Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, January 17, 1806, Image 1

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Vo: l/. No. 25 j bix Doila-s a Year, half in Advance.! RALPH MAY, Ui'ving tnlsn t'r flare ai'jnining James Ctr ti'hers, Comm r e Row, fton/Try. tfo B ty, now offers ior Suit, AS EJtTEWbI V £ ASSORTMENT OF Dry Goods ex Hardware, Coo ft fling of Black, Hoe, coit'-iiii, brown and mixer , fuperfine Br ad Cloths iJprond Clocks, Plat, s, ELftic Cloth?, Caffitneres, k.iap ard common Coatings Pit- nt Cords, Swanhlowm So ! odi ms Bine Strouds, London duiillc and rofc Bln k ts Flannels ot all colours A Variety of ,VJv. ts. VeJverets, Genoa Coidsantl I’hickfeUs Di.TiitL% Cr ipts, Muffins and Muff ;i H .". ’ U -rchii fa CuTiSra v Muffins Piain, fi- ii'i Jand checked cotton Cair.- h i k , Calicoes, Linen* F)ovvl', h e'ing* I> persand i) aper Table C’ iths B ri .k - , Durants Durots, Calinaancos B • nhaze:tea and Bombazines Si k and Cotton Shawl*—Soofe Ma!aba r , Pu'ilicat & Rom <l Handkerchief; Si k, Cotton and werfted Hi fiery S lit, cambrick, Cotton & leather Gloves and Mitts, L?ce ami Edgings. Worded and Cotton TcfT. ls and Cords S'k an iC'tton braces Auran Checks, knitting Cottons Ladies leaflet cloaks. Umbrellas and Pa :tf Is Nuns, whl,eil brown, all colours and. Oznabtirg Threa Js Needles, Knitting do. Papes, Bobbins. Pius Gentltma i’s fine Hats Servants G - zed and common do. G ntletnan’s and Ladies fine hoes Siafg Wire Fc ‘dc>s, with u..d withou (lope bottoms Shovel and l rp , Bellows Cb rnnev h . ks, Cioak pins Block Tin a :i j panned Coffee Biggin* and Coff. e Pots Iron Pos, Dutch ovens Smith’s bench and hand Vices Eland and fledge Hammers p.iers and Files Carpenters broad axes Hatchets, Adzes, Saws, Screw Augur? Cbiff Is, Rules, Iron Iqnares Compafles, Gimblets, Oil Hones, Hinge. A variety ot Carpenters Plants am. Piane Irons Brace w ith bitts, Wood ferews C’ub and I'Jling ax s, Spades Broad and Garden Hoes Scythes mid Straw knives, Knives and fenks, Carvers, Fapaniico Tea Trays, and Bread B'fk*t: Can.'.icllickii, Sn v ff r* pat., door fpriug Currv combs *nti Bi ulh.s Powder, Shot, ant} .bar I .-ad Powder sh fits a. and ih-t Pouches Gun Lrtws wild Worms Piartd Spur* Pc ki.'v.s, Sc.ffars Raifors, Combs, fpo-. s Corn and Cotft, Mills VV tfl.r I roof, fpecta-.Us Erijk'ayei’s Trowels Hair Booms a.,d Binlhes Morocco pocket anu blank bot ks Writing pspei, Ink powder Pi wter, Platt*, cande moulds Iron rim’d cheffs, cupboar. , trunk, defl< and flock Lot ks Shoe makers knives, hammers, pinchers, awl blades, tacki &c. Copper and Iron Te a kettles Grid Irons, Smoothing Lons, Chaffin; dishes, ALSO, White Lead, Spai.iih orown ye'low ochi and blue and green paints Painter’s Erufhes ami Painting tools 40. jd 6e. Bd. JOU* I2d. 20J. dt 30 Nails and Hooting Beads. Bby jo, 9t y i.j, and 10 by 12 Wh Ci.w Gialr, in wl-olt & half be x TegeTirw’.th a hat Chin e afferrtn.e. of CROCK! I. Tend GLASS IVARL ail o! whtt'ti Will be fj-d chvCp. Dec. 20 if 32 TFT Y ThlTTr F> Sa ls % VVll L;el> Id or. efl it i Hefei jr.’fiD uaiy ibt6 a /he Clu; : n.u ir this #l’ v ft■ ee 11e hours of 1 2rc* 3 o’cl. ‘k, a o le C br.dic lev • cd <ll as tbt prepe y of Durai N ’Doi.alc, puii./ed tu. by the plan, liff. Conditie n? Cash. Jro. Williams, s. c. s. Dec. 2 2? ijo a tmu e, HIS elegant retreat about 4 miles frar j Savar.r.ih, on VV aiiw river, is cCerto or a bait I r fixer fever \t;.rs, 1 r the bene fit of ihe ftelr, a minor, u terms rtiat w ill fi.i tfc< fe inclinab'e tcpcHel's lev. liable a pic ( { ui.U. as v. til caleu tieu le.r a fer pic: suie srei profit. /.ppi> to VV . STEPHI-Nfl, ) ~ K. r LIiXEL'I.E, j CBAkDTAN /uruf v ‘ (i iNOiice. A I.L Persons liavirfg demands againd t’ eilate of .Stephen Bleu'.tlate of Sav* Bab and. cealed, are n qeci'.tu :o re. Uer til. pr. 1 er. ■■ attciied, ansi limit to ir.a inure ate pajrrcr.i to Hl.iLKC'i lE S. CLOUNT, Extr’x b:a> ar if 7j toucA no\ T ANARUS, V r " tcr “ ! so d'H'ngudhad patronage e m experienced finoe lit* elf-.hl iihineiit in “ivr-miali, Mr Green wiib deference infernts ■is trieml . anil the public, that the La‘iev . i*i ran Mmol, and ‘she Grammar and My h snatltal L bools, ar<*fln| c nduAed bv bull a the lame evtenlive plan, as at their c >m cecccment. I he course of t]n> ichonls, include; Krad ’sb G; am mar, Klactri 11 and Khetonc, .. ri* ng in a 1 ! r'ie ulefsrf •'niameata! bauds, ic, Bos.k keeping, according to'l’e veral fyflems, Geography a r.d tl.e use, ■ ran ing c pv.ngof Maps m difiei-rnt pro, the elements .f Attroncmv. amt ,he ute os the (if .bes and j,'; lurian llilbory and Cnronnlogi’. In the Mathemat'cal department, the wi 1 be carefully infl'-dded in Algebra G ‘metre, l'rigpnome’rv, Q Sections ud Fluxiors, wi ll rheir applicatio'n to the mil'n,eis of liie and the mvdt'gauoii uffci ence. - * ■iv'een years experience in his profeflion, a . a facre.i ansi unremuting attenti mto i*. ir.nrn ami re-i> improvement of bis pu nils iyi i, lie hopes, continue to him from a liberal and enlightevea public, a (bare of out favor which he has hitherto experience 1 Vupdn admitted withe at Entrance, till the ill of the entiling f. tuury. Divcikq Alas re.l of eminence ■>v 1,1 attend the Schools. November 5 n 0 itfp I rl r. in ‘uners or the FEW ILK ASSriUM are requeued to pav in thei” fubl. riptions f )•■ the year 1806, sin orb.fore 20th January nraxt, to the S. cr ta. - y who is au. iior.ftiJ to rece’VL the fame. llm B > it* or the Tte tfarer and Seere >iry are open to he mlpedLon of any o’ me Members who may w:fh to fee ■'em. Ry or( j c , o j’ i)( SiGih j- Lamb, Dec. 24. ts 3 y Sec'ry. 5-) Dclhi-s Reward. HAN -v WAY months A nv’H u&mrd PrLl K, K s belonging to the ‘rcti'-i*, Hiitt iec’d. Heisavalna le carpenter, and well known for many yean .t •! S city I*?c is tail and Him. active, and i l’Ja (1 when <|uef L ioned closely, he tlam '(•t > much. 10d 1 ars will paid on hiv ■inri* to the Subfcriiier, or?<> toe G°a er o! his,city, ands .lollars in addition thereto n proof ot ius being harboured by a \vl:i c erlui.. J. M ACHIN', Exo'r to Efl-aie, George Haiti Oclober 15 14 THK subaCRJBFRS, W I VIING to cl 1 resfb their attention to >ur(',s rite c 11. : t,nn and settlement of debts mc- to them, five notice that, on the ;i/l tay * f December next, they will decline the ” ’ tau kali nelson credit 5 They jiHire there tre that all th-its uuleb-ed to them, or to t.'