Daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1839-1840, October 24, 1840, Image 1

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„v looks * DAVIS, " xditom AND rniiPRIXTOiii. tf.hms; otnHT DOLLARS nornnnum, payable i« .Si opFIVEDOLtfARS.brSIx'MonU... "rioTri-weekly “ nopnWIcan, W tiMfl throe tftnea awDot L (Tiie«(lay,Mn- IS™ Sniurjaylut the office of die "Daily ?X l ”"blicnn,"contnlniimu!ltlinl"tolllgcnco r «bfflp in tho Doily Paper, at 1 FIVE DOLLARS par annum, or THREE DOLLARS for aix monUia. hgiiesiifsis: „J,n anil » hnlf for each Insertion after, por "’n 'l) 0 Eoohcftationby the Clerk* oftlio Courtx of Ordinary, that application ha,'Hen made for ii.ni.re or Adrobu.tmtion, inuat bS publiohed THIRTY DAYS at lonat. Notice by Executor. and Administmtora for nebton. wndCreditor;itoironder in theiraccount, mint bo published SIX WLrjKH. • Sales of Nogrocs by Executors and Admims- imtore must bo at pubic auction, on the li retTucs- j.Toftlie moil til, bonveon dio usual hours of S .t tlio place of Public Sides in the County where tho Letters Testainonfory, ofAdministrn- linn or Guardianship may havo been granted , first .Wins SIXTY days notice thoroof in ono of the nublie gazettes of this Suite, and at the dooref {lie Court House, wlioro ouch sales ere to bo ‘"Notice for leave to soil Negroes, must bo pub lished for four months, before utiy order absolute shall bo modoAhcrciipon by die Court. Sales of Real Estate by Exociitors, Adnnnlslro; tors, amt Oiiardians, must be puldwhod y DaYS before tho day of Sale. These salosmust ha made at tho Court Houso door of the Couuty iu which the property is situate, and on the tint Tuesday oftlio Month,between die hour, often ill die morning and four in the afternoon. No side from day today is valid,unloss so expressed in die advertisement.' » j Applications by Exeoiitcrs, Adm 'tlis|gfl|crs and Guardian. to the Court of Ordinary MPTeave to sell Land, must be published FOUR Bell Land, must be published FOUR WONT IIS. Sales of personal property (except negroes) of testate and Intestate estates by Executor*' and Administrators must bo advertised F01W.Y DAYS. Applications by Executors and Administrators for Lottors Disunssory, must bo published SIX Applications for foreclosure of Mortgages on real estate must he advertised ouce a mouth lor FOUR MONTHS. • Orders of the Court of Ordinary, (accompani ed with a copy of tho bond of agreement) to make titles to land must be advertised Three Months at least. Sheritrssalesundor executions regularly grant- ed by the Courts, must be advertised THIRTY DAYS—under mortgage executions SIXTY DAYS—Soles ofperisnoble property wider or^ derbt Court, must bo advertised, generally, TEN DAYS before* the dny of sale. All Advertisements will be punctually attended to* */ All Lotters directed to this Office or tne Editor* must be post paid, to. entitle them to at tention. Dr. L minims’ Aromatic Vege table Bittern, • For Jaundice, IndigeslioffrWeHlt Stomach, <Src. T HESE Ditters are composed of vegetables** of the most innocent, yet specific virtues, and have bean highly extolled by thousands who have experienced their efficacy m tho above nam ed complaints. They nro in fuct the best sto machic and corrective the vegetable kingdom fur nishes. They are highly useful as a preventive against fever, and are very serviceable at all sea sons oftlio year, moro particularly in tho spring and summer months, when persons of bilious habits experience that total loss of appotita. disa grpeablo listlessness anil relaxation ortho s; stem. They strengthen the stomach, procure a go'od ap petite, promote digestion, purify tho blood, und restore the.invalid to his originut strength and vigor. Mor» "film Ritters with which tlia mar ket is now supplied arc nothing more than cheap g roggy preparations, sold at a. high price*: 1 and oturlft mainly for their intoxicating properties. Theso Ritters are superior to any thnt ure, or ever have been offered to tbo public, being piineenlly nrdmalic, they are f>nrtt«ulai*ly recom mended .to seafaring persons as an antidote n- grinst the. Scurvy. Persons laboring under tho infirmities of old age, will find, these Bitters to prove a wholesome, agreeable and invigorating stomachic cordial, increasing the appetite and as* sisting digestion in a remarkable degree,removing those low spirited and trembling sensations, the sure effect of a wantof tone in the system. They are pecnliarly adapted to those who are troubled with Dinrhajo, or Weakness of the Bowels, Ac. prevalent in the summer and autumnal mouths. They will be foiiud in .all cases of the following description to give relief, viz: Jaundice, Weak