Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, January 10, 1806, Image 3

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o'u-er:,, an ! lbidiers of the corps o* neutrality of die confederation. You hive taken arms at the cali of your country to keep foreign troops fro n your frontiers, and to maintain with a 1 ! your force, the truiq-iiliry and, which, at er to many ftonm, Id vine Providence has rendered us.— Tins is what conllii toes, arid will conduu e your loic dcibnaiion. The H Ivetic confederation w ihcs noc to make war, and He ines only 10 Iwe in peace with all its ne. oh burs, and to off rod .10 one } therefore Hint your ears agjiuft the difcourles of ilic evil minded or the ignorant. Confide in your chief i remain taichful to you coio s as you have sworn ; ooey vol mtaril &c with your ch efs. C intent vourlelves with the p i.y and fuoiiftvnee you have been allowed by the regula tions, and do not permit your selves to make any rquifkions that are contrary to them. Live peace rbiy and harmoniously win. onca. o her, and w.tli ail your unaiirad fellow-citizens. Ann although your religion, ycur cui tuns and your languages be not tile fame, never forget for a in (hnt, that you have neverthclcfs a common country ; that you are all S.vifs and wiih to remain Swifts; in fine that vou have all bin one and the fame interest, that tft preserving the hob or and independence of our country Pi ne.rated with this lively femi ment, 1 have acceded to the ho norable order of the Diet, which nominated me your chief. lam convinced before hand that on every poflibie orcafion, you will lighten, by vour confidence and good conduct, the difficult ami important duties of that employ ment. 1 lhall recreve with the mod fincercgrarirude every proof of your attachment for me, and I ihali do-all in my power to me rit them. But Ide hire to you at the lame time, with ft mnefs that in order to maintain ihc good order which the whole govern ment exads and expects from us, I lhall entile every disobedience, every requifuion contrary to rules and every premeditated injury, fought for and pumfhed. Fr.en s and comrades, his is the moment to Ihcw that Swifts are full wor thy of tin* name ; that we h ive not degenerated from ftp'.ric of our ancetters, and ! hac we feel anew veiy profound y, that in fraternity consists our power, and in union our force, Ifyour art* |, animated with ihefc fenttments, I* the God of our fathers will orti i fy your arms for the combat; he will watch over your families arid * will accompany you with his be nedi&ions. And your children k'deftcendants will ftfll enjoy the I fruits of your valor and your si s deliry.” SWEDEN. 1 Stalsund, Ofiobcr 75. I His Suedilh Majcfty will arrive * here before the end of this month, and it is expected will take the command of the allied army in i perftun. The Rnfiian troops are ap | proachingthe frontiers of Mcck / Irnberg. m I Swedish Pomerania, ()Haber. 15, The Ruffian troops in this I cuntry, v/iil it is understood, ad- SJ/unce by three points, viz. Bois- I lien burgh, Neuhaus, aod Lau i\ fenberg. A Ruffian regirrent|is II expected to pais through Schvve- I rin on the iß;h, the other ■ roops will not pal’s through that IT'citv, [j in Mtckdcnhurtr, Schwerin, II marching Ccmmitlaries are ap- Inpointed fur the allied troops, Kwhich will soon inarch through B.jut territory. ■ We are a (lured that a second of tranfporis with Ruffian oops is eypefted. V A Ruffian frigate vpi.h troops TT>- put into Danzig or. a cuun* bad weather. The troop lii,ere immediately eu barked o, [I .3rd two transports for Swediffi i 11 jmer.-nia. The frigate will j 11 ; repaired ic Danzig, Anspa h x o3. 3, After the French troop* ha ‘ for fume time carefully avuidec infrinig ng on rhe Prussian tetri tory, leverai pirties, the dav be. so-c ytfterday, endeavoured for the firrt time, to quarter them lelves in different places belong ing to ir. Upon rctuftal, howe ver, they probably went away, and pretended In or der timelv to prevent every, mifunde; landing, the Magi- Ur ues of this place feuc a letter to Marlh'tl Bernfoottc, then commanding in VVortzburg, in which they appealed to the neu trality of lais Majcfty the King, which expended alio to his Fran conian Provinces, and prorelted a rainli the entry or paffmc oi any tr ops whatever, ihe Mar In .1 gave the molt pointed ,s ----.uranes, that the n< utl.raliti Ih uld be iel*..e£lcd, and that no French foldicr Ihoukl fee a foo- upon the Prussian territory O iters were nevertheldk be- f r 'jke ror 20,000 men in \he ter riiorv ~ Uftenhcim, and from aOO o 500 men yesterday came from the Swartfenberg, Town. Marksbriet, 10 O .'erodedc. with the view of marching to the Lower Swartfenberg diftrd:. How.