Daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1839-1840, October 23, 1840, Image 4

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*r _ JiflJmprqve- situata, lying and being in the City y * t _ A improvements, third iMiniidcd north by n [reel, cist hv Lot No. ♦tin* (9); nl«o tlio 10) and improve- , Derby Ward/ " ’ by JJrougbtr 'vcitby lavi JM nty, i ant. • LLY, SherilT c.c. (Georgian) t nnlfl. Hi.- HP' Shcrifl’s sale. ■^TrriLLIiaaoliInn llio first Tne«Iny ill No W vombor nr<l, before Urn Court Home in h, between the usual hours of ^nropnrty.towit: j or parcel or Land situate in the / of Chatham, being an undivided mqiety is Nos. (13) thirteen, and (14) fourtcop, at Deptford, lormerly known by the namo of eFntfiom Hole, in Savannah River, contain* ing two hundred feet front on snid Kiver, tliree hundred feet from the ;buck to low water mark, exclusive of a thoroughfare of twouty-five f being the same property’conveyed by Ni Turnbull to Peter Mitchell by deed, dated February, 1812. * tin l l tl.| W«ahtt l i tile Pim and Piiwna tnken the store on tire Buy under the Counti Room of Messrs S. Solomons «& Co, tvligro they intend keeping n full and general assortment of Iron,8it«ljN R nil£ T \&<k 0LMgTEA ^ HUNTINGTON *HOLCi ALLEN tt. WRIGHT. Savannah, 15th October, 1840. oct 14 240|(C4 T Conartnersliip. HE Subscribers have this da p*rtti*r«ltip under the firm REILLY, for then urposo oftrni al GlWCEKY flUSlNi tire West side of Marl keep oil hand a genei well as Blankets, Negro Cloths and Shoes, sons wishing ta purchase, will please calland ex- urn Harriet, Pat inter, Beck, Hurry, . levied on as tho pro- 11, to satisfy, an execution Planters' Bank of rite State of Jeter Mitchell. Property point* s Attorney. IWLLY Shoriffc.c. (GVnltl Gchnlnc Calcined Mag nesia, tu-ficial iu all diseases of the stom •weltfwnch we attended with acid? immediate relief to the hcni*.burn. in eating or drinking are it, and it nfiordr one of the most pfeosant gperients, especially ft om a sedentary life or other r the frequent ncct**«jty of lmv- laxatives. To persons of a bil- ’ habit, it may be recommended liar propriety: irtd its virtues have been \tcrt:3?d’l!P!be d-*-»?•••• of warm c!i- any of the complaints of children, in mey, and even at more advanced peri odic! with acidity; and in such cases, nesia has a great advantage ats,viz: that it both neutrali- aliraentary canal, and acts os yet gentle purgative, supply of this highly recommended A LL persons indebted to the lata firm of John B. Gaudry, oy note, open accnuut or due bill, and those indebted to Gaudry * requested to call and settle the some oct 5 JOHN B* ( Notice. is indebted to the stibsci , due bill or open account, past icd that tho same must be paid by A or they will indiscriminately be LONG & PATTERSON. just received. For sale by . , G. R. HENDRICKSON. A Certain Care for sick Head* *** * Artie. iroin imancy.as a consmunonai lamuy com| s andJu^fored effectually in every instant at Known, amounting to many hundreds. It 1 unpleasant to the taste, and does not preve Notice* T HREF.tnonths after date, application will be made for the renewal of Certificate No. 202, for twenty-five share* in the Capital Stock of the Bank of St. Mary*7anled 13th Febmary, 1840, in lieu offlTe original, which has been lost or mis laid. B. HOPKINS. Sl Marys, 27th Ang. 1840. sept 1 2llt3m " Ann 1 , m/i/ hasbeeffhsed in families, every -NY; member of which hns had sink headache ■out infancy,os a constitutional family complaiut, “ J - <r ——"•* : instance yet . It is not preventthe is of oue using it; it must be perse- le cure is gradual, but certain and nt. Instances are constantly multiply- re this distressing complaint is complete- e.d and cured, although of years standing, ise of Dr. Spohn's celebrated remedy. | lecidcd preference is its pleasantness, lmv onq. of the-nimbeaflng effects of