Daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1839-1840, August 27, 1840, Image 1

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7M, jersBf <!"/ Jicjn ''containing all tho Intelligence K 'dSdin lh. jM I-aper, at . for »l* month*. ,, wn'e/aS » half for eaoli inaertion aftitr, per **N 1 7t°fficUationby thaCierks oftho Court? Jfflji’S*. font application linn been rnatlo for fiS o7A“mi.IiitmUou, uniat bo publiahod uutlSry DAYS at least, A Notice by Ex ocutora and Acluunlatrotora for Debut" to render iu U.o.r account. 111 SdMof'NcV 001 ' by K»oontora and Admlnis- mtnrs inu.l bo at publo auction, on tho firstTuoa- j?. of foe month, bolwcon tlio usual hours 01 tl attbe placo of Public,Sales in the County Sara foo Letters Testamentary, of Administra te or Guardianship may have been granted, drat „, T y oAt'S notico thereof in one of the nublic c,Mottos ofthiaStato, and ot tho dooref the Court House, where such Bales ore to bo ^Notice for leave to sell Negroos, nm:t bo pub- lulled for four inontlis, boforo any order absolute jssiSKti^r^-STr he made at foo Court House doorot the Couniy 'mShthouroucrty i.situate,and on tho first Tuesdayof the SlonUi,between the hoursoften In the moroing and four in the afternoon. No sale frouTday today invalid, unlesa so evpredsed in ^ABilSSytocutcre^l^fci^ * Sales of personal property (except negroes! of testate aid intestate estates by Kxoeulor. and Administrators must bo adveftbed FORI Y DAYS* Application* by Exocutors and Administrators far Letters Disrateory, must be published SLY MONTHS. „ t „ Applications for foreclosure of Mortgages on real estate nmst be advertised once u month for FOUR MONTHS. rr> * Orders of tho’ Court of Ordinary, (accompani ed with a copy of tho bond or a^reomont) to make titles to land must be advertised Thrke Months at least. SherilTssalesunder executions rogularly grai edby tho Courts, must bo udvertised TIIIRl x PAYS—under mortgage executions SIXTY PAYS—Sides of perishable property under or dcr of Court, niustbe advertised, generally, TEN PAYS boforo the day of sale. | All Advertisements will be .punctually attended to */ AU Letters directed to this Office or the Editor, must bo postpaid, to entitle them to at tention;' , 1*0.207—Vol. XXXVIII.} SAVANNAH, (Ga.j THURSDAYHORNING, AUGUST 1840. [Whole No.—9Y,30S. ticorffia-EfQiiglinm County. To nil who w K" Compound Sarsaparilla, or Head Syrup. NOWN from all others by being cnlled No. I Silver Top. A Iso, as a further security, my signature will ba found in my own hand wri ting, also on the outside wrapper. From the Editor of tho Herald. Broicn's SatsupnriUa Compound.—This delight ful and pleasant beverage for the summer, is fust coming into use, and will soon bo on indispensa ble nrticle in overy family. It ma^es a delightful mead, and is an excellent purifier of tho blond. By every small expenditure of money, the pur chaser has a bottle of dm Sarsaparilla Compound, and a box containing the Saline Powder; tho on ly neco«sary accompaniment is a pitcher of ice whom it may concern: IEKEAS Matthew Huldt, bus apnliod to tho Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Effingham County, for letters of administration on the estate and elfocts of Hoary G Bowuuiu, lato of said county deceased. These nro .therefore to cite and admonish all, end singular the kindred ond creditors oflliosaid deceased, to filo their objections (if anykey have) to tho granting of the ndmininislrution of the es tate ortho deceased to tho applicant ill UtoCIcikV office of the said Court, on or before tho 24tU day ofSoptomher next; otherwise letters ofad- ministration will be granted. Witness, tho Hon. C. Powers, one of tho Jits- tides of said Court thia24thday of August, A. D. 1840. JOHN CHARLTON, o. o. k. c. ang 24 <>corgln-Eflkng)iaiii County. fTtO nil whom it may concern. Whereas, A John Motr.gor, Administrator of the estate uf Solomon Metzger, deceased, has applied to the Honorable tho Court ofOrdinnry of F.ffing- lmm County, for Letters of Disinissory from said estate. These ere therefore to cite and admonish nil and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to filq their objections (if any they havo) in the Clerk’s office of the suid Court, on or before the 17th day of February next, other wise letters of Dismissory will be granted. Witness, the Hon. C. Powers, one oftlm Jus tices of the said Court, tld's 17th day of August, A. D. 1840. JOHN CHARLTON, nug 17 Clerk, C.C.O. F.. C. Gcorgin-ElHnglmm County. T O all whom it may Concern. Whereas, Henry M. Wilson, Administrator of tho estate of Peter Kettles, deceased, has applied to tho Honornblo tho Court of Ordinary of Effing ham County, for Letters of Dismissory on said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections, (if any they have) in tho Clerk’s offico of tho said Court, on or before the 17th dny of February next, other wise Letters of Dismissory will he granted. Witness,tho Hon. C. Powers, one of tfic Jus tices of the said Court, this 17tlidnyof August, A. D. 1840. JOHN CHARLTON, PETERS'PILLS, W E would call attention to the advertisement