Daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1839-1840, January 15, 1840, Image 1

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I rhc « BAI1Y ItEPttBLtCAX" ' ‘It fullithed in lh» cirV op savannah, ! .1 ‘ BY ■ : !)*' I'' , i. .Tames CIcIniul, KriaffiT DOLLARS ill Lrows;' or FTVEDOLLA11S for SixMiuitbe. | ThoTri-weckly “Republican,” l nnWislicit three tiroes n week, (Monday, Wiul liindny nml Friday) nt the office oftlio'" Daily i llcpublican/’coutitlningall the intelligonce 1 published in tho Djiily Paper, ut • : VIVE DOLLARS per annum/ * or THREE DOLLARS • [for six montlw. I Aft Ajfaertironieitte published aC the u*nal rates, L. Seventy*five Cetitsfor the iiwt. dhWThiny- ■volt and a half for each insertion after,‘per luire of twelve lines. ■ N‘. B 1 . Each Citation by the Clerlu ofthe Courts f Ordinary, that application bos been niado 1 for Vttpra qf Administration, must bo published JhIRTY *DAY8 ut least. . JNotteb ttjrExocntow and Administrators for ■uhtoM undJCred 1 tors to render in their accounts ■nst be pnbliBhod SIX WEEKS; I Sules of Negroes by Executors and IVuminw- Itori must bo at pubic miction, on tlie firvtTuea- lyb’f the month, between the usual hours of Be, at tho place of Public Sulcs in tlio County fiere the Letters .Testamentary. of Admiimtra- In, or Guardianship may have been granted, first l ing sixty days notice thereof in one of the Ehlic gazettes of this State, and nt tho door cf m Court House, where such sales are to be i Notice for leave to soli Negroes, must he nub- bheil for four months, before any order absolute OAPS before the day of gale. These soles must ms made at the Court House door of tho Comity In which the property Is situate, and on tlie first icsday ofthe Moufh.btjtweon tlie hours often in Bio morning and four.in die afternoon. No bale from day to day i* valid.- unless so expressed in The advertisement. j I Applications by Executors, Administrator* and Guardians to the Court of Ordinary for leave to Jell Laud, must ho published FOUR MONTHS. I, Sales of personal property (except negroes) If testate and intestate estates by Executors and hdininibtrutors must be advertised FORTY Pays? Applications liy Executors and Administrators ir Letters Dismissbry, must be published SIX llONTHS. Applications for foreclosure of Mortgages on feal estate must boudvertised once a mouth’ for JQUII MONTHS. i Orders ofthe Court of Ordinary, (nccompani- 1 ivifti a copy of the bond of agreement) to Jike^titles to land must be .advertised Thrkk Jon'ths nt least. SherifTssnlesumler executions regularly grant- by the Courts, must tye advertised THIRTY AYS—under mortgage executions SIXTY A.Y3—Sales of perishable propertyunder or r of Court, muRtbe advertirqd, generally, TEN AYS before die day of side. 1 Advertisements will be punctually attended • # * All Letters directed to tins Office or tlie ditor, must be post paid, to eutitle tiieih to at- fobom . •; - ■ . • - > > Gulden Seeds, HHE subscrilier has just received per brig L Madison, hi* supply of fresh Garden Seeds, rnrranted to bo of bust quality, and the growth of p.50, viz: *'■ Beaus, kidney, half moon nml Valentine; Beet, >ly Tnriiip. blood, white. Scarsity and Mangel Lrtzel; Cabbage, early York, Butterseo, Drum* Jnd,’ Bergen uhd fed Dutch; Carrot, early horn, nd long omugo; 1 Cucumbers early framed, long Id and white Portugal; Okra, curled Parsley, Fop ner, long sweet Spanish .Pease, Dwarf, Mar- fowmt, Charlton, blue Imperials, Washington, Bishop’s Prolific and Tall Marrowfat; Radish,long icarlet, short ton’d do,white turnip do,early fram 'd and black fall; Squash, early bush and long :rock necked; Salsify, Toma oes; Turnip, early Dutch, large flat Globe and Rutabago; Pepper Grass, Wnter Cress, white and red Clover, Lu- seme Grass, &c. For sale by 20 . ANSON PARSONS. {oulnmPs Pulmonaria, or Ve getable Demulcent. TN cases of obstinate Catarrh; iu Coughs, L whether arising from recent o;‘neglected colds; u Asthma; nnd ns un auxiliary and means of pro* lent relief from the threatening symptoms of ap proaching Pulmonary Consumption, no medicine pas greater claims upon the confidence of tlie in- raJid than the above medicine. I It if, for the afflictive and- troublesome symp toms of coughing, expectoration or phlegm, pain in.the breast, &c. which constitute prominent fea tures of the complaint, that the Pulmonaria was lesjgned, and has manifested ilsiuo-ii valuablapro- bertios. . ' I 1$ is equally useful of course in the relief of loughs nnd colds, arising from