Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, February 07, 1806, Image 1

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Vo!. IV. No. 30. J CONDI riONi OF THE GEORGIA REPUBLICAN. The Rf.p >’ m. 1 can is published w Turfday and Friday, on a royal sheet of J tod quality. Tiie terms of fubfcnption arc six not. 1. aj(s per annum. ..One half to be paid at the time of lubJcnbing, and the balance at tin expiration of the. year....and all papers avii. be csiitinucd until ordered to the reverie. TERM ES OF ADVERTISING. Adveru foments ml’erted at 51 cents per Square the liril i .ilertion, and 25 for each con tinuation.. .A liberal allowance made tothoL who w.fli to adveriilc rv the year. For $ ale ar this Office. A vstrirty of BLANKS among which ate, Foreign and Ccalling Maniftfts, Merchants. Entries, Liquor do. Bi Is of Exchange, do. of Lading, dii of Sale ; Powers of Attorney. Checks, Apprentices Indentures, Deeds of Conveyance, Buds; Notes of Hand, Writs for the Superior, Inferior A Mayor’s Courts, Mayor’s Court Exec utions fc Supboenas, Notices to creditors oflnfnlvent >le > tors Military Summoufes, & Executions, &c- Cy Cards, Handbills C fc. tdc. Printed at a Jburt A thee on reafonubie terns. ¥iww~wr-w ‘m-K. — mr%v*r''*Hmm*namamnmmamam*- FOR LIVERPOOL, , The Haunch new fliip SAp'fk 1 ! N F., William Bussey, mi- ter, WILL w loaded with all poflible dtf patch, for the above port. For freight of 400 bags Cotton, apply to the mal ter on board, or to ROE ERA? &C ’ ARK .Smith & Bourkc’s wharf. Received fr s lid vastl and Jor salt as above, 1 00 m. feet wlnte pdie Lum ber , A quantity Spars for booms, topraafts, See. -XTjSScN 5° or 80 harrp,s w;jl taken 011 Freight to any the Windward Iflunds in the Well Indie*, in the fdiooner ANN & HARR OT, Whipple, mailer, to fail in the could of this week. Apply a* above. February 4. 45 FO't s\L-'., BILLS On Chaiictlon, Ncw-Yo k or Boft-m. ROBERT; k CLr RK. February 4. 45 TO Li*T, And immediate possession given, Us TIL the firil day of /anuar. rv xt, t c convenient LUM In ,< Y RD and COUNTING- Hi )USK, k HOWii by *be name o* Mr John Poole.-'j Ship Y ;rd, the fnu.. tion and cnr.v :ri dice of this ya and •; too we 1 known to require afjsf' , e diicriptjt n. Fcr pari <• and. <*, fiiqu ‘ of John Pooler, t.j M.ll s. Beg,’ and Grcv. r, or JOHN MEAD. February 4 lot 43 St. allvJONii, iff jau. lino. r T’’ H! 1 fubferiuers have ag'e and 1 JL diil ve he copi'/nerth p f H .iVil.-’l <>N ts COUPES, f• n this (fare. The ooks and paptr&arr placed with James Ham !ten fir th purpcle of ci Heeling it:e and bts, anc acjuliin-r the claims aga nfr <ne ton ter 41. JAMES HAMILTON. JOHN cgUPKR. law 4*. 45 NtJ'l iC F. AI L pc f( r* ii cebtrd (o Ar lac firms of HUB.’ LL is KERN, i UiiFl Lii KUKZi , aid j HN H. LUd LL, ate cquelted to <ort forward and c/tle the r actoun's b /he latter end of ths m ri h, other wife they v.ii! be put int i the rand of an attorney vt itvt dilcrimuu tion. JOHN H. DU BELL. Ffbruary 4. 3. 43 N O T I C E, ALL persons having any demand- again! the ef.att i.f JO-IAH TAT7NALI Jtn,r. efqutre aie requeued to render tbi-n proper y artelleciard thole indebted are <.r tired o mak-payment to Ebenezer Stark Moore’s Mrharl GEORGE JONES,? ~ . E. JACKSON. 