Daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1839-1840, January 13, 1840, Image 1

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«,c«oA5Mr tecptmi.rc.or; bfMMedintka CITY OF SAVANNAH, I)V . Janies C(pln»«>i UmllT DOLLARS poymnauu- mailt tn ttS orFIVEDOLLAltS for Six Mouths, . ThcTri-wcoldy « Bcpnl>Hen"»” I pf,dished tiiroo Unite 1 Week, (ironiliiy/Wod iMd'iyliittlifi ojflttofthe "Daily tSipWl W «i> Daily Paper, at * *’ PIVC DOLLARSper iiniiuin, or .’THREE DOLLARS . i fur six inouttia. I All Aflveitlatmenta nuU&ioil at tko tiana) riitoa, I,. Soventy-five Cents for tho first, und llnrty- ■vp U anil a half fur each imortlun utter, put N, r B?jiachCiWp'*y;tWf Clerks uftlip Courts 'Ordinary, that application hits boon tiMilo for ■otters uf Ailiniuistration, must be published inil-tY DAYfJ at least. 1 Notice by Exocutor. unil • Administrators lor obtora all'll Creditors to render In tlioir accounts lust bo publisbed SIX WEEKS., Buies of Negroes by Executors anil utora mint be at publo miction, on the first 1 uea- Iv of the njdntil, liolwu.on the usual hours of (e, at the place of Public Sales in the County l ioro the Letters Tostmioutary, ofAdininutra- oi or Guardianship may have been granted, first ‘mo sixty days notice thereof in one oL the fltNlir.ettea of this State, and at the door ef Court House, where aucli sales are to bo Notice for leave to sell Negroes, must lie pub- ,hcd fbrfour months, before any order absolute iiU bo matte thereupon by the Court. Sales of Real Estate by Executoro. AdminlsJra- llv a ,u1 Guardians,miistbo published Slxll a vi before the day of Bale. Those sules lilusl ^md^at the CourtW door of the County which the property issiuiate, and on the first nesday oftlie Mondi.beUveentlie hours often in le- morning and fdtir in the, atternoon. No sale oni'day to day is valid, unless so expressed in le iilverfeonient. ■ , Annlicntionshy Execiitcra, Administrators and Sales of.pcrsoual property (except negroes) , (citato and intestate estates by F.xecutrirs and (ImhiiHtfators must he - advertised 11)11 f i 1 V.YS .plications by Executors and Administrators .ottor « Di.otiissory, must be pubbe.ieu oiX ONTIIS Applications for foreclosure of Mortgages on nil e.nt'ite must be advertie’eil ouce ft montn 101 uit oioNTiisv * ; Jrdsra of‘he OtmrtnfOrdnnnr, (occompnni- with ft copy °f tho bond of agreement') to ice titles to iitiul must he advertised Ihiieh pMths ftt least. . " ** Khcriirssalesmidcr executions regularly,grant- Lliy the Courts, must lie advertised 1 Hitt r Y VyS—under mortgago executions M.U 1 AYS—Bales of perishable property under or \ of Court, mu itlie advertised, generally, 1 L« iiAYB before the day of sale, !vui Advertisements will be punctually attended All lathers directed to this Office or the J\tor, miist bo postpaid, to entitle them to ut- Gardcn SccdSc HP, subscriber haft just received per brig Madison, bis supply of fresh Garden Seeds, ranted to be of best quulity, and the growth of i!9 viz* leans, kidney, half moon and \ aleritine; beet, •hr Turnip, blood, white, Scarcity and Mangel fortzcl; Cabbage, early York, Battersea, Drum- lad, Bergen and red Dutch; Carrot,^ early born, Id long orange; Cucumbers early framed, long : een nud prickly; Lettuce, euily ice and long •een; Mellon, Citron, Pino Apple, Nutmeg and kiiUunns; c?ir |y Cauliflower; Onion,silverskin d, id and white Portugal; Okra, curled Parsley, ier, long sweet Spdiusb Pease, Dwari,. Mai lt, Charlton, blue Imperials, Washington, iop’s Prblitic and Tall Marrowl.it; Itadish.long lot, short top'd do,white turnip do,early fram- ami black fall; Squnsh, early bush ami long jelt necked; Salsify,.Toma oesi Turnip, early Htch, largo flat Globe und lliitnbapoi Pepper ass, Water Cress, white ami red Clover, Lu- ruo Grass, &c... For sale by nov -20 ANSON PARSONS. ~r~— No. 10* New Goods, New 45od<f*T T HE: nVcrilior bus received and now f pen Of from brig Sai nnnali end slip Celia, «lo»g*. a id extensive asstirta.rtt of uewest style of Pari- ey and Utopia Cords, consisting hi part ef tkelb)- lowing articles, via: 1(30 pieces Cordova Kerteyb' I ' •Yol. XXSVII.1 ‘ SAVANNAH. [(On.) 11ION DAY EVENING, JANUARY 13, lSflO'.' [Whole No..—»»,CCS. Illustration oflt entity. A Dcsfmblc Ofilin’* T O RENT—The Hiibscribejr'H Sloro. on his wharf, well adapted for a Shin Chandlery Grocery, or uny bttstnosM connected with ship ping. *it is woodless for him to sny more orthis advantageous offer to those who would desire to embark m thnt line, as ft is well known to be one of the best in town. The subscriber would also Inform his friends thnt he has embarked in tho Steamboat business, and his scrvicos, or those of his second son, John F. Guilqiarl’m, can bo always hnd. at his wharf, for those shipping, &c. by the steamers Beaufort District and the Dcsputch', at all times. JOHN GUlLMAftTIN. N. B.