Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, January 14, 1806, Image 3

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C p! A\ Cock, and Jackson. Gn thf mtmoiia> of Samuel BUcget, — Mcsr* Quincy, MagruJcr, Lc*b, Cos vington auii Taonipfcwi o^Virjj. On m •sf/f’t >.f the Pr ft lent resprtling the time (if toe Michigan tei ritory ; Messrs j tckio s, M.iriow v>: OiU| inn.■iie, i.&J Moare ot S. C. TUESDAY. Oce ember : t. Mr. J. C. S i;h, from th* t in. mtee cf j Claims", mid ■ •> report aflv -ife to t • pv-xyc j of petition of John F Randolph 21. cl Ktm i. ‘pit M'Glliis, referring to a p ovicus re prc fv the renlbn for t!.e : r ojii itou, which vus referred u> a contmi tte oi the v, hole mi this day week. Mr. Crcuniujklcli. frorr the cnm-nit're of C rcr.K-rct an .viariufi iftu -s, made a report in f ,v>'r of granting the pr \er ot he peti tions ot Simon B nlipl >n ; anti hating that ;■ bill wat, pending bes re the H uK, winch, I pa h <l, would afford re i-f, and tupe, cotie tut necessity of fpecid legihture. mrt referred to the c mittittee of the vV, -le on th” bill relative todruw-hacks. Mr. Crovintnjhicld fre m the fame c inmittee marie a iavoiable report, in the case of Ifai.c Clawfon, which was. rclerred to the lame committee of the whole with the p.tceed:! g report. . ,\fr Dav.'f n. from the committee appointed v,; erda) to w ait on trie prelicleat ot the Unit c ! States to rtqueft certain infnrma.ion- rela tive tc, he difchargecf Ifote balances, inform ed the Haute that the l'reiident had adviled them ’fiat he requeued niformu tion before the Ho fe. Air. Merrew, presented a memorial from fiimtry purchasers cf lands, praying an r\ teufi'tti.of the period allowed for the payment thereof, winch was rtierved to the Commit tee of wa> sand means Tiie h’ lift then again resolved ltfelf into a ccminittee cf the whole. —Mr Dawioii in the chair—on tiie report of the committee of F lections on the c mud U-d election of Cowles Mead; wlnen a debate lollowedol bstweei f.vo and three hours length Kefirs. Fu.dley, O \V\ Campbell, and H.'mer adv cared; and MeffrS N Williams, FI tan, 1 roo rc, and Quincy, oppolej the report. A di\ ifion of the quef ion or, ih.r concluding rtifijluHon of the it ji\ r* h.'"i"g been calico for the c< mr-.itten divided-on the tollowirtg rnen }v*r of the lcf. lution—“ Iff thlv and, that Cj Mend, returned tv this houle as a member there f from the lta*e of .Georgia, is not en titled t„*a feat”— \ves 6p—Noes yz. On the second member, vz. ‘'-That Th'ro es Spalding is entitled to ’ feat tlii crmmitti e and vide.’. Ayes 7 a—c trned. ‘1 he committee then redound reported their agreement to the r"po, t ot the committee of elections ; which the Uoute immediately took into ccnfu'er ttion. * The Yeas end Nays were thn taken on concurring with thecomm ee in their agive nveut to the i regoing ret lution : On the fait member therejt —Yeas 68. Nr vs 55 O i the fccond member thereof—Yeas 6; Nays 52. The node then c -nctr red with the commit tee in their agreement 1 1 the whole refohui in When Mr. ipa and ng uppem-ed was quail tied and took his feat in the houle- Adjourned tillThimdav. Thursd y, Dectn.ltr ?.(>. The bill tot- trie relief of Edward Toppan and others, poing under corillderation in coir.rnttue of the whole was without amendment, ordered to b. engrofied for a third reading tumor row. The house conciirred in the report of the committee of claims on the petition of the late crew of tiie frigate Philadel phia, which is adverse to it. On the motion of Mr. BiJwe'l, tin hc-ufc resolved irfelf into a committee of the whole; Mr. G EGO in the chair —on the report of the feledt committee to whom had been reccmmitted the reso lution refpedfing Wm. E.Uon- The rep rt of the fe'ett committee re commends the amendment of the original refo'ution, so as to confer a r.eci.i, iuitcad of a fwrd ; and so to amend it, as to re cognife t!’t taking of Derne. On the • firft amenament, to confer a medal, inltead of a sword, a debate enlcier in which the amendment was advocattii by Mr. Bidwell, and opposed by Mtffrs J. f7iay and J. Randolph ; when the q.ief tion was tt-ken, and the amendment can t ed—Ayes 56 —Noes s^. The iVcoi.J ameridm, nt was agreed so without a division. The committee rofc aad reported tiieir agreeine,,t to tile report of the feleft committee- Tlte House irr mediately took into con fiderat on the refport of the committee of the whole. Mr. J, Clay ealled for the ye?3 and nays on agr-eing to the fuff amendment, fuhiliuitii'g a ti idal in lieu of a J'word on agreeing to which further debate arch McfTrs. j. Clpy, Jackson and J Randolph opposing, and MefiVs. Varnum, Ein.eraud Kelly fupparted it. When the Yeas and Nays being taken the amendment was carried —\ eas 5? Nays 53. The other amendment pafftd without a diviiidn. Mr. Str.nion moved further to amend the rtfolution by adding the follow rig •words. “By which atchievment he h 23 fhtwn hi tuft If capable of uniting information with talent, rtfleftiou with experience, and stratagem with k ave jy- ” This amendment was difagrecd to, Yea ! 1 Nays 101 ; the mover alone voting for it. . Mr, Smi/ie rtptfflcd his regret that cq a Juf j cl. ikat so eminently cal. j, j un.nn,ity. and on which, there ;vas no difference of opinion as to the nieritorii'us frrvices of Mr, Baton, there fhonM be such a o'iverSty with regard to tiie f ‘Ofcr fr>lu:c to be be. sow. and. ConfideriQg it highly oefirable tin t the re/olution before it received n til,at vote. Should be lo mod-bed as to unite the varying opimons tn the iicuie, he moved a re'-ornmiUncßt cf it to a feket ci.mmittee. In this motion the EtouCe concurred ; ,ves 57 ; No 55 i reiolu -j t an was- recommitted to the fame ccru u/ttr,; to -which it had brenprtmufly/ jcfcrred, ‘ PUBLIC A If SAVANNAH, January 14, 1 he; 6. Import ut.i, if true. We unrierftind that a letter •'ro 11 Bolton, tvas received bv this mornino’., mail,which iiares, hat a handbill lud just been put up at the; Coffee-h ull', announ cing that the I’fuilian army lud formed a jun&io.n with th.* Aus ‘iiuna and Rulfiins, and had oeady iurrouc'ed Bonaparte and his troops. The particulars cd ■he handbill are cot mentioned. iJ, T. Com, Ad j. The letter to which the above trticle alludes, was written on che morning of Friday, Dec. 20. and bears tne Button poll mark of that dav. It was received here on VVcdnelday. I lad a circumftanoe of futh high poli iral magnitude as the jundtiou of PruHia wuh the armies o Auilria and Ruflla, and ti e pe nlous situation into which that ljunflion placed the emperor Na poieoc, been known in Bof bon in Friday, it could not, we pre sume, have tfcaped the vigilance af the editor of tile Ceutinel, whole paper of Saiurijay is now Oi fore 11-;, and is totally fj cn nr: die iubjed:. We believe the re port to De at Daft premature. W. T h'lcr. Adv. We are told (fays the Salem Gazette of tire 20th nit.) a letter was received yelterdav in town fro n Mr. Crpwninlh eid, at Waih ngton, inforu ing t.hac the 5p niifh Court, by request of our I: x-cuuve, pad relealed the Spa nn amoalTudor, the Marquis Trugo, A let er, recewed in town on Saturday evening, from o'. York, llaces tire following extra jrJinary csrcumitance ; “ i here is a report circulating in town j-d y. that the l onten.s of the Brefident’s hue private meflage was, that Boaaoarte had writtci ■o our gov ernn, cut, to this efFciS:, hat if we attempted to moltft Spain, he (li -uld the mea sure. Boston Cazitlt. From tiie Aurora ot Dec. 26. “ HOSTILITIES ON TUB FHONTIERS. “ Alterthis paper had gone 10 prrls, the editor received advice ot liic tollowirg le lions intelligence —’* and hat a body ot eight hundred Indians hud altembied near Detroit, on the Brititli lide ot the itrait, and irtu in a liell of Red and Black wumbum io the COlll - officer there—l’lie militia liavt oeen called out and