common nil dyspeptic syratains, costiveqessfirregu* /distress after meals, pains in the side ami idiiy ofthe liver, the cure is perfect, and any Rioted will hcconte immediately convin* ig it, that he has at last found a ‘‘sover- a for his wounds." Females are particu- ommended to nse it for costiveness or ir- rity, and other female complaints. It is 0 correct vitiated and disordered humors .. the stomach in most perfect order. Those . persons who after an eveniagsindnlgence at par ties, &c. have headache and dnllncss tho next 4 day, will find this a sure preventive if taken nt bed time. For all common complaints, in a few days it* virtues will be self-evident, and a complete ""eiire will soon bq effected. *When o person has »told and feels unwell, generally a free, use ofit - fora few days will bo sure to relieve without physic or pills. To children it may he given with the greatest advantage. Jnall acidity or sourness ofatomach this remedy is sovereign and invaluable; os a general family medicine it is now adopted by many of the most '^“-pectabJe futniles. Jt never sickens the stomach duces any of the unpleasant effects ofnhysi mle by T. M. & J. M. TURNER. Moinnont Square. -2 Lots, taxed 94 cents. is. 49G, 497—2 Lots, taxed 94c. irrnid. i itoxod$188. Owners Wilson ots/nxed $225. Owner Jos. nvdeu Nectls, O—Cnog 1640. opportunities for extensive practical nbservutiou have enabled him judi ciously to discriminate such varieties ofvegi-ta* hies us uro really worthy of culture, from tbe info* “ ? *—““quern, worthless varieties li havn been perpetuated refore, iu making this i many sorta usually those who arc mere of seeds.—And be Is ,„ light not he stUkfnrUior ivauiago; at tiny rate this is ample n r however exteusive, and fully taste. ,<• i, the proprietor wislien what is sold by him is but sliKhLcx re P l i° n ') re confidence, tlmtthoy he fur superior to most r such as are casually tales. SL5£ ! Bancroft. 3 acres Lnnd*taxed 42 cents. Owner B. Dart. 127 acres tand east of tho city, taxed $17 85; 25 do do do do do, do 47 cents. Owner U. Dart. 700 acres Land, taxed $75. Owners Bruns wick andFloridn R R Co. 5 acres land, taxed 94cts;2 Lots,Nos 145 and 146, taxed 0# cents. OwnerT. W. Goode. Store House, taxed $2 81: House, Ac. and 17 acres Land, taxed $5 62, and 8 Slaves taxed $6. Owner Gee Dupree. . ... - 3 Lots, House. Ac. tax $225; lOSIavestaxed ander Atkinson, late of Camden Count/} $5 63. Owner Mrs. C. Lninh. • ms * * * * , Btore and Lot, taxed $409. Owner Joseph (WY, it to of therefore will, upon of foreign iuiportat.,. collected in the Unite! Asparagus, large green Melon, Nm Beans, tarlv six weeks Water Spani SuecklodjVulentUte — • •• China Red Eyo Carolina or Seweo Beet. Long Blood ,E;.r!v Turnip . WlqtaSugar . . . Mangle WmlzeJ Borecole* Broccoli. Purple Cano Cubbage, Early York Early Sugar Loaf . : Notice. A LL persons indebted to die Estate of Alex- anaer Atkiuson, late of Camden Count/] deceased, are requested to make immediate pay; mentto toe subscriber; and those having claims against said Estate, will please present them pro perly attested without delav. to E. ATRINSON, Adm’or. . sept 18 226to- Notice. F OUR months after date, application will be mode to the Honorable Court of Ordinary, of Glynn County, when sitting for ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell apart of tho Real and Persoual Estate of the late B. F- Cuter, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said Estate. MARGARET R. CATER. Ex’ix. . HUGH FRASER GRANT, Ex’or. July 10,1840. sept 29 235 Notice. F OUR months after date, application will be made to tbe Court of Ordinary for tho Coun ty of Camden, for leave to sell all the Lots and Improvements situate in tho Town of Jefferson, belonging to the.estate of John Bailey, late of said county deceased. C W. THOMAS, \ A . m . nril ROBT. LANG, J Adm june 25 154 Notice. F