Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, January 24, 1806, Image 1

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Vo!. IV. No. 26. j Six Dollars a Year, halt in Advance. 1 For New-'York, * 0 on Su day 1 rxf. XV*THE fait tailng Sl< op N ANC Y, Thomas Hvsru. maftei Tor piffiqe on having; go and accomnv ia linn, apply to ihe mailer oa board ai Clays wharf, or f A. &S. Richards. WHO have Reed by tVtti (loop, 2* ■Barrels BdEF, which will be ibid i w. Jan. 17 ts <)o RALPH MAY, Having t,ikett t ! e jlore adjoining James ‘Can others, Commerce Row, jrenting tie R iy, row offer; for S re, an extensive assortment or JH);-y Goods & Hard a arc, ConEfling of Black, b'ne, corbeau, brown and mixed fuperfine Cloths 3 ‘ro.nd Cloths, Flams, Eiaitic Cl''b, C?iiimere*, k-*ap and common C :a‘tn s ß 3’ iter.t cords, Swanfdowns Sc foili'int* Blue Strands, London uufflle and rose Blankets Flannels of all colours A Variety of Velvets, Velverets, Genoa Cords and Thickfetts Dimities, Crapes, Muffins and Mufl i. Handkerchiefs Crambray Mullins Plain, figured and checked cotton Cam bricks Calicoes, Linens Dowlas, sh clings Diapers and Diaper Table Cloths Bedrii’ks, Durants Durovs, Calimancos Bombszettes and Bombazines Gtlkand Cotton Shawl—Scofe Malabar, Pailicat ot Romai Handkerchiefs Sik, Cotton and worded Hi fiery fciik, cambrick, ottoi: A leather Gloves and Mitts, I,ace and Edyi ’g. ‘Vorded and Cotton Tafiels and Cords Sbk ant! Cotton Braces Apron Checks, knitting Cottons X-iidies Icarlct cloaks, Umbrella* and Plans, whited brown, r.ll colours and Oznahtirg Threads Plccdks, Knitting do. Tapes, Bobbinr.. Pir.s Grr.tkman’e fine Plats Servants Glazed and common do. Gentleman’s and Ladies fi • . hoes Urals Wive Fenders, with and v/ithou slope bottoms Shovel and Tongs, Bellows Ch rnntv hooks, Cloak pins Block fin and j-panned Coffee Blgg'nt and Cff Pots Iron Pots, Dutch ovens Smith’s bench and hand Vices Hand and fledge Hammers pliers and Files Carpenters broad axes Hatchets, Adzes, Saws, Screw Augur Ch-ffls, Rules, Iron fq-nrts Comptsff•. s, Gimblets, Oil floors, King A variety of Carpenters Piaues an Plane Irons Brace with bins, Wood ferews Club and Falling ax s, Spade* Broad and Garden Hoes Scythes and Straw knives, K .ives and forks. Carvers, Tenanted Tea Trays, and Eread Brfket Candiefticks, Snuff rs pat. door iprmgf Currv crimbs and Brodies Powder, Shot, and bar Lead, Powder f) Iks and Ihot Pouches Gun {crews and Worms plated Spurs Pen knives, Sciffars Raifors, Combs, spoons Corn and Ct tfee Mills W. vfle Irons, fpettaclc* Bricklayer’s ‘1 rowels Hair Brooms and Brushes Morocco pocket ano blank bock3 Writing p. per, Ir k powder pi. wter Bafons, Plates, candle moulds Iron rim’d chests, cupboar- , trunk, defi and flock Lucks Shoe makers knives, hammers, pinchers awl blades, tac kv &c. Copper and Iron Tia kettles Gr.d irons, Smoothing Irons, Chaffin, ij dishes, ALSO, V Lite Lear, Spariifi brown yellow ochn Jtd Hue and green paints Painter’s Biuftic* ad Painting toerfs 4d. jd 6d. Bd. iod-izd. 2od. & 3od. Bail* and {looting brads. Bby 10, 9r v ii, aid 10 by 12 Win tiev Glass, in whole half b< x with a haudfen t aflo tment of CROCKERY/ r< GLaSS W ARE ; all of which will be lold cheap. Dee. 2C ts 32 50 Doll is Reward. RA.NAWAY ab-to e r.v r-ths fu ce. / negro man named F> 1. i< , bn- 1 gmgto tV tilate (f Gei rgv fiin'. di u. lie is a vale, bit carpenter, and wll bn- w n for man; year in tbtsetty He t ‘ ar-’ fi m. att.v., ar artfular and whet q rttii neu c ; i-l'ely. fie u.