Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, February 04, 1806, Image 4

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TO FLORA. TOO b’ Ime r.ill ir.r throbbing heart, 1 Ijat 11 .j v’rets too s.ic fair ; To fcarr. (he Utile urchin’s dart, And give my lurrow* to the air. t it mil. and haft thou not ye’ found, How df -p that urchin's, arrow* pierce ; H <ft th -i. no’:r fc I ’. t.te emp ifoneJ w .mid, N .rf.rr il’J tii/ breast wUh anguish iierce ? Hall thou . z'tr rrrVd the tender fijjh, A. fon-.e 1 v’d bjtot met thy view ; Hail ti ou no: mark’d with partial eye, The Icene where a-! rlty f*td .efs grew ? Ai. 1 yes— by . “.na hetic heart, Which kad y wcepi a (tranger woe, His felt the ex’atic thrilling frntirt, W.iich feeling's votary only know. Oh may l orli pang*, I'wect maid, be thine a ione, May ft t): ju ne’er feel the agony extreme ; When ail thy dearell, tendered hopes are flown, And nought remains to cheer life’s feverifli dream. May tlie fond youth n whom thou deign'd to futile, With five’s own thornlef* flowers the path way drew ; May hi: thy jovs enhance, thy care* beguile, Tid heaven’s bright man ft on opens to thy view. For tbe Georgia Republican. THE LIMNER, No. XXIII. Indulge, and to thy gtr.iu* freely give, For not to live at case, is not to live, Lyttlitok. THE younger lord Lvttle ton, who eaiiy diftmguifhed hm.felf in the literary world, by the brill ant effufiona of youth ful genius, made the above dis tich the favorite motto of his All, who are acquainted with his history will readily al low him the credit o( having ftradily adhered to it. Dean Swift has obftrved in fome of his wrongs, that a great partion of the evils, by which men arc afHifted, accrue from imprudent, ana indiitrete conduct j and a more jnil remark never tmana ted from the prolific pen of that ingenious writer. * D h reti'Hi, although it is 3 virtue at-amabie by every ciafs, or de criptiun of perlons, has I ten wholly dilcarded from the nomem laiure of many refined aid tanci ul geniul s, whole names a e Conlpicuous i.- the flowny regions ut } oetrv, Lvi tie on buniielf was Ihunned by the scrupulous maids ot Worces ter, became his impiudence let! him 10 divulge ihuie at hitve men'S of ins i.le, which difere lion wifely required him to con ceal. Goldsmith, bv indiferete con duct, puruialed baniihnienc, and w ts eventually doomed to chaunt evening lon is to to. cign pe .sanes Savage was thrown into the street at the fad hour of mid night, beoaulr, htated with the i tape s meb: lacing juice, he chol'e vouferoufly to indul :<• the mirihfu dram, in exprefling tne frrVsUl king age of fus poet ic fancy. lue youcntul Chat tertou put a period to his mot ta! exiUcnCe, aitrr indifcreuo.i had reduced him to ablolurt penury, turns, a bard, the ad mira’ion ot whom is univertai, and who c predominant pillion was a thir M for literniy fame, im prudently rulhed tiom the lbll iecuruy of ret renienr, into the buly and turouient o; mctropoli an glauacur. Jn the oliciuatioiis city he drained the poiLnous dregs from the bowl of excels, and toon teii a prema ture victim to tne debilitating tfffts ot nodturnal revelry.- Or way prepared to awake the emot cn- of fwnpachy, by tom. li ma tne firings ot ttic heart, with a plaintive *nd mclaacho.y tale, clo-hrd in the winning gaib ot IWifive poetry, than tv flitch* .- k.d mduitiy to have earned a pier: chs to np • rooty. Thus, do we obltrve, that thrle celebrated poets, Oamfhed fro n the Litem ui tatir lives, that sordid dymeitic ctoac, u i c/crior, md as:cm? ti e fin'll | vidt.tns • t the r t-ivn previous o)y. A tan: attic millrels too, ah mated the bosom of Shen tonr, whole feral n> enio the the .. -art, an.j -ninanc the ear. H.s fylvrn borers were vifiteb by nymphs oi other eye, that the DriaJes and the planad s. If erjov ip n s that are prnm n-nt irt their nature, are more d.