sudden changes of readier, from wearing dump linen, &c. , Forsaloby A. BARTOW, may 23 For Restoring the Hair. 1HE Casadn Oil is so denominated, because it 1b eemposed of vegetable ingredients,and its rtnes are pre-eniinemly displayed in the follow- g respects: It possesses properties of die most iinhrioiiH nature, which eradicates die scurf and il impurities , of tlie hnir; noui ishes tho hair and revents its fulling oif, and lessens tho liability of pfr to turn grey; strengthens the weakest hnir, pd produces a luxuriant growth; gives a vigor b die hair which soon produces art inimitably nat- pal curl, and prevents its falling out in a damp Rmosphere, or during exercise; renders the hair Either natural or artificial, beautifully soft nnd Pleasant; bestows an inestimable gloss nnd pleas ant perfume to the tresses—in fine, renders the [air dress trauscendimdy beaudfui, promotes the jrowth ofwhiskers, eye hrovVs, mustaches, &c. To children’s'll air its effects are strikingly beneff- SAVANNAH, («a.) WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 18, 1840. [Whole No.—Of,007. i extremely pleasant to the' infunt, gradually Strengthens die hair, and augments its growdi so is' to produce a beautiful heud ofhair. Preserves he hair after sea bathing, violent exorcise, and ia bf pre-eminent utility for persons travelling by sea brland, preserves the hair, rendering it peculiarly pleasant, and always dressed, has wonderful of- fects on the hair iu hot or cold climates, and is held in high estimation by distinguished persons (abroad. Sold wholesale and retail by the Proprietor, Phos. Quirk, 490 Broadway, New-York, and by [appointment, by A. PARSONS, Agent, Savannah, Ga. ’ Price 75 cents per botdo. nov 26 Currant Jelly & Brandy Peaches. DOZ. Currant Jelly ,20 do Brandy Peach- cs. Just received per brig Lamar, and 'or Bale by . C.L.McNISIL nov 11 222 ’ - Tooth Wash. J UST received, afresh supply of Chlorine and Orris’ Tootii Wash, for cleaning and preserv ing Ri6 teodi. Received nnd for sale by dec 13 ANSON PARSONS. iTN th^gri t J- deo 3 Steel Pens, tyf ’ deo 3 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. i Bale Hope. F%{\ COILS, n very superior article; for sale [tFU by Washburn, lewis& co. c? ^ A BEAUTIFUL HEAD OF HAIR is the grandest ornament belonging to the human Irame. How strangely the loss of it clianges tho countenunce and prematurely brings on the ap pearance of old ago, which causes many to recoil at being uucoycreT, und sometimes evoH to slum society to avoid die jests and sneers of their ac quaintance; the remainder of tiieir lives are con sequently spent iu retirement. In short,not even the loss pf property tills the generous thinking youth with that heuvy sinking gloom as does the loss of his huir. To avert all these unpleasant circumstances, Ojdridge’a Balm of Columbia stops the hair from fulling oii'pn the first application and a few bottles restores it again. It likewise produ ces eyebrows and whiskers; prevents tho hair from’turning grey, makes it curl beautifully, and frees it from scurf. Numerous certificates of the first respectability iu support ofthe virtues of 01- dridge’s Balui, are shown by die proprietors. • Cf’Read the following: Robert Wharton, Esq. late Mayor of Philadel- E hia, has certified, as may be seen below, to the igh character of the following gentlemen. The undersigned do hereby certify that we have used tho Bnhn of Columbia discovered by J. 01- dridge, and have found it highly serviceable nqt ottly as a preventive aguinst the ’fulling off ofhair, but also a certain restorative. WM. THATCHER, Senior, Methodist Minister in St. George charge. No. 83 Nortli Filth-street. JOHN P. INGLIS, 331 Arch-street. JOHN D. THOMAS,M. D. 163 Race-«t. JOHN S. FURRY, 101 Spruce-sU HUGH McCURDY, 243 SouUi7th st. JOHN CARD, Jr. 123 Arch-st. The aged, and those who persist in wearing wigs, Inay not always experience its restorative qualities, yet it will certainly raise its virtues in tneestiinutionofdie public, when it ic known dint three ofthe above signers are more than 50 years of age, and die others not less than 30. [From tiio Mayor.] Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ? City of Philadelphia, j I, Robert Wharton, Mayor of said city of Phil adelphia, do hereby certify tiiat 1 am well acquaint Cd with Messrs. J. P. Inglis, John S. Furey, and Hugh McCurdy, whose names are signed to the above certificate, that they are gendeuien of char acter and respectability, and us such full credit should be given to the said certificate. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set ray hand, [L. S.] and caused the seal of die city to be af fixed, tiiis sixth day of December, &c. ROBERT WHARTON, Mayor. Caution.—Observe that each bottle ofthe gen uine Balm has a splendid engraved wrapper, on which is represented die Falls of Niagara, die A- gent’s name, &c. A fresh supply received and for sole by dec 12 ANSON PARSONS. doc 5 • - . French Chemicals. JULPHATE Quinine, Sulphate nud Acetate 9 of Morphine, Croton Oil, Oil of Blnck Pep- ll > ®Iv!^ re080t ©» Piparine, Prussic Acid, Iodine,Em- '^hrU' /( Ext. Nux Vomica, Hydrodale, Potassa, &c. Jusf received per Newark, and forsaloby - q. IL HENDRICKSON A Dcslrabto ODh T O RENT—The subscriber’s Store, on his wharf, well ndapted for a Shin Chandlery Grocery, or any business connected wUh ship ping, It U needless Ibr him to say more of due ad. antngeous offer to those who would desire to embark In that line, as it is well known to be one of the boat hi town. . The-subscriber would* also Inform his friends thnt he lids embarked in tho Steamboat business and his services, or those of his second son, John* F. Guilniartin, can he alwaya hud at his wharf, for those shipping, &c. by the steamers Bcaitfort District and the Despatch, at all times. JOHN GUILMARTIN. N. B.—Atso to rent, a spacious three story House,, heretofore known as “The Independent Hotel,” Routing on the Bay, in East Brood street, well adapted for a Boarding House, with a Ten Pin Alley, Bar, &c. attached. nov 26 300 Dollars Challenge* FpHE Genuine FRENCH PILLS against all X the QUACK NOSTRUMS of the oge for the cure of * * * * * * a The French Pills are applicable to oil cases,.for either sex,.(warranted free from mercury,) and possesses great advantages over the Balsams and all liquid medicines, by being entirely free from »iue!l, and consequently do not effect the breath, Uiereby preventing the possibility of a discovery white using them. Besides this importantadvantagediey never dis agree with the stomach, and in tho first stages of the disease they usually effect, a euro in a few days, with hide regard to diet or exposure. In the most obstinate stages of die disease, they are equully certain, having cured many after every other remedy had failed. In short, they have been so universally successful, that tiiat die proprietor challenges any one to produce a remedy of equal certainty, under a forfeiture of Three Hundred Dollars. For sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON, and T. M. & J. M. TURNER. Price $2 per box.* ang 5 164—ly Harrison's Specific Ointment, F OR the cure of White Swellings, Scrofulous andothertumors, Ulcers, Sore Legs, old and fresh Wounds, Sprains and Braises, Swelliugs and Inflammations, Scald Head, Women’s Sore Breasts, Rheumatic Pains, Tetters, Eruptions, Chilbains, Whitlows, Biles, Corns and External Diseases generally. It is likewise greatly superi or to any medicine heretofore discovered for die chafed bucks and limbs of horses; forriug worms, chapped lips—and in short, for every external bo dily evil that may fall to the lot of man or beast. For sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON, and T. M. & J. M. TURNER. Price 50 cents per box. aug 5 164—ly Look nt This. T HE left hand halves of thebillsnamed below, were mailed to the address of die subscriber on the Gth February last, nt Greenville Court House, South- Carolina, by Wm. Choice, which have not come to hand, anil the probability is they must be lost. Tho several Banks are hereby noti fied of my intention to make un application, after due notice, for new notes on the return of the right hand halves, which r.rn now in my possession. $20 Bank of Augusta, No, 238, dated 3d Sept. 1836, letter A. $20 Bank of Augusta, do. 176, do. 3d Oct. 1828, letter B. 20 Bank of Augusta, do. 890, do. 2d Jan. 1827, letter A. 20 Bank Columbus, No. 852, dated 2d Feb. 1832, letter IK h. 20 Bank Columbus, No.351, dated 1st Sept.1831, letter H. h. 20 Bonk Columbus, No. 953, do. 9th Dec 1830, letter.II. li. 20 Bunk Columbus, No. 1448, do. 1st Oct. 1829, letter H. 20 Bunk Columbus, No. 1206, do 1st Oct. 1829, letter H. 20 Bank Columbus, No. 262, do, 7th May, 1830, letter H. h. 20 Bauk Columbus, No. 12, dated 1st Jan 1830, letter torn. 20 Centra! 11 Rond, No. 77- r v do. 3d June. 1836. letter A. 20 Bank State of Georgia, No. 997, do. 1st Sept. . 