Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, January 31, 1806, Image 4

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VERSES On seeing an in/art asleep in its cradle. SWEET iic thr C ‘.mhcrt, gentle bibe, And ftx/thing all thy little dr-? is, Luri Tied ai thy lovely face. Where dove-likeinnccence allbci-ns. Safe b.-ncWh thy’ father’s roof, And preSCng now thy little bed^ With fond uSfeftiou i.urfe can <lra.v The silky coy ’ring e'er thy head. Loud howls the wind but not a blalt, Acrola thy tender frame (hall sweep ; l;own comes the rain, but not a drop Shall v. et my Lucy in her Deep. Long on thy cheek may rofvs bloom, (If gracious licayen (houldfe permit) But longer Itill my gentle bread, Be every virrue’i lovely feat. From a London Paper. A HEROINE. Adelaide Lanc.enois, alias Sans Gene the female captain cf Dragoons. In the month of December, iSoi, w 1 en, on the way ftom A vignon to Leons, the Paris dili gence was joined by a young Jj. dy, at Momelimar, fht- was han ded in by an officer of Dragoons, who, recommendmj her to the care of the coachman, and to the civilities of the company, wifh.d her a plealant journey. The in fide paffmgrrs now a mounted to eight in the whoic ; among them were four young Lyoncfe, of a lively and gay dis pt fition, fond ofjokting and laughing, but upon the whole, inoffenfive. The new travelling, companion, the only female o( th “ parry, was drefled in a brewn silk gown, neat enough, but her manner and convetfation did not correspond wirh her fpmale apparel ; and, together wiih the colour of her comj lex on, teem ed to indicate that she had pafled more of her time in the tents of camps, than at the toiler, or in the drdTing room. Her featuies, however, were not coarse, nor her voice rude, but rather fufe. In fadl, j. was veiy difficult to know what to make of her T hole confide rations, cr perhaps, cui ioficy, made the young Lyo nefr evince fume inclination to amuse themfdves at herexpenfe. hue ihr* interrupted them, by tel ling llitr was not in an hu mour to joke, and that if the’ did not conduct rhemklves wirl that refpeft due to her f x and per lon, (he would, at the end oi the ft; it tieut them as they merited. When the Diligence ftoppe to allow the paflengers time r break foil, flic ordered the driver to bring her the Portmanteau, Captam Langenois, her huiband, had given to his care. H ivin ‘ received it, Ihe went up liars wuh the chamber-maid, and in ten minutes, returned, fully ac Coutred in rhe regimentals of an officer of Dragoons, with her la bre by her flue, challenging, in rather severe expressions, the tour young Lyoncle to fight her, • one after another. She, at the fame time, threw lome papers Upon the table, faying, “ Read thtfe, ‘feu bl am hers, and >Oll will lVe ihat, although a woman, 1 have made levin campaigns, received nine wound*-, and tna, at pttjent, after giving tny re fignatlon, 1 eijoy a pension of eight hundred livres (34!.) bes towcti on n e by the firft conlu , as a reward for my lirv ces.” Some ot the other paflengers interfering, and those who had unintentionally offended her, having made an apology, he; good humour returned, and fl-.e continued, for the remainder of the journey, a veiy agree-blc companion. As loon as the diligence fe* off, live favored lor ftllow tra velers with the following parti culars of her military life: Her present hi fband, though me lon cf a nob*eman, ir. N.jr mantiy, was, in 179a, obliged to liner as a volun.ecr; and as lui h he pafled through Bcfancon, wncrc Hie was burn. Being Ici- zed.with a fever in the house of >er parents, where he had been billeted, (lie took particular care cif him, and* mutual affeftion was soon formed between them. Her father oppoling htr inclina ion, she put on men’s clothes, and joined the 9th regiment of huflars, in which her lover fer vcd. She made the campaigns of 1793 and 1794, in the mari time Alps; was there wounded and promoted to a cornetcy, while her lover dill continued in the ranks. Being informed by letters, that a relation of his was a colo nel of the 15th regiment of dra goons, young Langenois, wrote to him, and was afterwards ad vanced to the rank of a fob-lieu tenant. Either from inconstancy or from other causes, he had hitherto ncglefted his promise of marrying her; and,notwithftaid ing her entreaties, left her to join his new regiment, then on the fronteirs of Spain. Thus desert ed and wretched, in hopes of meeting with death, she rufhfcd in r o the enemy’s ranks, in the