Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, February 11, 1806, Image 3

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mace the frfi attack is defoibtd as kav. ing been tremendous. After a (hurt tisr.c cannon were of little use in tl;-’ centre, for the troops fought at the point or the Lavonet. Tne Hamburgh nail due on We-dntf day lah, arrived ialt night, ami tins tnor jug the othtr three mat's, that were alio due reached the | oil office. Uy t'acle rui.s the imp-riant intelli gence has been received, that the empe ror of the French h.s t-ejef.ed the meii at ion of his I'rufli m M. jelly ; ins* the latte: has taken the tic'd, md h:s armtes are in motion towards F,anemia. ftnli is the fubitance cf the intelligence f.vra Hum burgh. 1 is'further Hated, that the Duse of B. unf vvick’shead-quarters have been transferred to G-ttengen, that the King with the gnrriffir. of Berlin, has gone towards Saxony, ani il.e Pruilian troops arc evAOuaui g Ha.n. ve . All these movements have pri bubly one ob ject t Ads concentration of a lining force n embarrass Bonaparte, ands -ce him to bat tie, before he can approach h.s rems rce menu. bv a retieat. It would bt redicuh us, however, to pretend to til-\ el j e the proba ble movements of the a lies. A little time will unfold ‘tiem, and clemonitrute It w fa. their cucuirdlanres have been lrpr ved by the accclilon cf i’ tiiTi v—an event that f enis calculated to produce the molt important con fetj nonces. According to the present accounts, the French frern delircus to avoid a biile, pr - bablv till they m their turn corcencra e taer f .rce. Our readers will roc I est til t by a triCK of gen. Murat, Count Aueifburg was prevented from burning the biulgi s < 1 Vieu na—the firmer havirg inf ir.Kd him bv a hag if truce that an armill ce nad been con cluded. In consequence of tills ruse and: gec're the Auflria.i army oeing exp led to c i.inicr ab'.e danger, played IT another tr'ck in them turn They pretended they swiill- ti t-- quit the Ruffians; ani by ih.s means, gti ei to effect their junction win. Bush vJen This explains the ftipp >led capitulation of the Unfit ins, announced so pomp ,ufl/ in the French bulletins. The allies have retrieved themselves from the dilemma into wh cn they were thrown by the fine lie of theenem •, \vh i now in His turn is obliged to leek f .hry in avoiding a batt.e, tiil lie cun effect a change of p litlon. In the mean tune, the uni etl armies are stated to be purfun g such met fures, as mult either compel the French to a battle, cr lead to their expullioa from Vi enna. The intelligence from liie Archduke Charles is alio much more lavorable than we could wet’ hope for, though tve had reaf.m to expcdl every thing from h m,,'hat c u ... In eli. cled by perfev, raucc, coolnel’s and pru - dence. Kc has eli'.iSed his retieat at ’ln head of iyO,ooc men, has f rmed a juuflnn with the Archduke J, hn, and both are now advancing, b. foiced marches for Germany. The accounts directed Italv, do r; jt come la l er than the dth nit from Venice. The Ruffians who weie eapefled from Corfu and li tlinatia, had not ye a.lived, and we., therefore iii poled to have failed direct ar Triell- The fame letter speaks cl the retieat of the Archduke Charie-—but it and ies nor embrace circumstances cl l". 