OUR months after date, application will he made to the Honorable tlw Justices of the Inferior Court of Chatham County, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all thqt House and out Buildings on Lot No. 3*. Pulaski Ward, in tbe City of Savannah, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of estate of Lewis Bird, deceased. SARAH BIRD, Adm’ix. july 13 168 Ol. X, cd $' rt'isou’s Specific Ointment, l the cure of white swellings, ccrofulou and other tumors, ulcers, sore legs, old and ftesh wounds, sprains and bruises, swellings and iuflainmations, scald head, women’s sore breasts, ' rite urn arte Jmm* r tetters, eruptions, chilblains, whitlows, biles, corns, and exturnn! diseases gen erally; The proprietor lms received at least a tliousand certificates and other documents in fa- rorof his SPECIFIC OINTMENT—and they embrace almost all the complaints—in their w orst stages—to which ointment or sinking plaster can be applied. Among those certificates, there are s a greafnumber from the most eminent physicians in the country, who use the Ointment in their ¥ d»Hy practice, in preference to aqy, or all others which have ever been invented. The proprietor has also received a great many testimonials from . /arriers, military gentlemen, farmers and others, relative tathe amazing efficacy pf bis Ointment, in bruise.^; cuts, and all the external complaints and diseases of horses; and among them are no Jess than a dozen certifying to the most perfect .cures >vhich it lias performed on the soro bucks •fsoino of those animals. Altogether the pro- feels no hesitation in stating—or In put- ?. t J‘°J , . r , onf n S'duHt all composition—tlmt RISON’S SPECIFIC OINTMENT" is vastly superior.to every wing of the kind which lofore been offered to tho public, nd wholesale and retail ut all tho princi- g Stores in Savannah. Notice* F OUR months after date, I shall apply to the llouorublo the Inferior Court of Camden County, for leave to sell ulltlio Real Estate of Jumps Lloyd, deceased. july 28 E. D. TRACY, Adm'or. Store and Lot, taxed $188; stock in trade tax- $4 41. Ownor J. Franklin. House and 2 Lots, taxed $5 03; 13 lots and Building taxed $2813-100; 4 Lots taxed $2 81, 4 Ski cs eniploycdyaxed $4 25. Owners Bruns wick Lumber CoT^ Store. House and Lot, taxetfeftf 50; 1 Slave taxed 94c. Owner B L Harris, f: AcmWmy Buildinpr, Ux 04c, stock in trade, tax $1 87;4 Slaves, tax $2 25. Owner James Moore. Personal property, tax $1 25; 3 Slaves em ployed, tux $$81. Owner B. Talbot. Capital Stuck, tax^2 50. Owner the Bank of Brunswick. Stock in trade, tax 94c. Owner R. Halligan. ‘Stock in trade, tax 94c; 2 Slaves employed,tax $1 13, estate J U Hazznrd. 8tock in trado, tax $187. Owner J W At- will.' *• Stock in trade, tax 56c. Owner B Duffy. * 3 Slaves, tax $1 09. Owner J Spalding. 2 Slaves, tax $2 81. Owner J B Harris. 1 Slave employed, tax 94c. Owner A Scranton 5 Slaves employed, tax $2 81; personal pro perty,tax $187. Owner A L King. 1 Slave employed, tax $113. Owner C Davis, 1 Slave employed, tax 75c. Owner J D Mil ler. 2 Slaves employed, tax $113. Owner Mrs. Anst. 1 Slave employed, tax $1 87; one Stallion, tax $113. Owner William P. Wilin'. 4 Slaves, tax $225. Owner ES Ashcraft. 4 Slaves employed, tax $150. Clurk owner. Personal property of J M Kunze, taxed $1 87. Personal property of II A Breed, fMxcd $1 87. Personal property of J M Sturtivant, taxed $1 87. 