it is i laved that they are not adequate to the exigency ” “ Officers coiiveriant with the Indians, fay that ihefe colors of the heads, indicate determined war—an exprels las been for warded to the leat of the general govern ment.” No information, we imderftar.d, in the lead corroborative of the above, has been received a- the war office ; which renders the harement very improbable. Nat. lnt. French papers to the 29’h of October, received at Bolton, fays “ We are allured that a telegraphic dispatch announces that Prince Ferdinand ha3 been tsken, with 400 foldters who accompanied him. Philadelphia paper. A letter from Nantz of the lafl of Oc tober, received at D dton, fays, that bu fmefs was dull, iw the exp'.t-t.tiou that the fucce.fils of the French armies vzou:d produce a fpeetly peace. And captain March, arrived at Newhyrypurt, trom Amllerdam, fays, it was the opinion that the Northern Coalition would be broken up, and eve'y power come to a reconct liar ion on as good ttrms as possible; n* by the lath account* the Ruffian army had not formed a jui.ttion with any pan of Aullriauh i. DIED, on the 7 h ii ffant in this city Mas. ank weaker wife of Mr, edward weaver, of Dedham Maffacbulma, aged 33 >' tar - The following is publilhed by the re quell of a gentleman inii.nately acquain ted with the refpectabie connexions of the deceaftd. DLFiD, at tiie Poor Ilonfe in this city, or. the morning of ttie 13th inftint the orce Beautiful Miss Mary Proctor, of the city of Ftmadclpbia, who having ffrayed from the Paths ot Virtue, ar:d being unable to conquer at an early pe riod of her mi-fortune, the Vices of this life, (lie continued a forlorn bc.U'.;,auJ appeared lobe tiuly penitent,'ere death put a final terlnination to ad her earthly trouo ei. Li’.e met htr diffol ttion with e >it pofure, evincing her confidence in a merciful God, and ciofed this feene ot life without a or groan. Arrived schooner jo ft ph, Conn, Caoe Francois, via New Provdence, 4 days from the latter, Capt. Conn, was taken by 3 Fnglilh men of war, and can ied into New Providence; after a detention of 15 days, was permitted to depart, on paying 700 dollars colt of couit. Capt. C corroborates the account under the Nalfau head—he f.tys that he law at Nafi.’U, capt. Riley, direct from Teneriffe, which place he left ?bout the 7th D cember, who informed I i*n that the Rochefort fquadren, tinder the command of Mons Le Almane, confi.i. ting 0I 5 fail of ihc lir.e, 2 frigates, a hiig atm a cu.’.ter, had put into Santa Cruz, in said Island, to water, feve al days prior lo his failing, bringing with them the Calcutta Eng hill 50 gun ikip, and 6 Enghdi India merchant lhio>:, t<t ken on their homeward bonnd p,:lT.tsre ; an embargo was immediately laid. On the s’ih the fqnadron again put to sea ; on tiie 7 h,thr day which capt. Riley failed, he fell in with the iquadron then in fight of Teneriffe, and saw them cap turing the outward bound fork fleet, confining of about 40 fail, one of which being a fid sailer, escaped, spoke capt. R. and informed him that it was pr iba hle the mod of them would fall into the hands of the French. The following information is copied from a Nalfau R.oyal Gazette Extra, r* ccived by capt. Conn ; Mufcum. Nassau, (n ?.) January x. C ipture of the Englijh Jhtp C ilcutla, of 50 guns, aIJ 6 rrerchant sh ps from India. Extra sis from the Journal irpt by captain R illy , cf the b> ig Elirc t c3* Mary. Sailed from New-York the 16th of ‘September, and arrived at Teneriffe tiie i ytli of November where he learnt tiie fol lowing intelligence. That the Roche fort squadron, confiding of 5 loil of the line, three (ligates, and two brigs of war, with the Calcutta English 50 gun ship, and 6 English merchant (hips, pri zes to tiie squadron, had arrved at Sauia Cruz on the 3d ult. which caused an embargo to be laid on all velfels direcily, which was to continue while the fquatl ron was in port. They had funk