certificate,
which he has received from tho inventor, the illus
trious Dr. Mugnin, of Paris;
“This is to certify, that I have disposed of tlio
recipe for making the Lucina Cordial, or Elixir of
Love, and ulso fiie right to sell it throughout tlio
United States of North America, to John Winters
Holderw<sll,M. D. My reasons for so doing is,
that file demands to tne for the above Cordial, of
which I am tho inventor, nre so numerous, that I
am unable to supply nil the orders from Franco und
Italy alone; and have therefore disposed oftho
privileges vouchsafed in this and other certificates
of a like nature, in order to generalise the benefits,
of my discovery throughout tho world.
Given under my hand at Paris, on this nineteenth
day of Junuary, in theyeur of our Lord, eighteen
hundred and thirty-eight.
Gurnard Delluc, /
William Merritt, .$
•The true ricliosof life is health.’
W E know thut health nnd dm ability to luhor
constitutes tho wealth of thogreut mars of
tne people in this, Min most other countries. To
preserve, therefore, that health hy natural menus
is u grand inoralnwlpoliticnlschome,to fttlill which
requires our utmost attention. Tho tttiprcce-
dented pop t iJnrily and universal approbation which
this mcdicum has achieved throughout thn United
States, Urn Camulas, Texas, Mexico and tho West
Indies, fully justify Dr, Peters in warmly and con
scientiously recomtnonding them to the special at
tention of tlio aftlicted.
Dr. Peters has spout much timo in experiment
ing with different Vogetnblo Me dir ill os tor diseas
es of fiie liver, and now offers his Vegetabla Pills
as fiie best, most convenient mid cheapest Modi-
cino that con bo prepared for general use. 1
One great quality of his Vepotublo Pills is that
they have the alternative principle combined with
their carthartic, or operative qualities, or that they
not only olennso tlio stomach and bowels by pur
sing, but they regulate tho liver, change tlm mor
bid secretion, strengthen tho digestive organs, pu
rify tlio blood, invigorate tlm circulation,mid gives
tone mid euorgy to the nervous system.
They are mild and pleasant in their operation
and convey almost immediate conviction of their
utility Horn their first dose. They enn ho taken
with sajutyhy persons of any age; and tlm feeble,
tlm infirm, tlm tiervous and delicate are strength
ened by their operation, because they clear the
system ofbail humors, quiet nervous irritability,
und invariably produce sound health.
The Vegetable Pills aro a suro remedy for jatui
dice, sick and nerv ous headache, dyspepsy, cos
tiveness, sickness of tlm stomach, heartburn, ull
bilious complaints, fevers of oil kinds, and if tukeu
nt the commencement will hivuriahiy check their
progress, mid save Urn patient from a protracted
nnd dangerous sickness. They uro invaluable in
nervous mid hypocoudrical affections, loss of ap
petite, mid all complaints to which females alone
ure subject. They operate as a mild speedy purge,
and nrc a sale and certain remedy ior worms in
Extract of n letter from Dr. Gurney, of New*
Orleans, La.Oct. 9,1837.—“Ihave received much
assistance in my practice; especially in jnundico
and yellow fever; from the use of Peters* Pills. I
presume that, on an average, I prescribe 100 box<
cs per month.”
Extractor a letter from Dr. Pritchard, of Hud
son, Now-York, June3,1836.—“I was aware thnt
Dr. Peters was ono of tho host chemists in the U.
States, and felt assured that ho would some day
(fVom his intitnato knowledge of the properties of
herbs und dritga) produce an efficient medicine,
nnd I must acknowledge that his Vegetable Pills
fully respond to my expectation. They are, in
deed. a superior medicine mid reflect alike upon
fiie chemist, file physician, and thn phylosophcr.’)
Extract of a letter from Dr. Wnines, of Cin
cinnati, Feb. 2,1838.—“ Your Pills are fiie mildest
in their operations, nnd yet most powerful in their
effects, of any I have ever met with in my prac
tice of eight and twenty years. Their action on
file chyle, nnd hence on the impurities of file blood
is evidently vorv surprising.”
Charlotte^ N. C. Jon. 1,1837.
