Daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1839-1840, October 23, 1840, Image 3

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»4<c "X,., ( mbrr-0 goo b.lo Upland .ndFIori- - Mobile, »d ■ 10|i and 60« ludltm new oropof tbelat* ilttlforlhe week of SOW i •' '' \t QfiMiofc rIour ,lnc ® our aaorge- I ami a fow hundred btila.Kich- & Co. for export, et 10,85, F lhoro '"Si fttoX CUrko A \J\J. iur vipyri, n bw,»o, * rleiolo but liuleof any deacripUon (n first .‘tfie marketjbr tW« continues re- ! .«.(«<. tlio domatid heln*confined to tmall nor* fflXSS&rfO Ididi^urt Cuba sol/for c .r.tiisntf at 81 cents, 0 mos By auction, 30 lihds., NewOtloana aoid a. 20^ S1 !im»/!/»na™°For Primp Pork tboro la a good do- XhMrtimbolduraof Me.a, howov.r, aro fLfim, aS a derlloo or Met. baa been aubmlued ,tu n M i, owing to alio favorable change In tbe leather arrive* more freeljr, and both Meit and Jdme have fartbor recoded 00 eonta pjr bbl. with Mllaof dt« former at Oil a 11,6b;and or the t",,arat 07 a 7,50. Tbe .lock of I-ard and Uamsia K and ilia demand good. Strictly prime Dollar la ..aplenty, and in re,pwat at IO a IT rt*. BoaeaOhoeae la wained lor abipplug M7 n 7J cnmai enak* are doll •‘JiLSrc lea fairaopply In market for the aaa- •on the sales of tlio week reach about 150tien*cs, vtiirtciDsllv in smnll parcels for homo consumption at £j,?5s3,8*1 cash. There is lltlto.inquiry for ox —The improvement in Brandy before no- tired hit been sustained, and the advance during the ‘ t v bo considered 5 a 7} cents The sales since nur lost Include 60 half pipes A. Heignetto at *1,35 . i *»7l • some Alex. Sclgnette, t\ ,S5 j Bouneinort & llrciker •1,331j Pelievoism, $l,35j SO half J. J. Du- ouv.f 1*3® » **•* j and 10 do and 80 or. casks another brand of Bordeaux”, $1.35 a l,«T|, all oo the usual time. Holland Gin and Hum are .without change. 6 paoebeons Ir'.ah Whiskey brought 1-Jt domestic U still doll, and price* of bbls. have declined 1 cent per gal lon* 120 common sold at 85, and 400 state prison 86 a S6l'cents, lty auction 7 puncheons New Orleans Rum sold at 34 a 34 J cents cosh, £, Sngan-\Vmwi a few days there has been more in- quiry, parlicolarly for Mupovado, and tugod™ ■ale. of ,00 bbds. Porm Rico al71 a 8J cqata-, 150 New Orleans, 6|a_7|. including a Few vaHtnmnn 64 ;75tit. Crnix, 8} a Ojj 300 boxes Brown’Havana, 71 a 81 • 150 White do 0 {a 101, all 4 months j and an inv lice of7235bag* Manilla, jnst received, previous to arrival, for refining, on terms we did not leant. Freights—■To Liverpool, for Cotton, have slightly Improved, ond we now quote $d a Jd for square and round bales, at which engagements have been made. To Loadon and Havre we have no chango to notice t to the Janet porttbey am still very dull.- JVtos Cur- rent. AtNew-Vork, on the 17th instant. SO shares 17. S. Bank .Stock sold at 63; £85 do doat67;25dodo at 66J S. todays} 85do do at 66) • 835 dodo at 6G|; 50 dodo St 66|» todays; 50do do at 60J; ISO do do at B6|, 10 days. Tig the Acadia,at Botlon. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. Fain ay Bvknino, Oct. 3.—Tlio market upon the whole has had a quiet appearance this week, though the business transacted to a fair extent: the accounts from the manufacturing districts haring been far from encouraging, whilst the fears* entertained by many of serious injury having boon dustained by the growing crop of the Uuited Stales have in a great measure been dispelled by the reccut reports from thence. The speculative feeling that was so general in the begin ning ot the week has in consequence died away; pri ce! ofall descriptions have however been fully main tained, holders having in no instance shown aaisposi- tioato accept of Jower rates. The imports or the w«ck have been 33.186 bags. And the sales for the same period, including HOOO A merles A end 300 Sant taken on speculation, and 100 American for export, sniouat to37,900 bogs. HAVRE, SEPT. 30..