Daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1839-1840, September 09, 1840, Image 1

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■Mssnsosa^. ==- TERMS. •‘■Elr&r “Kcpuhncan.” i&'awi # for six months. ®ailg Kanffilico No. ‘J1H—Vol, mvilt.l SAVANNAH, (On.) WEONESOAV BIOHNINO, SEPTEMBER 0, 1840. ... i.i,,.rtl-cmen«puMishcdnUhensmdmtM, A .'«Vventv-nveCentsfor the first, and Thirty- *3i WNbr each Iruntrtlon after, per SSf , B°6»h Otetfonhy tho Clerk, ofthe Court, rnJSnnrv. that applleetloit him boen mnilo Tor linen Sf Adiniri'wtr.ition, must bo published n'lmtTY DAYS at least. 1 lindco byEiecutow and Administrators for ° Sale* of Negroes by Executors and Adminis- irntors innat bo at JjSSWmiction, on the ftrstTucs- Ihv of tint niontlt, between tlto usual hours of 3 gt the nlaco of Public Sales in thn County xvltoro the Letters Testamentary, ofAdininuitra- lion orUitardiansbip inayhavebeengrantod, first iiviiu IISTV davs notice thereof in ono of the eabiic gazettes of this State, and at tho dooref the Court House, where such sides aro to bo iicld, Noticoforloavo to soil Nogroos, must bo pub lished forfour months, beforo ntiy order absolute ehsll bo made thereupon by tho Court. Sales of Real Estate byExooutors.AaWnb.tra- /inti Gntmhan-, mnrtbo puWuhod 8IXLY HAYS beforo tlto day of Salo '1 Itosn sides must be made at tlto Court House door of tho County fn Which the property issttuate, and on tho first C,S Month,between the honrsoften in ‘''A^SS^-nmrs.Ad.ninij.ramrsattd iiardmi Otutrdlinxfo tho Co “ r ‘rMSSI’ gell Land, must bo published FOUll MONTHS. Sales of personal property (except negroes) tnatnta nml intestate estates hy Exocutors and nml FORTY of testate and intestate estates by I Administrators must bo advertised ^Applications by Executors and Administrators for Letters Dismiwory, must be published SIX MONTHS. • „ 4 Applications for foreclosure of Mortgages on must be advertised once a month for FOUR MONTHS. Orders of the Court of Ordinary, (accompani ed with n copy oftho bond of agreement) to make titles to land must bo udvortised Thhkb Mouths at least. , ... Sheriirssalesunder executions regularly grant edby the Courts, must be udvortised THIRTY DAYS—under mortgage executions SIXTY DAYS—Sales of perishable property under or tier of Court, must be ndvertised, generally, TEN DAYS beforo tho day of sale. All Advertisements will bo punctually attended to V All Letters directed to this Office or the Editor, must be postpaid, to entitle them to at- Uncurrent Bank Notes. A UGUSTA Banks, Columbus Banks, Monroe Rail Road State Bnnk Branches, Ocmiilgee Bank, Bank Iluwkiusville, Geo. itail Road, &c. &c. &c. Purchased at the lowest rates, and the highest I premium given for specie, by | WM. ROBERTSON, Broker, Corner Bull-street and Bay Lane; For sale, a few shares of Murine Bank Stock, march 3 * 56 Bvitna’ Chamomile Pills, P REHARED from npiiro extract of the flow er, a very wholesome nindiciuo, mild in op eration and pleasant in affrnt, tho most certain nrmorver of health, a safe and effectual euro of indigestion and all stomnch complaints: and ns n natural consequence, a purifier of tho blood and a sweetner of tho whole systnm, to tho nervous and debilitated. The powers of Evans* Chamomile Pills are such, that the pnlpitatmg heart, tho tremulous hand, the dizzy cyo,mid the fluttering mind vnn- ish before their effects like noxious vupor* before tho benign influence oftho morning sun. This tonic medicine is for various diseases, general de bility, indigestion and its consemtcuces; as want of appetite, an apparent distension of tho stom ach, belching, pains in tho stomach, acidity, un pleasant taste in the mouth, rumbling noise in tho bowels, nervous 8yiiiptMiiiM,lunguidness,whcn the mind becomes irritable, desponding, thought ful, mclaucjioly and dejected, hypochondrincisin, low spirits, comumption.pnlpitntions of the heart, nervous irritability, night mnro,rheumatism,spas modic n flection*, dimness of sight,, delirium, and nil other nervous symptoms, these Pills wilt pro duce ai) effectual euro. For sale by ANSON PARSONS, snpt 7 No. 8 Gibbous* Range. Dr*fiFuen'* Universal Strcngtli- cniiiir Plaster. • Unrivalled and Unequalled!! C ELEBRATED for ciiying pains, or weakness in thn breast, side, buck or limbs; nlso, for gout, rheumatism, liver complaint and dyspepsia, in coughs, colds, asthmas, difficulty of breathing, oppression oftho stomnch, &c. they will give im mediate and soothing relief; and, for neatness, plensnntnoss, safety, euso nml certainty, are deci dedly superior to other remedies. Persons whoso business or avocations require that they should sit or stand much, or those of sedentary habits generally, whoinny be troubled with pains in tho side or breast, nrn advised to try one of these beautiful and unrivalled plasters. They aro dif ferent from others, and freo from objections which are generally made against plasters. Perhaps there is no medical observation hotter established than that “ Consumption originates in neglected Colds.’