Dear Sir—I have niado frequent use of your
Pills in tho incipient stago of bilious fover, nnd oh-
stinate constipation of tno bowels; also, in fiie en
largement of tho spleen, chronic diseases of the
liver, sick headache, general debility, nnd in all ca*
sos have found them to bo very effective.
J. D. Boyd, M. D.
BlEcxi.Exntmn Co. Va. Feb. 7,1837.
Ilnvingused Dr. Peters’ Pills in my practice for
the Inst 12 mouths, I take pleasure in giving my
testimony of their good ctfects in cases of dys-
pepsin, sick headache, bilious fevers, and other
diseases, produced by inactivity of file liver.—
They are a safe and mild aperient, being file best
urticlo of tlio kiud I have ever used. .
George C. Scott, 31. D.
This celebrated Medicine is for sale hy all the
principal Druggists in 8avannah nnd throughout
tho United States, the Canadas, Texas, Mexico,
and the West Indies. Price 50 ceils per box, with
full directions.
nng 5 164—ly
Fho immediate effect of Hw • I
for th« ChoUmi Morbtu ofo,
JSKSfi that cC, S'l’.'Q
• I here is nothing in its 'irsA
[They arekttJoSSj
tient improve. In health, coin,
Those remedies which hill wortaJmn W"
injure tho stomach materially
many serious complaints, ’j'f ’-
tonally neglected hy tho '
nov 22
To Planters.
A COMPETENT Blunnger of Negroes, a
Rico and Cotton plantor, will take employ
ment for fair wages on a Cotton or Rice Planta
tion, on tlio first day of January ensuing, or earli
er if required. A situation on file Hen Islands
will he preferred. Reference as to tho capability,
sobriety, and industrious habits of tho applicant,
can he had, ho being well known to many of tho
wealthiest planters in the low part of Georgia and
8outh Carolina. Apply at fins office,
nov 26 234*
T HIRTY boxes superior Eagle Starch, extra
quality, for family purposes. Just received
and for sale by
This highly important medicine is for sale by
John Winters Holdcrwell, No. 129Liberty-street,
New-York; Charles B. TvJer, No. 70 Chesnut-st.
Philadelphia; und in Bummoro hy Roberts & At
kinson, John M. Laroqtiu, and G. R. Tyler; in
Washington City hy Tobius Wutkins nnd Charles
Stott; in Georgetown by O. M. Linthucum; in
Richmond by John E. Eusticc; in Petersburg hy
Braggs Thomas, and Dupiiy, Roser &. Jones;
and in Norfolk by M. A. Santos und B. Emerson;
and hy John Woodly, Nq. 65 Poydras-st. New-
It can also tie found at all tho principal Drug
Stores in South-Caroliim,and in Augusta, hy lia-
vilund, llisloy &.Co.,Thomas Barrett &, Co. and
Nelson Carter; and in Savannah hy
Prico $3 per bottle, with full directions.
aug 5 104—Jy
From the Pennsylvania Inquirer, of May 3,1834.
Rowand’s Tonic Mixture.
M IL EDITOR—Much as tho powers of tills
favorite remedy have been extolled, I can
not omit this opportunity of declaring my decided
conviction thnt evety account of the sanative vir
tues of the Mixture will ho verified to the full ex
tent. Whatever be tlio character oftlie complaint
—whether unequal tertian—double or simple
quartan—however varied he -its type, attended
with syncope, apoplexy, vehement spasms, with
coldness and stupor—whatever its duration, whe
ther vernal or autumnal, laying the foundation for
visceral affections, and other slow but unerringly
fatal maladies—however irregular in their inva
sion, and uncommon in their appearances—in
fine, whatever be the age, idiosyncrasy, or habits
of tho patient, tlio complaint ulike bids adieu on
the due administration oftho Tonic Bfixture.—
This is no high-wrought panegyric for tlio exper
iment. I speak only from what I positively know
—however successful other preparations may
liavo been, there can be little reuunce placed upon
them when compared with this article. By strict
ly following the directions that accompany the
bottle, we find it acta upon tho most scientific
principle—for, it seems to anticipate tho return
of the cold fit, und excites a strong reaction, and
powerful glow over the whole system; and tints
to pre-occupy the ground, and hy disturbing tho
regularity ol the type, to subdue the intermittent
altogether. Under such a course of medicine, I
have been astonished to notice with what haste
the disense heats alarm for a retreat, and tho pros
trated strength of the system rallies. It is a pow
erful, yet mild medicine—substituting calmness,
tranquillity,and Imlmy sleep,in place ofpain,wea
riness, and restless nights—a renovation of long-
lost strength and robust health, in lien of feeble*
ness nnd emaciation. And I confidently believe;
and I predicate my opinion upon the most sub
stantial proof, that under whatever sky—in what
ever corner of tho earth—whether upon hill or
valley, wherever fever and ague makes its appear
ance. there also will “Rowand’s Tonic Mixture”
find its way—tho happy desideratum, the perfect
antidote. N. LEE, 31. D.
