Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, January 28, 1806, Image 1

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Vo!. IV. No. 27. J Six Dollars a Year, halt in Advance. 1 ROBF.IITS CI.AHk, Have just received per the brig Elcm from Boston, and for sale at their tior Smith and Bourke’s wha f. 8 Hilda, retailing Sugars, 500 pair negro Shoes. ON HAND. 18 Hhds. N. Rum, 40 Bbls. Mackarel, jo boxes Colton Cards, 2 ..ales Blankets, 1 do. low priced Broadcloths, 1 trunk 4-4 Iriih Sheeting’, 1 case a 4 and 3-4 lrith liaciis, 10 Bbls.’ Beef, 4 pipes Holland Gin, 3 do. Cognise Brandy, 20 Bolts Rullian Duck. Nov. t ts IQ JUST RECEIFFD , 2 Cases 7 8 Iriih linens, colt from 120 to 19 1. (lirliug, I Bale drapery baize, 1 do. blue cloth, I do. white dowlas, 1 do. role blankets, 6 4, 7 4, 8 4, and 9-4. 1 do. ravens dock, 3 do. blue Gilla hcikfs. “) Sui:a ----2 do. do. i blc lor 2 do. Gudjtporc Sannahs, j> the Af.i ----1 do. Judjca baftas, | ran 2 do. Boretp.ire CofLs, J m - 11 ket. THK ABOVE WILL BE SOLD EV THE BALE,OR CASE ONLY. ALSO, 17 Calks London porter, do. do. brown flout, 12 Nells trunks, 3 6’afes London made hats. ON HAND 13 Hhds. N. E. Rum, 4 Pipes brandy, $l quantity No. 10. cotton cards, 10 Chests Hyfon, and Hylon Ikm tea. For sale by Roberts (3 Chrk, Sn.ilh if B ■ rkes Wharf. December 20. 32 ts AND RETV KNOX , j H n jujl received anil for S’ le. 20 bbls. prime and nufs Poik and Beet 25 do- i ilot, {hip and middling Bread 50 boxes 5’ j mc-uid u.i. k. ( ugulla ! madi ) 30 kegs genuine manufndlurtd To bacco 50 do. ft. £3° ss. Eng'ifh Gu r pow der. 25C0 lb. buck, duck f.van and squir rel (hot. Bed English Q_uil!s, Wafers and Ink Powder Writing and Wrrpping paper Mogul playing cards Boxes Spanish S a- s Pewter plates, Baioas and dlfh-’s Mill, Pitt, Crolscu! and Haro Saws Corn & Cofi.e tVliils— Claw . .aminers Spades, Shovels and Fryiu > pans Dutch Ovens Pot3, T re Dogs ALSO On H .ml Rose, point & .London Duffle Blankets Cloths, Caffimere*, Flannels, and Plains Blue Strouds and Bath Coatings Irish Liunens, Flax and low Oznaburgs Cotton Bagging, Fine and coarie Hats With a genera! supply 01 Giocerita. Dec. 26 ti 35 i\6W [AMJI.ncT, FROM on board ficop Favorite and fljrp Cotton Planter Jton Philadelphia -. ana far (ale. 40 Tons qu-ic, tire, and ax bar iron, 20 Kegs T. F. srd F. I. F. glazed tin-powder, 20 Bols. loaf sugar, 40 Boxes Ye,low loan, joo Bols. pilot, Ihore, and fbip bread, 4 iQn cheftsHyfon Tea, 25 B>> s>. Philadelphia bo.'.led porter, (3 doz. caci;) 10 do. tio. Beer 3 Boxes f.ddlery, CONSIS TING OF, Setts plated and tiimtn’d chaite harness, Mens and boys laddies, Saddle bags, Common, Snaffle & Curl Bridies, Bert plated do. and do. with Birdoons birrs. ANDREW KNOX. Barrack Gibbons It'harf. Jan 14 ts 39 50,000 BRICKS, Landing from m i>rig john a ‘ DAMS, for tale, r.pjuy on braid or to | Mein, Mackay & Cos. j December 6. ts t!i Georgia ReDiiblican. C-A a Ralph may, ‘x ! 1 ’ “• ie ft ore adjoining jftier es L.w ri'ieis. C ir.mtrce Row, fronting the B y no ;■ of- rs for Sole, AN tATKVSIVE assortment of Dry Go is < Hardware, Cordjlinit of L ack, blue, co 1 bc..u, b own and mix and Br.iad Cl ihs ‘-cone! , P ams, Elattic Cloth?, iftimprcs, ki... t .