Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, February 04, 1806, Image 3

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juttice, like Hr* vilest eiiavnal ; and for wlm ? whv f t petering to emigrate to a foreign coumrv. Merchan s, and he rich, may e rniora-e ; but the n echanic is as a fe'htt if he a tempts ir— t his is the'country which bo aits a Have cannot breathe on its Iji: ?ft may be true in ref pest to black Jlives . T.iis tri l however, is a pi\ of that win e llavtr) can exili. even in Britain. NEW.Y >IIK, January 13. The /oil wing extract o a Inter from the . nah. dated Dec. 2 > > was hin led , us last evening ly a of this f cay “ \Ve have ‘atrly seen an order of gen F r and, ilirtclitig tne French privateer* to carry into St. Domingo, and e fewhere, a 1 vilLls and property Fund on the high itas, belonging to ai.y perfbn who has ever been, n anv manner, concerned in the trade of the ifla’ J of St. Domingo He has furuifbrd the privateer* with the name* of the perfbrs in the United Stan* who have be. n uuect'y or indirectly con cerned in that trade. Srverai Itrong French privateers have come tound to Mctaiizas, where they continue to remain, as we perfume, tor the pu o< fe of inter cepting uie goods arid v. fLis of such pcrloi.i above mentioned, who arc now trailing to this tfiand. NORFOLK, January 17. An ttiito ia! article ir. a Baltimore paper, upon the authority of the N'. w- Yoik Commercial AdvertiCer, dates that difpatche* have arrived at New- York from Mr. Monroe, to the Sec retary of State, and which have been lent on to Wafhnjgton, Tbefe cit patchea it is il eJ, contain the agrees ble information, that a i explanation has taken p ace between the B.itifh government a.d Mr. Monroe, and tn*t the differences between tiie two coun tries have been amicably a,jutted. Further it i* Haled, that the r<.pi.lun ations of Mr. Monro*, received great coulifetation from a fpiritcd remon flranee ot the merchants of London. Wc are not of opinion that there could have been ar.y concert in action between the Loudon merchants and Mr, Monroe bevaufe we cannot fuppoL any thi ig so indecent in tiie conduct o< eitnn. Bat we can very read ,y suppose, that Mr. Pitt Win and ati. id to the repre” fuitatfons ot t. 1 Ipeet.’.ble a hoc y of m< n as the meriho.ts ot London, and avail hindelt of th ir info mation. i moi, like the mercantile mrn of iGs country weft know the evils which both countries would cXperienc , by any lem us nt funde;ft*nding. It wnl aliord us fia uLr LtisiaCtiou, when vve Lave it in our power to present our readers with a tn ‘re authentic account oi th • agreeable into. ma.ion. CH RLESTO v, January 30. Capt. SaVillc, a. i iveil this m .ruing, failed from Gibraltar on the 22 1 No vember—-admiral Cullingwood, with five fail of the line, arrived oa the 21 it, from the blockade of Crrbz, < tt wmen ttation he had !'f; fve fir ps. Tne victory, anu five other Emin Ihu s. undo ju y malts, failed foi Lip land on the 10 11 N-ven her ‘l’he V ttory conveyed the bouy cf Lord Ni don—Three of the Rriifh line of B ills ships, engaged in the action, had bren condom ed. Account* Cadiz, stated that only four Ld o the combined (Let could apaiu b !i t-d or ha. The Ecglilh commander gut but three ol his p z.