5 L> Ki - April 25 (, Georgia Republican. SWANNAH: PR NTED BY EVERITT M-LEAN, OS THE BAY. 50,000 15 KICKS, AN DING from the brig JOHN A L) A \i ■>, for luie, apply 0,1 b< i ll or to Wem, Mackay <$ Cos. December (>. ts a q MOW L ANDINC. BROW on bond Jl-op Favor te aid (hip Cotton Pan cr ft cot philad Ip oi-i ; and for hie. 40 Tons quart?, tire, and axe bar Irjri, ao Kegs F. F. and F. F. F. glfzej gun powder, ao Bbis. loaf lu^ar, 40 Boxes Ye.low soap, 1 -o Bois. pi lor, lhorc y and fliip br< a 4 t hefts Hyfon Tea, 25 b /'S. Fii iade phu Oo.tled Palter, (3 Jdz. each) 10 do. 00. B cr 3 Btx Lddkry, CON bli- TING Or, beets plitei and tumm’i cliaife h irnci , M j ns and U jys, Saddle bigs, Com.non, S aflk & Cud Brid es, Belt glited do. and do. with B rdoor.s b rrs. aN DRbW KNOX. Rir-cuk Giobans A'b.rJ. - ‘4 39 A. . DKEIF KNOX, j„jl r-ceive l and for S’!e. 10 abn. pn ne and mefj I J oi k and Btci jr do- Hot, fbipand middling Birad 50 boxes s’s mould caudles ( iugulla n ad. 30 kea* genuine manufactured To baci'O 30 do. fT- its ss. Engiifb Gunpow der. 2jcc lb. Luck, duck swan anti fquir— rci ftot. Bed Euy-hfli (.Lulls, Wafers and Ink Powder Writing and VVvapping paper Mo;ill playing cares Boxes Spamlh Segars Pewter plates, Bafons and dilh’, Pitt, Crosscut and Hand Saws *>rn ic Coffee Mi ls—Claw f -atnnicrs Spader, Shovels and Frym pans Dutch Ovens Pots, Fri Dogs ALSO On Hand , Rose, pjint & London .ruffle Blankets Cloths, (. affi ..cres, F.anntls, ahd Nturo • 1a,,.* Blue Strouds and Bath Coatings I villi Linneus, Flax and tow (Jznaburgs Cotton Bagging, Fine and c:arlc fiat With a general lnpply of Groceiies. Dec 26 ts 33 I ,s c-r U\ii k. Have ju f f received pertht bri.r Ebaror from Bolton, and for tale at their store, Smith and liourke’s vharf. 8 Hbds. retailing Sugar*, 500 pair negro shoes. o,\’ iIaND. 18 Ilhds. N. Rum, 40 Bbls. Mackare!, 10 boxes Cotton Card*, 2 bales Blankets, I do. low priced Broadcloths, I trunk 4-4 lrifh Sheetings, l case 4 4 and 3-4 lrifh linens, 10 Bbls. Brrf, 4 pipes Holland Gin, 3 do. Cognise Brandy, 20 Bolts Ruffian Duck. Nov. 1 ts i 9 JUST rIceTFTd, 2 Cases 7 8 IriPn linens, cull from i2d to igd. ftirbng, I Bale drapery baize, 1 do. blue cloth, 1 do. white dowlas, 1 do. rose blankrts, 6 4, 7 4, 8 4, and 9 4. 1 do. riv ‘8 dotk, 3 do. blue G.lia hdkfs. J Suita -2 do. do Gllrrr.ils, | ble for 2 do. Gui j-pore Sannahs, 1 do. Jur jta baftas, | can 2 do. lioretpore Cuffas, J market. THE AB Vt WILL BE HOLT) BY THk .BALE, (;R CASE (hLY. ALSO, 17 Calks Lc-r.con porter, do. do. brown flout, 12 Neffs tru> k c , 3 Cafta London m ide hats. ON HAND 15 Hbds. N. E. Rum, 4 Pipes 1 r tndy, 4 quantity No. 10. cotton cards, 10 Ci ‘iis Hyfon, and Hyfon skin tea. Fot sale by hoberts Gs Cl <t k, Sn.i:h id Hour let IVharf. | Decamber 20. 32 ts F R I D A Y, February 7, 1806. BAYLEY <Sc HARMAN, EXCHANGE, No. 6, Have impos ed per Ship Offavia, Capi. Collins, from London, via Ch iri /lon, and other late arrivals cotjlways, a laige and extenjive ,ffot tment of ARTICLES IN THEIR LINE, Which thy offer at wholesale and retail Jor cash at fuir prices. *** Gentlemen in the count y and f mii ies in town will find it a (vantage us to apply. Best. London double Brown Stout in bu'tn and b .tiled in calks o 6 dozen each Fine Eiinborough Ale London bottled Cyder Fine sparkling Champaigne and Claret Wines London bottled Port wine in quart & pint bottles Genuine Mid ira wine in pipes, quarter cafk* and per dozen V few q j . calks old Port wine .)ld Ainiinac brandy and Jamaica Rurr. on draught Tll Inlh wli skey, and real Holland gin in pipes and caf. s \ few Dim j ;hns and cases very old Ja maica Rum Cades, Sc Stephens & Hoofman’s f(afp berry & cherry Brandy St R .tafia Aa toque and Bordeaux Cordials of all kinds lulcadine, I'rontignac Sc Mafcat wines Rose, L iveridcr, Orange, Flour and honey waters French & E. glilb pickles Olives, Capers, Anchovies, Beans, Cucumbers, and red cabbage in fm 1 bottles, Vlufhroon and Walnut Ketchup C rcrrqur Quins and imperial fiffl faui e Fine India S'ry Effencc of Anchovies, Oyfler Ketchup, Pepper Vinegar, &c. St