Stomach, Costiveness, Excessive Weariness, Loss of Appetite, Dullness and Oppression, a propensity to Sleep, Bitter Taste in tho MoutJ), Loathing nfFood, Sicknessat tho Stomach,Gen eral Debility, nnd nil other symptoms of Indiges tion and Flatulence. Price 50 cento. For sale by WM. II. TURNER, sepi 11 Opposite the Mansion House. For Rent. 1*4 The Rooms on the 2d and 3d floors of the JHI.8nvannnh Insurance and Trust Company Building, well adapted for Counting Rooms, or Lmv Offices, nnd will be fitted up to suit the oc- cupants. Possession given on the 1st November, octl.5 S C HOUSE, Ser ’ colds, nstbmn, difficulty'oThrenthing. |>i in the side or breobt, spitting of blood, cntari^ pnlpitutinn of the hourVoppression nnd soreness w*■»»___, n|| # 1—r 1J ™UcCtw of tho chest whooping cough, ploww fever, night awento, ditliciilt or nroAise ration, and ull other affections or tho chi me oxpecto- choit, lungs nnd liver. * To persons of disordered nervous system, or tlioto who are unnblc to rest-well at night, this medicine is most cmplinticnllv recommended. The inestimable value oftliis celebrated medicine has been highly tested, nnd found not wanting. Tho Proprietor is duily receiving th6 most flatter ing accounts of his success; andit is truly gratify ing to say this is emphatically the medicine of the people! It is used by the Mudioal Faculty; sun- S orled by the Clergy, advocated by, the whole cw-York Press, and is in the hpuse of most of our citizens.*' ■ It may be taken withojitCYna least four of don ger by children, and persatM debilitated by dis ease. In fine, tho euros tho Balsam of Liverw ort has already effected, and is hourly performing; the consequent popularity it has obtnmed ntnongf those persons, who by experience nro bestquoh fled to judge of its eilicncv; the oxalted opinion entertained of its virtue" by physicians; tho ern- sequent recommendation it receives from the Medical Faculty—speak cogently and unequivo cally of the merits nnd success of this medicine. Invented by an old nnd very.learned physiciun, distinguished alike for his talent,-research, and experience; the confidence reposed by him in its irrenstihio merits and its beneficial effects upon him -while severely and Inmentnbly diseased with the most distressing symptoms ol Consumption, it being now subject to the advice and control ot three physicians, together with the mqnytestiino nials and corroborating certificates which have been voluntarily given us by persons who have EADYMADB CLOTHING. T HE subscriber has lately returned Rom the N$rtli, where he has been engaged in se lecting «id manufacturing llendy Made Clothing for two p.onlhs post, and Antlers himself that his stock cannot be surpassed by any establishment of the kind in Savannah, us it consists of all the Do plain do do do, do col’d do do latest imported und most fashionable artiejes in ; Just received and for salo low for cashby ‘ the public generally,* oct!3 AVERY & JOHNSON. his line, j His friends and the ■ public generally,-' i ure reapeetllilty Invited* to give him a call. His stock is composed of the following; viz: ^ SuperioHlupyJ&lnck, brown, green nhd invisible grecnJDrcss Coats; do do do do Frock Coals Cadet, flnnvaK. Suttinet. Petersham, Kentucky Jean ajid Maleskiu'Hiinting Coats. Moleskif.Sattinnt and blue Cloth Round Jackets. Green aid mix’d Cloth und Sattinet Coatees. Moleskin, Kentucky Jean, fancy and mixed Cas- siinoroTuntalooiiH. Vests offlg'd and plain Velvets, blue and blafck Clotli, Merino, Bouibasin, fig’d and plain Sat in, dtc.« . -LjANCY ARTICLES. Mor«nf»7ouck e 'kii»atid ltoyal Ril Bands; wool Under Shirts attd Drawers; linen, cottop. stripe and fancy OltigfuimSIiirtsjSilk and Linen HdUTs, Gloves. Suspends, Erids, Stocks, CmvatejCrn- Kowaud’s Tonic mixture, or Vegetable JFebrifugc, A specific nnd lasting cure for Fever and Ague. A Spi w w miHS worthy remedy earnestly repels the slur received its potent and salutary effect, inust go -, very’ far, to recommend this as a Vegetable of being a quack medicine, it having been the result of many years study, experience and labor, in the medical practice and observation of Fever and Ague. It is composed of such tnedi- cinul principles as were cunsideted must fit to re store the harmony of action between the stomach, liver, and the other important functions of the system,the loss of which harmony is evidently the immediate cuuse of the disease. It speedily pro motes a regular and healthy appetite which is generally entirely destroyed or rendered very precarious; by which effect, 'vigor and strength is soon afforded to the whole system. It muBt be apparent to all. that a medicine possessing these peculiar virtues, is useful in a great variety of far, very m Medicine ofunequulledand undeniable virtue for Consumption and nil the diseases which prey up on the chest, kings und liver. Kj 3 Berra re of Counterfeits!