Daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1839-1840, September 05, 1840, Image 1

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===■ thumb. *SRfessiwi«8E ss£a^*a@sr for nix inontlu. ... 1 -wumcnf piiMixlwil at tho naual rnton, l for Urn first, »...l Thirty f « l' n, . r r ° r ooohJiuortiim after, per , ' l NB'’fficWionf>y 11,8 ciorl[ " of*® c " oru I rnJiimrv. that application hiut boon rondo for ffiTffl®? 1 ' 10 '., ffi N l'ubliahoil JmffnTY DAY'S nt least. 1 Worice by Executor* nnd Administrators for pobton aiia CrcdUonito renilor ill their necoUnta uuilbepnfifi |,l, " l,b 1 , ‘V Vi, " KS ' , .. . . Salei at Negroea by Cxoqutora anil Ailmmie- .mtorj mint b® « P“ h '° otteBott, oil tho limlTiioa- lAvoftbemouUi, botweou tho usual houra of .2 nt tho plnco of Public Sales in tho County 1 1 the bottom TeaUinontnry , ofAdiuiuutrn- the bottom ToHUinonUiry , ol'Ailniiiiiotm- lion orGiinriliniinhip way havo been granted, flat rivinz mitt uAV.i notice thereof in ono of the 1 miblio inxettoi oftilliBtato, eml at tlie dooref }ho Court HouoBi tvhoro auohimloo ure to bo "".Notice for leave to soil Nogroo*, iiiuot lie |mb- I lahetl forfour months, before nnv order absolute .hell ho made thoronpon by the Court. J galei of Ileal Mute by Juceoutont. Aduilulotm- I wn,«ndGiimliani,inujibo putdishod 8lXl\ I nAYS before thedavof Sale. These sales must . be mule at tho Court Houso door of the Couuty ill whiohthevroUerty Uiituuto. ahd on tho Unit Tueadayoftho Monlhibotwcenthe hours of toil in I Uio inoniingnud four in Uio afternoon.. J,o sale I f r om day to day is valid, llliless no expressed ill \ '^AmdSboasby Exooiilcm, Administrators and | GuaVLts to tho Court m Ordmiirv for kayo to I toil band, mint bo published TOUR. MONTHS. I Soles of personal properly (oxcopt negroes) I of toslato mid intestate estates by Exocutors nnd I Administrators must bo ndvortuod FORTY I BAYS. ..... I Application* by Executor* nnd Administrator* I Tor Loiters DUiniMory, must bo published SIX MONTHS. • 1 Application* for foreclosure of Mortgages on I real estate must lie advertised once u month for I f.oi/r months. J Orders of tho Conrt of Ordinary, (ncconipnni- led with a copy of tho bond of agreement) to I make tides to land must be udvortised Tuur.r. »o.»i«...Vol, UXV1II.1 SAVANNAH, <«a.> SATURDAY HORNING, SEVTEHBEIl 5, 18*0. [Whole No.---D?,!liG. Gcorali!—roiaiglinm County. To nil whom it nmy conconn W HEREAS Matthew Ileidl, has applied to the Houoruliln tho Court of Ordinary of Effinghsm County, for letter- of administration on the estate nnd effects of Henry Q Bowman, Into of imid county deceased. Those arc thereforo to cito nnd' ndinonlsh nil, and singular tho kindred nnd creditors ofthosuid do ceased, to filo their ohicetiou* (if nny they linvc) to the granting of the mimininiHtrution of the eg® tate oftlm docca«nfl to tlxi applicant in tho Clerk's office of tho said Court, on or bnforo thn 2 Ith day of September next; otlierwiae letters of ad* ministration will be granted Witness! the Hon. C. Powers, ono oftlm Jus* tires of said Court this 2 Ith day of August, A. D. law. JOHN CHARLTON, c. o. *. c. img.24 • <> oorgia-E(liiigliiini County. fpO nil whom it may concern. Wlmrons, X John Metzger, Administrator of the estate of Solomon Metzger, deceased, has applied to tho Honorable the Conrt of Ordinary of Effing- hnm County, for Letters of Dismusory from sold estate. • These are therefore to cite nnd admonish nil and singulur the kindred nnd creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections (if any they tho Clerk’s oliice of tho said Court, on I Months at least. I Sheriffs sales under executions regularly grnnt- I odby.the Courts, must ho advertised THIRTY I DAYS—under mortgage executions SIXTY I DAYS—Sales of perishable proporty tinder or I der of Court, umstbe advertised, generally, TEN I DAYS before the day of sale. All Advertisements will be punctually attended I Editor, mast ho postpaid, to entitle them to ut* 1 tention. Sheriff's Sale. ITTTILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Octo* I YV ber next, before tlio Court House in I the City of Savannah, between the usual hours of 1 sale, The steamboat Oglethorpe, her machinery, I boiler,engine nnd appurtenances; tivoTow Bouts, I Nos. 1,2,6,7 nud 11. two hauil Engines and ono I Desk; levieJ on under and by virtue ofa fi. ft. on I foreclosure of mortgage, issued out of thclnferi* j or Court of Chatham County nt the instance of I WilUoiu A. Knin vs. tho President, Directors nnd I Company of the Savannah &. Augusta Steum* I boat Company. . ELISHA WYLLY, Sheriff c. c. aug 1(Georgian) W fliynn County Slier<lTs Sale. ILL ho sold in front of the Court i louse in said County, on the first .Tuesday in October next, between the usual hours of sale, All the right, title, interest nud claim of Eu- gene Farrell to a Building in the city of Bruns* “Wick; levied on as the property of said Farrell, 'a satisfy an execution issued on tho