1’ to a date German accounts cf diat army. BRUNN, November 15. Our court Gazette contains die fol lowing offi ial account; OCCURRENCES OF WAR. A courier wlio arrival on the 14th November to bis mj .tty the etnp'cior and king, front the commander in duel of the Rutflan troops, count Kutuiow, brought the joy u. on ws of a complete victory which has been obtained over the enemy's civilian under the command of tnaifhal Ivlurlier, between Stein and Wtitfkirchui, near the Krririi. The following a;c the piirtiiuiuis extracted from the report made uu the held 01 battle. Or. the 9th of November, the llnffi ‘n Imperial army paired the Danube. t-s tear was pxtfled by the enemy ii;l it ur rived at Mantern, and the o-m.nmnling general refolvcd, outlie night Le-v.cru the 9th and ioth, to pals to the leit bank of the Dmum, anti to bum th. bridge. This was the more vetildiy, aa we had received certain iutoiaiatn.i, that the enemy had te eltzbhfh it the biidge cf Dintz, and tirat aheatly uuc divdion of their army v. a., on this bank of the Danube. Ou the aiuraco.. of the 10th ot Novemb. , the cncaiy ap proached our fore tu ti e .icigibor hood of Dierftcin, li.ovc thiinbaoii wnh a fuptriority ot force along t c Danube, from Weirlki.chia to S.eiu, and on the approach of night ottr army 1 ou:d with difficulty maintain tutmlUv sou the Stein. it was, il.ercb re to attack the enemy ou the morning ot the I ith at Weidkirchen, in columns, prtferving that otdcrasmuoh as p - iliOic in a country covered with vim yar .a. At V/tisfkivchin he had ailembicu a ..umber of veilefs to cut off our retreat. The rcfults crown.d this dt termined enterpuie, executed wulr a. much piudence as tteadmels in valour, ‘l ire trtcu.y was defeated, and thole oi his division who could not favc them feives in lome of the inipo, either killed or taken prifonti s, Trie number of the former cannot be afccrtained with exactness, but the .5 a tilt of the pnfoners-the Chet it Brigade, Grain D’Orge, 3 Colutnis, 1 L’.euUnaut colonel, 36 superior offices, ami 2&00 ir.en, among whom wctc liic 4 ti ngt ment of Diagoons. l ive cai.lo. 3 mre taken. Maifhal M >r tier, woo com ffauded the enemy’s, 1,, ,sir ffi .g. Hi is thought to be among the cue. The loss of the Ruffian troops is ui pro portion incoufidciabie. It cct-.lUt* tor the mud part oi wou.iCtd, amoi g wliom are a general and teveral officers. MUNICH, Nov 16. If the French oilplay p oiigious ir.- trepidety in the foaling o: trie foils and rocks wh.cb piotect the defiles of the Tyrol, tt.c AuLirtain, aid iniittu do noi shew loss firmnefs in defence. M ny wo men and even girls, armed vn.h fulils, bave taken part in the different actions. Theft heroines having bred upoi the I'rench troops curing tiicir p,-Uugc thro’ fount vffiiagtvi au orCouttacc i been pttVljfiud, rendering their li* (bands aid parents rcdponfible tor thctc mliaCiiuiis ot the rules of war HANOVER, Nov. aL TheEnghfh iccruiting fervicefuceeedb beyond expectation. The numb r of twelve tieulaml, to which the service will be limited tor the present, will soon be complete* The rcauits are sent to the Enghfh head quarters at Stadt, and there receive arms and cl.thing. Tl e Ruffians continue their march through this electorate without interrup ion It is even fuid that the city cf Hanover will receive a Ruffian garufon. From the Eng i(h Chronicle. Two o’c'oe!.