—-Also to rent, a spacious three story ITouflo, heretofore l«tpwn as “Tho Independent H'oteK!’ fronting on tho Bay, in BastrBroad streot, well udaptoiHbr a Boarding House, with a Ton Pin Alley, Bur, &c. attached. nov 26 owlaml’s Fulnionuria* or Vc» (ratable PcmHlccnt. N cases of obsUuato Catarrh; m Loughs, whether arising iVom recent o»7ieglected coh.s; Asthma; and ns an auxiliary and means of pre- lt relief from the tlireatening symptoms o{ ap- niching Pulmonary Consumption, no medicine i greater claims upon tlie confidence ol tlie in- id than the above medicine, [t is for the afflictive and troublesome symp- c ** r/- A BEAUTIFUL HEAD OF HAIR is tho grandest ornament belonging to tlie human fruuie. , How strangely the loss of it changes tho countenance and piemnturely brings on the ap pearance of old ago, which causes many to recoil at being uncovered, and sometimes even to shun society to avoid the jests und sneers of their ac quaintance; the remainder Qf their lives are con sequently spent in retirement. In short,not oven the loss of property fills tlie generoqs thinking youth with mat heavy sinking gloom as does the loss of his lunr. To avert all these ^unpleasant circumstances,Oldridgo’s Balm of Columbia stops tjie hair from lulling off on the first application und a few. bottles restores it again. It likewise produ ces oyebfmvs and whiskers; prevents tho hair from turning grey, makes it curl beautifully, and Ireds it from scurf. Numerous certificates of the first respectability in support of the virtues ofOl- dridge’s Bahn.aro shown by the proprietor*. , OCTRead the following: Robert Wharton, Esq. jate Mayor ofPhiladel- f ihia, lias certified, as may be seen below, to the ligh character of the following gentlemen. Tho undersigned do hereby certify that wo hnvo used the Balm of Columbia discovered by J. 0!- dridgo, audlmvc found it highly serviceable not only as a preventive against tho fulling off of hair, but ulsoa certain restorative. ,. WM. THATCHER, Senior, Methodist Minister in St. George charge. No. 80 North Fifth-street. JOHN P. INGMS, 391 Arch-street.; JOHN D. THOMAS,M. D. lf)3Uace-st. JOHN S. FUREY, 101 Spruce-st. I1UGJI McCUJIDY, 243 South 7th st. JOHN CARD, Jr. 123jVrch-8t. The aged, and tliose who persist in wearing wigs, may not always experience its restorative qualities, yet it will certainly raise its virtues in the estimation of the public, when it ia known that three of the aboye signer- are more than 50 years of uge, and the others not lpss than 30. [From the May of.] Commo.vweai.th of Pennsylvania, ? City of Philadelphia. ) I, Robert Wharton, Mayor of said city of Phil adelphia. do hereby certify that I am well acquaint ed with Messrs. J. l\ luglis, John 3. Furcy, and Hugh McCurdy, whose nemos arc signed to the above certificate, that they arc gentlemen of char acter and respectability, and as such full credit should he given to the said certificate. In witness whereof, 1 have hereunto sot my hand, [L, ih] mid caused the seal of tho city to bo.uf- fixed. tUis sixth day of December, &c. ROBERT WHARTON, Mayor. Caution.—Qhsorvc that each bottle of the gen uine Balm has a splendid engraved wrapper, on which is represented tlie Fulls of .Niagara, the A- gent’s name, &c. A fresh supply received and for sale by dec 12 ANSON PARSONS. 300 Dollars Challenge. T HE Genuine FRENCH PILLS against all the QUACK NOSTRUMS of the ago for the cure of * * * H * * Tho French Pills are applicable to all cases, for either sex, (warranted free from mercury,) and possesses great advantages over the Balsanis und all liquid medicines, by being entirely free from smell, and consequently do not effect the breath, thereby preventing the possibility of d discovery while using them. Besides this important advantage thoy never dis agree with the stomoelp mid in the first stages of the disease they usually effect a cure in a few days, with little regard to diet or exposure.