in our columns to-dny of PETER8’ VF.G- ETA RLE PILLS. We understand by tlm best medical anthority, that there is no pro|,nrntion of tho day which ouioys so on via bio a reputation. At tho South and North, their success Jiuh been unbounded, und wherever Introduced we believe they have given tho most perfect satisfaction. W« havo this day Imd an interview with ohm of our citizens, Henry K. Fox. whe wm recently cured of a most remarkable and obstinate cuta neous eruption, where tho body yens covered with lilUomo ulcers, and even the tonsils of the throat eaten away—and by using those Pills daily for six weeks, was entirely restored to health,—Nero York Examiner. PETERS’ VEGETABLE PILLS, They do indeed restore the health of tho body, because they purify und invigorate the blood, and thoir good otluolsare hot couiitorbnlnnccd by any incoiivenicneo; being composed entirely of veg etables, they do not expose tho** who use them to danger, and jlioir oftneta arc iim certain as they nro s.dntnry; they are daily and safely adminis tered to inmucy, youth, manhood mid old age, and to women in tho most critioalanddelicate circum stances, they do not disturb or shock the nnitiml functions, but restores their ordor and re-estab lishes their health; and for all the pitrposeswliich a vogittuble purgative, nr certain cleanser of tim whole system are required, they stand without a rival. (Hr* Sold wholesale and retail, at all the princi pal Druggists in Savannah, jtily 29 182—ly 1 . Vanilla Bcuntt. CASE Vanilla llcnti*, of supnriot quality, ju»t received per trig Clinton nnd for .ale by A. PARSONS, No. 8 Gibbon.'Runs,. ^ JHOWn Dover Shirtings. QO rCSfino brown Shirting., jinn received Im.k Plnlttrn. For tab, by BNIDLit, LATHROP & NBVITT. aug 4 . _ _ Chloride Lime, ■J AOO LBS. Chloride Lime, indrypow- Ivvv dar. Jtttl received nnd for Ml, by ANSON PARSONS, eng 3 _ No. 8 Gibbon,' Rang,. Long dc Patterson, Offer for Sale, /TA DDLS Prim, Pork, 20 do Men Beof tr'J 20 do I'rmio Heof 100 bbli l'icldod Itorring. for Plontaiinn tuo GO do Pilot Bread, GO do Navy Dread 50,do Mu buses angIG Jus^ received from Kaynard He ■i, Noyes, 6 GrOCE Soda Powder* - 3 do $ei<Uitz gf., do. For salo hy TH03. RYEU80N. ang 17 Clerk,C.C.O E. C. Georgin-Efflngham County. T O all whom it may Concern. Wherens, John Metzger.has applied to the Honorable tho Court of Ordinary of Effingham County, for Letters of Administration on the estate arid elTcctsofDavid Metzger, late of said Couuty.do ceased. l These, nro therefore to cite and admonish ill and singular, the kindred nnd creditors oftlie s;l%i deccused, to file thoir objections, (ifnny they have) to tho granting of tho administration oftlio estate of tho deceased, to the applicant in tho Clerk’s office of said Court, on or before the 17th dny of September next, otherwise Letters of Ad- ministratinnwillbe granted. Witness, the Hon. C. Powers, one oftlie Jus tices of said Court, this 17th day of August, A. D 1840. , JOHN CHARLTON, nug 17 Clerk, C. O. E. C. Georgln-Efflnglmm County* T O nil whom it may Concern, Whereas, John Charlton, has applied to the Honora ble the Court of Ordinary of Effingham County, for Letters of Administration, do-honis non, on wilCr. and you linve a perfect fountain, where, j tho estate and eflects of Daniel Schultz, Igte of reader, you may refrigerate to your heart’s Con- said County, dccoased. ttnt. A little of the Saline mixed with the pro-1 These aro therefore to cite and admonish all pared Sarsaparilla will give you os grateful h| and singular the kindred and creditors of tho suid glass of Sarsapprilla Moad as*can be found in tho J J city.' Wo speak from experience; don’t take our word, but go and get the article of William Brown, the inventor, 481 VVashington-street. For inlo by T. M. & J. M. TURNER, nug 20 Monument Square, Gelatine Capsules or Pure Co- paiva Balm. T HE Copnvia’ Balm is^ of nil the medicines employed in combating' tlio chronical and acuta gonorrhccal affections, also the blennorhma called whites; the only ono, the specific action of which has never been doubted, and to which physicians have in consequence given the prefer ence; bat its nauseous taste and smell are the causes of its being rejected by many patients. This is the reason why so many experiments have been made in order to discover some mode of disguising its taste, so that it might bo taken with less repugnance; but hitherto this has been but imperfectly effected, and always by addition of some active substance which modifies Us pro perties, and thus destroys its chemical constitu tion and its physical character. I therefore offer n mode of administering it in such a stato that it cannot occasion the slightest repugunnee, nnd tins without submitting it to any alteration. My method consists in enclosing it in tho Gelatine Consoles. A supply of the above valuable mediciuo just received, and for sale by ANSON PARSONS, >ttg 21 No. 8 Gibbons’ Runge. deceased,to file their objections, (if any they have) to the granting of the administration of the estate of Ui» deceased, to tho applicant in the Clerk’s