Daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1839-1840, January 10, 1840, Image 1

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iijiulilialmtm the CITY OF' SAVANNAH; ■ nr James Clelrtntl, The Tri-weekly “ Republican,” J In the Daily Paper, at FIVE DOLLARS per anmun, or THREE DOLLARS fbr eix months. All Adrertlsements published nt the usnnl rates, krir i Seventy-five Cents for the first, and Thirty- seven and a half for each Insertion after, per "'ff.^Each Citation by the Clerks ofthe Courts of Ordinary, *hat application. has been ihade for alters of Administration, must be pUblishod HIRTY OAVS et least. ■• ' iofico by Executors end Administrators for itort andCreditora to render in their accounts ! bo published SIX WEEKS. •• > ; ‘ ■ „f Negroes by Executors and Adininw- nust ho ut pubic auction, on the HrstTuos- ,o month, .between the usual hours of lire place of Public Sides in tins County viiuo the Letters. Testamontary, ofAdministrn- ion, or Guardianship may luive been granted, first sivinr sixtv days notice thereof in one ol the K ofthU State, and at the dCorcf he Court House, whore sucheaios are to bo "tfitici-forleavo to soil Negroes, must bo nub- ished for four months, before any order absolute shall bo made thereupon by the Court. Sales of Real Estate by “eeutora, Admmlstra- tors, and Guardians, must be published SIXTY DaVs before the day of Sale . These sales must ic made ut tlio Court House door of tile County n which the property Is situate, andIon tliB first Tuesday ofthe Month,between the hours often in the rooming and four lii the nftemoon. No sale Wm day to day isvalid, unloss so expressed In ‘‘‘“ “^'Executors, Administrators and Guardians to tlraC ott '}.°. f tyjjfefK sell Land, niUBt bo published FOUR MOIp l Ho. Sales of personal property (except negroes) of tostatennd intestate csbitepi by Ipieoutorsi and AdminUtrators must be advertised FORXY DAYS' Applications by Executors and Administrators for 'Letters Dbunssory, mustbe published SIX * Applications for foreclosure of Mortgages on —B.ti estiie must bo once a mouth for OUR MONTHS. • ' Orders of the Conrt of Ordinary, (accompnni [ with n copy of the bond of agreement) to inke titles to land must be advertised Three o.VTiisat least. . , , SKeriirssnlesunder executions regularly CTnnt- 1% die Courts, must lie adve.rti.ed THIR T\ AY3—under mortgogo executions SIXTY fAYS—Sales ofperishahle property under or of Court, mustbe advortired, generally, TEN ,Y8 before the day of sale. .11 Ajdverlisementswdl bo pimctuallyattended * All Letters directed to this Office or the Editor, must be postpaid, to entitle them to ot- tentiou. ■ • No. 8--V0I. XXXVII.] SAVANNAH, L(«u.) FrilDAT EVENING, JANVAB1T 10. 1S«0. [Whole No.—07,003 — ii Mi n „ —. .. . nn „ Illustration of UcnUty. A Dosirnblo Offer, T O RENT—The subscriber's. Store, on his wharf, well adopted for-a Shin Chandlery Grocery, or any business connected witli sbip,- ping. It is neediest for him to say more ofthiB advantageous otter to those who would desire to ubu^lt in that line, as it is well known to 1 ■the be*t In town, * The subscriber would also inform hi* friends that he lias embarked in tho Steumboat business, ond his services, or those of his second son, John F. Guilraartin, can be always had at his wlmrf, for those shipping, &c. by tho stoanifers Beaufort District and the Despatch, atalltinies. JOHN GUILMARTIN. N. B.—Also to rent, a spacious three story House, heretofore known us “The Independent Hotel,” fronting on the Bay, in East Broad street, well adapted for a Boarding House, with a Ton Pin Alley, Bar, &c. attached. uov *20 LUCIN/VCOKDIAI JLe Cordial ao Iaicinc—Ou l’EIU- -• ir do VAmour. IT1HE subBsriber has the nlca<mve of minouno- A ing to the citizens of the United States, that ho hog purchased, for a very largo ipun and from the inventor, tlio celebrated Dr. Majniin, of Paris, the recipe and right for making tins astonishing medicine. Untifthe appearance of the “Lucina Garden Seeds. 