Daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1839-1840, January 09, 1840, Image 1

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The <« DAILY BTUPWlIilCAN” Is published in the CITY OP SAVANNAH, BY Juntos Ciolaud* itOTfltiT DOLLARS per annum, pauahle in or FIVE DOLLARS Ibr Six Months. Tri-woeklyRepublican,” L published three timos a week, (Monday, Wed kienduy and Friday) at tho office oftho “ Daily apuhlioan, M containing all tlie intolligonco published In tho Daily Paper, ut MV E DOLLARS per annum, or THREE DOLLARS lor nix months. AU Advertisement* published at tho usunH'ntcs, liz: Seventy-five Cents for tho first, and Thirty- Overt and n half for oach hiaortion after, per umare of twelve lines. ‘ rN. B. Each Citation by the Clerks oftho Courts If Ordinnry, that application has been made for fitter* of Administration, must bo published tfIRTY DAYS at least. * ■Notice by Executor* and Administrator* for tbtor* and Creditors to render in their accounts 1st he published SIX WEEKS. .... %ale* of Negroes by Executors and Artminw- kors must be at pubic auction, on tbe hrstl uoa- I of the mouth, between the usual hours of I, at tho place of Public Sales in tho County ire the Letter* Testamentary, ufAdutimstra- (or Guardianship may have been granted, first li sixty DAY* uotice thereof in one ol the K Kozottea of this State, and ut tlie door ef Court House, where such sales aro to be Notice for leave to sell Negroes, must he nub- ted for four months, before uuy order absolute all be made thereupon by tho Court. Sales of Real Estate by Executors, Adtnm.stni- w, and Gunrdiani. must be published SIX! \ AYS before tlie day of Sale. Thc«o sales must made at the Court House door of the Couuty .vhich tlie property is situate, and on- tho first iiesdiiy of the Month,betwoeir the hours often in L morning and lour in the afternoon. No sale Itn day to day U valid, uulasa so expressed 1 r . advertisement. ...... . Applications by Executors, Administmtoraand Eardtam to tho Court ofOrdinery for leave to Kl Land, must ho published FOURMONTH3. Isolos of personal property Yexcept negroes * testate and intestato estates hy Executors an, Idministrators must ho advertised FORTY T \YS [Application* by Executor* and Administrators Letters Dimibwory, must be published SIX >NTHS. xmlioatUma for foreclosure of Mortgages on Estate muHt-be advertised once a month for MONTHS. rs oftho CourtofOrdmary, (accompam- a copy or the bond or agreement) to ties to land must ho advertised Timms ;s at least. , ifltalosnndiw executions rcgulmlv grant- Courts, must bo advertised 1HIR EY .—■under mortgage executions SIXTY I—Sales ofperlsnaftjo property under or Uourt, mustbe advertised, generally, TLN » before tho day of sale. Advertisements will be punctually attended i* AH Letters directed to this Office or the Itor, must be post paid, to entitle them to at- New Good*, Wew Rood* T HE subscriber baa received and now cp \ from brig Savannah and ship Celia,*‘ and extensive assortment of neweststyle o ay and Staple Good*, consisting in part of t] -'wing articles, vizi 100 piece* Cordova Kerseys 120 do. Satinets —Vol. XXKVII.1 SAVANNAH. L(Oa.) THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 9, 1840. [Whole Wo.—07,009. Illustration oi* Reality. . A Desirable Offer. mO RENT—Tho aubscriber'* Store, on his v JL wharf, well adapted for a Shin Chandlery Grocery, or any. busmens cohtiecteu with ship- ping. It is needles* Tor him to say morn of this advantageous offer to those who would desire to embark In that line, a* it i* well known to bo one of the best iu town. The subscriber would also inform his friends that ho jias embarked in tbe Steamboat business, and lus services, or those of his second son, John F. Guilmnrltn, can be always had ut his vvlmrf, for those shipping, Ac. hy tlie steamers Beaufort District and tha Despatch, at all times. JOHN GUILMARTIN. N. B.