office oftlie said Court, on or before the T7th day of September next otherwise Letters of Admin? Utraliou will be granted. Witness, tho Hon. C. Powers, ono of the Jus tices of said Court, this 17th day of August. A. D. 1840. JOHN CHARLTON, aug 17 Clerk, C. O.E. C. TIir Uncinn Cordial, BEWARE OF FRAUD. , rpiHE nnpreeedcnted popularity of thisbonefi* JL cent and inestimable CORDIAL in the U- nited States, has induced one or more unprinci pled persons to innnufucturc spurious catchpenny articles, under various mimes, and purporting to produce the same effect; but which, in reality, pro duce no other effect than that «f twiudliug the public; nud to give a yet more plausible appear ance of their cupidity, those persons affect that thoir wretched nostrums Imvo been in uso in England and elsewhere for a number of years; whereas, until the illustrious Dr. Mnguin made his wonderful discovery, no cure for barrenness had been ever thought of, or at leant made pub lic ; nud all those then in uso for tho restoration oftlio decayed virile powers were found to bo of but little avail. Thus, all nostrums advertised for barrenness or the euro of icunotoitcy, but Dr. Mngnin’s aro more catchpenny nnnihugs, which would never have been thought of hut for the ap pearance and great celebrity of tlio LUCINA CORDIAL. As no counterfeit ofthe name is at present in circulation, it may in general be a sufficient caution for the purchaser to ask for the Luchin Cordial, but as further assurance,it would bo ns well to note that its name, Lncinn Cordial, or Elixir of L6vn, is stamped in the glass of each bottle—the camlmiqd arms of Franco nnd the U- nited Stales nro on the oitlwurd envelope—tlint a Fleur de Lis is primed on the accompanying directions, and beautifully embossed on the snow hills hanging in the storos of those who havo thu gennino article for sale. The celebrity of the Lunina Cordial being such as it is, it is scarcely necessary to add that it is the only efficient remedy for Imrronness, and the res toration of docuyeef virile powers over known; and thatin the cure of Fluor Albus,Gleet,obstruc ted, difficult or painful Menstruation, the incon tinence of the urine, or tlio involuntary discharge thereof, its superiority ovor every other mediciuo is not only aocided, hut unquestionable. For sale by . G. R. HENDRICKSON, july 29 182—1} Savannah^ Assignee’* Notlee. T HE subscribe^ has bean appointed Assignee by Henry N. Gambia, or all hts Estate and efforts, for the benefit of nil his creditors. All persons indebted la said Henry N. Gamble, nro requested to mako immediate payment; and tlio creditors of said Henry N. Gamble, nro request ed to hand in their accounts properly attested, within three months, otherwise tho undersigned will not he responsible for the payment of.them out of the assets. H. W. IIUDNALL. Darien, July 18,1840. July 21 17ot3in Georgia—McIntosh County. To all whom it may concern: W HEREAS James R. Obborry applies to me for Letters of Dismission, ns Execu tor of the estate of John Obborry, late of said coiintydeccased, These nro therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to bo and appear at my office within the time prescribed bylaw, to shew cause (if any they have) why said letter* should not be granted. Given under my hand at office this first day of May, 1840. J. E. TOWNSEND, * tuny 5 Clerk c. o. m. i. c. Georgia—In Glynn 8up« Court. .* Apnir. Tkrm, 1840< James Port & fitephen C. King, V for tlio use of Horace Q. 1’rnU. I v«- f Brunswick Land Company. J *T npjioiiring to tho Court upon Potilfofi <tf . James Port and Stephen C. King for tho nso of Horace 8. Pratt, that 1;. \V. Cartwright, Simon Greontonfnnd W. H. Gnrdncr, Trustee* of tlio Brunswick Land Company, on tho 15th dny nr October, 1830, made and oxecuted a certain Mortgage Deod to tho «nid James Fort nnd Ste phen C. King, in and to all those tracts of Land Sonar Ca»o*. * A NE/W, fancy nrticle, for hoi -iA. sum. Just received per brig, (br sale by'- ANSG ang 20 D URING the nbsenco of tho w Mr. Joseph Georgo, Jr. Is duly to act a* Ilia Attorney, aug 21 mHRdlaei JL whiob umun Hair. i/the hair among ns i Hun f ms! omnni ir, nnd arise from ninny disorders, especti perspiration, which extends tlio no the root*/ causes Unfair to fall off, icasions total baldnul; Baldness b six hundred and forty acres, more qr less, with the exception oftwo acres ofPiiie Land given hy JamcaFort, on which tract a house of worship called tho Chapel, situato about five miles from Brunswick, said tracts being moro particularly described, and bounded as follows, viz: Two tracts ofsaid land adjoining and containing to gether by re*nrvoy three hundred and nhMtr-fivc acres, more or less, granted on the 6th January, 1767, to Henry Lntvrens. inclining two hundred acres surveyed for Robert Savage and now /brin ing a part of said tracts, bounded attha time of survey southerly bv laud reserved for the public service known as the Brunswick Common, north crly. by other lauds ordered to the suid Henry . Lawrons, and on all other sides by marsh and v.i * cunt lands; and the other of