Daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1839-1840, August 20, 1840, Image 1

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+SS&S1, “ncpoHHcnnj" «g*SS2»ft!r •igSsrsSPSKr • qnBramHXAtSWiaiBnmi n ' r TlIKKE DOLLAttB lot six months. fijpomA a half for |hoh Insertion aftol x*or *^!\t r ?i°Eacli Cititioaiiy tlio Clorks oftho Courts tn„linnri-. that nnnlirntiou lm« liiren inmlo Ihr of- ALimatiation, must bo ppWi.hcd THIRTY DAYS at loast. Notice bv Executor* anil Ailmlnlstrators Ihr n»h>ors and Creditor. to render in their account* muith™publialiod SIX WEEKS. ™ Rules of Nenbosby Executor. and Adminis trators must lie at pubic auction, on tho lirstTncs- dTv of tlio month, Imtwoon the iisnal hours of solo at tlie piano of Public Soles in the County where tho Letters Testiuieulary, ofAdininistra- tiou orOnard'uuisUiii may have becugnuilod,Ural liviux stxrv DAYS notico thereof in one of the public gazettes oftliw State, and nt the dooref the Court House, trnn such sales ure to bo | ‘‘'lliodcofitrlcave to sell Negroes, must bo pub- I Iwhedforfour months, before any order absolute eliali be motto thoroupon by the Court. Sales oStal Estate by llaooutora, AdininlsUa. tort, ami OTanhain, must he published SIXTY DAYS before the day of 8elo. Those sales must be In ado at die Court House a ° or S f ^.F on ( ^ the momiujuadwar m tho altomoon. >.o sale Mo. aoi—voi, xxxviii,i SAVANNAH, (On.) THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST no, 1810. Tuesday pmo « -‘pressed in '■'Apidtel'tiomby Exocutcre, Adminlslratorsanil Guariians to the Cour.ofOrdmarv forlenvo t,, iseli Land, must be publlslted FOUK.MUN Ills. Sales of personal properly (except negroes) ofloslato and intestate i-uatca by Executors and Administrators must be advertised FOIt’l Y DAYS. 1 : ‘ . . , . . , , Applications by Executors and Admjnutrntora for Loners DijimWy, must lm published SIX MONTH 3. Applications for foreclosure of Mortgages 0*1 real estate must be advertised once a month for FOUR ‘MONTHS. Orders oftho Court of Ordinary, (accompani ed with n copy of tho bond of agreement) to nnko titles to land must bo advertised Tiiiiee Months at least. 8heritrssnlcsunder executions regularly grant ed hv the Courts, must he advertised THIRTY P^YS-ande’* mortgage executions SIXTY D^vs— Sales of perbhahle property under or dor of Court, mtistbo advertised, generally, TEN DAYS before tho day of salo. All Advertisements will bo punctually attended to •/ All Lettors directed to this Oilico or the Editor, must bo post paid, to entitle them to at- fention. An Ordinance, T O regulute pavements ou the south side of South Broad-street. x ]. Be it ordained by the Mayor nnd Aldermen ofthe city oi Savannah and Hamlets thereof, That the width ullowed for *ten* on tho south side of South Uroad-street shall lie ten feet. 2. And be it further ordained, That all Ordi nances or parts of Ordinances militating against this Ordinance, bo end the same are hereby re pealed. Passed July 30,1840. [L. S.l R. At. CHARLTON, Alayor. U V Attest, M. AIvrrs, c. c. aiig 13 UoArtrla-Effluglinm County. fTlO nil whom, it may concern. Whereas, JL John Metzger, Administrator of the estate of Solomon Motzgor, deceased, has ttppllod to the Uoiiorahlu tho Court of Ordinary of Effing- ham County, for Letters of Dismissory Rom said estate. These nro thovefore to cite nnd admonish nil nnd lingular tho kindred nnd creditors oftho said decunscd, to file their abjections (if any they hnvo) in the Clerk’s office ofthe said Court, on or before the ]7th day of February next, other wise letters of Dismissory will be granted. Wituess, tho Hon. C. Powers, ouo of the Jus- ticca of die said Court, this 17th dny of August, A. D. 1840. JOHN CHARLTON, nng 17 Olork, C.C. O. E, C. Ocorgla-Effinghmn County. T O all whom it nny Concern. Whereas, Honry Af. Wilson, Administrator of the estnto of Poter Kettles, deceased, lias applied to the Honorable tho Court of Ordinary of Filing- ham County, for Letters of Dismissory on said eslolo. Tlioto are tlioreforo to clto and ndmonish all and singular, tho kindred and creditors ofthe said deceased, to file their objections, (if any they have) in the Clerk's offico of the said Court, on or before the 17tll dny of Fcbrunry next, other- wise Le'tfcra of Dismissory will be grntito'c( Witness, the Hon. C. Powers, ouo of tho Jus tice* of (he said Court, Uiis 17th day of August, A. D. 1810. JOHN CHARLTON, aug 17 Clerk, C. C. O E. C. Vnllcr’s Celebrated French Fills. Three Hundred Pollan Challenge. fTMIE nenwino French Pills against nil tho JL QUACK nostrums of die ago—for the cine of.a certain disease. Tlio FRENCH PILLS are applicable in all cases for oithcr sex, (warrant ed free from tnpreury,) and do not uffe?t tho breath in the least, nnd are perfectly pleasant ami agreeable to tho stomach, and have never filled to make a speedy and permanent cure, withqut the least regard to diet or application to husiuess. In long, protracted or chronic singes ofthe dis ease, obstinate