‘ common Coatings Patent c'rdf, Nwanidna ■ Sc l oilinnts Sue St ■ uA, London duftile and role ! B! kets ‘lamufs of all odours \ Varvr v of V ‘v ts,, Velverets, Genoa C ■ ‘ and rhickfetts .limit: 5 , C ‘pie, Mull,ns and Mufl n a ! o .’t, rchi fs C rnmbr.rv M, a s Plain, fi or and checked cotton Cair.- h” k , Calicoes, Linetrs Dowlas, lh 1 tings Diaper* l and Diaper Table Cloths ft dn ka, Durants Duro-’s, Gaiitnancos id ‘ nb,.zettes and B imb izmes Siikand Cotton Shawls—Soofe Malalia’ . Pullicat & Romal Handk rchict. Si k, Cotton and wrtrfted H liny Sdk, cambnek, Cotton & leather Gloves and Mitts, Lace and Edgings. Vorited and Cm .on Tafleis and Cords S k and Citron B'aces Apron Chi cks, knitting Cottons Ladies fcarLt cloaks, ; Lmhie :as and Pavafols Nuns, whited, all colours and Ozoabnrg Threads Needles, Knitting do. Tapes, Bobbins, Ping Gentltman’s fine flats servants G azed and ertmmoc do. Gentleman’s and Ladies li ic hoes B uis Wire Fenders, with and without fl pe bottoms Shovel anc Tongs, Bellows Lh mntv hooks, Cloak pins Bioek 1m am- j panned C.rFee Biggins and C dLe Pots Iron Pots, Dutch ovens Smith’s bench an.i hand Vices H n.i and fl-dge Hammers pile sand Fi!e3 i Carpenters broad axes Hatchets, Adzes, Saws, Screw Augurs jCh'ff Is, Rules, Iron squares ! Cmnpafh s, Gi tablets, Oil Hones, Hinges -i vane; y ot Carpenters Plants and Brace with puts, Wood ferews Ciub and lulling ax s, Spades Bioad and; Garden Hoes Scythes and Straw knives, Knives aiuijfork;. Carvers, Fapanned Tea l'rays, and Bread Baskets Cauuielticki, Snuffers pat. door lpriugt Curry combs and Brushes P-iwder, Nhpt, and bar L-ad Powdti fl. Iks and (hot Pouches Gun Crews and Worms Plated Spurs Pen knives, Sciflars Bailors, Colnbs, fpoor.s Corn and Uoffee Mills W. rfle Irons, fpettacleg Bricklayer’s Trowels flair Brooms and Brufhea Morocco pocket ana blank books Writing piper, Ink powder Pewttr Brdons, Plates, candle moulds Iron nm’O chelts, cupboard, trunk, deft and ttoek Locks Shoe makers knives, hammers, pinchers, awl blades, taekv See. Copper and Iron Tea kettles Gnd Irons, Smoothing Irons, Chaffing diihes, ALSO , A hite Leao, Spanish brown yellow ochre end blue and green paints Painter’s Brulh.s and Painting tools 4'i. 50 6d. Bd. iod- i2d. 3od. Kails and doming Rads. 8 by to, 9by u, and 10 by 12 Win now G>ai, hi whole & half boxes Together with a handiome assortment of CROCKERY unit GLASS IVARE-, all ol which will be fold cheap. Dec. 20 ts 32 Oak & H.ckory Wood. Dry arc 1 in Oocd eider for I: le by ibe Subfcribtr. A. I’D ML E R'/o N. January 71 -w 40 Fir Sale. Fortyrine l'nrne Country born Ncgroe For ttims apply to JO.SEPH HABERSHAM. January 17 it 4c. For B.tie ar tins Oliice A variety of BLANKS among which ate, Foreign aid Coaku.g Manifehs, Merchants Entries, Liquor do. Bi is of Exchange, o. of Lading, d<). ol bait; Rowers of Attorney. Checks, Apprentices Indentures, Deeds of Conveyance, Lord'; Notes of Hand, Vv 1 i;s for the Superior, Inferior it Mayor's Courts, j May r s Cr . r’ Execution , a Supbsenas, j .Nr rice: tocrtdi.ois oflnfolvent tors ; Military sumnu nfei, St