Daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1839-1840, August 28, 1840, Image 1

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TEtlMSi Jup P ®js““, ,, ^. Pa s«^ «• ■*S8S S3 pern LlOLLi for ill luonllia. Speronnuro, ARS * and n hiilf for ouoli liuertlon odor, por ** WS! CuS’by tho Clark. of the Court* iitifirv’ that application has been uiuue luf KSUPMBWK.'WV mu.t ho publhhed WE&S* , AJ . ra '" ia [ ratnr ‘ fot wisssttfes: tlio flntTuw jJkrih* month, bntwoon tlio uiunl hour* of ^Vlnl the place ofl’uhllo Snloa in the Comity S tt & Tc-ltmentarv, of AdminUtra- In arGnerdiarahip may have fioengrantail, first itAva timlco tltoroof in ono of tlio J Ilie Vctte* oftlii. Piute, nnd ot tlio dooref Hie Court House, where such aalca ore to bo ‘"voticoforlouve l0 m ll Noyroon, mint bo pub lished forfour months, boforo ntiy order ubsolulo ahall be n.ido thereupon by tlio Court. a,\„„fttcil lUuto bv Executor., Adinlnlstra. ,on n“dGit.ardi«nt. rau'stbo pubjishod SIXTY n"Y3 berm tlio day of Sale. Tboso salo. must ho midunt tho Court House doorofUioCouuty in which the property u situate, and lo t J “ hret Tueidav of the Month,between the hours oTten in the moniinu and four in tlio afternoon. No sale froradaytoday is valid, unless so OKpressed tn ‘‘‘aI'iSOCEiccutcrs, ftlmmh.trator.nnd ,,8odes of personal property (oyeept net(roe« onostato ami intestate catate. £ £““*"» Administrators must bo advertised FORI Y ^Application. by Executors and Administrators for Letters Uisuiiuory, must bo published SIX MONTHS ' Applications for foreclosure of Mortgage. on teal oltatn must ho advertised onoo a montli for FOUR MONTHS. Orders of the Court of Ordinary, (acbompaiu. ed with a copy of tho bond of agreement) to make titles te land must bo odvotused Turkic Mosths at least. SheritTssalesunder executions reguhriv nrant- edby the Courts, must be advertised THIRTY DAYS—under mortgage executions SIXTY DAYS—Sales ofnerUttahle property under nr Dor of Court, must be advertised, generally, TEN DAYS beforo iho day of sale. Ail Advcrtiscmentswill bo punctually attended lo V All Letter* directed to this Office or tlio Editor, must bo postpaid, to entitle them to jtt- (cation. ■• : - ■ • Compound Sarsaparilla, or Mend Syrup* R NOWN from all others by being called No. 1 SilvorTop. Also, as a further security, my niguaturo will ho found in my own hand wri ting, aim on the outside wranpor. From the Editor of the Herald. Brown's Saisaparilla Compound.—This delight- I ful and pleasant beverage for the summer, is fast coming into me, and will soon be an indispensa ble article in every family. It makes a delightful kmead, and i* an excellent purifier of the blood. ■By a very small expenditure of money, the pur- Icliaser luu a bottle uftho Sarsaparilla Compound, [sad a box containing tho Snline Powder; the on- lly necessary accompaniment is a pitcher of ico uter. and you have n perfect fountain, where,-* aider, von mnv refrignrute to your heurt’a con- item. A littlo of tho Saline mixed with the pre pared Sarsaparilla will give yon ns grateful a [glass of Sarsaparilla Mead ns can bo found in the city. We speak from experience; don't take our [word, but go and get the article of William Thrown, the Inventor, 431 Washington-atrnet. , For salo by T. M. & J. M. TURNER, ang 20 Monument Square, Gelatine Capsules of* Pure Co- pnivu Kalin. 1IIE Copavia Balm is, of all the medicines . employed in combating tho chronical nnd petite gonorrhmal affections, also tin? blennorhcca called whites; the only one, tho specific action of which has never been doubted, nnd to which physicians have in consequence given the prefer ence; bat its nauseous ta«to nud smell arn tho sauwsnf its being rejected by many patients. This is the reason why so many experiments Jhave been mado in order to discover some tnodo ■ofdisguising its taste, so that it might be taken I with less repugnance; but hitherto this has boon | but imperfectly effected, and always by addition I of some active substance which modifies its pro perties, and thus destroys its chemical ponslim- | tion and its physical character. I therefore offer La mode of administering it in such a state that it l cannot occasion the slightest repugnance, and Itnis without submitting it to any alteration. My [method consists in enclosing it in tho Gelatine ■ Commies. I A supply oftho above valuable medicine just ■received, and for sale by ANSON PARSONS, 21 No.8 Gibbons' Range. Notice* ~ i tiL persons having demands against tho Es- L tate of Timothy Barnard, late of Chatham ^ounty decensed, are hereby requested to pre- Jwnt them within the time prescribed by law; and u. 080 indebted to the samo, to make payment to ■timer of tho undersigned. JNO. U. BARNARD, ) v , I i I jmOTHY G. BARNARD, \ Ex ur3 ' Jtt'm 1 - 1751IW No. #08—Vol, XXXVIII. 1 SAVANNAH, (On.) FRIDAY {HORNING. AUGUST »8, 1840. [Whole No.