Gleets, Fluor Alhus, Grovel, Fe- male Cofhplaints, ora weakness of those organa, they are beyond a doubt tho most effectual reme dy ever discovered, having cured many obstinate cases oiler every other medicine had (filled. Tho French Fills Imvu been so universally successful that tho proprietor challekons any one to pro duce a remedy of equal certainty uuder a forfeit ure of Three Hundred Dollnrs. Price $2 per box. For sale by G. U. HENDRICKSON, Savannah, july 29 182—ly. Georgia—Uflimrlium County. fTlO all whom it muy Concern. Whereas, JL John Molzger.has applied to tho Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Effingham County, for Lulters of Administration on “tho estate litul effect* of David Alctzger, late of said Couuty,do ceased. Those nro therefore to cite and ndmonish nil and singular, the kind rod mid creditors ofthe suid deceased, to file their objections, (ifnny they have) to the granting of tho administration ofthe estate of the deceased, to tho applicant in the Clerk’s oiiico of said Court, ou or before tho 17th day of September next, otherwise Loiters of Ad ministration will be granted. Witness, the Hon. C. Powers, one of the Jus tices of said Court, this 17th day of August, A. D 1S40. JOHN CHARLTON, nog 17 Clerk, C. O. E. C. * Georgia-Effiiighithi County. T O all whom it may Concern, Whorons, John Charlton, has applied to tho liounrn- Idc tho Court of Ordinary of Effingham County, for Letters of Administration do bonis non, on the estate nnd effects of Daniel Schultz, late of said County, deceased. These are therefore to cite and ndmonish all and singular thu kindred and creditors of tlio said deceased,to file their objections, (if any they have) to tlio grantingof the administration oftho estate oftho deceased, to tho applicant in the Clerk’s office ofihe said Court, on or before the 17th day of September next, otherwise Letters of Admin- istratjou will be granted. Witness, the Hon. C. Powers, one ofthe Jus tices of said Court, this 17th day of August. A. D. 1S40. JOHN CHARLTON, ong 17 Clerk, C. O.E.C. An Ordinance, lOnmcnd an ordinance, entitled an ordinanoa “ for regulating the ejection,QuMmcationuiid Duties oftho City Survejor, to fix the number of leet for porticos, railings, enclosures and pave* tncnls, and to regulate the same, and for tlio boi ler hooping tho squares, streets and public places, |nd t\n» wharves and ducks of the city of Savnn- |ah, free and clear of obstruction, and for other ■lrposes connected therewith,” passed ou the yth August, 1839. I Sec. 1. Bo it ordained, by tho Mayor nnd Al- ermatt ofthe city of Savannah and HuiulcU hereof, in Council assembled, and it is hereby Irdaiticd by the authority of the sauio, tint tho loiirtecnth section ofthe above recited ordinanpo, [hall be amended by striking out therefrom, the words “ (roin and conforming to the accompa nying map”; and that the fifteenth section of said ordinance shall bo amended, by striking out the Kvords “the common level of the streets, ns is lontaincd in thu accompanying map,” aud insert ing in lieu thereof “ the lo.ol or grade, directed py tho City Surveyor and a majority ofthe street fend lane committee”; nnd that tho sixteenth sec- Htion of said ordinance, shall bo amended by strik ing cut the word* “ maiked on the accompany- |)ug map,.for which.purpose he shall cull on thu ICity Surveyor;” and in lieu tlmroofshall ho in- ■ acricd “marked and prescribed by tlie City Sur- ■vnyor. Sec. 2. And bo it further ordained, by tlio nit- ■thoritv aforesaid,thnt uny owner of n lot who shall ■consider hmi or herself aggrieved by the acts of Kho City Surveyor aud struct and lane committee, nin(lcr this ordinance, he or she shall have thu Tight to apply to Council fur its decision. I Sec. d. Beit further ordained, hy thnonthori- Ky nroresaiij, that all laws or parts of ordinances, |nilihting against this ordinance, be, and tlie same ire hereby lupenRd. Passed in Council, July Q, 1840. rAll *OBT. M. CHARLTON, Mayor. [Attest,) M. Mykrs, Clerk. nug 3 Tlio Lucinn Pordlttl, DEWARE OF FRAUD. T HE unprecedented popularity of this benefi cent olid inestimable CORDIAL hi tlie li nked States, Inis induced one or more unprinci pled persons tn inanufiicturo spurious patrhpenny articles, under various names, and purporting to produce the same effect; but which, ill reality, pro duce no other eiiect than that of swindling the public; nnd to give n vet inoro plausible appear- niiro of their cupidity, those persons affect that their wretched nostrums have hern in use in England aud elsewhere for a number of year** whereas, until the illustrious Dr. Mugnin made his wonderful discovery, no cure for barrenness had been ever thought of, oral least made pub lic; and all those then in use for the restoration ofthe decayed virile powers wore found to ho of hut littlo avail. Thus, all nostrums advertised for barrenness or the cure of impotency, but Dr. Mngnin’s are mere catchpenny humbugs, which would ncterhave been thought of but for the up- peoranco nnd