Exeeudons, &c. CTj Cauds, Handbills iSc hfc. | Printed at a /hurt t Rathe on rcafonablt ‘ cr ms. Savannah : Ptinted by EVER ITT and Ml RAN, on the S A T. j The Subscribers, | HAVING entered int i Cop irtnershi: under the Finn of Shsarhr & J)ri, 1 Offer the Public their services as Facto- 1 ear 1 iff AGKNTS. j 77/AT receive and dispose of all kinds] I f produce, Houses , lands, Negroes, or any ether species of property, on commission, ‘They /saving a ysnrra, knowledge of t’e DRT GOOD A GROCEKT-HU SIXES S, offer lb, ir services to Cuuntry j Merchants, ami in making purchases and ‘forwarding agreeable to order any articles in that hue—And when c jb is deposited with them, they attend Auctions and buy at the lowtyi Bast s. M. Shearer, fno. Drysdalc junr. N. B. Their Com ing Roti’ii is afA jail ing the Post Office, S, E. corner of the F Nov 19 ts 24 IHK Ua JCKIBER. RFffUFSTS all persons indebted to nim by notes or op 11 accounts, to fettle lie lame on or b Lre the 20th of T'e vusry next. Tuofe wh fe accounts tave been of long Handing, and not laul'By that time, will be pu into the lands of :m t orney for collt&ion : a 10 longer indulgence tan puflijiy be gi ven. He h as J r tc T REC r IV D. By the Jhp I ovist an a from ew Tori a ba.-ge J ppy of fr./h I) ‘UG < X : A 1 E ‘Licit mikes his . IT tment at prdent very conpiete, and exeutKi ; and will he fold ,iy IVhole/Fie or Be. it, at a fmah advance on colt tor Ci/h, or his uiuii credit .1) punctual cultomirs* George Harral Dec; 41 tFy. 15. DhiMution of Copartnerdiip f s (übferibets notice that the ropt fie 0 ip h rctofo e carried ON UNDER the firm of David and lHnistian GUGtEI.. Is this day udlolved, It is /here; fore rrqueited ihai all persons who an it debit and to the i u h m, or to cone ot the fuhfnpc,s, individually, will tad aid pa) ts ei accounts and notes on or t>tr re re li ttday f Apnl next, or ihc lame w I * h.-n be plar-d in the hands of art Atto. ncy for collcdtion j and thole who have demands ag mlt t - e copartnerlhij), or either 01 the fubfenbers will present their accounts for payment. DAVID GUGEL. CHRISTIAN GUGEL. THE SUBSCRIBER , R IUR 4S his thinks tr his friends 1 and the pu ic in ge i-ral, lor t'ei uni art when lOnnedled wi:h h,s la/c ) r ner, and begs leave to inform them hit he will continue the TAYLOR ING BUSINESS, a? the sh p lately iccupied ny D itC Gtigr t where he 1! be hankful for a cont.t uaiion ut Qufincls in his line. GH i\ IST. AN CUCEL. I r.ll • 3 ts tA Notice. I Hit, SUBSCRIBER has a> pointed Charles Harm, efq. , ( Sa vannah, a/iorney sot the effate of Thomas Lancheftcr, < ec. lue of New-Port. All perfins indebted t /hat cfla e by Bind note, or optn iccount a r e rtqueffed to pay and lit- It vvi;ti the said att ri ey, as i/ it, abm* u c!y reunify that th; c r cerns < f Hat diate be fpecdily bought ro a close. JOHN COUPfcR, Ex’. I Ht dtbts cue tu the estate of Thomas TancheHer Being placed i,. iiy hands f r colle£Unn, 1 am teat ‘ o fai tie with tf.e dcl/ors, ped i t us irdtbted ncg'e£ti-tg ti, .van t tmftlves if >his n tice cefore the ?.oih, t'a y tifPcbruarv next, will he ii n tdiately thereafter surd ; an ea lure which wi I