—07,300. W1 Oooiirlu—FftUiffliam County* To nil whom it may concern: "’HEREA8 Matthew Ilcidt, hus applied to tho Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Efllnghnm Cotim/, for letters of administration on tint estate nnd effects of Honry G Bowman, la to of said county dneensed. These aro therefore to cite and admonish all, and singular the kindred nnd creditors ofthesnul deceased, to file thnir objections (if uny they Imvo) to tho granting of the iiutuininistrution of the es tate oftho deceased to the applicant in the dork's office of tlio said Court, on or beforo the $4th day of September next; otherwise letters of ad ministration will hu granted. Witness, the Hon. C. Powers, one of the Jus. tices of said Couit this 24th day of August, A. D. 1840. JOHN CHARLTON, c. o. js. c. eng 24 t corgla-Eflliigltnm County* rpo all whom it mty concern. Whereas, X John Metzger, Administrator of tho estate of Solomon Metzger, deceived, has applied to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary orEtliug- hatu Cduuty, for Letters of Dismissory from said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish nil and singular the kindred nnd creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) In the Clerk’s office oftho raid Court, on or before the 17th day of February next, other wise letters of DfiTmissory will bn grunted. Witness, tho Hon. C Powers, one of the Jus tices of the said Court, this 17th day of August, A. D. 1840., JOHN CHARLTON, utig 17 Clerk, C. C. O. E. C. Georgla-Efllitgltaut County* T O all whom it may Couccrii. Whereas, Henry M. Wilson, Aduiinis rator of the estate of Peter Kettles, deceased, has applied to tho Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Effing ham County, for Letters of Dismissory on said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the snid deceased, to file their objections, (if any they have) in the Clerk's office of the a dd Court, on or beforo tho 17th day. of February next, other wise Letters of Dismisiorv will lie granted. Witness, tho Hon. C. Powers, one of the Jus tices of the said Court, this 17th day of August, A. D. 1840. JOHN CHARLTON, PETERS ’ PJLLS. W E would coll attention to the advertisement ip our columns to-dny pfPETERS' VEG ETABLE PILLS. Wo nn icr7*\*t'l by the host medical authority, that there is no preparation of the day which onjoys so enviable n reputation. At the South mid North, their hucooss has been unbounded, mid wherever introduced we holieva they. Imvo given the most perfect satisfaction. We Imvo this day had mi interview with one of our citizens, Henry K. Fox, whe was recently cured of a must romnrkablo and obstinate cuta neous eruption, where tho body was covored with fulsome ulcers, nnd even the tonsils of the throat entail away—and by using these Pills daily for six weeks, was entirely restored to health.—New York Examiner. PETERS’ VEGETABLE PILLS. They do indeed restdro the health or the body, .because they purify and invigorate the blood, and their good directs ure not counterbalanced by uny incotivcnicoca; being compared entirely of veg- •tab!?..;;they do not expose those who nan them to danger, and their effects are ns certain ns they •aro salutary; they are’dnily and safely adminis tered to infancy, youth, manhood utid old age. and to women in the most critical and delicate circum stances, they do not disturb or shock the animal function*, but restores their ordor nud re-estab lishes their health; nud fornIMhe purposeswliich a vegetable purgative, or certain cleanser of the whole system are required, they stand without a rival. IU* Soli! wholesale and retail, at all the princi pal Druggists in Savannah. * july 25) 182—ly aug 17 Clerk,C.C. O E. C. Gcorgla-EUInglmui County. T O all whom , it may Concern. Whereas, John Metzger.has applied to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Effingham County, for Loiters of Administration on the estate ami effects ofDnvid Metzger, lute ofsuid County, do ceased. These are therefore to oild nnd admonish All and singular, the kindred and creditors of the sail deceased, to filn their objections, (ifany they have) to tho grnnting of the administration of the estate of the deceased, to the applicant in the Clerk’s office ofsaid Court, on or before the 17th day of September next, otherwise Letters of Ad ministration will be granted. Witness, the, Hott. C. Powers, one of the Jus tices ofsaid Court, this 17tli day of August, A. D 1840. -JOHN CHARLTON, aug 17 Clerk, C. O. E. C. Gcorgia-Effinghnnt County. T O nil whom it may Concern, Whereas, John Charlton, has applied to the Honora ble the Court of Ordinary of Effingham County, for Letters of Administration do bonis non, on the estate nnd effects of Daniel-Schultz, late of said County, deonnsed. - Tliesi! aro therefore to cite nnd admonish nil and singular the kindred nnd creditors of the said decensed,to file their objections, (ifany they have) to tlio grantingof the administration oftho estate oftho deceased, to the applicant in the Clerk’s office of the said Court, on or before the 17th day of September next, otherwise Letters of Admin istration will he granted. Witness, tho Hon. C. Powers, one of the Jus tices ofsaid Court, this 17th dav of August. A. D. 1840. JOHN CHARLTON, aug 17 Clerk, C. O.E. C. Gcorgln-Mclntosh County. To all whom it may concern: W HEREAS James R. Obhorry applies to me for Letters of Dismission', as Execu tor rtf the estate of John