grent celebrity of tho LUCINA CORDIAL. As no counterfeit oftho name is at present in circulation, it may in genera) ho a sufficient caution for the purchaser to ask for the Luchin Cordial, hut as further assurance,it would be ns well to note tlint its name, Lucinn Cordial, or Elixir of Love, is stamped in the glass of each bottle—the combined arms of Franco and the U* nited Stales are oil the outward envelope—that a Fleur de Lis is printed on tho accompanying directions, and lieaiuifully embossed on the sl ow bills hanging in the stores uf those who lmvc the genuine article for sale. The celebrity of the Lunina Cordial being such ns it is, it is scartmly necessary to add that it is the only efficient remedy for hnrrcnness, and'thu res toration of decayed t irile powers ever known; and thatiu.lhe cure of Fluor Albus,Gleet, obstruc ted, difficult or painful Menstruation, the incon tinence ofthe urine, or tlie involuntary dUchargo thereof, its superiority over every other medicine is not only decided, hut unquestionable. For salo hy (i. R. HENDRICKSON, july 2D 182—ly Savannah. as [Whole No.—37,909. Nriv Goods. PCS super bntiri Stripe Muslim 3 do French Lawn 3 do Mourning Muslin* • VI dozen black Filet Glove* i *yWrcn’*whlt« Cotton A Homo • 1 do Filet Shawls (Ldo do Mitts 150 do Spool Cotton 5 do brown Cotton { Hose 10 do mixed do do 8 do shell Side Combs 20 pcs Eng. Long Cloths 20 do superfino do 10 do medium quality 25 do Cotton Derricsnot’d, 1 do Check 2-1 super Gingham Umbrellas 300 pea Pavilion Gauze Just received per brig Savannah. .SNIDEIt, LATHROP & NF.VITT. july .10 JL ASBljjiifoc’s Notice. npHE Jttbscrih'i has been appointed Assignee JL by Henry N. Gamble, or all his Estate and* offenis; for the benefit of all his creditors. All perebuft Hi deb ted to said Henry N. Gamble, arc ued to ihakp immediate paviWHit; and the >« of toid’Flekry'N. Gamble, nro request* jond in ’ their accounts properly attested, witlihi thre<?month*, otherwise tho undersigned will not be responsible for the payment of them out of the asset*. II. W. IIUDNALL. • Darien, July 18, l p 40. july 21 *175t3m Aiulubon. T HE Birds of America, from drawings inode in Uio United States and their Territories, hy John James Audubon, F. R. S. 8. L. «V R.; publishing in uuinhere,each containing 5 colored engravings. Price one dollar per number tA sub scribers. The undersigned ‘having become Agent for .the work in Georgia, will receive tho names of subscribers and supply them with the work as fast as published. Four* number* may bn soon ns specimen*. Eleven number* are now out ami will lie ready for delivery in a few weeks, july8 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. Gcorgin-HIclutosh County. To all whom it may concem: W HEREAS James R. Obburry applies to me for Letters of Dismission, ns Execu tor of the ostuto of John Qbbcrry, late of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite nnd admonish nil and singular the kindred nnd creditors of said do- ceased, to he and nppcnr at my office within the time prescribed bylaw, tb show cause (if uny they have) why snidlcttcrs should not be granted. Given uuder my Imm! at office this first dny of May* 1840. J. E. TOWNSEND, limy 5 Clerk c. o. m. i. c. Gcorgln—Liberty County. To all whom it mny concern: W HEREAS John 8. Maxwell, Guardian of Win. Wallace Ward and Georcja Ward, (minors) applies tn me for letters of Dismission from said Guardianship, These nro therefore to cito and admonish nil concerned, to bo and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if nnv they have, why said lettor* should not be granted. Given under my hand the 17th day of Februa ry, 1840. John .w. stacy, c. c. o. inarch 11 G3 W Georgia—Bryan County. To all whom it may concern; IlEllEAS Israel Bird, Adui’nr of the es- >0 Swalm’s Panacea. Ac Swnim’s Panacea, 1 groco lnrgc and 2 grace small size Swaim’s Venni- aPi’ f ccc *ved from Swaim’s Laboratory, Philadelphia,aud for sale By i no ANSON PARSONS, *no 22 No. 8 Gibbons’ Buildings. tale of Dr. Joaiuh Wilson, has madn up- plication for Letters Dismissory from said estate. These are therefore to eito and admonish all persons interested, to file their objections (ifany thrtv have) in the Clerk’s office of the Court of Ordinary ofsaid count)', within Uio time prescri bed by law; otherwise letters dismh&ory will be granted. Witness, the lion. Lewis Hines, one of the Justices of said Court, this 13th day of April,1840. april 14 J. S.MiTll, c. c. o. PETERS ’FILLS . W E would call attention to the advertisement in our columns to-dny of PETERS’ VEG ETABLE PILLS. Wo understand hy the. best medical authority, that there is no preparation of the day which enjoys st> enviable a reputation. At tho South and North, tlioir success has been unbounded, nnd wherever introduced we believe tb«y- hnv«* givmi tlm most, perfect ad|isfar4ion. Wo have this dny Imd an interview with one of our citizens, Henry K. Fox, who was recently cured ofa most reioarkable and obstinate cuta neous eruption, wlu-re the body was covered with fulsome ulcere, nnd even tlie tonsils of the tliront eaten away—and by using these Pills daily fornix .weeks, was entirely restored to health.