—Also to rent, a spacious three story House, heretoforekuown aa-“The Independent Hotel,” fronting oil the Bay, in Eust Broad street, well adapted for a Boarding House, with a Ten Pin Alley, Bar, &c. attached. uov 26 Garden Seerts. |E subscriber has just received per brig Hadison, his supply of fresh Garden Seeds, ited to be of best quality, uud lue growth of is, kidney, , bloc , half moon and Valentine; Beet, Jirnin, blood, white. Scarsity and Mangel fell Cabbage, early York, Battersea, Druin- r Bergen and red Dutch; Carrot, early horn, bn* orange: Cudnmber* early framed, long _ n ahd prickly; Lettuce, early ice and long InrMeiion, Citron, Pine Apple, Nutmeg and Kuitnans) early Cauliflower; Onion, silverskiii’d, land white Portugal; Okra, curled Parsley, kper, long sweet Spanish Pease, pvvarf, Mar- Rut, Charlton, bine Imperials, Washington, liop’s Prolific and Tall Marrowfat; Radish,long fcet, short top’d do,white turnip do,early fraui- Ind black fall; Squash, eurly bush and long ik necked; Sulsifv, Toma oes; Turnip, early Lh, large flat Globe aud Rutabogo; Pepper Eg, Water Cress, white and red Clover, Lu- So Grass, Ac. For sale by B ’ ANSON PARSONS. irrv A BEAUTIFUL HEAD OF HAIR is the grandest ornument belonging to tiie human frame. How strangely tho Iosr of it changes tho countenance and prematurely bring* on the ap pearance of old age, which-causes many to recoil at being uncovered, and sometimes even to shun society to avoid the jests und sneers of their ac quaintance; tlie remainder of their lives are con sequently spent in retirement. In short,not even the lo3a of property fills tho generous thinking youth with that heuvy sinking gloom as does the loss of his hair. To avert ull these unpleasant circumstances, Oldridge’s Balui of Columbia stops the hair from Hilling oIron the first application and a few bottles restores it again. It likewise produ ces eyebrows and whiskers; prevents tho hair from turning grey, makes it curl beautifully, and frees it froni scurf. . Numerous certificates of the first respectability in support of tb$ virtue* of 01* dridge’* Bahu, ore shown by tlie proprietors. K?*Read the following: Robert Wharton, Eaq. late Mayor of Philadel phia, has certified, us may bo seen below, to the nigh character of tlie following gentlemen. The undersigned do hereby certify that we have •used the Balm of Columbia discovered by J. 01- dridge, and huve found it highly serviceable not only ns a preventive against tlie falling off of hair, but also a certain restorative. WM. THATCHER, Senior, Methodist Minister in St. George charge. No. 80 North Fifth-street. JOHN P. INGL18,331 Arch-street. JOHN D. THOMAS, M. D. 163 Race-at. JOHN S. FUREY, 101 Spruce-st. HUGH McCURDY, 243 South7th st. JOHN G ARD, Jr. 123 Arch-St. The aged, and those who persist in wearing wigs, may not always experience its restorative qualities, yet it will certainly raise its virtues in the estimation oftho public, when it is known that three of the above signers are more titan.50 yeuYs of age, and tlie others not less tlum 30. [From the Mayor.] Commonwealth of Pen 800 Dollars Challenge. T HE Genuine FRENCH PILLS against all tlie QUACK NOSTRUMS of the ago for the euro of # # # * * * The French Pill* are applicable to all cases, for either sex, (warranted free from mercury,) and possesses great advantage* over the Balsam* and all liquid medicines, by being entirely free from emell, and consequently do not effect the. breutli, thereby preventing the possibility of a discovery while using them. Besides this important advantage they never din-* agree with the stomach, and in the first stages of the disease they usually effect a cure in a few days, with little regard to diet or exposure. In the most obstinate stages of the disease, they are equally certain.having cured many after every other remedy had tailed. In short, they have been so universally successful, that thut tho proprietor challenges any one to produco a remedy of eaual certainty, under a forfeiture of Three Hundred Dollars, For sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON, and T. M. A J. M. TURNER. Price $2 per box. aug 5 164—ly LI)GINA CORDIAL Lo Cotdittl de Lucino—On I*Elix ir de I’Amour* mHE subscriber has tho pleasure of aunounc- JL itig to the citizen* of the Uiiitcd States, that he 1ms purchased, for a very large sum and from the inventor, tlie colehrnted Dr. Mngnin, of Paris, the recipe and right for making this astonishing medicine. Until tho appearance of the “Luciifa Cordial,” (about three years since J it was thought' that the complaints which it speedily overcome*, wore beyond the reach of human remedy, avfor upwards of a thousand years, they hod bullied the wisdom and ingenuity of the most profound phy sicians in all part* of the world. This Cordial, however, to the great advantage of the human race, soon proved itself to be the desideratum *o long sought for; and accordingly, notwithstanding the brief period of its existence, it 1ms acquired a celebrity so great, that it is eagerly sought ibr tliroughoiit tlie civilized globe. Dr. Magtiin soon finding that the demand wus so vast a* to render a