Daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1839-1840, January 04, 1840, Image 1

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rue “ daily nEPraiii can" ItpMiihtd W** CJTY- OP SAVANNAH, »»’ ' James Cloliwi, At FIGHT DOIXAttS perimnum, payabU it, 4K ptnjpjHKM TI,o Tri-weoMy “ BepubllctHl,” . _„u|Aod thres time. a wook, (Monday, Wed I, P Knd Fridav)»ttlie o(Hcg oftlio "Doily “u»pu"tom. , 'oii'nttiiii!n){n«llieiiitolligenco • published in Ui« Dully Wiper, ut • r . five DOLLARS pur unimm, . or THREE DOLLARS for six monthi. All Advertisements published'ot tile uiuul rntoi, Seventy-five Conn for Ilia firnt, mid thirty- sovou and n half for ouch insertion after, per ^N.ill'Edcholtutionby the Ciorkd oftlio Court! of Ordinary, that application Itaa been innde lor Lcttara of Adminlitratlon, must bo publiahed - THIRTY DAYS at tot. • Notice by Executor! and Administrators for Debtor! arid Creditors to render in tlteir account! niuet hopnhliihed SIX WEEKS. Sale! of Negrooaby ExocutorB nud Admluis- tratora um'tbo at pnblc nuction, on tho llratTue!- day of the nuintli, hetweon tho usual hour! of •Afe. at the placo of Public Sales in tho Count)’ where the Letters Tostnncntnrv, ofAdmmlstra- tion, orCuardiauship tnayhave heengranted, first klvine sixty uavs notice thereof in one or the public gaaettes of this State, and at the door ef the Court House, where auch sale! are to be ‘"fhitlcefoYlcave to sell Negroes, must be pub- Ushed forfour months, before oily order absolute ehall be made thereupon by tho Court. , Salea ftRed Estate by txeoutaw, Adtnlnistta. gor!, and Guardian!, umstbo publiahed SIX IV {DAYS before tlie day of Side. There sales must be made at the Court Houre doer of the County 3u which thoproperty is annate, and on the, first Tuesday oftlio Month, between the hours or ton In tho morning and four In the afternoon. No sale from day today is valid, unless so expressed in tho advertisement. ...... . Applications hy Executors, Administrators and Guardians to the Court ofOrdinary for toe to eeil Land, must be published FOUR MONTHS. Solos of personal property (except negroes) of testate and liitostoto estates by Executors end Administrators must be advertised FOJU1 HAYS Applications by Executors and Administrators for Letters Dismksory, must he pubhshod SIX - MONTHS. Applications for foreclosure of Mortgages on real estate must be advertised once a month for ; FOUR MONTHS. i Orders of the Court ofOrdinary, (ncconipnm edwitha cony oftlio bond of agreement) to make titles to land mint bo advertised runKE lIoMTiisttfloast. SherilFssalesunder executions ™gn!ariv grant I by the Courts, must be advertised IHUll Y f AYS—under mortgage executions SIXTY >AY8—Sales ofperfehuBlS property under or er ofCourt, mitstbe bilvertfaed, generally, T EN IAYS before tlie day of sale. All Advertisements will be punctually attended * * AlLLetter# directed to this Oflico or the Editor, must be postpaid, to entitle tliem to at- [ tention.. No. 3—Vo!. XXXVII.) SAVANNAH. (OB.) SATUBDAV EVENING, JANt'ABV 4. 1840. [Whole No.-—07,058. Illnstmiion of Heallty. Garden Seeds.. . irjpHE subscriber has just received per brig I Madison, his supply of fresh Garden Seeds, ^varrantedto bo of best quality, and the growth of 830, viz: , Beaus, kidney, half moon and Valentine; Beet, rly Turnip, blood, white, Seursity and Mangel 'ortzol; Cabbage, early York, Battersea, Drum- ad, Bergen nud red Dutch; Carrot, early horn, id long orange; Cucumbers early framed, long Teen and prickly; Lettuce, early ice and long reen? Mellon, Citron, Fine Apple, Nutmeg and Jkillmans; early Cauliflower; Ouion, silver skin d, f r«d and white Portugal; Okm, curled Parsley, Pepper, long sweet Spanish Pease, Dwart, Mar rowfat, Clmrltou, blue Imperials, Washington. Bishop’s Prolific and Tull Marrowfat; Rudu»h,iong scarlet, short lop’d do,white turnip do,early fram ed and black foil; Squash, early bush and long crock necked; SaLify, Toma oes; Turnip, early Dutch, large flat Globe and Rutabaga; Pepper Grass, Wutcr Cress, w ite and red Clover, Lu cerne Gross, See. For sale by ' uov 20 ANSON PARSONS. Rowland’s Fnlmoiiarfa, or Vc- getahlc Demulcent. I N cases of obstinate Catarrh; in Coughs, whether utisingfrom recent or neglected