—At this moment we have •cceived a c.epy of the following Bulletin, circulated in the public offices : “ A ceiiM Ikirmilli took ph ce on the ajth N. v between B enn and Olmu v, and con mueil to the 26 h Dtcem. when a general .nfti: n took place near Vienna. The Ruffians attacked tin enemy f r twelve hats, and without tiring a mulket, killed 27,000 men with the bayonet, and tot k the wh Ic cf'their ar tillery Bonaparte was feverclv wm did, and tequ. Led an armiltice, which was refuted him. The remains of his a>my were at Vienna, and .lie . r t.f Kuliia adv-inciig in 1..s rear with . .00 o r.en • ‘there lias uif. been an aflion between the Archduke Charles and iVi,,fik i.'i, in which ihe auer was d;f.ated wrh die lots of •jl'qj killed anil 10,000 wounded isnevryi” • - —'?-*■. ;cr- - ---* lo PLAN I LLS THE Subfvrifcer finds it tiec< IT ry to call, thus pubitckiy, upon all thole, who are in arrears to him, to come forward, as Ip’ tdi.y as possible, and pay up their ref pcdLve balances—as he is anxious to dif ctiarge those claims, himlclf, which has originate , principally, through the wants of those, his debtois. He certainly has a right to calculate upon liberal payments tilts year, a . Providence, ha-., it: general, been very, bountiful to ti c cultivators of the foil. All defal tits on the hilt day of March iittrt, may expect to Had their Ronds, Motes and -ceouuts in the hands of attorney's at Law. ! he c uh?crib?r, also thinks proper to give til's public r.oticf, that, being fun y ter.Able of the numerous edit advantage s i elu ting from the practice ol making advance's clirect-y, or becoming indued y relpoi fible ror and on a cout of per ions wlio fiave not, at the t irn lnvcfled him with funds, or any prop, -tv that will lptedky raise fa is fnflicient te comprnlate Dm f or the amount he ad vance-s or becomes rclpot.fioL- for ; lu declines, for the future, (except in a L w rates of elfates and int. viduals, vvhi has 1:1 ail tranLc-Laus with him observed the itr-.dieit putiituaiity j the observance of this p.-a£tice. I H-: Subicribsr will, how-v? in all rafes, whtn produce ia put in hir pt if ffiun, make, if tequ red, liberal ad vances, and will b ■ grateful to the plan ters in general, ami to his friends in par ticular, for any favors confe-red in his line of bufineis —he cflutes them, that r, i-x.rtions ffiall be fpa'ed to conduit ail htifie rs:., they mny couf.dc to his care, litdy to their fmisfidtion. He fliil conduda the Factor afe (A Commission buiiefs.on MOREL’S, wh tar, atten ded by every advantage which the. fame pt.fT I, wh. 11 carried o.i under the firm ot V* ILL! AM SON St MOREL. - j no. L. Willumion, Dec. 3 11 ffm. 27. -lUeiejil Oi Gopal Ulcrillip Ihe fucfcrio-T* no ic; *.li<- tke rcui r * ?b : o h r -rr *o e carried OH UKDi l THE J“IRM OJ D/t’/iU Ah'U UhiiS'lLiN (JUG&.L. Is ih 5 day oti ved Lis ihere ieirc .eq.cileu ‘.hat !! t>c foils vvr o arc ii tie.