Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, January 10, 1806, Image 1

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Vol. IV. No. 25 j Six Dollars a Year, halt in Advance.] RALPH MAY, ;flaving t Im t'e flare adjoining Jamet C*r: nthers, Con, nit ret Raw, the Bay, now offers .• S •>, ah mts.'ivi. assortment rr Dry Goo !.•> • ?artla ar , Ca-lifrig of Black, l>*ue, cor!, .u, l,nnvn and mi:; fu; Second Clot! a P t is, E ftie Cl : s, Caflimi-rcs, k- ad con mon 1 Patent c; rb, S-.vaLFo ••••.. & “oil >i:s Biuj Strouds, Louden iiu;-lk and ustr Blankcrs ri’.nnels of aU colours A Yari :ty of V-lvits, V-rlvi-ren, Genoa Cords and l’liiekf Us Diir.itH, C- ‘.os*, Mufl ns a n d M .<! o lLinrtk rchi Is CrantVay T :(l .is Plain, fi.Mi’ 5 and chw.k •! rot on Cam- Inkki, ‘die C3, Liaeus Dowlas, fhcednga D -loeis.-ini A noer Table C ! ‘tbs Bed i !;-, D . v.t, Duro s, Ca!i-n.incos Bo vvzsttes and Bombazines Si’ik. an.i'Cotton Shawls - So .u Malab-u Pu ii.rat & Rom: II o’k :rch f ‘ i k, C tton and worst and H -ILy Sdk, ca ih-i !:, otton & leather Glow. and Mitts, Lac? and Edgings. ‘VorlLd and Cotton Tafleis and Cords S 1 ’k a:ui Cotton Braces Apron Check;, knittnig Cottons Lactic; lcarL-t cloaks, UmhreUas and Parasols Nuns, whited brown, a'l colours and Oz.-aburg Threads Needles, Knitting do. Tapes, Bobbins, Pins Gentleman’s fine Hats Servants G azed and common do. Gentleman’s an 1 La lies II >c .-'in -3 Brass Wire Lenders, with and without (1 p j bottoms Shovel ano Tongs, Bellows Cl; mtu v li. ok;'.. Cloak pns Bl o k P;n a;n! CofT e Biggint and C lire Pots Iron Potr. Dutch evens Smith’s be;- han . hand Vices Hand and fledge Hammer# I'.i .’r? i.iid I‘ IcS Carpenters broad axes I-iaiidi-ts, Atizes, Saws, Sc;ew Augur f. !s, Runs, Lon iq-.i .r -s Cutnpafl-,r, Gimblets, Oil stones, Hingt .A variety oi Carpenter# Planes an.. Plane Brace with hilts, Wood ferews Club ami I’tiibng ax s, Spades Broad and Garden Hoes Scythes aiid Straw krives, Knives and forks. Carvers, F# panned Tea Trays, and Bread Baflcets Caml - itieks, Snuffers pat. door fpringt Cun / combs and B: uflies Powder, Shot, and bar Leal Powder fLlks and ihot Pouches Gun Lt.-.vs and Worms P.ated Spurs Pen knives, Sciflkrs Uaifors. Cotrbs, fpotv.s Ci -i and Coftt-o Mills •VV.B: 11 ous, fp'-dta-de# Bn. kl; vet’s Trowels Blair B itonn a; -cl Brulhes Iviotoccr- pe.ckct an.; bi.u k books \i tiling p;per, 1; k -uv.- r Pewv. Bast, s, I ..tea, can !•* tnoYld# Iron rim’d che-lts, cupbuar. , trunk, desk and (Ii -. k I.ticks Shoe nuk-.-ts ktiiv.s, Lirnours, pinchers, aul blades, ta. k Sic. Copper and Iron'll ; kcult-s Grid Irons, Smoothie;,’ Irons, Chaffi , dirties, Al SO, \\ bite L -rd, Sjrai:i!i: brown yellow edit and blue snd grten paints Patntei’s Btiilh sand Firmin'/ tools 4<’. 50 6ri. Bd. icd- 12d. 20d.&300. Nails and Mooting B'ads. 8 by 10, 9 t.y 11, anc 10 by 12 Xhi’ (low Giids, ill whole & ball !:• x Together wit!