Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, February 28, 1806, Image 3

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ITi-ri’ “, rd\ -iCcTi T. “-Lrcd, 214 their I'fTi ra grossly abuhu ; and t. particular the fh'p, lttlutui:;s to Charlcfton, capt. M Clure, bound to Monttvidn, was boarded in the Rio de la Plata, within thirty hours fail of this port, by a London privateer, captain Fargufon, a: and coilipdicd to follow iiitn in his cruifc up and down ttie river for eighteen days, nearly ait his men capa ble, and coniuicrabte other property ta ken from him, when his fh’p was again delivered up, and thirty or forty Span iards the privateer had taken on tier crutfe put on board. Mr. i)e Forctl further fays, “That the Portugutfc in those seas receive no better treatment than the Americans— ’That many of their ccafting vefl’eis have been plunciercd on the coals of Brazil ; end that one of the EngHth privateers had infolence to go into the unfoiti ficd port of I ilia Grande, and take pos feflion of two Spanifu merchantmen, / which were there at anchor, and finding them dellitute of fails and rudders, fu-t oh fuore to the governor, requeuing him to fend them on board as foow as poiSblc, but tf.e governor declining it till la should receive orders from the viceroy at Rio Janeiro. The captain of the pit vatcer infltad of a second requell, feut a pefitive order for the governor to feud oil ihe f. iis and rudder of the two Span iflt fit ps (his pr;z s) within one hoin, or he would not only let the to them, but blow he town about bis cars It had no tff.ct upon the governor, but tic a gents of the ihips were In'much alarmed an to give the privateer 20,000 dollars not to injure them.” L-raxt... skits*-.,v*. neu*sta!i®a Georgia, Liberty, Superior (.curt, March Turn, 1805, On the petition of John bo! ton, executor of R ,bert Bolton, piaying the foreciolu;e of the e cjtiity of redemption o f ali cha: lot of land fituaif in the town of Sunbury, conra-i sing f vm r y feet front, and one hundred and thir ty feet deep, known in the ori ginal plan by the number irveri ty-eight (78) which I, lot o! .and, with the improvement, thereon, was mortgaged on the twentieth day of June, one thoui and seven hundred and ninety dive, by William Hunter Tor rans to the said Robert Bolton, for securing the payment of the ! jm of forty-two pounds iierlirng equal in value to one hunded and eighty dollars; with interfelt thereon, due upon a certain bond or obligation from the fa id Wil liam to the said Robert bearing even date with the said rnort gage, it is ordered, That the princi pal, interest and coii due on the i tid bond be paid into court with in twelve months from this rim and unless the principal, imerefi and coil be so paid the equity of redemption of the fair] mortga ged premiflfes iball from thenct 1 rrih be foreclofed, and l’uch other proceedings tai,e place the iaw directs. And it is further ordered , Thar a copy of this rule be publifhcd in one of the Public Gazettes o; this Itatc at least once in every month until the time appointee for payment, or l'erved on the mortgagee, at least fix months previous to such time of pay ment. Extratt from the Minutes, This 26th March 1805. A. Forest elk. c. s. c. l. c March 2 8 lam I2t 6 s GEORGIA, 1 B 7 Jfaac Crews L. S. > ele r k of the Court of Isaac Crews, J Ordinary , for the Court y oj Camden , and Sta e ajuref ud. ! VV n: J hn i< .is applies for'eners ol Adinin.ltra/u n on /he titoe und ass cts of Peer Klnmhf, Lte of /tie (ow . of St. Mary’s, maa ner detested, as principal creditor. thereso r e to me and aJ,:ion ith all and iinviilar /he kindred ad