-ud ../’the fddfi m, or to t the f t e fu L;ibe s, n.ei. v daahv, .wiil ca l ar-d pa/ tf-n* ac, j:* ami n*-:e, o-. or otf ce the ti A day f -t; ti tier. , it she fains w l .h-o be piaffed in the hinds t.f 4:1 /win /icy for colitdtioi ; ml tb i2 who r.-vc ag i.-.h C Cojir..i,c/f};ip, or life.’ ol the übicr btr. wo] ihe.r acc.u is .or p.-yrnsnt DAVID GUGEf-. Ctiiv I -s’ UN GLGEL. 7 HE sUuo^iilßEß, f* H - itJ I'MS his eh : > r.i, friendt ad tne puhiic in genera!, I r thei. iupp’ rt w tn ttjht.icicd v i h his !a/c. P r.rcr, *-..d ueg'. leave to inform them ‘hat fit coti'i iue the TAYLOR ING BUSIN kb', at/he At p jar ly occupied -y f 0 lid. Guge , w ere he *t!l ue hm k:ui mr a co:itit.uauoa ot business ii tisin e. UH.HSriAN GUGEL. T ■ r v f * f •() i U 1.1 i , THE WHARF AND STORES Ij lOK 1 OK *lii.K]aV uLoiipiL'd Ly MelTrs. Wilson U Knox, a <i ut prei’ent by Mr. Andrew Kifix. Thci pr<;du:tive ai i CDiivtnieut li* uat.on is Ij we ! knub.i, a.3 to rfouire r* further exolauauoa. Fur terms enquire ol li. Vu) ne. No vernier i 19 U 1 K, 1 , \ LL Rcrfons having any demands againl. n. *- the eliate of John Uauerihxm eiecealeel, are requeiled to fend them in properly attts ’edantt those who are indebted to make pa; • merit to Joseph Habersham. Adnaniflrator Jivtcry 10 ts 3 b RE PUBLICAN. SAVANNAH, Fl B t UARV 11, I B._S. THE greater part of the foreign intelligence in this days Republican was given our Town Subscribers in an extra sheet on Saturday evening last, but is rc’ pubiilhed for the information of those who reside in the country. We are informed, fays the Charleston Times, that letters have been received in town from Mr. GatUurd, Senator from this State in Congress, announcing that Simon Theut, clq. has b<en appointed by the Puli le t and Senate, Coihdtor for the Port if Ckiiikitou, vL. Juinet Simon.', dq. resigned, We are fo*ry to hear that Mr , Cil i, on Ins way to the lrat of government, has been thrown from a carriage, anj fiuCiurcd lus hg. We are net apprised of tii-. fullexitnt of the injury which he hasvtctivfd, or wbetl er u will prevent his taking his feat in the fcnate. i\ M. hit. LIN DO V PJR .GRAPHS. The board of admiral y l ave rt length pri I rrrd a charge rerr-acintiiial Si R’ btrt Cah er, on the ground ot “ not having 1 one his ntn.i !t to “ t! e enemy 10 a renewal ot the aitioi , “on the second day, eff Car t.” Mr E fkii c is retained in ihc ctfcrctof Sir K bm Calder. Ailmiial E Harvey, late of .lie Te merairc, is, we undci Hand, to have the red ribbon, vacant by the death of Lord Nellon. The cot trihutions levied by the French on Vienna, during the firil days ot tlivir occupancy, atncuiiied to thirty mill ons ot fl ro s. The Prince of Hi fle Darmftadt, has ordered his little army toco-operaie with ihe Pinfiians. a learcity, bordering on famine, pre vails in Su; b a and FraiiConia, 111 a matc uui degree ar ling tiom the ccnfumption and dcvaltdtioii o! tlu holtile arm et. To the politt nets of a gentleman of tl is city, we arc indebted for the fo.low uig ud.iili/nal r:rw Irorr. the Continent, which is cop ed from lUtCharleflou ‘dimes of the 7 hind received by an ar.iv.i 1 yef erday morning. Charleston, Fehrusry 7 The fid p Avtiick, capt. Decult, arri ved tins morning, Liled from Ratter nsi on rt e aoch it Llercn C. sir D brought no papers ; but l a 3, tiat reporis trorn the teat of war were, ir.a. thei|l had breu much hard tigliiiug, 11 a thatconapar. e, in the battle on ilu j,i. December had bieu ( y wi ui dti .n .he aim The l„tt accounts, low. < ; .r, were, tiat the I.tiich iioc-ps hac ban fucccLlul, Captain D furn shes one importirff article ot information, which pruves, >c yond doubt, that P uflu has .vk. 11 psrl m the war ; AU the P> uJJ] n ..erchmt rn 11 :n J- < bad been Je-'.’