.hert & J ‘itn H ‘lton, will immediately make nuvment or otberwife fettle to their latis iftion. From the fi/re crlleflion made these two tars pail, the debts to them have accumula t'd heyond tneir wish : and tliey are (fi iently awaie thatbufim fs conduced on luch a footing cannot support itfelf. Curtis ‘Milton, Cos. Their remaining (lock on hand which rs lot in'ended t be increaftd, will be fnid l>s wh'ilefale or mail, on euly terms for cadi, produce, or town notes. Nov, 29 26 ts Removal, THE Subic.i. cr having taken a ‘x years le fe of Mr John Pos. let’s ivhaif dock adjoining Mr. BoL -ons Yamac>aw wharf, has tem ;ved nis lumber yard, and having prucu i6 large and fafe ffore room, is hope id of z continuance of pa!t Lvors. he dock fear present occupies is iruefaie p.r.iJesses the lame advanta es as /■>convenience as his formet r:e did. His cr unting room will be epta/his and -selimg hi use adjoining lr. Jchti<. aigs until one can be hi ed up on the whats. John Mead. Aopt Ift 27 1 70 LEASE For a Term of Years. Lot 1 Ad, 13 and 14 in IVatrrn W 1 ard fitvatrd n -ar r e Boy erd ing a l>t belonging to ihe e/late of If Lihibiirtge, at prefer it, occupied by Mr. ff .mes Atclntoji and Mr. IVrn Green Teucle on* of thrrr a cot nrr lot on a J rewire and fronting the nem ‘tutlet. For te'msapjjyto lI'JLLI \M PARKER, January 3 ts 36 S/rVARN„h MARIAE Holpnal & Poor-House The ful.fcnb-r being app ir’ed by ttici •loners thr jui’tce* 1 f t v <- Interi r Crurr. r erfeer of the P.” r and f< c Mcuieal alfiit ■nt so the Poor Houle anil Seaman’s flofp. I, gives Pu >lic Nsitice, that he is ru t tdy to receive >mt> the Infiitu mn, any verfon or persons belo tg ; ng to t v e County riick Seamen, who lh ill make application h:m for aPnnfiion. He hi* t > -equeit hat future he citizens will rot give any r- liet a pert .n’ ar heiriloor , as the arrange mens itde for rhri”- reception is f.'ch -s will fn xtdc the NecelT.iy of tlicr giving C trit hat way ; (hnud hey lmwev r, feel di,'. :ed to aiTu: “the. .tt tu’tut, any <1 ..lati iu 1. be tl.a.ll.fully rece>veil and faithftil!-. at ■ u.ited for, by MOoLtj SUisFr I’/VL. iS .vetr.uer a 25 Savannah : P>tnU<l ly EV ERIT E and McLEAN, on the B A V. 50,000 BKICKS, Landing from the b ( ig joiin a 1> A Mr*, for laile, pa U>ard or to Mein, Mjckay & Cos. Dt'Crniiver fit. ff l'O LF.T, THE WHARF AM) STORES FORMERLY occupied bv Melfrs. Wilson vc K.IIOV, and at present by Mr. Andrew K.uo\. Th> ir pi rnUiiftive ami convenient li tu ition is 1 . well known, as to require nn iurtiier explanation. For terms enquire of R, \Vajne. Nomemler 1 . ny KLVK’VAu John Juitjaa, Has removed to the tint tinyAf Meffvs. U. bt. &. jna. JJoirmr's ttore, Irrelyr occupied as H grocery, by Messrs. Curtis Bolton & C> . Otc. 51 6t 35 For Sitle ar 1 Lis L)lfice. A variety of BLAR’KS among which ate, Foreign and GoaUmg MauifdU, ‘.lerchants