3 Also, the following property taxed for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-eight: * * Owner Jos Assignee’s Notice. T HE subscribe! has been appointed Assignee by Henry N. Gamble, of all his Estate am* effects, for the benefit of nil his creditors. Al persona indebted to said Henry N. Gamble, a r^quaauul to make immediate payment; and 11 creditors of said Henr/-Nrti»»-bf“.. nre rcqnes ed to band in their accounts properly nucatm within three months, otherwise the undcrsignei will not be responsible for tho payment of tiicm outof the assets. H. W. HUDNALL. Darien, July 18,1840. july 21 *]75t3in n Administrator’s Sale. mrsfiance of an order from the Justices of e Inferior Court while sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in No/ember next, before tho Court House in this citv, between the usual hours of sale, a Negro man named Moses, belonging to the estate ofM. H. Drake, deceai ed. Sold fbr tbe benefit ofthe heirs and creditors of said estate, wptl ORLANDO A. WOOD, Adm'or. cording to law to either of the undersigned. * FRANCIS M. SCARLETT, ( Qmd’d STEPHEN M. TIMMONS, (Ex’orr. sept 4 - 2I4t4m Georgia—Hclniosb L To ull whom it may cohcl W HEREAS James R. Obberry applies to me for Letters of Dismission, as Execu tor of the estate of John Obberry, late ofsaid county deceased, These arc therefore to cite and' admonish ol. and singular the kindred and creditors ofsnid de ceased, to bo and appear at my office within tho time prescribed by jaw, to shew cause (if any they have) why said (fetters should not be grun*-' 1 v Given undos^yiiond at office this fin May, 1840. 'CT ' : V J. E. TOWNSEN . "Iterkc. o. m. i/i _ liclftius Mustard do ers URNER. Mustard, whim Okra Onion, silver skin Large Yellow psfslgjif curled, .plain Pivrsnm. Sugar Peas, Early Churl ton Early Frame Extra do do Royal Dwarf Bishop Dwarf Dwarf, Blue Imperial Pepper, large Bell Puuipkiu, Cuslmw . Rhubarb. Tnrt Radish, Large Scarlet Long Salmon White Turnip Red do do Summer White Yellow Turnip Black Spanish Spinach, Round Leaved Do Red do.CressIOflri'd Prickly Seeded Cucumber,Early Frame Squash,Early Bush Do Long Green Long Green Egg Plant, large Purple Tomato, large ,, Endive, Curled Turnip, Red Top, Flat Leclc, Flag’ Leaved Dutch, Yellow Swedish, Lettuce, Early Cabbage Purple Top Rutabaga Largo India Brown Dutch Just received and for sain by T. 31. & J. M. TURNER, sept 30 ' Monucggnt-Square. The Luc inn cordial,’ UEWAItE OF FKAUD. HE unprecedented popularity of tlilsbiancfi- and inestimable CORDIAL in the U- tntes, hns induced-fine or mnmmnrinoi- tn mnpufucturo spurious catchpenny " lines, and purporting to It which, ill reality, pro- n that of swlfidliug tho . and to give a yet more, plausible appear ance of their cupidity, thoso persons affect tiiat their wretched nostrums have been in nse in England and eNewlicre fora number of years; whereas, until tbe illustrious Dr. Mngnin made his wondordtl discovery, no cure for barrenness hnd been over thought of, or at least made’pub lic ; and all iho*c then ill use for the restoration ofthe decayed Virile powers were found to be of bill llttlo avail, ^riius, nil nostrums advertised fur barrenness or the cureoflmpotent-y; but.Dr. Magnin’s are mero catchpenny humbugs, which would never have been thought of but for the ap pearance and grent celebrity of the LUCINA CORDIAL. Aa no counterfeit ofthe nnmo is nt present in circulation, it may in gdtieral be a sufficient caution for the purchaser to nsk for the Luchin Cordial, but ns timber osaurnnee,it would be ns well to note that its name, Lucina Cordial, or Elixir of Love, is stamped in tho glass of each bottle—U%mombiued arms of France and tbe U- nited States are on the outward envelope—that n Fleur de Lis is printed on tho aceompnnying directions, and beauti/blly embossed on tho show hills hanging in tho stores of tborisjwho have the genuine article for sale. v The celebrity of the Lucina Cordial being such it is, it Is scarcely necessary to add that it Is tho *“ "cient remedy fur bnrrenness, and the Tea* if dfcsyed virile powers over known;’ i die cure of Fluor Albus,Gleet,ohstruc- ill *thn ln^nn-- cn«8i _ r niring crnhi uut the ciui.tii rostoruil to liTu lion. Tho El) rmnpop-iii of toot llm wertern country, which FKVKilS AND AGUESolBhkl fiill tn cmdicatfl'bntii’nly ull the of infinitely sooiior