Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, February 04, 1806, Image 2

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Thomas Cf? Sar ah Fl'is, (jr el her of/'•rm may ? n f, ”.'r inform j lion l.:•!■.[/ ta ft- ‘ inter ft Ly ipf-’yr ? to R’M f5” Jr a. Hot /• Jar.tintf ’i ts 4"> GeoKCIa, Liberty, Cu i et r ourl, March Tnnty 1805. On th- j,’cirion ot John Bn! ton, errrutcr of Robert Aobon pray in; 1 .he foreciolure of the e quity <;f .file option of ail that lot of land situate in the town o’ Sunbury, contai ing levtnry fen front, ant! one hundred and thir* rv feet deep, known in the ori ginal plan by thr number feven ty-riuht (78) win :h 1;. lot (>1 and, with the improvement thereon, wis mortgaged on tit twentieth day of June, one chouf and seven hundred and ninetj fivr, by William Hunter Yul ians to the laid Robert Dolcod for f run ig the payment of tli< lum of forty two pounds fterlirn>. eqij *1 in value to oi.e hundet ard eighty dollars; with interel thtreon, dtie upon a certain bone or obligation horn the lutd Wil In nto thr laid Robert bearing even date with the laid rnort BLL It is ordered, That the princi pal, ir.tetell and coll due on th f.tid bond be paid into court with in twelve n onius from this time am) uniefs tin- principal, intrd; and co't be>! the equity o. redemption of flic hid mortga ged pren iffes sh ill from th.,c* frrtli be fore, loled, and luch other proceedings take place at the law directs. And it is further ordered, Thai a copy of this rule be published in one of the Public Gazettes o this ll.itt at least once in even m inch until the time appoints for payment, or served on th mortgagee, at least fix month; previous to llicii time of pay ment. Ex trail from the Minutes, ‘This 16th March 1 8 >5. A. Forest elk. c. s. c. L. t March 28 nn nr hi foot tee > THE fubfcr.brr, rune ’ime finer being cn liis re-ur.j from the India tu'i(r\ came up with a JOHN I I VINE (as he called himiet) v.'ii had m his poll-fli in a r.e.v nrpo fe!. lew j from tbs countenance and ton verfuiun cf, when iruerrcga cc. from whence he had come, the man nei- in which he made rep’y, togethc v.i.h other citeumtiauces ot his ton iiu‘l confirmed /ne luhlcriber in the be lief /hut /ns negro had been flolcn.— He therefore dem .nded of Irvu e r what wav he had come to the poIUI h-•cf tne negro ; t > which he ie turned an evafsvc answer. ‘I r e tub (rriber to and h.m he hud good leaf, to believe flic negro had ocen ftolei und was deter: l ed to /, k? Ac ne gro from him and rave lu.n advcrtifci a>'d iu i ale no | e lon cl on ed hr ui hm eighteen months wiuid c ine return oi It I him. This I: theitfore to notify all per I'ons whom it do hor may concern ‘l'nat the lubknbrr has m h<s pot!. - fi .n rht sud new negroj he is sb u live He et lit inch * high, c.ed tc tween twenty five and t in yc.r~ n.iina.ks 0 her than -r. hts rack, Which appear to h ive luli led un.dei i... <Jow (kin ; l t e. Its lilt enr i.o hng n: f.'.ys be came from Carolina, but docs n.ii kn* vv whether from Nor/li rh S u h, he v cunmiu ucsrc’ (whc.i ask J i wliaf wav the nun c. tie b, n in) tart ac took him up i: *ac load, when on his w y to lob o< fume river nr cicik neat by* Hs.iwn e t ot owmeii a e theielore requelCn > t<> p ivc he nrope./y of .he r.. ti_ pay charges aim / kc him away. Wai. Neely. Camden Cou'/y *n St M.irCs Kiver. Sep-, io iiti Kti y GEORG/.}, 1 j) 2 Ij ,ar Cteais . L S■ > rh. i of lb ■ Court vj Isa at Cr ws, J Or,n<tity,for Ge Court t\ oj C .rnden, uhii Stu e ajorc/aiJ. ■ I .1. KC.OS jiiin k. is aeplics for <..