-s into port ; the rut were either futk o driven tlh are. Captain Ingraham, arrived yetterday morning, Hates, that the Rochefort (quadron fail and from Tener'ff on the 17th November, anil nothing had tn en heard cf Ihen when he failed, (a8 h December ) Captain i. thn ks, tnat ii they had iailui in with tie C > r k, intelligence of the event wguid nave J b>en received at T ner.ffe Admiral Duckworth, with five fail ot j the line auo two fiigate*, arrived off tiie Island on the loth Dcc-unbar, and not finding the French f1..,t thus, failed,a gam in pursuit ot them. Vines. Noil E. I ALL pevfnns having demands a jainft the late eltub lUiment of L; -n o, M irfe, rot hi tlUie ,f Samnei Marfe late of this city, dc cealed, a re and .iired to render them to t’.e uh fcribi-r properl, attelle.l, and ihjie who a t indebted \vi 1 it” afervice to vlie widow a. a children of laid Morse b> tweedy pay ment. Curt : s Boltou, A'lm’r. on ft id M ties ettatt Nov. \f> 24 2 ‘NO t ICK, ALL Persons having- sinjr demands againli the eflate of John Hauenliam deceal'eii are requeued to fend them in properly attes ted and thole who are indebted to make pay ment to Joseph Habersham. *idmmiflraior f/inunry l~t ts fN i C It. IS hereby given,/r>a t f/e r the ex p : ra/ir-ti ot one a.on hs fonti e ta t here f, apphcali n vtiil be h .norai.le /he Ccur/ for th Couti/v of Lam en, for ‘eave ‘o fr ; ] the e t efta/e of Jam s Vince//, i. < ci he laid Lourzy dec. for the ft of t.ic h* is -od hr- front. TKO.W\S KISG, > , . Ail Ci. i). C i. \hK,j A \.u(l 2;, iv>-. rwssrwisri B PUB LIC A N SAVANNAH, PlB *UA fIV 4, 18^6. __ _ 1 •aaeKnr- re-ia, va-a , NEVER do we recolledt of having seen newspapers more dellitute of fo reign or domettic intelligence than thole received by the two latt northern mail*, iu cons, q r -nce of which our paper of to-day is not materially intcretting. That w e may expei?. fomet.'iing of a'i impor tant nature very soon, is, ve think, al mott certain : the closed doers of Cou grei* tnuft surely, when opeaed, let out news of the greatift intpo t. With a hope that their deliberations may bring about a good underltanding between our govirnment and those of Great Britain and Spam, we cheerfully await the ilfue. If, however ti oF naiion* are and termined jto add ii r u!i to i'jury until they provoke J Americ .iis to adopt rigorous meafurc* tor the preservation of their sacred ri.rlus, we could wfh the fe me.ifures might be speedily carried into eff ci, T'ne T enton True Americsn, after publilkiug ask tcH of the victory gained by S r Richard Stracliau, over the French iq ;adron from Cad z, fays--. “ AiS the eng-ioeme its ibv fc-n breonne nurc ftequent, blouctv cttlimtliv, our furnw 1 r the taie hi 1 miny of our uufurui natc country oen muii be in re;*!"- ed. Hu d.cds c f impiclTcd A •r.erictuis—corahooi the r coun try, her YiC.-ds, and ciieir fain n;c'. ; ire carried, on board thr d;a ih uten of wir, ts the it cue >r death .nd deliruction, to ft (h: ’ <igfiinis ecu win luve never in jurci. dv-ip, ani for tiurie who j have iiertaved them oi aii t nt s . • dear W ; tongh', perhaps to jbiern U> tall tn .lie CoM'Pcf, ! w uoyr one confula ton non or relatives to ioiide the ffcuii-1 r uiuLilfttion or the pangi vJi h 1 Vv ,\h thU fy mpa thy for ou. iufx’ rit.g cwUiitryiocn, mu i ovn ha.r and o. that blood thinly ,m goveament t)f liri ai augment. Noc coincnt wuii ’ -v.ih toremo its own lubj cts to ti .ht its uijuit and in quitour U-.ttks