creditors of the deceased /o tile /heir objections (if any they fcavej in nr, 1 Aice, on or net ire /ne tmrd .Vl jr.dui in March nex/, o'.herwi e le//eis 01 Adininiiti a/,on will dc gran/cd. Given under my hand and lea] /his 14th day of January, ißr.6, and 1 / .eihiructh year of American In dependence. J jn - 3 1 - 44 Nrr-CE. •IS hereby given, / hat after the ex piration of nine mon hs from /he da/; hereof, applicati n will be made/o/hr honoraole /he Inferior Ccur/ for tht Counfv of Cam en, tor leave to fd tic ici elf a/e of J.mci \ nicer/, j A ,t Cl tie hud Coun/v dec. fur the ben ht of toe neus*nd creoiiors. THoatA.s ::ing, > ARCH’D. CLARK, $ AJmV - AugMi J 7i isoj. v E P UB LIC A /V. * VH * Fe£,UARV 28, iSco. Bv Capt. Bennett, of the schooner Agenoria, in ij days from Baltimore, we have been favored with papers ot that place to the 15th, inclusive, from which we have made fcveral extracts. We understand by a gentleman, paff.-nger in the Agenona, who left Wafhiugton City on the 15th inst. that it had been recommended to the Prefidcnt, by the Senate of the Unit'd States, to dispatch an EmbaiTy to G eat-Britain to fettle the existing differences between the two gov ernments. An ixtratl cf a letter from Waffling ton, dated the S:h Feb. received at N. York, says— “ The Iti l Hornet it ordered for Eng~ lend; it is s.vd Dent is to have the com* *njti l; i-'Uj, 7 ip. Mortis and Maclean go in her ; Ttlari -ejjicer, lieut Cox. The cuite .t report is, that Air. Burr goes to hrglar das J.r.voy t xtsnordinary. Tie fr igate Bo ton was susveyedyesterday etu ! condemned, nr vrfit jor service . ” Bai.titore, Feb. 10. Arrived, fliip Commerce, cap-. J. Adams, 3a days IV, m St. Übes —fall anil fruit—J A-. clan s, w r. Mr. Adams brings difpsiclie to g vernmi-’.it f m Mr. Bcwdin, our Mini;” er h .itsdud, which we-e put onboardaheui 30.i1 Dec: The report at Lilbrn and Sr. Li -es v.-;, that a ifcent engagement bad ta'.ea place along s he whi-le French line, which continued, with little micrmilii -p, for 8 and ■ -s, when a trcifi reinforcement to Jlona parte’s army decided the sale of the day, giving him a cotap c-te vulory. 40,002 Rtif bans laid down ill ir .arms and were lent h- me mi j;vole, ami an,ooo which attempted to i- rce their retreat, were cut ro pieces. An armitt'ce was the immediate —- j Such, lays Mr. Ada. lls was the report at Lif ■ b .>n on the’ of December. I No printed or written advise* of a polit-ca! I nature, except he difpavchi-s ro government, j have been received by the above arrival. if l avi lhe vd that the above neats j verbal, end■ merey rests uidn the sen cr foundation of retorts at Li.bon H r e he \ lieve it to le only the revival of the old j story fr om Br ‘boa, published some days since ‘from a Boston jape , if 50.000 Russians having capitulated to Blind Murat, ls'c.l In order tc place the above on a more refpcdtable footing,.,.to give it that credit to which we think it entitled, we ixtrztt from a Baltimore paper of the 15th itifta 1 , received by Captain Ben nett, the following paragraph ; “ By the late arrival* both to the north ward ami iVr.ithwu’ 1, as well as at tlilsp n, our Etir pean advice.- arc bri light down to ‘.ne ~111 a ly . f December. The iaielt v.e -re now i,l p iT.ff .1 of is the in t'jrniati nc rnmunicaU'd by Captain Ad-amt w 1* ■ irr.vcd lieve lull Saturday from J,db-0’ v pi ce he left on the ill of Janu uy... . He !>'.'