colds; in Asthma; and as an auxiliary and means of pre sent relief from tlie threatening symptoms of np- roaching Pulmonary Consumption, no medicine 4 greater clniins upon the confidence of tlie in- did than the tibovo medicine. It is for tlie afflictive and troublesome synip- ins of coughing, expectoration or phlegm, pam „ the breast, &c. which constitute prominent fea- liroa of the complaiut. that the Pulmonaria was jdesigucil, mid has manifested its most valuable pro perties. It is equally useful of course m the relief of coughs and colds, arising from sudden changes of weather, from wearing damp linen, Ac. Forsuleby A. BARTOW, may 23 For Restoring the Hair. T HE Cosadu Oil is so denominated, because it is composed of vegetable ingredients,and its virtues are pre-eminently displayed in die follow- ng respects: It possesses properties of the most wlubrlons nature, which eradicates the scurf and ill impurities of the hair; nourishes tho hair and prevents its failing off, and lessens the liability of pair to turn grey; strengthens the weakest hair, and produuaa a.luxuriant growth; piyes a vigor to the hair which soon produces an inimitably nat ural curl, and prevents its falling out in a uarap itmosphere, or during exercise; renders the hinr ither natural or artificial, beuutifully soft and ileawmt; bestows an inestimable gloss mid pleos- nt perfume to tlie dresses—Vn flue, Tenders the lair dress transcendantly beautiful, promotestiie [rowth of whiskers, eye brows, ninsfaches, <fec, fo children’s hair its effects nre strikingly benefi- lial; is perfectly innoxious, and may with safety e applied to the youngest infant; it eradicates the norm easier and superior to combs, soups, &c.; extremely pleasant to ..tlie infant, gradually jvengtliens the hair, and augments its growtli po i to produce a beautiful head of hair. Preserves ih hair after sea bathing, violent exercise, and is pre-eminent utility for persons travelling by sea laud, preserves the hair, rendering it peculiarly feasant, and always dressed, has wonderful er ects on the hair in hot or cold climates, and is ild in high estimation by distinguished persons iiroad. - ’ Sold wholesale end retail by the Proprietor, hos. Quirk, 490 Broadway, New-York? and by •pointment, by A. PARSONS, Agent, Savannah, Ga. Priced cents per bottle. nov 28 A BEAUTIFUL. HEAD OF HAIR is tho grandest ornament belonging to the human frume. How strangely the loss of it changes the countenance and prematurely brings on tlie ap- peuidhCc of old age, which onuses*many to recoil at being uncovered, and sometimes even to shun society to avoid tlie jests and sneers of their ac quaintance; tlie remainder of their lives are con sequently spent in retirement. In short,not even tho loss of property fills tho generous thinking youth with that heavy sinking gloom as does tho loss ofliis iiinr. To uvert all these unpleasant oircunistaqces.Oldridge’s Balm of Columbia stops, the hair from falling off on tho first application and a few bottles restores it again. It likewise produ ces eyebrows and whiskers; prevents the hair from turning grey, makes it curl beautifully f ond frees it from scurf. Numerous certificates of the first resncctability in support oftlio virtue* ofQl- dridge’s Balm.nro shown by the proprietors. OCTReud the following: Robert Wharton, Esq. Into Mayor of Philadcl- S hin, has certified, ns may be seen below, to the igh character of tlie following gentlemen. The undersigned do hereby certify that we have used the Balm of Columbia discovered by J. 01- dridge, and have found it highly serviceable not only os a preventive against the falling off of hair, but also a certain restorative.- WM. THATCHER, Senior, Methodist Minister in St. George charge. No. 86 North Fifth-street. JOHN P. INULIS, 331 Arch-street. JOHN D. THOMAS, M- D. 1*#fUce-st. JOHN S. FURRY. 