Obberry, late ofsaid county decensed, These are therefore lo cito and admonish all and singulnr tlio kindred and creditors ofsaid de ceased, to ho and appear at my oflico within tho time prescribed by law, to shew cause (if uny .they have) why said letters should not lie granted. Given under my hand at oflico this first day of May, 1840, J. E. TOWNSEND, may 5 Clerk c. o. m. i. c. Tlio Lucitin Cordial, BEWARE OF FRAUD. T HE unprecedented popularity of this benefi cent and inestimable COR DIAL in the U- nited States, has induced ono or more linprinci- pled persons to manufacture spurious catwpenny articles, under various names, and purporting to produce the same effect; hut which, in reality, pro duce no other ctlVct than that of swindling the public; and to give a yet tnoro plausible appear ance of their cupidity, thobe persons affect that their wretched nostrums have bieu in use in England and elsewhere fora number of years; .whereas, until the illustrious Dr. Maguin made his wonderful discovery, no cure for barrenness had been ever thought of, or at least made pub lic; nud aR tlio c c then in use for the restoration oftho decayed virile powers were found to ho of hut little avail. Thus, all nostrums advertised for barrenuess ortho cure of impotency, but Dr. Mngiiiu’s nro mere catchpenny humbugs, which would never have been thought of but for the ap pearance nud great celebrity of tho LUCINA CORDIAL. As no counterfeit of the name is at present in circulation, it may in general be a sufficient caution for the purchaser to usk for the Lucina Cordial, but ns further nssurance.it would be ns well tn note that its name, Lucina Cordial, or Elixir of Love, is stamp J in tho glass of each bottle—the combined arms of Franco and the U- nited Stales nro on the outward envelope—Hint n Flour de Lis is printed on the accompanying directions, ami beautifully embossed on the show bills bunging in the stores of those who have tlio genuine article fur sale. The celebrity of the Lnnijja Cordial being such as it is, it is scarcely necessary to add tlmt it is tho only efficient remedy for barrenness, end the res toration of decayed virile powers ever known: nud thntin tho cure of Floor Albua,Gleet,obstruc ted, difficult or painful Menstruation, the incon tinence of the urine, or the involuntary discharge thereof, it* superiority over every other medicine is not only uecidcd, but unquestionable. For sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON, july 29 182—1) Savannah. « OUR month* after dute, application will bo irTiv t0 1,0 Honorable the Justices of tho l/iorCourt of Chatham County, when sitting Bn,,* , ry Purposes, for lenve to sell all tlmt Tv“‘. e Building, on Lot No. 3, Pulaski tin hi ,n , °i»y Of Savannah, tor the benefit of ■« ® r i an< I creditors of estate of Lewis Bird, 0^3 ]68 SARAH BIRD, Ad,u'ix. , n , TI) , Notice. 1 1 HnnMSSb* 1 »h«ll apply to tho JCottn v D?/1 ” f Court U Lradon BtS.Sl'd 81 ' “ UUl “ «»“' E ‘*““ ° f VMi 8 E.D, Tracy. Adm'or. imin , Nonce. 1 •Tpl'cndon will be • rondo to tho CourtofOrdinnrv lor tlio Coun- rmnmtSl f ° r ' B “. vn "> 80 » WUN&to w* teTW tlio Town or J,illbrm.t,. 'WcoomydocSo 6 “d ° ° f J ° l,n Uaile * uf G W. THOMAS ) , . ROBT. LANG? I Adm'or.. Li lln « 2T- 154 V 1 ■ < £Smk ,| (K application will be lounTy OfiK of Liberty IrnoS"'‘bngrornrdmurypnrpo.cH, for Ite offi i! u? ot belonging to , h i It, (WBMWi, >>■'>'« on Grovel Hill tn Lib- ^t.. 2 lie A ' S ' MOODY, Adm'or. i rpi■ks v 4^' BMfRL l SW9 n ' ,mf * l° r B «lo by LATIIROR & NEVITT. OcoTflria—Liberty County. To all.whom it may concern: W HEREAS John S. Maxwell, Guardian of Win. Wallace Wurd and Georgia Ward, (minors) applies to me for letters of Dismission from said Guardianship, These are therefore to cite nnd admonish all concerned, to be and appear at my office within thoUime prescribed bylaw, lo show cause, if nnv they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand the 17Ui dav ol .Februa ry, 1840. JOHN W. STACY, c. c. march 11 C3 Georgia—Bryan Couuty. To ull whom it may concern: W HEREAS Israel Bird, Adm'or of the es tate ofDr. Josinli Wilson, has made ap plication for Letters Dismissory from said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons iuterosted. to file their objections (ifany they have) in tlio Clerk’s office of tho Court of Oraiuary ofsaid couuty, within tho limo proscri bed by law; otherwise letters dismissory will bo granted. Witnosa, tho Hon. Lewis Ilincs, one of the Justices ofsoUrCourt,U)is 13th day of April,1840. apnl 14 J. SMITH, c. c. o. Valter’s Celebrated French Pills* Time Hundred Dollars Challenge. T HE eennino French Pills against nil the QUACK nostrums of the age—for. the cure of a certain disease. The FRENCH PILLS arenpplir.able in nllcaseHfor either sex, (warrant ed free from mercury,) and do not nffect the breath in tho least, and nro perfectly pleasant mid agreeable to tho stomach, nnd have never failed to make «i speedy and permanent cure, without the least regard to diet or applichlionto business, tn long, protractedoFclironic stages oftho dis ense, obstinate Gleets, Fluor Albits, Gravel, Fe male Complaints,, orh weakness of those