Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, February 25, 1806, Image 3

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nsi-nd the rtfobition, ta a- so jrxter.d : * j to “ ririt::h dependencies,” gen railv the Hoafe divided—Ayes 43 —Nets *7- Mr. K'uhJfin fugr’eftcd the pfopir ety o* sdding the following words to the refutation, in which the mover acqui •feing, they were incorporated into it And also a statement (hewing in de tail the quantity and value of the like articles of import brought into the Uni ted S atrs from other nations refpedfive ly, with the rate and amount of the duty thereon. W lien the refutation, thus modified, was agreed to without a divilion. Mr. Ci o'wninJLulJ then moved the following resolution• Hr faiu, in iub tta&ice it was the fame with the amend ment which he had proposed to th * re folut.on of the gentlemen from Virgi nia. Refo’vrd, That the fee ret al7 of the Treat dry be directed to lay before this fcnufr, a statement of the amount of the x torts and imports to and from the Bri ti!h dependencies other than thole of America for the lad two yea's. This refutation was iikewile agreed to without a divifisn. On motion of Mr, Stanfor I the house retalvcd i tie If into a committee of the whole on the bill altering ihr time for holding the Circuit court for the diltjid v/i North Carolina, After the blanks were filled, Mt. Ma on •. ff red anew feitioa tor increaGng the Diary of the ciftndi judge of North Carolina horn 1,50610 2,000 dollars. After debate, this motion was loft by a great majority, as were other motions, fncceffively made, to allow a faiary of jSoc, 1700, and 1600 dollars. ‘i .e committee role-, and reported the bill, and the house ordered it to a third reading to morrow. Tuesday, Feb. 4. The fpeake i.-io before the house a Utter horn the governor of Orleans, co wring a petition ram the regents of the n eve fry of that territory, praying a oonas ion of lands. Referred to a committee on the public lands. Mr. Gregg called for the order of the day on a refutation offered by him to repeal lo much of an aCt a auU.orifts trie appropriation of lands to ilia Y;.z>o Mr. Smiiit moved to pof'pone the con fideratiou of I,i relolutiou to Monday week, that in the mean time the rational butiiiefs might be tranfafifed, undilturbed by the irritation which this fur.j .ct gene rally gave rile to. Mr. Alston deilarcd himfelf in favor of a compromil'e by cctrimiffioners. If this course should be difegrecd to,’ he would have no objection to agree to the refutation offered Ly tue gentleman from I’ehnfylvania ;r.r Gregg trailed the motion for pofl pom-ment would not prevail. The refu tation bad beta tabulated very early in the feftton. The mover had waved call jig ii up to this day that the national bufmefs might be firit attended to In th i'& hull ncisthe house had progreftad to a point, at which it appeared convenient to take up the refutation. Information h.-.d been required, which would not pro bably be received for fume Cays. In th. interim a decilion rnUht be had on tin refutation. The fulj cl had been so long before the houle, and had been so fully difeuff'd, that there did not appear to be occasion for much debate, nor did lie think the irritation alluded to by his colleague, wouid take place He hoped, ii the )utj..Cl was entered upon, the dil tufiion would be conducted with that prudence and temper that were ifLntial to the discovery of truth. The motion was agreed to—ayes 65. ‘■NBfzasnarai ; but—nw iif<——am— THE SUBSCRIBERS. WISHING to liireA their attention to wards the cdUeAion ami h-tilement of debts due to them. Give noiiec that, on