indj c i imj n . tkj, y akr place owing to die needfi') t ere is of cnlltdfir,” the debts of that efface or using evc. y diligence in /he recoveiy of it jut demands. Indur er.rr wi I be allowed to th f'c who •i*ak: lioera’ payme ns before the ex nation of the above / me. CHARLES HARRIS, ■a J 7a n • 8 • f 53 idol Its Kevvard. RAN AWAY ab ut 4 months lince. A man named PETEK, belnr.gingto the i i:a-e of George ltaiit dtc’tl. He is a valua hie c arpenttr, ar U v/el! known for many year’ in thisciry Heistall ancf-tlim, aftive, anil ar ful and when quellioneri closely, he ham .Tiers much, lodolar., will l.e paid on hi, deliver to the Subscriber, ortotne G .-t er ot ’his city, and forty dollars in ad thereto on proof of hn being harboured by a white person. J.MACHIV, Exo’rto Kftate, George H: .'l Oitaber ij . 4 I’UESDAY, January 28, Ifc 6. THb SUBbCKIBFRS. WIS HING to dire.H tin ir attention to wards the culle/lion atnl fettlemet.t of debt.-, due to them, Give notiec th a, on the 31 dav of December next, they will decline the K tat buliuefs on credit j They do (ire then fore that al! th l'e 111 lebted to them, or ti Robert a John 11 ilt on, will i milted nit. v niake payment or otherwifc fettle to their latis faftton. From the dorr crlle/lion made these two years pall, the delns to them have uccumula ted beyond their wifli ; and they an fufficiently aware t hai btilim fs ecu du. ted on inch a footing cannot support itl'clf. Curtis Dolton, <S: Cos. Their remaining- dock on hand which 1: not intended to be inereafed, will be fold by wholelaie or retail, 011 ealy terms for cath, proiluce, or town notes. N'-v, 29 Ats do plan t jlks. i * THE Subscriber finds it uecefLry to call, thus publickly, upon all thole, who ire in arrears to him, to come forward, as Ip eddy as poffihle, and pay up their rtf ptdlivc balances—as he is anxious to dis charge those claims, agaii.ft himleif, which has originate , principally, through the wants of those, his debtors. IK certainly has aright to calculate upon iberal payments tills year, as Pt ovid nc has, in general, been very bountiful to tie cultivators of the foil. All defal • vs on the full day of March next, may xptrt to find th ir Bonds, Notes and ccounts in the hands of attorney’s a Law. The Snbscrib-r, a!fo thinks proper to giv, this public notice, that, being fully sensible of the numerous dis advantages resulting from the prartice ot making advances dirertly, or becoming indirectly responsible for and on a. cout of persons who have not,at the time invefled him with funds, or any property that will speedily raise funds fufEcient to compenlate fiitn for the amount he ad vances or becomes responsible for ; ht declines, for the future, (except in a few cases of estates and individuals, wlu has in all tranfartiona with him olifervet the ftridteft punrtuality ) the obiervunu ot this prartice. The Sublcriber will, howevt*’ in all cases, whin produce is put in hi pofleffion, make, if required, liberal ad vances, and will be grateful to the plan ters in general, and to his friends in par ticular, for any favors confered in hi line of t.ufinds—he alfurea them, tlia no exertions shall he (pared to conduct all bufisrfs, they may confide to his care, fully to their fatisfartion. He ftiil conducts the Factorage Commission bufinefs,on MOREL’S, wharf, atten ded by every advantage which the fame po fiefs’J, when carried on under the firm of WILLIAMSON & MOREL. J no. T. Willianiion, Dec. 3 tiftm. 