organs, they ure beyond n doubt the most efiectun! reme dy ever discovered, having cured many obstinate cases after every other medicine had failed. -The French Pills have been so universally successful tha: the-proprietor challk.ngks any one to pro duce n remedy of equal certainty uudor a forfeit ure ofThreoTlnndred Dollars. Price $2 per box. For s do by G. R. HENDRICKSON, Savannah, july 29 182—ly 6 Slsite Bank Stock* SHARES forsalohy july 27 ROB’T. RATFORD. Rose Ointment* F OR Tetter, Ringworms, Pimples on the Face, and oilier cutaneous eruptions. Tot ters, Ringworms, and herpetic eruptions gener ally, are among tlio most tedious and disagreeable nflcctions to which the human frame is liable. Situated as it were, on tlio verge of vitality it is almost impossible u> reach them by inward rutue| dies. 11 onoo the inotficncy of undergoing a course of medicine, or subjecting ourselves to the un comfortable system ofstrict diet: such means by reducing tho system merely pnlliato the symptoms while they nro in practice, to recur as violently, or more so, when a gonerous diet is returned to. And tho generality of external nppficntionshnve no other effect than tho disease in one place, soon to show itself in the samo or another part. Whon all those means have failed, nnd in many severe cases, a porservunen for nshort time in the use of tho Rose Ointment has proved effectual. There Is no trouble in using (applying it every night.) A fresh supply just received, and lor palo by 11 G.R. HENDRICKSON. aug 24 Hob’t. Halford* C ONTINUES the FACTORAGE & COM MISSION BUSINESS in this city. Count ing Room ou Moore’s Wharf, oust of tho Ex- change. Savannah, flth,August, 1840. Exchange on Nfew-Vork, A T 30 and GO days sight For sale by aug 18. WHITE & BARTELS. Dr. .febb’s Rheumatic Liniment. millS highly approved and long celebrated JL application for Rheumatic Disorders.iscarc* fully prepared according to thooriginnl recipe of Sir Riclmrd Jelib, Baronet, Physician to her luto Majesty and Royal Family. It is doubtless trim, that the cxcruriuliug pain, the decrepitude, de formity and prematura old age, which nro the usual attendants and consequence* ofthisdrend- ed disorder, aro suffered' by many persons from utter despair of u cure, or frequent disappoint ment in the efficacy of tlio numerous pretended antidotes used lo eflcct Ulis purpose. But those who have mado trial of Dr. Jebb's Rheumatic Liniment,'oven ill obstinate cases of long stand ing, and of tlio most severe character, have re ceived essential relief, and many hnve been cur ed in a few days, some in twenty-four hours, ns a number of persons in Boston and vicinity, who were formerly afflicted with Um Rheumatism, have very fill y and satisfactorily testified. Cer tificates nro in the poss-essmii of the Proprietor, which prove the most thorough and surprising- cures by means of this most powerful Liuimeut, in cases where offier approved npplirolinns lmd totally (ailed. The Liuimeut is also used with signal success, and may ho confidently recoin- mended for chilblains, bruises, sprains, numb ness, stiffness of Uip joints, &c. Price, 50cents. A supply of the above article for salo by WM. II. TURNER, july 14 Opposito the Mansion House. by UAQb Vanilla Bunns, of superior quality, just received per brig Clinton and for safe ' _ A. PARSONS, * No. 8 Gibbons' Range, Brown Dnvur 8mR nss* (A / >C , S . fl,, ” , !r 0w, iShirtings.just received ^ vf J»y,Mg Pliilurn. For sole by SMDfcR, LATHROP & NEVITT. aug 4 t ' > L’hloriiie Lime* LBS .Chloride Lime, in dry pow- uor. Just received nnd for sale by ANSON PARSONS, No. 8 Gibbons* Range. 10 ou? 3 iour & Pattcruon. ■ Offer Tor Sulo, SPL3 PriniB I’ork.SUdo Men Beef tJ\J 29 do Prime Beef 100 liMs Pickled Herring, for Plantation uso 50 do Pilot Bread, 59 do Navy Bread BO do Mola*sc$ aug 15 Jast received from Rlaynnrd A •IVoycs, 6 GROCE Soda Povydcrs 3 do Seidlitz do. For salo hy augS * TIIOS. IlVERSON. T'i Asaiffiiec'i Notice. IIIE siibscribet has been appointed Assignee — by Henry N. Gamble, of ull his Estate nnd effects, for tlio benefit of nil his creditors. All persons indebted to said Henry N. Gamble, aro requested to mako immediate payment; and tho creditors ofsaid Henry N.'Ga.iibfe, nro request- ed to hand in their accounts properly uitested. within three months, otherwise the undersigned will not be responsible for the payment of them out of the asset*. II. W. HUDNALL. Darien, July 18,1840. july 21 17513m Gciiuiue English Dalby’s Car- liiiuitivc. W HICH is founded ou just medical princi- pies, is u most safe, effectual, and ofteu indeed an immediate remedy for the wind, tho watery and dry gripes, convulsions, nnd all thoso fatal disorders in tho howeU of infants, which carry off such a number of the human species under lie a^e of two years. It is also equally efficacious in gouty pains in the intestines, tlio bloody flu:;, and the most rackingcolics in grown persons, and it is peculiarly serviceable tu those fluxes and disorders of the bowels which seamen are subject lo. . Il may not bo improper lo add, that tlioue children wno have been used to this medicine are scarcely ever afflicted with worms. A fresh supply .of this valuable medicine just received nnd for sale bv july 31 G. R. HENDRICKSON. Cliloriilo of JLimc* Ac. J USTicc’d at PORCHER & LA ROCHE’S Drug Store, sigu of tlio Gill'Ball, opposite the Market, Chloride of Lime, Chloride of Soda Chlorine, Orris and Krcosote Tooth Wash Gniliorw’ Extract and Odor of Violets Verbena Cream, for shuviug Sulphate Quinine. &c, july 30 Wheeler's Balsam of Jloscatcllo. A GRATEFUL and effectual remedy for dis eases oftho stomach and bowels, viz: Dys pepsia, Diarrlicon, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cholic, Asiatic and Spasmodic Cholera.Cramps, Children Teething, Summer Complaint of chil dren, dangerous effects of drinking cold water \vb«ij ovei-hcaicd, <$.