supply impossible, disposed of the recipe and right of sale, under obugationa of^ secrecy, for 30 30 25 25 100 do. do. do. do. id qualities Harrigon’s Specific Ointment, F Oll the cure of White Swellings, Scrofulous and other tumors, Ulcers, Sore Leg*, old und fro3h Wounds, Sprains and Bruise*, Swellings and Inflammations, Scald Head, Women’s Sore Breasts, Rheumatic Paius, Tetters, Eruption*. Chilbains, Whitlows, Biles, Corns and External Diseases generally. It is likewise greatly superi or to any medicine heretofore discovered for tho chofedbacks and limbs of horses; forring worms, chapped lip*—and in short, for every external bo dily evil that may tbll to tho lot of manor beast. For sale by . • G. R. HENDRICKSON, and T. M. & J. M. TURNER, Price 50 cents per box. aug 5 104—ly G ETERS’Fills. rlanti’s Pnlmonavia, or Vc- . tretable Demulcent. cases of obstinate Catarrh; in Coughs, hetherarisirigfrom recent or neglected colds; Luna; and ns an auxiliary and means of pre- Slief from the threatening symptoms of np- Jhig Pulmonary Consumption, no medicine later claims upon the confidence of the in- Jhnn the above modicine. Jis for the afflictive and troublesome symp- J of coughing, expectoration or phlegm, pam So breast, Ac. which constitute prominent foa- X of the complaint, that the Pulmounria was ligued, and has manifested its most valuable pro- Kthfequally nseftft of course In the relief of Ighs and colds, arising from sudden changes of lither, from wearing damp linen, &c. for sale by A. BARTON. " may 23 I, Robert Wharton,— vv — - . . adelphia, do liereby certify that I am well acquaint ed with Messrs. J.P. Inglis, John S. Furey, and Hugh McCurdy, whose names are signed to the above certificate, that they are gentlemen of char acter and respectability, and as such full credit should be given to tlie said certificate. In witness whereof, I hifve hereunto set my hand, [L. S.] and caused the seal of the city to be af fixed, this sixth day of December, Ac. ROBERT WHARTON, Mayor. Caution.—Observo that each bottle of tho gen uine Balm has a sploudid engraved wrapper, on which i* represented tlie Falls of Niagara, the A- gent’s name, &c. A fresh supply received and for sale by dec 12 ANSON PARSONS. ‘Tlse trsse riches of life t% health/ W E know that health nnd the ability to labor constitutes tho wealth of the great mass of . For Restoring the Hair. HHE Cn*nd» Oil in so denoinH»n»* , 'b because it \ is composed of vegetable ingredients,and its lies are pre-eminently displayed ill the follow- ■respects: It possesses properties oftho most Ibrious nature, which eradicates the scurf and Inpurities uf die hair; nourishes the hair uud vents iu fulling off, aud lessens tlie liability of 8 to turn grey; strengthens the weakest nuir, Iproduces a luxuriant growth; gives a vigor lo hair which soon produces an innnitablynat* icnrl, and prevents its fulling out in a dump lanhcre, or during exercise; renders the htur lr l natural or artificial, heautifully soft and lunt; bestows an itiesfunahlo gloss and pleas- perfume to the tresses—iu line, reudors the Kresstransrondaiitlv hmnttiiUI, promotes the |th of whiskers, eyo brows, mustaches, &c, ■hildren’s hair its effects aro-strildngly honefi- ■s perfectly innoxious, aud may with safety Tpliod to the youngest infimt; it erodientes the [iff easier and Superior to combs, soaps, &o.; Iremely pleasant to the infant, gradually Itthens the hair, nnd augments its growth so Vodncc a beautiful head of hair. Preserves or after sea bathing, violent exorcise, nnd is Peminent utility for persons travelling by sea id, preserves the hair, rendering it peculiarly hnt, nnd always dressed, has wonderful ef- lon the hair in hot or cold climates, and is In high estimation, hy distinguished persons Id wholesale and retail by tho Proprietor, L Quirk, 490 Broadway, Ncw-York, and by Ittiuent, by A. PARSONS, Agent, Savannah, Gn. jee 75 conts per bottle. uov2G taut Jelly & Brandy Peaches. P DOZ. Currant Jelly ,20 do Brandy Peach- Just received per brig Lamar, and »by C. L,McNI3II. t II 229 Xootli Wash. IT received, a fresh supply o rris 1 Tooth Wash, for cleanini 3 toeth. Received nnd for sale by -• PARS inoand Eg ANSON i .SONS. Steel iPcns, y^^^SoRMEWIUJAMB. Bale Bope.. . COILS, a very Huperior article, for sale [ by WASHBURN, LEWIS & CO. . Frcncli Chemicals. IPHATE Quinine, Sulphate and Acetate 1 Morphine, Croton Oil. Oil of Bluek Pep- lebsote, Piperine, Prussic Acid, Iodine,Era- pxt. Nux vomica, Hydrodate, Potassu, feeivod per Newark, and for