—Frauds upon this medicine arc issued in every direction. Remem ber to ask for “Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liver wort,” and do not take any tiling else. There is no other medicine connected with this, or in nny way possessing the same virtues. See that the signature of Geo. Taylor, M. D., is on every bot tle, in my hand wriliug. To counterfeit this wil bo forgery. For sale at T. M. & J. M. TURNER’S, june 1 Monument Square. Gloves and Hosiery. FI Dozen ladies cold Kid Gloves X\/ 5 do do blk do 4 do Gents blk and cold kid do Gents enshmero dfi, children's do Ladies Do iesblk Ingrain silk Hose **da rih’d cuslunere do vat Stiffners, Riding Belts, Money Belts, Tape Measures: Night’Tap*, Hose and half Hose? in serting, Frill amhnlain Bosoms and Collars, setting, Feather Brushes, l$ilk and Cotton Umbrellas, IIuirBrnshos. Alloftlie above nrticles aro rea dy for inspection, at tow prices for cash or appro ved city accep to nee. | G.'S. NICHOLS. N. B.—G. 3. N. will manufacture to older nny garments enliusted td his caro at short notice nnd in the most approved xtyle. Cultiug tqjjfl uiude out, done with care anil despatch', and fits war ranted if made by expenenced woiktnoti. oct 7 \ Market-Square. Negro Cloths, Blankets audBag- ging Cases Kerseys, thelnostappro tAvf'5 boles super white^Welsii Plains 10 do English mix’d Pinins,5 dp Cordova do 2o do Loudon duffil ano Bristol Blankets, vari ous qualities and sizes, Very heavy 100 pcs heavy Bagging i Received by recent arrivals from Liverpool aud New York, ntnkfnr sale on tho best terms by SNIDER, LATH ROE & NEVITT. oct 12 Five Dollars Reward* Runaway from the subscriber yester day morning, his boy DAVID, well known about the city as a Bricklayer by trade. The above reward will be given on his delivery to II. F. VVILL1NK. oct 8 Thirty Dollars Reward .—* xv ih be paid for the apprehension and * delivery in any Jail in this Territory, or in the Stales ofSoutli Carolina and ueor- Z. gia, of my Negro man PRIMUS, who absconded on the fith inst. He is about 35 years ofnge,5feet 10 inches, slender make, thin vis age. teeth much decuyed, nnd has a down cast look. JOHN L. ENGLE. complaints. By renewing tlie ,heahhy action of the digestive organs, it has proved itself of re- Jacksonville. (E. F.) Sept. 29,1840, oct 9 244(1 For Stile. A Northern Horse, he can be recommended as a gentle Horse for (hehnrness. Inquire at the Man sion House Stable, oct 10 markable benefit in dyspepsia, depraved appetite, heart-burn, water brush, flatulency, jaundice, night sweats, dysentery, ho well complaints, nnd all other affections of similar origin, but it is in the treatment ofFevers, and especially in Fever aud Ague, or Remittent Fover, thnt its powers have been principally tested, and with those who have seou its usefulness, it is pronounced sover eign to all remedies heretofore discovered fo those diseases. It has also been used as a pre ventive, by many who were subject to a periodi cal recurrence of the chills and fever, nnd it has always warded off the nppreheuded attack. It was deemed not improper to accompany the vegetable febrifuge with a few ofttho many une quivocal certificates politely furnished to the pro prietor .corroborative of the foregoing statements. For further uccolints of its great usefulness, see pamphlets accompanying eaoli bottle. A fresh supply of the above valuable medicine just received, and for snlo by G. R. HENDRICKSON, Agent. nug 31 Uncurrent Bank Notes. A UGUSTA Banks, Columbus Bunks. Monroe Rail Road Stute Bank 1L anches, Ocmulgee Bank, Bank Iluwkinsville, Geo. Rail Rond, dec. Ac. Ax. Purchased at the lowest rates, and the highest premium given for specie, by WM. ROBERTSON, Broker, '■ Corner Bull-street nnd Bay Lane. For sale, a few shares of Marine Bank Stock, march 3 58 Chatham Superior Court* MAY TERM. 1840. Monday, 22d June, 1640. JohuW. CliAou, and ^ Divorce. Sarah Ann CliAon. *u. i TT appearing by the return of the Sheriff, that A the defeuaant is not to be found within the County of Chatham, nnd that she is without the limits of the State, on motion of the Coinplain- ISi inc. re intro- Ilouck s Panacea. T HIS valuable medicine may be taken with perfect sofety by all ages and in all diseases. Its cures nro for tne following diseases: Dyspep sia, loss of uppetite, indigestion, inflammation of tho stomach, heartburn, diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, piles, fistula, obstructed