£. Tills invaluable modi cum is highiyrecotmhendod by many of the most ’respectable pef/phs in Ne\tf York city; it is there fore offered to the public with great confidence for curing the above diseases. A fresh supply just received hy G. It. july 29 . HENDRICKSON, Agent. Le Cordial de JLiicinc* ou L’EI- - exit 1 de 1/Amour. W E perceive by the papers that tho famous French physician, Dr. Mngnin, has estab lished un agency far the sale of the above named extrnordinniy medicine in this city; and to speak tho truth,* wo uro sorry for it, as wo think that there are too umuy people in- this part of the world already. We dare not enter into an expla nation of the wonders effected hy this medicine here,- hut will nevertheless venture to add, that it is tlio royalist thing ttt the world for gentlemen and ladies who are husbands nud tcices, and who wish to bn fathom and withers. Tho agent should take this medicine to the far west, wlioro people are scarco,—New York Examiner. “ 2'/ie Lurine Cordial” is u general invigorator of the human frame in all tho various cases of iaiigor, lassitude and debilitation, and is at the same time so simple, yet so efficacious, that while it can renovate the prostrated energies of a giant, an infant may use it. not only with impunity, but with advantage. Tho Lnoine Cordial is also au indubitable cure for the incontinence of the urine, or the involuntary discharge thereof. It is liko- wise an invaluable and unrivalled medicine ill cases nf chronic eruptions of the skin, and in the dropical affections of the ngc. This colebrated and inestimable Cordial is for sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON, july 29 182—ly Savannah. Ifowztn<rs Tonic Mixture, O R Vegetable Febrifuge Pjils. A specific nud lasting cure for # the Foyer and Ague nnd general Weakness. To tho Agents, Dealers, nnd consumers of Row- and’s Tonic Mixture, Greeting: Owing to tho serious loss wo have all suffered from breakage by freezing, transporting and oth erwise, and the trouble nnd expense occasioned by. tlio size and weight of the Tonic Mixture in bottle.*., its heretofore put up, the Proprietor has determined to fttrnibb it hereafter iu the form of Pilla also, onch and every box of which is war- ranted to contain precisely the same strength nnd virtues os u bntllcfuU oftho Tonic Mixture—two pills being fully equal to one tabic spoonful oftho Mixture—besides being to most persons far more agreeable to take. Thoro need ne no hesitation on tho part of patients to make use of the Pills Instead oftho Mixture, as they uiay jrest satisfied upon the most soleuin assurance nl the Proprie tor ofbolb Mixinro and Pills, dint they nro iden tically tho samo in every power nnd effect in the euro of Fever and Aguo, or futerruiUont Fever, nnd nil those complaints which aro liko it iu orig in, nutttre and treatment. - * A supply oftho above Pills for sulo by WM. H; TURNER, march 23 Opposito the Mansion Ilottso. Wliitc Sulphur Pills. A N opinion lias been long entertained by in- tciijgentmedic d men, lainiliar with tlio use of the waters oftho White Sulphur Springs in Greenbrier county, Virginia, that tbe medical virtues of theso waters are mainly dependent up on the saline ingredients which they hold iu so lution. The correctness of this opinion has re cently been abundantly o^tabliabea by the sana tive effects which are exerted upon tho system by thtf suits of those waters obtained by careful evan oration. The simple salts of the water thus ob tained, although sufficiently strong, in convenient doses, for niany cases of disease, are, perhaps, ns a cathartic, too slow in their operation for general use. To combine the specific virtues of the suits oftho water with a more speedy cathartic etfect, it has been found advifhtageoiis, to unite with the saline ingredients, very small portions of veg etable purgative mutter, and in tins form the arti cle is now prepared under the lights and sanctions of experience, and recommended, not as it palm cea remedial for overy disease, but as a valuable alterative and cathartic medicine, ndnpted to a variety ofufleetious for which medicines of this class uro usually proper. For some time this med iciuo lias been prepared at the Springs nnd given away to such individuals as desired its use. The calls for ithnvo, tawever, now become so fre quent (its preparation being very troublesome) it has boon thought expedient to prepare