-r. nets much, te ‘1 n* and e paid on 1. c over to the bubo ro er, 1 rto tne Goa er this city, ands r'.v >*■ ars I ddiuon iheiel’ en j r c.l us ms be bcured by a whi 1 per*-®. J. MACHIN, Fx V'• Etla e, George Ha. f> * Wa- .ir . . 0-‘N 6c [l,decry Wood i- an. ... w-cd order r f .!■ by Bi: : AcriUr. A. TEMBEIUO J.-i xai) 71 iw 40 Georgia Republican. I- DUCATIOM, Grateful for.the diftinpiifhed patronage e has experienced tiiice his eUablirtiment in t ’vamvuh, Mr Green woh deference infor ms •IS iriemls ami the public, that the Ladies uiterarv 1 imol.andihe Grammar and dath •matical !■ h >ols, are itj ; ! conduced by him on the fame extenliveplan, as at their com ncr cement. The ■ urfe of the schools, includes Read -y. Grammar, El tciuicn and Kheioric, rVi r-.i ;r in all tire uleful ornament il hands, Aril brut c, !?• i-k keeping, according to i’e '-ertl fyllems, Geography and the use, i ratvmgc nrving of Maps in different pro jeflions, the elements of Astronomy, and -he us- o( the Gi -bes and Te lunan Htitory and Ctir iiolrp. In the Mathematical department, the pnp-.U v.n I be carefully mllrufted in Algebra G- optelry. Trigonometry, Conic Se.flions an ‘ iixrons, with their application to the buli rels a. iifs and the lnveil'g.ttion of let* ence. .Sixteen v.ars experience in his profefiron, and a f ciej and unremitting attention t> the rroryls tttd rea’ improvement of his pn nils wi'lj ho h pes, continue to hi u from a liberal an- enlightened public, a Iliare et that favifr which lie has hitherto experience l’up.ii ailmitted without Entrance, till -he tit andf -he ensuing January. **. A fib\ici no Master of eminence will attltid the Schools. N > vein her 5 *0 f]H h hU ti A Kio is. > WISHING to direct their attention to mrds tie c lieffmil and settlement of debit due to G-ve notiec that, on the -51 i. lay of Dc;inner next, they will decline tlu ;tai bail tfs on credit; They desire then fore that at th'-fe tndebred to them, or to Robert il bn Holton, will immediately mak. I ■ a-men; c - otberwife fettle to their lati fa&ion. From tht store crlleflior made tw earn p ill, she debts to them have accamu a ted bey old their wiih; and they are ■’ -tfi iently aware thatbufintfs cc dusted on Inch a Going cannot support iifelf. Cm'fis Bolton, 6c Cos. Their rtfaaining {lock on hand which is not in‘ended to be increased, will be fold bv vholefaie *r ritail, on easy terms for calh, produce, ir town notes. Nov, 19 iS ts Removal,, THE Subtcri’ cr having taken 2 x yeors Its.'le of Mr John Po> ler’s xiiarf i.n| dock adj )tn ng Mr. Bel • ;s ‘ .(iccizw wharf, has rein >ved ,s urnbA’ yard, and having procu .id large and fafe if ore roum, is hoj>e Tpf a continuance of pa:t favors. be dock he at prafetv occupies tr i-ue fa'e pollesses the lame aclvanta es as/ r convenience as his t rrmer ne d;d. His crunting roon* w 1! 