•lets of Ad mini it a;. n r,i me tet /c and atf-Ct- of Peer ivm.Ju, lie of /he (jw .if 0.. Ma>j ’s, m; i r’ * r and .e - ivu, a a pr i t.c ipa crcciiot •—- Tnefe are ihtreio'e io u/e and ad .non i. i ah’ i.iJ lingular / e ku drsd aim cit ditors of tf.e dccculcd to file f.ieu i’j btions ( I any they fc.vej m rm i.UUec, oil iii ocljre t lieu Aloudai i r iVla ch next, Lr/ets cl A Jmintlf m/on wid Pc g anfed. Oirm unde, nn aanu and iced /his 14/h day oi ii Uj.'i, Ib6, a.J i.. t. c nte.icnt ct Auie.wi.; in and - r c ici.ce, J-u. 3. 41 : IN i H CONGRESS. HOUSE CF REPRESENTATIVES. MO an AT, Jan. 13. A iDfffjw un* received from tbe pre ;Hct of the U. S by Mr Cobs, hi* f • . r 1 ry co.nprifing a (taiement of the m-ah. ej ft’ e ex. eurive relative to ob ’ aillll •.. the co operation of the I.x Ba (haw of Tripoli ll the reigning B v, and the application of the Ex B.t lh.uv for ro'npeufati.jn for i. rvices rende red the U. S. accompanied by various elucidating document* Referred to a committee of seven members. Mr. $ pah ting preftnted a memorial from the legiilalure of Georgia, repre senting the tx.ftence of d'ffererice* with the Hate of North Carolina relative to boundaries ; *1 and tha-, having r-xh-uded every mean of ccmpiomife with North Carolina, tt ey are under the neeffi-y of making an appeal to the j-iftice of the general goverum-. nt, wi>ofe tr terp'.lition th.y l ihcit. to afeertain the 35 h degree of North latituch , and thereby to deter 'i'.ine the boundary between the two ‘dates. Referred to a committee of five mem ber* /slo it 12 o'c 'o'-.f the gal'e is were a gain cf j> m on motion of M fukjon. ‘The hvujc aid not r ife till near 3 o'clock. TUESDAY. Jan. 14. Theltoufe comirient.d thtar proree dings thi, morning, at 1 t o’c.inlc, <Oll -to thetf usu il Ce>ut f e, in f erct fit ting, having yelterday a j u ced while the doo.s continued cloitu, and while confidential hufintf- was depcnr'mg. The huult continued fiuing until 3 o’clock, when the doot* were opened, and an sojournment ensued. Committee apOo’ti'ed on the memorial of the .nh.ibitun. t 0 th • city of lV„jLington cn making a road —Med J. R. Nelson; Stcd -111 11, and B diet. On the pt i ion of William Lewis and Hugh Maxwtu —MtHrs. j. Clay, Sand* foia, and Eilts. Petitionsprefn'ed in ihthoufeoj Rcpre fenta. ives. Petitions of— Robert M bry, of Thomas Campbell, of Pnil p Wilfou, referred to the com muter of l lanr.s. Edwin Lewis and J hn M’lntire, re ferred to the committee on lltt- public and*. Thomas Baker, and of Moses Young referred to the committee of. laniis. Sundry inhabitants of Vir. praying that a poll office may be tilt illftud in the town ot Greenville, and ot hindry inhabitants of lomeifet, Penn praying that a crof* post may be tda bbed from Berlin to fort Cumberland, eterred to the poll office committee. Ann B. Welt, and ot Joseph Jackson and Charles Spencer, referred to the com tnitt e on the public lands. Bayzc Wtlls, of Francis Adams, an: 1 :.f jatnes Bonuel, referred to the commit tee ot claims. George R. Clark, referred to the committee on the public lauds. Sundry inhabitants of Chtllerfield and Amelia, Vir. praying that tne road horn iVlanchelter to Colciville, may be ex'ui ied to Springhdi and M inefield, referred •o the poll ofhee committee. Siiudi) merchants of Lynchburg, Vir. praying mat a poll rou.e may be eita b ulled between Lynchburg and Dan wile, and between Lynchburg and Lex nig ton, retfcrred to the committee on pod offices. Sundry merchants of Lynchburg, praying for the ellabldhinent of a week ly ilia ) llage coach from Richmond to Lynchburg ; —of fu tdry inhabitants of New -Ji rky and lVniili Wania praying the edablilhment ot poll offices on the from iidvidtre to Spiin b field, to iviiolion Mins, thro’ the water gap to Du.otsburgh, and Stroudsburgh s—and t iuudry