KFOne of the best recommendations thnt enn
bo given this medicine is the following;—Physi
cians living in Fover and Ague districts, who have
become acquainted with its efficacy, ure in fiie
habit of ordering it to bo used iu their ow
r own prac-
From the Harrisburg Intelligencer of June, 1833.
Mr. Wyeth—Having long been afflicted in my
family with Fever and Ague, and having tried ev
ery means to get rid of it without avail, I nt length
met with your advertisement of Rowand’s genu
ine Tonic Mixture, which I determined to try.
After using it, my wife was entirely restored to
health, having suffered for fifteen months from tho
debilitating effects of Fever and Ague, and is now
as hearty und stout as she ever was.
Harrisburg, May 22,1833.
A largo supply ol'tho aMro valuable medicine
just received from Ihe Manufacturer, end for sale
wholesale or retail by
Y ~ .Ilnportnnt Invention^
EAST POWDERS, fertile immediate ma-
Untg or Buckwheat and light Tea Cnkoa.
xnoao Powder* aro not only ofgroet utility in the,
matantaneouajroditction of Buckwheat and ligl/
roa Cuke., hut aro very wholesome; correct!)*
the acidity oftho atomaoh, sweetening tho bretth,
Kuppremung undue thirst in tho morning, evil In
every repeat being beneficial; and have rc/ivcd
the approbation of ilia medical faculty. /
rhoy are free from all tho troulihwniiih oliicc-
lions to which Ynnstnnd other articles r/tl.o same
character are liable; being always cusilf procured
genuine et about the same cost us Yoiwt.
Afresh supply ofthesn Powders,irtthdiroctions
for using, just received nor Newiyk. mill for sale
by G. it. IIEiyJRICKSON.
nov 27 835 7
I irvri ,u, i b ‘fR“. 1 ! 'MH/OnloiiS;
1IVE hundred Ciihhiiges/nd 600 hunches On
ions, in tine order, ju/rdcoived end (iir sole
.-og.vviou oy the facnitv.^ej i '"'Ml
never been discovered until 1
morbid secretions which produce
rliniii, cholera morbus, pi/es, fovwfe l Hl|
pepsin, acidity of the atoinac^“""iWl
ors going into the interior or voS?! 1 "
tent tropical climates, (insulated
Jiept constantly on hand.andfarrili,
nov 6 at i i*^‘ *AUst
novB Bole Agentfortht
T llr .„ Bitter*. 11
HESE medicines have long been
. "Pprociateil fortheir cstn'enlimry
meuiato powers of restoring perftetfik
diuil m die community. Unlike the In,,?.?
melons tginckeries which boast of vL ^
gradients, the Ufo Pills are purely nof,
gctable, end contain neither merauv Z.
arsenic nor any other mineral i„ m
ovor. They an entirely earn,,wed «? ,
ftomrnrc and powerful plants, £, v i t „„ ( g
though long known to several Indian tn
recently to
ure altogether unknown to lift ignorant
ors to medical scienco, mid were tieverl
!'an" lCrCl * 80 ‘"W’ 11 / effiamiouia
cause they possess tho powerof renliirim.
out the constitution, as the Phflteiiuinsfi
restored to life from tlio ashes of its own i
tion. Tho Pliamix Bitters are entirely rei
composed of roots found ouly in certain;
VFRSAND i&fMisar
liul to eradicate entirely all tho effectsufa
infinitely sooner titan the most nowrtfiil
rations of Sarsaparilla, and will iiiiuc&t
tho determination of BLOOD TO TIIE
never fails In sickness incidsnt to yminj ft
and will lie found a certain remedy infilo™
nervous debility and weakness of the M.
paired constitutions.