-firabJ” than the ephemeral trmfports of a imment, p udence s ;he fairy nymph, who will pro lo g b e, while she remains the companion of its poll llor, for snore ex cm ve and more refined felicities, th in are to be reaped from the fair looking fields of iicent mu fricds and excels. The p talure a good man re ceives from the contemplai ion of having performed virtuous deeds, is the moll lublime emo ions which can expand the huonrn foul. V T otary of excel*. !! even while thou arc draining the venomous contents from the fpirkling gob let of entemperance, fiiouki the thought fh’ ot; a rols the mind, tiiat hundreds of thy kind, rd flnfted by penury’s chill grip/ - , wander through the devious paths of life without food to ?.p ----peafr importunate hunger; with out a fb.e er, lave he voids can opy j and vs i bout a bed, fivt the jelied bofotn of the earth ; Wf uld’lt thou not pauie, aqri With arretted ttep, deplore thy madnels, and repent thv folly ? If nor, the practice of vice mud have steeled thy bosom •, or na ture, when she made thy mind, reflected on depravity. ‘I he history of Sampson, with out enquiring in*o its an henti euy, is iurdy an inrtru&ive mor al narrative told in plain an.! impreflive words. This man, who had di ftroyed so many Phi lrdines, and w ofc unequalled dtength had subdued hc feto cious lyon, was ultimately him- I'elf vanquilh.d by th watvon wiles of an abandoned woman Noc the united forte of his ine mies could subdue, b a the ve nal lu.iles of a harlot overcame him. Her cartfTe3 debilitated, and her aits deft roved him.— •‘Mar. of sensibility ! o: the cup of pleasure ; taste of ir? contents an i you mutt drain it* dregs,” lavs my favorite author and we have his albert ion amps exemplified in the fate of Samp so n. Doomed *0 hear the feoffs o’ his n an inis toes, & to bear the •orturcs which bietr malice coni dcvile, his liter gh was ri Itoiei only that he might have the ntif e.abie revenge of it oying h i inquiliturs with . HimfeT. 1] lucked pa; fin fro 11 the bream or a wanton, and m t defiruction in Ihe lap of Delilah. A. RUN-AWAY Fin\l the fubferiber a NEGRO WENCH namtd MARIA, la. .. .-b u. five feet fix or fcve.i irches high, fl'-eder and well mid;, a fulkej < umcnai-c , of a <!a k and durp. mii'itto color. She left the heufe • f I hn v,t. Wil’iamlbn, Lfq, on >h.- of th. 2uth inltanf, and road be sboul town. Anvpeif-n who w!! deliver her toihejai . r of H.v rn.,., ur to Mv HUGH RO'ifi, Eactjr, (lull reersv; the Reward of T VVEN -1 V DOLLARS. JAMES E. HOUSTOWN. ja uarv 31. 44, FOR SAL 5. IN Bryan County, a TRACT cf LAN D, conui. a,res know by the nam; cf I :ppe:ar\ r,i..d c-me 1/ luuared on ih: Noi/h fide of Mid rver, about tea miles from >unbur> by w i/er. There ar* 30 tries prim; Corron land and 75 oi Re*,/re remainder pi e barie.— >n thr tract mere is a heufe whi.l but I'/rie repair wt u and m ic; ei.mfor tab!;, Aifo a good K’cch.n a.-d Sore •00.n. Ine terms will L* maG known bv applying to RICHARD AT MAXWELL. 