suiull quantities of it for side to supply the public. It will he found well adapted to many cases of Dys pepsia, Liver Complaints. JHUiidice,Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Chorosis, Cutaneous Eruptions, Ob stinate 'Cos'ivcness, and may be used with per feet safety iu any case in which nn ulteratiye and mild cathartic effect are desited. .Many iutolli- gent persons familiar With tlio medicine, believe it to 1)0 peculiarly adapted to the cure of those chronic afflictions so successfully tronted. by tho Use oftho White Sulphur Water, hulas yet, ex perience with thq medicine lias been too limited to justify any positive conclusions upon this point, it usually operates on the bowels, when taken in n full 'ln*o m from three.to .six hours. At tho •Springs,’ where tho medicine is much .used, ad vantage i* thought to ho derived from drinhing the White Sulphur Water freely the morning lifter It is taken, tn work it off, though it is not re garded iiBvery essmilialthat any thing should bo used for ibis purpose. For sale by T. M. &.J. M. TURNER, Agents. march 26 Georg .a—Iii Glynn Snp. Court. April Tzitn, 1840. , .Hr mil mi C. K ins for the use r James Fort A Stephen C. King, of Horace S. Pratt, 35.j. Bnin»w!rk Land ftnmjMjuv, , - ■ - r i appearing to the Court upon Potition ftf James Fort nnd Stephen C.King for the use of Hornco 8. Pratt, that C. W. Cartwright, Simon Greenlenfnnd W. II. Gardner, Trustees of the Brunswick Land Company, on tho 16th day of October, 1830, made and executed n certain Mortgage Deed to the said James Fort nnd Ste phen C. King, in and to all those tracts of Land which lying and being on Turtle River in tho County und State aforesaid, adjoining the town common of Brunswick, containing five thousand six hiindrpd'oud forty acres, more or leas, with the exception oftwo acres ofPino Land given by n ? ort ’ on whlcl * tract * house of worship called the Chapel, situate about five miles from Brunswick, said tracts being more porticnlurly described, and hounded as (bllows, viz: Two tracts ofanid land adjoining and containing to- gcthcidiYTesiirvuy three hundred and ninety-five nerns, more or less, granted on the Oth January, 1707, to Henry Lnwrens, inelmbiig two hundred acres surveyed for Robert Savage and now form ing a part ol said tracts, hounded at the time of survey southerly by laud reserved for the public service known ns the Brunswick Common, north erly by other land* ordered to the said Henry Lnwrens, and on ull other sides by marsh and r.i cant lands; and the other of said tracts hounded northwest part by land of Jacob Helvestine. (or Helvoston) nnd part by vacant lands, southerly by other binds ordered tlio said Henry Luwrens, and on oil other sides by marsh and vacant lands; both of which said tracts liavo such forms and marks, natural and artificial, as are expressed and delineated on tho pints annexed to said grants. One other tract of said land granted on the second day of September. 1760, to Jncob Helvestine. containing according to.the Original surrey, four hundred ucrcs, by resurvey four hundred and six ty acres, more or loss, bounded nt the time ofsitr- vey on all sides hy vacant lands, but now south erly bv tho above described tract; one other tract ofsnid lands called the Peacock tract, containing originally five hundred acres, and by resurvey five hundred and seventy-five acres, purchased ut Sheriffs sale hy James Fort on the 14th day of Jnnnnry, 1822, sold as the property of A. D. Luwrens, bounded west bv tlio tract Inst descri bed, northerly by lands qfThomas Spalding, and southwest by lands surveyed by the said James Fort on the 2d day of January, 1808, containing hy the original survey ono thousand acres, and by resurvey eleven hundred and ninety-six acres, bounded southwesterly by lauds grouted to the aforesaid Henry Lawrens. northwest by lands granted to Jacob Helvestine, and on oil other sides by unknown nnd vacant lands; one other trnctof said lund bounded northwest by tract last described, southwesterly by the aforesaid tract of Henry Lawrens, oast by land surveyed for Ray mond Deiuero.nndsontlj by tracts hereinafter des cribed, containing four hundied and fifty acres, more or less; one other tract ofsnid land bounded hy the tract last described on tha northwest .south westerly hy tho aforesaid tract of Henry Lawrens, east hy land surveyed for Raymond Demere.nnd south by tract hereinafter described, containing four .hundred and fifty acres, more or less; one oth er tract of said land, bounded by the tract last described on the northwest, southwesterly by the aforesaid tracts of Henry Lawrens, east hy lands of Raymond Deuiere, containing two hundred *n4-forty ocres; one other tract of said land grant ed to Raymond Demerennthe 19th day of Janu ary, 1773, bouudad northward by lands of .John Ryon ut the time of survey, nnd on all other sides by vacant Inod, northwesterly by the two tracts Inst described, containing by the original survey three hundred acres, fop the bettor securing tlio payment offivc promissory notes made hy C. \F. Cartwright, President of said Brunswick Land Company lo the said James Fortaud