.td lytic Dutc,j government \ ana a<. 1 unts vuu moment y ixpefted of the Piuliicii troip. having ti.-ucli a blow. Fxom tin Londam Courier, Dec. i) Pi illiant ViSlory over the French . Tke'Ucr.’.b'mg mail uus >elt.:idiy, 2rt v.ll ibis mnrnii'g, 21111 hr: 1 glit us, v/lut was to b.. ex, efled, .nt?li,gi rice if ihe u.mcil in p .r a. ce V/c cui.grarti'a e the c un'ry upon tr.e contirijidii 11 of the sccouut of tiie ileleal on the al ir.ft. ■; and we have ‘he furl he 1 1 - f ct■ u tiurn u cr.thit rlicv have er r>ira c'-i another, and ar:.. niich Hire utcjiee .te- Jeat. Bu: to give a jull idea oft Vic i.npcrtcn: eve’ ts we mull go oac. 1 . a litilc. Skitmillit’s had taken place he.tweeß the A lies and the French from the ay.ii ult :o the 2d mil. when the grand cattle 10 k pure. The reinb.reed by Buxho.v .■e. ‘s am), lelt c inti dent ot be'i.g lupen r to the enemy, and airim tedi./ lie pretence of ti.iirc.rr.ptr r, thev ad. 1 ced from Vlil chau v ilh more l> ildru Is th n cau ion. in tluS they were euc uraqe ‘. I>y the retreat < t : the French, wits Ic I uck behind the rivu Swarz ch, ‘heirief ai Bru in, their r>g'ut at N ichollh t U,*. ‘ihe Allies advance J to nullerli''.'!. The cannon from the fortrtfs rs Bruno annoyei ihe allies greatly, 1,1 a ii.t c uotry ; they njatie a gra tl inovenient t joe-p.ive ‘he Frer ch, cf that advantage ; the 1’ . eit feia ed upon a favorable epp.m unity during tb, . m vement to attack thecent.cof the ailicr, which they did with great impe u 1. y, <ji.c-c ----'irig their wh< Ie it engtli upon that quarter. The result certainly was, a, ter a long and bl odv'Cot fl ct, from lun-rile to fun-let, tliut the centre of tne- a.lieswere repulied bac. , lo VViichau, ant) .hat they lull their whole ar tiiiery. But tiie right wing of the allies was e .mple-te-ly fuse l .tul ; the French were deterred fromf II- Wing the a lies to Wife]) u and the f utidation ..a, thereby laid i r ti.c great aid glorious event wh en folk wed Ihe news ‘ f the result < f the 2 : had been rapid!, lpread ovr r be c ailment by tl.e French, and repielected a, a. Complete and d-.-cuive victory. A -tale’s Gazette of the 14th, has been re ceived here, Hating that gen. Biuoe had r ad on the parade at the Hague, dispatches Ha ting the French to have game.) a Complete vtflt-ry, taken lr. m the allies ail the,r artillery, and killed, wounded, or m de pu ff men, 40,000 rren—that among the lattet v/as the Graid Duke Go, Itaiitme. kucharethe accounts which will be circu late .in the countrn 3 cr.iLved liy Fr net, for f me time—but n- v let us look at a very different p eture, by which we will hud that the repot ts cl Mr. FDye, tr.s rr.ciunger, v/uc we’l fs 11 tided, and ‘bar the admiralty h illethi, which and c u lo Contained nly a candid sc count ot the auvic- s reccvt and fr m the* n. v I clucors t>ic* Athim me Pifrcer, were not l t.r fr< m lie mith as we at tirit feaieJ, rhouglithcy itili may have bccu a ag crated The Allies who had been fuccefhfnl on lie rijhi: on the -d, and h id hot oecn dri veu further than from the field ot battle, in the centre, having, as we have heard, rec•> vc cd the NivLiTtb ‘ i a millahe of a very £ > and general, wh m we (hall not name, leii we Ih u’ni b.