fitft engagement, where, after having her horse fiiot under her, and received two cuts of a fibre in her head, she fainted away from iols of blood, and, at her recovery, found herfeif a prison er in an Aultrian hospital. Her lex being difiovered, she was trea ed by the enemy wiih great delicacy, and, as soon as con valefccnt, exchanged. She the resigned her com million as an of ficer of hussars, to enlili as a v >i un-eer in the regiment o dra goons, then in Spain, where lieu tenai t Langenois lerved. Having heared that fiie ha 1 been killed, he was rroft agreea bly surprised at her arrival; and in gratitude for her fidelity, and f-r her facrifices, not only mar ried her, but procured her, from his relation, the fame rank with himfeif. When the peace with Spain was concluded, her regi ment was ordered to join the ar my of Italy ; wher*, at the bat he of Lodi, she was wounded in three plates, and promoted Bo naparte at a firft Lieutenancy, at the lame tune that her husband, who had greatly diltinguifhed himfeif, wis made a Captain. Daring the blockade and l'eige if Genoa, in the of iboo >er regiment belonged to the corps urider the command of vT .nl. Rochambeau, whoattemp ed to t row in fuccourts to Mas- I 11a, the Governor of Genoa. In one o‘ the daily skirmishes, n the vicinity of ihat city, file igam had Lei ha fe kt led under i-r, w-s woun fed and made pri uer by gen. Haddick ; who, n admira ion of her ,co rage, presented her a beautiful Hun gurian hor e of his own, and re le-tled tier w.thout being exchan ged. J ,is horse, the g neral of divili >n Duhem, had the info- Irnce to put into requisition so himfeif, during her illness of a tvver that then raged in the trench army ; and when, on her recovery, the claimed it, he clu ed to reffore it. She sent ‘urn a challenge ; bur, instead of tigh icg, hr ordered her under arrrlt tor lubordination. Such was, however, the regard that the officers and men had for her, that in her encounter with the e eny n. xt day, her horse upon winch D them rode, was killed Dv them, which teuiftcd him so much, that he demanded and v): tame i the command of ano ther divifiyn. Afcer the peace with Austria, at LuneviHe, she repaired, with her husband, to Pans—was in roduced by general Murat’ to Bonaparte, who ordered a fabre. a> a mark of honor, to be mven ter, which at present entitles her o r umber among the Legion ot honor. Her comm/ffion, cerf hcates, and numerous other pa pers, proved the ‘ruth o* ’ -r afe llrtion, and that fne dii. rafher 4 than exaggerated, y ‘mi litary exploits. Thr - /a? muUi beloved by t l ’,’ ‘ iS evident during • vr wn.jic JC ney. Pickets of the 15th dra goons were quartered in every Itation where the Diligence chan ged horses ; they all spoke of her courage ; generofiry, and humanity, with the enthusiasm of sincerity and gratitude. They would have narrated many trails liufirating what they said, but her modesty prevented them; they never ceased to exclaim, as long as fhewas in fight, Oh ! la brave et bonne femme !'* When at Lvons, she went to the play, diefied in her regimen tals. General D jhem was then governor of that cuy. Owing her a grudge, he sent his Aid dc-camp to her box, asking her how (he dared to appear at the theatre, without firlt informing s he governor of her arrival ? “ Tell your general,’* said she, “ that I am no longer in fervicei and that I should be much obli ged to him, to fettle with me on | the other fide of Point Morant, for the horse he hole from me last rear. 1 hate here*’—-continued ihe, laying her hand on her fabre “an infh ument, prrfented me by the First Coniul, which fiiall cut the affair (lion:.” As ihe (poke very loud, her converla tion was heard ana applauded by the pit. She was, however, ad vised to continue he journey for Brian or* that night k as Duhetn, as well as Bonaparte, had, during 1793 and 1794, beoione of the molt ianguine terrorifls and ac of Robespierre, and he was known to be ai revenge ful as cruel. [Ti>e writer of this [ketch was oi*e of the p.-flengers is the Di ligence, and re|..tes nothing but what ne h aid and read. Ma da ne Langen is had taken the name ot h ;ns Gene, as a nom de guerre or borrowed name. This was ge: eraljy the custom of all tne wbmen fervir.g in France.] TAKEN AWAY, BORROWED , OR STOLEN. FROM off the Montgomery tract of land, about five or fix thousand fence pine rails, lying on a bluff nearly oppolite to Mr. Nun gaztrsat Vernonburg.if taken away, the fub fi’riber wishes to be informed on what ac count, if borrowedhe wi(he to know when they will he returned, if Itolen a suitable re ward will bepaid onconvnftion of the thief or thieves. The said rails were split out of trees pnrehafed of Mr. George Nungazer.and paid for as per receipt in m pofleflion. PETER H. MOREL. Jan. at ao RUNWAY fiom /tic tub(cnt>cr on /he head of J ur/!e River, cn the 2.5/h ul.imo, GRANUEL, n well made, country born negro, very much maiksd with the whip, 25 years old, •nd about 5 feet three inches high.