3- 44 i O Lh r, THE WH \RF ANt) STORES I^ORMr. ttl.Y occujiit-tl b. Melirs. VV'ilfoa a. iC i"\, aiui at p r*Cul bv Mr. Andrew K..10X. Th. r aiul eonvenient fi nisin at !Uu .. j, to rAcpure n> fuitncr explanation. F r terms e..q.ure 01 )v. \Vj)nc. A’s vcmltr j to The Subscribers, IIAVIN O entered into Copartnership under the I’irnoJ SIiAAkXR Ilf UtriDALX, Offer the Public their services as Facto kSt: id JCiHTS. ‘THEY receive and dispose of nil Ends <f produce, Houses, lands, Aegtoes, or any other sbecirs of property, on commission. They having a genet.:l knowledge of the DRY GOOD and GROCERY BU. SIR ESS, offer their services to Country Merchants, and in making purchases and fnrvrat ing agreeable to order any arttacs in that line—Aid when cajh is deposited with them, they attend Audions and buy at the lowejl Rates. JVI. Shearer. [no. Drysdale junr. A r . B. Their Counting Room is ad joining the Post Office, S. E. corner of the Exchange. Nov. 19 ts 24 Diflblution of Copartncrfhip The fubferibers g'-es nciice that the c opa t. <■ ttvp h ~scrr(o e carried ON vacit THE FIRM or Dei FID HtA’D CHRISTIAN GUGEL. Is *his dav difl ‘veil. It is /here 'r ; ieq idled ‘hat I! persons who are u’debtcd to he I-ud fi m, or to eitbc; - r ne luhfcriteis, individually, will ca 1 arid pa* thei ar counts ard notes O', or bd •it the fi.ftday ( f April next, or the fame wilt ’hon tre placed in the hands of an Attorney for colledfion ; *n thof? wio have demands againtt t e coparuierfhip, nr cither c.f the lubber hers wi i preieut their acccu.its rot payment. DAVID GUGEL. CHRIS HAN GUGEL. the subscriber, R E ruittfs hiv th .nki thts friends md the pu >iic in general, tf<r their support when < ono<cted with Ins fare P-r? 1 er, r.nd neg* leave to inform them ■ ha; he w;!i con inue the TAYLOR ING BUSINESS, at/he Ihnp lately occupied y D A: U Gugeh where he vi!l be hnktui for a cont.nuation of bufiaefs in ; 1. lir e. CHRISTIAN GUGEL. famrri J % ts 36 I tic. cUdoCRIBEK. RF. SHI'SYS all perform indebted to him by i.oh-* or open account*, to fettle the lame on or bifore the aoth of Fe blurry next. Tl.ofe vrhofe accounts havt been of lor.g ftandiog, and not paid by that time, will be put into the hands of an attorney for colie&ion ; as no longer indulgence cau pofiibly be gi ven. He has just received. By the /lip Louisiana, from New Tori, a targe Jupp'y cf Jrefk D Ti. ro Ei< I EA which roik-s hie affirtment at present very compete, and extensive ; and will be so lby WhoUfait or Retail, at a small advance on cofi for Cajh, or hi* sfaal c test to pundtual cultomeys! George Hartal Dec. 41 tFy. aj. NOTICE. THE bUHM.R BEX hit ? ‘oitved Charles Harrii, elq. of Sa* “iwnh, a/icrney tor the eftaie of hoir>-5 Lanchefie , <ec late cf v.w-Port. AM perf. 11s i dented t ar clta'e bv B >r’d. note, or open ccount 2 e rrquefled to pay and feu !* v ih the Lid atiornev, as its* abfo u el ; nectliary that ihe cureerrs-ef is.-t fietr b Iperddy bnught *o a .lose. JOHN COUPLR, Ex'r. T HE debts to the eftete of Thomas Lanchefter being placed in t>y hands f. r colletiion, I am ready o fettle with the debtors, persons thus indebted neg’e&iag to avail a emfelves of this ncfice before the ioih, day ol Feoruary next, will be nmediattly thereafter lued ; a mea* Ture which will indiscriminately ake place owing to tne necrility ri ere is of colleifirg the debts of lhat (late or using every diltgervce in the ecov rry cf it’ ju't demands. Indul* ence will be allowed ta those wlto payments before the cx pi.a:on of Ihf above time. CHARLES HARRIS, Pav. Jxn 18 ts KUiS aW'AY ttom tlw tubferiher a'he head of Turtle River, on the iji.t u! imo, GRANULE, a well I nad •, country born negro, very ir.tuh matted ui.b ‘he whip, 25 years old, nd about 5 feet three incncs higl:.- Vhoever will put him in any jail, & ..ive vhc lubferiber noFce of ir, or fend him n mt,ttaa:l be handfomly ieward td* William Cone. D' ts 35 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE, ON the t;rft ‘ ondxy in March next, will be fold at the Court h'lafe in the city of Sa vannah, bttxeen the hour* of ten and twelve o’clock, A. M. THi<KK prune held NEGROES, ene of whom is a good Cooper, being part of the tllxte of Tnoma* Ne’iierclift dteeated. 