foreclosure Tn mortgage in favor of Thos. If. Wood, july 31 E. M. 3100UK, Sheriff o. c. Glynn County Sheriff's Salts W ILL bo sold on tho first Tuesday in Octo ber next, before tho Court House hi the city of Brunswick, botween the usual hours of safe, the following property, to wit: ny 7 innbognny cushioned Chairs, II fine muhoga- f Writing Desks, ] Iron Safe, ] Stove; levied on to satisfy an execution issued out of aiustices' Court in favor of Geo Dupree vs. Tho Bruns wick & Florida R. R. Co. 4 E. M. MOORE, Sheriff a. c. SfijJttn Comity Sheriff's Sale. ^ylL*. lift nnM nn llm n. r ,Tf t i. 7 ohdiiu -8 euiv. ILL be sold on tho first Tuesday in Octo- ,• • her next, hefore the Court House in the city or Brunswick, botween tho usual hour* of sale, k A House and Lot, situate in tho city of Bruns wick, and known as die Store of Dart, Barritt & o 1 ®** °. n tJ> nn execution issued out V. f B^'Ci t r l &Co. iU fUV ” r ° r J ‘ “• K "" Z >- «op‘4 E. M. MOORE, Sheriff n. c. •¥T 1 nM ,, i Co tJ ,,,} : ShorllT's Sal.;. W , s ‘" 1 on™ s«t Tuesday ia Ocln- " ex !‘ hofhre tho Court Hour, in lira wife ,rl "'“" lck ’ ‘■"two.., Uio uiunl hours of hnveYdn I ( or huibrcthnlilh day of February next, oilier- wise letters of Disniuwory will'be grauted. Witness, tho Hon. C Powers, one of the Jus tices of the said Court, this 17th day of August, A. D. 1840. JOHN CHARLTON, jtug 17 _ Clerk, C.C. O. E. C. ©Corgi u-Uffiugli a inT’fc oiiiity. T O rdl whom it may Concern. Whereas, Henry M. Wilson, Adminis'rator of the estate of Peter Kettles, deceased, has applied to the Honorable tho Court of Ordinary of Effing ham County, for Letters of Dismissory oil said estate. These are therefore to cite nud admonish all and siugiilar. the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections, (ifany they havo) in tho Clerk's ofiico of tho said Court, on or before the 17th day nf February next, plher- wise Letters of Dismissory will he granted Witness, the Hon. C. Powers, olio of.tl(e Jus tices of the said Court, this 17th day of August, A. D. J840. JOHN CHARLTON, ang 17 Clerk,C. C. O E. C. Georgia—rffliiglmin County. T Oullwhom.it may Concern. Whereas, John 31ct7.ger.lios applied to the Honorable ‘ * ' or the Court of Ordinary of Effingham County, for Letters of Administration on the estate anil effect* of David Metzger, lute ofsuid County, do censod. These are therefore to cite awl admonish all nnd singular, tho kindred nud creditors of tlio sa|J deccnscd, to file ihoir objection-, (ifnn> they havo) to tlio granting of the administration oftlie estate of live deceased, to tho applicant in tho Clerk’s office.of said Court, on or before tho 17th day of September next, otherwise Letters of Ad ministration will be grunted. Witness, tho Hon. C. Powers, one of the. Jus- ticosofsaid Court, this 17th day of August, A. D 1840. JOHN CHARLTON, nng 17 Clerk, C. O. E. C. Gcorgia-Eftlugltam County. T O all whom it may Concern, Whereas, John Charlton, has applied to the Honora- hie tho Court of Ordinary of F.ffinglwm Comity, for Letters of Administration de bonis non, on the estate and effects of Dunicl Schultz, lato of said Connty, deronsod. These nro therefore to cite nnd admonish nil nnd singular the kindred and creditors of tho said diicensed.to fdn their objections, (if any they have) to tho gmutingof the administration of the estate of the deceased, to the applicant in the Clerk's office ofthe said Court, nn or before tho 17th day of September next, otherwise Letters of Admin istration will bo granted. Witness, the lion. C. Powers, one of the. Jus- D. tices of said Court, this I7tlu!a> of August. A. 1840. JOHN CHARLTON, atig 17 Clerk, C.O.E.C. Gcor;rIii—Iffclntosli County. To »ll whom it may concern: W HEREAS James II. Obberry applies to me fpr Letters of Dismission, ns Execu tor of the estate of John Obberry, late of said county deceased, These nro therefore to cito nnd admonish nil and amguhir the kindim! and creditors of said de ceased, "to be and appear at my office witliiu tlio time prescribed bylaw, to shew cause (if any they have) why snidletters should not bo grnnted. Given nudur my hand at office this first day of May. 1840. J. E. TOWNSEND, inayS Clerk c. o. M. i. c. 10 ami for ftluatard nml Soy. BOXES Lc ulonM&iMMfl dozen Soy Suuco. Just rcaoived per Win. Taylor and for snle by nog 24 JOHN B. GAIJDRY A. SONS. Bncon.’ftuils, *c. A HIIDS Bacon, Shoulder* LVf fido do llnm* 300 keg* Nails, assorted 50 boxes Sperm Candle* 100 do Tnllow * do 30 hng* nriuie CubaCoffuo 50 lihls Boston Ruin 20 da nmnefttic Brnudy, 20 k«gt Butter 100 lihds Molasses, Bwoet Havana 10 hhl* do do, 15 lc* do do For siilu low, by L. BALDWIN & CO. ang 25 Notice I S hereby given that a tnx ha* been nsspssed for Urn year 1840, on the following Real nnd Per sonal Property in 0t« City' of Bruuswick.— Claimants arc requested to nny the same within eight weeks from the dato of tins notice. Properly in tho Old Town. Water Lota Nos. 19.21, 22,23,24, 25,20, 27, 28,29,30,47,41). Bay Lots Nos. 10, 17,18, 11). 