j it. compels our i.e>lxirn cuizu.sto riungic in .he drad iji aIF uv, to encounter tnu lea h in the uo t hidcou- onus, to Upheld its dclpn s tower at La. and Tjpport prin ipi s which v.hilc th y pampei eh- pride and mfoJencc c Br uu ilrikc ac the too ol die 0 catnGi a America. Wc if any tiring remains uodoue v.hich is m the nattier efi our govern merit to do, to rclea t our leamen already iinpreffe. ao, o prevent future imp re nine n s it w 1 ue Ipeediiy done. Wc have endured long enough tin ,h: outrages of Britilh md abinoii on the property am perfo s’ of 1 ur felliow cj:z ns ; ti wc fubrrit to them longer, ohry ! ll hero ue a part of their ccm \m n law and kctw ou rapes •> ■iiUtifi dbr the old. ‘1 h<- Buffo probe iy n bus coontiy wouio •indemnify ls fur the imili ns of our pro .‘rty plun-lered- at lea ; md llririlh Ju j cls in Amenta w/m:d serve a hollages tor th •Utoration us our kilnapped c< un try men. If we are driver) to tiie iad retort o! “ iryrig \vhi< h ■ n do the other the molt harm,** bath these weapons may j fitly be emp oyed ■, arid we had bet ter fight against Biiraiu in th.s way, than permit br to ftize our pro erty and impress out men to wage her dfabolr al wars rnoreiury and elf ct. 1. she fe z * America, s ov Ten, wt may fur iy retaliate upon fcnp llh u.en on our flioies; an while she rubs us on the orea wc hav” ■ right to take reftitu 1 on la d.’’ Intr.r Jre extrr.S of a Icites front Lord n, dated Hit A .ven.ber, 1805, received at l', ecu Fo>k, “ Tin* gov.ri mu.t granted Keen cs to neutral v ff. ;j who fake 1 a pro jpoi • )ti o‘ their cargoe. in Great B iu ; > , i<> { ‘ “CC'-d to the Spai ft .uionics to the Loath of the li'it, prov.Jnl the re urn . s *re to he hr outfit to this country ; ands have now several expeditions < i this na ure under my di regions for the-account of houses on the continent, who pirfer fu'j Cting them felvcs to the conditions, minitters tiavc imposed for the toleration of that trade to the rilk of detention and it 9 conic quences, even in the event of restitution.” A New Yoik paper of the 20th io flant, fays— “ Our letters fioiu i’hiladi I phia informs us that the intercouile with that ci. y by water is for the present lus pended, the late feverc and cold weather having completely frozen up the Dda ware “ The brig Neptune, Rey, of Pliila delphia. from Jamaica, with all hercargo on hoard, confiding ot 80 hogfli ad* tu li;sr, and a quantity of rum, funk on (Friday night at the New S ’p. This accident was oceafumed by the ice, which cut a hole through her bottom. The Randolph (Vermont) paper, fays, “ Asa Mr. William |oiM-:&.< f A aitsficld, was riding through a piec (of wood*, in tlu tv.tnne, ah< ut ten days li’ ce, unconf. i ‘us of i. jll • y or>, a large dry dump or tree, (landing by j th. road, suddenly !ell upon iht head oi i neck ot the horlc, which cruthed him to the ground in a moment, a.O killed linn jfo inllamancoufly, that he never once j fbuggled. Mr. J., nr escaped wiiln ti thclmalh ft i’ jury ! We think this one (of the in >ft 1. nuikab e tiiftamies of pro pief.TVMion ihai we tver rou . ed—am a . Uj.i that Ih wld never be forgotten.” FATAL DUEL. Th • following is an evtrafl >f a letter from a conespmdint in Pitt burgh , ti the r e;i n, of the Unit dSt .Acs Gazette, da ted Jan. 10, 1806 O i Wednesday lad, the 8 h instant, a iiuei was fought in