c. | Red and blat k pepper, fine fall&d oil (Table fab, wine bitters I London arid Durham mustard, and ! Ready made London mullard, very Di pt rior—warranted to keep in any cli mate Curry powder, fpht peas and P arleri barley in kegs, chocolate Fine double Gloller aid LhtTlure cheei C at kt rs and butter brfeuit in lu g* File pic ltled and fmoaked to guen, fhoul dt rs h> el flitches, warranted found, Hams, Bolona sausages, and S iced faim >n in small kegs also, ICO pi t . Bl e Point oylteis, put up hy a cartful hand 50 haft bbls. fuperfioe Baltimore flour, land a five day since, double bol led, suitable for private families io chcfls fn ft chop hyfon J j do and r young hyfon >TEAS j do do louchong ) 30 bbls. leaf aid Mufcovado sugars 30 box s Godfroids’ and Kings’ fupe nor Spanish Lgara 2 pipes fine old L.P Madeira wine 30 cases fii ft qu’iy. London mufiard of i 6 and to dozen each 20 do preferve* assorted, viz.—limes, guavc, citron, raspberries, flraw ber.ies and black r.d red currant j > r 100 cauri-llers triblc flrong battle gun powder 13 kegs b!l r fle powrder 2 tons (hot, afLrted l an 3 1 4+ Inf rumen is Tuned JONATHAN DYK.E.S, Fr< m Loiict.i. v. i.o fas Dten regu ir.y t red to the business, (’flei s his fc vice in she above l ; nr finger and Farici Organs, P ar.i fu tts, li.rpfi(ords aid bpiiets, tun and and r paired a the fhi rtefl iiu ict ud or. rued mis t mns. He alii teaches on /he Pran Forte. *,* /V good Pi mo Forte for fa!e ; • F y t bis office T’ V 1 41 1 Lc 1’ uii cribers, 1 HAFING entered ‘into Copartnership | i/nfcr tht Finn of Shearer id UtrsDAig, j Offer the Public their set vices at Facto- REts id AGENTS. THAT lecerue and dispose of all hinds of proouce, Houses, lands, Negtots, or any 0 her species of propesty, on co r,minion. They having a general l no mil edge o) the DRV GOOD id GROCERY BU SINESS, offer thtir services to Country Merchants, and in making purchases and format aing agreeable to order any articles in that line—A and •when cajh is deposited mill) them, they attend Autfwns and buy at the loouejt Rates. IVi. Shearer. |no. Drysdale junr. AR B. Their Counting Room it ad joining tht Post Office, S. E. cornet of Ithe Exchange. Nov. It? // 2< A quantity of Rhodc-Ifltnd STONE LIME, los salk ny R. & J. BOLTON. February 4 6c 45 no n c tb. All those that are indebebted to EDW’d, s rEB SINS, Are once more reqoefted to make immediate payment, as it* quite out 1 f his power to give fuilhcr indulgence —- Those that negltA to come forward and pay their accounts, or oihcrvvile fettle them to bis fatis + adlion by the firlt day of March ness, wll find their accounts, without diferunination, in the hands of his attorney for collection. The furall ColktTions which he has made for two or three years pall have been too inconfiJer able—and he is well convinced that bu fitiefs conducted on fuclt ground* cannot support itfeif. N. B. He lias on hand, a very hand fome affjitment of G 0 O D S. suited lu the pn sent and approaching fcafon, which lie olfi rs f ■ falc at a very final] advance for cash, produce or good paper at 60 or 90 days. February 1. 43 —im. FDUCATioS: Graiefnl for the diltiuguuhea psironage e has experience.l lince his ellahlifliment ’ ivannah, Mr Green with deference inform: Ins lrien Is and the public, that tlu: Ladle. Literary l'cliool, and the Grammar and Math > iru tical Ii heols, arelli'l conducted hy him 1 the lane extenlive plan, as at their com lencemeut. Th. c"iirl> of die (chools, includes Head iB, Grammar, Elocution and Rhetoric, Writing in all the afcful ornamental hand . Ariilime ic Book ktreping, according to veral lyllems, Gtogr,phj and lire ul drawing copying of .Vtaps in different pro le.Hiorib, the elements of Altrouoniy, aiu he use of the Globes and Tc lurian HiUor. 