20, 21, 22.27, 20—22 Lot* at If 2 82 cuch. Bay Lot* No*. 23 ut $ I 41,20 at $4 32. Town Lots No*. G9,70. 71, 72,73,75.76,77; 70,80.82,99,101,103,117> 118—10 Lot at fl; 88 uadi. Town Lot No. 74—1 Lot at $4 69. Town Lot* Nos. 129, 130.131,132,137,138, 152,153,164,107, 170, (172,174-13 Lots at t}! 41 ouch. Nos. 179,160,181,162, 21], 212,216,217,218, 219-4-10 Lots, nt $113 each. No. 183. 1 Lot nt §3 75. Nn*. 229. 234,235, 230, 237, 239, 255, 256, 257,258,259, 200, 201,202, 203,279, 23-1, 285, 280,287,288, 308,316-23 Lots ut 85c. oach. Nos. 329/330, 331, 332, 339, 340, 341, 353, 354,355—10 Lot* nt94 cents each. Nos. 357, 383. 385, 404, 405, 400,407, 408, 409,410,411.412,413,414, 416, 417,418,419, 420, 441,455, 457,458, 480, 506, 507, 615, 516, 521.632,533, 555, 556—33 Lota at 70c. each. Claimants to the above Lots us far ns known, nro U. Dart, T. B. King, Colby & Davis, W. H. Stiles, Jane Remshnrt, I*. Moustoiin, V. Wool- ley, S. Dart, J. T. Lawrence, S. Moody', Jus. Moore, (Trustee) B. F. Harris, Ex’or estate A- mos Whitehead, S. A. Kimberly. E. S; Rees, R. Bolton, W. B. & C. Davis, It. Hutchinson, J. W. Anderson, estate J. Berrien, S. Chase, R. L. Gamble. Property in the New Town anil adjoining the New and Old Towns. Town Lots Nos. 200,201, 202, 203, 204, 474, 475,476.477.478,479,480—12 Lots,taxed $5 15 Nos. 740,741,742,743, 744,745, 746—7 Lots taxed .$2 30. Nos. 969, 970,971,972,973—5 Lots, taxed 46. Nos. 1134.1135,1136.1137,1138,1299,1300, 1301,1302,1303—10 Lots, taxed $1 88. Nos. 1465.1460,1467,1468, 1668,1069,1070, 1671,1672*-9 Lots, taxed $1 35. Nos. 1933,1934,1935.1937,1933, 2199.2200, 2201,2202,2203, 2204—11 Lots, taxed $1 25. Nos. 2485,2466,2467, 2i’9—4 Lot*, taxed 3!c. 150 rores Land below the Old Town taxed §37 50. Owner T B. King. ' Town Lots No*. 430, 431, 411, 412, 178,179, 130, and whurf lots 178,179,180—10 Lots, taxed §4 69. Owner P. Leach. Town Lots No\ 103,158,159,374,37^,vbarf lot No. 103—6 Lou, taxed §282. Owner L. A. Bond. Town Lots Nos. 160,101, 528,529, 530, 531, 6 Lots, taxed §2 81. Owners P. Leach and J. D. Gardner. Nos. 439,440—2 Lots, taxed 94 cent*. Own er C.J. Shelton. Town Lots Nos. 496,497—2 Lots, taxed 94c. Owner J. McDermid. House and Lot taxed §1 88. Owners Wilson and Sanborn. • House and 2 Lots, toxod §225. Owner Jos. Bancroft. 3 ncrcs Land, taxed 42 cents. Owner S. Dart. 127 ucies Land east of tho city, taxed §17 85; 25 do do do do do, do 47 cents. Owner U. Dart. 700 acres Land, taxed §75. Owners Bruus- wick and Florida R R Co. 5 netes Laud, uixed 94cte;2 Lots. Nos 145 nud 146, taxed 94 cents. OwnerT. W. Goode. Stare House, taxed §281; House, Arc. nnd 17 acres Land, taxed §5 62, and 8 Slaves taxed §0. On nor Gee Dupree. 3 Lots. House. &c. tnx §2 25; 10 Slaves taxed §5 63. Owner M rs. C. Lamb. Slme nnd Lot, taxed §169. Owner Joseph Lyntun. Store and Lot, taxed §1 88; stock in trade tax ed 84 41. Owner J. Franklin. il<m*oaiiil2 Lots, taxed §563; 13 lots nnd W ! Georgia—Elderly County. To ull whom it nmy concern: IlEUKAS John S. Maxwell, Guardian of I Diljl^lug taxed 13-100; 4 Lois taxed $281 containing (250) two hundred I -, " crc *i n >"re or liw, shunto, lying and , ° r Glp". and hnowiinaW Ii.r ,LlS™ °" 10 *™*iy an execution issued "" S ,"r rl ? r in favor of James M. r oho in vs. John Aflderson. "OP'I E. M. MOORE, Sticrlffo, - Wnf. Wallace Ward and Georgia Ward, (minors) applies to me for letters of Dismission from snid Guardianship, These are therefore to cite and admonish nil concerned, to he and appear at my office within tho time prescribed bylaw, to show ennse. if unv they have, why said letters should not be grauted. Given under my hand tho 17th day of Februa ry, 1840. John w. stacy, c.c.o. marc!) 11 G3 •nnm c «»»ty Sheriff's Sale. XX “0 ““Id on the hrst Tuesday in Octo- Citv^nf n oo*!" J>oram tlis Court House in tho mfe bol '»oon tlio- usual hours nf ofLu,,d oi(hori “ kor hnnHvos" antl8 ’ , annl, ‘ er trnct containing three Kftfsff-i a E by Gibbon's la,id) ®» i other sides by old WrvBvV l„v i nn ' J on 011 oUll!r oidcs by old 3 ^ to satisfy an nxocuiion issuod ?.vor nf u Glynn Bouiity in SSn, 0 .' Mu,u ^ m»- sept 4 trriT 11 8I *e<)ir*B Sale. W Lr f 1 * first Tuesday in Octo- tsfnro Dm k,' J 18 !)''® 011 ihn uaiuil lio'urs of sale, in Hinosvillo, EiifSrty O is hIS rT 1 "? P'nporly, vis: Mras, ™oonn'iniug two hundred Dwelling n ™ llc ln , 0, ° c r loss, with a good on said buildings kyJohn bothuni • AI, MOORE, Shcriffo, c. oil Hair? Z n ;;> r « l "«r nocossary buildings tersorTavl^ u > ert ^ County on the wa- , l le,,0 nMtliotirono«» n f.!<,„p| lt . n . EBwis to , IlU L ' I frvor of John liWB*.. property of Stophoi Hfidgccoc , k' CU p ln " fi' 1 " •">'■ 1 ,uun fiir. Lav, mS 1r °P°V t y pomlod out by tho plain- otoblo. y mndB " n £ ^".mnnv 6 S' ■&>“• «pt4 ° “■ SIOOOY.d. s. I..C. Vn n „. A< l ,n,nl *tfutor , s Sale. ' I tlE3afe?jMB? ,w . nrfio.l front >!