18 dim, letter A. ^ 20 Bunk Darien, No. 1678, do. 1st Dec. 1832, let ter B. b. 20 Mechanics' Bank Augusta, No. 10. do. 5U» Dec. 1834, lottor A. 50 Mechanics' Bank Augusta, No. 63, dated 7tii April, 1835, letter B. 100 MeehnnW Bank Augusta, No. 58, dated 1st May, 1835, letter B 100 Mechanics’ Bank Augusta, No. 71, dated 1st Nov. 3831, letter A. 20 Bank Milledgeville, No. 4251, dated 2d Sept. 1836, letter A. 100 Bank Milledgeville, No. 436, do 3d Jau.1837, letter A. 100 Plunters * Mechanics’ Bank Columbus, No. 59, dated 9th May, 1838, Letter A. 50 Plan. & Moch. Baulc Columbus, No. 330, da ted 2d Nov. 1837, letter A. 50 Iih. Bunk Savannah, No. 18, dated 8th Dec 1829, letter K. • NOTICE.—Three months afterdate, applica tion will be made to the (above) different-parks for new notes, the left hand liulf of said bills be ing lost. WILLIAM SMITH. Trmipville, Gn. K>th Oct. 1839. 03 s The Georgian, AugustttChronicleand Sen tinel, Southern - Recorder und Columbus Herald and Sentinel, will please publish the nbovo week ly for three months, anifforwurd tiieir acoouuts to mo r.t Troupvdle, Ga. for payment. • oct 31 20713m W. S. Hair Oil, Bears Grease and Po matum, M ACASSAR Oil, English, do do American, Ward’e Vegetable Oil.BeursOil.do Grease, Pomatum, in pots; do in rolls, Aldrich’s Bulm Columbia. Just received and for sale on accom- JOHN E. STILWELL, ’ Comer of Broughton & Wliftaker-sts. nov 2Q Opposite the Mansion House. Tl A BBLS Apples, fust received per brig New XU Hanover, and for sale by dec 3 LONG & PATTERSON. ‘Tlie true ricliesof life is health.^ W E know that health and the ability to labor constitutes dm weulth of die great mass of toe people in thisi os In most other countries. To preserve, therefore, that health by natural means iB.a grand tnuraland political scheme, to fulfil which requires our utmost attention. The unprcce- dentedpopularityauduniversalapprobution which this medicine has achieved throughout the United States, the Canadas, Texas, Mexicoand die West Indies, fully justify Dr.’ Peters in warmly and con scientiously recommending diem to the special at tention of the afflicted. Dr. Peters has spent much time in experiment ing with different Vegetable Medicines tor diseas es of die liver, and now offers his Vegetuble Pills as the best, most convenient and cheapest Medi- cine that can be prepared for general use. One great quality of his Vegetable Pills is that they have die alternative principle combined with their cnrtiiartlc, or operative qualities, or that they not only cleanse the stomach and bowels by pur ging, but they regulate the liver, change tho mor bid secretiou, strengthen the digestive organs, pu rify the blood, invigorate die circulation, and gives tone and energy to tho nervous system. They ure mild and pleasant in their operation and convey almost immediate conviction of tiieir utility froiii tiieir first dose. They can be taken with safety hy persons of any age; and the feeble, the infirm, the nervous and delicate are strength ened by tiieir operation, because they clear tlie system of bad humors, quiet nervous irritability, and invariably produce souud health. The Vegetable Pills ore a sure remedy for jaun dice, sick nnd nervous headache, dyspepsy, cos tiveness, sickness of die stomach, heartburn, all bilious complaints, fevers of all kinds, and if token at the commencement will invariably check their progress, nnd save the patient from a protracted and dangerous sickness. They ure invaluable in nervous and hypocondrical affections, loss Of ap petite, and nil complaints to which females alone arc subject. They operate as a mild speedy purge, and arc a safe and certain remedy for worms in children. Extract of .a letter from Dr. Gurney, of New- Oilenns, Ln.Oct. 9,1837.—■••Ihnvo received much assistance in my practice; especially in jaundice and yr’.low fever; from the use of Peters’ Piiis. I presume that, on an average, I prescribe 100 box- per month.” Extract of a letter from Dr. Pritchard, cf Hud son, New-York, June 3,1836.—“I was aware that Dr. Peters was one of the b6st chemists in die U. States, and felt assured that he would some day (from his intimate knowledge of the properties of herbs and drugs) produce an efficient medicine, atid I must acknowledge that his Vegetable Pills fully respond to my expectation. They are, in deed, a superior medicine and reflect alike upon tho chemist, the physician, and die phylosopher.’ Extract of a letter from l)r. Waincs, of Cin ciunati, Feb. 2,1838.