the 3 1 it day of December next, they- will decline the J etai bulincl’s on credit ; They Uefire there fore that all thole ltideb-ed to them, or to Robert St John Bolton, will immediately make payment or otherwise fettle to their iatiS- I'aftion. From the ffore crlle&ion made these two veam pall, the debts 10 them have pccumuil-, *4 and beyond their wish ; and they are fi.fficienUv aware t hai hnfinels conducted on fuen a footing cannot f’upport life If. Curtis Bolton, 6c Cos. Their remaining stock on hand which is ot in'ended to be increaled, will be fold by ■wholesale or retail, on ealy terms for caih, produce, or town notes. Nov, 27 tf 70 LEASE For a Term ot Years. Lets No. 13 and 14 in Warren Ward fi'iuateJ near tr.e Bay and adjoining a lot itdonging to the etlaU of tl Linibriclge, at f'efev.t, occupied by Mr. fumes Mclntrjfb Mid Mr. Wm. Green Teacher — one of them s. corner let on aj'quare and fronting the new market. For terms apfjy to WILLI AMI PARKER. January 3 ts 36. 1 O LET, An/i immediate possession given, UNTIL rue hilt day of January r-xf, t e corive i-n/ LUM hrd. Yard and COUNTInG HOUiE, known by the name of Mr. jmn Pooler’s Ship Yard, ihe fitua’ non an I convenience of tbi s yard is t o weil known to require a fur/her c.fcription. for particulars, enquire r f [oho Pooler, Kfq. Mrll s. Bcgg’ .and Groves, or JOHN MEAD. Ksoruary 4 i ot 45 R Eil’Uß LIC A N. ■S.-. VANN AH, LbiU:uv 25, ißc6. KIS F.xre” cy Governor MILI-E DGE left thi3 pla.e, for l.ouifville, 011 Saturday I alt. James Simms, efq. of Columbia countv, is a c-.nd.Jate at the eufiung Congrefli onal elec tion. Farmer’s Gazette. B- Capt. Telford, of the brig Thetis, from Teller fte, which place he left the 25th December, we are informed that no intelli gence had been received there of the capture of die Cork rit e- by the Rochefort squadron. On the 3d Dec. capt T. on his outward pat fage, inlat. 28, 35,10ng 20, was hoarded by a Hritilh frig t-e, belonging to a flettt of live fail of the line, and two frigates (then in fight) in purfint of the Rochefort squadron. The capo ■ t the frigate informed, that Ad miral Sterhhg, with five fail of the line, was eroding off the YVeltern lllands, for the fame fieet. [N. York paper.] Captain Crowell, of the brig Washington, spoke on the soih January, 111 lat. 37 2a. long 75. 57 the ship Alexander, (of Bath) out .-.5 days from B rndeaux, fr New-York. News may be expected by the above (hip. N. Y. I‘ams. Private letters from Washington, state that a Law founded on the resolutions of Mr. Gregg, will pass, with fame modifications .... The modifications, we understand, will be (uch. as to give time for another attempt on the part of ur government to effeft a fettle ment ‘of differences by negociation, bet.ire the law goes into operation. [Norfolk Ledger.] Captain Cook, of the brig ludullry, wh 1 arrived on the 16th lnltani, in S7 days from Marleilles, informs, that the day before he left that citv, accounts were received from the grand army ot France, giving details of the aft 1 in called that of the three Emperors, which Rated, that‘*.ie French were complete - ly victorious. He brought no newspapers.... Capt. Cook adds, that this was the current news of the day, and that full credit was given to it. [Charlellon paper.] A letter received vellerday from WYniing. ten, n. c. bring;, the difagreeahleintelligence that a Very confiderubie part of that town was contained by fire, on the morning of the 1 ith infl. It begun about a o’clock in the morning, and, notwtthlUnding cveiy exer tion of the inhabitants was not got under mril i o’c'ock. By this accident upwards of fifty