—New York Examiner. PETERS’ VEGETABLE PILLS. They do indeed restore the healtli of the body, because they purify nnd invigorate the blood, und their good effect* are not counterbalanced hy any inconvenience; being composed entirely of veg etables, they do not expose those who use them to danger, and their effects are as certain as they aro salutary; they are daily and safely adminis tered to infancy, youth, manhood and old nge.aud to women in tho moht criticnUud delicate circum stances, they'do not disturb or shock thonuimnl functions, niitroKtores their order and re-estab lishes their health; and for all the purposes which a vegetable purgative, or certain clou user of the whole system are required, they stuud withoutu rival. DJ/ 3 Sold wholesale and retail, at all tho princi pal Druggists in Snvannah. july 2D 182—ly Hnnir and Tobacco. 6 DHLS. Mnccoboy Scotch Snuff 20 jnrs do. 10ll>* each 20 do. conrso Ranneo, lOlbs. do. 50 grace fine cut Tobacco. Just received mid for sale by July7 G. R. HENDRICKSON. Genuine English llnlby's Ctu> ltifiiUivc. W HICH is founded on just medical princi ple*. is a iiiorst safe, effectual, and often indeed an immediate remedy for the wind, tho watery aud dry gripes, con vulsion*, and all those fatal di-orders iu the bowel* of infants, which carry off such a number oftho human species under tho agfe of two* years. It is also equally efficacious in gouty pains in tho intestines, thu bloody finx, and the most radongcolir* in grown V^rsou*, nnd it is peculiar!;.’ v rvicecble iu those fluxe* ami disorders of the bowel* which seamen are subject to. It mny not ho improper to add, that (hose children who have been used to this medicine are scarcely ever afflicted with worms. A fresh supply of this valuable medicine just received nnd forsule by july 31 G. R. HENDRICKSON. Chloride of Liutc« Ac. J UST rac’d at PORCHKR & LA ROCHE’S Drug Store, sign of die Gilt Ball, opposito tho Market, Chloride of Lime, Chloride of Soda Chlorine, Orris and Kreoi-ote Tooth Wash Guilinris* Extract and Odor of Violots Verbena Cream, for shnviug Sulp';ate Quinine. &e. july 30 Nnrxnpnrlllit Mend. A SUPPLY of this new and superior Syrup, which by adding water to it, instantly pro duces n dplightfnl beverage called Compound Harsapnrilln Mead, nnd preferred by ninny to Hard Cider. Just received nnd for salo by nno 11 G.-R. HENDRICKSON. Spring and Fall PnrUUsr, Oil COMPOUND SY11UP of SARSAPARILLA F OR the cure of Scrofula, or King's Evil; Syphilis, nnd all Venereal Diseases, Mercu rial Disenses, brought on by the improper uso of Mercurvi Consumption, Over Complaint, Jaun dice, Ague Cake, Rheumatism, Gout, Scurvy, Cnncer. Affection* ofthe Skin, ns Totter, Biles, King Worms, Scald Head, Itch, Pimple*'on the Fnco, &n. No medicine I* more effioinnt us n 4 Purifier,*’nnd to promote recovery nftcr an at tack of unite disease. Sarsaparilla constitutes tho prominent ingredi ent in the above preparation—being one ofthe most popular articles of the present day—cn’er- inginto the composition of almost every purify ing medicine; nnd i* alike resorted to in profes sional and in domestic practice. It is ciistotnnry ill prescribing thiesuhstanco, to combine it with other articles to modify or to promote it* activity, and with n view to it* diaphoretic and stimulant effect principally. This Syrun is such a combi nation, nnd is commended to Physicians particu larly, ns fully worthy of their confidence. For sale by ANSON PARSONS, july 27 No. 8 Gibbons’ Range. _ , _ CiMHo son] I rt BOXES Castile Son] J»iy < y I.iiiftcud OII, White Lea- I A 11111,S tWi.liLia.cd 011 L vJ 300 kegs \Vbito Lend, No. 1 50 ennistors patent Green for doors, shutters, &c. C hills 8pis Turpentine, 3 do Lamp 4 do Spniiinh Brown, dry 50 kegs do do, in oft 100 enuistore Verdigris, Just fornalo hy G. ft. HENDRL umv 9 ■ ~ received ewl • ilCKSON. 0 ——. on. A RALLS, bleached Snerm Oil clUUIecodo da While do- - 400 do Olivo da Jn.treceivednml for.nleby july0 HAZARD, HENSLOW it CO.; ing, very low priMj spnrniols ~ Blk & blue blk Rombtuini) Ac. Per Madison. fL PCS very super, black aud bloo black JLv Bomhusins G do printed Cambric * SflKU* % 3 do suner white Linen Drillinf 3 do do white Italian Crape v 0 do do 4-4 Nett 1 ease bleached Shirting, ven 2-1 18 to 22 inch Ladies Parasols ___ 13 doz Gents white cotton 4 Hose,large sizes G groco fig'd Velvet and Satin Coat BUUQIM G crone silvered Strap Du-,tons 20,000 silver plated Hooks nndEjes 6 doz black Nutt Gloves 3 do fancy do .Shawls . G do Feather Fans,G do blk Paper d G do Btiitcrfiy do,8do India Rubbr 60 pack.* best quality Pina 300 pcs bluo black Braid 100 do hlnck Silk Cord. For sole by . ; SNIDER, LATlIROP & NEVITT. june 11 •* Ocoi-ttia Historical Sodetr. ' C OLLECTIONS ofthe Georgia Historical Socioty, volume 1st. Just published. ' 4 july 8 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. Parsons* Vegetable Antl-BillotM Pills. 