101 Spruce-st. HUGH McCURDY, 243 South 7th st. JOHN GARD, Jr. 123 Arch-st. The aged, and those who persist in wearing wigs, may not always experience its restorative qualities, yet it will, certainly raise its virtues in the estimation of the public, when it is known that three of the above signers are more than 50 years of age, and the others not less than 30. » [.From tlie Mayor. - ] Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ? City of Philadelphia. ( I, Robert Wharton, Mayor of fluid city of Phil adelphia. do hereby certify that l am Weil acquaint ed with Messrs. J. P. lugiis, John S. Furey, and Hugh McCurdy, whose names are signed to the above certificate, that they are gentlemen of char acter nud respectability, and as such full credit should be given to the said certificate. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, [L. S.] and caused the seal of the city to bo af fixed. this sixth day of December, Sec. ROBERT WHARTON, Mayor. Caution.—Observ e that each bottle of the gen uine Balm has a splendid engraved wrapper, on which is represented the Fulls of Niagara, the A- gent’s name, &c. A fresh supply received and for sale by dec 12 _ _ _ ANSON PARSONS. iTook at This. T HE left hand halves of thebiUsnamed below, were mailed to tlie address of the subscriber on tho 6th February lost, at Greenville Court House, South- Carolina, by Wm. Choice, which have uotcome to hand, and the probability is they must he lost. The several Banks are hereby noti fied of my intention to make an application, after due notice, for new notes oil the return of tli3 right hand halves, which are now ill my possession. £20 Bunk of Augusta, No. 238, duted 3d Sept. 1836, letter A. $20 Bonk of Augusta, do. 179, do. 3d Oct. 1828, letter B. 20 Bunk of Augusta, do. 890,-do. 2d Jan. 3827, letter A. • ’*' 20 Bank Columbus, No-852, dated 2d Feb. 1832, letter II. h. 20 Bank Columbus, No.353, dated 1st Sept. 1831, letter II. h. ^ 20 Bank Columbus, No. 953, do. 9th Dec 1830, letter II* h. 20 Banlc Columbus, No. 1448, do. 1st Oot. 1829, letter IT. 20 Bank Columbus, No. 1206, do 1st Oct. 1829, letter H. 20 Bank Columbus, No. 202, do. 7th May, 1836, letter H. h. 20 Bank Columbus, No. 12, dated 1st Jan 1830, letter tom. 20 Central R. Road, No. 775, do. 3d June, 1836, letter A. 20 Bank State of Georgia, No. 997, do. 1st Sept. ‘18 dim, letter A. 20 Bank Darien, No. 1678, do. 1st Dec. 1832, let ter B. b. 20 Mechanics’ Bank Augusta, No. 10, do. 5th Dec. 1834, letter A. 50» Mechanics’ Bank Augusta, No. 6o, dated 7th April, 1835, letter B. 100 Mechanics’ Bank Augusta, No. 58, dated 1st May, 1835, letter B 100 Mechanics’ Bnuk Augusta, No. 71, dated 1st Nov. 1831, letter A. 20 Bunk Mifledgevifle, No. 4251, dated 2d Sept. 1830, letter A. 100 Bank Milledgeville, No. 436, do 3d Jan.1837, letter A. 800 Hollars Chttllcii»c. FT1HE Genuine FRENCH PILLS against all A the QUACK NOSTRUMS of tho age for thecureof * .* 11 . •: * * The French Pills are applicable tc all cases, for either sex, (warranted free from mercury,) and possesses great advantages over the Balsams and all liquid medicines, by^ toeing entirely free from smell, and consequently do not effect tlie breath, thereby preventing tlie possibility of a discovery while using them. Besides this important advantage they never dis agree with the stomach, and in the first stages of the disease they usually effect a euro in a few day», with little regard to diet or exposure. In the most obstinate stages of the disease, they are equally certain, having cured many after every other remedy had failed. In short, they have been so universally successful, that that tlie proprietor challenges any one to produce a remedy of equal certainty, under a forfeiture of Three Hundred Dollar*. Forsuleby G. R. HENDRICKSON, and T. M. & J. M. TURNER, Price $2 per box. aug 5 164—ly Flnnnels, dec* A very & Johnson hav* received, Welsh and Salshuiy Flnunels Ludies super bluck and col’d Kid Gloves Muslin de Lnnes . Rich Satin striped Challys English, French and American Prints For wile on fair tonus. dec 30 South sldo Monument Square. Blenched ui»cl Brown Shirtings, ■fl /"h BALES heavy 4-4 brown Shirtings JLU 15 do do 34 do'Springfieid do 1 case 44 fine New-York Mill do *1 do 7-8 do undressed do I do 34 do do do Just received by SNIDER, LATITROP & NEVITT. dec 11 247 Harrison’s Specific Ointment, TTT DR the cure of White Spoiling*?, Scrofulous A' and other tumors, Ulcers, Sore Legs, old and fresh Wounds, Sprains and Bruises, Swellings and Inflammations, Scald Head, Women’s Sore Breasts, Rheumatic Pains, Tetters, Eruptions, Chilhains, Whitlows, Biles, Corns