* wrong;, now again advanced up >u the ei eny. Tnis was the belt pr f .hat, though the even s . t lie prec Jo g day was agiiuit thei.i, they did nut led themfe vts decilively ileleated. 1 bey advanced on ihc morning ot the jd againlt tiie enemy, without artillery ! Hence the batilc 1 mu became a con eit < fthe bayonet alone! —As tl.e allies advanced, the Emperor Alexander, the bra veil 4 f hemes, ride .hrougii the ranks of the Kit Hun?, th ugh expoled to a heavy luc tr in the Krei ch, ei c uragir.g tliua m the mdlga I ant and e.nhuli ulic manner, cubing (mt Cviutantly that u mult bo vid. / or vl* ith ! as he v/as ele not to emit th* lie J vaiif]uiUte(J, and to die on the spot ra ther than to \ ieid.—This coudu't railed tlie enihulialm • f his men *o lie higltciL pi ch, to dei, tration even; thty advanced upon the French u dcr a *ievy and u galling hie, they thtmieivt’S ioaiceiy dilcliarAirg a miti ivot. ; hey lo nbroegia the Liu my t) el ic <}u<rtcrs vvi;b • i;e bay r.c arm v\cic in.w ai. ut—and iVir. tno mes ivLger, uj> t ears to ln.vo Ip ken ’.;itb pc fed truth when he laid he went oil the in *rmi g ot the 3d ner die held oi battle to tty 11 li ci uid ice what wuo g ing forward ; dial he heaiiJ iii- U’.mg a* and iiu/.aaing, bui a muiket bred , that it was bm imw u nd tliut he ncard tiu itpv itoi -ny piece. lu lb s way, the bayonet and fibre alone uLd, .he battle! ail the morn, ing or the 31 —mu ft dtacily was the Itiuggle. ’ihe RttGans might fail; hut nut a man oi them wouln g’ve way. . t this fftui c 01 lighting tl cy arc not only more expert than the French, but they are'bctler fifed feir it by lluten thunalm and devotion, when ii.lpireel by a great leaner, winch nukes them lather yu.d their lives to the ;uit man than give way. Tnr llruyglc of ill. b. yonet tailed in the melt n Uiucieus manner till i oca, when the I*reach gave way, and tii ir main Imoy was eotaily routed —— V.Clury now (RciaieJ for the alias ; but Uni the I‘rcuch cuiiicilcd ihc gieiiiid. i'he battle eoininucd dining the icinaiu bc. ct thv 3 ; it iti.e.ved on tin; 4111 ; and u was not iimllicei until the -5 it, wlien t e i* lei.cii were uilill'atel) uetea.eel in ad quaiLcts, the alhes now tied ad their, made eudiderahlc from the enemy, and li any uiuvc the whole ol the I'.tuch troops bc youb the liver Sehwartx-ch behma which liny were tore.J to fly tor piotett.ou iicniau-rlc n.kwcJ, anb icncvved th. bat i.e ia vam ; every ilraiagein, cv.iy eilcnent l.c en.pioycd to no eiLct, he has, tor the li if tunc in Euiope, met v.t.u a grand andocCrJCel in a gen- Ou* bttltic Ihc official aCC3lirf.3 (j* iiii. glorious UltU Kl.pen tdi.i tve.ns Had ruumcel .in a. e; Hamburg. L.,rd liarrov/by at me oi.c town, a..ei Mr. Ttioiutuu a. ll.c otlici, together wit'a uiauy eiliie-r p:,- 10. s have lent over the fjtr a, iliui Rett’s oilpatchtM were, it m flip p./ice., le,. Wulat I) by Lure! 1 is. row by by nc l.tinus ut iV,r i_,ui .