* In a climate so variable as ours, it re quires more care and attention to guard agniust the attacks of this too ofton fatal disease, than most persons are able and willing to bestow. It cannot therefore but ho a gratification to the sub scriber to be enabled to offer to all of consump tive habits; or those afflicted with distressing pains in tho side or breast, or any uflection oftho breast and lungs, a reashnahlo prospect of relief by using his “ Universal Strengthening Plaster.” A supply of those valtmblo Plasters kept con stantly on hand, hy ANSON PARSONS, sept 5 No. 8 Gibbons* Range. | Miiccoboy, Rappee ami Scotch Snuff. J UST received per Wilsou Fuller, a full sup ply of Lorillaid's best quality Snuff, in bot- 1 ties and jars. For salo by 1 T. M & J. M. TURNER, nug 19 Monument Square. Superior Indelible Ink. S DOZEN Francis Kidder’s Indelible Ink 0 do ParsonV do, for marking linen, silk and :otton, with a common pen, without a prepam- ion. Just received per brig Augusta and for f*le by A. PARSONS, nug 24 No. 8 Gibbons’ Range. Rose, Peach Water, &c CASE of R. Low & Sou’s double distilled Roso Wstcr, 1 do superfine Peach Water 1 caso do Orange Flower do 1 do fresh Vanilla Bcnns 1 bbl superior Bermuda Arrow Root 1 case do Tapioca, do Pearl Sago 1 do Gum Arabic, (white) l do Flake Manna teceived per late arrivals and for sale hy ANSON PARSONS, I ang 10 No,. 8 Gibbons* Range. ofRuinlite. |iIFTY ounces Sulphate Quiniue 1 case Gum Camphor 10 boxes Hull’s scouted So&p it received per Wilson Fuller, for sale by , ^ T- M; & J. M. TURNER, £ang 22 Monument Sqnnro. n c s L r rs: , fir , ' bilsc,f,, ‘ on - 50 oz Uumiiie, French. For sole by 8 THOS. RYERSON. I""g nnsun. nBLS Willing Soda, Gdo’Pearl Ash ’ “».Snl Erotui, 1 do Spirit Coloring • received, oiid for tile by ANSON PARSONS, No. 8 Gibbons* Ronge. |Ny 30 n« U . i Trepanning, Obstetrical, • cntnl and Cupping Instruments; Evan’s ® Bia Lancets, silver spring Button spring Lnncots, Gorman and Amarican Scarificators.Peurl aud Steel Lau- tenses, Stomach Pumps, Stethoscopes, l VO ry, ■ EU. o nndSdvor iwics; wLb Syrim mm,?, ™ w, ! h l mm P.’ Self-Injecting SSUSi- comnloto assortment ofSyritf. * H">.o«r S P fi, e J b y ‘ reCeiVCj P ° r Mg — T, M. &. J. M. TURNER. THE ONLY TRUE AND GENUINE Dr. Win. J mikin’ s Specific Oint ment, F OR the cure of white swellings, sore legs and ulcers, glandular tumours, felons, rheumat- naina, sprains and bruises, burns and scalds, ifiannnation in women’s breasts, glandular swel lings, old and fresh wounds, chilblains, totters, piles, ring worms, eruptious of long staudingand sore eyes, From the Hon. J. Taliaferro, Member of Con gress, and Member oftho lute Convention. Richmond, 9th November, 1829. Houck » Ptiuaceu. T HIS valuable medicine may ho taken with parfectsnfnty by all ngeshnd in nil diseases. Its cures arc for the following disease*: Dyspep sia, loss of appetite, indigestion, inflammation of tho stomach, heartburn, dinrrhooa, dysentery or flux, piles, fistula, obstructed nr excessive men- struntion, periods of cessation of mouses, flnur-nl- bus or whites, ague and fover, bilious, or remit* tentfsver, typhus fever, scarlet fever, small pox, Erysinilas or St.-Anthony's fire, asthma, pleurisy, mensfes, yellow fever, coativcnesa, wind on tho stmnatfli or bowult«,cUolcru morbus,consumption, spitting blond, influenza, colds, coughs, inflam mation of tho cheat, palsy, gout, rheumatism, in flammatory soro throat or quinsy, whooping cough, thrush or sore mouth, putrid soro throat, croiip, inflammation of the heart, dropsy, rickets, diseases of the liver, jaundice, difficulty of mn- king urine, gleet, hysterics, nervous ami scrofu lous affections of the membranes mid ligaments, mercurial and venerialdisenaes, ulcers, sores, af fections of tho skin, oml diseases arising from im pure blond, <&c. A supply of the tibovo valuable medicine just received per brig Oglethorpe, aud for aulc hy the single bottle or box, by ANSON PARSONS, atig 14 No. 8 Gibbons’ Range. A Certain Cure Tor Sick Xlcud- Aclic. W HICH hns been used in families, overy member of which hns had sick hendnehe from infancy,as n constitutional family complaint, aud has cured effectually in every instnuce yet known, amounting to many hundreds. It is not unpleasant to the taste, and does not prevent the daily avocations of one using it; it must bo perse vered in, and tho cure is gradual, but certain and permanent. Instances are constantly multiply ing where this distressing complaint incomplete- relieved and cured, although of years standing, hy the use of Dr. Spohn’s colehruted remedy. One decided preference is its pleasantness, huv ing nano of tha nauseating effects of common drugs. Iu nil dyspeptic syintoms, costiveness, irregu larity, distress after meals, pains in the side aud torpidity