— Whoever will put him in any jail, & .live the (übicifter tv /ice of it, or lend him home, lha.l be handfamly reward ed. William Cone. P 3$ 5 Dollars Reward. *— t RANA’.V AY frt'm the fubferiber *. negro man named HIPPOLITfc 25 years old. He F 5 fret 8 inches ivgh and well made. He had on vhen he went away, a white jacket and Trowfers ; as he was always leiiing wood in a cart about town, he muff be well known. Captains of velfels are requested not to receive him on board their vef fels,as hem sy attempt to leave the (fate. The above reward will be paid /o any one that will deliver him to the Goalcr, or to Mr. P. Morin on the bay. A. DROUILLARD. Jan. 2t 41 *3t Credtc ot Three Tears F.r public fait in Savtlnnah, on THURS - L)4IT. the 6th of February, 1806, i HObfc. we.l known and valuable Rice and Cotton PLAN TATION, called Crawford and Bowden, fi uated in Chatham County, on Lit tle in the state of Georgia, within thirteen miles of the city of Savannah. The plantations adjoin each other, arc well fettled and in aigh state of cultivation: they are very eligibly situated for any perlon .0 or near Savannah. CONDITIONS—Three yesri credit, on bond with interest, appro ved perfnoal security & mortgage of .he pri'pertT wiil be required ; the interest 10 be paid annually, and ten oer cent on the annum ot ibe pur chase previous to the making of t - titles. Tne plat may be fern by ap. plying to Messrs. Hunter N\Mi nis, in Savannah. Hugh Rose. Cnaricfton, Dec. 31 texpi. 37. THE SUBSCRIBER, Off ERS for faie for calh, 01 barter for Negroes, three heufes and lot* in the village of St. Gau ! , one which was formerly occupied Dy S/e phen B ounL late of this city, dec. t:u o’her two adjoining. For particulars apply to Mr. Jonathan Cline, in Sa vannah, or in VVaynefb'irrugh to Stephen Elount. Jan. 14.. 70’. e 6l tun sale. THE house at present occu pied as the Republican Printing Office ; Lumber or the labour of a Carpenter will be received in payment. For particulars ap ply to EDVV. L. DAVIES. Nov.t7 24. ts. SALE Op IHE Fractional Surveys. WHEREAS, by an aft of the General Assembly of the (late of Georgia pafled at Louisville on the 7th day of December, in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and five, It is cn afted, that all the fraftional parts of surveys of land reserved to the State by the fcveral laws making diftributjon of the lands lately ac quired from the Creek Nation of Indians, lying and being on the Oconee River, and on the tem porary boundary line—Shall be lold in feparace Lots to the high est bidder in the Town of Mil iedgeville, in the following man ner, viz. The Ccmmiflioners to be ap pointed for that purpose and who the fubferibers are, Ihall by an davertifement published 60 days in the Gazettes of Peterfburgh, Waflhington, Sparta, Augusta, 6c Savannah, give notice of the times of days on which they Hull proceed to fell the fractional surveys of each fcveral dif trifts. Wethe Commiflioners appoin ted for said purpose, do therefore in conformity to the said a<ft, re quire all persons concerned, to take notice, Thdt at Millcdgc ville we Hull attend, & com mence the (aie of the Frattioaal Surveys as follows viz. WILKINSON. Those of the ill Diftrift, com mencing on the 3d of March next anti continuing from day to day, between the hours of ten and three, Sunday excepted until the 11th inclusive. Those of the 2d diftri£lon the 12 of Maich until the 15 th inclu sive. Those of the 3d diftrift on the 17 of March, untiLthe 20tti mclu five.