thevicim.y of Pitts burgh, between Parcktun Baths, e-q the Piothonotary of ivlltgl.ahv county, and a person ol the name of Stew a it, a (lore k coer here, in whiih Mr. Batts w t killed at the Leo ml fie. The ball if .i* a .tag > dll entered the upper part ot his bread, about an ineli left of the centre, aid lodged in hi* left (Ivnikler ipvffi.g near his heart. He immediately jldl and aim.dl lmm‘diately \ ired Po lltical animoli y and p.nty ddpuusho to this latat caiattrop: c. Dr. Aires, from Nw-J fy, who has lately ezp ored several <■! ihe wtftern coUr tirs of. the (late o’ lijr h U iroliua in leaved ol got , rep irts that he has disco v 0 gold in bra.ichc* and ert k* in the count', s .-t Canarm*, Mo .tgoinery anii Randolph, hi a north anil north cart ■ ou. n , and in the o.unties of Vie. klen hurg in (ou*i and toum well iimction from he h ll f .und, wi ere mne had fi ver beeu il.overed belor., ex. pf in three 01 tour h. a t lies near Reej’*(the lid ddc vtn ) i..* cou. 1y- A few pie.:.* ut gold iim-rn xe.l with (lone, have been t uid ou tin luifacc ot the errth, and fume ploughed up in mod of the Lid counties. il vna! if the said water cou le*, contain coil fi ’ table quantities of gold butt, which be fays can be col ‘ Cteil no way profii abV, but by washing the Laid willi a machine proper tor the purpofr, mtci the fi ll or common watttin. , ami then by mixing mercury with the faml thus wattled, which will unite w n the par licie* of gold, and the amaigham th,.fi tly fi rmeb Ail united, fublnnating tli* lame tu a fuitabie iurlace. Northern paper. A medal in honor of the memory of VVafhingtun ha* been fliur’t a- P'uLdiT ph a, under the dir- dtiou o! J Reich, a German aritfl, upon the of a per Ini cf taite, under the iafpcCtion of the ibaat r u( tiie mint, the lib arian of the philolopliicai foci ty and oilier gentle | men of profeffi .r>a ! ability Proof lm j pi ';ffi nit .a go,d are fold at 50 dollar*, ttiv r a 5 A definpno 1 to. ow.: Vhe A tee —A h a.", ot General Wash ingtem in hi* uniform, hue ipt on —General W. fhington, C C a.U.3 ('-omirantiei in lliuei of the armi * of the United Slates ) Re ve r se Under ‘lie date of the ac q 1 ft I-*” of InJipeudlnce the American e, with the thuuder-holi in it* claws, and the olive bianch 111 it* be-.k, <le f ending on the f-Aion of the globe, on which tne Uoi’ed States are dcleniaud by their uutuiai Loundarict. Industry, —On Monday the Rth December, two ad* of Liirtciiek, Cor nelius Dogheriy and Elmuml Dalton, apprentices to ladies fhue maker*, com - nenced to work the entire we.k for a wagrr, no part to be done by candle light, the work to he irifptdted by their relpedtive emp.oyer*, and none to be ac cepteu but lair (alcalde work ; when, alter the wt-k’s contilt, ending Satur nay evening, 1) fieriy proved vittorions, having raa !e 44 pairs and Dalton 43 1 Dogherty’. w.ges at 20 1. a pair, would have amounted to £ 3 13 4H. [Queltc Ga*.J Pot t ot S ivannali. ARRIVED, Shi .George n.irr.l-r, Pan’ hng, New-Y'-i k —\lar ■ J me, Bulk/Hath ; elir. IJrummon, Rea l , Jamaica GI.LAHEI), Ship Ge irgia, Perce, I.iv erp -"I; Ji. ig Hope, C r.p, New V* rk ; M u t Vernon, Ma iin, <lo J h,i Adui L I ,r, ; -'Chr, i os. Aa..s, Jjain-haJ 1.. Nvw-Y rk, IN COUNCH,, •S’ Vann ib, Ut Fehuity 1806. COUNCIL taking into confidtration the great influx of BANK NOrF c , Foi'fmall sums fr.iin