innabitants of New M.irlbo iwugli, Sandi-field aod Granvilie, m Mats, praying thsi a post muie tnay be c ll.ib .filed truin Harford to Sin ffi id, oiid Great Barrington, referred to me poll i tfics committee. Tboinas Snowden, and of Robert Conuehy, referred to the committee of claims. Am a Byrd, referre-d to the committee of ways and irmaes. Lcwm Lew-is, of James Callier, re ferted to the coiumittee on the public lands. John Keth-nle ind <'tl.ers, of Jonathan Moi ie, and ot Lti. Elmer, referred to the committee of tne whole houle on the llatute of limitations. Sundry inhabitants of Rockbridge and Augulla, aud ot J .mcs Welt, relcired to the pott office comimtue. Ludwig Kuhu, ot Jonathan Very, of Daniel Ciaik, and Amelia L. de lieau marchais, referred to the committee of claims. Sundry merchants cf Philadelphia, praying an exteniion of the time for tak ing the oath and gwiug bond in cases of goods tx-ported tor drawback, referred to a committee ot the whole house. Sundry inhabitants oi O ondaga, Cay uga and Seneca, IS. V. praying that a ciots poll route may be ehabhihed from Onondaga to Tuliy, Homer, Virgil and D.-ydcu to Lined; and cf fund y inha bitants praying tor a poll route from Cherry Va.kv to Sangc.field, referred to tuc pc'.t-office cc n.nilUe. Sti scry lUaiie * of coafliig vefT;!s i.n Long I fia- and Sound, praying for the erec tion of a light hou referred to a com mhtee of the whole house J"hn Lrsman. of F.muel Ceffi l , of Geor,;e H Lovejnv, of Edw.rd li z .•*tri k of Samnr’ B. Beall of Dai i 1 C it or, ad of Daniel Eltiridge, referred 10 ‘he committee of claims. G :orge Turner, referred to the com mit'e? on the public lands. Tttomas On, of sundry purchasers of lands N W. of the Olio, praying a right of pre-emption, referred to the commi'tee on the pubuc land*. William Stok-r, of Mar in Kiepbart and Daniel Porter, referred the commit tee of claim*. Seth Adams and Joseph Loring, of Ter nee Duffy, of john Carr, referred to the committee of claims. B. H F. Bitlrnp, referred the com mirttc appoiited on the aft to regulat trade ard intetcourfe with the Indian tiiH^s. George Ah, referred to the committee ; on tlte pub’ifllands. | John Wiitnty. nft rred to the com ’ rrufti trfi: tinier tlie acl for the relief ol Ihit ill refu. •< s rom Canada &c. V\ tilir v\ Bn, rctured to the com | mir.tec >; 1 c-auas. Sundry m.rchant* of Newbu’yport, pray. g to he rrimbu fed certain funis of 1 money ■ xp n td in th<- tnclion of pier* in th’ liver M -.imat.k. referred to the | cotrr ‘tt ot conuneice Sc manufattures j Su’ .i- v i.ll. ■‘ t ai.t* ol Oci quail, for ; a putt fii , and of (unoiy lm.ab.tante lof h x ..or..', P. in- for a poll road from I Waihington to Wheeling, referred to J tbe poll office cummnue, jTo the Ser a'e and H use of Represen t alive 3 of the Urn ted States oi amt r-ca, in Cot.grefs aliemblcd 1 The Mem,rial of tt e Mayor, Alder ten ond Commonality o the cty of iSeau- Tok, mint rrspectju'ty tr,wc h Tim the peculiar ciefcucclef* fitua* tion ol this city has for a king time occa flowed great anxiety among tt* inhabi tants, ar.d that the prelim critical poilure ot national aliair* hat greatly inciealed this f,l tit tide. It is well known that we can be ap proachtd by hoflile vtfels in two ways ; that frigates of force can proceed thro’ the Sound totally uninterrupted by any fortifications } that (hips of the line can, by way of Sandy Hook, and with a fa vorable wind, arryts here in a few hours worn the ocean, and that there is noth ing to oppose th ir progrtfs but a fiw works on Governor’s and D.lis’s ifiand, which are totally inadequate to tepei the attacks or prevent the advances of an enemy. It is q ial!y we’l known that this city, in relation to the internal and external commerce and the revenues o! the conn fry, is vi -y imp rtant to the u ii.n ; and that it is in a ii u iiion the moll dc enca lefst.f any, mult be untverlaily acknow ledged. /.t th; beginning of the. revolutionary *?