• i;l s in the correflnefs of his diitai., which in fubftaflee is, that on the ! -li. of 1)< - c. he la--, at the Swi- hth confui’s ufii e 1 ITicial bulh sofa cantn ued aftn.n be tween the French and Rufli-ins, that lifted with fm ,!! hiiermiflt-m for eight da-,;, and te itm -iatell in the total difmemberm. nt ano and. ol the Ruffian army. He ftv ■b-i- he acc unts llaied po itivcly that ,jo 00 laid di wn their arms, afier stipulating al , u-iin .errupied retur-i to their own country and that to,eon attempt mg to force their wav thn tfte French army were cut in pic ceb.” ‘ 1 It appears, then, from the above, that this news does not rest merely upon the slender foundation of reports at Lisbon ; but that Captain Adams “ SAW ? .t t fic Swed:fh Consul’s Office the Official Bulletin*, &e.” Several letters from England, down to the middle ol lJe; cn lier icprefci t th uiarkct for American produce, us ex f . nie.y lew—Cotton, it was expected, w..t|ld be down to 14 1. Several con lijcrabie iailurcs had occurred at Man c 1 1 e it c r, ( Phil a pafet. j 1 lie rapidity with which the county of Baldwin is populating j# aftom/hing. Scarcely a day pafT.’s but what two or thiee families pass through this place. It is supposed, by persons who have recently been in that county, that at de next general ele&ion [Oaobt-r] it v. 1.1 rival in tlie number ot voters, the belt populated counties in the (late. CSpuria Gaxetle), Ave-y interfiling cause was lately determined in t'he Supreme Court of Pennfyivania. Patrick Lyon, a very ingenious mechanic of Philadelphia, was, in committed to, and con fined fiverai months in prifim, on fuipi cion of having been acceifary to the rob b> ry of th- back of Peunlylvania. While he was imprisoned, if we mifiakt not, besides the very g r eat injury he fus tained in his bufintb, his wife and chil dren were carried off by the fever. lii nnocence at length appearing, by the conviction Jf the perpetrator of the rob -i-rv, Mr. ‘Wyon was enlarged; when ne inilkutej an adion for damage* a gf.'nit the ba >k of P-t.fylvania. ‘Piir i-auie came or. the week before last, vra. argued fever a I days by the moft eminent aivyers in the ltate, and a verdict of twelve thou I and dollars damage was brought in by the Jury. (Late Northern Paper.) Fr ov the Augusta Chronicle Feb. 22. F.xtr cox letter to the editor of this pa per, fro n his correspondent and fri ed dated, Old Lead mines , dUflrstt of St. Genevieve, Territory rs Louis ana, Dec. 16, 1805. “ THE following articles of Intel. 1 have jnil uceived from St. Louis through an organ too tefpeftable to be doubted ; a few days tince, a par ty of Sac Indians killed two American traders up the Miffburi and fealped them, which is always a iign of war—they have also been to the little village of the O fagr Indian*and killed and carried off pi ifoners, ali the Indians found there, upwards ot five hundred Kickapoo and lhitawatame Indian* have been tor fome time encamped in the neighborhood of a fl uiiffinig iettlement cf Americans, ex ceeding one hundred families, called Go flier, fifteen mil > from St. Louie, caßern liJe of the M,flippi, St. Clear county, Indiana territory; these Indian* line committed cotifiderab’e depredations, bv burning up ahnoli entirely, their pk- ,ia tiiuiskilting ilnir flock, and taking t.Tir gi 1 -, Sfc. A cornier has been Jifpatchea to Governor Har ifon, with a lt.itcir..- it, of ill- holt c manner in ivh.ich tiiele Indi ui* l ave acted, upon wlucti the Gi vcmor difpttcl.ed a itiai 10 inform them ihat mI is * li,-y- ceyfed in their iictaru.iis ..oiidort <ll-1 dtparted immediately, hi mould compelicd to fcu.i hi* wind to diiperfe 1.-m, to wh’ch th y rcphen, that the land ( ne . ) wasihetrs: tna: they had never iolci it ; and that they iliu riot eaie how soon Governor liarrifon sent hia warriors. Eight or nine nays i.