~CWto«~.253 bales Louisi ana 63 Q00 do do, 791 35 do do 68; 101 at 8: 88; 66 at 83; 0 nt 74:74 bales Mobile, 87; 33 al at05ot 60; 54 at 84; 108 Georgia, 88 j 50 do 86;' 140 do85j. Sales 80th, 1763 bales, and 28th 1310 do. at about the same prices. Coumj steady. Coffee without change, with a stock of 3,834,000. Mall Arrange menu. Northern Mail. Inlly. | Cloaca 12, M. daily. Augusta Midi. Due daily, at 4 P. M. Close* daily, at 7 P. H. * for Augusta and Hamburg, S. C. For all other oincus on the routu ulG, P M. Western Mail, via Miltedgeville, Macon and Co* ** Iambus, to New-Orleans. Due duily, at 4, P. M. Closes daily Tor the above offices, at7, P. M. For ull other offices on • -the route ut 6, P. M. T Southern Mail. Due Sundays and Wednesdays by 12, at night. Closes Tuesday and Friday nt JO, A. N. uu- Ullst November, when it will be due on Afouday, Wednesday and Friday, DEPARTURE OP THE ATLANTIC STEAMERS. From England. From New York. Great Western, •. rt8ept. 12 Oct. 20. Evident Ocu 1 Nov. 1. British Queen Nov. 1 Dec. 1. Great Western,....Nov. 7 ..Dec. 8. President, Dec. 1 . Jan. 1. ' ' . From Liverpool. ' From Boston. Caledonia,... M .. .Sept. 19 Oct. 15 Acedia,.. ..Oct. 4...... Nov. 1. Columbia, Oct. 19 Nov. 15. Nov. 4 Dec. 1 Agdw Dec. 4 Jan. 1. KPThe friends and acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Claghorn, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Wood, and those of Mr. Joseph Claghorn,'aro respectfully invited to attend the funeral of the ftnner, from his late residence, Columbia Sqanre, This Morning, 23d instant, at 10 o’clock. n PASSENGERS, Per sloop Eagle, from Now-Bedfo A. E. Ear I, Miss Main, Messrs. T. N.Setns, G. Douglass, A. Pratt, S. L T. Briggs, W. B. Cushion, and 6steerage. Per steamboat, Southerner, from Charleston— Mrs. Spaulding, Mrs. Graves, Mrs. Gtfdner, Mrii Densler, two MissA Densler, Messrs. C. C. Gardner, l. C. Dewing, flpauld* ing. Densler, Cooke, J. 8. Montinollin, J.R. BtiUs, J. If. Glover, T. Woolsoy arrived. ato G H May und uioa*’ toG U C.immiug. ter. ( atcimiliom Southerner, Wumher.ic, Charloe- ton A Olmi ° U ° Wi "*' J . Gttrd " or - Scran - S , Bo lf*• Ne »-Bedfcrd. »ldze, to di^ h Iff ° . *? 01 , fi N Cohen iSr. Foe- <hck, King &. Coomb,, E Uondcraon. „ _ CEtAKEb: h uS ^‘ r ’ 8n,iUl ' B “ IUB,or «-"’* ite * u . , WENT TO SEA. £ S® , | n< ! l ‘ e, n < ?^l e,, ' Boenforl. S. C. «hr Nicholu Biddle, W.lauit, Burnt Fort. memoranda*. “ hfG “ r - n,inih' RL 5 S 7’ ON ' '° 0 '' 21.—Arr. ship Bir- ftmghen., Uobin.on, Beth, Mm brig Alpine, leDrlmion.Trmidud, Cuba—bound to Amater- RjffilSK ““PPliea end crow. HmkS . all > Mndeim ; meant packet S£3p"j w* 10 ! Cuiltl ’ s “'“"« aA . via llilion Head ond Bean tort. lin. h?! C '. Lb , rig B', 1 ?"™ Ayrei, Stuart, NYork t •ffi. ° n t!r' uvo fl NOrloonai eclir Vir- *" ", i '»tolnetto, Flaoe, Huvaun. In the Oiling, u ehip. Below, a Khooner. Id, W.l», Liverpool! We.t- I Tocnnw.li, ulploy, St Jo- e, TborflMII, NOrfcuniiT). ers, Btaekholm und Elsinore; 1 kard, St Marlin, j QplumbU, SUv. BrBajWfi B ru ». .JpftiM Cotutitiitlon, Cl'd, khtpe England, Wall cheater, Jones, do j ““ wpli Fat Oglethorpe,jujorwnu, NOrlcnns; conee, Jolipson, do; bnmlie Mary Chilton,’Drew, Bordeaux t brig Billow, Lawrence, St Marks v a * c * ir Mill*, Hendiey.Drno* sns. 8t Jiigo; Swallow, Jennings, St Augustine; Fame, Pratt, Mobilo; Virtue, Higgins, Apalach icola. * • t BOSTON, Oct 10—Arr brig Cygnet, Fritz, Surinam. Cl’d, ship Mnttakcnsot. Higgins, NOrlcnns. OCT. 17.—Are brig Motto, Deering, Havana, Cl’d, steam ship Caledonia, Cleland, Liver* E nol; ships Howard, Spaulding, Calcutta; St roix. Iledman, Mobile. NEW»ORLEANS, Ort. 17.