and External Diseases generally. It is likewise greatly superi or to any. medicine heretofore discovered for the chafed hacks and limbs of horses; forring wonns, chapped lips—and in short, for every external bo dily evil that may fall to the lot of man or beast. For sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON, and T. M. & J. M. TURNER. i price 50 cents per bok. aug 5 164—-ly Thread tnccs, dec. A VERY & JOHNSON, (Monument Square) . have received, Thread Edgings and Inserting* Super Paris worked Collars Do Swiss do do Do Muslin do do Muslin worked Bands Cambric Edgings and Inserting* dec 10 246 8-4 Springfield Sliiriing. *1 fi? BALES 34 Springfield Shirtiug, landing A tJ from brig Wilson Fuller. SNIDER, LATHROF 6c NisViTT, dec 10 246 Scottsboro Female Institute. M R. and MRS. LUCIEN LATASTE inform their friends, that the above Institution will be opened on Monday, the 13th of Januury,1840. They r invite their former patrons to renew their support, assuring tliem,that no effort will be spar ed to give* satisfaction. Their rates, for a term of five months, will be as follows: Reading, Writing and Spel ling, $12 or $9 per month, for any period less than one term. The nhnve with Oe9grnphy,$16 or $4 per month, The above with History, Grammar and Arithmetic.$18 or 41 per month, All die higher branches of English, • $20 or $5 per mondi, French, Spanish, and Lat in, each, $20 or $5 per month, Music.Piano or Guitar,euch$25 or $6 per month, Use of Instruments, $4 Board can be obtained in tlie Borough. The Principal does not design tuking any boarders. Those desirous of further information will ad dress us by letter at Milledgeville. dec 6 243eowv A Desirable Offer. T O RENT—The subscriber’s Store, on his wharf, well adapted for a Ship Chandlery Grocery, or any business connected with ship ping. It is needless for him to say more of diis advantageous offer to those who would desire to embark in that line, as it is well known to be one of die best in town. The subscriber would also inform his friends that he has embarked in the Steamboat business, and his sendees, or those of his second son, John F. Guilmartin, can he always hud at his wharf, for those shipping, &c. by die steamers Beaufort District and tne Despatch, at all times. JOHN GUILMARTIN. N. B.—Also to rent, a spacious three story House, heretofore known as “The Independent Hotel.” fronting on the Bay, in East Broad street, well adapted for a Boarding House, with a Ten Pin Alley, Bar, &c. attached. uov 26 John Hallery, FASHIONABLE AND MILITARY TAILOR, ' H AS received per recent arrivals, a choice as- sortmentof Broadclodis, Cassiuieres, Vest ings, &c., which lie is prepared to make up to or- Jr. in the best manner, and on reasonable terms, oct 10 H AS just returned froiu^ew-Y’ork with a largi and splendid assortment of Foreign und Domestic DRY GOODS, which Wfll ho told a; reduced prices for cush or short credit, consisting of 50 pieces French, German and Eng. Merinos 50 do. MouslmdeLaines 500 Rob Roy Woolen Shawls, various sizes and qualities 500 yards Ingrain Carpeting, best quality 60(i do. Cotton do. 1000 nieces English, French and Am. Calicoes 10 bules 34 and 44 brown Homespun 6 cases bleached Shirtings and Sheetings 25 pieces white and red Flannels 1000 do. Room Paper and Bordering 30 do. Satinets, assorted colors and qualities 30 do. Apron Cheek* 25 do. Irish Linens, 20 do. Long Lawn 25 do. Negro Cloth, 20 do. Negro Blankets 100 pair Whitnev. Rose and Mackinaw do. 300 uoz. assorted Head Hdkfs. 10 coses do. Florence braid and plain Straw Bonnets 25 nieces plain and figured Silks, new stylo 25 boxes assorted Ribbons 300 dozen Ladies silk, cotton and worsted Hose 200 do. Gentlemen's woolen and cotton do. 60 do. Ladies kid and silk Gloves 100 do Gent's woolen, kid and buckskin do. 25 bales Band Boxes Together with a choice assortment of silk, broche, cotton and worsted Shawls, Laces, plain, checked and figured Muslins, Shaker Bonnets, &c. Ala, an assortment of Ready Made Clothing, oct 23 210—ly Suspenders, Suspenders. T HE subscriber has now on hand.a vdry large assortment of Suspenders, viz: Superior Plastic Silk Net, do Gum Elastic, do Buckskin do, Extra Silk Elastic und Colton; all of which are offered