-ver, thei'e alio reiurned with difficulty, on the leprclcn tation of a few hussars. this morning the advanc ed guard o- Bernadottc’s corps, conlifting of about 4000cav.1l y, un lcr the conduct of General Keilcrman, advanced through Sichartfhaulsn into the Prussian i territory', without paying the the smallest regard to the protel) oi : the officers of a lmall detach ment of hussars, ftatiored on the Confines, and the rest of the army followed. Ihe rroops were quar tered in the country about Us fenhtim, where Mu(hal Benia dot-'e has iiis head-quarters so- ■ rhe nighr. Major Gen. Fancn z:an, be President S luicUmann, repaired to his quarters, where, in the moft folann manner, they protested againtl rhe pa(Tige, and all further violation of the terri ory. But their rcprtlentations were of no avail, and the G ne rai declared to them that he had ■ xprtls orders fiom the Empe ror to march through the prin cipality of Anlpach and Gunztn haufTen. lie mufthavr quarter 1 ter for three nights in the neigh borhood of thefj three places, or he n ufl let the troops encamp He had given the (irideftoidcrs he added, on the pain of death, ‘gainft the commisson of every xcefs ; and all i equifuio:..s which were not paid for were like wife ftruftly foroidden Our province, finding it im possible to res tit this aggression, a particular relation or nil chh circumstances has been lent to die King, by fevera! exprclfes ■, and at iait by an otficer belonj. ing to the regiment of I auen zien. . October 6. and he passage and cacarrpmen’ of troops in the King’s Franco nun territory have become much moie frequenr. A part of the Gallo-Bavarian army, under th command of Marshal Ccrnadotu palle.j through Anfpach on the sth inst. and efiedted a junction with ano.her division, at Detf mandorf, half an hours march bom Anlpach, where the gener al took up his head quarters. — 1 here notwitr.ftanding the molt zealous exertions of the Field Marshal, confi.ierable extefics were committed. On the following day they were to pnrfue their march foi Gunzenhaufcn. The Bavarian army confiding of 26,000 men, encamped on the 4>.ft ind. near Forth, and from thence, the greater part have marched towards fchwabach.— Lieutenant general Wrede de -1 sndej for the town of Nurem berg great contributions in pro visions, and other articles such .s ammunition, waguons, cum combs, chains* pulhec, ar.d io orth, with a tirreac of execution n case or refufat ; and, on a re- ] mor,ftraa: of the Mag 1 fir acyl made Joo men enter the town, where they still remain. Ac Dinkelfbuhl 10,000, and it CreiHhciin C coo men, belong mg to the column of Mat dial D ivouft, have forced a palTage. The latter corps was command ed by gen. Applar. At Feutchtwangrn, tliere were 20,000 men, Under the com mand of G-neral Marmont and at this moment thereare upwards ol 60,000 foreign troops in the King’s tanconian of Anlpach. Oitober 9. On the 7th ind. the Bavarian army advanced from Schwabach ro Soalc and Abenburg. They made considerable requisitions of cattle, biead, beer, for ge, &cz under threars of military execu tion. At Spalt, where no flour >r grain had been left on hand, General YVrcuc commanded the Bailwirk to deliver the grain wh ch h -required tronuhe Roy al Gran nary of Fruffia ; and when pro'ellations were made against ! his proceeding, he lent a detach iient co open it by force. On ‘he K;h and 9 h the Bavari ans prove ded to E.ingen, and pafle.l the P uffian fron iers into he territory of Eichetdft. ULM.Oa. 8. The day befor; yesterday, the head quar ers of the Duke Fcr .nnand came here from Micelle hvim. The whole Aull an ar uy is now (Irongy concentrated m and near Ul n. NORDLINGEN, Ocl. S. Thr VAriof thf Kulllans is at Branhau, on the Inn. Another Column is arrived ;it Wakimun rhe.), on the frontiers ot ILhei na. In the piclent fuion ol he Grand Armies, the jurcfior.’ >f the Ruffians and Austrians is thought ntarly impollibc. VIENN A, Otftober 9.