1HE subscriber has just received per brig __ Mrtdison, his supply of fresh Garden Seeds, larranted to be dfbest quality* and the growth ot p39,viz: . [ Beans, kidney, half moon and Valentine, Beet, [urly Turnip, blood, white, Scaraity and Mangel JVortzel; Cabbage, early York, Battersea, Drum* lead, Bergeli itnd rod Dutchf Carrot; early hom, Ind long orange; Cucumbers early framed, ong LLiitftil nrlrtktv: Lettuce, early ice’ and Ion" pple. Nutmeg and Juioti, silver okiu’u, id and black fall; Squash, early bush mil rock necked; SaUJfy, Tomuom; Turnip^ ■tltu IUI‘j V.»u 0 -T — IreeU and pricklv; . . green; Mellon, Citron, Pine Apple* J SkUlinaris;early Cauliflower:Oiuofi,«. red and white Portugal; Okra, curled Parsley, topper, long sweet Spanish Pease, Dwarf,. Mar- nvfht, Charlton, blue Imperials, Washington, lislioffs Prolific and Tali Marrowfat; Raman,long icarlot, short top’d do,white turnip do,early fram- — v l; Squash, early bnsh and long r * *" 1 * *— m —*- early A BEAUTIFDL HEAD OF HAIR is the grandest ornament belonging to the human .frame. How strangely the Foss of it changes the countenance and prematurely brings on me ap pearance of old age, Which causes many to recoil at being uncovered;! and sometimes even to shun society to avoid the jests and sneers of their ac quaintance; the remainder of their ( lives are con sequently spent in retirement. In short,not even the loss of property, fills the generous thinking youth with (hat heavy sinking gloom as does tho loss of his hair. To avert all these unpleasant circumstonfccs.Oldridge’s Bahn of Columbia stops the Imrr from falling olfon the first application and a few bottlos restores it again. It likewise produ ces eyebrows and whiskers; prevents the hair so universal from turning grey, mikes it curl beautifully, and frees it from scurf. Numerous ccriifjfculca of the first respectability in support ofthe virtues ofOl- dridge’s Balm, are shown by tho proprietors. KTIicad tlio following: RobdrtWhortou, Esq. lute Mayor of Philadel phia, has certified, as may bo seen below, to tho high character of the following gentlemen. The.undesigned do hereby certify that we hnve „jed tho Balm of Columbia ’discovered by J. Ol- dridge, oud have found it highly serviceable not only as a preventive against the falling off of hair, but ulsoa certain restorative. , . WM. THATCHER, Souior, • Methodist Minister in rit. George charge. ’ No. 86 North Fifth-street. , JOHN P. INGLIS, mArch-street, JOHN D. THOMAS, M. D. 163 Race*!, JOHN S. FUREY.101 Spruce-st. HUGH McCUllDY, ‘2-13 douthtfth at. : JOHN UAltD.Jr. 123 Arch-st. The aged, and those who persist in wearing wigs, may not always experience its restorative qualities, yet it will certainly raise its virtues in the estimation ofthe public, when it is known that three ofthe above signers are more than 60 years of age, and the other* not le«s than 30. [From tho Mayor.] Commonwealth op Pennsylvania, } City of Philadelphia. > ^ 300 Dollars Challenge. T HE Geimino FRENCH PILLS against ell tlie QUACK NOSTRUMS Of the ego for Ihe cure of * * * " * * '* Tlie French Pills nrc applicable to all cases, for either»cx, (warranted : freo from mercury,) nnd Dutch! large flat Gfohe ond lliitahago!" Pepiier Irasa, Water Crese, white oud red Clover, Ln- :erne Gnus, &c. For sale by * * T SC nov 20 ANSON PARSONS. Bowlanfl’s Pnlmonarla, ot Ve getableHcinuloent. N - cases of obstinate Catarrh;, m C_oufc . whetherarisingfrom recent o c neglected oolds; Asthma; and os an auxiliary and means of nre- jent relief from the threatening symptoms of ap- •iro&chinf* Pulmonnry Conamuption, noineihcme —ninimu nnnii the confidence of tho in- Phil- Hh . oiul consequently’ thereby pecyonting the possibility of a discovel wliilo using them. ; *' •• Besides this importa... T .,_ agree witli the stomach, and in the first stages of the disease they usually effect a cure in a few days, with little regard to diet or exposure. In tho most obstinqMtagea of the disease, they are equally certain,having cured many after every other remedy had failed. In short, they have been so universally successful, that f hat tlie proprietor challenges any one to produce a remedy of equal certainty, under a forfeiture of Three Hundred Dollars’. For sale by • - ' G. R. HENDRICKSON, nnd T. M. & J. M. TURNER. Price $2 per box. * aug 6 164—ly overcomes, beyond the reach or human remedy, ns for upwtiras of a thousand years; they had ba’flled the wisdom and ingenuity of the most profound phy sicians iu all parts of the world. This Cordial, however, to the great advantage of the human race, soon proved itself to be the desideratum so long fought for; and accordingly, no [withstanding the Uri4f period of Us existence, it has acquired a celebrity so great, that it is eagerly sought for throughout tlie civilized globe. Dr. Magnin soon finding that - the demand was so vast as to render a supply impossible, disposed of tlio recipe : and right of sale, uuder obligations of secrecy, for England