tliau the moot u _ ntions of'Snnmniirilln. anil will itn tliodeiemilnution of BLOOD TO novnjjhihi In nichneiw incident to young fei and will be fuuiid a certain rein edy in all cases oi nervous debility and weakness of tho most im paired constitutions. Ah a remedy fbr Chronic and Inflammatory Rheumatism, tho efficacy of tlio Pluenix Bitie/y will he demonstrated hv the nso of a ainide bpttle, Tlio usuul doso of tliesq Bitters is half • ^ Largo York Earlv Battersea Culled Savoy Green Glazed Flat Dutch Large Drumhead Drumhead Savoy Red Dutch Carrot, Early Horn Long Orange Cauliflower, Early Celety, White Si Do Red do,Crei 175. Academy Building, taxci Moore. Personal property of J R Hazznrd, tax $3 75. Also, on the following property for tho year lightecn hundred and thirty-nine: Houso and 17 acres of Laud, tax $6; 8 Slaves, ax $6. Owner Gcc Dupree. Acudcmy Building, tax 94c; 3 Slaves, tax $2 '1. Owner James Moore. House and Lot, tux $2 25. Owner Thomas ‘v.egnn. ^Hteck in trade of Spalding and Stookwoll, tax- Stock in tradeofJ RLLucurd. our $2 61. 3 Slaves, taxed $1 C8j|. Owner J Spalding. 1 Slave, taxed $1 31. Owner J B liurris. 1 Slave, taxed $1. Owner B L Harris 1 Slave, taxed $1. OwRer J A D Lnwrauee. 1 Slave and oue Stallidd,taxed $375. Owner William P Wilson. 1 Slave employed, taxed $1 31. Owner C Davis. WILLIAM P WILSON, Mayor. KJ*The Milledgpville Journal is requested to publish the above biice a week for six weeks, aug 25 205}l To Contrncto! .. Engineer’s Office, Central Rail Road, Savannah, August 28,1810. P ROPOSALS will bo recoived by the subscri ber ant'd the 20tb of October next, for build ing a Bridge over the Oconee River, for the Central Rail Road, and also for erecting about 4000 feel in length of truss work in the river swamp. Tho site ofthe Bridge is about 18 miles below Milledgeville; it is to be of lattice woik. with two srnns of 125 feet each, mid supported by two abutments and one pier of masonry, at an elova* iion of about 22 fort nbove low water innrk. Tho amount ofstone uud.lumber required, will he n< bout 500 percaca of the former, und about 1J2, 000 feet of the latter. • The trans work will ho unpported by piles, at a menu elevation of about 18 feet nliovo the swamp, and will require 500,000 feet BM of tim ber. exclusive of piles. • PlauHond specifications ofthe work may be seen, and all necessary explanations will be giv en, on application to tho undersigned at this of fice. Application may also bo madeatthflCoin- pony's office at Macon, from tl.o JOth to the loth of September, and from the 10tl> to the 15th of Octobegjk Mr. rj£p. Holcomb, assistant engineer, now engaged in locating the line west of the Oconee, if&flplied to, will point out the situ ofthe work, una will give any ^information touching-its local it/. ^~ Bids will ho vocelVPd for either the mesonry, tho supprutruclurD of die hiidgo, or the truso work ulmie. or for the whole together. L. O. REYNOLDS, Chief E:.gineor. ken at ull times, indigestion after nr invaluable, as they tion^yjjgprinci| diurgo into tho Thus ipoigestioii is easi a ppPUtereMoredi nn«l* 1 will prove ly increase tho nc- P them to perform io stomach to dis- atever is offensive. Mm "lyrtmioveil, tlm absorb- ill'JG titf lywtiiru^ mm Min iiiiiiihwui iiin nuiMim. ing vessels being cleanccd, nutrition is facilitated and strength of body imd energy of mind aro tbe happy results. Forfnrthor particnlnrs ofMoffatt’s Life PHli and Pliccnix liitters, apply nt Moffatt's office No. 516 Broadway, New York, where die Fills obtained for 25 cent«r50 cents | and the Bitters for $1 a $2 pei ous certificates of the wouderful tnny be there inspected. For sale by A. At his Store, oii the Bay, corner ol ,<? 9-ly •*s CcicbinttMl F f%ree Hundred Dollars l IE genuine French Fills tineuce ofthe urine, or the involuntary diachnrgo JK Q.UA^Knostfmnsot the i thereof, its superiority over every.ether medicino is not only decided,* but unquestionable. For saloby G. R. HENDRICKSON, july 29 182—ly Savannah. We our citis cured ol PETER’S PILLS. 