- In tho most obstinate stages of tho disease, they are equally certain, laving cured many after every other remedy had failed. In abort, they have been so universally successful, that thut the proprfytor challenges uny one to produce a remedy of equal certainty, under a forfeiture of Three Hundred Dollars. For sale by G. 11; HENDRICKSON, and T. M. & J. M. TURNER. Prico $2 per box. aug 5 1C4—ly Hnrrison’s Specific Ointment. F OR the cure of YVhite Swellings, Scrofulous nud other tumors, Ulcers, Sore Legs, old and fiesh Wouiids, Sprains aud Bruises, Swellings ami Inflammations, Scald Head, Women’s Sore Breasts, Rheumatic Pains, Tetters, Eruptions, Chilbains, Whitlows, Biles,-.Corns and External Diseases generally. It is likewise greatly superi or to any medicine heretofore discovered for the dialed backs and limbs of horses^ for ring worms, clapped lips—and in short, for every external bo dily evil tiiftt may fall to the lot of man or beast. For sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON, and T. *M. & J. M. TURNER. Price 60 cents per box. aug 6 - \ 164—ly LooK at This. T HE left hand halves of thebfilsnnmed below, were mailed to the address of tlie subscriber on the .Gth February last, at Greenville Court House, South- Carolina, by Win. Choice, which have not come to hand , and the probability is they as of cou^liiug, expectoration or phlegm,'pain must he lost . The several Banks arc hereby uoti- hc broastf&c. which'constitute prominent fea- lied of my intention to make un application, after cs of thecomplaint, that the Puluionaria Was due notice, lor new notes on £entura of the! right dgned, and has uiunifested its most vuluuble pro- rtics. . , .. . . t is equtilly useful of course m the relief ot ghs and colds, arising from sudden changes of ither, from wearing dump linen, Am. or sale by A. BARTOW. may 23 Fov KcstPrins; the Hair. YHE Casada Oil is po denominated, because it __ is composed uf vegetable ingredients,and its Itues ore pre-eminently displayed in tho foliow- m respects t It possesses properties ol tho most BubrioUfl nature, which eradicates tlie scurfaqt. of tho hair; nourishes the. hair and [events its fklliug off, and lessens the liability of fir to turn grey; strengthens tlie wealtest hair, [d produce- it luxuriant growth; gives h Vigor I the hair which soon produces an inimitably Init ial curl, atul prevents, its falling out in a damp Inosniiore, or'during exercise; remlers the hair Thor natural or hrtificiul, beautifully soft nnd hasunt; hastoWa an inestimable gloss and pieas- |t perfume to the tresses--in- fine, renders the lir dress tran-cetirlantly beautiful, promotes-tlio Anyth of whiskers, eye. brows, mustaches, &c. j> children’s hair Its effects aro strikingly bonefi- II; is perfectly innoxious, and nay with safety I applied to the youngest infant 5 it eradicates the lidrmWier and superior to combs,'soaps, &c.; ■extremely pleasant to the -infant, gradually lengthens the hair, and augments its growth so ito produce iv beautiful head of hair. Preserves T hair after sea bathing, violent exercieo.and is Jpre-emineut utility for pergous travelling by sea iland, preserves thffhair, rendering it peculiarlv lasont, and always dressed, has woudorful ef- Its on tho hair in hot or cold climates, and is fid in high esthnatiou by distinguished persons Bold' wholesale and retail by’the Proprietor, ms..Quirk, 490 Broadway; New-York, and by ^ ent, by A. PARSONS, Agent, gavonuah, Gn. T^J ccnts per bottle. nov 2G j»t Jelly * Brnudy Pcactics. ioz. Cnrriitit J oily ,20 do Brandy l’oacli- is. Just received per brig T.a mar, hnd | by. C.L.McNISII. pov 11 , 222 . Tooth Wash* JST- received, afresh supply of Chlorine and Orris’. Tooth Wash; Ibr cleaning,and preserv- ? the teeth.Received and for sale by fdeq!3 ' ANSON PARSONS. hand halves, which are now mmy possession, fcon J3ank of Augusta, No. 23d, dated 3d Sepl. 1839, letter §20 Bank or Augusta, do. 179, do. 3d Oct . 1828, latter B. 20 Bank of Augusta, _do. 890, do. 2d Jan. 1827, 20 Bank Coinmbus, No. 852, dated 2d Feb. 1832, letter II. h. 20 Bank Columbus, No.351, dated 1st Sept.1831, letter II. h. , 20 Bank Columbus, No. 953, do. 9th Dec 1830, letter II. h. . . ' 20 Bank Columbus, No. 1448, do. 1st Oct. 1829, letter II. ^ 20 Bunk Colipnbus, No. 1206, do 1st Oct. 1829, letter H. 20 Bank Columbus, No. 202, do. 7th May, 1836, letter H. h. . . „: 20 Bank Columbus, No. 12, dated 1st Jan 1830, letter torn. 20 Central R. lload, No. 775. do. 3d June, 1836, vletterA. 20 Bank Stale of Georgia, No. 997, do. 1st Sept. 18 dim, letter A, ‘ . 20 Bank Darien,-No. 1678, do. 1st Dec. 1832, let ter B. b. * 1 20 Mechanics’'Bank Augusta, No. - 10, do. ,oth Dec. 1834,' letter A. • ; " 50 Mechanics’ Batik Augusta, No. 63, dated 7th April, 18p5jetlerB.. 