>■, t■ ns plaoe wto among the fir it at racked bf the enemy; and it is highly) probable that on the commencement of, loltihtic , with a maritime power the, fii it blow will be aimed at it. Invited I by its proximity to the ocean, by its un j co eCteo ii uation, by its txtenfivc com ; ikrceand great wealth, and by the dis irffing cflnftqucncts which wouid refuit io the retrnues and gcueral profperiiy of the country, an enemy would have every inducement to make it the carhelt and principal ot j cl of attack. Wit float intending to draw invidious companions betweeu this and the other cities ot the union, and without prelum irig to q ullion in the remotest degree, the sincere dtfpofition of Congress to extend the p oietting arm of national govern mrnt to us, in common with other citi zens of the United States, we have been emboli e ltd by our confidence in your honorable body, and have been induced by the threatening afped of our forcigu relations, and by cur regard for the wel fare of this city and it its inhabitants, to I appeal, in the moll earned manner, to the I coiiltiiutional guardians of the common 1 defence and general welfare, and mofl 1 refpeCtfully to pray, that prompt and ! efficient ineafures may be taken for put | ting this ci y and port in an adequate i ttaie of delence. Signed, LE WIT CLINTOV, Mayor. WEDNESDAY, January 15. A petition presented from sundry mer chants of Powcatuik, Rhode Ifiand, praying for the trtdion of anew col lection dill:id and referred to the Committee of Ceunmerce aud Manu fad nrc s. A petition from Joseph Winner, col lector of Great Egg Harbor was pre- J IVntcd, pr.ying an inercafe of salary. ! Ref.tred to the Committee of Com j merer and Manufactures. R:fo v. J, that the committee of com merce and Manufadures be dirtded to ei quire, whatever any, and if any, what alteration is neciffary to be made in the law of the U. 6- that requires the col ledor of Great Egg Harbor to hold bis office at Somer's Point ; aad that they have leave to report by bill or otherwise. The petitions of Gustavus Aldricks, of Richard Sexton, and of Thomas Gray were presented and referred to the Com mittee of Claims. The petitions of inhabitants and mer chants of Stonnington and Groton, Rhode lilind, praying that Stonnington, Tawcatuck and Muttick rivers may be ereded into a colkdion dttlrid was presented asd referred to the Com mittce of™, rce and Manufac tures. | The petition of Peter Ila'.loway rcpre tenting his having made sundry ufcful is ventiont, was referred to the commgtei appointed on the petition of Oliver t • j vans. Mr. Nefon preft-nted a memorial from 1 sundry citizen* of George Town, remon flrating ajraii fl the erection of a bridge over the Potomac at the city of Walking ton, which was referred to the committee appointed on the memorial in favor of a bridge. Two mefiages were received from the President of the United States by Mr. Co'es his secretary. One exhibiting the fiatement of the application of the executive contingent fund of 20,000 dollars ; from which it appears that 1987 dollars and 50 cents thereof have been applied to the itipport of the territorial governments of Michi gan and Louisiana, until special appro priations ate made therefor; and that the balance remains unexpended in the Treasury. This rneflage was referred to the com mittee of Ways and Means. The otacr mtffage enclofcd the report of the Director of