suid tracts bounded northwest part by land of Jucob Helvostine. (nr off of the liair, and thinness oflt—tl which arise from ninny disorders, vers; bi Inxes tin ten occasions t been esteemed a great defect.. Itgener&uy wisps , through violent exercise, from whence. arise per* 1 spiratious, which too frequently occasion alosi 1 of the hair—it relaxes the roots—the acidity pip- y out* tho fluid acting on the hair, which occasion* . it to waste. For instance, afrer a violent penffib ration the hair becomes dry, it Ibels extremely harsh, and no elasticity in it whatever; therefore, to prevent it* taking an effect on tho hair, fiiit mb the hairdry with n doth, then apply tho. Cas* sada Oil to llie roots of the liair. so Unit the al(|ft of tho head may ho ninistetnid, and remain so af« ter each time of perspiration. * Sold wholesale nud retail by the Tho*. Quirk, No. 490 Broadway, f* by appointment, bv aug 10 ANSON PARSONS, Agent, Genuine Engilali Dalhy’s Car* miniUvc. W HICH is founded on just medical princi- pies, is a most safe, effectual, nnd often indeed an immediate remedy for the wind, tho watery and dry gripes, convulsions, and all those fatal disorders iu' the bowels of infants, which carry off such n number ofthe human species tinder tho ago of two years. It is also equally efficacious in-gcuty pains in tho intestines, die bloody flux, and tbomost rackitigcolics in grown persous, nnd it is pccnlinrly serviceable in those fluxes uud disorder* ofthe bowels which seamen are subject to. It may not bo improper to add, that those children who have been used to this medicine are scarcely ever afflicted with worms. A fresh supply of this valuable medicine just received and for sale by G. R. july 31 , HENDRICKSON. Chloride of Lime, Ac. JUST rec’d at PORCHER & LA ROCHE’S •I Drug Store, «iga of thu Gilt Ball, opposite tho Market, Chloride of Lime, Chloride of Soda * Chlorine, Orris and Kreosote Tooth Wash Guilieris’ Extract and Odor ofVioiots Verbena Cream, for shaving Sulphate Quinine, &c. july 30 Wheeler’s Balsam of xMfoscafcllo. Notice. A LL persons having demands against the Es- tale of Timothy Barnard, late of Chatham County deceased, arc hereby requested to pre sent them within the time prescribed hy law; nnd tnose indebted to the saino, to make payment to either of the undersigned* JNO. B. BARNARD, ) p ., „ . TIMOTHY G. BARNARD, 5 Ex July a\ 17510„ Georgrifi—Mtoerty County. To nil whom it may concern W HEREAS John S. Maxwell. Guardian of Wm. Wallace Ward and Georgia Ward, (minors) applies to me for letter* of Dismission from snid Guardianship, These are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned, to.be nnd appear at my office within tho time prescribed bylaw, to show cause, if any thRvhnve, why said letters should not be granted. Given under ttiy hand the 37th day of Februa ry, 1840. JOHN W. STACY, c. c. o. march 11 03 Valter’s Celebrated French Pills. Three Hundred Dollars Challenge. T HE genuine French Pills ag. inst all the QUACK nostrums ofthe ago—for tho euro of a certain diseaBo. Tho FRENCH PILLS nro applicable in nil eases for either sox, (warrant ed free from mercury,) and do not affect the breath in the least, and are perfectly pleasant nnd agreeable to the stomach, nnd have never failed to make a speedy and permanent cure, without the least regard to diet or application to business. In long, protracted or chronic stages of tho dis ease, ohstuiato Gleets, Fluor Albits, Gravel, Fe male Complaints, ora weakness of those organs, they are beyond n doubt tlio most effectual reme dy ever discovered, having cured many obstinnto cases after every other medicine had failed. The French Pills have been *o universally successful that the proprietor ciuixenoes any one to pro duce a remedy of equal certainty under a forfeit ure of Three Hundred Dollars., Price 5B2 per box. For sale hy G. It. HENDRICKSON, Savannah, july 29 182—ly Dysentery, Cliolic, Asiatic and Spasmodic Cholera,Cramps, Children Teething, Summer Complaint of chil dren, dangerous effects of drinking cold water when over-healed, 3cc. This invaluable medi cine is highly reebmmeuded by many of the most respectable persons in New York city, iti* there- fore offered to* the public with groat confidence for curing the above diseases. A fresh supply just received bv G. R. HENDRICKSON, Agent, jnly 29 ' TC^OUR months afterdate, application will be I, - . ma dototlie Honorable the Justices of tho nttonor Court of Chatham County, when sitting or ordinary purposes, for. leave to sell all that PJJJ? ? n< l out Buildings on Lot No. 3, Pulaski 'Wo, in the City of Savnnnah, for the benefit of e heirs and creditors of ostate* of Lewis Bird, Georgln-Bryan county. To nil whom it mnv concern: W HEREAS Israel Bird*, Adtn’or of tho es- tatc of.Dr. Josinlt Wilson, lms made ap plication for Letters Dismissory from said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish nil persons interested, to file their objections (ifany ** By have) in tho Clerk’s office of the Court of w.'dinary ofsaid county, within the time prescri bed hy law; otherwise letters dismissory will bo S AVkness, tho Hon. Lewis Hines, one of the _ a un....t .i.l.iltlwlnv nf Anril.’040. | deceased, july 13 168 SARAH BIRD, Adra'ix. T^OTR month. uih;r date, I .hell apply to the f rri„ht;T, , Hl ? I,lf0 ™ r Court o? Camden UUU, ° U ° al E ““ ,e IS!?