1 A S AFE und certain cure for nil bllitmi com* plaints and obstructions ef tho bowels. If ndiniiiiitered in time, they will effectually remora the bile from tlio stomach, nnd counteract tho causes which so generally produce heudache; in- digebtion, fever aud ague, or intermittent, remits tent, bilious, inflammatory, nnd yellow fevers* juiindice, bilious cholic, dysentery, worms, rheu matism, pleurisy, bilious vomiting, foul stomoebi costivenoHM, sore thron♦*. colds, coughs and astb*> ma. Prepared and sold by ANSON PARSONS, ■ nug 4 No. 8 Gibbons’ Rango. Clark’s matches. *| |"| GROCE Clnrk’s Friction Matches, im- JL"/ perior to any in use. Just received atiR or sale hy ANSON PARSONS, july 11 * No. 8 Gibbons’Range. Savannah Library Society* F ROM this date to the lstNov. next, the Li* brary will he open from 10 o’clock. A. M‘, to one P. M.,and from four to seven P. M. The Reading Room will be open from nine o'clock A. M. to seven P. M. Rule5th. sec. 1. apl7 . Wheeler’s Balsam nOIoscntcIlo. A GRATEFUL nnd ettec'mil remedy lor ilis- ea*RB ofthe stomach and bowels, viz: Dys pepsia, Diarrhcea, llvscntcvy, Cholera Motbiis, Cholic, Asiatic and Spasmodic ChoIern.Cmmps, Children Teething, Summer Complaint of chil dren, dnngnrou* efl'ects of driukitiff cold water whew over-heated, dtc. This invaluable medi cine is highly recommended by many of tho most respectable persomih New York city; it is there- MWOfferiur tcT^he'-puMie ’With' gfeat Confidence for curing the above diseases. A fresh supply just received bir G. R. HENDRICKSON, Agent. july 29 Georgia—Iu Glynn Sup. Court. April Term, 1849. James Fort& Stephen C. King, for the uso of Horace S. Prutt. vs . Brunswick Land Compnuv. I T appearing to the Court upon Petition of James Fort nnd Stephen C.King for the use of Horace S. Prutt, thnt C. W. Cartwright, Simon Greenlenfand W. II. Gardner, Trustees of the Brunswick Laud Company, on the 15th day of October, 1836, made and executed n certain Mortgage Deed to the said James Fort nnd Ste- phen'C. King, in nnd to all those tracts of Land which lying nnd being on Turtle River in the County nnd Slate aforesaid, adjoining the town common of Brunswick, containing five thousand six hundred and forty acres, more or less, with tho exceptioiroftwo acres of Pine Land given by James Fort, on which tract a house of worship called the Chapel, situate about five miles from Brunswick, said tracts being more particularly described, nnd bounded ob follows, viz: Two tracts of saul land adjoining aud containing to gether by rcsnrvey three hundred and ninety-five acres, more or less, grunted on the GUi January, 1767, to Henry Lawrous, including two hundred acre* surveyed for Robert Savage and now form ing a part of said tracts, hounded at the time of survey aoutherly by land reserved for the public service known ns tho Brunswick Common, north crly by oilier lauds ordered to the said Henry Lawrens, and on all other sides hy marsh and v.i 1 do do Otard'sTjust received! per brig Cliatoig.. cant lauds; and the other of said tracts bounded und for sale by Notice. A LL persons having demands against the Es- J\. late of Timothy Barnard, late of Chatham County, deceased, arc hereby requested to pre sent them within the timo prescribed by law; and those indebted to tho same, to. make payment to eitherof the undersigned. JNO. B. BARNARD. \ r . r , TIMOTIIY G. BARNARD, j uxors - july 21 175t0v/ IfS-Hjiiie of Ueprcscntutircs. I ““REAS a bill has passed both branches m Mn ..,7?. General Assembly, changing tho ■moot holding tho sessions ofthe Legislature, Tom annual to bi ennial: hut whkrims it is pro per on all occasions to ascertain tho will of the people, whenever it can lie done without inter Fherofore 1 ori ^ n;ir J col,rao of Legislation: XSuLlTOitfty. the Srn "“ ai "‘ Horn of imtlJmo"A a ' ur t!‘o, in General As- Efi a £f“ '“’■fhmokcl i,j ihr. diil/iottty VtO Z : } llr " 1 & londuy in 0«obcr, faraB nn \ Slain Un ro^ucslcil lo CI1- " or,la " Animal" ,,r IJnranMZ, nstlioyina^ favor thu meeting oftlm legislature ovr-ry yc.ur, or onco in two yom: ami tram'l’ ullll “ lre ‘ 1 '» Uio llmvapa- pdayio Ostob.r r atea"d°. nU “ t,Ur ° re l "° Ll tteti—Z 0 ' nf S" IIoU8 ‘ ! o( tteproiontotivei. M-Jmih, Sturois, Clork. In oeuutc, conciirroil in,'21»t Doo. 1839. ROBERT if. ECHOLS, n „ I're.idomolUii! Soiiulo. UMl-D*y ln j, Banav, Secretory. A Tn a'oI 2 b0 - a4Ul . 