—Arr steam ship Savannah, Wode,New-York, via Charleston. Cl’d, ship Louisville. Hunt, New York; barque Josephine, Contis, Philadelphia; brig General Pinckney, Ford, Baltimore; sebr Henry, Auld, Matagorda. For Ncw’-York—Brig Line. The regular packet brig SAVANNAH. Capt Simpler, wonts 50 hales Cotton to complete her cargo. For freight of which, or passage, apply on board at Hunter’s wharf, or to LEWIS & WILDER, ocl 23 For Ncw-Yorlfc—Brig Line. The regular packet brig CLINTON, Cnptuin Lyons, will. be despatched im mediately. For freight or passage, having splen did (stun* room) aremmundntinn*. apply on bonrvi at Mongin'a upper wharf, or to oct 23 LEWIS &.WILDER, For Charle ston. The. superinr steam packet ■■ SOUTHERNER, Capt. Warn* bersie. will depart for the above place, THIS AFTERNOON,at4 o’clock,from the Savannah Ac. Augusta Steamboat Company's wharf. For freight or passage, having superior acconimoda* lions, apply to tho Captain on bourd, oral the City Hotel. ocl 83 For Black Creek, vlit Brunswick SLjtlarys and Jacksonville, Kf 4 * J** Tho regular steam packet FOR* WBtt®3LE8TF.tt, W. D. Wray, master, will depart for the above places TO-MOR ROW ,24th iust. ot - o’clock.P.M. For freight or pnssn^r. apply to the Cuptain on hoard at Scott & Balfour’s whurf, or to ' CLAGHORN & WOOD, Agents. N. B.—AH freight payable by shippers. All slave passengers must do cleared at the Custom House, oct 23 For Garey’s Ferry, via Bruns wick, St. Klarys and Jackson ville. Tlio steam packet FLORIDA, Cnpt. John Nock, will leave as a* hove on MONDAY next,26th inst. at-o’clock. For freight or passage, upply on bonrd, or to R. & W. KING. All freight payable by shippers. Slave passengers must be cleared at the Cus tom House. oct 23 Baltimore Hams* 1 AA BALT. Hams, (new) jnst received JLUU and for sale by oct 23 J. B. GAUDRY & SONS. Challys, Shawls, Ac. I *0ICH Satin striped Challys 1 JZv Do 04 heavy Silk Shawls 84 heavy Plaid Shawls Fancy Hdkfs, Muslin Collars Rich English Prints Just received per brig Clinton, and for sale low, by HENRY LATHROP, Nos 7 and 10. Gibbon’s Buildings, oct 23 256 Apples and Cranberries* OO BBLS Apples, 10 do Cranberries, just Aml\J received and for sale by ■ KING & COOMBS, oct 23 Union Ferry Wharf. liook ut This* THRESH Goods Just received: Rich French JC and English Prints Rich Muslin Do Laities Do Silks; also plaid Worsteds, fordresses. For sale low for cash, at oct 22 AVERY & JOHNSON’S. Coffee, Sugar, Gin, Wlilstfer* &c. Bag. green Cuba Cuflaa lOU 100 <lo Rio do 30 do old white do 30 do do JavA do 20*do Manilla do 20 hhds prime St Croix Sugar 30 do Porto Rico do 10 boxes Loaf do 10 bbls crushed do 50 hhlscoinmou Gin 30 do Phelp’a do 50 do Whiskey 5 pipoa superior Olnrd Brandy 14 halfpipes Diipuv do 20 qrcasK8 sweet Malaga Wine 20 do dry do do * 10 do mint Cordinl 50 boxes sniull lump Tobacco, Enders 20 do Cavendish do saperior 20 linlfchests Pouchong Tea 30 13 lb boxes Hyson do 20 0 & 13 lbs do Imperial do 10 cases, canisters do do 50 boxes Pipes 50 bblioRiial Flour •50 do Buititnore do 10 casks Cheese 20 fit kins Blitter, Goshen 30 boxes Sperm Candles 40 casks Porter, pts and qts. 50 kegs Dupout’s Powder 200 bags Shot 20 boxes Cordials assorted 25 do old Port Wino 20 baskets sweet Oil 10,000 lbs Bacon, assortod 200 reams wrapping Paper 50 do letter und fools cap do 5 cases Sait 1000 sacks do 1000 bushels Alum do 20 hhds Molasses 100 boxes Soap, Lee’s and other brands 20 do Starch 10 do Mustard, London 40 bbls Crackers 10 boxes ground Pepper 100 deitiiions, assorted sizes 40 M Alexandria Sugars 50 M Spanish do 100 M half do do .25 boxes Raising ' 20 keg* Ltird 30 dozen Buckets 10 bags Pepper 10 do Allspice 10 do ruco Ginger * 25 baskets Champagne For safo on ocommodating terms, by SCRANTON & OLMSTEAD. oot 14 248|Jca ^ Umbrellas. CASE Silk Umbrellas 1 do Cotton do. For sale by oct 20 GEORGE W. BEHN. iiU JO,000 Havana Orungia Landing and fo,iila by GEO. D. CORNWELL. In Store, Bnltar and Sugar Crachare Goshen Butter, Cheese, Flour, Sugar Cohen, Bacon, &c! ulso, 6000 empty Bugs, oct SO 265k iEORGl inpudi oct 2l : Made Cloi bore have on roceiving Rom llir-ii tworiuiei for the and' F rer Cloi.. ^ ib and groan Cloth Hi . and Pdot Cloth Surtontat for ca.h, or city appro- HAMILTON & 96401 /^sasas^aa. A 8U -a /X CfcssimnraPai toria and Tweed C qualities; fig’d and bluck and bltie Cloth do; and fig’d Clmlly Ve*ts; fig’d nnd'.plain Satin Vests; fine Linen Shirts, frill’d and phih bodfi