at his usual low price, novll G. S. NICHOLS, Market Square. Linen and Cotton Shirts. TUST opened, a complete asoortment of ready made shirts, viz: Superior Irish Linen do, Cotton with linen bosoms, do French Gingham, warranted not to fade; do Boston Prints, and Eng. lish twilled, which will be sold at a small profit,by nov 11 G. S. NICHOLS. Market Square, 20 30 10 40 20 Cloths, Cassiuieres, Ac. A VERY & JOHNSON, have received, Black, blue black, brown, claret, green, &c. • West of England Cloths Black, mixt, brown, striped, &c. Caseimeres Oxford mixt, black, brown, green, &c. Premium Satinets Heavy inixt do. do. for servants t Jeans, Liuseys, &c. do. do. Heavy Duffil Blankets Also, fine ribbon bound Whitney, Rose, &c. Blankets. oct 23 South side Monument Square. Pomcstic Pry Goods, 4e. Received by recent arrivals. A PCS 34 Plaid Homespuns 40 do 7-8 Anron Checks 32 do 44 fine Shirting, bleached 20 dd 44 do do brown Bales heavv 34.44 and 54 brown Shirtings and Sheetings 40 pcs 7-8 bleached Shirting, medium quality 50 do 34 do do, low priced 300 doz Clarks Sc Salmon’s Sppol Cutton 18 M plated Hooks and Eyes, Noa. 4,5,6,7 4 doz Ladies super bluck H S Gloves For sale at the lowest umtket price, SNIDER. LATHROP & NEVITT. dec 24 258 New Fall Goods. Received by G. B. Lamar. 3 m /i AND 44 Scotch Ginghams Fine Long Luwns, Lush Linens Brown Holland, do. Hamilton Flannel American Prints, Worsted Gloves Worsted and Cotton Hosiery AVEltY & JOHNSON, oct 2 South side Monument Square. Satin Hibhons, &c. Just receive-.! prrG. B. Lamar. S ATIN Ribbons. Muslin Bands Mn*Vm Edgings and ImertingB Silk Hosiery, Thread, See. For sale by .AVERY & JOHNSON, Sweet Scented Powder, Ac. ■4 L>OZ. Otto Rose Scented Powder JiJf 6 do. Violet do. do, 6 do. Plain do. do. Also, Powder Boxes and Pulls. Received and for sale, by poct 25 A. PARSONS- W, H« Lloyd, Harkct-S qpuarc, H AS just received, 1 cuhb extra fine Tuscan Bonnets 1 case Misses do do 1 do do English Split Straw do, a hand some article 2 do extra fine do Straw Bonnets 2 do Satin Straw Bonnets 4 do black and' white do All up country Bank Bills taken at par, for Goods nr in payment of debts already contracted, dec 19 253 W. H. A 8. Rogers, H AVE just received from New York, the fol lowing Fancy Goods, viz: 1 boxeinb’d changeable Bonnet Ribbons, a splendid article 1 box sup’r fig’d Satin do do 1 do fancy French Silk Bags 1 do Plnid Bonnet Ribbons 5 White Net Veils 1 dozeu Net Shawls 1 do Sillc emb’d Scarfs 1 do Plaid do do 1 do Thibet do do 4 pcs brown and black Silk Fringe 1 ao Phillygnnnmv i dozen Infant’s Waists 10 do Nun« (Dutch) Lncc Together with various art clog in the Fancy line, nov 16 South side Market Square. Seasonable Goods. -fl fi* PCS real Welsh Flannel X O 30 do Red Flannel 10 do bleached Canton do 4 do Kentucky Jeans * 30 do Twilled Kerseys Abo, Twilled Macnnaw Blankets White and col’d knotted Counterpanes White Marseilles do Marseilles Skirts. Just received and for sale by GEORGE W. BEHN. dec 18 No. 2 Shad’s Buildings. Goshen Batter. "I A FJRKINS Goshen Butter, just received X\/and for sale by nov 26 LONG & PATTERSON. Iron, Nalls and Rum. O NE thousand and 48 bars Swede’s Tron. as sorted; 300 casks Nails do, 50bhls Rum— landing per brig Pandora, from-Boston. nud for solo by L. BALDWIN, nov 28 Caracas Cocoa. LBS. Caracas Cocou, just received and for sale by uov 26 LONG & PATTERSON. Kavy Bread. £* BBLS. Pilot mid 50 bids Navy Bread,just AD ri nov 23 1 reeoived and for sale by LONG & PATTERSON. Gosbcu Butter. Qrv FIRKINS prime Goshen Butter, now Oil landing and for Sale by dec 21 L. BALDWIN. Pipr Pork and F. M. Eecf. •g HALF bhls Pig Pork, and 10 half bbb I 1 f Me&s Beef, just received und for sale by dec 23 LONG & PATTERSON. Ale and Cider. /\ BBLS Ale. 20 boxes Champagne Cider, ill for sale by KING Sc COOMBS, dec 23 Union Forry Wlmrf. Gostieu Butter. FIRKINS choice Goslieu Butter, receiv ■ qP ed by the L. Buldwiu, and for sale by dec 23 C. L. McNISH. Desirable.Dry Goods, R eceived by ^ AVERY & JOHNSON.