- a La r blame afiortn.;. of C\CCKBRT. r.d GLeiSS W/iRL ail of which will be fold cheap. Dec. 20 ts 32 cl I Y Mlh.KlM huL- . WILL te .Mo on the fi , Tuukhi \iii Pi t uary ibc& a /he w ur hou ii this city between ti e hc-u.r cl if and 3 o'clock, a ho ‘e & be idle lev - ej on as the property of Donat iY’Dot:aid, poin/ed ou; By the plait; lifF. Conditions Calh. Jno. Williams, s. c, s. Dec. T 32 ]/Oi.d Li ii U C •^l- * HIS e'egnrt retreat rl mit 4 miles fren A Savtu ix'.h, <i’ IVafitw river, is cil'erc: nr aleafe f< r lix nr fevei. >, for the lit-- ■ fit ofthe heir, r, on’ierms that will ft; thcfelnclinsble to priiel’s lb valuable a piece el preurti, as xve.l calr- ated lor health a for pica: ure anti pr, : Apply to \V. STIiPf-V.NS > ‘ . M. IfKKIiL'U., 5 GtARDIA: ‘• A ugutl 0 96 j\cdce. A LC Peribrs ‘■ rr.fHs ays.inl -h il. eltr.tca.t ‘‘lephen B: ‘irt late of -aval nah - - A to renucr t • properly attell J, ar.d turn I. -it'j-.ecl r , tr.a. • immediate pavr.ei.t to t H AitLOT IE S. I>L OUNT, Z.\‘. r'z. iiay at ts 7a \.3 wol^ ici, Republicen ® EDUCATION, Om-.r!-,,! f ... e r ,, trona „ e ” ‘ ia ' cs ß* r ‘•'> ‘*< hi- cd , n v *V ,h - >•> p *'•’• o. IMec nrhF, mu s *’ t ,! * ; A; . it-. ! t ,|. f 1,7.^; s ‘-PI-.VV Raw 1 . ■ C.M -- r .„J Vl ..’.a-iciil l. liot well- Ir. r,lu<W K l„ m ■ • ‘lie fame ei.-r:,i.v plan, as aMhtlr com . cement. The cnuvfe of the schools, He i- I ;T> . Orair.-iv.r. U ~ ■; Uhet:> ;c. ■> rio ;; r< .; u fill on -t r> v n-.I !i ad'., I Ari V. Tit ic, VI k cc „ n . il - ’ veril tyftern: C . ra ‘ a ‘va v;ngc. jam g cf ‘'laps p.o -- -’ 1 ’ ‘’ ‘’’ ” 11 i”V 1 ’ >” rr , and i'e •„ V o-. -he G. u ~vi l> Kill.)!-’ ami C!i • net „ . 1 ’ .'* ■ ‘-I -.1” j .r-men*. the I 1 ‘ “ s ‘oel ml “ -ii i ; Algol, .i ’ >‘.i- T. p. •< . vrv, C Seftinis 1 ■ • “'• v 1 “ ■- rip’ j>. 0 11 t) < lit fi. !... t • f.* .. ddn: mvgi. p.ioit i.l'lci ’ e J - ... iis |. r . (ii n, .vn.. .i l .ic ie■ln'i,i 1 1 .mm i * lii\g ,\Pe 11 1 -mi to he trora’ i -.*r irei iuiprivtiiri; -f his pu -1” h ■ I: . ■ i-nie > s him fr ni i liberal and enlightened public, a th.irc m ‘•n. favor jvVv'i 1.0 hr hrhert • expei te iced a im’ 1 with a. Entrance, til lie ill-or i-he enC'iiug puuuivv. .'.A i) \vcmc >lasi-eh of eminence will attend the Sehools. November 5 20 ■U/ 3 Ii! me n’icrs of thi Ft. 51 iIjR sfSSrr.U-if are requt fted to pay in their fuM..nption,i to the year 1806, on or before 20tii January 11 xt, to the Secretary who is aut lion fed to receive the fame. L lie Li inks ot t!.e ‘Tie tfurer and Src r e > ry are open to ti e liifp ftion of any or the Members who may with to set ’ hem. By order of toe Ba-irtl. S trail j. Lamb, Dec. 24. ts 33- Sec'ry. 50 Dollars Reward. RAN A WAY ahem 4 months lince. A i ro n, an I’,iTEH, belonging to the date of George Haiti dec’d. He is a valua ble Carpenter, and well known far ma.iv years 1’ Hrscity, I! is tall and thru, afhve, and rtfuiand when qa.eitioned closely, he dam ■icrs much, lod I ars will be paid On Viis livery to the SublVriher, orto the Gra'er ol is ci.y, and r-v-'v dollars in addition thereto 1 proof of his being-harboured by a vvbi e erfoil. J.MACHIN, Exo'rto Edate, George Viuiit Ofiober 15 14 Til'’ SUJUCKIIU- K WT - HTNG (hretfv li tir attention to’ vards the c. ile.