sale by G, R. HENDRICKSON Look at This. T HE left hand halves of thebdbnamed below, were mailed to tho address of the subscriber on the Gth February last, at Greenville Court House, South- Carolina, by Wm. Choice, which have not come to hund, ana the probability is they, must bn lost. Tho several Banks ore hereby noti fied of my intention to make an application, after duo notice, for new notes on tlie return oi the right | hand halves, which are now in my possession, $20 Bank of Augusta, No. 238, dated 3d Sept. $20 Ilankof Augusta, do. 170, do. 3d Oct. 1828, letter B. 20 Bank of Augusta, do. 890, do. 2d Jan. 1827, 20 BunkVolumbuB, No, 852, dated 2d Feb. 1832, letter H. h. ' „ 20 Batik. Cultliabtla, Ku.iwl, dated ah - , oepuxooi, 20 Bank Columbus, No. 953, do. 9th Dec 1830, 20 Bunk Columbus, No. 1448, do. 1st Oot. 1829, 20 Bank Columbus, No. 1206, do 1st Oct. 1829, 20 Bank Caiumbu*, No. 262, do. 7th May, 1836, 20 Bank Cohunbus, No. 12, dated 1st Jan 1830, letter toru. , „„„ 20 Central R. Road, No. 775, do. 3d Juno, 1836, 20 Bank State of Georgia, No. 997, do. 1st Sept. 18 dim, letter A.’ ^ , 20 Bank Darien, No, 1678,do. lBt Dec, 1832, let ter B.b. 20 Mechanics* Bonk Augusta, No. 10, do. 5tli Dec. 1834, letter A. „ *. 4 , 50 Mechanics’ Bank Augusta, No. C3, dated 7th April, 1835, letter B. X r ro j . j i . 100 Mechanics’ Bank Augusta, No. 58, dated 1st May, 1835, letter B ^ r* as, 100 Mechanics’ Bank Augusta, No. 71, dated 1st Nov. 1831, letter A. 20 Bank MiUcdgcville, No. 4251, dated 2d Sept. 1836, letter A. Von* 100 Bank MUledgevillo, No. 430, do 3d Jan.1837, letter A. , ^ .. 100 Planter* & Mechanics’ Bank Columbus, No. 59, dated 9th May, 1838, Letter A. 50 Plan. & Much. Bank Cohunbus, No. 330, da ted 2d Nov. 1837, letter A. 50 In*. Bunk Savannah, No. 18, dated 8th Dec 1829, letter K. * NOTICE.—Three months afterdate, applica tion will be made to the (above) different Banks for new notes, the left baud half of said bills be- mg lost. WILLIAM SMITH. Tro'upvillc, Gn. 16th Oct. 1839. 03= Tho Georgian, Augusta Chromcleand Sen tinel, Southern Recorder and Columbus Herald and Sentinel, will please publish the above week ly for three months, and forward theiraccouuts to me at Troupville, Ga. for payment, oot 31. iiffrfim w. S. toe people in this, as in most other countries. To preserve, therefore, that health by natural mean* is a grand moral and political scheme,to fulfil which requires our utmost attention. The unprece dented po p ularity and uni versal approbation which this medicine has achieved throughout tlie United States, the Canadns, Texas, Mexico nnd the West Indies, fully justify Dr. Peters in warmly and con scientiously recommending them to the special at tention of the afflicted. Dr. Peter? has spent much time in experiment ing with different vegetable Medicines lor diseas es of tiie liver, and now offers his Vegetable Pills as the best, most convenient and cheupest Medi- cine that can be prepared for general use. One great quality of his Vegetable Pills is that they have die alternative principle combined with tlioipcarthartlc, or operative qualities, or that they not only cleanse the stomach and bowels by pur* cing, But they, regulate tlie liver, change tlie mor bid secretion, strengthen tlie digestive organs, pu rify tha blood, invigorate the circulation,and gives tone nnd energy to'tho nervou* system. I They are niffdand pleasant in their operation and convey almost immediate conviction ol their utility from their first doae. They can be taken with safety by persons of nnyage; and the feeble, tho infirm, tlie nervous and delicate are strength ened by their operation, because they clear the system of bad humors, quiet nervous irritability, und invariably produce sound health. The Vegetable Pills are a sure remedy for jaun dice, sick and nervous headache, dyspepsy, cos tiveness, sickness of the stomach, heanouni, an bilious complaints, fever* of all kinds, nnd if taken at tlie commencement wifi invariably check their progress, mid save the patient from a protracted and dangerous sickness. They mo invaluable in nervous and hypocoudrical affections, loss of ap petite, nlid nil complaint* to which females alone are subject. They operatea* a mild speedy purge, nndni-o nsnfn anil certain remedy for worms iu England and tho United State*, and other coun tries, only preserving France uud Italy for himself. Thu* has tho subscriber possesed himself of the invaluable secret, aud now hastens to give tlie in habitants of liia line of agency tlie