soms; extra fine Cotton Shirts, limm collars, bo* \ somsond wrist bn mis; catfeo and fhney Gingham Shirts. For site by HAMILTON A HOUSTON. oct 21 2541. ** New Store. H ENRY LATHROP is now opening at the store recently occupied by Messrs. Snider & Nichols. Nos. 7 and 10, Gibbon’s Buildings, an entire fresh assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Good*, which ara offered at wholesale or retail, low for cash or apptoved credit. Among which may be found 2 balas Red Flannels 3 do White do 1 do ' Patent Wei 1 do Plaid Linso; 1 do Plain do 3 do Bed Ticks 3cn«as Washington Ji 40 places Satinets 15 do Kentucky Jeans 5 do Saxony Cassimeros Irish Linens Linen Sheetings Linen Diapers Huckuhack 8*4 94 and 104 Damasks 34 and 4*4 brown Sheetings and Shirtings oct 21 *'** 50 do 10 do 20 do 10 do 5 do Dry Oooi T HE subscriber is now tecciving from the brig Clinton from New-York,uiid EVWhit ney from Boston, the following articles: 10 bates tow priced 74 brown Shirtings 10 do 30 inch jbenvy do do 10 do 36 do do do do 15 cases 7-8 hnd 44 bleached Shirtings 10 do Prints, assailed qualities 6 hales Bud Tick, 3 do brown Canton Flfitfhcl 2 do low priced red do 1 case 4-4 blue Plaids, 1 do col'd Cambrics 3 do low priced Checks For salo by HIRAM ROBERTS, "oct20 No 3 and 14 Gibbon’s Building. Silks, Bombazines, dec. B LACK and blue black Gro de Swiss Black aud blue blank Gro de Paris Block Poult dc Soie Col’d Poult de Soie Black and blue black Bombazines Mousliu de Laities Freuch and English Prints 34 and 44 Scotch Ginghams, for sale low by HENRY LATHROP, sept 21 254 7attd 10, Gibbons' Buildings. Blankets, dee. 2 BALES saddle Blankets, *200 blankets each 1 bale large size col'd horse do 5 bales 84 and 94 Duffil do 6 cases wool filled Kerseys 2 do tow priced Sattineta Landing from brig Clinton, and for sale by HIRAM ROBERTS, oct 20 No 3 and 14 Gibbon's Building. Muslin Collars, Canton Flan- # ncl, dec* dec. Received pur brig L. Baldwin, W ORKED Muslin Collars, Velvet Ribbons, striped, nhecked and pluin Swiss Muslin, f atnbric Dimity, Furniture Chiutz Fancy silk Hhkfr, Canton Flanuels For sale by GEO. W. BEHN. oct 2Q Handkerchiefs, Caps* dee* dec* Xfl DOZEN Indigo blue plaid Hdkfs GOdo fancy plaid Hdfks, (Gingham pins) 35 dnz Wool Caps, low priced Saltiuets 55 pcs plaid Lini<ey 36 do Indigo blue plaid Homespun Received per brig L Buldwiu, and for sale by oct 20 GEORGE W. BEHN. (Hams. A SMALL invoice of choice Baltimore Hems, landing from brig Eleanor, and for safe by 19 WHITE & BARTELS. Jtl oct Negro Cloths. /5J CASES Negro Cloths, of good quality, X eJ and a very heavy ntticle, for sale by oct 19 L. BALDWIN & CO. Butter and Cheese* ^ A Firkins Butter, 7 ca>>ks and 15 boxes JLvF Cheese. Just receiv ed and for sale by ,P SIIAPTER & WOODBRIDGE. oct 15 Shoes* 1 OO CASES Mens' Kip Brogans 10 do do Russet do 4 do Boys’ Thick do 2 do Messes Leather Bootees, received per ship Hercules from Boston aud for sale on reasonable terms by L. BALDWIN & CO. oct 21 Mess and prime Beef* A[A BBLS. Mess Beef, N. Y. city inspection VF 50 do Prime do do Landing and for sale by oct 22 8HAFTER & WOODBRIDGE. „ Potatoes. -iDLS Irish Potatoes, in fine order, just received and for safe by KING & COOMBS, oct 20 Union Ferry Wharf 50 Potatoes* OJA BBLS. Potatoes, in fine order, landing tJ vf from brig Clinton, und forsale bv f oct21 CLAGHORN & WOOD. Hams, Tongues, Ac. 8 .BBLS. Hams, 3 do smoked Tongues, 10 do pickled do Landing from brig Clinton, and forsale by oct21 CLAGHORN & WOOD. Hams. A IV(IDS superior Hams, now binding 1U from ship Eli Whitifey, and will be sold low by L. BALDWIN & CO. oct 21 Soap. j Al BOXES Slurtevnnt, Norton & Co's XV/JL No 1 Soap, now landing from ship Eli Whitney, foi sale by GEO. H. MAY. Who has also on hand a few thousand very choice Segura, of tho “ Ehuoro" aud ** Tacou” Regalia Brand. oct 21 Principe Segars* 8 M. Priucipo Segurr, Steumboat brand 20 do do do, Folia do 60 do Spanish do 20 do Red Muriin do, received per L Bald win and for sule by oct 21 CLAGHORN & WOOD. snu lloots find Brog:uus. A CASES calf pump Boot. Jt 2 clo think Broxuna, for ante low by oct 19 L. BALDWIN i CO. Molasses. 