— Those of the 4th difi.n<st on the 21 of March, until the 24 inclu sive Those of the sth diftrift cn the 25 of March until the 27 iuclu five. BALDWIN. Those of the lit diftrift on the sßih March, until the ill of April inclusive. Those of the 2d diftriifl on the 2d of April until the 9th inclu sive. Those of the 3d difi.ri<st on the 10th of April until the 14th in clusive. Those of the 4th diftridt on the 15th of April until the ijch in clusive. Those of the sth diftridt on theaiftof April until the 28th inclusive. WAYNE. Those of the ift dillridt on the 29th of April until the 7 :h of May trieiufive. Those of the 2d diftrift on the Bth of May until the 12th inclu sive. I ho fe of the 3d diftrift on the 13th of May until the 19th in clusive. TERMS of SALE, The purchalcrs bonds for the amount of the purchase mo ney will ife required ac four e qual and annual installments to be paid in silver and gold, the firft payment twelve months at ter date, in addition to which a mortgage on the premises will be required. MOSES SPEER, REDDICK SIMMS, PA I'RIGK JACK. Commissioner/. Washing-on, Dec. 21, 2111.34 NOTICE. ALL TH-vCon* having demands again! ,y nt late eiUofiiiu ent of Lyon Sl Mot fe, or of ill;: “Hate of Samuel Moise Ute of this city, K ---jcafed.are dt fired to render them to ti e tub. criber proj.erl) attcited, and th u fe avlio ate indebted wll do ai.-rvice to the widow and children ot laid Morfc by making fpeciy pay ment. Curtis Bolton / Adm’r. on said Morfc-s estate Nov. 16 34 a . NOTICE. “ ALL persons who may have claims n* the estate of HonuiT Bhisiaks,, dtc. are requested to prcllnt them projierly attelW, andthofe indebted to it, to make paimeutto H. HOLCOMJJE to faidefnie. December 3. ts ty NOTICE, ALL Persons having any deminda aqainft the estate of John Haberdiam deccafed, are requested to fend them in properly attes ted and thol'e who arc indebted to make pay. ment to Joseph Habersham> Adminijlrator , January I o ts qS NOTICE. THE Subscriber intending to be absent so lome months ha ajipointed the Hon. Edward Telfair, Charles Oddirgftlls ar>d John l.awfon, Esq’ts his attorneys, who wdi transit! any bulinefshis, during hi sab fence. Matthew MVUlifter. tf N OTIC E, ALL persons having any demands again* the estate of JOSiAH TATTNALL Junr. esquire aie requested to render them, properly attefied and those indebted are de lired to make payment to Ebenezer Stark Moore's Wharf, GEORGE JONES, > „ , E. JACKSON. J L KS * Aprila j 4 8 NOTICE. ALL p-rfons indebted to the c fta'e of H?:NRY CATS AN, dec. arc requested to mike payment wi;h out delay, and those having demands are desired to render thicn properly at tefied to Lydia Ann Carsan, Admr'st, Dec*. 31 lav v. 6-v Toll i, ~ FOR a term of years, the premia, fes at present occupied by Mr. VVil„ ham Chauvin as a dwelling house and Grocery Store. A profitable feafe f /his very valuable (land, ,ray he ; ud and poflfffion delivered in about 20 days ; for a modeia/e advance ni ed(h. For par/.cu'ars apply /< th hon. judge Stephens or Gen. D. B. Mitchell. William Mill*. Augnff 7 9. g y fo~Lb/iS& r For a Term of Years. Lstt Ret. 13 and 14 hi Warren Ward fuuated near the Bay and adjoining a h/t belonging to the etiate of H Lit lib ridge, at present, occupied by Mr. James Mclntojb and Mr. IVin. Green Teacher— one of then a corner lot on a square and fronting the new market. For terms apply to WILLIAM PARKER, January 3 ts 36. TO LET, THE WHARF AND STORES TpORMERLY occupied by Meilrs. Wilfo* -L St Knox, and at present by Mr. Andrew Knox. Their prodnjStive and convenient si tuation is 10 well known, as to require nfl further explanation. For terms enquire ol R. Waj ne. November 1 TO RENT. THE HOUSE & LOT near Brovghtofl Street, formerly occupied by Edition* Dacon Esqr. apply to Roe & Davies. ‘ 95 PLACENTIA. THE Subfciberoffers for Sale that valuable Plantation at Thun derbolt-, generally known bv the name of Placentia— Containing upwards of 12,00 Acres— 340 of which is good Cotton, and Corn Land, aPeady cleared, and part ly cultivated— 160 acres is prime Rice land, of which 120 acres are under Cultivation. The re mainder is good, high, Pine land- Any person witfhing to purchase, will please apply at my Counting Room, where thejplate of the Land Ihall be (hewn them and the terms made known. Jno. P. Wiiliaatfon. January 7 ts -7. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE, ON the hrlt Monday in March nixt, wilt be ioiJat the Court-house in the city of Sa vannah, between tne hours of ten ami twelve o’clock, A. M. | THREE prlme field NEGROES, ene ofi j vrUom is a. Cooper, being part of *ii<a j estate of Thomas Nethercltft deceased. Ok* j third oi the purchase money to be paid J . wiifti —nd t..e balance to be feented bv mors j qife on the nep-oes and bond, with approval I lecunty, heamig interest iron the da, of falS I Payable the £rft day of February next, j CHARLES HARRIS, Adm'or. I „ J- n - -t 41 For Sale. Fortyrine Prim- Countrv hjrn Negroe For terms app'r to JOSEPH HAB SRSHAM. , Jmoary it 4 „,