houses, the mall valua le in the town, and thole in which ihe principcl (lores were kept, were deilroyed, with a great part of their contents. [ -liar. Ciiy Gaz ] The following is the number of Africans imported the opening of the port, ac cording to tiie reports made at Fort John son : In the year 1804, 57^4 18:5, - - 67 ■ > To the 16th Feb. 1806, - i(>q6 Total 14,18, Several vessels with negroes came up to thecity in diitrefs, without being repovte., which are not included in the above. ii. f xiroff of a letter rom IVeJhington, dated the (sih infant, received by iajl night’s mail “ A refoiution was this day brought for ward by Mr. Clay, and referred to a com motee of 1 ii* whVlt, prohibiting the exporta tion of ail produfts, in our own or any other vefltl, to -the colonies or dominions not per inantnt'y opened to us by law ; which, pro bably, will comprile aiithe projects relative tr ourmifiimlerf.aiiding with Great Britain, that will be made this feflion. “ r l hus, you fee, a wide field of argument is opened to us, I am dilpofed to think, that all will end in a requell that anew ne gociaticn be opened with the c urt of St. James’s, to lay before it the rights the citi osens of the United States are determined to maintain.” (lid) We have been favored with extra£l3 from feua! letters received from Detroit dated a* late as the 13th December. The alarm of an attack (rom the Indian* Lad entirely subsided. A ft. w evenings previous to the 13th December, fome Britilh officers with arms forcibly entered a house in Detroit and ftiaed a deserter from them. The people of the town interfered, refeued the de serter, shot one of British officer* in the leg and coufic'erably injured the other.— Both these officers, with other persons qoncerntd in the affray, are rccoginxcd Ui appear at the- erifmng court to answer for this attrofcious breach of the peace. v (National Intelligencer.) Fiauhort, (K) fan. 16. of a letter from a correspondent at St. Vincennes, to the Editor, dated Dec. XI, 1805, “ We have nothing worth communi cating except that young Mr. Wilkiufon (who went up the M (luuii, a* the public have been tame time fincc informed) has just returned to S:. Louis,on account of i a quarrel with tame Indians, who killed one of his (Wikinfon’s) party; upon which the party killed one of thelndiaus.” Bioce ti e foregoing was received the Editor has conversed with a gentleman immediately from St Louis, who inform ed him that the objedt of lieut. Wilkiu fon’B j >urney up the Miffruri, was to eftablilh a tart at the mouth of the river Platte ; and that the party wa, fired upon about 3CO miles up to Miftauri. It was tafpcCted that fcvwalSpaniards were with the Indians, as tame white men were dll covered. No information of any attack having been made on Major Lewis’ party had reached St. Louis, at the time our informant left it; and he apprehends the report must have originated from the attack upon lieut. Wilkiufon. Ralegh, (N C.) Feb. 10. “Paired :S,rough Morganton and Ass ville in his Rat-, ia November tail from Svutii C* ‘■l'hna, on their way to the western cnuntrv, 1 a father, mother and twenry-Mur foils, all in good health. What is very extraordinary, hut no let's true, is, that hev were all horn at iiie births; twelve a, three births and twelve at fix births. Toths honor of the gentlemen f M"rganion, we are tckltkat a fubfeription was made up, and ihe 24 lons clothed in uni form; the eldelt not more than 17, ai.J the youngeli not nioie than 6 years old. It was laid that the government of the United States had made the m a donation of one hundred acres each ; and that they were