* Ladies French Kid Gloves , Do black and col’d sewing silk do Da white do do Do black do Mitts Do loug white Kid Gloves Gents black and col’d Kid do Do woolen do, Boys woolen do Do silk do Ladies and Gents silk Hosiery Gents Lambs wool and. Merino £ Hose Do heavy wool 4 Hose Do Merino under Shirts and Drawers Welsh, Meriuo. Saxony, &c. Flannels, warrant ed not to shrink when washed. Thibet Wool do. BrocKa do Rich Plush Mantillas, do Cheanoal Tippets Do do Ladies Hat Ornaments Thibet and Bayadere Scarts Rich sill; do. plaid Cashmere do. For sulo on favorable teims. dec 3 South side Afonumetit square. New Goods". ~ A BivNNETT has also opened Store No. .• 2, Wiiriug’s Buildings, with a large and splendid assortment of Millenary Goods, consist ing in part, namely: 10 boxes Ladies Florence Braid, Split Straw, Leghorn, Straw, Braid, col’d English and common Straw Bonnets 50 dozen col’d Nun’s Hoods 40 boxes Bonnet, Cop, Satin and Tafeta Ribbons 10 do Belts, i urious styles aud qualities Col’d Silks, Florences, Satin?, tSrc. and a great variety of fancy goods, for sale wholesale or retail very low. nov 11 New. Good*, New t HE mlj/riller hu rctocil and now open Hr from btiS **“rannnh mid sMp Cfolln, i» l«rg. mil ejdenslvo nssortment of newest it/le of Y»n- "J und Staple Goode, tonsi’stiflgin pelt of draft* owing articled, viz t *• 100 pieces Cordova Keruyt . 320 do. Snt nets do. now style 4 4Trcnch Prints do. no, Englif-h Calicoes (iOi bu ck and sol’d Scotch Ginghafet do. Ketuucky Joans do. Whito Flannel do. Red do/ various qrtalitis* . ^ ,.~ 0, Mu*lin de Lalncs. W0 54,64 and 8 4 Chinoille Shawls 60 Merino Shawls and Mantles 400 SlmwU vuriotu etylcs and nimlidei 100 piecci French und Enriirti Merino. , • GO On. Pongee Silk Hdkli. 20 do. English SpiOulGcld Silk do. 60 dozen*Wolen Glove# 20 do. Mens Buck and H, S. Glove* 20 do. Ladies II. S. Gloves 20 do. do.. Silk and Cotton Glove# . and Long Mitts . . 50 pieces col’d and black Silks,ne^west style 2 cases Canton Flannel 20 pieces new, style Cassimere 20 do. Vestings 10 - do. Broadcloths, various qualities 30 boxes Bonnet, Cap Taffeta and Belt Rib* bons 100 dozen sflk, worsted and cotton Hose and Half Hose 30 boxes Satin Ribbons, from No. 2 to 22 48 Ladies white Florence Bonnets ASD 100 colored Bonnets White and colored Satina, coEd Florence* White and black Crape Black Love Shawls, black Bombesins , Nuns Hoods, and a general assortment of le8irabie goods. For sale by _oct_29 A. BENNETT, W. H. Lloyd-Mttvket Square^ H AS just received per recent arrival#,' ' 2 uuf. Muslin Coliars 4 do English Frilled do 3 pcs bluck Silk Fringe,-2 do Wire Blond • 2 do black fancy Blond. 12 do Thread Laces, 6 do German do 8 do Lisle do, 3 do Wire Edging 4 do Blond Qniling, 12 do Plaid Swiss . 14 do Beltings^ do Mantilla Lace 4 do Grecian Net do, 6 do Bobbinei Lace 8 do Spittalfleld Ildkfs, 13 do Pongee HdklV 4 do pfnin Silk do, 3 do do Satin do 5 doz Gauze do, 4 do fancy do 6 do embroidered do 5 do Gents Brose Gloves 4 do Ladies do do. 3 do do Kid dff 3 do Gentfi Buck Gloves 2 do do II. S. do 8 do Indiu Rubber Suspenders 3 do super do do do 14 pcs uncut Velvet Ribbons Also, a splendid assortment of Plain, Figured and Changeable Silks. nov 30 Boston A Randle, Market Square, Savannah, H AVE In stpre, and are receiving per varioo* arrivals, a full supply of Groceries,Bagging, See. Among which are- 30 hhds. St. Croix Sugar 11 do. Porto Rico de. 00 bags Coffee 350 pieces Bagging, 42,43 and 44-inches 50 coils Bale Rope 100 lbs. Bagging Twine 1000Q>do. Baltimore cured Bacon, Hums,Side** * and Shoulders 3000 bushel# heavy Maryland Seed Oats - Canal and Balt. .Flour.'whole and £ bbls* 10 casks and 25 boxes Goshen Cheese 10 kegs choice Bnttcr 20 h, 20 J. and 20 \ bbls. Buckwheat Flour 10 boxes Sperm, Candles 5 pipes Otard, Dnpuy & Co’s. 4tl» prt)0f Brandy 5 do. Seignctte do. do. 5 do. Hoiland Gin . • ~ 20 bbls. Peach Brandy 30 do. Rye Gin, 30ldo. Whiskey 20 do. Rum Madeira. Teneriffe, Port and Sweet Mala* ga Wines Butter and Wine Biscuit Almouds aud Ramins, Tobacco 10 tons iron, assorted , 75 kegs Nails, &c All of which they offer on accommodating terms, oct II Cider. •d BBLS. prime Newark Cider, now Iand- XIF ing und forsuleby L. BALDWIN, dec 19 Canal Flour. BBLS superfine Canal Flour, just land- ing and fur sale on wharf, by dec 24 WASHBURN, LEWIS & CO. A1 trionds, Currants aud Citron* A BAGS Almonds. 