several English (hips that had very valuable car goes, on account of their bad lailing, not being able to keep up with the squadron ; that they had uniformly iunk or burned all neutral v, ffcls they fell in with at sea, that were cither bound to or along the coalte of Furope, to prevent intelligence getting to the Englifli fleets—that they had taken out their crews, an 1 told the n they mull go with them to France, and fhou'd be paid by the government, the full amount with damage, &c. that among tlie neutrals, were the following American veil. Is, viz, brig Minerva, Salter, of New-York, brig Two Friend*, Fenwick, of Charlelton, with valuable cargoes, were both burned ; lehr. Tucker, of Bolton, fchr. -Sar geant, of ditto—the number of nciit'a! vrffelr, taken and deltroyed by the ruuadroii, amounted to 26, the captain* oi which, uuring the day, were allowed the liberty of going on Ihore, but the fame privilege was not extended to their officers or crew. The commander in chief Morfluer Le Almane, had taken all their papers, and given to each a certificate, dating lie had deltroyed their veffils and cargoes, and that they mult apply to the minilter at Paris, for a re muneration, NASSAU, December 10. PIRACY. We are sorry to (late, that the regular trading American (loop Richard Alfred, Terbell, of Sag Harbour, was fallen in wiili, on her passage to New-York from thisporr.on the t4 r h instant, near the Holt in the Wall, by a privateer fchoo uer of three guns and eighty men, who took possession of the (loop under French colours ; feat a prize matter and fix men on board, and intended taking her to the Havanna, from whence the privateer hud come. Tlity had her in possession two days, during which, they were employed in robbing the v. fill of every valuable ar ticle, which they carried on hoard the privateer ; they took three thousand dol lars in cash, ( he Captain’s otv'i property, and the hard earned money ol feverai ytars of unremitted indultry,) not fa rinded with this, they took ail his wearing apparel, lave what he had on, with every letter and paper they could find on board. On the 16’ h, his Majesty’s fehouner JDecou verte, Lieut. Weale, fell in with both vt fills, recaptured the (loop, and gave chacc to the privateer, who kept up a running fight under Spanifli colours for four hours, and cfcapca by her luptriur failing. COURT OF VICE ADMIRALTY, Nassau, Dtc. 20, 1005. KB honor Henry Morton Dyer, pro ceeded to the adjudication of the follow ing ; Hally, Barry, Mailer; this veffll fail ed from Philadelphia fir Martinique, but not finding a market (or the cargo at that place, proceeded til Luguira, whtre being denied a.i entry, ’.vent to the Havanna, whtre the outward cargo was disposed of, and produce of Cuba taken on board in return ; and having fdiled on her homeward Voyage, (he wrs capiL ed by the Viper, Tacfoii, inalter, and brouaht into tin* port ; acquiUc*,. Sally, Van Hen, maffer ; latlrd from New York on a fimi'.ar voyage, and hav. inz met with a linailar refuul at Luzui, ra, put into G'arihagena under pretence of diftrefj, there Hid pa it of he. out ward cargo and dirpofed of the remair dcr at Kingflon, Jamaica, whence (he proceeded to Havanna, with specie, proceeds of her fairs, with which a rcint n cargo of (?übn vr..s there pnrehafed, and on tier 1 omeward voyage, wa# captured and brought into pent by the fame priva itec acquired. G y Jo, IVoofendale , mailer ; a furtl ei proof case ; the claim f the mailer aj niitted, and hi* property rellorcd. Goods claimed by John Murray and Son, and another mercantile houle in New*Voik, condemned. At a Court of Vice-Admirn'ty held at Naff u, on Tucsd.y the l\th day o* December, ,b.fore the honourable Henry Morton Dyek, efq i>c, jets Judge and Contmiffh’y. Mercury. Dolby, nixilri, taken on a voy ig-e t'r.nti Philadelphia, by the Saralli Ann, Baldwin, commander. Tlir judge Having heard the proofs read, and advocates and