1839. I® 1 15 9 Jl MoD ONALD, Governor. BcwttPd, n fortbo apprehension of named ABRAM GARD- - Ho is well known in this city, ■JwanavMinity. Ho usod, sometimes to drive jitimooa nn ," cc . :w,()n ally worked at tho painting *konl 40 years old, and has i, n r °CQntly soon iu tho. wooiIm nnar Thunder- owny sometime lust November. The VV| ^ f°* if delivered to In„3Htt Waver ,°f this city, or lodged iu tho mni uT Wlan ‘ county. . WM. HOGAN. Notice. , F OUR months afterdate, application win he made to tho Iloworahlo the Justices oftho Inferior Court nf Chatham County, when sitting for ordinary purposes, tor leave to sell all that IIouso and out Buildings on Lot No. 3, Pulaski Ward, in the City of Savannah, for the benefit of tho huitMaud creditors ofostnto *:f Lewis Bird HarrisouV, ^pecilic.Oiiitiiicnt, F OR tlie cure of white swellings, scrofulous und other tumors, ulcers, sore legs, old ami fresh wound*, sprains and bruises, swellings and inflammations, scald head, women’s sore bYonsls, rheumatic pains, tetters, eruptions, chilblains, whitlows, biles, corns, and external diseases gen erally. Thb proprietor has received at least a tliotisaud certificates nnd other documents iu fa vor of his SPECIFIC OINTMENT—and they embrace almost all the complaints—In their worst stages—to which ointment or sliding plaster can he applied. Among those certificates, there are a great ninnhor (Vonitho most eminent physicians in the country, who use tho Ointment in their daily practice, in preference to any, or all others which I10V0 ever been invented. The proprietor has also received a great many testimonials from farriers, military gniiliemen, farmers und other* decoasnd. july 13 1G8 SARAH BIRD, Adm’ix. Notice. F OUR months after date. I shall apply to tho Ilouovnblrt the Inferior Court ot Camden County, for leave lo sell nil die Real Estate of James Lloyd, doccascd. july E. D. TRACY. Adm’or. Notice. F OUR months after date, application will bo made to tho Courtiff,Ordinary for tlio Coun ty of Camden, for leave to soli nil the Lot* and improvement* shunto in tho Town of Jefferson, belonging to tho esluto of John Bailey, Into of suid county MiCflWeur G W, THOMAS, \ Adm » ora ROUT. LANG, J Adm or8, june 25 154 NotKCCi F OUR months after date, application will bo made to the Court of Ordinary of Liberty Countv, when sluing for ordinary purposes, for leave in sell a tract of Laud, belonging to the es- tute of Moses Way, lying on Gravel Hill m Lib- orty County, A. S. MOODY, Adm or. jutm 12 143 Notice. , 1 71 OUR months after date, application will bo . inado to tho Inferior Court of Liberty Coun ty, when sitting fnrordinnry purposes, for leavo to soli o Negro Boy by the name of Cpdjoe, be longing to die estate of John S. Quartermuu.— Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of suldostato. W. E. QUARTERMAN, Ex’or. april 17 05 Central Bull Itoiul. T HE 112 Mile Station of this Road is now open, and tho passenger and freight car* run to and from it daily. At this station, whilst it is the western terminus of the road, and at the 80 mile station, agents of tho company will re ceive and fonvard goods nnd produce. Goods not to ho forwarded must he tuken from the store houses within three days after their arrival, or af ter that lime, he subject to storage of Suvnnnnli rates. Goods to bo forwarded from these stations will be loaded iu the order of arrival^ at the store house*, in such wagons as offer, and every atten tion given, hut no responsibility will be incurred by the company after goods are delivered to the wagoner. J. McFARLAND, Agcut. july 29 Domestic nnd Imported Liquors. A HALF pipes Cognac Brandy J; 4 lihds Domestic do 10 bbls N. E. Rum, 10 Jo do Gin In store, and for sale hv IxlNG & COOMBS, july 9 l/nit.n Ferry Wlurf. Lc Cordial dc Imcinc, ou UEI- exir de I/Animtr. W E perceive by the papers that the famous Freitth pltyrician, Dr. Magnin, lias estab lished an agency for tbe sale of the above named extraordinary medicine in this city; and to speak thelruth,.wo nro sorry for it, ns we think that there uro too many people in this port of the w orld already. Wo dare not enter into an expla nation ofthe wonders effected hy this medicine here, hut will nevertheless venture to add, that it is the royalist thing in the world for gentlemen and j t% — .— . ladies who are husbands and teites, and w ho wish relative to the amazing ufiicucy of his Ointment, j ( 0 hr. fathers nnd mothers. Tho agent should take in bruises, cuts, and all the external complaints [ this medicine to the far west, where people are and diseases of horses; mid among them nro no j source.—A r cw> York Examiner. less than a dozen certifying to tho most perfect «< l.ucine Cordial” is a general invigorator' cures which it has performed on tho sore backs |[ 0 f tho Inn nan frame in all ilm various cases of of some of those animals. Altogether tho pro* j | n „gor, lassitndo and debilitation, and is at the prietor feels no hesitation in stating—or in put-1 siun e time so slmplo,yct so efficacious, tlint while ting it to tho proof against all composition—that j it can renovate the prostrated energies of a giant, “ IIARRU’.ON’S SPECIFIC OINTMENT ” j an infant may use it. not only with impunity, but is vastly superior to every tiling of the kind which i with ;. Jvantago. Tlie Lticino Cordial is ulso all bus heretofore boon offered to the public. j indubitable euro for the incontinence oftho urine, [CP So Id wholesale and jotall at all tlio princi-1 or the involuntary discharge thereof. It is like- pal Driig Stores in