and the United Slates, and other coun tries? only preserving France and Italy for himself. Thus has tho subscriber po^sesed himself of the invuluuble secret, and now hastens to give tlio in habitants,of his- line of agency die benefits of his speculation,. . .. “Le Cordial de Lucine " 6r, in English, “the Lucina Cordial," is a E C ci Harrison’s Specific Ointment* OR the cure of White 8wellinga, Scrofulous nnd other tumors, Ulcers, Sore Legs, old and fresh Wounds, Sprains and Bruises, Swellings anil Inflammations, Scald Head, Women’s Sore Breasts, Rheumatic Pains, Tetters, Eruptions, Ciuibatns,'Whitlows, Biles,' Corns atid External Diseases generally. It is likewise greatly superi or to any medicine heretofore discovered for tho clrifcd hacks and limbs of horses ; for ring worms, chapppd lips—and in short, for every external bo dily evil that may fall to the - lot of man or beast. For sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON, And T. M. & J. M. TURNER. Price 50 cents per box. ang 6 164—ly ETSRS’PILLS I, Robert Wforton, Mnyor of said city« mietphis, do hereby certify the* I am well acquaint ed with Messrs. J. P. Iiislis, John S. Fiu-ey, ond Hugh McCurdy, whoso names are signed to the above certificate, that they are gentlemen uf char acter and respectability, and us such lull credit should lie given to tho said certificate. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, [L. S.] and caused the seal of the city to be af fixed, this sixth day of December, &o. ROBERT‘WHARTON, Mayor. ■ Ca!tfion .—-Observe that each bottle of tlie gen uine Balm Inis a splendid engraved wrapper, on which Is ropre*ertted U19 Falls of Niagara, the A- gent’s name, &c. 1 Afreshsupplyreceived^for^^ man frame. In, all the various cases of languor, lassitude und 'debilitation, it 5s mi unfailing reme dy, as it is equally it* ptovinca to impart cheer fulness and decision to the mind, as health aud vi gor to tho body. But the peculiar virtue on which its celebrity is based, Is the facility and certainty with which it restores the yirilepowers wheft they have been destroyed by disease, time, reckless ness, or, any of tho numerous causes whiah terrni- nuto.in the prostration of those functions. In Cohnnon with the generality of fcully good medicines, this Cordial contains nothing ot a mer curial or deleterious nature, among the many in-’ D* Beni H A S jnst returned froinftew* V ork with a large and splendid assortment of Foreign and Domestic DRY GOOD8, which will be sold at reduced prices for cash or short credit, Consisting of 50 pieces French, German nnd Eng. Merinos 60 do. MouslindcLaincs 600 Rob Roy Woolen Shawls, various sizes aitd qualities 500 yards Ingrain Carpeting, best quality 500 do. Cotton Art. 1000 pieces English, French and Am. Calicoes 10 bales 3-4 and 4-4 brown Homespun 6 cases bleached Shirtings and Sheetings 25 pieces whito and rod Flannels 1000 do. Room Paper aud Bordering 30 do. 8atinetH, assorted colors and qualities 30 do. Apron Checks 26 do. Irish Linens, 20 do, Long Lawn 25 do. Negro Cloth, 20 do. Negro Blaukets 100 pair Whitney, Rose aud Mackinaw do. 300 doz. nssortea Head Hdkfis. 10 cases do. Florence braid and plain Straw Bonnets 25 pieces plain and figured Silks, new style 25 boxes assorted Ribbon* 300 dozen Ladies silk, cotton and worsted Hobo 200 do. Gentlemen’s woolen and cotton do. 60 do. Ladies kid and silk Gloves 100 do Gent’s woolen, kid ond buckskin do. *25 bales Baud Boxes Together with a choice assortment of silk, brociiti, cotton nnd worsted Shawls, Laees, plain, checked and figured Muslins, Shaker Bonnets, <tc. Ala, nn assortment of Ready Made Clothing, oct 28 1 ^210—ly . ClotSis, Cnssitncres? Acl A VERY & JOHNSON, have received, Black, blue black, brown, claret, green, &Q. West of Ijugland pioths Black, mlxt, brown, striped, &c. Cassimeres Oxford mixt, biuck, brown, green, &o. Premium Satinets Heavy mixt do. do. for servants Jeans, Linseys, Arc.. do. do. Heavy Dnffil Bhukqts Also, fine ribbon bound Whitney, Rose, &c. Blankets. oct23 South side Monument Square. New 1 T he iiiinc from brig So' and (ixteiuivo nraortment of cy uud Staple Goods, connoting in p lowing article., vizi lOO'iiioceo CordovaKcroew IdU 'JO 10 40 20 black and co?d Scotch Gingham? Kentucky Jeon. White Flimuol troublesome aymp- ,oms of "coupling,'expoctomticm or phlegm, piuu in the breast, &c. which eonatitnte proulinontrea- turee of tiro comnlaint, that tho Ptiliiioiiurm wna iloeifined, and has manifested itemoat valuable pro- perties. ,»/f , , . f r It is equally uscftil of course m the : relief ol coughs and colds, arising from sudden change 01 weather, from wearing damp liuen.