-n si and fettlenient of debts ne to them. Givq -nmiec that, on the nit .'v of December ik xi, they will decline the letai 1 hnlint f; on credit; They delire there ■r.ithat all thofij indebted to them, or to t. inert & John B. I ton, wili immediaw h make la'ment or otherwise fettle to their laiis aft ion. From the ft'-'-e crllefliou made thole two ‘earn pail, the debts to t hem have accm.ula • and beyond their v.'ifh ; and they are fiffi ientiy aware t hat billin’ fs condufled on a footing c 111 not supp-rt iifelf. i unis Ivolron, & Cos. Their rema iingftock on hand which is mtwn'ei.ded to b* incrcafetl, will he fold by vh.oief.tie <-r retail, on ealy terms for cafti, >1- luce, or town notes. Nov, 39 2 f, ts Removal, ?H E .Subfcti er havins; taken a ixycais lc-..ib of Mr John Put ler’s vbarf and ti k i adjoining Mr. Bo! ons yi. mac aw wharf, has removed .1-lumber yard, and having prucu 2.) large and iafe ft ore rocm, is hope o’ ot a O'.ttti.-mtnce of [ ait f.-vors. he dock dea/ prefen occupies i* .-pe !Ac pc/i-ss the fame advanta *cs as / . conve: fence as tiis former ne did. His c unting town wdl he ■tul is duelling heufe adjoining •• John caigs one tan be hi ed up on the wharf. John Mead. Aupufl 27 1 70 LEASE For a r Ferm of Years. Lots A 0. 13 and 14 in Warren Ward ftluatetl neat tf’e Bay ar.d adjoining a lot inonging to die edate of // 1 .iitibrirtge , at present, oen/j’ied by Mr. James Mclnhijh and Air. Wm G.eeti Teache —one of them a cot n r lot on a Jquare and fronting the new ti. ui let. For let ms apfjy to WILLI AA! PARKER, januaiy 3 ts 36. SjtVAAA..U MARIKE Uefpitai C5 1 Poor-House The fubfenber being appointed by their Honors tiie juli cs < f the Infem r Ourt, overseer of the Poor ands le Medical afiili ant to the Poor House -.rid Seaman’s Hofpi ■■l, gives Public Notice, ‘hat Ik- is now ready to rec'-ive into the Inftitinion, ary oerlon or perl ons belonging to the County; or lick Seamen, who fliail make application o him for admilfion. He has to rwj ieft chat n f* me *he ci’ i/.ens will not give any r'-hef o persons at -heir door , as the arrangements made for thefr reception is such a.s will fu :>erc t’.e the NeceS'y of their giving Charity n that -gey ; fltouid ‘hey hovvev -r, feel dis- j - r' 1 . to .(Tdt -he ; dti'wi in, .iti. donation .vil! he • ‘..c,r kful.y received and fi*hfa!ly ac .ountf-d I ;p, hr MOSES SHLITTAL. , Novel .ctr a; 25 Savannah : Primed by EVER ITT and McLEAN, on the X A r. 50,000 BRIG ICS, ANDING from the I>. ig JOHN A -*-a I) AMS, tor fide, apply <_n board or to Men, Mackay ci? Cos. n<*ccmher if gS i O 1 Fr, the WHARF AND STORES j’OH M l(l.Y occupied bi MelVrs. VVillbn .e K . -c. -id at preleut by Mr. Andrew ■i. :-x. ‘i'll ir p -.’ui.dtve and convenient fi. at’ cn i- I wt-i 1 known, as t-> re.|u;ic nr lUrilier explanation. For terms enquire ol J R. \Ya) ne. Woven’er 1 \ q K !’ ‘ -OV AL. ‘John Jut lfori, Has veni vi dto ibe b -it dory of MelTrs. Uoht re Jin.. Bolti"''. itore, ir>n. occupied! as a -grocery, by Mctl'rs. t unis Holton i C. . Dec. .1 6t 35 ‘■'or k ile ar ii* Is () lice, ■1 variety of B /,. INKS among which are, F ire.