Savannah. I wise an invaluable and unrivalled medicine ill july 29 182—ly rases of chronic qrnptions of the skin, and in the ■ Pptors r VcL ; i ; tiihlc pills dropb-n! affections oftho nge. , 4 RE daily nlToclingsRuia of- thu mo.t a»to,i-1 Thi. colohretod and tncsiniiRh e Conlinl ,» for j\ isliingand wonderRd euros that have ever | .ale hy G. R. IILNDRILK. ON. been known—in cnnseqnracc of which they have july 29 now become asldtithg mark, ogninstwliicli all tl.e arrows ofdisappointod heipri. onvy and uncharit- nhleiins, ure lovollod without dUtinelloll. Peters' Vegetable Pills or- anti-biliotw, anti- dyspeptia, and anti-mercurial, nnd may justly bo couiidnrod n Universal Medicine—bnt they uro peculiarly bcnnfloljl in tlio (bllowing complaint.! Yollow nnd Uiliou. Eovere.Eevor and Agne.Oy,- S epsis, Croup, Liver Complaint, Sick Headncho, uuudieo, Asthma, Dronsy. llbeiiinatism.Enluige- mnnt of tho Spleen, Piles, Fomalo Ohsthicticns, Heartburn, Furred'Tongue, Nausea, Distension oftho Stomach nnd Bowels, Incipient Diarrlima, Flatulence, Habitual Costiveness, Loss of Appe tite, Cholio, ’Blotched or Sallow Complexion, nnd in all eases of'Torpor of tho Bowels, where a Cathartic or nn Aperient is needed. They are exceedingly mild in their operations, producing ueitlier nausea, griping nor debility, KT*8oM wholesale and retuil at all tho priucipnl Drug Stores in Snvitimaii. july 29 182—ly George W. Bohn, Deceived per Win.Taylor, F ANCY and MourningGinchams Striped nnd plain Swiss Muriins - - Jaconets and Mill! Muslins, J^atubrics Linens and Bird Eye Diaper Low priced Fancy Calico Superior Bishops Lawns. july 11 Reduced Prices. J A. CLIFFORD offers for sale, bis well m* • ported stock of Dry Goods at very reduced prices, for cash. july 13 Gin and Brandy. PIPES Holland Gin 2 balfdo Seignctte Brandy J UST roceivei juna 12 Bagging Twine. e a, und fo I for sula Ir N ~ llo by B.&H. WEED.* 182—ly Savannah. Columfoinn Water Colors. F OR Miniaturo nnd Landscape painting, man ufactured by J. Boston, Chemist. For proof ofthe decided superiority of the Columbian col ors over all others now in use iu this country, dealers in thorn are respectfully referred to tlio synoposis ofcerlificatcs of our most emineut ar tists. Certificates will be furnished to purcha sers. A fresh supply in boxes. of ouo and two rows, for salo bv - _ _ PORCHER & LA ROCIIE, Druggists, juno 2 Opposite tho Market. Cosmetics. /ROWLAND’SLotion, Rowland’sKalyipr, VJT Church’s Vegetable} Lotion, Ituliau do,high ly recommended for improviug and beautifying tho complexion, rendering the skin soft, fair and tran.ipnr.mt, and eradicating all on torn, mis erup tions, A;c. Just received und fo’r salo by july 11 G. R. HENDRICKSON. JLaudretSi’s Turnip Seed. A SUPPLY just rcteived from Philadelphia For sale by WM. H. TURNER, july 13 Opposite Mansion House. northwest port by land of Jacob Helvcstine. for Helveston) and pari by vacant lands, southerly hy other lands ordered the said Henry Lawrens, niid on all other sides by marsh and vacant kinds; both of which said tracts have such forms ami marks, natural and artificial, as aro expressed and delineated on the plats annexed to said grants. One other tract of said land granted ou the second day of September. 1766, to Jacob Helveotine. containing according to tlio original survey, four hundred acres, byre survey four hundred und six ty acres, more or less, hounded at the time ofsur- rev on all sides hy vacant lauds, but now south, erly by tiie above described tract; oue other tract of said lands called tlio Peacock tract, containing originally five hundred acre.*, and by resurvey five hundred nnd seventy-five acres, purchased at ShqfifTs sale hy JuuiesFort on tlie J4th day of January, 1822, sold as tho property of A. D. I.nwrcns, bounded west bv the tract last descri bed, northerly by land* ofTliomas Spalding, nnd southwest by land.* surveyed by the said James Fort ou the 2d day of Jauiiary, 1808, containing by the original survey one thousand acres, and by resurvey cloven hundred and ninety-six acres, bounded southwesterly by land* granted to the aforesaid IL nry Lawrens, northwest hv lands granted to Jacob Helvcstine, nnd on all oilier sides by unknown and vacant lands; one other tract of said land bounded northwest bv tract last described, southwesterly by the aforesaid tract of Henry Lawrens, east by land surveyed for Ray- mond'Demoro,and«outn hv tracts hereinafter des cribed, containing four bundled and fifty acres, more or less; one other tract ofsnid land bounded by the tract last described on tlio northwest.south westerly by tho aforesaid tract of Honry Lawrens, oast hy land surveyed for Raymond Detnere, and south hr tract hereinafter described, containing fourhiiiidrcd and fifty acres, more or less; one oth er tract of said land, bounded by the tract last described on the northwest, southwesterly by the oforo«nid tracts of Henry Lawrens. cast by lands of Raymond Dnmero, containing two hundred and forty acres; one other tract nf said