benefits of hi* speculation. “Le Cordial de Lucine,” or, in English, “the Lucinu Cordial,” is n general invigor&tor of the hu man frame. In all the various case* of languor, lassitude and debilitation, it is an unfailing reme dy, ns it is equally its province to impart cheer fulness and decision to the mind, as healtli ond vi gor to tlie body. But tbe peculiar virtue on which it* celebrity is based, is the facility and certainty with which it restoresthe virile powers when they have been destroyed by disease, time, reckless ness, or any of tho numerous causes whiih termi nate in tho prostration of those functions. In common with the generality of really good medicines, this Cordial contain* nothing ofta mer curial or deleterious witure, among tlie many in gredients which compose it; but is, at the same time, so simple, yet bo efficacious, that while it can renovate the prostrated energies of ti giant, an in fant may use it, not only with impunity, but with advantage. The usages of society arc unfortunately such that, notwithstanding the benefits which would bo sure to result .from it, wo cannot enter into an an alysis of tlris inestimable Cordial here, or publish many of tho documents which have been receiv ed, os voucher* of the blessings it ha* conferred on numbers of despairing individuals. But this we cannot forbear remarking—that it has been de monstrated .that there is scarcely ever, if any such tiling at all, as natural barrenness, or a* natural imbecility of tlie procreant ftuictioiisin either sex; and, therefore, that those evils are the effects of artificial causes,and maybe speedily subdued and removed by tlie use oi’ "Le Cordial do Lucine.” The Lucina Cordial is also un indubitable euro for the Gleet, and the Fluor Albus, obstructed, difficult or painful Menstruation;' also, for the incontinence of Urine or the involuntary dis charge thereof. It is likewise an invaluable and unrivalled modicine in cases of Chronic Errup- tions of tho Bkin, and in the dropsical affections of- the aged. , Most important to the American Public. Tho United States proprietor of the celebrated Lucina Cordial, or Elixir of Love, begs to lay be fore the community, the following certificate, which he 1ms received from tho inventor, the illus- triou* Dr. Moguin, of Paris: ‘•This is to certify, that I lmvo disposed of the recipe for making the Lucina Cordial, or Elixir of Love, and also the right to sell it throughout the United States of North America, to John Winters Holderwcll, M. D. My reasons for so doing is, that tho demands to mo for the above Cordial, of which I am the inventor, are so numerous, that I omunuble to supply all the orders frotnFraucoand Italy alone; and hove therefore disposed of the privileges vouchsafed in this nnd other certificates of a like nature, in order to generalise the benefits, of my discovery throughout the world. Given under my bond at Pari*, on this nineteenth day of January, in thoyear of our Lord, eighteen hundred und thirty-eight. ERASTE MAGNIN. Gaspard Delluc, 1 William Merritt, ' ) This highly important medicine is for sale by John Winters Holdcrwell, No. 129Liberty-street, New-York; Charles B. Tyler, No. 70 Chesnut-st. Philadelphia; and in Baltimore by Roberts & At kinson, John M. Laro.pie, and G. II. Tyler; m Washington City by Tobias Watlcms and Charles Stott; in Georgetown by O. M. Linthacum; iu Richmond bv John F.. Eustice; in Petersburg by Braggs Thomas, and Dnptty, lloser & Jones; and iu Nodblkby M. A. Santos and B. Emerson; H AS just returned from^ow-Yorkwitha large and splendid assortment of Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, which will be sold at reduced price* for cash or short credit, consisting of 50 piece* French, German and Eng. Merinos 60 do. MouslindeLainos 500 Rob Roy Woolen Shawls, various size* and qualities 500 yard* Ingrain Carpeting, best quality 500 do. Cotton do. 1000 nieces English, French and Am. Calico** 10 hales 3-4 ond 4-4 brown Homespun 6 cases blenched Shirtings and Sheeting* 25 piece* white and red Flannels 3000 do. Room Paper and Bordering Satinets, assorted colors and Apron Checks Irish Linens, 20 do. Long Lawn Negro Cloth, 20do. Negro Blanket* Whitney. Rose and Mackinaw do. 300 doz. assorted Head Ildkta. 