—“Your Pills arc tho mildest in their adorations, and yet most powerful in tiieir effects, of any I have ever met with in my prac tice of eight und twenty years. Their action on the chvlc,:md hence on the impurities of the blood is evidently very surprising.” Cuahlottk, N. C. Jan. 1,1837. Dear Sir—-I have made frequent use of your Pills in die incipient sta^e of bjlious fever, and ob stinate constipation ofthe bowels; also, in the en largement of the spleen, chronic diseases of the liver, sick headache, general debility, nnd in all ca ses have found them to be very effective. J. D. Boyd, M. D. Mecklenburg Co. Vn. Feb. 7,1837. Having used Dr. Peters’ Pills in my practice for the last 12 months, I take pleasure in giving my testimony of their good effects in cases of dys pepsia, sick headache, bilious fevers, and other diseases, produced by inactivity of tho liver.— They are a safe and mild aperient, being die best article of the'kitid I have over used. George C. Scott, M. D. This celebrated Medicine is for sale by all die principul Druggists in Savannah nnd throughout Uie United States, tho Cnnndns, Texas, Mexico, and tiio West Indies. Prico 50 cens per box, with ftill directions. aug G 164—ly LUCINA CORDIAL Le CordtiH cl£JLtu^iic-Ou 1'Ellx- T HE subscriber has tho pleasure of announc ing to the citizens of the United States, thnt helms purchased, for a very large sunt and from tho iuventor, the celebrated Dr. Mugnhr, of Paris, the recipe and right for making this astonishing medicine. Until the appearance of the “Luciua H AS just returned (Vom^ew-York with a ini and splendid assortment of Foreign n Domestic DRY GOODS, which will lie soli - . w - oinwly, upwards of a thousand yeaVs, they had baffled the wisdom and ingenuity of die^nost profound phy sicians in all parts of tiio world. This Cordial, however, to the great advantage of the human race, soon proved itself,to be tho desideratum so long fought for; and accordingly, notwithstanding the brief period of its existence, it haB acquired a celebrity so groat, that It is eagerlv sought for throughout the civilized globe.. Dr. Magnin soon finding tiiat the demand was so vast as to render PI! ‘ “ M Havana §cgars» “g A AAA SUPERIOR Spanish Segura, XUjUU vf favorite brands, just received and for sale by jan4 XONG & PATTERSON. tries, only preserving France and Italy for himself. Thus has die subscriber possesed himself of the invaluable secret, and now hastens to give die in habitants of his line of agency die benefits of his speculation. “Lc Cordial de Lucinc,” or, in English, “the Lucina Cordial,” is agenoral iuvigoratorof the hu man frame. In all the various cases of lunguor, lassitude and debilitation, it is an unfailing reme dy, ns it is equally its province to impart cheer fulness dud decision to die mind, as health and vi gor to the body. But the peculiar virtue on which its celebrity is based, is the facility and certainty with which it restores tho virile powers when they have bceu destroyed by disease, time, reckless ness, or any of die numerous causes which termi nate in the prostration of those functions. lu common with the generality of really good medicines, this Cordial contains nothing of a mer curial or deleterious nntiir<\ nnimig the many in gredients which compose it; hut is, nt the sums time, so simple, yet so efficacious, diut while il can renovate the prostrated energies of a giant, an in fant may use it, not only with impunity, but with advantage. The usages of society are unfortunately such tiiat, notwithstanding the benefits which would be sure to result from it, we cannot enter into an an alysis of tiiis incstiihable Cordial here, or publish many of the documents which have been receiv ed, ns vouchers of the blessipgs it has conferred on numbers of despairing individuals. But this we cannot forbear remarking—dint it has been de monstrated that there is scarcely ever, if any such thing at ail, os natural barrenness, or as natural imbecility of the procreant functionsin cither sex; nnd, therefore, that those .evils are the effects of artificial causes,and maybe speedily subdued and ‘ removed by die use of “Le Cordial do Lticiue.” The Lucina Cordial is also an indubitable cure for the Gleet, pnd the Fluor Albus, obstructed, difficult of painful Menstruation; also, for die incontinence of Urine or the invoiuutary dis charge thereof. It is likewise an invaluable and unrivalled medicine in cases of Chronic Ermp- tions of the skin, and in die. dropsical affections of the aged. Most important to the American Public. The United States proprietor of die celebrated Lucina Cordial, or Elixir of Love, begs to lay be fore the