Entries, 1..qu0 do. Bi in of Exchange, do. of Lading. h) of Sale; Powers of Attorney. Checks, Apprentices Indentures, Deeds of Convey ance, Bonds t Notes of Hand, Writs for the Superior, Inferior Sc Mayor' l Courts, 1 Vlayor s Court I*,x.a utionn 81 Supbocnas, v 7 uices to creditois of Insolvent dtb t ■lilitary Stimm nfes, h Executions, he. (Ks* Cards. Handbills IFc. Us, Printed at a ‘but Rot ice on reafotubt . e/m... A Iniintlh dioi's Salctj. M Friday ‘lie *ath day of Jama n xi, will be tol.l at the Haufe of Jo M PII WcLSCJIEU 1.l CsaPt ‘l l er’s Hew all the Perf-nal Eilate of shicic, dec- ife ,j c . fitting ( •ne Nrgr tV. nr'n. HOUSEHOLD c jf KITCHEN FUR NITURE: isfe. Fale to c mmeni c .* o Vb ck in the fore noon. By Order of the \dmmlflrstor. iLevi Abrahams, Aiift’r. Ded. ty, 30 txp. taw. TO LET, FOR a term of y-ar?, the premis. fes at prclcnt occupied hv Mr. VVi ham Chauvm as a dwelling h< use aid Grocery Store. A profitable leait of/his very valuable fland, any G had arid pofi- lliou delivered in aboui 30 days ; fora in .derate advance 0 c-sh. For parr cu’ars apply to th* hon. ,’iidge Stephens ot Gen. D, B. Mi.chei). Vv illiam Mill:;. At/gtirt 2* ‘ 87 Notice , THE fubfrriber, lome time fii c< being < n his rcrur.i from the India i r:a' io , cane up with a JCJHN IR (is he railed hirnlet) wh I ao in his jK.fii.iTion anew negro fe low ; from the c unttnance and co vetfaiion cf I/v ne, when in erroga u from v/hence he had come, ?he rna •s r in Which he made rep y ogethe with oiher circumffances of his con duel coi firmed me futjfcnber in the hr lef /hat /he negro had been stolen - He therefore deman ied of Irvine it what way he had to the poiltf ’ionof the negro j to which he ie urned an evasive anfuer. Thefub ‘rriber to ; d him he goed rra {>, o believe the negro had been fiolci and was detenrtided to /ake /he in. 2ro from him and have him advcrtifiv •r and in < afe no pe lon claimed hi t within eighteen month* wCu!U cithe curn cr led bint. This is thetefore to notify sll per ons whom itdo h or may ccnccrn. That /he lublcriber has .n hi* pt-ffev fit n /he said i.ew i.egro ; he is abi u five fret ei; ht inches high, aped be* /*ecn twenty five and /hi /y years— -10 tr.aiks o her than rr. his l ack, winch appear to have fuft red under the t fku* jlj enk.s litfe or 1.0 fengiif) iys he can,e from Carolina, hut dixs iot k . w whe her fre m N tr/h 01 S’, u h, he i r 'dift.i iSt!y cnmrrui icate* ( *r.e? -fk and in wh../ way :he m^n • rr.e h> nm) th. t he ttiok hirn up is, he read, when on his way to fifh cn mi- river or Creek nearby. His own • 01 cwi.ers a e therefore itquef'cd p-nve he propei/y of ‘he r.c b ro iay ch-rges and /ke him away; VVm. Neely. Camden Cou.i/y on •■t Mary’s River. Sp, 70 I4.ri|Xm 7. NO rICE. Subfcriber intending to be absent so- A lome months has appointed the Hon. j i.l.vard Telfair, Charles Oddinglefls and ; J->bn ..av/fon, Esq’rr. his attorneys, who will traasaft any bulinel’shis, during hisablcnce. Matthew M’/illilter. April 15. Xi IRIDAY, January 17,1806.