150 refc? 8 {Superior 50 bbl. ) • For uln on favourable term* b; oct 19 Cuba Molunl, ible term* by . L. BALDWIN & CO. Starch and Oil. Boxw Colgate'. Suirch; 8000 gallons bleueuad and iinblaeched refitted whale . Now landing und for rale by HAZARD, DENSLOW & WEBSTER, oct 17 ViJI ■ _'Ol* t iving part of har o despatch lor the J do .. *. ,V»j'. *•... ‘i..' s -=m 85 98 900 do 69 do Ticket. $15, II.lv, Ticket, and Sf package, for ' Coi 1,7_ 1,000 orig OPELOUSAS, r orreK, nuiater. For Haight or praaago, apply on board, or lo • , < * FRANCIS SORREL & CO. • Who iinvo for ante on board said brig, 600 bbls superior bnkor’s Flour.' 2000 biihliels pVluie White Corn 1000 do prime Onts In bags 20 kegs Gilded Butter .>20 bbls Whiskey A net 20 ilsh Seenrs doi,, do eaob Goods Store, Upon the Cash System., A T tbe store lately occupied * by J. & In- gersoll, West side Monument-Square, is now opeuinsn very extonsivo and splendid as* sortmeut of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS; entirely fresh, embracing every article usually found in a dry goods store—which have been selected wills greet care in die New York and Boston markets and bought upon cosh terms, (many oftlilm at auction) and are offered forsale wholesale and retail, at a small advance, for cash or city acceptance. ^ Aveirlarge assortment of common, fine, su perfine Three Ply and Venetian CARPETINGS of new and yery rich pattermqnlso,Rugs,Matting, Oil Cloths, printed Floor Baize, Carpet Binding, Thread, dc., nt much less prices than ever before offered in this market. Persons in the citv and country wishh purchase, are respectfully invited to call — atniue for themselves, oct 7 243—3w “ Silk SliIrts, &c. dec* i ILK Shirts and Drawers, -J Merino do do Coltou Shirts, Silk Ilhdkfr Collars, Stocks nnd elastic Suspenders Fancy col’d aud black Silk Cravats Merino, Lamb’s Woof, Silk and Cotton j Hose Merino, buckskin and Silk Gloves Received per brig L Baldwin, and for sale by oct 20 GEORGE W. BEHN. 90 dozen rich fancy Shawls, A MONG which aro xX84 and 64 rich Damask Silk 44 changeable and plaid do 84 emb’d Thibet Wool, very rich 8-4 Broch* and Blnnket Together with a large assortment of Scarfs and small dress Hhdfs; all of which will be sold ala small advance from cost, for cosh, or good paper. AVERY & JOHNSON, oct 19 South side Monument 8quare. „ Cravats. I BOX rich and fashionable Down Cravats, received by AVERY & JOHNSON, oct 19 Plains, Blankets, dec* r|*HE subscribers will receive per ship Russell X daily expected from Liverpool, their usual extensive supply of English and Welsh Plains, London Duffil. Blankets, and other Plantation Dry Goods, viJuch. together with a general assort ment of Negro Cloths of Domestic manufacture, latelyreceivod nre offered forsale on liberal terms. JAMES ANDERSON & CO. oct 15 No 3 At 10 yVaring’s Building. Buckwheat Flour* *1 A QUARTER bbls. Bucksvbcut AU 15 Kegs do Landiug from brig L. Baldwin, aud for sale by oct 21 CLAGHORN & WOOD. 14 oct 21 Blitter. FIRKINS superior Northern Butter, for salt by NOBLE A'HARDEE. Butter and Sugar Crackers* K BBLS. Bntter Crackers JmlsJ 40 boxes do do for family use, 10 bbls Sugar Crackers Landiug from brig L. Baldwin, and for saleby oct21 CLAGHORN & WOOD. Cranberries* *1 d HALF bbls Cranberries, landing from XVI ship Hercules,and for sale by oot21 L. BALDWIN & CO. Timber and Lumber. 