of the fiver, the cure is perfect, and any one so afflicted will become immediately convin ced on using it, that he has at Inst found a ‘‘sover eign halm for his wounds.” Females aro particu larly recommended to uso it for costiveness or ir regularity, and other female complaints. It is proved to correct vitiated and disordered humors keeping tho stomach in most perfect order. Those persons who after an evenings indulgence at par ties, &c. have headache and dullness the next dny, will find this a sure preventive if taken at bed time. For all common complaints, in a few days its virtues will ha self-evident, and u complete euro will soon he effected. When a person has a cold and feels unwell, generally a free use ofit fora few days will ho sure to relieve without physic or pills. To children it may be given with the greatest advantage. In all acidity or sourness of stomnch this remedy is sovereign and invaluable; as a general family medicine it is now adopted hy many of the most respectable familes. It never sickens the stomach or produces any of the unpleasant effects ofphysic. For sale hy T. M. & J. M. TURNER. aug 4 Moument Square. lie it 1“’8 yGemtinc Calcined llng- ncslu, Sir—It has been my wish, for a considerable T s bcneficmUn all diseases of the stom- time, to communicate the good effect with which r*- ecu and bowels which nrq attended with ncid- l have used your ‘Patout Specific Ointment,’aud which I now understand is made and sold bv A- « euts appointed hy yourself. 1 have applied this fmtinout during the lastfhur years, to every spe cies oftumoiir and wound, withont failure to pro duce a cure in every^ instnuce. I consider it the most decided and efficacious remedy iu all cases of tumour, he the cause what it may, and I have found uotiiing so good for wounds of any des cription. It may bo proper to add that tho cure ofa tumour called White Swelling, given over by the most distinguished physicians as incura ble, and which they decided would, without utn- putation, prove fatal to tho pntient, was, under my immediate notice, effected hy the use of your ointment, and the pntient is in fine health, his limb affected by the tumour being restored to a perfect state of soundness. • Also, that the leg of a man upwards of80 years old, which had been wounded, and exhibited ono dreadfully ulcerated surface from knee to foot, and which, for more than two years, Imd been considered iucuruble, was effectually cured hy tho application of this Ointment. I mention these two cases, which fell under my immediate notice nml management, as a decided evidence oftho efficacy of this remedy in coses of tumour and of ulcers. I liavo expert- imce.l n. decidedly, the good efieet oTtliw remedy I cnrry „ir t „eh a mtudiet ofthe h«ma«' R neeie. in the cure of felon,, and every upcc.oe offrosii „ n de r tlto ooo oftwovinri. It i, also eounllv ity, and gives immediate relief to the honrthnrn The effects of excess in eating or drinking are generally relieved by it, and R affords one of the mildest and most pleasant aperients, especially to persous who, from a sedentary life or other causos, are under tho frequent necessity of hav ing recourse to laxatives. To persons ofa bil ious or a gouty habit, it may bo recommended with peculiar propriety: aud its virtues have been repeatedly testified in the diseases of warm cli mates Many of the complaints of children, in early infancy, and even at more advanced peri ods, are attended with acidity; and in such cases, the Calcined Magnesia has a great advantage over other ahsorbonts, viz: tlmt it both neutrali zes the acid iu the alimentary canal, and acts us an efficacious yet gentle purgative. A fresh supply of this highly recommended medicine just received. For sale hy jnlv 31 G. R. HENDRICKSON. Genuine English Dalby’s Cnr< ininitiyc* W HICH is founded ou just incdicnl princi ples, is a most safe, effectual, and often iudeed an immediate remedy for the wind, tho watery and dry gripes, convulsions, and all thoso fatal disorders in the bowels of infants, which -I-lie true I'onindc Divine. Extcusivcly used iu Enrons, never beforo intro duced Into America. T cutis iiihI prevents all Chapping nr Rough - tho Hands and Lips, from the piercing effects of cold Weather, well rubbing n litlie on the litmus aud lips every night going to bed, is a certain preventive nml cure. It also cures Frosted Feet, and Corns. To re- Ueve the pain of Corns wash tho feet in warm water, pare the Corn close, apply a little pomude on a piece of linen lint. It cures Swellings and Bruises occasioned by fulls or otherwise, aud will prevent the many bad consequences of such accidents. Ifa Tittle be well rubbed in on a Bruise,or Pinch it will prevent hlnekness. It will cure Burns, and Scalds, if applied di| rectly, alleviuting pain, and preventing blisters. It is useful for a Still'Neck, and Swelling of tho GJands, and will grcutly relievo