6t ep (At his dwelling houfs adjoining lr. John Gaigs uti'il one can tie 2sr ad up on the wharf. John Mead. MM CE. IS hereby p.iven,/hat af/er the ex’ r‘ft not nine n on hs timr) /he da/; ere* f, application will be made /o /he . norablc /he Inferior Ccur/ for the tuii/y of Cam en, for leave to fell .e cal elt a/e of James Vit-Jkerf, late 1 the (aid Couu/y dec. for the bene of the heirs and Creditors. 1 homas King, ~) > Admr's. Archd. Clark, j Auguit 27a SHERIFF'S SALE, WILL be fold t Iliyan Court 10ufe on rhe firll I ueluay in February next, betw,en the ■,ours ot to and 2 o’clock of that lay. One third part of OfT.ibaw Is and, with all-its appurtenances, >c:ng the middle pare thereof j eizcd and taken in executioti is the property of Peter H. Mo. el cfq. Con futons of sale C< Jh. S. MAXvVELI , s b c. Bryan Court heufe, Jan. ij 40 F. r Sale. F rtyrire Prime C .unity bom Negroe For to. ms apply to JOSEPH HABERSHAM. January 17 ts to. Sa VAR A Ah MARIE E Hcipitat & Poor-House The H/ f'-ts tre juD ices <f ?ff Inferior Cf urf, ) rrfecr ff the Poor and fie Medical afi'it nt to the Po<r Heufe and Seaman's Uclpi* t, giver, Public Notice, th.'it he is now eady to receive into the Inllitu ion, ar ; m or perfont c C’ >r iick Seamen, who ih.s.Jf mike application o Viim for admiHif n. He has to requelt tha r n future he citizens will nc ? give any r'Pet [ • perfom ar v heir doorm as the arraignments T</if f r crc- ne rhe Neceffirv of their g*vi :g Cnaiity | 1 h*c way ; (houd they her, ev r, feel dil ofed to a fC-t\ tt, e irUitu-iny d'nation v’d ? be received and frithtullv ac untFd tor, by MUSli.'i SHLFr I'AL. Hoy* : *■ r 2J5 Savannah : Printed by EVERITT and McLEAN, on the BAY. 50.000 BRICKS, Landing from the brig jokn a DA VIS, for fait’, ;-pply on b aul or to Mein, Muckay cs? Cos. nrcemSer 6. ts 18 role 1 , THE WHARF AND STORES occupied by Messrs. Wiifon Knox, and nt prelent by Mr. Andrew Knox. Th< ir productive and convenient ii tuation 1- £ ■ well known, as to require no further explanation. For terms enquire cl R. Wajne. November 1 1 q I homas CfY 6’arali r Ills, Or ei her of them may gain J * me inftnrefa* tion btghiy to to fir inter Jl by Robt. & Jfno, January 17 tj 4 o For S.’ile r.r this Office .1 variety of BL ANKS among wide/) ate, Foreign and Coattmg .vlamfeits, VI Tehanta Entiies, L quor do. Bi is of Exchange, 10. of Lading. 1 9 of Sale; Powers of Attorney. hecks, Xpprenrices Indentures, . )ee is <’f Conveyance, Bonds; Notes of Hand, Writs for the Superior, Inferior 3c Mayor’ Courts, Mayor’s Court Ex tiitinnsk Supbo(nas r ,'otices to creditors of Insolvent ts b u* Military Summonses, &. Ex eutionsi&c. CL Camd r. Hjndbuu be. fit’. Printed at a Eirt No, ice on tcajon .b, erms. i Admimltrator s ON Fridav the t/rh day pf Januar; n x>, will be fold at the H.nfe of Jo sfpk Wei.scher in Caiu-emtiu's H w. all the Perf nal Estate of elizab th shick, deecafe 1 ; c infilling of one Nt g > W man, HOUSEHOLD Gs KITCHEN FUR - N ITU RE Efc. Sale to commence at 10 o’cb cWin the fore noon. By Order of the Attn niftrator. Levi Abrahams, UiFt’r. ‘Fhe