1 AHA PIECES Pitch Pine Timber A VMJv/ 600 Lightwood Posts 150 M. Sawed Laths 600 Live Oak and Cypress Knees, well sea soned. For sale by JOSEPH H. BALDWIN, eng28 At Stiles* Wharf. Gin* 3 PIPES “Crown” and 3 pipes “Stag” Gin, now landiug from ship Timoleon, for saleby ocl9 GEO. H. MAY. CofTe^* BAGS prime Rio Coffee, landing from tl vF brig Eleanor from Baltimore, and for salo by . WHITE & BARTELS, oct 19 Corn Shelters* rt £ Patent Corn Shelters. AmIII For sain by HAZARD, DENSLOW & WEBSTERp oct 17 llay, Apples, Batter, Ac* A A Bale* prune Amboy Hay, 46 bbls Apple*- - t/U 50 do Potatoes (Mercer,) 12 firkins Dai ly Butter.. Landing fromschr Nicholas Biddle, from New York, and for sale «• eonnignment by oct 17 WHITE A BARTELS. Sperm and I inseed Oil* *9 AAA GALLS pure bleach’d Sperm Oil AUUU 1600 do English Linseed do Just received and forsale by HAZARD, DENSLOW & WEBSTER, oct 17 40 Tar, Pitch, dec* BBLS. Tar, 25 do Pitch _ 10 do Rosin, 20 do Bright Varnish 5 do Turpentine. Lunding per brig Savan nah, aud for sale by oct 13 CLAGHORN & WOOD. Harry Lorrequer* T HE Confessions of Harry Lorreqner, with numerous illustrations, by Phiz, 1 vol. 8vo. Continuation of Memoirs or the Court of Eng land, during (ho reign of the Stuarts, including tho l'rotecternte, by Jim. Henr.ageJnss,in2 vols. containing Memoirs of Cromwell, Gen. Monk, Prince Rupert, the Duke of Buckingham, Duke of Monmouth,, Dutchess of Richmond, of Buck ingham, of Cleveland, of Portsmouth, of Muza- riue,und of Richmond. Jormyn, tlio Earl oflloch- ester, Count ond Countess of Grammont, Nell Gwvnn, Ac. Ac. The young Priiun Donna, a Romanco nf the Opera, by Mrs Gray, author of “ The Duke,” in 2 vols. Ten Thousand a Year, by the author of “ The Diary of a Physician,” 2 vols. A ikins’ British Poets, from Johnson to Beattio, i voi. Frost’* do. from Falconer to Walter Scott. Boecacio’s Decameron, 2 vols. 8vo. Sir Walter Scott’s Works, complete in 10 vols, 8vo., bound in cnlf. Charles O. Malloy, the Irish Dragoon, by the author of“ Ilarrv Lorreqner, Nos. f, 2,3 and 4, with humorous illustrations. No. 12 Mastor.Humphrey’s Clock. Tha American A Imnnae for 1840. Georgia and South-Carolina Almanaes, by wholesale ond retail. Just received. W. THORNE WILLIAMS. • oct 22 For Bfil(lmore,-%«/tfr Line. T|»e cottner fastened and coppered brig j£LEANOR, Captain Jones, having most light engaged, will mil onThursdny noxt. v tons of heavy freight, or passage, hav- nccominodntions, apply on board at Bol t’s central Wharf, or to 8. PIHLBRICK A CO. Who offer for sain, landing from on board, 5 hhdsBiicon.Obbl* Lnrn r 30 bbl* Gin, 30 do Whiskey 46 boxes Tobacco 200 bbls nnd 2^ half do Iloward-st. Flour 1600 biishcls Oai*. oct 19 60 boxes hnlf do I,. 100 do Spanish f. 75 do.- C’larpt, 1 do; 14 do., do 3 10 do do 1 Salo positive to cIl _ _ cash (city money) before del of store, A good second hand 8n belonging to a. traveller, aud caslli nil* tnntiotv, j*y s. Phi At nhvata sale—82 bi fee, 25 kogs Goshen Bti bbls Potatoes, 20 bbls ~ uiodating terms (Jot*. r lYe For Ncw-Orlcaus. The first clam brig LIME ROCK, Fales, Ulster, will meet With despatch for the above port. For freight or passage, apply lo Copt. F. on board atTovlor's wharf, or to ocl 10 WHITE A BARTELS. M Warc-liensc* TO RENT, that large and commodious Ware-house, near the Rail Road Depot, emeu* by Mr. F. 51. Stone, on the corner of Liberty and Montgomery-streets. Possession given immediately. It is weli located for a person who would wish to commence a Ware-house business in this city, on the plan adopted in Augusta, Macon, Ac. Apply toRichuru B. While, Augusta, or to oct 22 254 J. P. STUART. Mansion Honso—SJ VAN NAIL This wellknowu Establishment is .now open, under the direction mid, management of the Suhscrihorand his Lady, who will take pleasure in administering to the com fort of such la dies end geOttemen as may fa vour them with a call. LEANDER BUTLER, oct 21 254l OT The Augusta Chrnn. A Sentinel, Charles ton Courier, Milledgeville Recorder,. Macau Messenger, and Sandersville Advocate, will givo the above threo insertions, and send their bills for collection. L. B. Planter’s Hotel—SAVANNAH, QA. JbA This establishment is now open, JzL EdLfnr the reception of both steady andjUiiJL and|tran>ient Boarders, under the management of the subscriber, who pledges himiolf, that noth ing on hi* part shall be‘Wanting. This house lias been fitted with new furniture of the neatest style, and the bedding equalled by none iu the families can be occoimndifeted with private