- -and Coaling Alanifells, Me ■ hanr Entries, utqtlOr do. Ili Is of Ex; hange, I 1. of Lading, do of Sale; Powers of Attorney. Checks, \ ( ;p,-entices Indnitures, Deeds of Conveyance, Bonds; Notes of Hint!, Writs lor the Superior, Inferior & Mayor’ Courts, Mayor’s C< urt tlx (Otinns Ik Supboe.-,, T-.tices to ctedito soflnfidvent del. t ors -lilitary Sum in ife ,f; Ex *-utiei-s. J< CT> Cards, Handbills bfc. Printed at a flojrt ]\ otic con reafonabi t sms. Aelmimitraiot s Sales. Friklnv the 24th day of Janunr \ n \t, will hi* lold at the Haufe of Jo ■pph \ 1 flll in Carpenter’s H\v all the rs nil Eflate of Elizabeth siiick, iec*ale’;c ‘-{((tin tr of one Necjro Woman, HOUSEHOLD # KITCHEN FUR NITURE #c. Fale to commence at 10 o’cl ck in the fore noon. By Order ofthe Admmiftrator. Levi Abrahams, Atift’r. Dec. 13 30 txp. jaw. TO LET, FOR ate tin rs v-ars, the premis. fes at pt- sent occup'eJ by Mr. W i 1 Chauviii as a dwell .n/r hr use at c Gro<'f>v A profitable lea >f /tun vci v v Suable ffantl, r, ay b i-td and p-dl. fit n delivered in ah: ti je* days ; for a rnadera.e advai ce u c .fit Fo pt'/ru'ars apply to if. YmbA Judge Stephens or Gen. D, Jl. \ll .L'l.’Ji. W illiam Mills. Auguftat ky i [ Notice , fUF. fubfcribVr, loitie r ime hit being on hts rcur.t from Uie lnli. oj ion, tan.e up w'tii a JOHN i‘ jV'INL (.s he called himlell) vs bad in Ins pt iieflion anew rifpio (c I'.w ; from the c - untenancc and (0, verfation of Irvine, when in'em pa t from whence he had come, Te nai r erin which he made reply, cydht with o her circumffances of his .o. du£l confir m-;d /he fubfcrDe in thi bi es /hat /he negro had been fioici. - He therefore demanded of Irvu J i whar way ho had come to (he pill I non of the negro ; to which ht it turned r.n anvafie answer. Thcfub irriner told him he had good leaf > *o believe the negro had been fto!c. and was determined to /ake /he m ::ro from him and have him ad vert ife g and in < afe no pe.lon claimed hi within eighteen months woulJ c.the re’urnoi fed him. This is theiefore to notify all per ons whom it do hor may concern, f hat /he lubfcr;ber has in h:5 pokes li n/he said rew negro j he is zb. u five feet eight inches high, aped he /ween wenty five and /bii/y years— no marks o her than cn his I sclr, whir h appear to have fuff red under tf.< Jov fkir- ; lj.eks - little or / o t np IT: ays he came from Carolina, but act: .or knew whether from Noi/'i <■> > a.h, he ii diftii dtly ce-nirriu- icait - ( hen cCk and in whs/ way the man came b h'nri) th;-t he tcok him up ir •be r< ad, when on his way to fifh or. rr.<- river or creek nearby. !Bs i.wr. erot owners a.e therefore retjuefieo o p. eve ihe proper/y of ibe negro pay charges and /-k*- him away. \Vin. Neely. Camden County on S/ Mary’s River. Sep', 10. iamiß/n 7. NOTICE. THE Subscriber intending to be abfentfo fume months has appointed the lion. Edward Telfair, Charles Cciem-gl'ells and John Lawson, Esq’rs his attorneys, wiio will transaftany bulinefshis, during hisablk/tce. Matthew MUillifter. April >5. ts FRIDAY, January 10,1806. JUST RECEIVED 2 Cases 7-8 Lifh linens, cost from 12 to 19 I. Hilling, 1 Bale drapery baize, 1 do. blue