Stephen C. King, for the sum of six thousand doJIurs each, amounting to thirty thousand dollars with inter est from the 18tb day of October, 1836, nt the rate of eight per cent per annum, due in five years from the date of said notes, (which is 13th Octo ber, 1830) in five equal annual instalments, and that the principal ontwo of said notes amounting to twelve thousand dollars, as well as tho interest on twenty-four thousand dollars from the'] 3th October, 1837, are still duo and unpaid to said James Fmrt nnd Stephen C. King. On motion of A. J. Bessent, plaintiffs attorney, it is order ed, that tha said Brunswick Land Cninpnny, its officers and members.do within six months from date hereof, pay into the said Court the principal and interest which may then be due ousaid notes and mortgage with all costs, or that in default thereof, the Equity of redemption ofsaid Bruns wick Land Company in nnd to the said mortgag ed lands, from thenceforth be forever bound und foreclosed; and it is further ordered that this rule be published in one of the Gazettes of Savannah once a month for four months, or served on the President, officers and members of said Bruns wick Land Company, ortho agent or attorney personally at Court three months previously to the expiration ofsnid six months. Let Rule Nisi issue, 2Jst April, 1840. CHAS. S. HENRY, Judge Sup. Court, E. D. Ga. A true extract from the minutes. JAMES MOORE, Clerlff* jnna 12 143Y4m Spring and Fall Purifier, OR COMPOUND SYRUP or SARSAPARILLA. F OR- the cure of Scrofula, or King's Evil; Syphilis, nnd all Venereal Diseases, Mercu rial Diseases, brought on by the improper use of Mercury; Consumption, Liver Complaint, Jaun dice, Ague Cake, Rheumatism, Gout, Scurvy, Cancer, Affections ofthe Skin, as Tetter, Biles, Ring Worms. Scald Head, Itch, Pimples on the Face, &o. No medicine is more efficient as a “ Purifier,’’and to promote recovery uftor an at tack of acute diseiise. Sarsaparilla constitutes the prominent ingredi ent in the above preparation—being one of the most popular articles of the present day—en*er- inginto the composition of almost overy purify ing medicine; and is alike resorted to in profes sional and in domestic practice. It is customary in prescribing this substance, to combine it with other articles to modify or to promote its activity, nnd with a view to its diaphoretic and stimulant effect principally. This Syrup is such a combi untion, and iscontniended to Physicians particu larly, as fully worthy of thoir confidence. For sale hy ' ANSON PARSONS, july 27 No. 3 Gibbons* Range, Scgai* Ccu A NEAT, fuiir.y nrticle, f gnrs. Just received p _ for sub) by . ang 20 - Notice. D URING the absence nf the' unw Mr. Joseph George, Jr. It duly at to act as his 'Attorney. - - ang 21 GEORGE IL mTlr , , llutnnn Halri^— rTlIIE diseases oftho hair among u« s X which occasion huhJncssnnd gridu off of the hair, acd thinness of it—the t«— which arise fronrfhntiy disorders, especial!] vers; perspiration, which extends the porea, re laxes tlio routs, causes tho hair to fall off, and of ten occasions total bnldnes*. Baldness linsevsr been esteemed a grunt defect. Itgenerally arise* through violent exercise, from whence arise per spirations, which too frequently occasion (Hose ofthe hair-it relaxes the roots—tbe acidity pre- vents Ilia fluid acting on the linir, which occasions it to waste. For instance, after a violent perspi ration the hair becomes dry, it feels extremely harsh, nnd no elasticity iu it whatever; therefore, to prevent its taking’un effect on tho hair, first rub the hnirdry with n cloth, then npply the Gas- *nda Oil to the roots of the hair, so that the a&in oftho hand may ho moistened, nnd remain so lif ter each time of perspiration. * : Sold wholesale nud retail by- the proprietor Thou. Quirk, No. 490 Broadway, N. York*, and by appointment, by ang 19 . AN8QN PAR8QN8, Agent, Houck's Pnnncea* P REPARED solely from Vegetable Matter, by Jacob Houck, Baltimore, which nja~ taker} with perfect safety by nil ages, for Dysj sin, loss of Appehto. Indigestion. &e. Aer regards the Dyspepsia, lean say with coufith>«i«v* und challenge the world to produce a medicine equal in its powers, to restore the tone of the Stomach, end efteeutnlly cleanse it and tlio intes tines from all offensive nnd irritating matter,more so than any medicine known, and will not debili tate them; on tlio contrary, the appetite apd feelings generally will be improved. There is no danget in taking this medicine, yon may use \t ~ water for drink, which yon will find very santand beneficial to the constitution { and il ticulnr after eating, should your diet not a with you, take of the medicine, and it will re! you of all unpleasant feelings, and will assist your stomach in all its digesting power. A fresh supply just received, and for sole by G. R. HENDRICKSON, Agent. aug 10 Honck s Panacea* T HIS valuablo medicine may he taken with perfect safety by all ages and in all diseases. Its cures are for the following diseases: Dys pep sin, loss of appetite, indigestion, inflammation uf tho stomach, heartburn, dinrrhma, dysentery or finx, piles, fistula, obstructed nr excessive