*! E. D TRACY, Adm’or. ■pCUE months after dntc,'application will be ^ r r dn , mfl '; Ctl , llrlof0rJ fnr *• Coun ty of Cumlcit, for Imwo to,ell nil foe Lou and Improyament, situate In dm Town of Jelforion, ssssuLiisur of joim Dii " e » io ° r G W. THOMAS, ) . . , ROBT. LANO, i Admore. June 05 154 •' Justices ofsaid Court,thislDth day of April,! npril 14 J- SMITH, 0. c. stale Bank Stock. » SHARES for sale hy ► july 27 ROB'T. RAIFOllD^ Dr. Jcbb’s Hhcmnatic Liniment. T HIS highly approved and long celebrated application for Rheumatic Disorders.is care- fully prepared according to the original recipe of Sir Richard Jebb. Baronet, Physician to her late Majesty nnd Royal Family. It is doubtless true, that th<» excruciating pain, tho decrepitude, do- fortuity and premature old ago, which are tho usual attendants and consequences ofthisdreud- ed disorder, are suffered by ninny persons from utter despair of a cure, or frequent disappoint ment in the efficacy of the numerous pretended nntidotesused to elt'oct this purpose. But those who have made trial of Dr. Jebb’s Rheumatic Liniment, oven in obstinate cases of long stand ing. and of tho most severe character, nave ro- ceivcd essential relief, and many havo boon cur ed in a few duy», some in twenty-four hours, .i a a number ofpersons in Boston and vicinity, who wore formerly ufflintt it with tho Rheumatism, have very frilly ami satisfactorily testified. Cer tificates nro in the possession ortho Proprietor, which prove the most thorough mul surprising cures by means of this most poworfnj-Litiimont, iti cose* where, other approved applications hud totally failed. The Lmjuient is also used with tl success, nnd may be confidently recoin- Ue Cordial de JLucinc, on JL’JEl- exir de 1/Amour. TTTE perceive by the pnpers that the famous ▼ V French physician, Dc. Magniu, ha* estab lished an agency for the sale of the ubovo named extraordinary mulicino in this city; and to speak the truth, we aie sorry for it, as we think that there are too uany people in this part of tlio world already. We dare not enter into an expla nation or the woidor* effected by this medicine here, but will ntverthelesa venture to add, that U is the royalist tiling in the world for.gc/i//«nwtond ladies who are husbands and tciccs, and who wish to bo fathers and mothers. The agent should take this medicine to tie far west, where people are scarce.—Ncv> Yon Examiner. “ The Lucine Co-dial" is a general invigorator of tho human frnue in nil the various cases of langor, lassitude mid debilitation, and is at the same time so simpe.yet so efficacious, tint while it can renovate flu prostrated energies of a giant, an infiintmay use it, not only with impunity, hut with advantage. Tho Lucine Cordial i* also an indubitable cure or flic incontinence ofthe urine, or die involuntmy discharge thereof. It is like wise an invalitalfo und unrivalled mediciuo in cases of chronic iruptions of the skin, and in tho dropicul 'affecticns of the ago. This celebrat'd ami inestimable Cordial-Is for sale hy July 29 G. R. HENDRICKSON, 182—ly Savannah. roottRunfterdate, application will be EfflJffiafc the Conn of OrJirmry or Liberty leave Blll ‘ n ? for ordinriry purpo.ea, for E'rV" ! raot O'Lauil, bolonging to tho ««- Way, lying on GravolHill in I.ib- l«riy Lonntv. A. 8. MOODY, Adm’or. 143 A a t>nu o I>crt Homespuns. 4.11 i V s funayatriped Homo.pima, jmt re offljipir brig Mnrli.on. For aala hy julyl) DER| LA ’ rna O I “ & NEV1TT. 30 ?98 8hitUng 8tripra! P Jn,t received by h>w MadUon. and for nolo by INIDER, LATIJROP & NEVI1T. ■ „ , 81 '■ July 29 Rose Ointment, F OR Tetter, Ringworms, Pitnplcs on the Face, nnd other cutaneous eruptions. Tot ter*, Ringworms, and herpetic eruptions gener ally,nro among the most tedious and disagreeable aflcctions to which tho human frame is liable. Situated os It wore, on tho verge of vitality it is almost impossible to reach them hy inward rciuej dios. Hence the inefficncy of undergoing a course of mediciuo, or subjeefing ourselves to ihcnn- onmfor table 8y»teih of strict dintt attr.h mean* by reducing tho system merely palliato the symptom * while thoy nro in practice, to recur us violently, or moro so, when a generous diet i* returned to. And the gefiorality of extornn! applicationshave no other effect than the disease in one placo, Roon to show itself in the same or another part. When all those nifeans have (kiled. and In many severe cases, a perservanco for a short time in the use of the Hose Ointment ha* proved effectual, There is no trouble in using (applying it every night.) A ft « 8 ''™l , I , 'yj%XHENDRICK8ok oug 24 . <e8, si) ness, stiffness of the joints, Arc. Price, 50 cents. A supply of the above article for Rale by K WM. H. TURNER, july 14 Opposito tlio Mansion Iluusc. Rob’t. Halford* C cMriNUES the FACTORAGE & COM MISSION BUSINESS