community, the following certificate, which he has received from the inventor, the illus trious Dr. Moguin, of Paris: “This is to certify, that I have disposed of the recipe for making die Luciua Cordiul, or Elixir of Love, nud also the right to sell it throughout die United States of North America, to John. Winters IIoldenvcll, M. D. My reasons for so doing is, that the demands to tne for the above Cordiul, of which I am the iuveutor, are so numerous, tiiat I am unable to supply all die orders fromFranceand Italy alone; and have therefore disposed of die privileges vouchsafed in this and other certificates of a like nature, in order to generaJisethe benefits, of my discovery throughout the world. Given under my hand at Paris, on tiiis nineteenth day of January, in the year of our Lord, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight. EllASTE MAGNIN. ?vX» d SS } •. This highly important medicine is for sale by John Winters llolderwell, No. 129Liberty-street, New-York; CharlesB. Tyler, No. 70Chesnut-st. Philadelphia; nnd in Baltimore by Roberta & At kinson, John M. Laroquo, nnd G. R. Tyler; in Washington City by Tobias Watkins and Charles Stott; in Georgetown by O. M. Lintiiueum; in Richmond by John E. Ensure; in Petersburg by Braggs Thomas, and Ditpuy, Roser & Jones; and in Norfolk by M. A. Santos nnd B. Emerson; and by John Woodly, No. 65 Poyuraa-sl, New- Orleans. It can also be found at all the principal Drug Stores in South-Carolino,and in Augusta, hy Ha- vilnnd, Risley & Co., Thomas Barrett & Co. and Nelson Carter; and in Savannah by G. U. HENDRICKSON. Prico $3 per bottle, with full directions. aug 5 164—ly Fine Razors* R OGERS. Wade & Butchers, Elliotts, and Pricksleys, tine nud wurmnteJ Razors, in great variety; together with u fine assortment of Brushes, Boxes, -Soap®, Comb", P* 'fumed Wa ters, Pomatums, &c. Just received and for sale at very reduced prices to suit die tiir.es, for cash or credit, by G. R. HENDRICKSON. ja«7 5 David's Compound Creosote Tooth Wash* A N agreeable vegetable preparation for clenn- sing, whiteuiug and preserving tho Teeth, restoring spongy and diasnsed Gums to a natural nnd healthy state,.purifies the month and sweetens the breath, preventive for and cure ofthe tooth ache, canker, soreness, and (lie various affections ofthe mouth and tiiront, whetiier occasioned by mercurials or otherwise. Prepured only by T. Davis, Manufacturing Chemist—Price 50 cents. For sale by FORCHER & LA ROCHE, Opposite the-Market dec 27 Sign of die Golden GIob> Garden Seeds—Crop 1839. A SUPPLY ofEnglish nnd Shaker’s Garden Seeds, for sale on reasonable terms by PORCHER & LL ROCHE, Opposite the Murket, dec5 Sign ofthe Golden Glohe. • Christmas Presents* *1* ADIES elegant Rose Wood, Shell, Muhog- JLa any and inlaid Work Bore; Elegant Chinenl Work Baskota Toilet Bottles, richly gilt in groat variety Essence Boxes, fancy Pearl, Shell, and Ivory Card Coses Gold and Silver Pencil Cases Puzzles and Alphabets, Dissected Maps, forchil dren . , Games of Graces, Dominoes, Buttledors, Cancell Cops Musical Boxes, Accordians, Sec. Just-received and for sale by dec 19 G. R. HENDRICKSON- Sweet Scented Powder, Ac* -g 6} DOZ. Otto Rose Scented Powder XJ/ 6 do. Violet do. do. 6 do. Plain do. do. Also, Powder Boxoa and Puffs. Received and for sale, by *ct25 A. PARSONS. D* Dempsey, iNew-Vork witha large "* ” “ ! gn and - nuwu IVIII HH sold Ut reduced prices for cash or short credit, consisting 50 pieces French, German nud Eng, Merinos 50 do. Mouslindelaines " 600 Rob Roy Woolen Shawls, various sizes and qualities 600 yards Ingrain Carneting, best quality 500 do. Cotton do. 1000 pieces English, French and Am. Calicoes 10 bales 3-4 and 4-4 brown Homespun 6 cases blenched Shirtings and Sheetings 25 pieces white and red Flannels 1000 do. Room Paper and Bordering 30 do. Satinets, assorted colors nnu qualities 30 do. Apron Checks 25 do. Irish Linens, 20 do. Long Lawn 25 do. Negro Cloth, 20 do. Negro Blankets 100 pair Whitney, Rose and Mackinaw do 300 uoz. assorted Head Ildkfs. 10 coses do. Florence braid and plain Straw Bonnets 25 nieces plain nnd figured Silks, new stylo 25 boxes assorted Ribbons 300 dozen Ladies silk, cotton and worsted Hose 200 do. Gcntictnen’s woolen nnd cotton do. CO do. Ladies kid nnd silk Gloves 100 do Gent’s woolen, kid and buckskin do. 25 hnles Band Boxes Together with a choice assortment of silk, broche, cotton and worsted Shawls, Laces, plain, checked uml figured Muslins, Shaker Bonnets. &c. Als, nn assortment of Ileudy Made Clothing, oct 23 210—ly Cloths, Cassimcrcs, die, A VERY St, JOHNSON, have received, Black, blue blnck, brown, claret, green, &c. West of England Clodis Black, mi$f, brown, striped, &c. Cassinieres Oxford mixt, black, browu, green, «&c. Premium Satinets Heavy mixt do, do. for servants Jeaus, Ltusevs, dec. do. do. Heavy Duflil Blankets Also, fine ribbon bound Whitney, Rose, &c Blankets. oct23 South sido Monument Square. New Fall Goods. Received by G. B. Lamar. 