&c.i For sale by A. BARTOW, may 23 For Restoring the noir. nflHE Coeada Oil isao denominated, because it J. is composed of vegetable ingredienl8,aud its virtuee are pre-eminently displayed in tlie follow ing respects: It possesses properties ofthe most eambrious nature, which eradicates tlie scurf and all impurities of tho hair; nourishes the hair and prevents its'failing off, and lessens the liability ol .hair to turn grey; strengthens tlie weakest lmir, I and produces 0 luxuriant drowtii; gives a vigor (to the hoir which soon produces an inimitably nal- I ural curl, and prevents its falling out ill a damp (atmosphere, or during exercise; renders tlie blur teither natural or artificial, beautifully soft and pleasant; bootovvsan inestimable gloss and pleas- ant perfume to the tresses—in fine, renders the Ihoir dress tramconduntly boautUhl, promotes the Sgrowlli oftvhiakars. eyc brows, mustneh-.; &o. TTo children’s hair its effects aro strikingly benefi- Jciali isperfeotly inhoxlom, Und may with safety ■be oppliod to the youngest infant; it eradicates the Idaiidriffeasicr and superior to ooinbs, soaps, &o.; is extremely pleasant to tho infaift, gradually Tstrenglheiis the hair, and augment! its growth so neto produce a beautiful head of hair. Preserves mo hair after sea buttling, violent exercise, und is bf pre-eminont utility for persons travqliing by sea or land, preserves tlio hair, rendering it peculiarly pleasant, and always dressed, has wonderln! et- gbets on tho hair in hot or cold cliuuitfii, and is Jbeld ip high estimation by disfinguishod persons Imbraad. , . ,, , ' _ _ . y,ico 75 cents.per bottle. '"cSmSh' Tipv/U 1 / 2g2 1 . _ - , Hi# • ’ ffooth Wash. • , . I'TUST received, ndVesh Bupply. pfClilorinoand J Orris’ Tuoth Wash, fpr cleaning and proaerv- line tho tooth. Received aud lbr.&ilo by 1 g dee l3 . ANSON PARSONg dec 5 ^tecl Pens, ’w! T HORN F. WILLIAMS. Omc Hoye \a veryjupenor^arfi^je^forBale . . Look at This. .... . mHE left hand halves of thebillsnamed below, X were mailed to tlie address of tlie subscriber on the Cth February last, ot Greenville Court House, South- Carolina j by Win. Choice, which have not come to hand, and the probability is they must he lost. The sfeveral Banks ore hereby noti fied of mv intention to make an application, after due notice, for now notes on tlie return ot the right bund halves, which are now iu my possession, $20 Bank of Augusta, No. 238, dated 3d Sept. 1836, letter A. $20 Bank of Augusta, do. 179, do. 3d Oct 1828, letter B. , -20 Bank of Aughsta, do. 890, do. 2d Jau. 1827, letter A. 20 Bank Columbus, No. 852, dated 2d Feb. 1832, letter H. h. 20 Bank Columbus, NS.351, dated 1st Scpt.1831, 20 Baidi Colurobns, No. 953, do. 0th Deo 1830, JO Bank Columbus, No. 1448, do. 1st Oct. 1829, letter H. _ , . „ , 20 Bank Columbus, No. 1200, do. 1st Oct. 1829, letter H« . 20 Bank Columbus, No. 262, do. 7th May, 1836, letter H; h. ’ ’ , 20 Bank .Columbus, No. 12, dated 1st Jan 1830, letter torn. , 20 Central R. Road, No. 775, do. 3d June, 1036, letter A. 20 Bank State of Goorgio, No. 997, do. 1st Sopt. J8dim, letter A. • .20 Bank Darien, No..l678,dc. totD*. 1939, te»- ter B. b. »■ 20'Meehanio8' Bank Augusta, No. 10, do. 6th Deo. 1834, letter A. 50 Moelianics' Bank Augusta, No. 63,dated 7th April, 1835, letter B. , 100 Mechanics' Bank Augusta, No. 68, dated 1st May, 1835, letter B 100 Mechanics' Bank Augusta, No. 71, dated 1st Nov. 1831, letter A. • „ 20 Bank Milledgeville, No. 4251, datod 2d Sept. 1836, letter A. _ 100 Bank MilledgqvUlo, No. 436, do 3d Jan.1837, 100 Planters & Mechanics' Bank Columbus, No. 59, dated 9th Muy, 1838, Letter A. 60 Plan. & Mech. Bank Columbus, No. 330, da- tea 2d Nov;3837, letter A. 50 In*. Bank Savonnali, No* 18, dated 8th Dec 1829; letter K. ’ - • NOTICE.^—Three montlis afterdate, apohea- tion will be made to the (aboVol ditfereiit for new notes; tho left hund half df suid bills be- ing lo^. . WILLIAM, SMITH. TrdnpVillO, Ga. i5th Oct. 1839. - ' 1 i . , OTThe Geqrgian, AugustaClironicleand Sen- tihm, Southerii Recorder and Cplumbur Herald and Scntin^ Will pleosq mibllsh the aboye week ly lor three months, and forward tlmir accounts tb me at TroupvUle, Ga. for payment; .0 pi 31 . £07t3iq ‘triie true rlcjies of tlfr Is ltcaltli.’ W E know that health nn<l the ability to labor constitutes tlie wealth of the great mass oi toe people in this,’ as in most other countries. To preserve, therefore, that health by natural means is a grand uiuralninlpojiticalspheme.io fulfil which requires our utmost attention. The unprece- dentedpopidarityaiiduniverSftlapprobationivliieh this medicine has achieved throughout tlie United States, the Canadas, Texas, Mexico and tho W est Indies, fully justify Dr. Peters in warmly and con scientiously recommending them to the special at tention of tlie afflicted. Dr. Peters has spent much time in experiment ing with different Vegetable Medicines for diseas es of tlie liver, and now offers his Vegetable Pills as - the best, most convenient and cheapest Medi cine that can be prepared for general use. ^ One great quality of his Vegetable Pills is that they have the alternative principle combined with their carthartic, or operative qualities* or thatlhpy not only cleanse the stomach antt bowels by pur ging, but they regulate the liver, change the mor bid secretion, strengthen the digestive organs, pn rify the blood, invigorate tlie circulation, and gives tone aqd energy to tlie nervous system. They arc mitti and pleasant iu their operation and convey almost immediate conviction-of their utility from their first dose. ’ They can be taken I with safety by persons of any age; end the feeble, tlie infirm*, the nervous and delicate ure strength ened by their operation, because they cleur the system of bad humors, quiet nervous irritability, and invariably produce sound health..»■ • ■. • The Vegetable 'Pills are a sure remedy for jaun dice, sick and nervous headache, dyspepsy, cos artoi the prostrated. . _ M „ fhnt may ubo it, not only witli impunity, but with advantage. The usages of society are unfortunately such that, notwithstanding tlie benefits which would be sure to result from it, we cannot enter into an an alysis of this inestimable Cordial here, or publish liiuny of the ddcilmchtswfiich have been receiv ed, us vouchers of thoblesBlftgrt it has conferred on Iiumbers of despairing individuals. But this we cannot forbear remarking—that it . has been de monstrated that there is scarcely ever, if any such thing at all, as natural barrenness, or as natural imbecility of tlie procreaiit functions in either sex; and, therefore, that those evils me the effects of artificial causes, and,may be speedily subdued aud removed by the use of “Le Cordial do Lucirie.” • The Lucina Cordial is • also an indubitable cure for the Gleet, and tlie Fluor Albus, obstructed, difficult or painful Menstruation; also, for tlie incontinence of Urine or die inyoluutary dis charge thereof. It is likewise an invaluable and unrivalled medicine, in cases of Chronic Errup- tlons of tiie skin, oiid in the dropsical affections of the aged. Most important to the American-Public. The Unitau States propnetm' of the celebrated Lucina Cordial, or Elixir of Love, begs to lay be fore tho community, tlie following certificate, which he has received from-.the inventor, tlie illus- triousDr.Magnin.ofPuriHi - “This is to certify, that I have disposed ofthe recipe'for making the Lucina Cordial, or Elixir of Love, and also the right to sell'It throughout the United States of North America, to John Winters HolderweJljM, D. My reasons fbr so doing is, that the demands to me for the ahoy a Cordial, of which I ani the inventor, are so numerous, that I am unable to supply all tlie orders fromFrance nnd Italy alone; and have therefore disposed ofthe privileges vouchsafed in this nnd otli^V certificates of a like nature, in orderto generalise the benefits, of iny discovery throughout the world, Given under my hand at Paris, on this nineteenth dayof January, intheyear of our Lord; eighteen hundred and thirty-eight . ERASTE MAGNIN. Gaspard Define, | New Fall Goods. Received by G. B. Lamar. AND 4-4 Scotch Ginghams Fine Long Lawns, Irish Liuons olhuid, do. Hamilton Flannel American Prints, Worated Gloves Worsted and Cotton Hosiery AVERY & JOHNSON, oct 2 South side Monument Sqnare. 3-4 A .Brown Hoi W. II. ft S. Rogers, H AVE just received from New York, the fol lowing Fancy Goods, viz: 1 box omb’d changeable Bonnet Ribbons, a splendid article 1 box snp’r fig’d Satin do do • 1 do fanny Frencli Silk Bags 1 do Plaid Bonnet Ribbons 5 White Net Voil* • . 