cloth, I do. white dowlas, 1 do. rose blankets, 6-4, 7-4, 8 4, am 9-4. t do. ravens duck, 3 do. blue Grills lulkfs. “) Suita 2 do. do Gunahs, | blc so 2 do. Gu- ; j pore Sannahs, jrtheAfii 1 do. Jm j a baftas, | can 2 do Boretp me Ci’fl*-:#, J market THE ABOVE Win. !! R .X(IJ,I> 11V THU BALK,or CASE ONLY, ALSO, 17 Crlks London porter, t'o do. brown flout, 12 Nells trunks, 3 Calcs London m de hats. ON HAND 1 j Hhds. N. li. Rum, 4 Pipes I rindy, A quantity Mo. to. cotton, 10 Clnlls Hyfon, and Ilyfon ikin tea. For sale by Kubcrr. & ( ‘! m k, Smith Is’ A<>’tries Wharf. Deccmbei 20 3! ts I O Hi N I'. STORES N-'.x. 7 and 1-, in the EitChange. For terms apply at my Office. I hos. j-hrr, Sec’ry. Nov. at) ts. tb N o T l C E, A I-L perfnns having any dtiijands Again I. L\ the etUteof JOfilAH TATTNAI.J June, elquire aic nqiieiled to rentier then aroperly attelled and thole.indebted arc or ired to make payment to F.bene/.er Siarl- Mcoie’s Wl.aii GEORGE JONES, ? , E. JACKSON. j Lx R ’’’ April 25 F>B l or N;t!e. ONE of /he moft v lualde / raf.s < ( Land upon /ne Aliamaha, cm tin i’ :■ hc-ut eleven hundicd acres of Hj.i Jwamp in /he 1 est p rch of /.tie. ‘] 1 is tudt is About I v miles above /he town ol Da ien, was, prior to there voluriona y war, /he prCpei/y of th -ne gt itm r VV'iigh-, and h s (~r e. It-ititmer,■■, attached inimediaie'y (. i cfiwsmp, tnr , f be m-.if beuu.i u: itii-i molt dcva/cd ii/ua;i w ts upon /he river. Fcih ns v ifhing to puichafe the uoperiy vvi I apply to I award l-wa, retk or WillLm Mein, Hqrr. *1 Savanna)', where api a/of twi Lan ; nay be’ leen. October 95. ts. 9. n ; riCE. IS hereby given,/ha t af/er the es” i-ra/ion of nine months Lor-, the r!a/< ■creof, application will le made/o/h. onorab'e/he Inferior Ccui/ for she ogii/y of Cam en, for leave ro fcl ie ; eal clla/e of James Vtncer/, lau i ihe laid Coun/y dec. lor the bene of the heirs and creditors. ‘i hoiiUb King, ~) > Adnu v s Archd. Clark, j Auguß 2 7i OVi ILSFEH, Vvan r cd. A man of Heady habits ar.d acciiltomff! to the management of negroes. Jf lie brings good lellimonials, ol Ins honclty, Iildullr;. end Sof.riety he will meet xvi'.h proper eri ouragement by applying to Wm. Mein. November 5 ts LOhDON, Nov. 7. Addreu oj the Emperor Napoleon to bis soldiet s. The evening befereth'’ surren der of Ulrn, die l'.mpcror iilued :he following proclamation : “ Soldiers, a me nrh ago we were tncairped c n ihe shores of le ocean o; pcfiic to J : .'.Jaul ; but an impious league Compel, it-d ns to fly towards the Rhine. * : It is bn: a ft rtrn;-ht fmre wt p'fFtl that i v r, and the Alj * ofWirMT. erg, the Nttkcr, th* . Danube, and the Leaih ; mt I edebrattd barriers of Gcnnanj have not i.-.aided (.ur match u (’ay, an hour, or am ink nt. — Indignation ag.tintc a piinct whom we have twice re-lc&tci on his throne, when it d.j et.'