jRlicumutic, mid Gouty Pains, in uuy purt. It immediately removes Pimples, nnd oilier Eruptions: is exceedingly useful lor Horn Breasts, particularly iu lying-in. Its nllicucy in this very trying cn-*\ ivlmu all other applications have fail ed, has baro well proved, and can he attested by maiiy. It is useful for Cancers before they are broken, aud an nnfiiiliiip remedy for tho Piles. It gives it dalicacy offragrnneo and that natural healthful appearance to the skiu no other preparj otion ofthe kind ha* ever been known to produce. So invaluable is this compound, for every incon venience lo which tho skin is liable, that thoso who have once proved its benefit will never wil lingly he without it. For salo by WM. II. TURNER, sept 5 Opposite the Mnusion Uottso. Colleton Hitters. T il ESE Bitters,purely a vegetable compound, and till lately, used only by a few private nml till lately. , ( r friends, arc now offered to tho public from n principle of benevolence, and under the fullest conviction that they will he found a safe aud sov ereign remedy for Dyspepsia. They have been trio ii phantly tested not only hy some of the most respectable families in the District, ready to sub scribe to their decided excellence, but also hy the fortunate discoverer, in self-experiment, who, for ten long years, suffered all the gloom and horror incident to thut stubborn mid distressing disease. For a cure, much money was expended—Physi- cians of skill consul ted—the most popular uiudi- cinestricd—but all to no permanent, salutary’ ef fect. In the reputed virtues of “Coshy,” a flat tering hope was entertained j'or u season.hot that eventually proved not to ho the thing, inasmuch as it left the system in u had state—so weakened and otherwise unpleasantly affected, that its furth er uso was deemed altogether (inadvisable; which circumstance led to the discaveryaud successfu trial of these invaluable Bitters. In point of efficacy, these Bitters have been found by the most satisfactory experiments, to be fully equal to “Cosby.” Iu some respects, they ore decidedly preferable to that celebrated coin pound: i. c. although nominally as expensive, (necessarily so by reason of the greatest of very many oftho iugredionta^yetthey aro iu fact much cheaper, as n less quantity is required for a dose, nro less debilitating, and more gradually diffusive in their operations, (a grand desideratum in case tho patient he very weak, uud the liver much af fected ) ure moro agreeable to the taste, more hap py in’their general- and ultimate effects, never cause ‘inward trembling,’ never ‘ninko tho mouth and lips fore,’ jind render a resort to ‘ginger tea, paregoric, flour of sulphur,’ &c. totally unneces sary. They will nlso bo found to possess tho pe culiar excefleiice, denied to most other Bitters, of not proving injurious hy continued uso. They contain not a singlo deleterious ingredient, and, as seen from the directions, moy lie given with entire sifuty to an infant in the mouth. REFERENCE. Rockville—Rev. Thomas John Young. Edingsville—Hon. Whitenmrsh B.Sctibrook. St. Luke’s—Hon. B. F. Scott, St. Paul’s—James King, sen. Esq.,Capt. Wui. Wilkinson. John’sIsbtnd—'T. M. Curtis, M. D., William Sams, Esq. Wadinalaw—Geo. A. C. Rivers, Edward D. Bailey, Esqrs. St. Ilolena—Charles G. Capers, Esq. Cliohaw—Charles Minott, Esq. Charleston—Edward W. North, M. D., Wm. Yeatcs, M D., J. Dc La Motla, M. D., Major FrancisLtmce, and Henry S. Tew, Esq, For sale hy T. 31. & J. 31. TURNER,“Sole Agl’s. apvilO Monument Square. White Sulphur Pills. A N opinion has been long entertained hy in-' telligent medical men, familiar with the um* ofthe Waters oftho White Sulphur Springs in Greenbrier comity, Virgiuiu, that tho incdicnl virtues of these waters nro mainly dependent up on tho saline ingredients which they hold in so lution. The correctness of this opinion has re cently been abundantly established hy tho sonu- tive/dfcct* which nro exerted upon tho system hy the suits of these waters obtained hy curcful ovan oration. Tho simple salts of tho water thus ob tained, although sufficiently strong, in convenient doses, for many cases of disease, nrc, perhaps, os n cathartic, too slow in theiroperation for general use. To combine the specific virtues of tTie salts ofthe water with a more speedy cathartic effect, it has been found advantageous, to unite with llio saline ingredients, very small portions of veg etable purgative matter, and in this form tho arti cle is now prepared under the lights and sanctions of experience, and recommended, not asa paint cen remedial for every disease, hut as a valunhlo alterative and cuthnrtic medicine, ndnpted to a variety of affections for which medicines of this class nro usually proper. For some time this mod iciuo lias been prepared at tiic Springs and given away to such individuals as desired its use. The culls for it have, however, tuny became so fre quent (its preparation