11 and Chronology. In the Mathematical department, th. pupils wi I be carefully nut.uficd in Algebi Geometry, Trigonomeuy, Conic SeAiom ‘and fluxions, with their application to th. bu line Is of life and the inveltigalion of lei encr. Sixteen years experience in his profeflior and .1 laced and unremitting aiiention t .he morals and real improvement of his pn 1 pils will, hr hopes, continue to him Iran a liberal and enlightened public, a (hare oi that favor which he has hitherto experience. I’ admitted without Entrance, till the lit of the ensuing January. (.“.A Dancing Masts* of eminence Will attend the Schools. November 5 ao Diliblution of Copartiurfliip I he fublcnbcrs gives i.otice tha the copA t e ship h' erarrie. ON UtvU Klc THE FIRM U DAVID AND CHRISTIAN GUGF.L. it thit day dificlvcd. It is /here t.">re reqaclfcti all perfonr. who are indcbittl to the laid fi m, or to c.ther of the fuliferitiers, individually., will ca'l and pay their accounts jmf notes on rr before the firftday i f Apiil ncx , or die fame will <hen be placed in th< hands t;f an Attorney for collection ; an f thole v/ho have demands ag'.inh fc coparinrrfliip, or either of the fabler bers will prefeut their accounts for payment- DAVID GTJGF.I,. CHRIS HAN GUGEL. THE SUBSCRIBER, LE T URNS his thai.ka tohi triend* 11.d the pu j.'ic n general, tor thci support when connected vti-h his Ja/t ner, and tegs leave to infijrm then that he will coiiiinuc the TAYLOR ING BUSINESS, .•>(/be sh >p latel occupied ~y D &G (,ugel, wreref, will be hm kfui for a conf.r.uaaon < bufioefs in his tire. CHRISTIAN GUGEL. Gnu rv 3 *f o(j IHE •Ufi LKIbEn. RF.QUbSTS all persona indebted to him by notes or open aro unti, to fettle tl e fame on or before the 20th of I’e bruary next. Those wbofc account* have been of long Handing, and not paid by that time, will be-put into the hands of an attorney for cJleflion ; a* no longer indulgence can possibly bt gi ven. He h/.s jidt rlceived. By thtjlip I.ouuiAtu, from New Tori, a Lrge Jupp y of frefh DRUG 1 6c wD’.DI.V.INES, which mikes hi* affortrnent at prefeut very complete, and extenlive ; and will be fold by IVhole fate or Retail, at a final! advance on colt for Ca/h , or hi* usual credit to pundlual cuftomers* George Harral Dec; 4! tFy. 4j. TO RhN J. THE IIOL’SK Jt LOT near Broughton Street, l .r. icrly occupied by Edmond Bacon Esqr. apply to KoetSc Davies. if y 4 [Whole Number 746. to PLAN I'EIIS.* THE Suhfcriber finds it nectffary to all, thus publick’y, upon all those, who ire in arrears to him, to come forward, as Ipeediiy as poflible, and pay up their ref. , e&ive balances—aa he is anxfrtiato dif cliarge those ciainns, again (l himlclf, which has originated, principally,through the want* of those, his debtors. He certainly ha* a right to calculate upo liberal payments this year, as Providtme, has, in gereral, been ve y bountiful t tie cultivators of the fell- All dcfal ters on the hrft day of Harch neat, may rxptdt to find ihi ir Itonds, Notes and Accouuts iu tbc hands of attorney’* at Law. Ihe rib ir, also rhinkt proper to give this public notice, that, being fully sensible of the numerous dif advaotage* icfulting from the prafticc of making advance* diredlly, or becoming inditciily rcfpoufible for and on accout of persons who have not,at the lime limited him with fluids, or any property that will fpcedily raise funds fufficient l compeufate him for the amount he ad vances or become* refporfiblc for / he declines, for the future, (except in a few cases of eflates and individuals, who ha* in all tranf..