proilers on both fide;, thereon, ri jeffied the claim in repeat of the ffiipnients of Michar I.owher, and Slerman, and by interlocutory decree pionnun ced the lame to have belonged at ihe time of the raptme and leizure thereof, lo enem : es of the crown of Great Britain, and as fucli or oliicrwilc luhje.’t and liable to cmilifcation and condemned the same as good and law fu! prize, hu’ dueffiod freight to be paid to the neutral mailer; admitted the (aid claim in refpeffi of the (trip and the remaining part , of the cargo, and by interlocutory decree pronounced the f.ud {hip and the ihiprrents therein claimed on behalf of P’ice, J hn Warder and finis Rodei que,— l oncx,————Sou ier, Mcitis Itowel and Pleatance.Tho. Clayton, AntonioS’eele, Ro bert Oakly, Lewis Cionfillut, vlazu rie, and Peter Conilantine, to he! ng as claimed, and decreed the lame (together v.wh the tlnpmem ot J. Plcitance) to he rehored to the claimants for the ufie of the owners and proprietors tin reof. Bur with refpeCt to the Ihijimcnts 0 i Viecetit Ducomb, and J >s. Oonath end Cos. directed further pioof to be produced as to the property, and the national characters of all the mailers there in ; and by further interlocutory, and reeled the captor’s colls to ; e paid by the claimants, out of the property of Lewis Croufillat. Mr. VVydy, in further proof of the proper ty of Jog. Donath and Cos. and of the nation al rharai'ler of the pr.rfons cotnpofn g the Ibid lioufi; nfirade,Drought intl catte* an nc fl'e ter ConWantine and peter Dela iuay, a ’eilg ing the file partners 111 the faal houle to lie Lite laid J fepH Donarli and R 1 i/.urie, both of the city < f Ph ladelphia. merchants, and citizens of the United States. The judge having heard the find affidavit read, and advocates and proflors or buh lier. thereon, pronoin ceil the lame lo b: luHi. ient, and de.creed the laid flupments t” be rellnred. It appeared from the papers found on hoard of this (hip, that a very ex tend vc cor refpondence was carried on, having 1 r an ohj tft the covering Spanifli property wi h a ncuual charae'er, to which Mr. Croufill it was to lend his name— The matters in cor refpondtngj were, the laid Mr. Crnuflllat, at Philadelphia, Antonio da Tailed and co. at bt. Sebalhan, I.afa and Yriarie in Havanna, and Mr—— Sinofiain, at Lagiiira. l)nrotlien, Boyel’en, mailer, a Dauiili (hip. Vnving carried front St. Thomas to Matan zas, a cargo 1 fdry goods, was returning to Sr. Thomas, with a home ward c.,igo of fiugar and Sarfaprnfla, but detuned by tome aruicil Ihqis, belonging :o Ncw-Pravidcnce, and firm in’,” port. His Honor tlte Judge having heard the proofs read, and aJv eaten and pr vVir.s on imili thereon, admitted the claim I .rtlie ti lip and cargo, and by iimerlocutory decree, pronounced the fame to lie ong as claimed and decreed ihe tame 1 > be rellored to the claimants for the ufie of the owners and pr” prietors thereof, in payment of the captor's expences. CHARLESTON, J*n. 10. Airivcd, ship Ilenricus lV r . 52 da\s fr Mn I -:fb >n. Charles Pinckn y , lisq. late Mi niller Pienip itcaa ii y from the United States to the Court of Madrid, came tn ilu: Hcnrlcus IV. from Ldbon. The reports, by the arrival of the Henticus IV. Imm Lisbon, are, that the Court of Spain is tnore favorable disposed towards the United States ; thv they hoi agreed to make compensation (or spoliations comnutted by their own fubjefts ; but would not Con lent to pay for thole made by Fretv h < iiizttis in Sparuflt ports—Admiral Cravlna was only (lightly wounded in the h.rr attion, and is not c’.ead—The kin: of PruHia had joined the coalition ; The French troops were reported to have made ia,ooo pr.foncfs fhartly after the fa!) of Uim. The late extraordinary pro ceedings of the B itilit aoaind our conunerce have (or their ob jedt, (tc is pretended) to hindet us irotn fupjdytno his Majelty \ enemies; however, ic appears, if credit can le given to (tverat letters received in this city, that that government rnaktsn /objec tion to its own fubjedfs holdtn.'i correspondence .with (ore of r*.e btihgerenrs. Imcfc letters ft :te that the house of Sir Francis Ba nco ‘ic Cos. and two other hous es tn London hive contraded to supply the Spanifti (overiwnenr with 12 millions of dollars, anti to take the govern neats drafts on South America. It is supposed tint by this bu fmci'3 tho.e rr.erchan’s will gain from ftven to eight, millions .A dollars, ;,s thr pco.