or excessive men struation, periods of cessation of menses, flour-nl- bus or whiles, ugue and fover, bilious or remit-, tent fever, typhusffevor, scarlet fever, small pox, Erysipilas or St. Anthony’s fire, asthma, pleurisy, measles, yellow fever, costivetiess, wind on the stomach or bowels,cholera morbus,consumption, spitting blAod, Inffnenza^gplds, coughs, inflam mation of the chest, palsy, gout, rheumatism, in flammatory sore throat or quinsy, whooping cough, thrush or sore mouth, putrid sore throat, croup, inflammation of the heart, dropsy, rickets, diseases of the. i'wer, jaundice, difficulty of ma king urine, gleet, hysterics, nervous and scrofu lous affections of tlio membranes and ligaments, mercurial and votierinl diseases, ulcers, sores, af fections of the skin, aud diseases arising from im pure. blood, &c. A supply of the above valuable medicine just received pop, brig Oglethorpe, and for sale by the single bottlo or box, by ANSON PARSONS, oug 14 No. 8 Gibbons’ Range. New Goods* Q/Y PCS Prints O\J 20 do Monsoline do Laines,rich patterns 5 do hlackand blk and slato do - G do whito Flannels . 2 do Saxony Cassimeres’ for boys clothing 12 do blk mix’d Sattinet 3 do grey mix’d do 8-10 brown table Cloths 12 dozen plaid Ildkfs 100 do Raworth’s spool Cotton 6 pcs Canton Flannel Victoria Skirts, corded do 5-4 Hamilton Shapings lozeirsbe** - 0 dozen shell twist Combs 8 do ’ do side do . 6 flo linencambrick ildkfs- 4 do hemstiched do . do 34 inch blk aproiroilka ' Ludies silk aprons With borders Just received and for sale low by oct 13 AVERY & JOHNSON. E Perfumery. 8PRIT DE ROSE, Honey, Cologne nnd Po Lavender Water, Toilet Powdor,* Macas sar and Bears Oil, Chlorine and Carbonic Den- trifice, fine Soaps, shaving Soaps. Received per brig Augusta aud for sale by * GEORGE W. BEHN, oct 2 - . No. 2 Shad’s Building. i nssort- Dry Goods. T HE subscriber is now opening an i . ment of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY IS, received from New York, per brigs m, Sterling and Clinton. a • [0 will continue to receive suitable Goods for tho fall und winter, which will be sold at moder ate prices. GEORGE W. BEHN, sopt22 ^ No. 2, Shad’s Bnildjng. Blankets* Kerseys & .Flannels. 4 BALES Dnflil Blankets 20 pair Whitney do, 15 do Roue do Tlie true Pomade Di Extensively tned in Europe, never duced into America. I T cures and prevents nil dumping or Rough ness of the Hands nnd Lins, from the piercing effects of cold weather, well rubbing a little on the hands aud lips every night going to bed, is a certain preventive nnd cure. It also cures Frosted Feet, and Corns. To re lieve tho pain of Corns wash the feet in warm water, pare the Corn close, apply u little pomade on a piece of linen lint. It cures Swellings and Bruises occasioned by fulls or otherwise, und will preveut the many bad consequences of Mich accidents. Ifa littlo be well rubbed in on a Bruise,or Pinch it will prevent blackness. It will euro Burns, and Scalds, if npplied di rectly, alleviating pain, and preventing blisters.' It is useful for a Stiff Neck, nnd Swelling of the Glands, aud will greatly relieve Rheumatic, and Gouty Pains, in any part. It immediately removes Pimples, and other Eruptions; is exceedingly useful for Sore Breasts, particularly in lying-in. Its effihucy in this very trying case, when ull other applications have fail- Gclatiuc Capsules of Pure Co- puiva Balm. T HE Copnvia Balm is, of all the medicines employed in cor.ibnting the chronical and acute gotiorrhceal affections, nlso the blcnnorhcea calleff whites; the only ono, the specific action of which has never been doubted, and to which ph) sicians have in cnusequcnce given the prefer ence; but its nauseous taste and smell are the causes of its being rejected by ninny patients. This is tiie reason why so many experiments have been made in order to discover some mode of disguising its taste, so that it might be taken with less repugnance; but hitherto this has been but imperfectly erected, und always by addition of some active substance which modifies its pro perties, and thus destroys its chemical constitu tion and it>* physical character. I therefore offer a mode of administering it in such a stale that it cannot occasion the slightest repugnance, nnd tiiis without submitting it to any alteration. My method consists in enclosing it iii the Gelutine Capsules. A supply of the above valuable medicino just received, and forsule by ANSON PARSONS, nug 21 No. 8 Gibbon sponge Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. P ER ships Celia, Timoleon, brigs Win Tay lor nnd Augusta. 50 hnles 3-4 brown Shirtings, various brands 25 do 4-4 do do do do 20 cases 3-4,4-4 &5-4 bleached Sheeting and und Shirtings. 