10 cases do. Florence braid and plain Straw Bonnet* 25 pieces plain and figmed Silks, new style 25 boxes assorted Ribbon* 300 dozen Ladies silk, cotton and worsted Hose 200 do. Gentlemen’* woolen and cotton do. 60 do. Ladies kid and silk G!ovp« 100 do Gent's woolen, kid And buckskin do. 25 bales Band Boxes Together with a choice assortment of silk, brocho, cotton and worsted Shawls, Laces, plain, checked and figured Muslins, Shaker Bonnets, Ac. Als, an assortment of Ready Made Clothing, oct 28 210—ly Cloths, Cnssimercs, &c, A very a Johnson, have received, Black, blue black, brown, claret, green, Ac. West of England Cloths Black, raixt, brown, striped, Ac. Cnssimeres Oxford mixt, black, brown, green, Ac. Premium Satinets • Heavy mixt do. do. for servant* Jeans, Linseys, Ac. do. do. Heavy Duftti Blankets Also, fine ribbon bound Whitney, Rose, Ac, Blankets. oct23 South side Monument Square. 20 Ho. now style 4-4 French Print* 60 do. do. English Calicoes block and coi’d^Scotch Gingham* Kentucky Jean* White Flannel Red do. do. do. do. do. New Fall Goods. Received by G. B. Lamar. 3 A AND 4-4 Scotch Gingham* "tc Fine Long Lawns, Dish Linen* Brown Holland, do. Hamilton Flannel American Prints, Worsted Glove* Worsted aud Cotton Hosiery AVERY A JOHNSON, oct 2 South side Monument Square. do. various qualities Muslin de Laities 100 5-4, 64 and 84 Chincillo Shawl* 50 Merind Shawl* nnd Mantle* 400 Shawls, various styles and qualities 300 pieces French nnd English Merino* 50 do. Pongee Silk Ildkta. * ^ ~ • 1 20 do. English Spittalftcld Silk Ho. 60 dozen Wolen Gloves 20 do. Mens Buck nnd II. S, Glove* 20 dot Ladies It; 9. Glove* 20 do. do..,Silk and Cotton Glove* and Long Mitt* 60 pieces col’d and black Silks,nowcstityla , 2 case* Canton Flannel 20.pieces new style Cassimere 20 do. Vestings 10 do. Broadcloth*, various qualities 30 boxes Bonnet, Cap Taffeta and Belt Rib* • bon* 100 dozen silk, worsted ond cotton Hose and Half Hose 10 boxes Butin Ribbons, frotn No. 2 to 251- 48 Ladies white Florence Bonnet* * ARD 100 colored Bonnets 4 , White and colored SatinSjCol'aFioftnc** White and black Crape Black Love Shawls, black Bombasins Nuns Hoods, and a general assortment of teslrable goods. For sale by oct 29 „ A, BENNETT, IV. H« Iiloyd—Market Square," H AS just received per recent arrivofa, I 2 doz Muslin Collars 4 do English Frilled do 3 pc* black Silk Fringe, 2 do Wire Blond 2 do black fancy Blond 12 do Thread Lace*, 6 do German do 8 do Lisle do, 3 do Wire Edging 4 do Blond Quiling, 12 do Plaid Swiss 14 do Belting*, 3 do Mantilla Lace ( 4 do Greciun Not do, 5 do Bobbinet Lac* 8 do SpittalfieldHdkfr,13 do Pongee Hdkfb 4 do pRuu Silk do, 3 do do Satin do 5 doz Gauze do. 4 do fancy do G do embroidered do ' 6 do Gents Brose Glove* 4 do Ladies do do, 3 do do Kid do 3 do Gents Buck Gloves 2 do do H. S. do 8 do India Rnbber Suspenders 3 do superMo do ao 14 pcs uncut Velvet Ribbon* Also, a splendid assortment of Plain, Figured and Changeable Silks. nov 30 * W. If. A S. Rogers* H AVE just received from New York, the fol lowing Fancy Goods, via: 1 box emb’d changeable Bonnet Ribboua, a splendid article 1 box sup’r fig’d Satin do do 1 do fuucy Frenew 8‘ffkpag* 1 do Plaid Bonnet Ribbon* 5 White Net Veils 1 dozenNet Shawls 1 do Silk emb’d Scarfs 1 do Plaid do do 1 do Thibet do • do 4 pcs brown and black Silk Fringe i 1 do Phittyrrammy ' 1 dozen Intant’s Waists 30 do Nuns (Dutch) Lace Together with various articles in tlie Fancy line, nov 16 South side Market Square. Witnesses* Desirable Dry Goods, R ECEIVED hy AVERY A JOHNSON. Ladies French Kid Gloves Do black und col’d sewing silk do Do white do do Do black do Mitts Do long white Kid Gloves Geiibi black nnd col’d Kid do Do woolen do/Boys woolen do Do silk do Ladies nnd Gents silk Hosiery Gents Lambs wool and Merino £ Hoso Do heavy wool />. Ho«e Do .Merino under Shirts and Drawers Welsh, Merino, Saxony, Ac, Flannels, warrant ed not to shrink When washed. Thibet Wool do. Brocha do Rich Plush Mantillas, do Cheaneal Tippet* Do do Ladies Hat Ornaments Thibet und Bayadere Scarfs Rich silk do, plaid Cashmere do. For sale cn favorable term*. dec 3 South side Monument square. fiair Oil. Bears Grease and Po matum. H/TACASSAR Oil, English, do do Avoencim, ITjL Ward’sVegeuililoOil,I)enraOil,doOreoso, Poinatnm, ill pots; do ill ro Is, Aldrich s Balm Columbia. Just received and for saio on accom- modaftng terms »J 0 „ N fi . stILWEEL, Corner of Broughton A WhiUiker-ats. noy 20 Opposite tho Mansion House. and are a safe and certain remedy children. . _ ... Extractor a letter from Dr. Gurney, of New- Orleans, Ln.Ocf. 9,1837.—"Ihave received much assistance in my practice; especially in jaundice and yellow fever; from the use of Peters* Pills. I presume that, on an average, I prescribe 100 box es per month.” „ . , , . r . , Extract of a letter from Dr. Pritchard, of Hud son, New-York. June3,1836.