>•> Ju,tiros of ib« t-filjirrJi* **" ,ruui uio j mures oi pnriioas. w'iN r f QUr 5 f* 1 ' f »r .ordinary noJun.K^.'y, , ? *oM on tlio first Tuesday in citv h,„I r no’i'vfiofora tlio Court IlonsO in this tasa'naiH’uli'f* W»l llm,r * " fsal “- " Negro II itic 0 j fi 80 ®’ fiolonking tn thoostnto ol'M. )*;,"™o, dcceniod. Hold for tho bonollt oftliu »®tr»nnd croditoii'so^ld oslato. \ it OBlato. I A. WOOP, Adm’or. Gcovffin—Bry»n oounty. To all whom it may concern; W HEREAS Israel Bird, Adm’or of tho es- tnto ofDr.'Josiah Wilson, has made ap plication for Letters Dismissory from said estate. These are therefore to cite nud admonish nil persons interested, to file their objections (ifany they have) in the Clerk’s office of the Court of Ordinary ofsnid county, within the time 'pre-rri- bod by law; otherwise letters dismissory will bo granted. Witness, the Hon. Lewis Ilincs, one of the Justices of said Court, this 13th'day of April,1840. april 14 J. SMITH, c. c. o. Long A Patlciuou, Oder for Sale, BBLS Prime Pork,20 do Moss Beef 29* do Prime Beef 100 bhls Pickled Herring, for Plantation two 50 do Pilot Bread, 50 do Navy Bread 50 do IMolasseS nug lo 50 Robot Peach Water* Ac# I C’ASE of It. Low Son’s double distilled Rose Water, 1 do superfine Peach Water 1 caso do Ornii^o FlovVcr do 1 do fresh Vanilla Beans 1 bbl superior Bermuda AVrow Root 1 caso do Tapioca, do Pearl Sago 1 do Gum Arabic, (white) 1 do Flake Manila Received per lato arrivals and flu* rale by ANSON PARSONS, a,tg 10 No. 8 Gibbons’ Range. Uncurrent BnnU Notes. A UGUSTA Banks, Coluinhu* Banks. Monroe Rail Roud State Bank Brauohos, Ocmulgee Bank, Bank Hawlclnsvllle, Geo Rail Road, Ac. &c. &c. ’ Pitrcl/ased at the lowest rate*, and the highest premium given for snecio, by WM. ROBERTSON, Broker, Comer Bull-street nnd Bay Lime. For snle, n few shares ofMariue Bank Stock, m (trch 3 56 • Prepare for Sliowcrs. O NE cane superior §ilk utid Cotton Uuibrel- las, (24,28 & 30 inches.) Just received per ship Celia, and for sale low, by G, W. BEHN, Shad’s-Building*. aug.17 Aduiinlqtrntor’1* Nnle. J”‘JRSP!ID;.?r. f!m pHlor Of tho Itifn ior Court ofOhalhnm County, whilositting Ibrordinn rv purposes, will he sold on the 1st Tuesday in October next, nt tho Conrt Houses in Union and Paulding ConntuM, between \\w usual hour* of sale, the following properly, viz. Ono tractofL'iml cnutaiiiingMIO nsrra, more or low, m Union County, 1st So alien and Gib" Oiitriol, Known nunihcr (2.1) nvonty-threa. On® tract in thudding County,^■ntaining 40 acre*, more or la.,, 3rd Section m&rd Diwlricl, known as gnralwr (231) twu hondlfd nnd thirty! ouat lis oiiging to tho E.tu|Mr Walter DiiIiom, •no aolu for the benefit of nflpcirs and creditor*. • BAM’L. CLAGHORN, ) . , , ORLANDO A. WOOD, ( Adm ri * July 22 I70 ’ executor's Notice. A LL persons indebted lo the late PutzrMas- *IE, of Glynn County, will plense make payment without Jeiny; nud all those having de. mauds against *i»ld estate, will render them m ac- Cordlhg to law to either of the tihdoridgitod. FRANCI8 M. SCARLETT, ( Cluul’d JEx’cj STEPHEN M. TIMMONS, »npt4 21114 nt Notice. rjlHREE mouths uBerdate, application will he .1. made for the renewal of Certificate No. 202, lor twenty-five shore* in the Capital Stock ofthe Batik of St. Mary s, dated 13th February, 1840, in lieu ofthe original, which has been lost or mis* B. HOPKINS. St. Marys, 27th Aug. 1840. sept 1 211t3lli Notice. I JlOUlt months after date, application will he made to the Honorable the Justices of tho Inferior Court of Chatham County, when sitting fcf ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all that House and out Buildings on Lot No. 3, Pulaski Ward, in the City of .Savannah, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of estate of Lewis Bird, deceased. -SARAH BIRD, Adiu’ix. july 13 168 F Notice. OUR months after date, 1 shall apply to the Honorable the ftiferior Court of Camden County, for leave to sell ull tlio Rcul Estate of James Lloyd, dcceuscd. july28 E. D. TRACY, Adm’or. Notice. F OUR months after dale, application will he inudeto the CourtofOrdinary for tho Coun ty oft'amderi, for leave to sell ell the Lot* and Iinprmt-ments situate in the Town of Jefferson, belonging to tho estate of John Bailey, lute of said county deceased. G W. THOMAS, 1 ... „ ROBT. LANG, J A,lm ors ’ june 25 * 154 Notice. F OUR months afterdate, application will bo made to the Court of Ordinary of Liberty County, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sella tract ofLuud, belonging to the es tate of Moses Way, lying ou Gravel llill in Lib erty Comity. A. 8. MOODY, Adm’or. june12 143 Clintlinm Superior Court. MAY TERM, 1840. Mondav, 22d June, 1840. John W. Clifton, - ) and > Divorce. Sarah Amt CUftott. ) I T appearing by tho return of tho Sheriff, that tho defendant is not to be found within Uie County of Chatham, nud that .she is without tho limits of the State, on motion of tho Complain ant’s Attorney, it is ordered that the said Sarah Ann Clifton do appear on nr hefore next term of this Court, ntidfile her answer or defensive alle gation lit writing, or in cuse of her default, the said Complainant shall proceed to trial. And it iff further ordered, that a copy of this rule be pub lished in one of tho Gazettes of this State and of the City of Savannah, once a month until tho next term of this Court. A true extract from the minutes. EDWARD G. WILSON, Deputy Clerk Sup. Court C. C. 205t2draj ttu'g*25 Rlaceoboy* Rappee autl Scotch Snuff. TUST received per Wilson Fuller, n full sup er ply ofLorillard’s best quality Suuft’, in bot tles and jars. For sale by T. M & J. M. TURNER, aug 19 Monumctit Square. 