20 bales Red Flannels, some twilled do red and plaid Linsey 100 scarlet and black thibet Shavyls 2U0 Highland plaid Shawls, various sizes 500 do cotton do do 200 pieces cadet mixed, steel mixed, blue, green and brown Sutlinets 100 dozen blue Romnl Hdkfs 10 cases American Prints, all qualities 200 dozen men's woolen 4 Hose, some low pric’d 100 white and blenched linen Table Cloths 2 dozen 4-4 black thibet Shawls 2 do 5-4 do do do 100 peices 1oj» priced apron Checks 50 do bln<t Plaids 50 do vfjlite Flnnneis, assorted fluidities 15 - do super^emuuujwhUa.Wtush Flannels. 15 do do do Rogers patent do do huckaback and Scotch Diaper do Rusia Diaper do do Crash Black A. colored Silks, super Mus do Laities and French Prints, fancy Shawls, fancy silk Cravuts, fancy silk Bag", fancy silk and lust ing coat Buttons, gilt do, pearl, hone and silvered Buttons, 300 lbs patent flax Thread, 500 dozen assorted spool Thread. &C. Ac. For sale at wholesale and retail by SNIDER, LATHROP & NEVITT. 03 3 Wholesale Room, up stairs fronting Con gress street. oct 13 9 Cases wool and cotton twilled Jeans 5 bales Red Flannel, lev.* price Received per brig Augusta and for sale by GEORGE W. BEHN, oct 5 ||L2 ShadYBnMng. liny* Dundlni .up.rloY Amlioj _ h6.ii] .liip Bblon, Tori hint. Hud]until, ortrt . . .. tSIlAPTUR « WdObBRlDOE. net 16 ... IIOHiml-strcdt Fla’niy m frdra mflir Frlii S 13 A» r '“"^Io'rfrf Barrels. Now'landing tivl ATuppor.aiid forinlo Red Asia COttK . KQ HHDS Red SchuylkillJ2dol; Ultfkej tiO screened, landing from sellr. K< from Philadelphia and for sale by , . .. ^ oct 9 1 WHITE & BAKTEfrg luiflin£ ifon? lining, ■t C\ K Hum. of prltjie .clir F A Tiipper, _ ociM F SORREL A CO.' ix Snyar, FE df Bi Srolx Bugor. Lariditj firdifrf Q "I Hilda St. Croix Sugar OX ship John Cumming, aiid fdrsale oct 14 GEOH Croix Sugar. 10 Hlids prime St. Cjroix Sugar , from ship John Cumming- York, and for sale by WHITE <& B7 oct 14 Suffiu* Tea, Flour nnd Fk Bbls crushed Sugar, various qua! # \/ 50 13 lb bdxes Hyson Ttfat \ on jo iu uoxes nyson ica v i half bbls canal Flour, 30bbls prime roHr 10 bbls mess Porlt;20do No 1 Beef 20 boxes Starch; 130 reams wrapp" 50 do Soap, J D A W LeeVbrai • 100 coils Bale Rope «.. Lauding per Solqn- ntid for ode —t $2 ‘bhaptto&wwpwM^L Bbls Curtis & Co's _ O Vf ing from brig Snvnfihi 200 bbls Phelps' ~ Gin. Forsule by . oct 13 LA Dir. tUPPER & SIS-^RE'. Apples, Potatoes, dkcl /•[A Bbls Apples in fine order, 30do Potattfgr tiU 1000 bunches Onions. Landing end for sale by oct 13 ffics Onions. Landing end Id CLAGHORNAWOOD. 28 i 66.1 SiiRai-, Cdttcc, &c. HHDS prime St.Croix Sugar 26 do Porto Rico , . " .bugs prime green St. Jagcf 100 coils Bale Rope 30 bhds Cuba Molasses, suitable 200‘ I sale on oct 6 bundles Eastern and Neur York Hay, nil n accommodating terms, by ' 7 SHAPTER & WOOPBRIDdHEjr New Caual Flo^u** Soap aw Cocoa. A Fresh supply of Kitchen’s prepared Cocoa, a cheap, wholesome umLogrueable substi tute for tea or coffee. Just received nnd for sale by . G. R. HENDRICKSON, oct 14 l,lia|boen well proved, und can be attested by ant’s Attorney, it in ordered thnt the said Barah Ann Clifton do nppeur on opbefore next term of this Court, nnd file her answer nr defensive alle gation in writing, or in cose of her default, tlie said Complnimint shall proceed to trial. And it K 'irtlier ordered, that a copy of this rule bo pub- ed in one of the Gazettes of this Stute und.of the City of'Savnnnnh, ouce a month until the next term of this Court. . A true extract from the iffinutns. EDWARD G. WILSON, many. * attg25 Deputy Clerk Sup. Court C. C. . 205i2dnvj Chatham Superior Court* • May Tkhm, 1840. James D. Stevenh und Jos. ^ n .... . . , C. Wilkins, Adrnre. of( ,. PeHUon to ertab- . P. H. Wilkm,, m. John r‘ h W“HortPro. Adams* er*. I miMory Noln. . TTPON reading tlmYr. foing petition to es* toblisli n copy of n certain promissory note, stated to have been giveu by the defendant John Adams, to the lute Paul H. Wilkins, deceased, wttffir J ~ ■ ■* beurmg dute at Savannah, tho 24th February, 1838, foreigh y ono dollars, and filly cents, pay able to P, fl; Wilkins or bourer, ten days after date, and nlso, tlie accompany ing affidavits. It is ordered, that tho said John Adatns do show cause next It is useful for Cancers before they nro broken, and an unfailing remedy for the Piles. It gives u dulicncy of fragrance nnd that natural healthful appearance to the skin no other preparj Qtiqn oftlio kind ba« ever been known to produce. So invaluable is this compound, for every incon venience to which tho skin is liable, that those who have once proved its benefit will never wil lingly bo without it. For sale by WM. II. TURNER, sept 5 Opposite tho Mansion House. at the next term oftliis Court, if any ho havo, lvntr .I,.. T. t ... ,1. • I .*.. tyhy tho cony contained in the suit! petition bd^stnblished in lieu of tlie original should not bffestnblished in lieu of tji, note. And also ordered, tliut u copy of this liulo bo personally served on the said John Adams if ba found in tho State, and if lie cannot bo found, then tho said Rule shall bo published in wine public Gazette in tho State for the spuco of Rose Oilitiiicut, F OR Tetter, Ringworms, Pimples on tho Face, und other cutaneous eruptions. Tet ters, Ringworms, and herpetic eruptions gener ally,ure among the most tedious and disagreeable affections to which the human •.rnmo is liable. Situated us it were, on the verge of vitality it is almost impossible to reach them by inward reme dies. II once the inefiicacy of undergoing a course of medicine, or subjecting ourselves to the un comfortable system of strict diet; such means by reducing thp system merely palliate the symptoms while they are in practice, to recur as violently, or more so, when a generous diet is returned to. And the generality of oxterual npnlicutionslmve no other effect than the diseuso in one pluce, soon to show itself in the same or another part. When all those means have failed, and in imuiy severe cases, a purservance for ashorftime iu the use of the Rose Ointment has proved effectual. Th»re is no trouble in using (applying it every night.) A fresh supply just received, and forsule by aug 24 G.R.-HENDRICKSON. Orris nntl Chlorine Tooth Wash, F '^R cleaning and preserving the Teeth and Ginns, and purifying tho breath; prepared entirely from vogetubfo sub.-iiuiccs, and is highly approved aud recommended by physicians nnd dentists ofthe first respectability. Just received aud for sale by oct 5 PARSONS. Dnlby’s Carmiuitivc. H IGHLY recommended us n most safe, ef fectual, and often immediate remedy for the wind, the watery nnd dry gripes,convulsions, and ull those fatal disorders in • tho bowels of in fants, which carry off such a number of the hu man species under tho age of two years. A sup ply oftliis valuable medicine just received, and for sale by ANSON PARSONS, sept lb 50 50 50 Lorillard’s Sim IT ana Tobacco* A SUPPLY of Lorillard's best Mnccaboy, Rappee and Scotch Snuff, in jars, bladders and bottles; also.cut Tobacco. For sole by T. M. & J. M. TURNER, oct 20 Monument Square. ales. Bbls and]50 half do Canal Flour, 1W •XU boxes No 1 soap. 40 do sperm CtUimai!. Landing from brig Savuutinh, and’for cate by oct 13 CLAGHORN <&. WOOD/ ■ lit me—Afloat. . /J/X/Y CASKS first qualify OUXf Lime, onboard brig Lime Thomaston. For sale by HITE A oct 13 WHITE & PARTE Butter, Cheese, ana F(6t AA Kegs best goshen Butter, 20boxes ( jSU r * 50 whole nnd 50 half bhkr canal Flootv new wheat. Just received end for sale by ^6N oct 16 JBGAUDRY&PONH. Pearl Asli* Sal Soda* Ac. dec. 6 BBLS Pearl Ash, 6 do Sal Soda 3 do Sakeratus, do Suit Petre Do Flnx Seed, 1 keg ground do 10 bags Pimento, 5 do Black Pepper 1 case Cloves, 1 hbl Nutmegs 4 bbl fresh'Chamomile Flowers 4 do sup’r fine Arrow Root 1 ease do Tapioca, 1 do Pearl Sago Just received and for sale by oct 20 . ANSON PARSONS. Itog: Cabin Cassimeres dc Clotlis. L OG CABIN Saltinets a new and serviceable article: Log Cabin silk Hdkfs.; do Buttons. Jit st received and for sale by oct 12 J A CLIFFORD. Now Fall and Winter Goods. A VERY &-JOLINSON, have received and are receiving n general supply of Fallund Winter Goods, which will be sold as low as ot any other store in town for cash or good paper, out 14 South side Monument Square. Kicli Shawls. 4 A & 7-4 new style rich silk Shawls, 7*4 84 Beocha do, 44 84 Rob Roy dy, Challv Muslin Dr Lane do, net worsted do’, nt AVERY & JOHNSON’S low for cash, oct14 Muslin do Lillies. A Large and well selected assortment can be found at AVERY & JOHNSON’S, allow prices for cusli. South side Monunieut square. oct 14 To Families. A FEW chests choice Imperial, Hyson and Pouchong Teas, selected with great oarc; just received and forsule by * oct20 G. R. HENDRICKSON. Yrmtcri/cad, I N kegs from 124 lbs to 500 lbs each, assorted qualities, for sale low, by T. M. & J. M. TURNER, oct 19 >, Monument Square. l . u I tlueo: months. Juno 22d, 1840. jflj A true extract from tho minute*. n/i E. G. WILSON, Dop. Clork, _sept26 % Superior Court C. C. Starch, &c, ill Colgate's superior Starch MX/ 6 do English Fig Blue, 2 ceroons Span- «u Indigo. Just received and for sale by 8 G. It. HENDRICKSON. Indelible Ink- Si S^pOE'Erunoia ICidderV Indelible Ink, 1 1 do Reeves &, Son's (London) do do, 6 do tayson’s do do/used without preparation. Just received and for sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON. Surgical Instruments, dec. A MPUTATING, Trepnnnitig, Obstetrical, Dental and Cupping Instruments; Evan’s Lancets, Gum Lancets, silver spring Button Lancets, German spring Lancets, German and fine American Scarificolors.Pearl and Steel Lan cet Cuses, Stomach Pumps, Stethoscopes, Ivory, Gum Elastic and Silver Pessaries; Womb Syrin ges, Breast Glasses with pump, Self-Injecting Apparatus, und u complete assortment of Syrin ges ofevery description. Just received por brig New Hanover and for sale by sept3 T, M. & J. M. TURNER. White Lead, Ac. -g /Y/Y KEGS English While Lead JL\Jl/ 300 do American do do, No 1 and 2 20 boxes Baltimore Cratne Yellow 20 do do do Green 50 doz Paint Brushaffand Sash TooIb, as sorted sizes, just received per ship Celia and for sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON, oct 10 Vc benit Cream. A FRESH supply of Chas. Ring’s Verbena Shaving Cream, just received nnd for salo by . oct 9 G. R. HENDRICKSON. Low's old English Soaps. J UST received, a general assortment of Low s o Id English Soaps, for sale by sept 14 , THOS. RYRUSON. Caution. T HE high reputation which Fraucis Kiddor’s Indelible Ink has sustained for 15 or 20 years, has caused several imitations of the urticle to bo offered for sale as “Kjddnr’u Iudoliblo Ink.” Sulphate Quinine. , . -fi /\/\ Ounces Frenchsulphute Quinine 10 do do Morphine, 10 do Piperine 20 do Krconote in 1 nz vials. Justreceived por ship Johu Cumtniug, aud for sale by » r. •> llPMrvlimiFI They rasomhle the gonu ik* in their exterior appearance, nnd os somongi them bears the name of Kidder, the public have been grossly deceiv ed. To guard against ibis deception, purchasers will please bo particular to ask for Franois Kid der’s Ink, and obsorvo that his mime is ou the top and front ofthe box. tot be This ink cauuofbe effaced; hut is warranted to remaiu perfectly indelible for uges, if the direc tions uro followed in.using it. A supply of thogettuine article just received, und for safe by fSh A. PARSONS, sept 18 oct 16 iniiiibi ***»" — * j G. R. HENDRICKSON. Ilowancl^s Tonic. A Fresh supply ofRownnd’s celebrated 1 on- ./x. icMixture, warranted a safe and certain remedy for fever aud agues, &c. Just received, por John Cumming, and for sale by v t g. it. Hendrickson oct 16 , Agent. Hams, Whiskey, dec. Hnihs of nrihio quality a Baltimore Whisl Cards. O/A GROCE superfine Linen Playing Cards, F wi’h fine etiamelod surfaces; 10 groce Visiting Cards, assorted sizes Just received „ und for salo by 1 ‘ oct 7 G. R.,HENDRICKSON Brandy* . ; 4 Pipes nnd 10 halfpipes Otard, Dupuy &Cfll Brandy, imported direct from HaVre, Vi* New York, and for sale bv oct 16 J B GAUDRY & SONS. Cheese. T WENTY ensks Cheese, a very superior *r* tide, now landing from brig Wm Tatl&r* und for sale by GEO H MAY/ oct 12 New Books. T 1IIE difficulties of Romanism, by Geo Stanly Fuller. Strive and Thrive, a tale by Mary Howitt Hope on! hope ever, or tlie boyhood of Felix Law, by Mary Howitt. 8narK’s Life of Washington, abridged. The history of Virgil A. Stewart, and his ad venture in capturing and exposing the great “Western Land Pirate” and his gang in connex ion with evidence, nlso of the trials, confessions, nnd execution of a number of Murrell’s associates in the stute of Mississippi. France, it* King, Court, and Government, by Governor Cass. A few more copies oftlio Madison Papers. A collection of Music, for the Flute, Violin, &c. Just received by oct 16 W THORNE WILLIAMS. Haynes Vegetable Fills. r UST received and for sale by sept. 21 THOS. RYERSON. Whiskey. r# w ffTfk BBLS Whiskey. Landing fromsMySTo** OU Ion, nnd for sale on the wharf. * oct 12 LADD, TUPPER & BISTARE. Buckwheat Flour* A Fresh article in 4’ and } bbls. Juslrecelvoff' \ ~ ' " by oct 12 29 For sale by oct 12 ^ BOSTON & RANDLE. Gifc * - "—- ^ . lgL TT - __ HHDS.now landing from sh»p Sc GEO. Georgia Nankeen* /Sf/Y Pcs superior Georgia Nankeen. Fer» Jd%y\J sale by LADD, 1 oct 14 , TUPPER & SISTARE. Lamp Oil. Q|YiY GALLS. Winter Sperm Oil 200 do common Lamp Oil, at $1 per gallon, just received perriuj^Jo^nCttmodt^^ti4* oct 19 * Hull’s Soap. QA Boxes Hull’s vuriegated Soap inbnrsnnd cakes, highly perfumed. r “ •' niilies. Just G. R. HEN w ^ perfumed. 