then on ilieir way to enjoy it. The correifinefs of the lat - ter we doubt, as we have seen no ad of ceu- I grels making l'uch a grant. j MELANCHOLY—The following ac count of a molt dillrefllug accident, is ex traded fiom a letter written by a gentleman rehdent at Marccllus, dated January 18, 1806. “ Lafl night about i* o’clock, the house of Mr Fowler, an inhabitant of this place was contained by fiie. Mr. F. was not at home. His wife, who was alleep, dal not awake until it was too late to cxtinguilh the fire, or lave the live* of her children. Four children, the eldell lix years old, and the youngelt two months, perithed in the llamcs. Mrs. Fowler is so burnt, as not to he able to attend to any business at prelent. Thus have two fond parents, as it were in a moment, been deprived of all their chi dren. In this aw ful event, we fee the uncertainty of alt earthly things, that there is nothn g liable, nothing abiding hrnrath the fun. This pro vidence ipeakeg a language intel igihle to the lowed capacity li fays to us all—“ Be ye also ready for in such an hour as ye think not of the foil of man cometh.” [Utica Patriot.] Chari.vs 1 ov, February 22. Extrad of a tetter from Washington, dated the 71 h it ft. “ Government has received dispatches from Mr. Monhoe, dated 26th November which Rate that the day before he received a note front Lord Mvlcrave, in anlwer to two of his, wilt,ch accedes to an examina tion of the differences with us. ‘fhus our profpeißs ate brightntng in that quarter. A vessel has arrived at Baltimore from Bremen, Ihe left that on the 2qth December, but hr tight no paueiS or letters later than the s’h, the accounts (lie brings are very favora ble to the French armies—die emperor of France was at Brunn in Bohemia, on the 23d November. On that day alfi, the archduke Charles’s army was defeated near Goriazia, and loft eight hundred men prisoners, seven hundred hi ties, twelve pieces of camion, fix cotars and 011 c Randard. Extrtl [a letter frem a refpeclaiU heufe in Nru- Y olk, dated t'eiiuury 6, received by laji night’s nail. “ Bona parte has made a separate Peack with Austria, at an expenle to the latter of 48 millions ot livrts.” Married, on the 22d inst by the rev, Mr. BMi, y hr. D Letvcs, efq. attorney at law, to Mtf* Catherine 11. Scott, both of this ci’ y. day lift, fames Bird, elq. to Mifa Sarah Smith. Port cf Savannah. Arxivid, Ship Rufus, Paul, Mar tinique— Charlotte, Ilorton, St. Croix Brig Verms, Barrette. Fob.go — Ceres, Worth , Ntuv-Yorh — Schr. Safin, Allen, Charlejlon—Edits ird, Goodman , do I.uley, Stout, Jamaica. Cleared, Ship Ocean, Ingersoll, Cowes & a Market—Brig CleobJlra, Hoadley, Netts-Yotk — Economy, Smith, A exandrit — Schr. Commerce, Rhodes, do. — Almira, Edwards, N. York—Roly Wije, IVtJI Indies. LANDING, From on hoard the schooner Industry, capt. Brown, from Charleflon, 54 TIEKCEs Ci ooked tfland nAL I , Os an excel ent quality, for sale by Jobti T. IVhue & Fo. February 25, 1803. [ic ] FOR SALK, // applied for within eight days, ‘IHE BRIG cE R K /ft Hardens Wharf. She wis bu )t in <hc Ci'y ot Nr,W YQ:'fC, by Samu I Acktay, of LIVE O *K. and CEDAR, under the in f tdtioo of fer firft owner, and m lended for a PACKET. She is ffau ch, found and well found, and wi.l b- fold reasonable. For terms, apply to MILLER ii MOORHEAD. Februiry 75. jt Si For St. AUGUS'I INK, j l' e Schooner ED VV AMD, Vx.s •wS'iSVn C Goodman, mailer, will poli- Vfk.jfjlaJp' tively fail in the course of the week. For freight or palfage, apply on board, at Bolton’s wharf, to the mas ter, or at Mrs. bears’s, to WILLIAM LADD. February 15 2t 51 NOTICE, THE debtors of Julia Davies, are hereby notified to come forward and fettle their accounts, whether on note or otherwise, on or before the 15th dzy of March next, otherwise the l.ibfcnbcr will be obliged to commence fait. John J). Lewes. Feb. 11. 