0e third of ilie purchale monev to paid in caih and the balance to beseemed by niTt -xye on the negroes and bond, with approved 1 1 ur.ty, bearing tnterett frt'-n the day ofl'ile, ad payable tne f.rk day of February- next. C.IAKLc.S HAhiUS, Adtn’ar. { Jan, si .t SALE OF THE Fractional Surveys. WHEREAS, by an aft of the General AfTembly of the flare o* Georgia palled at Louisville or, the 7th day of December, in cht year of our lord one thoufanii eight hundred and five, It is en acted, that all the fractional parts of surveys of land refervtd to the State by the leveral laws making distribution of the lands lately ac quired from the Creek Nation of Indians, lying and being on the Oconee River, and on the tem porary boundary line—Snail be Sold in leparate Lots to the high est bidder in the Town of Mil ledgeville, in the following man ner, viz. The Commissioners to be ap pointed for that purpose and who the fublcribers are, shall by an davertifement publilhcd 60 days in the Gazettes of Peterlburgh, Washington, Sparta, Augulta, 6c Savannah, give notice of the times of days on which they lhali proceed to fell the fra&ional surveys of each leveral dif tricls. Wethe Commifiaonersappoin ted lor said purpose, go therelore 1 in conformity to the fa.d act, re quire all perlons concerned, 10 take notice, That at Miilcdge ville we Ihall attend, be com mence the lale of the Fradlioaal Surveys as follows viz. WILKINSON. Those of the ill Diitrift, com* rnencing on the 3d of March next and continuing from day to day. between the hours of ten ana thtee, Sunday excepted until me 11th inclufivc.*—■ Those of the 2d difttift cn the 12 of March mini the 1 cch inqlu iive,— Those of the git diftrift on the 1 7 of March, until the 20th inclu five.— Those of the 4th diftrift on the 21 of March, untu the 14 mclu uve ■— Those of the sth diftrift enthe 25 of March until the 27 iucio live. BALDWIN. Those of the ill dillrift on the aß’h March, until the lit of April inclulive,— Thole of the 2d diftrift on the ad of April until the..9cn inciu five. Those of the on the i oth of April until tne i4;h in eiufive.- Those of the 4th diftrift on the 15th of April until the 19th m clufive.— Those of the sth diftrift on j tljeaiftof April until the 28th inclusive. WAYNE. Those of the diftrift on the 29th of April until the 7th of May inclusive. Those of the 2d diftrift on the Bth of May until the 12th inclu sive. Those cf the 3d diftrift on the! 13th of May until the 19th m clufive. TERMS or SALE, f The purehafers bonds for; the amount of the purchase mo ney wiil be required ac four e- j qual and annual inflallments to be paid in silver and gold, the firft payment twelve months af terdate, in addition to which a mortgage on the premises will be required. MOSES SPEER, REDDiCK SIMMS, PA THICK JACK. Conttnissignert. Wafh’nsrton, Dec. Br, am. 34 THE SUiibCR.BLR, OFFERS for falc for tafti, or barter for Nsgrots, three houfss anti lof; in the village c r St. Gaul, one which was forrucrly occupied t>y S/e* phen B oant. hie of this ary, dec. rhe oifaer l wo adjoining. Foi particulars apply to Mr. Jonathan Cline, in ha vanu&h, or in Waynefborougn to Stephen filount. Tan. 14.. io~. a 6 tOtv SriLc.. THE house at present occu pied as the Republican Printing Office Lumber or the labour ot a Carpenter will be received in payment. For particulars ap ply to EDW. L. DAVIES. N0v.17 24. if. MARSHALS SALES; WILL be sold on Tutsdaj tbs 41b. day ts March rtoxl, - /, lbs Couri-Houfe in ibt city a of Sa vannah, between ihe hours of 10 and 2 o’clock. A LOT in Ibe town of Da riln, known by the nur** her with a large TITO STO RT HOUSE thereon. ALSO, 4 IVHARF LOT and improve ments in said town, known by No. ——l- now or late occupied by Rojfe tor & Street. Takn in executi on as the pr c p £ rty cj R f etor G? Street to fatiify a judgment tn fa vor of F. 2'oung. 8.. WALL,’ Jan, 31. 