in this city- Count ing Room on Moore’s Wharf, east of uio- Ex change. , Savannah, 6th August, 1840. ^TB^cliiuagc onWew-Yprk. ) and 60 ti aug 10 . For salo by E & BARTELS. Rowand’s Totilc mixture, O R Vegetable) Febrifuge Pills. A specific and lasting cure for the Fever and Ague nnd general Weakness. To the Agents. Dealers, aud consumersot Row* end’s Tonic Mixture, Grouting: Owing to tho serious loss we havo all suffered from breiutago by freezing, transporting and oth- erwise, and the trouble and expense occasioned by tho size apd weight of tlm Tonic Mixturo in bottles, as liorotoforo put up, tho Pronriotor has determined to fttrtiisbU hereafter in tho form of Pills also, each and every box of which is war ranted to contain precisely the santo strength und virtues ns a bottleful I of the Tonic Mixture—two pills being fully oqualto otto tahlb spoonful oftlie Mixture—beside* being to most person* far moro agreeable to take. There need be no hesitation on the part of patient* to make uso of the Pills instead oftlie Mixturo, ns they may rost satisfied upon the most solomn assurance ofthe Proprie tor of both Mixturo and Pills, that they are iden tically the same in every power and effect in the cure’of Fever nnd Agno, or Intermittent Fever, and all those complaiuts which aro like it in orig in, nature and treatment. A supply ofthe abovo Pills for sale by . WM.H. TURNER, i march 23 Opposite the Mansion Houef>' White Sulphur Fills. A N opinion »us been long entertaiued by in telligent nodical men, familiar with the use oftlio waters o’the White Sulphur Springs in Greenbrier eoiuty, Virginia, that the medical virtues of these waters are mainly dependent up on the saline ingredients which thoy hold in so lution. The correctness of this opinion has re cently been uhtittdumly established hy tlio sunn* tive effects wUUhu.ro exerted upon tho system by tho salts of these waters obtained by careful evap oration. The simple salts of the water thus ob tained, althorghsufliciently strong, in convenient dosc-4, forftany cases oruisuuue, uie, imump*, ua a cuvhartic.WsIcw iu tlieiroperation for general use. To combine the specific virtues of the salts oftlio water with a more speedy cathartic effect, it has been found advantageous, to unite with the saliic ingredients, very htuall portions of veg- ctable ptrgative nftttter.and in this form the arti cle Is ucxv prepared under the lights and sanctions of experience, and recommended, not as a puna coarcimdial for every disease, but as a valuable alterative and cathartic tnedicino, adapted tv a variety ofaffeetlon* for which medicines of this class lire usually proper. For some time this tiled icino ins boon prepared ot tho Spring* and given away to such' individuals as desired its uso. The calls far it have, however, now become so fre quent (its preparation being very troublesome) it lms been thought (expedient to prepare small quantities of it for sale to supply the public. It will bo found well adapted to many enues ofDys- pepsin, Liver C omplamts ,J aundice .Rheumatism, K’oiirolffia, Chore sis, Cutaneous Eruptions, Ob- stinntc Cos'ivbness, and may be used with per f e ct safety in any case in which on alterative nnd mild cathartic effect are desired. Many intelli gent person* femilinr with the medicine, believe ft to'oo peculiarly adapted* to the cure of thoso chronic uffections so successfully treated by the use ofthe White Sulphur Water, hulas yet, ex perience with the medicine has been too limited to justify any positive conclusions upon this point. It usually operates on tho bowels, when taken in a full dose in from throe to *ix hours. At the ‘Spring'.’ where tho medicine is much uccd, nd- vimtnse is thought to bo derived from drinking the White Sulphur Water frfeely the morning after it is taken, to work it off, though it is not re garded as very essential that any thing should be used for this purpose. For sale by^ T. M. 5fc J>\M. TURNER, Ageht*. march 20 - * Ilelveston) nud part by vacant lands, southerly hy other lands ordered the snid llenry Lawrens, nnd on all other sides hy marsh and vacant lands; both of which said tracts have *nch forms and marks, natural and artificial, as aro expressed and delineated on tlio plats annexed to snid grants. Ono other tract ofsaid land granted on the second day ol* September, 1760, to Jacob Helvestiua. containing according to tho original survey, four hundred acres, by resurvey four hundred and six ty acres, more or less, bounded at the time of sur vey on nil sides hy vacant lands, but now south erly by the above described tract; one other tract of said lands called the Peacock tract, containing originally five hundred acres, and by resurvey five hundred nnd soventy-fiveacres, purchased at SherifPs sale by JuniesFort on the 14th day of January, 1822, sold as the property of A. D. Lnwrens, bounded west by the tract Inst descri bed, northerly by lands ofThornns Spnlding, and southwest by lands surveyed by the said James Fort on Uio 2d day of January, 1808, containing by tho original survey one thousand acres, and by resurvoy eleven