being very troublesome) it lias been thought expedient to prepare small quantities of it for sale to supply the public. It will he found woll udapted to many enses ofDys- nopsin, Liver CoinpItmitH.Jatiiidico.UheiimntiHm, Neuralgia, Chorows, Cutaneous Eruptions, Ob stinate Cos'iveuess, and may he used with per fectsafuty in anveaso in which nu alterative and mild cathartic affect are dcsiiud. Many intelli gent persons familiar with thn medicine, believe it to ho peculiarly adapted to the cure of those chronic affections so successfully treated hy the use ofthe White Sulphur Water, but ns yet, ex perience with tlio medicine Ims been too limited to justify any positive conclusions upon this point. It usually operates on the bowels, when taken in a full doso in from three to six hours. At the •Springs,’ where tho mediciuc is much used, ad vantage is thought to he derived from drinking the Whito Sulphur Water freely the morning ufter it is taken, to work it off, though it is not re garded as very essential that any thing 'should he used for this purpose. For sale hy T. M. & J. 31. TURNER, Agents, march 26 wound. In addition to tho nbova cases, it may he propor to Btqlowhnt I know of its stiro effects us u reme dy iu all cases of scrofulous tumour. It seems to me tlmt any ono who will observe the operation of this Ointment, must be satisfied asto its beneficial effect. I cun, with tho utmost confidence, recommend the use of this most valu able remedy. I am, Sir, very respectfully, JOHN TALIAFERRO. Dr. Wm. Judkins. A supply oftho nbovo for sale hy WM. II. TURNER, npril21 Opposite tho 3fnnsion House. under iho age of two years. It is also equally efficacious in gouty pains in tho intestines, the bloody flux, and tho most rackingcolics in grown persons, nnd it is peculiarly serviceable iu those fluxes nnd disorders ofthe bowels which seamen are subject to. It may not ho improper to add, that those children who liavo been used to this medicine nro scarcely over afflicted with worms. A fresh supply of this valuable medicine just received and for salo by july 31 G. R. HENDRICKSON. sjfiug and Full Purifier, 2 nnvr^" s * l, .« Sonu. Bbb,® *upori° r old Cant ft 6 do >ia Unstile Soap, for A. PARSONS, No. 8 Gibbons’ Range, Shaving Soup. ■ ntjoiitt Shaving Ccaaiu, lario ' ao Ho do do. .m„ll I l)OZ do do, Email do i, . tJflcnansdo do, do do w.vclond for salo |, y ’ THOS. BYERSON. SUBSSSJWUrtl OH, Ac. 1 “ASSETS superior Snllad Oil I ii ? k° xefl tfo Betty do I 0 doTodaSot 80 "’* v “ ,iu *“ t0d Soa P ■ili;" ‘Y" 10 !" 1 do, do RoEodo ■■recowdamirorEaloby A. PARSONS. 'smVSr?,” ms nnd Sponge. EoalS? 1D ““Ortmem of Wist Riooms, L au.i c a “-owoni oi nm nioooia, Lm ft^bpPoogQjjuflt rocoivod, for salo by r.T HENDRICKSON. I «uo^A Sii;ff ', Uous p,,,s - ) U LL, lint received anti for sale hy T. M. & j. M. TURNER, Monument Square, I B u t* Corks, I o X* E iU Per.«or velvet Wine Corks II do f 0 r» Sorter do ioiv« i * Dmmjon do 1 por L. Baldwin, nnd fur snlo by 1 G- R. HENDRICKSON. . naYr'In* 1 , ,,nd Soup. I M E8 ^ Co few* siuto| ‘ ’ 40 do I omily Soap fived 8‘47 per L, Baldwin* aud for sale hv G, R. liENDRICICSON. Hose Ointment) I ^lOR Totter, Ringworms, Pimples on the . Face, nnd other cutaneous eruptions. Tet ters, Ringworms, and herpetic eruptions gener ally,are among tho most tedious and disagreeablo it flections to which tho human frame is liable. Situated as it were, on tho vergo of vitality it is almost impossible to roach them hy inward remoi dies. Hence the innfficacy of undergoing a course of tnodicinc, or subjecting ourselves to the un- comfortable system of strict dint: such means hy reducing the system merely pnlliato tho symptoms while they nro in practice, to recur ns .violently, or mom so, when a generous diet is returned to. And tho generality of oxteriml appliculionshnvo no other effect than tho disease in one place, soon to show itself in the same or another part. When all those means hnvofniled, nnd in many severe cuses, a perservanco for ashort time in tun use of tho Roso Ointinnnt has proved effectual. There is no trouble ill using (applying it every night.) A fresh supply juut received, and for sale by aug 24 G. It. HENDRICKSON. Gelatine Capsules of Pure Co pal va Balm. T HE Copavia Bulm is, of all the medicines employed in combnting tho chronical and acute gonorrhcoal affections, nlso the blennorlima called whites; tho only ono, tho specific action of which has uevor boon doubted, nnd to which physicians havo in cousequonco given tho prefer- etico; but its nauseous tasto nnd smell are tho causes of its being roiactad hy many pntionts. This is tho reason why so many experiments have been made in order to discover some mode of disguising Us taste, so that it might be taken with less repugnnnce; hut hitherto this has been but imperfectly effected, and always by addition of smalt active substance which modifies its pro perties, and thus dostroys its chomicnl constitu tion and its physical chnractar. 