rooms, surpassed by none, for comfort—prices moderate, nnd the best the market* can afford, will be procured. This house is on the Bay, near tbe markot, and convenient to ull kinds of business. No bar will be kept open in tbe house, to an noy those who may be pleased to stop with the subscriber. The best ofsorvnnts will be in attendance. J. SLATER. QTThe Southern Advocate. Georgia Journal, Federal Union, nnd Southern Whig, will please publish the above six months, nnd forward their accounts to the subscriber for settlement. J. S. oct 15 248—6m For Rent* M A twp story dwelling House, with stable attached, in Middle Oglethorpe Ward. Also,2 stores on Bolton’s Central wharf. Ajijjly to E HENDERSON. oct 1 Flnfe Instruction* M R. V.;H ENKY, has the honour to announce to the Amateurs of the Flute, that he has established himself at Snvonnah for the Wiuter, and is reudy to givo lessons on that instrninent on very moderate terms. Rtferencts—Messrs Robt Mackny, and F Dure, oct 16 250|(l ‘ Watch and Jewellery Store, South side Monument-Square. The subscribers iiave and will keep constamlyon band a well selected assortment ofCtocks, Watches, Jewel lery, Silver-ware, and fan cy Goods, which they will sell on the most reasonable terms, to those who will fa vour them with a call. SPEAR A JONES. N. B —Particular attention paid to Repairing Clocks und Watches, and their time warranted. Also, Jewellery made lo order and repaired, oct 21 254 20 Brandy, Gin und Claret* ~ HALF pipes Seignette’s Brandy is Holland C* " ’ _ 10 pipes' Holland Gin, of sup’r quality 100 cases Bordeaux Claret, received from the Importers aud for sale by oct 8 ROSER & O’DRISCOLL. Woodeu Ware* T WELVE dozen iron bound paintedPaila 10 dozen do Cow Pail* 100 nest Measures, 60 do Boxes 20 doz Brooms, 50 nest round and Oval Keelers, 20 do Willow Baskets Landing aud for sule by A TURNER, oct 12 Exchange Dock. Java Coflee* ~t AQ BAGS priuio Java Coffee, landing X vrO l* rom ■b'P Emily, forsale by oct 8 ROSER A O’DRISCOLL. Kerseys, Sattincts A Sheetings. ALSO, NEGRO MENS’ BROGANS, BOYS’ DO. A LARGE nssnruiient of the ubove Goods re ceived by late arrivals, and for sale on fu- vorublc terms, by O. JOHNSON A CO. oct6 24l Damaged Bagging* Pieces damaged Bugging, tor sale by DD oct hi ROSER A OTJRISCOLL. Salad Oil. f A Bask.ta Salad Oil. . Just received and for sale by oct 16 ROSER & O'DRISCOLL. Scaurs. CKVENTY thooaaiid Snanisb Began, choice J brands, 76 M linlfdu no. For sule low bv oct 19 A TURNER, Eichanj,® Dock'. Apples and Onions T HIRTY boioa Apples,SUOObuncbes Onions Jnst received end lor sole by oct 12 A TURNER, Exchange Dock. limn add Giu. F IFTY bblsN E Runi,20doJonck'sGm. For sale by A TURNER, oct 12 Eschnnga Dock. New Mo el. AA HALFbbU No 1 Mackerel, landing from AZ\J ship SoJoo.and forsoleby oot 19 L05JG & PATTERSON Sugar, Sperm-Randles, Batter, Chcese.Ac. 1 A Hhl|« Si Croix Siibw.B Ho Porto Ilico do, XU 5 bores lonfdo, Sana sperm Candles, 8 “ 8 cnsks Clieese, 3 pipes and 5 qr do ndv, 10 qr casks Amerieait do, 10 Wine, 10 do Port do. Lending <r». 1 Its 0 a. «» or k • By 8. 1‘hilbrlck Sc CoT At Private Sale. One bale English (all woo!) grey Kcm cases Madder Prints, one doCachccodo, _jguayra C — By 8. Phiibrick & Co. Privatfa Said A Negro Fellow about 45 year* of a,, is a good ploughman and accustomed lo of Iiiimiiii; also,ii first rate nxotnan and prel jobbing carpenter. Ho would provo ir~ to any one in a steam saw mill, as ha employed for night years in one of the fl tensivo establishments in tho Slate. ** sold on time for approved paper. Lime at Private Sail ^ By S. Phiibrick 200 cask* superior-^ from brig Tybce from low from the wharf. Alto, 0 dozen Mead, a superior sept 4 Rl Lund in McIntosh County By 8. PhllbricL The tract of Land known a* the Borlain situated on the south side of 8apello Ri .McIntosh County, adjoining lands McKay nnd John McBain.oontniniu, more or less, with inipfovatqgnt* Ac. /ipply as abovo. Sheriff’s Bale. W ILL bo sold on tho first Tu< vcuibor next, befora tlio Ci Hinesvillc, Libortv CoiinWj betwi hours of sale, tho following proper One tract of Land containing one the half of a two hundred gcro tra er tract containing!fifty acres, tin dred aero tract. The above tmcti Henry Dyess, now tho property A. S my Icy, and to bo sold to sal tions against said estate in favor oi Property pointed out by If. W. Allen. sept 18 8. 