12 boxes Citron iU *2 casks Currants, 9 bags Walnut# < 1 Parmersoii-Cheese 12 bnxe-4 Capers, 12 do Olives Just rereived aud for sale by dec 21 J. B. GAUDRY. Christmas Presents. L ADIES elegant Rose Wood, Shell, Mahog any and inluid Work Boxes Elegant Chincal Work Baskets Toilet Bottles, richly gilt in great variety Essence Boxes, funcy Pearl, Shell, und Ivory Card Cases Gold and Silver Pencil Cases . Puzzles and Aiphubets, Dissected Maps, forchil dren Games of Grace#, Dominoes, Battledore, Cancell Caps ‘ * Muricul Boxes, Accordians, &c. Just received and for sale by dec 19 G. R. HENDRICKSON- SUarc moulds. i TONS Share Moulds,forsuleby I nov28 N. B. & H. WEED. nrrnnt Jelly A Brandy Peaches. !(A DOZ. Currant Jelly ,20 do Braudy Peach* )U es.' Just received per brig Lamar, and r salo by C- L. McNISlI. nov 11 222 Tooth Wash. ■TUST received, aftesh supply of Chlorine and 9 Orris’ Tooth Wash, for cleaning and preserv- ftg the teeth. Received und for sale by dec 13 ANSON PARSONS. Steel Pens, "N tho greatest variety. .dec 3 W-THORNE WILLIAMS. 100 Plunlore & Mechanics’ Banlc Columbus, No.* 59, dated 9th May, 1838, Letter A. 50 Plan. & Mech. Bank Columbus, No. 330, da ted 2d Nov. 1837, letter A. 50 Ins. Bank Savunnali, No. 18, dated 8th Dec 1829, letter K. . . NOTICE.—Three months afterdate, applica tion will be made to tlie (above) different Sanies for new notes, tlie loft hand half of said bills ba- ing lost. WILLIAM SMITH. Trquimlle, Ga. 15th Oct. 1839, KTTmGeorgian, Augusta Chronicle and Sen tinel, Southern Recorder and Columbus Herald and Sentinel, will please publish the above week ly for three months, ana forward their accounts to me at Troupville, Ga. for payment, ♦ oct 31 207t3m W, 8. Bale Rope. Kl\ JCOILS, a very superior article, for sale )UV WASHBURN, LEWIS &.CO. dec 5 i French Chemicals. [UI.PHATE Quinine, Sulphate and Acetate * of Morphine, Croton Oil. Oil of Black Pep. r, Kreooote, Pinerine, Prussic Acid, Iodine, Em- no, Ext. Nux Y*”vuon, Hydroduto, Potasia, &c, st received per Newark, und for sale by wt 3 r G. R. HENDRICKSON W. H. dfc S. Rogers, H AVE just received por recent arrivals from N. York, nearly their fall supply of French, German, Italian and English Fancy Dry Goods, among which are the following articles, viz: Ladies rich Plush anti Silk French Shawls Do. colored und bluck Ostrich aud Cashmerd Shuwls ' 1 case finest'Flortmce Braid Bonnots 1 do. super. Irish Linens 15 cartoons Paris emb. Copes and Collare Sperm Candles. T HIRTY boxes4,5 and 6 Sperm Caudles— justrece 1 I and for sale by nov 28 " LONG Sc PATTERSON. 30 piecf 5 Jo. 25 do. 10 do. 20 do. i Wash Blonde and plain Quillings WeirGro de Lyons Lace Hair Oil, Bears Grease, und i*o- H/TACASSAROi!, English,50 do American, ItJL Ward’s Vegetable Oil,Bears Oil,do Grease, Pomatum, ill pots; do in (pollen Aldrich’s Balm Columbia. Just received pud lor sale on acconi- modaUn*.i«mj oiiNjj B ^ , Comer of Broughton & Whitakor-sts; nov 20 Opposite the Mansion House. AppQeSt -j |Y BBLS Apples,just received perlmg New Xvf Hanover, and for sale by. dec 3 LONG PATTERSON- Thread w Valencine do. do. and Beudings 44 and 54 Wash, Spot, Square aud II- , lusion Blonde French worked Cuffs, Blonde Veils and Paris Bands Chantilla Veils, Eng. Collars and Twist Shawls Mohuir Netts, Bags und Scarfs Muslin Paris emb’d Shawl?, 44 and 64 Black Luce do. - do. 1-2 and 44 Cups, Insant’s Waists, French Flowers and Wreaths , French, English ond American Prints Challys, Mous. do Luinea, Velvets and Silks Tartun, Rob Roy and Kuhyle Shawls Bonnet, Belthnd Cap Ribbons K.rhiine and Fur Collars Silk, Worsted and Cotton Hose. oclUl Spu Square. Starch and Blue. T HIRTY boxes Colegate’s superior Starch, 2 cases do English Fig Blue, landing from brig Augusta, and for Valo by hov'j» O* It HENDRICKSON. JLndd, Tuppcr A Sistarc, O FFER for sale on good torms, 150 hhds first quality Cuba Molasses 300 bags good, fair and prime green Cuba Coffee 150 do superior old Java do 50 mats very fine old Manilla do . Hhds prniio Porto Rico Sugar 25 boxes Boston refined Loaf do 10 bbls first quality crushed do 20 half chests superior BlackTea 50 half boxes Baker’s No 1 Chocolate 50 bags heavy Sumatra Pepper 100 boxes Negro Pipes, large sizes , 500 Demijons, assorted, 1 to 5 gallons 200 whole and half boxoa Bunch Ruisins 125 ncs 42 