Northern Barks, and the inconvenience and dangerous tendency thereof, Peso ve f, THAT the Treasurer and Mar ihal he iutl ufrted in future not to receive ai y Ba .k Notes other than thole of the Bank of the United States, the several branches or otti ics ot difeou it and oe pofit belonging tlicrito, and the Banks ot the state of South-Carolma. A x raft ft on th • minutes, J. M WILLSON, C. C. NcvM i C ii. Af r. pe Cons indebted to the lets ti-ms ol DUB LL li ’ KERN, u.,t! L£3 K’J Z■, and JOHN id 1 U.t i.L, aie tcquclltiil to contt orwa and and icHe their accounts by t c latter end of this month, other vile (hey will he put into the hands t an attorney Wifhuuf dilciimuia- Cion. JOHN H. DU3ELL. February 4 3c 49 ‘t. . 1 iViONo, jit jan. 1 hob. Till’ (übluiocrs have ag'eed to diiF ve Ii- cop Mi rlh'p cl i .MIL !O *1 (J CO URE R Lom .is date, 4 f lic (rooks ad pap; rsaic laced w h (a.ncs Ham Iton f>r the >u r p lc ot c: llcdling the A -bis, and ju'ling the claims aga.nft /He con cm, HAMILTON. JOHN LgUPIK, 1 iw 4 v. 45 TO l K r, Jn-i immediate possession given, UNTkL tiie day ot lamiarv n-xt, * c conve .i*n/ ( IJ vl jo C Y/iRD and COUNTING ti‘ )USE, known by ‘he namt of Mr John Poolfi’s Ship Yard, the (10*4- ion and convenience of this yard is t*owj 1 known to require a fur/her iilcriptii n. For particulars, enquir if John Pooler, Eiq. Melt s, Btfggr and Groves, cr JOHN MEAD. F'hruTv 4 ioc 45 SUFEUIOK COUKi', Cloth ifti ‘ cun y, > Jn jQJIiY. 5 ON the pebtionof John Meat’ fti i*'g ihat bang pufldfi-d ol several notes of hand and eviden c sol debt, b( longing to tin* las*- Ambrose Gor :on deceali'd, as fpe tfied in the Bch du o L-rco annexed, and that t.e lam liavr iolt and that copi sol cue faun, as near as tile pen io er can v ■ collect a>e now lod ;ed in the c l rk’s office, together with at, ; iffi 1 tvit that die fa tie havr !> e beenjiolt by act and ~t; & j r.yinp roe benefit mtm cd by toe lix ft fediion of the judicial aft o, *799 an ‘l ° h-r circumllantiai proof be ng aiL laid b.f >r the court, It is ord:rti % that rh<* said notes and evidences of deb , oeeftabiifiicd as cliredtcd by di said fixch ledtioiifo f the judicial *dt,on the laid John Mead pub lifting a notice for the Ipace of fix months in one of the public gazates of this cite, unlels caufr iha ! be fli ‘wn to the court with .n the said fix months, or other nartei fii id appear to the court u‘<aiiift the lame. J> SCHEDULE. ONE drawn ly Alexnnde johtjlort, dated qlh Ma-} ib ‘J4 payable it Jam 18:4, Jar 44. i do furs an i 47 cen One dr a uun by G-een 11. Duke dated tyb jane, )Zoi, payable 30 days af cr dale, for i3 djias 53 1-4 vents. One dr own by Lemuel Kol tock, dated Sit Au.jijt, 1 ‘boo, pay able 10 days alter date, for 187 dollars 50 unit. One drawn by Hugh Magee, da ed 3 / May, 1804, payable 60 days after due, for 41 dollars <77 cans. One drawn by Charles Lndergreen, dated i,d May, 1805, pa ira e 5 j days after date, for too d.liars One drawn by Nathan ileal for too dollars, but to vs com payable ldo not recollect, left by Charles Goodwin, esq. for lulled ion. A •ecupt signed by ur T onus Hon sail of England for 10 j pounds ster mg, to ivlt.s Ann Divas, jjitb several teuipls on toe bat or t e a.t .rest, l rue rxu.nd from the records. J BULLOCH, Cue. Jan. 3?• Jaw/6,n. 45* FOR SALK, BILLS On Charlettnn, New-Yoik or B (Dm. ROBERT'& Ci February 4. 