* OVhRSEEK, Warned. A man of Heady habits and accnilomcd thq management of negrees. If he bvitt good tellunonials, of his honeftv, Indiift. end Sobriety he will meet w’uh proper en curagcment by applying to Wm. Mein. NovemKfr 5 ts TO RENT. STORES Nos. 7 and to, in the Exchange. For terras apply at mv Office. 1 hos. Pitr, Sec’ry. Nov. ts. 6 NOTICE, ALL persons having anv demands avainl the eilate of JOSIAH T ATTN A 1.1 Junr. el juire are reqnetled to render then properly attelled and those indebted are ue lired to make payment to Ebenezer Star! Moore’s Wharf GEORGE JONES, > -. , E. JACKSON. 3 RS ” A prila 5 68 For S:ilc. ONE of /he mod valuable /'adls of .and upon /lie Altamiha, coi;/ainktg nut eleven hundred acres of Rice vamp in /he belt pitch of fide. Tl is ?d is about hve miles above /h ’wnol Da ien, was, prior to the re oiutioi aiy Wd ,/he piope.i ty of thi 1 e governor Wrighr, aid has fur a • tlemenr, attached immediately tr s Swamp, one ,( !he molt heati'i j .n l molt eltvi/ed fi/uaiions upon •:e river. Pei funs wifliing to put chafe this toperty wi 1 apply to Edward Swar e'k or William Mein, Efqrs. u> Savannah, where a plu/ of /he Land nay be seen. (fdloher 15. ts : q. JUST REG El FED 2 Cases 7 8 Infh linens, coff from lid to 19J. (filling, I Bale drapery baize, I dc. blue cloth, 1 do. white dowlas, i do. rose blankets, 6-4, 7 4, 8 4, and 9‘ 4* I do. ravens dink, 3 do. blue Gtlla hdkfs. J Suita -2 do. do. Gurrahe, | ble for 2do Gudjtpore Sannahs, j>theAfri -1 do jnt jta battas, | ran 2 do Bore!pore Coffas, J market. THE ABOVE WILL BE SOL!) BY THU BALE, OK. cask only. ALSO, 17 Caft<3 London porter, • do. do. brown ffout, 12 Neffs trunks, 3 Cases London made bats. ON HAND 1 y Hilda. N. E. Ruin, 4 Pipes brandy, a quantity No. 10. cotton cards, to Chests Hyfon, and Elyfo* lkin tea. l ot sale ly Roberts & Clark, Sn.iih Ist Bourles Wharf. December 20. 32 ts NDT CP IS hereby given,/hat af/er the ex’ ora/ion ot nine tnon hs fro.ll /he <a/ ereof, application will be made to /h. onorahle/he Inferior Liui/ tor th coun/y ,f Cam .en, for leave ‘o fcl etealefta/eof James Vincer/, i;.< i Ihe Laid Lnuu/y dec. for the Dene cf Ae heirs and creditor*. M liomas King, ~) > Atlinr’s Archd. Clark. August 27; THE Hi.St.LVE. THE slave cf live l’il never be ; M> frail debts the unihin’s ait ; ’ Go blink dece’ver ! go and pray, On sos cr hearts ILy treaelierf us part. On mine thy boaheil power is loll; IPecei'luf boy 1 thy vr lesnre vatnj I laugn to (corn t) y drea !(til frown, And treat thy j r tiers with tliidain. To friendfliifi only wi'l I rive, Those vows which others to ‘hce pay ; And bless’d with her serar.hic irr.ile, My da ; s in peace will glide away. Fran an L ngl so paper. TO THE I DITOR. Fir, On Cofling my eves ovp r th’ molt gloomy urul 1< riowful for cr of our ne I mra:, • heObitu ry, l always feci a fer fation which 1 don't knt w hov ‘o ddcriht* ; a reverential rrgurr for ihe dead,” therein -rrcot ed nixed with a tinge of drollery at the rnannei” in which ftjclie venta aic frequently noriiitd. [Whole Number >4O. [Twelve and a half Cmte fnple inflnnor, v hen I read of the at.S of a man