100 Mechanics’Bank Augusta, No. 58, dated 1st May, 1835, letter B ' * * f ' 100 Mechanics’ Bank Augusta, No. 71, duted 1st Nov. 1831, letter A. , , ‘ 20 Bank MillcdgevUle, - No. 4251, dated 2d Sept, 1836, letter A. ■ , T . 100 BanltWilledgeville, No. 436, do 3d Jan.1837, letter A, _ .100 Planters & Mechanics’ Bank Columbus, No. 59, dated 9th May, 1838, Letter A. 60'PlaiU & MoSh. Bank Columbus, No. 330, da ted 2d Nov. 1837, letter A. ■. ‘ 6Q Ins. Bunlt Savannah, No. 18, dated 8th Dec 1829,lottorK. • * • NOTICE.—Three months afterdate, applica tion will bo made to* tho (above) different Banks for new notes*, tho left hand half of said bills be- “‘ g l0,,t- WILLIAM SMITH. Troniivillc, Gn. 15th Oct. 1851). CT The Ocnrjhaii, Aiiffustn Clironiclonnil Sen- Steel Pens, RNthe ffroatostvuviety, * dec3* W.TMOttNEWILLIAMS. Kj 3 TheGcnrfltan,Augusta ... 'tine!, Soutlniru ttccoriloi' and polnnihiis IToriihl mill Seiitiuol, williileaso nnblish the above weelc- ly for three months, anil forward their accounts, tome atTrdtipville, Ga. for payment, octfll ' #jgg . ggg llaii- Oil, Bears Oreaso’.atia Po» Bale Rope. 0 COILS, a very superior article, for stile by WASII13UIIN, LEWIS &-CO. Bee 6 J ULFIL^n' X h Chemicals. uiuine, Snlphntii uud Acotuto it received ner Newark, and forsiile by I«ct3 G. R, HENDRICKSON . matutn. , H/TACASSARpil, English, doalo Amonenn, ItJL Ward’s Vegetable Oil,Boars Oil^du Grease, Pomatum, in pots; do in rolfy AuIitcIi s Balm Cohmibia. Just received and for ualo on uccom- iiiod"t hl!!t0 rn' Sb 1 y oH N E.ST I LWEliL,. Comer of Broughton* Wllitakor-stss nov 20 * OppositdHho.Mansion House. ‘The true riches of life Is hcnlth*’ W E know that health aud the ability to labor constitutes tlie wealth of tlie great mils* of tne people in this, as in most other countries. To preserve, therefore, that health by Batumi means is u grand mural and political scheme,to fulfil which, requires our utmost attention. The unprece- dentedpopularity and uuiversalupprobation which this medicine has achieved throughout tin* Uuited States, the Canadas, Texas, Mexico and the West Indies, fully justify Dr. Peters in warmly and'con scientiously recommending them to tlie special at tention of tlie afflicted. Dr. Peters has spent much time in experiment ing with different Vegetable Medicines for diseas es of the liver, and now oilers his Vegetable Pills ns tiie best, most convenient nml cheapest Medi cine that can be prepared for general use. One great quality of his Vegetable Pills is that they have the alternative principle combined with Uieir cartli.u tic. or operative qualities, or.that they uot only cleanse the stomach and bowels by pur ging, but they regulate the liver, chopge the mor bid secretion, strengthen the digestive organs, pu rify the blood, invigorato the circulation,aud givcH tone and energy to tho nervous system. They are mifd and pleasant in their operation and convey almost immediate conviction of their utility fioii; their first do-e. Tiiev can be taken With safety by perrons of any age; and the feeble, tho infirm, the nervous and delicate are strength ened by tlioir operation, became they clear tlie system of bad humors, quiet nervous irritability, tmd invariably produce sound health. The Vegetable Pills sue a sure remedy for jaun dice, sick and nervous headache, dyspepsy, cos tiveness, sickness of the stomach, heartburn, all bilious complaints, fevers of all kinds, und if taken at the commencement will invariably check their progress, and save the patient from u protracted and dangerous sickness. They are iuvaluablo in nervous and hypocondrical affections, loss of ap petite, and all complaints to which females alone are subject. They operate as a mild speedy purge, and are a safe and certain remedy for worms in children. .Extract of a letter from Dr. Gurney, of New*. Orleans, La.Oct. 9,1837.—“I have received much-' assistance in my_prnetiennanpr'mlly in jaundice mid yellow fevorr from the use of Peters’ Pills. I preptime that, on an average, I proscribe 100 box-' es per.inonth.” Extract of a lelterffcom Dr. Pritchard, of Hud- soli, New-York, June3,1.836.—“I was aware that Dr. Peters wa£ one of the best chemists in the U. Stales, aud felt assured that he would pome day (from his intimate knowledge of the properties of herbs and drugs) produce an efficient* medicine. and.1 must acknowledge that his Vegetable Pills fully respond to my expectation. Thev are, in deed - , a superior medicine and reflect alike upon the chemist, the physician', aud the phylosopher.’ Extract of a letter from Dr. Wuiues, of Cin cinuati, Feb..2,183S,—“YourPil}s aro the mildest in their operations, nud yet most powerful in their effects, of any l have ever met with in my prac tice of eight and twenty years. Their action on the chyle, and hence on tho impurities of the blood is evidently very surprising. Chahlottk u N. C. Jan. 1,1837. Dear Sir—I have ’made frequent use of your Pills in the incipient stage of bilious fever, and oh- stimto constipation of tho botyels; also, in tlio en largement of the spleen, chronic diseases of the liver, Sick headache, general debility, and in all ca ses have found them to be very effective. J. D. Born, M. D. MKCKT.F.Nimna Co.* Vn. Feb. 7,1837. Havingused Dr.Pcters’ Pills in my practice for the last 12‘moniha t Intake pleasure in giving my testimony of.theirgood effects in cases of dys pepsia, sick lioadacho, bilious fevers, and oilier diseasos, produced by inactivity.* of tho liver.— They are a safe and mild aperient, being the best nrtiolo of tho kind J have over used, y •: t i t. • Gkotioe U. Scott, M. D« Thfs^olrtbratrd Medicine is for sale by all the principal Druggists hi Savannah and throughout the United BtatosTthe Cutiadas,' Texiis, Mexico, and Hid West Indies. Price Greens per box, with full directions. . . * , aug 5 , 164—-ly LUCSNA CORDIAL Ii© Cordial do Lncinc—Ou I’EHx- Ir de l’Amour. T HE subscriber hafthe pleasure of announc ing to the citizens of the United States, that ho has purchased, for a verv large sum And from tho inventor, the celebrated Dr. Ma/pifQof Paris, the recipe and right for making tins astonilhing medicine. Until the nppcaruuce of tint “Lticinu Cordiuk” (ubout threoyears since) it was thought that tlm complaints which it speedily overcomes, wore beyond tho rough of human remedy; as for upwards of a thousandyoarsjj^oy had baffled the wisdom aud ingenuity of tlie most profound phy sicians in all ports of tho world. This Cordial, however, to the ^reat > advantage of tho human race, soon proved itself to he tlie desideratum so long nought for; und accordingly, notwithstanding the brief period of its existence, it has acquired u celebrity so great,, that it is eagerly sought for throughout the civilized globe. Dr. Magniii soon finding that tho demand was so vast as to render a supply impossible, disposed of tho recipe und right of sale. undnr < obligations of secrecy, for England and tho United Stutos, and other coun tries, only preserving France und Italy for himself. Thus has tho subscriber possesed hansclf of tho invaluable secret, and now hastens to givo the in habitants of hi» line of agency tlio benefits of his speculation. “Lo Cordiul do Lttcinc,” or, in Eliglish, “the Luciuu Cordial,’’ is ngeneral invigorator of the hu- man frame. In all the various cases of, languor, lassitude and debilitation, it is an unfailing reme dy, us it is equally its province to impart cheer fulness aiid decision to tho mind, os health aud vi gor to the body. But the peculiar virtue on which its celebrity ia based, is the facility aud certainty with whicn it restorostho virile powers when they have been destroyed by disease, time, reckless ness, or any of tho numerous causes which termi nate in tho prostration of tliose functions. In common with the generality of really good medicines, this Cordiul contains nothing of a mer curial or deleterious nature, among the ninny in gredients which compose it; but is, at the same time, so simple, yet so efficacious, that while it cun renovate tlie'prostrated energies of a giant, an in fant may use it, not only with impunity, but with advantage. The usages of society are unfortunately such that, notwithstanding the bcuefits which would be sure lo result from it, we cunuot enter into anan* alysis of this inestimable Cordial here, or publish luimy of the documents which have been receiv ed, as vouchers of the blessings it has conferred on .numbers of despairing individuals. But this we cannot forbear .remarking—that it has been de monstrated that there is scarcely ever, if any such thing at all, as natural barrenness, or as natural imbecility of tlie procreant fiui<?tiousin either sex; nnd, therefore, that tlioso evils aro tho effects of artificial causes,and maybe speedily subdued and removed by the use of “Le Cordial de Luciue.” The Lucina.Cordial is also an indubitable cure for the Gleet, and the Fluor Albits, obstructed, difficult or painful.Menstruation; alto, for the incontinence of Urine or tho involuntary dis charge thereof. It is likewise an invaluable uud unrivalled medicine in cases of Chrome Errup- tions of the skin, uud. in the dropsicul uffections of tlie aged. . Most important to the American