land grant ed to Ray ran nd Deninre ontlie 19th dny of Janu ary, 1773, bounded northward by lands of John Kyon at the time of survey, and oil all other rides hy vacant Innd, northwesterly hy tho two tracts last described, containing hy the’original survey three hundred acres, for tlie hotter securing the payment offivc promissory note* made hy C. W. Cartwright, President of said Brunswick Land Company to the raid James Fort and Stephen C. King, for the sum nf six thousand dollars each, amounting to thirty thousand dollnrs with inter est from tlie 13th day of October, 1836, nt the rate of eight percent per annum, due in five years from tho date of said notes, (which is 13th Octo ber, 1830) in ftvo equal annual instalments, nml thnt the principal on two of said notes amounting to twelve thousand dollars, ns well ns the interest on twetltv-forir thousand dollurs fYotn tho 13th' October, 1637, are sttll due and unpaid to said James Fort and Stophen C. King. On motion ofA.J. Besscnt, plaintiff’s attorney, it is order ed, that the said Brunswick Laud Company, its officers end members, do within six months from date hereof, pay into the said Court tlie principal and interest which may then be due on said note* and .mortgage with ull costs, or that in default thereof, tho Equity of redemption of said, Bruns wick Land Company in and to tho suid mortgag ed lands, fVoui thenceforth be forever bound and foreclosed; and it is Ihrther ordered that this rule be published in oue of the Gazettes of Savannah once a month for four months, or served on tho President, officers and members of said Bruns-, wick Li»nd Company, nr tho ngent or attorney personally ntCoqgl three mouths previously to the expiration pfsnid six months. ’ *' V Let Rule Nisi issue; 2Ut April, 1840. oh as; s. henry, Judge Sup. Court, E. D. Go. A true extractive>n the minutes. JAME8 MOORE, Clerk. , june 12 L43HM june12 FRANCIS SORREL & CO. Bacon and Torlt. "I 11 HHDS. Shoulders Bacon IU 2 do. Hams 20 .bbls Moss Pork. Lauding from scltr. Eagle, and for sale by * L. B4 July 28 L. BALDWIN de by & CO. Rlustardy Sweet Oil, &c. ■j A BOXES English Mustard 1 \ f 20 baskets Swoot Oil ** » G cases Castile Soap x - 1 bbl Bermuda Arrow Root Just received, aud for sale by july 29 G. R. HENDRICKSON. A Certain Cure for Sick Ache, Head- AVIIUi W HICH hRs been used in families, every member of which has had sick headache from infnncy.ns n constitutional family complaint, and has ouref effectually in every instance yqt known, amounting to many hundreds. It is nqt unpleasant to the taste, nnd don* not prevent th/s daily avocations of oue using it; it must be perse* vered in, and the cure is gradual, but certain and permanent. Instances are eoiistantly multiply* mg where this distressing complaint is complete* ly relieved and cured, although of years standing, hy the uso of Dr. Spohu's celebrated remedy. One decided preference is its pleasantness, hav ing none of the nauseatiug effects of commpn drugs. In all dyspeptic symtoms, costiyencss, irregu larity, distress after meals, pains in the side and torpidity ofthe liver, the cure is perfect, and any one so afflicted will become immediately convin ced on using it, thnt lie bus at last found a •'sover eign balm for lii* wounds.” Females are particu lar!) recommended to use it for costiveness or ir regularity, and other female complninfs. It is ( iroved to correct vitiated and disordered humors* moping tho stomach in most perfect order. Those persons who after an evenings indulgence at pap- ties, Arc. have headache and dullness tho next day, will find this a sure preventive if taken ijt hell lime. For all common complaints, in a few days its virtues will be seif-evidont, und a complete cure will soon be effected. When a person has n cold nnd feel* uuwclf, generally n free .uso qf it fora few days will he sure to relievo wilhotH physic or pills. To children it may be given with tho greatest advantage. In all acidity or sourness of stomach thh remedy is sovereign and invaluable; ns a general family medicine it is now adopted hy many of the most respectable funnies. It never sickens the'stomach Tl»c Wadis on Papers. T IlE Papers of James MadUon, purchased or order ofCongross, being hiscorrespotidenq nnd reports of Debates during tho C 41 the Confederation, nnd his Reports of tho Federal Convention, now publish original manuscripts deposited in tlie I of State, by direction ot the JoinUA) mitteo of Congress, under tho of Henry I). Gilfer—-in 3vols,l LCT Min t cf the edition of tie ing been lifstroyed by fin in l“ a few copies only have b application is therefore Greyslaor, a Romance o author ofa “Winter in the* V . The Life nnd Travels of Mungo Part, V substance of later discoveries rotative to n niented fate, aud tho termination-of the NI| boing vol. lOSFnmily Library. Natural Ulptpry^■ofQnndruped* ( , !lusln numerous engraving*.104th vol. ■Outline History oTlhe Fine Arts, i wood engravings, b^Bonsou J. Losm Just received. july 8 W. THORNE WILLIAMS.: