Daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1839-1840, October 24, 1840, Image 4

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PUBLIC SALES. Sheriff's Sole—Continued. W ILL ImhoIiI on the fif«l Tutudur in Novett). bur no«, boforo the- Cintrt Homo In tho City of Soyahnnjfibetween iho usual lipijw or gain—the following lot* of lailidnnd th^Wtow®* ment* thereon, situate, lying and beto^uwc C ‘V of Savannah, to wlu jf ... Lot. No. eight (8) and third Tything, Reynold’* Ward, binnb’d n , r ‘ J fe_ n line, .on}!, hy ten (10) and improve* . Deiby Ward, bound' M&r nnil CoinmlMion nil- A nets. nrfnK iimfomignod have tiii* day entered Into MS cor.irincrsliip for tho purpose of tram * Ing a GROCERY v»SjI in lb! r-. « Gioccrr* nttrpoio of Irutnuot- DMMISSION BUM. r the name nr Font, ■even saitcrn (7) and we.t by’ i nnohnirorLoi , Wien.i ii uuvii.... »■ r. manta, Tyrconuol cd norllt by a Inufl east by Di halfon by virtue rfor by ftroughtnn-street, foot, and west hy the tvoatorn .. j. ten (Id)i levied on under and execution leaned out ortho Info* oTCJiatham county, at the instance of n t fc IVood v». John Gardner. Pro* 'pointed out by defendant. 1 L'LISllA WYLLY, Sheriff c. c. 13 - A..(GoorKinn) ■ ~ Sheriff»« hnle. -%XT\L\, lie sold oil t.'ie first Tuesday in No* rJF jr*i vembul next, imiult' lilt! Ccult ilcu.-u ... the City of Savannah, between the usual hours ot aalo, the following property, to wit: AU that tract or parcel of Land situate in the County ol Chatham, being an undivided moiety . of Lot* No*. (13) thirteen, nnd (T4) fourteen, nt New Deptford, ioruiorly known by the namo of Five Fathom Hole,in Savannah Hiver..Contain* ing two hundred feet front on said Hiver, Uirco • hiuidred feet from the hack to low water ntark v exclusive of a thoroughfare of twenty-five feet. , being the same property conveyed by Nicoll Turnbull to Peter Mitchell by deed, dated 24th Febntary, 131*2. Also,ono box of Mathematical fnstrrinientlHone chest of Tool*, one lot of Book* and Maps, one lot of Furniture, Desk, ifce., one Magnetic Go; •meter and Screw Seal Press. Also, the following Negroes, viz: London, Sa rah, Clarinda, Louisa, Robert, Cornelia, Juno, . William. Mary, Henry, July, Glnsnow, Harriet. Dora, Matilda, Mnrch, Patience, Berk, Harry, Jim, Mary Ann and Nero; levied on os tho pro* perty of Peter Mitchell, to satisfy an execution in favor of the Planters' Bank of the State of Georgia agniust Peter M itched. Property poiut- ed out by Plaintiff’s Attorney. ELISHA WYLLY Sheriffc. c. sept 29 235 (G'ul Henry’s Genuine Calcined Mag nesia, I S highly beueficial'in all diseases of the atom* ach nml bowels which are attended with acid* ity, and gives immediate iclief to the heartburn. Tins effects of excess in eating or drinking are generally relieved by it. and it affords one o f tha mildest add most pleasant aperients, especially to persons who, from a sedentary life or other causes, are under the frequent necessity of hav ing recourse to laxatives. To persons of a bil ious nr a gouty habit, it may be recommended with peculinr propriety: and its virtues have been repeatedly testified in the diseases of warm cli mates Many of the complaints of children, in early Infancy, and even nt more advanced peri ods, are attended with acidity; and in such cases, TOg a unwuani and CO^ SP-SS in this city, under CLorTOffc Malone. WIT.LTAM FORT, MARTIN R. CLOPTON, IRA E. FORT, CHARLES J. MALONE. Savannah, Sopt. 24th, 1840. sept 28 234 Ilex Co-partnership Notice. T HE subscriber* hnvr this day lot tiled a Co* partnership, under tho linn of HUNTING- TON, WRIGHT &■ CO. for tho purpose of transacting a General Inn Business. They have taken tho store on the Bay under tho Counting Room of Messrs S. Solomons & Co, where they illtfnd keeping a ftill and gunerul assortment of Iron, Steel, Nnil*. Ac. Ac. SCRANTON A OLMSTEAD, HUNTINGTON A HOLCOMBE, ALLEN R. WRIGHT. Snvnnnali, 15th October, 1640. oct 14 249||ca if topttriuci ship, T HE Subscribers have this day formed a Co partnership under tho firm of HARRIS A REILLY, for llto purpose of transacting a gener al GROCERY BUSINESS. Their Store won the West sido of Market-Square: nnd they will keep on hand a general stock of Groceries, u* well a* Blanket*, Negro Cloth* and Shoes. Per sons wishing to purchase, will please cal land ex amine for themselves. LEWIS F. HARRIS, PHILIP REILLY. Savannah, 1st Sept. 1640. •ept 7 HW—Im Notice. T HE subscriber* having connected their in terest, will hereafter combine to transact u general COMMISSION BUSINESS in this city, under the firm of SHATTER A WOOD- BRIDGE. THOMAS M. PHAPTER, WYLLY WOODBRIDGE sept 26 233 Notice. A LL persons indebted to the late firm of Cope A Mill*, are requested to call nnd settle by the 1*1 of November, or they will be placed in tho hands of un Attorney for collection. octlO T. It. MILLS. Flntil Notice. A LL person* indebted to the late firm of John B. tjuudry, by note, open account or due bid, nnd those indebted to Gaudry A LegrieLare requeued to cull and settle the same. oct5 JOHN B. GAUDRY. Notice. A LL persons indebted to the subscribers eith er by note, due bill or open account, past •lue, a it* infortnsd that the fame must be pain hy the 10th instatit, or they will indiscriminately be put in suit. oct3 LONG A PATTERSON. Notice. T HREE month* after dnte, application will ho made lor the renewal ofCertifiente No. 21K, over other absorbent?, viz: that it both neutral'.- tor twetttv-five ahare. tn the CapHal Stock of the zes the acid, in the alimentary canal, and acta as an efficacious yet gentle purgative.. A fresh supply of this highly recommended medicine just received. For sale hy julv 31 G. R. HENDRICKSON. 8 A Certain Cure for Sick IXeud- Aclie. XTTJflCH has been .used in families, every ▼ Y member of which has had sick headache from infancy,ns a constitutional family complaint, and has cured effectually in every instance yet known, amounting to many hnndrcd*. It is not unpleasant to the taste, nnd does not prevent the daily avocations ofoue using ik it must be perse- vored in, and the cure is gradual, but certain and * permanent. In*tances are constantly multiply- - thg where this distressing complaint fsconipletc- j ]y relieved nnd cured, although of year* standing, dv the use of Dr. Spohii’s celebrated remedy. One decided preference is its pleasantness, hav ing none of the nauseating effects of common drugs. Iu all dyspeptic symtoms, costiyeness, i« regu larity. distress after meals, pains in the side and torpidity of the liver, the cure is perfect, and any : ene so afflicted will become immediately convin ced on using it, that he ha* at last found a “sover eign balm for his wounds." Females are particu larly recommended to n*e it for costiveness or ir regularity, nnd other female complaints. It is proved tocorrpct vitiated nnd disordered humors keeping tho stomach in most perfect order. Those S crsons who after an evening* indulgence at par es, Ac. have headaclfc and dullness the next day, will find this a sure preventive if taken nt bed time. For all common complaints, iu n few days its virtues will be self-evident, and n complete euro will soon ho effected. When a person has a cold and feels unwell, generally a freo use of it for a few days will be sure to reiiove without physic or pills. To children it may be given with the greatest advantage. In all acidity or sourness of stomach this remedy is sovereign nnd invaluable: as a genera! family tUQdicinc it is now adopted by ninny of the most l espectnble fumiles. It no ver sicken* the stomnch or produce* any of the unpleasant effects ofphy sic. For sale by T. A1. A J. M. TURNER, aug 4 Mouqinnt Squire. Hnrrisoit’g Specific Ointment, F Olt the cure of white swelling*, scrofulous Bud other tumors, ulcers, sore legs, old and frosh wound*, sprnbiBnnd bruise*, swellings and inflammations, scald bend, women’s sore breasts, rheumatic pains, tetters, eruptions, cbj\U«u n «. whitlows, biles, corns, nnd external disease* gen- erally. The proprietor has received ot le««t a thousand certificate* nnd other do-uiments in fa vor of his SPECIFIC O/NTM ENT—nnd they embrace almostnli the complaint*—in their worst stages—to which ointment or 5ticAtn^ plaster can be applied. Among these certificates, there are a greut number from the moskemiiicutphysiciatis in the country, who use the Ointment in their daijy practice, in preference to any. or nil other* which have ever been invented. The proprietor has also received a great many testimonials from farriers, military gentlemen, farmers and other*, relative to the nmazing efficacy of his Ointment, in bruise^ cuts, nnd all tho external complaints nnd diseases of horses; and among them are no less than a dozen certifying to the most perfect cures which it has performed on the sore backs of some of those animal*. Altogether the pro prietor feel* no hesitation iu stating—or in put ting it to Uie proof against all composition—that *• HARRISON’S SPECIFIC OINTMENT" is vostly superior to every t/iing of die kind which has heretofore been offered to the public. •lEPSoId wholesale nnd retail ut all the princi pal Drug Stores in Savonuah. july 29 182—ly Butler’s Effervescent Magnesia, F OR Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility, Head Ache, Acidity of the Stomach,Ilubilunl Cos tiveness, Ac. and highly valued as a Cooling Pur gative. Just received and for sulo by sopt. 21 THQ8, RYERSON. 1 ^ wrnm Bonset Lozenges. ■. TATI STAR'S-end Sherman's bonset Lozen- VT ges, for cough*, colds, usthmas, Ac., just •’•ceivedand for sale by 4NSON PARSONS, No. 8 Gibbons' Range. r Bird Seed. •• hCanarv Bird Seed, just re starting and for sale by • ' ^ A. PAR80NS. Bank of St. Marys, dated 13th February, 1840, in lieu of the Original, which has been lost or mis laid. B. HOPKINS. St. Marys, 27th Aug. 1840. sept 1 . 21113m Notice. A LL persons indebted to the Estate of Alex ander Atkinson, late of Camden County, deceased,are requested to make immediate pay ment to the subscriber; and those having Haims against said Estate, will please present them pro perly attested without dchv. to E. ATKINSON, Adm’or. sept 18 2'2Gtv Soiree* [iv,it that • Lx hwlwil nm*acd for _ tho vett'r 1640, ntiUi«lbllnwli),RenUndP,r- __ — „ lonnl Property in tha Oily ofUruniwick.— (.'ImrlcrOyiallry.lltr Irish Drnpoon,hy Hnrry Claimant, i .0 rcqiiMted to finy tiiu.attio within Lorfoqiirr, wrat illnalrnltOiM—No. 1. JSi.,, mils annuli ^r'lluodtihiViy Solomon Sc- 1 cnntlthougliu. Notice. F OUR months after date, application wjll be made to the Honorable Court of Ordiuury ofGlynn County, when sitting for ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell a part of tho Real and Personal Estate of iho late B. F. Cuter, for the benefit of the heirs nnd creditors of mid Estate. MARGARET R. CATER. Ex’ix. HUGH FRASER GRANT, Ex’or July 10,1840. sept 29 235 Notice. IAOUR months after date, application will be JP made to the Court of Ordinw’y for the Coun ty of Camden, for leave to sell all the Lot* and Improvements situate in the Town of Jefferson, belonging to the estate of John Bailey, late of said county deceased. G W. THOMAS, ROBT. LANG, june 25 154 | Adm'ors. Notice. F OUR months after dute, application will he made to tho Honorable too Justices of the Inferior Court of Chatham County, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all that House nnd out Buildings on Lot No. 3, Pulaski Ward, in the City of Savannah, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of estate of Lewi* Bird, deccnsed. SARAH BIRD, Ailm’i*. july 13 168 Notice. TjlOUR months after dute, I shall apply to the X Honorable the Inferior Court of Camden County, for leave to sell all the Real Estate ol James Lloyd, deceased, july 28 E. D. TRACY, Adm’or. Assignee’s Notice. T HE *ub*erihci has been appointed Assignee by Henry N. Gamble, of all bis Estate and r®-r benefit of all his creditors. All persons indebted to said m*m> N. Gamble, oio requested to make immediate payment; andihw creditors of said Henry N. Gamble, are request ed to hand in their account* properly attested, within three month*, otherwise the undersigned will not be responsible for tiie payment of them out of the asset*. II. W. HUDNALL. Darien, July 18,1840. * *jnly 21 175t3m Ailmiiaistrutor’s Sale. J N pursuance of an order from the Justices of the Infcror Court while sitting for ordinary nurposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday ill November noxt, before tho Court Hotue in this' city, between the usual hours of sale, a Negro man named Moses, belonging to the estate ol'M. II. Drake, decerned. Sold for the benefit oftlie heirs and creditors of said estate. sept 1 ORLANDO A. WOOD^Adm^r. Executor’s Notice. A LL persons indebted to ihelntn I'ktkrMxs- sie, of Glynn County, will please make pnymont without delay; ana all those having de mands against said estate, will reyder them til ac cording to law to either of the undesigned. FRANCIS M. SCARLETT, ( Qnal'd STEPHEN M. TIMMONS, $ Ex’ori. sept 4 2l4t4m eight weeks from the da to oftlils notice. Property in th s Old Tot rtf. Water Lot* Nos. 19.21,22,23.24, 25,26, 27, 28, 2U, 30, 47. 49. Bay Lot&rftiU. 16, 17,28, 19, 20. 21, 22.27. 29—22 Lotsai C-2 82 otfth. Bay Lot* No*. 23 at$4 41,26at $4 32. , Town Lot* Nos. 69,70,71,72.73,75.70,7/: 79,80,62,99,101,103,117,118-10 Lot .ut #1 88 each. Town Lot No. 74—1 Lot at $4 69. Town Lots No*. 129, 130,131*132,137,138, 152,153,104,107,170,|172,174-13 Lots at $1 41 each. No*. 179,160,181.182,211,812,810,217,218, 219—10 Lots, at fl 13 each. No. 163,1 Lot nt $3 75. Nos. 229, 234, 235. 230, 237, 2:19. 255, 250, 257.258.259,200.261.2G2. 203,279, 2S4, 265, 2e6,287,268, 308,316—23 Lota at 65c. each. No*. 329, 330, 331, 332, 330, ^40, 341, 353, 354,355—10 Lots ut94 cents oaobv No*. 357. 363. 365. 404, 405, 400, 407, 409, 499. 410, 411, 412.413.414, 4IG, 417. 413, 419, ion 441 455. 457.468. 480. 500. 507. 515, 510, 521. 532,533, 555.550—33 Lot* at 7Uc. enen. Claimant* to the above Lc* ns fur ns known, are U. Dart, T. B King, Colby A Davi*. W. H. Stiles. Jane Retnshort, P. Hottsoun, Y. Wool- Icy, S. Dart, J. T. Lawrence; S. Moody, Jns. Jlfocffe,(Trustee) B. F. Harris, l’.x’or estate A- mo* Whitehead. S. A. Kimberly,E. S. Rees, R. Bolton. W. B. & C. Davis, R! Hiitchinson, J. \V> Audcmtu. estate J. Demon, 6. Chase, R. L. Gamble. Property in the New Trim nnd adjoining the New and Old Tarts. Town Lots Nos. 200,201/VOU. 203, 204, 474. 475,476,477,478,479,480*—12 Lats.tnxed $5 15 Nos. 740,741,742,743.744,745,740—7 Lots taxed $2 30. Nos. 909,970,971.972,973-5 Lots, taxed $1 46. No*. 1134,1135,1136,1137,1138,1299,1300, 1301,1302.1303—10 Lots, tuxod $1 88. Nos. 1465A4C6.1467, MO\ 1668,1669,1670, 1671.1672—9 Lou, taxed t*l 35. No*. 1933,1934, 1935,1937,1933, 2199,2200, 2201,2202.2253,2201—11 Lots, taxed $1 25. Nos. 2405,2466,2407.2409—4 Lou. taxed 31c. 150 r.crcs Laud below the Old Town taxed 5t37 50. Owner T B.Kinff. Town Lota No*. 430, 431. 411,412. 178.179. 180, nnd wharf lots-178,179,160—10 Lota, taxed §4 69. Owner P. Leach. Town Lota No*. 103,158,159,374,375,wharf lot No. 103—6 Lots, taxed $262. Owner L A. Bond. Town Lou Nos. 160. IGI, 528,529. 530,531, 6 Lou, taxed $2 81. Owners P. Leach and J. D. Gardner. No*. 439,440—2 Lots, taxed 91 cents. Own- er C.J. Shelton. Town Lots Nos. 496,497—2 Lots, taxed 94c. Owner J. McDcrmhf. House and Lot tuxed $1 88. Owners Wilson and Sanborn. House and 2 Lots, taxed $225. Owner Jos. Buncroft. 3 acres Land, tnxed 42 cents. Owner S. Dart. 127 acres Land en*t of tho city, taxed $17 85; 25 do do do do do, do 47 cents. Owner U. Dart. 700 acres Land, taxed $75 Owners Bruns wick and Florida R R Co. 5 acre* Land, taxed 94ct*;2 Lots, Nos 145 and 146, taxed 94 cenu. OwnerT. W. Goode. Store House, taxed $281; House, Ac. and 17 acres Land, taxed $5 62, and 8 Slaves taxed $6. Owner Gee Dupree. 3 Lots, House. &c. tax $2 25; 10 Slaves taxed $5 63. Owner Mrs. C. Lnfkib. Store and Lot, taxed $4 69. Owner Joseph Lyman. Store nnd Lot, tnxed $1 88; stock in trade tax ed $141. Owner J. Franklin. House mid 2 Lots, taxed $563; 13 lots and I Ceierv" White Solkl Building tnxed $?813-100; 4 taxed $2 81, - ’ 4 Shi cs employed, taxed $4 25. Owners Bruns wick Lumber Co. Htom. llon-c nnd Lot, 1a»ed $ I 60; 1 Slave taxed 94c. Owner B L Ilitrri*. Academy Building, tax 94c, stock in trade, tax $1 67;4 Strives, tax $2 25. Owner James Moore. Personal property, tax $1 25; 3 Slaves em ployed, tax $2 81. OdUicr B. Talbot. (jnpilal Stock, tax $2 50. Owner the Bank of Brunswick. Stock in trade, tax 94c. Owner R. Holligan. Stock in trade, tax 94c; 2 Slaves employed,tax $1 13, estate J R Ha/./.ard. Stock iu trade, tux$l 87. Owner J W At- will Slock in trade, tax 56c. Owner B Duffy. 3 Slaves, tax $1 69. Owner J Spalding. 2 Shivos, tax $2 81. Owner J B Harris. 1 Slave employed, tax 94c. Owner A Scranton 5 Slaves employed, tax $2 81; personal pro perty, tax $i 87. Owner A L King. 1 Slave employed, tnx $113- Owner C Davi*. 1 Sluvc employed, lux 75c. Owner J D Mil ler. 2 Slaves employed, tax $113. Owner Mr*. Anst. 1 Slave emploved. tax $1 87; ono Stallion, tax $1 13. Owner William P. Wilson. k 4 Slaves, tax $225. Owner E S Ashcraft. w 4 Slaves employed, tax $1 50. Clark owner. Ppr'an**! nmdorty of J M Kttn7o. taxed $1 87. Personal property ofifil A Breed, taxed $1 87. Personal property of J M Sturtivant, taxed $1 Also, the following property taxed for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-eight: Academy Building, taxed $3 75. Owner Jos Moore. Personal property of J R Ilazznrd, tax $3 75. Also, on the following property for tho year eighteen hundred and thirty-nine: House and 17 acre* of Lnnd, tax $6; 8 Slaves, tax $G. Owner Gee Dupree. Academy Building, tax 94c; 3 Sluves, tax '$2 ! 25. Owner James Moore. Ifmme and L 0 t f to* $2 25. Owner Thomas Finppnn. Stock in trade orspnMIng andStockweU, tax ed 18|c. Stock in trade ofJ R Ilazznrd. tax $2 81. 3 Slaves, taxed $1 66|. Owuer J Spalding. 1 Slave, taxed $1 31. Owner J 11 Harris. 1 Slave, taxed $1. Owner B L Harris 1 Slave, taxed $1. Owner J A D I^iwranco, I S'iivp anil one Stallion, taxed $375. Owner William P IViUon. 1 Slave employed, taxed $1 31. Owner C Davis. WILLIAM P. WILSON, Mayor, KjTIip Milledgevilie Journal is requested to publish the above once a week for six weeks, aug 25 2051l Letters ai:ri Speeches on various subjects by Lord Brougham. . How nul Pinckney, a novel by tho author of Clinton Bindshntft, Tim Stun-, l.oforo nnd boliittd the. curtain, li/ 1 tuition ortho «tmder< olVoctcd ny .tin. Lnmdtfitn Alfred Butin. The Juvenile Forget Me Not. for 1841. Jack Aslioro, by the author of Ratlin (lib Reefer. Master Humphries Clock, No. 9. Pocket Maps of Georgia, Alabama, North an South Carolina, Louisiana, Mississippi! -Texas, and Florida, Tho Traveller's Guido through the United Stales. Tho Traveller's Guido Mup. A description oftlie Canals nnd Rail Ronds of tho United Suites, comprehending notice* of all the wqrks of Internal Improvement throughout tho United States, by II. S.Tunuer. Kent's Commentatios abridged. Digest of uvrisions of the Courts of Common Law and Admiralty in the United States, by The- ron Metcnll nnd Jonathan C. Perkins. Digested Cbanrory cases, columned in the Re- J oit* oftlie Courier Appeals of Marylaud, by nrnns Raymond. Boiiviei'f* Law Dio»iuiitirV. A new collection of Lnw'f, Charters nnd local ordinances of the Governments of Great Britain, France nnd Spain, relating to cessions of lauds in their respective Colonies, together with tha laws of Mexico mid Texas on tho same subject, to v.liich is prefixed Judge Johnson'* translation of Azo and Manuel'S institutes of tlto Civil Law of Spain—by Joseph M. White, Count* 'dor at Lnw. and Into delegate hi the Cougrepa of the United 8ate*, and honorary member of tho Georgia (historical Society. Just received by oci 12 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. Lo Cordial do Undue, on MSI.' W ttilr do I,'Amour. E perceive by tho papers thnt tho famous French physician, Dr. Mngnln,hn* ostnb. fished on a/tency for tho rale of the nbnvn named extraordinary medicine in this city; and to speak the truth, we oio sorry for it,, us wo think that there mo too tunny uooplo in lid* pnrt of tho Tim pr world already. * Wo dare not enter into ail ex phi- %*ilcd by hern, hut will neveitlielcus venture tn add, that it is tho rovidlsl thing in tint world for genl/cuienand ladits wfio uro hatbands and teivet, and who wish to be/fl/kraanalho/Aer#. The agent should htko this niedicitis to the Ihr west, where people are scurce.-wtr York Examiner. " Vis Luciae Cordial" is alonorol invignrntor of Ibo human fiiuno in nil ilia various ensosof langor, lassitude and dabilitatjon, and i* the same time so simple, yet so etficnciohs, that while it enu renovate Urn prostrated encigies of a giant, nn infant may nuo it. not only with Impunity, out with ndvunlufcu. Tho Luqine Cordial is also nn indubitable cure *or ti n incontinence «f the urine, or the involuntary discharge thoreof. It ia like wise an invultiabin and urrivullcd medioinu in eases ofcltrnnio eruptions oftlie skin, mid in the dropicul nfli’Ctions oftlie age. This eulebraud and inc.nimablo Cordial is for rfC. Ur n n it r.NORiCKSUN, july 29 182—ly BaVHntiuh. The Lticiun Cordial) BEWAUG OF FRAUD. HE uu T centniid preefidunted ponulnrily of tbisbeuefi- tid inestimable CORDIAL in tho U- Lnttfiyeih’s Gnrden Noe its. WARRANTED—Citfir 1P10. T HE Pi onriemr’s opportunities for extensive practical observation hu\e enabled him judi ciously lo discriminate such varieties of vegetn- bias us uro really vvottlyrof cnltnrc, from thu infe rior. or, a* is not unfretfiietu. worthless varieties of the same cUs*, which haxo teen p, nmioated through iiiexperciice; liiL-rcforo, fo nmk iif this holcotioii, he ! excluded nmiiu so«t* ustinfiv found in the Catalogues of those who nro mere raiders not practical gromn of ccedj.—And iie is not sure that the variety might not be still further reduced wiih advantage; at any rate this ismuplo for any garden, however extensive, and ftilly adapted to the uiceM taste. As to quality oftlie seeds, the proprietor wishes it to bo remembered, that whntis sold hy him is of his oicii growth, (with but slight exception,) therefore \tm ramul with entire corjidrnce, that they will,upon trial, prove to be farsilpeiiortoiro*t of foreign importation, or such as uro casually colleen din the Uuitod Slide*. Aspuragas, large green Mr Ion, Nutmeg, Citron Beans, edrlv six w eeks Water Spanish Speckled Valentino - Mustard,white — 0k „ • niomiu'* tiic piii* nan Phani* known iit'l China Rad Eye Carolina or Sevvao Beet. I^ong Blood Early Ttiriiip White Sugnr Muiigle Wurlzel Borecolo Broccoli, Purple Cano Cub have, Early York Early Sugar Loaf I,arge York Early Battersea Curled Savoy Green Glazed Flat Dutch Large Drumhead Druniiicnd Savoy RedDutch Carrot, Early Horn Long Orange Cauliflower, Ferlv Onion, silver skin Largo Yellow Parsley, curled, plain Parsnip, Sugar Pens, Early Charlton Early Frame Extra da da Royal Dwarf Bishop Dwarf Dwarf, Blue Imperial Pepper, lur«« Bell Pumpkin, Uushaw Rhubarb, Tart Radish, Large Scarlet Long Salmon White Turnip Red do do Summer White Yellow Tui nip Black Spanish Spinach, Round Leaved Do Rod do,Crc8s|curl’d Prickly Seeded Cucumber,Early Frame Squash, Early Bust) Do Long Green Long Green Egg Plant, large Purple Tmmto, largo Endive, Curled Tun,ip, Red Top, F.lat Leek, Flag Leaved Dutch, Yellow Swedish, Lettuce, Early Cabbugc Purplo Top Rutubaga Large India Brown Dutch Just received and for sale hy T. M. .1 J. M. TURNER, sept 30 Monument-Square. tilted State*, has induced ofte or more unprinci pled persona tn manufacture sjnninus catchpenny articks, under various mines, and purporting to produce the some effret t huf which, iu reality, pro duce nn other eifect Uum that of swindling the public; and togivo ii yet tnoro plausible appear- nnen of their cupidity, tho&c puranus nflict tiint their wretched nostrum* huvo boon in uso iu England and elsewhere fora minder of yours: whereas, until the illustrious Ur. Maputo made hi* wonderful discovery, no cum for Imrrtniics had been cvi-r thought id’, orat least mndo pub lic; mid all there then in uso for the restoration oftlie decayed virile powers were found to be of ITuf little avail. Thus, all novirnms advertised for bairenncA* ortho cure of irnpntency, but Dr. Mngimi's aro tnettt cnteltpettuy humbug*, wblcU would never have been tfifftightofbiit for the ap pearance and great celebrity of the LUCINA CORDIAL. As im counterfeit Of the nnmo is nt nrcscut in circulation, it may in genornl bo a snuicsenkPouiiou for the pnitlmecr to u*k for th<» Luclna Cordial, hut ns ftmlier asrurnnee,itivould be ns well to note that its name, Lticina Cordial, I or Elixir of Love, is stamped in tho glass of each bottle—the combined arms of France and the U- tiited Stales are on the outward onvelnpn—that a Fleur do Lis is printed Oil the accompanying directions, andbeuutiftilly embossed on the show bills iiamrinp in tlfn stores of those who Imvo the genuine article for sale. The ccMuiiy ol the Luchin Cordial being such ns it is, it i* scarcely necessary to'add that it is the only efficient remcify for barrenness nnd thu res- toriition of decayed virilo powers over known; and that In the cure of Fluor Alhus,Gleet,obstruc ted, difficult or pninftt! Menstruation, thn incon tinence of tho urine, or the involuntary discharge thore.of. itsauperlorit) over every other medicine i* net only decided, huk unnuesfionahle. For sale by V r '- K HENDRICKSON, july 29 182—ly Savannah. Wi To ContraGtoi’Sc Engineer’s Office, Central Rail Road, \ Savannah. August 28, 1840. S TiRCrCSALE v. i!! be received b- the eub-cr: JT her until the 20ih or October next, for build ing a Bridge over the Oconee "River, for the Central Riijl Road, and also for erectiug about 4090 feet in length of truss work in the river swamp. The site of the Bridge is about 18 miles below Milledgevilie; it i* to bo of Ltt'co work, with two spans of 1*25 feel each, and supported by two ahutmerts nnd ono pier of masonry, nt mi eleva tion of about 22 foot above low water murk. Tho amount ufstone and lumber required, will .be n- bout 000 porches oftlie former, and about 112,- 000 foot of the latter. . * The truss work will be supportefftiy piles, nt a menu elevation of about td feet above the swuujp, mid will ruiiuire 500,000 feet BM of tim ber. exclusive of piles. .,Phuunnd specifications oftlie work maybe seen, pud all uecessary explanations will lie giv en, on application to the undersigned nt this of fice. Application may also be made at the Com pany's omce «l Marou, from the JUlli l<> tlm 15t!i of September, and from the 10th to the 15th of Octqjper. Mri F. P. Ilplcomb. assistant engineer, now cng^nid in locating the line we.-t of the Oconee, if applied to, vyiU point tiut th«» •;»** orttiff work, and will givo rniy.lufiu mniio/i touching its local- ity-, Bids will be received for cither the maeonry, die mi »-t*i structure of the bridge, or Uie truss work alone, or for the whole together. L. Q. REYNOLD,S, Chief Engineer. nrjHESE medicines Imvo long A appreciated ftir their oxtrnordim mediate powers afYestoring perfect soils suflering undet twarlv every k lo which the human Ommo is liable, u V") fifOpriotOT rejoices in tho oi Tonlcdby thn iinlveri'el dilliislon oft....... for placing hi, VEGETABLE LIFE within thu knnwtedgo and reach ofovery «ul in the community. Unlike the host niciuus quacknrloH which boast of vogeU...„ «.* grodionts, tho Life pills uio purely and solely vegetable, und contain neither mercury, sutiuio- ny, arsenic, nor any other mineral iu miy form whatever. They aro entirely composed: ofe*- iracta from rnro and powerful plants, the virtue- of which though long known to several luttfl* tribes, nnd recently to some eminent pharmaceu tical chemists tiro altogether unknown to ths Ig norant pretenders to medical seience, mid wen novel before administered in so happily eflfor- ciottsn combination. THE PIKEN1X B1TTER8 are so called, be cunso they possess lliji nowfiMlmiforinf (be cji- pfr.u'g embors of health, lo glowing Vigor through- out tho constitution, n* the PKomiix is said to>- restored to fife from the ashes of its own dissolu tion. The Pliamix Bitters are entirely vegotabir composed of rom*iouud ouiy in curtain pads v the western rountllr, which will iufnlibty etu FEVERS AND AGUES ofall kinds; wiltnev* fail to erndiento entirely all iheofleeritofmercur. infinitely sooner thnn the most powerful propai ations ofSarsnp irilla. und will immediately ci;. tliodisteraiinulion of BLOOD TO THE HEA) never fail, in sicknrs* incident to young fcmnlt and will bo found a certain remedy in all oosesL. nervous debility nnd weakness of the- moat: puired constitutions. As n remedy for Chronic and Inflammiito Rhuumattsm, the efficacy of the Tbccnix Bittd^ Will lio diMMOiwt rated hv the uso of a single W'l 4 ’* r lho usual dose of th:so Bitter* is halfa wi’* glass ftiU. in water or wine, and this quantity me’ be taken two or three times a day, about half i- hour before meals, or a less quantity may be U ken nt all times. To4hose who are afflicted wi" indigestion after tnedls, these Bitter* will pro? invaluable, nr they very greatly increase Uie ■< tinn nftho principal v i*cern, help them to pcrfari their fhtintions, anil enable tho stomach to di- ( oTiurge into the bowels whatever is offi-nsiv * Thu* indigestion iseusily nnd speedily removet appetite restored, and tho mouths of tha nbsoil iug vessels being cleansed, nutrition is facilitn’ . nnd strength of body and energy of mind are i v Imnpy results. * l or farther particular* of Moflhtl’s Life Pill nnd Phcenix Bitters, apply at Moflutt’s office No 516 Broadway. New York, wheio the Pills can b.-. oliinined for 25 cents. 50 cents und -$Jjw h f - nnd the Bitters for $1 a $2 per bottle7^Dl|L^n on* certificates of tho wonderful efficacy ofbo ? may be there inspected. « 1 For sale hy A. BARTO^V- At his Store, on the Bay, cornor ofDrayton-8: july 14 169—ly y Vniicr’H Ciplehinicd FreucUPllI • Vine Hundred Dollars Challenge. rjlHE genuine French Pills against all t'i A QUA UK nostrums of die age—for the cu of a certain disease. Tfio FRENCH PIL1 are applicable iu all cases lor cither sex, (warm ed free from mercury,) and do not affect t bruuth in thu least, and arc* perfectly pleasant a> . ugrecuhle to the stomach, nnd have never fath*^" 1 to make n speedy nnd permanent cure, wltlta i / the least regard to diet or application to buxines. J. In long, protracted or chronic stages of the d - case, obstinate Gleets, Fluor Albus, Gravel, f • I male Complaints, ora weakness of those orgar- ' > they are beyond a doubt the most effectual rein ’ dy ever discovered, having cured many obsiinaii. ’/ i cases after every other medicine had tailed, Th- Frctich Pills have been so universally auccersf ' PETER’S FILLS. E would cal! attenum to the advertisement in oiircoluiims to-dny of PETERS’ VEG ETABLE PILL8. Wo understand by the best medical authority, that there is no prepnration of the day which euio>« so enviable a reputation. At the' South and N orth, their success has been unhouii'led, and wherever introduced we believe thoy Imvo given the most perfect satisfaction, - —— — v —-rv We have this drty bed nn interview with one of J dtatthe proprietor chalurqm anyone to our citizens, Henry K. Fox, who was recently J *“ ~ e 1 J r ^ cured of a most relnnikable and obstinate cuta neous eruption, where the body was covered with fulsome ulccis, and oven the tonsils of the throat eaten away—and by using these Pill* daily for six wt-.-ks. was entirely restored to health.—New York Examiner. PETERS’ VEGETABLE TILLS. They do indeed restore the health of tho body, dnee a remedy of equal certainty under i forfeit | uro of Tlirco Huudrcd pollan. * Price $2 per box. For sale hy G. R. HENDRICKSON, Savannah. july 29 182—ly Compound Snrsnpnrilla, or 1 HIciul Syrup*- Georirin—IVIcKutosh County. To all whom it may concern: TKNHEREAp James R. Obberry applies to vf me for Letters of Dismission, as Execu tor of the estate of Johp Obberry, late of said county deceased, These are therefore to cite nnd admonish all and singular tlin kindred and creditor* ofsaid de ceased, to bo and appear at my office within the timo prescribed bylaw, to shew'cause (if any thoy have) why said letters should not he granted. Given under inyhand at office this first day of May, 1849. ' E- TOWNSEND, may 6 • Clerk c. o. m. i. c. fur supe- vnd and for “NS, Ground Pepper and illiisUird. BOXES London Mustard £d\J 10 do Uannister do 10 do ground Pepper, in paper* For sale by T. M. db J. M. TURNER, anpt17 Honey. TIERCES of Clear Strained Hcney, ou ■ and for sale by ANSON PARSONS, No. 6. Gibbon's range. Evans’ Gliamoniilc Pills, P REPARED from a pure extract of the flow er, a very whhlesome medicine, mild in op eration nnd nieusnnt in (fifect, the most # ccrlatn preserver of health, a safe und effectual cure of indigestion and all stomach complaints; and as a natural consequence, a purifier of the blood and a Mwcotner of thu whole system, to the nervous and debilitated. The powers of Evans Chamomile Pills are Buch, that tho pnlpitalnig heart, the trenmious hand, the dizzy eye,and-ihc fluttering mind vun- ish before tliei. effects like noxious vapor* befoie the benign influence of the morning sun- This tonic medicine is for various diseases, general de bility, indigestion and its consequences; ns want of uppetite, nil apparent disteqsiou of the atom- ach. uclcliiug, pu'rns iu the stomach, acidity, un pleasant lament the mouth, rumbling noise in the bo weds, nervou*aymptoms,luriguirfiu!*s,when the mind^bmiirilwl’itoffip, desponding, thought ful, melancholy and dejected, hj pochondriacism. low spirits,con«untptton,pulpUationx ot the heart, nervous irritability, night mare,rheumatism,spas modic affections, dimness of sight, delirium, and all other nervous symptoms, these Pill* will pro duct) an effectual euro. For sale hy ANSON PARSONS, sept 7 No. 8 Gibbons’ Range. sweet OIL ior Sweet Oil, fresh _ _ . tea do do, in flasks. Just received and for sale by Wt& a. R. HENDRICKSON. BASKETS ntp V inr Sweet’ Oi v* importation, 10 boxes do do, in Luild, Flipper & Slstarc, Oiler lor Side, f \ HMDS and tierces Cuba Molasses ■ x" 50 tes und bill* N. O. do 30 lihds Prime Porto Rico Sugar 15 boxes Refined Loaf Sugar 75 bug* Cuba and Old Java Coffee 25 boxes Baker’s Chocolate 450 Deniijoiu, assorted size* 130 pcs heavy Dundee Bagging 30 crate* Patent Wine Bottles 75 boxe* Negro Pipes 85 M. Havana Segur* 100 cases Hock and Champagne Wines 70 qrca*k*Sicilv, Port nnd Pico Wines 12 pipes pure Holland Gin 4 naif pipos Cognac Brandy 200 bbi* •TlielpV’ Giii 50 bbi* Boston Knple Gin 50 do do do Rum 60 do Portland Rum 100 sack* coarse and lino Suit 150 keg* pure White Lend 4 cask* English Linseed Oil 201) Grindstutica, ossurted sizes sept 4 Ualllbut Pius. *1 KEGS new, just received and for sale by lli sept 15 LONG 6c, PATTERSON’. Cuntil Flour. OA WHOLE aud half bbls, new wheat. Just Jm\w received und for sale by sopt 15 . LONG iV PATTERSON. . Cosmtflirs. rnURCHES’ gcntiiuo Vegetable Lotion, Rowland’s KaTydoro, an Eastern Botanical; discovery of surprising efiiency forreuderjpglho skin suit and fair, uu well as Imsiowinga delicate roseate hue to ihe complexion. Just received and for sale by sept29 THOS. RYERSON. Domc^ic Goods. A£\ Bales Cotton Sheotings, from the Cotton JtlJ try Manpfaqiqring Co. 20 bales Geor gia Nankeens fiom tl«n <^msdnlo Monufoctoring Co. For solo by PADELFOBD,FAY &.CO, oot 13 K NOWN from all others by being called fl 1 1 Silver Top. Also, as a further secari' I nrcu.0 ».rpan.r »na ....■««....« u.u U,m,u,ana „ „ ignoture w ,llbe fonnri in w, own band m tlunr good rnarwnrn not counter),ntancotj by any , i| ^ i „„ lhe oll „ iJo Kn)pp From tiie Editor of the Herald. Bruten » ouiouptiiill** Csmpcund. ■-This ful nud nlemanu beverage for the summer, U C«* I corning iuto use, am! will soon be an indispens- r ble urUcle in every family. It makes a delightfif mead,.und i* an excellent purifier of Ihe ulood I Hy n very small expenditure of money, the pc | cllaser Im* u bottle bfihe Sawnparilla Conipour nnd a box containing tho Saline Powder; them ly tmc.essnry accompaniment is a pitcher of it water, and you have n perfect fountain, wh« render, you may refrigerate to your heart’s co tept. A little ortho Saline mixed with the pn pared Snrsnpurilln will give you as gruInfill < ' glass of Sarsaparilla Mend ns can befonud inf I city. We speak from experience; don’t take « word, hut go and get iho article of Willi* Brown, tho inventor, 481 Wasbington-street. For sale by T. M. & J- M. TURNER, nug20 Monument Square, Inronvenitmco; being composed emirtlv of veg ul.iuho, itu j J.'. ..wi .'.ipenc who ••••» •!»*»»« to danger, and their eflccta nre as certain c* they nro salutary; they are daily and safely adminis tered to infancy, youth, manhood and old ago, and lo women in Inc most criticnlnml delicate circum stance*. tiiov do not disturb or shock tho animal function*, fmtrestorcs their order und re-estab- li.dies their health, and for all the purposes Which a vegetable purgative, or certain cleanser of thu w liola system aro required, they stand without a rival. ICT Sold wholesale and retail, at all the princi pal Druggists in Savannah, july 29 162—ly Peters’ Vegetable Pills A RE daily effecting some of tho most aston ishing and wonderful cures that liuvo ever been known—in consequence of which they have now become ashining mark, against which all the arrows ofdisappointrd hope, envy and uncharit- nblencss nrd levelled wi'hout distinction. Peters’ Vegetable Pills uro uiiti-biiiims, uuti- dyspaptie. ami nitti-mercurial, nnd may justly be considered a Universal