-iei 2 d;ng party u- 1. • ia'ns d-a.k-d fome A inericans at acorn i iifkmj in ih? Baba tu,a lettlement, -iiitnct o: cape Guar dean, kill j L-wn n-en on the spot, ai.el wounded fix n re ■ s rruilengi-r wao dis patched t- G v 1 nor Wi.k’nfon, who ou ered the .nititia to perfuc ii .11 itnme dia'.e y ; of whaf iiation the party was compofci, is unknown. “ h torn tin. li clans coiifiderab'e out ra cs aie to he -xpeefed .- iuine 1. j U cy are urged on by llie Freixh ; and 1 think it not toy problematical; for myfeh f Hr - aio-.c: with a iamiiy, ii,c ’ head of wt.ich is y sble to lire a gun. 1 hav-- coi iideta le increiiar.ihi •here, danger i, to b- apprehended ; til therto 1 n v-iieen unprepared lo receive these fell bait- ria ls ; his day I hav, sent in for a coupic us guns, and furnifh ed rnyCif vr 1:1 2CO lbs. of powder and j lead ; and ait- mount ng a swivel which 1 carries of a pound ; determined in | cate of an attack to hold out until fue jour can at rive from Mint a Burton, fc I veral miiis from this. In fabf the pre 1 lent lituation cf affairs here is dangerous, ’and fuiebodes considerable diltrefs. SENATE U SFATES. February 12, 1806. Mr. Smith of Maryland, fub initted the so owin t rdolution, which was read} and ordered to . e for kiftacr consideration- Resolved, i'll ,t from and after th". day of n x", it ‘ha 1 no- hr law ::1 to import i ; o the lj States, on board any oreign fn , any goo s, wat s or n ereh.. : ide, other than fuel. *s are ot .u g web, pi educe. 01 oatiufaccLt of he n*.tu)"t to vvhi> ii i.r'ii foteign sh j. sh li b ung,-ox ept on board the Ihips >.)f !o; ‘ign nations who ad l it ‘he irr portatit n into th lr P° : ts of goo s, produce, or ma nufaflure of the U 1 ted States, 10 the ships or vcflVj of the Uni ted States. Mr. Ad. ms, agreeably to no nce, yesterday allied and obtain 'd leave to present a bill, which imong other pri'vis ; ons authori es the H-.efi.ient of the IJ. S. in case ofbeing difrefpeftfully trea ted by any foreign ininiiler, to order him to withdraw from the feat of government or from the U. S. snd in case such rninlfter within days does not so wi hdraw, authorifing the Presi dent to cause him to be lent home. On Wednesday, the fen ate took up the report of the com mittee to whom was referred tiiat part of the President’s mefTage that relates to the aggrelfions of Br tain. Ihe firft resolution, wh'cli is us follows, was adopced nemvne contradicente. 1. Resolved , That the cap ture ad condemnarion, under he orders of the British govern oent, and adjudication of their courts of admiralty, of American veilels and their cargoes, on the ore.ext of their being employed hi a trade with the enemies of G. (Britain, prohibited in time of peace, 15 an unprovoked aggres- Hon upon the property of the ci tizens of tilde United States, a violation of the’r neutral rights, and an encroachment upon their national independence. On the second idol ution which is as follows : 2. Rofolvcd, That the Pres ident of the U. S. he requdted to demand and infill upon the relloiation of the property of ilieir citizens, cajitured and con demned on the pietext of its be ing employed in a trade with the enemies ’of Great Britain, piohihited in time of peace; and upon the indemification of Inch American citizens, for their los ses and damages sustained by tnele captures and condemna tions; and to enter into inch arrangements wuh the Britilh government, on this and all och er differences fubfiiimg between the two nations, ( md psarriculai ly reipedling the imprelf nenc of American lcameu,) as may be conliilent with cite honor and uicerelts of the U. S. and mam elt their earndl desire to obtain ” r themselves and their citizens hy amicable negotiation, that j rift ice to which they are entitled t- r —iome cor ver fit non arolr, relative to the details. To the principle contained in the rclb lucion, no oppoiition was made. he Senate adjourned at the u i nti hour without coming to any oeciffon. left er day, after fome debate on levcral amendments offered, none of which were agreed to, a debate commenced oil the re!o ur.on generally. Messrs. 