45 A ruaautv of Rhode- 1.1 ‘ ;l STONE LIME, U)t 3ALS SV R. & J BOLTON. February 4 6 45 TO tv UP a lit'UO. , The via.inch mw fliip VI a. K 1 JA.NK, Jt-r£&i££m William fittest y, “t a-ter, WILL b- loaded with rfh'b >d f patch, for the above port, k l^ll freight of 400 bags Cotton, apply LO the WaL-’ ter ou bo,.id, or to ROBERT’ y m ark; Smith Sc BonrkeS wharf. Received per said vessel and Jur sale as above, loom, fe-ct white pine Lum ber, A qu.tntity Spars for booms, topmasts, <Scc. 4Al%\ 5° or barrels wilJ K*mSr. taken on Freight to any of the Windward 111 •.' in the Weft Imlir*, in the Ichoouer A VIV S: II A R R VT, Whipple, matter, to fail in the coule of tlu* week. Apply as above. February 4. 47 NO i I C L. AH those that are indibebted to liDW'j. STEB I J - , Are once more requelled to make immediate payment, as its q"itc out . f hi* [lower to further i.vdulgence Those that oeglTl to conic forward aiul pay their account*, or o'.h ‘wfe fettle them to hi* ftit*i l .Bm by the h !l cay of March next, v.ill find their acci ui'ts, without difcrimuiaiioii, in the hands of In* attorney for collection. The Lrail colletlions which he has made (or two or thne year* p->ft have been too inci ii cr 'able—and he i well convinced that Ini* fiiiefs conducted ou such grounds cannot .lupport it (elf. N. B. He has unhand, a very hand fume alfortincut of ( OOD S, fuired ta tilt present and approaching fr .foil, wind* lie offers for Lie at a very small advance for i-dh, produce or good paper at 6a or 90 days. F.binary 1. 45 —in. NOTICE. Suhfcriber liitriulinje to be alifent fm fame mouths appoinitit the Hon. Kilward Tell-.or, Char>u (nidn.Rfells and John l.awfon, Esq’rs hir. attorneys, who will transact any bulinel’r.his, during hisabfence. Maillictv fvi Hiller. if OYERSEI-K, Wmtd. \ man of (Hatty hr hits and accudomed to the management of tgroes. If he brings -ood lellimunials, of Ins Imm-fiv, 1 d'lllrjr , ! Sobriety be will mee- with proper tn ' by applym; o> Wm Mein. November 5 ts FJR SALE, a CipitP trad of TO2 1 2 acre-of /ni in the f th diflrin o>’ Ra d<win c .un y. For pat dollars enfuirt of the printers of tnis paler. , Jon. 7 ts 3 1 GEORGI A, 1 R) Ia te Crews is. V Clerk of the otrrt nf Isaac Crews. J Os din try far the Coun~ ty of Camden, an ■ St ite aforejnid. WHEREAS L'iwu.J 3 .ear.naq applies to- le/L-r* tad mo Itra/ on oa he cth/e and effe‘B <> J'hiis VHie', late of the/own cl 3 ■ M m s, mini uer der-tfctl *s prncipa’ c rd tnt. Theft: are the Core /.. cite a-.d sd moiulh a I and fi iguLt /he kind ed aid creditors o’ /he jeiealed to f> ie tlicr o’ jrdtions ( i e.ny they have; .n my ms. e,on or before die /tiiu Mll -ty M arch nexv'/hcrwiL le /e sos ad” nnitlntiori will be granted. Given under my hand and fej. t ‘is 14 Ii oay of Jaiiua y, 1806, a. and 1 1 tnc/ iriieih year of American 111- dcpc.tdcnce. |sn 31 4‘ 4 - IN O i 1 U ii, A LI. perfon* having any demand* agamft V tbeellateof JOSIAH lAI ttNALL, Junr. elquirt an- requetted to render then* properly attef and and thoic inJ’ bted are <,e tire l to t.ake payment to Lbtne/.er Stark Moore's Whirl, GEORGE JONES, > Ex . RS L JACKSON. 5 Anrilij 68 NO LICE. ALL prrfons indebted to the e- L e f HEnRY C ‘.RiAN, dec. r. rqjeited to in ke pay tne 1 wih ;.j;dc. .y, rod ih >le g demuids arc deii ej t > ic.ide, k h:-u properly at tefled to Lydia Ann Aim's, D:c, 31 law. 0 v.