hundred and ninety-six acres, bounded southwesterly by lands granted to the aforesaid Henry Lawrens, northwest bv lands granted to Jacob Helvesline, and on nil other sides by unknown and vacant lands; one other tract of slid land bounded northwest by tract last descrihed, southwesterly by the aforesaid tract of Henry Lawrens, east by land surveyed for Ray mond Demerc.andsouth bv tracts hereinafter des cribed, containing four Bundled and fifty acres, more or less; ono other tract ofsaid land bounded by the tract last described on Ute northwest,south westerly by the aforesaid tract of Henry Lawrens, east by laud surveyed for Raymond Demere,mid south by tract hereinafter described, containing four hundred and fifty acres, more or less; one oth er tract of said laud, bounded by the tract last descrihed on the northwest, southwesterly by tho aforesaid tracts of lleury Lawrens, east by lands of Raymond Dcntere, containing two hundred and forty acres; one other tract of said land grant ed to Raymond Dentere outlie 19lh day of Janu ary, 1773, bounded northward by lands of John Ryon at the time of survey, nnd on all other sides hy vacant land, northwesterly by tho two tracts last described, containing by the original survey three hundred acres» for the better securing tho payment offivo promissory notes made hy C. W. Cartwright, President of said Brunswick Land Company to the said James Fort and Stephen C. King, for the sum of six thousand dollars each, amounting to thirty thousand dollars with inter est from the 13th day of October, 1830, nt the rale of eight per cent per ntinqm, dueln five years from the dale of said notes, (which is 13th Octo ber, 1830) in five equal annual instalments, and that tlio principal on tivo ofsaid notes amounting to twelve thousand dollars, as well as the interest on twenty-four thousand dollars from the 13th October, 1837; are sttll due nnd unpaid to said James Fort nnd Stephen C. Kiug. On motion ofA.J. Bessent, plaintiff’s attorney, it is order ed, that tlm said Brunswick Land Company, its officers and members, do within six months from date hereof, pay into the said Court the principal und interest which tnay then be due onsaid notes and mortgage with all costa, or that in default thereof, the Equity of redemption ofsaid Bruns wick Land Company in and to the said mortgag ed lands, from thenceforth be forever bound 'nud foreclosed; and it is further ordered that this rule be published in oue of the Gazettesof Snvnnuuh once a month for four months, or served on the President, officers and members of said Bruns wick Lund Company, or the agent or attorney personally at Court three mouths previously to the expiration of said six mouths. Let Rule Nisi issue, 21st April, 1840. CHA8. S. HENRY, : Judge Sup. Court, E. D. Ga. A true extract from the minutes. JAMES MOORE, Clerk, juns12 143fIra Houck’s Puimccil/ , •PREPARED -nlfly ftoni Vegefolil, M.ttar, A * by Jacob Houck, Baltimore, which may bit taken w ith perfect safety by nil ages, fot.Dyspap. sia, loss of Appetite-Indigestion, &c. Ac, As regards the Dyspepsia, 1 can say with cofifidenctf, and challenge tho world to produce a medicin® equal in its powers, to restore the tone of tlm Stomach, nnu cflVr.iunlly clenmo it nnd the Intel- lines from all offensive ntul irritating matter, motto so than any medicine known, and will nut debili tate them; on tho contrary, the appetite anil feelings generally will he improved. Thera is tin danger in taking this medicine, you may tise if in water for drink, which you will find very plea sant and heneficiaUn the constitution; and in par ticular after eating, should your diet notagreo with you, take of the medicine, and it will relievo you of all unpleasant feelings, and will assist your stomach >n all its digesting power. A fresh supply just received, and for sale hy G. R. HENDRICKSON, Agent. aug 16 . a Houck s Panacea. T HIS valuably medicine may be takeh With ported safety bv all ages and in alldiftisetfi Its cures are for the following diseases t Dyspep sia, loss of appetite, indigestion, inflammation of tho stomach, heartburn, diarrhoea, dysentery btf flux, piles, fistula, obstructed or excessive men- strnation, periods of cessation of menses, flonr-aL bus or whites, ague and fever, bilious or remit* Spring nnd Fall Purifier, OR COMPOUND SYRUP op SARSAPARILLA. F OR the cure of Scrofulu, or King's Evil; Syphilis, and all Venereal Diseases, Mercu rial Diseases, brought on hy tho improper use of Mercury; Consumption, Liver Complaint. Jaun dice, Agno Cake, Rheumatism, Gout, Scurvy, Cancer, Affections ofthe Skin, as Tatter, Biles, Ring Worms. Scald Head, Itch, Pimples on the l*iwv, a., *1— r . "r 1 -— tl. IUW.U «in»iuu> •« •• "Purifier,*’nnd to proiuoto-recovery after au at tack bfacHte disease. Sarsaparilla constitutes tho prominent ingredi ent in the above preparation—being one of tho most popular articles oftlio present day-enter ing into die composition ofalmoRt every purify ing medicine; nod is alike resorted to it) profes sional and in domestic practice. It is customary in prescribing this substance, to