3 ^ A AND 44 Scotch Ginglmms TC Fine Long Lawns, lush Linens • Brown Holland, do. Hamilton Flannel American Prints, Worsted Gloves * • Worsted and Cotton Honiety AVERY L JOHNSON; oct 2 South side Monument Square. W* H* dc S, Rogers, H AVE just received from New York, the fol lowing Fancy Goods, viz; 1 box emb’d changeable Bonnet Ribbons, a splendid article 1 box sup’r fig’d Satin do do 1 do fancy French Silk Bags 1 do Plaid Bonnet Ribbons 6 White Net Veils 1 dozen Net Shawls 1 do Silk emb’d Scarfs 1 do Plaid do do I, do Thibet do do 4 pcs brown and black Silk Fringe 1 do Phillycraimny 1 dozen Infant’s Waists 10 do Nuns (Dutch) Lace Together with various articles in the Fancy line, nov 16 South side Market Square. GO GO *30 10 - 40 20 Desirable Dry Goods, R eceived by ’ AVERY & JOHNSON. Indies French Kid Gloves Do bluck and col’d sewing silk do Do white do do Do black do Mitts Do long white Kid Gloves > Gents black nnd coVd Kid do Do woolen do, Boys woolen do Do silk do ^ Ladies and Gents silk Hosiery Gents Lambs wool and Merino | Hose Do heavy wool 4 Hoso Do Merino under Shirts and Drawers Welsh, Merino, Saxony, Sic. Flannels, warrant ed not to Bhrink when washed. Thibet Wool do, Brocha do Rich Piuih Mantillas, do Clieanoal Tippets Do do Ladies Hat Ornaments Thibet und Bayadere Scarfs Rich silk do, plaid Cashmere do. For sale on fuvoruble terms, dec 3 South side Monument square. New Goods* A BENNETT has also opened Store No. • 2, Wuring’s Buildings, with a large and splendid assortment ofMilienury Goods, consist ing in part, namely: 10 boxes Ladies Florence Braid, Split Straw, Leghorn, Straw, Braid, col’d English and common Straw Bonnets 50 dozen col’d Nun’s Hoods 40 boxes Bonuet, Cap, Sntinand Tafeta Ribbons 10 do Bolts, various styles aud qualities Col’d Silks, Florences, Satins, &c. and a great variety offuncy goods, for sale wholesale or retail very low. nov 11 Seasonable Goods* B ROADCLOTHS—Bhck. mvirib’e piv«m, olive, blue, dark mixed nnd cudet mixed and brown, English double milled. r Cnssuncres—Drab, bluck, dark grey and striped. Satinets—Blue, drab, cadet and dark mixed. Suspenders—Elastic and knitted, also Extra Ends. Hosiery—Lumbs Wool, Vigonia, whito aud mix ed Cotton. Gloves—Colored aud white Hoskiu, Buckskin, Silk and Beaver Umhrellus—Silk and Cotton. Stocks—Satin, and Bombasin, with bows and plain. Cravuts—Black Italian and fancy colored. Also, Merino Skirts. Brushes-—Cloth, hair, nnil nnd tooth. Huudkerchiefs—White Silk, plain, red and figur ed. Just received, add lor sale by GEORGE W. BEHN, oct 22 No. 2 Shuff’s Buildings. Dry Goods* F ANCY Alpeens, Marseilles Crib Counter panes, white Marseilles Counterpanes, as sorted sizes White aiul col’d netted do do do Blanket Shawls, low priced Red Flannels Bleached and uubleacncd Canton Flannel English bleached do do Low priced Satinets, Kentucky Jeans Black and blue blnck Bombasins Welsh Flannels, Thibot Scarfs French and English Merinos. For sale by GEORGE W. BEllN, nov 25 No. 2 Shad’s Building. Powdered Spices. C INNAMON, Black Pepper, African Pepper, Cayenne Pepper, Cloves, Nutmegs, Spice Ginger, &c. For sale bV PORCHER & LA ROCHE, Opposite the Market, dec 6 Sign of die Golden Globe.. T JVo-.v (inw'.s, Now flood* iiE «i criliprlms itcc.'vciI mu! now opfit’ilf from Inig Mm tun m end «|,ip Celitt. a lt a id oXMltajvn oworttr,«nt of nowe.t ink of Kim- - f-y MdSUjilo Gooda.coiuiaiinxiunnrtof Uiofoi- lotvinjtrliciai.Tlzj ‘ JU0 Jiiccea Cuplnm Kertcn 1.0 to. Sat noiii 00 do. new alylo 44 Ennpli Print* *•" r 1, ..‘to- Enolii.ilCalico.. •jo. White Flnnnci m” 1 ,. . do ,' qualities liiii Bin . 1,0 WpH • SSaasasar*.-. ■S'lSraa®, ■ n0 do. Poncoe Silk Hdfcft. * |ldtswKa neW f ,u i' 10 - 20 -v? «• 8.Gloves JO (jo. Lcriies II. S. CUovc. 80 ■ d0 ‘ • T 1 ®- »ni Cotton Glovst ra • nndLong Mitts. 50 piece, col'll end black Silks,newest stylo 2 ca,0H Canton FJtiiimd ’ 7 * 20 pieces new ulylo CiuMitnore 20 do. Vestings an h d °'' ^ roa ' lcl °thn, various qualities BOm " !t ’ Cai) ' r “ ireUl uod Belt Rib- 100 Ha°lf e Hdro' " ° r “ ed ' m ‘ 100,1011 Hoso end 10 boxes Selin Ribbons, fi-om Nn. 2 to 8* 4o Ladies white Florence Bonnets 100 colored Bonnets vSii::ssM? col ' d P“f»“' Black Lqvo Shawls, black Bombasins • * ie,imbbg™;L oo t n i a Er raI, ‘" nt of oct 29 • J * -——-— . A. BENNETT.' H w : **• Hoyd—.Unmet Square. ~ AS just recotved per recent amvolii, ' 2 doz Miwltn Collars 4 do English Frilled do 3 pea black Silk Fringe,2 do Wire Blond ‘ 2 do black funcy Blond ; < i° Tbreotl Laces, Odo German do 6 do Lisle do, 3 do Wire Edging 4 do Illond finding, 12 do Plui/Swiss 14 do Beltings, 3 do Mantilla Laco 4 do Grecian Net do,- 5 do Bobblnel Lacs 6 do Spiltallleld Ildkfs, la do Pongee Ifdkfs 4 do plain Silk do, lido do Satin do 6 doz Gauze tlo, 4 do fancy do 6 do embroidered do 5 do Genta Brose Gloves 4 do Ladies do do, 3 do do Kid do 3 do Gents Buck Gloves 2 do do If. S. do , 8 do India Rubber Su»pendei» 3 do super do do do 14 pcs uncut VelvetRibbons Also, a splendid assortment of Plain, Figured and Changeable Silks. nov 30 Boston & Randle, H ,, Market Square, Savannah, A v i* m store, and are receiving per variouf arrivals, a full supply of Groceries,BagBUif, &c. Among which are— ^ 10 hhds. St. Croix Sugar 11 do. Porto Rico dOj 60 hugs Coffee. 150 pieces Bagging, 42,43 and 44 inchw 50 coils Rale Rope L bs - Bn fyhig.Twine 10000 do. Baltimore cured Bacon, Hams,Sicl«& and Shoulders 3000 bushels heavy Maryland Seed Oats Canal and Balt. Flour, whole and £ bbls, 10 casks and 25 boxes Goshen Cheese JO kegs choice Butter 20 I, 20 Land 20 4 bbla. Buckwheat Flour 10 boxes Sperm. Candles 6 P lSpidy ard ' Dnpujr * C ° ,f ' proof Sfi^Seignette do. do, 5 tW; Holland Gin ixLh. Peach Brandy 8b <\ 0 ' gye <?in, 30 do. Whiskey 20 do. Rum Madeira, Tvitariffe, Port and Sweet Mate* ga Wines Bntte? nnd Wine Biscuit AJmonds and Raisins, Tobacco ' 10 tons iron, assorted 75 kegs Nails, &c Ail of which they offer on accommodating tertuf, oct 11 . j. Currants and C "I O HAGS^ Almonds, 12 boxes Citi JL\J 2 casks Currants, 9bags WaJnc - Citron* Citron —^ 9 bags Walnuts 1 Parmerson Cheese 12 boxes Capers, 12 do Olivet Just received aud for sate by J. B. GAtJDItY. ^ Caracas Cocoa* kIbA LBS * Uaracos Cocoa, just received l/UU and for sale by nov26 LONG & PATTERSON. 10 dec 19 . Cider. BBLS. prime Newark Cider, now /and* ing and for sale by L. BALDWIN. Canal Flomv DHLS superfine Canal Fiotfr, just land' t/l/ ing and for sale on wharf, by dec 24 WASHBURN, LEWIS & CO,. Sperm Candles# ; l T HIRTY boxes 4,5 and 6 Sperm Candler*"r jnstrece*' 1 and for sale by , nov 28 LONG & PATTERSON. Domestic Brandy* 5 HALF pipes Domestic Brandy, for sole low to close a consignment, dec 27 GEORGE fl. MAY. Starch and Blue. T HIRTY boxesiColegate’ssuperior Starch,% cases do English Fig Blue, landing from brig Augusta, and for sale by G. R. nov 28 . HENDRICKSON. 120 Coffee. BAGS Havana, for sole by dec 31 . J. B. GAUDRY, ■|{)iF PIECES ffenvy Dundee Bsggtng, JL^.J iinsaln Ijv dec 31 LADO.TUPPER & 8ISTARE. • Fot'to Rico Ssiaar. HHDS. prime l’orto Itico Sugar, for" Zi ? sole low to close o consigninelltt dec 31 GEORGE H. MAY. O 1 Combs. Brashes, &c. F INE Ivorv and Horn Dressing and Pocket Combs, Hair, Cloth, Nail, Combs,and supe rior English, French and Aineridan Tooth Brush es, aud Shaving Brushes, &c. in the greatest va riety. . Just received and for solo by den 5 G. R. HENDRICKSO . Doctor Eucit’s TTNlVERSAL Strengthening Plnsler. fnr sale U by A. PARSONS, deciff SCO ffiaild, Tapper Sc Sistaro, FFEll for side on cood terms, . 150 hhds first qtmVitv Cuba Molasses 300 bags good, fair and prime green Cuba CofTes 150 do superior old Java do 50 mats very fine old Manilla do Hlids nrlino Porto Rico Sugar ’ 25 boxes Boston refined Loaf do 10 bills first quality crushed do 20 half chests superior Black Tea 50 half boxes Baker’s No 1 Chocolate 50 bags heavy Sumatra Pepper 100 boxes Negro Pipes, large sizes 500 Demijons, uworted, 1 to 5 gallons 200 whole aud liulf boxes Bunch llaisine 125 pcs 42 inch Dundee Bugging 200 licgs Cut Nails, assorted 50 casks Brown Stout, qiiarte and pints , - 50 baskets Chnmpngne, Anchor and Key 50 boxes Sparkling Hock 200 it Spanish Sdgnrs 4 pipes Holland Gin, Beebire add H'mrgua* 2 half pinos London Dock Brandy 10 do do J. J. Dupuy *Uo. do 10 do American do 300 bbls Connecticut Gin, Phelps & Gowdy’s 100 do Boston do. Eagle brand 100 do do Rum do 30 do superior Baltimore Whiskey 10 do do old Monongohebi do 100 halfpipes nnd quarter casks Mideire, Pert, | Sicily Mndeirnond Pico Wines 100 bags Shot, assorted u 300 Grindstones ^