.Ji e entirely on cur pkafure to In i tun from it, lupplied us v.i 1 wings. Ihcenuriy’s an, y dc- [Whole Number ,38. [Twelve ar.d a half Cents fing! c . R-ivni b, our ird'otu v-rs and ■eidticiiy of cui mcvennntsj s completely turn'd. It now n ß hts ( “!y for irs fafrty. It ’ Oil'd f.dkdK npbr.ire an ojtpor uniry of dca. ir.g and returning ■oiiit ; hut it ij now :oo late— I 1 1<J fortifications whit hit rreSt ;! *‘ t a at expence, alon ■ the H-er, expecting hat we would “ivanic through the paflVs of , \ t ' ! Wack For .!!, are b come olclcls, Ii ne v,e have a proacmed by t.he plains if Bavaria. “ boidiers, but for the army v\iii’ a is now in front ot you, wc ihoulii this day have ben in l-ondon ; w.- should live avnig sil ()'.iileiVf S foi fix centuries of •nluits, and restored the ticc dtm of the !‘ ar, ihu beai in mind fo-rrorrew, ra.t \o’i arelignung ugaind: (he d.iit sot i,n and j that y, u have to avenge T.-mltJvts on a j urc-d prmet, whole own letter it breathed nothing but peace, ar tlu- moment vv; ea he w. ls march ing his si my! our ally . whothoUglit us cowardly t-nough tofuppolc, tiiat w fliould tamely wstntls Ills pullage of the Inn, his ernry inio Munich, and fur aggrtflior. ngaitifi toe Hector of .. v.nij. lie t ought we were ■tcu;de ( | eTtwhur j let him, for the third rind lalt imie learn, halt we know how to be j>p tent ir every place where the country has enemies to cor- bat- “ Soli’ifis, to it,mrow will hr an hiindi e-j limts iiiiHc elt lira red than the d-.y of Marengo, } have j 1 (tied file enemy m the fa 1 e pi.i'iu'ein. R’ ‘1 ett tnat the lTn’fl re more i o’ttn y w Jl remaik the condudl of iach of you on L.jy memo/nbje uay. Yourpn.g -,i V . live imruiied years hence, who may place then,lei ves under thole -aides around which wc rallv, wi 1 know in detail every tiling hti your reipedtive corps (hall Jtcliicve to-morrow, and the itanner in winch your courage ihali cooler on them ce idbrity. Ibis cunlJitucc die f u i j .ft {> f thfi,. 1 onvc 1 mion 3 and from a/ e tt? age, v. u will be held it, to ‘he admira .ion of future gem ra.ioi s. ‘‘ -Soldi*rs, if 1 willmd only to conquer the cncir.y, { Jhou and not have elionght it r.tuil r\ to ~ ake an appeal to your com .1 nd your lutachment 10 the , our- ry •nd my person ■, but inert y 10 conquer him is dm ~, nothing worthy of cither you or your Lmpe/or. Ir. is nt eHa y ,hac not a man of the ( nemy’s army ‘hall clcape; that r!ar govern merit, w.uch has viola eJ ail ra engagements, Ihaii fi 11 Rain ks caraftrophe by y ur nrr val on- er the wa..j o( Vienna 5 n,d hai on ,'cceiv rig this fa al in ed'grnct** HSt.otil- icnce, if it Hite, s tu the voiee of confciencc, fiiail sell it/ that it has be.piyed b ,h its so- Hun promde . o pea ~ and the firll of the t u i"s bequeathed by 1 1 s anctl ors, v i;h the power u! forming the- tan part of J-urop’o’ *; ainfl the eiupiions ofthe Cus lacks. Soldiers, who have been en gay-rd in the < lihirs fWcrtin \. * n and (tutnz urgh, 1 am la r.sfied with j> ur conduct i.vcry irrps in the artny wil emu am you, ard 1 (hall b- able o fay to n y p t.pie— 5 ‘ Your jkn.p'inr and your army have on, their duty,’ perform yt nr’s< id the 200,000 confet ipts whom i I-avc Hai ic'ineil, will hasten ~y u arthtc, to rcinforco -ur fi: end lirc. r. a : er r on.” ‘’.r (J A:e loo,per or r.rtd A ;rf , the Mrjor Central of the CrtnA a, try.” “ Berth;