As a remedy for Chronic and
Rheumatism, the efficacy of the Pbaenit,
will he demonstrated hy tho use of a sinjV
ITio usual dose of these Bitters is hnlfi win
full, in water or wine, und this quantity injl
ken two or three times a day, iiboiit half'
before meals, or a lesss quantity may betL
all times. To tlioso who are afflicted wiA il
gestion after ineuls, these Bitters will
valuable, as thov very greatly increase t
of the principal viscera, help them to r ..
their functions, and enable tlio stomach to
chnrgq into the bowels whatover is offei
Tims indigestion is onsily and speedily re
appetite restored, nnd tho months of fiie
ant vessels being cleansed, nutrition is
and strength of body and energy of mi
hnnpy results.
For further particulars of Moflitt’i Life 1
and Phccenix Bitters, apply atMofiatt’soffice!
616 Broadway, New-York’, where the Pills car
obtained for 25 cents, 50 cents and $1 per I
and fiie Bitters for $1 a $2 pet bottle. Nun
oils certificates of tho wondered efficacy of W
may be there inspected.
For sale hy A. BARTOti
At his Storo, on the Bay, corner of Drayton I
nov 23
Olio Rose Lip Salve.
JJECEIVED, a fresh supply of OUo Row!
oct 11
Salvo. For sale by
Ilcwurc of Spi
urioiis IiiiTurfio]
G EO. W. CARPENTER’S Compound.
trhetof Iceland moss, Carrageeu, or
Moss, Slippery Elm, lloreliound, &c.,avail
remedy for colds, coughs, dyspepsia, dv«j
diiirrhma, catarrh, and nlluffectioni ot the
and lungs.
The true Verbena l' l ‘ c, o n l V l
T HIS delightful Cream is warranted to MJ
true extract of Verbena; gentlemen hart
tender faces or strong beards, would B*
most deliglitfUl saponaceous compound"
ferod to tlio public, it mnkes n beautiful nra'7
cr, and uAer shaving, loaves a delicious 'We
of tlio Verbena, and preventing tho laceiw
chapping, which in general, other ooops
Iti,0, “yfo r toil V CI!ER & LMIOCHeJ
Market Sq. sign oftlie Golden W®"
nov 18
Up Wvbif n -| j
TNIVE hundred gallons pure Spinn. un,
r strained,) 200 do, enWBSjtogJ
Also, 12 do/,. Lamp Chimmes. Justrc
for »nlo by A. “Alt
Still'd!. „ r
fJlWENTY boxes Colgate’s^
Lip Salve, Ac. .
O TTO Rose Lip Salve, .Pnley , C ™Y£
real French Almond Paste. A Wfl
of these ologont articles, for die euro
h.m.foco, Ate,^‘receive,land.figy,
Wriitc, Olffwjj
•"’Iidrod kegs English «
nov 20
, No. 1 nnd 8
English Linseed Oil
do. Whiting, 10 do. Chalk
kegs Spnnish Brown, 111 “.''fired
10 ennistofs Patent English ChrW^
rior nrlicle for doors, shutters,«»»
Just received,rand^ferarato^ggggR
Variegated SecrrtctlSoBjJ:
T7HFTY hexes Variegated J
X cokes and bars^
Molasses- jjoix,
F ORTY hbdi prime retailing 0"
for sale by „, „ n FAY *
nov 81) '. PADELFOH£l|K-
Hams and ilean»-’
1UU Beims, just revived an^^gO;
nov 22 LONG &JAA-jjg,
Rich Plata SainTon" 1
Bonnet BlWifl,
Just roooivoil and now PffijSjjiB
T WO lioxos rich Plaid Sufi" "* ,
not Ribbons, for sale *“ w BF, N NET£L]
nov 25 p(o. lund8\V«i“ i a j11