men struation, periods of cessation of menses, fiottr-kl- bns or whites, ague nnd fever, bilions or remit tent fever, typhus fever, scarlet fever, small pix, Erysipiln* or St. Anthony’s firo, asthma, pleurisy, measles, yellow fever, enstiveness, wind on the stomach or bowels,cholera morbas,consumption, spitting blond, influenzn, colds, conghs, inflam mation of the chest, palsy, gout, rheumatism, in flammatory sore throat or quinsy, whooping cough, thrush orsoro month, putrid sore throit, croup, inflammation of tbe heart, dropsy, rickets, diseases of the liver, jaundice, difficulty of ma king urine, gleet, hysterics, nervous and scrofu- louseftentions of tlio membranes and ligaments, mercurial and venerial diseases, ulcers, sores, af fections of ttie skin, aud diseases arising from im pure blood, &c. A supply of tho above valuable medicine just received per brig Oglethorpe, and for stile by tlio single bottle or box, by ANSON PARSONS^ i aug 14 . No. 8 Gibbons' Range.. A Certain Cure for Sick Head* AcUe. W HICH has been used in families, every member of which has had sick hendaohe from infyncy.as a constitutional family complaint, aud has cured effectually in overy instance yet known, amounting to many hundreds. It j« not uiipluasanttothe taste, and does not prevent tho daily avocations ofoue using it; it mnst bo penke- vered in, and the cure is gradual, but certain end permanent. Instances are constantly multiply ing where thisdistressiug complaint is complete ly relieved and cured, although of years standing, by the use of Dr. Spobn’s celebrated rnmerfy* One decided preference is its pleusantnesvbav ing none of the nauseating effects of commhh mg drugs, In nil dyspeptic symtoms, costiveness, irregu larity, distress after meals, pains in the aide and torpidity ofthe liver, the cure is perfect, and any one so afflicted will bcconie.imtnediately convin ced on using it, that ho has at Inst found a •‘sover eign bulm for his wounds.” Females are particu larly recommended to use it for costiveness or Ir regularity, and other female complaints. It is Linen Diapers* QA PC'S tine Birdseye Diaper 0\J 2 do snpor Silisia do 20 pcs Scotch do 6-4 to 10-4 fiuo Table do For sale by SNIDER, aug 15 LATHROP & NEVITT. Batik Checks on NeuVffork* F OR side in sums to suit purchasers,by july 31 WASHBURN, LEWIS A CO. New-l ork Mills Shirting, TU3T received per brig ^Wilson Fullex—one O' cn«o of,the above, a superior article. For sale low by aug 17 \V. I1EHN, Shad’s Building Washing Soda* &c. 2 BBLS Washing Soda, Odo Pearl Ash 3 do Sal Eratus, 1 do Spirit Coloring J list received, and for salo bv ANS(5N parsons, july 3Q No. 8 Gibbons* Range. JBIL „ par ties, &c. have headache and dullness the next day, will find this a sure preventive if taken;at bedtime. For all common complaints, in a few days its virtues will be self-evident, and a complete cure will soon be effected. When a perron baa a cold and feels unwell, generally a free use of it for a few days will tm sure to relieve without physic or pills. To children it may be given with the greatest advantage. In ail acidity or soui^bss of stomach this remedy is sovereign and invaluable; as a general family medicine it is now adopted by many of the most respectable familes. It never sickens the stomach or produces any of the iiupl^asnuteffects ofphysic. For sale by T. M. & J. M. TURNER. ang 4 Moument Square.' The IVIndlson Fnpcrs. T HE Papers ol James Madison, purchasedby order of Congress, being his correspondence and reports of Debates during tbe Congress of the Confederation, and his Reports ofDnbntes’in the Federal Convention, now published (Von: the original manuscripts deposited in the Department of Statu, by direction of the Joint Library Com mittee of Congress, under the superintendence of Henry D. Gilfer—inSVols, 8 vo. t. &jf* Most of the edition of two of the volumes ing been destroyed by fire in the City of Hashi * a few copies only have been preserved for sale] application is tllcnforc necessary to obtain the Also, Greyslaer, nRomancoof the Mohawk, by the author of a “ Winter in the West,” Arc. , The Life nnd Travels of Mungo Park, with the substance of later discoveries relative to-his la mented fate, and the termination of the Nigers, boingvol. 105 Family Library. Natural History tjrQundrupeds,illustrated with numerous engravings, 104th vol. Outline History ofthe Fine Arts, illustrated by wood engravings! by Benson J. Lessing, vol. 103* Just received. july 8 \V. THORNE WILLIAMS. Parsons’ Vegetable Anti-Bilious Pills. ... A SAFE nnd certain cure (br nil bilintis com plaints and obstructions ofthe bowels. If administered iu time, they Will effectually remove the bile from the stomach, nnd counteract f L_ causes Which so generally prodtii J digestion, fover aud ague, or ifttf tout, bilious, inflammatory, n tidy ol jaundice, bilions cholic, dysentery, tnatism, pleurisy, bilious vomiting,L . nosttveness,.sore throats. colds, coughs aud osth- s ma. Prepared and sold by ANSON PARSONS, ang 4 No. 8 Gibbons' Range. . For Fever anti Ague. R O WANDS Tonic Mixture, and " Vegetable Febriftfge Pills. _Ji~" and lor sale by TH08 aug B or lived 'N.