- General Kutnfi.w arrived here nn the 6 h, and dined the fame day with Count ComoenzH. A counfeilor of (fare is in his fui'e, :n quality of Diplomatic Aatn with rhe Ruffian army. On the following day the general had a long conference with his imp. ri al ir.ajefty, and afterwards luu the honor of dining with him. The French envoy is It’ll here- - —. R AXIS BON, October ro: The movements of the troop* which take place in our environs, ( )telhge important events. The Austrians at returning fiom duabia the Upper Pallarinate, behind the DanauOe 10 wait the arrival of the Kulfians. A coll ier arrived lalt righ% brn gs advice thatthe 1 avc pals -cl the Danaub at Neuberg, aid Ingolftadr, and that the emperm Napolean had yefteroay his r cau quarters ac Ai- ha ; to-day he n -xpeded at Augfbmg, Oiftob r 11. Advices have been received ‘■hat the whole French army ad vanced t>y forced marches in up J per Suabia, that the Austrians continually retire at its approach, und that there has been no great adtion. ‘I he head quarters of he emperor Napoleon are alrea dy near Aufburgh ; and the corps oft Marflial Bernadotte, joined by the Bavarian troops, is marching direct upon Munich. The elector Arch-Chancellor, has declared to t s e envoys of he Belligerent powers, that he is finally refolv<*d to maintain the neutrality of the Diet. No tice has like wife be 11 given to all recruiting officers of Austria and Pruflia, to remove from the uty during the war. Rotterdam, October 21 - Privuc letters received this morning from the armies state, the French have taken Ul.ri, that a great battle has been fought between the Austrians and the French, tna’ the former have buffered confitlerably, that he French have taken 500 c Austrians, rh. t is the* garrilonof tJlrn, all their arms, an mum cion, magazines, occ. The French [ have a great number of killed and wounded. The Austrians have retreated behind the Sin. Th- Ruffians a r e nar at hand. Should the ft.. teirents con ] t.iitud in the above Bulletins tu; n out to be in part true, yet knowing how much it is the po licy of Bonaparte to intimidate the allies at the outlet, and how little ftciupulous he is about tdc means of aecomplifhing his pur poles, we may well believe that they are greatly exaggeratid, and we lhall noc he fturprifted to find, that any engagement which nas taken pkter, has been a ve ry partial one. In the mean time the hearty co-operation of Prulfia will do much more than com pi n fate for any check which the Austrians can have yet experienced..— I lie p fition which Bonaparte had the hardihood t > acquire, by violating the Pruffi in territo ry* leaves him no alternative ; the Austrians and Ruffians arc toti.e welt and call of him, and the Prullians and Swdcs to the north. i hat the Prussian cabinet has ar length rr ioived to lend is hearty co-operation to the allies kerns lcarcely to admit of a doubt. The notice stuck up ar L loyd’s by the Prussian consul on Friday morning, all Prussian vGi Is agar .ft entering French or Dutch ports, 11111 ft, confident ly “irh the wary policy of that cabinet, have been preceded by u determination no longer to keep any terms with Bonaparte. Lhe ftpleirdid and able embafly on rhe poinr of going from this country to Berlin, is a clear in dication alio that mealures of no common interest are about to oe concluded. j Lord Cachcart is aripointed | iimbafTador to die court oft St. 1 Bcterfburu/;, l ie number of troops to be | lent from tins country, in the expedition which lias been ftome time in preparation, amours to 30.C00 j they were to fail on Saturday Lit. The Ro'.hefort fqrndion is late-1 to have arrived at Fcrroi vith its prizes. We are happy ro find in L byds lift, that the Magdalane, Lorliam, from Granada to the Clyde, which was fupp’ fed to have foundered, in ar ived at Mount’s Bay, having been ra k-‘n by the enemy, and re-uken ht the Iris fng. te. Trade ‘.vith liuj/ia —ll is ma lily’s molt hull arable privy council, in conf.qnencc of rhe r’fh ul.y of obtaining in Ruffin, le certificates required by tin rderof council of tl'.e y h 01 (ril l ift, tefpectingquaiantine, love directed, that a declaration,! according to the form annexed bt accepted for all lh ps am v ig from Ruffin. “ We, the underwritten Bri “ tifh merchants in Sc. Peters “ burgh, h. re by declare, that “ the goods loaded on board th “ lhip N. captain N. N, nmv <1 in and lviund for N. N. ron “ fat of hemp, ft -x, &c.