44. M. D. G. i.'or o.ile. ONE of /he moft valuable ‘ra.Ts of Land upon /he Altamaha, co:.fainii g about eleven hundred acres cf Swamp in /he bed pitch of /.de, This trriß i* about hfc miles above /he town of Darien, was, prior to the re* volutionary war,/he prcpei/y oi the late governor Wright, and has for a fetilemeni, attached immediately to the Swamp, one of ; he mo l beani ful and molt eleva/cd 11/uatiuns upo me river. Persons wishing /o cuichafr th.g property will apply to F.dwar: r breck or William Mein, i..:q s. ui Savannah, whete a pint of tnc Land may fit seen. October ’-5- ts. n. Credit of i hree Years FcrpellU fait in Savannah, on THUES* DA}', t!s 6(6 us February, lßcs, 1 HOSL. et k. .own anil valuable Rice nmd Cotton PLAN I ATION, called CftAWFQRD and Coworw, fi uated in Chatham County, on Lit tle Ogechte, in the state at Georgia, within thirteen mile: of die ci y 1 1 S'’r., Hie plantations adjoin each other, ure well fettled and in >■-iyh Kiste >? cultivation : they are vc<y eligibly fuuiu:d for any psrloa in or near Savannah. CONDI i lONS—Thrte ye?rs credit, on bond with imereir, ved jii;rfnoal iccmitj’ mortgage of tfc* property will bs ireq„;;td j the iatere'S” to be paid anneali y, zrA ion per eer.t ou the amount of the pur* chafe r.revious to the shaking of ti* :ulv The la- maybe seen by ap plying to Mztsm, Hunter & Mr nis, in Saykunzh. Hugh Rose. Dec. ys ?.'*rri. t t PLACENTIA, THF. Subfciberc fTers for Sale that v z ’uable Plantation at Thun* derbolt, generally known by the name or Place. f .'tia*Containingf upv .trds of fa. ‘.o Acres— 340 of which is good Couon, and Cora Land, already cleared, and part ly cultivate*J—i6o acres is prime Rice land, cf which 120 acres are under Cultivation. The re mainder is good, high, Pme land- Any perfbn wishing to purchale, will pkafe apply at my Counting Room, where thejplati of the Land fit ill be she wn them and the term* m; de known. Jno. i J . W liliarr.fon. January 7 ts 37. TO LA AS c. “ For a Term of Years. L’ tt Ac. 13 anil 14 tn Warren Ward ,Jituated mar ins Bay and adjoining a lot j belonging ts the tdatc of H Lit abridge, at ‘prefent, occupied by Mr. sanes Alclntofh J ‘*’o M’ . lb m. Greer. 7eccher —out of them ] a corner lot or, a /quart and fronting the turn/ market. For terns tspt>)\ to IVILLL\M PARKER. 3 ‘f For Sale. ( Fortynine I'rnre CouiUry born Negro* For term* apply to JOSEPH HABERSHAM. January 17 ti‘ 4*. ~ TORBNT. THE HOUSE & I.OT rear Brought*# S ireet, formerly oeiupied by Edtisoad Bacon Esijr. appiy to iioe cc Davies. r ~ bft 50 DolLirs Keward. It AN AWAY aboil’- 4 months since. A negro -nan nured PETER, bf’’O the tnate of (j-si rg-* Ktilft dec’ll, lie is a vn!m ble cirjjenter, and veil known for mm * year* 111* lie is tall and ilur, active, a vd au when qoeftioneu closely, he fam~ niers muon. 10del ars will be paid on bis delivery to the Suufcriber, or to ti.e cf this City, sn . o’rty dollars in addition ’hereto on proof ot ius- being harboured by a wbi'e peilou. J.MACIIW, E2OV to Eiii c, George Haift OAibertt 14 NOTICE. ALL ptrlons who may ha\e c'aim* m ’he ellate of Rome*r Btui.ise,) dec- ate re-pcelteii to prelent them pi |.e 1/ a”t;fted, and those indebted to it, to tnahe ra.n.eutt* H. HOLCOMBE Ex'r to 1 aide.iatc> December 3 ts 8 y