ineh-Doiidee Bngging 200 Kegs Cut Nails, assorted 50 casks Brown Stout, quarts and pints 50 baskets Champagne, Anchor ana Key 00 boxeB Sparkling Hock 200 M Sp lush Sugars 4 pipes Holland Gin, Beehive and Hourglass 2 half pipes London Dock Brandy 10 do do J. J Dupuy Sc Co. do 10 do A.merican do 300 bbls .Connecticut Gin, Phelps Sc Gowdy’s ll i do Boston * do, Engle brand 100 do do Rum do 30 do superior Baltimore Whiskey 30 do (fo old Monongahela do 100 half pine? end quarter casks Madeira, Port, Sicily Madeira and Pico Wines 10(1 bags Shot, assorted 300 Grindstones nov 26 * Seasonable Goods. B ROADCLOTHS—Black, invisible green, olive, blue, dark mixed and cadet mixed ai.d brown. English double milled. Cassiuieres—Drab, black, dork grey and striped. Satinets—Blue, drab, cudet and dark mixed. Suspenders—Elastic and knitted, also Extra Ends. Hosiery—Lambs Wool, Vigonia, white and mix ed Cotton. Gloves—Colored and white Hoskin, Buckskin, Silk und Beaver Umbrellas—Silk und Cotton. Stocks—Satin, and Bombusin, with bows and plain. Cravats—Black Italian aud fancy colored. Abo, Merino Skirts. Brushes—^Cloth, hair,.nail and tooth. Handkerchiefs—White Silk, plain, red and figur ed. Just received, add far sale" by GEORGE W. BEHN, oct 22 No. 2 Shad’s Buildings. David’s Compound Creosote Tooth Wash. A N agreeable vegetable preparation for clean* sing, whitening and preserving the Teeth.' restoring spongy ana diseased Gums to a natural and healthy state, parities the mouth and sweetens thebrentli, preventive far and cure of the tooth ache, canker, soreness, aud the various affection# of the mouth and throat, whether occasioned bv mercurials or otherwise. Prepared only by T. Davis, Manufacturing Chemist—Price 50 cent*. For sole by PORCII ER & LA ROCHE, ,, Opposite the Market dec 27 Sign of the Golden Glob. Garden Seeds—Crop 1830. • A SUPPLY of English and Shaker’s Garden Seeds, for sale on reasonable terms by PORCHER Sc LL ROCI1E, Opposite the Market, dec 5 Sign of the Golden Globe. Dry Goods, F ANCY Alppc-ns, Marseilles Crib Counter panes, white Marseilles Counterpanes, as sorted sizes White and col’d notted do do do Blanket Shawls, low priced Red Flnnnels Bleached and unbleached Canton Flannel English bleached do do Low priced Satinets, Kentucky Jeans Black and blue black Bombasins Welsh Flannels, Thibet Scarfs French and English Merinos. For sale by GEORGE W. BEIIN, nov 25 * No. 2 Shad's Building. Phllnnclpltia Beef. 3 BBLS Rounds, in tine order, just received per brig Now Hanover, and far sale by dec3 , LONG & PATTERSON. Powdered Spices. C INNAMON, Bluck Pepper, African Pepper, Cuyeune Pepper, Cloves, Nutmegs, Spice Ginger, &c. For sale by P01tCIIER& LA ROCIIE, Opposite the Market, dec 6 Sign of the Golden Globe. .Combs, Brushes, &c. F INE Ivory and Horn Dreasing and Pocket Combs, Hair,Cloth, Nail, Combs,and supe rior English, Freuch and Auiericuu Tooth Brush es, and Shaving Brushes, &c. in the greatest va riety. Just received tmd for sale by dec 5 G. R. IIENDRICK90 . To Invalids. B ERMUDA.Arrow Root.Tapioca and Sago, just received and for sale by dec 23 A. PAR8QN8. Bose Water. A LARGE supply of treble distilled English, French and American Roso Water, just re ceived per Clinton, and for sale by dec 0 G. R. HENDRICKSON. A FINE new Stove, well calculated fora store or church. For sale by dec 28 A. PARSONS. Winter Strpined Sperm Oil, GALLS, superior Winter “**“ tJUU Sperm Oil, warranted pure. i trained 300 gallons 2d quality do just received per Wm Taylor, and forsuleby dec 24 G. R. HENDRICKSON. Flixlr of Bark. T HIS valuable flavored Cordiul isexneoted ip. a few days by the brig Opelousus, from Bal timore. It is needless to comment upon the val- uablo properties of this Bark for Fever and Ague, Nervous Debility or Weak Stomach, ns the test! mouialH in hands of the Agents will suffice its val uable qualities. It can only he procured at the storexff PORCHER & LA ROCHE, dec 6 Sole Agents. Doctor Eiicn’s U NIVERSAL Su-mgtbening Plmter. for salo by A. PARSONS, dec 27 *0Q ji Fresh Spices. Tl AH MATS Cinnamon AUil 1 hbl Nutmegs, fresh imported • l case Mace do. 1 bag Cloves do 20 kegs pure ground Ginger ■19 lings Root do , *6 do AU’iiicc, &e. Just received and Our by 1 • G, R. HENDRICKSON.