1 dozen Net Shawls 1 do Silk emb’d Scarfs 1 do Plaid do do ■1 do Thibet do do 4 ncs brown and black Silk Fringe 1 do Plnllygrarnmy 1 dozen Infant’s Waists 10 do Nuns (Dutch) Lace Together with various articles in the Fancy line, nov 16 South side Market Square. various quolitiii 100 5-4, 0-4 and 8-4 Chiueille Shawls 50 Merino Shawls ond .Mantles ' 400 Shawls, various styles a 100 pleeba French and Eng 60 do. Pongee Silk Hdl ek nnd H. 8. Glares ies II. S. Gloves do. do. Silk and Cotton Gloves and Long Mitts 60 pieces col’d and black Silks,newest stria * 2 cases Canton Flannel 20 pieces new style Cassimers 20 do. Vestings 10 do. Broadcloths, various 30^ boxes Bonnet, CapTaffota andBelt: 100 dozen silk, worsted ond cotton Hose tid Half Hose 10 boxes Satin Ribbons, from No. 2 to 22 48 Ladies white Florence Bonnets A»D 100 colored Bonnets White aud colored Batins, col’d Florences White uud black Crape . Black Love Shawls, black Bombasine Nuns Hoods, aud a general assortment of lesirable goods. For sale by _oct29 A. BENNETT. W. H. Xloyd—RIarket Square, H AS just received per recent arrivals. 2 doz Muslin Collars 4 do English’ Frilled do 3 pcs black Silk Frlnge,2do Wire Blond 2 do black fancy Blond 12 do Thread Laces, 6 do German do 8 do Lisle do, 3 do Wire Edging ** 4 do Blond (iui)inf, 12 do Plaid Swlse 14 do Beltings, 3do Maudlin Lace 4 do Grecian Net do, 6 do Bobbinet Lace 8 do Spittnlfield Hdkfs, 13 do Pongee Hdkfii 4 do plain Silk do, 3 do do Latin do 5 doz Gauze'do, 4 do fancy do 6 do embroidered do 5 do Gents Brose Gloves ' 4 do Ladies do do, 3 do do Kidde 3 do Gents Buck Gloves' . 2 do do II. S. do ; 8 do India Rnbber Suspenders 3 do super do do ao 14 pcs uncut Velvet Ribbons Also, a splendid assortment of Plain, Figured and C Image able Silks. nov 30 asnal_ . William Merritt, Witnesses. S Frencli Chemicals. UIJPHATE Quinine, Sulphate und Acetate of Morphine, Croton Oil, Oil of Black Pep- [per,Krcosote, Plphrine, Pruasio Acid, Iodine, Em- lodne, Ext. Nux Vomica, Hydrodate, Potaaaa, &c. ' * ,! '‘ M e\ V arh, and forualoM* Q ( R. HENDRICKSON V *:♦ • W. 8.' jluir oil, Beni'S Orensc uud Po matum. . •myrACASSAROil, EnA.h, do do American, YL Ward’s V««olahlo Oil,BearaOd,do Grease, do-in Hh Aldrich'. Balm Coluiiihia. : Just rocoivod anil for sale on acoom- JtOIlN E. 8TILWELL, CoYnor of Broughton &.Whitnkor.sts. . nov 20 - Onnonito tho Mansion Home.. tivcneBs, sickuess of the stomnch, Ijearthurn, oil bilious complaints, fevers, of all kinds, and ff laker* at the commoucement -will iuvariably check their progress, and save tlie patient from a protracted and dangerous sickness.. They, ure invaluaWe in nervous and hvpocondrical affections, loss of ap- peine, mid all complaints to which females eloUe uro.subject. They operate as a mild speedy purge, and are a safe and certain remedy for worms w children. Extract of a letter from Dr. Gurney, of New- Orleans, La.Oct. 9,1837.—“Ihave received much assistance in my practice; especially in jaundice and yellow fever; from the use of Peters Pills. 1 presume that, on an average, I prescribe 100 box es per month.!’ . • 4 , , -* Extract pf a letter from Dr. Pritchard, of ■Iiu*i- son, Nevv-York, JunoS, J83G.—j‘fl >vas aware .that Dr* Peters was one of tlie best chemists jatiie U* States, and felt assured that he .would, some day (from liis intimate knowledge of the properties.of herbs and drugs) prodneo ail efficient mcdicmp. aiid I must Acknowledge^thathis Vegetable Puls fully respond to uiy expectation.. They are, in deed, a superior medicine and reflect alike upon tlie chemist, the physician, and the phylosonher.’ Extract of a letter from Dr. Waines, pf Cin cumuli, Feb. 2,1838.—“Youf Pills are the mildest in their operations, and yet most powerful ui their effects, of any I have ever n>et with iu my prac tice of eight aud twenty years. Their action• on the chyle, and hence outfit* impurities of tlie blood 'is evidently very surprising.^ Charlottu, N. C. Jan. 1,1837. Dear Sir—I have made froijneiit use of your Pills in tlie incipient stage of bilious fover, and ob stinate constipation of the bowels; also, in the en largement of the spleen, chronic diseases of the liver, Hick headache, geqeraldebility, nnd m all ca- ses have found them to be very effective. J. D. Boyd, M. D. MECKT.ENnuno Coi Wa. Feb^, 1837. Having used Dr. Potartf Villain-my practice for the last.12 moiitlis, l take pleasure in giving my testimony iff thoir good .ottects, m cases .of dys-; uepsia, sick headache;' bilious fevers, arid other diseases, produced by inactivity of the hver.