1 therefore offor n mode of administering it in such a state that it cannot occasion tho slightest ropugnpnoa, and this without submitting U 10 an .y alteration. My method consists in enclosing it in tho Gelatine Capsules. A supply ofthe above valuable modicino just rficoived, and for salo hy ANSON PARSONS, aug 3} Nq, 8 Gibbons’ Range. COMPOUND SYRUP of SARSAPARILLA. F OR the euro of Scrofula, or King’s Evil; Syphilis, nnd all Venereal Diseases, Mercu rial Diseases, brought on hy the improper use of 3Iorcury; Consumption, Liver Complaint, Jaun dice, Agno Cake, Rhenmntistn, Gout, Scurvy, Cancer, Afflictions ofthe Skin, as Tetter, Biles, Ring Worms, Scald Head, Itch, Pimples on the Face, &c. No medicine is more efficient as a “Purifier,’’and to promote recovery aftor an at tack ofucute disease. Sorsaparillu constitutes the prominent ingredi ent iu tho above preparation—being ono of the most popular articles of tho present day—enter ing into the composition of almost every purify ing medicine; and is alike resorted to in profes sional and in domestic practice. It is customary * * ‘ * it with in prescribing this substance, to combine other articles to modify or to promote its activity, and with a view to its diaphoretic and stimulant effect principally. This Syrup is such a cornbi nation, nml is commended to Physicians particu larly, as fully worthy of their confidence. For sale by * ANSON PARSONS, july 27 No. 8 Gibbons’ Runge. Wheeler’s Balsam ofITIoscutello. A GRATEFUL and effectual remedy for dis eases oftho stomnch and bowels, viz: Dys pepsia, Diarrham, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cholic, Asiatic and Spasmodic Cholera,Cramps, Children Teething, Summer Complaint of chil dren, dangerous effect* of drinking cold water when over-heated, &c. This invaluable medi cine is highly recommended by many of tho most respeotablo persons in New York city; it is there fore offered to tho public with great confidence for curing tho above diseases. A fresh supply just received by G. U. HENDRICKSON, Agent. july 29 Rowland's Tonic Mixture, or Vegetable Febrifiig’C, A specific nnd lasting euro for Fever and Ague. npHIS worthy remedy earnestly repels the slur JL* of being a quack medlcino, it having been the result of many years study, experience aud labor, iu the incdicnl practice and observation of Fever and Ague. It is composed of such medi cinal principles as were considered most lit to re store the harmony ofaction between the stomnch, liver, aud the other important functions of the system, the loss of which Harmony is evidently the immediate cause of the disease. It speedily pro motes a regular ami healthy nppetito which is generally entirely destroyed or rendered very precarious; hy which effect, vigor nnd strength is soon afforded to the whole system. It must bo apparent to nil. that a medicine possessing these peculiar virtues, is useful iu a great variety of complaints. By renewing tho healthy action of the digestive organs, it hns proved itself of re* imirknhlo benefit in dyspepsia, depraved appetite, heart-burn, water brash, flatulency, jaundice, night sweats, dysentery, bowel complaints, and all other affections or similar origin, but it-is in tho treatment of Fevers, mid especially in Fever and Ague, or Remittent Fever, that its powers jiuvo beau principally tested, and with those who have seen its usefulness, it U pronounced sover eign to all remedies heretofore discovered fo those discuses. Jt has ulso been used os a pi e ventive, by many who were subject to a periodi cal recurrence of the chills und fever, and it has always warded off the apprehended attack. It was deemed not improper to accompany the vegetable febrifuge with n few of flic many une quivocal certificates politely fltrnished to tho pro prietor,corroborative oftho foregoing statements. For further accounts of its great usefulness, see pamphlets accompanying each bottle. A fresh supply oftho above valuuhlo medicine just received, and for sale hy G. R. HENDRICKSON, Agent. nug 31 Hamilton's Elixir of Opium. A neio and important Discovery. r 1 has l.onghccnn great desideratum in Medi cal Hr'encc, and has been thesubjectofavast amount of Chemical experiment, to obtain the tnodicinal qualities of Opium to tho exclusion of its noxious principle and useless combinations. No article in the whole range of the Pharinaco- pa?ta is perhaps of greater importance to man kind; and none which has engaged n greater share of chemical attention. Every preparation Jiither- to made from this drug, whether in the form of Extract,Morphia,BInck Drop.Paraeoric or Laud anum, contains in close combination a poison with the antidote, and hence we find the uqminis- trotion of them attended with a numerous train of evils, among which are headache, lassitudo, tre mors, nausea, vomiting, constipation,'derange ment oftho nervous