< 1,. , he lueilea gel, Vvllu, having; tlceii ill pWice k ,U, nU; eit yet bit U/tiiL i. u Uilpstohes to low:, ou it 1 , that -/ai. Duualuicli 1. ..iiiVwU at Dover, and l.c i. expecieu in launuoii cveiy n,ii.u-.e. In me 110;., urne we can colly iffi ip the ac cOUiits vve have given a e L v-u the iiatiiburg papeisilate tiie news, ai u that the autos vvc.c at Atuicrlhg, far lu ativanes to V/iichau, and conic queiitiy malLis not only oc too 11 id oi entitle, but ot ad tiie ouunliy tail ol ihe river iiwai'tzath. i ne ti It column of the Prufiliti troops has aritvcd 111 tl.e t.i/irons of Nurdm htryj ; the other columns arc folio win with uttooft A few days rnoie- wid britipr them to the feat of war Anger, u is to command the army dtltiii cd to protect Bonaparte’s rear, anel act againlt the i’luffiaiie. He is now at Ulm, ana 1. s force is, it 1. laui, to be eiicrsl ed to 60,000 men. But long befoit bis rtiiifo.ct.ntlits arrive ihe I’uffians will he able to llrike a detilive Lu,/. The aect/ of tiie Arcfidt.k. Clia. es havi g itacfitd i/uigaiy, ii coi.Hiiiieu. Met fena ia al Laybaeh. — —'/..uatriaw - Port ot Sivannah. ArviTFß, li”;; / !rr,fJ , l ilt'l tin, MJf-y, Jamaica, ticonamy , Snith,Chat- Jl'm ; Brutal, Bradlury, Tubr.on ; Schr, I Co'omerte. Rhodes, Char lejlon ; Ruler. • pnite, Ncl fun, Nrwburn ; Slo p Polly, j Darrel, N. Providence. C leaked, hhib Tippoo Stub. IVake 'Ji Id, J ,ioei pool; IJ unite, (Sou tl, B , Iba c/ots; So rah Ls /• liztl, Holland, Liver ! pout ; (iulumbta, Sp/ogett, B v induct ; | Ben; Thomas, lJexler, jV. Tori ; Schr | Hope Strug ue, ‘Jamaica y Nancy, Re ve, I Cbariejlort; Sleep i\t.ncy, /.Ab ate, Beau Jod ; Maty, ho taler, s. Tori. RUM. 30 puncheons high q-h proof RUM, landing Iroin brig Jarnef, L. Maffiy, from Jamaica, and for falc by ANDREW KNOX. B. Gibbens’ iv’aurf. February 11 irn 4 7 NOTICK, THE debtors of J/hn Davieg, are | hereby notifhd to come forward and fettle their acc< untt., whether on note orotherwife, on or before the 15’h day of March next, otherwise the iubfcriber will be obliged to commence suit. Joum D. Lewes. Feb. 11, 47 J Atlmney. SM..LL RICF. and RICE fl /Ud. THfe fubl n r 1 has for file bv the* li , g l- b ,rr , S all U.. c*, wi ch ii |j rltfhy fn.-m Cu t and Gravel, trio Ri c h 1 vino br n tin thrd on api ink do K aLsO, Rue-Hour ti-Jh riom rhtr Mil , w itch iic will led in Cju ut it cs ut 4 bulii is and ipwai'iLs —at 25 < cn s pci biiftidl. John r*. \> i!Liam on. F-b. 1 1 4t. 47 iC~F v *ai Gcurii tin-ri ,ta lie very gentetly ai cnmined ted as b -laler-, aid have U-p irate r. oms, if u q .iri .:, b a; | lii. gai Mr. FaLl.'.i wlme burnt.ll4, .pp die the B .p ill church; l’ e I* ! 