the Mint, containing a Hatement of the opera tions of that mlliuuion duting the lall year. On tbe suggestion of Mr. Bidwell, who observed that he fuel a cor.snunica tion to tm ke that required closed doors, the galleries were cleared about twelve o’clock, and remained doled till 4 the Houle adjourned. Committee on the message of the Preji dent le/aUve to the T ip it an ojftirs M-fir*. J. Clay, John C. Smith, R. N.ifon, Crowningffiield, Gariett, Fiik, and Dickson. On the memorial of the led fixture of Georgia rel live to boundjrif —MrfiVj. Spalding, G W. Campbell, TANARUS, More, Stanford, and Eppei. Thursday, January 16. A letter was received frotf the secre tary of the Treasury, traifmitting a statement of the amount o! duties and drawbacks on goods, ware;, and met-- chandice, imported into the U S. and exported therefrom during the years 1802,1803 and 1804. A letter wae likcwife rccei-td from the secretary of the treasury, t anfmit ting his report on the petition* of the infpe&org of the customs of the cities of New Yck, Baltimore, and Philadelphia. The report contains a itatement of fa£U, waving any explicit opiuLn ?s to the propriety of incieafiug the ex iting ermpeniation of infpedtor*, except du ring the period of the prevalence ei e> pidemic difeal'es. Refer'ed to the committee cf ways and means. The petition of sundry purchasers of public lands in Ohio, praying for an ex tension of the times at winch payment is required, or a rerniilion of intereil, was referred to the committee of way* and means. The petition of Arthur Et. Clair, pray ing remuneration for monies advanced for public f rvices during the revolution ary war was referred to the committee appointed relative to the expediency of rcLxiug the llatute of limitations. On motion of Kr. jVjlon, Rffilved, That a committee be ap pointed to enquire into the expediency of paffi lg a law', declaring the alfent of Congress to an aCI of the general affi.-m bly of the Itale of North Carolina palfed on the zzdof Dec. 1803,entitled, “ an aCI to authorife the Hate of Termed e to perfeCt title* to lands referred to this Hate by the ceition aft, and that the committe be authorifed to report by bill or otherwise.” Referred to MefFrs. Alston, G. W. Campbell, Caittenden, Ttiggaud Lyon, The petitions of Pvter Dominick Ro bert, of Samuel Dick, Willia m Bmee and Asa Kitchell, v. e referred to the committee on the public lands. The petition of Zebulon Rowe was referred to the commissioners under an aft for the relief of Britilh refugees, See The memorial of the merchants and traders of the e.ty of Philadelphia, of like tenor with that noticed in the pro ceedings of the fenatc, was referred to a committee ol the whole on the tlate ol the union. The petition of the Prelbyterian con gregation in G-orge Town was referred to McfTrs. Lindlcv, Biihop and Wmns ton. Leave having been given, Mr. J Randolph fuhintUcd from the committee of ways and means a bll making an ad ditional appropriation to supply the de ficiency in the appropriation tor the na val fervicc during the year lßo<, which t was referred to a committee ot tuc whole house to-morrow. The petition of Moses White and Charlotte Hazen, of George Jacob Dea geu and of YV iliiatn Richard, were refer red to the committee of claims. About 1 j o’clock the galleries were again cleared. They remained closed for about a hours, when the doors were opened. The bill to repeal the aft to authorife the receipt of evidences of the public debt iu payment for the Latis of the U. S. aud tor ether purpoles relative to | the public debt, was palfed through a j committee of the who.e, aud ordered to be engroflT.d for a third reading. , When, at the iullance, of Mr.’ J ) Randolph, the galleries were clcar- ! <.d, about half alter 2 o’clu-x. They j continued cioici until 4 o’c-.-x. FROM TIIE AURORA. Brit'Jh Free dart —We extra£t the following: from a London paper of Nov. 2. “MIDDLESEX SESSIONNS. “ Yesterday John Barrow was indidled, for that lie beintr an artificer in iron, steel, &c. wa.s preparing to emigrate to a fo reign country to work at his trade contrary to the statute. “ Mt. Gurney, for the prosecu tion, Rated to the jury, that this was a case of different compac tion to what they were ed to decide on. .It however was not a cause that impired to the defendant a moial crime but it was such a3 the leg fi iture had taken into confi ’.eration, to se cure the commercial interests of the country, by keeping oor artificers at home, arid preven ting foreigners from the benefit of their mechanical labours.— The sth of Geo. I. chap. 27, was tiae adt which provided a gainfi: the prefect csfTencc, and which fubjedted choie who should have emigrated to a heavy fi .c, and ihofe who were about to do ioto be held in fureiies, to pre vent such taking place. “ Mr. Cook, an eminent iron* founder and machine maker ita ced that the defendant was oneuf the inofi; ingenious men in the country at his trade In conft quence of fume information he nad received, lie thought proper for the public good, to have the Ffendant taken before a maais tiate he being about to leave this country for Rulfia. On be ing interrogated, the defendant informed hun, that he had re ceived a letter from his brother at Moscow, inviting him to fupenn tend his business as an agricul tural machine maker, thcc. He was willing to accept the offer, and he had received the necelfa ry luppiies for emigrating, viz. 30!. from a Ruffian gentleman of oilbndion in this country, and alter vificing Manchefler and o ther populous towns, he was a bout to leave England. Tnefe fadts were proved in evidence, &c die .'defendant was found guil-y. The chairman remarked that the counsel for the prosecution had correctly Hated the nature of the ad of parliament, which had n v;cw the commercial interests of the country. The legiflrtuie ha 1 i t ih-.r wisdom found it ne ctlfary co hold perlons in sure its wno were preparing to, winch was the case with this de lendant. The court had a uif cretionary power to hold the of fender in lureties as they may judge proper, and, in an inftanoe of this kind they would on y require such in propor.ion to rhe def’endan’s situation in life, and which he couii procure. He was ordered to enter into recog nizance to remain in this country himfeif, in 5 01. and two lureties iin 121. 2s, each-” After reading the above flate menc we would ask any Amen can, if the reprefen cation we have always given of the mecban •c and labvrer in Britain is not correct ? Here we cannot but w.fh for Mr. Joseph Sanfom’fr original letters from Britain.— Will any anglo-American now aflert that England is a free country—W nere is the boafled independence of the poor ? Do we noc fee in this trial andindid menr, a ipecimen o: equal jultice? but co nmenc is u lneceffary, t.*e pour l.ibo r er and mechanic is as free in England as captives 1.1 darbary. Well may the mon arch, ti'.e nobility and rich aris tocracy, praile, the corjlitution f Bfitain. she deys of i'ripuli dc A giers, with their nobility and pneils nodoubt do the lamr. In iVT Kean’s language, we suppose ail are jacobins as and disorganijtrs who Wuuld doubc even Cue jus tice of or indicting this culprit.— Behold, you mechanics, hulband ;rtcn ana laboreisot all ddedp c.ons, the blc flings of B itiill li berty . . A iiicchi.iic i u tied dc ried at the bar of a ecu,. (au.J