4 Ski es employed, taxed §4 25. Owners Bruns wick Lumber Co. • Store, Houso nnd Lot', taxed §1 50; 1 Slave taxed 94c. Owner B L Harris. Academy Building, tax IMc, stock in trade, tax §1 87;4 Slnves.lax §2 25. Owner James Moore. Forsoual property, tax §1 25; 3 Slaves em ployed. tax §2 cl. Owner B. Talbot. Oupiiai Stock, tux §2 50. Owner the Bank of Brunswick. Stock in trade, tax 94c. Owner R. Hall'gnn. Stock in trade, tax 94c; 2 Slaves employed,lux §1 13, estate J R ilnzznrd. Stock in N t.-ado, tax §187. Owner J W At- will. Stock in trade, tax 56c. Owner B Duffy,, 3 Slaves, tax §1 69. Owner J Spalding. 2 Slaves, tux §2 81. Owner J B Harris. 1 Slave employed, tax 94c. Owner A Scranton 5 Slaves employfcd, tax $2 61; persoual pro perty, tax §1 «7. Owner A L King. 1 Slave employed, tax §113. Owner C Davis. 1 Slave employed, tax 75c. Owner J D Mil ler. 2 Slaves employed, 4 tax §113. Owner Mrs. Aunt. 1 Slave employed, tax $1467; one Stallion, tax §1 Id. Owucr William PJwllsoih 4 Slaves, lax $225. Owner ES Ashcraft. 4 Slaves employed, tax $1 50. Clark owner. Personal property ofj M Kiinze. tuxed $1 87. Personal property of II A Breed, taxed §1 87. Personal property of J Al Sturtivant, taxed $1 87. Also, the following property tnxod for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-eight; Academy Building, taxed §3 75. Owner Jas Mooro. - - Personal property of J R Hazznrd, tax §3 75. Also, on the following properly for tho year eighteen hiiudrcd and thirty-nine: llouso and 17 ucresofLand, tux $6; 8 Slaves, tax §6. Owner Gee Dupreo. Academy Building, tax 94c; 3 Slaves, tax $2 25. Owner Jumes Monro. House aud Lot, lax $225. Owner Thomas Finognu. Stock in trade of Spalding and Stockwell, tax ed 18jc. Stock in trade of J R Hazznrd, tax $2 61. 3 SIiivcb, taxed $1 083- Owner J Spalding. 1 Slave, taxed $1 31. Owner J B Harris. 1 Sluve, taxed $1. Owuer B L Harris. 1 Slave, taxed $1. Owner J A D Lawrauce. I Sluve and one Stulliou, tuxed §373, Owuer William P Wifeou. # 1 Slave employed, taxed $1 31. Owner C Davis. WILLIAM P. WILSON, Mayor. B3*The Milledgeville Journal is requested to publish the above once a wRK for six weeks'. aug 25 . 205} l Sulphate of t£maiinc* F IFTY ounces Sulphate Uuiuino 1 case Gum Camphor 10 boxes Hull's scented Soap Just received per Wilson Fuller, for sole by T. M. & J. M. TURNER, aug 22 Monuinunt Square. Dr. JtfbVs Rheumatic Liniment. T HIS highly approved and long celebrated application for Rheumatic Disorders, is care fully prepared aconrdiug to the original recipe of Sir nfthhtml Jcbb, Baronet, Physician to her late Majesty and Royal Family. It is doubtless truu, that the excruciating pain, the decrepitude, de formity nml premature old ago, \yhiclt arc the usual attendant* and consequences of this dread ed disorder, nro suffered by many persona from utter despair ofa cure, or frequent disappoint ment in the ellicacy of the numerous protended antidotes used to effect this purpose. But those who have made trinl of Dr. Jebb’s Rheumatic Liniment, even in obstinate cases of long stand ing, and or tlio most severe character, have re ceived e**qntiul relief, aud many have been cur ed in a few days, noute in twenty-four hours, as a number of persons in Boston and vicinity, who were formerly nffiicted with the Rheumatism, have very Ally and satisfactorily testified. Cer tificates nro in tho possession ofthe Proprietor, which prove the most thorough and surprising cures by means of this most powerful Liuiment, in c.ne* where other approved applications had totally failed. The Liniment is also used with signal success, and ninv bo confidently recom mended for chilblains, bruises, sprains, numb ness, stiffness of the joints, &c. Price, 50 cents, A supply of the ubovo article ffir sale by WM. 11. TURNER, july 14 Opposite tho Mansion House. wrk itllll. Hlilrtlnpr. U3T rtccivoJ |u rlu i b - Wil.on I’ulln—mw ca«i <if lira ubovo, u Biipuri.ir nrtiole. l'or nolo low by G. VV, lll'.HN, ol'S 17 Sliatl'u SiliblilWR. cfclvoil perbri; Clinton. E Miiiiii:i, finite Jiutrc im E 1 07. Cltiiiiino, Frolioll. For iitlo by on* « THOS. KYEKSON. Wa.hltfjf Soda, Ac. HIH.S iV'i.hiiig Soibi, fi tin Pentl A.li 3 tie Sul Erattiu, t tin Spirit Coloring Jum received, ami for enlo t>v ANSCiN PARSONS, July 3Q No. 8 Gibbon,' Kongo C Kob'l, IttUforil, lONTiNUI’S Dm FACTORAGE .V COM- ' MISSION BUSINESS in