—'"Jwnsuwnre that Dr. Peters was one of the best chemists in the U. States, and felt assured that lie would some day (from his intimate knowledge of the properties of herb* and drugs) produce un efficient medicine, and I mnst acknowledge that his Vegetable Puls fully respond to my expectation. They are, in deed, a superior medicine and reflect alike upon the chemist, tlie physician, aud tho phylosopher.’ Extract of a letter from Dr. Waines, of Cm ciimati, Feb. 2,1833.—“Your Pills aro tho mildest in their operations, and vetmost powerful iu their effects, of any I have ever met with iu my prac tice of eight and twenty years. Their action on the chyle, nnd hence on the impurities of the blood is evidently very surprising.” Charlotte, N. C. Jan. 1,1837- Dear Sir—1 have made frequent use of your Pills in tbe incipient stage of bilious fevor, and ob- stinate constipation of tlie bowels; also, in the en- tareement or Iho spleen, chrome diseases oi the liver, sick liemlcche, general debility, mid til ull ca ses lmvo found them to bo Tory■ effective. J. D. Bovu, M. D- Mecki.kn'BOKO Co. Va. Feb. 7,1837. Having used Dr. Peters' Pills in my practice for the last 33 months, I take pleasure ut giving my testimony of their good effects in cases of dys pepsia, sick headache, bilious fevers, nnd other nisensos, produced by inactivity ot the Uver. They are a safe aud mild aperient, being tho best article of tho kind I ltnve ever used. GeomnsC. Scott, M.D. This celebrated Mfodicine is for sale by all the principal Druggists iu Siivunnah and throughout the United States, tlie Canadas, Texas, Mexico, unff tho West Indies. Price 50 ceus per box, with full direelions. attg 5 161—ly , m d by John Woodlv. No. 65 Povdras-st. New- Orleans, , . It can also he found at all the principal Drug Store* in South-Carolina.and in Augusta, by Ha- viland, Risley A Co., Thomas Barrett A Co. and Nelson carton and In Savannah by G. R. HENDRICKSON. Price $3 per bottle, with full directions, aug 5* 1G4--Iy New Oootls. A BENNETT has also opened Store No, .• 2, Waring’* Buildings, with a large and splendid assortment of Millenary Goods, consist ing in part, namely! 10 boxes Ladies Florence Braid, Snht Straw Leghorn. Slrnw, Vtntid, col’d English unt common Straw Bonnets 50 dozen col’d Nun’s Hoods 40 boxes Bonnet, Cap, Satin nnd Tafeta Ribbons 10 do Belts, various styles and qualities Col’d Silk*, Florences, Satins, Ac. and a great variety of fancy goods, for sale wholesale or retail very low. ttov 11 Boston A Handle, Market Square, Savannah, H AVE in store, and are receiving per variou* arrivals, a full supply of Groceries,Bagging, Ac. Among which are- 10 hhds. St. Croix Sugar II do. Porto Rico do. >60 bags Coffee 150 pieces Bogging, 42,43 and 44 inches 50 coils Bhle Rone ^ 100 lbs. Bagging Twine 10000 do. Baltimore cured Bacon, Haras,Side» # and Shoulder* 3000 bushels heavy Maryland Seed Oat* Canal and Balt. 4 Flour, whole and £ bblf# 10 casks and 23 boxes Goshen Cheese 10 kegs choice Butter 20 4, 201. and20 A bbla. BuckwheatFIour 30 • boxes—Cun«ttc» w 6 nines Otard, Dupny A Co’s, ‘ilh prctf urandy 5 do. Seignette do. ‘ do. 5 do. Holland Gin 20 bbls. Peach Brandy 30 do. Rye Gin, 30 ao. Whiskey ’ 20 do. Rum Madeira, Teneriffe, Port and Sweet Mali* 'gd Wines Butter and Wine Biscuit Altnouds and Raisins, Tobacco 10 tons iron, assorted 75 kegs Nails, Ac All of which they offer on accommodating terau. oct 11 ' j Co — -1 BAGS Almonds, 12 boxes Citron XU 2 casks Currants, 9bags Walnuts 3 Parmerson Cheese 12 boxes Capers, 12 do Olives Just received and for sale by dec 21 J- b. GATJDRY. Goshen Butter. Qjfh FIRKINS prime Goshen Butter, now landing and ior sale by dec 23 J7. BALDWIN. l! A Saw kbit, l’is Pork, and 10 imir bffls III Mesa Boc-f, pin, received olid for aalo by deS 23 LONG & PATTERSON. Ale and Cider. BBLS Ale, 20 boxes Clumpnenc^CuIer, 10 for sale by dec 23 KING At Uuion Ferry Wharf. Goslien Butter. -4 rk FIRKINS choice Goshen Butter, receiv XU Od by tho L. Uaidwiti^niid tiw siilo dec 23 do do 10 fcve^SidlbfBs fe LONG & PATTERSON. Havana Segai-s. A AAO SUPERIOR Spanish Setjore, IU jUUU fovorite brand#, just received tmd for ealc by ^ jail 4 LONG* PATTERSON (.add, Tapper & SJstorc, O FFER for sale on good terms, 150 hhds first iiunlity Cuba Molasses 300 bags good, tklt and prime green Cuba Conee 150 do superior old Java 60 mat* very fine old Manilla Hhdx prime Porto Rico Sugar 25 boxes Boston