'E would call attention to ihendvertisemcnt columns to-dny of PETERS'VEG- We understand by the best , there is no' preparation of so enviable a reputation, irth, their success husheei >ver Introduced web wM — most perfect saiisfn ad uu interview with i K. Fox, who was. recoi nmarkablq and obstinate neous eruption, where the body was covered with fulsoma ulcers, and even the tonsils of the throat eaten away—and by using these Pills daily for six weeks, was entirely restored to heal 111.—New York Examiner. •PETERS' VEGETABLE PILLS. They do indeed restore the health of the body, because they purify ond invigorate tho blood, und their good effects are hot counterbalanced by any inconvenience; being composed entirely of veg etables, they do not expose those who nso them to danger, and their effects are ns certain as they aro saintary; they are dnilyjftmd safely adminis tered to intnney, youth, manhcod and old age,and to women in the most criticalnnd delicate circum stances, they do not disturb or shock me animal functions, but restores their order aud re-estab lishes their health; aud for ail the purposes which a vegetable purgative, or certain cleum-er ofthe whole system are required, they staud without a rivalry . OCT* Sold wholesale and retail, al all the princi pal Druggists in Savannah. july 29 182—1/ ' of a certain disease. The FRENCH P| _ are applicable in allcasesfor either sex, (warrant ed free flrom mcrcuty,) and do not affect the breath in the least, and are perfectly pleasant and ogreeable to the stomach, and have never failed to tnnke a speedy and permanent cure, without the least regard to diet or application to business. In long, protracted or chronic stages of the dis ease, (msimate Gleets, Fluor Albus, Gravel, Fe-* mule Complaints, ora weakness of those organs, they are beyond .a doubt the most effectual reme dy ever discovered, having cured many Obstinate “ er every other medicine had (ailed. The 'ills Imve been so universally successful oprietor CHALtENOKH any one to pro- redy of equal certainty under a forfeit- .'bree Hundred Dollars, a $2 per box. For sale by d. It. HENDRICKSON, .8wnniili. july 29 IS2-ly , r, m papi &J. M. Honey of Clear Straii for sale by ANSON Pj - No. 8, G Evans* Chamomile .Pills, TjREPAfLED from a pure extract ofthe flow- er, a very wholesome medicine, mild in op eration and pleasant in effect, the most certain preserver of health, a safe aiul effectual cure of indigestion and all stomach complaints; and ns a natural consequence,' u pnrifiof of the blood and a sweetner ol tho whole system, to the nervous and debilitated. ► The powers of Evans’ Chamomile Pills nrc such, that the palpitating heart, tho tremulous hand, the dizzy cyo 4 aiid the fluttering mind van ish before their effects like noxious vapors before the benign influence of die morning sun. Thin tonic medicine is for various diseases, general de bility, indigestion and its consequences; as vvaut ofapnetite, an apparent distension of the stom ach, belching, pains in the stomach, acidity, uti- leosont taste in the month, rumbling noise In a bowels, nervous symptoms,langtiidness,when e mind becomes irritable, desponding, thought- il, melancholy and dejected, hypochondriucimn, iow spirits,consumption,palpitations ofthe heurt, nervous irritability, night nime,rheumatism,spas modic affections/dimness of sight, delirium, uud all other nervous symptoms, these Fills will pro duce an effectual cure For sale by ANSON PARSONS, Pspl? Np.J*Gihhons'Range. Sweet Oil. Akfh BASKETS superior Swoet Oil, (Vcsli fJ\J intonation, 10 b./xes do do, in flunks. ■'“'••'.“W.Udwcibon. %sr—’.»