27. SAVANN/Ai Met RIFE Holpital & J'oor-J louse The fuldcriber being app’ nited bv their Honers the juilicei of the InieriDr Cetirt | overleer of tlie Poor and foie Medical adill am to the 1‘ 1. r Houle and eeaman’s lioljii. tul, gives Public Notice, that he is no* ready to receive into the Inltii tiiion, any person or persons belonging to the C umy ; or lick Seamen, who iViall mike np; licitioi to hint for adrniflion. He has to requelt ‘ha in future the citizens will not give any r In to persons at ‘ lie 1 r doors, as the .11 angtmen 1 made so? their reception is fticlt as wnl lti pi retde the Ncceflity < f their giving Cliatii in that way ; lliould they howcv r, feel ilj poled to alii li. the ii Ituu'i m, any donati will he thankfully received and faithfully a counted for, by MOSLS SHKFKTAI. November si 2c, /V O l 1 C ‘I HE Subscriber returns thanks to his cm! turners f’r past favi r and i.deims that I Hill cont 1 1 ties ‘tie Cabinet-n akmg htdim , as ideal, and {elicits a of patn 1 ;ge In the mean time he Mould oblervi •I. If who have not been lb punctual as 1 con and wifti, ‘ hut it would l, don g him ai, ;r ■ f juflice t© le'tle (heir arrems at i'oon a poftble : ‘1 heir too long dela has been th. mean* of In. Inhering, and Inch as do not avail th. mfelves <i this notice, befmeth. 15th of February will be ;/UEL) without till . notion. VY m KIGG.S. J an uuv 7 £• 37. HAI.n 1 li\ j ot lil,mZiMt, ‘i HE Subfc and r hus taken die Slu j. laie- I ly occupied by Mr Hite he Wa ch ,vla!.< 1 n thr l.ane as., wori.ll,op, and ihne ~ tout doors to the We. wa.d f Mi IT,, iJulh and WilUon’r, ; When he earn, a on the, House Sign, Panning, Gla zing 6c Paper Hanging, 6 c. S. Ji. ivl.t N. November 29 ts 2 G bona cutli e. ‘I"'HIS elegant ritreat al, .it n miles f.-Tr •1 Savannah, on VVafaw river, is offered ,r alt ale f. r I. % orafeven ,fu.s, for the bene .it ofthe htir, a minor, on trims tbit will suit thole inclinable topi,fell invaluable a piece >f ground, as well ate J for health t. .or pleasure .rid pr.pj,!y to W. STEPHEN'S, / N. lURii.iULL, j Gif. dian Aug nit ,j 96 TO !<!■ n77 STORES M’ a 7 and ic, Ir, the Z \char.g ----j FOr terms apply a: ir.y Oihce. I hos. Pitt, StcVy. I Nov. ts. *6 t [Whole Number 243. [Twelve and a half Cents {ingle. i'DUTA 1 ION, Gra'eful for. the dillinyr.ih, and patron age lie has experienced liuce his eitabltllm cut in Savannah, Mr Green with : ,e ■; 111-, tvends and the jul a , ! bat the 1..,di. s Literary fchool, and toe Gramma! tied u.v h ematical schools, are Hiil ci udiahed bv him on the lame exteniivc- plan, as at their con - mencement. The cocrfe of the Ichoois, includes Head* mg, Gran mar, lilgcmLu aid Kheu-ne, vV rit ng in a I tl’e Ml 1 fill!!;, Aiuhme ic, lb ok k.