system—nnd a quality won derfully predisposing the system to its habitual use: to obtain therefore the Soothing Opiate and Ami-Spasmodic Anodyne in nil its virtues separ ate from the deleterious principle of of the drug, Ims for a series of years engaged the profound at tention of the nnthor; it presented itself to his iniud 06 a subject of great magnitude; the acqui sition to the Siedical facility of so important a re medial agent, and tho incalculable amount ofhu- nmn misery that would he alleviated by tlie dis covery, have been to him a sura guarantee thut ho would reap a rich reward for his labors, at least in self-gratuintion. Having satisfactorily tested tho Elixir in soveral hundreds of instances, he Ims now the happiness of saying to the public, that his labors have been crowned with trium- mnphnntsuccess. J. HAMILTON, M. D. London, November, 1835. From tho almost innumerable testimonials in its favor, the few which follow are deemed abun dantly sufficient to establish its infiuito superiori ty over every other Anodyne preparation. London, January, 1837. Having witnessed the effect of Hamilton's ‘E- lixir ofOpium’ in a great number of instances, I hnvo uniformly found it to possess all tho Ano dyne, Sedative, and Anti-Spasmodic virtues of Opium, without producing excitement or any of tho numerous ill consequences which at tend tho use of tho other preparations of this drug Tho separation oftho medicinal from the noxious principle of Opium, has been the subject of alulost innumerable experiments, and hitherto withont success—tlmt result, so desirable to tho faculty nnd so invaluable to maukind, ap pears now to Imvo been obtained in this Elixir. ALEXANDER MclIENRY, M. D. Ifully concur iu the above. ADAM LA ROCIIE, 3L D. From repented trials oftho “Elixir ofOpium,” I can cheerfully subscribe to tho above. JOSEPH 31. NEWCASTLE, M. D. 1 hnvo for several months past prescribed the “Elixir of Opium” in preference to any other prepurutiou, and concur in tho sentiment!* above. 1IOSEA GALBRAITH, M. D. In all enses where an Anodyne is required to S rocuro sleep, relieve pain, &c. tho “Elixir of mum” is preferable to nny other preparation. It is not only suitable in all cases where ordinary Opiates are recommended, hut can be used in all those case* where the other preparations of Opi um would ho unsafe and injurious on nccouut of the excitement and other unfavorable symptoms which they produce. Being freed from the stim ulating. noxious, nnd deleterious principles con tained in the drug, the Elixir can ho used without producing any of the pernicious effects which fol low flic use of Opium in' any of its known forms, or in any manner deranging the functions orin- B lack i Blue Ii Black Sinchcw Black aud blue hit Fancy Prints, stripi Check’d CnnibricnmJ Bird Eve Diapur, Table Danu Black Italian Cravats, fhucy dress Ilhdkfs Linen Cambric Hdkfs, col’d bordered du * Ladies blk Eng. $ilk Hose, Ladies French dd Do white do Cotton do, do German do Do hluck do do, Belting Gauze Cap Ribbons,blk, white and col’dTsfPdo White and blk Cotton Cord, $tay Binding Hewing Silk, &c. For sale low, hy GEORGE W. BEHN, Blind’s Building. ong 35 (Georgian) Ciirlyles’ History of the Freud, He volution, tn three Volumes.- C HARLES I.LWOOI),or the Inlidel Cotf verted, by O. A. Brownson. Effects of Drunkenness upon criminn! respon sibility, and the application of punishment, by Dr. C. J. A. Mittermaier of the University of Heidelberg. Chartism, by Thomas Carlyle. • Dramas, Discourses, and other nieces, by Jar. A. Hillhouso. 9 Elements of Horticulture, by ‘J. E. Tesche]* macher. Just received by W. T. WILLIAMS. sept 5 Tlie Fatalist* O R the fortunes of Godolphin; by an .Essay ist on the Passions. Rambles in the footsteps of Don Quixote, by the lute H. D. Inglis, Historical Sketches of Statesmen who flourish ed in the time of George III., to which is added remarks on party and nil appendix by Henry Lord Brougham, F. R. S. New edition. Just received by aug 25 W Tl \V. THORNE WILLIAMS. r Or. Taylor's Balaam of JLIver-* wort* Thompson’s Water-Proof Com position. A PREMIUM was awarded fot jhis Paste. and it is tho only water-proof Composition in the world. A fresh supply received nnd for salo by G. R. HENDRICKSON, aug 27 Spcclo Bottles. 2 CASKS, suitable for Grocers, fur salo by T. M. & J- M. TURNER, sept 3 Monument-Square. Parsons' Vegetable Anti-Billotis Pills. A SAFE nnd certain cure for nil bilious com plaints and obstructions oftho bowels. If administered in timo, they will effectually remove the bilo from the stomnch, nml counteract the causes wluch co generally produce headache, in digestion, fevor uud ague, or intermittent, remit tent, bilious, inflammatory, and yellow fevers, jaundice, bilious cholic, dysentery, worms, rheu matism, pleurisy, bilious vomiting, foul stomnch, costiveufiss, sore throats, colds, coughs aud asth ma. Prepared and sold hy nug 4 ANSON PARSONS. fo or many manner ucrangjug tlie luuctioin n- juritig the general health oftho patient. ‘ Caution.