47-J Attorney THE SUBSCRIBER, OFFERS for falc foe cash, or baiter for Negrcrs, three houses and loti in the village of St. Gau l , one waich was formerly occupied by S.’c pben tiiount. la tc of this <iry, drc. tne o her /wo adjo-ning. For particulars apply to Mr. Jonathan Clme, in 74 vannah, or in Waynefborcugh to Stephen Blount. Jan. *4, act. 4 Ct M<icflial*s Sales. YV7 ILLBE SOLD on Tues- W t-Ly the firft tk.y of A pril next, at the CoiMt-houle in Savannah, between the hours of trn and three o’clock, the fol lowing Propenv, taken in Exe cution as the property of Smith, •'ors & Anderson, at the fuicof Thomas & James Swords : Untxpirrd L.e. fc <f LOP No, j, Heathcoare Tyihing Decker Ward, Savannah, with ihe buildings ana improvements thereon. ALSO, The Buildings and unexpired Leale of Lot No. 9, Carpenter Tything, Decker Ward. ALSO, One 50 acre Lot on the Thun derbolt road, rhree miles horti Savannah, with the Buildings improvements thereon. ALSO, The NEGROES, Molly, Charlotte, Lazett, Hazen and Billy. B. WALL, m. and, o. February 24 r, 1 Sheriff s Sales. Will be Sold dt ibe Court-buusc in Savannah, on Lues lay the jirjl April next, between the hours cf ten ana two 0 itvck , ALL thole TWO WHARF LO FS ac New Dirpilord or Five Fathom Hole, known by l umbers one and two, con taining each 100 feet in Iront anti jyo feet back, with Buildings, TKurc Houles and Improvements thereon, winch property hath bten duly loieclcfed, and is Ibid to fans y a mortgage Iron John S. DeMontmollm to Pacr Cai onnet. T. ROBERTSON, s.c.c. February 2j. 51 A L a Superior Court began and held at S. vannah, in t c County of Chatham, for the/erin ot January, 1806 ; the following perfaas bem returned, fummored as Juiors at she prelcnt term, made deiault. GRAND JURORS. Jr,hn MCntofh, J. I". Lawrence, Edward Swabrick, Lewis Cu/hoert, Edward Et bbms, David Juhnfton, George Aiidertan, Tnomas Newell. PE FIT JURORS. Hei'ry Hover, Michael Denfler, Isaac Frank*, Jo n Bower, John Williams, James Bux, I homas Ki k, A. Spencer, Jdie Fountain, John N. I he Ll'owing persons who made default in the term of Apiil lafl,and wh i did make exculcs, ate notified /ha: luch excuses as were made by them are tnifplaced—they an., there fore ordered, in thirty days fr in this date, to fhc w good and fuffieient cause of excuta, to be made on oa/11 before any jufticc of the peace, and filed in the Cieik’s Office of thii C< urt. GRAND JURORS. Edward Lloyd, Nathaniel Adams, jun’r. Nichol Turnbull. John Br. nard, William C. Campbell, Solo mon Shadd, Thomas M. Wood biidge, T homas R. Box, Richard Wayne, John Bolton, William Lay. lor, John J.ckfon, Wi liam Barnard. Pc. I I L JURORS. Richard Bralcy, George Enoc, Lewis Cooper, G. H. Burmug h, Jacob Idler, |ohn Wi!liam>, Thomas Pitt, Thomas Nottage. Ii is ordered, I'nat the fajd dc faulting Grand Jurors be fined foi ty dollars each ; and the fa and defaulting Petit Jurors twenty dollar, each, un less they do feveraily shew good and fuffieient cauls, 10 be made on oatn before any jufficr r.f he peace, and filed in the clerk’s ofii e of this court wi/nin thirty days. Exlradl from the minute? 22d February, 1806. [Si] __ J. BUI.LOCH, Clerk. T O LET, THE WHARF AND STORES TOOKMEKI.Y oc upi-.