-epmg, according to t •- veral f) Hem", Gtogrujihy and the tile, C'rawingc pyu g of Maps in tliflerem p. - J rtions, the elements of Allronemv, and .he tile ol the Ch bes and ‘1 e lurian Htllory and Chronology. . In the Matbentatcal department, the pupils wi 1 be eaiefniiy mllruited m Algebra Geometry, Trigonometry, Conic Seftions an 1 Fluxions, wi ll tbeir application to the | luilincfs of life and the tnveltigaiion offet ence. .sixteen yeais experience in his profi flion, and a facrcd and unremitting atiention 10 titc rr orals and rea improvement of hispn pi s wi 1, he hopes, continue to him front a liberal and enlightened public, a liiare of that favor wli ch he ha hitherto tap ricmed Pignls admired without Kntianee, till the 11l of the enfiii ng Janiiary, ,*,A Dcncuo Mas ieu of eminence will attend the Sehools. N ivf.rnbrr 5 ?n DANCING ACAULjVaY. .It - It: Pass. Late froii. lie VV clt-lndiej irforms he ladies ana gentleinen of this ci y tliat he has cotuiv.enccd h,s J/an< irg ichou! at tiie rotifc or cup ed by M s’, L. Can lor, iniftair.aid lire-1 the ct r cr ot the common formally occupied >y Mr, Scot, where lie teaches the ollowing Dances viat. Mil oi/s, Hurnpipes, Cotillion', S.ngle and double aid I'hribb e danrrs, and the nr w fafhi >naed dance a/e!y introduced in the Vest Indies i slled the Wa t*, and a variety of ocher dances, The titi ;eos may Ic iliuied rnat he will pay .•very atteu/ioi the behavior arj condudt of (tic! ■>.. are placed und.r i> care, h? wi!l . lio attend any ady ir gentle ms 1 u their own hou!c \ it t nay not \< h m attetd a pu ic bool. Days t f ! u, Mo uryj Vedncfdiys and Fridays m /h tf rrnoo; lor yuiing atiies and gentle* •>en, I uefdry, lh ifd.u, and b<- irda two iws i r mi. 6 o 6 o’c.t.ik or premie men. kh 51 3‘. 4>. Aluh al Injirumenls Tuned JONATHAN IjYKLo, From London wi o . . ucen regu 'arly bred to the buli. Othris his fn v;Ct ii tlie ab. ve line “inger and B riel Organs, P ano Fortes, Harj Itujrds at and bpmetv, tun> :d and repaired 4’ the sh rteff notne, *nd 011 med.-ra/c /erms. He alio rac hes on the Pian > Forte. *■** A good Pi mo Forte for falc j Vprily at this office. Janos’ v 2 r *t)t j i Li 1 Y bHLKIPP’6 SALLii. ON t e firft Tuesday in Fe bruary text, will be fold ;; t the Court-houft*, in this city, be ■wetn ti.e iiours of jo aid q Alock. J One negro Ina n na ned JIM, levied on as the pro eny of Joseph Davis, at the tii’ of L’i loma’ a, pointed out jy tiit and ft ndant. ALSO—One undivided moi j or fourth part of a tr-idt of .and, containing 550 acres, nore or iefs on Little Ujechee \ec.k, 14 miles from Savannah, n a healthy and p.eaLnt litua lon ; part of laid laid is occu pied by James, & lieij. W:L on, levied on as t fie property of l ufebjus White, at the suit of duns & Hunter, pointed out by he Adminiltrator, Conditions Cii/h. JinU. /v ILLIAMS, b. C. S. _ J ap - 3 tvp. Stilus in- >s SALE, WILLb* lld t lii yan Court houlc on the firft i utlday in Ftbruury next, betw en the hours of jo ft!) and 2 u’clcK k o’ tliac day. One third part of OfT.iSiaw Is land, v.irh all irs a.tpurtrnances, the middle p : rt tl ereof j ieiztd *r,d taken in execution <>s t r j roi tity of i>:,t H. Mo idtfq. Londiknt of uL Cnjb. S. MAX’.VIM A ~s . a c. Hr tin Citnl ir.ufr, Jan■ 1 $ 43