■««« Ladd, Tnpper & Slstnrc, Offer tor Sale, HHDS anti tierces Cuba Molasses f vf 50 lesnnd bids N. O. do 30 hlids Prime Porto Rico Sugar 15 boxes Refined Loaf Sugar „ * 75 bags Culm nnd'Old Java Coffee 25 boxes Baker’s Chocolate 450 Domijons, assorted sizes 130 peg heavy Dundee Bugging 30 crates Patent Wine Bottles 75 boxes Negro Pipes 85 M. Havana Segura 100 cusrs Hock and Chnmpngno Winns 70 qr casks Sicily, Port and Pico Wiues ml 12 pipes pure Holland Gin 4 halfpipes Cognac Brandy 200 bbls •‘PiielpV,’ Gin 50 bbls Bostou Eagle Gin 50 do do (to Rum 50 do Portland Rum 100 cocks coarse and lino Sidt 150 kegs pure White Lead 4 casks English Linseed Oil 200 Grindstones, assorted sizes sept 4 llalllbut Fins* •J A KEGS new, just received mid for sale by AU sept 16 LONG'Jr. PATTERSON. Cnunl Aour. 20 3VHOLE and half bbls, new wheat. Just r.-ccived and for sale by »»pt 15 LONG lL PA7 ATTERSON. Cosmetics* /"iHURCHRS’ gettuino Vegetable Lotion, Rowland’s Kalworn, an Eastern Botunlcul; discovery of mir'pi isT%'efficacy for rendering the skin soft mid fair, as well ns bestowing a delicate roseate bno to tlio complexion.. Just received and for sale by wptgQ THOS Oomusllc Iflnc Ut .• TV7... A O Bales Cotton Sheetings, from the Coven 4 *\/ try MnmifacoiJug Co. 20 bales Gcor- gin Nankeeiifl ftolhjhe Lntisdifle M&nrtfneturmg pi* Feters’ Vegetable Pills A RE daily effecting sonm of the most aston ishing and wonderful cures that hove evor been known—in consequence of which they have now become ashinittg mark, against which all the n i rows of disappointed hope, envy mill uneborit-. ublnness arc levelled without distinction. Peters* Vegetable Pills aro anti-bilious, ami- dyspeptic, ana anti-iuereurial, and may justly he ccnriJored a Universal Medicine—but they are peculiarly beneficial in tho following complaints: Yellow mid Bilious Fevers,Fevor and Ague,Dys pepsia, Croup, Liver Complaint, Sick Hcudiicnc, Jaundice, Asthma; Dropsy, Rheumatism,Enlarge ment of the Spleen, riles, Female Obstructions, Heartburn, Furred Tongue. Nansen, Distension of tho Stomach and Bowuls, Incipient Diarrhcra, Flatulence, Habitual Costivem*??, Lore of Appe tite, Cholic,. Blotched or Sallow Complexion, ntid in -It dn-ea ol Torpor of tho Bowuls, where n Cathartic nr nn Aperient is needed. . They arc exceedingly mild iu then opera;tous, producing neither mnsen; griping nor debility. O Sold w hoiesale and rotuil nt ail the principal Drug Stores in Savannah. july 29 lc2—ly Compound Snrsnpmllln, or Rlcnd Syrup, K NOWN from nil Others by being called tio. 1 SilverTop. Also, as a fucthar seourn;, uiy signature will bo found in my own hand wri ting, also on the outside wrapper. From the Editor of the Herald. Hroim's Satsapurilla Compound.—This delight ful and pleasant beverage for die summer, foGut corning'into use, find will Soon be nnjindlspewn- ble article In every.family. It makeFa delightful mend, and is an excellent purifier, of the blond. By a very smjill expenditure of money, die pi chaser has n bottle ofthe Sarsaparilla Compoui and a box containing tho SnlineTowder; tho on-, ly uncessaiy accompaniment is a niicher of ice water, and you have a perfect fountain, where, reader, yon mai teut. A little ol pared Sarsapurilln , ~ ... „ glass of Suwapnrilla Mend ns can he found in tlio city. We speak from experienro; don't toke our word, but go und get the nrtiole of William Brown, the inventor, 481 VVnshingtnh-street. For sale by T, M. & J. M.TURNER, nug 20 ‘ Mfimnncnt Square, iav refrigerate to your .'heart’s Con or tho Snline mixed >yitli the pro- rilln will give you' ns grateful a Dr. Eitcii’s Universal Strength ening Piaster. Unrivalled and Unequalled11 /CELEBRATED for curing pains, or weakness VJ in the breast, side, back or limbs; also, for gout, rheumatism, liver compliantnud dyspepsia. In coughs, colds, asthmas, difficulty of breathing, oppression of tho stanmeh,&c. they will give im mediate and soothing relief; and, for neatness, p'curiaiilnoss, safety, case