refined Loaf do 10 bbls first quality crushed do 20 hair chests superior Block! ea 50 half boxes Baker’s No 1 Chocolate 60 bags heavy Sumatra Pepper 100 boxes Negro Pipes, large^ sixes 600 Demijom, assorted, 1 to 5 gallons 200 whole undlialfboxcs Bunch Ramins 125 pcs 42 inch Dundee Baggiug 200 kegs Cut Nails, assorted . • 50 casks Brown Stout, quartsund pints 50 baskets Cluiuipaguo, Anchor ond Key 50 boxes Spurkling Hock 200 M Spanish Scgars 4 nines Holland Gin, Beehive and Hourglass 2 fluff pipes London Dock Brandy 10 do do J.J. Dupuy &Co.do 10 do American « ““ , 300 bbls Connecncnt Gib, Pkolps & Gowdy a 100 do Boston do, Engle brand 100 do do Rum do 30 do superior Baltimore Whiskey 10 do do old Monongohola do 100 half pipes and quarter casks Madeira, iorr, Sicily Madeira anil Pico Winee 100 bags Shot, assorted ,300 Gnndetonw Seasonable Ooo.ls. B ROADCLOTHS—Black, invisible green, olive, blue, dark mixed and cadet mixeduud brown. English double milled. Cossiiueres—Drab, black, dark grey nnd strrped. Satinets—Bine, drab, cadet nnd dark mixed. Suspender^-Elnstic and knitted, also Extra Ends. Hosier,—Lambs' Woo!, Vigonia, v. lule and mix ed' Colton. * ■ ' _ , ,. Gloi'es—Colored tmd tylulo Iloskm,- Buckskin, Silk nnd Beaver Umbrellas—SJfk and Cotton. Stocks—Sotiu, and Bombesin,' with bows nnd ploiiv Cravats—Blacl^ItaUnn and fancy colored; Also, Merino Skirts. Brushes—ClotH, hnir, noil and tooth. Handkerchief*—Whit© Silk, plain, red and figur ed. Just received, mid for sale by GEORGE W. BEHN, oct 22 No. 2 Shad’s Buildings. Christina* Presents. L ADIES elegant Rose Wood, Shell, Mahog any and inlaid Work Boxes Elegant’Ohineal Work Basket* Toilet Bottles, richly gilt in great variety Essence Boxes, fancy Pearl, Shell, and Ivory Card Cases Gold and Silver Pencil Cases Puzzles und Alphabets, Dissected Maps, for chil Games of Graces, Dominoes, Battledors, Cancel! Cups Musical Boxes, Accordions, Ac. Just received and for sale by dec 19 G. R. HENDRICKSON- ~~5avi«l»s Compound Creosote Tooth Wash. A N agrecabli? vegetable preparation for clean sing, wliitoning and preserving tho Teeth, restoring spongy and dissased Gums to a natural mid healthy state, purifies the mouth and sweeten* the breath, preventive for and cure of tho'tooth ache, canker, soreness, mid the various affection* oftho mouth and throat, whether occasioned bv mercurials or otherwise. Prepared only by T. Davis, Manufacturing Chemist—Price 50 cents, For sale hy PORCHER & LA ROCHE, „ Opposite tlie Market dec 27 Sign of tlie Golden plobi Garden Seeds—Crop 1839. L SUPPLY of English and Shaker’s Garden Seeds, for sale on reasonable terra* by PORCHER ALL ROCHE, Opposite tlie Market, dec 5 Sign of the Golden Globe* Dry Goods. F ANCY Alpeens, Morseifigs Crib Counter- nones, wliite .Marseilles' Counterpanes, as sorted sizes White und col’d notted do do do Blanket Shawls, low priced Red Flannels Bleached and uuhloached Canton Flannel English bleached do do Low priced Satinets, Kentucky Jeans Black und blue black Bombusin* Weleh Flannels, Thibet Scarf* French and English Merinos. For *ule by GEORGE W. BERN, no v 25 No. 2 Shad’* Building. Frcsli-Spices. AA MATS Cinnamon XUU J bbl Nutmegs, fresh imported 1 case Mace do, 3 bag Cloves do 20 kegs pure ground Ginger 19 bags Root do 5 do Alspice, Ao. Just received and for by 1 G. R. HENDRICKSON. To Invalids, B ERMUDA Arrow Root, Tapioca and Sago, just received and for Bale by dec 28 . A. PARSONS. Rose Water. A LARGE aunnly of treble dBBlIw Englwh, French nnd American Rose Water, jubI re* nov 26 doc 6 Powdered Spices. C INNAMON, Black Pepper, African Pepper, Cayenne # Pepper, Cloves, Nutmegs, Spice Ginger, Ac. For sale by ° PORCHER A LA ROCHE, Opposite tlie Market, Sign of tlie Golden Globe. Combs, Brushes, &c. F INE Ivory nnd Horn Dressing nnd Pocket Oorntis, Hair,Cloth, Nnil, CorobB,nnd supe rior F.nvlisli, French nnd American Tooth Brush es, and Shaving Brushes, &c. in the greatest va riety. Justreceived and for snloby die 5 G. R. HENDRICKSO ~ Stove. A FINE new Stove, well calculated fbrttstore ^ohnreb. For side by ^ pARSONS^, Doctor Kucn's NIVERSAL Strengthening Plaster, for ealo PARSONS. Btnra Winter Ntrniutirt Sperm OH. vA/\ GALLS, superior Winter strained OUU Sperm Oil, warranted pure. 300 gallons 2d quality dojust received per It m Tavloreandforsa'ebj ^ BENDR , CKS0N , Flixii* of Bark*. ,. T HIS valuable flavored Cordial 'stxpeo.adra a few dav* by tho brig Opelousas, from Bat* timore. It is needless to comment upon theval- store of I dec 6 Sol. AgexX.