combine it w ith oilier articles to modify or to promote its activity, and with a view to its diaphoretic nnd stimulant effect principally. This Syrup is such a combi nation; nnd iscorantended to Physicians particu larly, as fully worthy of thoir confidence. For sale hy * ANSON PARSONS, jitly 27 No. 8 Gibbons* Range, stomach or bowels,cholera morbus,consumption* spitting blood, influenza, colds, couglu, inflam mation of the chest, palsy, gout, rheumatism, in* flammatory soro throat or quinsy, whooping cough, thrush or sore mouth, putrid sore thront> croup, inflammation of the hearti dropsy, rickets, diseases of the liver, jaundice, difficulty %f ma king urine, gleet, hysterics, nervous and scrofu lous affections of the membranes and ligatnetote, mercurial nnd veuerial diseasos, ulcers, kores, af fections of the skin, aud diseases arising from im pure blood, &c. | . J. A supply of the above valuable medicine just received per brig Oglethorpe, and for sale by the single bottle or box, ny anson Parsons*- . . ang 14 . No. 8 Gibbons’ Range; X Certain Core for Sick ilcad- Aclie, W HICH has been used in families, crerf member of which has had sick headache from infancy,as ncon-titntiobal family complaint* nnd has cured effectually in every instance yol known, amounting to tnuny hundreds. It is not tin pleasant to the taste, and does.nat prevent tho daily avocations of oue using it; it mnst be neraofc vered in. end the cure is gradual, but certain end permanent. Iustancbs are constantly multiply^ mg where this distressing complaint iscomplete- ly relieved and cured, although of years standing* by the use of Dr. Spohn’s celebrated remedy* One decided preference is its nle.asahtness, hkV ing none of the ltailseatihg effects of comthon drugs. In all dyspeptic symtotnb, costiveness, irregu* larity, distress after meals, pains in the side and torpidity ofthe liver, the euro is perfect, and any one so afflicted will become immediately cohvin- ced on using iU that he has at last fouud a "sovew. eif H balm for his wounds.” Females are part icq* lar.y recommended to use it ter CDBtivencss or ir* regularity, and other female complaints. It is iroved to correct vitiated and difionfored humors ■eeping the stomach in most perfect order. Thosd persons who after an evenings indulgence at pai? ties, &c. have headache dnd dullness tho next day, will find this a sure preventive if taken at bedtime. For all common Complaints, in a few days its virtues will be self-evident, and a complete cure will soon be effected. When h person haft a cold and feels unwell’ generally a free uso of it for ti Tew days will be suro to relievo without physic or pills* To children it may be given with the grentest advantage. Tnullacidity orsournesso'fsfomabhthis fernery is sovereign nnd invaluable; as a general family medicine it is now adopted by many of lire most respectable fafttites. It never sickens the stomach or produces any of tho utiplunsn'nteffccts'ofphyBici Forsalo by Tv M.&.3. M. TURNER, ang 4. Monment Square. The ITIutlison Papers.. T HE Papers of James Madison, purchased by ordor of Cttngrcss. being his correspondence and reports of Debates during the Congress ni tho Confederation, nud his Reports of Debates m the Federal Convention, now published from thft Utica Diapers. Diaper . do do do 30 PCS iirio Bjrdiwye _ 2 do:super Silisia 20 pcs Scotch 0-1 to 10 4 flue Tablo Forsalo by SNIDER, LATHROP * NEVITT. attg 15 ■ Bank Cliccks on Wevr-York, F OR solo in witna to »mt«urr.hoMr»,n? july 31 ,W YASHB New-York J U8T received* pur eaco of tho above, s*co. fuller—one jtticle. For sale low by U aug 17 sjgjdjBhad s tSftildmgs. Washing Soda, Ac. 2 DDLS Washing Soda, 6do Pearl Ash* 3 do Sal Bratus, 1 do Spirit Coloring Just received, and for sale bv ANsCN FARRONS,.. jnly 30 • Nov 8 Gibbons* Rattge. m\ y mitteoof Congress, under the Ruperiuteudeuch ofHenry D. Gilfcr—in Syols. 8 vo. [jy Most of the edition of ticoofthe volumes rac ing been destroyed by fire in the City of.Washington, a fete covin- only have been preserved for sale, early application is therefore necessary to obtuin ihe tcosfe* Also, Greyslaer, a Ramaucc of the Mohawk, by thd author of a « Winter in tlio West,” &c. . . Tho Life aud Travels of Mungo Park,’with tli6 substance of Inter discoveries relative to his la* rnentod fate, und the termination of Uio Niger** being vol. 105 Family Library. .. Natural History-ofQuodrupflds.iilnstratedVviA nuiiverotts engravings, 104th vol. : Outline History ofthe Fine Arts, ilhjstrntedby wood engravings^ by Benson J. LossiUg, vol. -103> j^JuRtrecmvejh rp^oRNE WILLIAMSfeft Parsons’ Vog-etaWe Anil-1 A SAFE anil cc.rtaiu euro for allhtli plaint, and obitmctioiiB of tho administered iu limn, duty will oifeef the bile .from the afomach, and ct causes wifiicli so generally produco digestion, fever and ague, ov ini tont, bilious, iniianimatdrjh till jaundice, biliotw cholic, t) tnalism, pleurisy, bilious costivenaaa, sore throata.*- coli a. Propured and rold by ANSOft aug 4 K®- OWANDB f'uaicMixture,' i Vegetable Febrifuge PiIIr. arul lot »u\e by TUQS.! aug ft