Public. The United Stales proprietor of tho celebrated Lucina Cordial, or Elixir of Love, begs to lay be fore the community, the following certificate, which he has received from the inventor, the illus trious Dr. Maghin, of Paris: “This is to certify, that l have disposed of the recipe for making the Lucina Cordial, or Elixir of Love, and also the right to sell it throughout the United States of North America, to John Winters Hoklerwcll, M. D. My reason* for so doing is, that the demands to me for tlie above Cordial, of which l am tho inventor, are so numerous, that I am.uhublc.to supply ull the orders fromFranceand Italyalone; and huvo therefore disposed of tho privileges vouchsafed in this and oilier certificates of a like nature, in order to gcneralisethe benefits, of my discovery throughout tlie world. Given under my hand at Puna, on this nineteenth day of January, intheycar of our Lord, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight. ER/ H AS just returned ftoials’cw-^ork with a large and splendid assortment of Foreign atul Domestic I)ltY GOODS, which wilbbo sold ul reduced prices for cash or short credit, consisting of - 50 pieces Frctteh, Gentian npd Eng. Merinrfs 60 do.- MQUBlitfdfl Lnines 600 Rob Roy WpalauSluuyla, various sizes and qualities* • 600 yards Ingrain Carpeting, besfqunlfty 600- do.’ Cotton - do. 1000 pieces English, French and Am. Calicoes 10 hales 3-4 nnd 4-Thrown Homespun 6 cases bleached Shirtings and Shootings 25 pieces white nnd red Flannels 1000 do. Room Paper and Bordering do. Satinets, assorted colors anu qualities 30 30 25 25 si 00 300 do. Apron Checks do. Irish Linens, 20 do. Long Lawn do. uo. Negro Cloth, 20 do. Negro Blankets mir Whitney, Ror^md Mackinaw do. Oz. assorted Head Hdkfs. 10 cases do. Florence braid and plain Straw Bonnets 25 pieces plain and figured Silks, new style 25 boxes aborted Ribbons 300 dozen Ladies silk, cotton nnd worsted Hose 200 do. Gentlemen’s woolen and cotton do. 60 do. Ladies kid nud silk Gloves 100 do Gent’s woolen, kid and buckskin do. 25 bales Band Boxes Together with a choice assortment of silk, broclie, cottou and worsted Slmwls, Laces, plain, checked and figured Mnujin*. Shaker Bonnets, &e. . Alston assortment ofReunyMade Clothing, oct 23 210—ly- Cloths^ Cnssimcrcs, dec. • A very & Johnson, have received, Black, blue black, brown, claret, green, &c. Westtif England Cloths BMek, mixt, brown, striped, &c. Cashmeres. Oxford mixt, black, brown, green, &c. Premium Satinets Heavy mixt do. do. for servauts Jeans, Lunevs. &c. do. do. Heavy Duftti Blankets Also,'fine ribbon bound Whitney, Rose, &c. Blankets. oct23 * South side Monument Square, New Fall Goods. Received by G. B. Lamar. 3 A ■' AND 4-4 Scotch (j'mgho.nia "tC Fin4 Long Lawns, Lush Linens Brown Holland, do. Hamilton Flannel American Prints, Worsted Gloves Worsted and Cotton Hosiery AVERY & oct 2 AVERY A JOHNSON, South side Monument Square. 120 20 60 60 1 40 do. Sat nets . do, nsw stylo 4-4 French Print* tta. do\; Englisli Calicoes dd. Idnck mtd CoiM fc’eotch Ginghana* do. Kentucky\feftna do. White Flannel on , do * various qtfalAteo. 20 do. Muslin de Iatines 100 64,04 and S4 C'hineillo Shawl. Merino Slmivl. and Mantle. 400 Shaiyl., viu-ioua atvlca and 20 do. Moil., Duck ohif II. S. Glovoa 20 do. Lnilloa II. S, Gloves 20 do. do. Silk and- Cottott Glove* , nnd Long Mitts - K 50 piecos col’d and Muck 8ilke,nowe«Uty!« 2 cases Canton Flannel ’ 20 jiiecca new style Cuasimcro 20 do. Vestings , 1 , 1 ’ ,,' 10 ' B™«ldo;hs, various qtinfitiea JO boxes Bonnet, Cap Tafleta and Dolt Rib. bons .. ‘ * 10° doxenrilk, worsted and cotton Hobo hni Hail IIoso - 52 t OX ,® s Ribbons, from No. 2 to 22 4b Ladies while Florence Bonnets 100 colored Bonnets ■! White end colored Satin., col’d Florcnci* White and black Crapo Black Love Shawls, black Dotnbaain* , Nuns Hoods, uud n general assortment of Icsirnble goods. For sale by oct2i) A, BENNETT. . H W -. Jt* Mnrlcct Square, AS itist received per recent anivnla, ■2 doz Mud if, Collars 4 do English Frilled ilo 3 pcs black Silk Fringe, 2 dir Wire Blond 2 do black iancy Blond , \ 12 do Tlirend Laces, (1 do German do 8 do Lisle do, 3 do Wire Edging 4 do Blond (tailing, 12 do Plaid Swi« 11 do Beltings, 3do .Mantilla Loco 4 do Gvciau Net do, 5 do Bobbinet Lac* 8 do spillidlield Hdkrs, 13 do Pongee Mdkft ’ 4 do plain Silk do, 3 do do Satindo 5 doz Gauze do, 4 do funcy do 0 do embroidered do ~ 5 do Gents Broso Gloves 4 do Ladies do do, 3 do do Kidd* 3 do Gents Buck Gloves .2 do do li.S.^io 8 do India Rubber Suspenders 3 do super do do do 14JICS uncitt VclvotRibbons. a,4 l ct,ng P eS id Si r r ' ,,,em ° f Pla! \ F o r35 eJ W. II. ft S. Rogers, H AVE just received from^lew York, the fal- lowing J’ancy'Good*. viz: 1 boxouib’d changeable Bonnet Ribbons, a splcudid article 1 box sttp’r fig’d Satin do do 1 do fancy French Silk Bags 1 do Plaid Bonnet Ribbons 5 .White Net Veils 1 dozen Net Shawls 1 do Silk emh’d Scarfs 1 do Plaid do do 1 do Thibet do do 4 pcs brown and black Silk Fringe 1 do Phillygrainmy 1 dozen Infimt’s Waists 10 do Nuns (Dutch) Luce Together with various articles in die Fancy line, nov 16 - South side Market Square.* Gasprirti Delluc,- William Merritt, ERASTF. MAGNIN. Wituc.sses. This highly important medicine is for sale by John Winters Iloldcnvell, No. 129Liberty-street, New-York; Charles B. Tyler, No. 70 CUesnut-st. Philadelphia; and in Baltimore by Roberts &, At kinson, Jolm M. Luroqne, and G. R. Tyler; in Washington City by Tobias Watkins nud Charles Stott; in Georgetown by O. M. Linthacuin; in Richmond by Jolm E. Kustiee; in Petersburg by Bra»gs Thomas, and Dupuy, Uoscr & Joncft; and lit Norfolk by M. A. Santos and B. Emerson; and by Jolm Woodly, No'. 65 Poydras-at. Now- Orleana. It can also bo found at all the principal Drug Stores in South-Carolina.and in Augusla, by Ha- viland, Risley &,Co..Thomas Barrett & Co. and Nelson Carter; and in Savannah by G. R. HENDRICKSON. Pricc*$3 per bottle, with full directions. ouirS 164—ly Desirable Dry Goods. R eceived by AVERY & JOHNSON. Ladies French Kid Gloves Do black and col’d sowing silk do Do white do f do- Do black do Mitts Do long white Kid Gloves, Gents black and col’d Kid do Do wooleu do, Boys woolen do Do silk do .Ladies and Gents silk Hosiery Gents Lambs wool and Merino A Hose Do heavy wool 4 Hose Do Merino under Shirts and Drawers Welsh, Merino, Saxony, &c. Flannels, warrant ed not lo shrink when washed. Thibet Wool do, Brocha do Rich Plush Mantillas, do Cheaneal Tippets Do do Ludies Hat Ornaments Thibet aud Bayadere Scarfs Rich silk do, plaid Cashmere do. For sale on favorable terras. dec 3 South side Monument square. New GooilSi A BENNETT has also opened Store No. .• 2, Waring’s Buildings, with a large and spletfdid assortment of Millenary Goods, consist ing in part, namely: *' 10 boxes Ladies Florenco Braid, Split Straw, Leghorn, Straw, Braid, col’d Lnglish and common Straw Bonnets 50 dozen col’d Nun’s Hoods 40 boxes Bonnet, Cop, Satin nnd Tnfeta Ribbons 10 do Belts, various styles nnd qualities Col’d Silks, Florences, Satins, &c. and a great variety of funcy goods, for sale wholesale or retail very low. 1 nov.ll Boston A Handle, H Market Square, Savannah, A \ E in store, and are receiving per varionf an ivals, a full supply of Groceries,Bagffing r &c. Among which are— 10 hhda. St. Cfolx Sugar 11 do. Porto Rico 60 hags Coffee ., 160 pieces Bagging, 42,43 and 44 ificher 00 coils Bale Rope 100 lbs. Bagging Twino 10000 do. Baltimore cured Baeon, Hams,Sides# ami Shoulders • 30Q0 bushels heavy Maryland Seed Oats C anal and Balt Flour, whole and & bbls# 10 ca_-»ka and 25 boxes Goshen Cheese 10 kegs choice Butter 20-4, *204. and *20 4 bbbi Buckwheat Floor 10 boxes Sperm. Candles 6 pines Otard,Unpuy & Co’s.- 4th prosf Brandy 6 do. Neignetta do. do. Y ' 6 do. Hoiinnd Gin 20 bbls. Peach Brandy 30 do. Rye (jiu, 30 do. Whiskey 20 do. Rum' . - • Madeira, Teneriffe, Port and Swbet Mala* ga Wines Butter nnd Wine Biscuit Almonds aud Raisins, Tobacco’ _ f 10 tons iron, assorted » 75 kegs Nails, &c All of which they offer on accommodating ternufc oct 11 . . A | m°nd8, Currants and Cltrdn# “I BAGS AJmonds, 12 boxes Citron JL” 2 rn«k« CnfranLs, 9 bags Walnuts 1 Parmerson Cheese 12 boxes Capors, 12 do Oliver - « A Just received and for sale by -= , ;. n . J. B. GAUDRYV Caracas Cocoa* LBS. Caracas Cocoa, just received t-rvF” and for sole by ’iov’26 T^ONG & PATTERSOtf. . Cider. * - 1 ft NRkS- prime Newark Cider, iuRy Iv ing and for sale by L. BAf dec 19 p , -, lUIK Canal Flour. Sperm Candles. T HIRTY boxes 4,5 and 6 Sperm Candles—' justrecej lend for sale by LONG & PATTERSON. justrecej nov 28 - Fine Razors* R OGERS. Wnd« A*. Butcher*, Elliotts, nnd Pricksleys, fine and warranted Razors, in urcat variety; together with a fine assortment of Brushes, Bnxes^ Soaps, Combs, Perfumed Wa ters, Pomatums, &c. Just received and for sale at very reduced prices to suit the times, for cash or credit, by G. It. HENDRICKSON, jnn 7 5 David’s Compound Creosote Tooth Wash. A N agreeable vegetable preparation fur clean sing, whitening mid preserving the Teeth, restoring spongy aim dissased Gums to o-nalural aud healthy state, purifies tlie mouth and sweetens the breath, preventive for nml cure of the tooth ache, canker, soreness, und the various nfi’ections of the mouth and throat, whether occasioned by mercurials or otherwise. Prepared only by *T. Davis, Manufacturing Chemist—Price 50 cents. For sale by PQRCIIER & LA ROCHE, Opposite the Market dec 27 Sign of tho Golden Glob> A BBLS ApplMju.treceiVcd per Brig New L\l Hanover, and fur sain By de„3 ’ LONG & I'ATTEBSON, ScasouiiBlo Goods. B ROADCLOTHS—Bi:xk, invisible green, olive, blue, dark mixed and cadet mixed uud brown, English double milled. Cnssiinerc*—Drab, black, dark grey and striped. Satinet*;—Phm, drab, mdet and dark mixed. Suspetiders—Elastic atul knitted, also Extra Ends. Hosiery—Lambs Wool, Vigonia,.white and mix ed Cotton. Gloves-—Colored and white Iloskin, Buckskin, Silk ahd Beaver Umbrpllns—Silk and Cotton. Stocks—Satin, and Boiubasin, with bows and plain. Cravats—Black Italian and fancy colored. Also,. Merino Skirts. . Brushes—Clolh, hair, nail and tooth. Handkerchiefs—White Silk, plaiu, red nud fignr ed. Just received, add lor sale by GEORGE W. BEHN;- oct22 . No. 2 Shad’s Buildings. Gavcleu Sccds-Ci'op 1830. A SUPPLY of Englisli hnd Slvnkcr’s Garden Seeds, for sale on reasonable terms by PORCHER it LL ROCHE, Opposite the Market, doc 5 Sign oftha Golden Globe. Christmas Presents. . X vADlES elegant Ro3o Wood, Shell, Muhog- anv and inlaid tVork Boxes . • $} i. Elegant’Chineal Work BpsketA ^ ' Toilet Bottles, richly gilt m great variety Essenoo Boxes, Taney Teurl, Shell, aud Ivory Card Cases dreu * Games of Graces, Dominoes, Battlcdors, Cancell Caps " . . . Musical Boxes, Accordions, &o. Just received and for sale by ‘dec 19 G. R. UENDiUCKSOfi-» Dry Goods. "I71ANCY Alpoeits, Marseilles Crib -Counter- Jj pones, white Marseilles Counterpanes, as sorted sizes White and col’d netted do do do Blanket Shawls, low priced Red Flannels - Pleached and uubleacned Canton Flunnal English bleached do do • Low priced Satinets, Kentuoky Joans Black and blue black Bouib'aains Welsh Flannels, Thibet Scarfs'- -' French und English Merinos.. For snle by GEORGE W. BEHN, nov 25 No. *2 Shad’s Building. O to Douicsiio Brandy. HALF pipes Domestic Brandy, for sale low close a consignment. ,7 GEORGE H.-MAY. dec 27 Staicli and Bine. T HIRTY boxes Colegatc’8 superior Starch, % cases doEiiglisliYig Blue, lauding’from brig •Augusta, and foi.&ule by nov 28 g. r. Hendrickson; • Coflce. dfhfb BAGS Huvunu, for.sale by dec 31 J. B. GAUDRY, PIECES * &?vy Dundee Bagging, forsale by * • ec 31 LADD.TUPPER & SISTARE. Porto Kico Sugar. O/VHHDS. prime P,orto Rico Sugar, for j&IXJ 'sAlo low to close a consigiunaat. _ dec 31 GEORGE’ Hr MAY* • Havana Scgtirs. “I SUPERIOR Spanish Sogars, favorite Brands, just received and for sale by jut* 4 LONG A PATTERSON, Sweet -Scented Pfcwder* dec. rd-’O DOZ. Otto Rose Scented Powder I Z 6 do. Violet \ do. v do. • 0 do. Plain do. • do. . Also, Powder Boxes and Puffs. Received and for solo, by • ‘ * •’ * _ * J ’ oct35 A. PARSONS. Powdered,Spices. C INNAMON, Black PepperrAfrican Pepper, Cayenne Pepper, Cloves, Nutmegs, Spice Ginger, For sale by -• . PORCHER & LA ROClIE, doc 6. Opposite tho Market, _ Sign oftlie Golden Globe. . Ladd, Tupper A SistarOf O FFER.for sale on good tennsj. . ; j 150 hhds first qurnity Cuba ^iolasaea - 300 bags good, fujr and priuie green Cuba Coffee 150 do superior old Java . . . do 50 mats vexy/ma-old Manilla do Hbds primo Porto Rico Sugar 25 boxes Boston refined Lp’af do . , ‘ ,. 10 bbls first quality crushed • do 20 half chests superior Black Tea' -.*» 50 half boxes Baker’s No 1 Cliocolota.' . : 50 1* * ~ Combs, Briislscs, Ac. XiMNE Ivory, and Horn Dressing and-Pocket jt; Combs, Hair, Cloth, Noil, Combs,and supe rior ‘English, French und American Tooth Brush es, and Shaving Brushes, &C. in the greatest vu- r tc 5 JUatr,!Ce ' ,Ve i“H:'HENDiaCKSO . Doctor JEueu’s U NIVERSAL Stteiigtbstniis I’Mw. for solo by • A.PARSONS. wry MJ Ilia lira men uuiiuce Bagging 200 KRgfl Cut Nails, assorted 50 casks Brown Btout, quartsdnd nil 50 baskets Champagne, Anckur und. J 60 boxes Sparkling Hock ■' . 200 M Spanish Segura 4 pipes Holland Gin, Beehive i 2.non pipes London Dock Brandy 10 do do J. J. JJUppy &Co. do 10 do Amorioan do 300 libls Cmmeeticut Gin u 100 do Boston . . dp, I 100 do do Rum 30 do superior Bultiinoro Whiskey 10 do’ do ok} Mouongohelo do .. 100 holf pipes and Ijuarter .casks Madeira, Port, Sioily bladeiraand Pico Witte* - -I 100 bags Shot,assorted -.. .. i 300 Grindstone. or-