Medicine—but they aro nciflinrly beneficial in the following complaint*: _ olio wand Bilious Fevers,Fevor and Ague,Dys- S , Croup, Livor Complaint. Sick Headache, re, Asthma, Dropsy, Rheumatism,Enlarge ment of tho Spleen, Piles, Female Obstructions, Heartburn, Furred Tongue, Nunaea, Distension oftlie Stomach nnd Bowels, Incipient Diairluru, Plirtnlnnre-HoW*»«al Co«tivan»*«i, Loss of A |<{>u- V( tile, Cholic, Biotclicd or Snhow C’omphjxiou,! j f nud iuoiS c.ibC* of Torpor of the Bowels, where a Cathartic or nn Aperient i* needed. They nro exceedingly mild in their operations,, producing neither ii.iiucn, griping nor debility. KT’Eold wholosalo and rntuil at all tho principal Drug Stores in Savniinnlt. july 29 482—iy Dr. Eucn’s Unh'crsril fitrcngtli- cniug Ftostvr. Unrivalled find Unequalled U C ELEBRATED for curing pains, or weakness in the breast, side, bark or limb*; also, for gout, rheumatism, liver complaint and dyspepsia. In coughs, colds, a-lhums, ditUculty of breuthf'.ig, oppression oftlie stomach, &c. they will give im- mediate nnd soothing iclief; nnd, for neatness, pleasantness, safety, ease and certainty, nro deci dedly superior to other remedies. Persons whose business or avoc.ition* require that thoy should sit or stand much, or tho.^o of sedentary habits generally, who may be troubled with puinsiu thu side or breaot, are advised to try one of these beautiful and unrivalled plasters. They uro dif- furentfroffi*others, nnd free from objection* which nrc generally made ag-dmi plasfers. Terlinp* there i* no incdiculohservation better ostablhhcd than that “ Consumption originate* in neglected Colds." In u climate Hovarmbloas ours, it re quires more care nnd attention to guard against the attacks of this too often fatal, disease, than roost person* are able nnd willing to bestow. It cannot therefore but he a gratification to tho sub scriber to lie enabled to offer to ull of consump tive habits; or those afflicted with distressing pains in tiie side or hreast, or any affection oftlie breast nnd lungs* q-ransbunhlo prospect of relief by using his " Universal Strengthening Plaster," A supply of these valuable Plaster* kept con stantly on hand, hy ANSON PARSONS, sept 5 No. 8 Gibbons’ Range. Pardons’ Vegetable Ami-Bilious • V Pills. A SAFE nnd cortain euro for all bilious com- plaint* »nd obstructions oftlie bowols. If administered in timo, they will oflectuully remove tho bile from tho stomach, and counteract the cnn«os which *o generally pro luce headache, in digestion, fever nud ague, or intermittent, remit- unit, bilious, inflammatory, and yellow fevers, jutindicu, bilious cholic, dysentery, worms, rheu matism, pleurisy, bilious vomiting, foul stomnch, costivcnussj sore throats, colds, coughs and asth ma. Prepared and sold by 4 ANSON PARSONS. Human Hair.*' . T HE diseases oftlie hair among ns are /M which occasion baldness and gradual^ ; off of tho hair,und thinness of it—the emm* which arise from many disoruers,.especially f I vers; perspiration, which extends the pore*. ^ ( laxfrs the roots, causes the hair to fnll off. and : ten occasions total haldncss.. Baldness lmie r been esteemed a great defect. It generally sr ' through violent exercise, from whence f.ri*« spirntions, which too frequently occasion < oftlie hair—it relaxes the’root*—the ncidil) vents the fluid acting on the hair, which ocos it to wnstn. For instance, after n violent p ration tho Hair become* dry, it feels oxti harsh, and no elasticity iu it whatever; the: to prevent it* taking an effect on the hah rub tho bawdry with a cloth,.then apply *ht- *ndn Oil'to tho rhot* of the hair, so that th of tho heed may bo moistened, and rentuiii ter each time of perspiration. Sold wholesale and retail by the pr«: Thoa. Cm irk, No. 490 Broadway, N. Yot by anpo'mtinenff by aug 19 ANSON PARSONS, Agt . Dr. J ?bf»’s Illiciuuntlc LiuiiU' T ills hightv approved and long celeb application for Rheumatic Disorders.iV . fully prepared according to.Ihe original Wi,/ Sir Riclmrd Jebb. Baioiint,T»hy.ici*u to Wr Majesty and Royal Family. 1 It is doabtltM I that the oxeruciating pain* the decrepjtuu, m formity uud (Ukrouturo old ago, which rift || usual attendants and consequence* ofUiwcu . cd disorder, uro attffered by ninny person* L ] Uttar despair of H.citre, or frequent dUanpo L input in tho efiiency of the nmuorons W°| c, | u i| antidotes used »o effect this purpo^ Bittta'I wno Inwejnado trial of Dr. Jebb * Liniment, oven in obstinate cases of long i ing, und of tho most severe character, * ,avc .J ceived essential relief, and many have bcon« f cd iu a few days,* some in twenty-four hours, 1 a number of persona in Boston and vtctniqr* r[ 1 were formerly affllpte.d with tho RlioUtnut. have very ful y nud satisfactorily,V !itt n t tificatusnro iu the pos^essioll of the 1 JJpW 3 which prove Uie most thorough and surp I cures by means of this must powerful Lm* *" iu case* where other upproved tqtyheution totally failed. The Lmitucut ia uwo u*e‘ signal success, nud may ho confidently n mended for chilblains* bruises, spna'HS* - ness, stilftloss of tho joints, &o. 1 I A supply of the ubove artiolo lor «Uei 1 WM. II. TURN pi july 14 Opposite tho Mansion Hg-, Peters’ Pifis. ., A FRESH supply of the above valunbm icino juit received, and for Q by J ANSON PARSONS, july 27 No. 8 Gibbons Kan|» A NEAT, n?Mcy l »r'l.cuf, 1 !^'*J*olJinK 1 *nr« for sala by oitgSO