£liona with him obfervtd the ftntl. ft pun&uality ) the obLrvauce of tliis practice. 111 Sublcrib(*r will, howeve* - , in all cases, when produce is put in hi* puffiffioii, make, if requ red, liberal ad vances, and will be graielul to the plan leu in general, and to his friend* in par ticular, for any favors confercd in his line* of t'ufiuei* —he allures thtm, that no exertions HI.III be spared to condißft all buiiaefs, they may confide to his care, tultyto tluir fatisf.iClioii. He Hill coiidißl* the bad orag e Commission bufi.iefs,on MOREL'S, WH.iat, stten led by every advantage which the fame poffi fs’ 1, when carried on under the firtn of WILLIAMSON Ic MOREL, jno. K Williamjon, Dec. 3 tHIm. jy. I'.vi v i UN vJ iX gLaZI NGT* THE Subic ilier ha* taken the Shop late 'f occupied by Mr Ilice ihe VVaich Maker 11 the Lane as a workihop, and three or lour doors to the VVelLixrd of Meti s Duffy mil Willlon’sj Where li* carries on the, iJoufc iSign, u-6c Paj)c-r Mangmg, &c. S. H. KbhN. Novemter 19 ts 2 6 IOK N l . ‘ STORES Not. 7 and i, in the Exchango. i’or terms apply ai my Office. 1 hos. Pm, SecVy. Nov 9 ts *6 If it* ->U rt >L K • 15 •’ IG> WISHING to dircA their atieurion to wards the collertion and settlement of debts luetoihem. Give notiec th t, on the j.fc day of December next, they will decline the B ta bulincls on credit; They delire there fore that all those indebted to them, or to Hobe-t Sc John Bolton, will immediately make pav merit or otherwise fettle to their lan*. iaAion. From the llore crlleflion made their tw® years pall, the debts to them leave accutnula 'ed beyord ilieir will); and they are li.lfkiemly aware Ihat bulinr Is condufted o lueh a footing cannot support itfeif. Gut ti3 wihun, 6c Cos. Their remaining Rock on hand which it •:ot in ended to be n.crealed, will be fold hr vholefalc or r. tail, on easy terms for cash, produce, or town notes. N0v,20 ; 1S ts Do >a emu e rHIS elegant retreat about 4 miles frena Savannah, on Wallaw river, is ol'ered n aleafe for fix or seven years, for the bene it of the heir, a minor, on terms that will fc •* hole inclinable topoßels so valuable a pieic .1 ground, as well calculated for health as for plea uro and profit. Apply to W. STEPHENS, > „ N. TURNBULL, J Cbarbiaki, Anriilt q ijf> A O U l C E. THE Subfcnber returns thanks to hi* cufb ‘towers for pall favors, and informs that he Rill continues the Cabinet-making bulincls as dual, and l'olicits a continuance of patron ge. In the mean time he would ohlerve to tluTc who have not been so punftual as he con and wilh, that it would be doing him an aA of juUite to fettle their arrears as soon as poiublt. I heir too long delay has been the means of his fullering, and lueh as do not avail tliemfelves it this notiie, belore’le 14'h of femuary will b* SUED without uif tnAion. Wm. HIGGS. J ‘ s,l * rv 7- T 7 SAVANNAH MAW AI E \ l(;l|>nal Cd Poor-House The fublcriber being appointed by their Honors the jullirct of the Inferior Court, overseer of tht Poor and foie Medical a.Tilt ant to the Poor Houle and Seaman's Holpi. tal, give:, Public Notice, that he is now ready to receive into the lullitu ion, any pet lon or persons belonging to the C'unty ; or lick Ketmen, who lliall make application to him for admission. He has to requrll that in futu e the citizens will not give ai>y relief to perl uis at their doors, as the arrangements made for their reception is fucll as will lu perced’ the NecelDty of their giving Char v 111 that way ; fnoind they howev r, feel dif poltd to affi It the it dilution, uny and nation will be thankfully received and faithfully ac counted nr, by MOoES SHEI K AL. November u t*