-d by Mtfrs. VVillbn 1- & Knox, and at prel'ent by ,Vlr. Andrew Knox. I hei [rroduiffive and convenient li tuafion is lo v. el! known, ax to require ne lurtker explanation. For tenns enquire ol R. Wa) lie. November 1 ; o LOR SALK, J Capital traft of 202 1 -2 acres of land jin the stb dijlnd of Baldwin county. E'er \ particulars enquire of Use printers of ibis paper. 7 ,n ■ 7 ‘ft J 7 NO i ict., AI.L Persons having any demands againii eitate of John *iii .f-riL.t , dcc*i-aied, are reque(ie<i to lend them m y auev and thole wl.j lie ment to J oseph H a ain. Admn.jlraht. January f ts 1,4 AUCTION LI]IH DAT the 1 <jth inst. at 10 o'clock IVILL BE SOLD be fore try Authon Store, WITHOUT RESERVE, 50 pieces German Oztnburgj 200 do. do. Roils For the benefit of the Ued'i wri ters ii all car.ce: ntd. AI.SO, 5 Hhds. Jamaica Rum 10 do. Windward Ifl.ind do. 20 Bairds bottled porter 100 boxes Smouked Herring 30 kegs butter 20 boxes chocolate 6 half barrels in ini; Me ft B. es 20 bags Coffee 2 cl'cils Hylon Tea 4 rfo. young Hylon do. 6 chi Its Souchor !• do. v- > 6 bands Cordials 6 do, Mulcovado Sugars 10 SJO. Hour. LIKEWISE, 30 pieces cloths aHjj ted qual ities 20 an d Flannels and Baizes 40 do. Brown Linens 50 do. Iriih do. 30 do. Brown do, 20 do. Platiilas 6 dozen coatle Hats 10 do. Kijmarnack Caps 14 pieces duffil Blankets, 30 do. Rose d<>. 1 bale I Innnhonris >0 toilet looking-; hisses 5° pieces C'o/deti Dimity Pieces MulLn, Marfcilles to. ■ . (sfc. t ONDITIONS, CASH. S fl. SLACK HOUSE, Auctioneer-. I O l* i\ i . STORMSNd.s 1 and t , in tin; For terms *%pj:!y it my Oilice. i I ids. l J iit, Sec’ry. Nov. *iy tl. For Sale. Fnrtvi inr I'riitc Country Do?n Ni.-gna For terms appl 10 JOSEI’H HABEItSUAM. Jinn ry >7 ts (ffj* heveial Gen lernen tan be very genteely accommodated as boarders, arid have separate rooms, if required, by sp nlying at Mr. FsT.L’s white building, uppa file the B apt ill church. Feb 11. 61. 47 Injurance against Fire. rpK PHOENIX ASSURANCE COMPANY a* London, laving appointed and coi'ftitutcd tfc (tibfuiljcrs, their agciitk, rdiding at Savannah, they hc|> leave to iiiti/rm the mhafjitauts (if Georgia, that they are ready to receive or Jos to INSURE AGAINST FILE all nlks comprilcd i.i the printed propo fata id tlie fanl company, and according to the rale of premium theicin ftipillnted. The printed pr polals will bedilivcr ed lu any, who m.ty apply or fend by mail, or .otherwise, to p. itani reli* ding in ttie rouiili y. It is requefteil of pettaun dtfirous to communicate with the agents fiy mai!, that they pay the pottage ol their letters. Kobe. &z [no. Bolton, Sav. Feb, t - lawiW. 4>_> PUBLIC NUi IgET XaUBLIC Nc/ico .x hcieii)i given, I that at the expiration of sixty jys (■ om /his date, ro wi/, on the irgh day of April nex r , V\ I!.L ha Sold) at PUBLIC AUC f ION, at the Court-houlc in this Cuy, bc weeii the* fmurs of to ai,ci 2 o’c.i k, ALL tbut LO T of LAN D in Carpenter's R>.w, containing _jb (cct in iron/ and 150 feet deep ; be* j ;.g the ica) tliaic of Ataph i*, fold by order of the infciior Court, ‘or ihe benefi/ of the heirs and crcdi 'Ors. ASA HOXEY, Adm’tor. Savannah, Feb. ifi law 50 • St. SIMONS, ift Jan. 1806. r_ HE fubferibers bav- agreed to X difioive the copaTneHh p of Hamilton & cgupek from this (fate. Ihe book? and papers a<e placed with James Hamiltun for the pur pole ol collecting the drb.a, at J adjulling the, rhe too? cent. JAMES HAMILTON. JOHN COLTER. law.jw. N j 1 iCK. IS hereby given, h.i - a.'/ei the ex p rafi.-n ot nine n.on.lis : r .?iii C.\c J.;* ticrc'-f. applirati -n wdit'c mail. - /;> die honorable fhc lntain r ti j.t tor me cuuii/y 01 Cam en, for leave >o 1.-ll tne : cal efta/c of J unes \, ;.t tbc laid Coui./v dec. lot tile bet.c rit ot the heirs ,?nd creoitcrs. ‘1 KOMASS KING, > , AitCH’D. CL \ Aujuft *7, tvoi.