- Sac. “ and are the growtii, produce, “ or manufacture of die empire “ of lvU(li.l, “ Witnefts otir signatures, (dace) “ A. B. “ C. Id. ” The Couniul certified thr signatures, and that tiny w r British merchants.” PLACENTIA. THE Subfcibcr offer sfo r S rft that valuable Plantation at Thun derboli, generally known by th; name of Placentia —Containing upward* of 12,00 Acres—34o of which is good Cotton, ari'l C >rr Land, already cleared, 2nd part ly cultivated—l6o acres is prior ■vice land, of which 120 a err’ : arc under Cultivr.r; ,n. The re mainder is ■ c.o f, ft gh, Pin land- Any prrion wifhmg u purchase, vvill pit afe apply ac rn;. Count ing Room, where the pL : of tl:e l .and fiiali be ftne vn turn and che terms made krv*v/n. J no. P. VYilliamlbn January 7 ts 37 HE PUB LIC A Ni SAVANNAH, .T SNUARV 10, 1806. THE tenth official Dcl'ctm of the Ffencli army, the proceedings of Congress in the eule of C -\vi- > Meid. K.sqr’g Cmuefled clent nn&c. nntl fevrral other articles prepared for thin day’* piper are omitted to make room for thr lnt< lligence in the preerc’ing columns, tikrn from * Nttiratt(N I*.) paper ofthe jilt December which we received >ellrdiy 111 the cotirfc of this and the enlu ng week, we lhall prelcnt to me luoicriners ro thi3 paper, (in town) .1 receipt for three uol lair, each, being a half years ad vance due the fii ft c ,f last Jflo her, and w.* hope i: may neither be dilagrec..hie or inconvenient lor tuem to take ic up. If any ihuuld object to paying this ad vance on the ground that their year does nut expire on diac day, we would oblirvc, that K.r. B jli'om, the ndmr, of S. Morse, wdl prelcnt (>i!ls for the paper to that date only. It is hoped lubferibers in (he country, on w om we cannot fb con yen .cni ly ci| j t will bring or u ud to us their rt I laftive advau-* ecs as loon as polftblc. It is a dilagrceablc thing to us to I.c lo loon dunning our patrons, but we truss thecircun- ILance of our having began buli j nds with but a finail capital, and having bought the printing eftabiin.mentat a high rate will betaken as an ample apology for so doing, particularly as it is .but a customary rule lor ftiblcri be. s to news-papers to pay half yearly in advance. PORT OF SAVANNAH. F.NTI K! D. Schwa Jcf-ph, Cnnne, C.tpc Pranctit Sloof And:i Ula, G ntit, Beauturi CLh /\ ED, Scl.r. P.tit.tptifc, Jirc ’rt, St. TbomCl It j..*r,AV, Ucr. it. Thf l.rijt S:.l!v. *rd fchi-nuer ‘ Yin Allen, detnint and C"W ti •vf linen by t],7 febr. Viper (tiled on Sundny, the t timrr tov l’lii* | Isdelphm nnd tlm Ist t: r for Nety-York. I The !'•„> I'-i-dina-.d, tiuidie,. 1'k,,,, | ..mi at - c-!; tion.irj n.Nfiv sih.-re on Flo. min J<-t!l • - ‘dl h tin: tiffillanct* of foltitti weckeis Siitl proceeded on her v , “auction!^ Tills DAY at io o'ciot. h, will lijald before the Su ‘>Jcriher s /JuElion ft arc.—A quart t>‘y of DRY GOODS', CONSISTING OF Bale* Coarse Cloth* Do. Flannel* and Oaiv.e* Do. HiimhiirHi) Do. Jackets fc Trovvfcrj, and Robl.ifl i Case Diiuiti.* I’ior.fs Lilh I.iuen* Do. Brown do, Cafm Plr.t ilia* Bales iUanketi Cain or Ciiii'i !■<'* Jaconet Mollins; ?vlarfei(le Boxes Shoes Sec. fee. And Jewellery and Plated VV are. Ccu/iflintr of Elegant Candleflicka and Branrhe* ‘l'<a But', i’oall Racks Gold, (Silt and ftlvcr U'afchc* Watch chains ccc. I ogetlier with ,a quanricy of GR >C 1 ,RI ES,~ - ing of Barrel* $ N^W hl)^ni Rum Hhcli. 4tli proof Jamcca do. Bipes do. Co.rniac Brandy do. if!, proof do. do. Qjrtcr Cafk* TenerJfTc Vri-.r liiid. Sugar Bo Green Coffee ffhd, l.oaf Sugar ice, Conditiotu made known a! tieriet of fal.-, S. H. STACK HOiTSE, Jk. io. Autff’r Credit ol 1 urcc tear. For public fair, in San'annnh, nn T HI! RS* DAT. t/.’i (til of f thru iry, I 806, j lIUSE we I : lutvn ano v-iu-olc Ri’ c .-rd Gotten I*LA NTATION, called Ch. AWtOk r> and Bowdsm, ft* .listed in Chatham County, on Lit tle O etitec, in t'rc fiau* of Georgia, //ithiri tli.rurc- miles of thr c; y of .Sa/annati. Tue plantations adjoin e:t"b ‘iirr, arc well Ruled anti in “'toll state of cultivation: they are v<yr eligibly iitu ired for .my per lon ,n or near Savannah. Condition. —Three year* ; red :, on bn ol with n rerfi!, appro j ved ptifrio-l k’ \i*vy \ n.ert,;age est i die oropert* will he required ; the [ rcirit to he p:JJ X.iDluUy, aid ei Iper cent on the am nil <f ihc pur i nfie previous o the h iking of ii 'itlcs i i.e plat air’ he :<•■> by p. .!).,*■ to Mi. Hun i tu <x Mi \i m Hugh Rose. Charlcfton, Dec. 31 texpi. 37,