above sale it pofipcinct until the 28th inst. Dec. J3 Jo txp. ,--w 1 l , FOR. a term of years, the premis. fes at prrfent occupied by Mr. \Vn lam Chauvin as a dwelling hr use aid Grocery Store. A pnfitable lea<r i>‘ /h.s very valuable ft .tut, rray hr had and pofTeflion delivered in abcu /o days j for a moderate advar cc n c ifh. For pirr cu ars <\ ply to ts iv>n. Judge Stephens orGen. D. IJ. MiiClicll. W illiani Milli. August tt bf Noticei THE fubferiber, lc*r,e ime fi being on his return the India r.ario l , caire up with p JOHN E< VINE (ns he called him el) wh had in hispi fli flion a fev regio fe low ; from the countenance and coi verfation of Irvine, wtyii imcrrcgau from whence he had Omre, ’he mat i rr in which hemaderep'y, >ogethe with oiher cirrumftances of his coi duel confirmed the fubforNer in the be ief that the negro had boon stolen He therefore demanded ot Irvine i what way he had come to the poll. I lion of the negro ; to which he it ‘urned an evasive anfwtr. The fob fen be r told him be had good reaf 01 0 believe the negro had been ftolei and was dereroiided to take the ne >ro from him and have him advertifei ird in * life no peHon r immed hii, wi'bin eighteen months wcu;d eithc re’ urn ot fe I him. This is therefore to notify all per ons whom itetoh or may concern. That the lubfcriber has .n his posses .1 n the said tew negio ; he is ab> ut ;ivr fee. eij ht inchts higb, ayed he’ tween twenty five and tr<i /y ycr? no marks o her than cc his hack, which appear to have lufi red under the Jov fkm i (peaks little or no h.nglift iys he came from Carolina, but does iot krivv whether from North 01 A’ u h, he ir diftii.dt y commut icarer i > hen afkod in wh.t way the mao can.e by h rn) ih. t he took him up in ‘he road, when an his to filh ci roe river or creek nearby. His own xr 01 owners ax therefore requehed o povethe propel ty of the negro pay charges and t ke him away; Win. .Neely. Camden Cou'ty on St Mary’s River, Sept, ;0 tamtam 7. NO 1 ICE. THE Subscriber intending to Lie absent so forae months has appointed the Hon. Edward Telfair, Churlt* Oti<>uigf 11s and JohnJ.awfon, Esq’.s hi, attorney*, woo v.oii transaflany bufmef.his, during liisabfence. Matllic ‘V M’nlhltcr. w FRIDAY, January 24, 1806.* OVERSEEK, Wan ed. A man of hahha and accuffStued * the management of negrees. It he hrin good tellimoraaU. of his honesty, li.dub Ind Sobriety he will meet with proper 11 ouragemtfit by Applying to s Win. Mein. Novemh-r 5 ts I O UFN r. STORES N’s 7 and 10, in the Exchange For terms apply at my Office. i hos. Fitr, SecVy. Nov. 19 ts. ts, OTIC E, ALL persons having any demands again! the eflate of JOSIAH TATTNAIJ Junr. elquivc ate requdied to render then properly atteiled and ihofc indebted are u, fired to make payment to Ebeuc/.er Stai Moore’s Whail GEORGE JONES,-) ... E. JACKSON. j * April 25 A8 1 wl O ‘ E of /he uioft v lu.t'fle of . <tid upon /he Altairuha, cor/aini ijj •out eleven hundied acres of Rice -ivampin /he belt pitch of /ide. Tl is is aGout i.v ■ miles above /h_ >wn of Da un, was, piior to the re o'utionary w;p, /he ptopri/y of th. ue governor Wright, ar.d has for a ■ tlemei