and certainty, are deci dedly superior to other remedies. Perseus whose business or avocations require that they should sit or stand much, or those of sedentary habits generally, who may be troubled wilh pains in the side or breast, are ndvisod to try one of thoso beautiful and unrivalled plasters. They aro dif- fcrcutfrom others, and free from objections which are generally made against plasters. Perhaps there is no iffodicnl observation better established than tlmt “ Consumption originates in.nogleclnd Colds.” Iuiiclimate sovnriablohs ours, It re- nuires more cure and attention to guard against the attacks of this too often fiitnl disease, tliau inosi persons ore able and will'Ug to beAlbvv’. It Human Ilair* . T HE diseases ofthe hair among us are those which occasion baldness and gradual feting off of tho hair, ond thinness ofit—tho cameiol which arise from many disorders, especially »• versp porspirntion, which extends the pores, re laxes the roots,Touses tho hair to fall oft’, aua of ten occasions total baldness. Baldness has ever been esteemed a great defect. It generally onse« through violent exorcise, from whence arise per spirations, which too frequently occasion a low 'ofthe hair—it relaxes the roots—the acidity pre vents the fluid acting on the hair, which occasion* it to waste. For iuHtuuco, after a violent perspi ration die loiir becomes dry, it feels extremely hnmii, nnd no claKticity in it whatever; therefore, to prevent- its taking an eft act on lUcdwtir, first mb tho hair dry with a doth, then apply w ,e p®** * tho roots of tltedinir, re that tho skin may bo moistened, and remain so sf- ie of perspiration. denote and retail-by. the. proprietor- Thos. Quirk,No. 490 Broadway, N. York;and + Rheumatic tlnlincnL iMJ.incare' 1 recip- « her lute is. true, .de, de- are the us dread- ms from Dr* Jebb’s nucumuMv T HIS Itighly approved ancLlojilg. celpbratcd application for Rlieumntic ~ fully prepared according to th» Sir Richard Jebb, Bnronnl, Mnjcsty nnd Royul Family, that tho cxcrueiniing pain, ;y and premature old aUendants and consequences ol ed disorder, ore auffitrod Uy tm.ny Pl--- mter dc.pnir ofuettre, or frequent d6»W"' ment in tfie eilicocy of Uto nttmorou. P « antidote, used to elfont tills i.eqiMe. 1In «.«M who Imve mudo Irinl of Dr. Jobb s It et™ . Liuiment, oven in ebstiiiolo coses of long sWM ing, und of tUo.inost severo oliornctor, h» cetvod osstntiol relief, and nlpny.hyo JbW". oil in n few days, aotiio m , t. - _ 0 .. a number of persons m Bosjou uiffi^icim y» cannot therefore but be a grnlificntion^to tho sub- were formerly.^afflicted^. with,. Cer- scriber to bo enabled to offer to all of consump tive habits; or thoso afflicted will* distressing pnim in tho side or broupt, or any affection ofthe breast and lungs, a reasonable prospect of relief by usiUfi bis ” Universal Strengthening Plaster.” A supply of these valuable Plaster* Imp! con stantly on hand, by ANSON PARSONS, *upt 5 No. 8,Gibljons’ Rango. Fursoits* Vegetable Auii-Bilious Filin* * SAFE qiul aartein euro for nil bilious oom- pluints iirfdWRnetlohK bflfin bowels. If mlmmirtercd in tlmfftfiey will cffcctnnfiy retnovo the liilo from tho stomach, nnd counteract the ScJ tent, billons, intir.minatoiy, nnd yellow fivers, jnundioo, bilious cholic, dyventery, worms, rheu matism, pleurisy, bilious vomiting, ffiul stomach, costlvoncKS, soro throats, cohls, coughs uud until- , have very fnl y nud satisfaclor mins tifn.iites aro in the possession^ whioji provo tlio most tboroufi cures by moans of this most powe in cases where other, approved op. totally failed, film Lmiinant. is.ul«( siguul success, and way ho coiihdcn mended for cluihlains, bruises, spruitia, neas, stiffness ofthe joints, &cf, Price, COcenu -WPirrf july 14 Opposite the ManBio» H <iUi: ^l. I IU.uii niijnii; . - . iciuejuel received, july 27 No. 8 Gibbons’R»«l V> f/T>