8. MOODY, d. Administrator’s Sal< A greeably u sn crder.c Court of Effingham County, for ordinary purposes, will bo i Tuesday in December npxt, b hours of sale, three nogro men I Andrew, *nd Arter, the property < James Burton, dccnosecf. Sold for a < Term* made known on the diy of sale. . — -- sept 15 223 C. A. BURTON, Adm’or. Sight Exclinugc on Netv-York, s sums to suit purchasers. For wilo by 61 oct 13 LEWIS & WILDER. Central Rail Road Stock. 9 SHARES. For sale by oct 15 R. RAIFORD. * State Bank Stock* *1 ft SHARES. For sale by lU oct 15 It. RAIFORD. Chatham Academy* T HE Winter Session in this Academr'vivi commence on the first Monday in .Novem ber, at which time all the Department* will bo supplied with Instructors. . ^ ’ Classical Deportment—H. If. Spofford, A. B. » Seuior Boys’ Do.—A. R. Palmer, N. B. ' ' dff Junior Boys’ Do.—D. 8 Diekinson, A-B. ' Senior Girls’ Do.—E. E. Pynchon, A. M. Junior Girls’ Do.—F. B. Folger, A.Mi^ -htf V* Junior Gills’ (2d Division.) French Department—Mods. Pci No efforts have been spared lo seen vices of able assistants. The Professor has been employed in several colleges iu try, and recently in tbe Gothic Female ! iu Northampton, Mass., where he gave isfaclion as a gentleman ond a scholar, er Teachers have had much experience! qualified in every respect to discharge efficient* ly their various duties. The Academy is suppli ed with Maps, Globes and Apparatus; which, to* gether with what is yet expected, will furnish the means of illustration in all tbe branches of the Natural Science*, on which % Lectures { with ex periments, will be given during the, Winter.^ EDW’D, *E. PYNCHON, Principal. oct7 242U Situation Wanted* A YOUNG MAN just arrived in Savannah from tho North, is desirous of obtaining a situation as Instructor, either in a public or pri vate capacity. He is a graduate of a Northern College, has had some experience it; teaching, and cun produce unquestionable testimonials of character and qualifications. He intends to re-, side permanently ntthe South, and can give good reference in the city, if necessary. Communica tions addressed to W. F. G. r through the Post Office, will ftceive prompt attention. oct 21 264|| v*.. To OAcrseers* TTTANTJ21J—An experienced Rice Planter. IT One highly recommended, will do well to nmkn onrly application to King A Desanssure, Charleston, or to R. A W. KING, oct 20 252{|lmo Notice* v T HE business heretofore transacted in tho. Cityjof Savannah, Gn. under tho name and firm of Hazard, Denslow, A Co. will hereafier be continued by the undersigned, who have changed tho name of their firm to that of Hazard, Dcuslmo Sf Webster. AUGUSTUS G. HAZARD, ALLEN A. DENSLOW, JAMES R. WEBSTER. - New York, Oct 8th, 1840. oct 16 Twenty Dollars Reward* • L OST on the evening of the 8th or morning of the 9th inst. a s.nul) POCKET WAL LET, containing three FiAy Dollar Bills of the Bank of North America at’Philadelphia, and a certificate of deposite in the same Bank for two thousand five bundled dollars A reward of twenty dollars will be paid for its delivery to WM. H. TURNER, oct 10 Opposite the Munsion House. Farm for So— rilHAT benutiful Farm of 100 acres andltn- X provemeuts, situated 41 miles from the city of Savannah, the Central Rail Read ru ’ through it. Good planting land, a first rat* for a store and public‘house, perfectly he A brick yard could be established to advantage. Possession given on tlio 1st day of March'next. R. ULUBRIDGE. oct 10 245 Hartford Fire Ii I NSURES agaiustjoffs dwelling housed, turn, mills, manufncl terms as favorable qmi The reputation, this a business of more than' - Stesr Tha ttneb nab, und )K^ i#l ww!