r, attached imrTiediatc'y to e Swam-’, one • f Ihe molt beatri 1’ .n ! molt dcva/cd li/uations upon e river. P-nfins tvifhing to put chafe this roper.y wi I apply to I dward Swar ei k or Willi m Mein, 1 Iqi>. at Savannah, where a pla/ of /he Lafic nay be feett. ('it'.her 75. ts. q. JUST RECEIVED 2 Cases 7-8 Ii ifh linens, coil from I2d to 19 !. Itiiling, I Bale dr?peiy baize, I do. blue cloth, I do. white dowlas, I do. rife blai kits, 64, 7-4, 84, ami 9 4> 1 do. 1 avc nn rm k, 3 do* l>iut Gflia lu kf*. “J Suna z do. do. Gun alls, I b’e for 2 do. Gu jrporr Sannahi, J 1 fie af li -1 do. Ju< jt-a baftag, | can 2 do Boritpote < i.ffas, J maikct. THU ABOVE WILL BF. SOLD H V THU HALS, OK CASE ON CY. ALSO, 17 Ofics London porter, do. do. brown flout, 12 Nt fts trunks, 3 6’afcs London m ,de hats, ON HAND 1 y TThds. N. F,. Rum, 4 Pipes f randy, 1 quanti y No 10. cotton ranis, 10 Chefla Hyfon, and Hyfon (kin tea. For take by Kohcvts & Clark, Smith Cf Hour bet Wharf. December 20. 3 2 TO Lk/ISK For a Term of Years. Lots No 13 and 14 in Wat r, n Wart fainted war t e If y and adjiing a l i belonging to the efl ih of // Ltiultridge , c.t jnefrnt. o-cufied by Mr. ‘J -mes Me In-oft and Mr Win Green Tenthe one of then a cottier lot on nJquote and fronting .he liens market. For terms apffy to WILLIaM park vs. January 3 ts 3 0 ADiVIIMSTRA i Ok‘s SAI Iv on the firft ...ondayin Match next, will In told at the Court hotile in ilie I Try of Sa vannah, between the hours of ten ai.u twelve q’clock, A M. ‘1 HHEE prims lied NECHOES, cue of whom is a g >od Cooper, being part i.f h -gate < f flit-mas Ne herclii if coal’ and. Oik third of ‘-he pur-hale money to be paid n cash and the balance to be ftcmcd by mort gage on the negroes and bond, with appmv'd lecurity, bearing intcrett fr> rn the da) -, and payable the firli day ot February next. CHARLES HAHhIS, Adm’or. Jan, 21 d 1 <u Injit utnenis Jutna JON’A'I HAN HYK.ES, From London who Fa* occti regu ’arlv hicd to the I ufincft, OfErs his fetvice in tne above lint Fit g> r and JNriel Organs, Piaru l<, H;.rf fitords aid hpirett, tin :d and repaired a- the fh'.rtsft oolite .td on mCdcra/2 terms. He va hes on thz Piano h m te. *■** A good Puno 1 one for fa’e ; Apoiy at this office. 1 . Kib NO 1 it. i . THE creditors of Vv’il iam Hu( v". v.l I* cow in coi'fi emmt etiht.'u. cl J fill 1! Dubc.l.aie notified that l.e will or. l,i u.-b up ~ f ,re the julliiet • t l.v Jt.frrit.r C ,n, . f t.. r C- ui ty, on *l. fv.-ii:< ..'h rla; of Freuary next, u, take ihe benefit of ifie mioi.eut ‘a. .. -I w. A* *,a. e.LLEf., Ally, for set. Jan ai ti /ji £ Whole Num#fr 344. [Twelv- and a half Cent* (ingle. D A NyCIN GA C A DEM Y. A. *. Ft pAie. ij.fe from t p tv lit indiei inform* ie tadics 4v* gentlemen ot this, ci y ’M has co.nmenied h, s Danrfp ’ hop.’ a- the ‘ Oafe Gccup ed bv M * . -..anto , jn Barn.rd Rre-t the c r *®T ‘• ® ‘•o.nntoii formerlv oc u- ■<l *£• **"? t m-ci*. to ,J V Da ties viz. ~'L’ U ’; S Hornpipes, CotillioftL V ads, imgic and double a 1 I > it- t-.dances, and tic new Lfhi o ug dance la/e y tturotluccd m /ha Vlif 1 ied theVV*:,, an | , Y 7 (oltrd CCS, Thetiti ,na >’ U • llu,cif <h*’ hr W tll pay veytaircii/jOii t . the behavior a d •- - l ct hie tas are pUed u..d- c T-s be whl al'o attend any a d/ gentleman at 1 eirnyvn heufe v h j nay not will) to attend a pti lc flh7ol, Diys .f ‘lu .i,.,, Moto;y Vv ednefdays and Fn'd., i., /q tetnoo-i Ei V ; ung ‘ .dies and gtnrle ne ' ‘Fwefdaj', f h /tfla , a „d urdv eventpgs itoa. t to and o’cletic or gen iemen. ,an - 71 v >‘* 4T. TAKEN A WAV, BORROWED? OR iTOLEI\. FROM off the Montgomery tiafl of land, abmr live *.r ux th- uf.u and fence pule id,, lying on a biuff nearly oppybie to Mr. M, n, qeo.M rtt Vcr/i. nberg. ii taken aw;.;, the sub i. ril.e, willies to be informed on what ac c tint, if borrowed be wilhcs to know whirl ::oy V tkbe returned, if UTma fum.biv n wau! will bv.pyitil on c invn£ti(m ol the ik.ef ,r thieve*. Ike said rail, were fplii n, ire."i,u,- f dos Vi,, ceorge. N gazer, and paid fr as per reccip- mv ~, n , HE l H. MOREL. t" 1 ’ -16 WANTED, “ AN 01 l.J< EAR who understand) the eu/tuie oj RICL\ a single men wilt be preferred. Apply to JNO H. Mblii.L. Ten 2 I 4/ _ _ 41 JSi 01 KAi, I ilh hUIGkK BEX. has itoin't’d Charles Hani, ciq. ts ha vannib, //o-i cy (or the effa c at i horn s Laiiti.effc , ec U e of Newport. All perl ns ted tint cb'.i t* hi B it and, n.i/r, or . pm ciount a-e uquctle I to j>ay arid !et— 'f ■i h /hr f. ud nt. n ey, as 1/ is *bfo u cly necip.oy that th c 1 cert sos cilviic b* !y hf c• rhi r o 21 lofc. JOHN COUPKR’ t.x’r. 1 HE deots due the effate of horn a, LancheiL r oemg placed in y hard f r collcdli ;n, I am icady t fettle with the dcb/ois, pets ns ms indebted n gledi tg to avail enPelvcs ( f th-j ccticc h.cfi.rc the >th, t’ay of Fehtuery next, will ie mediately thereafter fur J ; a n>ea* rr WI oh Wl.l ISO! CI ‘.lt N, TELTf kc place owing to tne i.eccffi y tree is of colledti % the and .hts of /hat fate ot tiling every diligence in the Icovcry of it; just dem.rifs. jntiul* Tiice wi ! be al oved to th fe who A.k -li ra’ (.aymeo's i ef"/e the cx< : iifioii of /ie ahov / tne. UiARLLS HARRIS, 5a 1 ’ fan i8 rs \turio rj. • N'-jr the Ithd, on rhc weft branch of Sus qiehann..h, there has lately b en li|i overeil a depofuoty for the ead, consisting of frvr ral engfh9 of human body - t the hole is in a rock, which projefln from near th r roj> of a hill to ward the fou’h weft, so as to have a hot expolure during the hammer ftafon, and a drv fhua* tion t all times. Ihe contents of tbefe chambers have gone neai iy* to det ay, excepting only one pair of fret and legs and the upper part of the head $ the fk n, hair, n o s, co’or and natural ap pearance of tilde are in a pood fta'C of j rtfervat'on. S) bard nd f ntne'y div.fled of moisture, ..s to be e.fily fe<u ed from change by the hand of time, i hey have b-en forwarded to a eiitlen an at George orr ac) and tie supposed to be the remains of a young Ind an ‘t-o.ale of lon e of the PispagrS, whoh fi n ily had cepe filed her hire wi h u >ch cute andatten tit n, 1 ler apartment was fur n.fhed wub fuitablc trinkets—* tiunpfS of do h i, a.d br fs i<e t:ts, tor a long journey • feet were in two pair cf no* jquefors, one r< v/, tor other pto- the if It Inc had