whom I have nown to he a dram drinker for iventv years p ft, and whole ver has hcen b leed as hard a9 t 111ip hife uir—l mourn ♦ but when in (lie lir e in mediately r llowing, I observe him latrun ed as a rnoit rtfj.edahle, wor hv, and upright chir.ufler, / laugh— not at the late of the oar, but at ihe folly of pitching 11 pun iuih an abiurd u cthod ot intuiting his memory. In the iame way I might enumerate nany other charafters, whose lives weife certainly nocexampla <y, but whole fame is extolled by panegyrics equally as ridicu lous. “ De mormis nil nisi lonum !’* If you can’t ipeak vj.II of the cFad, lay nothing about thrm.—• It therefore filealed me very much w hen a time I law an account of the death of an attorney, Hating tneielv his name and age; and without any remark, leaving him to his re* pole. Now that was right NoC that I would have men of exem plary pie. v, extraordinary ralants or heroic valor, flipped into the filer.t grave, without a hull: honest tribuie of rdpedl paid to heir memories. A proper re verence lor the of luch people, tends to tx ire in the living a Jau iible ambition to L oitate their excelle; ties; but to teiiow praises which belong on ly ‘O the j reac and good, upon the cotntTK n herd of mortals, is leveling ar once the diliinoion b- tween virtue and vice. I be lieve there is a natural vanity i:i the mind of man which flicks to his lash land, and prompts him ‘o “ leave a longing, lingering Ailh behind,'* that his nan c may not only be remembered but approved of, by poitericy.—• Now to obtain tha poUhununu* ( nne, let hirn be allured Lhac ‘vhilil living be rrult do lome* thing to dejervc J*. Bt. if a ptrlon of irregular life, or a ra n<-, dull, insipid being, with out perhaps ash de of tharafler to mark hirn while living, re ceives tHe fame flounllui g tnuo miurns which belong only tu mortals of a higher class, the ar dor of ho est ambition ; btcaule a min has 01.iy to lead luch an account to be convinced, thac let him hve as he may, he will ba appl aided at lull. Were I ihe puViifher of a pa per, I would give < haradieriftic foi/ething in this •vay :—lf a brewer happened to >li \ I would fay, he was of a mild temper, and hr wed mild ale. c\ fhotir.aker’s death night be mncunccd thus—he was an in liultrious man, made all his ends meet, a nd/uck to his work to ih tplrjl. A barker may be re nowned for never raving Cifbor.- nor id his or aft. A baker, buch er, rr groctr for having giv<.n good weight, and so on. Ad if any of them fnould not have teen remarkable for such virtues hen fa;. uothing abtut \m. —* On the death of a fifh wre, I would oblirvt—that she who ft; was cr.ce as pl.bas at; tel :s .row as n ute as a fijh , anu lies ..s fiat as aJl.utuLr . If yc/u fht uld approve of these fk-trhts, I fuall teg you to in fcim ail editors, piinttis, ami t utdiflius cf nt wspapers, ihat C ar. fOl r lh th: m ffltth av.. ;ety 1 OJf.ns prt j tiiv !<>r all he ordinary (>ccaf:cr.s that Tony </iujr; tie txrruordir.aiy talr* may fit;r Ifh /..fitter for ih.- fune *■ I orations of tt.c e toque nt vice. I an: f:r, &c, is *