— They are a safe and mild uperiont, being the best article of tlie kiud I have ever used. , Grouge C. Scott, M. Q. This celebrated Modicino.is for sale by idl tho principal Druggists in Savannah and throughout the United States, tlie Cunndus, Texas, Mexico, nnd tho West Indies. Price 50 cons per box, with full directions. aug 5 ' 164—Jy This highly important medicine is for sale by John Winters Ilolderwcll, No. 129Liberty-street, New-York; Charles B. Tyler, No. 70 Chesnutrst. Philadelphia; and in Baltimore by Roberts &. At- ltinsdn, John M. Laroque, and G. R. Tyler; in. Washington City by Tobias Watkins and Charles Stott; in Georgetown by O. M. Linthacum'; in Richmond by John E. Eustice; in Petersburg by Braggs Thomas, nnd Dnpuy, Roser &. Jones; and in Norfolk by M. A. Santos arid B. Emerson; arid by John Woodly, No. 65 Poydras-st. New* Orleans. It can also he found at all the principal Drug Stores in South-Carolioa,nhd in Augusta, by Hn- viland, Risley & Co., Thomas Barrett & Co. and Nelson Carter; and in Savannah by G. R. HENDRICKSON. ’ Price $3 per bottle, witli full directions. aug 5 164—ly. . . Desirable Dry Goods, R ECEIVED by AVERY* &. JOHNSON. Ladies French Kid Gloves Do black and col’d sewing silk do Do white do do Do black do Mitts Do long while Kid Gloves Gents black arid col’d Kid do Do woolen do, Boys woolen do Do silk do Ladies and Cjents silk Hosiery % Gents Lambs wool and Merino 4 Hose Do heavy wool i Hose Do Merino under Shirts ond Drawers Welsh, Merino, Saxony, «&c. Flannels, warrant- ‘ ed not to shrink when washed. Thibet Wool do, Brricha do Rich Plush Mantillas, do Cheaneol Tippets Do do Ladies Hot Ornamems Thibet and Bayadere Scarfs Rich silk do, plaid Cnshmere do. For solo on favorable terms, dec 3 South side Monument square. 'NnvGoods. BENNETT has also opened Store No. A BENNETT has also opened Store No. .i 2, Wiring’s Buildings, with a large and splendid assortment of3IiUenary Goods, consist ing in part, namely: 10 boxes Ladies Florence Braid, Split Straw, Leghorn, Straw, Braid, col’d English and common Straw Bonnets 50 dozen col’d Nun's Hoods 40 boxes Bonnet, Cap, Satin and Tafeta Ribbons 10 do Belts, various styles and qualities Col’d Silks, Florences, Satins, &c. arid a great ’for sole wholesale or retail nov 11 Boston & Randle, Market Sqnare; Savannah, H AVE in store, and are receiving per various arrivals, a full supply of Groceries,Bagging, &c. Among which ore— *d 10 hlids. St. Croix Sugar 11 do. Porto Rico 60 bags Coffee 150 pieces Bagging, 42,43 and 44 inchea 50 coils Bale Rope 160 !bs. Bagging Twine 10000 do. Baltimore cured Bacon, Ham»,Side», ond Shoulders ' 3000 biisbels hfinvy Maryland Seed Oats Canal tind Balt. Flour, whole and 4 bblt« 10 casks and 25 boxes Goshen Cheese , «!-i. 10 kegs choice Butter 20 20 4, and 20 4 bbls. Buckwheat Flour 10 poxes Sperm. Candles 5 pines Otard, Dupuy & Co's. 4th proof Brandy •/ 5 do. Seignetto do. do. 5 do. Holland Gin 20 lihls, Peach Brandy 30 do. Rye Gin, 30 do. Whiskey 20 do. Rum Madeira, Teneriffe, Port arid Sweet Mala* ga Wines Butter and Wine Biscuit Almonds and Raisins, Tobacco 10 tons iron, assorted 75 kegs Nails, &c All of which they ofl’er on accommodating terms. oct 1L , • • -■ Almonds,. Currants and Citron* ‘ 't III BAGS Almonds, 12 boxes Citron JL V/ 2 casks.Currants, 9 bags Walnuts 1 Parmerson Cheese 12 biixes Capers, 12 do Olives Just received and for sale by dec 21 J. B. GAUDRY, Caracas Cocoa* /5[AA LBS. Caracas Cocoa, just received and for sole by nov 26 LONG ife PATTERSON. Cider, *S BBLS. prime Newark Cider, now land- X Vr ing and for sale by L. B ALD\VIN. dec 19 ' ' . Canal Flour. . * BBLS superfine Canal Flour, just land* , \ tlLF ing and for sale on wharf, by .1’ 5 dec 24 WASHBURN, LEWIS & CO. ‘ Fine Razors. TJOGERS.Wudo & Butchers, F.lliotts, and JtX Pricksleys, fine and warranted Razors, in irreut variety; together with a fine nssortmentof Brushes, Boxes, Soaps, .Combs, Perfumed Wa ters, Pomatums, &c. Just received and for sale rit very reduced prices to suit the times, for cash or cre’dit, by G. R. HENDRICKSON. jan7 ■ 5 David’s Compound Creosote Tooth Wash. A N agreeable vegetable preparation for clean- siX sing, whitoniug and preserving the Teeth, resloriug spongy anu diseased Gums to a natural and healthy state, purifies tlie mouth and svyeetens the breath, preventive for and cure of the tooth ache, canker, soreness, and the various affections ofthe mouth and throat, whether occasioned by mercurials or otherwise. Prepared only by T. Davis, Manufacturing, Chemist—Price 50 cents. For sale by PORCIIER& LA ROCHE, Opposite tho Market dee 27 