30 do superior vellow Soap, for families. Just received nnd for — . . * r- n IIPMnhtr’rgQJ' sale by oct 14 30 sept 16 Fine Linen Cards. GROCE Thos. Crehore’s Linen Cards, just received nnd for sole by ANSON PARSONS No. 8 Gibbons' Range. Popper. Ginger, Ac. ,(*S Black F BAGSlRack Pepper ^ do Race Ginger, 10 do Pimento 1 bag Cloves, 1 bbl Nutmegs Just received aud for sale by sept29 G. R. HENDRICKSON. Razor Straps. C HAPMAN’S Patent Metulic Raster Straps Saunders’ do do do' Emerson's Elastic do Just received and for sale by sept.21 THOS, RYERSON. iigt. T HE subscribers linvo conslumiy on bond'a full supply of Drugs, Medicines, Porfiimury, nnd fnney articles, ofthe best quality, wliich they otibr ou reasonable terms, wholesale or retail. T. M. & J. M. TURNER, net 19 Monument-Square. Specie Bottles. 2 CASKS, euitable for Grocers, for rale by T. M. & J- M. TURNER, B0 pt 3 Monument-Square. Eastern Hny. ■t AA BALES nrirao Eastern Hay, farsala lUU by S. D. CORBITT. oct 3 - Accoi-iUnns. I Case fine Accordians, assarted patterns, beautifully inlaid, pcnrl Roy. nod superior toned. Just-received and for anle by oct 17 Q- R- iienpRI" lamp ied Li -| A Casks Bleached" Lamp Oil, law prk%d, Ilf just received and for ralo bv' oct 13 G R HENDRICKSON. * SnufT and Tobacco. /» g Bbls Lorillard’a Mecoboy and Scotch o l Snuff, GO do fine cut Tobacco, 20 conro French Rappoo Snuff. Just rcceivedi for sale by GII HENDRlCKSOi oct 13 Evans’ Camomile Pills.' J UST received and for sale by sept. 31 THOS. RYERSON. Brushes. A FINE assortment of Hair and Tooth Brush- cs, just received and for sale by .sept 14 THOS. RYERSON. Garden Seeds. WInter Sperm Oil, &c. -g ay Cosks .nperior Winter Sperm p.l, J.O bleached, 6 bales superior Lamp Wmk; 300 1, 3,3,5, & 10, gallotiTiii Canuisters. Just received und for sule by sept 35 G. R. HENDRICKSON. , Broadcloths and Cassimeres. A FINE assortment of English Broudcloth. and Cassimeres,bine Beaver Cloths, invis ible green do, black do, drab do, brotvn, cadet mixed, Equestrian Casshnere, black do,President, do, fancy lavender do. Just received per brig Madison, aud will be sold on the most reasonable terms, by JAMES A. CLIFFORD, sept 17 Nos. 4 & 13 Gibbons’ Range. 150 bbls Baltimore Whiskey 50 do' Monongahela do, 54 kegs Goshen Butter Lendi^fromechr F A Tngp^nd forsaie by Paimcea, dec* fi'A DOZ Swaim’scelebrated Panacea O v/ 20 do Houck’s do do 5 do PoUar’a V egetaMe CaftioVicow, highly recommended as a spring and (all purifier. A fresh supply ofthe above valuable medicines just received and for sale by oct 5 ANSON PARSONS. iron Crop of 1840, viz: Asparagas, large Beans, Jim colored, rob roy und lima pole Boets, long blood, tur- uip blood, mangle wurtzel, und white scurcity Brocdli, purple cape Cabbuge, early: york drumhead, hattersen. { (reen glazed, sugar oaf, and red dutch Caiiliflower, early Cucumber, long green and early frame Carrot, long orange and early horn Celery, white solid Lettucvcubbage head A' green cobs Melon, ap ple. aud netted Mustard, white Parsleys curled octl6 Parsnip, large white Peas, early frame, dwarf marrowfat, dwarf blue imperial, early charl- tou and early Washing ton Pepper, long red. and sweet Spanish Squash, early bush and uerghn’s striped Radish; cherry turnip, short top scarlet, ^long scarlot, and blk winter Salsify or vegetable oys ter Spinach, largo Tomatoes Turnip, early dutch, ear ly spring, red top, ru T tubugu and large fiat glebe Cloveir, white and red Lucerne.Grata, &c&c Rico’s Reports* R EPORTS of cases at Law, argued and de termined in the Court of Appeals nnd Court of Errors of South Carolina, from December 1838 to May 1839, both inclusive, by Win Rice, State Reporter. » Reports ofcases in Chancery, argued atm de termined iu tlie Court of Appeals and Court .of Errors of South Carolina, from December 1888 to May 1839,' both inclusive, by Wgi Rice. # > * A Digest of tho cases decided in tho Superior Courts of Law, ofthe State of South Carolina, from the enrliest period, to the year 1836 inclu sive, by Win Rice. Also, the life, adventures nnd opinions of David Tho. Iiines of South Carolina, Master of Arts, ands ton, ■) Porchor, Col Single, Dr Baker, ColAllston, Major Parker, Col Ben ton, Major Middlotoh, Lieut Pringle, CantRut^ ledge, Col Pinckney, Dr Brandretfi, Mnj Moored iI* „ In klo IVian &cT in a aeries oriettara to hb friend., writt himself. Also, tho Goorgin and Carolina Itil, hy Robert Grier. octl G.P. I'Orme, : ■. iFortal.by Buel, E*q .A PARSONS. .apt 16 The Rlan-at-A Q R Henry do Corona i a rp R, James, author of J*r ClmrlasTyrrell, Henry.W'Gui.e,, The element, of (Jeilogy for popnlw: uao.ooi taining a desoriptiyn of the Geological formetiot and mineral re*lurcee of tho United St»t».,l CliarleaA. J.00. M.U. II The I’.nnere Instructor, con.isting ofEsrays, 1 practi rel direciions sod hints, for the management . ol i/ie Form and the Garden; originitlly publUbed • in the Cultivator, .elected dna revirad by Buel, Esq. Just received by W. THORNE WILUAM8. A