1 . hit. ! ii lilKti eif 6’ 11 all 1 liis, Or o/CiT of them nthiy yam f me i:P or nu • tio.i bnhij tj tfjar inlet Jl by oppyi g to JtjOt o Jt J* l>uh"te ! i HK SUILU KIIJKK. I R S'QU! STS all pi rfuns indebted to jhint by notes or open acci uuis, to fettle yhc lame on or b. fore the doth o Fe bruary next. I’nole whole arcon ts have been of ltuiir flaneling, atid not p..ia by that tun , will be- put into the ham sol an ;.t ornry for colle£t oil :as ,110 longer indu'.gehice .au pulfibiy be gi veu. * j li.! Has jtr RtcnviD. By thtjhip I.OVisUN.t, from \etlt Tori) a large J spy of Jr, jh H ’ IKj .1 a 1 /1 1 E", which 111. k s his rfl'irtment at pretent very con,p.ete, and extci li /t ; and wi ! I be leild by IVhokpd: or Keiai!, at a f.n.ill a. vaite uu colt ior Co/b, or his ulual ! c.cdtt lo punitiial* CJcoi ilein al Dec. 4 t Fy. i(y. TU r An i. Till'. HOUSE K LOT near Ur njfhtA Street, f .rmcrly teeupicd by Edn.oi.4 bacon lvsqr. apply lo KoetSc Davies. Anri ice. I UK 1 Ult e K Uif.R has ar> Mn eJ C ai Its', c q ,t os, .honey ior et c eTt e of ilton e j.anc* e*te , ce la e of Nlcw-Purt. alpel ns i elc ted t i ::ut ell.i c b li id, n or ip 11 •Ctoll Mac r •|u.-t : erj to pay and lei lc v. in /lie I. id atti rney, sis in . bit) • ti dy iteuJ’.jry that th c i rert.s -f uiateflute b Ipcrd y r.r u;/(n u> a dole. JOHN CO'JRIR, ExV, THE debts ol.c > tie efb'e of I Do na , L.-o h -Iti r “ei : g placed m ■ y iiantL t 1 awllaou n, I am ready • letJe with the de /.>.s, pei| ms nun ind bt J It g Citi g to 4iva J lfftnfelves t f tt.ii ncttcc bes ire the 2 Jill, day <d February ivxt, will tie omediately Ii n-aber uni; a nrr -r • W.iirh Wi.l .MDJ Cl I M 1 N/.TE t T • !c: plac; <w og t> /ic net elli / ere is ot cot'edti. the and hrs ot tut date or tiling even y tii tgwiicc n rhe eeuvt yot it jar tiem uu s. In- u - core v/i 1 b: alioaed to th f; woes ■ult .him a payne its tcf ;rfl ths ex n. atiOit oi t.f a:,Ov t rc. ut aRLus h Fav, [an r 8 t U j ivoll us i\ evv ut and. RAN A WAY al> ur 4 m-'ntlis lirce. A i.n;n i..u nun id Hl.’i'l'.lt, btl ,14 ng t* the i liaieeit George Haul dt-c’tl. lie- is a valnu. blc carpenter, and well known lor nmii 1 years 111 tii m city. iic- mull and il 111. adt it, and ariiului.d when q'leili’ iit-d eltdely, he Itam meiu much, lot! 1 at. wilt he paid on hi*, deliver/u, the Sublcrioer, or to •ie Goa er f tills Cll/, inti f .rty (lollau 111 addition 11 on proof of uis being harlmurcd *y a win e peri’ou. J. M ACIIIN, Eao'r to Eltaiv, Gcenvt Haiti ‘5 14 so kc niT ‘ S 1 OKE'. N s -y and 10, in ihe Exchange. For terms apply at my Office. 1 hos. Fur, Scc’ry. Nov. ij if ,4 ton SALL, J C pile 1 trad of 7.01 1 2 acre ’ of / n J in the j</j diflriH 0 /ia divin cuny. For pn iculuri enquire of the printert oj this paper. J' n - 7 if 3 7 iN U I 1 1. 1 . ‘"'l' 1 HE Suhfcrilier intending to be absent f X home months has appointed the Hon. E l ward Trifair, Chants C t.Cir.f lellr atrl John 1. aw fori, Esq’rs his att< rneys, who will,adl any bulineishis, during hisabfence. Mathliew iVi'/vililtcr. ♦ f Od L KnFL K, W-ti. eel. A man of llt-a ‘y habits aid accullorred t the management cl negroes. It he brings fi r - and telttmoruals, ol In. honetty, J, dallr/ end Sobriety he will meet with proper eu ouragemeat by applying to Y\ in. Mein. N T NO 11 CF. ALL nv having demands jgaii.ft the fate ultab illimentot'Lyoii £e M rfe,orof -he ell ue of Samuel .MrlV lata of ibis city, tie cealed, are delijed to rentier them to tne tub. fcriberproperly attdled, and those who ate indebted wi Ido aiervicc to the widow and childrenoffaidMo/le by making Ipeedy pay. merit. Curt : s Bolton, Adin r. cn laid Aiorfcs illate Ncv. 1 b ax .