thiucity. Count, iiig Room on Moore's Wliarf, oa,t of lira Ex* change. Savannah, August, 1840. Jnst received from lUaymml A Noyes, 6 GROCE Soda Powders 3 do Suidlitz do. For snle by nug 8 THOS. KYEKSON J£NOV my signature v. ling, olraooh the on ,. Fronr'Uie Editor of Prown's'SauupariUa Camponi.... ful and pleasant beverage for Iho a-... coming into use, and will soon bo an li bio nrticle In every family. It makes o d mend, and is nn oxcellelil purifier of ‘ By a very small cxpendlttiro ofmotiol chaser ha* a bottle ofthe Sarsaparilla C and a box containing tlio Spline MjwiL. , ly nedtyiiQvy nccntnpQnltn&nuV it ‘ pitcher of water, nud you have a prrftet ftnutoi' ‘ ' reader, von may reftigerato to your I tent. A little ortho Sidine mixed 1 * pared SarnuputllL will gUo \oa u. pin** of Sarsaparilla MeHd ns can bafou.! city. We speak from experience; don'tU«» word, but ? o and get the nrticle of WHUtm Brown, the inventor, 491 Wnsblngton-atreetr? For salo by T. M. & J. M.TURNER,> mtg20 ^ Monument Square,** Iluniuu Halt'. f Bill E disease* of tlio hair among u* are those X which occasion baldness nnd gradual Hilling off of theiliflir.and Ihihnea* of it—tlio |aii*e*_pT which arise from many disonlcrn, cspcrinlly vers; perspiration, which extend* the noref, Re laxes the roots, cnu*cMhc hair to fall off, and of ten occasions total baldness. Baldness has evhr been ostoomed a great defeat. It generally nrl*b« through violent exercise, from whence «rise per spirations, which too frequently occasion a losa oftha liairr-it relaxes U.o roots—the soidity ptfe- yeuts tho fluid acting on the hair, which occasion* it to waste. For instance, after a violent penii- „ A88lgncc;l Notice. r lllIE siihscrihci has been ap Gelatine Capsules of Pure Co pal va Balm. T IIF. Copavia Balm is, of.all the medicines employed ill combating the chronical and acute gouorrhcoal affections, also the hlennorhcen^ called whites; tho only ono, tho specific action of which has never been doubted,'nnd to which physicians have in consequence given the prefer ence; but its nauseous taste and smell are tho onuses of its being rejected hy many patients. This is the ranson why so many experiments have beon tnndd in order to discover some mode ofdbruising its* taste, so that it might bo taken with less ropifgnunce; but hillterm this lias been but imperfectly etfoeled, and always hy addition of some active substance which modifies’its pro perties, and thus destroys its chemical constitu tion and its physical character. I therefore offer a mode of ndiniitiftlering it in such n state that it cannot occasion- tho slightest repugnance, and this without submitting it to any nlteration. My method cousists hi euclosiug it in tho Gelatine Capsules. A supply of the nhove valuable medicine just received, and for.aalo by ANSON PARSONS, aug 21 No.8 Gibbous'Range. _ Assignee X by Henry N. Gamble, of all bis Estate end effect*, for the benefit of nil his creditors. All persons indebted to said Henry N. Gamble, are requested to make immediate payment; and the creditors of suid Henry N. Gamble, nro request ed to bund in their account) properly attested, within three mouths, otherwise the undersigned will not be responsible for the payment of them out of the assets. • H. \V. HUDNALL. Darien, July 18,1840. july 21 ’17513m ration the hair beronjes dry, it feels extremely harsh, and no elasticity in it whatever; therefore, to prevent its taking nn effect on tho hair, first rub tho Iwlrdry with a cloth, then apply the Cm- Pocket Combs. A NEW and convenient nrticle, nf German silver, just received nud for sale by ang22 G. R. HENDRICKSON. Genuine English Dnlby's Car- mlnitive. W HICH is founded on just medical princi ple.*; is a most safe, effectual, and often indeed an immediate remedy for the wind, the watery nnd dry gripes, convulsions, nnd al) thosn fatal disorders iu- the bowels of infants, which carry off such n nutpber of tho human species under the age of two years. It is also equally efficacious in gouty pains in tho intestines, the bloody flux, and the most raeklngcolic* in grown persons, and it is peculiarly serviceable in those fluxes and disorders ofthe bowel* which seamen are suhject to. It may not be improper to add, that those children who have been used to this medicine are scarcely ever afflicted with worms. A fresh supply of this valuable medicine just received aud for sulo by july 31 G. R. HENDRICKSON. Chloride of Eimc, Ac. J UST rec’d nt PORCHER& LA ROCHE’S Drug Store, sign of the Gilt Ball, opposite the Market, Chloride nf Limn, Chlnrido of Soda Chlorine, Orris nnd Krensote Tooth Wash Guilieris’ Extract and Odor of Violols Verbena Cream, for shaving Sttlphatq Quinine.