Sign ofthe Golden Globi Garden Seeds—Cron 1830. A SUPPLY-of English' and Shaker’s Garden Seeds, for sale oil reasonable terms by *; PORCHER&LL ROCHE, Opposite the Market, . d ec 5 Sign ofthe Golden Globe. Seasonable Goods. B ROADCLOTHS—Block, invisible green. olive, blue, dark mixed and cadet mixed and brown, English double milled. Cassimeres—Drab, black, dark grey - and striped. Satinets—Blue, drab, cadet nnd dark mixed. Suspenders—Elastic and knitted, also Extra Ends. Hosiery—Lambs Wool, Vigoriia, white aud mix ed Cotton. , «... Gloves—Colored and white Hosktn, Buckskin, Silk and Beaver Umbrellas—Silk and Cotton. Slocks—Satin, aud Bombasin, with bows and plain,• , , Cravats—Black Italian aiid fancy colored. Also, Merino Skiits. : Brushes—Cloth, hair, nail and tooth. Handkerchiefs—Whito Silk, plain, red and figur „ed. Just received, add for saio by GEORGE >V. BEHNj oct 22 No. 2 Shad’s Buildings. Sperm Candles. T HIRTY boxes 4,5 and 6 Sperm Caadjes-# just recei- i and for sale by riov 28 LONG & PATTERSON. Domestic Brandy. 5 HALF pipes Domestic Brandy, for’snle low to close a consignment. ' ' 1 dec 27 GEORGE H. MAY. ‘J Starch nnd Blue. T HIRTY boxes Colegote’s superior Starch, % coses do English Fig Blue, landing from brig Augusta, and for sale by . i .-jJ nov 28 G. R. HENDRICKSON. ,1 Coffee. t t !! BAGS Havana, foystdejj^^ .. 120 dec 31 j, B. (id fCt PC PIECKS tt f *vy ^Juudeo Bagging,; I JdfJ for sale by , ^ \ dcTai LADU.TPPPER &. 8ISTARE. Porto Rico Sugar. , HHDS. prime Porto Rico Sugar, for. /A P sale low to close a consignment, deb 31 GEORGE H. MAY, , ‘^mstreoeived per brig New H ”? over ' ToNat 'Atterson. Christmas Prescuti.. T ADIES elognnt Itoso Wood, Shell, Moliog- Jti ‘iny oil'd iniaid Work Boxes EleeniirChinBsl'Work Baskets .Toilet Bottles, rinhlygilt in great variety .Essence Boxes, ihnoy .. Penrl, Shell,and Ivory Cnrd Cnsca fiold nnd Silver Ponhil Cases Puzzles and Allihabets, Dissected Jlaps, forclnl Ganies™ Groeos, Dominoes, Battledors, Cancell Mnsicu| l Boxes, Accordions, &c, Jnst received ^nnd for sale by^ r h ENDR ickSON- Bry Goods, TJtANCY Alneciis, Marseilles Crib Counter-1 J; panes, ivlute Marseilles Counterpanes, as sorted sizes ' White und col’d notted do do do Blunkot Shawls, low priced Red Flannels Bleached and unbleached Canton Flanuel English blenched do do Low priced Satinets, Kentucky Jeans Black and blue black Bombasine Welsh Flannels, Thibet Scarfs French and English Merinos. For sale by ■ GEORGE W. BEttN, nov 25 No. 2 Shad'a Building. <T llnvnnn Se( ,ars, -rt rv rvrMli 3UPERIOaSpariish SBgars, favorite brand*, just received nnd for ealo by janl r LONG &■ PATTERSON. C PoHidered Spicos. INNAMON, Black Pepper, African Pepper, Cayenne Pepper, Cluves, Nutmegs, Spice Ginger, &c. For e do by , PORCHER & I,A ROCHE, .... Opposite tlieMorket, deefl Sign of tlie Golden Globe, Sweet Scented Powder, dee. -ff C% DOZ. Otto Rose Scented Powder I JL 0 do. Violet do. do. 0 do. Plain do. do. Also'Towder Boxc3 and Puds. Received and f0 octu5 by I • A-'PARSONS. JJlINEIvoi Combs, Brushes, Ac, . . 1 yj re81 vorv antt Morn uressuig am Combs, tloir,Cloth, Nail, Combs,and supe rior English, French nnd American Tooth Brinh- 08, and Shaving Brushes, Ac. in tho greatest va riety. Justreceivodandforsaloby dee 5 G. R, HENDKICKSO ^Doctor EtieiPs t rrTNIVERSAL Strengthening Ptaeler. ftjWe U by A. PARSONS, dee* 86# Ladd, Tuppcr A Slstaie,, O FFER for sale on good ttfmf, 150 ldida fitst quality Cuba Molasses 1 , 300 bags good, fair and prime green Cuba Coilee, 150 do superior old Java “O 50 mats very fine old Mandla no Hhds prime Porto Rieo Sugar 25 boxes Boston refined Loaf do 10 bbls first quality crushed do 20 half chests superior Biuck Teo 50 lialf boxes Baker’s No 1 Chocolate 50 bags heavy Sumatra Pepper 100 boxes Negro Pipes; large sizes 500 Itemijons, asserted, 10> 5 gallona _ . . 200 whole oud hoirboxes Bunch Uuiam. ;j 125 pcs 42 inch Dundee Bagging ...... 200 kegs Cnt Nails, assorted 50 casks Brown Stont, qunrtsand runts 50 baskets Champagne, Anchor and Key 50 boxes Sparkling Hock JL „. 200 M Spanish Segars ■ ipes Holland Gin, Beehive and 1 If pipoa London Dock Brandy do J. J. Dupuy A Co. do encrioan 6o .. Connecticut Gin, Phelps A Gowdjr* j- v--le brand 10 do 10 do American 300 HiD Connect-- ... 100 do Boston do, Eagle bi 100 do Mo Rum do 30 do stiPrior Bnllimoro Whiskey 10 do do old Jtonnngahela do 100 halfpipes aud quarter casks »Ia Sicily Madeirannd Pico Wines 100 bags Shot, assorted 300 Grindstones !iM a*