1. Smith, S Smith, Anderson, Mitchell, Bayard, 6c VVorching on lpoke; when ilie Senate au j urned with ut coming to a de lfion. CM AHLESTON, Fc'a.24. By the fliip Two I‘ilies, we have re,a veil !•; lUu G. zetle* to the I4tli ii.n. ‘l‘itey con t.iiin thing ct coiileijuente excejiung tht Ml nving paragraph : Our Jamaica correspondent, uiuier date ol January 7, 1806, 4 o’clock, r m. lays, “Tin. dnp Jane, from Madeira a .and iiarhadnes, it iuk arrived and cutirn a the arrival ot ti J din T. Duckworth, at Baroad, cu wiihtiv fail of the line anil a frigate. £igh- Frcnm (hips of the line, (of the ilivilioii frinn Urelg had keen seen in lat. 1-7 n. long. 54 w. ami were momently exjieiteil at M.,riniiqne. Om force to windward is therefore 7 fan of ,ht line, with the Atlas and Nuruiumherland, t. full match for then;. Capt Eblert arrived on Saturday moruri’ failed from l.iiLon on the 17th j uniai v , but orings no news, of importance : Intelligence of the butt i-of l lie tin ce Em perors, in the beginning of December, li.m been received : both parties laid claim to tin victory. Wlien the news fmt reached l.if bon, the French celebrated the event by lead ing, &.c. A (horttime after a.packet arrived from England, when the across wererever ■ed ; and the Eng ilh in mru publicly rejoi ced at the triumphs of ihe allied powers. A lew days before captain Eiders failed, a licet ol 36 English merchantmen from O porto, under convoy of it men of war, left Lit oon ft r England. Eighteen fail of Swedes iett St. Übes the fame day, in order to lain protection of the convoy—but the next day he Swedes returned into jiort having seen leveral armed veflels, which they Gippufcd were Ficcli. Ii was reported at Lilbon, that the Engl (h merchant*.en were all laden. This ..gain was c-uitradiftetl ; but it w a:, ad ded, that another ts-et tbeMcdjce.rai.eau had certainly been cap; used. Married, on Thursday the 6:h inil. Mr. Nathaniel, aged 78 years, (after being three times married, and having 11 children", 4 ) grand children, and 10 great grand chil dren > to me amiable Mils k Tucker, aged ay years. Virginia jiaper. ‘ Hail Matrimony, li .il thou hapjnefl lip , What pleas urc has in an here without awii ■’ nr— r Port of Savannah, Arrived. Brig C nut on, Wheeler, New York Lovely ■ I.aft, Moure , do — Sehr. Columbia, ‘lhatcher, do. — Dover, Glavjton. Philadelphia. Cleared, Ship Rope, Bulloch, Amjlerdam — Bojlon, Fall, Liverpool — Rfig Cleopatra, Iloadley, New Jot L Mary, Smith, Barladoes — Ocean, Dan Up, IVeJI Indies—Sc hr. htpluu, ‘Jordan, Bay of Honduras — Sloop Audairiila, Get - re lx, Beaufort. Nassau, N. i‘. February 7. The schooner Fanny, capt. I.w.\ >, ( .ed m Bolton by Kbene/.er Nickei ; >n) out 23 days lrom Holton, nound to ih- Ii avail*, v.-a’ wrecked on Andros (Hand, on ike 24-0 u lt. Fart at her curg.- ( aiiic, ■*< . i, and I :Hi, and fome rigging, lad and a cable) have b r \ laved, and arrived here tins morning, with the captain and crew. ’I he veif.l total!, 1011. February it. The boats of his Majelt’> ftiip Franchil'c, capt. Dafliwood, wiih the Mi,, privateet, capt. Gihlon, have l’.nceedeJ incip'uririg got’ 13 is, in the Ba of Campeachy. ‘I he brig Her’ ult s, Uoyd, t ;nn Sierre Leone, (Alriea) tor ll <l‘.’ , ir. attcmpti > . make the Capes of Delaware, was blown , ■ •he coast, a-ti bore aw a- lor this Him .1— French privateer fell 111 *r,th her, bn- mv I,r tu,lately escaped by n, king Royal Ulan 1. , The g ver-ior t Sit r,. i.eouii (Day) tin and . f-w weeks hes .re the Hercules failed; an ‘ Ins lady took paliage in thisvelTel, to pr cec-.l from the k/mied .',,a e . to i.ondon. \l. Lay has tu.‘..n ps4Tgv 1,1 the Ca.’ I *’! 1, ft,, Crceiiuck. Seed rice. TT 1 *^p G.E a lew hutuh.-d bufhe’ tof , ba!d;l,ld White Seed MICE of ex celleiit quality, being the prodnof ot new groiiml from choice feed. Apple to Ebeiuztr Staik. February *S r ,, -sZ> Ltcri , A two lloi’v MOUSE in Green Ward, Green-fqutue. Frquire of Jamts Shari cr. February ;8 im 51 10 bF. scFTiT,” ON tbe 4th and. > of April next, at the Plantation < f I,ee Ulac';icll t in county of i>rY.r.i, 1 e lolL win;; property, Lc- to he elate cf Willi;.m Maxwell, jnn’r. dcccaicd, vi; Si: Nnjji e- . one Mciie, .1 lmall Stock ol Cuttle, and various arti cle: ol Houle hold Furniture. Cohduionsijinade known on the day effa'e. Sa:aa liUdkicli, Adm’rix and Esp Blackfrll, Adm'tor in right of his wife, February 28 2 ci T Y S11)U1E v\ s aUe7 ~ On the firJl Tuesday in April mx l, will he [old, at tie Court-bpul'i :rt the city of Savannah, h tween the bars cf 10 and 3 o'clock A ne:-,ru boy named Nar, levi ed on as the property of Thom as U. Charlton, eiq. to fatiafy a judgment in favor of Daniel Remihart. Pointed out by the Defendants. Also—-A negro girl named Mary, levied 1 n as the property of Mis Vollatton, to iaus fy William Lewden. Conditions C ifh. Jno. WILLIAMS, C. S. Feb. 28. ts. 52. POSTPONEMENT. iPc the Com>MU.< oners, appoin ‘ed bv ihe l.efislaiure to dispose of the VR ACTIONAL tU!<- FRTS of IFtik.nson, Baldwin and ll'ayne Counties, have for several reasons Postponed the Sate until the 1 6tb ’June next , at which time we will com-’ mence. WILKINSON, THOSE of the firft difirifk on the 16 h day of June next, md continue from day to day, <etweei) the hours ot ten and diree, (Sundays exceptedJ un til the 2 p.l inclusive. Thole of the 2. ‘ dillrift on rhs 24th cl ay of June, until the 27th ncluhve. Those of the 3 1 flifiritff on the t28r.11 day of June, until the Jad day of July inclusive. liiic of tiie 4 r h difiri-fl on *he 3d day of July until the jiti inclusive. Those of the sth diflriet c.n the Sih day of July until ths t ith inclusive. BALDWIN. Those of the xft difiridl oa the 12th day of July unci the 16th incluli ve. 1 hole of the 2d diflriT on the i/ih day of July until the 24 1 !i in tin five. i h -lb of the 3d tliflrict on the 25th day of July until the 2^ r .h inclusive. Those of the 4th diftribt on the jo:h day of July until the 4th day of Augull inclusive, Those of the sth diflriift on the s>h day of Augull until the 12th inclusive. WAYNE. Those of ihe ilt diftrifl on the 13th day of August until the kill inclusive. Those of the 2 ! diflrict on the 2 kit day of .August until the 2.6 th inclusive. Thole of the 3d diftri-ff or* (he 27th day of .August until the 30 h inclusive. Terms of Sale. Os the purchalers, bond*, for the amount of the niu nev will be required ; at four eq ti ti inftam.en.b cube paid in g>U or tilvcr i- he firlt payments twelve mon is aOcr date. In ad dition n wrucii a mortga'Re will be required. Moses IVekk, 1 I. lidic k Si m M3, (. Comitii/fionert . Fatric Jack. j Gasni a'pm, i’c >. 17, <;. h(2lv SALIk. 1 1 11‘. houie at pieient oct ii pcd -s the Republican Vrinlta? ’ ■■Jjtct i Lumber or the labour ol a Carpenter will be received in piyrnenc. Idr particular* ap ply to j nw. id. UAV'IES. Gov, 17 44. t..