&c. july 30 t Wheeler's BalssimoOIoscnieilo. A GRATEFUL nnd effectual remedy for dis eases of the stomach aud trowel*, viz: Dys pepsia, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cholic, Asiatic and Spasmodic Cliolera.Cramps, Children Teething, Summer Complaint of chil dren, dangerous effects of drinking cold water wheu over-heated, &c. This invaluable medi cine is highly recommended by mniip. of the most respectable persons in Now V’ork city; it is there fore offered to the public with great confidence for curing the above diseases. A fresh supply just received bv G. it. HENDRICKSON, Agent. july 29 White Sulphur Pills. A N opinion Ims been ioug entertained by in telligent medical men, mmiliar with the use of tho waters of tho White Sulphur Springs in Greenbrier comity, Virginia, that the medical virtues of these waters are mainly dependent up on the saline ingredients which they hold in so lution. The correctness of tins opiuion has re cently been abundantly established hy the sana tive effects which arc exerted upon tho system by the soils of these waters obtained by careful evan oration. Tho simple salts of the water thus ob tained, although sufficiently strong, in convenient Jose*, for many cases of disease, are, perhaps, as a cathartic, too sluw in theirqporation for general use. To cotuluna the specific virtues of the suits ofthe water with u more speedy cathartic effect, it has been found advantageous, to unite with tho saline ingredients, very small portions of veg etable purgative matter,and iu this form the arti cle is now prepared under the lights and sanctions of experience, aud recommended, not us a puna cea remedial for every disease, but as a valuable alterative and cathartic medicine, adapted to a variety of affections for which medicines of this class are usually proper. For some time this med icine has been prepared attiio Springs and given away t»» such individuals as desired its use. The culls for it have, however, now become so fre quent (it* preparation boing very troublesome) it has been thought expedient lo prepare small quantities of it for sale to supply the public. It will be found well adapted to many cases of Dys pepsia, Liver Complaints, JaiiiidicB.Uhemtmlism, Neuralgia, Chorosis, Cutaneous Eruptions, Ob stinate Cos iveness, nnd may be used with per feet safely iu auvense iu which nn alterative and mild cntiinrtic effect are desiied. M,n)iy intelli gent persons familiar with tho medicine, heliovo h to bo peculiarly adapted toiliecuro of those chronic affections so successfully treated by the use ofthe White Sulphur Water, hulas yet, ex perience with tiie medicine has been too limited to justify any positive conclusions upon this point. It usually operates on the bowels, when taken iu a full dose in from three to six hours. At the •Springs,’ where tho medicine is much psed, ad vantage is thought to ho derived front drinking the White Sulphur Water IVealy the morning after it is taken, to work it oft*, though it is not re garded ns very essential that any thing should bo used for this purpose. For sale by T. M. & J. M. TURNER, Agouts. march 26 mu iu,, nun hi j ..iu. kgiuiii, iiiuii npuiy sufhi Oil to the roots of the hair, so that of tho head may be moistened, and tor ter each time of pdrspirntioti. Sold wholesale nud retail by the Thos. Quirk, No. 490 Broadway, N. by appointment, by «ug 19 ANSON PARSONS, Houck's Panacea* <• P REPARED solely from Vegetable Matter, by Jacob Houck, Baltimore, which may tjn taken with perfect safety by all ages, for Dyspep sia, loss of Appetite. Indigestion. &c. Ac. Ae regnrdn the .Dyspepsia, lean say with confidence, nnd challenge the world to produce a mcdicinj* equal in its powers, to restore die tone of tho Stomach, and effectually cleanse it and the intes tines from all offensive nnd irritating tnnUar,mpr« so than nny medicine known, and will not debili tate them; on the contrary, the appetite an>l feelings generally w ill he improved. Tlure is*no danger in tnking this medicine, you may uee it in wnter for drink, which ybit will find very plea sant and beneficial to the constitution; and in par ticular after eating, should your diet not a£ree with you. take of die medicine, and it will relievo you of all unp!on*nut feelings, and will assist your stomach in nil its digesting power. A fresh supply just received, and for sale hy G. R. HENDRICKSON, Agent ang 16 f irfonck « Panacea. T HIS valuable medicine nmy be taken with perfect safety by all ages and in all diseases. Its cures are for the following diseases: Dyspep sia, loss of appetite, indigestion, inflammation.pf tho stomach, heartburn, diarrhoea, dysentery^ pr flux, piles, fistula, obstructed or excessive men struation, periods of cessation of menses, flour-al- bill nr whites, agne nud fever, bilious or .remit- tout fever, typhus fever, scarlet fever, small pa*, Eirsipilas or St. Anthony’s fire, asthtne, pleurisy, measles, yellow fever, costivencss, wind on the stomach or bowels,cholera morbns,consumption, spitting blond,.influenza, colds, coughs, inflam mation of the chest, palsy, gout, rheumatism, in flammatory sore throat or quinsy, whooping cough, thrush or sore month, putrid sore dffoaf, croup, inflammation of the heart, dropsy, ricketi, diseases