-n cn c;:e e* change from Madrid oti L mfioa i ts been as high as twenty pr. ct. and no dt übt a difeount is allow 'd on rhe bills of 25 or 30 per C. ts il.e e were the difecun s which vtre a K wed generady lafl war to those who purchahd j t.vern ’ erit tills cn rhe H.-anna, ard ts tar as one third his be< rt al lowed (or bills on VYru Cruz. City Gc.z tie. PORT Oh SAVANNAH- From Brower's Marine Fft, Sh p Maff.chnfctts, Buntin New. hurvpoit, Fnir American,, h,nv* York ; Ocean, W lion; Brig Georgia, ————New Y irk; Scli n .fi- Viftrr . Jantaicu; Y ung Sra-lt rF, H ilirrd, C a.-l ‘t r ; R10,,p Wnnle , Mite’” 11, l’r * viden, 1 (R. I.) N*”ci Gh rl J .n; 11, g Two Fri.’ttJj, Crowell, Boston. Btrm UOt, Nov. 30. Turfday lafl tiie tchouner Hunter, Slost, from N w-l cik, hound for Mar. Unique, run on the rot ki off the north fide of thtfc 1 (lauds. The crew and part 01 lliecarpoi saved. This ilay arrived the American (hip James and Wilitsm (mm the isle of Franc'*, laden with cotton, detained I y his Maj lly’s lhip Cumbrian, captain Be rufifot and. iACaaM iifMMPiis'wvniMi vnuusmimamm AUCTION. ON WEDNESDAY the , s th inst. at 1 1 o’clock will he fold at I'ublic Auc tion on Jonts’s Wharf before tiie (lore of Mess.ll, Lord Hall, the of the Schooner PICT )RTl tom Jamaica, CoHStTIUG OF 96 Puncheons 4’h pu of Jam. Rum Conditions made l noun et time of Sale S. H. SI'ALKHOUSK. itVCTIOSFEK, 7 in. id ,79 ’(> VV j. AjN I) Ic\ C , FRO V/ cn board Jhop Favor'te end flrp Cot ten Fairer from Fbiladelphii ; and for /ale. 40 Funs iqit.ire, tire, and axe bar Ir n, 20 Kct’.s F. F. and F. F. F. giaztrd (, tin*powder, 20 Bnls. loaf sugar, 40 Boxes Yellow soap, 100 Bb:s. pilot, Ihore, and fliip biead, 4 hefts Hyfon Te?, t $ li ■ > 9. Ph laelelphia lottled porter, (3 dcz. each) 10 do. tio. Beer 3 Boxes f.dtliery, CONSIS TING OF, Setts plated and trimm’d rh.iife hatnels, Mens and boys laddies, Snddle bigs, Loiimion, Snaftle & Curb Bridies, Bft plated di. anti do. wiih Birdonr.s birrs. ANDREW KNOX. Barrack (Felons iVbiif. ts 39 Credit t)( I hree \ ears For public fait in Savannah, on 7* ffl/RS* DAT. thr 6 :h of February, 1806, I HUib WC.I k KIWI! iiu, valuable Rice and Cot,on PLAN CATION, edied Caawiok u and Pow’den, (i- Uutcd itt ‘Jhaibii n County, f, n Lit tle Ojjechee, in th j Hite of Georgia, within thirteen miles of the ci• y of Savannah. ‘i'lir plantations act join’ each other, arc well fettled ancf in igh (ia'.e of cultivation : they are vc;y e'tg.bly (:.u?.cd fjr any pcrlon tn or near Sav 1 nah, CONDITIONS—Three yeir* red t, 011 bor.d with tmereff, appro ved perfnnal (ccuM'y & mortgage cf ‘he property will be required ; the n'crtll o be paid a iiu ily, and ett ier cent on the-m uni cf ihepur chafe previous ro the making of ti. illes. Thu plat irta>’ be seen by ap, i 1 ying to Messrs. iiuNrtß & Mi. Nh, in bavan.iati. Hujtli Kofic. Char’ ftorx. ’) e. 11 texpi. v”. PLACENTIA. TIIF Subfcibert fietsfor S le that valuable Plantation at T .un derbolt, genrr ily known by the name of Fia ei.tia—Containing upward., of 12, oAc res—-340 of” v/iiich is good Cotton, and Cora Laud, al eady cleared, andpaa ly cultivated tOo acres is prune Nice land, of which 120 acres are un ier Cultivation. Tne re mainder is pood, h;gh, Fin.; 1 ini- Any per (jo wifiiing tu parefufe, vnli pieale apply at tny Counting Room, where the plate of th .* Laud lhail be lhewn tneiu and the terms e known. Jrto. P. WiiLa nfon, January 7 a 37.