—To obtain the genuine article, ob serve that it is put up in a moulded phial, contain ing 1 1-2 ounces, with tho words “ Hamilton’s Elixir ofOpium,” hrowuitt the boulo,that a duty stamp lettered “J. Hamilton, London,” is over the cork, that overy phial hns round it a handsome colored envelope, uud every package of ono doz en hears the written signature of the subscriber, who is solo agent. WM. J. BURRITT, Ncw-York. A supply oftho above medicine just received from the Agent, uud for sale hy ANSON PARSONS, june27 No. 8 Gibbons’ Range. A system of practical Medicine, comprised in • a series of original dissertations, arranged and ed ited by Alex. Tweedie, M. D. F. R. S. on Fe vers and the diseases of tho skin. colds, asthma, difficulty of breathing. r in the side or brenst, spitting of blond, catarrh*; palpitation of the heart, oppression and soreness of tho chest, whooping cough, pleuriiy, hectic fever, night sweats, difficult or profuse'expecto ration, and all other affection* of the choit, lunge and liver. To persons of disordered nervofls system, or those who are unable to rest well at tifght* tbip medicine is most emphatically recommended. The inestimable value ofthis celebrated medicine has been highly tested, nnd found not wanting. Tho Proprietor is daily receiving the mast flatter ing accounts of his success; nnd it is truly gratify ing to say this is emphatically the medicine ofthe people! It is med by the Medical Faculty; sup ported by the Clergy, advocated by the whom New-York Press, aud is in the house df most of our citizens. It may be taken withont the least fear of dan ger by children, and persons debilitated by dis ease. In flue, tho cures tho Balsam of Liverwort has already effected, and is hourly performing} the consequent popularity it has obtained among those persons, who by experience are bestaunli- fled to judge of its emcncv; the exalted opiniott entertained of its virtues hy physicians; tho cen-. sequent recommendation it receives from thd BIcdical Faculty—-speak cogently and unequivo cally of the merits nnd success of this medicine. Invented hy an old and very learned physician, distinguished alike for his talent, research, and experience; the confidence reposed by him in it* irresistible merits and its beneficial effects upon him while severely aud Inmentablv diseased with the. mast distressing symptoms or Consumption; it being now subject to the advice and control of three physicians, together with tlie many lestimo nmis and corroborating certificates which have been voluntarily given us by. persdris who have received its pntont and salutary effect, most go fur, very far, to recommend this as a Vegetable Blediciucofunequalledaud undeniable virtue for Consumption nnd all the diseases which prey up on the chest, lungs nnd liver. KT Ikicarc of Counterfeits!—Ymodn Upon till* medicine arc issued in every direction* Reirtcm- . her to ask for “Dr. Taylor’s Balsam of Liver- 1 wort,” and da not take any thing else. There it no other medicine connected with this, or in Any way possessing the same virtues, See Ihnt tho signature of Geo. Taylor, M. D., iaon every hot-- tie, in my Imnd writing. To counterfeit this wll : 1 be forgery. For sale At T. M. & J. M. TURNER'S, june 1 Monument Square. Cinnamon Soap. Variegated Srtap 6 do Ciiiiiuuion do, 6 do Almbncl dd Just received and for sule by sept 3 G. U. HENDRICKSON* Lemon and Raspberry SYrupt Q|"V BOXES Roy's Lemon Syrup Ocf 12 do Raspberry do, 3 very superior AT* tide. For sule by sept3 G. R. HENDRICKSON* Houck's Panacea* P REPARED solely from Vegetable Matter, bv Jacob Houck, Baltimore, which may bo __ Horn li to 8 lb. per Euulltili Mustnrtl. [)XES, 1 lb, 20 6 kegs, a superior article, for sale by the pound. Just received by sept 3 . Ov R. IIENDRICKSON, Prepared Tcets. 6 DOZEN Prepared Teels, with Nureing Bottles. Just received and fur sale hy sept 1 G. R. HENDRICKSON. Quinine. /JA OZ. French Sulph.it Quinine 1 Case Turkey Opium 1 do Fluke Manuu. just r< sale by THOSE sept L SO ton. Iron, OMOitcd .70 kox. Noil,, assorted 600 sacks Liverpool Salt, 10.000 Ibs jlacon •op! 6. OOSTON & RANDLE. KAiVn.Ml’8 Tonic Mixture. O GttOCi: Itoivund’s Tome «K o 1 case Flake Muium 00 oz Sulplmle Quinine 1 case Pepper Lozenges 1 do Ginn Drupe. Forenlo I septa T. M. Ar. J. M. ' Pocket Boo ^ SPLENDID oMortnwi Cnrpetlngs nnd.Bugs, . Received per Ezecl. (1K PIECES super Ingrain Carpeting AOtJ 8 do 4-4 Twilled Veneuaii do 8 do 34 do do 8luir do 2 do Figured Flo*or Cloth 16 ,uper Tufted Rugs 16 do Brussels do 2ft groce Carpel Binding F ° r “sNlDER, LATtIROP & NEVITT. * and Wollots, jubt rec sept l G. R. Indctib! 1 GROCE Kiddcr’e' 6 dev. Poyson'i fust receivod por brig L. Baldwin, inri sept 1 .THOS. RYE1 sept l 1 nnd (for sale'by THOS. R1 0 stern Hay, ,PPrime.guality. “% ORB1TT , aug 22 jSBs