of the liver, jaundice, difficulty of- ma king urine, gleet, hysterics, nervous nnd *cr6ftt Ions affections of the membranes nnd ligament*, mercurial and venorial diseases, ulcers, sores, af fections of die skitt, aud disease* arising from im pure blood, Ac. • ** - ^ A supply ofthe above valuable -tnedic’ine just received per brig Oglethorpe, apd for sale by thp single bottle or box, by • * ’ ANSON PARSONfflSB aug 14 No. 8 Gibbons* Rai A Certain Cure for Sick He$d« Ache, w ■» ,. HICH has been used in families, every W I PPm...,. . member of which hn* had sick hendach* from infancy,as a constitutional family complaint» and has cured effectually in every instance yet known, amounting to many hundred*. It is-not uupleusnnttothe taste, nnd doesuot prevent the daily avocations of ouc using iu it must-be perse vered in. and the cure is gradual, but certain and permanent. Instances are constantly multiply ing where this distressing complaint is complete ly relieved and cured, although of years standing, by the use of Dr. Spohn’s celebrated remedy. One decided preference is its pleasantness, hav ing none of the nnuseatiug effects of commot} drugs. In all dyspeptic symlums, costiveness, irregu larity, distress after meals, pains in the side and torpidity ortho liver, the cure is perfect, and any one so afflicted will become immediately cduvitt- ced on using it, thatho Ims at Inst found a ‘‘sores* fiign balm for his wounds.” Females ure par$.ctD luriy recommended to use it for costivcnesa. or ir regularity, and othnr female complaints. It ii) proved to correct vitiated and disordered humors keeping the stomach in most perfect order. Those persons who after an evenings indulgence at par ties, &c. have headache aud dnjlness tho next day, will find this u sure preventive if taken at her! time. For all common complaints, in n few* days its virtues will he self-evident, and u complete - euro will soon ho effected. When u* person has a cold and fuels unwell, generally a free use of it fora few days will be suru to relievo without physic or pills. To children it may be given with tho greatest ndvnntngo. In all acidity or sournessofstomnch this remedy is sovereign and invaluuble; ns a general family medicine it is now adopted by many of the most respectable fumilcs. It never sickens the stomach or produces nny ofthe unpleasnut effect* nfphysic, For salo by T. M. & J. M. TURNER. . nug 4 Momnent Square. Peters’ Vegetable Pills A RK daily efleeting some of the most oatou- _rX uliiu* * 1 ishiug and wonderful cures that have, ever been known—In consequence of which thoy have now become a shining murk, against which all the arrows of disappointed hope, envy and uncharit- ablencss are levelled without distinction. Peters’ Vegetable Pill* are anti-bilious, anti- dyspentie, and anti-mercurial, nnd mny jii6tly be cousidnred a Universal’ Medicine—but they are peculiarly beneficial in tho following complaints: Yello w aud Bilious Fevers.Fevor nnd Ague,Dys- J cpsia, Croup, Liver Complain^, Stck Headache, nundire, Asthma, Dropsy, Rheumatism.Enlarge- ment of the Spleen, Piles, Female Obstructions, Heartburn, Furred Tongue, Nansen, Distension ofthe Stomach nml Bowels, Iucipieut Dinrrhcon, Flatulence, Habitual Costivencss, Loss of Appe tite, Cholic, Blotched or Sallow .Complexiou, nud in ull cases of Torpor of 41to Bowels, where aCatliurticor an Aperient is needed. .They are exceedingly mild iu their operation*, producing neiilier.nntisoa, griping nor debility, iCPSold wholesale tuid retuil at all the principa Drug Store* jn Savannah. juty'29 182—Jy. new’s yGeuuitte Calcined Mags ncsla, • I S highly beneficial in nil diseases ofthe stom* ach nnd bowels which nro attended with acid ity, nnd gives immediate relief to the heartburn. The effects of excess in eatings or drinking arfc generally relieved by it, and it affords one* oftlie mildest nud most pleasant aperients, especially to persons who, from a sedentary life or other enuses, nro under the frequent necessity ofhav- ing recourse to laxatives. To persons of a bil ious or u gouty habit, it may be recommended with peculiar proprjoty: and it* virtues have been repeatedly testified iii the diseases of warm ’cli mates. Many oftlie complaints of children; early infancy, and ^ven at tnoro advanced: peri* ods, nro attemted.wilb acidity; and ill suehcaw the Calcined Magnesia has a great advet over other absorbents, viz:-thnt it both* zes tlio acid in the liUmgh|tH&£iinal£ an elficaeious yet gentl Afresh supply 6f-| medicine jus} receiver 1 july 31. Gi Par soils’ Veget A SAFE and certain cure plaints and obstructions administered in time, they wil the bile from the 8tpmuch,.qi causes which so generally producnhql digestion, fever nnd nguo, or intoHnitt tent, bilious, inflamniotory, and ye jaundice, bilious cholic, uysQtiteryJfll um'ism, pleurisy, bilious voiniung, fou costiveness, sore throat*, colda, conghi " , " 1 „ g ' r 4 r " r " r e d “" de A'N30N PARSON " f